Updates to Layered Context Enable Teams to Quickly Understand Which Risk Signals Are Most Pressing

Post Syndicated from Pauline Logan original https://blog.rapid7.com/2023/11/28/updates-to-layered-context-enable-teams-to-quickly-understand-which-risk-signals-are-most-pressing/

Updates to Layered Context Enable Teams to Quickly Understand Which Risk Signals Are Most Pressing

Layered Context introduced a consolidated view of all security risks insightCloudSec collects from the various layers of a cloud environment. This enabled our customers to go from visibility into individual security risks on a resource, to understanding all of the risks that impacted that resource and the overall risk of that resource.

For example: let’s take a cloud resource that has a port left open to the public.

With this level of detail it is pretty challenging to identify the risk level, because we don’t know enough about the resource in question, or even if it was supposed to be opened to the public or not. It’s not that this isn’t risky, we just need to know more to evaluate just how risky it is. As we add more context, we start to get a clearer picture: the environment the resource is running in, if it is connected to a business critical application, does it have any known vulnerabilities, are there identities with elevated permissions associated with the resource, etc.

Updates to Layered Context Enable Teams to Quickly Understand Which Risk Signals Are Most Pressing

By layering together all of this context, customers are able to effectively understand the actual risk associated with each and every one of their resources – in real-time. This is of course helpful information to have in one consolidated view, but even still it can be difficult to sift through potentially thousands of resources and prioritize the work that needs to be done to secure each one. To that end, we are excited to introduce a new risk score in Layered Context, which analyzes all the signals and context we know about a given cloud resource and automatically assigns a score and a severity, making it easy for our customers to understand the riskiest resources they should focus on.

Prioritizing Risk By Focusing on Toxic Combinations

Much like Layered Context itself, the new risk score combines a variety of risk signals, assigning a higher risk score to resources that suffer from toxic combinations, or multiple risk vectors that compound to present an increased likelihood or impact of compromise.

The risk score takes into account:

  • Business Criticality, with an understanding of what applications the resource is associated with such as a crown-jewel or revenue generating app
  • Public Accessibility, both from a network perspective as well as via user permissions (more on that in a second)
  • Potential Attack Paths, to understand how a bad actor could move laterally across your inter-connected environment
  • Identity-related risk, including excessive and/or unused permissions and privileges
  • Misconfigurations, including whether or not the resource is in compliance with organizational standards
  • Threats to factor in any malicious behavior that has been detected
  • And of course, Vulnerabilities, using Rapid7’s Active Risk model which consumes data on exploitability and active exploitation in the wild

By identifying these toxic combinations, we can ensure the riskiest resources are given the highest priority. Each resource is assigned a score and a severity, making it easy for our customers to see where the riskiest resources exist in their environment and where to focus.

A Clear Understanding of How We Calculate Risk

Alongside our risk score, we are  introducing a new view to breakdown all of the reasons why a resource has been scored accordingly. This will give an overview of the most important information our customers need to know that clearly summarizes the factors that influenced the risk scoring. Reducing the time required to understand why a resource is risky, meaning security teams can focus on remediating the risks.

Updates to Layered Context Enable Teams to Quickly Understand Which Risk Signals Are Most Pressing

A Bit More on How we Determine Public Accessibility

As mentioned previously, the basis of much of our risk calculation in cloud resources stems from a simple question: “is this resource publicly accessible?” This is a critical detail in determining relative risk, but can be very difficult to ascertain given the complex and ephemeral nature of cloud environments. To address this, we’ve invested significant time and effort to ensure we’re assessing public accessibility as accurately as possible but also explaining why we’ve determined it that way, so it’s much easier to take remediation action. This determination can easily be viewed on a per resource basis from the Layered Context page.

We have lots of exciting releases coming up in the next few months, alongside Risk scoring we are also extending our Attack Path Analysis feature to show the Blast Radius of an Attack with improved topology visualizations.  This will give our customers not only the visibility into how an attacker could exploit a given resource but also the potential for lateral movement between interconnected resources. Additionally, we’ll be updating the way we validate and show proof of public accessibility. Should a resource be publicly accessible, you will be able to easily view the proof details which will show exactly which combination of configurations is resulting in the resource being publicly accessible.

The new risk scoring capabilities in Layered Context will be on display at AWS Re:Invent next week. Be sure to stop by booth #1270 to see it in action!