Introducing blueprint discovery and other UI enhancements for Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion

Post Syndicated from Jagadish Kumar original

Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion is a fully managed serverless pipeline that allows you to ingest, filter, transform, enrich, and route data to an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain or Amazon OpenSearch Serverless collection. OpenSearch Ingestion is capable of ingesting data from a wide variety of sources and has a rich ecosystem of built-in processors to take care of your most complex data transformation needs.

In this post, we walk you through the new UI enhancements and blueprint discovery features that are now available with OpenSearch Ingestion for a richer user experience.

Blueprint discovery

Rather than create a pipeline definition from scratch, you can use configuration blueprints, which are preconfigured templates for common ingestion scenarios such as trace analytics or Apache logs. Configuration blueprints help you provision pipelines without having to author a configuration from scratch.

With the older interface, you had to scroll through a dropdown menu of all the available blueprints and couldn’t filter the blueprints using search. OpenSearch Ingestion now offers a new UI that enables searching for blueprints using full-text search on the AWS Management Console, helping you discover all the sources that you can ingest data from into OpenSearch Service.

When you create a new pipeline on the OpenSearch Service console, you’re presented with a new catalog page. You now have a top-down view of all the sources and sinks supported by OpenSearch Ingestion. The blueprints are listed as tiles with icons and are grouped together thematically.

The new catalog has a navigation menu that lists the blueprints, grouped by use case or the service that you want to ingest data from. You can either search for a blueprint or choose the shortcuts in the navigation pane. For example, if you’re building a pipeline to perform a zero-ETL integration with Amazon DynamoDB, you can either search for DynamoDB, choose ZeroETL under Use case in the navigation pane, or choose DynamoDB under Service.

Customized getting started guide

After you choose your blueprint, you’re directed to the Pipeline settings and configuration page. The new UI for blueprints offers a customized getting started guide for each source, detailing key steps in setting up a successful end-to-end integration. The guide on this page will change depending on the blueprint you chose for your pipeline.

The pipeline configuration is pre-filled with a template that you can modify with your specific sources, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles, and sinks. For example, if you chose the Zero-ETL with DocumentDB blueprint, the getting started guide will provide information on setting up a DocumentDB collection, permissions, and destination.

Support for JSON pipeline configuration

As part of the visual overhaul, OpenSearch Ingestion now offers support for specifying the pipeline configuration in JSON format on the console in addition to the existing YAML support. You can now view the configurations in JSON format in addition to the YAML format and edit them in place.

Although YAML is more human readable, it’s whitespace sensitive and is often challenging when copy/pasting from text editors. The JSON pipeline configuration allows you to confidently copy and paste configurations from your text or code editors without having to worry about formatting errors due to inconsistent whitespace. In addition, you can now make any edits in place with JSON configuration and the changes will be propagated to the YAML automatically.

Availability and pricing

These features are available in all commercial AWS Regions where OpenSearch Ingestion is currently available.

Ingestion-OCUs remain at the same price of $0.24 cents per hour. OCUs are billed on an hourly basis with per-minute granularity. You can control the costs OCUs incur by configuring maximum OCUs that a pipeline is allowed to scale.


In this post, we showed you the new blueprint discovery and other UI enhancements for OpenSearch Ingestion. Refer to Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion to learn about other capabilities provided by OpenSearch Ingestion to build scalable pipelines for your OpenSearch data ingestion needs.

About the author

Jagadish Kumar (Jag) is a Senior Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS focused on Amazon OpenSearch Service. He is deeply passionate about Data Architecture and helps customers build analytics solutions at scale on AWS.

Sam Selvan
is a Principal Specialist Solution Architect with Amazon OpenSearch Service.