All posts by Brian Farnhill

Secure CDK deployments with IAM permission boundaries

Post Syndicated from Brian Farnhill original

The AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) accelerates cloud development by allowing developers to use common programming languages when modelling their applications. To take advantage of this speed, developers need to operate in an environment where permissions and security controls don’t slow things down, and in a tightly controlled environment this is not always the case. Of particular concern is the scenario where a developer has permission to create AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) entities (such as users or roles), as these could have permissions beyond that of the developer who created them, allowing for an escalation of privileges. This approach is typically controlled through the use of permission boundaries for IAM entities, and in this post you will learn how these boundaries can now be applied more effectively to CDK development – allowing developers to stay secure and move fast.

Time to read 10 minutes
Learning level Advanced (300)
Services used

AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Applying custom permission boundaries to CDK deployments

When the CDK deploys a solution, it assumes a AWS CloudFormation execution role to perform operations on the user’s behalf. This role is created during the bootstrapping phase by the AWS CDK Command Line Interface (CLI). This role should be configured to represent the maximum set of actions that CloudFormation can perform on the developers behalf, while not compromising any compliance or security goals of the organisation. This can become complicated when developers need to create IAM entities (such as IAM users or roles) and assign permissions to them, as those permissions could be escalated beyond their existing access levels. Taking away the ability to create these entities is one way to solve the problem. However, doing this would be a significant impediment to developers, as they would have to ask an administrator to create them every time. This is made more challenging when you consider that security conscious practices will create individual IAM roles for every individual use case, such as each AWS Lambda Function in a stack. Rather than taking this approach, IAM permission boundaries can help in two ways – first, by ensuring that all actions are within the overlap of the users permissions and the boundary, and second by ensuring that any IAM entities that are created also have the same boundary applied. This blocks the path to privilege escalation without restricting the developer’s ability to create IAM identities. With the latest version of the AWS CLI these boundaries can be applied to the execution role automatically when running the bootstrap command, as well as being added to IAM entities that are created in a CDK stack.

To use a permission boundary in the CDK, first create an IAM policy that will act as the boundary. This should define the maximum set of actions that the CDK application will be able to perform on the developer’s behalf, both during deployment and operation. This step would usually be performed by an administrator who is responsible for the security of the account, ensuring that the appropriate boundaries and controls are enforced. Once created, the name of this policy is provided to the bootstrap command. In the example below, an IAM policy called “developer-policy” is used to demonstrate the command.
cdk bootstrap –custom-permissions-boundary developer-policy
Once this command runs, a new bootstrap stack will be created (or an existing stack will be updated) so that the execution role has this boundary applied to it. Next, you can ensure that any IAM entities that are created will have the same boundaries applied to them. This is done by either using a CDK context variable, or the permissionBoundary attribute on those resources. To explain this in some detail, let’s use a real world scenario and step through an example that shows how this feature can be used to restrict developers from using the AWS Config service.

Installing or upgrading the AWS CDK CLI

Before beginning, ensure that you have the latest version of the AWS CDK CLI tool installed. Follow the instructions in the documentation to complete this. You will need version 2.54.0 or higher to make use of this new feature. To check the version you have installed, run the following command.

cdk --version

Creating the policy

First, let’s begin by creating a new IAM policy. Below is a CloudFormation template that creates a permission policy for use in this example. In this case the AWS CLI can deploy it directly, but this could also be done at scale through a mechanism such as CloudFormation Stack Sets. This template has the following policy statements:

  1. Allow all actions by default – this allows you to deny the specific actions that you choose. You should carefully consider your approach to allow/deny actions when creating your own policies though.
  2. Deny the creation of users or roles unless the “developer-policy” permission boundary is used. Additionally limit the attachment of permissions boundaries on existing entities to only allow “developer-policy” to be used. This prevents the creation or change of an entity that can escalate outside of the policy.
  3. Deny the ability to change the policy itself so that a developer can’t modify the boundary they will operate within.
  4. Deny the ability to remove the boundary from any user or role
  5. Deny any actions against the AWS Config service

Here items 2, 3 and 4 all ensure that the permission boundary works correctly – they are controls that prevent the boundary being removed, tampered with, or bypassed. The real focus of this policy in terms of the example are items 1 and 5 – where you allow everything, except the specific actions that are denied (creating a deny list of actions, rather than an allow list approach).

    Type: AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy
          # ----- Begin base policy ---------------
          # If permission boundaries do not have an explicit allow
          # then the effect is deny
          - Sid: ExplicitAllowAll
            Action: "*"
            Effect: Allow
            Resource: "*"
          # Default permissions to prevent privilege escalation
          - Sid: DenyAccessIfRequiredPermBoundaryIsNotBeingApplied
              - iam:CreateUser
              - iam:CreateRole
              - iam:PutRolePermissionsBoundary
              - iam:PutUserPermissionsBoundary
                  Fn::Sub: arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:policy/developer-policy
            Effect: Deny
            Resource: "*"
          - Sid: DenyPermBoundaryIAMPolicyAlteration
              - iam:CreatePolicyVersion
              - iam:DeletePolicy
              - iam:DeletePolicyVersion
              - iam:SetDefaultPolicyVersion
            Effect: Deny
              Fn::Sub: arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:policy/developer-policy
          - Sid: DenyRemovalOfPermBoundaryFromAnyUserOrRole
              - iam:DeleteUserPermissionsBoundary
              - iam:DeleteRolePermissionsBoundary
            Effect: Deny
            Resource: "*"
          # ----- End base policy ---------------
          # -- Begin Custom Organization Policy --
          - Sid: DenyModifyingOrgCloudTrails
            Effect: Deny
            Action: config:*
            Resource: "*"
          # -- End Custom Organization Policy --
        Version: "2012-10-17"
      Description: "Bootstrap Permission Boundary"
      ManagedPolicyName: developer-policy
      Path: /

Save the above locally as developer-policy.yaml and then you can deploy it with a CloudFormation command in the AWS CLI:

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name DeveloperPolicy \
        --template-body file://developer-policy.yaml \
        --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

Creating a stack to test the policy

To begin, create a new CDK application that you will use to test and observe the behaviour of the permission boundary. Create a new directory with a TypeScript CDK application in it by executing these commands.

mkdir DevUsers && cd DevUsers
cdk init --language typescript

Once this is done, you should also make sure that your account has a CDK bootstrap stack deployed with the cdk bootstrap command – to start with, do not apply a permission boundary to it, you can add that later an observe how it changes the behaviour of your deployment. Because the bootstrap command is not using the --cloudformation-execution-policies argument, it will default to arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess which means that CloudFormation will have full access to the account until the boundary is applied.

cdk bootstrap

Once the command has run, create an AWS Config Rule in your application to be sure that this works without issue before the permission boundary is applied. Open the file lib/dev_users-stack.ts and edit its contents to reflect the sample below.

import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { ManagedRule, ManagedRuleIdentifiers } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-config';
import { Construct } from "constructs";

export class DevUsersStack extends cdk.Stack {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);

    new ManagedRule(this, 'AccessKeysRotated', {
      configRuleName: 'access-keys-policy',
      identifier: ManagedRuleIdentifiers.ACCESS_KEYS_ROTATED,
      inputParameters: {
        maxAccessKeyAge: 60, // default is 90 days

Next you can deploy with the CDK CLI using the cdk deploy command, which will succeed (the output below has been truncated to show a summary of the important elements).

❯ cdk deploy
✨  Synthesis time: 3.05s
✅  DevUsersStack
✨  Deployment time: 23.17s

Stack ARN:

✨  Total time: 26.21s

Before you deploy the permission boundary, remove this stack again with the cdk destroy command.

❯ cdk destroy
Are you sure you want to delete: DevUsersStack (y/n)? y
DevUsersStack: destroying... [1/1]
✅ DevUsersStack: destroyed

Using a permission boundary with the CDK test application

Now apply the permission boundary that you created above and observe the impact it has on the same deployment. To update your booststrap with the permission boundary, re-run the cdk bootstrap command with the new custom-permissions-boundary parameter.

cdk bootstrap --custom-permissions-boundary developer-policy

After this command executes, the CloudFormation execution role will be updated to use that policy as a permission boundary, which based on the deny rule for config:* will cause this same application deployment to fail. Run cdk deploy again to confirm this and observe the error message.

❌ Deployment failed: Error: Stack Deployments Failed: Error: The stack
named DevUsersStack failed creation, it may need to be manually deleted 
from the AWS console: 
    User: arn:aws:sts::123456789012:assumed-role/cdk-hnb659fds-cfn-exec-role-123456789012-ap-southeast-2/AWSCloudFormation
    is not authorized to perform: config:PutConfigRule on resource: access-keys-policy with an explicit deny in a
    permissions boundary

This shows you that the action was denied specifically due to the use of a permissions boundary, which is what was expected.

Applying permission boundaries to IAM entities automatically

Next let’s explore how the permission boundary can be extended to IAM entities that are created by a CDK application. The concern here is that a developer who is creating a new IAM entity could assign it more permissions than they have themselves – the permission boundary manages this by ensuring that entities can only be created that also have the boundary attached. You can validate this by modifying the stack to deploy a Lambda function that uses a role that doesn’t include the boundary. Open the file lib/dev_users-stack.ts again and edit its contents to reflect the sample below.

import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { PolicyStatement } from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-iam";
import {
} from "aws-cdk-lib/custom-resources";
import { Construct } from "constructs";

export class DevUsersStack extends cdk.Stack {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);

    new AwsCustomResource(this, "Resource", {
      onUpdate: {
        service: "ConfigService",
        action: "putConfigRule",
        parameters: {
          ConfigRule: {
            ConfigRuleName: "SampleRule",
            Source: {
              Owner: "AWS",
              SourceIdentifier: "ACCESS_KEYS_ROTATED",
            InputParameters: '{"maxAccessKeyAge":"60"}',
        physicalResourceId: PhysicalResourceId.of("SampleConfigRule"),
      policy: AwsCustomResourcePolicy.fromStatements([
        new PolicyStatement({
          actions: ["config:*"],
          resources: ["*"],

Here the AwsCustomResource is used to provision a Lambda function that will attempt to create a new config rule. This is the same result as the previous stack but in this case the creation of the rule is done by a new IAM role that is created by the CDK construct for you. Attempting to deploy this will result in a failure – run cdk deploy to observe this.

❌ Deployment failed: Error: Stack Deployments Failed: Error: The stack named 
DevUsersStack failed creation, it may need to be manually deleted from the AWS 
    API: iam:CreateRole User: arn:aws:sts::123456789012:assumed-
    is not authorized to perform: iam:CreateRole on resource:
    with an explicit deny in a permissions boundary

The error message here details that the stack was unable to deploy because the call to iam:CreateRole failed because the boundary wasn’t applied. The CDK now offers a straightforward way to set a default permission boundary on all IAM entities that are created, via the CDK context variable core:permissionsBoundary in the cdk.json file.

  "context": {
     "@aws-cdk/core:permissionsBoundary": {
       "name": "developer-policy"

This approach is useful because now you can import constructs that create IAM entities (such as those found on Construct Hub or out of the box constructs that create default IAM roles) and have the boundary apply to them as well. There are alternative ways to achieve this, such as setting a boundary on specific roles, which can be used in scenarios where this approach does not fit. Make the change to your cdk.json file and run the CDK deploy again. This time the custom resource will attempt to create the config rule using its IAM role instead of the CloudFormation execution role. It is expected that the boundary will also protect this Lambda function in the same way – run cdk deploy again to confirm this. Note that the deployment updates from CloudFormation show that this time the role creation succeeds this time, and a new error message is generated.

❌ Deployment failed: Error: Stack Deployments Failed: Error: The stack named
DevUsersStack failed creation, it may need to be manually deleted from the AWS 
    Received response status [FAILED] from custom resource. Message returned: User:
    is not authorized to perform: config:PutConfigRule on resource: SampleRule with an explicit deny in a permissions boundary

In this error message you can see that the user it refers to is DevUsersStack-AWS679f53fac002430cb0da5b7982bd2287S-84VFVA7OGC9N rather than the CloudFormation execution role. This is the role being used by the custom Lambda function resource, and when it attempts to create the Config rule it is rejected because of the permissions boundary in the same way. Here you can see how the boundary is being applied consistently to all IAM entities that are created in your CDK app, which ensures the administrative controls can be applied consistently to everything a developer does with a minimal amount of overhead.


At this point you can either choose to remove the CDK bootstrap stack if you no longer require it, or remove the permission boundary from the stack. To remove it, delete the CDKToolkit stack from CloudFormation with this AWS CLI command.

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name CDKToolkit

If you want to keep the bootstrap stack, you can remove the boundary by following these steps:

  1. Browse to the CloudFormation page in the AWS console, and select the CDKToolit stack.
  2. Select the ‘Update’ button. Choose “Use Current Template” and then press ‘Next’
  3. On the parameters page, find the value InputPermissionsBoundary which will have developer-policy as the value, and delete the text in this input to leave it blank. Press ‘Next’ and the on the following page, press ‘Next’ again
  4. On the final page, scroll to the bottom and check the box acknowledging that CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names, and choose ‘Submit’

With the permission boundary no longer being used, you can now remove the stack that created it as the final step.

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name DeveloperPolicy


Now you can see how IAM permission boundaries can easily be integrated in to CDK development, helping ensure developers have the control they need while administrators can ensure that security is managed in a way that meets the needs of the organisation as well.

With this being understood, there are next steps you can take to further expand on the use of permission boundaries. The CDK Security and Safety Developer Guide document on GitHub outlines these approaches, as well as ways to think about your approach to permissions on deployment. It’s recommended that developers and administrators review this, and work to develop and appropriate approach to permission policies that suit your security goals.

Additionally, the permission boundary concept can be applied in a multi-account model where each Stage has a unique boundary name applied. This can allow for scenarios where a lower-level environment (such as a development or beta environment) has more relaxed permission boundaries that suit troubleshooting and other developer specific actions, but then the higher level environments (such as gamma or production) could have the more restricted permission boundaries to ensure that security risks are more appropriately managed. The mechanism for implement this is defined in the security and safety developer guide also.

About the authors:

Brian Farnhill

Brian Farnhill is a Software Development Engineer at AWS, helping public sector customers in APAC create impactful solutions running in the cloud. His background is in building solutions and helping customers improve DevOps tools and processes. When he isn’t working, you’ll find him either coding for fun or playing online games.

David Turnbull

David Turnbull is a Software Development Engineer at AWS, helping public sector customers in APAC create impactful solutions running in the cloud. He likes to comprehend new programming languages and has used this to stray out of his line. David writes computer simulations for fun.

Detecting security issues in logging with Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer

Post Syndicated from Brian Farnhill original

Amazon CodeGuru is a developer tool that provides intelligent recommendations for identifying security risks in code and improving code quality. To help you find potential issues related to logging of inputs that haven’t been sanitized, Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer now includes additional checks for both Python and Java. In this post, we discuss these updates and show examples of code that relate to these new detectors.

In December 2021, an issue was discovered relating to Apache’s popular Log4j Java-based logging utility (CVE-2021-44228). There are several resources available to help mitigate this issue (some of which are highlighted in a post on the AWS Public Sector blog). This issue has drawn attention to the importance of logging inputs in a way that is safe. To help developers understand where un-sanitized values are being logged, CodeGuru Reviewer can now generate findings that highlight these and make it easier to remediate them.

The new detectors and recommendations in CodeGuru Reviewer can detect findings in Java where Log4j is used, and in Python where the standard logging module is used. The following examples demonstrate how this works and what the recommendations look like.

Findings in Java

Consider the following Java sample that responds to a web request.

public ModelAndView handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
    ModelAndView result = new ModelAndView("success");
    String userId = request.getParameter("userId");
    result.addObject("userId", userId);

    // More logic to populate `result`."Successfully processed {} with user ID: {}.", request.getRequestURL(), userId);
    return result;

This simple example generates a result to the initial request, and it extracts the userId field from the initial request to do this. Before returning the result, the userId field is passed to the statement. This presents a potential security issue, because the value of userId is not sanitized or changed in any way before it is logged. CodeGuru Reviewer is able to identify that the variable userId points to a value that needs to be sanitized before it is logged, as it comes from an HTTP request. All user inputs in a request (including query parameters, headers, body and cookie values) should be checked before logging to ensure a malicious user hasn’t passed values that could compromise your logging mechanism.

CodeGuru Reviewer recommends to sanitize user-provided inputs before logging them to ensure log integrity. Let’s take a look at CodeGuru Reviewer’s findings for this issue.

A screenshot of the AWS Console that describes the log injection risk found by CodeGuru Reviewer

An option to remediate this risk would be to add a sanitize() method that checks and modifies the value to remove known risks. The specific process of doing this will vary based on the values you expect and what is safe for your application and its processes. By logging the now sanitized value, you have mitigated those risks that could impact on your logging framework. The modified code sample below shows one example of how this could be addressed.

public ModelAndView handleRequestSafely(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
    ModelAndView result = new ModelAndView("success");
    String userId = request.getParameter("userId");
    String sanitizedUserId = sanitize(userId);
    result.addObject("userId", sanitizedUserId);

    // More logic to populate `result`."Successfully processed {} with user ID: {}.", request.getRequestURL(), sanitizedUserId);
    return result;

private static String sanitize(String userId) {
    return userId.replaceAll("\\D", "");

The example now uses the sanitize() method, which uses a replaceAll() call that uses a regular expression to remove all non-digit characters. This example assumes the userId value should only be digit characters, ensuring that any other characters that could be used to expose a vulnerability in the logging framework are removed first.

Findings in Python

Now consider the following python code from a sample Flask project that handles a web request.

from flask import app, current_app, request

def getUserInput():
    input = request.args.get('input')"User input: %s", input)

    # More logic to process user input.

In this example, the input variable is assigned the input query string value from a web request. Then, the Flask logger records its value as an info level message. This has the same challenge as the Java example above. However this time rather than changing the value, we can instead inspect it and choose to log it only when it is in a format we expect. A simple example of this could be where we expect only alphanumeric characters in the input variable. The isalnum() function can act as a simple test in this case. Here is an example of what this style of validation could look like.

from flask import app, current_app, request

def safe_getUserInput():
    input = request.args.get('input')    
    if input.isalnum():"User input: %s", input)        
        current_app.logger.warning("Unexpected input detected")

Getting started

While log sanitization implementation is a long journey for many, it is a guardrail for maintaining your application’s log integrity. With CodeGuru Reviewer detecting log inputs that are neither sanitized nor validated, developers can use these recommendations as a guide to reduce risks related to log injection attacks. Additionally, you can provide feedback on recommendations in the CodeGuru Reviewer console or by commenting on the code in a pull request. This feedback helps improve the precision of CodeGuru Reviewer, so the recommendations you see get better over time.

To get started with CodeGuru Reviewer, you can leverage AWS Free Tier without any cost. For 90 days, you can review up to 100K lines of code in onboarded repositories per AWS account. For more information, please review the pricing page.

About the authors

Brian Farnhill

Brian Farnhill is a Software Development Engineer in the Australian Public Sector team. His background is in building solutions and helping customers improve DevOps tools and processes. When he isn’t working, you’ll find him either coding for fun or playing online games.

Jia Qin

Jia Qin is part of the Solutions Architect team in Malaysia. She loves developing on AWS, trying out new technology, and sharing her knowledge with customers. Outside of work, she enjoys taking walks and petting cats.

Tightening application security with Amazon CodeGuru

Post Syndicated from Brian Farnhill original

Amazon CodeGuru is a developer tool powered by machine learning (ML) that provides intelligent recommendations for improving code quality and identifies an application’s most expensive lines of code. To help you find and remediate potential security issues in your code, Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer now includes an expanded set of security detectors. In this post, we discuss the new types of security issues CodeGuru Reviewer can detect.

Time to read 9 minutes
Services used Amazon CodeGuru

The new security detectors are now a feature in CodeGuru Reviewer for Java applications. These detectors focus on finding security issues in your code before you deploy it. They extend CodeGuru Reviewer by providing additional security-specific recommendations to the existing set of application improvements it already recommends. When an issue is detected, a remediation recommendation and explanation is generated. This allows you to find and remediate issues before the code is deployed. These findings can help in addressing the OWASP top 10 web application security risks, with many of the recommendations being based on specific issues customers have had in this space.

You can run a security scan by creating a repository analysis. CodeGuru Reviewer now provides an additional option to get both code and security recommendations for Java codebases. Selecting this option enables you to find potential security vulnerabilities before they are promoted to production, and support users remaining secure when using your service.

Types of security issues CodeGuru Reviewer detects

Previously, CodeGuru Reviewer helped address security by detecting potential sensitive information leaks (such as personally identifiable information or credit card numbers). The additional CodeGuru Reviewer security detectors expand on this by addressing:

  • AWS API security best practices – Helps you follow security best practices when using AWS APIs, such as avoiding hard-coded credentials in API calls
  • Java crypto library best practices – Identifies when you’re not using best practices for common Java cryptography libraries, such as avoiding outdated cryptographic ciphers
  • Secure web applications – Inspects code for insecure handling of untrusted data, such as not sanitizing user-supplied input to protect against cross-site scripting, SQL injection, LDAP injection, path traversal injection, and more
  • AWS Security best practices – Developed in collaboration with AWS Security, these best practices help bring our internal expertise to customers

Examples of new security findings

The following are examples of findings that CodeGuru Reviewer security detectors can now help you identify and resolve.

AWS API security best practices

AWS API security best practice detectors inspect your code to identify issues that can be caused by not following best practices related to AWS SDKs and APIs. An example of a detected issue in this category is using hard-coded AWS credentials. Consider the following code:

import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials;
import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials;

static String myKeyId ="AKIAX742FUDUQXXXXXXX";
static String mySecretKey = "MySecretKey";

public static void main(String[] args) {
    AWSCredentials creds = getCreds(myKeyId, mySecretKey);

static AWSCredentials getCreds(String id, String key) {
    return new BasicAWSCredentials(id, key);}

In this code, the variables myKeyId and mySecretKey are hard-coded in the application. This may have been done to move quickly, but it can also lead to these values being discovered and misused.

In this case, CodeGuru Reviewer recommends using environment variables or an AWS profile to store these values, because these can be retrieved at runtime and aren’t stored inside the application (or its source code). Here you can see an example of what this finding looks like in the console:

An example of the CodeGuru reviewer finding for IAM credentials in the AWS console

The recommendation suggests using environment variables or an AWS profile instead, and that after you delete or rotate the affected key you monitor it with CloudWatch for any attempted use. Following the learn more link, you’ll see additional detail and recommended approaches for remediation, such as using the DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain. An example of how to remediate this in the preceding code is to update the getCreds() function:

import com.amazonaws.auth.DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain;

static AWSCredentials getCreds() {
    DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain creds =
        new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain();
    return creds.getCredentials();

Java crypto library best practices

When working with data that must be protected, cryptography provides mechanisms to encrypt and decrypt the information. However, to ensure the security of this data, the application must use a strong and modern cipher. Consider the following code:

import javax.crypto.Cipher;

static final String CIPHER = "DES";

public void run() {
    cipher = Cipher.getInstance(CIPHER);

A cipher object is created with the DES algorithm. CodeGuru Reviewer recommends a stronger cipher to help protect your data. This is what the recommendation looks like in the console:

An example of the CodeGuru reviewer finding for encryption ciphers in the AWS console

Based on this, one example of how to address this is to substitute a different cipher:

static final String CIPHER ="RSA/ECB/OAEPPadding";

This is just one option for how it could be addressed. The CodeGuru Reviewer recommendation text suggests several options, and a link to documentation to help you choose the best cipher.

Secure web applications

When working with sensitive information in cookies, such as temporary session credentials, those values must be protected from interception. This is done by flagging the cookies as secure, which prevents them from being sent over an unsecured HTTP connection. Consider the following code:

import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;

public static void createCookie() {
    Cookie cookie = new Cookie("name", "value");

In this code, a new cookie is created that is not marked as secure. CodeGuru Reviewer notifies you that you could make a correction by adding:


This screenshot shows you an example of what the finding looks like.

An example CodeGuru finding that shows how to ensure cookies are secured.

AWS Security best practices

This category of detectors has been built in collaboration with AWS Security and assists in detecting many other issue types. Consider the following code, which illustrates how a string can be re-encrypted with a new key from AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS):

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

AWSKMS client = AWSKMSClientBuilder.standard().build();
ByteBuffer sourceCipherTextBlob = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0});

DecryptRequest req = new DecryptRequest()
ByteBuffer plainText = client.decrypt(req).getPlaintext();

EncryptRequest res = new EncryptRequest()
ByteBuffer ciphertext = client.encrypt(res).getCiphertextBlob();

This approach puts the decrypted value at risk by decrypting and re-encrypting it locally. CodeGuru Reviewer recommends using the ReEncrypt method—performed on the server side within AWS KMS—to avoid exposing your plaintext outside AWS KMS. A solution that uses the ReEncrypt object looks like the following code:


ReEncryptRequest req = new ReEncryptRequest()


This screenshot shows you an example of what the finding looks like.

An example CodeGuru finding to show how to avoid decrypting and encrypting locally when it's not needed

Detecting issues deep in application code

Detecting security issues can be made more complex by the contributing code being spread across multiple methods, procedures and files. This separation of code helps ensure humans work in more manageable ways, but for a person to look at the code, it obscures the end to end view of what is happening. This obscurity makes it harder, or even impossible to find complex security issues. CodeGuru Reviewer can see issues regardless of these boundaries, deeply assessing code and the flow of the application to find security issues throughout the application. An example of this depth exists in the code below:

import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

private String decode(final String val, final String enc) {
    try {
        return, enc);
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    return "";

public void pathTraversal(HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException {
    javax.servlet.http.Cookie[] theCookies = request.getCookies();
    String path = "";
    if (theCookies != null) {
        for (javax.servlet.http.Cookie theCookie : theCookies) {
            if (theCookie.getName().equals("thePath")) {
                path = decode(theCookie.getValue(), "UTF-8");
    if (!path.equals("")) {
        String fileName = path + ".txt";
        String decStr = new String(org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.decodeBase64(
            org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.encodeBase64(fileName.getBytes()))); fileOutputStream = new; fd = fileOutputStream.getFD();

This code presents an issue around path traversal, specifically relating to the Broken Access Control rule in the OWASP top 10 (specifically CWE 22). The issue is that a FileOutputStream is being created using an external input (in this case, a cookie) and the input is not being checked for invalid values that could traverse the file system. To add to the complexity of this sample, the input is encoded and decoded from Base64 so that the cookie value isn’t passed directly to the FileOutputStream constructor, and the parsing of the cookie happens in a different function. This is not something you would do in the real world as it is needlessly complex, but it shows the need for tools that can deeply analyze the flow of data in an application. Here the value passed to the FileOutputStream isn’t an external value, it is the result of the encode/decode line and as such, is a new object. However CodeGuru Reviewer follows the flow of the application to understand that the input still came from a cookie, and as such it should be treated as an external value that needs to be validated. An example of a fix for the issue here would be to replace the pathTraversal function with the sample shown below:

static final String VALID_PATH1 = "./test/file1.txt";
static final String VALID_PATH2 = "./test/file2.txt";
static final String DEFAULT_VALID_PATH = "./test/file3.txt";

public void pathTraversal(HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException {
    javax.servlet.http.Cookie[] theCookies = request.getCookies();
    String path = "";
    if (theCookies != null) {
        for (javax.servlet.http.Cookie theCookie : theCookies) {
            if (theCookie.getName().equals("thePath")) {
                path = decode(theCookie.getValue(), "UTF-8");
    String fileName = "";
    if (!path.equals("")) {
        if (path.equals(VALID_PATH1)) {
            fileName = VALID_PATH1;
        } else if (path.equals(VALID_PATH2)) {
            fileName = VALID_PATH2;
        } else {
            fileName = DEFAULT_VALID_PATH;
        String decStr = new String(org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.decodeBase64(
            org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.encodeBase64(fileName.getBytes()))); fileOutputStream = new; fd = fileOutputStream.getFD();

The main difference in this sample is that the path variable is tested against known good values that would prevent path traversal, and if one of the two valid path options isn’t provided, the third default option is used. In all cases the externally provided path is validated to ensure that there isn’t a path through the code that allows for path traversal to occur in the subsequent call. As with the first sample, the path is still encoded/decoded to make it more complicated to follow the flow through, but the deep analysis performed by CodeGuru Reviewer can follow this and provide meaningful insights to help ensure the security of your applications.

Extending the value of CodeGuru Reviewer

CodeGuru Reviewer already recommends different types of fixes for your Java code, such as concurrency and resource leaks. With these new categories, CodeGuru Reviewer can let you know about security issues as well, bringing further improvements to your applications’ code. The new security detectors operate in the same way that the existing detectors do, using static code analysis and ML to provide high confidence results. This can help avoid signaling non-issue findings to developers, which can waste time and erode trust in the tool.

You can provide feedback on recommendations in the CodeGuru Reviewer console or by commenting on the code in a pull request. This feedback helps improve the performance of the reviewer, so the recommendations you see get better over time.


Security issues can be difficult to identify and can impact your applications significantly. CodeGuru Reviewer security detectors help make sure you’re following security best practices while you build applications.

CodeGuru Reviewer is available for you to try. For full repository analysis, the first 30,000 lines of code analyzed each month per payer account are free. For pull request analysis, we offer a 90 day free trial for new customers. Please check the pricing page for more details. For more information, see Getting started with CodeGuru Reviewer.

About the author

Brian Farnhill

Brian Farnhill is a Developer Specialist Solutions Architect in the Australian Public Sector team. His background is building solutions and helping customers improve DevOps tools and processes. When he isn’t working, you’ll find him either coding for fun or playing online games.