25 years of Postfix

Post Syndicated from jake original https://lwn.net/Articles/955248/

Wietse Venema posted a note to the postfix-users mailing list about the 25th anniversary of the Postfix mail server. As can be seen, it had a pivotal role in bringing more awareness of open-source software to IBM. Beyond that, of course, it is an excellent piece of software in its own right.

As a few on this list may recall, it is 25 years ago today that the
“IBM secure mailer” had its public beta release. This was accompanied
by a nice article in the New York Times business section.

There is some literature at https://www.postfix.org/press.html that
attests how this project accelerated open-source adoption by a very
large company.

That release was even noticed by a small publication in its first year of operation.

(Thanks to Kees van Vloten.)