All posts by Ilya Pupko

Automate phone number validation with Amazon Pinpoint

Post Syndicated from Ilya Pupko original

Amazon Pinpoint allows you to engage with your customers across multiple messaging channels like SMS text, email, and voice messages. While planning and executing standard text (SMS) and voice-based campaigns, one of the challenges developers often run into is the need to verify if the phone numbers in their internal database are valid and conform to the standard E.164 format. You can attempt to verify the phone numbers manually one at a time, but it’s tedious. To overcome this issue, Amazon Pinpoint provides a phone number validation service that you can use to determine if a phone number is valid, have it automatically formatted, and obtain additional information about the phone number itself. For example, when you use the phone number validation service, it returns the following information:

  • The phone number in E.164 format.
  • The phone number type (such as mobile, landline, or VoIP).
  • The city and country where the phone number is based.
  • The service provider that is associated with the phone number.

This blog post aims to provide a step-by-step implementation guide and the necessary code to enable an integrated solution for number verification.

Process flows and architecture

This solution uses Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Pinpoint, AWS Step Functions, Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) and AWS Lambda. To initiate the process, you upload your source contact file in the CSV format to the dedicated Amazon S3 bucket. When the CSV file is uploaded, S3 triggers the associated tasks. Based on the optional configuration rules, the application code either runs the Phone Validate logic first or imports the contact information as-is into Amazon Pinpoint as a new imported segment and updates overall Amazon Pinpoint audience information. If Phone Validation is enabled, the system will first generate and save the new output file to Amazon S3 with the valid phone number, metadata, etc. and use this updated contact information during import. Additionally, the system will kick-off a scheduled campaign to all imported contacts.

This CloudFormation template will automatically create the following new resources on your first deploy:

  • AWS Lambda function: These functions contains the application code which validate the phone numbers. It also creates the segment for the uploaded contacts.
  • S3 event notification: When the CSV file is uploaded to the S3 bucket, the S3 Event Notification triggers the AWS Lambda function which initiate the AWS Step Functions State Machine. To learn more about the S3 Event Notification, check the documentation.
  • AWS Step Functions: This solution will set up an infrastructure to automatically trigger when a new file is placed in an S3 bucket. The process, managed by an AWS Step Functions state machine, will start a Pinpoint import process, wait for it to complete, and send notifications that the job started, successfully finished, or failed.
  • IAM role: The IAM role is used to make Amazon Pinpoint calls, to access S3, and interact with AWS Step Functions and Amazon SNS. You can check the IAM documentation to learn more about IAM roles.

Prerequisites and deployment steps

Step 1: Set up the Amazon Pinpoint project and the S3 bucket

In Amazon Pinpoint, a project (also sometimes referred to as “application”) is a collection of settings, customer information, segments, and campaigns. Setting up a Pinpoint project is the first step to deploy our solution. It holds the segment we will use in the later steps.

  1. Navigate to the Amazon Pinpoint from the services tab in the AWS Management Console and create a new Amazon Pinpoint project.
  2. Copy the Project ID from the Amazon Pinpoint console and save it in notepad. You will need it later.

In Amazon S3, create a new bucket to upload the files to. Make sure it is setup according to your company’s security practices. If you have an existing bucket you want to use instead, note that this solution will require a source bucket in the same region as the solution itself and it will override any triggers already in place on the bucket.

Step 2: Deploy code and services

AWS CloudFormation is a service that gives developers and businesses an easy way to create a collection of related AWS and third-party resources. You can provision them in an orderly and predictable fashion.

  1. Download the latest version of the solution from
  2. Log in to your AWS account and navigate to the Amazon CloudFormation from the services tab in the AWS Management Console:
  3. Click on the Create Stack button and choose to provision New Resources. Then select Upload a template file and choose the file you just downloaded in the first step.
  4. On the Specify stack details screen all the information is pre-populated as shown in the screenshot below. Parameters:
    · Replace the PinpointProjectID field with the value you saved in Step 1
    · ValidatePhone: Choose true if you wish to validate the numbers via the Pinpoint API before importing the segment.
    · AssumeUS: Choose true if you want to assume US (+1) phone number for any phone 10 digits long or false if you want to import as-is.
    · AutoCreateCampaign: Choose true if you want to automatically create a campaign based on the imported file or false if you want to just import into the system without automatically scheduling any campaigns. This setting will be saved as an ImportSegment Lambda environment variable so you can adjust it later.
    · CampaignDelay: Number of minutes from the time of import to start of the campaign (if AutoCreateCampaign is set to true). Allows for the last-minute double check and/or pause as needed. Will be saved as CreateCampaign Lambda environment variable.
    · FileDropS3Bucket: Name of the existing Amazon S3 Bucket where new import files will be placed. Note that it has to be in the same region as you are running this template and the bucket should not have any existing notification configurations or they will be overwritten.
    · FileDropS3Prefix: Prefix (sub-folder name) of the Amazon S3 Bucket where you will be uploading new files to be imported.
  5. Settings on the configure stack options page are optional, click Next.

Select all acknowledgment boxes and click Create Stack. It takes a couple of minutes for the AWS CloudFormation to deploy all the resources.

The solution is now deployed and you can test it by uploading the sample CSV file to the Amazon S3 bucket. You will notice that the output CSV file is created in the “results” folder of the same S3 bucket, if you have validation enabled. You can also navigate to the Amazon Pinpoint console to check the Amazon Pinpoint segment. Once the deployment is complete and the segment is created, you can leverage Amazon Pinpoint campaigns to reach out to your customers.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Enabling solutions such as this provides an efficient and integrated mechanism to validate phone numbers and import customer contacts into Amazon Pinpoint. It saves time so that you can focus on creating effective campaigns to engage with your customers.

As the potential next steps, you can look into further expanding the solution by:

  1. Adjusting the default security of the Amazon S3 bucket by limiting who has access to new files. You can also adjust its encryption and the expiration of the files.
  2. Build out the lookup AWS Lambda to additionally fetch other information about the contact using your other systems of records and/or even 3rd party tools. You can also add business logic such as blocking numbers from certain countries (or vice versa, only allow certain countries).
  3. Add more dynamic segments and new endpoint (or user) attributes to more easily track the contacts based on their upload dates, type of phone number, etc.

Create a nice interface your users can use to interact with when needing to upload instead of using the S3 console directly. This “interface” may even be just a backend flow that simply integrates your system of records. This is so they don’t have to deal with any interface and uploads in the first place.

For this, and some other reference architectures you could consider, see


Amazon Pinpoint

Validating phone numbers in Amazon Pinpoint

Amazon Pinpoint Campaigns

Pinpoint Segment


Auto-reply to incoming emails using Amazon Simple Email Service (SES)

Post Syndicated from Ilya Pupko original

Both Amazon Pinpoint and Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) are known for their ability to send out transactional and promotional emails at scale and with ease. However, both are often not set up to receive email replies. Owners often assume that the “no-reply” addresses they are using do not require much consideration. This means that if a customer does reply, they would get an unhelpful server rejection indicating that the address is invalid. They would also not be able to unsubscribe via the simple reply, which is an otherwise established common practice. Automated guidance that the address is not monitored and who and how to reach for assistance would never be provided. In summary, a very unprofessional experience.

If you do have full control over the DNS and are not already receiving emails at the subdomain used for these emails, you can follow this short guide. It walks you through all the setup needed to have automated and templated responses to any address at the domain. This includes the address you use to send emails. Follow this post to ensure that your Amazon SES and Amazon Pinpoint are set up in accordance with common configuration and best business practices to have professional auto-reply to emails sent to the configured sending email addresses.

Solution overview

The proposed solution does not rely on any additional services. It does not add any additional charges beyond the cost directly associated with receiving and sending the emails and the minimal AWS Lambda function for the automated logic. It relies on SES built-in capability to receive emails, Amazon Pinpoint native templates, and uses Lambda for basic orchestration.

lambda diagram for response

Note, in this walkthrough and related code, we are using Amazon Pinpoint templates as they can be managed and maintained directly via the console, but you can choose to use SES templates (via the CreateTemplate API) or, if it makes better sense in your scenario, even just hardcode the template into the AWS Lambda function itself.

To complete the setup, all you must do is follow these steps:

      1. Confirm (Sub-) Domain setup in SES (even if you use Amazon Pinpoint to send your emails out, the SES portion of the console should show the validated domain as well). See SES Developer Guide.
      2. Ensure that your SES domain is verified and you are out of the sandbox. If still in the sandbox, you can only send emails to the Amazon SES mailbox simulator addresses and email addresses/domains that you have pre-verified. See Moving out of the Amazon SES sandbox.
      3. Configure SES to receive incoming emails. Please note that this must be done on the whole subdomain you use, not just a single email address. See Setting up Amazon SES email receiving.
      4. Create/add a new template you want to use via Amazon Pinpoint. Simply switch the console over to Amazon Pinpoint, select Message templates, click Create, select Email, and fill out the rest of the self-explanatory field.
        1. Plaintext portion is optional – you can either skip it or fill it out and enable in the Lambda function we are deploying in the next step.
        2. Similarly, if you prefer to use the SES template, you can instead. Just use the associated line in that same code.
        3. Same with a hardcoded template, if you prefer that for some reason.
      5. Have this pre-defined CloudFormation create the required SES receive rule, and Lambda function. This processes the incoming email and sends back the response, all using the code shared in the dedicated portion of our GitHub, AWS Digital User Engagement Reference Architectures repository. Specifically:
          1. Download the YAML from SES_Auto_Reply.yaml.
          2. Go to CloudFormation in AWS Management Console. (Remember to choose the region you want it deployed on)
          3. Click Create Stack and then choose With new resources
          4. Leave the default “Template is ready“, but switch to ”Upload a template file“ and choose the file you just downloaded
          5. Follow the wizard to give the “stack” a new name and enter the name of the template you created in step 4.
          6. Optionally you can also set the default response address, the addresses and/or domains you want to limit the auto-response to, and adjust the incoming email rule-set it should be stored under (the default should be fine, unless you have manually adjusted it in the past)
      6. Once deployed, the behavior is immediately active and you can further adjust any of these elements.


Conclusion and what’s next?

This architecture, once deployed, sends out the templated auto-response using the SES/Pinpoint domain/email address it received the original email on.

The new rule is added to the SES email receiving rule set to allow further customization:

  1. The rule can be limited to specific email address, specific domain, or just be set to be across all domains.
  2. It can also have the default response address set or reuse the address that the original rejected email was sent to.
  3. It can be moved down on the priority with other rules taking precedence and possibly even overriding it.
  4. It can have other actions added to it, like notifying SNS for additional tracking.

The Lambda function looks up the chosen Amazon Pinpoint template and uses it to reply. Here are some of the customizations you may want to consider within this function and the template:

  1. When sending the automated reply, by default, the template’s configured subject is appended with the original incoming email subject. You can adjust this to fit your company’s brand better.
  2. By default, the function supports an optional template tag %%NAME%% and %%ID%%. If the first appears in the template, it is automatically replaced with the original email’s FROM address. And if %%ID%% appears in the template, it is replaced with the SES’s original email message id, to help with any required audits.
  3. It is assumed that no additional tracking and actions are needed on such rejected and auto-replied emails, but you can further modify the flow by moving the rule around and adding more actions (as mentioned above), and even specify a particular/different SES Configuration Set for the outgoing emails.

Are you using this flow as a baseline for a more complex business flow or have other questions about it? We want to hear back – please comment here or file an issue in the GitHub repository. If you want to file a pull request to make it even more useful for others, please do so, we do appreciate community participation.

If you liked this article, we are continually expanding our Amazon Pinpoint and SES Architecture References and publish new solutions for these and other services. For most recent SES documentation, please see official SES documentation site, and for Amazon Pinpoint, please see Amazon Pinpoint documentation site.