All posts by Mark Keating

Securing generative AI: data, compliance, and privacy considerations

Post Syndicated from Mark Keating original

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has captured the imagination of organizations and individuals around the world, and many have already adopted it to help improve workforce productivity, transform customer experiences, and more.

When you use a generative AI-based service, you should understand how the information that you enter into the application is stored, processed, shared, and used by the model provider or the provider of the environment that the model runs in. Organizations that offer generative AI solutions have a responsibility to their users and consumers to build appropriate safeguards, designed to help verify privacy, compliance, and security in their applications and in how they use and train their models.

This post continues our series on how to secure generative AI, and provides guidance on the regulatory, privacy, and compliance challenges of deploying and building generative AI workloads. We recommend that you start by reading the first post of this series: Securing generative AI: An introduction to the Generative AI Security Scoping Matrix, which introduces you to the Generative AI Scoping Matrix—a tool to help you identify your generative AI use case—and lays the foundation for the rest of our series.

Figure 1 shows the scoping matrix:

Figure 1: Generative AI Scoping Matrix

Figure 1: Generative AI Scoping Matrix

Broadly speaking, we can classify the use cases in the scoping matrix into two categories: prebuilt generative AI applications (Scopes 1 and 2), and self-built generative AI applications (Scopes 3–5). Although some consistent legal, governance, and compliance requirements apply to all five scopes, each scope also has unique requirements and considerations. We will cover some key considerations and best practices for each scope.

Scope 1: Consumer applications

Consumer applications are typically aimed at home or non-professional users, and they’re usually accessed through a web browser or a mobile app. Many applications that created the initial excitement around generative AI fall into this scope, and can be free or paid for, using a standard end-user license agreement (EULA). Although they might not be built specifically for enterprise use, these applications have widespread popularity. Your employees might be using them for their own personal use and might expect to have such capabilities to help with work tasks.

Many large organizations consider these applications to be a risk because they can’t control what happens to the data that is input or who has access to it. In response, they ban Scope 1 applications. Although we encourage due diligence in assessing the risks, outright bans can be counterproductive. Banning Scope 1 applications can cause unintended consequences similar to that of shadow IT, such as employees using personal devices to bypass controls that limit use, reducing visibility into the applications that they use. Instead of banning generative AI applications, organizations should consider which, if any, of these applications can be used effectively by the workforce, but within the bounds of what the organization can control, and the data that are permitted for use within them.

To help your workforce understand the risks associated with generative AI and what is acceptable use, you should create a generative AI governance strategy, with specific usage guidelines, and verify your users are made aware of these policies at the right time. For example, you could have a proxy or cloud access security broker (CASB) control that, when accessing a generative AI based service, provides a link to your company’s public generative AI usage policy and a button that requires them to accept the policy each time they access a Scope 1 service through a web browser when using a device that your organization issued and manages. This helps verify that your workforce is trained and understands the risks, and accepts the policy before using such a service.

To help address some key risks associated with Scope 1 applications, prioritize the following considerations:

  • Identify which generative AI services your staff are currently using and seeking to use.
  • Understand the service provider’s terms of service and privacy policy for each service, including who has access to the data and what can be done with the data, including prompts and outputs, how the data might be used, and where it’s stored.
  • Understand the source data used by the model provider to train the model. How do you know the outputs are accurate and relevant to your request? Consider implementing a human-based testing process to help review and validate that the output is accurate and relevant to your use case, and provide mechanisms to gather feedback from users on accuracy and relevance to help improve responses.
  • Seek legal guidance about the implications of the output received or the use of outputs commercially. Determine who owns the output from a Scope 1 generative AI application, and who is liable if the output uses (for example) private or copyrighted information during inference that is then used to create the output that your organization uses.
  • The EULA and privacy policy of these applications will change over time with minimal notice. Changes in license terms can result in changes to ownership of outputs, changes to processing and handling of your data, or even liability changes on the use of outputs. Create a plan/strategy/mechanism to monitor the policies on approved generative AI applications. Review the changes and adjust your use of the applications accordingly.

For Scope 1 applications, the best approach is to consider the input prompts and generated content as public, and not to use personally identifiable information (PII), highly sensitive, confidential, proprietary, or company intellectual property (IP) data with these applications.

Scope 1 applications typically offer the fewest options in terms of data residency and jurisdiction, especially if your staff are using them in a free or low-cost price tier. If your organization has strict requirements around the countries where data is stored and the laws that apply to data processing, Scope 1 applications offer the fewest controls, and might not be able to meet your requirements.

Scope 2: Enterprise applications

The main difference between Scope 1 and Scope 2 applications is that Scope 2 applications provide the opportunity to negotiate contractual terms and establish a formal business-to-business (B2B) relationship. They are aimed at organizations for professional use with defined service level agreements (SLAs) and licensing terms and conditions, and they are usually paid for under enterprise agreements or standard business contract terms. The enterprise agreement in place usually limits approved use to specific types (and sensitivities) of data.

Most aspects from Scope 1 apply to Scope 2. However, in Scope 2, you are intentionally using your proprietary data and encouraging the widespread use of the service across your organization. When assessing the risk, consider these additional points:

  • Determine the acceptable classification of data that is permitted to be used with each Scope 2 application, update your data handling policy to reflect this, and include it in your workforce training.
  • Understand the data flow of the service. Ask the provider how they process and store your data, prompts, and outputs, who has access to it, and for what purpose. Do they have any certifications or attestations that provide evidence of what they claim and are these aligned with what your organization requires. Make sure that these details are included in the contractual terms and conditions that you or your organization agree to.
  • What (if any) data residency requirements do you have for the types of data being used with this application? Understand where your data will reside and if this aligns with your legal or regulatory obligations.
    • Many major generative AI vendors operate in the USA. If you are based outside the USA and you use their services, you have to consider the legal implications and privacy obligations related to data transfers to and from the USA.
    • Vendors that offer choices in data residency often have specific mechanisms you must use to have your data processed in a specific jurisdiction. You might need to indicate a preference at account creation time, opt into a specific kind of processing after you have created your account, or connect to specific regional endpoints to access their service.
  • Most Scope 2 providers want to use your data to enhance and train their foundational models. You will probably consent by default when you accept their terms and conditions. Consider whether that use of your data is permissible. If your data is used to train their model, there is a risk that a later, different user of the same service could receive your data in their output. If you need to prevent reuse of your data, find the opt-out options for your provider. You might need to negotiate with them if they don’t have a self-service option for opting out.
  • When you use an enterprise generative AI tool, your company’s usage of the tool is typically metered by API calls. That is, you pay a certain fee for a certain number of calls to the APIs. Those API calls are authenticated by the API keys the provider issues to you. You need to have strong mechanisms for protecting those API keys and for monitoring their usage. If the API keys are disclosed to unauthorized parties, those parties will be able to make API calls that are billed to you. Usage by those unauthorized parties will also be attributed to your organization, potentially training the model (if you’ve agreed to that) and impacting subsequent uses of the service by polluting the model with irrelevant or malicious data.

Scope 3: Pre-trained models

In contrast to prebuilt applications (Scopes 1 and 2), Scope 3 applications involve building your own generative AI applications by using a pretrained foundation model available through services such as Amazon Bedrock and Amazon SageMaker JumpStart. You can use these solutions for your workforce or external customers. Much of the guidance for Scopes 1 and 2 also applies here; however, there are some additional considerations:

  • A common feature of model providers is to allow you to provide feedback to them when the outputs don’t match your expectations. Does the model vendor have a feedback mechanism that you can use? If so, make sure that you have a mechanism to remove sensitive content before sending feedback to them.
  • Does the provider have an indemnification policy in the event of legal challenges for potential copyright content generated that you use commercially, and has there been case precedent around it?
  • Is your data included in prompts or responses that the model provider uses? If so, for what purpose and in which location, how is it protected, and can you opt out of the provider using it for other purposes, such as training? At Amazon, we don’t use your prompts and outputs to train or improve the underlying models in Amazon Bedrock and SageMaker JumpStart (including those from third parties), and humans won’t review them. Also, we don’t share your data with third-party model providers. Your data remains private to you within your AWS accounts.
  • Establish a process, guidelines, and tooling for output validation. How do you make sure that the right information is included in the outputs based on your fine-tuned model, and how do you test the model’s accuracy? For example:
    • If the application is generating text, create a test and output validation process that is tested by humans on a regular basis (for example, once a week) to verify the generated outputs are producing the expected results.
    • Another approach could be to implement a feedback mechanism that the users of your application can use to submit information on the accuracy and relevance of output.
    • If generating programming code, this should be scanned and validated in the same way that any other code is checked and validated in your organization.

Scope 4: Fine-tuned models

Scope 4 is an extension of Scope 3, where the model that you use in your application is fine-tuned with data that you provide to improve its responses and be more specific to your needs. The considerations for Scope 3 are also relevant to Scope 4; in addition, you should consider the following:

  • What is the source of the data used to fine-tune the model? Understand the quality of the source data used for fine-tuning, who owns it, and how that could lead to potential copyright or privacy challenges when used.
  • Remember that fine-tuned models inherit the data classification of the whole of the data involved, including the data that you use for fine-tuning. If you use sensitive data, then you should restrict access to the model and generated content to that of the classified data.
  • As a general rule, be careful what data you use to tune the model, because changing your mind will increase cost and delays. If you tune a model on PII directly, and later determine that you need to remove that data from the model, you can’t directly delete data. With current technology, the only way for a model to unlearn data is to completely retrain the model. Retraining usually requires a lot of time and money.

Scope 5: Self-trained models

With Scope 5 applications, you not only build the application, but you also train a model from scratch by using training data that you have collected and have access to. Currently, this is the only approach that provides full information about the body of data that the model uses. The data can be internal organization data, public data, or both. You control many aspects of the training process, and optionally, the fine-tuning process. Depending on the volume of data and the size and complexity of your model, building a scope 5 application requires more expertise, money, and time than any other kind of AI application. Although some customers have a definite need to create Scope 5 applications, we see many builders opting for Scope 3 or 4 solutions.

For Scope 5 applications, here are some items to consider:

  • You are the model provider and must assume the responsibility to clearly communicate to the model users how the data will be used, stored, and maintained through a EULA.
  • Unless required by your application, avoid training a model on PII or highly sensitive data directly.
  • Your trained model is subject to all the same regulatory requirements as the source training data. Govern and protect the training data and trained model according to your regulatory and compliance requirements. After the model is trained, it inherits the data classification of the data that it was trained on.
  • To limit potential risk of sensitive information disclosure, limit the use and storage of the application users’ data (prompts and outputs) to the minimum needed.

AI regulation and legislation

AI regulations are rapidly evolving and this could impact you and your development of new services that include AI as a component of the workload. At AWS, we’re committed to developing AI responsibly and taking a people-centric approach that prioritizes education, science, and our customers, to integrate responsible AI across the end-to-end AI lifecycle. For more details, see our Responsible AI resources. To help you understand various AI policies and regulations, the OECD AI Policy Observatory is a good starting point for information about AI policy initiatives from around the world that might affect you and your customers. At the time of publication of this post, there are over 1,000 initiatives across more 69 countries.

In this section, we consider regulatory themes from two different proposals to legislate AI: the European Union (EU) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act (EUAIA), and the United States Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence.

Our recommendation for AI regulation and legislation is simple: monitor your regulatory environment, and be ready to pivot your project scope if required.

Theme 1: Data privacy

According to the UK Information Commissioners Office (UK ICO), the emergence of generative AI doesn’t change the principles of data privacy laws, or your obligations to uphold them. There are implications when using personal data in generative AI workloads. Personal data might be included in the model when it’s trained, submitted to the AI system as an input, or produced by the AI system as an output. Personal data from inputs and outputs can be used to help make the model more accurate over time via retraining.

For AI projects, many data privacy laws require you to minimize the data being used to what is strictly necessary to get the job done. To go deeper on this topic, you can use the eight questions framework published by the UK ICO as a guide. We recommend using this framework as a mechanism to review your AI project data privacy risks, working with your legal counsel or Data Protection Officer.

In simple terms, follow the maxim “don’t record unnecessary data” in your project.

Theme 2: Transparency and explainability

The OECD AI Observatory defines transparency and explainability in the context of AI workloads. First, it means disclosing when AI is used. For example, if a user interacts with an AI chatbot, tell them that. Second, it means enabling people to understand how the AI system was developed and trained, and how it operates. For example, the UK ICO provides guidance on what documentation and other artifacts you should provide that describe how your AI system works. In general, transparency doesn’t extend to disclosure of proprietary sources, code, or datasets. Explainability means enabling the people affected, and your regulators, to understand how your AI system arrived at the decision that it did. For example, if a user receives an output that they don’t agree with, then they should be able to challenge it.

So what can you do to meet these legal requirements? In practical terms, you might be required to show the regulator that you have documented how you implemented the AI principles throughout the development and operation lifecycle of your AI system. In addition to the ICO guidance, you can also consider implementing an AI Management system based on ISO42001:2023.

Diving deeper on transparency, you might need to be able to show the regulator evidence of how you collected the data, as well as how you trained your model.

Transparency with your data collection process is important to reduce risks associated with data. One of the leading tools to help you manage the transparency of the data collection process in your project is Pushkarna and Zaldivar’s Data Cards (2022) documentation framework. The Data Cards tool provides structured summaries of machine learning (ML) data; it records data sources, data collection methods, training and evaluation methods, intended use, and decisions that affect model performance. If you import datasets from open source or public sources, review the Data Provenance Explorer initiative. This project has audited over 1,800 datasets for licensing, creators, and origin of data.

Transparency with your model creation process is important to reduce risks associated with explainability, governance, and reporting. Amazon SageMaker has a feature called Model Cards that you can use to help document critical details about your ML models in a single place, and streamlining governance and reporting. You should catalog details such as intended use of the model, risk rating, training details and metrics, and evaluation results and observations.

When you use models that were trained outside of your organization, then you will need to rely on Standard Contractual Clauses. SCC’s enable sharing and transfer of any personal information that the model might have been trained on, especially if data is being transferred from the EU to third countries. As part of your due diligence, you should contact the vendor of your model to ask for a Data Card, Model Card, Data Protection Impact Assessment (for example, ISO29134:2023), or Transfer Impact Assessment (for example, IAPP). If no such documentation exists, then you should factor this into your own risk assessment when making a decision to use that model. Two examples of third-party AI providers that have worked to establish transparency for their products are Twilio and SalesForce. Twilio provides AI Nutrition Facts labels for its products to make it simple to understand the data and model. SalesForce addresses this challenge by making changes to their acceptable use policy.

Theme 3: Automated decision making and human oversight

The final draft of the EUAIA, which starts to come into force from 2026, addresses the risk that automated decision making is potentially harmful to data subjects because there is no human intervention or right of appeal with an AI model. Responses from a model have a likelihood of accuracy, so you should consider how to implement human intervention to increase certainty. This is important for workloads that can have serious social and legal consequences for people—for example, models that profile people or make decisions about access to social benefits. We recommend that when you are developing your business case for an AI project, consider where human oversight should be applied in the workflow.

The UK ICO provides guidance on what specific measures you should take in your workload. You might give users information about the processing of the data, introduce simple ways for them to request human intervention or challenge a decision, carry out regular checks to make sure that the systems are working as intended, and give individuals the right to contest a decision.

The US Executive Order for AI describes the need to protect people from automatic discrimination based on sensitive characteristics. The order places the onus on the creators of AI products to take proactive and verifiable steps to help verify that individual rights are protected, and the outputs of these systems are equitable.

Prescriptive guidance on this topic would be to assess the risk classification of your workload and determine points in the workflow where a human operator needs to approve or check a result. Addressing bias in the training data or decision making of AI might include having a policy of treating AI decisions as advisory, and training human operators to recognize those biases and take manual actions as part of the workflow.

Theme 4: Regulatory classification of AI systems

Just like businesses classify data to manage risks, some regulatory frameworks classify AI systems. It is a good idea to become familiar with the classifications that might affect you. The EUAIA uses a pyramid of risks model to classify workload types. If a workload has an unacceptable risk (according to the EUAIA), then it might be banned altogether.

Banned workloads
The EUAIA identifies several AI workloads that are banned, including CCTV or mass surveillance systems, systems used for social scoring by public authorities, and workloads that profile users based on sensitive characteristics. We recommend you perform a legal assessment of your workload early in the development lifecycle using the latest information from regulators.

High risk workloads
There are also several types of data processing activities that the Data Privacy law considers to be high risk. If you are building workloads in this category then you should expect a higher level of scrutiny by regulators, and you should factor extra resources into your project timeline to meet regulatory requirements. The good news is that the artifacts you created to document transparency, explainability, and your risk assessment or threat model, might help you meet the reporting requirements. To see an example of these artifacts. see the AI and data protection risk toolkit published by the UK ICO.

Examples of high-risk processing include innovative technology such as wearables, autonomous vehicles, or workloads that might deny service to users such as credit checking or insurance quotes. We recommend that you engage your legal counsel early in your AI project to review your workload and advise on which regulatory artifacts need to be created and maintained. You can see further examples of high risk workloads at the UK ICO site here.

The EUAIA also pays particular attention to profiling workloads. The UK ICO defines this as “any form of automated processing of personal data consisting of the use of personal data to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to a natural person, in particular to analyse or predict aspects concerning that natural person’s performance at work, economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, behaviour, location or movements.” Our guidance is that you should engage your legal team to perform a review early in your AI projects.

We recommend that you factor a regulatory review into your timeline to help you make a decision about whether your project is within your organization’s risk appetite. We recommend you maintain ongoing monitoring of your legal environment as the laws are rapidly evolving.

Theme 6: Safety

ISO42001:2023 defines safety of AI systems as “systems behaving in expected ways under any circumstances without endangering human life, health, property or the environment.”

The United States AI Bill of Rights states that people have a right to be protected from unsafe or ineffective systems. In October 2023, President Biden issued the Executive Order on Safe, Secure and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence, which highlights the requirement to understand the context of use for an AI system, engaging the stakeholders in the community that will be affected by its use. The Executive Order also describes the documentation, controls, testing, and independent validation of AI systems, which aligns closely with the explainability theme that we discussed previously. For your workload, make sure that you have met the explainability and transparency requirements so that you have artifacts to show a regulator if concerns about safety arise. The OECD also offers prescriptive guidance here, highlighting the need for traceability in your workload as well as regular, adequate risk assessments—for example, ISO23894:2023 AI Guidance on risk management.


Although generative AI might be a new technology for your organization, many of the existing governance, compliance, and privacy frameworks that we use today in other domains apply to generative AI applications. Data that you use to train generative AI models, prompt inputs, and the outputs from the application should be treated no differently to other data in your environment and should fall within the scope of your existing data governance and data handling policies. Be mindful of the restrictions around personal data, especially if children or vulnerable people can be impacted by your workload. When fine-tuning a model with your own data, review the data that is used and know the classification of the data, how and where it’s stored and protected, who has access to the data and trained models, and which data can be viewed by the end user. Create a program to train users on the uses of generative AI, how it will be used, and data protection policies that they need to adhere to. For data that you obtain from third parties, make a risk assessment of those suppliers and look for Data Cards to help ascertain the provenance of the data.

Regulation and legislation typically take time to formulate and establish; however, existing laws already apply to generative AI, and other laws on AI are evolving to include generative AI. Your legal counsel should help keep you updated on these changes. When you build your own application, you should be aware of new legislation and regulation that is in draft form (such as the EU AI Act) and whether it will affect you, in addition to the many others that might already exist in locations where you operate, because they could restrict or even prohibit your application, depending on the risk the application poses.

At AWS, we make it simpler to realize the business value of generative AI in your organization, so that you can reinvent customer experiences, enhance productivity, and accelerate growth with generative AI. If you want to dive deeper into additional areas of generative AI security, check out the other posts in our Securing Generative AI series:

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the Generative AI on AWS re:Post or contact AWS Support.

Mark Keating

Mark Keating

Mark is an AWS Security Solutions Architect based in the UK who works with global healthcare and life sciences and automotive customers to solve their security and compliance challenges and help them reduce risk. He has over 20 years of experience working with technology, within operations, solutions, and enterprise architecture roles.

Samuel Waymouth

Samuel Waymouth

Samuel is a Senior Security and Compliance Solutions Architect on the AWS Industries team. He works with customers and partners to help demystify regulation, IT standards, risk management, control mapping, and how to apply these with AWS service features. Outside of work, he enjoys Tae Kwon-do, motorcycles, traveling, playing guitar, experimenting with microcontrollers and IoT, and spending time with family.

How to visualize Amazon Security Lake findings with Amazon QuickSight

Post Syndicated from Mark Keating original

In this post, we expand on the earlier blog post Ingest, transform, and deliver events published by Amazon Security Lake to Amazon OpenSearch Service, and show you how to query and visualize data from Amazon Security Lake using Amazon Athena and Amazon QuickSight. We also provide examples that you can use in your own environment to visualize your data. This post is the second in a multi-part blog series on visualizing data in QuickSight and provides an introduction to visualizing Security Lake data using QuickSight. The first post in the series is Aggregating, searching, and visualizing log data from distributed sources with Amazon Athena and Amazon QuickSight.

With the launch of Amazon Security Lake, it’s now simpler and more convenient to access security-related data in a single place. Security Lake automatically centralizes security data from cloud, on-premises, and custom sources into a purpose-built data lake stored in your account, and removes the overhead related to building and scaling your infrastructure as your data volumes increase. With Security Lake, you can get a more complete understanding of your security data across your entire organization. You can also improve the protection of your workloads, applications, and data.

Security Lake has adopted the Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF), an open standard. With OCSF support, the service can normalize and combine security data from AWS and a broad range of enterprise security data sources. Using the native ingestion capabilities of the service to pull in AWS CloudTrail, Amazon Route 53, VPC Flow Logs, or AWS Security Hub findings, ingesting supported third-party partner findings, or ingesting your own security-related logs, Security Lake provides an environment in which you can correlate events and findings by using a broad range of tools from the AWS and APN partner community.

Many customers have already deployed and maintain a centralized logging solution using services such as Amazon OpenSearch Service or a third-party security information and event management (SIEM) tool, and often use business intelligence (BI) tools such as Amazon QuickSight to gain insights into their data. With Security Lake, you have the freedom to choose how you analyze this data. In some cases, it may be from a centralized team using OpenSearch or a SIEM tool, and in other cases it may be that you want the ability to give your teams access to QuickSight dashboards or provide specific teams access to a single data source with Amazon Athena.

Before you get started

To follow along with this post, you must have:

  • A basic understanding of Security Lake, Athena, and QuickSight
  • Security Lake already deployed and accepting data sources
  • An existing QuickSight deployment that can be used to visualize Security Lake data, or an account where you can sign up for QuickSight to create visualizations

Accessing data

Security Lake uses the concept of data subscribers when it comes to accessing your data. A subscriber consumes logs and events from Security Lake, and supports two types of access:

  • Data access — Subscribers can directly access Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) objects and receive notifications of new objects through a subscription endpoint or by polling an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue. This is the architecture typically used by tools such as OpenSearch Service and partner SIEM solutions.
  • Query access — Subscribers with query access can directly query AWS Lake Formation tables in your S3 bucket by using services like Athena. Although the primary query engine for Security Lake is Athena, you can also use other services that integrate with AWS Glue, such as Amazon Redshift Spectrum and Spark SQL.

In the sections that follow, we walk through how to configure cross-account sharing from Security Lake to visualize your data with QuickSight, and the associated Athena queries that are used. It’s a best practice to isolate log data from visualization workloads, and we recommend using a separate AWS account for QuickSight visualizations. A high-level overview of the architecture is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Security Lake visualization architecture overview

Figure 1: Security Lake visualization architecture overview

In Figure 1, Security Lake data is being cataloged by AWS Glue in account A. This catalog is then shared to account B by using AWS Resource Access Manager. Users in account B are then able to directly query the cataloged Security Lake data using Athena, or get visualizations by accessing QuickSight dashboards that use Athena to query the data.

Configure a Security Lake subscriber

The following steps guide you through configuring a Security Lake subscriber using the delegated administrator account.

To configure a Security Lake subscriber

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the Amazon Security Lake console in the Security Lake delegated administrator account. In this post, we’ll call this Account A.
  2. Go to Subscribers and choose Create subscriber.
  3. On the Subscriber details page, enter a Subscriber name. For example, cross-account-visualization.
  4. For Log and event sources, select All log and event sources. For Data access method, select Lake Formation.
  5. Add the Account ID for the AWS account that you’ll use for visualizations. In this post, we’ll call this Account B.
  6. Add an External ID to configure secure cross-account access. For more information, see How to use an external ID when granting access to your AWS resources to a third party.
  7. Choose Create.

Security Lake creates a resource share in your visualizations account using AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM). You can view the configuration of the subscriber from Security Lake by selecting the subscriber you just created from the main Subscribers page. It should look like Figure 2.

Figure 2: Subscriber configuration

Figure 2: Subscriber configuration

Note: your configuration might be slightly different, based on what you’ve named your subscriber, the AWS Region you’re using, the logs being ingested, and the external ID that you created.

Configure Athena to visualize your data

Now that the subscriber is configured, you can move on to the next stage, where you configure Athena and QuickSight to visualize your data.

Note: In the following example, queries will be against Security Hub findings, using the Security Lake table in the ap-southeast-2 Region. If necessary, change the table name in your queries to match the Security Lake Region you use in the following configuration steps.

To configure Athena

  1. Sign in to your QuickSight visualization account (Account B).
  2. Navigate to the AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM) console. You’ll see a Resource share invitation under Shared with me in the menu on the left-hand side of the screen. Choose Resource shares to go to the invitation.
    Figure 3: RAM menu

    Figure 3: RAM menu

  3. On the Resource shares page, select the name of the resource share starting with LakeFormation-V3, and then choose Accept resource share. The Security Lake Glue catalog is now available to Account B to query.
  4. For cross-account access, you should create a database to link the shared tables. Navigate to Lake Formation, and then under the Data catalog menu option, select Databases, then select Create database.
  5. Enter a name, for example security_lake_visualization, and keep the defaults for all other settings. Choose Create database.
    Figure 4: Create database

    Figure 4: Create database

  6. After you’ve created the database, you need to create resource links from the shared tables into the database. Select Tables under the Data catalog menu option. Select one of the tables shared by Security Lake by selecting the table’s name. You can identify the shared tables by looking for the ones that start with amazon_security_lake_table_.
  7. From the Actions dropdown list, select Create resource link.
    Figure 5: Creating a resource link

    Figure 5: Creating a resource link

  8. Enter the name for the resource link, for example amazon_security_lake_table_ap_southeast_2_sh_findings_1_0, and then select the security_lake_visualization database created in the previous steps.
  9. Choose Create. After the links have been created, the names of the resource links will appear in italics in the list of tables.
  10. You can now select the radio button next to the resource link, select Actions, and then select View data under Table. This takes you to the Athena query editor, where you can now run queries on the shared Security Lake tables.
    Figure 6: Viewing data to query

    Figure 6: Viewing data to query

    To use Athena for queries, you must configure an S3 bucket to store query results. If this is the first time Athena is being used in your account, you’ll receive a message saying that you need to configure an S3 bucket. To do this, choose Edit settings in the information notice and follow the instructions.

  11. In the Editor configuration, select AwsDataCatalog from the Data source options. The Database should be the database you created in the previous steps, for example security_lake_visualization.
  12. After selecting the database, copy the query that follows and paste it into your Athena query editor, and then choose Run. This runs your first query to list 10 Security Hub findings:
    Figure 7: Athena data query editor

    Figure 7: Athena data query editor

    "AwsDataCatalog"."security_lake_visualization"."amazon_security_lake_table_ap_southeast_2_sh_findings_1_0" limit 10;

    This queries Security Hub data in Security Lake from the Region you specified, and outputs the results in the Query results section on the page. For a list of example Security Lake specific queries, see the AWS Security Analytics Bootstrap project, where you can find example queries specific to each of the Security Lake natively ingested data sources.

  13. To build advanced dashboards, you can create views using Athena. The following is an example of a view that lists 100 findings with failed checks sorted by created_time of the findings.
    CREATE VIEW security_hub_new_failed_findings_by_created_time AS
    finding.title, cloud.account_uid, compliance.status,
    FROM "security_lake_visualization"."amazon_security_lake_table_ap_southeast_2_sh_findings_1_0"
    WHERE compliance.status = 'FAILED'
    ORDER BY finding.created_time
    limit 100;

  14. You can now query the view to list the first 10 rows using the following query.
    "security_lake_visualization"."security_hub_new_failed_findings_by_created_time" limit 10;

Create a QuickSight dataset

Now that you’ve done a sample query and created a view, you can use Athena as the data source to create a dataset in QuickSight.

To create a QuickSight dataset

  1. Sign in to your QuickSight visualization account (also known as Account B), and open the QuickSight console.
  2. If this is the first time you’re using QuickSight, you need to sign up for a QuickSight subscription.
  3. Although there are multiple ways to sign in to QuickSight, we used AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) based access to build the dashboards. To use QuickSight with Athena and Lake Formation, you first need to authorize connections through Lake Formation.
  4. When using cross-account configuration with AWS Glue Catalog, you also need to configure permissions on tables that are shared through Lake Formation. For a detailed deep dive, see Use Amazon Athena and Amazon QuickSight in a cross-account environment. For the use case highlighted in this post, use the following steps to grant access on the cross-account tables in the Glue Catalog.
    1. In the AWS Lake Formation console, navigate to the Tables section and select the resource link for the table, for example amazon_security_lake_table_ap_southeast_2_sh_findings_1_0.
    2. Select Actions. Under Permissions, select Grant on target.
    3. For Principals, select SAML users and groups, and then add the QuickSight user’s ARN captured in step 2 of the topic Authorize connections through Lake Formation.
    4. For the LF-Tags or catalog resources section, use the default settings.
    5. For Table permissions, choose Select for both Table Permissions and Grantable Permissions.
    6. Choose Grant.
    Figure 8: Granting permissions in Lake Formation

    Figure 8: Granting permissions in Lake Formation

  5. After permissions are in place, you can create datasets. You should also verify that you’re using QuickSight in the same Region where Lake Formation is sharing the data. The simplest way to determine your Region is to check the QuickSight URL in your web browser. The Region will be at the beginning of the URL. To change the Region, select the settings icon in the top right of the QuickSight screen and select the correct Region from the list of available Regions in the drop-down menu.
  6. Select Datasets, and then select New dataset. Select Athena from the list of available data sources.
  7. Enter a Data source name, for example security_lake_visualizations, and leave the Athena workgroup as [primary]. Then select Create data source.
  8. Select the tables to build your dashboards. On the Choose your table prompt, for Catalog, select AwsDataCatalog. For Database, select the database you created in the previous steps, for example security_lake_visualization. For Table, select the table with the name starting with amazon_security_lake_table_. Choose Select.
    Figure 9: Selecting the table for a new dataset

    Figure 9: Selecting the table for a new dataset

  9. On the Finish dataset creation prompt, select Import to SPICE for quicker analytics. Choose Visualize.
  10. In the left-hand menu in QuickSight, you can choose attributes from the data set to add analytics and widgets.

After you’re familiar with how to use QuickSight to visualize data from Security Lake, you can create additional datasets and add other widgets to create dashboards that are specific to your needs.

AWS pre-built QuickSight dashboards

So far, you’ve seen how to use Athena manually to query your data and how to use QuickSight to visualize it. AWS Professional Services is excited to announce the publication of the Data Visualization framework to help customers quickly visualize their data using QuickSight. The repository contains a combination of CDK tools and scripts that can be used to create the required AWS objects and deploy basic data sources, datasets, analysis, dashboards, and the required user groups to QuickSight with respect to Security Lake. The framework includes three pre-built dashboards based on the following personas.

Persona Role description Challenges Goals
CISO/Executive Stakeholder Owns and operates, with their support staff, all security-related activities within a business; total financial and risk accountability
  • Difficult to assess organizational aggregated security risk
  • Burdened by license costs of security tooling
  • Less agility in security programs due to mounting cost and complexity
  • Reduce risk
  • Reduce cost
  • Improve metrics (MTTD/MTTR and others)
Security Data Custodian Aggregates all security-related data sources while managing cost, access, and compliance
  • Writes new custom extract, transform, and load (ETL) every time a new data source shows up; difficult to maintain
  • Manually provisions access for users to view security data
  • Constrained by cost and performance limitations in tools depending on licenses and hardware
  • Reduce overhead to integrate new data
  • Improve data governance
  • Streamline access
Security Operator/Analyst Uses security tooling to monitor, assess, and respond to security-related events. Might perform incident response (IR), threat hunting, and other activities.
  • Moves between many security tools to answer questions about data
  • Lacks substantive automated analytics; manually processing and analyzing data
  • Can’t look historically due to limitations in tools (licensing, storage, scalability)
  • Reduce total number of tools
  • Increase observability
  • Decrease time to detect and respond
  • Decrease “alert fatigue”

After deploying through the CDK, you will have three pre-built dashboards configured and available to view. Once deployed, each of these dashboards can be customized according to your requirements. The Data Lake Executive dashboard provides a high-level overview of security findings, as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10: Example QuickSight dashboard showing an overview of findings in Security Lake

Figure 10: Example QuickSight dashboard showing an overview of findings in Security Lake

The Security Lake custodian role will have visibility of security related data sources, as shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11: Security Lake custodian dashboard

Figure 11: Security Lake custodian dashboard

And the Security Lake operator will have a view of security related events, as shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12: Security Operator dashboard

Figure 12: Security Operator dashboard


In this post, you learned about Security Lake, and how you can use Athena to query your data and QuickSight to gain visibility of your security findings stored within Security Lake. When using QuickSight to visualize your data, it’s important to remember that the data remains in your S3 bucket within your own environment. However, if you have other use cases or wish to use other analytics tools such as OpenSearch, Security Lake gives you the freedom to choose how you want to interact with your data.

We also introduced the Data Visualization framework that was created by AWS Professional Services. The framework uses the CDK to deploy a set of pre-built dashboards to help get you up and running quickly.

With the announcement of AWS AppFabric, we’re making it even simpler to ingest data directly into Security Lake from leading SaaS applications without building and managing custom code or point-to-point integrations, enabling quick visualization of your data from a single place, in a common format.

For additional information on using Athena to query Security Lake, have a look at the AWS Security Analytics Bootstrap project, where you can find queries specific to each of the Security Lake natively ingested data sources. If you want to learn more about how to configure and use QuickSight to visualize findings, we have hands-on QuickSight workshops to help you configure and build QuickSight dashboards for visualizing your data.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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Mark Keating

Mark Keating

Mark is an AWS Security Solutions Architect based out of the U.K. who works with Global Healthcare & Life Sciences and Automotive customers to solve their security and compliance challenges and help them reduce risk. He has over 20 years of experience working with technology, within in operations, solution, and enterprise architecture roles.

Pratima Singh

Pratima Singh

Pratima is a Security Specialist Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services based out of Sydney, Australia. She is a security enthusiast who enjoys helping customers find innovative solutions to complex business challenges. Outside of work, Pratima enjoys going on long drives and spending time with her family at the beach.

David Hoang

David Hoang

David is a Shared Delivery Team Senior Security Consultant at AWS. His background is in AWS security, with a focus on automation. David designs, builds, and implements scalable enterprise solutions with security guardrails that use AWS services.

Ajay Rawat

Ajay Rawat

Ajay is a Security Consultant in a shared delivery team at AWS. He is a technology enthusiast who enjoys working with customers to solve their technical challenges and to improve their security posture in the cloud.