All posts by corbet

[$] Completing the EEVDF scheduler

Post Syndicated from corbet original

The Earliest Virtual Deadline First (EEVDF)
was merged as an option for the 6.6 kernel. It represents a
major change to how CPU scheduling is done on Linux systems, but the EEVDF
front has been relatively quiet since then. Now, though, scheduler
developer Peter Zijlstra has returned from a long absence to post a patch
intended to finish the EEVDF work. Beyond some fixes, this work
includes a significant behavioral change and a new feature intended to help
latency-sensitive tasks.

The “branch history injection” hardware vulnerability

Post Syndicated from corbet original

The mainline kernel has just received a set of commits mitigating the
latest x86 hardware vulnerability, known as “branch history injection”.
From this commit:

Branch History Injection (BHI) attacks may allow a malicious
application to influence indirect branch prediction in kernel by
poisoning the branch history. eIBRS isolates indirect branch
targets in ring0. The BHB can still influence the choice of
indirect branch predictor entry, and although branch predictor
entries are isolated between modes when eIBRS is enabled, the BHB
itself is not isolated between modes.

See this commit for
documentation on the command-line parameter that controls this mitigation.
There are stable kernel releases (6.8.5,
and 5.15.154)
in the works that also contain the mitigations.

[$] The first Linaro Forum for Arm Linux kernel topics

Post Syndicated from corbet original

On February 20, Linaro held the initial
get-together for what is intended to be a regular Linux Kernel Forum for
the Arm-focused kernel community. This gathering aims to convene
approximately a few weeks prior to the merge window opening and prior to
the release of the current kernel version under development. Topics
covered in the first gathering include preparing 64-bit Arm kernels for
low-end embedded systems, memory errors and Compute Express
Link (CXL)
, devlink objectives, and scheduler integration.

OpenSSL 3.3.0 released

Post Syndicated from corbet original

Version 3.3.0 of the OpenSSL SSL/TLS implementation has been released.
Changes include a number of additions to its QUIC protocol support, some
year-2038 improvements for 32-bit systems, and a lot of cryptographic
features with descriptions like “Added a new EVP_DigestSqueeze()
API. This allows SHAKE to squeeze multiple times with different output
” See the release
for details.

Introducing Jpegli: A New JPEG Coding Library (Google Open Source Blog)

Post Syndicated from corbet original

The Google Open Source Blog is carrying an
for a new JPEG library called “Jpegli”. There are a
number of advantages claimed, including:

Jpegli can be encoded with 10+ bits per component. Traditional JPEG
coding solutions offer only 8 bit per component dynamics causing
visible banding artifacts in slow gradients. Jpegli’s 10+ bits
coding happens in the original 8-bit formalism and the resulting
images are fully interoperable with 8-bit viewers. 10+ bit dynamics
are available as an API extension and application code changes are
needed to benefit from it.

The library is BSD-licensed.

[$] The PostgreSQL community debates ALTER SYSTEM

Post Syndicated from corbet original

Sometimes the smallest patches create the biggest discussions. A case in
point would be the process by which the PostgreSQL community — not a group
normally prone to extended, strongly worded megathreads — resolved the question of
whether to merge a brief patch adding a new configuration parameter.
Sometimes, a proposal that looks like a security patch is not, in
fact, intended to be a security patch, but getting that point across can be

Kernel prepatch 6.9-rc3

Post Syndicated from corbet original

The 6.9-rc3 kernel prepatch is out for

Ok, so this rc3 looks a bit different than the usual ones, because
there’s a large series to bcachefs to do filesystem repair after
corruption. Not normally something we’d see in an rc kernel, but
hey, if you had a corrupted bcachefs filesystem you’d probably want
this, and if you thought bcachefs was stable already, I have a
bridge to sell you. Special deal only for you, real cheap.

FFmpeg 7.0 released

Post Syndicated from corbet original

Version 7.0 of the
FFmpeg audio/video toolkit is out. “The most noteworthy changes for
most users are a native VVC decoder (currently experimental, until more
fuzzing is done), IAMF support, or a multi-threaded ffmpeg CLI tool
There’s also the usual list of new formats and codecs, and a few deprecated
features have been removed.

Incus 6.0 LTS released

Post Syndicated from corbet original

6.0 LTS
of the Incus container management system has been released.
This is a major milestone for Incus as it marks our first release with
extended support, suitable for use in production environments where monthly
feature releases aren’t suitable.
” Changes include swap limits for
containers, a new shell completion mechanism, support for the creation of
VLAN interfaces, improved live migration, and more.

Malcolm: Improvements to static analysis in the GCC 14 compiler

Post Syndicated from corbet original

David Malcolm writes
about some static-analyzer features
that are coming in the GCC 14

Solving the halting problem?

Obviously I’m kidding with the title here, but for GCC 14 I’ve
implemented a new warning: -Wanalyzer-infinite-loop that’s able to
detect some simple cases of infinite loops.

See also: this report from the 2023 GNU
Tools Cauldron.

[$] A memory model for Rust code in the kernel

Post Syndicated from corbet original

The Rust programming language differs from C in many ways; those
differences tend to be what users admire in the language. But those
differences can also lead to an impedance mismatch when Rust code is
integrated into a C-dominated system, and it can be even worse in the
kernel, which is not a typical C program. Memory models are a case in
point. A programming language’s view of memory is sufficiently fundamental
and arcane that many developers never have to learn much about it. It is
hard to maintain that sort of blissful ignorance while working in the
kernel, though, so a recent discussion of how to choose a memory model for
kernel code in Rust is of interest.

KDE6 release: D-Bus and Polkit Galore (SUSE security team blog)

Post Syndicated from corbet original

The SUSE Security Team Blog is carrying a
detailed article
on SUSE’s review of the KDE6 release.

The SUSE security team restricts the installation of system wide
D-Bus services and Polkit policies in openSUSE distributions and
derived SUSE products. Any package that ships these features needs
to be reviewed by us first, before it can be added to production

In November, openSUSE KDE packagers approached us with a long list
of KDE components for an upcoming KDE6 major release. The packages
needed adjusted D-Bus and Polkit whitelistings due to renamed
interfaces or other breaking changes. Looking into this many
components at once was a unique experience that also led to new
insights, which will be discussed in this article.

Redict 7.3.0 released

Post Syndicated from corbet original

The first stable release of Redict, a fork of the Redis in-memory database
under a copyleft license, has been announced.

You may be wondering why Redict would be of interest to you,
particularly when compared with Valkey,
another Redis fork that was announced on Thursday.

In technical terms, we are focusing on stability and long-term
maintenance, and on achieving excellence within our current
scope. We believe that Redict is near feature-complete and that it
is more valuable to our users if we take a conservative stance to
innovation and focus on long-term reliability instead. This is in
part a choice we’ve made to distinguish ourselves from Valkey,
whose commercial interests are able to invest more resources into
developing more radical innovations, but also an acknowledgement of
a cultural difference between our projects, in that the folks
behind Redict place greater emphasis on software with a finite
scope and ambitions towards long-term stability rather than
focusing on long-term growth in scope and complexity.

[$] Free software’s not-so-eXZellent adventure

Post Syndicated from corbet original

A common theme in early-days anti-Linux FUD was that, since anybody can
contribute to the code, it cannot be trusted. Over two decades later, one
rarely hears that line anymore; experience has shown that free-software
communities are not prone to shipping overtly hostile code. But, as the backdooring of XZ has reminded us, the
embedding of malicious code is, unfortunately, not limited to the
proprietary realm. Our community will be busy analyzing this incident for
some time to come, but clear conclusions may be hard to come by.

NetBSD 10.0 released

Post Syndicated from corbet original

Version 10.0 of the NetBSD system has been released.

The netbsd-10 release branch is more than a year old now, so it is
high time the 10.0 release makes it to the front stage. This
matches the long time it took for the development branch to get
ready for branching, a lot of development went into this new

This also caused the release announcement to be one of the longest
we ever did.

As might be imagined, there are a lot of changes; see the
above-mentioned release announcement
for the details.