KDE6 release: D-Bus and Polkit Galore (SUSE security team blog)

Post Syndicated from corbet original https://lwn.net/Articles/968220/

The SUSE Security Team Blog is carrying a
detailed article
on SUSE’s review of the KDE6 release.

The SUSE security team restricts the installation of system wide
D-Bus services and Polkit policies in openSUSE distributions and
derived SUSE products. Any package that ships these features needs
to be reviewed by us first, before it can be added to production

In November, openSUSE KDE packagers approached us with a long list
of KDE components for an upcoming KDE6 major release. The packages
needed adjusted D-Bus and Polkit whitelistings due to renamed
interfaces or other breaking changes. Looking into this many
components at once was a unique experience that also led to new
insights, which will be discussed in this article.