All posts by Laura Reith

Use IAM Identity Center APIs to audit and manage application assignments

Post Syndicated from Laura Reith original

You can now use AWS IAM Identity Center application assignment APIs to programmatically manage and audit user and group access to AWS managed applications. Previously, you had to use the IAM Identity Center console to manually assign users and groups to an application. Now, you can automate this task so that you scale more effectively as your organization grows.

In this post, we will show you how to use IAM Identity Center APIs to programmatically manage and audit user and group access to applications. The procedures that we share apply to both organization instances and account instances of IAM Identity Center.

Automate management of user and group assignment to applications

IAM Identity Center is where you create, or connect, your workforce users one time and centrally manage their access to multiple AWS accounts and applications. You configure AWS managed applications to work with IAM Identity Center directly from within the relevant application console, and then manage which users or groups need permissions to the application.

You can already use the account assignment APIs to automate multi-account access and audit access assigned to your users using IAM Identity Center permission sets. Today, we expanded this capability with the new application assignment APIs. You can use these new APIs to programmatically control application assignments and develop automated workflows for auditing them.

AWS managed applications access user and group information directly from IAM Identity Center. One example of an AWS managed application is Amazon Redshift. When you configure Amazon Redshift as an AWS managed application with IAM Identity Center, and a user from your organization accesses the database, their group memberships defined in IAM Identity Center can map to Amazon Redshift database roles that grant them specific permissions. This makes it simpler for you to manage users because you don’t have to set database-object permissions for each individual. For more information, see The benefits of Redshift integration with AWS IAM Identity Center.

After you configure the integration between IAM Identity Center and Amazon Redshift, you can automate the assignment or removal of users and groups by using the DeleteApplicationAssignment and CreateApplicationAssignment APIs, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Use the CreateApplicationAssignment API to assign users and groups to Amazon Redshift

Figure 1: Use the CreateApplicationAssignment API to assign users and groups to Amazon Redshift

In this section, you will learn how to use Identity Center APIs to assign a group to your Amazon Redshift application. You will also learn how to delete the group assignment.


To follow along with this walkthrough, make sure that you’ve completed the following prerequisites:

  • Enable IAM Identity Center, and use the Identity Store to manage your identity data. If you use an external identity provider, then you should handle the user creation and deletion processes in those systems.
  • Configure Amazon Redshift to use IAM Identity Center as its identity source. When you configure Amazon Redshift to use IAM Identity Center as its identity source, the application requires explicit assignment by default. This means that you must explicitly assign users to the application in the Identity Center console or APIs.
  • Install and configure AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) version 2. For this example, you will use AWS CLI v2 to call the IAM Identity Center application assignment APIs. For more information, see Installing the AWS CLI and Configuring the AWS CLI.

Step 1: Get your Identity Center instance information

The first step is to run the following command to get the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and Identity Store ID for the instance that you’re working with:

aws sso-admin list-instances

The output should look similar to the following:

  "Instances": [
          "InstanceArn": "arn:aws:sso:::instance/ssoins-****************",
          "IdentityStoreId": "d-**********",
          "OwnerAccountId": "************",
          "Name": "MyInstanceName",
          "CreatedDate": "2023-10-08T16:45:19.839000-04:00",
          "State": {
              "Name": "ACTIVE"
          "Status": "ACTIVE"
  "NextToken": <<TOKEN>>

Take note of the IdentityStoreId and the InstanceArn — you will use both in the following steps.

Step 2: Create user and group in your Identity Store

The next step is to create a user and group in your Identity Store.

Note: If you already have a group in your Identity Center instance, get its GroupId and then proceed to Step 3. To get your GroupId, run the following command:

aws identitystore get-group-id --identity-store-id “d-********” –alternate-identifier “GroupName” ,

Create a new user by using the IdentityStoreId that you noted in the previous step.

aws identitystore create-user --identity-store-id "d-**********" --user-name "MyUser" --emails Value="[email protected]",Type="Work",Primary=true —display-name "My User" —name FamilyName="User",GivenName="My" 

The output should look similar to the following:

    "UserId": "********-****-****-****-************",
    "IdentityStoreId": "d--********** "

Create a group in your Identity Store:

aws identitystore create-group --identity-store-id d-********** --display-name engineering

In the output, make note of the GroupId — you will need it later when you create the application assignment in Step 4:

    "GroupId": "********-****-****-****-************",
    "IdentityStoreId": "d-**********"

Run the following command to add the user to the group:

aws identitystore create-group-membership --identity-store-id d-********** --group-id ********-****-****-****-************ --member-id UserId=********-****-****-****-************

The result will look similar to the following:

    "MembershipId": "********-****-****-****-************",
    "IdentityStoreId": "d-**********"

Step 3: Get your Amazon Redshift application ARN instance

The next step is to determine the application ARN. To get the ARN, run the following command.

aws sso-admin list-applications --instance-arn "arn:aws:sso:::instance/ssoins-****************"

If you have more than one application in your environment, use the filter flag to specify the application account or the application provider. To learn more about the filter option, see the ListApplications API documentation.

In this case, we have only one application: Amazon Redshift. The response should look similar to the following. Take note of the ApplicationArn — you will need it in the next step.


    "ApplicationArn": "arn:aws:sso:::instance/ssoins-****************/apl-***************",
    "ApplicationProviderArn": "arn:aws:sso::aws:applicationProvider/Redshift",
    "Name": "Amazon Redshift",
    "InstanceArn": "arn:aws:sso:::instance/ssoins-****************",
    "Status": "DISABLED",
    "PortalOptions": {
        "Visible": true,
        "Visibility": "ENABLED",
        "SignInOptions": {
            "Origin": "IDENTITY_CENTER"
    "AssignmentConfig": {
        "AssignmentRequired": true
    "Description": "Amazon Redshift",
    "CreatedDate": "2023-10-09T10:48:44.496000-07:00"

Step 4: Add your group to the Amazon Redshift application

Now you can add your new group to the Amazon Redshift application managed by IAM Identity Center. The principal-id is the GroupId that you created in Step 2.

aws sso-admin create-application-assignment --application-arn "arn:aws:sso:::instance/ssoins-****************/apl-***************" --principal-id "********-****-****-****-************" --principal-type "GROUP"

The group now has access to Amazon Redshift, but with the default permissions in Amazon Redshift. To grant access to databases, you can create roles that control the permissions available on a set of tables or views.

To create these roles in Amazon Redshift, you need to connect to your cluster and run SQL commands. To connect to your cluster, use one of the following options:

Figure 2 shows a connection to Amazon Redshift through the query editor v2.

Figure 2: Query editor v2

Figure 2: Query editor v2

By default, all users have CREATE and USAGE permissions on the PUBLIC schema of a database. To disallow users from creating objects in the PUBLIC schema of a database, use the REVOKE command to remove that permission. For more information, see Default database user permissions.

As the Amazon Redshift database administrator, you can create roles where the role name contains the identity provider namespace prefix and the group or user name. To do this, use the following syntax:

CREATE ROLE <identitycenternamespace:rolename>;

The rolename needs to match the group name in IAM Identity Center. Amazon Redshift automatically maps the IAM Identity Center group or user to the role created previously. To expand the permissions of a user, use the GRANT command.

The identityprovidernamespace is assigned when you create the integration between Amazon Redshift and IAM Identity Center. It represents your organization’s name and is added as a prefix to your IAM Identity Center managed users and roles in the Redshift database.

Your syntax should look like the following:

CREATE ROLE <AWSIdentityCenter:MyGroup>;

Step 5: Remove application assignment

If you decide that the new group no longer needs access to the Amazon Redshift application but should remain within the IAM Identity Center instance, run the following command:

aws sso-admin delete-application-assignment --application-arn "arn:aws:sso:::instance/ssoins-****************/apl-***************" --principal-id "********-****-****-****-************" --principal-type "GROUP"

Note: Removing an application assignment for a group doesn’t remove the group from your Identity Center instance.

When you remove or add user assignments, we recommend that you review the application’s documentation because you might need to take additional steps to completely onboard or offboard a given user or group. For example, when you remove a user or group assignment, you must also remove the corresponding roles in Amazon Redshift. You can do this by using the DROP ROLE command. For more information, see Managing database security.

Audit user and group access to applications

Let’s consider how you can use the new APIs to help you audit application assignments. In the preceding example, you used the AWS CLI to create and delete assignments to Amazon Redshift. Now, we will show you how to use the new ListApplicationAssignments API to list the groups that are currently assigned to your Amazon Redshift application.

aws sso-admin list-application-assignments --application-arn arn:aws:sso::****************:application/ssoins-****************/apl-****************

The output should look similar to the following — in this case, you have a single group assigned to the application.

    "ApplicationAssignments": [
        "ApplicationArn": "arn:aws:sso::****************:application/ssoins-****************/apl-****************",
        "PrincipalId": "********-****-****-****-************",
        "PrincipalType": "GROUP"

To see the group membership, use the PrincipalId information to query Identity Store and get information on the users assigned to the group with a combination of the ListGroupMemberships and DescribeGroupMembership APIs.

If you have several applications that IAM Identity Center manages, you can also create a script to automatically audit those applications. You can run this script periodically in an AWS Lambda function in your environment to maintain oversight of the members that are added to each application.

To get the script for this use case, see the multiple-instance-management-iam-identity-center GitHub repository. The repository includes instructions to deploy the script using Lambda within the AWS Organizations delegated administrator account. After deployment, you can invoke the Lambda function to get .csv files of every IAM Identity Center instance in your organization, the applications assigned to each instance, and the users that have access to those applications.


In this post, you learned how to use the IAM Identity Center application assignment APIs to assign users to Amazon Redshift and remove them from the application when they are no longer part of the organization. You also learned to list which applications are deployed in each account, and which users are assigned to each of those applications.

To learn more about IAM Identity Center, see the AWS IAM Identity Center user guide. To test the application assignment APIs, see the SSO-admin API reference guide.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on AWS IAM Identity Center re:Post or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.


Laura Reith

Laura is an Identity Solutions Architect at AWS, where she thrives on helping customers overcome security and identity challenges. In her free time, she enjoys wreck diving and traveling around the world.

Steve Pascoe

Steve Pascoe

Steve is a Senior Technical Product Manager with the AWS Identity team. He delights in empowering customers with creative and unique solutions to everyday problems. Outside of that, he likes to build things with his family through Lego, woodworking, and recently, 3D printing.


Sowjanya Rajavaram

Sowjanya is a Sr Solution Architect who specializes in Identity and Security in AWS. Her entire career has been focused on helping customers of all sizes solve their Identity and Access Management problems. She enjoys traveling and experiencing new cultures and food.

How to use multiple instances of AWS IAM Identity Center

Post Syndicated from Laura Reith original

Recently, AWS launched a new feature that allows deployment of account instances of AWS IAM Identity Center . With this launch, you can now have two types of IAM Identity Center instances: organization instances and account instances. An organization instance is the IAM Identity Center instance that’s enabled in the management account of your organization created with AWS Organizations. This instance is used to manage access to AWS accounts and applications across your entire organization. Organization instances are the best practice when deploying IAM Identity Center. Many customers have requested a way to enable AWS applications using test or sandbox identities. The new account instances are intended to support sand-boxed deployments of AWS managed applications such as Amazon CodeCatalyst and are only usable from within the account and AWS Region in which they were created. They can exist in a standalone account or in a member account within AWS Organizations.

In this blog post, we show you when to use each instance type, how to control the deployment of account instances, and how you can monitor, manage, and audit these instances at scale using the enhanced IAM Identity Center APIs.

IAM Identity Center instance types

IAM Identity Center now offers two deployment types, the traditional organization instance and an account instance, shown in Figure 1. In this section, we show you the differences between the two.

Figure 1: IAM Identity Center instance types

Figure 1: IAM Identity Center instance types

Organization instance of IAM Identity Center

An organization instance of IAM Identity Center is the fully featured version that’s available with AWS Organizations. This type of instance helps you securely create or connect your workforce identities and manage their access centrally across AWS accounts and applications in your organization. The recommended use of an organization instance of Identity Center is for workforce authentication and authorization on AWS for organizations of any size and type.

Using the organization instance of IAM Identity Center, your identity center administrator can create and manage user identities in the Identity Center directory, or connect your existing identity source, including Microsoft Active Directory, Okta, Ping Identity, JumpCloud, Google Workspace, and Azure Active Directory (Entra ID). There is only one organization instance of IAM Identity Center at the organization level. If you have enabled IAM Identity Center before November 15, 2023, you have an organization instance.

Account instances of IAM Identity Center

Account instances of IAM Identity Center provide a subset of the features of the organization instance. Specifically, account instances support user and group assignments initially only to Amazon CodeCatalyst. They are bound to a single AWS account, and you can deploy them in either member accounts of an organization or in standalone AWS accounts. You can only deploy one account instance per AWS account regardless of Region.

You can use account instances of IAM Identity Center to provide access to supported Identity Center enabled application if the application is in the same account and Region.

Account instances of Identity Center don’t support permission sets or assignments to customer managed applications. If you’ve enabled Identity Center before November 15, 2023 then you must enable account instance creation from your management account. To learn more see Enable account instances in the AWS Management Console documentation. If you haven’t yet enabled Identity Center, then account instances are now available to you.

When should I use account instances of IAM Identity Center?

Account instances are intended for use in specific situations where organization instances are unavailable or impractical, including:

  • You want to run a temporary trial of a supported AWS managed application to determine if it suits your business needs. See Additional Considerations.
  • You are unable to deploy IAM Identity Center across your organization, but still want to experiment with one or more AWS managed applications. See Additional Considerations.
  • You have an organization instance of IAM Identity Center, but you want to deploy a supported AWS managed application to an isolated set of users that are distinct from those in your organization instance.

Additional considerations

When working with multiple instances of IAM Identity Center, you want to keep a number of things in mind:

  • Each instance of IAM Identity Center is separate and distinct from other Identity Center instances. That is, users and assignments are managed separately in each instance without a means to keep them in sync.
  • Migration between instances isn’t possible. This means that migrating an application between instances requires setting up that application from scratch in the new instance.
  • Account instances have the same considerations when changing your identity source as an organization instance. In general, you want to set up with the right identity source before adding assignments.
  • Automating assigning users to applications through the IAM Identity Center public APIs also requires using the applications APIs to ensure that those users and groups have the right permissions within the application. For example, if you assign groups to CodeCatalyst using Identity Center, you still have to assign the groups to the CodeCatalyst space from the Amazon CodeCatalyst page in the AWS Management Console. See the Setting up a space that supports identity federation documentation.
  • By default, account instances require newly added users to register a multi-factor authentication (MFA) device when they first sign in. This can be altered in the AWS Management Console for Identity Center for a specific instance.

Controlling IAM Identity Center instance deployments

If you’ve enabled IAM Identity Center prior to November 15, 2023 then account instance creation is off by default. If you want to allow account instance creation, you must enable this feature from the Identity Center console in your organization’s management account. This includes scenarios where you’re using IAM Identity Center centrally and want to allow deployment and management of account instances. See Enable account instances in the AWS Management Console documentation.

If you enable IAM Identity Center after November 15, 2023 or if you haven’t enabled Identity Center at all, you can control the creation of account instances of Identity Center through a service control policy (SCP). We recommend applying the following sample policy to restrict the use of account instances to all but a select set of AWS accounts. The sample SCP that follows will help you deny creation of account instances of Identity Center to accounts in the organization unless the account ID matches the one you specified in the policy. Replace <ALLOWED-ACCOUNT_ID> with the ID of the account that is allowed to create account instances of Identity Center:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement" : [
            "Sid": "DenyCreateAccountInstances",
            "Effect": "Deny",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringNotEquals": [
                    "aws:PrincipalAccount": ["<ALLOWED-ACCOUNT-ID>"]

To learn more about SCPs, see the AWS Organizations User Guide on service control policies.

Monitoring instance activity with AWS CloudTrail

If your organization has an existing log ingestion pipeline solution to collect logs and generate reports through AWS CloudTrail, then IAM Identity Center supported CloudTrail operations will automatically be present in your pipeline, including additional account instances of IAM Identity Center actions such as sso:CreateInstance.

To create a monitoring solution for IAM Identity Center events in your organization, you should set up monitoring through AWS CloudTrail. CloudTrail is a service that records events from AWS services to facilitate monitoring activity from those services in your accounts. You can create a CloudTrail trail that captures events across all accounts and all Regions in your organization and persists them to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).

After creating a trail for your organization, you can use it in several ways. You can send events to Amazon CloudWatch Logs and set up monitoring and alarms for Identity Center events, which enables immediate notification of supported IAM Identity Center CloudTrail operations. With multiple instances of Identity Center deployed within your organization, you can also enable notification of instance activity, including new instance creation, deletion, application registration, user authentication, or other supported actions.

If you want to take action on IAM Identity Center events, you can create a solution to process events using additional service such as Amazon Simple Notification Service, Amazon Simple Queue Service, and the CloudTrail Processing Library. With this solution, you can set your own business logic and rules as appropriate.

Additionally, you might want to consider AWS CloudTrail Lake, which provides a powerful data store that allows you to query CloudTrail events without needing to manage a complex data loading pipeline. You can quickly create a data store for new events, which will immediately start gathering data that can be queried within minutes. To analyze historical data, you can copy your organization trail to CloudTrail Lake.

The following is an example of a simple query that shows you a list of the Identity Center instances created and deleted, the account where they were created, and the user that created them. Replace <Event_data_store_ID> with your store ID.

    userIdentity.arn AS userARN, eventName, userIdentity.accountId 
    userIdentity.arn IS NOT NULL 
    AND eventName = 'DeleteInstance' 
    OR eventName = 'CreateInstance'

You can save your query result to an S3 bucket and download a copy of the results in CSV format. To learn more, follow the steps in Download your CloudTrail Lake saved query results. Figure 2 shows the CloudTrail Lake query results.

Figure 2: AWS CloudTrail Lake query results

Figure 2: AWS CloudTrail Lake query results

If you want to automate the sourcing, aggregation, normalization, and data management of security data across your organization using the Open Cyber Security Framework (OCSF) standard, you will benefit from using Amazon Security Lake. This service helps make your organization’s security data broadly accessible to your preferred security analytics solutions to power use cases such like threat detection, investigation, and incident response. Learn more in What is Amazon Security Lake?

Instance management and discovery within an organization

You can create account instances of IAM Identity Center in a standalone account or in an account that belongs to your organization. Creation can happen from an API call (CreateInstance) from the Identity Center console in a member account or from the setup experience of a supported AWS managed application. Learn more about Supported AWS managed applications.

If you decide to apply the DenyCreateAccountInstances SCP shown earlier to accounts in your organization, you will no longer be able to create account instances of IAM Identity Center in those accounts. However, you should also consider that when you invite a standalone AWS account to join your organization, the account might have an existing account instance of Identity Center.

To identify existing instances, who’s using them, and what they’re using them for, you can audit your organization to search for new instances. The following script shows how to discover all IAM Identity Center instances in your organization and export a .csv summary to an S3 bucket. This script is designed to run on the account where Identity Center was enabled. Click here to see instructions on how to use this script.

. . .
. . .
duplicated_users ={}

main_session = boto3.session.Session()
sso_admin_client = main_session.client('sso-admin')
identity_store_client = main_session.client('identitystore')
organizations_client = main_session.client('organizations')
s3_client = boto3.client('s3')
logger = logging.getLogger()

#create function to list all Identity Center instances in your organization
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    application_assignment = []
    current_account = os.environ['CurrentAccountId']"Current account %s", current_account)
    paginator = organizations_client.get_paginator('list_accounts')
    page_iterator = paginator.paginate()
    for page in page_iterator:
        for account in page['Accounts']:
            #get all instances per account - returns dictionary of instance id and instances ARN per account
            accounts_and_instances_dict = get_accounts_and_instances(account['Id'], current_account)
def get_accounts_and_instances(account_id, current_account):
    global accounts_and_instances_dict
    instance_paginator = sso_admin_client.get_paginator('list_instances')
    instance_page_iterator = instance_paginator.paginate()
    for page in instance_page_iterator:
        for instance in page['Instances']:
            #send back all instances and identity centers
            if account_id == current_account:
                accounts_and_instances_dict = {current_account:[instance['IdentityStoreId'],instance['InstanceArn']]}
            elif instance['OwnerAccountId'] != current_account: 
                accounts_and_instances_dict[account_id]= ([instance['IdentityStoreId'],instance['InstanceArn']])
    return accounts_and_instances_dict
  . . .  
  . . .
  . . .

The following table shows the resulting IAM Identity Center instance summary report with all of the accounts in your organization and their corresponding Identity Center instances.

AccountId IdentityCenterInstance
111122223333 d-111122223333
111122224444 d-111122223333
111122221111 d-111111111111

Duplicate user detection across multiple instances

A consideration of having multiple IAM Identity Center instances is the possibility of having the same person existing in two or more instances. In this situation, each instance creates a unique identifier for the same person and the identifier associates application-related data to the user. Create a user management process for incoming and outgoing users that is similar to the process you use at the organization level. For example, if a user leaves your organization, you need to revoke access in all Identity Center instances where that user exists.

The code that follows can be added to the previous script to help detect where duplicates might exist so you can take appropriate action. If you find a lot of duplication across account instances, you should consider adopting an organization instance to reduce your management overhead.

#determine if the member in IdentityStore have duplicate
def get_users(identityStoreId, user_dict): 
    global duplicated_users
    paginator = identity_store_client.get_paginator('list_users')
    page_iterator = paginator.paginate(IdentityStoreId=identityStoreId)
    for page in page_iterator:
        for user in page['Users']:
            if ( 'Emails' not in user ):
                print("user has no email")
                for email in user['Emails']:
                    if email['Value'] not in user_dict:
                        user_dict[email['Value']] = identityStoreId
                        print("Duplicate user found " + user['UserName'])
                        user_dict[email['Value']] = user_dict[email['Value']] + "," + identityStoreId
                        duplicated_users[email['Value']] = user_dict[email['Value']]
    return user_dict 

The following table shows the resulting report with duplicated users in your organization and their corresponding IAM identity Center instances.

User_email IdentityStoreId
[email protected] d-111122223333, d-111111111111
[email protected] d-111122223333, d-111111111111, d-222222222222
[email protected] d-111111111111, d-222222222222

The full script for all of the above use cases is available in the multiple-instance-management-iam-identity-center GitHub repository. The repository includes instructions to deploy the script using AWS Lambda within the management account. After deployment, you can invoke the Lambda function to get .csv files of every IAM Identity center instance in your organization, the applications assigned to each instance, and the users that have access to those applications. With this function, you also get a report of users that exist in more than one local instance.


In this post, you learned the differences between an IAM Identity Center organization instance and an account instance, considerations for when to use an account instance, and how to use Identity Center APIs to automate discovery of Identity Center account instances in your organization.

To learn more about IAM Identity Center, see the AWS IAM Identity Center user guide.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on AWS IAM Identity Center re:Post or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.


Laura Reith

Laura is an Identity Solutions Architect at AWS, where she thrives on helping customers overcome security and identity challenges. In her free time, she enjoys wreck diving and traveling around the world.

Steve Pascoe

Steve Pascoe

Steve is a Senior Technical Product Manager with the AWS Identity team. He delights in empowering customers with creative and unique solutions to everyday problems. Outside of that, he likes to build things with his family through Lego, woodworking, and recently, 3D printing.


Sowjanya Rajavaram

Sowjanya is a Sr Solutions Architect who specializes in Identity and Security in AWS. Her entire career has been focused on helping customers of all sizes solve their identity and access management challenges. She enjoys traveling and experiencing new cultures and food.

Establishing a data perimeter on AWS: Allow access to company data only from expected networks

Post Syndicated from Laura Reith original

A key part of protecting your organization’s non-public, sensitive data is to understand who can access it and from where. One of the common requirements is to restrict access to authorized users from known locations. To accomplish this, you should be familiar with the expected network access patterns and establish organization-wide guardrails to limit access to known networks. Additionally, you should verify that the credentials associated with your AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) principals are only usable within these expected networks. On Amazon Web Services (AWS), you can use the network perimeter to apply network coarse-grained controls on your resources and principals. In this fourth blog post of the Establishing a data perimeter on AWS series, we explore the benefits and implementation considerations of defining your network perimeter.

The network perimeter is a set of coarse-grained controls that help you verify that your identities and resources can only be used from expected networks.

To achieve these security objectives, you first must define what expected networks means for your organization. Expected networks usually include approved networks your employees and applications use to access your resources, such as your corporate IP CIDR range and your VPCs. There are also scenarios where you need to permit access from networks of AWS services acting on your behalf or networks of trusted third-party partners that you integrate with. You should consider all intended data access patterns when you create the definition of expected networks. Other networks are considered unexpected and shouldn’t be allowed access.

Security risks addressed by the network perimeter

The network perimeter helps address the following security risks:

Unintended information disclosure through credential use from non-corporate networks

It’s important to consider the security implications of having developers with preconfigured access stored on their laptops. For example, let’s say that to access an application, a developer uses a command line interface (CLI) to assume a role and uses the temporary credentials to work on a new feature. The developer continues their work at a coffee shop that has great public Wi-Fi while their credentials are still valid. Accessing data through a non-corporate network means that they are potentially bypassing their company’s security controls, which might lead to the unintended disclosure of sensitive corporate data in a public space.

Unintended data access through stolen credentials

Organizations are prioritizing protection from credential theft risks, as threat actors can use stolen credentials to gain access to sensitive data. For example, a developer could mistakenly share credentials from an Amazon EC2 instance CLI access over email. After credentials are obtained, a threat actor can use them to access your resources and potentially exfiltrate your corporate data, possibly leading to reputational risk.

Figure 1 outlines an undesirable access pattern: using an employee corporate credential to access corporate resources (in this example, an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket) from a non-corporate network.

Figure 1: Unintended access to your S3 bucket from outside the corporate network

Figure 1: Unintended access to your S3 bucket from outside the corporate network

Implementing the network perimeter

During the network perimeter implementation, you use IAM policies and global condition keys to help you control access to your resources based on which network the API request is coming from. IAM allows you to enforce the origin of a request by making an API call using both identity policies and resource policies.

The following two policies help you control both your principals and resources to verify that the request is coming from your expected network:

  • Service control policies (SCPs) are policies you can use to manage the maximum available permissions for your principals. SCPs help you verify that your accounts stay within your organization’s access control guidelines.
  • Resource based policies are policies that are attached to resources in each AWS account. With resource based policies, you can specify who has access to the resource and what actions they can perform on it. For a list of services that support resource based policies, see AWS services that work with IAM.

With the help of these two policy types, you can enforce the control objectives using the following IAM global condition keys:

  • aws:SourceIp: You can use this condition key to create a policy that only allows request from a specific IP CIDR range. For example, this key helps you define your expected networks as your corporate IP CIDR range.
  • aws:SourceVpc: This condition key helps you check whether the request comes from the list of VPCs that you specified in the policy. In a policy, this condition key is used to only allow access to an S3 bucket if the VPC where the request originated matches the VPC ID listed in your policy.
  • aws:SourceVpce: You can use this condition key to check if the request came from one of the VPC endpoints specified in your policy. Adding this key to your policy helps you restrict access to API calls that originate from VPC endpoints that belong to your organization.
  • aws:ViaAWSService: You can use this key to write a policy to allow an AWS service that uses your credentials to make calls on your behalf. For example, when you upload an object to Amazon S3 with server-side encryption with AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) on, S3 needs to encrypt the data on your behalf. To do this, S3 makes a subsequent request to AWS KMS to generate a data key to encrypt the object. The call that S3 makes to AWS KMS is signed with your credentials and originates outside of your network.
  • aws:PrincipalIsAWSService: This condition key helps you write a policy to allow AWS service principals to access your resources. For example, when you create an AWS CloudTrail trail with an S3 bucket as a destination, CloudTrail uses a service principal,, to publish logs to your S3 bucket. The API call from CloudTrail comes from the service network.

The following table summarizes the relationship between the control objectives and the capabilities used to implement the network perimeter.

Control objective Implemented by using Primary IAM capability
My resources can only be accessed from expected networks. Resource-based policies aws:SourceIp
My identities can access resources only from expected networks. SCPs aws:SourceIp

My resources can only be accessed from expected networks

Start by implementing the network perimeter on your resources using resource based policies. The perimeter should be applied to all resources that support resource- based policies in each AWS account. With this type of policy, you can define which networks can be used to access the resources, helping prevent access to your company resources in case of valid credentials being used from non-corporate networks.

The following is an example of a resource-based policy for an S3 bucket that limits access only to expected networks using the aws:SourceIp, aws:SourceVpc, aws:PrincipalIsAWSService, and aws:ViaAWSService condition keys. Replace <my-data-bucket>, <my-corporate-cidr>, and <my-vpc> with your information.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "EnforceNetworkPerimeter",
      "Effect": "Deny",
      "Principal": "*",
      "Action": "s3:*",
      "Resource": [
      "Condition": {
        "NotIpAddressIfExists": {
          "aws:SourceIp": "<my-corporate-cidr>"
        "StringNotEqualsIfExists": {
          "aws:SourceVpc": "<my-vpc>"
        "BoolIfExists": {
          "aws:PrincipalIsAWSService": "false",
          "aws:ViaAWSService": "false"

The Deny statement in the preceding policy has four condition keys where all conditions must resolve to true to invoke the Deny effect. Use the IfExists condition operator to clearly state that each of these conditions will still resolve to true if the key is not present on the request context.

This policy will deny Amazon S3 actions unless requested from your corporate CIDR range (NotIpAddressIfExists with aws:SourceIp), or from your VPC (StringNotEqualsIfExists with aws:SourceVpc). Notice that aws:SourceVpc and aws:SourceVpce are only present on the request if the call was made through a VPC endpoint. So, you could also use the aws:SourceVpce condition key in the policy above, however this would mean listing every VPC endpoint in your environment. Since the number of VPC endpoints is greater than the number of VPCs, this example uses the aws:SourceVpc condition key.

This policy also creates a conditional exception for Amazon S3 actions requested by a service principal (BoolIfExists with aws:PrincipalIsAWSService), such as CloudTrail writing events to your S3 bucket, or by an AWS service on your behalf (BoolIfExists with aws:ViaAWSService), such as S3 calling AWS KMS to encrypt or decrypt an object.

Extending the network perimeter on resource

There are cases where you need to extend your perimeter to include AWS services that access your resources from outside your network. For example, if you’re replicating objects using S3 bucket replication, the calls to Amazon S3 originate from the service network outside of your VPC, using a service role. Another case where you need to extend your perimeter is if you integrate with trusted third-party partners that need access to your resources. If you’re using services with the described access pattern in your AWS environment or need to provide access to trusted partners, the policy EnforceNetworkPerimeter that you applied on your S3 bucket in the previous section will deny access to the resource.

In this section, you learn how to extend your network perimeter to include networks of AWS services using service roles to access your resources and trusted third-party partners.

AWS services that use service roles and service-linked roles to access resources on your behalf

Service roles are assumed by AWS services to perform actions on your behalf. An IAM administrator can create, change, and delete a service role from within IAM; this role exists within your AWS account and has an ARN like arn:aws:iam::<AccountNumber>:role/<RoleName>. A key difference between a service-linked role (SLR) and a service role is that the SLR is linked to a specific AWS service and you can view but not edit the permissions and trust policy of the role. An example is AWS Identity and Access Management Access Analyzer using an SLR to analyze resource metadata. To account for this access pattern, you can exempt roles on the service-linked role dedicated path arn:aws:iam::<AccountNumber>:role/aws-service-role/*, and for service roles, you can tag the role with the tag network-perimeter-exception set to true.

If you are exempting service roles in your policy based on a tag-value, you must also include a policy to enforce the identity perimeter on your resource as shown in this sample policy. This helps verify that only identities from your organization can access the resource and cannot circumvent your network perimeter controls with network-perimeter-exception tag.

Partners accessing your resources from their own networks

There might be situations where your company needs to grant access to trusted third parties. For example, providing a trusted partner access to data stored in your S3 bucket. You can account for this type of access by using the aws:PrincipalAccount condition key set to the account ID provided by your partner.

The following is an example of a resource-based policy for an S3 bucket that incorporates the two access patterns described above. Replace <my-data-bucket>, <my-corporate-cidr>, <my-vpc>, <third-party-account-a>, <third-party-account-b>, and <my-account-id> with your information.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "EnforceNetworkPerimeter",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Action": "s3:*",
            "Effect": "Deny",
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "NotIpAddressIfExists": {
                  "aws:SourceIp": "<my-corporate-cidr>"
                "StringNotEqualsIfExists": {
                    "aws:SourceVpc": "<my-vpc>",
       "aws:PrincipalTag/network-perimeter-exception": "true",
                    "aws:PrincipalAccount": [
                "BoolIfExists": {
                    "aws:PrincipalIsAWSService": "false",
                    "aws:ViaAWSService": "false"
                "ArnNotLikeIfExists": {
                    "aws:PrincipalArn": "arn:aws:iam::<my-account-id>:role/aws-service-role/*"

There are four condition operators in the policy above, and you need all four of them to resolve to true to invoke the Deny effect. Therefore, this policy only allows access to Amazon S3 from expected networks defined as: your corporate IP CIDR range (NotIpAddressIfExists and aws:SourceIp), your VPC (StringNotEqualsIfExists and aws:SourceVpc), networks of AWS service principals (aws:PrincipalIsAWSService), or an AWS service acting on your behalf (aws:ViaAWSService). It also allows access to networks of trusted third-party accounts (StringNotEqualsIfExists and aws:PrincipalAccount: <third-party-account-a>), and AWS services using an SLR to access your resources (ArnNotLikeIfExists and aws:PrincipalArn).

My identities can access resources only from expected networks

Applying the network perimeter on identity can be more challenging because you need to consider not only calls made directly by your principals, but also calls made by AWS services acting on your behalf. As described in access pattern 3 Intermediate IAM roles for data access in this blog post, many AWS services assume an AWS service role you created to perform actions on your behalf. The complicating factor is that even if the service supports VPC-based access to your data — for example AWS Glue jobs can be deployed within your VPC to access data in your S3 buckets — the service might also use the service role to make other API calls outside of your VPC. For example, with AWS Glue jobs, the service uses the service role to deploy elastic network interfaces (ENIs) in your VPC. However, these calls to create ENIs in your VPC are made from the AWS Glue managed network and not from within your expected network. A broad network restriction in your SCP for all your identities might prevent the AWS service from performing tasks on your behalf.

Therefore, the recommended approach is to only apply the perimeter to identities that represent the highest risk of inappropriate use based on other compensating controls that might exist in your environment. These are identities whose credentials can be obtained and misused by threat actors. For example, if you allow your developers access to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) CLI, a developer can obtain credentials from the Amazon EC2 instance profile and use the credentials to access your resources from their own network.

To summarize, to enforce your network perimeter based on identity, evaluate your organization’s security posture and what compensating controls are in place. Then, according to this evaluation, identify which service roles or human roles have the highest risk of inappropriate use, and enforce the network perimeter on those identities by tagging them with data-perimeter-include set to true.

The following policy shows the use of tags to enforce the network perimeter on specific identities. Replace <my-corporate-cidr>, and <my-vpc> with your own information.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "EnforceNetworkPerimeter",
      "Effect": "Deny",
      "Action": "*",
      "Resource": "*",
      "Condition": {
        "BoolIfExists": {
          "aws:ViaAWSService": "false"
        "NotIpAddressIfExists": {
          "aws:SourceIp": [
        "StringNotEqualsIfExists": {
          "aws:SourceVpc": [
       "ArnNotLikeIfExists": {
          "aws:PrincipalArn": [
        "StringEquals": {
          "aws:PrincipalTag/data-perimeter-include": "true"

The above policy statement uses the Deny effect to limit access to expected networks for identities with the tag data-perimeter-include attached to them (StringEquals and aws:PrincipalTag/data-perimeter-include set to true). This policy will deny access to those identities unless the request is done by an AWS service on your behalf (aws:ViaAWSService), is coming from your corporate CIDR range (NotIpAddressIfExists and aws:SourceIp), or is coming from your VPCs (StringNotEqualsIfExists with the aws:SourceVpc).

Amazon EC2 also uses a special service role, also known as infrastructure role, to decrypt Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS). When you mount an encrypted Amazon EBS volume to an EC2 instance, EC2 calls AWS KMS to decrypt the data key that was used to encrypt the volume. The call to AWS KMS is signed by an IAM role, arn:aws:iam::*:role/aws:ec2-infrastructure, which is created in your account by EC2. For this use case, as you can see on the preceding policy, you can use the aws:PrincipalArn condition key to exclude this role from the perimeter.

IAM policy samples

This GitHub repository contains policy examples that illustrate how to implement network perimeter controls. The policy samples don’t represent a complete list of valid access patterns and are for reference only. They’re intended for you to tailor and extend to suit the needs of your environment. Make sure you thoroughly test the provided example policies before implementing them in your production environment.


In this blog post you learned about the elements needed to build the network perimeter, including policy examples and strategies on how to extend that perimeter. You now also know different access patterns used by AWS services that act on your behalf, how to evaluate those access patterns, and how to take a risk-based approach to apply the perimeter based on identities in your organization.

For additional learning opportunities, see the Data perimeters on AWS. This information resource provides additional materials such as a data perimeter workshop, blog posts, whitepapers, and webinar sessions.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS Security, Identity, & Compliance re:Post or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.


Laura Reith

Laura is an Identity Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. Before AWS, she worked as a Solutions Architect in Taiwan focusing on physical security and retail analytics.

Establishing a data perimeter on AWS: Allow only trusted resources from my organization

Post Syndicated from Laura Reith original

Companies that store and process data on Amazon Web Services (AWS) want to prevent transfers of that data to or from locations outside of their company’s control. This is to support security strategies, such as data loss prevention, or to comply with the terms and conditions set forth by various regulatory and privacy agreements. On AWS, a resource perimeter is a set of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) features and capabilities that you can use to build your defense-in-depth protection against unintended data transfers. In this third blog post of the Establishing a data perimeter on AWS series, we review the benefits and implementation considerations when you define your resource perimeter.

The resource perimeter is one of the three perimeters in the data perimeter framework on AWS and has the following two control objectives:

  • My identities can access only trusted resources – This helps to ensure that IAM principals that belong to your AWS Organizations organization can access only the resources that you trust.
  • Only trusted resources can be accessed from my network – This helps to ensure that only resources that you trust can be accessed through expected networks, regardless of the principal that is making the API call.

Trusted resources are the AWS resources, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets and objects or Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topics, that are owned by your organization and in which you store and process your data. Additionally, there are resources outside your organization that your identities or AWS services acting on your behalf might need to access. You will need to consider these access patterns when you define your resource perimeter.

Security risks addressed by the resource perimeter

The resource perimeter helps address three main security risks.

Unintended data disclosure through use of corporate credentials — Your developers might have a personal AWS account that is not part of your organization. In that account, they could configure a resource with a resource-based policy that allows their corporate credentials to interact with the resource. For example, they could write an S3 bucket policy that allows them to upload objects by using their corporate credentials. This could allow the intentional or unintentional transfer of data from your corporate environment — your on-premises network or virtual private cloud (VPC) — to their personal account. While you advance through your least privilege journey, you should make sure that access to untrusted resources is prohibited, regardless of the permissions granted by identity-based policies that are attached to your IAM principals. Figure 1 illustrates an unintended access pattern where your employee uses an identity from your organization to move data from your on-premises or AWS environment to an S3 bucket in a non-corporate AWS account.

Figure 1: Unintended data transfer to an S3 bucket outside of your organization by your identities

Figure 1: Unintended data transfer to an S3 bucket outside of your organization by your identities

Unintended data disclosure through non-corporate credentials usage — There is a risk that developers could introduce personal IAM credentials to your corporate network and attempt to move company data to personal AWS resources. We discussed this security risk in a previous blog post: Establishing a data perimeter on AWS: Allow only trusted identities to access company data. In that post, we described how to use the aws:PrincipalOrgID condition key to prevent the use of non-corporate credentials to move data into an untrusted location. In the current post, we will show you how to implement resource perimeter controls as a defense-in-depth approach to mitigate this risk.

Unintended data infiltration — There are situations where your developers might start the solution development process using commercial datasets, tooling, or software and decide to copy them from repositories, such as those hosted on public S3 buckets. This could introduce malicious components into your corporate environment, your on-premises network, or VPCs. Establishing the resource perimeter to only allow access to trusted resources from your network can help mitigate this risk. Figure 2 illustrates the access pattern where an employee with corporate credentials downloads assets from an S3 bucket outside of your organization.

Figure 2: Unintended data infiltration

Figure 2: Unintended data infiltration

Implement the resource perimeter

To achieve the resource perimeter control objectives, you can implement guardrails in your AWS environment by using the following AWS policy types:

  • Service control policies (SCPs) – Organization policies that are used to centrally manage and set the maximum available permissions for your IAM principals. SCPs help you ensure that your accounts stay within your organization’s access control guidelines. In the context of the resource perimeter, you will use SCPs to help prevent access to untrusted resources from AWS principals that belong to your organization.
  • VPC endpoint policy – An IAM resource-based policy that is attached to a VPC endpoint to control which principals, actions, and resources can be accessed through a VPC endpoint. In the context of the resource perimeter, VPC endpoint policies are used to validate that the resource the principal is trying to access belongs to your organization.

The condition key used to constrain access to resources in your organization is aws:ResourceOrgID. You can set this key in an SCP or VPC endpoint policy. The following table summarizes the relationship between the control objectives and the AWS capabilities used to implement the resource perimeter.

Control objective Implemented by using Primary IAM capability
My identities can access only trusted resources SCPs aws:ResourceOrgID
Only trusted resources can be accessed from my network VPC endpoint policies aws:ResourceOrgID

In the next section, you will learn how to use the IAM capabilities listed in the preceding table to implement each control objective of the resource perimeter.

My identities can access only trusted resources

The following is an example of an SCP that limits all actions to only the resources that belong to your organization. Replace <MY-ORG-ID> with your information.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "EnforceResourcePerimeter",
      "Effect": "Deny",
      "Action": "*",
      "Resource": "*",
      "Condition": {
        "StringNotEqualsIfExists": {
          "aws:ResourceOrgID": "<MY-ORG-ID>"

In this policy, notice the use of the negated condition key StringNotEqualsIfExists. This means that this condition will evaluate to true and the policy will deny API calls if the organization identifier of the resource that is being accessed differs from the one specified in the policy. It also means that this policy will deny API calls if the resource being accessed belongs to a standalone account, which isn’t part of an organization. The negated condition operators in the Deny statement mean that the condition still evaluates to true if the key is not present in the request; however, as a best practice, I added IfExists to the end of the StringNotEquals operator to clearly express the intent in the policy.

Note that for a permission to be allowed for a specific account, a statement that allows access must exist at every level of the hierarchy of your organization.

Only trusted resources can be accessed from my network

You can achieve this objective by combining the SCP we just reviewed with the use of aws:PrincipalOrgID in your VPC endpoint policies, as shown in the Establishing a data perimeter on AWS: Allow only trusted identities to access company data blog post. However, as a defense in depth, you can also apply resource perimeter controls on your networks by using aws:ResourceOrgID in your VPC endpoint policies.

The following is an example of a VPC endpoint policy that allows access to all actions but limits access to only trusted resources and identities that belong to your organization. Replace <MY-ORG-ID> with your information.

	"Version": "2012-10-17",
	"Statement": [
			"Sid": "AllowRequestsByOrgsIdentitiesToOrgsResources",
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Principal": {
				"AWS": "*"
			"Action": "*",
			"Resource": "*",
			"Condition": {
				"StringEquals": {
					"aws:PrincipalOrgID": "<MY-ORG-ID>",
					"aws:ResourceOrgID": "<MY-ORG-ID>"

The preceding VPC endpoint policy uses the StringEquals condition operator. To invoke the Allow effect, the principal making the API call and the resource they are trying to access both need to belong to your organization. Compared to the SCP example that we reviewed earlier, your intent for this policy is different — you want to make sure that the Allow condition evaluates to true only if the specified key exists in the request. Additionally, VPC endpoint policies apply to principals, as long as their request flows through the VPC endpoint.

In VPC endpoint policies, you do not grant permissions; rather, you define the maximum allowed access through the network. Therefore, this policy uses an Allow effect.

Extend your resource perimeter

The previous two policies help you ensure that your identities and networks can only be used to access AWS resources that belong to your organization. However, your company might require that you extend your resource perimeter to also include AWS owned resources — resources that do not belong to your organization and that are accessed by your principals or by AWS services acting on your behalf. For example, if you use the AWS Service Catalog in your environment, the service creates and uses Amazon S3 buckets that are owned by the service to store products. To allow your developers to successfully provision AWS Service Catalog products, your resource perimeter needs to account for this access pattern. The following statement shows how to account for the service catalog access pattern. Replace <MY-ORG-ID> with your information.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "EnforceResourcePerimeter",
      "Effect": "Deny",
      "NotAction": [
      "Resource": "*",
      "Condition": {
        "StringNotEqualsIfExists": {
          "aws:ResourceOrgID": "<MY-ORG-ID>"
      "Sid": "ExtendResourcePerimeter",
      "Effect": "Deny",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
      "Condition": {
        "StringNotEqualsIfExists": {
          "aws:ResourceOrgID": "<MY-ORG-ID>"
        "ForAllValues:StringNotEquals": {
          "aws:CalledVia": [

Note that the EnforceResourcePerimeter statement in the SCP was modified to exclude s3:GetObject, s3:PutObject, and s3:PutObjectAcl actions from its effect (NotAction element). This is because these actions are performed by the Service Catalog to access service-owned S3 buckets. These actions are then restricted in the ExtendResourcePerimeter statement, which includes two negated condition keys. The second statement denies the previously mentioned S3 actions unless the resource that is being accessed belongs to your organization (StringNotEqualsIfExists with aws:ResourceOrgID), or the actions are performed by Service Catalog on your behalf (ForAllValues:StringNotEquals with aws:CalledVia). The aws:CalledVia condition key compares the services specified in the policy with the services that made requests on behalf of the IAM principal by using that principal’s credentials. In the case of the Service Catalog, the credentials of a principal who launches a product are used to access S3 buckets that are owned by the Service Catalog.

It is important to highlight that we are purposely not using the aws:ViaAWSService condition key in the preceding policy. This is because when you extend your resource perimeter, we recommend that you restrict access to only calls to buckets that are accessed by the service you are using.

You might also need to extend your resource perimeter to include the third-party resources of your partners. For example, you could be working with business partners that require your principals to upload or download data to or from S3 buckets that belong to their account. In this case, you can use the aws:ResourceAccount condition key in your resource perimeter policy to specify resources that belong to the trusted third-party account.

The following is an example of an SCP that accounts for access to the Service Catalog and third-party partner resources. Replace <MY-ORG-ID> and <THIRD-PARTY-ACCOUNT> with your information.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "EnforceResourcePerimeter",
      "Effect": "Deny",
      "NotAction": [
      "Resource": "*",
      "Condition": {
        "StringNotEqualsIfExists": {
          "aws:ResourceOrgID": "<MY-ORG-ID>"
      "Sid": "ExtendResourcePerimeter",
      "Effect": "Deny",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
      "Condition": {
        "StringNotEqualsIfExists": {
          "aws:ResourceOrgID": "<MY-ORG-ID>",
          "aws:ResourceAccount": "<THIRD-PARTY-ACCOUNT>"
        "ForAllValues:StringNotEquals": {
          "aws:CalledVia": [

To account for access to trusted third-party account resources, the condition StringNotEqualsIfExists in the ExtendResourcePerimeter statement now also contains the condition key aws:ResourceAccount. Now, the second statement denies the previously mentioned S3 actions unless the resource that is being accessed belongs to your organization (StringNotEqualsIfExists with aws:ResourceOrgID), to a trusted third-party account (StringNotEqualsIfExists with aws:ResourceAccount), or the actions are performed by Service Catalog on your behalf (ForAllValues:StringNotEquals with aws:CalledVia).

The next policy example demonstrates how to extend your resource perimeter to permit access to resources that are owned by your trusted third parties through the networks that you control. This is required if applications running in your VPC or on-premises need to be able to access a dataset that is created and maintained in your business partner AWS account. Similar to the SCP example, you can use the aws:ResourceAccount condition key in your VPC endpoint policy to account for this access pattern. Replace <MY-ORG-ID>, <THIRD-PARTY-ACCOUNT>, and <THIRD-PARTY-RESOURCE-ARN> with your information.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "AllowRequestsByOrgsIdentitiesToOrgsResources",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "*"
      "Action": "*",
      "Resource": "*",
      "Condition": {
        "StringEquals": {
          "aws:PrincipalOrgID": "<MY-ORG-ID>",
          "aws:ResourceOrgID": "<MY-ORG-ID>"
      "Sid": "AllowRequestsByOrgsIdentitiesToThirdPartyResources",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "*"
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
      "Condition": {
        "StringEquals": {
          "aws:PrincipalOrgID": "<MY-ORG-ID>",
          "aws:ResourceAccount": [

The second statement, AllowRequestsByOrgsIdentitiesToThirdPartyResources, in the updated VPC endpoint policy allows s3:GetObject, s3:PutObject, and s3:PutObjectAcl actions on trusted third-party resources (StringEquals with aws:ResourceAccount) by principals that belong to your organization (StringEquals with aws:PrincipalOrgID).

Note that you do not need to modify your VPC endpoint policy to support the previously discussed Service Catalog operations. This is because calls to Amazon S3 made by Service Catalog on your behalf originate from the Service Catalog service network and do not traverse your VPC endpoint. However, you should consider access patterns that are similar to the Service Catalog example when defining your trusted resources. To learn about services with similar access patterns, see the IAM policy samples section later in this post.

Deploy the resource perimeter at scale

For recommendations on deploying a data perimeter at scale, see the Establishing a data perimeter on AWS: Allow only trusted identities to access company data blog post. The section titled Deploying the identity perimeter at scale provides the details on how to achieve this for your organization.

IAM policy samples

Our GitHub repository contains policy examples that illustrate how to implement perimeter controls for a variety of AWS services. The policy examples in the repository are for reference only. You will need to tailor them to suit the specific needs of your AWS environment.


In this blog post, you learned about the resource perimeter, the control objectives achieved by the perimeter, and how to write SCPs and VPC endpoint policies that help achieve these objectives for your organization. You also learned how to extend your perimeter to include AWS service-owned resources and your third-party partner-owned resources.

For additional learning opportunities, see the Data perimeters on AWS page. This information resource provides additional materials such as a data perimeter workshop, blog posts, whitepapers, and webinar sessions.

If you have questions, comments, or concerns, contact AWS Support or browse AWS re:Post. If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.


Laura Reith

Laura is an Identity Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. Before AWS, she worked as a Solutions Architect in Taiwan focusing on physical security and retail analytics.

Tatyana Yatskevich

Tatyana Yatskevich

Tatyana is a Principal Solutions Architect in AWS Identity. She works with customers to help them build and operate in AWS in the most secure and efficient manner.