All posts by Rohin Bhargava

Configure Amazon OpenSearch Service for high availability

Post Syndicated from Rohin Bhargava original

Amazon OpenSearch Service is a fully open-source search and analytics engine that securely unlocks real-time search, monitoring, and analysis of business and operational data for use cases like recommendation engines, ecommerce sites, and catalog search. To be successful in your business, you need your systems to be highly available and performant, minimizing downtime and avoiding failure. When you use OpenSearch Service as your primary means of monitoring your infrastructure, you need to ensure its availability as well. Downtime for OpenSearch Service can have a significant effect on your business outcomes, such as loss of revenue, loss in productivity, loss in brand value, and more.

The industry standard for measuring availability is class of nines. OpenSearch Service provides 3 9’s of availability, when you follow best practices, which means it guarantees less than 43.83 minutes of downtime a month. In this post, you will learn how you can configure your OpenSearch Service domain for high availability and performance by following best practices and recommendations while setting up your domain.

There are two essential elements that influence your domain’s availability: the resource utilization of your domain, which is mostly driven by your workload, and external events such as infrastructure failures. Although the former can be controlled through continuous monitoring of the domain’s performance and health and scaling the domain accordingly, the latter cannot. To mitigate the impact of external events such as an Availability Zone outage, instance or disk failure, or networking issues on your domain, you must provision additional capacity, distributed over multiple Availability Zones, and keep multiple copies of data. Failure to do so may result in degraded performance, unavailability, and, in the worst-case situation, data loss.

Let’s look at the options available to you to ensure that domain is available and performant.

Cluster configuration

Under this section we will talk about various configuration options you have to setup your cluster properly which includes specifying the number of AZ for the deployment, setting up the master and data nodes, setting up indexes and shards.

Multi-AZ deployment

Data nodes are responsible for processing indexing and search requests in your domain. Deploying your data nodes across multiple Availability Zones improves the availability of your domain by adding redundant, per-zone data storage and processing. With a Multi-AZ deployment, your domain can remain available even when a full Availability Zone becomes unavailable. For production workloads, AWS recommends using three Availability Zones for your domain. Use two Availability Zones for Regions that support only two for improved availability. This ensures that your domain is available in the event of a Single-AZ failure.

Dedicated cluster manager (master nodes)

AWS recommends using three dedicated cluster manager (CM) nodes for all production workloads. CM nodes track the cluster’s health, the state and location of its indexes and shards, the mapping for all the indexes, and the availability of its data nodes, and it maintains a list of cluster-level tasks in process. Without dedicated CM nodes, the cluster uses data nodes, which makes the cluster vulnerable to workload demands. You should size CM nodes based on the size of the task—primarily, the data node counts, the index counts, and the shard counts. OpenSearch Service always deploys CM nodes across three Availability Zones, when supported by the Region (two in one Availability Zones and one in other Availability Zones if regions have only two Availability Zones). For a running domain, only one of the three CM nodes works as an elected leader. The other two CM nodes participate in an election if the elected CM node fails.

The following table shows AWS’s recommendations for CM sizing. CM nodes do work based on the number of nodes, indexes, shards, and mapping. The more work, the more compute and memory you need to hold and work with the cluster state.

Instance Count Cluster Manager Node RAM Size Maximum Supported Shard Count Recommended Minimum Dedicated Cluster Manager Instance Type
1–10 8 GiB 10,000 or
11–30 16 GiB 30,000 or
31–75 32 GiB 40,000 or
76 – 125 64 GiB 75,000 or
126 – 200 128 GiB 75,000 or

Indexes and shards

Indexes are a logical construct that houses a collection of documents. You partition your index for parallel processing by specifying a primary shard count, where shards represent a physical unit for storing and processing data. In OpenSearch Service, a shard can be either a primary shard or a replica shard. You use replicas for durability—if the primary shard is lost, OpenSearch Service promotes one of the replicas to primary—and for improving search throughput. OpenSearch Service ensures that the primary and replica shards are placed in different nodes and across different Availability Zones, if deployed in more than one Availability Zone. For high availability, AWS recommends configuring at least two replicas for each index in a three-zone setup to avoid disruption in performance and availability. In a Multi-AZ setup, if a node fails or in the rare worst case an Availability Zone fails, you will still have a copy of the data.

Cluster monitoring and management

As discussed earlier, selecting your configuration based on best practices is only half the job. We also need to continuously monitor the resource utilization and performance to determine if the domain needs to be scaled. An under-provisioned or over-utilized domain can result in performance degradation and eventually unavailability.

CPU utilization

You use the CPU in your domain to run your workload. As a general rule, you should target 60% average CPU utilization for any data node, with peaks at 80%, and tolerate small spikes to 100%. When you consider availability, and especially considering the unavailability of a full zone, there are two scenarios. If you have two Availability Zones, then each zone handles 50% of the traffic. If a zone becomes unavailable, the other zone will take all of that traffic, doubling CPU utilization. In that case, you need to be at around 30–40% average CPU utilization in each zone to maintain availability. If you are running three Availability Zones, each zone is taking 33% of the traffic. If a zone becomes unavailable, each other zone will gain approximately 17% traffic. In this case, you should target 50–60% average CPU utilization.

Memory utilization

OpenSearch Service supports two types of garbage collection. The first is G1 garbage collection (G1GC), which is used by OpenSearch Service nodes, powered by AWS Graviton 2. The second is Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS), which is used by all nodes powered by other processors. Out of all the memory allocated to a node, half of the memory (up to 32 GB) is assigned to the Java heap, and the rest of the memory is used by other operating system tasks, the file system cache, and so on. To maintain availability for a domain, we recommend keeping the max JVM utilization at around 80% in CMS and 95% in G1GC. Anything beyond that would impact the availability of your domain and make your cluster unhealthy. We also recommend enabling auto-tune, which actively monitors the memory utilization and triggers the garbage collector.

Storage utilization

OpenSearch Service publishes several guidelines for sizing of domains. We provide an empirical formula so that you can determine the right amount of storage required for your requirements. However, it’s important to keep an eye out for the depletion of storage with time and changes in workload characteristics. To ensure the domain doesn’t run out of storage and can continue to index data, you should configure Amazon CloudWatch alarms and monitor your free storage space.

AWS also recommends choosing a primary shard count so that each shard is within an optimal size band. You can determine the optimal shard size through proof-of-concept testing with your data and traffic. We use 10–30 GB primary shard sizes for search use cases and 45–50 GB primary shard sizes for log analytics use cases as a guideline. Because shards are the workers in your domain, they are directly responsible for the distribution of the workload across the data nodes. If your shards are too large, you may see stress in your Java heap from large aggregations, worse query performance, and worse performance on cluster-level tasks like shard rebalancing, snapshots, and hot-to-warm migrations. If your shards are too small, they can overwhelm the domain’s Java heap space, worsen query performance through excessive internal networking, and make cluster-level tasks slow. We also recommend keeping the number of shards per node proportional to the heap available (half of the instance’s RAM up to 32 GB)—25 shards per GB of Java heap. This makes a practical limit of 1,000 shards on any data node in your domain.


In this post, you learned various tips and tricks to set up a highly available domain using OpenSearch Service, which helps you to keep OpenSearch Service performant and available by running it across three Availability Zones.

Stay tuned for a series of posts focusing on the various features and functionalities with OpenSearch Service. If you have feedback about this post, submit it in the comments section. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the OpenSearch Service forum or contact AWS Support.

About the authors

Rohin Bhargava is a Sr. Product Manager with the Amazon OpenSearch Service team. His passion at AWS is to help customers find the correct mix of AWS services to achieve success for their business goals.

Prashant Agrawal is a Sr. Search Specialist Solutions Architect with Amazon OpenSearch Service. He works closely with customers to help them migrate their workloads to the cloud and helps existing customers fine-tune their clusters to achieve better performance and save on cost. Before joining AWS, he helped various customers use OpenSearch and Elasticsearch for their search and log analytics use cases. When not working, you can find him traveling and exploring new places. In short, he likes doing Eat → Travel → Repeat.

Amazon OpenSearch Service Under the Hood: Multi-AZ with standby

Post Syndicated from Rohin Bhargava original

Amazon OpenSearch Service recently announced Multi-AZ with standby, a new deployment option for managed clusters that enables 99.99% availability and consistent performance for business-critical workloads. With Multi-AZ with standby, clusters are resilient to infrastructure failures like hardware or networking failure. This option provides improved reliability and the added benefit of simplifying cluster configuration and management by enforcing best practices and reducing complexity.

In this post, we share how Multi-AZ with standby works under the hood to achieve high resiliency and consistent performance to meet the four 9s.


One of the principles in designing highly available systems is that they need to be ready for impairments before they happen. OpenSearch is a distributed system, which runs on a cluster of instances that have different roles. In OpenSearch Service, you can deploy data nodes to store your data and respond to indexing and search requests, you can also deploy dedicated cluster manager nodes to manage and orchestrate the cluster. To provide high availability, one common approach for the cloud is to deploy infrastructure across multiple AWS Availability Zones. Even in the rare case that a full zone becomes unavailable, the available zones continue to serve traffic with replicas.

When you use OpenSearch Service, you create indexes to hold your data and specify partitioning and replication for those indexes. Each index is comprised of a set of primary shards and zero to many replicas of those shards. When you additionally use the Multi-AZ feature, OpenSearch Service ensures that primary shards and replica shards are distributed so that they’re in different Availability Zones.

When there is an impairment in an Availability Zone, the service would scale up in other Availability Zones and redistribute shards to spread out the load evenly. This approach was reactive at best. Additionally, shard redistribution during failure events causes increased resource utilization, leading to increased latencies and overloaded nodes, further impacting availability and effectively defeating the purpose of fault-tolerant, multi-AZ clusters. A more effective, statically stable cluster configuration requires provisioning infrastructure to the point where it can continue operating correctly without having to launch any new capacity or redistribute any shards even if an Availability Zone becomes impaired.

Designing for high availability

OpenSearch Service manages tens of thousands of OpenSearch clusters. We’ve gained insights into which cluster configurations like hardware (data or cluster-manager instance types) or storage (EBS volume types), shard sizes, and so on are more resilient to failures and can meet the demands of common customer workloads. Some of these configurations have been included in Multi-AZ with standby to simplify configuring the clusters. However, this alone is not enough. A key ingredient in achieving high availability is maintaining data redundancy.

When you configure a single replica (two copies) for your indexes, the cluster can tolerate the loss of one shard (primary or replica) and still recover by copying the remaining shard. A two-replica (three copies) configuration can tolerate failure of two copies. In the case of a single replica with two copies, you can still sustain data loss. For example, you could lose data if there is a catastrophic failure in one Availability Zone for a prolonged duration, and at the same time, a node in a second zone fails. To ensure data redundancy at all times, the cluster enforces a minimum of two replicas (three copies) across all its indexes. The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

The Multi-AZ with standby feature deploys infrastructure in three Availability Zones, while keeping two zones as active and one zone as standby. The standby zone offers consistent performance even during zonal failures by ensuring same capacity at all times and by using a statically stable design without any capacity provisioning or data movements during failure. During normal operations, the active zone serves coordinator traffic for read and write requests and shard query traffic, and only replication traffic goes to the standby zone. OpenSearch uses synchronous replication protocol for write requests, which by design has zero replication lag, enabling the service to instantaneously promote a standby zone to active in the event of any failure in an active zone. This event is referred to as a zonal failover. The previously active zone is demoted to the standby mode and recovery operations to bring the state back to healthy begin.

Why zonal failover is critical but hard to do right

One or more nodes in an Availability Zone can fail due to a wide variety of reasons, like hardware failures, infrastructure failures like fiber cuts, power or thermal issues, or inter-zone or intra-zone networking problems. Read requests can be served by any of the active zones, whereas write requests need to be synchronously replicated to all copies across multiple Availability Zones. OpenSearch Service orchestrates two modes of failovers: read failovers and the write failovers.

The primarily goals of read failovers are high availability and consistent performance. This requires the system to constantly monitor for faults and shift traffic away from the unhealthy nodes in the impacted zone. The system takes care of handling the failovers gracefully, allowing all in-flight requests to finish while simultaneously shifting new incoming traffic to a healthy zone. However, it’s also possible for multiple shard copies across both active zones to be unavailable in cases of two node failures or one zone plus one node failure (often referred to as double faults), which poses a risk to availability. To solve this challenge, the system uses a fail-open mechanism to serve traffic off the third zone while it may still be in a standby mode to ensure the system remains highly available. The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

An impaired network device impacting inter-zone communication can cause write requests to significantly slow down, owing to the synchronous nature of replication. In such an event, the system orchestrates a write failover to isolate the impaired zone, cutting off all ingress and egress traffic. Although with write failovers the recovery is immediate, it results in all nodes along with its shards being taken offline. However, after the impacted zone is brought back after network recovery, shard recovery should still be able to use unchanged data from its local disk, avoiding full segment copy. Because the write failover results in the shard copy to be unavailable, we exercise write failovers with extreme caution, neither too frequently nor during transient failures.

The following graph depicts that during a zonal failure, automatic read failover prevents any impact to availability.

The following depicts that during a networking slowdown in a zone, write failover helps recover availability.

To ensure that the zonal failover mechanism is predictable (able to seamlessly shift traffic during an actual failure event), we regularly exercise failovers and keep rotating active and standby zones even during steady state. This not only verifies all network paths, ensuring we don’t hit surprises like clock skews, stale credentials, or networking issues during failover, but it also keeps gradually shifting caches to avoid cold starts on failovers, ensuring we deliver consistent performance at all times.

Improving the resiliency of the service

OpenSearch Service uses several principles and best practices to increase reliability, like automatic detection and faster recovery from failure, throttling excess requests, fail fast strategies, limiting queue sizes, quickly adapting to meet workload demands, implementing loosely coupled dependencies, continuously testing for failures, and more. We discuss a few of these methods in this section.

Automatic failure detection and recovery

All faults get monitored at a minutely granularity, across multiple sub-minutely metrics data points. Once detected, the system automatically triggers a recovery action on the impacted node. Although most classes of failures discussed so far in this post refer to binary failures where the failure is definitive, there is another kind of failure: non-binary failures, termed gray failures, whose manifestations are subtle and usually defy quick detection. Slow disk I/O is one example, which causes performance to be adversely impacted. The monitoring system detects anomalies in I/O wait times, latencies, and throughput, to detect and replace a node with slow I/O. Faster and effective detection and quick recovery is our best bet for a wide variety of infrastructure failures beyond our control.

Effective workload management in a dynamic environment

We’ve studied workload patterns that cause the system either to be overloaded with too many requests, maxing out CPU/memory, or a few rogue queries that can that either allocate huge chunks of memory or runaway queries that can exhaust multiple cores, either degrading the latencies of other critical requests or causing multiple nodes to fail due to the system’s resources running low. Some of the improvements in this direction are being done as a part of search backpressure initiatives, starting with tracking the request footprint at various checkpoints that prevents accommodating more requests and cancels the ones already running if they breach the resource limits for a sustained duration. To supplement backpressure in traffic shaping, we use admission control, which provides capabilities to reject a request at the entry point to avoid doing non-productive work (requests either time out or get cancelled) when the system is already run high on CPU and memory. Most of the workload management mechanisms have configurable knobs. No one size fits all workloads, therefore we use Auto-Tune to control them more granularly.

The cluster manager performs critical coordination tasks like metadata management and cluster formation, and orchestrates a few background operations like snapshot and shard placement. We added a task throttler to control the rate of dynamic mapping updates, snapshot tasks, and so on to prevent overwhelming it and to let critical operations run deterministically all the time. But what happens when there is no cluster manager in the cluster? The next section covers how we solved this.

Decoupling critical dependencies

In the event of cluster manager failure, searches continue as usual, but all write requests start to fail. We concluded that allowing writes in this state should still be safe as long as it doesn’t need to update the cluster metadata. This change further improves the write availability without compromising data consistency. Other service dependencies were evaluated to ensure downstream dependencies can scale as the cluster grows.

Failure mode testing

Although it’s hard to mimic all kinds of failures, we rely on AWS Fault Injection Simulator (AWS FIS) to inject common faults in the system like node failures, disk impairment, or network impairment. Testing with AWS FIS regularly in our pipelines helps us improve our detection, monitoring, and recovery times.

Contributing to open source

OpenSearch is an open-source, community-driven software. Most of the changes including the high availability design to support active and standby zones have been contributed to open source; in fact, we follow an open-source first development model. The fundamental primitive that enables zonal traffic shift and failover is based on a weighted traffic routing policy (active zones are assigned weights as 1 and standby zones are assigned weights as 0). Write failovers use the zonal decommission action, which evacuates all traffic from a given zone. Resiliency improvements for search backpressure and cluster manager task throttling are some of the ongoing efforts. If you’re excited to contribute to OpenSearch, open up a GitHub issue and let us know your thoughts.


Efforts to improve reliability is a never-ending cycle as we continue to learn and improve. With the Multi-AZ with standby feature, OpenSearch Service has integrated best practices for cluster configuration, improved workload management, and achieved four 9s of availability and consistent performance. OpenSearch Service also raised the bar by continuously verifying availability with zonal traffic rotations and automated tests via AWS FIS.

We are excited to continue our efforts into improving the reliability and fault tolerance even further and to see what new and existing solutions builders can create using OpenSearch Service. We hope this leads to a deeper understanding of the right level of availability based on the needs of your business and how this offering achieves the availability SLA. We would love to hear from you, especially about your success stories achieving high levels of availability on AWS. If you have other questions, please leave a comment.

About the authors

Bukhtawar Khan is a Principal Engineer working on Amazon OpenSearch Service. He is interested in building distributed and autonomous systems. He is a maintainer and an active contributor to OpenSearch.

Gaurav Bafna is a Senior Software Engineer working on OpenSearch at Amazon Web Services. He is fascinated about solving problems in distributed systems. He is a maintainer and an active contributor to OpenSearch.

Murali Krishna is a Senior Principal Engineer at AWS OpenSearch Service. He has built AWS OpenSearch Service and AWS CloudSearch. His areas of expertise include Information Retrieval, Large scale distributed computing, low latency real time serving systems etc. He has vast experience in designing and building web scale systems for crawling, processing, indexing and serving text and multimedia content. Prior to Amazon, he was part of Yahoo!, building crawling and indexing systems for their search products.

Ranjith Ramachandra is a Senior Engineering Manager working on Amazon OpenSearch Service. He is passionate about highly scalable distributed systems, high performance and resilient systems.

Rohin Bhargava is a Sr. Product Manager with the Amazon OpenSearch Service team. His passion at AWS is to help customers find the correct mix of AWS services to achieve success for their business goals.

Improved performance with AWS Graviton2 instances on Amazon OpenSearch Service

Post Syndicated from Rohin Bhargava original

Amazon OpenSearch Service (successor to Amazon Elasticsearch Service) is a fully managed service at AWS for OpenSearch. It’s an open-source search and analytics suite used for a broad set of use cases, like real-time application monitoring, log analytics, and website search.

While running an OpenSearch Service domain, you can choose from a variety of instances for your primary nodes and data nodes suitable for your workload: general purpose, compute optimized, memory optimized, or storage optimized. With the release of each new generation, Amazon OpenSearch Service has brought even better price performance.

Amazon OpenSearch Service now supports AWS Graviton2 instances: general purpose (M6g), compute optimized (C6g), memory optimized (R6g), and memory optimized with attached disk (R6gd). These instances offer up to a 38% improvement in indexing throughput, 50% reduction in indexing latency, and 40% improvement in query performance depending upon the instance family and size compared to the corresponding intel-based instances from the current generation (M5, C5, R5).

The AWS Graviton2 instance family includes several new performance optimizations, such as larger caches per core, higher Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) throughput than comparable x86 instances, fully encrypted RAM, and many others. You can benefit from these optimizations with minimal effort by provisioning or migrating your OpenSearch Service instances today.

Performance analysis compared to fifth-generation intel-based instances

We conducted tests using the AWS Graviton2 instances against the fifth-generation intel-based instances and measured performance improvements. Our setup included two six-node domains with three dedicated primary nodes and three data nodes and running Elasticsearch 7.10. For the intel-based setup, we used c5.xlarge for the primary nodes and r5.xlarge for the data nodes. Similarly on the AWS Graviton2-based setup, we used c6g.xlarge for the primary nodes and r6g.xlarge for the data nodes. Both domains were three Availability Zone enabled and VPC enabled, with advanced security and 512 GB of EBS volume attached to each node. Each index had six shards with a single replica.

The dataset contained 2,000 documents with a flat document structure. Each document had 20 fields: 1 date field, 16 text fields, 1 float field, and 2 long fields. Documents were generated on the fly using random samples so that the corpus was infinite.

For ingestion, we used a load generation host where each bulk request had a 4 MB payload (approximately 2,048 documents per request) and nine clients.

We used one query generation host with one client. We ran a mix of low-latency queries (approximately 10 milliseconds), medium-latency queries (100 milliseconds) , and high-latency queries (1,000 milliseconds):

  • Low-latency queries – These were match-all queries.
  • Medium-latency queries – These were multi-match queries or queries with filters based on one randomly selected keyword. The results where aggregated in a date histogram and sorted by the descending ingest timestamp.
  • High-latency queries – These were multi-match queries or queries with filters based on five randomly selected keywords. The results were aggregated using two aggregations: aggregated in a date histogram with a 3-hour interval based on the ingest timestamp, and a date histogram with a 1-minute interval based on the ingest timestamp.

We ran 60 minutes of burn-in time followed by 3 hours of 90/10 ingest to query workloads with a mix of 20% low-latency, 50% medium-latency, and 30% high-latency queries. The amount of load sent to the clusters was identical.

Graphs and results

When ingesting documents at the same throughput, the AWS Graviton2 domain shows a much lower latency than the intel-based domain, as shown in the following graph. Even at p99 latency, the AWS Graviton2 domain is consistently lower than the p50 latency of the intel-based domains. In addition, AWS Graviton2 latencies are more consistent than intel-based instances, providing for a more predictable user experience.

When querying documents at the same throughput, the AWS Graviton2 domain outperforms the intel-based instances. The p50 latency of AWS Graviton2 is better than the p50 latency of intel-based.

Similarly, the p99 latency of AWS Graviton2 is better than that of the intel-based instances. Note in the following graph that the increase in latency over time is due to the growing corpus size.


As demonstrated in our performance analysis, the new AWS Graviton2-based instances consistently yield better performance compared to the fifth-generation intel-based instances. Try these new instances out and let us know how they perform for you!

As usual, let us know your feedback.

About the Authors

Rohin Bhargava is a Sr. Product Manager with the Amazon OpenSearch Service team. His passion at AWS is to help customers find the correct mix of AWS services to achieve success for their business goals.

Chase Engelbrecht is a Software Engineer working with the Amazon OpenSearch Service team. He is interested in performance tuning and optimization of OpenSearch running on Amazon OpenSearch Service.