Getting started with testing serverless applications

Post Syndicated from Talia Nassi original

Testing is an essential step in the software development lifecycle. Through the different types of tests, you validate user experience, performance, and detect bugs in your code. Features should not be considered done until all of the corresponding tests are written.

The distributed nature of serverless architectures separates your application logic from other concerns like state management, request routing, workflow orchestration, and queue polling.

In this post, I cover the three main types of testing developers do when building applications. I also go through what changes and what stays the same when building serverless applications with AWS Lambda, in addition to the challenges of testing serverless applications.

The challenges of testing serverless applications

To test your code fully using managed services, you need to emulate the cloud environment on your local machine. However, this is usually not practical.

Secondly, using many managed services for event-driven architecture means you must also account for external resources like queues, database tables, and event buses. This means you write more integration tests than unit tests, altering the standard testing pyramid. Building more integration tests can impact the maintenance of your tests or slow your testing speed.

Lastly, with synchronous workloads, such as a traditional web service, you make a request and assert on the response. The test doesn’t need to do anything special because the thread is blocked until the response returns.

However, in the case of event-driven architectures, state changes are driven by events flowing from one resource to another. Your tests must detect side effects in downstream components and these might not be immediate. This means that the tests must tolerate asynchronous behaviors, which can make for more complicated and slower-running tests.

Unit testing

Unit tests validate individual units of your code, independent from any other components. Unit tests check the smallest unit of functionality and should only have one reason to fail – the unit is not correctly implemented.

Unit tests generally cover the smallest units of functionality although the size of each unit can vary. For example, a number of functions may provide a coherent piece of behavior and you may want to test them as a single unit. In this case, your unit test might call an entry-point function that invokes several others to do its job. You test these functions together as a single unit.

unit testing

Integration Testing

One good practice to test how services interact with each other is to write integration tests that mock the behavior of your services in the cloud.

The point of integration tests is to make sure that two components of your application work together properly. Integration tests are important in serverless applications because they rely heavily on integrations of different services. Unless you are testing in production, the most efficient way to run automated integration tests is to emulate your services in the cloud.

This can be done with tools like moto. Moto mocks calls to AWS automatically without requiring any other dependencies. Another useful tool is localstack. Localstack allows you to mock certain AWS service APIs on your local machine that you can use for testing the integration of two or more services.

You can also configure test events and manually test directly from the Lambda console. Remember that when you test a Lambda function, you are not only testing the business logic. You must also mock its payload and call a function invoke. There are over 200 event sources that can trigger Lambda functions. Each service has its own unique event format, and contains data about the resource or request that invoked the function. Find the full list of test events in the AWS documentation.

To configure a test event for AWS Lambda:

  1. Navigate to the Lambda console and choose the function. From the Test dropdown, choose Configure Test Event.step 1
  2. Choose Create a new Test Event and select the template for the service you want to act as the trigger for your Lambda function. In this example, you choose Amazon DynamoDB Update.
    step 2
  3. Save the test event and choose Test in the Code source section. Each user can create up to 10 test events per function. Those test events are private to you. Lambda runs the function on your behalf. The function handler receives and then processes the sample event.
    step 3
  4. The Execution result shows the execution status as succeeded.

End-to-end testing

When testing your serverless applications end-to-end, it’s important to understand your user and data flows. The most important business-critical flows of your software are what should be tested end-to-end in your UI.

From a business perspective, these should be the most valuable user and data flows that occur in your product. Another resource to utilize is data from your customers. From your analytics platform, find the actions that users are doing the most in production.

End-to-end tests should be running in your build pipeline and act as blockers if one of them fails. They should also be updated as new features are added to your product.

The testing pyramid

testing pyramid

The standard testing pyramid above on the left indicates that systems should have more unit tests than any other type of test, then a medium number of integration tests, and the least number of end-to-end tests.

However, when testing serverless applications, this standard shifts to a hexagonal structure on the right because it’s mostly made up of two or more AWS services talking to each other. You can mock out those integrations with tools such as moto or localstack.

Add automated tests to your CI/CD pipeline

As serverless applications scale, having automated tests is essential in getting fast feedback on the current state of your product. It is not scalable to test everything manually, so investing in an automation tool to run your tests is essential.

All of the tests in your build pipeline, including unit, integration, and end-to-end tests should be blocking in your CI/CD pipeline. This means if one of them fails, it should block the promotion of that code into production. And remember – there’s no such thing as a flakey test. Either the test does what it’s supposed to do, or it doesn’t.

Narrowly scope your tests

Testing asynchronous processes can be tricky. Not only must you monitor different parts of your system, you also need to know when to stop waiting and end the test. When there are multiple asynchronous steps, the delays add up to a longer-running test. It’s also more difficult to estimate how long we should wait before ending. There are two approaches to mitigate these issues.

Firstly, write separate, more narrowly-scoped tests over each asynchronous step. This limits the possible causes of asynchronous test failure you need to investigate. Also, with fewer asynchronous steps, these tests will run quicker and it will be easier to estimate how long to wait before timing out.

Secondly, verify as much of your system as possible using synchronous tests. Then, you only need asynchronous tests to verify residual concerns that aren’t already covered. Synchronous tests are also easier to diagnose when they fail, so you want to catch as many issues with them as possible before running your asynchronous tests.


In this blog post, you learn the three types of testing – unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing. Then you learn how to configure test events with Lambda. I then cover the shift from the standard testing pyramid to the hexagonal testing pyramid for serverless, and why more integration tests are necessary. Then you learn a few best practices to keep in mind for getting started with testing your serverless applications.

For more information on serverless, head to Serverless Land.