All posts by Derrick Stolee

The Story of Scalar

Post Syndicated from Derrick Stolee original

When you install Git v2.38, you’ll find a new executable tool available called scalar. At its core, Scalar enables the latest and greatest Git features for working with large repositories. By simply switching from git clone to scalar clone, you will have all of Git’s most impactful performance features, such as partial clone, sparse-checkout, background maintenance, and advanced config options neatly configured for your repository. Have you already cloned your repository? Run scalar register in it to get the same features.

Scalar and Git, together at last

Although Scalar is only now making its formal Git debut, this release represents the culmination of a multi-year journey. Today, we will share the story of how Scalar got to this point. We’ll start from what inspired its creation, how it evolved from a prototype carved out of the VFS for Git codebase, and finally how it landed in upstream Git. Each step of the way was guided by a set of development principles that helped us with each challenge and opportunity.

Special thanks to @chrisd8088, @dscho, @jeffhostetler, @jrbriggs, @kyle-rader, @mjcheetham, @ldennington, @prplr, @wilbaker, and all of the other contributors who helped make this happen!

Our development principles

Before we get into specifics about how Scalar was built and eventually rewritten and contributed upstream, we need to first establish some context. We entered the project with certain values that we used to guide our decisions. Here are a few that are particularly important to this story.

Rapid prototyping

Code speaks volumes. We could design an architecture all we want on paper, but when solving problems at scale, we need to have actual code running before we can make a final decision.

Before committing to a decision, we would quickly build a prototype and measure its performance. During this prototyping phase, we would take shortcuts to get to that point of measurement. Then, we’d throw everything we could at the prototype to make sure it was correct and fast.

Based on the prototype, we would commit to doing the careful engineering of building the feature again but with a test strategy, thoughtful architecture, and a plan for delivering it to users.

Incremental changes over complete rewrites

Looking at where we started to where we ended, it might seem like we are proponents of rewriting things from scratch. We intend to demonstrate exactly the opposite: Scalar moved with small incremental changes that solved an immediate need. While making those changes, we also optimized for reducing our technical debt and creating a better architecture, and that resulted in code moving from .NET to C and then from our fork to upstream Git, but each individual movement was relatively small compared to the entire system.

The biggest reason we focused on incremental changes was because of our next value.

Tests are an asset

Making any kind of software change adds risk to a project. That risk is mitigated when we have a large set of battle-hardened tests. With a robust test suite available, we were able to make significant changes to our architecture with confidence.

Work in the open

Other than the earliest prototypes, all changes were reviewed and merged completely in public, either in the microsoft/scalar repository or the microsoft/git repository. Scalar was an open source project from day one, and was never intended to be a project only for internal use. By contrast, VFS for Git was built as a tool for Microsoft’s internal use first, and open sourcing it was a bonus after it reached enough adoption. Not only did we value that transparency during Scalar’s development, but now we have a history of public code changes to talk about here.

Now that we’ve established these values, let’s begin the story of Scalar.

A catalyst forces a pivot

The Virtual FileSystem for Git project (VFS for Git for short—previously “GVFS”) was built specifically to transition the Microsoft Windows OS monorepo to Git. VFS for Git utilizes a virtual filesystem to lazily load files only when a filesystem read occurs. This greatly reduced the amount of work Git needed to do, but required installing the microsoft/git fork as well as the .NET VFS for Git software and use Azure Repos to host the repository.

Initially, the Microsoft Office monorepo was going to onboard to Git using VFS for Git, but they needed cross-platform support, specifically for macOS development. After getting pretty far in a macOS port, Apple deprecated the kernel features that provided the filesystem virtualization that was required for that flow.

We were in luck, however, because we had come to understand something a key quality of the Office monorepo: Office has a rigorous dependency system that clearly identifies which files are necessary for a local build. This means that a developer could specify the files they need to Git’s sparse-checkout feature instead of dynamically populating the worktree using a virtual filesystem. This also significantly simplifies the software needed to manage their monorepo!

However, there was a problem. The sparse-checkout feature had previously been abandoned as a direction for VFS for Git due to its performance. Git would use a list of patterns to match which paths should be in the worktree and which should be ignored. This pattern matching had an ordering strategy that required iterating through the entire pattern list for every possible path, requiring quadratic time! For one of the larger sparse-checkout definition examples we had, Git would take 40 minutes to evaluate the sparse-checkout patterns.

Sparse-checkout definitions are extremely generic. They include matching on file prefix, but also file suffix, or path substring, and any combination. For our target monorepo, we only needed directory matches. With that limited type of pattern in mind, we added a new mode to Git’s sparse-checkout feature: “cone mode” sparse-checkout. A quick prototype of cone mode sparse-checkout demonstrated that Git could reach similar performance as VFS for Git, especially when paired with the filesystem monitor hook. Our critical performance measurement was the git status command, and we were seeing performance within three or four seconds, which was close to the typical case in VFS for Git.

This was promising enough to move forward with a full prototype. We decided to make this a separate project from VFS for Git, so it needed its own name: Scalar.

Throw the first one away

Once we had a handle on Git command performance using Git’s sparse-checkout feature, we needed to adapt all of the code that allowed fast clones and fetches to work within that environment. For most Git hosting services, Git’s partial clone feature is the best way to solve for fast clones and fetches. However, Azure Repos has an earlier version that was built for VFS for Git called the GVFS protocol. We needed a way to speak the GVFS protocol to bootstrap clones and to dynamically fetch missing objects during Git commands.

This was our first point of asking, “Should we rewrite, or refactor?” The VFS for Git codebase already had all of the client-side code for speaking the GVFS protocol. Not only that, it also had a large set of end-to-end tests that constructed a complete clone from Azure Repos and then ran thousands of Git commands in that environment to make sure they operated exactly the same as a normal Git clone. Since those tests were a significant asset, we set out to construct the first version of this new project starting with the VFS for Git code.

In this initial prototype, we just wanted to get things working for the end-to-end tests to pass. This process included disabling the virtual filesystem code, but leaving all of the hooks that enabled the GVFS Protocol. We also needed to set up sparse-checkout at clone time before initializing the HEAD reference. This prototype was so rough it still didn’t have the Scalar name: it still operated as if it was the gvfs command-line interface.

Diagram showing that the pre-Scalar prototype mostly deleted code from the GVFS protocol.
The rapid prototyping phase mostly deleted code

The end result wasn’t pretty. We couldn’t hope to ship it since it would break compatibility with previous VFS for Git versions. The tests were cobbled together to make things work, but we had disabled sparse-checkout in the tests since the previous tests assumed that every path could be populated dynamically with the virtual filesystem. However, we got to a point where we could reliably create this new repository setup and measure its success. Since the clones were doing the exact same thing as in VFS for Git, the performance matched exactly. Now, we needed to rebuild it, and do it the right way.

Get to Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

From the success of our initial prototype, we moved on to creating an MVP that we could demo to internal users. Here is where we created the Scalar name, the microsoft/scalar repository, and started doing thorough reviews of all changes.

As a team, we decided it would be best to create a new repository rather than to build the project within the VFS for Git codebase. We did not want to be locked into the architecture of VFS for Git as we moved forward, and we also wanted to take advantage of the commit history for the code in the repository. The first task in creating the new project was renaming all references to the old project.

Diagram detailing that, between the pre-Scalar prototype and the version pushed to microsoft/git, many pieces were renamed.
Cleaning up the prototype and renaming things

Updating tests

The next step we had to do was to make sure that we were sufficiently testing the sparse-checkout environment. Recall that we used the full worktree to get tests passing in the prototype, but now we needed to actually be sure that our sparse-checkout environment would work properly.

For this, we found a minimal set of patterns that would include all of the concrete paths used by the test suite.

Then, we made sure that there were interesting changes happening outside of those patterns that would exercise Git features like git merge or git cherry-pick in interesting ways outside of the sparse-checkout definition.

Finally, we added specific tests that involved changing the sparse-checkout definition to make sure that Git would properly fill in the missing files. In this way, we were able to keep all of the existing tests while also adding new tests that were specific to our environment.

Evaluating the MVP

After completing the product changes and test updates, it was time to evaluate the solution. We ran performance numbers to ensure they matched what we saw in our prototype phase. We created local clones to use in daily work to try and catch any lingering bugs.

But it all came down to evaluating the solution with internal users. We demoed Scalar directly with the Office engineering system team and asked pointed questions about whether this would work for them.

In particular, we were worried about the performance of git checkout. In VFS for Git, git checkout is extremely fast because it doesn’t actually do much work. It clears the filesystem of concrete files and replaces them with virtualized files. The cost of populating the filesystem comes later when those files are read by an IDE or a build process. With Scalar, the filesystem is populated within the git checkout process, so that work is now upfront and clear to the user.

By working directly with the engineering system team, we learned that this git checkout performance was not an issue. Since git checkout changes source files, it invalidates the local build. Build times can take hours in this monorepo after taking new changes, so users typically do not use git checkout until the end of the day when they are ready to trigger a long build overnight. For this reason, git checkout was not a critical path for their developers. In fact, there was great interest in being able to know that they could disconnect from the network and still poke around the code without risk of finding a virtual file.

We were good to go with our plan for Scalar. However, the monorepo team needed to build something of their own. They needed a connection between their build system and sparse-checkout. While they built that, we had time to polish Scalar and make it easier to install and use.

Update architecture under stable conditions

With the benefit of a stable test suite and a few months of runway, we were able to take our MVP and rethink the architecture. In particular, we shed some architectural decisions that were critical to how VFS for Git works, but were no longer needed in Scalar.

VFS for Git requires a process running that can handle requests from the filesystem to populate virtualized content on-demand. The existence of this process creates the concept of a “mounted” repository, and even included the commands gvfs mount and gvfs unmount to toggle this state.

Because this process needed to exist, a lot of other things were placed in that process that could be relocated elsewhere in Scalar. We set out to remove the need for this process.

Since we had already removed the virtual filesystem code, there were two remaining pieces that were in the mount process: performing background maintenance and downloading objects via the GVFS protocol.

For background maintenance, we took the fastest approach and moved the scheduled tasks out of the mount process and into the Scalar.Service global singleton process. We had versions of this service for Windows and macOS to handle things like startup operations. Moving the maintenance tasks to this service was quick and easy.

For the object downloads, it was a bigger job. The existing architecture included a read-object hook custom to microsoft/git that was installed by the scalar clone command, and that hook communicated to the mount process which actually communicated with the server and placed the objects in the repository.

For this, we created a tool within microsoft/git to do these missing object queries via the GVFS protocol directly within the Git codebase. This tool lives underneath the code that fills in objects for Git’s partial clone feature. By connecting this tool to partial clone, we could work to improve partial clone while also helping Scalar users at the same time. One major benefit to working within the partial clone framework is that some missing object requests can be batched together into a single request, while the old read-object hook could only ask for one missing object at a time.

Finally, there was nothing important remaining in the mount process, so we deleted it. In addition, we were able to delete the old Git hook.

At this point, we had simplified the architecture to have fewer moving parts and were ready to ship internally.

Diagram showing that removing the mount process simplified Scalar's architecture.
Removing the mount process with the git-gvfs-helper

Upon success, look for low-hanging fruit

Shortly after announcing Scalar to the world, we realized that Scalar could have a larger benefit to the Git ecosystem than just very large monorepos using Azure Repos.

We extended scalar clone to use Git’s partial clone if the remote did not speak the GVFS protocol. In this way, scalar clone became something a user could run against any Git remote.

This was an inflection point in our lifecycle: we had accomplished what we set out to do, but wanted to put these tools in front of more people and find a wider audience. We started to shift our focus from making updates in the .NET project and instead contributing features to the upstream Git project.

Rethink architecture as conditions change

Up until this point, we were using the existing hook approach that speaks to a third-party filesystem monitor. This meant that we needed to install that third-party tool next to Scalar, but also scalar clone would install the hook in addition to all of its other operations. We realized that we could solve our installation complexities, reduce the complexity of scalar clone, and get faster performance if the filesystem monitor was built into Git. With that context, we began building Git’s builtin filesystem monitor. We took early versions into microsoft/git while it was reviewed carefully by the Git community.

Diagram showing early adoption of the builtinFS Monitor.
Early adoption of builtin FS Monitor

An important Scalar feature was background maintenance, which was accomplished by a service running in the background and launching Git commands at certain intervals to keep data fresh and well-organized. This service existed from the VFS for Git days, so it was easy to keep using it on Windows and macOS. However, when the Office team told us that they needed Linux clients to support some of their web developers, we focused on porting Scalar to Linux. This service was one platform-specific part that would be difficult to implement in .NET.

We decided that instead of creating a new service in Scalar, it would be better to implement background maintenance in Git. Once Git had its own cross-platform way of doing maintenance, Scalar could stop using its custom logic and instead rely on git maintenance run.

We then removed the service from Scalar.

Diagram showing that removing background maintenance from Scalar left only the CLI and tests.
Background maintenance leaves us with only the CLI and tests

After making this change, we took another look at our architecture and realized something. Suddenly, Scalar was only a command-line interface on top of Git. Why have it be in C#, separate from the Git source code?

The overhead of dealing with Scalar as a .NET tool was colliding with our maintenance costs of creating releases and shipping it to users. If Office developers require the microsoft/git fork of Git and another tool then things get tricky when we want to release a new version.

We had replaced so many features in the Scalar codebase with Git functionality that starting from a clean slate could allow us to build a more manageable architecture than that of the existing code. Also, by inserting the Scalar CLI into the Git codebase, we could take advantage of internal functions such as using Git config APIs instead of running git config processes to set recommended config values.

With these goals in mind, we ported the Scalar CLI to C in microsoft/git using less than 3,000 lines of code!

This endeavor to recreate the Scalar CLI in the microsoft/git codebase can best be appreciated by seeing that we deleted over 10 times the amount of code from microsoft/scalar than we added to microsoft/git when we removed all product code. We kept the microsoft/scalar repository around as a collection of tests, allowing us to be confident in the new code.

Diagram showing that once the CLI was ported to microsoft/git, only the tests were left behind.
Porting the CLI to microsoft/git leaves only the tests

This was our biggest step in the journey because it involved the largest rewrite of Scalar code. However, the requirements of the Scalar CLI at this point were well-defined and greatly simplified from earlier. We were able to immediately celebrate by no longer shipping the .NET Scalar application to our internal customers and instead rely on just shipping the microsoft/git fork.

There was one downside to this change, though. Before, you could install the .NET Scalar solution on top of any Git version and still get all the benefits of scalar clone. Now, users needed to replace their Git client with microsoft/git in order to get the latest Scalar version. We wanted to make Scalar useful to everyone, not just those that were willing to install our fork.

The journey into core Git

Porting Scalar to C not only enabled hosting the tool in microsoft/git, it opened up the possibility of making Scalar part of the upstream Git project. Although it wouldn’t be the first feature originating in microsoft/git that was contributed upstream, there was no clear precedent for something like Scalar: a standalone executable whose name didn’t start with git in the Git project. That might sound like nothing more than an implementation detail, but it represented a philosophical departure from the existing tools in Git. This divergence would drive us to define what Scalar meant for Git.

contrib/-uting to Git

From the outset, we knew there was a contingent of Git users that would benefit from Scalar beyond microsoft/git‘s typical user base. Features like the filesystem monitor, background maintenance, cone mode sparse-checkout, etc. had all become popular among developers in large repositories. Scalar exposed those and a multitude of other features more readily to users. Still, it wasn’t clear that Scalar as a standalone executable was the best—or Git-friendliest—way to present those features.

To gradually introduce the tool to the Git community, Scalar’s journey upstream began in Git’s contrib/ directory. From the contrib/ README:

Although these pieces are available as part of the official git
source tree, they are in somewhat different status.  The
intention is to keep interesting tools around git here, maybe
even experimental ones, to give users an easier access to them,
and to give tools wider exposure, so that they can be improved

Despite the loose requirements of contrib/, the submitted version of Scalar still required some changes from what was in microsoft/git. First was removing the GVFS protocol-supported clones. As we mentioned earlier, blobless clones were introduced into Scalar as a fallback for clones using the GVFS protocol, so the upstream version defaulted to using blobless partial clones instead. Additionally, to preserve the separation between contrib/ and the main Git repository, the GitHub Actions workflow was also stripped of references to Scalar, including execution of the microsoft/scalar test suite.

However, being in contrib/ did have some drawbacks. In order to build and install Scalar, a user needed to not only build Git from source, but know to navigate into contrib/scalar/ and build that as well. The separate build and test process also left it prone to changes in the rest of Git unintentionally breaking it. Even with these challenges, this arrangement was exactly what Scalar needed while its features were built out and long-term plan was developed. As we drew closer to finishing those features, we needed to finally answer the question: what should we do with Scalar?

Home sweet home

As soon as the possibility of upstreaming Scalar materialized, there were lots of ideas about what its final form would look like. One popular idea—which can be found in the original RFC—was to dissolve Scalar into a collection of new git commands and options to existing commands. Another was to have scalar reside in the Git tree in a dedicated subdirectory, like gitk. Another was to reimagine it as a Git built-in command: something like git scalar. Along with these implementation decisions came overarching questions of maintenance and relevance to Git.

As the tool was nearing feature completion upstream and the downsides of contrib/ isolation were weighing on the project, we took a step back and revisited the questions of Scalar’s identity. The result was a proposal to update Scalar’s documentation and outline a three-part approach to making the tool generally available in Git:

  1. Add any remaining large repo performance features to Scalar.
  2. Extract the parts of Scalar that are generally applicable to all Git users into built-in commands and/or options.
  3. Move Scalar into the root tree of Git, built and installed as a standalone executable alongside git.

The crux of this approach was a new framing of Scalar within the Git project. Scalar began, like VFS for Git before it, as a tool with its own features and opinions: how to configure a repository, what workflows to use, etc. As it evolved, those features and opinions were folded into Git or adjusted to align better with the upstream project, leaving Scalar with only the parts that fit the very specific role of configuring large repositories. In essence, Git had a user experience niche left by its myriad of large repo-focused performance features. Scalar filled that niche.

The roadmap to Scalar’s completion emerged from this philosophy. First, a few more particularly impactful features would be added to it (namely, the built-in FSMonitor). Then, because Scalar’s purpose is to configure features for large repositories that aren’t set up by default in Git, the parts that serve all Git users (such as repository diagnostics in scalar diagnose) would be extracted into new or existing Git commands. Finally, Scalar would be moved out of contrib/ and into the main build of the repository, intended to continue existing as a dedicated tool for managing large Git repositories.

The best laid plans often go awry but, fortunately, this one didn’t. Over the course of three upstream patch series, Scalar was streamlined inside of contrib/, then moved into its new home as part of core Git. And just in time for the v2.38.0 release!

Diagram showing that the Scalar project was contributed to git/git.
Scalar now lives in the core git/git project

The past, present, and future of Scalar

We’ve shared the story of Scalar not only to publicize a new and exciting feature in Git (seriously, go try it!), but also to illustrate one of the many paths an open source project can take to reach its users. Planning and re-planning, designing and redesigning, and no shortage of engineering lessons were all necessary steps to make Scalar the powerful tool it is today.

It is now a fully-integrated part of Git, but Scalar’s journey is far from over. Scalability and performance in Git is a hot topic—our own engineering blog is a testament to that—and consistent improvement in that area will undoubtedly be part of Scalar’s future. Today, though, Scalar’s eventful history is what has shaped it into the best way to unlock Git’s full potential on your largest repositories.

Git’s database internals V: scalability

Post Syndicated from Derrick Stolee original

This week, we are exploring Git’s internals with the following concept in mind:

Git is the distributed database at the core of your engineering system.

When the database at the core of an application approaches scale limits of a single database node, a common strategy is to shard the database. By splitting the database into multiple components, we can scale beyond the limits of a single node.

For Git, large repositories can have a similar feeling. While there exist some extremely large monorepos operating with success, they require careful attention and advanced features. For some, that effort is better spent sharding the repository. Just like sharding an application database, there are many ways to split a Git repository, with various trade-offs.

When sharding an application database, there are a number of factors to consider.

Some application databases include automatic horizontal sharding based on a shard key, which is usually a string literal that can be sorted lexicographically so related values appear in the same shard due to a common prefix in the shard key. There is no immediate way to shard Git’s object store in this way. The object IDs are hashes of the object contents and have essentially random prefixes.

Instead, we think of sharding strategies that split the repository by other structures, including logical components, paths in the worktree, and time periods in the commit history.

Component sharding: multi-repo

One way to shard an application database is to split out entire tables that can be operated independently and managed by independent services. The Git equivalent is to split a repository in to multiple smaller repositories with no concrete links between them. This creates a multi-repo sharding strategy.

The common approach to this strategy is to extract functionality out of a monolith into a microservice, but that microservice exists in its own Git repository that is not linked at all to the monolith’s repository. This effort might remove code from the monolith across multiple path prefixes due to the monolith’s architecture.

Multi-repo sharding strategy that extracts functionality out of a monolith into a microservice that exists in its own Git repository.

Using this strategy works best if each microservice is paired with a team that manages that repository, including full responsibility for developing, testing, deploying, and monitoring that service. This is very similar to the application database sharding strategy, where there is typically one application component connected to that database shard. There is no need for other components to be aware of that database since it is hidden by the component interface.

Multi-repo environments work best when there is a similar “human abstraction” where the team is autonomous as long as their service satisfies certain contracts that other teams depend on.

The tricky part of the multi-repo setup is that it requires human overhead to track where these component repositories live and how they link together. The only way to link the connections of the larger service ecosystem is through documentation and siloed experiential knowledge. System-wide efforts, such as security audits, become difficult to track to completion.

Another main downside to the multi-repo organization is that shared dependencies become difficult to manage. Common dependencies must be imported using package managers instead of using source control updates. This can make it difficult to track the consumers of those dependencies, leading to a lack of test coverage when updating those core components.

The next sharding strategy solves some of these multi-repo issues by collecting all of the smaller repositories into one larger super-repository.

Horizontal sharding: submodules

Git submodules allow a repository to include a link to another repository within its worktree. The super repository contains one or more submodules at specific paths in the worktree. The information for each submodule is stored in the .gitmodules file, but the tree entry for that submodule’s path points to a commit in the submodule repository.

Submodules create a way to stitch several smaller repositories into a single larger repository. Each has its own distinct commit history, ref store, and object store. Each has its own set of remotes to synchronize. When cloning the super repository, Git does not recursively clone the submodule by default, allowing the user to opt-in to the submodules they want to have locally.

One main benefit of using a super repository is that it becomes the central hub for finding any of the smaller repositories that form a multi-repo setup. This is similar to a horizontally sharded application database that uses a shard coordinator database to actively balance the shards and run queries on the correct shard.

Diagram showing how a Git super repository can become the central hub for finding any of the smaller repositories that form a multi-repo setup.

Further, certain global properties can be guaranteed via continuous integration builds such as cross-submodule source dependencies. In this setup, the super project creates requirements that it cannot advance a submodule unless all builds and tests in the super project pass. This creates some safety that a core component does not break any consumer in the super project.

This global structure has a cost. The submodule repositories become less independent. Since they have their own Git hosting location, users can update them by pushing changes. This can even be done with local builds that make sure that component is self-consistent. However, any update to the submodule repository is incomplete until the super project updates its path pointer to that commit. At the same time, should the submodule repository move forward before that change has been validated within the super repository?

This contention between the independence of the submodule repository and the inter-dependence of submodules in the super repository is a major hurdle. It is up to the architects of this arrangement to create policies and procedures to ensure that all of the components interact well with the entire system.

One common issue developers have in a submodule environment is when there is a source dependency across multiple submodules. If a breaking change is introduced in one submodule repository, the consumer repositories need to be updated to take advantage of those changes. However, this means that all of the submodules need to coordinate when they are updated into the super repository.

There are a lot of tools out there in the wild to help manage submodules, all built on top of the git submodule command. One famous example is Google’s repo tool that coordinates changes across multiple submodules.

If you are interested in submodules and super repository workflows, then you would likely benefit from coming to Git Merge 2022 (or, watching the videos afterward), especially Emily Shaffer’s talk, “An Improved Workflow for Submodules.”

Using a single worktree: Monorepos

The previous two examples focused on reducing the size of Git repositories by breaking them up based on the worktree. By having fewer files in each repository, fewer developers are interacting with each and the repositories grow more slowly. Each approach had its benefits and trade-offs, and one big issue with each was build-time source dependencies between components.

Another common way to avoid source dependencies across multiple repositories is to only have one repository: a monorepo. Here, I’m defining a monorepo as a repository containing all source code required to build and ship a large system. This does not mean that every single file written by an employee of the company must be tracked in “the monorepo.” Instead, monorepos are defined by their strategy for how they choose to include components in the same repository:

If it ships together, it merges together.

One pattern that is increasing in popularity is the service-oriented architecture (SOA) monorepo. In this environment, all of the code for the application is contained in the same repository, but each component deploys as an independent service. In this pattern, each component can be tested against the current version of all of the other services before it is deployed.

The monorepo pattern solves many of the coordination issues discussed in the previous sharding strategies. The biggest downside is that the repository itself grows very quickly. As discussed in the previous parts of this series, Git has many advanced features that improve performance even for large repositories. Monorepos more frequently need to enable those advanced Git features, even for client repositories.

One of the main costs of a monorepo is actually the build system. If every change to the monorepo requires passing builds across the entire system, then the build system needs to take advantage of incremental builds so updates to a single component do not require building the entire monorepo. Most groups using large monorepos have a team dedicated to the developer experience, including improving the build system. Frequently, these build improvements can also lead to being able to use advanced Git features such as sparse-checkout and partial clone, which can greatly reduce the amount of data necessary for client repositories to interact with the monorepo.

Even with a carefully designed architecture and the best Git features available, monorepos can still grow incredibly fast. It may be valuable to take a monorepo and find creative ways to split it and reset the size to something smaller.

Time-based sharding

One solution to a fast-growing monorepo is to consider it as if it was a time-series database: the changes over time are important, so what if it shards based on time instead of based on the worktree?

When performing a time-based shard, first determine a point in time where the existing monorepo can be paused and all movement on the trunk branch can be blocked. Pausing work on a monorepo is very unusual, so should be done with extreme care and preparation.

After pausing the changes to the monorepo’s trunk, create a new repository with the same root tree as the current trunk of the old monorepo, but with a brand new root commit. Be sure to reference the old monorepo and its tip commit somewhere in the message of that new root commit. This commit can be pushed to a new repository.

Diagram representing the time-based sharding strategy.

For a quick refresher on how we represent Git objects, see the key below.

Key to how Git objects are represented. A green circle represents a commit; a blue triangle represents a tree; and a red box represents a blob.

Any ongoing work in the old monorepo must be replayed on top of the new repository. One way to do this is to rebase each topic branch onto the final commit of the trunk branch, then generate patches with git format-patch and then apply those patches in the new repository with git am.

Diagram representing how ongoing work in the old monorepo is replayed on top of the new repository using rebasing and patches.

After the new monorepo shard is created, the old monorepo can be archived as a read-only repository as all new work continues in the new monorepo. There are likely many updates required to ensure that everyone knows the new monorepo location as well as repository secrets to update. If your repository uses infrastructure as code patterns, then almost all of the information for building, testing, and deploying the monorepo will automatically be ready in the new monorepo.

Even with all of these precautions, performing a time-based shard like this is disruptive and requires a timeframe where no new work is merging into the trunk. If you are considering doing this in your engineering system, then I highly recommend doing a few test runs to make sure you minimize the time between locking the old shard and deploying out of the new shard.

The biggest benefit of this approach is that it can be done at any time regardless of the shape of your worktree. The other sharding methods require some amount of architecture changes in order to split into multiple repos or submodules. This approach cuts out the potentially large commit history and all of the old versions of files without changing the repository structure at the tip.

A time-based shard might be particularly beneficial if your commit history includes some anti-patterns for Git repositories, such as large binary files. If you have done the hard work to clean up the worktree at the tip of your repository, you may still want to clear those old files. This sharding approach is similar to rewriting history, except that the new monorepo can have an even smaller size.

However, that commit history from the old monorepo is still important! We just discussed commit history and file history queries in this blog series. It is extremely important to be able to find the reasons why the code is in its current form. In the new monorepo shard, it will look like the entire codebase was created in a single commit!

To satisfy these history queries, Git can combine the two histories in a way that allows a seamless history query, though at some performance cost. The good news is that these history queries across the shard boundary may be common at first, but become less common as time goes on.

The first step to combining the two shards together is to have a local clone of each. In the new shard, add the object store of the old repository as a Git alternate. Add the full path to the .git/objects directory of the old repository into the .git/objects/info/alternates file in the new repository. While this file exists, it allows Git processes in the new repository to see the objects in the old one.

The second step is to use git replace to create a reference that tells Git to swap the contents of the new root commit with the tip of the old repository. Since those commits share the same root tree, the only change will be the message and commit parents at that point. This allows walking “through” the link into the previous commit history.

Strategy for combining two shards together by having a local clone of each.

It is important to note that operating with replace objects enabled comes at some performance cost. In addition to having the large commit history that existed before the split, some features like the commit-graph file discussed in part II are not compatible with replace objects. For this reason, operating in this combined mode should only be done when it is critical to do history queries across the shard boundary.

One way to guarantee that the combined history is quickly available, but does not affect normal Git operations is to “hide” the replace references using the GIT_REPLACE_REF_BASE environment variable. This writes the replace reference in a non-standard location, so the replacement is only effective when that environment variable is set to your custom value.

Using replace references to view a combined form of the history can also help transition ongoing work from the old repository to the new one. While in the combined mode, users can use git rebase to move their topics from the old history to the new history. They no longer need to use the git format-patch and git am transformation.

Here is a concrete example for how I created a time-based shard of the Git repository starting at the v2.37.0 tag:

$ git init
$ echo /home/stolee/_git/git/src/.git/objects >.git/objects/info/alternates

$ git commit-tree -m "new root commit" \
                  -m "Sharded from e4a4b31577c7419497ac30cebe30d755b97752c5" \
                  -m "Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <[email protected]>" \

$ GIT_REPLACE_REF_BASE=refs/shard git replace \
                  b49d35c8288501462ca1a008b3bb2efb9b4c4a9d \

$ git log --oneline
b49d35c828 (HEAD -> master) new root commit

$ GIT_REPLACE_REF_BASE=refs/shard git log --oneline -n 5
b49d35c828 (HEAD -> master, replaced) Git 2.37
49c837424a Merge branch 'jc/revert-show-parent-info'
5dba4d6540 Merge tag 'l10n-2.37.0-rnd1' of
fc0f8bcd64 revert: config documentation fixes
71e3a31e40 l10n: sv.po: Update Swedish translation (5367t0f0u)

You can follow the instructions in the sharded repository to experience cloning the two repositories and using the combined history as needed.

Time-based shards can be successful in reducing several dimensions of scale that cause friction in a large monorepo. However, the hurdle of transitioning work to a new repository location may be too disruptive for your group. There is one final sharding strategy I’ll discuss today, and it keeps the logistical structure of the monorepo in a single location while still improving how client repositories interact with the remote repository.

Data offloading

When a database grows, it may be beneficial to recognize that some data elements are infrequently accessed and to move that data to less expensive, but also lower performance storage mechanisms. It is possible to do this with Git repositories as well!

It is possible to think about partial clone as a way to offload data to secondary storage. A blobless clone (created by git clone --filter=blob:none) downloads the full commit history and all reachable trees from the origin server, but only downloads blob contents when necessary. In this way, the initial clone can be much faster and the amount of local storage greatly reduced. This comes at a cost that when Git needs a blob to satisfy a git checkout or git blame query, Git needs to communicate across the network to get that information. Frequently, that network hop requires going great distances across the internet and not just a local area network.

This idea of offloading data to secondary storage can work even better if there is a full clone of the remote repository available to add as an alternate. Perhaps the repository lives on a network fileshare that is accessible on the local network. Perhaps your IT department sets up new machines with a hard-disk drive containing a static copy of the repository from certain points in time. In either case, a blobless partial clone can add that static repository as an alternate, providing a faster lookup location for the blobs that do not exist in the local object store.

One major benefit of this kind of setup is that most custom query indexes, such as the commit-graph and changed-path Bloom filters, work automatically in this environment. This can be a great way to bootstrap local clones while minimizing the effect of missing blobs in a partial clone.

However, the current organization only helps at clone time. All fetches and future operations still grow the local repository size at the same rate, without ever reducing the size of the repository.

It is possible to take this idea of data offloading and use it to move data out of your local repository and into secondary storage, freeing up your expensive-but-fast storage for cheap-but-slower storage.

The key idea is again to use Git alternates, and create an alternate that points to some area of secondary storage. The second step is to discover objects in the repository history that are infrequently used, then copy them to that alternate and delete them from the local copy.

To decide what is an “infrequently used” object, we can use the commit history. The commits themselves are cheap and used for many commit history queries, so always keep those in the local storage. Similarly, keep each root tree. Also, objects reachable from recent root trees should be kept locally. (Feel free to be flexible to what you think “recent” means.)

After we know that we care about these objects, there are many ways we can decide what else should be kept. We could have a hard cutoff where we only keep root trees and no other objects older than that cutoff. We could also taper off the object list by first moving the blobs older than the cutoff, then slowly removing trees at certain depths, keeping fewer and fewer trees as the history gets older and older. There are a lot of possibilities to explore in this space.

Diagram representing secondary storage offloading based on recency.

I don’t know of any existing tool that does this kind of secondary storage offloading based on recency, but I think it could be really useful for some of these large monorepos. If this is something you think would work for your team, then try building it yourself tailored to your specific needs. Just promise that you’ll tell me if you do, because I want to see it!

Let’s keep the conversation going!

Thank you for reading this blog series! I had a lot of fun writing it and thinking about these advanced Git features and some potential extensions.

This may be the end of my prepared writing, but I will keep thinking of Git like a database for a very long time. If you have additional ideas to share, then please ping me on Twitter so we can keep the conversation going. I’ll also be speaking at Git Merge 2022 covering all five parts of this blog series, so I look forward to seeing you there!

Git’s database internals IV: distributed synchronization

Post Syndicated from Derrick Stolee original

This week, we are exploring Git’s internals with the following concept in mind:

Git is the distributed database at the core of your engineering system.

Git’s distributed nature comes from its decentralized architecture. Each repository can act independently on its own without needing to connect to a central server. Repository hosting providers, such as GitHub, create a central place where contributors can collaborate on changes, but developers can work on their own and share their code with the “official” copy when they are ready. CI/CD systems like GitHub Actions help build farms get the latest changes then run builds and tests.

Instead of guaranteeing consistency across the entire repository, the git fetch and git push commands provide ways for repository owners to synchronize select portions of their repositories through reference updates and sharing Git objects. All of these operations require sharing just enough of the Git object data. Git uses several mechanisms to efficiently compute a small set of objects to share without requiring a full list of objects on each side of the exchange. Doing so requires taking advantage of the object store’s shape, including commit history, tree walking, and custom data structures.

Distributed in the most disconnected way

The first thing to consider about a distributed system is the CAP theorem, which states that the system cannot simultaneously be consistent, available, and resilient to partitions (network disconnections). For most distributed systems, network partitions are supposed to be rare and short, even if they are unavoidable.

With Git, partitions are the default state. Each user chooses when to synchronize information across these distributed copies. Even when they do connect, it can be only a partial update, such as when a user pushes one of their local branches to a remote server.

With this idea of being disconnected by default, Git needs to consider its synchronization mechanisms differently than other databases. Each copy can have an incredibly different state and each synchronization has a different goal state.

To start, let’s focus on the case of git fetch run on a client repository and trying to synchronize with a remote repository. Further, let’s assume that we are trying to get all objects reachable from the remote’s branches in refs/heads/ and we will write copies of those refs in refs/remotes/<remote>.

The first thing that happens in this process is called the ref advertisement where the client requests the list of references available on the remote. There are some subtleties about how this works, such as when using Git’s protocol v2. For our purposes, we can assume that the client sends a request and the server sends back a list of every branch in the refs/heads/ and refs/tags/ namespaces along with the current object ID at that branch. The client then filters from that list of references and continues the rest of the communication using object IDs.

You can test the ref advertisement directly using the git ls-remote command, which requests the ref advertisement but does not download any new objects.

$ git ls-remote --heads origin
4af7188bc97f70277d0f10d56d5373022b1fa385        refs/heads/main
00d12607a27e387ad78b5957afa05e89c87e83a5        refs/heads/maint
718a3a8f04800cd0805e8fba0be8862924e20718        refs/heads/next
b8d67d57febde72ace37d40301a429cd64f3593f        refs/heads/seen

Quick tip: synchronize more frequently

Since client repositories usually only synchronize with remotes when the user manually runs git fetch or git pull, it can be helpful to reduce the amount of object transfer required by synchronizing more frequently. When there are fewer “new” objects, less work is required for the synchronization.

The simplest way to do that is to use Git’s background maintenance feature. The git maintenance start command configures regularly-scheduled maintenance, including an hourly “prefetch” task that downloads the latest objects from all remotes. The remote refs are copied into the hidden refs/prefetch/ namespace instead of the usual refs/remotes/ namespace. This allows foreground git fetch commands to update the refs/remotes/ namespace only when requested manually.

This idea is very simple, since it speeds up foreground synchronizations by making sure there is less work to do. Frequently, it can mean that the only work to do is to update the refs in refs/remotes/ since all of the Git objects already exist in the client repository. Those background fetches are made more efficient by running frequently, but let’s discover exactly what happens during a fetch in order to understand how this is possible.

The ultimate question: Which objects are in one copy but not in another?

This synchronization boils down to a new type of query. In its simplest form, this query needs to find a set of objects that is in one repository but not in another. This is a set difference query. If we had the entire repository contents available, then we could list each object in one copy and check if that object exists in the other. Even if we were not working over a network connection, that algorithm takes time on the order of the number of objects in the repository, far more than the number of objects in the result set difference.

We also care about Git’s object graph. We only want objects that are reachable from some set of references and do not care about unreachable objects. Naively iterating over the object store will pick up objects that are not reachable from our chosen refs, adding wasted objects to the set.

Let’s modify our understanding of this query. Instead of being a simple set difference query where we want all objects that are in one repository but not in another, we actually want a reachable set difference query. We are looking for the set of objects that are reachable from a set of objects and not reachable from another set of objects.

Note that I am using objects as the starting point of the reachable set difference query. The Git client is asking to fetch a given set of objects based on the ref advertisement that is already complete. If the server updates a ref in between, the client will not see that change until the next time it fetches and gets a new copy of the ref advertisement.

Git uses the terms wants and haves to define the starting points of this reachable set difference query.

  • A want is an object that is in the serving repository and the client repository requests. These object IDs come from the server’s ref advertisement that do not exist on the client.
  • A have is an object that the client repository has in its object store. These object IDs come from the client’s references, both in refs/heads/ and in refs/remotes/<remote>/.

At this point, we can define the reachable set difference as the objects reachable from any of the wants but not reachable from any haves. In the most extreme case, the fetch operation done as part of git clone uses no haves and only lists a set of wants.

Given a set of wants and haves, we have an additional wrinkle: the remote might not contain the ‘have’ objects. Using tips of refs/remotes/<remote>/ is a good heuristic for finding objects that might exist on the server, but it is no guarantee.

For this reason, Git uses a fetch negotiation step where the client and server communicate back and forth about sets of wants and haves where they can communicate about whether each is known or not. This allows the server to request that the client looks deeper in its history for more ‘have’ objects that might be in common between the client and the server. After a few rounds of this, the two sides can agree that there is enough information to compute a reachable set difference.

Now that the client and server have agreed on a set of haves and wants, let’s dig into the algorithms for computing the object set.

Walking to discover reachable set differences

Let’s start by talking about the simplest way to compute a reachable set difference: use a graph walk to discover the objects reachable from the haves, then use a graph walk to discover the objects reachable from the wants that were not already discovered.

For a quick refresher on how we represent Git objects, see the key below.

Key to how Git objects are represented visually. A green circle represents a commit; a blue triangle represents a tree; and a red box represents a blob.

As discussed in part II, Git’s commit history can be stored in the commit-graph file for fast commit history queries. In this way, Git could walk all of the commits from the haves, then walk to their root trees, then recursively walk trees until finding all trees and blobs reachable from those commits. During this walk, Git can mark each object in-memory with a special flag indicating it is in this reachable set.

To find the reachable set difference, Git can walk from the want objects following each commit parent, root tree, and recursively through the trees. This second walk ignores the objects that were marked in the previous step so each visited object is part of the set difference.

In the figure below, the commit B is a have and the commit A is a want. Two sets are shown. First, everything reachable from B is grouped into a set. The second set is the reachable set difference containing everything reachable from A but not reachable from B.

Figure representing a walk through two commits: a "want" (commit A) and a "have" (commit B).

While this walking algorithm is a natural one to consider, it has a number of significant performance penalties.

First, we will spend a lot of time parsing trees in order to discover their tree entries. We noted in part III that tree parsing is expensive and that was when talking about file history where we only needed to parse trees along a single path. In addition, there are usually many tree entries that point to the same object. For example, an open source license file is usually added once and never modified in a repository. By contrast, almost every commit has a distinct root tree. Thus, each commit introduces a tree with a tree entry pointing to that license file. Git needs to test if the license file is already in the set each time it parses that tree entry. That’s a lot of work. We will revisit how to reduce the time spent parsing trees and following tree entries later, though it will require a new data structure.

The second performance penalty is that this walk requires visiting the entire commit history and likely walking a majority of the Git objects. That cost is paid even if the only objects in the reachable set difference is one commit that changes the README, resulting in a total of one commit, one tree, and one blob in the set difference. The fact that the cost does not scale with the expected output means that even frequent fetches will not reduce this cost.

Thankfully, there is a way to tweak this algorithm to reduce this second cost without needing any new data structures.

Discovering a frontier

If we think about the reachable set difference problem from the perspective of an arbitrary directed graph, then the full walk algorithm of the previous section is the best we can do. However, the Git object graph has additional structure, including different types of objects. Git uses the structure of the commit history to its advantage here, as well as some assumptions about how Git repositories are typically used.

If we think about Git repositories as storing source code, we can expect that code is mostly changed by creating new code. It is rare that we revert changes and reintroduce the exact copy of a code file that existed in the past. With that in mind, walking the full commit history to find every possible object that ever existed is unlikely to be helpful in determining the set of “new” objects.

Instead of walking every object in the full commit history, Git uses the commit history of the haves and wants to discover a frontier of commits. These commits are the commits that are reachable from the haves but are on the boundary between the reachable set difference and the common history. For a commit A to be in the frontier, there must be at least one commit B whose parent is A and B is reachable from the wants but not reachable from the haves.

This idea of a frontier can be visualized using the git log --boundary query with a commit range parameter. In the example below, we are exploring the commits reachable from d02cc45c7a but not reachable from 3d8e3dc4fc. The commits marked with o are on this boundary.

$ git log --graph --oneline --boundary 3d8e3dc4fc..d02cc45c7a
*   acdb1e1053 Merge branch 'mt/checkout-count-fix'
| * 611c7785e8 checkout: fix two bugs on the final count of updated entries
| * 11d14dee43 checkout: show bug about failed entries being included in final report
| * ed602c3f44 checkout: document bug where delayed checkout counts entries twice
* |   f0f9a033ed Merge branch 'cl/rerere-train-with-no-sign'
|\ \
| * | cc391fc886 contrib/rerere-train: avoid useless gpg sign in training
| o | bbea4dcf42 Git 2.37.1
|  /
o / 3d8e3dc4fc Merge branch 'ds/rebase-update-ref'
o e4a4b31577 Git 2.37

Once Git has determined the commit frontier, it can simplify the object walk somewhat. Starting at the frontier, Git walks those root trees and then recursively all of the reachable trees. These objects are marked as reachable from the wants. Then, the second walk from the haves continues as normal, stopping when it sees objects in this smaller set.

Image representing a simplified object walk starting from the the commit frontier. Git walks those root trees and then recursively all of the reachable trees.

With this new algorithm, we see that the cost of the object walk can be much smaller: we expect the algorithm to walk about as many objects as there exist from a few root trees, plus the new objects in the reachable set difference. This could still be a large set, but at least it does not visit every object in the full history. As part of this, we have many fewer repeated tree entries since they are rarely repeated within a walk from a few root trees.

There is an additional cost to this algorithm, though. We might increase the size of the resulting set! If some of the commits in the set difference really are reverts, then they could be “reintroducing” an older object into the resulting set. If this commit reverted the file at a given path, then every commit in the frontier must not have that version of the file at its root tree. This exact revert case is rare enough that these new objects do not account for a significant drawback, but it is worth mentioning.

We can still do better! In the case of a monorepo, that cost of walking all of the trees in the frontier can still be significant. Is there a way that we can compute a reachable set difference more quickly? Yes, but it requires new data structures!

Reachability bitmaps

When considering set arithmetic, such as set differences, a natural data structure to use is a bitmap. Bitmaps represent sets by associating every possible object with a position, and then using an array of bits over those positions to indicate if each object is in the set. Bitmaps are frequently used by application databases as a query index. A bitmap can store a precomputed set of rows in a table that satisfy some property, helping to speed up queries that request data in that set.

The figure below shows how the object graph from the previous figures is laid out so that every object is associated with a bit position. The bitmap at the top has a 1 in the positions corresponding to objects reachable from the commit A. The other positions have value 0 showing that A cannot reach that object.

Figure showing how the object graph from the previous figures is laid out so that every object is associated with a bit position.

Computing the set difference between two bitmaps requires iterating over the bit positions and reporting the positions that have a 1 in the first bitmap and a 0 in the second bitmap. This is identical to the logical operation of “A AND NOT B,” but applied to every bit position.

In this way, Git can represent the reachable sets using bitmaps and then perform the set difference. However, computing each bitmap is at least as expensive as walking all of the reachable objects. Further, as currently defined, bitmaps take at least one bit of memory per object in the repository, which can also become too expensive.

The critical thing that Git does to solve this cost of constructing the bitmaps is by precomputing the reachability bitmaps and storing them on disk. Recall from part I that Git uses compressed object storage files called packfiles to store the object contents. The git repack command takes all of the objects and creates a new packfile along with a pack-index.

The git repack --write-bitmap-index option computes reachability bitmaps at the same time as it repacks the Git object data into a new packfile. Each bit position is associated with an object in the packfile based on the order the objects appear in that packfile. In addition to the .pack and .idx files, a new .bitmap file stores these bitmaps. Git can also store reachability bitmaps across multiple packfiles using a multi-pack-index.

Each reachability bitmap is associated with a single Git commit. The bitmap stores the set of objects reachable from that commit. A .bitmap file can store reachability bitmaps corresponding to one or more commits.

If every commit had a reachability bitmap, then we could compute the reachable set difference from a set of haves and wants using the following process:

  1. Take the bitmap for each ‘have’ commit and merge them together into the union bitmap storing every object reachable from at least one ‘have’ commit.
  2. Take the bitmap for each ‘want’ commit and merge them together into the union bitmap storing every object reachable from at least one ‘want’ commit.
  3. Perform a set difference on the bitmaps created in the previous step.

The figure below shows this third step of performing the set difference on the two reachability bitmaps. The “A – B” bitmap is formed by including a 1 if and only if that position has a 1 in the A bitmap and a 0 in the B bitmap.

Figure showing third step of performing the set difference on the two reachability bitmaps.

Unfortunately, computing and storing a reachability bitmap for every commit in the entire repository is not realistic. First, consider that each bitmap can take up one bit per object in the repository, then multiply that by the number of commits in the repository to get quadratic growth! This isn’t exactly a lower bound on the size of these bitmaps since Git uses a compressed bitmap encoding as well as a form of delta compression between bitmaps. However, the cost of computing and storing each bitmap is still significant.

Even if we were able to store a reachability bitmap for every commit, it is possible that a new commit is pushed to the repository and then is requested by a fetch before a reachability bitmap could be computed for it. Thus, Git needs some way to compute the reachable set difference even when the requested haves and wants do not have pre-computed bitmaps.

Git solves this by using a commit history walk. Starting at the haves, Git walks the commit history until finding a commit that has a precomputed reachability bitmap. That bitmap is used as a starting point, and the commit walk halts when it finds another reachability bitmap or finds a commit that is already contained in the reachable set because its bit is 1 in the bitmap. After the commit set is explored, Git walks the trees starting at the root trees, ignoring any trees that already exist in the reachability bitmap.

In this way, Git can dynamically compute the reachability bitmap containing the full set of objects reachable from the haves. The process is repeated with the wants. Then, the set difference is computed from those two bitmaps.

If the set of precomputed bitmaps is chosen carefully enough and the object order is selected in such a way that the bitmaps compress efficiently, these operations can be done while walking an incredibly small number of objects and using significantly less memory.

With proper maintenance of the reachability bitmap index, these reachable set difference queries can be much faster than the previous frontier walking strategy while also computing the exact set difference. The extra objects that could appear using the frontier algorithm do not appear using the precomputed bitmaps.

If you want to read more about how commits are chosen for bitmaps or how the bitmaps are compressed, read the original announcement of reachability bitmaps which goes into even greater detail. In particular, that post goes very deep on the fact that the object data is sent over the wire using the same packfile format as the on-disk representation discussed in part I, except that Git allows reference deltas to refer to objects already on the client’s machine. The fact that the on-disk representation and the network transfer format use this common format is one of Git’s strengths.

Pushing to a remote

The previous algorithms were focused on computing the reachable set difference required during a git fetch command. After the client sends the list of haves and wants, the server computes the set difference and uses that to send the objects to the client. The natural opposite of this operation is the git push command where the client sends new objects to the server.

We could use the existing algorithm, but we need to flip around some meanings. The haves and wants become commits that “the server has” and “the client wants the server to have”. One caveat is that, by default, git push doesn’t do a negotiation at the start and instead thinks about the references in refs/remotes/<remote> as the set of haves. You can enable the push.negotiate config option if you find this negotiation to be valuable. This negotiation is important if you have not updated your refs/remotes/<remote> references through a git fetch in a while. The negotiation is more useful if you are using background maintenance because you are more likely to have most of the objects the remote will advertise in the negotiation.

Other than reversing the roles of the haves and wants, the goals of git push are exactly the same as git fetch. The command synchronizes objects from one repository to another. However, we can again think about the typical use of the commands to see that there are some asymmetries.

When a client runs git fetch, that command will typically download new objects from several other contributors to that repository, perhaps merged together by pull requests. These changes are likely to include changes to many files across several directories. When a client runs git push, the information that is new to the remote is typically a single topic branch created by a single contributor. The files modified by this effort are likely to be smaller in number than the git fetch case.

Git exploits this asymmetry using a custom reachable set difference algorithm tailored to these expectations.

Sparse reachable set difference

One major asymmetry with git push is that clients rarely find it worth the cost to precompute reachability bitmaps. That maintenance cost is too CPU intensive compared to the number of times git push is run by a typical user. For Git servers, reachability bitmaps are absolutely critical to efficient function, so that extra maintenance is easy to justify.

Without reachability bitmaps, Git falls back to the frontier algorithm when computing the reachable set difference. This works mostly fine for small projects, but when the client repository is very large, the cost of walking every object reachable from even a single root tree becomes too expensive.

This motivated the sparse reachable set difference algorithm. This algorithm is enabled by the pack.useSparse config option, which is now enabled by default. In addition to using the commit history to construct a frontier of commits, the sparse algorithm uses the structure of the trees themselves to compute the reachable set difference.

Just like the frontier algorithm, Git computes the commit frontier as a base of which objects are in common between the haves and wants. Then, instead of walking all the trees reachable from the root trees in the frontier and then walking the root trees from the wants, Git walks these trees in a single walk.

Instead of exploring the object graph directly by walking from tree to tree one at a time, Git changes the walk to do a breadth-first search on the paths available in these trees. Each node of this walk consists of a path and a set of trees. Each tree is marked as uninteresting or interesting, depending on whether they come from the commit frontier or not, respectively.

The walk is initialized with the empty path and the set of root trees from our commit frontier and the commits reachable from the wants. As Git explores a node, it iterates over each tree in the associated set. For each of those trees, it parses the tree entries and considers the path component from each. If the entry points to a blob, then those blobs are marked as interesting or uninteresting. If the entry points to a tree, then the path component leads to a new node and that tree is added to that node’s tree set.

During this walk, uninteresting trees mark their child trees as uninteresting. When visiting a node, Git skips the node if every contained tree is uninteresting.

These “all uninteresting” nodes represent directories where there are no new objects in the reference being pushed relative to the commit frontier. For a large repository and most changes, the vast majority of trees fit in this category. In this way, this sparse algorithm walks only the trees that are necessary to discover these new objects.

Figure representing a sparse algorithm that walks only the trees that are necessary to discover these new objects.

This sparse algorithm is discussed in more detail in the blog post announcing the option when it was available in Git 2.21.0, though the pack.useSparse option was enabled by default starting in Git 2.27.0.

Heuristics and query planning

In this blog series, we are exploring Git’s internals as if they were a database. This goes both directions: we can apply database concepts such as query indexes to frame these advanced Git features, but we can also think about database features that do not have counterparts in Git.

This area of synchronization is absolutely one area where database concepts could apply, but currently do not. The concept I’m talking about is query planning.

When an application database is satisfying a query, it looks at the query and the available query indexes, then constructs a plan for executing the query. Most query languages are declarative in that they define what output they want, but not how to do that operation. This gives the database engine flexibility in how to best use the given information to satisfy the query.

When Git is satisfying a reachable set difference query, it does the most basic level of query planning. It considers its available query indexes and makes a choice on which to use:

  1. If reachability bitmaps exist, then use the bitmap algorithm.
  2. Otherwise, if pack.useSparse is enabled, then use the sparse algorithm.
  3. If neither previous case holds, then use the frontier algorithm.

This is a simple, and possibly unsatisfying way to do query planning. It takes the available indexes into account, but does not check how well those indexes match with the input data.

What if the reachability bitmaps are stale? We might spend more time in the dynamic bitmap computation than we would in the frontier algorithm.

We can walk commits really quickly with the commit-graph. What if there are only a few commits reachable from the wants but not reachable from the frontier? The sparse algorithm might be more efficient than using reachability bitmaps.

This is an area where we could perform some experiments and create a new, dynamic query planning strategy that chooses the best algorithm based on some heuristics and the shape of the commit history.

Already there is some ability to customize this yourself. You can choose to precompute reachability bitmaps or not. You can modify pack.useSparse to opt out of the sparse algorithm.

A change was merged into the Git project that creates a push.useBitmaps config option so you can compute reachability bitmaps locally but also opt out of using them during git push. Reachability bitmaps are integrated with other parts of Git, so it can be helpful to have them around. However, due to the asymmetry of git fetch and git push, the sparse algorithm can still be faster than the bitmap algorithm. Thus, this config will allow you to have the benefits of precomputed reachability bitmaps while also having fast git push commands. Look forward to this config value being available soon in Git 2.38.0!

Come back tomorrow for the final installment!

Now that we’ve explored all of the different ways Git operates on a repository, we have a better grasp on how Git scales its algorithms with the size of the repository. When application databases grow too quickly, many groups resort to sharding their database. In the next (and final!) part of this blog series, we will consider the different ways to scale a Git repository, including by sharding it into smaller components.

I’ll also be speaking at Git Merge 2022 covering all five parts of this blog series, so I look forward to seeing you there!

Git’s database internals III: file history queries

Post Syndicated from Derrick Stolee original

This week, we are exploring Git’s internals with the following concept in mind:

Git is the distributed database at the core of your engineering system.

Before making a change to a large software system, it can be critical to understand the reasons why the code is in its current form. Looking at commit messages alone is insufficient for this discovery, and instead it is important to find the changes that modified a specific file or certain lines in that file. Git’s file history commands help users find these important points in time where changes were introduced.

Today, let’s dig into these different file history commands and consider them as a set of queries. We will learn how Git optimizes these queries based on the typical structure of file history and how merges work most of the time. Some additional history options may be required to discover what happened in certain special cases, such as using cherry-picks across multiple branches or mistakenly resolving merge conflicts incorrectly. Further, we will see some specialized data structures that accelerate these queries as repositories grow.

git log as file history

The primary way to discover which commits recently changed a file is to use git log -- <path>. This shows commits where their parent has a different Git object at <path>, but there are some subtleties as to which commits are shown, exactly.

One thing to keep in mind with file history queries is that the commit graph structure is still important. It is possible for two changes to happen in parallel and then be connected to the trunk through a merge. To help clarify what is happening with these queries, all examples in this section will assume that the --graph and --oneline options are also specified. The --graph option shows the relationships between commits and in particular will show when two commits are parallel to each other in the history. It also avoids interleaving two parallel sequences of commits that happen to have been created at the same time. I personally recommend that you use --graph whenever using these history walks.

The most important thing to remember is that commits are snapshots, not diffs. For a quick refresher on how we represent Git objects, see the key below.

A key to how different git objects are represented. A green circle represents a commit; a blue triangle represents a tree; and a red box represents a blob.

Git needs to dynamically compute the difference between two commits to see if <path> was changed. This means that Git loads the root trees for those two commits, then compares their tree entry for the first directory of <path> and compares the object ID found in each. This comparison is done recursively until equal object IDs are found (no difference) or all parts of <path> are walked and we find the two different objects at <path> for the two commits.

Image of two Git root trees, representing how Git dynamically computes the difference between two commits.

If we find equality during this process, we say that the two commits are treesame on this path.

For a commit with only one parent, we say that commit is interesting if it is not treesame. This is a natural idea, since this matches the only meaningful diff we could compute for that commit.

Similarly, a merge commit is considered interesting if it is not treesame to any of its parents. The figure below shows a number of interesting commits for a given path based on these treesame relationships.

Figure showing a number of interesting commits for a given path based on these treesame relationships.

In the case of an uninteresting merge commit where there is at least one treesame parent, Git makes different decisions based on the history query type.

Simplified history

By default, git log -- <path> shows the simplified history of <path>. This is defined in the git log documentation, but I’ll present an alternative definition here.

When the simplified history mode encounters a merge commit, it compares the merge commit to each parent in order. If Git finds a treesame parent, then it stops computing diffs at the current merge, marks the merge as uninteresting, and moves on to that parent. If all parents are not treesame, then Git marks the merge as interesting and adds all parents to the walk.

For a path that is not changed very often, almost every merge commit will be treesame to its first parent. This allows Git to skip checking all of the commits made reachable by merges that did not “introduce” a change to the trunk. When a topic branch is merged into the trunk, the new merge commit rarely has any merge conflicts, so it will be treesame to its second parent for all the files that were changed in that topic. The merge would then not be treesame to its first parent on any of these paths.

Figure representing how a merge commit is compared to each parent in order to determine whether it should be marked as interesting.

In the case that the merge commit is different from all of its parents on the path, then the merge is marked as interesting and all parents are added to the walk. This happens frequently when the path is a directory that has different sets of files change, but can also happen if the same file is modified by parallel changes and conflicts were resolved during the merge.

Here is an example query where two parallel topics both modified files inside the src/ directory:

$ git log --graph --oneline -- src/
*   80423fa Merge pull request #800 from ...
| * 9313670 build(deps): bump Newtonsoft.Json in /src/shared/Core
* | 47ba58f diagnose: don't await Git exit on config list
* 5637aa9 macos build: use runtime instead of osx-x64
* 7a99cc0 Fixes typo in Mac dist script

Note that the merge commits with a treesame parent are marked as uninteresting, even if they are different to their first parent. This means that the merge commit will not appear in the file history, even if it is responsible for introducing that change into the commit history. You can add the –show-pulls option to git log to make it output the merge commits that are different to their first parent. This can be particularly helpful if you are trying to also track which pull request was involved in that change.

Here is the output for the previous example, except that --show-pulls is added. Notice the additional “Merge pull request…” lines:

$ git log --graph --oneline --show-pulls -- src/
*   80423fa Merge pull request #800 from ...
| * 9313670 build(deps): bump Newtonsoft.Json in /src/shared/Core
* | 77f7922 Merge pull request #804 from ...
* | 47ba58f diagnose: don't await Git exit on config list
* b83bf02 Merge pull request #788 from ...
* 5637aa9 macos build: use runtime instead of osx-x64
* cf5a693 Merge pull request #778 from ...
* 7a99cc0 Fixes typo in Mac dist script

While this logic to skip huge chunks of history may seem confusing at first, it is a critical performance feature. It allows skipping commits that did not contribute to the latest version of the file. This works almost all of the time, but it is important to know some of the reasons why commits that might be interesting would be skipped by the simplified history mode.

Reverted Changes. Sometimes a pull request changes a file in its first version, but review feedback finds a different way to solve the problem without changing the file. The author might remove the changes to that file within their branch, but really has at least two commits editing the file. The end result makes no changes to the file since one commit reverts the previous changes. When that topic is merged, the merge commit is treesame to its first parent on that path and the topic branch is skipped.

Cherry-picks. Some bug fixes are critical to apply in multiple places, such as maintenance branches to solve security issues. If a commit is cherry-picked in multiple places, then it can look like “the same change” is happening in several parallel branches. If those branches eventually merge, they might merge automatically without conflict because all of the tips agree on the file contents. Thus, the simplified history walk will choose only one of these branches to walk and will discover one of the cherry-picks but not the others.

The previous two reasons are common but mostly harmless reasons why a commit could be skipped during simplified history. As someone who has worked on Git for several years, I can attest that the most common reason someone asks “what happened to my change?” is because of the more difficult third reason:

Merge conflict resolution. When resolving a merge, it is possible to make any number of mistakes. In particular, a common case is that someone gets confused and takes all of their changes and drops all changes from the other side of the merge. When this happens, simplified history works against us because Git sees a treesame parent and ignores the other side that had meaningful changes that were dropped by the merge conflict resolution.

These kinds of merge resolution issues are confusing on first glance, but we can use other history modes to discover what happened.

Full history

The --full-history mode changes from the simplified history mode by walking every commit in the history, regardless of treesame parents on merge commits. A merge commit is marked as interesting if there is at least one parent that is different at the path.

When used with --graph, Git performs parent rewriting to connect the parent links to the next interesting commit reachable from that parent. While the --full-history mode is sure to show all of the possible changes to the path, it is overly noisy. Here is the same repository used in the previous examples, but with --full-history we see many more merge commits:

$ git log --graph --oneline --full-history -- src/
*   5d869d9 Merge pull request #806 from ...
* \   80423fa Merge pull request #800 from ...
|\ \
| |/
| * 9313670 build(deps): bump Newtonsoft.Json in /src/shared/Core
* |   77f7922 Merge pull request #804 from ...
|\ \
| * | 47ba58f diagnose: don't await Git exit on config list
* | | 162d657 Merge pull request #803 from ...
|/ /
* / 10935fb Merge pull request #700 from ...
*   2d79a03 Merge pull request #797 from ...
* | e209b3d Merge pull request #790 from ...
*   b83bf02 Merge pull request #788 from ...
| * 5637aa9 macos build: use runtime instead of osx-x64

Notice that these new merge commits have a second parent that wraps around and links back into the main history line. This is because that merge brought in a topic branch that did not change the src/ directory, but the first parent of the merge had some changes to the src/ directory relative to the base of the topic branch.

In this way, --full-history will show merges that bring in a topic branch whose history goes “around” meaningful changes. In a large repository, this noise can be so much that it is near impossible to find the important changes you are looking for.

The next history mode was invented to remove this extra noise.

Full history with simplified merges

In addition to --full-history, you can add the --simplify-merges option. This mode performs extra smoothing on the output of the --full-history mode, specifically dropping merge commits unless they actually are important for showing meaningful changes.

Recall from the --full-history example that some merge commits rewrote the second parent to be along the first-parent history. The --simplify-merges option starts by removing those parent connections and instead showing the merge as having a single parent. Then, Git inspects that commit as if it had a single parent from the beginning. If it is treesame to its only parent then that commit is removed. Git then rewrites any connections to that commit as going to its parent instead. This process continues until all simplifications are made, then the resulting history graph is shown.

$ git log --graph --oneline --full-history --simplify-merges -- src/
*   80423fa Merge pull request #800 from ...
| * 9313670 build(deps): bump Newtonsoft.Json in /src/shared/Core
* | 47ba58f diagnose: don't await Git exit on config list
* 5637aa9 macos build: use runtime instead of osx-x64
* 7a99cc0 Fixes typo in Mac dist script

Notice that this history is exactly the same as the simplified history example for this query. That is intentional: these should be the same results unless there really was an interesting change that was skipped.

If these history modes usually have the same output, then why wouldn’t we always use --full-history --simplify-merges? The reason is performance. Not only does simplified history speed up the query by skipping a large portion of commits, it also allows iterative output. The simplified history can output portions of the history without walking the entire history. By contrast, the --simplify-merges algorithm is defined recursively starting at commits with no parents. Git cannot output a single result until walking all reachable commits and computing their diffs on the input path. This can be extremely slow for large repositories.

One common complaint I have heard from Git users is “Git lost my change!” This typically takes the form where a developer knows that they merged in a commit that updated a file, but that change is no longer in the tip of that branch and running git log -- <path> does not show the commit they wrote! This kind of problem is due to file history simplification working as designed and skipping that commit, but it’s because someone created a faulty merge commit that is causing this unexpected behavior. If there is any chance that Git is skipping a commit that you know changed a file, then try to use --full-history with --simplify-merges.

To demonstrate, I took the previous example repository and created a branch that improperly resolved a merge to ignore valid changes that already existed in the trunk. Look carefully at the difference between the two history modes:

$ git log --graph --oneline -- src
* 5637aa9 macos build: use runtime instead of osx-x64
* 7a99cc0 Fixes typo in Mac dist script

$ git log --graph --oneline --full-history --simplify-merges -- src
*   7da271b Update with latest trunk
| *   80423fa Merge pull request #800 from ...
| |\
| | * 9313670 build(deps): bump Newtonsoft.Json in /src/shared/Core
* | | 0b408b0 Resolve merge conflicts
|\| |
| |/
| * 47ba58f diagnose: don't await Git exit on config list
* 5637aa9 macos build: use runtime instead of osx-x64
* 7a99cc0 Fixes typo in Mac dist script

When the actual history is shown, you can see that I created two “bad” merge commits: 7da271b Update with latest trunk and 0b408b0 Resolve merge conflicts. These both set the src directory equal to their first parents instead of allowing the merge to take the changes from both sides.

This history mode is a good tool to have in your arsenal.

Unfortunately, --full-history with --simplify-merges remains an expensive operation and I do not recommend using it by default. There remains no way to perform merge simplification without exploring the entire commit graph, even with the generation numbers discussed in part II. This remains an open problem, so if you have ideas about how to speed up this operation, then please bring those ideas to the Git developer community! I, for one, will be particularly interested!

Other history queries

Now that we’ve gone deep on the query modes for git log -- <path>, let’s consider a few other file history queries that shift the formula slightly in their own ways.

git log -L

The git log -L option allows specifying a portion of a file instead of an entire file. This helps you focus your history query to a specific function or set of lines. There are two main ways to use it:

  1. git log -L<from>,<to>:<path>: In the file at <path> show any changes in the lines between <from> and <to>.
  2. git log -L:<identifier>:<path>: In the file at <path>, find the code associated with <identifier> and show any changes to those lines. Usually, <identifier> is a function name, but it can also refer to a class or struct.

The -L mode modifies the definition of “treesame” to also consider two versions of the file to be the same if they have the same content at these lines. Importantly, Git will track how the line numbers change as the line content stays the same, but other changes to earlier lines might add or delete lines to the file outside of this range. After that definition of treesame is updated, the history walk is the same as in the simplified history mode.

In this way, the -L mode is more expensive because it needs to compute blob content diffs instead of only comparing object IDs. However, that performance difference can be worthwhile, as it reduces your time spent reading changes to the file that are not important to the section of the file you are reading.

git blame and git annotate

While git log will show all the commits that have changed a given file, the git blame and git annotate commands show the commits that most-recently changed each line of the file. The only difference between the commands is the output style.

To compute these most-recent changes, Git tracks each line in a similar way as it does for git log -L, but then drops the line from consideration once it has found a commit that changed that line.

Speeding up file history queries

The previous sections detailed the types of file history queries available in Git. These queries are similar to the commit history queries from part II in that it helps to walk the commits more quickly. However, file history queries spend a significant amount of time testing treesame relationships by computing diffs.

Recall from part I that we can navigate to the Git object specified by a path at a given commit by following a sequence of object links:

  • First, the commit has a root tree object ID that points to a tree object. The commit-graph file speeds this up slightly by including the root tree inside the commit-graph file instead of needing to parse the commit object directly.
  • Next, for each directory component in the path, Git parses a tree to find the matching tree entry and discovers the object ID of the next tree in the list.
  • Finally, the last tree entry points to the object ID for the object at the path. This could be a tree or a blob object.

The git log -L and git blame queries go an additional step further by computing a content diff of two blobs. We will not focus on this part right now, because this only happens if the blobs are already different.

Structuring repositories for fast history queries

Git spends most of its time parsing trees to satisfy these file history queries. There are a few different dimensions in the structure of the repository that can affect how much time is spent parsing trees:

  1. Tree depth: The number of directories required to reach the specified path means that more trees need to be parsed before finding the object ID for that path. For example, Java namespaces are tied to the directory structure of the source files, so the tree depth tends to be high in these repositories.
  2. Adjacent changes: When comparing two commits at a given path, Git can walk both sides of the comparison at the same time. If two tree entries point to the same object ID at any point along the list of trees, then Git can stop parsing trees and determine the commits are treesame at the path. This happens less frequently if the path is in a directory full of other files that are changed often. For example, a README file for a subproject might be rarely changed, but lives next to the code for that project that changes frequently.

If you are making choices to structure your repository, you might notice that these two dimensions are competing with each other. If you try to reduce the tree depth by using wider directory structures, then you will create more frequent adjacent changes. In reality, a middle ground is best between the two extremes of a very wide or very deep repository.

The other way your repository structure can change the performance of file history queries is actually in the commit history itself. Some repositories require a linear history through rebases or squash-merges. These repositories do not gain any performance benefits from the commit-skipping feature of simplified file history. On the other hand, a linear history will have the exact same history output for all of the history modes, so there is no need to use the advanced modes.

Luckily, Git has a feature that can speed up these file history queries regardless of the repository shape.

Changed-path Bloom filters

To speed up file history queries, Git has an optional query index that allows it to skip parsing trees in the vast majority of cases.

The changed path Bloom filters index stores a data structure called a Bloom filter for every commit. This index is stored in the commit-graph file, so you can compute it yourself using the git commit-graph write --reachable --changed-paths command. Once the changed-path Bloom filters are enabled in your commit-graph, all future writes will update them. This includes the commit-graph writes done by background maintenance enabled by git maintenance start.

A commit’s Bloom filter is a probabilistic set. It stores the information for each path changed between the first parent and that commit. Instead of storing those paths as a list, the Bloom filter uses hash algorithms to flip a set of bits that look random, but are predictable for each input path.

This Bloom filter allows us to ask the question: Is a given path treesame between the first parent and this commit? The answer can be one of two options:

  • Yes, probably different. In this case, we don’t know for sure that the path is different, so we need to parse trees to compute the diff.
  • No, definitely treesame. In this case, we can trust the filter and continue along the first-parent history without parsing any trees.

The parameters of the Bloom filter are configured in such a way that a random treesame path has a 98% likelihood of being reported as definitely treesame by the filter.

While running git log -- <path>, Git is in simplified history mode and checks the first parent of each commit to see if it is treesame. If the changed-path Bloom filter reports that the commit is treesame, then Git ignores the other parents and moves to the next commit without parsing any trees! If <path> is infrequently changed, then almost all commits will be treesame to their first parents for <path> and the Bloom filters can save 98% of the tree-parsing time!

It is reasonable to consider the overhead of checking the Bloom filters. Fortunately, the filters use hash algorithms in such a way that it is possible to hash the input <path> value into a short list of integers once at the start of the query. The remaining effort is to load the filter from the commit-graph file, modulo those integers based on the size of the filter, then check if certain bits are set in the filter. In this way, a single key is being tested against multiple filters, which is a bit unusual compared to the typical application of Bloom filters.

Git also takes advantage of the directory structure of <path>. For example, if the path is given as A/B/C/d.txt, then any commit that changed this path also changed A, A/B, and A/B/C. All of these strings are stored in the changed-path Bloom filter. Thus, we can reduce the number of false positives by testing all of these paths against each filter. If any of these paths is reported as treesame, then the full path must also be treesame.

To test the performance of these different modes, I found a deep path in the Linux kernel repository that was infrequently changed, but some adjacent files are frequently changed: drivers/gpu/drm/i915/TODO.txt.

Command No
No Bloom filters Bloom filters
git log -- <path> 1.03s 0.67s 0.18s
git log --full-history -- <path> 17.8s 11.0s 3.81s
git log --full-history --simplify-merges -- <path> 19.7s 13.3s 5.39s

For queries such as git log -L and git blame, the changed-path Bloom filters only prevent that initial treesame check. When there is a difference between two commits, the content-based diff algorithm still needs to do the same amount of work. This means the performance improvements are more modest for these queries.

For this example, I used a path that is changed slightly more frequently than the previous one, but in the same directory: drivers/gpu/drm/i915/Makefile.

Command No
No Bloom filters Bloom filters
git blame <path> 1.04s 0.82s 0.21s
git log -L100,110:<path> 9.67s 2.64s 1.38s

These performance gains are valuable for a normal user running Git commands in their terminal, but they are extremely important for Git hosting services such as GitHub that use these same Git history queries to power the web history interface. Computing the changed-path Bloom filters in advance can save thousands of CPU hours due to the frequency that users request this data from that centralized source.

Come back tomorrow for more!

Today, we went even deeper into Git’s internals and how its file history modes act as specialized queries into the commit history. Learning these advanced query types is similar to learning advanced language features of SQL such as different JOIN types. The commit-graph file again operated as a query index to accelerate these history queries.

In the next part of this blog series, we will explore how Git acts as a distributed database. Specifically, we will dig into how git fetch and git push help synchronize remote copies of a repository. The structure of the commit graph will be critical, but the cost of parsing trees will be even more immediate. We’ll talk about how reachability bitmaps can speed up some of these operations, but also explore some reasons why bitmaps are not always used.

I’ll also be speaking at Git Merge 2022 covering all five parts of this blog series, so I look forward to seeing you there!

Git’s database internals II: commit history queries

Post Syndicated from Derrick Stolee original

This week, we are exploring Git’s internals with the following concept in mind:

Git is the distributed database at the core of your engineering system.

Git’s role as a version control system has multiple purposes. One is to help your team make collaborative changes to a common repository. Another purpose is to allow individuals to search and investigate the history of the repository. These history investigations form an interesting query type when thinking of Git as a database.

Not only are history queries an interesting query type, but Git commit history presents interesting data shapes that inform how Git’s algorithms satisfy those queries.

Let’s dig into some common history queries now.

Git history queries

History queries can take several forms. For this post, we are focused only on history queries based entirely on the commits themselves. In part III we will explore file history queries.

Recent commits

Users most frequently interact with commit history using git log to see the latest changes in the current branch. git log shows the commit history which relies on starting at some known commits and then visiting their parent commits and continuing to “walk” parent relationships until all interesting commits are shown to the user. This command can be modified to compare the commits in different branches or display commits in a graphical visualization.

$ git log --oneline --graph 091680472db
* 091680472db Merge branch 'tb/midx-race-in-pack-objects'
| * 4090511e408 builtin/pack-objects.c: ensure pack validity from MIDX bitmap objects
| * 5045759de85 builtin/pack-objects.c: ensure included `--stdin-packs` exist
| * 58a6abb7bae builtin/pack-objects.c: avoid redundant NULL check
| * 44f9fd64967 pack-bitmap.c: check preferred pack validity when opening MIDX bitmap
* | d8c8dccbaaf Merge branch 'ds/object-file-unpack-loose-header-fix'
|\ \
| * | 8a50571a0ea object-file: convert 'switch' back to 'if'
* | | a9e7c3a6efe Merge branch 'pb/use-freebsd-12.3-in-cirrus-ci'
|\ \ \
| * | | c58bebd4c67 ci: update Cirrus-CI image to FreeBSD 12.3
| | |/
| |/|
* | | b3b2ddced29 Merge branch 'ds/bundle-uri'
|\ \ \
| * | | 89c6e450fe4 bundle.h: make "fd" version of read_bundle_header() public
| * | | 834e3520ab6 remote: allow relative_url() to return an absolute url

Containment queries

We sometimes also need to get extra information about our commit history, such as asking “which tags contain this commit?” The git tag --contains command is one way to answer that question.

$ git tag --contains 4ae3003ba5

The similar git branch --contains command will report all branches that can reach a given commit. These queries can be extremely valuable. For example, they can help identify which versions of a product have a given bugfix.

Merge base queries

When creating a merge commit, Git uses a three-way merge algorithm to automatically resolve the differences between the two independent commits being merged. As the name implies, a third commit is required: a merge base.

A merge base between two commits is a commit that is in the history of both commits. Technically, any commit in their common history is sufficient, but the three-way merge algorithm works better if the difference between the merge base and each side of the merge is as small as possible.

Git tries to select a single merge base that is not reachable from any other potential merge base. While this choice is usually unique, certain commit histories can permit multiple “best” merge bases, in which case Git prints all of them.

The git merge-base command takes two commits and outputs the object ID of the merge base commit that satisfies all of the properties described earlier.

$ git merge-base 3d8e3dc4fc d02cc45c7a

One thing that can help to visualize merge commits is to explore the boundary between two commit histories. When considering the commit range B..A, a commit C is on the boundary if it is reachable from both A and B and there is at least one commit that is reachable from A and not reachable from B and has C as its parent. In this way, the boundary commits are the commits in the common history that are parents of something in the symmetric difference. There are a number of commits on the boundary of these two example commits, but one of them can reach all of the others providing the unique choice in merge base.

$ git log --graph --oneline --boundary 3d8e3dc4fc..d02cc45c7a
* d02cc45c7a2c Merge branch 'mt/pkt-line-comment-tweak'
| * ce5f07983d18 pkt-line.h: move comment closer to the associated code
* | acdb1e1053c5 Merge branch 'mt/checkout-count-fix'
|\ \
| * | 611c7785e8e2 checkout: fix two bugs on the final count of updated entries
| * | 11d14dee4379 checkout: show bug about failed entries being included in final report
| * | ed602c3f448c checkout: document bug where delayed checkout counts entries twice
* | | f0f9a033ed3c Merge branch 'cl/rerere-train-with-no-sign'
|\ \ \
| * | | cc391fc88663 contrib/rerere-train: avoid useless gpg sign in training
| o | | bbea4dcf42b2 Git 2.37.1
| / /
o / / 3d8e3dc4fc22 Merge branch 'ds/rebase-update-ref' <--- Merge Base
/ /
o / e4a4b31577c7 Git 2.37
o 359da658ae32 Git 2.35.4

These simple examples are only a start to the kind of information Git uses from a repository’s commit history. We will discuss some of the important ways the structure of commits can be used to accelerate these queries.

The commit graph

Git stores snapshots of the repository as commits and each commit stores the following information:

  • The object ID for the tree representing the root of the worktree at this point in time.
  • The object IDs for any number of parent commits representing the previous points in time leading to this commit. We use different names for commits based on their parent count:
  • Zero parents: these commits are the starting point for the history and are called root commits.
  • One parent: these are typical commits that modify the repository with respect to the single parent. These commits are frequently referred to as patches, since their differences can be communicated in patch format using git format-patch.
  • Two parents: these commits are called merges because they combine two independent commits into a common history.
  • Three or more parents: these commits are called _octopus merges_since they combine an arbitrary number of independent commits.
  • Name and email information for the author and committer, which can be different.
  • Time information for the author time and committer time, which can be different.
  • A commit message, which represents additional metadata. This information is mostly intended for human consumption, so you should write it carefully. Some carefully-formatted trailer lines in the message can be useful for automation. One such trailer is the Co-authored-by: trailer which allows having multiple authors of a single commit.

The commit graph is the directed graph whose vertices are the commits in the repository and where a commit has a directed edge to each of its parents. With this representation in mind, we can visualize the commit history as dots and arrows.

Visualization of the git commit graph using dots and arrows.

Graph databases need not apply

There are a number of graph databases that store general-purpose graph relationships. While it would be possible to store commits, trees, and blobs in such a database, those databases are instead designed for queries of limited-depth. They expect to walk only a few relationships, and maybe there are many relationships from a single node.

When considering general-purpose graph databases, think about social networks. Think about the concept of six degrees of separation and how almost every node is reachable within a short distance. In these graphs, the number of relationships at a given node can vary wildly. Further, the relationships are mainly unordered.

Git is not like that. It is rare to refer to a commit directly by its object ID. Instead Git commands focus on the current set of references. The references are much smaller in number than the total number of commits, and we might need to walk thousands of commit-parent edges before satisfying even the simplest queries.

Git also cares about the order of the parent relationships. When a merge commit is created, the parents are ordered. The first parent has a special role here. The convention is that the first parent is the previous value of the branch being updated by the merge operation. If you use pull requests to update a branch, then you can use git log --first-parent to show the list of merge commits created by that pull request.

$ git log --oneline --first-parent
2d79a03 Merge pull request #797 from ldennington/ssl-cert-updates
e209b3d Merge pull request #790 from cornejom/gitlab-support-docs
b83bf02 Merge pull request #788 from ldennington/arm-fix
cf5a693 (tag: v2.0.785) Merge pull request #778 from GyroJoe/main
dd4fe47 Merge pull request #764 from timsu92/patch-1
428b40a Merge pull request #759 from GitCredentialManager/readme-update
0d6f1c8 (tag: v2.0.779) Merge pull request #754 from mjcheetham/bb-newui
a9d78c1 Merge pull request #756 from mjcheetham/win-manifest

Git’s query pattern is so different from general-purpose graph databases that we need to use specialized storage and algorithms suited to its use case.

Git’s commit-graph file

All of Git’s functionality can be done by loading each commit’s contents out of the object store, parsing its header to discover its parents, and then repeating that process for each commit we need to examine. This is fast enough for small repositories, but as the repository increases in size the overhead of parsing these plain-text files to get the graph relationships becomes too expensive. Even the fact that we need a binary search to locate the object within the packfile begins to add up.

Git’s solution is the commit-graph file. You can create one in your own repository using git commit-graph write --reachable, but likely you already get one through git gc --auto or through background maintenance.

The file acts as a query index by storing a structured version of the commit graph data, such as the parent relationships as well as the commit date and root tree information. This information is sufficient to satisfy the most expensive parts of most history queries. This avoids the expensive lookup and parsing of the commit messages from the object store except when a commit needs to be output to the user.

We can think about the commit-graph as a pair of database tables. The first table stores each commit with its object ID, root tree, date, and first two parents as the columns. A special value, -1, is used to indicate that there is no parent in that position, which is important for root commits and patches.

The vast majority of commits have at most two parents, so these two columns are sufficient. However, Git allows an arbitrary number of parents, forming octopus merges. If a commit has three or more parents, then the second parent column has a special bit indicating that it stores a row position in a second table of overflow edges. The remaining parents form a list starting at that row of the overflow edges table, each position stores the integer position of a parent. The list terminates with a parent listed along with a special bit.

In the figure below, the commit at row 0 has a single parent that exists at row 2. The commit at row 4 is a merge whose second parent is at row 5. The commit at row 8 is an octopus merge with first parent at row 3 and the remaining parents come from the parents table: 2, 5, and 1.

Vsiualization of the commit-graph as a database table.

One important thing about the commit-graph file is that it is closed under reachability. That means that if a commit is in the file, then so is its parent. This means that a commit’s parents can be stored as row numbers instead of as full object IDs. This provides a constant-time lookup when traversing between a commit and its parent. It also compresses the commit-graph file since it only needs four bytes per parent.

The structure of the commit-graph file speeds up commit history walks significantly, without any changes to the commit walk algorithms themselves. This is mainly due to the time it takes to visit a commit. Without the commit-graph file, we follow this pattern:

  1. Start with an Object ID.
  2. Do a lookup in the object store to see where that object is stored.
  3. Load the object content from the loose object or pack, decompressing the data from disk.
  4. Parse that object file looking for the parent object IDs.

This loop is visualized below.

Visualization of the loop pattern used to visit a commit without the commit-graph.

When a commit-graph file exists, we have a way to eject out of this loop and into a much tighter loop. We add an extra step before doing a generic object lookup in the object store: use a binary search to find that object ID in the commit-graph file. This operation is logarithmic in the number of commits, not in the total number of objects in the repository. If the commit-graph does not have that commit, then continue in the old loop. Check the commit-graph each time so we can eventually find a commit and its position in the commit-graph file.

Once we have a commit in the commit-graph file, we can navigate immediately to the row that stores that commit’s information, then load the parent commits by their position. This means that we can lookup the parents in constant time without doing any binary search! This loop is visualized below.

Visualization of the loop that looks up parents in constant time without doing any binary search.

This reduced data footprint makes it clear that we can speed up certain queries on the basis of parsing speed alone. The git rev-list command is great for showing this because it prints the object IDs of the commits and not the commit messages. Thus, we can test how long it takes to walk the full commit graph with and without the commit-graph file.

The Linux kernel repository is an excellent candidate for testing these queries, since it is publicly available and has over a million commits. You can replicate these tests by writing a commit-graph file and toggling the core.commitGraph config setting.

Command Without
git rev-list v5.19 6.94s 0.98s
git rev-list v5.0..v5.19 2.51s 0.30s
git merge-base v5.0 v5.19 2.59s 0.24s

Avoiding the expensive commit parsing results in a nice constant factor speedup (about 6x in these examples), but we need something more to get even better performance out of certain queries.

Reachability indexes

One of the most important questions we ask about commits is “can commit A reach commit B?” If we can answer that question quickly, then commands such as git tag --contains and git branch --contains become very fast.

Providing a positive answer can be very difficult, and most times we actually want to traverse the full path from A to B, so there is not too much value in that answer. However, we can learn a lot from the opposite answer when we can be sure that A cannot reach B.

The commit-graph file provides a location for adding new information to our commits that do not exist in the commit object format by default. The new information that we store is called a generation number. There are multiple ways to compute a generation number, but the most important property we need to guarantee is the following:

If the generation number of a commit A is less than the generation number of a commit B, then A cannot reach B.

In this way, generation numbers form a negative reachability index in that they can help us determine that some commits definitely cannot reach some other set of commits.

The simplest generation number is called topological level and it is defined this way:

  1. If a commit has no parents, then its topological level is 1.
  2. Otherwise, the topological level of a commit is one more than the maximum of the topological level of its parents.

Our earlier commit graph figure was already organized by topological level, but here it is shown with those levels marked by dashed lines.

Visualization of the commit graph with topological levels marked by dashed lines.

The topological level satisfies the property of a generation number because every commit has topological level strictly larger than its parents, which implies that everything that commit can reach has strictly smaller topological level. Conversely, if something has larger topological level, then it is not reachable from that commit.

You may have noticed that I did not mention what is implied when two commits have the same generation number. While we could surmise that equal topological level implies that neither commit can reach the other, it is helpful to leave equality as an unknown state. This is because commits that are in the repository but have not yet been added to the commit-graph file do not have a precomputed generation number. Internally, Git treats these commits as having generation number infinity which is larger than all of the precomputed generation numbers in the commit-graph. However, Git can do nothing when two commits with generation number infinity are compared. Instead of special-casing these commits, Git does not assume anything about equal generation number.

Stopping walks short with generation numbers

Let’s explore how we can use generation numbers to speed up commit history queries. The first category to explore are reachability queries, such as:

  • git tag --contains <b> returns the list of tags that can reach the commit <b>.
  • git merge-base --is-ancestor <b> <a> returns an exit code of 0 if and only if <b> is an ancestor of <a> (<b> is reachable from <a>)

Both of these queries seek to find paths to a given point <b>. The natural algorithm is to start walking and report success if we ever discover the commit <b>. However, this might lead to walking every single commit before determining that we cannot in fact reach <b>. Before generation numbers, the best approach was to use a breadth-first search using commit date as a heuristic for walking the most recent commits first. This minimized the number of commits to walk in the case that we did eventually find <b>, but does not help at all if we cannot find <b>.

With generation numbers, we can gain two new enhancements to this search.

The first enhancement is that we can stop exploring a commit if its generation number is below the generation number of our target commit. Those commits of smaller generation could never contribute to a path to the target, so avoid walking them. This is particularly helpful if the target commit is very recent, since that cuts out a huge amount of commits from the search space.

In the figure below, we discover that commit A can reach commit B, but we explored every reachable commit with higher generation. We know that we do not need to explore below generation number 4.

Figure showing how generation numbers can speed up commit history queries.

The second enhancement is that we can switch from breadth-first search to a depth-first search. This heuristic exploits some structure about typical repositories. The first parent of a commit is typically special, representing the previous value of the branch before the merge. The later parents are typically small topic branches merging a few new commits into the trunk of the repository. By walking the first parent history, we can navigate quickly to the generation number cutoff where the target commit is likely to be. As we backtrack from that cutoff, we are likely to find the merge commit that introduced the target commit sooner than if we had walked all recent commits first.

In the figure below, we demonstrate the same reachability query from commit A to commit B, where Git avoids walking below generation 4, but the depth-first search also prevents visiting a number of commits that were marked as visited in the previous figure.

Figure showing a reachability query from commit A to commit B enhanced by depth-first search.

Note that this depth-first search approach is less efficient if we do not have the first generation number cutoff optimization, because the walk would spend most of its time exploring very old commits.

These two walks together can introduce dramatic improvements to our reachability queries.

Command Without commit-graph With commit-graph
git tag --contains v5.19~100 7.34s 0.04s
git merge-base --is-ancestor v5.0 v5.19 2.64s 0.02s

Note that since git tag --contains is checking reachability starting at every tag, it needs to walk the entire commit history even from old tags in order to be sure they cannot reach the target commit. With generation numbers, the cutoff saves Git from even starting a walk from those old tags. The git merge-base --is-ancestor command is faster even without generation numbers because it can terminate early once the target commit is found.

However, with the commit-graph file and generation numbers, both commands benefit from the depth-first search as the target commit is on the first-parent history from the starting points.

If you’re interested to read the code for this depth-first search in the Git codebase, then read the can_all_from_reach_with_flags() method which is a very general form of the walk. Take a look at how it is used by other callers such as repo_is_descendant_of() and notice how the presence of generation numbers determines which algorithm to use.

Topological sorting

Generation numbers can help other queries where it is less obvious that a reachability index would help. Specifically, git log --graph displays all reachable commits, but uses a special ordering to help the graphical visualization.

git log --graph uses a sorting algorithm called topological sort to present the commits in a pleasing order. This ordering has one hard requirement and one soft requirement.

The hard requirement is that every commit appears before its parents. This is not guaranteed by default in git log, since the default sort uses commit dates as a heuristic during the walk. Commit dates could be skewed and a commit could appear after one of its parents because of date skew.

The soft requirement is that commits are grouped together in an interesting way. When git log --graph shows a merge commit, it shows the commits “introduced” by the merge before showing the first parent. This means that the second parent is shown first followed by all of the commits it can reach that the first parent cannot reach. Typically, this will look like the commits from the topic branch that were merged in that pull request. We can see how this works with the following example from the git/git repository.

$ git log --oneline --graph -n 10 091680472db
* 091680472d Merge branch 'tb/midx-race-in-pack-objects'
| * 4090511e40 builtin/pack-objects.c: ensure pack validity from MIDX bitmap objects
| * 5045759de8 builtin/pack-objects.c: ensure included `--stdin-packs` exist
| * 58a6abb7ba builtin/pack-objects.c: avoid redundant NULL check
| * 44f9fd6496 pack-bitmap.c: check preferred pack validity when opening MIDX bitmap
* | d8c8dccbaa Merge branch 'ds/object-file-unpack-loose-header-fix'
|\ \
| * | 8a50571a0e object-file: convert 'switch' back to 'if'
* | | a9e7c3a6ef Merge branch 'pb/use-freebsd-12.3-in-cirrus-ci'
|\ \ \
| * | | c58bebd4c6 ci: update Cirrus-CI image to FreeBSD 12.3
| | |/
| |/|
* | | b3b2ddced2 Merge branch 'ds/bundle-uri'
|\ \ \

$ git log --oneline --graph --date-order -n 10 091680472db
* 091680472d Merge branch 'tb/midx-race-in-pack-objects'
* \ d8c8dccbaa Merge branch 'ds/object-file-unpack-loose-header-fix'
|\ \
* \ \ a9e7c3a6ef Merge branch 'pb/use-freebsd-12.3-in-cirrus-ci'
|\ \ \
* \ \ \ b3b2ddced2 Merge branch 'ds/bundle-uri'
|\ \ \ \
* \ \ \ \ 83937e9592 Merge branch 'ns/batch-fsync'
|\ \ \ \ \
* \ \ \ \ \ 377d347eb3 Merge branch 'en/sparse-cone-becomes-default'
|\ \ \ \ \ \
* | | | | | | 2668e3608e Sixth batch
* | | | | | | 4c9b052377 Merge branch 'jc/http-clear-finished-pointer'
|\ \ \ \ \ \ \
* \ \ \ \ \ \ \ db5b7c3e46 Merge branch 'js/ci-gcc-12-fixes'
|\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
* | | | | | | | | 1bcf4f6271 Fifth batch

Notice that the first example with only --graph brought the commits introduced by the merge to the top of the order. Adding --date-order changes this ordering goal to instead present commits by their commit date, hiding those introduced commits below a long list of merge commits.

The basic algorithm for topological sorting is Kahn’s algorithm which follows two big steps:

  1. Walk all reachable commits, counting the number of times a commit appears as a parent of another commit. Call these numbers the in-degree of the commit, referencing the number of incoming edges.
  2. Walk the reachable commits, but only visit a commit if its in-degree value is zero. When visiting a commit, decrement the in-degree value of each parent.

This algorithm works because at least one of our starting points will have in-degree zero, and then decrementing the in-degree value is similar to deleting the commit from the graph, always having at least one commit with in-degree zero.

But there’s a huge problem with this algorithm! It requires walking all reachable commits before writing even one commit for the user to see. It would be much better if our algorithm would be fast to show the first page of information, so the computation could continue while the user has something to look at.

Typically, Git will show the results in a pager such as less, but we can emulate that experience using a commit count limit with the -n 100 argument. Trying this in the Linux kernel takes over seven seconds!

With generation numbers, we can perform an in-line form of Kahn’s algorithm to quickly show the first page of results. The trick is to perform both steps of the algorithm at the same time.

To perform two walks at the same time, Git creates structures that store the state of each walk. The structures are initialized with the starting commits. The in-degree walk uses a priority queue ordered by generation number and that walk starts by computing in-degrees until the maximum generation in that priority queue is below the minimum generation number of the starting positions. The output walk uses a stack, which gives us the nice grouping of commits, but commits are not added unless their in-degree value is zero.

To guarantee that the output walk can add a commit to the stack, it first checks with the status of the in-degree walk to see that the maximum generation in its queue is below the generation number of that commit. In this way, Git alternates between the two walks. It computes just enough of the in-degrees to know that certain commits have an in-degree of zero, then pauses that walk to output some commits to the user.

Visualization of Git structure that stores the state of each walk in order to perform two walks at the same time.

This has a significant performance improvement for our topological sorting commands.

Command Without commit-graph With commit-graph
git rev-list --topo-order -n 100 v5.19 6.88s 0.02s
git log --graph -n 100 v5.19 7.73s 0.03s
git rev-list --topo-order -n 100 v5.18..v5.19 0.39s 0.02s
git log --graph -n 100 v5.18..v5.19 0.43s 0.03s

The top two commands use an unbounded commit range, which is why the old algorithm takes so long: it needs to visit every reachable commit in the in-degree walk before writing anything to output. The new algorithm with generation numbers can explore only the recent commits.

The second two commands use a commit range (v5.18..v5.19) which focuses the search on the commits that are reachable from one commit, but not reachable from another. This actually adds a third stage to the algorithm, where first Git determines which commits are in this range. That algorithm can use a priority queue based on commit date to discover that range without walking the entire commit history, so the old algorithm speeds up for these cases. The in-degree walk still needs to walk that entire range, so it is still slower than the new algorithm as long as that range is big enough.

This idea of a commit range operating on a smaller subgraph than the full commit history actually requires that our interleaved topological sort needs a third walk to determine which commits should be excluded from the output. If you want to learn more about this three-stage algorithm, then read the commit that introduced the walk to Git’s codebase for the full details.

Generation number v2: corrected commit dates

The earlier definition of a generation number was intentionally generic. This is because there are actually multiple possible generation numbers even in the Git codebase!

The definition of topological level essentially uses the smallest possible integer that could be used to satisfy the property of a generation number. The simplicity is nice for understanding, but it has a drawback. It is possible to make the algorithms using generation number worse if you create your commit history in certain ways.

Most of the time, merge commits introduce a short list of recent commits into the commit history. However, some times those merges introduce a commit that’s based on a very old commit. This can happen when fixing a bug in a really old area of code and the developer wants to apply the fix as early as possible so it can merge into old maintenance branches. However, this means that the topological level is much smaller for that commit than for other commits created at similar times.

In this sense, the commit date is a much better heuristic for limiting the commit walk. The only problem is that we can’t trust it as an accurate generation number! Here is where a solution was found: a new generation number based on commit dates. This was implemented as part of a Google Summer of Code project in 2020.

The corrected commit date is defined as follows:

  • If a commit has no parents, then its corrected commit date is the same as its commit date.
  • Otherwise, determine the maximum corrected commit date of the commit’s parents. If that maximum is larger than the commit date, then add one to that maximum. Otherwise, use the commit date.

Using corrected commit date leads to a wider variety of values in the generation number of each commit in the commit graph. The figure below is the same graph as in the earlier examples, but the commits have been shifted as they could be using corrected commit dates on the horizontal axis.

Visualization of the commit graph with commits shifted as they could be using corrected commit dates on the horizontal axis.

This definition flips the generation number around. If possible, use the commit date. If not, use the smallest possible value that satisfies the generation number properties with respect to the corrected commit dates of the commit’s parents.

In performance testing, corrected commit dates solve these performance issues due to recent commits based on old commits. In addition, some Git commands generally have slight improvements over topological levels.

For example, the search from A to C in the figure below shows how many commits must be visited to determine that A cannot reach C when using topological level.

Visualization of a commit graph search showing how many commits must be visited to determine that A cannot reach C when using topological level.

However, switching to using corrected commit dates, the search space becomes much smaller.

Visualization of the commit graph showing the smaller search space when using corrected commit dates.

Recent versions of Git have transitioned to corrected commit dates, but you can test against topological levels by adjusting the commitGraph.generationVersion config option.

Out of the weeds again

We’ve gone very deep into the commit-graph file and reachability algorithms. The on-disk file format is customized to Git’s needs when answering these commit history queries. Thus, it is a type of query index much like one could define in an application database. The rabbit hole goes deeper, though, with yet another level of query index specialized to other queries.

Make sure that you have a commit-graph file accelerating your Git repositories! You can ensure this happens in one of several ways:

  1. Manually run git commit-graph write --reachable.
  2. Enable the fetch.writeCommitGraph config option.
  3. Run git maintenance start and let Git write it in the background.

In the next part of this blog series, we will explore how Git file history queries use the structure of tree objects and the commit graph to limit how many objects need to be parsed. We’ll also talk about a special file history index that is stored in the commit-graph and greatly accelerates file history queries in large repositories.

I’ll also be speaking at Git Merge 2022 covering all five parts of this blog series, so I look forward to seeing you there!

Git’s database internals I: packed object store

Post Syndicated from Derrick Stolee original

Developers collaborate using Git. It is the medium that allows us to share code, work independently on our own machines, and then finally combine our efforts into a common understanding. For many, this is done by following some well-worn steps and sticking to that pattern. This works in the vast majority of use cases, but what happens when we need to do something new with Git? Knowing more about Git’s internals helps when exploring those new solutions.

In this five-part blog post series, we will illuminate Git’s internals to help you collaborate via Git, especially at scale.

It might also be interesting because you love data structures and algorithms. That’s what drives me to be interested in and contribute to Git.

Git’s architecture follows patterns that may be familiar to developers, except the patterns come from a different context. Almost all applications use a database to persist and query data. When building software based on an application database system, it’s easy to get started without knowing any of the internals. However, when it’s time to scale your solution, you’ll have to dive into more advanced features like indexes and query plans.

The core idea I want to convey is this:

Git is the distributed database at the core of your engineering system.

Here are some very basic concepts that Git shares with application databases:

  1. Data is persisted to disk.
  2. Queries allow users to request information based on that data.
  3. The data storage is optimized for these queries.
  4. The query algorithms are optimized to take advantage of these structures.
  5. Distributed nodes need to synchronize and agree on some common state.

While these concepts are common to all databases, Git is particularly specialized. Git was built to store plain-text source code files, where most change are small enough to read in a single sitting, even if the codebase contains millions of lines. People use Git to store many other kinds of data, such as documentation, web pages, or configuration files.

While many application databases use long-running processes with significant amounts of in-memory caching, Git uses short-lived processes and uses the filesystem to persist data between executions. Git’s data types are more restrictive than a typical application database. These aspects lead to very specialized data storage and access patterns.

Today, let’s dig into the basics of what data Git stores and how it accesses that data. Specifically, we will learn about Git’s object store and how it uses packfiles to compress data that would otherwise contain redundant information.

Git’s object store

The most fundamental concepts in Git are Git objects. These are the “atoms” of your Git repository. They combine in interesting ways to create the larger structure. Let’s start with a quick overview of the important Git objects. Feel free to skip ahead if you know this, or you can dig deep into Git’s object model if you’re interested.

In your local Git repositories, your data is stored in the .git directory. Inside, there is a .git/objects directory that contains your Git objects.

$ ls .git/objects/
01  34  9a  df  info    pack

$ ls .git/objects/01/

$ ls .git/objects/pack/

The .git/objects directory is called the object store. It is a content-addressable data store, meaning that we can retrieve the contents of an object by providing a hash of those contents.

In this way, the object store is like a database table with two columns: the object ID and the object content. The object ID is the hash of the object content and acts like a primary key.

Table with columns labeled Object ID and Object Data

Upon first encountering content-addressable data stores, it is natural to ask, “How can we access an object by hash if we don’t already know its content?” We first need to have some starting points to navigate into the object store, and from there we can follow links between objects that exist in the structure of the object data.

First, Git has references that allow you to create named pointers to keys in the object database. The reference store mainly exists in the .git/refs/ directory and has its own advanced way of storing and querying references efficiently. For now, think of the reference store as a two-column table with columns for the reference name and the object ID. In the reference store, the reference name is the primary key.

Image showing how the Object ID table relates to the Object Store

Now that we have a reference store, we can navigate into the object store from some human-readable names. In addition to specifying a reference by its full name, such as refs/tags/v2.37.0, we can sometimes use short names, such as v2.37.0 where appropriate.

In the Git codebase, we can start from the v2.37.0 reference and follow the links to each kind of Git object.

  • The refs/tags/v2.37.0 reference points to an annotated tag object. An annotated tag contains a reference to another object (by object ID) and a plain-text message.
  • That tag’s object references a commit object. A commit is a snapshot of the worktree at a point in time, along with connections to previous versions. It contains links to parent commits, a root tree, as well as metadata, such as commit time and commit message.
  • That commit’s root tree references a tree object. A tree is similar to a directory in that it contains entries that link a path name to an object ID.
  • From that tree, we can follow the entry for to find a blob object. Blobs store file contents. They get their name from the tree that points to them.

Image displaying hops through the object database in response to a user request.

From this example, we navigated from a ref to the contents of the file at that position in the history. This very simple request of “give me the README at this tag” required several hops through the object database, linking an object ID to that object’s contents.

These hops are critical to many interesting Git algorithms. We will explore how the graph structure of the object store is used by Git’s algorithms in parts two through four. For now, let’s focus on the critical operation of linking an object ID to the object contents.

Object store queries

To store and access information in an application database, developers interact with the database using a query language such as SQL. Git has its own type of query language: the command-line interface. Git commands are how we interact with the Git object store. Since Git has its own structure, we do not get the full flexibility of a relational database. However, there are some parallels.

To select object contents by object ID, the git cat-file command will do the object lookup and provide the necessary information. We’ve already been using git cat-file -p to present “pretty” versions of the Git object data by object ID. The raw content is not always fit for human readers, with object IDs stored as raw hashes and not hexadecimal digits, among other things like null bytes. We can also use git cat-file -t to show the type of an object, which is discoverable from the initial few bytes of the object data.

To insert an object into the object store, we can write directly to a blob using git hash-object. This command takes file content and writes it into a blob in the object store. After the input is complete, Git reports the object ID of the written blob.

$ git hash-object -w --stdin
Hello, world!

$ git cat-file -t af5626b4a114abcb82d63db7c8082c3c4756e51b

$ git cat-file -p af5626b4a114abcb82d63db7c8082c3c4756e51b
Hello, world!

More commonly, we not only add a file’s contents to the object store, but also prepare to create new commit and tree objects to reference that new content. The git add command hashes new changes in the worktree and stores their blobs in the object store then writes the list of objects to a staging area known as the Git index. The git commit command takes those staged changes and creates trees pointing to all of the new blobs, then creates a new commit object pointing to the new root tree. Finally, git commit also updates the current branch to point to the new commit.

The figure below shows the process of creating several Git objects and finally updating a reference that happens when running git commit -a -m "Update" when the only local edit is a change to the file.

Image showing the process of creating several Git objects and updating references

We can do slightly more complicated queries based on object data. Using git log --pretty=format:<format-string>, we can make custom queries into the commits by pulling out “columns” such as the object ID and message, and even the committer and author names, emails, and dates. See the git log documentation for a full column list.

There are also some prebuilt formats ready for immediate use. For example, we can get a simple summary of a commit using git log --pretty=reference -1 <ref>. This query parses the commit at <ref> and provides the following information:

  • An abbreviated object ID.
  • The first sentence of the commit message.
  • The commit date in short form.
$ git log --pretty=reference -1 378b51993aa022c432b23b7f1bafd921b7c43835
378b51993aa0 (gc: simplify --cruft description, 2022-06-19)

Now that we’ve explored some of the queries we can make in Git, let’s dig into the actual storage of this data.

Compressed object storage: packfiles

Looking into the .git/objects directory again, we might see several directories with two-digit names. These directories then contain files with long hexadecimal names. These files are called loose objects, and the filename corresponds to the object ID of an object: the first two hexadecimal characters form the directory name while the rest form the filename. While the files themselves are compressed, there is not much interesting about querying these files, since Git relies on filesystem queries to satisfy most of these needs.

However, it does not take many objects before it is infeasible to store an entire Git repository using only loose objects. Not only does it strain the filesystem to have so many files, it is also inefficient when storing many versions of the same text file. Thus, Git’s packed object store in the .git/objects/pack/ directory forms a more efficient way to store Git objects.

Packfiles and pack-indexes

Each *.pack file in .git/objects/pack/ is called a packfile. Packfiles store multiple objects in compressed forms. Not only is each object compressed individually, they can also be compressed against each other to take advantage of common data.

At its simplest, a packfile contains a concatenated list of objects. It only stores the object data, not the object ID. It is possible to read a packfile to find objects by object ID, but it requires decompressing and hashing each object to compare it to the input hash. Instead, each packfile is paired with a pack-index file ending with .idx. The pack-index file stores the list of object IDs in lexicographical order so a quick binary search is sufficient to discover if an object ID is in the packfile, then an offset value points to where the object’s data begins within the packfile. The pack-index operates like a query index that speeds up read queries that rely on the primary key (object ID).

One small optimization is that a fanout table of 256 entries provides boundaries within the full list of object IDs based on their first byte. This reduces the time spent by the binary search, specifically by focusing the search on a smaller number of memory pages. This works particularly well because object IDs are uniformly distributed so the fanout ranges are well-balanced.

If we have a number of packfiles, then we could ask each pack-index in sequence to look up the object. A further enhancement to packfiles is to put several pack-indexes together in a single multi-pack-index, which stores the same offset data plus which packfile the object is in.

Lookups and prefixes work the same as in pack-indexes, except now we can skip the linear issue with many packs. You can read more about the multi-pack-index file and how it helps scale monorepo maintenance at GitHub.

Diffable object content

Packfiles also have a hyper-specialized version of row compression called deltification. Since read queries are only indexed by the object ID, we can perform extra compression on the object data part.

Git was built to store source code, which consists of plain-text files that are used as input to a compiler or interpreter to create applications. Git was also built to store many versions of this source code as it is changed by humans. This provides additional context about the kind of data typically stored in Git: diffable files with significant portions in common. If you’ve ever wondered why you shouldn’t store large binary files in Git repositories, this is the reason.

The field of software engineering has made it clear that it is difficult to understand applications in their entirety. Humans can grasp a very high-level view of an architecture and can parse small sections of code, but we cannot store enough information in our brains to grasp huge amounts of concrete code at once. You can read more about this in the excellent book, The Programmer’s Brain by Dr. Felienne Hermans.

Because of the limited size of our working memory, it is best to change code in small, well-documented iterations. This helps the code author, any code reviewers, and future developers looking at the code history. Between iterations, a significant majority of the code remains fixed while only small portions change. This allows Git to use difference algorithms to identify small diffs between the content of blob objects.

There are many ways to compute a difference between two blobs. Git has several difference algorithms implemented which can have drastically different results. Instead of focusing on unstructured differences, I want to focus on differences between structured object data. Specifically, tree objects usually change in small ways that are easy to compress.

Tree diffs

Git’s tree objects can also be compared using a difference algorithm that is aware of the structure of tree entries. Each tree entry stores a mode (think Unix file permissions), an object type, a name, and an object ID. Object IDs are for all intents and purposes random, but most edits will change a file without changing its mode, type, or name. Further, large trees are likely to have only a few entries change at a time.

For example, the tip commit at any major Git release only changes one file: the GIT-VERSION-GEN file. This means also that the root tree only has one entry different from the previous root tree:

$ git diff v2.37.0~1 v2.37.0
index 120af376c1..b210b306b7 100755
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@



$ git cat-file -p v2.37.0~1^{tree} >old
$ git cat-file -p v2.37.0^{tree} >new

$ diff old new
< 100755 blob 120af376c147799e6c0069bac1f61709a0286cd6  GIT-VERSION-GEN
> 100755 blob b210b306b7554f28dc687d1c503517d2a5f87082  GIT-VERSION-GEN

Once we have an algorithm that can compute diffs for Git objects, the packfile format can take advantage of that.

Delta compression

The packfile format begins with some simple header information, but then it contains Git object data concatenated together. Each object’s data starts with a type and a length. The type could be the object type, in which case the content in the packfile is the full object content (subject to DEFLATE compression). The object’s type could instead be an offset delta, in which case the data is based on the content of a previous object in the packfile.

An offset delta begins with an integer offset value pointing to the relative position of a previous object in the packfile. The remaining data specifies a list of instructions which either instruct how to copy data from the base object or to write new data chunks.

Thinking back to our example of the root tree for Git’s v2.37.0 tag, we can store that tree as an offset delta to the previous root tree by copying the tree up until the object ID 120af37..., then write the new object ID b210b30..., and finally copy the rest of the previous root tree.

Keep in mind that these instructions are also DEFLATE compressed, so the new data chunks can also be compressed similarly to the base object. For the example above, we can see that the root tree for v2.37.0 is around 19KB uncompressed, 14KB compressed, but can be represented as an offset delta in only 50 bytes.

$ git rev-parse v2.37.0^{tree}

$ git cat-file -s v2.37.0^{tree}

$ ls -al .git/objects/a4/a2aa60ab45e767b52a26fc80a0a576aef2a010
-r--r--r--   1 ... ... 13966 Aug  1 13:24 a2aa60ab45e767b52a26fc80a0a576aef2a010

$ git rev-parse v2.37.0^{tree} | git cat-file --batch-check="%(objectsize:disk)"

Also, an offset delta can be based on another object that is also an offset delta. This creates a delta chain that requires computing the object data for each object in the list. In fact, we need to traverse the delta links in order to even determine the object type.

For this reason, there is a cost to storing objects efficiently this way. At read time, we need to do a bit extra work to materialize the raw object content Git needs to parse to satisfy its queries. There are multiple ways that Git tries to optimize this trade-off.

One way Git minimizes the extra work when parsing delta chains is by keeping the delta-chains short. The pack.depth config value specifies an upper limit on how long delta chains can be while creating a packfile. The default limit is 50.

When writing a packfile, Git attempts to use a recent object as the base and order the delta chain in reverse-chronological order. This allows the queries that involve recent objects to have minimum overhead, while the queries that involve older objects have slightly more overhead.

However, while thinking about the overhead of computing object contents from a delta chain, it is important to think about what kind of resources are being used. For example, to compute the diff between v2.37.0 and its parent, we need to load both root trees. If these root trees are in the same delta chain, then that chain’s data on disk is smaller than if they were stored in raw form. Since the packfile also places delta chains in adjacent locations in the packfile, the cost of reading the base object and its delta from disk is almost identical to reading just the base object. The extra overhead of some CPU during the parse is very small compared to the disk read. In this way, reading multiple objects in the same delta chain is faster than reading multiple objects across different chains.

In addition, some Git commands query the object store in such a way that we are very likely to parse multiple objects in the same delta chain. We will cover this more in part III when discussing file history queries.

In addition to persisting data efficiently to disk, the packfile format is also critical to how Git synchronizes Git object data across distributed copies of the repository during git fetch and git push. We will learn more about this in part IV when discussing distributed synchronization.

Packfile maintenance

In order to take advantage of packfiles and their compressed representation of Git objects, Git needs to actually write these packfiles. It is too expensive to create a packfile for every object write, so Git batches the packfile write into certain commands.

You could roll your own packfile using git pack-objects and create a pack-index for it using git index-pack. However, you instead might want to recompute a new packfile containing your entire object store using git repack -a or git gc.

As your repository grows, it becomes more difficult to replace your entire object store with a new packfile. For starters, you need enough space to store two copies of your Git object data. In addition, the computation effort to find good delta compression is very expensive and demanding. An optimal way to do delta compression takes quadratic time over the number objects, which is quickly infeasible. Git uses several heuristics to help with this, but still the cost of repacking everything all at once can be more than we are willing to spend, especially if we are just a client repository and not responsible for serving our Git data to multiple users.

There are two primary ways to update your object store for efficient reads without rewriting the entire object store into a new packfile. One is the geometric repacking option where you can run git repack --geometric to repack only a portion of packfiles until the resulting packfiles form a geometric sequence. That is, each packfile is some fixed multiple smaller than the next largest one. This uses the multi-pack-index to keep logarithmic performance for object lookups, but will occasionally tip over to repack all of the object data. That “tip over” moment only happens when the repository doubles in size, which does not happen very often.

Another approach to reducing the amount of work spent repacking is the incremental repack task in the git maintenance command. This task collects packfiles below a fixed size threshold and groups them together, at least until their total size is above that threshold. The default threshold is two gigabytes. This task is used by default when you enable background maintenance with the git maintenance start command. This also uses the multi-pack-index to keep fast lookups, but also will not rewrite the entire object store for large repositories since once a packfile is larger than the threshold it is not considered for repacking. The storage is slightly inefficient here, since objects in newer packfiles could be stored as deltas to objects in those fixed packs, but the simplicity in avoiding expensive repository maintenance is worth that slight overhead.

If you’re interested in keeping your repositories well maintained, then think about these options. You can always perform a full repack that recomputes all delta chains using git repack -adf at any time you are willing to spend that upfront maintenance cost.

What could Git learn from other databases?

Now that we have some understanding about how Git stores and accesses packed object data, let’s think about features that exist in application database systems that might be helpful here.

One thing to note is that there are no B-trees to be found! Almost every database introduction talks about how B-trees are used to efficiently index data in a database table. Why are they not present here in Git?

The main reason Git does not use B-trees is because it doesn’t do “live updating” of packfiles and pack-indexes. Once a packfile is written, it is static until it is replaced by another packfile containing its objects. That packfile is also not accessed by Git processes until its pack-index is completely written.

In this world, objects are dynamically added to the object store by adding new loose object files (such as in git add or git commit) or by adding new packfiles (such as in git fetch). If a packfile has fixed content, then we can do the most space-and-time efficient index: a binary search tree. Specifically, performing binary search on the list of object IDs in a pack-index is very efficient. It’s not an exact binary search because there is an initial fan-out table for the first byte of the object ID. It’s kind of like a rooted binary tree, except the root node has 256 children instead of only two.

B-trees excel when data is being inserted or removed from the tree. Being able to track those modifications with minimal modifications to the overall tree structure is critical for an application database serving many concurrent requests.

Git does not currently have the capability to update a packfile in real time without shutting down concurrent reads from that file. Such a change could be possible, but it would require updating Git’s storage significantly. I think this is one area where a database expert could contribute to the Git project in really interesting ways.

Another difference between Git and most database systems is that Git runs as short-lived processes. Typically, we think of the database as a process that has data cached in memory. We send queries to the existing process and it returns results and keeps running. Instead, Git starts a new process with every “query” and relies on the filesystem for persisted state. Git also relies on the operating system to cache the disk pages during and between the processes. Expert database systems tell the kernel to stop managing disk pages and instead the database manages the page cache since it knows its usage needs better than a general purpose operating system could predict.

What if Git had a long-running daemon that could satisfy queries on-demand, but also keep that in-memory representation of data instead of needing to parse objects from disk every time? Although the current architecture of Git is not well-suited to this, I believe it is an idea worth exploring in the future.

Come back tomorrow for more!

In the next part of this blog series, we will explore how Git commit history queries use the structure of Git commits to present interesting information to the user. We’ll also explore the commit-graph file and how it acts as a specialized query index for these commands.

I’ll also be speaking at Git Merge 2022 covering all five parts of this blog series, so I look forward to seeing you there!

Make your monorepo feel small with Git’s sparse index

Post Syndicated from Derrick Stolee original

One way that Git scales to the largest monorepos is the sparse-checkout feature, which allows you to focus on a subset of the files. This is supposed to make it feel like you are actually in a small repository, even though you are contributing to a large repository.

There’s only one problem: the Git index is still large in a monorepo, and users can feel it. Until now.

The Git index is a critical data structure in Git. It serves as the “staging area” between the files you have on your filesystem and your commit history. When you run git add, the files from your working directory are hashed and stored as objects in the index, leading them to be “staged changes”. When you run git commit, the staged changes as stored in the index are used to create that new commit. When you run git checkout, Git takes the data from a commit and writes it to the working directory and the index.

The working directory, index, and commit history

In addition to storing your staged changes, the index also stores filesystem information about your working directory. This helps Git report changed files more quickly. One problem is that the index stores this information for every file at HEAD, even if those files are outside of the sparse-checkout definition. This means that the index can be much larger in a monorepo than it would be if your important subset of files was in its own repository.

Throughout the past year, the Git Fundamentals team at GitHub contributed a new feature to Git called the sparse index, which allows the index to focus on the files within the sparse-checkout cone. If you are in a repository that can use sparse-checkout, then you can enable the sparse index using these commands:

git sparse-checkout init --cone --sparse-index
git sparse-checkout set <dir1> <dir2> ... <dirN>

The size of the sparse index will scale with the number of files within your chosen directories, instead of the full size of your repository. When enabled with a number of other performance features, this can have a dramatic performance impact.

As we built the sparse index, we tested its performance against a large monorepo that has over two million files at HEAD, and with a sparse-checkout definition that populated the working directory with about 100,000 of those files. We then compared the performance between having a normal “full” index, a sparse index, and a repository that only contained the files matching the sparse-checkout definition.

Command performance by index and repository type

The chart above demonstrates the significant performance improvements enabled by the sparse index. The bottom bars for each Git command show the runtime without the sparse index. The middle bars show the runtime of the same commands with the sparse index enabled. The top bars show the runtime of these commands, except in a repository that only contained the files within the sparse-checkout cone, representing the theoretical optimum. Since the sparse index still contains pointers to the rest of the monorepo, there is still some overhead. This overhead is hardly noticeable, since the difference is at most 60 milliseconds, even in the worst case above.

Today, I will go deep into the design and implementation of the sparse index. In particular, I’ll focus on how the Git community made such a significant change to a critical data structure in a safe way. I will include links to the actual changes in the Git codebase as I go.

This post is going to go deep into the guts of Git. If you are unfamiliar with Git’s object model, then learn about commits, trees, and blobs before continuing.

You can also get an overview of the sparse index alongside several other advanced Git features in this presentation I gave with colleague Lessley Dennington at the GitHub Nova event.

First, let’s dig into the Git index to understand its structure and purpose. I’ll use the derrickstolee/trace2-flamechart repository as a concrete example (and to generate some of the figures). If you want to follow along with the Git commands shown, then clone that repository.

The Git index

The index file stores a list of every file at HEAD, along with the object ID for its blob and some metadata. This list of files is stored as a flat list and Git parses the index into an array.

You can expose the list of files in the index using the git ls-files command:

$ git ls-files

In this repository, many of the files live in an examples/ directory, but you don’t actually need them for the functionality of the code, which lives in the bin/ directory. You can focus the repository only on the necessary files using the git sparse-checkout command:

$ ls
LICENSE     bin       examples   package.json
$ git sparse-checkout init --cone --sparse-index
$ git sparse-checkout set bin
$ ls
LICENSE     bin       package.json

Even though I used the sparse-checkout command to reduce the size of the working directory, my git ls-files command will return the same set of files as before. In fact, I can dig in a little more and expose some more information using git ls-files --debug.

$ git ls-files --debug
  ctime: 1634910503:287405820
  mtime: 1634910503:287405820
  dev: 16777220 ino: 119325319
  uid: 501  gid: 20
  size: 1098    flags: 0
  ctime: 1634910503:288090279
  mtime: 1634910503:288090279
  dev: 16777220 ino: 119325320
  uid: 501  gid: 20
  size: 934 flags: 0
  ctime: 1634910767:828434033
  mtime: 1634910767:828434033
  dev: 16777220 ino: 119325520
  uid: 501  gid: 20
  size: 7292    flags: 0
  ctime: 0:0
  mtime: 0:0
  dev: 0    ino: 0
  uid: 0    gid: 0
  size: 0   flags: 40004000

The above output is truncated, but it shows that each index entry contains additional filesystem information for each path. The last entry listed shows what happens for a file that is outside of the sparse-checkout definition: all of the filesystem information is removed and the flags entry has some bits enabled. These bits include a SKIP_WORKTREE bit that signifies that Git will not write that file to the working directory.

If these files are not written to disk, then why are they listed in the index at all? The reason is that Git still needs to understand the content that would be there if the index was expanded. Further, that information is used to generate a commit with the git commit command.

In the Git codebase, there is a test helper that can show additional information from the index: test-tool read-cache. (You won’t have this command if you just have normal Git installed.) Running it here, you can see that the index also stores the object IDs for every file:

$ test-tool read-cache --table
100644 blob 646521d0d6c070e6f15e0f5828be1127d3b75503    LICENSE
100644 blob b230b3a6e2d81d50dc00177e970a10726b5baf08
100755 blob 918533d51c7a5f91622311893dcfd40bfd4f43d7    bin/index.js
100644 blob e0f88531b916b92821476760672e8161b9954898    examples/fetch/git-fetch-after.png
100644 blob f4a523cd1acb0a9d2620970ad7a43405d6e305dc    examples/fetch/git-fetch-after.svg
100644 blob fc4e30dca5fcb0c3d2031dc82a43d5d644e26b41    examples/fetch/git-fetch-after.txt
100644 blob 15dc889965617df3b5a30cf01e52c491e41c59c1    examples/fetch/git-fetch-before.png
100644 blob 602bd5bcbd815914a035d0d4f0d2a3896f600de2    examples/fetch/git-fetch-before.svg
100644 blob bc40a8e4658d17c35de996f3655e737b85ce7ad9    examples/fetch/git-fetch-before.txt
100644 blob 356cdd36e0d78a62af8b010d25d658054bb6fdc7    examples/fetch/git-fetch-combined.png
100644 blob cc0c23f2c8a822c51a17c46268f38c2268b400ae    examples/fetch/git-fetch-combined.svg
100644 blob dfc0893d172d841d971e206461466db935b7c192    examples/maintenance/trace.png
100644 blob a10a876472e46c6ae58e6fc6e2adc64d4dae809b    examples/maintenance/trace.svg
100644 blob 8f5e8bfbc44674feb3aa96e0b7bf1bf717495658    examples/maintenance/trace.txt
100644 blob a4599a9e0a01c28a2c0a622457664fc8c55bfdf9    package.json

Notice in particular how every single row lists the object type as blob, meaning a file. Also, the bin/index.js file has executable permissions, so the file permission column shows 100755 instead of 100644 like the others. This is all important metadata to store for each index entry.

To visualize the index, the diagram below displays our blobs as boxes in a line in the order given above, but it represents the trees that connect the root tree to those blobs as triangles. Thus, the root tree has two subtrees for bin/ and examples/, and the examples/ subtree has two subtrees for fetch/ and maintenance/.

full index

This figure represents all of the links between the trees and blobs. However, the core index data structure stores only the list of blobs as a flat list. The nesting tree structure does not exist in the core of the file.

However, there is an extension to the format that includes the information of the nesting directories: the cache-tree extension. Each node of the cache-tree stores a list of sub-nodes and a range of index entries that are covered by the current node. Each node stores the object ID for the tree it represents.

The index and the cache tree

The root node always covers all of the blobs in the index. The contained nodes have ranges contained within that range.

Git commands such as git add update the cache-tree extension in order to make the next git commit command very fast. To create the new commit, Git can use the tree from the root of the cache-tree extension.

Many Git commands use the index in many different ways. Some commands compare the working directory to the index and update one or the other when there is a difference. Others compare the index and a commit. Some compare multiple indexes together. Some use the cache-tree extension to navigate the nested tree structure, but mostly they scan the flat list of files in the form of an array.

The index affects Git performance at scale

The index can be very large in monorepos. I will show Git performance data from an example monorepo that has over two million files at HEAD. Even using the latest compression techniques available, the index file is over 180 MB in this monorepo.

This has a significant effect on normal Git commands. Presented below is an annotated flamechart of a git status command with one of these large indexes. The x-axis represents time since the start of the command, and each rectangle represents a region of Git’s execution that is marked by its trace2 logging library.

`git status` with full index

Three regions are annotated here:

  1. The index is read from disk and parsed into memory.
  2. The working directory is compared to the index. This triggers a lazy initialization of some hash tables that are required for this effort.
  3. The modified index is written to disk.

Parsing is multi-threaded, but writes are not. This explains some of the differences in how long those actions take.

Clearly, the amount of data in the index is a significant portion of this command. This also affects other commands such as git add and git commit, which are expected to be fast.

This performance concern became abundantly clear when our monorepo customer wanted to group more dependencies within the monorepo. Some teams had isolated Git repositories that were hundreds of times smaller than the monorepo, but these repositories created packages that were consumed by the monorepo, causing complications in tracking dependencies. The hope was that they could merge into the monorepo and rely on sparse-checkout to make it feel like they were still working in a small repository. The user experience was actually much worse, and the root cause was the time it took to read and write the index.

The main culprit is that there are millions of index entries corresponding to files these users do not care about for their daily work. When they push to the server and create a pull request, the build machines can handle the massive scale of building the entire tree and verifying that the small change works within the larger whole of the monorepo. Users should not need to pay that cost.

As members of the Git Fundamentals team, we are very focused on Git performance, and the index has been on our minds for years. For example, the index is a bottleneck for the VFS for Git environment, but that environment has particular needs that prevent improvements in this area.

The biggest thing that has changed recently is the creation of “cone mode” sparse-checkout patterns. These use directory-based pattern matching instead of file-based pattern matching. While cone mode was originally designed to speed up pattern matching in the sparse-checkout feature, it has now unlocked a new way to shrink the index.

The sparse index

The sparse index differs from a normal “full” index in one aspect: it can store directory paths with the object ID for its tree object. This is in addition to the file paths which are paired with blob objects. Since the cone mode sparse-checkout patterns match on a directory level, we can determine that an entire directory is out of the sparse-checkout cone and replace all of its contained file paths with a single directory path.

Back in my example derrickstolee/trace2-flamegraph repository, you can enable the sparse index command and then use the test-tool read-cache tool to show the contents of the index.

$ git sparse-checkout init --cone --sparse-index
$ test-tool read-cache --table
100644 blob 646521d0d6c070e6f15e0f5828be1127d3b75503    LICENSE
100644 blob b230b3a6e2d81d50dc00177e970a10726b5baf08
100755 blob 918533d51c7a5f91622311893dcfd40bfd4f43d7    bin/index.js
040000 tree b395192a7adbf21793f9489f3623c117802b2043    examples/
100644 blob a4599a9e0a01c28a2c0a622457664fc8c55bfdf9    package.json

Similar to my previous visualizations, you can now see how the index contains a directory entry in addition to the four blobs.

sparse index

The sparse directory entries correspond to directories that are just outside of the sparse-checkout definition. These directories also have a cache-tree node whose range is only one entry: that sparse directory entry.

I can even display the full details of the --debug output for git ls-files. This currently requires a --sparse flag that I have implemented in my personal fork of Git, but a similar feature will eventually be available in the core Git client.

$ git ls-files --debug --sparse
  ctime: 1634910503:287405820
  mtime: 1634910503:287405820
  dev: 16777220 ino: 119325319
  uid: 501  gid: 20
  size: 1098    flags: 200000
  ctime: 1634910503:288090279
  mtime: 1634910503:288090279
  dev: 16777220 ino: 119325320
  uid: 501  gid: 20
  size: 934 flags: 200000
  ctime: 1634910767:828434033
  mtime: 1634910767:828434033
  dev: 16777220 ino: 119325520
  uid: 501  gid: 20
  size: 7292    flags: 200000
  ctime: 0:0
  mtime: 0:0
  dev: 0    ino: 0
  uid: 0    gid: 0
  size: 0   flags: 40004000
  ctime: 1634910503:288676330
  mtime: 1634910503:288676330
  dev: 16777220 ino: 119325321
  uid: 501  gid: 20
  size: 680 flags: 200000

This output is not truncated as it was before, and you can see that the sparse directory entry for examples/ is the only one with blank filesystem data. It also has the same flags value as the sparse file entries did before.

By removing the number of index entries as well as reducing the average path length, you can shrink the index size significantly. In our example monorepo, most users will reduce their index size from 180 MB to less than 10 MB!

Back to our monorepo, let’s try that git status example again and create a new flamechart. Here, I compare the flamechart for git status with a full index followed by one with a sparse index.

Annotated `git status` flame chart

With the sparse index, the git status command drops from 1.3 seconds to under 200 milliseconds! In the flame chart above I highlighted some regions that have similar appearance in each run. These represent the parts of the git status command that are actually walking the working directory and doing work independent of the index size. Everything else is slower in the full index case entirely because of the size of the index!

Building the sparse index safely

Pruning the index at the directory level is a relatively simple idea with a rather complicated result: our flat list of paths now contains two types of Git objects! There are dozens of places in the Git codebase that interact directly with the index in subtly different ways, and all of them are expecting every index entry to point to a blob object.

In order to make such a change to a critical data structure, we needed to first create a compatibility layer. To safely interact with a sparse index, we needed a way to expand a sparse index to an equivalent full index. This way, code paths that have not been integrated and tested with a sparse index can still be used, even if the on-disk format is sparse.

In the Git codebase, we started by creating the ensure_full_index() method, which converts a sparse index into a full one. This method inspects the list for directory entries and replaces them with its contained file entries. Since the directory is outside of the sparse-checkout cone, we could ignore all of the filesystem metadata information and populate the list by traversing the tree objects under that directory. Before anything else happens, the ensure_full_index() method is called immediately after parsing the index so no interactions with the index happen until the sparse directories are removed.

Expanding to a full index

When Git expands a sparse index to a full one, it scans the entries in lexicographic order. If the entry is a file, then Git copies it to the new list. If the entry is a directory, then the tree at that location is passed to the read_tree_at() method to iterate over all contained blobs. For each contained blob, Git generates an index entry for the corresponding file. Finally, the index entry list is copied back into the index and the index is no longer sparse.

Once that protection was in place, we extended Git to write the sparse index format. When writing the index, a full index is converted to a sparse one in-memory using the convert_to_sparse() method.

Collapsing to a sparse index

To convert from a full index to a sparse one, Git uses the cache-tree extension to find the object ID for our new sparse directory entries. The existing file entries are copied, and Git inserts the directory entries as needed.

Once these steps were built, we could verify that the index size was shrinking to the scale we expected. Both of these steps were included in a single series that introduced the format and implemented the conversions.

While it is nice that the index size has shrunk, we couldn’t stop there. The index is a very compact data structure, so it is more efficient to read it from disk than to recreate it by parsing trees. The ensure_full_index() method takes noticeably longer to expand a sparse index to a full one than it would take to read a full one from disk. In order to gain the performance benefits of a sparse index, we needed to teach Git what to do when encountering sparse directory entries.

Before embarking on these integrations, we first set up more guardrails. A new setting, command_requires_full_index, was created which is enabled by default. This setting is used to trigger ensure_full_index() upon parsing a sparse index unless the Git command being run has explicitly disabled the setting. This allowed us to integrate with Git commands one-by-one without disrupting the behavior of other Git commands. In addition to these settings, we inserted calls to ensure_full_index() before most index interactions. to make sure that we were operating on a full index in any code path that might iterate over the index entries. This allowed us to find which code paths needed integration: we could debug a Git command with a breakpoint on ensure_full_index() and see the call stack that led to that expansion.

The first command to integrate with the sparse index was git status. In hindsight, this was a challenging command to use as a starting point, because it performs multiple index operations that are common to other commands. This became clear when integrating with git checkout and git commit because most of the work was already done in the git status integration.

Let’s explore some of the smaller interactions that needed special care with directory entries.

Example implementation detail: git diff

The git diff command can show what is different between different representations of a working directory. There are two interesting cases that involve the index: comparing the working directory to the index, and comparing the index to a commit.

With no other arguments, git diff shows the differences in the working directory compared to what is staged in the index. This algorithm is mostly simple to integrate with the sparse index: while walking the working directory, Git drills into a directory only if it exists. If the sparse directory entries in the sparse index do not appear as directories in the working directory, then it never tries to drill into the sparse directory entries. If Git finds that a sparse directory entry does exist in the filesystem as a real directory, then the ensure_full_index() method expands the index and Git continues as normal. This is not desired, so we did everything possible to make sure that these directories do not exist, including updating the sparse-checkout feature to delete ignored files outside the cone.

The git diff --cached command compares the files staged in the index with the commit at HEAD. Here, it is easier to have differences outside the sparse-checkout cone, such as when using git reset --soft to change the HEAD commit without changing the working directory or index. In this case, the git diff --cached command wants to compare the root tree for the HEAD commit to the files in the index. This can proceed normally for the files that exist in the sparse index, but when we reach a sparse directory entry, we see the tree object staged in the index as well as a tree object from the tree walk. At this point, we shift from a tree-vs-index comparison to a tree-vs-tree comparison of those subtrees. When that diff is complete, we can continue with the larger comparison.

One major benefit to the tree-vs-tree comparison is that it is easier to compare the same type of objects. The recursive comparison can also prune the walk when it finds two subtrees with the same object ID, as all of their content is the same at that point.

This change allows us to report on these differences not only in the git diff command, but also such diffs as are written during git status, git checkout, and git commit.

Implementation detail: ORT merge strategy

When beginning the sparse index work, there was a huge question that we did not know how to tackle: three-way merges. The default merge strategy, recursive, uses the index as a data structure during its computation. It was going to be difficult to reconcile that algorithm to work within the confines of a sparse index. In fact, many merges that a monorepo user runs would need to resolve merges outside of the sparse-checkout cone.

Luckily, another contributor, Elijah Newren, announced that he was creating a new merge strategy, named the ORT strategy, that did not use the index. We prioritized reviewing and testing that strategy so that we could take advantage of it. It turns out that it is also a better algorithm in general, so it will become the new default strategy with Git 2.34.

The critical feature of the ORT strategy was its replacement of the index with a recursive tree-like structure. That structure is built from the root tree and only creates subtrees for paths that have changed since the merge base. At the end, the ORT strategy creates an index to match its representation of the resulting merge commit.

Because of the ORT merge strategy, integrating the sparse index into git merge, git rebase, git cherry-pick, and git revert was very simple. We just needed to make sure the index that was created at the end of the merge was sparse from its original creation.

Different merge strategies and their performance

As we reported earlier, the ORT strategy improves over the recursive strategy in the typical case, but also the recursive strategy has significant outliers as shown in the box plot above. Enabling the sparse index on top of the ORT strategy provides even more improvements.

Without the ORT merge strategy, the sparse index work could have easily doubled in scope. For a detailed look at the ORT strategy and its many optimizations, take a look at Elijah’s six-part blog series:

Testing the sparse index

The sparse index was touching critical code and doing so in interesting ways. We needed a way to carefully test that these changes were as correct as possible. The Git test suite is substantial and has excellent coverage of most index operations. However, almost all of those tests do not use sparse-checkout, so we couldn’t immediately gain value in checking the sparse index by enabling it globally.

We created a test script that focused on testing the sparse index in a new way. The test starts by creating a repository with some interesting data shapes in it. Then, each test case starts by copying that repository into three new repositories. Those three repositories have different configurations:

  1. The repository as-is, without sparse-checkout.
  2. The repository with cone mode sparse-checkout enabled.
  3. The repository with cone mode sparse-checkout and sparse index enabled.

Then, each test case runs a number of Git commands against all three repositories, expecting the same output and results in the working directory. This allowed us to be confident that the changes we were making to enable the sparse index would have identical behavior with the other two cases.

Along the way, we found some interesting differences between sparse-checkout and full repositories. Several of these bugs have been fixed since. Sometimes, it was unclear whether the sparse-checkout feature should do the same thing as a normal repository, specifically when interacting with files outside of the sparse-checkout cone. This led to changing how some commands interact with sparse entries. In Git 2.34, some commands will need a --sparse flag in order to modify paths outside of the sparse-checkout cone.

In addition to these test scripts, we routinely ran the Scalar functional tests against our development branches, since many of those tests focus on special circumstances around the sparse-checkout feature. If a Scalar test would fail when the Git tests did not, then we would create a similar test in Git to prevent such a bug in the future.

Once we had integrated with a core set of Git commands, we also created an experimental release that contained early versions of these integrations. We provided this version to a subset of monorepo users to evaluate the performance. We found some interesting data from some of the users, but overall the results confirmed that the sparse index was going to significantly improve the user experience in the monorepo. The most important thing we discovered is that the sparse-checkout feature should remove ignored files outside of the cone, as those files cause the sparse index to expand to a full one, negating the performance benefits. There is an additional benefit in that the working directory shrinks even more by deleting these files.

The current state of the sparse index

Not all Git commands understand the sparse index. Those that have not been integrated trigger a compatibility check that converts a sparse index into a full one during the first index read. The integrated commands are ones that have been carefully tested with the sparse index. They likely received some code updates in order to properly handle a sparse index. These integrations were dispersed across the last few Git versions, and some only exist in the microsoft/git fork until we can complete contributing them to the core Git project.


In June, Git 2.32.0 was released with an understanding of the sparse index format. In August, Git 2.33.0 included integrations with git status, git commit, and git checkout. Git 2.34.0 is slated for a November release with integrations for git add, git merge, git rebase, git cherry-pick, and git reset. In order to serve our monorepo users, we fast-tracked some integrations into a pre-release in our fork including integrations with git diff, git blame, git clean, git sparse-checkout, and git stash.

Based on our understanding of how users interact with a monorepo, the commands that are listed here are sufficient to cover almost all users’ needs. We expect that users who adopt the sparse index with these integrations will have a significantly improved experience from before. This all depends on the size of their monorepo and on the size of their sparse-checkout cone.

We will release this feature widely to our monorepo users with the sparse index on by default in the 2.34 release of our Git fork. The core Git project will keep the sparse index off by default until it has all of these features and the implementation has been stable for a few versions.

Looking to the future

At this point, we have covered all of the integrations we need to have a successful monorepo experience. There is more work to be done. In particular, we need to finish contributing the final integrations in our list. Upstream progress takes time and we are grateful for all of the feedback we have received from the community so far. There are more commands that could use integrations, as well.

For now, we are focused on ensuring that monorepo users transition to the sparse index without incident. If you are interested in the sparse index, then we believe it is in an excellent state to start using it. If you have any issues with its performance or stability, then please do not hesitate to create an issue or start a discussion. We will be there to help!

Through the sparse index, we broke through a significant barrier to monorepo scale. We continue to seek the next innovation that will help Git scale to the largest repos out there.

Get up to speed with partial clone and shallow clone

Post Syndicated from Derrick Stolee original

As your Git repositories grow, it becomes harder and harder for new developers to clone and start working on them. Git is designed as a distributed version control system. This means that you can work on your machine without needing a connection to a central server that controls how you interact with the repository. This is only fully realizable if you have all reachable data in your local repository.

What if there was a better way? Could you get started working in the repository without downloading every version of every file in the entire Git history? Git’s partial clone and shallow clone features are options that can help here, but they come with their own tradeoffs. Each option breaks at least one expectation from the normal distributed nature of Git, and you might not be willing to make those tradeoffs.

If you are working with an extremely large monorepo, then these tradeoffs are more likely to be worthwhile or even necessary to interact with Git at that scale!

Before digging in on this topic, be sure you are familiar with how Git stores your data, including commits, trees, and blob objects. I presented some of these ideas and other helpful tips at GitHub Universe in my talk, Optimize your monorepo experience.

Quick Summary

There are three ways to reduce clone sizes for repositories hosted by GitHub.

  • git clone --filter=blob:none <url> creates a blobless clone. These clones download all reachable commits and trees while fetching blobs on-demand. These clones are best for developers and build environments that span multiple builds.
  • git clone --filter=tree:0 <url> creates a treeless clone. These clones download all reachable commits while fetching trees and blobs on-demand. These clones are best for build environments where the repository will be deleted after a single build, but you still need access to commit history.
  • git clone --depth=1 <ulr> creates a shallow clone. These clones truncate the commit history to reduce the clone size. This creates some unexpected behavior issues, limiting which Git commands are possible. These clones also put undue stress on later fetches, so they are strongly discouraged for developer use. They are helpful for some build environments where the repository will be deleted after a single build.

Full clones

As we discuss the different clone types, we will use a common representation of Git objects:

  • Boxes are blobs. These represent file contents.
  • Triangles are trees. These represent directories.
  • Circles are commits. These are snapshots in time.

We use arrows to represent a relationship between objects. Basically, if an OID B appears inside a commit or tree A, then the object A has an arrow to the object B. If we can follow a list of arrows from an object A to another object C, then we say C is reachable from A. The process of following these arrows is sometimes referred to as walking objects.

We can now describe the data downloaded by a git clone command! The client asks the server for the latest commits, then the server provides those objects and every other reachable object. This includes every tree and blob in the entire commit history!

In this diagram, time moves from left to right. The arrows between a commit and its parents therefore go from right to left. Each commit has a single root tree. The root tree at the HEAD commit is fully expanded underneath, while the rest of the trees have arrows pointing towards these objects.

This diagram is purposefully simple, but if your repository is very large you will have many commits, trees, and blobs in your history. Likely, the historical data forms a majority of your data. Do you actually need all of it?

These days, many developers always have a network connection available as they work, so asking the server for a little more data when necessary might be an acceptable trade-off.

This is the critical design change presented by partial clone.

Partial clone

Git’s partial clone feature is enabled by specifying the --filter option in your git clone command. The full list of filter options exist in the git rev-list documentation, since you can use git rev-list --filter=<filter> --all to see which objects in your repository match the filter. There are several filters available, but the server can choose to deny your filter and revert to a full clone.

On and GitHub Enterprise Server 2.22+, there are two options available:

  1. Blobless clones: git clone --filter=blob:none <url>
  2. Treeless clones: git clone --filter=tree:0 <url>

Let’s investigate each of these options.

Blobless clones

When using the --filter=blob:none option, the initial git clone will download all reachable commits and trees, and only download the blobs for commits when you do a git checkout. This includes the first checkout inside the git clone operation. The resulting object model is shown here:

The important thing to notice is that we have a copy of every blob at HEAD but the blobs in the history are not present. If your repository has a deep history full of large blobs, then this option can significantly reduce your git clone times. The commit and tree data is still present, so any subsequent git checkout only needs to download the missing blobs. The Git client knows how to batch these requests to ask the server only for the missing blobs.

Further, when running git fetch in a blobless clone, the server only sends the new commits and trees. The new blobs are downloaded only after a git checkout. Note that git pull runs git fetch and then git merge, so it will download the necessary blobs during the git merge command.

When using a blobless clone, you will trigger a blob download whenever you need the contents of a file, but you will not need one if you only need the OID of a file. This means that git log can detect which commits changed a given path without needing to download extra data.

This means that blobless clones can perform commands like git merge-basegit log, or even git log -- <path> with the same performance as a full clone.

Commands like git diff or git blame <path> require the contents of the paths to compute diffs, so these will trigger blob downloads the first time they are run. However, the good news is that after that you will have those blobs in your repository and do not need to download them a second time. Most developers only need to run git blame on a small number of files, so this tradeoff of a slightly slower git blame command is worth the faster clone and fetch times.

Blobless clones are the most widely-used partial clone option. I’ve been using them myself for months without issue.

Treeless clones

In some repositories, the tree data might be a significant portion of the history. Using --filter=tree:0, a treeless clone downloads all reachable commits, then downloads trees and blobs on demand. The resulting object model is shown here:

Note that we have all of the data at HEAD, but otherwise only have commit data. This means that the initial clone can be much faster in a treeless clone than in a blobless or full clone. Further, we can run git fetch to download only the latest commits. However, working in a treeless clone is more difficult because downloading a missing tree when needed is more expensive.

For example, a git checkout command changes the HEAD commit, usually to a commit where we do not have the root tree. The Git client then asks the server for that root tree by OID, but also for all reachable trees from that root tree. Currently, this request does not tell the server that the client already has some root trees, so the server might send many trees the client already has locally. After the trees are downloaded, the client can detect which blobs are missing and request those in a batch.

It is possible to work in a treeless clone without triggering too many requests for extra data, but it is much more restrictive than a blobless clone.

For example, history operations such as git merge-base or git log (without extra options) only use commit data. These will not trigger extra downloads.

However, if you run a file history request such as git log -- <path>, then a treeless clone will start downloading root trees for almost every commit in the history!

We strongly recommend that developers do not use treeless clones for their daily work. Treeless clones are really only helpful for automated builds when you want to quickly clone, compile a project, then throw away the repository. In environments like GitHub Actions using public runners, you want to minimize your clone time so you can spend your machine time actually building your software! Treeless clones might be an excellent option for those environments.

⚠ Warning: While writing this article, we were putting treeless clones to the test beyond the typical limits. We noticed that repositories that contain submodules behave very poorly with treeless clones. Specifically, if you run git fetch in a treeless clone, then the logic in Git that looks for changed submodules will trigger a tree request for every new commit! This behavior can be avoided by running git config fetch.recurseSubmodules false in your treeless clones. We are working on a more robust fix in the Git client.

Shallow clones

Partial clones are relatively new to Git, but there is an older feature that does something very similar to a treeless clone: shallow clones. Shallow clones use the --depth=<N> parameter in git clone to truncate the commit history. Typically, --depth=1 signifies that we only care about the most recent commits. Shallow clones are best combined with the --single-branch --branch=<branch> options as well, to ensure we only download the data for the commit we plan to use immediately.

The object model for a shallow clone is shown in this diagram:

Here, the commit at HEAD exists, but its connection to its parents and the rest of the history is severed. The commits whose parents are removed are called shallow commits and together form the shallow boundary. The commit objects themselves have not changed, but there is some metadata in the client repository directing the Git client to ignore those parent connections. All trees and blobs are downloaded for any commit that exists on the client.

Since the commit history is truncated, commands such as git merge-base or git log show different results than they would in a full clone! In general, you cannot count on them to work as expected. Recall that these commands work as expectedly in partial clones. Even in blobless clones, commands like git blame -- <path> will work correctly, if only a little slower than in full clones. Shallow clones don’t even make that a possibility!

The other major difference is how git fetch behaves in a shallow clone. When fetching new commits, the server must provide every tree and blob that is “new” to these commits, relative to the shallow commits. This computation can be more expensive than a typical fetch, partly because a well-maintained server can make use of reachability bitmaps. Depending on how others are contributing to your remote repository, a git fetch operation in a shallow clone might end up downloading an almost-full commit history!

Here are some descriptions of things that can go wrong with shallow clones that negate the supposed values. For these reasons we do not recommend shallow clones except for builds that delete the repository immediately afterwards. Fetching from shallow clones can cause more harm than good!

Remember the “shallow boundary” mentioned earlier? The client sends that boundary to the server during a git fetch command, telling the server that it doesn’t have all of the reachable commits behind that boundary. The client then asks for the latest commits and everything reachable from those until hitting a shallow commit in the boundary. If another user starts a topic branch below that boundary and then the shallow client fetches that topic (or worse, the topic is merged into the default branch), then the server needs to walk the full history and serve the client what amounts to almost a full clone! Further, the server needs to calculate that data without the advantage of performance features like reachability bitmaps.

Comparing Clone Options

Let’s recall each of our clone options. Instead of looking them at a pure object level, let’s explore each category of object. The figures below group the data that is downloaded by each repository type. In addition to the data downloaded at clone, let’s consider the situation where some time passes and then the client runs git fetch and then git checkout to move to a new commit. For each of these options, how much data is downloaded.

Full clones download all reachable objects. Typically, blobs are responsible for most of this data.

In a partial clone, some data is not served immediately and is delayed until the client needs it. Blobless clones skip blobs except those needed at checkout time. Treeless clones skip all trees in the history in favor of downloading a full copy of the trees needed for each checkout.

Blobless clone Treeless clone
git clone --depth=1,
git fetch
git clone --depth=1,
git fetch --depth=1

What do the numbers say?

Fellow GitHub engineer @solmazabbaspour designed and ran an experiment to compare these different clone options on a variety of open source repositories. She will post a blog post tomorrow giving full details and data for the experiment, but I’ll share the executive summary here. Here are some common themes we identified that could help you choose the right scenario for your own usage:

There are many different types of clones beyond the default full clone. If you truly need to have a distributed workflow and want all of the data in your local repository, then you should continue using full clones. If you are a developer focused on a single repository and your repository is reasonably-sized, the best approach is to do a full clone.

You might switch to a blobless partial clone if your repository is very large due to many large blobs, as that clone will help you get started more quickly. The trade-off is that some commands such as git checkout or git blame will require downloading new blob data when necessary.

In general, calculating a shallow fetch is computationally more expensive compared to a full fetch. Always use a full fetch instead of a shallow fetch both in fully and shallow cloned repositories.

In workflows such as CI builds when there is a need to do a single clone and delete the repository immediately, shallow clones are a good option. Shallow clones are the fastest way to get a copy of the working directory at the tip commit with the additional cost that fetching from these repositories is much more expensive, so we do not recommend shallow clones for developers. If you need the commit history for your build, then a treeless partial clone might work better for you than a full clone.

In general, your mileage may vary. Now that you are armed with these different options and the object model behind them, you can go and play with these kinds of clones. You should also be aware of some pitfalls of these non-full clone options:

  • Shallow clones skip the commit history. This makes commands such as git log or git merge-base unavailable. Never fetch from a shallow clone!
  • Treeless clones contain commit history, but it is very expensive to download missing trees. Thus, git log (without a path) and git merge-base are available, but commands like git log -- <path> and git blame are extremely slow and not recommended in these clones.
  • Blobless clones contain all reachable commits and trees, so Git downloads blobs when it needs access to file contents. This means that commands like git log -- <path> are available but commands like git blame are a bit slower on their first run. However, this can be a great way to get started on a very large repository with a lot of old, large blobs.
  • Full clones work as expected. The only downside is the time required to download all of that data, plus the extra disk space for all those files.

Be sure to upgrade to the latest Git version so you have all the latest performance improvements!

Commits are snapshots, not diffs

Post Syndicated from Derrick Stolee original

Git has a reputation for being confusing. Users stumble over terminology and phrasing that misguides their expectations. This is most apparent in commands that “rewrite history” such as git cherry-pick or git rebase. In my experience, the root cause of this confusion is an interpretation of commits as diffs that can be shuffled around. However, commits are snapshots, not diffs!

I believe that Git becomes understandable if we peel back the curtain and look at how Git stores your repository data. After we investigate this model, we’ll explore how this new perspective helps us understand commands like git cherry-pick and git rebase.

If you want to go really deep, you should read the Git Internals chapter of the Pro Git book.

I’ll be using the git/git repository checked out at v2.29.2 as an example. Follow along with my command-line examples for extra practice.

Object IDs are hashes

The most important part to know about Git objects is that Git references each by its object ID (OID for short), providing a unique name for the object. We will use the git rev-parse <ref> command to discover these OIDs. Each object is essentially a plain-text file and we can examine its contents using the git cat-file -p <oid> command.

You might also be used to seeing OIDs given as a shorter hex string. This string is given as something long enough that only one object in the repository has an OID that matches that abbreviation. If we request the type of an object using an abbreviated OID that is too short, then we will see the list of OIDs that match

$ git cat-file -t e0c03
error: short SHA1 e0c03 is ambiguous
hint: The candidates are:
hint: e0c03f27484 commit 2016-10-26 - contrib/buildsystems: ignore irrelevant files in Generators/
hint: e0c03653e72 tree
hint: e0c03c3eecc blob
fatal: Not a valid object name e0c03

What are these types: blobtree, and commit? Let’s start at the bottom and work our way up.

Blobs are file contents

At the bottom of the object model, blobs contain file contents. To discover the OID for a file at your current revision, run git rev-parse HEAD:<path>. Then, use git cat-file -p <oid> to find its contents.

$ git rev-parse

$ git cat-file -p eb8115e6b04814f0c37146bbe3dbc35f3e8992e0 | head -n 8
[![Build status](](

Git - fast, scalable, distributed revision control system

Git is a fast, scalable, distributed revision control system with an
unusually rich command set that provides both high-level operations
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If I edit the file on my disk, then git status notices that the file has a recent modified time and hashes the contents. If the contents don’t match the current OID at, then git status reports the file as “modified on disk.” In this way, we can see if the file contents in the current working directory match the expected contents at HEAD.

Trees are directory listings

Note that blobs contain file contents, but not the file names! The names come from Git’s representation of directories: trees. A tree is an ordered list of path entries, paired with object types, file modes, and the OID for the object at that path. Subdirectories are also represented as trees, so trees can point to other trees!

We will use diagrams to visualize how these objects are related. We use boxes for blobs and triangles for trees.

$ git rev-parse HEAD^{tree}

$ git cat-file -p 75130889f941eceb57c6ceb95c6f28dfc83b609c  | head -n 15
100644 blob c2f5fe385af1bbc161f6c010bdcf0048ab6671ed    .cirrus.yml
100644 blob c592dda681fecfaa6bf64fb3f539eafaf4123ed8    .clang-format
100644 blob f9d819623d832113014dd5d5366e8ee44ac9666a    .editorconfig
100644 blob b08a1416d86012134f823fe51443f498f4911909    .gitattributes
040000 tree fbe854556a4ae3d5897e7b92a3eb8636bb08f031    .github
100644 blob 6232d339247fae5fdaeffed77ae0bbe4176ab2de    .gitignore
100644 blob cbeebdab7a5e2c6afec338c3534930f569c90f63    .gitmodules
100644 blob bde7aba756ea74c3af562874ab5c81a829e43c83    .mailmap
100644 blob 05f3e3f8d79117c1d32bf5e433d0fd49de93125c    .travis.yml
100644 blob 5ba86d68459e61f87dae1332c7f2402860b4280c    .tsan-suppressions
100644 blob fc4645d5c08bd005238fc72cfa709495d8722e6a
100644 blob 536e55524db72bd2acf175208aef4f3dfc148d42    COPYING
040000 tree a58410edddbdd133cca6b3322bebe4fb37be93fa    Documentation
100755 blob ca6ccb49866c595c80718d167e40cfad1ee7f376    GIT-VERSION-GEN
100644 blob 9ba33e6a141a3906eb707dd11d1af4b0f8191a55    INSTALL

Trees provide names for each sub-item. Trees also include information such as Unix file permissions, object type (blob or tree), and OIDs for each entry. We cut the output to the top 15 entries, but we can use grep to discover that this tree has a entry that points to our earlier blob OID.

$ git cat-file -p 75130889f941eceb57c6ceb95c6f28dfc83b609c | grep
100644 blob eb8115e6b04814f0c37146bbe3dbc35f3e8992e0

Trees can point to blobs and other trees using these path entries. Keep in mind that those relationships are paired with path names, but we will not always show those names in our diagrams.

The tree itself doesn’t know where it exists within the repository, that is the role of the objects pointing to the tree. The tree referenced by <ref>^{tree} is a special tree: the root tree. This designation is based on a special link from your commits.

Commits are snapshots

commit is a snapshot in time. Each commit contains a pointer to its root tree, representing the state of the working directory at that time. The commit has a list of parent commits corresponding to the previous snapshots. A commit with no parents is a root commit and a commit with multiple parents is a merge commit. Commits also contain metadata describing the snapshot such as author and committer (including name, email address, and date) and a commit message. The commit message is an opportunity for the commit author to describe the purpose of that commit with respect to the parents.

For example, the commit at v2.29.2 in the Git repository describes that release, and is authored and committed by the Git maintainer.

$ git rev-parse HEAD

/c/_git/git ((v2.29.2))
$ git cat-file -p 898f80736c75878acc02dc55672317fcc0e0a5a6
tree 75130889f941eceb57c6ceb95c6f28dfc83b609c
parent a94bce62b99be35f2ee2b4c98f97c222e7dd9d82
author Junio C Hamano <[email protected]> 1604006649 -0700
committer Junio C Hamano <[email protected]> 1604006649 -0700

Git 2.29.2

Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <[email protected]>

Looking a little farther in the history with git log, we can see a more descriptive commit message talking about the change between that commit and its parent.

$ git cat-file -p 16b0bb99eac5ebd02a5dcabdff2cfc390e9d92ef
tree d0e42501b1cf65395e91e22e74f75fc5caa0286e
parent 56706dba33f5d4457395c651cf1cd033c6c03c7a
author Jeff King &lt;[email protected]&gt; 1603436979 -0400
committer Junio C Hamano &lt;[email protected]&gt; 1603466719 -0700

am: fix broken email with --committer-date-is-author-date

Commit e8cbe2118a (am: stop exporting GIT_COMMITTER_DATE, 2020-08-17)
rewrote the code for setting the committer date to use fmt_ident(),
rather than setting an environment variable and letting commit_tree()
handle it. But it introduced two bugs:

- we use the author email string instead of the committer email

- when parsing the committer ident, we used the wrong variable to
compute the length of the email, resulting in it always being a
zero-length string

This commit fixes both, which causes our test of this option via the
rebase "apply" backend to now succeed.

Signed-off-by: Jeff King &lt;[email protected]&gt; Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano &lt;[email protected]&gt;

In our diagrams, we will use circles to represent commits. Notice the alliteration? Let’s review:

  • Boxes are blobs. These represent file contents.
  • Triangles are trees. These represent directories.
  • Circles are commits. These are snapshots in time.

Branches are pointers

In Git, we move around the history and make changes without referring to OIDs most of the time. This is because branches provide pointers to the commits we care about. A branch with name main is actually a reference in Git called refs/heads/main. These files literally contain hex strings referencing the OID of a commit. As you work, these references change their contents to point to other commits.

This means branches are significantly different from our previous Git objects. Commits, trees, and blobs are immutable, meaning you can’t change their contents. If you change the contents, then you get a different hash and thus a new OID referring to the new object! Branches are named by users to provide meaning, such as trunk or my-special-project. We use branches to track and share work.

The special reference HEAD points to the current branch. When we add a commit to HEAD, it automatically updates that branch to the new commit.

We can create a new branch and update our HEAD using git switch -c:

$ git switch -c my-branch
Switched to a new branch 'my-branch'
$ cat .git/refs/heads/my-branch
$ cat .git/HEAD
ref: refs/heads/my-branch

Notice how creating my-branch created a file (.git/refs/heads/my-branch) containing the current commit OID and the .git/HEAD file was updated to point at this branch. Now, if we update HEAD by creating new commits, the branch my-branch will update to point to that new commit!

The big picture

Let’s put all of these new terms into one giant picture. Branches point to commits, commits point to other commits and their root trees, trees point to blobs and other trees, and blobs don’t point to anything. Here is a diagram containing all of our objects all at once:

In this diagram, time moves from left to right. The arrows between a commit and its parents go from right to left. Each commit has a single root tree. HEAD points to the main branch here, and main points to the most-recent commit. The root tree at this commit is fully expanded underneath, while the rest of the trees have arrows pointing towards these objects. The reason for that is that the same objects are reachable from multiple root trees! Since these trees reference those objects by their OID (their content) these snapshots do not need multiple copies of the same data. In this way, Git’s object model forms a Merkle tree.

When we view the object model in this way, we can see why commits are snapshots: they link directly to a full view of the expected working directory for that commit!

Computing diffs

Even though commits are snapshots, we frequently look at a commit in a history view or on GitHub as a diff. In fact, the commit message frequently refers to this diff. The diff is dynamically generated from the snapshot data by comparing the root trees of the commit and its parent. Git can compare any two snapshots in time, not just adjacent commits.

To compare two commits, start by looking at their root trees, which are almost always different. Then, perform a depth-first-search on the subtrees by following pairs when paths for the current tree have different OIDs. In the example below, the root trees have different values for the docs, so we recurse into those two trees. Those trees have different values for, so those two blobs are compared line-by-line and that diff is shown. Still within is the same, so that is skipped and we pop back to the root tree. The root tree then sees that the things directories have equal OIDs as well as the entries.

In the diagram above, we notice that the things tree is never visited, and so none of its reachable objects are visited. This way, the cost of computing a diff is relative to the number of paths with different content.

Now we have the understanding that commits are snapshots and we can dynamically compute a diff between any two commits. Then why isn’t this common knowledge? Why do new users stumble over this idea that a commit is a diff?

One of my favorite analogies is to think of commits as having a wave/partical duality where sometimes they are treated like snapshots and other times they are treated like diffs. The crux of the matter really goes into a different kind of data that’s not actually a Git object: patches.

Wait, what’s a patch?

patch is a text document that describes how to alter an existing codebase. Patches are how extremely-distributed groups can share code without using Git commits directly. You can see these being shuffled around on the Git mailing list.

A patch contains a description of the change and why it is valuable, followed by a diff. The idea is that someone could use that reasoning as a justification to apply that diff to their copy of the code.

Git can convert a commit into a patch using git format-patch. A patch can then be applied to a Git repository using git apply. This was the dominant way to share code in the early days of open source, but most projects have moved to sharing Git commits directly through pull requests.

The biggest issue with sharing patches is that the patch loses the parent information and the new commit has a parent equal to your existing HEAD. Moreover, you get a different commit even if you use the same parent as before due to the commit time, but also the committer changes! This is the fundamental reason why Git has both “author” and “committer” details in the commit object.

The biggest problem with using patches is that it is hard to apply a patch when your working directory does not match the sender’s previous commit. Losing the commit history makes it difficult to resolve conflicts.

This idea of “moving patches around” has transferred into several Git commands as “moving commits around.” Instead, what actually happens is that commit diffs are replayed, creating new commits.

If commits aren’t diffs, then what does git cherry-pick do?

The git cherry-pick <oid> command creates a new commit with an identical diff to <oid> whose parent is the current commit. Git is essentially following these steps:

  1. Compute the diff between the commit <oid> and its parent.
  2. Apply that diff to the current HEAD.
  3. Create a new commit whose root tree matches the new working directory and whose parent is the commit at HEAD.
  4. Move the ref at HEAD to that new commit.

After Git creates the new commit, the output of git log -1 -p HEAD should match the output of git log -1 -p <oid>.

It is important to recognize that we didn’t “move” the commit to be on top of our current HEAD, we created a new commit whose diff matches the old commit.

If commits aren’t diffs, then what does git rebase do?

The git rebase command presents itself as a way to move commits to have a new history. In its most basic form it is really just a series of git cherry-pick commands, replaying diffs on top of a different commit.

The most important thing is that git rebase <target> will discover the list of commits that are reachable from HEAD but not reachable from <target>. You can show these yourself using git log --oneline <target>..HEAD.

Then, the rebase command simply navigates to the <target> location and starts performing git cherry-pick commands on this commit range, starting from the oldest commits. At the end, we have a new set of commits with different OIDs but similar diffs to the original commit range.

For example, consider a sequence of three commits in the current HEAD since branching off of a target branch. When running git rebase target, the common base P is computed to determine the commit list AB, and C. These are then cherry-picked on top of target in order to construct new commits A'B', and C'.

The commits A'B', and C' are brand new commits that share a lot of information with AB, and C, but are distinct new objects. In fact, the old commits still exist in your repository until garbage collection runs.

We can even inspect how these two commit ranges are different using the git range-diff command! I’ll use some example commits in the Git repository to rebase onto the v2.29.2 tag, then modify the tip commit slightly.

$ git checkout -f 8e86cf65816
$ git rebase v2.29.2
$ echo extra line >>
$ git commit -a --amend -m "replaced commit message"
$ git range-diff v2.29.2 8e86cf65816 HEAD
1:  17e7dbbcbc = 1:  2aa8919906 sideband: avoid reporting incomplete sideband messages
2:  8e86cf6581 ! 2:  e08fff1d8b sideband: report unhandled incomplete sideband messages as bugs
    @@ Metadata
     Author: Johannes Schindelin <[email protected]>
      ## Commit message ##
    -    sideband: report unhandled incomplete sideband messages as bugs
    +    replaced commit message
    -    It was pretty tricky to verify that incomplete sideband messages are
    -    handled correctly by the `recv_sideband()`/`demultiplex_sideband()`
    -    code: they have to be flushed out at the end of the loop in
    -    `recv_sideband()`, but the actual flushing is done by the
    -    `demultiplex_sideband()` function (which therefore has to know somehow
    -    that the loop will be done after it returns).
    -    To catch future bugs where incomplete sideband messages might not be
    -    shown by mistake, let's catch that condition and report a bug.
    -    Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <[email protected]>
    -    Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <[email protected]>
    + ## ##
    +@@ and the name as (depending on your mood):
    + [Documentation/giteveryday.txt]: Documentation/giteveryday.txt
    + [Documentation/gitcvs-migration.txt]: Documentation/gitcvs-migration.txt
    + [Documentation/SubmittingPatches]: Documentation/SubmittingPatches
    ++extra line
      ## pkt-line.c ##
     @@ pkt-line.c: int recv_sideband(const char *me, int in_stream, int out)

Notice that the resulting range-diff claims that commits 17e7dbbcbc and 2aa8919906 are “equal”, which means they would generate the same patch. The second pair of commits are different, showing that the commit message changed and there is an edit to the that was not in the original commit.

If you are following along, you can also see how the commit history still exists for these two commit sets. The new commits have the v2.29.2 tag as the third commit in the history while the old commits have the (earlier) v2.28.0 tag as the third commit.

$ git log --oneline -3 HEAD
e08fff1d8b2 (HEAD) replaced commit message
2aa89199065 sideband: avoid reporting incomplete sideband messages
898f80736c7 (tag: v2.29.2) Git 2.29.2

$ git log --oneline -3 8e86cf65816
8e86cf65816 sideband: report unhandled incomplete sideband messages as bugs
17e7dbbcbce sideband: avoid reporting incomplete sideband messages
47ae905ffb9 (tag: v2.28.0) Git 2.28

Since commits aren’t diffs, how does Git track renames?

If you were looking carefully at the object model, you might have noticed that Git never tracks changes between commits in the stored object data. You might have wondered “how does Git know a rename happened?”

Git doesn’t track renames. There is no data structure inside Git that stores a record that a rename happened between a commit and its parent. Instead, Git tries to detect renames during the dynamic diff calculation. There are two stages to this rename detection: exact renames and edit-renames.

After first computing a diff, Git inspects the internal model of that diff to discover which paths were added or deleted. Naturally, a file that was moved from one location to another would appear as a deletion from the first location and an add in the second. Git attempts to match these adds and deletes to create a set of inferred renames.

The first stage of this matching algorithm looks at the OIDs of the paths that were added and deleted and see if any are exact matches. Such exact matches are paired together.

The second stage is the expensive part: how can we detect files that were renamed and edited? Git iterates through each added file and compares that file against each deleted file to compute a similarity score as a percentage of lines in common. By default, anything larger than 50% of lines in common counts as a potential edit-rename. The algorithm continues comparing these pairs until finding the maximum match.

Did you notice a problem? This algorithm runs A * D diffs, where A is the number of adds and D is the number of deletes. This is quadratic! To avoid extra-long rename computations, Git will skip this portion of detecting edit-renames if A + D is larger than an internal limit. You can modify this limit using the diff.renameLimit config option. You can also avoid the algorithm altogether by disabling the diff.renames config option.

I’ve used my awareness of the Git rename detection in my own projects. For example, I forked VFS for Git to create the Scalar project and wanted to re-use a lot of the code but also change the file structure significantly. I wanted to be able to follow the history of these files into the versions in the VFS for Git codebase, so I constructed my refactor in two steps:

  1. Rename all of the files without changing the blobs.
  2. Replace strings to modify the blobs without changing filenames.

These two steps ensured that I can quickly use git log --follow -- <path> to see the history of a file across this rename.

$ git log --oneline --follow -- Scalar/CommandLine/ScalarVerb.cs
4183579d console: remove progress spinners from all commands
5910f26c ScalarVerb: extract Git version check
9f402b5a Re-insert some important instances of GVFS
90e8c1bd [REPLACE] Replace old name in all files
fb3a2a36 [RENAME] Rename all files
cedeeaa3 Remove dead GVFSLock and GitStatusCache code
a67ca851 Remove more dead hooks code

I abbreviated the output, but these last two commits don’t actually have a path corresponding to Scalar/CommandLine/ScalarVerb.cs, but instead it is tracking the previous path GVSF/GVFS/CommandLine/GVFSVerb.cs because Git recognized the exact-content rename from the commit fb3a2a36 [RENAME] Rename all files.

Won’t be fooled again!

You now know that commits are snapshots, not diffs! This understanding will help you navigate your experience working with Git.

Now you are armed with deep knowledge of the Git object model. You can use this knowledge to expand your skills in using Git commands or deciding on workflows for your team. In a future blog post, we will use this knowledge to learn about different Git clone options and how to reduce the data you need to get things done!