Security updates for Wednesday

Post Syndicated from corbet original

Security updates have been issued by CentOS (linux-firmware and python-reportlab), Debian (unbound), Fedora (freeglut and syncthing), Red Hat (edk2, go-toolset:rhel8, java-1.8.0-ibm, kernel, kernel-rt, mysql:8.0, oniguruma, and python-pillow), Slackware (libuv and mozilla), SUSE (abseil-cpp, grpc, opencensus-proto, protobuf, python- abseil, python-grpcio, re2, bind, dpdk, firefox, hdf5, libssh, libssh2_org, libxml2, mozilla-nss, openssl-1_1, openvswitch, postgresql12, postgresql13, postgresql14, postgresql15, postgresql16, python-aiohttp, python-time-machine, python-pycryptodomex, runc, and webkit2gtk3), and Ubuntu (kernel, libspf2, linux, linux-aws, linux-aws-hwe, linux-azure, linux-azure-4.15, linux-gcp,
linux-gcp-4.15, linux-hwe, linux-kvm, linux-oracle, and linux, linux-aws, linux-kvm, linux-lts-xenial).