All posts by Simon Janusz

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up 04/12/24

Post Syndicated from Simon Janusz original

Account Takeover using Shadow Credentials

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up 04/12/24

The new release of Metasploit Framework includes a Shadow Credentials module added by smashery used for reliably taking over an Active Directory user account or computer, and letting future authentication to happen as that account. This can be chained with other modules present in Metasploit Framework such as windows_secrets_dump.


The module targets a ‘victim’ account that is part of a domain where the Domain Controller is running Windows Server 2016 and newer.

Using an account that has write permissions over another (or its own) user account object, the module adds a public key credential object to the user account’s msDS-KeyCredentialLink property. After this, a Ticket Granting Ticket can be requested using the get_ticket module, which subsequently can be used for a pass-the-ticket style attack such as auxiliary/gather/windows_secrets_dump. This can be performed when a user contains the GenericWrite permission over another account. By default, Computer accounts have the ability to write their own value (whereas user accounts do not).

The shadow credentials added persist between password changes, making it a very useful technique for getting the TGT.

The steps for this technique (performed automatically by the module) are:
Generate and store a key and certificate locally
Store the certificate’s public key as a KeyCredential
On the domain controller, update the msDS-KeyCredentialLink property to include the newly generated KeyCredential object

After the above steps, you can:
Obtain a TGT & NTLM hash
Perform further attacks using the above values

New module content (3)

Shadow Credentials

Authors: Elad Shamir and smashery
Type: Auxiliary
Pull request: #19051 contributed by smashery
Path: admin/ldap/shadow_credentials

Description: A new module to add to, list, flush and delete from the LDAP msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute which enables the user to execute "shadow credential" attacks for persistence and lateral movement.

Gibbon School Platform Authenticated PHP Deserialization Vulnerability

Authors: Ali Maharramli, Fikrat Guliev, Islam Rzayev, and h00die-gr3y [email protected]
Type: Exploit
Pull request: #19044 contributed by h00die-gr3y
Path: multi/http/gibbon_auth_rce_cve_2024_24725
AttackerKB reference: CVE-2024-24725

Description: An exploit module that exploits Gibbon online school platform version 26.0.00 and lower to achieve remote code execution. Note that authentication is required. This leverages a PHP deserialization attack via columnOrder in a POST request (CVE-2024-24725).

Rancher Audit Log Sensitive Information Leak

Author: h00die
Type: Post
Pull request: #18962 contributed by h00die
Path: linux/gather/rancher_audit_log_leak
AttackerKB reference: CVE-2023-22649

Description: A post module to leverage CVE-2023-22649 which is a sensitive information leak in the rancher service’s audit logs.

Enhancements and features (4)

  • #19022 from sjanusz-r7 – Adds support to detect the MySQL server’s host’s platform and arch by running a query.
  • #19045 from zgoldman-r7 – Adds a set of acceptance tests for MSSQL modules.
  • #19052 from smashery – Updates Metasploit’s User Agent strings to values valid for April 2024.
  • #19064 from nrathaus – Adds support to the auxiliary/scanner/snmp/snmp_login module to work over the TCP protocol in addition to UDP.

Bugs fixed (3)

  • #19056 from dwelch-r7 – Fixed an issue were the socket would be closed if targeting a single host with multiple user_file/pass_file module option combinations. This was caused when a session was successfully opened but then the next login attempt would close the socket being used by the newly created session.
  • #19059 from nrathaus – Fixed an issue with the psnuffle module’s POP3 support.
  • #19069 from adfoster-r7 – Fixed an edgecase present in clients that programmatically interacted with Metasploit’s remote procedure call (RPC) functionality that caused the login modules for SMB, Postgres, MySQL, and MSSQL to open a new session by default instead of it being opt in behavior.


You can find the latest Metasploit documentation on our docsite at

Get it

As always, you can update to the latest Metasploit Framework with msfupdate
and you can get more details on the changes since the last blog post from

If you are a git user, you can clone the Metasploit Framework repo (master branch) for the latest.
To install fresh without using git, you can use the open-source-only Nightly Installers or the
commercial edition Metasploit Pro

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up 02/02/2024

Post Syndicated from Simon Janusz original

Shared RubySMB Service Improvements

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up 02/02/2024

This week’s updates include improvements to Metasploit Framework’s SMB server implementation: the SMB server can now be reused across various SMB modules, which are now able to register their own unique shares and files. SMB modules can also now be executed concurrently. Currently, there are 15 SMB modules in Metasploit Framework that utilize this feature.

New module content (2)

Mirth Connect Deserialization RCE

Authors: Naveen Sunkavally, Spencer McIntyre, and r00t
Type: Exploit
Pull request: #18755 contributed by zeroSteiner
Path: multi/http/mirth_connect_cve_2023_43208

Description: This PR adds an exploit module for Mirth Connect. Versions < 4.4.1 are vulnerable to CVE-2023-43208 and CVE-2023-37679, where the former is a patch bypass for the latter. In both cases, an attacker can execute an OS command in the context of the target service using a specially crafted HTTP request and Java deserialization gadget. A technical analysis of CVE-2023-37679 is available in AttackerKB.

Puppet Config Gather

Author: h00die
Type: Post
Pull request: #18628 contributed by h00die
Path: linux/gather/puppet

Description: This PR adds a post gather module to get Puppet configs and other sensitive files.

Enhancements and features (2)

  • #18680 from zeroSteiner – This adds a service compatible with Rex::ServiceManager for SMB that can be shared among modules.
  • #18742 from sjanusz-r7 – Enhances the post/multi/gather/memory_search with additional UX improvements such as outputting a list of matched processes that are being targeted, as well as improved error handling if the process architecture is not correct.

Bugs fixed (2)

  • #18750 from adfoster-r7 – Updates the to_handler command for payload modules to support option overrides. The to_handler command is a convenient way of using multi/handler, setting the payload, and setting datastore options.
  • #18760 from adfoster-r7 – Fixes an issue where Metasploit fails to start when resolv.conf cannot be found.


You can find the latest Metasploit documentation on our docsite at

Get it

As always, you can update to the latest Metasploit Framework with msfupdate
and you can get more details on the changes since the last blog post from

If you are a git user, you can clone the Metasploit Framework repo (master branch) for the latest.
To install fresh without using git, you can use the open-source-only Nightly Installers or the
commercial edition Metasploit Pro

Metasploit Wrap-Up

Post Syndicated from Simon Janusz original

Windows Local Privilege Escalation for standard users

Metasploit Wrap-Up

In this week’s release, we have an exciting new module that has been added by our very own Grant Willcox which exploits (CVE-2022-26904)[], and allows for normal users to execute code as NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM on Windows machines from Windows 7 up to and including Windows 11. Currently, the vulnerability is still not patched and there have not been any updates from MSRC regarding this vulnerability, however it may be patched in the next Patch Tuesday.

This exploit requires more than one local user to be present on the machine and the PromptOnSecureDesktop setting to be set to 1, which is the default setting.

MacOS exploitation

Our very own space-r7 has updated the recent GateKeeper module to add support for the recent CVE-2022-22616, which can be used to target all MacOS Catalina versions, and MacOS Monterey versions prior to 12.3.

This module can be used to remove the extended attribute on a downloaded/extracted file and allows for code to be executed on the machine.

Enumerating Chocolatey applications

This week’s release also features a new module from a first-time contributor rad10, which will enumerate all applications that have been installed using Chocolatey.

This could be used when gathering information about a compromised target and potentially vulnerable software present on the machine.

New module content (5)

  • User Profile Arbitrary Junction Creation Local Privilege Elevation by Grant Willcox and KLINIX5, which exploits CVE-2022-26904 – This adds an exploit for CVE-2022-26904, which is an LPE vulnerability affecting Windows 7 through Windows 11. Leveraging this vulnerability can allow a local attacker running as a standard user, who has knowledge of another standard user’s credentials, to execute code as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. The PromptOnSecureDesktop setting must also be set to 1 on the affected machine for this exploit to work, which is the default setting.
  • ALLMediaServer 1.6 SEH Buffer Overflow by Hejap Zairy Al-Sharif, which exploits CVE-2022-28381 – A new module has been added in which exploits CVE-2022-28381, a remotely exploitable SEH buffer overflow vulnerability in AllMediaServer version 1.6 and prior. Successful exploitation results in remote code execution as the user running AllMediaServer.
  • Windows Gather Installed Application Within Chocolatey Enumeration by Nick Cottrell – This adds a post module that enumerates applications installed with Chocolatey on Windows systems.
  • #16082 from usiegl00 – This updates the shadow_mitm_dispatcher module by adding a new RubySMB Dispatcher, whichallows a better integration with RubySMB and enables the use of all the features provided by its client. Both SMBv2 and SMBv3 are now supported.
  • #16401 from space-r7 – This change adds support for CVE-2022-22616 to the existing Gatekeeper bypass exploit module which reportedly covers macOS Catalina all the way to MacOS Monterey versions below 12.3. Since this now targets two CVEs, we’ve introduced a new CVE option to select which CVE to exploit. This default is the most recent CVE.

Enhancements and features (4)

  • #15972 from sempervictus – This updates the Log4shell scanner with the LEAK_PARAMS option, providing a way to leak more target information such as environment variables.
  • #16320 from dwelch-r7 – This updates Windows Meterpreter payloads to support a new MeterpreterDebugBuild datastore option. When set to true the generated payload will have additional logging support which is visible via Window’s DbgView program.
  • #16373 from adfoster-r7 – Adds initial support for Ruby 3.1
  • #16403 from sempervictus – This adds more checks to the post/windows/gather/checkvm module to better detect if the current target is a Qemu / KVM virtual machine.

Bugs fixed (3)

  • #16398 from jmartin-r7 – A number of recent payload adds did not conform to the patterns used for suggesting spec configurations. Tests for these payloads have now been manually added to ensure they will be appropriately tested as part of rspec checks.
  • #16408 from rtpt-alexanderneumann – This fixes an edge case with the multi/postgres/postgres_copy_from_program_cmd_exec module, which crashed when the randomly generated table name started with a number
  • #16419 from adfoster-r7 – A bug has been fixed whereby when using the search command and searching by disclosure_date, the help menu would instead appear. This has been remedied by improving the date handling logic for the search command.

Get it

As always, you can update to the latest Metasploit Framework with msfupdate and you can get more details on the changes since the last blog post from GitHub:

If you are a git user, you can clone the Metasploit Framework repo (master branch) for the latest. To install fresh without using git, you can use the open-source-only Nightly Installers or the binary installers (which also include the commercial edition).

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up

Post Syndicated from Simon Janusz original

Log4Shell goodness

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up

Log4Shell made an unfortunate end to 2021 for many organizations, but it also makes for some great additions to Metasploit Framework. Contributors sempervictus, schierlm, righel, timwr and our very own Spencer McIntyre have collaborated to bring us a Log4Shell module that uses header stuffing to exploit vulnerable HTTP servers, resulting in Remote Code Execution.

SonicWall SSL VPN module for Rapid7-discovered vulnerability

Rapid7 disclosed the technical details of five vulnerabilities discovered by jbaines-r7 affecting SonicWall’s SMA-100 series of SSL VPN devices. The disclosure included landing a Metasploit module that gives remote and authenticated attackers root access to the device using CVE-2021-20039.

Pi-Hole command execution and common exploit library

An exciting new addition has worked its way into Metasploit Framework this week. Contributor h00die has created an authenticated RCE module that takes advantage of improper escaping of characters in Pi-Hole’s Top Domains API’s validDomainWildcard field. H00die has also created a library that aims to make developing future Pi-Hole modules easier.

New module content (5)

  • Pi-Hole Top Domains API Authenticated Exec by SchneiderSec and h00die, which exploits CVE-2021-32706 – This adds an auxiliary module that executes commands against Pi-Hole versions <= 5.5. This also introduces a Pi-Hole library for common functionality required in exploits against the service.

  • SonicWall SMA 100 Series Authenticated Command Injection by jbaines-r7, which exploits CVE-2021-20039 – This adds a module that exploits an authenticated command injection vulnerability in multiple versions of the SonicWALL SMA 100 series web interface. In the SSL certificate deletion functionality, the sanitization logic permits the \n character which acts as a terminator when passed to a call to system(). An authenticated attacker can execute arbitrary commands as the root user.

  • Log4Shell HTTP Header Injection by sinn3r, juan vazquez, Michael Schierl, RageLtMan, and Spencer McIntyre, which exploits CVE-2021-44228 – This adds an exploit for HTTP servers that are affected by the Log4J/Log4Shell vulnerability via header stuffing.

  • Microsoft Windows SMB Direct Session Takeover by usiegl00 – This adds a new exploit module that implements the Shadow Attack, SMB Direct Session takeover. Before running this module, a MiTM attack needs to be performed to let it intercept SMB authentication requests between a client and a server. by using any kind of ARP spoofer/poisoner tools in addition to Metasploit. If the connecting user is an administrator and network logins are allowed to the target machine, this module will execute an arbitrary payload.

  • #12217 from SkypLabs – This adds the f5 load balancer cookie to notes, and cleans up the module (rubocop/documentation/refs)

Enhancements and features

  • #15656 from HynekPetrak – This enables the vmware_vcenter_vmdir_auth_bypass module to create an admin user even if the target is not vulnerable to CVE-2020-3952, assuming we have obtained valid credentials to the vCenter LDAP directory.
  • #16021 from zeroSteiner – This adds additional tests for Meterpreter’s mkdir/rmdir functionality to ensure uniform implementations across all Meterpreters
  • #16024 from sjanusz-r7 – This adds in a new command to Meterpreter that allows the end user to kill all channels at once
  • #16040 from jmartin-r7 – Removes Ruby 2.5 support as it is officially end of life

Bugs fixed

  • #16016 from bwatters-r7 – This fixes an issue in the auxiliary/scanner/dcerpc/hidden module where the RHOSTS datastore option was not available, resulting in hosts not being scanned.
  • #16027 from zeroSteiner – This fixes an issue with tab completion for the generate command. Completion now works with both the -f and -o flags.
  • #16043 from shoxxdj – Fixes crash in the auxiliary/scanner/http/wordpress_scanner.rb module when attempting to scan themes

Get it

As always, you can update to the latest Metasploit Framework with msfupdate
and you can get more details on the changes since the last blog post from

If you are a git user, you can clone the Metasploit Framework repo (master branch) for the latest.
To install fresh without using git, you can use the open-source-only Nightly Installers or the
binary installers (which also include the commercial edition).

Metasploit Wrap-Up

Post Syndicated from Simon Janusz original

Telemetry is for gathering data, not executing commands as root, right?…

Metasploit Wrap-Up

This week’s highlight is a new exploit module by our own wvu for VMware vCenter Server CVE-2021-22005, a file upload vuln that arises from a flaw in vCenter’s analytics/telemetry service, which is enabled by default. Attackers with network access to port 443 can upload a specially crafted file, after which commands can be executed as the root user without prior authentication. As usual, this latest vCenter Server vulnerability was exploited in the wild quickly after details were released. See Rapid7’s full technical analysis in AttackerKB.

Good ol’ Netfilter

This week’s release also includes a privilege escalation module for a Linux kernel vulnerability in Netfilter that lets you get a root shell through an out-of-bounds write. The vulnerability was discovered by Andy Nguyen and has been present in the Linux kernel for the past 15 years. The module currently supports 18 versions of the Ubuntu kernel ranging between 5.8.0-23 to 5.8.0-53 thanks to bcoles, and there are plans to add further support for kernel versions 4.x in the future, once an ROP chain for said version is created.

New module content (3)

Enhancements and features

  • #15735 from jaydesl – Fixes a Rails 6 deprecation warning when a user ran db_disconnect in msfconsole
  • #15740 from h00die – Several improvements have been made to the Ghostcat module to align it with recent standards changes that the team has made and to ensure its documentation is more descriptive.
  • #15750 from jmartin-r7 – Improves Ruby 3.0.2 support on Windows

Bugs fixed

  • #15729 from ErikWynter – This fixes a bug in the PrintNightmare check method where if an RPC function returns a value that can’t be mapped to a Win32 error code, the module would crash.
  • #15730 from adfoster-r7 – The check method for the Gitea Git hooks RCE module has been updated to correctly handle older versions of Gitea and report their exploitability as unknown vs reporting the target as not running Gitea.
  • #15737 from adfoster-r7 – A bug has been fixed whereby action wasn’t correctly being set when using the action name as a command. action should now hold the right value when using the action name as a command.
  • #15745 from bwatters-r7 – A bug has been fixed in tools/dev/msftidy.rb whereby if the Notes section was placed before the References section, then msftidy would end up not checking the References section and would therefore state the module didn’t have a CVE reference, even when it did.

Get it

As always, you can update to the latest Metasploit Framework with msfupdate and you can get more details on the changes since the last blog post from GitHub:

If you are a git user, you can clone the Metasploit Framework repo (master branch) for the latest. To install fresh without using git, you can use the open-source-only Nightly Installers or the binary installers (which also include the commercial edition).