NVK is now ready for prime time (Collabora blog)

Post Syndicated from jake original https://lwn.net/Articles/964090/

Over on the Collabora blog, Faith Ekstrand has announced that the NVK Vulkan driver for NVIDIA devices will be part of Mesa 24.1 and is ready for real-world use. It should be appearing in Linux distributions later this year.

Back in october, I announced that NVK had reached Vulkan 1.0 conformance on Turing hardware. As of today NVK is now a conformant Vulkan 1.3 implementation on Turing (RTX 2000 and GTX 1600 series), Ampere (RTX 3000 series), and Ada (RTX 4000 series) GPUs. Not only have we jumped forward three Vulkan versions, but the new test runs were done with the GSP firmware enabled and includes Ampere and Ada GPUs. Also, unlike the initial 1.0 run, there are no hacks this time. Every test we passed in those conformance test runs also passes on upstream Mesa.