Lenôtre: Maestro – Introduction

Post Syndicated from jake original https://lwn.net/Articles/956699/

On his blog,
Luc Lenôtre introduces
, “a Unix-like kernel and operating system written from
scratch in Rust
“. Maestro is intended to be
lightweight and compatible-enough with Linux to be usable in everyday
“. The project began, in C, back in 2018, but switched over to
Rust after a year-and-a-half. The current status:

Maestro is a monolithic kernel, supporting only the x86 (in 32 bits)
architecture for now.

At the time of writing, 135 out of 437 Linux system calls
(roughly 31%) are
more or less implemented. The project has 48 800 lines of code
across 615
files (all repositories combined, counted using the cloc command).

There is a Hacker
News discussion
of the project as well.