All posts by David Winings

Overload to Overhaul: How We Upgraded Drive Stats Data

Post Syndicated from David Winings original

A decorative image showing the words "overload to overhaul: how we upgraded Drive Stats data."

This year, we’re celebrating 10 years of Drive Stats. Coincidentally, we also made some upgrades to how we run our Drive Stats reports. We reported on how an attempt to migrate triggered a weeks-long recalculation of the dataset, leading us to map the architecture of the Drive Stats data. 

This follow-up article focuses on the improvements we made after we fixed the existing bug (because hey, we were already in there), and then presents some of our ideas for future improvements. Remember that those are just ideas so far—they may not be live in a month (or ever?), but consider them good food for thought, and know that we’re paying attention so that we can pass this info along to the right people.

Now, onto the fun stuff. 

Quick Refresh: Drive Stats Data Architecture

The podstats generator runs on every Storage Pod, what we call any host that holds customer data, every few minutes. It’s a C++ program that collects SMART stats and a few other attributes, then converts them into an .xml file (“podstats”). Those are then pushed to a central host in each datacenter and bundled. Once the data leaves these central hosts, it has entered the domain of what we will call Drive Stats.  

Now let’s go into a little more detail: when you’re gathering stats about drives, you’re running a set of modules with dependencies to other modules, forming a data-dependency tree. Each time a module “runs”, it takes information, modifies it, and writes it to a disk. As you run each module, the data will be transformed sequentially. And, once a quarter, we run a special module that collects all the attributes for our Drive Stats reports, collecting data all the way down the tree. 

Here’s a truncated diagram of the whole system, to give you an idea of what the logic looks like:

A diagram of the mapped logic of the Drive Stats modules.
An abbreviated logic map of Drive Stats modules.

As you move down through the module layers, the logic gets more and more specialized. When you run a module, the first thing the module does is check in with the previous module to make sure the data exists and is current. It caches the data to disk at every step, and fills out the logic tree step by step. So for example, drive_stats, being a “per-day” module, will write out a file such as /data/drive_stats/2023-01-01.json.gz when it finishes processing. This lets future modules read that file to avoid repeating work.

This work deduplication process saves us a lot of time overall—but it also turned out to be the root cause of our weeks-long process when we were migrating Drive Stats to our new host. We fixed that by implementing versions to each module.  

While You’re There… Why Not Upgrade?

Once the dust from the bug fix had settled, we moved forward to try to modernize Drive Stats in general. Our daily report still ran quite slowly, on the order of several hours, and there was some low-hanging fruit to chase.

Waiting On You, failures_with_stats

First things first, we saved a log of a run of our daily reports in Jenkins. Then we wrote an analyzer to see which modules were taking a lot of time. failures_with_stats was our biggest offender, running for about two hours, while every other module took about 15 minutes.

An image showing runtimes for each module when running a Drive Stats report.
Not quite two hours.

Upon investigation, the time cost had to do with how the date_range module works. This takes us back to caching: our module checks if the file has been written already, and if it has, it uses the cached file. However, a date range is written to a single file. That is, Drive Stats will recognize “Monday to Wednesday” as distinct from “Monday to Thursday” and re-calculate the entire range. This is a problem for a workload that is essentially doing work for all of time, every day.  

On top of this, the raw Drive Stats data, which is a dependency for failures_with_stats, would be gzipped onto a disk. When each new query triggered a request to recalculate all-time data, each dependency would pick up the podstats file from disk, decompress it, read it into memory, and do that for every day of all time. We were picking up and processing our biggest files every day, and time continued to make that cost larger.

Our solution was what I called the “Date Range Accumulator.” It works as follows:

  • If we have a date range like “all of time as of yesterday” (or any partial range with the same start), consider it as a starting point.
  • Make sure that the version numbers don’t consider our starting point to be too old.
  • Do the processing of today’s data on top of our starting point to create “all of time as of today.”

To do this, we read the directory of the date range accumulator, find the “latest” valid one, and use that to determine the delta (change) to our current date. Basically, the module says: “The last time I ran this was on data from the beginning of time to Thursday. It’s now Friday. I need to run the process for Friday, and then add that to the compiled all-time.” And, before it does that, it double checks the version number to avoid errors. (As we noted in our previous article, if it doesn’t see the correct version number, instead of inefficiently running all data, it just tells you there is a version number discrepancy.) 

The code is also a bit finicky—there are lots of snags when it comes to things like defining exceptions, such as if we took a drive out of the fleet, but it wasn’t a true failure. The module also needed to be processable day by day to be usable with this technique.

Still, even with all the tweaks, it’s massively better from a runtime perspective for eligible candidates. Here’s our new failures_with_stats runtime: 

An output of module runtime after the Drive Stats improvements were made.
Ahh, sweet victory.

Note that in this example, we’re running that 60-day report. The daily report is quite a bit quicker. But, at least the 60-day report is a fixed amount of time (as compared with the all-time dataset, which is continually growing). 

Code Upgrade to Python 3

Next, we converted our code to Python 3. (Shout out to our intern, Anath, who did amazing work on this part of the project!) We didn’t make this improvement just to make it; no, we did this because I wanted faster JSON processors, and a lot of the more advanced ones did not work with Python 2. When we looked at the time each module took to process, most of that was spent serializing and deserializing JSON.

What Is JSON Parsing?

JSON is an open standard file format that uses human readable text to store and transmit data objects. Many modern programming languages include code to generate and parse JSON-format data. Here’s how you might describe a person named John, aged 30, from New York using JSON: 

“firstName”: “John”, 
“age”: 30,
“State”: “New York”

You can express those attributes into a single line of code and define them as a native object:

x = { 'name':'John', 'age':30, 'city':'New York'}

“Parsing” is the process by which you take the JSON data and make it into an object that you can plug into another programming language. You’d write your script (program) in Python, it would parse (interpret) the JSON data, and then give you an answer. This is what that would look like: 

import json

# some JSON:
x = '''
	"firstName": "John", 
	"age": 30,
	"State": "New York"

# parse x:
y = json.loads(x)

# the result is a Python object:

If you run this script, you’ll get the output “John.” If you change print(y["name"]) to print(y["age"]), you’ll get the output “30.” Check out this website if you want to interact with the code for yourself. In practice, the JSON would be read from a database, or a web API, or a file on disk rather than defined as a “string” (or text) in the Python code. If you are converting a lot of this JSON, small improvements in efficiency can make a big difference in how a program performs.

And Implementing UltraJSON

Upgrading to Python 3 meant we could use UltraJSON. This was approximately 50% faster than the built-in Python JSON library we used previously. 

We also looked at the XML parsing for the podstats files, since XML parsing is often a slow process. In this case, we actually found our existing tool is pretty fast (and since we wrote it 10 years ago, that’s pretty cool). Off-the-shelf XML parsers take quite a bit longer because they care about a lot of things we don’t have to: our tool is customized for our Drive Stats needs. It’s a well known adage that you should not parse XML with regular expressions, but if your files are, well, very regular, it can save a lot of time.

What Does the Future Hold?

Now that we’re working with a significantly faster processing time for our Drive Stats dataset, we’ve got some ideas about upgrades in the future. Some of these are easier to achieve than others. Here’s a sneak peek of some potential additions and changes in the future.

Data on Data

In keeping with our data-nerd ways, I got curious about how much the Drive Stats dataset is growing and if the trend is linear. We made this graph, which shows the baseline rolling average, and has a trend line that attempts to predict linearly.

A graph showing the rate at which the Drive Stats dataset has grown over time.

I envision this graph living somewhere on the Drive Stats page and being fully interactive. It’s just one graph, but this and similar tools available on our website would be 1) fun and 2) lead to some interesting insights for those who don’t dig in line by line. 

What About Changing the Data Module?

The way our current module system works, everything gets processed in a tree approach, and they’re flat files. If we used something like SQLite or Parquet, we’d be able to process data in a more depth-first way, and that would mean that we could open a file for one module or data range, process everything, and not have to read the file again. 

And, since one of the first things that our Drive Stats expert, Andy Klein, does with our .xml data is to convert it to SQLite, outputting it in a queryable form would save a lot of time. 

We could also explore keeping the data as a less-smart filetype, but using something more compact than JSON, such as MessagePack.

Can We Improve Failure Tracking and Attribution?

One of the odd things about our Drive Stats datasets is that they don’t always and automatically agree with our internal data lake. Our Drive Stats outputs have some wonkiness that’s hard to replicate, and it’s mostly because of exceptions we build into the dataset. These exceptions aren’t when a drive fails, but rather when we’ve removed it from the fleet for some other reason, like if we were testing a drive or something along those lines. (You can see specific callouts in Drive Stats reports, if you’re interested.) It’s also where a lot of Andy’s manual work on Drive Stats data comes in each month: he’s often comparing the module’s output with data in our datacenter ticket tracker.

These tickets come from the awesome data techs working in our data centers. Each time a drive fails and they have to replace it, our techs add a reason for why it was removed from the fleet. While not all drive replacements are “failures”, adding a root cause to our Drive Stats dataset would give us more confidence in our failure reporting (and would save Andy comparing the two lists). 

The Result: Faster Drive Stats and Future Fun

These two improvements (the date range accumulator and upgrading to Python 3) resulted in hours, and maybe even days, of work saved. Even from a troubleshooting point of view, we often wouldn’t know if the process was stuck, or if this was the normal amount of time the module should take to run. Now, if it takes more than about 15 minutes to run a report, you’re sure there’s a problem. 

While the Drive Stats dataset can’t really be called “big data”, it provides a good, concrete example of scaling with your data. We’ve been collecting Drive Stats for just over 10 years now, and even though most of the code written way back when is inherently sound, small improvements that seem marginal become amplified as datasets grow. 

Now that we’ve got better documentation of how everything works, it’s going to be easier to keep Drive Stats up-to-date with the best tools and run with future improvements. Let us know in the comments what you’d be interested in seeing.

The post Overload to Overhaul: How We Upgraded Drive Stats Data appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Drive Stats Data Deep Dive: The Architecture

Post Syndicated from David Winings original

A decorative image displaying the words Drive Stats Data Deep Dive: The Architecture.

This year, we’re celebrating 10 years of Drive Stats—that’s 10 years of collecting the data and sharing the reports with all of you. While there’s some internal debate about who first suggested publishing the failure rates of drives, we all agree that Drive Stats has had impact well beyond our expectations. As of today, Drive Stats is still one of the only public datasets about drive usage, has been cited 150+ times by Google Scholar, and always sparks lively conversation, whether it’s at a conference, in the comments section, or in one of the quarterly Backblaze Engineering Week presentations. 

This article is based on a presentation I gave during Backblaze’s internal Engineering Week, and is the result of a deep dive into managing and improving the architecture of our Drive Stats datasets. So, without further ado, let’s dive down the Drive Stats rabbit hole together. 

More to Come

This article is part of a series on the nuts and bolts of Drive Stats. Up next, we’ll highlight some improvements we’ve made to the Drive Stats code, and we’ll link to them here. Stay tuned!

A “Simple” Ask

When I started at Backblaze in 2020, one of the first things I was asked to do was to “clean up Drive Stats.” It had not not been ignored per se, which is to say that things still worked, but it took forever and the teams that had worked on it previously were engaged in other projects. While we were confident that we had good data, running a report took about two and a half hours, plus lots of manual labor put in by Andy Klein to scrub and validate drives in the dataset. 

On top of all that, the host on which we stored the data kept running out of space. But, each time we tried to migrate the data, something went wrong. When I started a fresh attempt at moving our dataset between hosts for this project, then ran the report, it ran for weeks (literally). 

Trying to diagnose the root cause of the issue was challenging due to the amount of history surrounding the codebase. There was some code documentation, but not a ton of practical knowledge. In short, I had my work cut out for me. 

Drive Stats Data Architecture

Let’s start with the origin of the data. The podstats generator runs on every Backblaze Storage Pod, what we call any host that holds customer data, every few minutes. It’s a legacy C++ program that collects SMART stats and a few other attributes, then converts them into an .xml file (“podstats”). Those are then pushed to a central host in each data center and bundled. Once the data leaves these central hosts, it has entered the domain of what we will call Drive Stats. This is a program that knows how to populate various types of data, within arbitrary time bounds based on the underlying podstats .xml files. When we run our daily reports, the lowest level of data are the raw podstats. When we run a “standard” report, it looks for the last 60 days or so of podstats. If you’re missing any part of the data, Drive Stats will download the necessary podstats .xml files. 

Now let’s go into a little more detail: when you’re gathering stats about drives, you’re running a set of modules with dependencies to other modules, forming a data dependency tree. Each time a module “runs”, it takes information, modifies it, and writes it to a disk. As you run each module, the data will be transformed sequentially. And, once a quarter, we run a special module that collects all the attributes for our Drive Stats reports, collecting data all the way down the tree. 

There’s a registry that catalogs each module, what their dependencies are, and their function signatures. Each module knows how its own data should be aggregated, such as per day, per day per cluster, global, data range, and so on. The “module type” will determine how the data is eventually stored on disk. Here’s a truncated diagram of the whole system, to give you an idea of what the logic looks like: 

A diagram of the mapped logic of the Drive Stats modules.

Let’s take model_hack_table as an example. This is a global module, and it’s a reference table that includes drives that might be exceptions in the data center. (So, any of the reasons Andy might identify in a report for why a drive isn’t included in our data, including testing out a new drive and so on.) 

The green drive_stats module takes in the json_podstats file, references the model names of exceptions in model_hack_table, then cross references that information against all the drives that we have, and finally assigns them the serial number, brand name, and model number. At that point, it can do things like get the drive count by data center. 

Similarly, pod_drives looks up the host file in our Ansible configuration to find out which Pods we have in which data centers. It then does attributions with a reference table so we know how many drives are in each data center. 

As you move down through the module layers, the logic gets more and more specialized. When you run a module, the first thing the module does is check in with the previous module to make sure the data exists and is current. It caches the data to disk at every step, and fills out the logic tree step by step. So for example, drive_stats, being a “per-day” module, will write out a file such as /data/drive_stats/2023-01-01.json.gz when it finishes processing. This lets future modules read that file to avoid repeating work.

This work-deduplication process saves us a lot of time overall—but it also turned out to be the root cause of our weeks-long process when we were migrating Drive Stats to our new host. 

Cache Invalidation Is Always Treacherous

We have to go into slightly more detail to understand what was happening. The dependency resolution process is as follows:

  1. Before any module can run, it checks for a dependency. 
  2. For any dependency it finds, it checks modification times. 
  3. The module has to be at least as old as the dependency, and the dependency has to be at least as old as the target data. If one of those conditions isn’t met, the data is recalculated. 
  4. Any modules that get recalculated will trigger a rebuild of the whole branch of the logic tree. 

When we moved the Drive Stats data and modules, I kept the modification time of the data (using rsync) because I knew in vague terms that Drive Stats used that for its caching. However, when Ansible copied the source code during the migration, it reset the modification time of the code for all source files. Since the freshly copied source files were younger than the dependencies, that meant the entire dataset was recalculating—and that represents terabytes of raw data dating back to 2013, which took weeks.

Note that Git doesn’t preserve mod times and it doesn’t save source files, which is part of the reason this problem exists. Because the data doesn’t exist at all in Git, there’s no way to clone-while-preserving-date. Any time you do a code update or deploy, you run the risk of this same weeks-long process being triggered. However, this code has been stable for so long, tweaks to it wouldn’t invalidate the underlying base modules, and things more or less worked fine.

To add to the complication, lots of modules weren’t in their own source files. Instead, they were grouped together by function. A drive_days module might also be with a drive_days_by_model, drive_days_by_brand, drive_days_by_size, and so on, meaning that changing any of these modules would invalidate all of the other ones in the same file. 

This may sound straightforward, but with all the logical dependencies in the various Drive Stats modules, you’re looking at pretty complex code. This was a poorly understood legacy system, so the invalidation logic was implemented somewhat differently for each module type, and in slightly different terms, making it a very unappealing problem to resolve.

Now to Solve

The good news is that, once identified, the solution was fairly intuitive. We decided to set an explicit version for each module, and save it to disk with the files containing its data. In Linux, there is something called an “extended attribute,” which is a small bit of space the filesystem preserves for metadata about the stored file—perfect for our uses. We now write a JSON object containing all of the dependent versions for each module. Here it is: 

A snapshot of the code written for the module versions.
To you, it’s just version code pinned in Linux’s extended attributes. To me, it’s beautiful.

Now we will have two sets of versions, one stored on the files written to disk, and another set in the source code itself. So whenever a module is attempting to resolve whether or not it is out of date, it can check the versions on disk and see if they are compatible with the versions in source code. Additionally, since we are using semantic versioning, this means that we can do non-invalidating minor version bumps and still know exactly which code wrote a given file. Nice!

The one downside is that you have to manually specify to preserve extended attributes when using many Unix tools such as rsync (otherwise the version numbers don’t get copied). We chose the new default behavior in the presence of missing extended attributes to be for the module to print a warning and assume it’s current. We had a bunch of warnings the first time the system ran, but we haven’t seen them since. This way if we move the dataset and forget to preserve all the versions, we won’t invalidate the entire dataset by accident—awesome! 

Wrapping It All Up

One of the coolest parts about this exploration was finding how many parts of this process still worked, and worked well. The C++ went untouched; the XML parser is still the best tool for the job; the logic of the modules and caching protocols weren’t fundamentally changed and had some excellent benefits for the system at large. We’re lucky at Backblaze that we’ve had many talented people work on our code over the years. Cheers to institutional knowledge.

That’s even more impressive when you think of how Drive Stats started—it was a somewhat off-the-cuff request. “Wouldn’t it be nice if we could monitor what these different drives are doing?” Of course, we knew it would have a positive impact on how we could monitor, use, and buy drives internally, but sharing that information is really what showed us how powerful this information could be for the industry and our community. These days we monitor more than 240,000 drives and have over 21.1 million days of data. 

This journey isn’t over, by the way—stay tuned for parts two and three where we talk about improvements we made and some future plans we have for Drive Stats data. As always, feel free to sound off in the comments. 

The post Drive Stats Data Deep Dive: The Architecture appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.