Tag Archives: zabbix server

What’s Up, Home? – Raspberry Pi 4: goodbye or good buy for running Zabbix?

Post Syndicated from Janne Pikkarainen original https://blog.zabbix.com/whats-up-home-raspberry-pi-4-goodbye-or-good-buy-for-running-zabbix/25558/

Is Raspberry Pi 4 a goodbye or a good buy for running Zabbix? How is it performance-wise? Is it reliable? Here’s my nine-month review of it, with a splash of appliance/application performance monitoring.

In about April 2022 when it became clear that I am going to continue my home monitoring project, I bought a Raspberry Pi 4 to run the show. Here’s my opinion on how well it is suited for running Zabbix.

Installing Zabbix

Applying that delicious layer of Zabbix on top of your Raspberry Pi 4 cake is extremely straightforward, as just like for every other platform that Zabbix officially supports, they do have packages and instructions to set up what you’d like to run.

So many options to choose from!

After installing the packages, the next steps are just like with Zabbix running on any other platform, so I am not going to dive into that now.

Modifications to my Raspberry setup

As I do not need to run a graphical environment on my Raspberry, I did disable the graphical environment from starting at all to save some precious RAM and other resources.

After some time I did also purchase an external USB hard disk, as the memory card from where Raspberry Pi 4 runs its OS is not very snappy, especially with write operations, and can also run tight on free space.

Other than that, my Raspberry Pi 4 is running pretty much by default.

How about the performance?

The graphs that you are about to see are from nine months period of time, as that’s about as long I have had the device.

No problem with the CPU usage. It’s been creeping up a little bit over time though, as I have been adding new items to monitoring and also additional software, such as HomeBridge and Home Assistant.

It still has available memory, even though the device runs Zabbix server, MariaDB, Grafana, Mosquitto, Home Assistant and HomeBridge.

As you can see, the number of running processes has grown significantly as I have been adding other stuff than Zabbix.

It’s easy to see when I did switch from an internal memory card to an external USB drive. The disk I/O utilization percentage is hovering at very tolerable levels.

I/O latency has remained about the same.

With only Zabbix, MariaDB and Grafana running the device remained around the 55-60C area, but has been warming to about 70C with the additional software. Still not too bad.

Splash of APM

Have you ever wondered what happens to the memory usage of a wrapper shell script that runs other scripts in a loop and keeps doing that until it’s manually stopped? This happens, it’s boringly stable. The results are brought you to by Zabbix Agent 2 process discovery.

Really, it does not vary much.

But as I have been adding new stuff, clearly the OS needs to do some more swapping and even the script has more page faults than before.

There’s more than that to process discovery, but those were some examples.

Zabbix server itself is doing very well, here are some example stats.

My conclusion: Raspberry Pi 4 is an excellent Zabbix server for smaller environments and a very good Zabbix proxy candidate. It’s been rock solid.

This post was originally published on the author’s page.

What’s Up, Home? – Staring at the Video Stream

Post Syndicated from Janne Pikkarainen original https://blog.zabbix.com/whats-up-home-staring-at-the-video-stream/23882/

Can you make sure your video streams are up with Zabbix? Of course, you can! By day, I am a monitoring technical lead in a global cyber security company. By night, I monitor my home with Zabbix & Grafana Labs and do some weird experiments with them. Welcome to my weekly blog about the project.

You might have a surveillance camera at home to record suspicious activities in your yard while you are away or so. Most of the time the cameras do work just fine but might require a hard reboot from time to time, for example, due to harsh weather, or not coming back after a network outage. A networked camera responding to ping does not 100% mean the camera is actually functional. I have seen our camera going black and refusing to connect to its stream even though it thinks it’s working just fine.

Zabbix to the rescue!

Connecting to your camera

My post for this week is mostly to maybe give you a new approach for monitoring your cameras, not so much a functional solution as I’m still figuring out how to do this properly.

For example, I can connect to our camera via RTSP protocol and pass some credentials with it, so rtsp://myusername:[email protected]:443/myAddress

To figure out a connection address for your camera model, iSpyConnect has a nice camera database.

Playing the stream

To test if the video stream works, VLC and mplayer are good options; for visually verifying the stream works, try something like

mplayer ‘rtsp://myusername:[email protected]:443/myAddress’

or for those who like to use a GUI, in VLC, File –> Open Network –> enter your camera address.

For obvious reasons, I am not posting here an image from our camera. Anyway, trust me, this method should work if you have a compatible camera.

Let’s go next for the neat tricks part, which I’m still figuring out myself, too.

Making sure the stream works

To make sure the video stream is up and running, make your Zabbix server, Zabbix proxy, or a dedicated media server to continuously stream your video feed. For example:

mplayer -vo null ‘rtsp://myusername:[email protected]:443/myAddress’

The combination above would make mplayer play the stream with a null video driver; thus, the stream will be continuously played, but just with no visual video output generated. In other words, under perfect conditions, the mplayer process should be running on the server all the time. If anything goes wrong with the stream, mplayer quits itself, and the process goes away from the process list, too.

Using Zabbix to check the player status

Now that you have some server continuously playing the stream, it’s time to check the status with Zabbix.

From here, checking the stream status with Zabbix is simple, just

  • create a new item to check if for example mplayer process is around with Zabbix Agent item type and proc.num[,mplayer] key and
  • make your Zabbix alert about it if the number of mplayer processes is <1
Camera screenshots to your Zabbix user interface

Both mplayer and VLC can be controlled remotely, so here’s an idea I have not yet implemented but testing out.

If a motion sensor, either an external unit or a built-in, detects movement, make Zabbix send a command to the camera to record a screenshot of the camera stream, or possibly a short video. Then just make the script to save the photo or video in a directory that Zabbix can access and then show with its URL widget type.

mplayer has a slave mode for receiving commands from external programs, which might work together with a FIFO pipe.

Real-time video stream in your Zabbix user interface

At least VLC can transcode RTSP to HTTP stream in real-time, so in theory, then embedding the resulting stream to your Zabbix user interface should very much be doable with a short HTML file and Zabbix URL widget type. This one I did not yet even start to try out, though.

So, that’s all for this week’s blog post. I’m still building this thing out, but if you have successfully done something similar, please let me know!

I have been working at Forcepoint since 2014 and am a true fan of functional testing. — Janne Pikkarainen

This post was originally published on the author’s LinkedIn account.

The post What’s Up, Home? – Staring at the Video Stream appeared first on Zabbix Blog.

Handy Tips #32: Deploying Zabbix in the Azure cloud platform

Post Syndicated from Arturs Lontons original https://blog.zabbix.com/handy-tips-32-deploying-zabbix-in-the-azure-cloud-platform/21355/

Deploy your Zabbix servers and proxies in the Azure cloud.

There are many use cases where deploying your Zabbix server or Zabbix proxies in the cloud can reduce costs, provide an additional layer of security and redundancy, and improve the available management toolset.

Deploy your Zabbix instance in the Azure cloud with the official Zabbix cloud images:

  • Cloud images are available for the latest Zabbix server and proxy versions
  • Deploy a fresh Zabbix instance in 5 minutes

  • Dynamically scale the cloud resources
  • Select the deployment options based on your budget

Check out the video to learn how to deploy Zabbix in the Microsoft Azure cloud platform:

How to deploy Zabbix in the Azure cloud platform:

  1. Navigate to the Zabbix Cloud Images page
  2. Select the Microsoft Azure vendor and Zabbix server cloud image
  3. Press the Get it now button and press Continue in the next window
  4. On the deployment page press the Create button
  5. Provide the virtual machine name, resource group, region
  6. Specify the administrator account settings
  7. Provide the disk, network, tag, and advanced settings
  8. Verify the provided settings
  9. Press Create to begin deploying the virtual machine
  10. For public key authentication: download and store the private key
  11. Once the deployment is complete, press the Go to resource button
  12. Save your public IP address and connect to it via SSH
  13. Save the initial frontend username and password
  14. Use the public IP address to connect to your Zabbix frontend
  15. Log in with the saved username and password obtained

Tips and best practices
  • The default SSH user is called azureuser
  • Remember to store your SSH private key in a secure location
  • You can access the Zabbix database by using the root user
  • The password for the MySQL database root user is stored in /root/.my.cnf configuration file

Feeling overwhelmed with deploying and managing your Zabbix instance?
Check out the Zabbix certified specialist courses, where under the guidance of a Zabbix certified trainer, you will learn how to deploy, configure and manage your Zabbix instance.

The post Handy Tips #32: Deploying Zabbix in the Azure cloud platform appeared first on Zabbix Blog.

Handy Tips #21: Deploying Zabbix Server with Docker containers

Post Syndicated from Arturs Lontons original https://blog.zabbix.com/handy-tips-21-deploying-zabbix-server-with-docker-containers/18972/

Deploy Zabbix components in docker containers for advanced automation, scalability, and maintenance.

In the past few years, containers have gained prevalence and are being used for many different tasks – from application development to improving automation and management of existing software.

Deploy Zabbix components in Docker containers:

  • Official Docker images are available for individual components
  • Automate the deployment of your Zabbix containers

  • Use containers to quickly scale your environment
  • Upgrade to a newer Zabbix version by deploying containers from the latest container images

Check out the video to learn how to deploy the Zabbix server with Docker containers.

How to deploy Zabbix server with Docker containers:
  1. Connect to your Docker container host
  2. Create a new docker network. Specify the subnet and the IP range for containers.
  3. Deploy your Zabbix server container
    1. Give the container a name and assign it to the newly created network
    2. Pass the Database host, user, and password in environment variables
    3. Map the port 10051 on the host to the port 10051 on the container
    4. Select the required Docker image and tag
  4. Deploy your Zabbix frontend container
    1. Give the container a name and assign it to the newly created network
    2. Pass the Database host, user, and password in environment variables
    3. Pass the Zabbix server address in the environment variable
    4. Map port 80 on your host to port 8080 on the container
  5. Use docker ps and docker logs to check if the containers are running
  6. Connect to your Zabbix frontend and confirm that there are no issues with the environment

Tips and best practices:
  • Container logs can be accessed by using the docker logs command
  • Zabbix server checks for an existing Zabbix database. If it does not exist – it will get created.
  • Use the docker exec command to run commands inside a container
  • All of the supported container environment variables are available in https://hub.docker.com/u/zabbix

The post Handy Tips #21: Deploying Zabbix Server with Docker containers appeared first on Zabbix Blog.

Deploying Zabbix in Amazon Web Services cloud platform

Post Syndicated from Arturs Lontons original https://blog.zabbix.com/deploying-zabbix-in-amazon-web-services-cloud-platform/17283/

With the rapid evolution and proliferation of different cloud services, many organizations have decided to move parts of their infrastructures from on-prem to cloud. As an essential part of your infrastructure, Zabbix is no exception – you always have the option to either deploy Zabbix on-prem or select from one of the many supported cloud service providers to deploy your Zabbix Server or Zabbix Proxy on.

In this blog post, let’s look at how we can quickly deploy Zabbix Server and Zabbix Proxy nodes in Amazon Web Services cloud platform.

Deploying the Zabbix Server in AWS

Let’s begin with the Zabbix download page. Under the Zabbix Cloud Images section, select the AWS cloud vendor and then the Cloud Image you wish to deploy. Let’s start with Zabbix Server 5.0 with MySQL DB backend and Nginx Web server backend for our frontend.

Next, we will be redirected to the AWS marketplace, where we will have to subscribe to the Zabbix Server 5.0 image.

Once we have subscribed to the Zabbix Server image, we can continue with the deployment configuration.

Next, we must select our Region, Zabbix minor version (usually the latest available), and the Fulfillment option. Once that is done, we can finalize the launch configuration.

Select the preferred Launch option, EC2 Instance Type, VPC, and Subent settings on the Launch page.

Next – We have to select or create a security group.

We also have to select or generate EC 2 Key pair – make sure to save your private key in a safe location!

Note that creating a security group based on seller settings does not guarantee that the group will have an inbound SSH access rule! Make sure to double-check the security group and manually add the SSH inbound rule if it hasn’t yet been added. We will need to access this instance via SSH to obtain the initial frontend login credentials!

Once you click on the Launch button, the deployment process for your Zabbix application will be initiated.

Accessing the application

Let’s open up the Instances section and open our newly deployed Zabbix instance

We can access the Zabbix Frontend by opening the Public IPv4 address or Public IPv4 DNS of the Zabbix instance

Note that the Zabbix frontend password is still unknown to us. Recall how I mention that we will need to access the instance via SSH to obtain the frontend password. Let’s do so now.

Write down the login credentials and use them to log in to the Zabbix instance.

Accessing the database

In case we wish to access the Zabbix database backend, we can do so from the command line. Zabbix database can be accessed by using the root user. By default, it can be used without a password.

The MySQL root password is stored in /root/.my.cnf configuration file.

Modifying the Zabbix Frontend timezone

By default, the Zabbix frontend uses the “UTC” timezone. If you need to change it, edit php_value[date.timezone] PHP variable in /etc/php-fpm.d/zabbix.conf and restart php-fpm process:

systemctl restart php-fpm

Zabbix proxy

If you wish to deploy a Zabbix proxy instance in your AWS cloud, the deployment steps are very much the same. Most likely, you will still require SSH access if you wish to perform some configuration changes in the Zabbix proxy configuration file.

Note, that by default, the SQLite proxy database is stored in /tmp/zabbix_proxy.sqlite3

As always, don’t forget the point the proxy at your Zabbix server instance by modifying the Server parameter in the Zabbix proxy configuration file, located in /etc/zabbix/zabbix_proxy.conf

And that’s all! With just a few clicks, we are able to deploy a fully functional Zabbix instance or a small Zabbix proxy to distribute or scale our monitoring. Don’t forget that AWS is just one of the many cloud service providers you can use with Official Zabbix images. If you have any questions about the AWS deployment – you are very much encouraged to leave a comment under this blog post.

If you wish to learn more about the Zabbix Monitoring solution, check out the official documentation https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/current/manual/quickstart.

Installing the Zabbix Server with Ansible

Post Syndicated from Werner Dijkerman original https://blog.zabbix.com/installing-the-zabbix-server-with-ansible/13317/

Today we are focusing more on the automation of installation and software configuration instead of using the manual approach. Installing and configuring software the manual way takes a lot more time, you can easily make more errors by forgetting steps or making typos, and it will probably be a bit boring when you need to do this for a large number of servers.

In this blog post, I will demonstrate how to install and configure a Zabbix environment with Ansible. Ansible has the potential to simplify many of your day-to-day tasks. As an alternative to Ansible, you may also opt in to use Puppet, Chef, and SaltStack to install and configure your Zabbix environment.

Ansible does not have any specific infrastructure requirements for it to do its job. We just need to make sure that the user exists on the target host, preferably configured with SSH keys. With tools like Puppet or Chef, you need to have a server running somewhere, and you will need to deploy an agent on your nodes. You can learn more about Ansible here:  https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/index.html.

This post is the first in a series of three articles. We will set up a (MySQL) Database running on 1 node (“node-2”), Zabbix Server incl. Frontend, which will be running on a separate node (“node-1”). Once we have built this, we configure an action, media and we will create some users. In the following image you will see the environment we will create.

Our environment we will create.
The environment we will create.

In the 2nd blog post, we will set up a Zabbix Proxy and a MySQL database on a new but the same node (“node-3”). In the 3rd blog post, we will install the Zabbix Agent on all of the 3 nodes we were using so far and configure some user parameters. Where the Zabbix Agent on “node-3” is using the Zabbix Proxy, the Zabbix Agent on the nodes “node-1” and “node-2” will be monitored by the Zabbix Server.


A git repository containing the code used in these blog posts is available, which can be found on https://github.com/dj-wasabi/blog-installing-zabbix-with-ansible. Before we can do anything, we have to install Vagrant (https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html) and Virtualbox (https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads). Once you have done that, please clone the earlier mentioned git repository somewhere on your host. For this demo, we will not run the Zabbix Frontend with TLS certificates.

We have to update the hosts file. With the following line, we need to make sure that we can access the Zabbix Frontend. zabbix.example.com

In the “ROOT” directory of the git repository which you cloned some moments ago, where you can also find the Vagrantfile, This Vagrantfile contains the configuration of the virtual machine of our setup. We will create 4 Virtual Machine’s running Ubuntu 20.04, each with 1 CPU and 1 GB of Ram which you can see in the first “config” block. In the 2nd config block, we configure our “bastion” host, which we discuss later. This node will get the ip and we also mount the ansible directory in this Virtual Machine on location “/ansible”. For installing and configuring this node we will use a playbook bastion.yml to do this. With this playbook, we will install some packages like Python, git and Ansible inside this bastion virtual machine.

The 3rd config block is part of a loop that will configure and it will create 3 Virtual Machines. Each virtual machine is also an Ubuntu node, had its own ip (respectively for the first node, for the second and for the 3rd node) and just like the “bastion” node, they have each 1 CPU and 1 GB of RAM.

You will have to execute the following command:

$ vagrant up

With this command, we will start our Virtual Machine’s. This might take a while, as it will download a VirtualBox image containing Ubuntu. The “vagrant up” command will start the “bastion” node and all other nodes as a part of this demo. Once that is done, we need to access a shell on the “bastion” node:

$ vagrant ssh bastion

This “bastion” node is a fundamental node on which we will execute Ansible, but we will not be installing anything on this host. We have opened a shell in the Virtual Machine we just created. You can compare it with creating an “ssh” connection. We have to go to the following directory before we can download the dependencies:

$ cd /ansible

As mentioned before, we have to download the Ansible dependencies. The installation depends on several Ansible Roles and an Ansible Collection. With the Ansible Roles and the Ansible Collection, we can install MySQL, Apache, and the Zabbix components. We have to execute the following command to download the dependencies:

$ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
Starting galaxy role install process
- downloading role 'mysql', owned by geerlingguy
- downloading role from https://github.com/geerlingguy/ansible-role-mysql/archive/3.3.0.tar.gz
- extracting geerlingguy.mysql to /home/vagrant/.ansible/roles/geerlingguy.mysql
- geerlingguy.mysql (3.3.0) was installed successfully
- downloading role 'apache', owned by geerlingguy
- downloading role from https://github.com/geerlingguy/ansible-role-apache/archive/3.1.4.tar.gz
- extracting geerlingguy.apache to /home/vagrant/.ansible/roles/geerlingguy.apache
- geerlingguy.apache (3.1.4) was installed successfully
- extracting wdijkerman.php to /home/vagrant/.ansible/roles/wdijkerman.php
- wdijkerman.php was installed successfully
Starting galaxy collection install process
Process install dependency map
Starting collection install process
Installing 'community.zabbix:1.2.0' to '/home/vagrant/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/community/zabbix'
Created collection for community.zabbix at /home/vagrant/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/community/zabbix
community.zabbix (1.2.0) was installed successfully

Your output may vary because of versions that might have been updated already since writing this blog post. We now have downloaded the dependencies and are ready to install the rest of our environment. But why do we need to download a role for MySQL, Apache and php? A role contains all the neccecerry tasks and files to configure that specific service. So in the case for the MySQL Ansible role, it will install the MySQL-server and all other packages that MySQL requires on the host, it will configure that the mysqld service is created and is running, but it will also create the databases, create and configure MySQL users and configure the root password. Using a role will help us install our environment and we don’t have to figure out ourselves on installing and configuring a MySQL server manually.

So what about the collection, the Ansible Community Zabbix Collection? Ansible has introduced this concept with Ansible 2.10 and is basically a “collection” of plugins, modules and roles for a specific service. In our case, with the Zabbix Collection, the collection contains the roles for installing the Zabbix Server, Proxy, Agent, Javagateway and the Frond-end. But it also contains a plugin to use a Zabbix environment as our inventory and contains modules for creating resources in Zabbix. All of these modules will work with the Zabbix API to configure these resources, like actions, triggers, groups. templates, proxies etc. Basically, everything we want to create and use can be done with a role or a collection.

Installing Zabbix Server

Now we can execute the following command, which will install the MySQL database on “node-2” and installs the Zabbix Server on “node-1”:

$ ansible-playbook -i hosts zabbix-server.yml

This might take a while, a minute, or 10 depending on the performance of your host. We execute the “ansible-playbook” command, and then “-i” we provide the location of the inventory file. Here you see the contents of the inventory file:

node-1 ansible_host=

node-2 ansible_host=

node-3 ansible_host=


This inventory file contains basically all of our nodes and to which group the hosts belong. We can see in that file that there is a group called “zabbix_server” (The value between [] square brackets is the name for the group) and contains the “node-1” host. Because we have a group called “zabbix_server,” we also have a directory containing some files. These are all the properties (or variables) that will be used for all hosts (in our case, only the “node-1”) in the “zabbix_server” group.

Web Interface

Now you can open your favorite browser and open “zabbix.example.com”, and you will see the Zabbix login screen. Please enter the default credentials:

Username: Admin
Password: zabbix

On the Dashboard, you will probably notice that it complains that it can not connect to the Zabbix Agent running on the Zabbix Server, which is fine as we haven’t  installed it yet. We will do this in a later blog post.

Dashboard overview

When we go to “Administration” and click on “Media types,” we will see a media type called “A: Ops email.” That is the one we have created. We can open the “/ansible/zabbix-server.yml” file and go to line 33, where we have configured the creation of the Mediatype. In this case, we have configured multiple templates for sending emails via the “mail.example.com” SMTP server.

Now we have seen the media type, we will look at the trigger we just created. This trigger makes use of the media type we just saw. The trigger can be found in the “/ansible/zabbix-server.yml” file on line 69. When you go to “Configuration” and “Actions,” you will see our created trigger “A: Send alerts to Admin”. But we don’t want to run this in Production, and for demonstrating purposes, we have selected to be triggered when the severity is Information or higher.

And lastly, we are going to see that we have also created new internal users. Navigate to “Administration” – “Users,” and you will see that we have created a user called “wdijkerman”, which can be found in the “/ansible/zabbix-server.yml” file on line 95. This user will be part of a group created earlier called “ops,”. The user type is Zabbix super admin and we have configured the email media type to be used 24×7.

We have defined a default password for this user – “password”. When you have changed the password in the Zabbix Frontend UI, executing the playbook would not change the password back again to “password.” So don’t worry about it. But if you would have removed – let’s say – the “ops” group, then, when you execute the playbook again, the group will be re-added to the user.


As you see, it is effortless to create and configure a Zabbix environment with Ansible. We didn’t have to do anything manually, and all installations and configurations were applied automatically when we executed the ansible-playbook command. You can find more information on either the Ansible page https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/community/zabbix/ or on the Github page https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.zabbix.

In the next post, we will install and configure the Zabbix Proxy.