All posts by Brent Nowak

Backblaze Network Stats: Real-World Measurements from the Backblaze US-West Region

Post Syndicated from Brent Nowak original

A decorative image with a title that says Network Stats: Network Latency Study on US-West.

As you’re sitting down to watch yet another episode of “Mystery Science Theater 3000” (Anyone else? Just me?), you might be thinking about how you’re receiving more than 16 billion signals over your home internet connection that need to be interpreted and sent to decoding software in order to be viewed on a screen as images. (Anyone else? Just me?)

In telecommunications, we study how signals (electrical and optical) propagate in a medium (copper wires, optical fiber, or through the air). Signals bounce off objects, degrade as they travel, and arrive at the receiving end (hopefully) intact enough to be interpreted as a binary 0 or 1, eventually to be decoded to form images that we see on our screens.

Today in the latest installment of Network Stats, I’m going to talk about one of the most important things that I’ve learned about the application of telecommunication to computer networks: the study of how long operations take. It’s a complicated process, but that doesn’t make buffering any less annoying, am I right? And if you’re using cloud storage in any way, you rely on signals to run applications, back up your data, and maybe even stream out those movies yourself. 

So, let’s get into how we measure data transmission, what things we can do to improve transmission time, and some real-world measurements from the Backblaze US-West region.

Networking and Nanoseconds: A Primer

At the risk of being too basic, when we study network communication, we’re measuring how long signals take to get from point A to point B, which implies that there is some amount of distance between them. This is also known as latency. As networks have evolved, the time it takes to get from point A to point B has gone from being measured in hours to being measured in fractions of a second. Since we live in more human relatable terms like minutes, hours, and days, it can be hard for us to understand concepts like nanoseconds (a billionth of a second). 

Here’s a breakdown of how many milli, micro, and nanoseconds are in one second.

Time Symbol Number in 1 Second
1 second 1
1 millisecond ms 1,000
1 microsecond μs 1,000,000
1 nanosecond ns 1,000,000,000

For reference, taking a deep breath takes approximately one second. When you’re watching TV, you start to notice audio delays at approximately 10–20ms, and if your cat pushes your pen off your desk, it will hit the ground in approximately 400ms.

Nanosecond Wire: Making Nanoseconds Real

In the 1960s, Grace Murray Hopper (1906–1992) explained computer operations and what a nanosecond means in a succinct, tangible fashion. An early computer scientist who also served in the U.S. Navy, Hopper was often asked by folks like generals and admirals why it took so long for signals to reach satellites. So, Hopper had pieces of wire cut to 30cm (11.8in) in length, which is the distance that it takes light to travel in perfect conditions—that is, a vacuum—in one nanosecond. (Remember: we humans express speed as distance over time.) 

You could touch the wire, feel the distance from point A to point B, and see what a nanosecond in light-time meant. Put a bunch of them together, and you’d see what that looks like on a human scale. In literal terms, she was forcing people to measure the distance to a satellite (anywhere between 160–35,786 km) in terms of the long side of a piece of printer paper. (Rough math: it’s about 741,058,823 to 1,657,529,411,764 pieces of paper end-to-end.) That’ll definitely make you realize that there are a lot of nanoseconds between you and the next city over or a satellite in space.

A fun side note: if we go up a factor from a nanosecond to a microsecond, the wire would be almost 300 meters (984 feet)—which is the height of the Eiffel Tower, minus the broadcast antennae. It gets even more fun to think about because we still have to scale up to two more orders of magnitude to get to a millisecond, and then again to get a second. 

I love when a difficult topic can be grasped with an elegant explanation. It’s one of the skills that I strive to develop as an engineer—how can I relate a complicated concept to a larger audience that doesn’t have years of study in my field, and make it easily digestible and memorable?

Added Application Time

We don’t live in an ideal, perfect vacuum where signals can propagate in a line-of-sight fashion and travel in an optimal path. We have wires in buildings and in the ground that wind around metro regions, follow long-haul railroad tracks as they curve, and have to pass over hills and along mountainous terrain that add elevation to the wire length, all adding light-time. 

These physical factors are not the only component in the way of receiving your data. There are computer operations that add time to our transactions. We have to send a “hello” message to the server and wait for an acknowledgement, negotiate our security protocols so that we can transmit data without anyone snooping in on the conversation, spend time receiving the bytes that make up our file, and acknowledge chunks of information as received so the server can send more.

How much do geography and software operations add to the time it takes to get a file? That’s what we’re going to explore here. So, if we’re requesting a file that’s stored on Backblaze’s servers in the US-West region, what does that look like if we are delivering the file to different locations across the continental U.S.? How long does it take?

Building a Latency Test

Today we’re going to focus on network statistics for our US-West location and how the performance profile looks as we travel east and the various components that contribute to the change in translation time.

Below we’re going to compare theoretical best case numbers to the real world. There are three categories in our analysis that contribute to the total time it takes to get a request from a person in Los Angeles, Chicago, or New York, to our servers in the US-West region. Let’s take a look at each one:

  1. Ideal Line: Let’s draw an imaginary line between our US-West location and each major city in our testing sample. Then we can calculate the time it takes light to be sent and received as RTT (Round Trip Time) one time between the two points. This number gives us the Ideal Line time, or the time it takes for a light signal to travel between two points in a perfect line, in vacuum conditions, with no obstructions. Hardly how we live, so we have to add a few other data points!
  2. Fiber: Fiber optics in the real world have to pass through optical equipment, connect to aerial fiber on telephone poles where ground access is limited, route around pesky obstructions like mountains or municipal services, and sometimes travel along non-ideal paths to reach major connection points where long-haul fiber providers have offices to improve and reamplify the signal. This RTT number is taken from testing services that we have running across the country.
  3. Software: This measurement shows the time spent in Software tasks (as opposed to Setup or Download tasks, as defined by Google) that are required to initiate network connections, negotiate mutual settings between sender and receiver, wait for data to start to be received, and encrypt/decrypt messages. We’re also getting this number from our testing services and will explore all the inner workings of the Software components a little later on.
  4. Total: The interesting part! Real world RTT for retrieving a sample file from various locations.

Fun fact: You don’t need any monitoring infrastructure in order to take a deeper dive—every Chrome web browser has the ability to show load times for all the elements that are needed to present a website.

Do note that test results may vary based on your ISP connectivity, hardware capabilities, software stack, or improvements Backblaze makes over time.

To show more detailed information, open Chrome:

  • Go to Chrome Options > More Tools > Developer Tools 
  • Select Network Tab
  • Browse to a website to see results sourced from your machine

A deeper dive into this can be found on Google’s website.

If you wish to run agent based tests, you can start with Google’s Chromium Project, as it offers a free and open source method to simulate and perform profiling.

Here are the results from just one test we ran:

A chart showing round trip trip time from US-West.
Round Trip Times (RTT) for various categories to our US-West location.

It’s important, at this stage, to caveat these numbers with a few things. First, they include a decent amount of overhead from being within our (or any) infrastructure, which can be affected by things like your browser, security, and lookup time needed to connect to a server infrastructure. And, if a user is running a different browser, has different layers of security, and so on, those things can affect RTT results. 

Second, they don’t accurately talk about performance without context. Every type of application has its own requirements for what is a “good” or “bad” RTT time, and these numbers can change based on how you store your data; where you store, access, and serve your data; if you use a content delivery network (CDN); and more. As with anything related to performance in cloud storage, your use case determines your cloud storage strategy, not the other way around.

Unpacking the Software Measurement

In addition to the Chrome tools we talk about above, we have access to agents running in various geographical locations across the world that run periodic tests to our services. These agents can simulate client activity and record metrics for us that we use for alerting and trend analysis. Simulating client operations helps alert our operations teams to potential issues, helping us to better support our clients and be more proactive.

With this type of agent based testing, we have greater insight into the network that lets us break down the Software step and observe if any one step in the transfer pipeline is underperforming. We’re not only looking at the entire round trip time of downloading a file, but also including all the browser, security, and lookup time needed to connect to our server infrastructure. And, as always, the biggest addition in time it takes to deliver files is often distance-based latency, or the fact that even with ideal conditions, the further away an end user is, the longer it takes to transport data across networks. 

Unpacking Software Results

The below chart shows how long in milliseconds it takes to get a sample file from our US-West cluster from agents running in different locations across the U.S. and all the Software steps involved.

Test transaction times for a 78kb test file.
Chromium application profile of loading a sample 78kb test file from various locations.

You can find definitions for all these terms in the Chromium dev docs, but here’s a cheat sheet for our purposes: 

  • Queueing: Browser queues up connection.
  • DNS Lookup: Resolving the request’s IP address.
  • SSL: Time spent negotiating a secure session.
  • Initial Connection: TCP handshake.
  • Request Sent: This is pretty self explanatory—the request is sent to the server. 
  • TTFB (Time to First Byte): Waiting for the first byte of a response. Includes one round trip of latency and the time the server took to prepare the response.
  • Content Download: Total amount of time receiving the requested file.

Pie Slices

Let’s zoom in on the Los Angeles and New York tests and group just the Download (Content Download) and all the other Setup items (Queueing, DNS Lookup, SSL, Initial Connection, TTFB) and see if they differ drastically. 

A pie a chart comparing download and setup times while sending a file from an origin point to Los Angeles.
A pie a chart comparing download and setup times while sending a file from origin to New York.

In the Los Angeles test, which is the closest geographical test to the US-West cluster, the total transaction time is 71ms. It takes our storage system 23.8ms to start to send the file, and we’re spending 47ms (66%) of the total time in setup. 

If we go further east to New York, we can see how much more time it takes to retrieve our test file from the West (71ms vs 470ms), but the ratio between download and setup doesn’t differ all that drastically. This is because all of our operations are the same, but we’re spending more sending each file over the network, so it all scales up.

Note that no matter where the client request is coming from, the data center is doing the same amount of work to serve up the file.

Customer Considerations: The Importance of Location in Data Storage

Latency is certainly a factor to consider when you choose where to store your data, especially if you are running extremely time sensitive processes like content delivery—as we’ve noted here and elsewhere, the closer you are to your end user, the greater the speed of delivery. Content delivery networks (CDNs) can offer one way to layer your network capabilities for greater speed of delivery, and Backblaze offers completely free egress through many CDN partners. (This is in addition to our normal amount of free egress, which is up to 3x the data stored and includes the vast majority of use cases.) 

There are other reasons to consider different regions for storage as well, such as compliance and disaster resilience. Our EU datacenter, for instance, helps to support GDPR compliance. Also, if you’re storing data in only one location, you’re more vulnerable to natural disasters. Redundancy is key to a good disaster recovery or business continuity plan, and you want to make sure to consider power regions in that analysis. In short, as with all things in storage optimization, considering your use case is key to balancing performance and cost.

Milliseconds Matter

I started this article talking about Grace Murray Hopper demonstrating nanoseconds with pieces of wire, and we’re concluding what can be considered light years (ha) away from that point. The biggest thing to remember, as a network engineering team, is that even though approximately 600ms from the US-West to the US-East regions seems miniscule, the amount of times we travel that distance very quickly takes us up those orders of magnitude from milliseconds to seconds. And, when you, the user, are choosing where to store your data—knowing that we register audio lag at as little as 10ms—those inconsequential numbers start to get to human relative terms very, very quickly. 

So, when we find that peering shaves a few milliseconds off of a file delivery time, that’s a big, human-sized win. You can see some of the ways we’re optimizing our network in the first article of this series, and the types of tests we’re running above give us good insights—and inspiration—for more, better, and ongoing improvements. We’ll keep sharing what we’re measuring and how we’re improving, and we’re looking forward to seeing you all in the comments.

The post Backblaze Network Stats: Real-World Measurements from the Backblaze US-West Region appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Backblaze Commits to Routing Security With MANRS Participation

Post Syndicated from Brent Nowak original

A decorative image displaying the MANRS logo.

They say good manners are better than good looks. When it comes to being a good internet citizen, we have to agree. And when someone else tells you that you have good manners (or MANRS in this case), even better. 

If you hold your cloud partners to a higher standard, and if you think it’s not asking too much that they make the internet a better, safer place for everyone, then you’ll be happy to know that Backblaze is now recognized as a Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) participant (aka MANRS Compliant). 

What Is MANRS?

MANRS is a global initiative with over 1,095 participants that are enacting network policies and controls to help reduce the most common routing threats. At a high level, we’re setting up filters to check that network routing information we receive for peers is valid, ensuring that the networks we advertise to the greater internet are marked as owned by Backblaze, and making sure that data that gets out of our network is legitimate and can’t be spoofed.

You can view a full list of MANRS participants here.

What Our (Good) MANRS Mean For You

The biggest benefit for customers is that network traffic to and from Backblaze’s connection points where we exchange traffic with our peering partners is more secure and more trustworthy. All of the changes that we’ve implemented (which we get into below) are on our side—so, no action is necessary from Backblaze partners or users—and will be transparent for our customers. Our Network Engineering team has done the heavy lifting. 

MANRS Actions

Backblaze falls under the MANRS category of CDN and Cloud Providers, and as such, we’ve implemented solutions or processes for each of the five actions stipulated by MANRS:

  1. Prevent propagation of incorrect routing information: Ensure that traffic we receive is coming from known networks.
  2. Prevent traffic of illegitimate source IP addresses: Prevent malicious traffic coming out of our network.
  3. Facilitate global operational communication and coordination: Keep our records with 3rd party sites like up to date as other operators use this to validate our connectivity details.
  4. Facilitate validation of routing information on a global scale: Digitally sign our network objects using the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) standard.
  5. Encourage MANRS adoption: By telling the world, just like in this post!

Digging Deeper Into Filtering and RPKI

Let’s go over the filtering and RPKI details, since they are very valuable to ensuring the security and validity of our network traffic.

Filtering: Sorting Out the Good Networks From the Bad

One major action for MANRS compliance is to validate that the networks we receive from peers are valid. When we connect to other networks, we each tell each other about our networks in order to build a routing table that lets us know the optimal path to send traffic.

We can blindly trust what the other party is telling us, or we can reach out to an external source to validate. We’ve implemented automated internal processes to help us apply these filters to our edge routers (the devices that connect us externally to other networks).

If you’re a more visual learner, like me, here’s a quick conversational bubble diagram of what we have in place.

Externally verifying routing information we receive.

Every edge device that connects to an external peer now has validation steps to ensure that the networks we receive and use to send out traffic are valid. We have automated processes that periodically check and deploy for updates to any lists.

What Is RPKI?

RPKI is a public key infrastructure framework designed to secure the internet’s routing infrastructure, specifically the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). RPKI provides a way to connect internet number resource information (such as IP addresses) to a trust anchor. In layman’s terms, RPKI allows us, as a network operator, to securely identify whether other networks that interact with ours are legitimate or malicious.

RPKI: Signing Our Paperwork

Much like going to a notary and validating a form, we can perform the same action digitally with the list of networks that we advertise to the greater internet. The RPKI framework allows us to stamp our networks as owned by us.

It also allows us to digitally sign records of our networks that we own, allowing external parties to confirm that the networks that they see from us are valid. If another party comes along and tries to claim to be us, by using RPKI our peering partner will deny using that network to send data to a false Backblaze network.

You can check the status of our RPKI signed route objects on the MANRS statistics website.

What does the process of peering and advertising networks look like without RPKI validation?

A diagram that imagines IP address requests for ownership without RPKI standards. Bad actors would be able to claim traffic directed towards IP addresses that they don't own.
Bad actor claiming to be a Backblaze network without RPKI validation.

Now, with RPKI, we’ve dotted our I’s and crossed our T’s. A third party certificate holder serves as a validator for the digital certificates that we used to sign our network objects. If anyone else claims to be us, they will be marked as invalid and the peer will not accept the routing information, as you can see in the diagram below.

A diagram that imagines networking requests for ownership with RPKI standards properly applied. Bad actors would attempt to claim traffic towards an owned or valid IP address, but be prevented because they don't have the correct credentials.
With RPKI validation, the bad actor is denied the ability to claim to be a Backblaze network.

Mind Your MANRS

Our first value as a company is to be fair and good. It reads: “Be good. Trust is paramount. Build a good product. Charge fairly. Be open, honest, and accepting with customers and each other.” Almost sounds like Emily Post wrote it—that’s why our MANRS participation fits right in with the way we do business. We believe in an open internet, and participating in MANRS is just one way that we can contribute to a community that is working towards good for all.

The post Backblaze Commits to Routing Security With MANRS Participation appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Backblaze Network Stats

Post Syndicated from Brent Nowak original

A decorative image displaying the headline Welcome to Network Stats.

At the end of Q3 2023, Backblaze was monitoring 263,992 hard disk drives (HDDs) and solid state drives (SSDs) in our data centers around the world. We’ve reported on those drives for many years. But, all the data on those drives needs to somehow get from your devices to our storage servers. You might be wondering, “How does that happen?” and “Where does that happen?” Or, more likely, “How fast does that happen?”

These are all questions we want to start to answer.

Welcome to our new Backblaze Network Stats series, where we’ll explore the world of network connectivity and how we better serve our customers, partners, and the internet community at large. We hope to share our challenges, initiatives, and engineering perspective as we build the open cloud with our Partners.

In this first post, we will explore two issues: how we connect our network with the internet and the distribution of our peering traffic. As we expand this series, we hope to capture and share more metrics and insights.

Nice to Meet You; I’m Brent

Since this is the first time you’re hearing from me, I thought I should introduce myself. I’m a Senior Network Engineer here at Backblaze. The Network Engineering group is responsible for ensuring the reliability, capacity, and security of network traffic. 

My interest in computer networking began in my childhood when I first persuaded my father to upgrade our analog modem to a ISDN line by providing a financial comparison of time sink due to large download times I was conducting (nothing like using all the family dial-up time to download multi-megabyte SimCity 2000 and Doom customizations). Needless to say, I’m still interested in those same types of networking metrics, and that’s why I’m here sharing them with you at Backblaze.

First, Some Networking Basics

If you’ve ever heard folks joke about the internet being a series of tubes, well, it may be widely mocked, but it’s not entirely wrong. The internet as we know it is fundamentally a complex network of all the computers on the planet. Whenever we’re typing in an internet address into a web browser, we’re basically giving our computer the address of a computer (or server, etc.) to locate, and that computer will hopefully display data to you that it’s storing. 

Of course, it’s not a free-for-all. Internet protocols like TLS/SSL are the boundaries that set the rules for how computers communicate, and networks allow different levels of access to outsiders. Internet service providers (ISPs) are defined and regulated, and we’ll outline some of those roles and how Backblaze interacts with them below. But, all that communication between computers has to be powered by hardware, which is why, at one point, we actually had to solve the problem of sharks attacking the internet. Good news: since 2006, sharks have accounted for less than one percent of fiber optic cable attacks. 

Wireless internet has largely made this connectivity invisible to consumers, but the job of Wi-Fi is to broadcast a short-range network that connects you to this series of cables and “tubes.” That’s why when you’re transmitting or storing larger amounts of data, you typically get better speeds when you use a wired connection. (A good consumer example: setting up NAS devices works better with an ethernet cable.)

When you’re talking about storing and serving petabytes of data for a myriad of use cases, then you have to create and use different networks to connect to the internet effectively. Think of it like water: both a fire hose and your faucet are connected to utility lines, but they have to move different amounts of water, so they have different kinds of connections to the main utility.   

And, that brings us to peering, the different levels of internet service providers, and many, many more things that Backblaze Network Engineers deal with from both a hardware and a software perspective on a regular basis. 

What Is Peering?

Peering on the internet is akin to building direct express lanes between neighborhoods. Instead of all data (residents) relying on crowded highways (public internet), networks (neighborhoods) establish peering connections—dedicated pathways connecting them directly. This allows data to travel faster and more efficiently, reducing congestion and delays. Peering is like having exclusive lanes, streamlining communication between networks and enhancing the overall performance of the internet “transportation” system. 

We connect to various types of networks to help move your data. I’ll explain the different types below.

The Bit Exchange

Every day we move multiple petabytes of traffic between our internet connectivity points and our scalable data center fabric layer to be delivered to either our SSD caching layer (what we call a “shard stash”) or spinning hard drives for storage.

Our data centers are connected to the world in three different ways.

1. Direct Internet Access (DIA)

The most common way we reach everyone is via a DIA connection with a Tier 1 internet service provider. These connections give us access to long-haul, high-capacity fiber infrastructure that spans continents and oceans. Connecting to a Tier 1 ISP has the advantage of scale and reach, but this scale comes at a cost—we may not have the best path to our customers. 

If we draw out the hierarchy of networks that we have to traverse to reach you, it would look like a series of geographic levels (Global, Regional, and Local). The Tier 1 ISPs would be positioned at the top, leasing bandwidth on their networks to smaller Tier 2 and Tier 3 networks, which are closer to our customer’s home and office networks.

A chart showing an example of network and ISP reroutes between Backblaze and a customer.
How we get from B to C (Backblaze to customer).

Since our connections to the Tier 1 ISPs are based on leased bandwidth, we pay based on how much data we transfer. The bill grows the more we transfer. There are commitments and overage charges, and the relationship is more formal since a Tier 1 ISP is a for-profit company. Sometimes you just want unlimited bandwidth, and that’s where the role of the internet exchange (IX) helps us.

2. Internet Exchange (IX)

We always want to be as close to the client as possible and our next connectivity option allows us to join a community of peers that exchange traffic more locally. Peering with an IX means that network traffic doesn’t have to bubble up to a Tier 1 National ISP to eventually reach a regional network. If we are on an advantageous IX, we transfer data locally inside a data center or within the same data center campus, thus reducing latency and improving the overall experience.

Benefits of an IX, aka the “Unlimited Plan,” include:

  • Paying a flat rate per month to get a fiber connection to the IX equipment versus paying based on how much data we transfer.
  • No price negotiation based on bandwidth transfer rates.
  • No overage charges.
  • Connectivity to lower tiered networks that are closer to consumer and business networks.
  • Participation helps build a more egalitarian internet.

In short, we pay a small fee to help the IX remain financially stable, and then we can exchange as much or as little traffic as we want.

Our network connectivity standard is to connect to multiple Tier 1 ISPs and a localized IX at every location to give us the best of both solutions. Every time we have to traverse a network, we’re adding latency and increasing the total amount of time for a file to upload or download. Internet routing prefers the shortest path, so if we have a shorter (faster) way to reach you, we will talk over the IX versus the Tier 1 network.

A decorative image showing two possible paths to serve data from Backblaze to the customer.
Less is more—the fewer networks between us and you, the better.

3. Private Network Interconnect (PNI)

The most direct and lowest latency way for us to exchange traffic is with a PNI. This option is used for direct fiber connections within the same data center or metro region to some of our specific partners like Fastly and Cloudflare. Our edge routing equipment—that is, the appliances that allow us to connect our internal network to external networks—is connected directly to our partner’s edge routing equipment. To go back to our neighborhood analogy, this would be if you and your friend put a gate in the fences that connect your backyards. With a PNI, the logical routing distance between us and our partners is the best it can be. 

IX Participation

Personally, the internet exchange path is the most exciting for me as a network engineer. It harkens back to the days of the early internet (IX points began as Network Access Points and were a key component of Al Gore’s National Information Infrastructure (NII) plan way back in 1991), and the growth of an IX feels communal, as people are joining to help the greater whole. When we add our traffic to an IX as a new peer, it increases participation, further strengthening the advantage of contributing to the local IX and encouraging more organizations to join.

Backblaze Joins the Equinix Silicon Valley (SV1) Internet Exchange

Our San Jose data center is a major point of presence (PoP) (that is, a point where a network connects to the internet) for Backblaze, with the site connecting us in the Silicon Valley region to many major peering networks.

In November, we brought up connectivity to Equinix IX peering exchange in San Jose, bringing us closer to 278 peering networks at the time of publishing. Many of the networks that participate on this IX are very logically close to our customers. The participants are some of the well known ISPs that serve homes, offices, and business in the region, including Comcast, Google Fiber, Sprint, and Verizon.

Now, for the Stats

As soon as we turned up the connection, 26% inbound traffic that was being sent to our DIA connections shifted to the local Equinix IX, as shown in the pie chart below.

Two side by side pie charts comparing traffic on the different types of network connections.
Before: 98% direct internet access (DIA); 2% private network interconnect (PNI). After: 72% DIA; 2% PNI; 26% internet exchange (IX).

The below graph shows our peering traffic load over the edge router and how immediately the traffic pattern changed as soon as we brought up the peer. Green indicates inbound traffic, while yellow shows outbound traffic. It’s always exciting to see a project go live with such an immediate reaction!

A graph showing networking uploads and downloads increasing as Backblaze brought networks up to peer.

To give you an idea of what we mean by better network proximity, let’s take a look at our improved connectivity to Google Fiber. Here’s a diagram of the three pathways that our edge routers see that show how to get to Google Fiber. With the new IX connection, we see a more advantageous path and pick that as our method to exchange traffic. We no longer have to send traffic to the Tier 1 providers and can use them as backup paths.

A graph showing possible network paths now that peering is enabled.
Taking faster local roads.

What Does This Mean for You?

We here at Backblaze are always trying to improve the performance and reliability of our storage platform while scaling up. We monitor our systems for inefficiencies, and improving the network components is one way that we can deliver a better experience. 

By joining the Equinix SV1 peering exchange, we shorten the number of network hops that we have to transit to communicate with you. And that reduces latency, speeding up your backup job upload, allowing for faster image download, or supporting Partners

Cheers from the NetEng team! We’re excited to start this series and bring you more content as our solutions evolve and grow. Some of the coverage we hope to share in the future includes analyzing our proximity to our peers and Partners, how we can improve those connections further, and stats to show the amount of bits per second that we process in our data centers to ensure that we not only have a file, but all the related redundancy shard components related to it. So, stay tuned!

The post Backblaze Network Stats appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.