All posts by Cristian Gavazzeni

Building a cost efficient, petabyte-scale lake house with Amazon S3 lifecycle rules and Amazon Redshift Spectrum: Part 2

Post Syndicated from Cristian Gavazzeni original

In part 1 of this series, we demonstrated building an end-to-end data lifecycle management system integrated with a data lake house implemented on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) with Amazon Redshift and Amazon Redshift Spectrum. In this post, we address the ongoing operation of the solution we built.

Data ageing process after a month (ongoing)

Let’s assume a month has elapsed since walking through the use case in the last post, and old historical data was classified and tiered accordingly to policy. You now need to enter the new monthly data generated into the lifecycle pipeline as follows:

  • June 2020 data – Produced and consolidated into Amazon Redshift local tables
  • December 2019 data – Migrated to Amazon S3
  • June 2019 data – Migrated from Amazon S3 to S3-IA
  • March 2019 data – Migrated from S3-IA to Glacier

The first step required is to increase the ageing counter of all the Parquet files (both midterm and shortterm prefixes), using aws s3api get-object-tagging to check the current value and increasing by 1 with aws s3api set-object-tagging. This can be cumbersome if you have many objects, but you can automate it with Amazon S3 CLI scripts or SDKs like Boto3 (Phyton).

The following is a simple Python script you can use to check the current tag settings for all keys in the prefix extract_shortterm:

from boto3 import client 
import re 
conn = client('s3') 
def printtags(mybucket, myprefix): 
    for key in conn.list_objects(Bucket = mybucket, Prefix = myprefix)['Contents']: 
        if key['Key'].endswith('.parquet'): 
            tagset = conn.get_object_tagging(Bucket=mybucket, Key=key['Key'])['TagSet'] 
            stringa = str(tagset) 
            stringtag = (re.findall("\d+", stringa)) 
            tagvalue = int(stringtag[0]) 
            print((key['Key']), "ageing = ", tagvalue) 
#below set parameters bucket and prefix accordingly with your env 
printtags('rs-lakehouse-blog-post', 'extract_shortterm/')

This second Python script lists all current tag settings for all keys in the prefix extract_shortterm, increases by 1 ageing, and lists the keys and new tag values. If other tags were added to these objects prior to this step, this new tag overwrites the entire tagSet. The set object tagging operation is not an append, but a completely new PUT.

from boto3 import client 
import re
conn = client('s3') 
def updateTags(mybucket, myprefix): 
    for key in conn.list_objects(Bucket = mybucket, Prefix = myprefix)['Contents']: 
        if key['Key'].endswith('.parquet'): 
            tagset = conn.get_object_tagging(Bucket = mybucket, Key=key['Key'])['TagSet'] 
            stringa = str(tagset) 
            stringtag = (re.findall("\d+", stringa)) 
            tagvalue = int(stringtag[0]) 
            print((key['Key']), "Current ageing = ", tagvalue) 
            tagvalue = tagvalue+1 
            put_tags_response = conn.put_object_tagging(Bucket=mybucket, Key = key['Key'], Tagging = {'TagSet': [ { 'Key': 'ageing', 'Value': str(tagvalue) }, ] } ) 
printtags('rs-lakehouse-blog-post', 'extract_shortterm/')

To run the pipeline described before, you need to perform the following:

  1. Unload the December 2019 data.
  2. Apply the tag ageing to 6.
  3. Add the new Parquet file as a new partition to the external table taxispectrum.taxi_archive.

For the relevant syntax, see [part 1]. You can automate these tasks using an AWS Lambda function and use a monthly schedule.

Check the results with a query to the external table and don’t forget to remove unloaded items from the Amazon Redshift local table, as you did in part 1 of this series.

In this use case, we know exactly the mapping of June 2019 to the Amazon S3 key name because we used a specific naming convention. If your use case is different, you can use the two pseudo-columns automatically created in every Amazon Redshift external table: $path and $size. See the following code:

select pickup, 
from taxispectrum.taxi_archive 
where pickup between '2019-06-01 00:00:00' and '2019-06-30 23:59:59' 
limit 10

 The following screenshot shows our results.

The following screenshot shows our results. 

We’re migrating the March 2019 Parquet file to Glacier, so you should remove the related partition from the AWS Glue Data Catalog:

ALTER TABLE taxispectrum.taxi_archive
DROP PARTITION (yearmonth=‘2019-03’)

Right to be forgotten

One of the pillar rules of GDPR is the “right to be forgotten” rule—the ability for a customer or employee to request deletion of any personal data.

Implementing this feature for external tables on Amazon Redshift requires a different approach than for local tables, because external tables don’t support delete and update operations.

You can implement two different approaches.

In and out

In this first approach, you copy the external table to a temporary Amazon Redshift table, delete the specific rows, unload the temporary table to Amazon S3 and overwrite the key name, and drop the temporary (internal table).

Let’s assume that the drivers in the dataset are identified with column pulocid. We want to delete all records related to a driver identified with pulocid 129 and who worked between October 2019 and November 2019.

  1. With the following code (from Amazon Redshift), you can identify a every single row matched with specific single Parquet file:
    select pickup,
    from taxispectrum.taxi_shortterm
    where pulocid = 129 and pickup between ‘2019-10-01 00:00:00’ and ‘2019-11-30 23:59:59’

The following screenshot shows our results.

 The following screenshot shows our results.

  1. When checking the applied tags, note the value associated to the ageing tag, or save the output of the following command in a temporary JSON file:
    aws s3api get-object-tagging \
    --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post \
    --key extract_shortterm/green_tripdata_2019-10000.parquet > \

  2. Create two temporary tables, one for each of the two Parquet files matching the query (October and November):
    create table temporaryoct (like greentaxi);

  3. Copy the Parquet file to the local table, using the format as parquet attribute:
    copy temporaryoct
    from ‘s3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_shortterm/green_tripdata_2019-10000.parquet’
    iam_role ‘arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/BlogSpectrumRole’
    format as parquet

  4. Delete the records matching the “right to be forgotten” request criteria:
    delete from temporaryoct 
    where pulocid = 129 and pickup between '2019-10-01 00:00:00' and '2019-11-30 23:59:59'

  5. Overwrite the Parquet file with the UNLOAD command (note the allowoverwrite option):
    unload ('select * from temporaryoct') 
    to 's3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_shortterm/green_tripdata_2019-10000.parquet’ 
    iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/BlogSpectrumRole' 
    parquet parallel off allowoverwrite

  6. Drop the temporary table:
    drop table temporaryoct;

In more complex use cases, user data might span multiple months, and our approach might not be effective. In these cases, using Spark to process and rewrite the Parquet could be a better and faster solution.

In other use cases, the number of records to be deleted could be a majority. If so, as an alternative to the delete and unload steps, you could use CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE AS (CTAS). CTAS creates an external table based on the column definition from a query and writes the results of that query on Amazon S3.

Edit your own

The second option is to use an external editor to access the Amazon S3 file and remove specific records. You could use a Spark script with the following steps:

  1. Create a DataFrame.
  2. Import a Parquet file in memory.
  3. Remove records matching your criteria.
  4. Overwrite the same Amazon S3 key with the new data.

Building a simple data ageing dashboard

Sometimes data temperature is very predictable and based on ageing, but in some cases, especially when data is originated and accessed from different entities, it’s not easy to build a model to fit the best storage transition strategy. For these scenarios, you can use Amazon S3 analytics storage class analysis and Amazon S3 access logs.

Storage class analytis observes the infrequent access patterns of a filtered set of data over a period of time. You can use the analysis results to help you improve your lifecycle policies. You can configure storage class analysis to analyze all the objects in a bucket rr, and configure filters to group objects together for analysis by a common prefix (objects that have names that begin with a common string), by object tags, or by both prefix and tags. Filtering by object groups is the best way to benefit from storage class analysis.

To achieve a better understanding of how data is accessed (and who accessed it, and when) and build a custom tiering strategy, you can use Amazon S3 access logs. This feature doesn’t have any additional costs, but log retention incurs Amazon S3 storage costs. You first define a recipient to store the logs.

  1. Create a new bucket named rs-lakehouse-blog-post-logs.
  2. To set up S3 Server access logging on the source bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post on the Amazon S3 console, on the Properties tab, choose Server access logging.
  3. For Target bucket, enter rs-lakehouse-blog-post-logs.
  4. For Target prefix, leave blank.
  5. Choose Save.

You first define a recipient to store the logs.

Let’s assume that after few days of activities, you want to discover how users and applications accessed the data.

  1. On the Amazon Redshift console, create an external table to map the Amazon S3 access logs:
    CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE taxispectrum.s3accesslogs(
        BucketOwner                   varchar(256), 
        Bucket                        varchar(256), 
        RequestDateTime               varchar(256), 
        RemoteIP                      varchar(256), 
        Requester                     varchar(256), 
        RequestID                     varchar(256), 
        Operation                     varchar(256), 
        Key                           varchar(256), 
        RequestURI_operation          varchar(256),
        RequestURI_key                varchar(256),
        RequestURI_httpProtoversion   varchar(256),
        HTTPstatus                    varchar(256), 
        ErrorCode                     varchar(256), 
        BytesSent                     varchar(256), 
        ObjectSize                    varchar(256), 
        TotalTime                     varchar(256), 
        TurnAroundTime                varchar(256), 
        Referrer                      varchar(256), 
        UserAgent                     varchar(256), 
        VersionId                     varchar(256)
    ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.RegexSerDe'
        'input.regex' = '([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) \\[(.*?)\\] ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) \"([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*)\" (-|[0-9]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) (\"[^\"]*\") ([^ ]*)'
    LOCATION 's3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post-logs/'

  2. Check the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy S3-Lakehouse-Policy created in part 1 and add the following two lines to the JSON definition file:

  3. Query a few columns:
    select bucket, 
    from taxispectrum.s3accesslogs

The following screenshot shows our results.

The following screenshot shows our results.

This report is a starting point for both auditing purposes and for analyzing access patterns. As a next step, you could use a business intelligence (BI) visualization solution like Amazon QuickSight and create a dataset in order to create a dashboard showing the most and least accessed files.

Cleaning up

To clean up your resources after walking through this post, complete the following steps:

  1. Delete the Amazon Redshift cluster without the final cluster snapshot:
    aws redshift delete-cluster –-cluster-identifier redshift-cluster-1

  2. Delete the schema and table defined in AWS Glue:
    aws glue delete-table \
        –-database-name blogdb \
        –-name taxi_archive 
    aws glue delete-table \
        –-database-name blogdb \
        –-name s3accesslogs 
    aws glue delete-database –-name blogdb

  3. Delete the S3 buckets and all their content:
    aws s3 rb s3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post –-force
    aws s3 rb s3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post-logs –-force 


In the first post in this series, we demonstrated how to implement a data lifecycle system for a lake house using Amazon Redshift, Redshift Spectrum, and Amazon S3 lifecycle rules. In this post, we focused on how to operationalize the solution with automation scripts (with the AWS Boto3 library for Python) and S3 Server access logs.

About the Authors

Cristian Gavazzeni is a senior solution architect at Amazon Web Services. He has more than 20 years of experience as a pre-sales consultant focusing on Data Management, Infrastructure and Security. During his spare time he likes eating Japanese food and travelling abroad with only fly and drive bookings.



Francesco MarelliFrancesco Marelli is a senior solutions architect at Amazon Web Services. He has lived and worked in London for 10 years, after that he has worked in Italy, Switzerland and other countries in EMEA. He is specialized in the design and implementation of Analytics, Data Management and Big Data systems, mainly for Enterprise and FSI customers. Francesco also has a strong experience in systems integration and design and implementation of web applications. He loves sharing his professional knowledge, collecting vinyl records and playing bass.

Building a cost efficient, petabyte-scale lake house with Amazon S3 lifecycle rules and Amazon Redshift Spectrum: Part 1

Post Syndicated from Cristian Gavazzeni original

The continuous growth of data volumes combined with requirements to implement long-term retention (typically due to specific industry regulations) puts pressure on the storage costs of data warehouse solutions, even for cloud native data warehouse services such as Amazon Redshift. The introduction of the new Amazon Redshift RA3 node types helped in decoupling compute from storage growth. Integration points provided by Amazon Redshift Spectrum, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) storage classes, and other Amazon S3 features allow for compliance of retention policies while keeping costs under control.

An enterprise customer in Italy asked the AWS team to recommend best practices on how to implement a data journey solution for sales data; the objective of part 1 of this series is to provide step-by-step instructions and best practices on how to build an end-to-end data lifecycle management system integrated with a data lake house implemented on Amazon S3 with Amazon Redshift. In part 2, we show some additional best practices to operate the solution: implementing a sustainable monthly ageing process, using Amazon Redshift local tables to troubleshoot common issues, and using Amazon S3 access logs to analyze data access patterns.

Amazon Redshift and Redshift Spectrum

At re:Invent 2019, AWS announced new Amazon Redshift RA3 nodes. Even though this introduced new levels of cost efficiency in the cloud data warehouse, we faced customer cases where the data volume to be kept is an order of magnitude higher due to specific regulations that impose historical data to be kept for up to 10–12 years or more. In addition, this historical cold data must be accessed by other services and applications external to Amazon Redshift (such as Amazon SageMaker for AI and machine learning (ML) training jobs), and occasionally it needs to be queried jointly with Amazon Redshift hot data. In these situations, Redshift Spectrum is a great fit because, among other factors, you can use it in conjunction with Amazon S3 storage classes to further improve TCO.

Redshift Spectrum allows you to query data that resides in S3 buckets using already in place application code and logic used for data warehouse tables, and potentially performing joins and unions of Amazon Redshift local tables and data on Amazon S3.

Redshift Spectrum uses a fleet of compute nodes managed by AWS that increases system scalability. To use it, we need to define at least an external schema and an external table (unless an external schema and external database are already defined in the AWS Glue Data Catalog). Data definition language (DDL) statements used to define an external table include a location attribute to address S3 buckets and prefixes containing the dataset, which could be in common file formats like ORC, Parquet, AVRO, CSV, JSON, or plain text. Compressed and columnar file formats like Apache Parquet are preferred because they provide less storage usage and better performance.

For a data catalog, we could use AWS Glue or an external hive metastore. For this post, we use AWS Glue.

S3 Lifecycle rules

Amazon S3 storage classes include S3 Standard, S3-IA, S3 One-Zone, S3 Intelligent-Tiering, S3 Glacier, and S3 Glacier Deep Archive. For our use case, we need to keep data accessible for queries for 5 years and with high durability, so we consider only S3 Standard and S3-IA for this time frame, and S3 Glacier only for long term (5–12 years). Data access to S3 Glacier requires data retrieval in the range of minutes (if using expedited retrieval) and this can’t be matched with the ability to query data. We can adopt Glacier for very cold data if you implement a manual process to first restore the Glacier archive to a temporary S3 bucket, and then query this data defined via an external table.

S3 Glacier Select allows you to query on data directly in S3 Glacier, but it only supports uncompressed CSV files. Because the objective of this post is to propose a cost-efficient solution, we didn’t consider it. If for any reason you have constraints for storing in CSV file format (instead of compressed formats like Parquet), Glacier Select might also be a good fit.

Excluding retrieval costs, the cost for storage for S3-IA is typically around 45% cheaper than S3 Standard, and S3 Glacier is 68% cheaper than S3-IA. For updated pricing information, see Amazon S3 pricing.

We don’t use S3 Intelligent Tiering because it bases storage transition on the last access time, and this resets every time we need to query the data. We use the S3 Lifecycle rules that are based either on creation time or prefix or tag matching, which is consistent regardless of data access patterns.

Simulated use case and retention policy

For our use case, we need to implement the data retention strategy for trip records outlined in the following table.

Corporate Rule Dataset Start Dataset end Data Storage Engine
Last 6 months in Redshift Spectrum December 2019 May 2020 Amazon Redshift local tables Amazon Redshift
Months 6–11 in Amazon S3 June 2019 November 2019 S3 Standard Redshift Spectrum
Months 12–14 in S3-IA March 2019 May 2019 S3-IA Redshift Spectrum
After month 15 January 2019 February 2019 Glacier N/A

For this post, we create a new table in a new Amazon Redshift cluster and load a public dataset. We use the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) Trip Record Data because it provides the required historical depth.

We use the Green Taxi Trip Records, based on monthly CSV files containing 20 columns with fields like vendor ID, pickup time, drop-off time, fare, and other information. 

Preparing the dataset and setting up the Amazon Redshift environment

As a first step, we create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role for Redshift Spectrum. This is required to allow access to Amazon Redshift to Amazon S3 for querying and loading data, and also to allow access to the AWS Glue Data Catalog whenever we create, modify, or delete a new external table.

  1. Create a role named BlogSpectrumRole.
  2. Edit the following two JSON files, which have the IAM policies according to the bucket and prefix used in this post, as needed, and attach the policies to the role you created:

    	    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    	    "Statement": [
    	            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
    	            "Effect": "Allow",
    	            "Action": "s3:*",
    	            "Resource": [


    	"Version": "2012-10-17",
    	"Statement": [
    			"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
    			"Effect": "Allow",
    			"Action": [
    			"Resource": [

Now you create a single-node Amazon Redshift cluster based on a DC2.large instance type, attaching the newly created IAM role BlogSpectrumRole.

  1. On the Amazon Redshift console, choose Create cluster.
  2. Keep the default cluster identifier redshift-cluster-1.
  3. Choose the node type DC2.large.
  4. Set the configuration to single node.
  5. Keep the default dbname and ports.
  6. Set a primary user password.
  7. Choose Create cluster.
  8. After the cluster is configured, check the attached IAM role on the Properties tab for the cluster.
  9. Take note of the IAM role ARN, because you use it to create external tables.

Copying data into Amazon Redshift

To connect to Amazon Redshift, you can use a free client like SQL Workbench/J or use the AWS console embedded query editor with the previously created credentials.

  1. Create a table according to the dataset schema using the following DDL statement:
    	create table greentaxi(
    	vendor_id integer,
    	pickup timestamp,
    	dropoff timestamp,
    	storeandfwd char(2),
    	ratecodeid integer,
    	pulocid integer,
    	dolocid integer,
    	passenger_count integer,
    	trip_dist real,
    	fare_amount real,
    	extra real,
    	mta_tax real,
    	tip_amount real,
    	toll_amount real,
    	ehail_fee real,
    	improve_surch real,
    	total_amount real,
    	pay_type integer,
    	trip_type integer,
    	congest_surch real

The most efficient method to load data into Amazon Redshift is using the COPY command, because it uses the distributed architecture (each slice can ingest one file at the same time).

  1. Load year 2020 data from January to June in the Amazon Redshift table with the following command (replace the IAM role value with the one you created earlier):
    copy greentaxi from ‘s3://nyc-tlc/trip data/green_tripdata_2020’ 
    	iam_role ‘arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/BlogSpectrumRole’ 
    	delimiter ‘,’ 
    	dateformat ‘auto’
    	region ‘us-east-1’ 
    ignoreheader as 1;

Now the greentaxi table includes all records starting from January 2019 to June 2020. You’re now ready to leverage Redshift Spectrum and S3 storage classes to save costs.

Extracting data from Amazon Redshift

You perform the next steps using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). For download and installation instructions, see Installing, updating, and uninstalling the AWS CLI version 2.

Use the AWS CONFIGURE command to set the access key and secret access key of your IAM user and your selected AWS Region (same as your S3 buckets) of your Amazon Redshift cluster.

In this section, we evaluate two different use cases:

  • New customer – As a new customer, you don’t have much Amazon Redshift old data, and want to extract only the oldest monthly data and apply a lifecycle policy based on creation date. Storage tiering only affects future data and is fully automated.
  • Old customer – In this use case, you come from a multi-year data growth, and need to move existing Amazon Redshift data to different storage classes. In addition, you want a fully automated solution but with the ability to override and decide what and when to transition data between S3 storage classes. This requirement is due to many factors, like the GDPR rule “right to be forgotten.” You may need to edit historical data to remove specific customer records, which changes the file creation date. For this reason, you need S3 Lifecycle rules based on tagging instead of creation date.

New customer use case

The UNLOAD command uses the result of an embedded SQL query to extract data from Amazon Redshift to Amazon S3, producing different file formats such as CSV, text, and Parquet. To extract data from January 2019, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a destination bucket like the following:
    aws s3 mb s3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post

  2. Create a folder named archive in the destination bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post:
    aws s3api put-object --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post -–key archive

  3. Use the following SQL code to implement the UNLOAD statement. The SELECT on Data data types requires quoting as well as a SELECT statement embedded in the UNLOAD command:
    unload ('select * from greentaxi where pickup between ''2019-01-01 00:00:00'' and ''2019-01-30 23:59:59''')
    to 's3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/archive/5to12years_taxi'
    iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/BlogSpectrumRole'; 

    1. You can perform a check with the AWS CLI:
      aws s3 ls s3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/archive/
      2020-10-12 14:49:51          0 
      2020-11-04 09:51:00   34792620 5to12years_taxi0000_part_00
      2020-11-04 09:51:00   34792738 5to12years_taxi0001_part_00

  • The output shows that the UNLOAD statement generated two files of 33 MB each. By default, UNLOAD generates at least one file for each slice in the Amazon Redshift cluster. My cluster is a single node with DC2 type instances with two slices. This default file format is text, which is not storage optimized.

    To simplify the process, you create a single file for each month so that you can later apply lifecycle rules to each file. In real-world scenarios, extracting data with a single file isn’t the best practice in terms of performance optimization. This is just to simplify the process for the purpose of this post.

    1. Create your files with the following code:
      unload ('select * from greentaxi where pickup between ''2019-01-01 00:00:00'' and ''2019-01-31 23:59:59''')
      to 's3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/archive/green_tripdata_2019-01'
      iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/BlogSpectrumRole' parquet parallel off;

    The output of the UNLOAD commands is a single file (per month) in Parquet format, which takes 80% less space than the previous unload. This is important to save costs related to both Amazon S3 and Glacier, but also for costs associated to Redshift Spectrum queries, which is billed by amount of data scanned.

    1. You can check how efficient Parquet is compared to text format:
      aws s3 ls s3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/archive/

      2020-08-12 17:17:42   14523090 green_tripdata_2019-01000.parquet 

    1. Clean up previous the text files:
      aws s3 rm s3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/ --recursive \
      --exclude "*" --include "archive/5to12*"

      The next step is creating a lifecycle rule based on creation date to automate the migration to S3-IA after 12 months and to Glacier after 15 months. The proposed policy name is 12IA-15Glacier and it’s filtered on the prefix archive/.

    1. Create a JSON file containing the lifecycle policy definition named json:
      	"Rules": [
      			"ID": "12IA-15Glacier",
      			"Filter": {
      				"Prefix": "archive"
      			"Status": "Enabled",
      			"Transitions": [
      				"Days": 365,
      				"StorageClass": "STANDARD_IA"
      	                    	"Days": 548,
      	                    	"StorageClass": "GLACIER"

    1. Run the following command to send the JSON file to Amazon S3:
      aws s3api put-bucket-lifecycle-configuration \ 
      --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post \ 
      --lifecycle-configuration file://lifecycle.json

    This lifecycle policy migrates all keys in the archive prefix from Amazon S3 to S3-IA after 12 months and from S3-IA to Glacier after 15 months. For example, if today were 2020-09-12, and you unload the 2020-03 data to Amazon S3, by 2021-09-12, this 2020-03 data is automatically migrated to S3-IA.

    If using this basic use case, you can skip the partition steps in the section Defining the external schema and external tables.

    Old customer use case

    In this use case, you extract data with different ageing in the same time frame. You extract all data from January 2019 to February 2019 and, because we assume that you aren’t using this data, archive it to S3 Glacier.

    Data from March 2019 to May 2019 is migrated as an external table on S3-IA, and data from June 2019 to November 2019 is migrated as an external table to S3 Standard. With this approach, you comply with customer long-term retention policies and regulations, and reduce TCO.

    You implement the retention strategy described in the Simulated use case and retention policy section.

    1. Create a destination bucket (if you also walked through the first use case, use a different bucket):
      aws s3 mb s3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post

    2. Create three folders named extract_longtermextract_midterm, and extract_shortterm in the destination bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post. The following code is the syntax for creating the extract_longterm folder:
      aws s3api put-object --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post –key

    3. Extract the data:
      unload ('select * from greentaxi where pickup between ''2019-01-01 00:00:00'' and ''2019-01-31 23:59:59''')
      	to 's3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_longterm/green_tripdata_2019-01'
      iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/BlogSpectrumRole' parquet parallel off;

    4. Repeat these steps for the February 2019 time frame.

    Managing data ageing with Amazon S3 storage classes and lifecycle policies

    In this section, you manage your data with storage classes and lifecycle policies.

    1. Migrate your keys in Parquet format to Amazon Glacier:
      aws s3api copy-object \
      --copy-source rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_longterm/green_tripdata_2019-01000.parquet \
      --storage-class GLACIER \
      --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post \
      --key extract_longterm/green_tripdata_2019-01000.parquet
      aws s3api copy-object \
      --copy-source rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_longterm/green_tripdata_2019-02000.parquet \
      --storage-class GLACIER \
      --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post \
      --key extract_longterm/green_tripdata_2019-02000.parquet

    2. Extract the data from March 2019 to May 2019 (months 12–15) and migrate them to S3-IA. The following code is for March:
      unload ('select * from greentaxi where pickup between ''2019-03-01 00:00:00'' and ''2019-03-31 23:59:59''')
      to 's3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_midterm/03/green_tripdata_2019-03'
      iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/BlogSpectrumRole' parquet parallel off;

    3. Repeat the previous step for April and May.
    4. Migrate all three months to S3-IA using same process as before. The following code is for March:
      aws s3api copy-object \
      --copy-source rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_midterm/03/green_tripdata_2019-03000.parquet \
      --storage-class STANDARD_IA \ 8. --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post \
      --key extract_midterm/03/green_tripdata_2019-03000.parquet 

    5. Do the same for other two months.
    6. Check the newly applied storage class with the following AWS CLI command:
      aws s3api head-object \
      --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post \
      --key extract_midterm/03/green_tripdata_2019-03000.parquet
          "AcceptRanges": "bytes",
          "LastModified": "2020-10-12T13:47:32+00:00",
          "ContentLength": 14087514,
          "ETag": "\"15bf39e6b3f32b10ef589d75e0988ce6\"",
          "ContentType": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8",
          "Metadata": {},
          "StorageClass": "STANDARD_IA"

    In the next step, you tag every monthly file with a key value named ageing set to the number of months elapsed from the origin date.

    1. Set March to 14, April to 13, and May to 12:
      aws s3api put-object-tagging \
      --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post \
      --key extract_midterm/03/green_tripdata_2019-03000.parquet \
      --tagging '{"TagSet": [{ "Key": "ageing", "Value": "14"} ]}'
      aws s3api put-object-tagging \
      --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post \
      --key extract_midterm/04/green_tripdata_2019-04000.parquet \
      --tagging '{"TagSet": [{ "Key": "ageing", "Value": "13"} ]}'
      aws s3api put-object-tagging \
      --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post \
      --key extract_midterm/05/green_tripdata_2019-05000.parquet \
      --tagging '{"TagSet": [{ "Key": "ageing", "Value": "12"} ]}'

    In this set of three objects, the oldest file has the tag ageing set to value 14, and the newest is set to 12. In the second post in this series, you discover how to manage the ageing tag as it increases month by month.

    The next step is to create a lifecycle rule based on this specific tag in order to automate the migration to Glacier at month 15. The proposed policy name is 15IAtoGlacier and the definition is to limit the scope to only object with the tag ageing set to 15 in the specific bucket.

    1. Create a JSON file containing the lifecycle policy definition named json:
          "Rules": [
                  "ID": "15IAtoGlacier",
                  "Filter": {
                      "Tag": {
                          "Key": "ageing",
                          "Value": "15"
                  "Status": "Enabled",
                  "Transitions": [
                          "Days": 1,
                          "StorageClass": "GLACIER"


    2. Run the following command to send the JSON file to Amazon S3:
      aws s3api put-bucket-lifecycle-configuration \
      --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post \
      --lifecycle-configuration file://lifecycle.json 

    This lifecycle policy migrates all objects with the tag ageing set to 15 from S3-IA to Glacier.

    Though I described this process as automating the migration, I actually want to control the process from the application level using the self-managed tag mechanism. I use this approach because otherwise, the transition is based on file creation date, and the objective is to be able to delete, update, or create a new file whenever needed (for example, to delete parts of records in order to comply to the GDPR “right to be forgotten” rule).

    Now you extract all data from June 2019 to November 2019 (7–11 months old) and keep them in Amazon S3 with a lifecycle policy to automatically migrate to S3-IA after ageing 12 months, using same process as described. These six new objects also inherit the rule created previously to migrate to Glacier after 15 months. Finally, you set the ageing tag as described before.

    Use the extract_shortterm prefix for these unload operations.

    1. Unload June 2019 with the following code:
      unload ('select * from greentaxi where pickup between ''2019-06-01 00:00:00 '' and ''2019-06-30 23:59:59''')
      to 's3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_shortterm/06/green_tripdata_2019-06'
      iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/BlogSpectrumRole' parquet parallel off;

    2. Use the same logic for the remaining months up to October.
    3. For November, see the following code:
      	unload ('select * from greentaxi where pickup between ''2019-11-01 00:00:00'' and ''2019-11-30 23:59:59''')
      	to 's3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_shortterm/11/green_tripdata_2019-11''
      	iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/BlogSpectrumRole' parquet parallel off;
      aws s3 ls –recursive s3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_shortterm/
      2020-10-12 14:52:11          0 extract_shortterm/
      2020-10-12 18:45:42          0 extract_shortterm/06/
      2020-10-12 18:46:49   10889436 extract_shortterm/06/green_tripdata_2019-06000.parquet
      2020-10-12 18:45:53          0 extract_shortterm/07/
      2020-10-12 18:47:03   10759747 extract_shortterm/07/green_tripdata_2019-07000.parquet
      2020-10-12 18:45:58          0 extract_shortterm/08/
      2020-10-12 18:47:24    9947793 extract_shortterm/08/green_tripdata_2019-08000.parquet
      2020-10-12 18:46:03          0 extract_shortterm/09/
      2020-10-12 18:47:45   10302432 extract_shortterm/09/green_tripdata_2019-09000.parquet
      2020-10-12 18:46:08          0 extract_shortterm/10/
      2020-10-12 18:48:00   10659857 extract_shortterm/10/green_tripdata_2019-10000.parquet
      2020-10-12 18:46:11          0 extract_shortterm/11/
      2020-10-12 18:48:14   10247201 extract_shortterm/11/green_tripdata_2019-11000.parquet

      aws s3 ls --recursive rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_longterm/

      2020-10-12 14:49:51          0 extract_longterm/
      2020-10-12 14:56:38   14403710 extract_longterm/green_tripdata_2019-01000.parquet
      2020-10-12 15:30:14   13454341 extract_longterm/green_tripdata_2019-02000.parquet

    4. Apply the tag ageing with range 11 to 6 (June 2019 to November 2019), using either the AWS CLI or console if you prefer.
    5. Create a new lifecycle rule named 12S3toS3IA, which transitions from Amazon S3 to S3-IA.
    6. With the AWS CLI, create a JSON file that includes the previously defined rule 15IAtoGlacier and new 12S3toS3IA, because the command s3api overwrites the current configuration (no incremental approach) with the new policy definition file (JSON). The following code is the new lifecycle.json:
          "Rules": [
                  "ID": "12S3toS3IA",
                  "Filter": {
                      "Tag": {
                          "Key": "ageing",
                          "Value": "12"
                  "Status": "Enabled",
                  "Transitions": [
                          "Days": 30,
                          "StorageClass": "STANDARD_IA"
                  "ID": "15IAtoGlacier",
                  "Filter": {
                      "Tag": {
                          "Key": "ageing",
                          "Value": "15"
                  "Status": "Enabled",
                  "Transitions": [
                          "Days": 1,
                          "StorageClass": "GLACIER"

      aws s3api get-bucket-lifecycle-configuration \
      --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post

    7. Check the applied policies with the following command:
      aws s3api get-bucket-lifecycle-configuration \
      --bucket rs-lakehouse-blog-post

  • You get in stdout a single JSON with merge of 15IAtoGlacier and 12S3toS3IA.

    Defining the external schema and external tables

    Before deleting the records you extracted from Amazon Redshift with the UNLOAD command, we define the external schema and external tables to enable Redshift Spectrum queries for these Parquet files.

    1. Enter the following code to create your schema:
      create external schema taxispectrum
      	from data catalog
      	database 'blogdb'
      	iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/BlogSpectrumRole'
      create external database if not exists;

    2. Create the external table taxi_archive in the taxispectrum external schema. If you’re walking through the new customer use case, replace the prefix extract_midterm with archive:
      create external table taxispectrum.taxi_archive(
      	vendor_id integer,
      	pickup timestamp,
      	dropoff timestamp,
      	storeandfwd char(2),
      	ratecodeid integer,
      	pulocid integer,
      	dolocid integer,
      	passenger_count integer,
      	trip_dist real,
      	fare_amount real,
      	extra real,
      	mta_tax real,
      	tip_amount real,
      	toll_amount real,
      	ehail_fee real,
      	improve_surch real,
      	total_amount real,
      	pay_type integer,
      	trip_type integer,
      	congest_surch real)
      	partitioned by (yearmonth char(7))
      	stored as parquet
      location 's3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_midterm/'

    3. Add the six files stored in Amazon S3 and three files stored in S3-IA as partitions (if you’re walking through the new customer use case, you can skip the following partitioning steps). The following code shows March and April:
      ALTER TABLE taxispectrum.taxi_archive
      ADD PARTITION (yearmonth='2019-03') 
      LOCATION 's3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_midterm/03/';
      ALTER TABLE taxispectrum.taxi_archive
      ADD PARTITION (yearmonth='2019-04') 
      LOCATION 's3://rs-lakehouse-blog-post/extract_midterm/04/';

    4. Continue this process up to December 2019, using extract_shortterm instead of extract_midterm.
    5. Check the table isn’t empty with the following SQL statement:
      Select count (*) from taxispectrum.taxi_archive 

    You get the number of entries in this external table.

    1. Optionally, you can check the partitions mapped to this table with a query to the Amazon Redshift internal table:
      select * from svv_external_partitions

      Run a SELECT command using partitioning in order to optimize costs related to Redshift Spectrum scanning:

      select * from taxispectrum.taxi_archive where yearmonth='2019-11' and fare_amount > 20

    2. Redshift Spectrum scans only specific partitions matching yearmonth.

    The final step is cleaning all the records extracted from the Amazon Redshift local tables:

    delete from public.greentaxi where pickup between '2019-01-01 00:00:00' and '2019-11-30 23:59:59'


    We demonstrated how to extract historical data from Amazon Redshift and implement an archive strategy with Redshift Spectrum and Amazon S3 storage classes. In addition, we showed how to optimize Redshift Spectrum scans with partitioning.

    In the next post in this series, we show how to operate this solution day by day, especially for the old customer use case, and share some best practices.

    About the Authors

    Cristian Gavazzeni is a senior solution architect at Amazon Web Services. He has more than 20 years of experience as a pre-sales consultant focusing on Data Management, Infrastructure and Security. During his spare time he likes eating Japanese food and travelling abroad with only fly and drive bookings.



    Francesco MarelliFrancesco Marelli is a senior solutions architect at Amazon Web Services. He has lived and worked in London for 10 years, after that he has worked in Italy, Switzerland and other countries in EMEA. He is specialized in the design and implementation of Analytics, Data Management and Big Data systems, mainly for Enterprise and FSI customers. Francesco also has a strong experience in systems integration and design and implementation of web applications. He loves sharing his professional knowledge, collecting vinyl records and playing bass.