All posts by Rajdip Chaudhuri

Migrate an existing data lake to a transactional data lake using Apache Iceberg

Post Syndicated from Rajdip Chaudhuri original

A data lake is a centralized repository that you can use to store all your structured and unstructured data at any scale. You can store your data as-is, without having to first structure the data and then run different types of analytics for better business insights. Over the years, data lakes on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) have become the default repository for enterprise data and are a common choice for a large set of users who query data for a variety of analytics and machine leaning use cases. Amazon S3 allows you to access diverse data sets, build business intelligence dashboards, and accelerate the consumption of data by adopting a modern data architecture or data mesh pattern on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Analytics use cases on data lakes are always evolving. Oftentimes, you want to continuously ingest data from various sources into a data lake and query the data concurrently through multiple analytics tools with transactional capabilities. But traditionally, data lakes built on Amazon S3 are immutable and don’t provide the transactional capabilities needed to support changing use cases. With changing use cases, customers are looking for ways to not only move new or incremental data to data lakes as transactions, but also to convert existing data based on Apache Parquet to a transactional format. Open table formats, such as Apache Iceberg, provide a solution to this issue. Apache Iceberg enables transactions on data lakes and can simplify data storage, management, ingestion, and processing.

In this post, we show you how you can convert existing data in an Amazon S3 data lake in Apache Parquet format to Apache Iceberg format to support transactions on the data using Jupyter Notebook based interactive sessions over AWS Glue 4.0.

Existing Parquet to Iceberg migration

There are two broad methods to migrate the existing data in a data lake in Apache Parquet format to Apache Iceberg format to convert the data lake to a transactional table format.

In-place data upgrade

In an in-place data migration strategy, existing datasets are upgraded to Apache Iceberg format without first reprocessing or restating existing data. This means the data files in the data lake aren’t modified during the migration and all Apache Iceberg metadata files (manifests, manifest files, and table metadata files) are generated outside the purview of the data. In this method, the metadata are recreated in an isolated environment and colocated with the existing data files. This can be a much less expensive operation compared to rewriting all the data files. The existing data file format must be Apache Parquet, Apache ORC, or Apache Avro. An in-place migration can be performed in either of two ways:

  1. Using add_files: This procedure adds existing data files to an existing Iceberg table with a new snapshot that includes the files. Unlike migrate or snapshot, add_files can import files from a specific partition or partitions and doesn’t create a new Iceberg table. This procedure doesn’t analyze the schema of the files to determine if they match the schema of the Iceberg table. Upon completion, the Iceberg table treats these files as if they are part of the set of files owned by Apache Iceberg.
  2. Using migrate: This procedure replaces a table with an Apache Iceberg table loaded with the source’s data files. The table’s schema, partitioning, properties, and location are copied from the source table. Supported formats are Avro, Parquet, and ORC. By default, the original table is retained with the name table_BACKUP_. However, to leave the original table intact during the process, you must use snapshot to create a new temporary table that has the same source data files and schema.

In this post, we show you how you can use the Iceberg add_files procedure for an in-place data upgrade. Note that the migrate procedure isn’t supported in AWS Glue Data Catalog.

The following diagram shows a high-level representation.

CTAS migration of data

The create table as select (CTAS) migration approach is a technique where all the metadata information for Iceberg is generated along with restating all the data files. This method shadows the source dataset in batches. When the shadow is caught up, you can swap the shadowed dataset with the source.

The following diagram showcases the high-level flow.


To follow along with the walkthrough, you must have the following:

You can check the data size using the following code in the AWS CLI or AWS CloudShell:

//Run this command to check the data size

aws s3 ls --summarize --human-readable --recursive s3://noaa-ghcn-pds/parquet/by_year/YEAR=2023

As of writing this post, there are 107 objects with total size of 70 MB for year 2023 in the Amazon S3 path.

Note that to implement the solution, you must complete a few preparatory steps.

Deploy resources using AWS CloudFormation

Complete the following steps to create the S3 bucket and the AWS IAM role and policy for the solution:

  1. Sign in to your AWS account and then choose Launch Stack to launch the CloudFormation template.

  1. For Stack name, enter a name.
  2. Leave the parameters at the default values. Note that if the default values are changed, then you must make corresponding changes throughout the following steps.
  3. Choose Next to create your stack.

This AWS CloudFormation template deploys the following resources:

  • An S3 bucket named demo-blog-post-XXXXXXXX (XXXXXXXX represents the AWS account ID used).
  • Two folders named parquet and iceberg under the bucket.
  • An IAM role and a policy named demoblogpostrole and demoblogpostscoped respectively.
  • An AWS Glue database named ghcn_db.
  • An AWS Glue Crawler named demopostcrawlerparquet.

After the the AWS CloudFormation template is successfully deployed:

  1. Copy the data in the created S3 bucket using following command in AWS CLI or AWS CloudShell. Replace XXXXXXXX appropriately in the target S3 bucket name.
    Note: In the example, we copy data only for the year 2023. However, you can work with the entire dataset, following the same instructions.

    aws s3 sync s3://noaa-ghcn-pds/parquet/by_year/YEAR=2023/ s3://demo-blog-post-XXXXXXXX/parquet/year=2023

  2. Open the AWS Management Console and go to the AWS Glue console.
  3. On the navigation pane, select Crawlers.
  4. Run the crawler named demopostcrawlerparquet.
  5. After the AWS Glue crawler demopostcrawlerparquet is successfully run, the metadata information of the Apache Parquet data will be cataloged under the ghcn_db AWS Glue database with the table name source_parquet. Notice that the table is partitioned over year and element columns (as in the S3 bucket).

  1. Use the following query to verify the data from the Amazon Athena console. If you’re using Amazon Athena for the first time in your AWS Account, set up a query result location in Amazon S3.
    SELECT * FROM ghcn_db.source_parquet limit 10;

Launch an AWS Glue Studio notebook for processing

For this post, we use an AWS Glue Studio notebook. Follow the steps in Getting started with notebooks in AWS Glue Studio to set up the notebook environment. Launch the notebooks hosted under this link and unzip them on a local workstation.

  1. Open AWS Glue Studio.
  2. Choose ETL Jobs.
  3. Choose Jupyter notebook and then choose Upload and edit an existing notebook. From Choose file, select required ipynb file and choose Open, then choose Create.
  4. On the Notebook setup page, for Job name, enter a logical name.
  5. For IAM role, select demoblogpostrole. Choose Create job. After a minute, the Jupyter notebook editor appears. Clear all the default cells.

The preceding steps launch an AWS Glue Studio notebook environment. Make sure you Save the notebook every time it’s used.

In-place data upgrade

In this section we show you how you can use the add_files procedure to achieve an in-place data upgrade. This section uses the ipynb file named demo-in-place-upgrade-addfiles.ipynb. To use with the add_files procedure, complete the following:

  1. On the Notebook setup page, for Job name, enter demo-in-place-upgrade for the notebook session as explained in Launch Glue notebook for processing.
  2. Run the cells under the section Glue session configurations. Provide the S3 bucket name from the prerequisites for the bucket_name variable by replacing XXXXXXXX.
  3. Run the subsequent cells in the notebook.

Notice that the cell under Execute add_files procedure section performs the metadata creation in the mentioned path.

Review the data file paths for the new Iceberg table. To show an Iceberg table’s current data files, .files can be used to get details such as file_path, partition, and others. Recreated files are pointing to the source path under Amazon S3.

Note the metadata file location after transformation. It’s pointing to the new folder named iceberg under Amazon S3. This can be checked using .snapshots to check Iceberg tables’ snapshot file location. Also, check the same in the Amazon S3 URI s3://demo-blog-post-XXXXXXXX/iceberg/ghcn_db.db/target_iceberg_add_files/metadata/. Also notice that there are two versions of the manifest list created after the add_files procedure has been run. The first is an empty table with the data schema and the second is adding the files.

The table is cataloged in AWS Glue under the database ghcn_db with the table type as ICEBERG.

Compare the count of records using Amazon Athena between the source and target table. They are the same.

In summary, you can use the add_files procedure to convert existing data files in Apache Parquet format in a data lake to Apache Iceberg format by adding the metadata files and without recreating the table from scratch. Following are some pros and cons of this method.


  • Avoids full table scans to read the data as there is no restatement. This can save time.
  • If there are any errors during while writing the metadata, only a metadata re-write is required and not the entire data.
  • Lineage of the existing jobs is maintained because the existing catalog still exists.


  • If data is processed (inserts, updates, and deletes) in the dataset during the metadata writing process, the process must be run again to include the new data.
  • There must be write downtime to avoid having to run the process a second time.
  • If a data restatement is required, this workflow will not work as source data files aren’t modified.

CTAS migration of data

This section uses the ipynb file named demo-ctas-upgrade.ipynb. Complete the following:

  1. On the Notebook setup page, for Job name, enter demo-ctas-upgrade for the notebook session as explained under Launch Glue notebook for processing.
  2. Run the cells under the section Glue session configurations. Provide the S3 bucket name from the prerequisites for the bucket_name variable by replacing XXXXXXXX.
  3. Run the subsequent cells in the notebook.

Notice that the cell under Create Iceberg table from Parquet section performs the shadow upgrade to Iceberg format. Note that Iceberg requires sorting the data according to table partitions before writing to the Iceberg table. Further details can be found in Writing Distribution Modes.

Notice the data and metadata file paths for the new Iceberg table. It’s pointing to the new path under Amazon S3. Also, check under the Amazon S3 URI s3://demo-blog-post-XXXXXXXX/iceberg/ghcn_db.db/target_iceberg_ctas/ used for this post.

The table is cataloged under AWS Glue under the database ghcn_db with the table type as ICEBERG.

Compare the count of records using Amazon Athena between the source and target table. They are same.

In summary, the CTAS method creates a new table by generating all the metadata files along with restating the actual data. Following are some pros and cons of this method:


  • It allows you to audit and validate the data during the process because data is restated.
  • If there are any runtime issues during the migration process, rollback and recovery can be easily performed by deleting the Apache Iceberg table.
  • You can test different configurations when migrating a source. You can create a new table for each configuration and evaluate the impact.
  • Shadow data is renamed to a different directory in the source (so it doesn’t collide with old Apache Parquet data).


  • Storage of the dataset is doubled during the process as both the original Apache Parquet and new Apache Iceberg tables are present during the migration and testing phase. This needs to be considered during cost estimation.
  • The migration can take much longer (depending on the volume of the data) because both data and metadata are written.
  • It’s difficult to keep tables in sync if there changes to the source table during the process.

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, and to clean up unused roles and policies, delete the resources you created: the datasets, CloudFormation stack, S3 bucket, AWS Glue job, AWS Glue database, and AWS Glue table.


In this post, you learned strategies for migrating existing Apache Parquet formatted data to Apache Iceberg in Amazon S3 to convert to a transactional data lake using interactive sessions in AWS Glue 4.0 to complete the processes. If you have an evolving use case where an existing data lake needs to be converted to a transactional data lake based on Apache Iceberg table format, follow the guidance in this post.

The path you choose for this upgrade, an in-place upgrade or CTAS migration, or a combination of both, will depend on careful analysis of the data architecture and data integration pipeline. Both pathways have pros and cons, as discussed. At a high level, this upgrade process should go through multiple well-defined phases to identify the patterns of data integration and use cases. Choosing the correct strategy will depend on your requirements—such as performance, cost, data freshness, acceptable downtime during migration, and so on.

About the author

Rajdip Chaudhuri is a Senior Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services specializing in data and analytics. He enjoys working with AWS customers and partners on data and analytics requirements. In his spare time, he enjoys soccer and movies.

Centralize near-real-time governance through alerts on Amazon Redshift data warehouses for sensitive queries

Post Syndicated from Rajdip Chaudhuri original

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service in the cloud that delivers powerful and secure insights on all your data with the best price-performance. With Amazon Redshift, you can analyze your data to derive holistic insights about your business and your customers. In many organizations, one or multiple Amazon Redshift data warehouses run daily for data and analytics purposes. Therefore, over time, multiple Data Definition Language (DDL) or Data Control Language (DCL) queries, such as CREATE, ALTER, DROP, GRANT, or REVOKE SQL queries, are run on the Amazon Redshift data warehouse, which are sensitive in nature because they could lead to dropping tables or deleting data, causing disruptions or outages. Tracking such user queries as part of the centralized governance of the data warehouse helps stakeholders understand potential risks and take prompt action to mitigate them following the operational excellence pillar of the AWS Data Analytics Lens. Therefore, for a robust governance mechanism, it’s crucial to alert or notify the database and security administrators on the kind of sensitive queries that are run on the data warehouse, so that prompt remediation actions can be taken if needed.

To address this, in this post we show you how you can automate near-real-time notifications over a Slack channel when certain queries are run on the data warehouse. We also create a simple governance dashboard using a combination of Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Athena, and Amazon QuickSight.

Solution overview

An Amazon Redshift data warehouse logs information about connections and user activities taking place in databases, which helps monitor the database for security and troubleshooting purposes. These logs can be stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets or Amazon CloudWatch. Amazon Redshift logs information in the following log files, and this solution is based on using an Amazon Redshift audit log to CloudWatch as a destination:

  • Connection log – Logs authentication attempts, connections, and disconnections
  • User log – Logs information about changes to database user definitions
  • User activity log – Logs each query before it’s run on the database

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

Solution Architecture

The solution workflow consists of the following steps:

  1. Audit logging is enabled in each Amazon Redshift data warehouse to capture the user activity log in CloudWatch.
  2. Subscription filters on CloudWatch capture the required DDL and DCL commands by providing filter criteria.
  3. The subscription filter triggers an AWS Lambda function for pattern matching.
  4. The Lambda function processes the event data and sends the notification over a Slack channel using a webhook.
  5. The Lambda function stores the data in a DynamoDB table over which a simple dashboard is built using Athena and QuickSight.


Before starting the implementation, make sure the following requirements are met:

  • You have an AWS account.
  • The AWS Region used for this post is us-east-1. However, this solution is relevant in any other Region where the necessary AWS services are available.
  • Permissions to create Slack a workspace.

Create and configure an Amazon Redshift cluster

To set up your cluster, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a provisioned Amazon Redshift data warehouse.

For this post, we use three Amazon Redshift data warehouses: demo-cluster-ou1, demo-cluster-ou2, and demo-cluster-ou3. In this post, all the Amazon Redshift data warehouses are provisioned clusters. However, the same solution applies for Amazon Redshift Serverless.

  1. To enable audit logging with CloudWatch as the log delivery destination, open an Amazon Redshift cluster and go to the Properties tab.
  2. On the Edit menu, choose Edit audit logging.

Redshift edit audit logging

  1. Select Turn on under Configure audit logging.
  2. Select CloudWatch for Log export type.
  3. Select all three options for User log, Connection log, and User activity log.
  4. Choose Save changes.

  1. Create a parameter group for the clusters with enable_user_activity_logging set as true for each of the clusters.
  2. Modify the cluster to attach the new parameter group to the Amazon Redshift cluster.

For this post, we create three custom parameter groups: custom-param-grp-1, custom-param-grp-2, and custom-param-grp-3 for three clusters.

Note, if you enable only the audit logging feature, but not the associated parameter, the database audit logs log information for only the connection log and user log, but not for the user activity log.

  1. On the CloudWatch console, choose Log groups under Logs in the navigation pane.
  2. Search for /aws/redshift/cluster/demo.

This will show all the log groups created for the Amazon Redshift clusters.

Create a DynamoDB audit table

To create your audit table, complete the following steps:

  1. On the DynamoDB console, choose Tables in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create table.
  3. For Table name, enter demo_redshift_audit_logs.
  4. For Partition key, enter partKey with the data type as String.

  1. Keep the table settings as default.
  2. Choose Create table.

Create Slack resources

Slack Incoming Webhooks expect a JSON request with a message string corresponding to a "text" key. They also support message customization, such as adding a user name and icon, or overriding the webhook’s default channel. For more information, see Sending messages using Incoming Webhooks on the Slack website.

The following resources are created for this post:

  • A Slack workspace named demo_rc
  • A channel named #blog-demo in the newly created Slack workspace
  • A new Slack app in the Slack workspace named demo_redshift_ntfn (using the From Scratch option)
  • Note down the Incoming Webhook URL, which will be used in this post for sending the notifications

Create an IAM role and policy

In this section, we create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy that will be attached to an IAM role. The role is then used to grant a Lambda function access to a DynamoDB table. The policy also includes permissions to allow the Lambda function to write log files to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.

  1. On the IAM console, choose Policies in navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create policy.
  3. In the Create policy section, choose the JSON tab and enter the following IAM policy. Make sure you replace your AWS account ID in the policy (replace XXXXXXXX with your AWS account ID).
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "ReadWriteTable",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "WriteLogStreamsAndGroups",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:logs:*:XXXXXXXX:log-group:*"
  1. Choose Next: Tags, then choose Next: Review.
  2. Provide the policy name demo_post_policy and choose Create policy.

To apply demo_post_policy to a Lambda function, you first have to attach the policy to an IAM role.

  1. On the IAM console, choose Roles in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create role.
  3. Select AWS service and then select Lambda.
  4. Choose Next.

  1. On the Add permissions page, search for demo_post_policy.
  2. Select demo_post_policy from the list of returned search results, then choose Next.

  1. On the Review page, enter demo_post_role for the role and an appropriate description, then choose Create role.

Create a Lambda function

We create a Lambda function with Python 3.9. In the following code, replace the slack_hook parameter with the Slack webhook you copied earlier:

import gzip
import base64
import json
import boto3
import uuid
import re
import urllib3

http = urllib3.PoolManager()
dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
table = dynamodb.Table("demo_redshift_audit_logs")
slack_hook = ""

def exe_wrapper(data):
    cluster_name = (data['logStream'])
    for event in data['logEvents']:
        message = event['message']
        reg = re.match(r"'(?P<ts>\d{4}-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\dZ).*?\bdb=(?P<db>\S*).*?\buser=(?P<user>\S*).*?LOG:\s+(?P<query>.*?);?$", message)
        if reg is not None:
            filter = reg.groupdict()
            ts = filter['ts']
            db = filter['db']
            user = filter['user']
            query = filter['query']
            query_type = ' '.join((query.split(" "))[0 : 2]).upper()
            object = query.split(" ")[2]
def put_dynamodb(timestamp,cluster,database,user,sql,query_type,object,event):
    table.put_item(Item = {
        'partKey': str(uuid.uuid4()),
        'redshiftCluster': cluster,
        'sqlTimestamp' : timestamp,
        'databaseName' : database,
        'userName': user,
        'sqlQuery': sql,
        'queryType' : query_type,
        'objectName': object,
        'rawData': event
def slack_api(cluster,database,user,sql,query_type,object):
    payload = {
	'channel': '#blog-demo',
	'username': 'demo_redshift_ntfn',
	'blocks': [{
			'type': 'section',
			'text': {
				'type': 'mrkdwn',
				'text': 'Detected *{}* command\n *Affected Object*: `{}`'.format(query_type, object)
			'type': 'divider'
			'type': 'section',
			'fields': [{
					'type': 'mrkdwn',
					'text': ':desktop_computer: *Cluster Name:*\n{}'.format(cluster)
					'type': 'mrkdwn',
					'text': ':label: *Query Type:*\n{}'.format(query_type)
					'type': 'mrkdwn',
					'text': ':card_index_dividers: *Database Name:*\n{}'.format(database)
					'type': 'mrkdwn',
					'text': ':technologist: *User Name:*\n{}'.format(user)
			'type': 'section',
			'text': {
				'type': 'mrkdwn',
				'text': ':page_facing_up: *SQL Query*\n ```{}```'.format(sql)
    encoded_msg = json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8')
    resp = http.request('POST',slack_hook, body=encoded_msg)

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    print(f'Logging Event: {event}')
    print(f"Awslog: {event['awslogs']}")
    encoded_zipped_data = event['awslogs']['data']
    print(f'data: {encoded_zipped_data}')
    print(f'type: {type(encoded_zipped_data)}')
    zipped_data = base64.b64decode(encoded_zipped_data)
    data = json.loads(gzip.decompress(zipped_data))

Create your function with the following steps:

  1. On the Lambda console, choose Create function.
  2. Select Author from scratch and for Function name, enter demo_function.
  3. For Runtime, choose Python 3.9.
  4. For Execution role, select Use an existing role and choose demo_post_role as the IAM role.
  5. Choose Create function.

  1. On the Code tab, enter the preceding Lambda function and replace the Slack webhook URL.
  2. Choose Deploy.

Create a CloudWatch subscription filter

We need to create the CloudWatch subscription filter on the useractivitylog log group created by the Amazon Redshift clusters.

  1. On the CloudWatch console, navigate to the log group /aws/redshift/cluster/demo-cluster-ou1/useractivitylog.
  2. On the Subscription filters tab, on the Create menu, choose Create Lambda subscription filter.

  1. Choose demo_function as the Lambda function.
  2. For Log format, choose Other.
  3. Provide the subscription filter pattern as ?create ?alter ?drop ?grant ?revoke.
  4. Provide the filter name as Sensitive Queries demo-cluster-ou1.
  5. Test the filter by selecting the actual log stream. If it has any queries with a match pattern, then you can see some results. For testing, use the following pattern and choose Test pattern.
'2023-04-02T04:18:43Z UTC [ db=dev user=awsuser pid=100 userid=100 xid=100 ]' LOG: alter table my_table alter column string type varchar(16);
'2023-04-02T04:06:08Z UTC [ db=dev user=awsuser pid=100 userid=100 xid=200 ]' LOG: create user rs_user with password '***';

  1. Choose Start streaming.

  1. Repeat the same steps for /aws/redshift/cluster/demo-cluster-ou2/useractivitylog and /aws/redshift/cluster/demo-cluster-ou3/useractivitylog by giving unique subscription filter names.
  2. Complete the preceding steps to create a second subscription filter for each of the Amazon Redshift data warehouses with the filter pattern ?CREATE ?ALTER ?DROP ?GRANT ?REVOKE, ensuring uppercase SQL commands are also captured through this solution.

Test the solution

In this section, we test the solution in the three Amazon Redshift clusters that we created in the previous steps and check for the notifications of the commands on the Slack channel as per the CloudWatch subscription filters as well as data getting ingested in the DynamoDB table. We use the following commands to test the solution; however, this is not restricted to these commands only. You can check with other DDL commands as per the filter criteria in your Amazon Redshift cluster.

create schema sales;
create schema marketing;
create table dev.public.demo_test_table_1  (id int, string varchar(10));
create table dev.public.demo_test_table_2  (empid int, empname varchar(100));
alter table dev.public.category alter column catdesc type varchar(65);
drop table dev.public.demo_test_table_1;
drop table dev.public.demo_test_table_2;

In the Slack channel, details of the notifications look like the following screenshot.

To get the results in DynamoDB, complete the following steps:

  1. On the DynamoDB console, choose Explore items under Tables in the navigation pane.
  2. In the Tables pane, select demo_redshift_audit_logs.
  3. Select Scan and Run to get the results in the table.

Athena federation over the DynamoDB table

The Athena DynamoDB connector enables Athena to communicate with DynamoDB so that you can query your tables with SQL. As part of the prerequisites for this, deploy the connector to your AWS account using the Athena console or the AWS Serverless Application Repository. For more details, refer to Deploying a data source connector or Using the AWS Serverless Application Repository to deploy a data source connector. For this post, we use the Athena console.

  1. On the Athena console, under Administration in the navigation pane, choose Data sources.
  2. Choose Create data source.

  1. Select the data source as Amazon DynamoDB, then choose Next.

  1. For Data source name, enter dynamo_db.
  2. For Lambda function, choose Create Lambda function to open a new window with the Lambda console.

  1. Under Application settings, enter the following information:
    • For Application name, enter AthenaDynamoDBConnector.
    • For SpillBucket, enter the name of an S3 bucket.
    • For AthenaCatalogName, enter dynamo.
    • For DisableSpillEncryption, enter false.
    • For LambdaMemory, enter 3008.
    • For LambdaTimeout, enter 900.
    • For SpillPrefix, enter athena-spill-dynamo.

  1. Select I acknowledge that this app creates custom IAM roles and choose Deploy.
  2. Wait for the function to deploy, then return to the Athena window and choose the refresh icon next to Lambda function.
  3. Select the newly deployed Lambda function and choose Next.

  1. Review the information and choose Create data source.
  2. Navigate back to the query editor, then choose dynamo_db for Data source and default for Database.
  3. Run the following query in the editor to check the sample data:
SELECT partkey,
FROM dynamo_db.default.demo_redshift_audit_logs limit 10;

Visualize the data in QuickSight

In this section, we create a simple governance dashboard in QuickSight using Athena in direct query mode to query the record set, which is persistently stored in a DynamoDB table.

  1. Sign up for QuickSight on the QuickSight console.
  2. Select Amazon Athena as a resource.
  3. Choose Lambda and select the Lambda function created for DynamoDB federation.

  1. Create a new dataset in QuickSight with Athena as the source.
  2. Provide the name of the data source name as demo_blog.
  3. Choose dynamo_db for Catalog, default for Database, and demo_redshift_audit_logs for Table.
  4. Choose Edit/Preview data.

  1. Choose String in the sqlTimestamp column and choose Date.

  1. In the dialog box that appears, enter the data format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZ.
  2. Choose Validate and Update.

  2. Choose Interactive sheet and choose CREATE.

This will take you to the visualization page to create the analysis on QuickSight.

  1. Create a governance dashboard with the appropriate visualization type.

Refer to the Amazon QuickSight learning videos in QuickSight community for basic to advanced level of authoring. The following screenshot is a sample visualization created on this data.

Clean up

Clean up your resources with the following steps:

  1. Delete all the Amazon Redshift clusters.
  2. Delete the Lambda function.
  3. Delete the CloudWatch log groups for Amazon Redshift and Lambda.
  4. Delete the Athena data source for DynamoDB.
  5. Delete the DynamoDB table.


Amazon Redshift is a powerful, fully managed data warehouse that can offer significantly increased performance and lower cost in the cloud. In this post, we discussed a pattern to implement a governance mechanism to identify and notify sensitive DDL/DCL queries on an Amazon Redshift data warehouse, and created a quick dashboard to enable the DBA and security team to take timely and prompt action as required. Additionally, you can extend this solution to include DDL commands used for Amazon Redshift data sharing across clusters.

Operational excellence is a critical part of the overall data governance on creating a modern data architecture, as it’s a great enabler to drive our customers’ business. Ideally, any data governance implementation is a combination of people, process, and technology that organizations use to ensure the quality and security of their data throughout its lifecycle. Use these instructions to set up your automated notification mechanism as sensitive queries are detected as well as create a quick dashboard on QuickSight to track the activities over time.

About the Authors

Rajdip Chaudhuri is a Senior Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services specializing in data and analytics. He enjoys working with AWS customers and partners on data and analytics requirements. In his spare time, he enjoys soccer and movies.

Dhiraj Thakur is a Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services. He works with AWS customers and partners to provide guidance on enterprise cloud adoption, migration, and strategy. He is passionate about technology and enjoys building and experimenting in the analytics and AI/ML space.