Tag Archives: Countermeasures

LibInjection – Detect SQL Injection (SQLi) and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Post Syndicated from original https://www.darknet.org.uk/2021/05/libinjection-detect-sql-injection-sqli-and-cross-site-scripting-xss/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=darknetfeed

LibInjection – Detect SQL Injection (SQLi) and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

LibInjection is a C library to Detect SQL Injection (SQLi) and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) through lexical analysis of real-world Attacks.

SQLi and other injection attacks remain the top OWASP and CERT vulnerability. Current detection attempts frequently involve a myriad of regular expressions which are not only brittle and error-prone but also proven by Hanson and Patterson at Black Hat 2005 to never be a complete solution. LibInjection is a new open-source C library that detects SQLi using lexical analysis.

Read the rest of LibInjection – Detect SQL Injection (SQLi) and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) now! Only available at Darknet.

GitLab Watchman – Audit Gitlab For Sensitive Data & Credentials

Post Syndicated from original https://www.darknet.org.uk/2021/02/gitlab-watchman-audit-gitlab-for-sensitive-data-credentials/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=darknetfeed

GitLab Watchman – Audit Gitlab For Sensitive Data & Credentials

GitLab Watchman is an application that uses the GitLab API to audit GitLab for sensitive data and credentials exposed internally – this includes code, commits, wiki pages and more.

GitLab Watchman searches GitLab for internally shared projects and looks at:

  • Code
  • Commits
  • Wiki pages
  • Issues
  • Merge requests
  • Milestones

For the following data:

  • GCP keys and service account files
  • AWS keys
  • Azure keys and service account files
  • Google API keys
  • Slack API tokens & webhooks
  • Private keys (SSH, PGP, any other misc private key)
  • Exposed tokens (Bearer tokens, access tokens, client_secret etc.)
  • S3 config files
  • Passwords in plaintext
  • CICD variables exposed publicly
  • and more

Using GitLab Watchman to Audit Gitlab For Sensitive Data

GitLab Watchman will be installed as a global command, use as follows:

usage: gitlab-watchman [-h] –timeframe {d,w,m,a} –output
{file,stdout,stream} [–version] [–all] [–blobs]
[–commits] [–wiki-blobs] [–issues] [–merge-requests]
[–milestones] [–comments]

Monitoring GitLab for sensitive data shared publicly

optional arguments:
-h, –help show this help message and exit
–version show program’s version number and exit
–all Find everything
–blobs Search code blobs
–commits Search commits
–wiki-blobs Search wiki blobs
–issues Search issues
–merge-requests Search merge requests
–milestones Search milestones
–comments Search comments

required arguments:
–timeframe {d,w,m,a}
How far back to search: d = 24 hours w = 7 days, m =
30 days, a = all time
–output {file,stdout,stream}
Where to send results

You can run GitLab Watchman to look for everything, and output to default Stdout:

gitlab-watchman –timeframe a –all

Or arguments can be grouped together to search more granularly.

Read the rest of GitLab Watchman – Audit Gitlab For Sensitive Data & Credentials now! Only available at Darknet.

GKE Auditor – Detect Google Kubernetes Engine Misconfigurations

Post Syndicated from original https://www.darknet.org.uk/2021/01/gke-auditor-detect-google-kubernetes-engine-misconfigurations/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=darknetfeed

GKE Auditor – Detect Google Kubernetes Engine Misconfigurations

GKE Auditor is a Java-based tool to detect Google Kubernetes Engine misconfigurations, it aims to help security and development teams streamline the configuration process and save time looking for generic bugs and vulnerabilities.

The tool consists of individual modules called Detectors, each scanning for a specific vulnerability.

Installing and Using GKE Auditor to Detect Google Kubernetes Engine Misconfigurations

git clone https://github.com/google/gke-auditor
cd ./gke-auditor/


The tool has to be built by running the build.sh script first.

Read the rest of GKE Auditor – Detect Google Kubernetes Engine Misconfigurations now! Only available at Darknet.