Handy Tips #21: Deploying Zabbix Server with Docker containers

Post Syndicated from Arturs Lontons original https://blog.zabbix.com/handy-tips-21-deploying-zabbix-server-with-docker-containers/18972/

Deploy Zabbix components in docker containers for advanced automation, scalability, and maintenance.

In the past few years, containers have gained prevalence and are being used for many different tasks – from application development to improving automation and management of existing software.

Deploy Zabbix components in Docker containers:

  • Official Docker images are available for individual components
  • Automate the deployment of your Zabbix containers

  • Use containers to quickly scale your environment
  • Upgrade to a newer Zabbix version by deploying containers from the latest container images

Check out the video to learn how to deploy the Zabbix server with Docker containers.

How to deploy Zabbix server with Docker containers:
  1. Connect to your Docker container host
  2. Create a new docker network. Specify the subnet and the IP range for containers.
  3. Deploy your Zabbix server container
    1. Give the container a name and assign it to the newly created network
    2. Pass the Database host, user, and password in environment variables
    3. Map the port 10051 on the host to the port 10051 on the container
    4. Select the required Docker image and tag
  4. Deploy your Zabbix frontend container
    1. Give the container a name and assign it to the newly created network
    2. Pass the Database host, user, and password in environment variables
    3. Pass the Zabbix server address in the environment variable
    4. Map port 80 on your host to port 8080 on the container
  5. Use docker ps and docker logs to check if the containers are running
  6. Connect to your Zabbix frontend and confirm that there are no issues with the environment

Tips and best practices:
  • Container logs can be accessed by using the docker logs command
  • Zabbix server checks for an existing Zabbix database. If it does not exist – it will get created.
  • Use the docker exec command to run commands inside a container
  • All of the supported container environment variables are available in https://hub.docker.com/u/zabbix

The post Handy Tips #21: Deploying Zabbix Server with Docker containers appeared first on Zabbix Blog.