All posts by Ryan Lambie

Code a Spectrum-style Crazy Golf game | Wireframe #54

Post Syndicated from Ryan Lambie original

Putt the ball around irrational obstacles in our retro take on golf. Mark Vanstone has the code

First released by Mr. Micro in 1983 – then under the banner of Sinclair Research – Krazy Golf was, confusingly, also called Crazy Golf. The loading screen featured the Krazy spelling, but on the cover, it was plain old Crazy Golf.

Designed for the ZX Spectrum, the game provided nine holes and a variety of obstacles to putt the ball around. Crazy Golf was released at a time when dozens of other games were hitting the Spectrum market, and although it was released under the Sinclair name and reviewed in magazines such as Crash, it didn’t make much impact. The game itself employed a fairly rudimentary control system, whereby the player selects the angle of the shot at the top left of the screen, sets the range via a bar along the top, and then presses the RETURN key to take the shot.

The game was called Crazy Golf on the cover, but weirdly, the loading screen spelled the name as Krazy Golf. The early games industry was strange.

If you’ve been following our Source Code articles each month, you will have seen the pinball game where a ball bounces off various surfaces. In that example, we used a few shortcuts to approximate the bounce angles. Here, we’re only going to have horizontal and vertical walls, so we can use some fairly straightforward maths to calculate more precisely the new angle as the ball bounces off a surface. In the original game, the ball was limited to only 16 angles, and the ball moved at the same speed regardless of the strength of the shot. We’re going to improve on this a bit so that there’s more flexibility around the shot angle; we’ll also get the ball to start moving fast and then reduce its speed until it stops.

Horizontal or vertical obstruction?

To make this work, we need to have a way of defining whether an obstruction is horizontal or vertical, as the calculation is different for each. We’ll have a background graphic showing the course and obstacles, but we’ll also need another map to check our collisions. We need to make a collision map that just has the obstacles on it, so we need a white background; mark all the horizontal surfaces red and all the vertical surfaces blue.

As we move the ball around the screen (in much the same way as our pinball game) we check to see if it has collided with a surface by sampling the colours of the pixels from the collision map. If the pixel’s blue, we know that the ball has hit a vertical wall; if it’s red, the wall’s horizontal. We then calculate the new angle for the ball. If we mark the hole as black, then we can also test for collision with that – if the ball’s in the hole, the game ends.

The pointer’s angle is rotated using degrees, but we’ll use radians for our ball direction as it will simplify our movement and bounce calculations.

Get the code

We have our ball bouncing mechanism, so now we need our user interaction system. We’ll use the left and right arrow keys to rotate our pointer, which designates the direction of the next shot. We also need a range-setting gizmo, which will be shown as a bar at the top of the screen. We can make that grow and shrink with the up and down arrows.

Then when we press the RETURN key, we transfer the pointer angle and the range to the ball and watch it go. We ought to count each shot so that we can display a tally to the player once they’ve putted the ball into the hole. From this point, it’s a simple task to create another eight holes – and then you’ll have a full crazy golf game!

Here’s Mark’s code for a simple golf game. To get it running on your system, you’ll need to install Pygame Zero. And for the full code, head to our Github.

Get your copy of Wireframe issue 55

You can read more features like this one in Wireframe issue 54, available directly from Raspberry Pi Press — we deliver worldwide.

And if you’d like a handy digital version of the magazine, you can also download issue 54 for free in PDF format.

The post Code a Spectrum-style Crazy Golf game | Wireframe #54 appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

Code your own pinball game | Wireframe #53

Post Syndicated from Ryan Lambie original

Get flappers flapping and balls bouncing off bumpers. Mark Vanstone has the code in the new issue of Wireframe magazine, available now.

There are so many pinball video games that it’s become a genre in its own right. For the few of you who haven’t encountered pinball for some reason, it originated as an analogue arcade machine where a metal ball would be fired onto a sloping play area and bounce between obstacles. The player operates a pair of flippers by pressing buttons on each side of the machine, which will in turn ping the ball back up the play area to hit obstacles and earn points. The game ends when the ball falls through the exit at the bottom of the play area.

NES Pinball
One of the earliest pinball video games – it’s the imaginatively-named Pinball on the NES.

Recreating pinball machines for video games

Video game developers soon started trying to recreate pinball, first with fairly rudimentary graphics and physics, but with increasingly greater realism over time – if you look at Nintendo’s Pinball from 1984, then, say, Devil’s Crush on the Sega Mega Drive in 1990, and then 1992’s Pinball Dreams on PC, you can see how radically the genre evolved in just a few years. In this month’s Source Code, we’re going to put together a very simple rendition of pinball in Pygame Zero. We’re not going to use any complicated maths or physics systems, just a little algebra and trigonometry.

Let’s start with our background. We need an image which has barriers around the outside for the ball to bounce off, and a gap at the bottom for the ball to fall through. We also want some obstacles in the play area and an entrance at the side for the ball to enter when it’s first fired. In this case, we’re going to use our background as a collision map, too, so we need to design it so that all the areas that the ball can move in are black.

Pinball in Python
Here it is: your own pinball game in less than 100 lines of code.

Next, we need some flippers. These are defined as Actors with a pivot anchor position set near the larger end, and are positioned near the bottom of the play area. We detect left and right key presses and rotate the angle of the flippers by 20 degrees within a range of -30 to +30 degrees. If no key is pressed, then the flipper drops back down. With these elements in place, we have our play area and an ability for the player to defend the exit.

All we need now is a ball to go bouncing around the obstacles we’ve made. Defining the ball as an Actor, we can add a direction and a speed parameter to it. With these values set, the ball can be moved using a bit of trigonometry. Our new x-coordinate will move by the sin of the ball direction multiplied by the speed, and the new y-coordinate will move by the cos of the ball direction multiplied by speed. We need to detect collisions with objects and obstacles, so we sample four pixels around the ball to see if it’s hit anything solid. If it has, we need to make the ball bounce.

Get the code

Here’s Mark’s pinball code. To get it working on your system, you’ll need to install Pygame Zero. And to download the full code and assets, head here.

If you wanted more realistic physics, you’d calculate the reflection angle from the surface which has been hit, but in this case, we’re going to use a shortcut which will produce a rough approximation. We work out what direction the ball is travelling in and then rotate either left or right by a quarter of a turn until the ball no longer collides with a wall. We could finesse this calculation further to create a more accurate effect, but we’ll keep it simple for this sample. Finally, we need to add some gravity. As the play area is tilted downwards, we need to increase the ball speed as it travels down and decrease it as it travels up.

All of this should give you the bare bones of a pinball game. There’s lots more you could add to increase the realism, but we’ll leave you to discover the joys of normal vectors and dot products…

Get your copy of Wireframe issue 53

You can read more features like this one in Wireframe issue 53, available directly from Raspberry Pi Press — we deliver worldwide.

And if you’d like a handy digital version of the magazine, you can also download issue 53 for free in PDF format.

The post Code your own pinball game | Wireframe #53 appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

Recreate Gradius’ rock-spewing volcanoes | Wireframe #52

Post Syndicated from Ryan Lambie original

Code an homage to Konami’s classic shoot-’em-up, Gradius. Mark Vanstone has the code in the new edition of Wireframe magazine, available now.

Released by Konami in 1985, Gradius – also known as Nemesis outside Japan – brought a new breed of power-up system to arcades. One of the keys to its success was the way the player could customise their Vic Viper fighter craft by gathering capsules, which could then be ‘spent’ on weapons, speed-ups, and shields from a bar at the bottom of the screen.

Gradius screenshot
The Gradius volcanoes spew rocks at the player just before the end-of-level boss ship arrives.

Flying rocks

A seminal side-scrolling shooter, Gradius was particularly striking thanks to the variety of its levels: a wide range of hazards were thrown at the player, including waves of aliens, natural phenomena, and boss ships with engine cores that had to be destroyed in order to progress. One of the first stage’s biggest obstacles was a pair of volcanoes that spewed deadly rocks into the air: the rocks could be shot for extra points or just avoided to get through to the next section. In this month’s Source Code, we’re going to have a look at how to recreate the volcano-style flying rock obstacle from the game.

Our sample uses Pygame Zero and the randint function from the random module to provide the variations of trajectory that we need our rocks to have. We’ll need an actor created for our spaceship and a list to hold our rock Actors. We can also make a bullet Actor so we can make the ship fire lasers and shoot the rocks. We build up the scene in layers in our draw() function with a star-speckled background, then our rocks, followed by the foreground of volcanoes, and finally the spaceship and bullets.

Dodge and shoot the rocks in our homage to the classic Gradius.

Get the ship moving

In the update() function, we need to handle moving the ship around with the cursor keys. We can use a limit() function to make sure it doesn’t go off the screen, and the SPACE bar to trigger the bullet to be fired. After that, we need to update our rocks. At the start of the game our list of rocks will be empty, so we’ll get a random number generated, and if the number is 1, we make a new rock and add it to the list. If we have more than 100 rocks in our list, some of them will have moved off the screen, so we may as well reuse them instead of making more new rocks. During each update cycle, we’ll need to run through our list of rocks and update their position. When we make a rock, we give it a speed and direction, then when it’s updated, we move the rock upwards by its speed and then reduce the speed by 0.2. This will make it fly into the air, slow down, and then fall to the ground. 

Collision detection

From this code, we can make rocks appear just behind both of the volcanoes, and they’ll fly in a random direction upwards at a random speed. We can increase or decrease the number of rocks flying about by changing the random numbers that spawn them. We should be able to fly in and out of the rocks, but we could add some collision detection to check whether the rocks hit the ship – we may also want to destroy the ship if it’s hit by a rock. In our sample, we have an alternative, ‘shielded’ state to indicate that a collision has occurred. We can also check for collisions with the bullets: if a collision’s detected, we can make the rock and the bullet disappear by moving them off-screen, at which point they’re ready to be reused.

That’s about it for this month’s sample, but there are many more elements from the original game that you could add yourself: extra weapons, more enemies, or even an area boss.

Here’s Mark’s volcanic code. To get it working on your system, you’ll need to install Pygame Zero. And to download the full code and assets, head here.

Get your copy of Wireframe issue 52

You can read more features like this one in Wireframe issue 52, available directly from Raspberry Pi Press — we deliver worldwide.

Wireframe issue 52's cover

And if you’d like a handy digital version of the magazine, you can also download issue 52 for free in PDF format.

The post Recreate Gradius’ rock-spewing volcanoes | Wireframe #52 appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

Swing into action with an homage to Pitfall! | Wireframe #48

Post Syndicated from Ryan Lambie original

Grab onto ropes and swing across chasms in our Python rendition of an Atari 2600 classic. Mark Vanstone has the code

Whether it was because of the design brilliance of the game itself or because Raiders of the Lost Ark had just hit the box office, Pitfall Harry became a popular character on the Atari 2600 in 1982.

His hazardous attempts to collect treasure struck a chord with eighties gamers, and saw Pitfall!, released by Activision, sell over four million copies. A sequel, Pitfall II: The Lost Caverns quickly followed the next year, and the game was ported to several other systems, even making its way to smartphones and tablets in the 21st century.


Designed by David Crane, Pitfall! was released for the Atari 2600 and published by Activision in 1982

The game itself is a quest to find 32 items of treasure within a 20-minute time limit. There are a variety of hazards for Pitfall Harry to navigate around and over, including rolling logs, animals, and holes in the ground. Some of these holes can be jumped over, but some are too wide and have a convenient rope swinging from a tree to aid our explorer in getting to the other side of the screen. Harry must jump towards the rope as it moves towards him and then hang on as it swings him over the pit, releasing his grip at the other end to land safely back on firm ground.

For this code sample, we’ll concentrate on the rope swinging (and catching) mechanic. Using Pygame Zero, we can get our basic display set up quickly. In this case, we can split the background into three layers: the background, including the back of the pathway and the tree trunks, the treetops, and the front of the pathway. With these layers we can have a rope swinging with its pivot point behind the leaves of the trees, and, if Harry gets a jump wrong, it will look like he falls down the hole in the ground. The order in which we draw these to the screen is background, rope, tree-tops, Harry, and finally the front of the pathway.

Now, let’s get our rope swinging. We can create an Actor and anchor it to the centre and top of its bounding box. If we rotate it by changing the angle property of the Actor, then it will rotate at the top of the Actor rather than the mid-point. We can make the rope swing between -45 degrees and 45 degrees by increments of 1, but if we do this, we get a rather robotic sort of movement. To fix this, we add an ‘easing’ value which we can calculate using a square root to make the rope slow down as it reaches the extremes of the swing.

Our homage to the classic Pitfall! Atari game. Can you add some rolling logs and other hazards?

Our Harry character will need to be able to run backwards and forwards, so we’ll need a few frames of animation. There are several ways of coding this, but for now, we can take the x coordinate and work out which frame to display as the x value changes. If we have four frames of running animation, then we would use the %4 operator and value on the x coordinate to give us animation frames of 0, 1, 2, and 3. We use these frames for running to the right, and if he’s running to the left, we just mirror the images. We can check to see if Harry is on the ground or over the pit, and if he needs to be falling downward, we add to his y coordinate. If he’s jumping (by pressing the SPACE bar), we reduce his y coordinate.

We now need to check if Harry has reached the rope, so after a collision, we check to see if he’s connected with it, and if he has, we mark him as attached and then move him with the end of the rope until the player presses the SPACE bar and he can jump off at the other side. If he’s swung far enough, he should land safely and not fall down the pit. If he falls, then the player can have another go by pressing the SPACE bar to reset Harry back to the start.

That should get Pitfall Harry over one particular obstacle, but the original game had several other challenges to tackle – we’ll leave you to add those for yourselves.

Pitfall Python code

Here’s Mark’s code for a Pitfall!-style platformer. To get it working on your system, you’ll need to  install Pygame Zero.  And to download the full code and assets, head here.

Get your copy of Wireframe issue 48

You can read more features like this one in Wireframe issue 48, available directly from Raspberry Pi Press — we deliver worldwide.
Wireframe issue 48
And if you’d like a handy digital version of the magazine, you can also download issue 48 for free in PDF format.
A banner with the words "Be a Pi Day donor today"

The post Swing into action with an homage to Pitfall! | Wireframe #48 appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

Code a Light Cycle arcade minigame | Wireframe #47

Post Syndicated from Ryan Lambie original

Speed around an arena, avoiding walls and deadly trails in this Light Cycle minigame. Mark Vanstone has the code.

Battle against AI enemies in the original arcade classic.

At the beginning of the 1980s, Disney made plans for an entirely new kind of animated movie that used cutting-edge computer graphics. The resulting film was 1982’s TRON, and it inevitably sparked one of the earliest tie-in arcade machines.

The game featured several minigames, including one based on the Light Cycle section of the movie, where players speed around an arena on high-tech motorbikes, which leave a deadly trail of light in their wake. If competitors hit any walls or cross the path of any trails, then it’s game over.

Players progress through the twelve levels which were all named after programming languages. In the Light Cycle game, the players compete against AI players who drive yellow Light Cycles around the arena. As the levels progress, more AI Players are added.

The TRON game, distributed by Bally Midway, was well-received in arcades, and even won Electronic Games Magazine’s (presumably) coveted Coin-operated Game of the Year gong.

Although the arcade game wasn’t ported to home computers at the time, several similar games – and outright clones – emerged, such as the unsubtly named Light Cycle for the BBC Micro, Oric, and ZX Spectrum.

The Light Cycle minigame is essentially a variation on Snake, with the player leaving a trail behind them as they move around the screen. There are various ways to code this with Pygame Zero.

In this sample, we’ll focus on the movement of the player Light Cycle and creating the trails that are left behind as it moves around the screen. We could use line drawing functions for the trail behind the bike, or go for a system like Snake, where blocks are added to the trail as the player moves.

In this example, though, we’re going to use a two-dimensional list as a matrix of positions on the screen. This means that wherever the player moves on the screen, we can set the position as visited or check to see if it’s been visited before and, if so, trigger an end-game event.

Our homage to the TRON Light Cycle classic arcade game.

For the main draw() function, we first blit our background image which is the cross-hatched arena, then we iterate through our two-dimensional list of screen positions (each 10 pixels square) displaying a square anywhere the Cycle has been. The Cycle is then drawn and we can add a display of the score.

The update() function contains code to move the Cycle and check for collisions. We use a list of directions in degrees to control the angle the player is pointing, and another list of x and y increments for each direction. Each update we add x and y coordinates to the Cycle actor to move it in the direction that it’s pointing multiplied by our speed variable.

We have an on_key_down() function defined to handle changing the direction of the Cycle actor with the arrow keys. We need to wait a while before checking for collisions on the current position, as the Cycle won’t have moved away for several updates, so each screen position in the matrix is actually a counter of how many updates it’s been there for.

We can then test to see if 15 updates have happened before testing the square for collisions, which gives our Cycle enough time to clear the area. If we do detect a collision, then we can start the game-end sequence.

We set the gamestate variable to 1, which then means the update() function uses that variable as a counter to run through the frames of animation for the Cycle’s explosion. Once it reaches the end of the sequence, the game stops.

We have a key press defined (the SPACE bar) in the on_key_down() function to call our init() function, which will not only set up variables when the game starts but sets things back to their starting state.

Here’s Mark’s code for a TRON-style Light Cycle minigame. To get it working on your system, you’ll need to install Pygame Zero. And to download the full code and assets, head here.

So that’s the fundamentals of the player Light Cycle movement and collision checking. To make it more like the original arcade game, why not try experimenting with the code and adding a few computer-controlled rivals?

Get your copy of Wireframe issue 47

You can read more features like this one in Wireframe issue 47, available directly from Raspberry Pi Press — we deliver worldwide.

And if you’d like a handy digital version of the magazine, you can also download issue 47 for free in PDF format.

The post Code a Light Cycle arcade minigame | Wireframe #47 appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

Code your own Pipe Mania puzzler | Wireframe #46

Post Syndicated from Ryan Lambie original

Create a network of pipes before the water starts to flow in our re-creation of a classic puzzler. Jordi Santonja shows you how.

A screen grab of the game in motion
Pipe Mania’s design is so effective, it’s appeared in various guises elsewhere – even as a minigame in BioShock.

Pipe Mania, also called Pipe Dream in the US, is a puzzle game developed by The Assembly Line in 1989 for Amiga, Atari ST, and PC, and later ported to other platforms, including arcades. The player must place randomly generated sections of pipe onto a grid. When a counter reaches zero, water starts to flow and must reach the longest possible distance through the connected pipes.

Let’s look at how to recreate Pipe Dream in Python and Pygame Zero. The variable start is decremented at each frame. It begins with a value of 60*30, so it reaches zero after 30 seconds if our monitor runs at 60 frames per second. In that time, the player can place tiles on the grid to build a path. Every time the user clicks on the grid, the last tile from nextTiles is placed on the play area and a new random tile appears at the top of the next tiles. randint(2,8) computes a random value between 2 and 8.

Our Pipe Mania homage. Build a pipeline before the water escapes, and see if you can beat your own score.

grid and nextTiles are lists of tile values, from 0 to 8, and are copied to the screen in the draw function with the screen.blit operation. grid is a two-dimensional list, with sizes gridWidth=10 and gridHeight=7. Every pipe piece is placed in grid with a mouse click. This is managed with the Pygame functions on_mouse_move and on_mouse_down, where the variable pos contains the mouse position in the window. panelPosition defines the position of the top-left corner of the grid in the window. To get the grid cell, panelPosition is subtracted from pos, and the result is divided by tileSize with the integer division //. tileMouse stores the resulting cell element, but it is set to (-1,-1) when the mouse lies outside the grid.

The images folder contains the PNGs with the tile images, two for every tile: the graphical image and the path image. The tiles list contains the name of every tile, and adding to it _block or _path obtains the name of the file. The values stored in nextTiles and grid are the indexes of the elements in tiles.

Here’s Jordi’s code for a Pipemania-style puzzler. To get it working on your system, you’ll need to install Pygame Zero. And to download the full code and assets, head here.

The image waterPath isn’t shown to the user, but it stores the paths that the water is going to follow. The first point of the water path is located in the starting tile, and it’s stored in currentPoint. update calls the function CheckNextPointDeleteCurrent, when the water starts flowing. That function finds the next point in the water path, erases it, and adds a new point to the waterFlow list. waterFlow is shown to the user in the draw function.

pointsToCheck contains a list of relative positions, offsets, that define a step of two pixels from currentPoint in every direction to find the next point. Why two pixels? To be able to define the ‘cross’ tile, where two lines cross each other. In a ‘cross’ tile the water flow must follow a straight line, and this is how the only points found are the next points in the same direction. When no next point is found, the game ends and the score is shown: the number of points in the water path, playState is set to 0, and no more updates are done.

Get your copy of Wireframe issue 46

You can read more features like this one in Wireframe issue 46, available directly from Raspberry Pi Press — we deliver worldwide.


And if you’d like a handy digital version of the magazine, you can also download issue 46 for free in PDF format.

The post Code your own Pipe Mania puzzler | Wireframe #46 appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

Recreate Tiger-Heli’s bomb mechanic | Wireframe #45

Post Syndicated from Ryan Lambie original

Code an explosive homage to Toaplan’s classic blaster. Mark Vanstone has the details

Tiger-Heli was developed by Toaplan and published in Japan by Taito and by Romstar in North America.

Released in 1985, Tiger-Heli was one of the earliest games from Japanese developer Toaplan: a top-down shoot-’em-up that pitted a lone helicopter against relentless waves of enemy tanks and military installations. Toaplan would go on to refine and evolve the genre through the eighties and nineties with such titles as Truxton and Fire Shark, so Tiger-Heli served as a kind of blueprint for the studio’s legendary blasters.

Tiger-Heli featured a powerful secondary weapon, too: as well as a regular shot, the game’s attack helicopter could also drop a deadly bomb capable of destroying everything within its blast radius. The mechanic was one that first appeared as far back as Atari’s Defender in 1981, but Toaplan quickly made it its own, with variations on the bomb becoming one of the signatures in the studio’s later games.

For our Tiger-Heli-style Pygame Zero code, we’ll concentrate on the unique bomb aspect, but first, we need to get the basic scrolling background and helicopter on the screen. In a game like this, we’d normally make the background out of tiles that can be used to create a varied but continuous scrolling image. For this example, though, we’ll keep things simple and have one long image that we scroll down the screen and then display a copy above it. When the first image goes off the screen, we just reset the co-ordinates to display it above the second image copy. In this way, we can have an infinitely scrolling background.

Our Tiger-Heli homage in Python. Fly over the military targets, firing missiles and dropping bombs.


The helicopter can be set up as an Actor with just two frames for the movement of the rotors. This should look like it’s hovering above the ground, so we blit a shadow bitmap to the bottom right of the helicopter. We can set up keyboard events to move the Actor left, right, up, and down, making sure we don’t allow it to go off the screen.

Now we can go ahead and set up the bombs. We can predefine a list of bomb Actors but only display them while the bombs are active. We’ll trigger a bomb drop with the SPACE bar and set all the bombs to the co-ordinates of the helicopter. Then, frame by frame, we move each bomb outwards in different directions so that they spread out in a pattern. You could try adjusting the number of bombs or their pattern to see what effects can be achieved. When the bombs get to frame 30, we start changing the image so that we get a flashing, expanding circle for each bomb.

Here’s Mark’s code for a Tiger-Heli-style shooter. To get it working on your system, you’ll need to install Pygame Zero. And to download the full code and assets, head here.

It’s all very well having bombs to fire, but we could really do with something to drop them on, so let’s make some tank Actors waiting on the ground for us to destroy. We can move them with the scrolling background so that they look like they’re static on the ground. Then if one of our bombs has a collision detected with one of the tanks, we can set an animation going by cycling through a set of explosion frames, ending with the tank disappearing.

We can also add in some sound effects as the bombs are dropped, and explosion sounds if the tanks are hit. And with that, there you have it: the beginnings of a Tiger-Heli-style blaster.

Get your copy of Wireframe issue 45

You can read more features like this one in Wireframe issue 45, available directly from Raspberry Pi Press — we deliver worldwide.

And if you’d like a handy digital version of the magazine, you can also download issue 45 for free in PDF format.

Baldur’s Gate III: our cover star for Wireframe #45.

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The post Recreate Tiger-Heli’s bomb mechanic | Wireframe #45 appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

AI-Man: a handy guide to video game artificial intelligence

Post Syndicated from Ryan Lambie original

Discover how non-player characters make decisions by tinkering with this Unity-based Pac-Man homage. Paul Roberts wrote this for the latest issue of Wireframe magazine.

From the first video game to the present, artificial intelligence has been a vital part of the medium. While most early games had enemies that simply walked left and right, like the Goombas in Super Mario Bros., there were also games like Pac-Man, where each ghost appeared to move intelligently. But from a programming perspective, how do we handle all the different possible states we want our characters to display?

Here’s AI-Man, our homage to a certain Namco maze game. You can switch between AI types to see how they affect the ghosts’ behaviours.

For example, how do we control whether a ghost is chasing Pac-Man, or running away, or even returning to their home? To explore these behaviours, we’ll be tinkering with AI-Man – a Pac-Man-style game developed in Unity. It will show you how the approaches discussed in this article are implemented, and there’s code available for you to modify and add to. You can freely download the AI-Man project here. One solution to managing the different states a character can be in, which has been used for decades, is a finite state machine, or FSM for short. It’s an approach that describes the high-level actions of an agent, and takes its name simply from the fact that there are a finite number of states from which to transition between, with each state only ever doing one thing.

Altered states

To explain what’s meant by high level, let’s take a closer look at the ghosts in Pac-Man. The highlevel state of a ghost is to ‘Chase’ Pac-Man, but the low level is how the ghost actually does this. In Pac-Man, each ghost has its own behaviour in which it hunts the player down, but they’re all in the same high-level state of ‘Chase’. Looking at Figure 1, you can see how the overall behaviour of a ghost can be depicted extremely easily, but there’s a lot of hidden complexity. At what point do we transition between states? What are the conditions on moving between states across the connecting lines? Once we have this information, the diagram can be turned into code with relative ease. You could use simple switch statements to achieve this, or we could achieve the same using an object-oriented approach.

Figure 1: A finite state machine

Using switch statements can quickly become cumbersome the more states we add, so I’ve used the object-oriented approach in the accompanying project, and an example code snippet can be seen in Code Listing 1. Each state handles whether it needs to transition into another state, and lets the state machine know. If a transition’s required, the Exit() function is called on the current state, before calling the Enter() function on the new state. This is done to ensure any setup or cleanup is done, after which the Update() function is called on whatever the current state is. The Update()function is where the low-level code for completing the state is processed. For a project as simple as Pac-Man, this only involves setting a different position for the ghost to move to.

Hidden complexity

Extending this approach, it’s reasonable for a state to call multiple states from within. This is called a hierarchical finite state machine, or HFSM for short. An example is an agent in Call of Duty: Strike Team being instructed to seek a stealthy position, so the high-level state is ‘Find Cover’, but within that, the agent needs to exit the dumpster he’s currently hiding in, find a safe location, calculate a safe path to that location, then repeatedly move between points on that path until he reaches the target position.

FSMs can appear somewhat predictable as the agent will always transition into the same state. This can be accommodated for by having multiple options that achieve the same goal. For example, when the ghosts in our Unity project are in the ‘Chase’ state, they can either move to the player, get in front of the player, or move to a position behind the player. There’s also an option to move to a random position. The FSM implemented has each ghost do one of these, whereas the behaviour tree allows all ghosts to switch between the options every ten seconds. A limitation of the FSM approach is that you can only ever be in a single state at a particular time. Imagine a tank battle game where multiple enemies can be engaged. Simply being in the ‘Retreat’ state doesn’t look smart if you’re about to run into the sights of another enemy. The worst-case scenario would be our tank transitions between ‘Attack’ and ‘Retreat’ states on each frame – an issue known as state thrashing – and gets stuck, and seemingly confused about what to do in this situation. What we need is away to be in multiple states at the same time: ideally retreating from tank A, whilst attacking tank B. This is where fuzzy finite state machines, or FFSM for short, come in useful.

This approach allows you to be in a particular state to a certain degree. For example, my tank could be 80% committed to the Retreat state (avoid tank A), and 20% committed to the Attack state (attack tank B). This allows us to both Retreat and Attack at the same time. To achieve this, on each update, your agent needs to check each possible state to determine its degree of commitment, and then call each of the active states’ updates. This differs from a standard FSM, where you can only ever be in a single state. FFSMs can be in none, one, two, or however many states you like at one time. This can prove tricky to balance, but it does offer an alternative to the standard approach.

No memory

Another potential issue with an FSM is that the agent has no memory of what they were previously doing. Granted, this may not be important: in the example given, the ghosts in Pac-Man don’t care about what they were doing, they only care about what they are doing, but in other games, memory can be extremely important. Imagine instructing a character to gather wood in a game like Age of Empires, and then the character gets into a fight. It would be extremely frustrating if the characters just stood around with nothing to do after the fight had concluded, and for the player to have to go back through all these characters and reinstruct them after the fight is over. It would be much better for the characters to return to their previous duties.

“FFSMs can be in one, none,

two, or however many states

you like.”

We can incorporate the idea of memory quite easily by using the stack data structure. The stack will hold AI states, with only the top-most element receiving the update. This in effect means that when a state is completed, it’s removed from the stack and the previous state is then processed. Figure 2 depicts how this was achieved in our Unity project. To differentiate the states from the FSM approach, I’ve called them tasks for the stackbased implementation. Looking at Figure 2, it shows how (from the bottom), the ghost was chasing the player, then the player collected a power pill, which resulted in the AI adding an Evade_Task – this now gets the update call, not the Chase_Task. While evading the player, the ghost was then eaten.

At this point, the ghost needed to return home, so the appropriate task was added. Once home, the ghost needed to exit this area, so again, the relevant task was added. At the point the ghost exited home, the ExitHome_Task was removed, which drops processing back to MoveToHome_Task. This was no longer required, so it was also removed. Back in the Evade_Task, if the power pill was still active, the ghost would return to avoiding the player, but if it had worn off, this task, in turn, got removed, putting the ghost back in its default task of Chase_Task, which will get the update calls until something else in the world changes.

Figure 2: Stack-based finite state machine.

Behaviour trees

In 2002, Halo 2 programmer Damian Isla expanded on the idea of HFSM in a way that made it more scalable and modular for the game’s AI. This became known as the behaviour tree approach. It’s now a staple in AI game development. The behaviour tree is made up of nodes, which can be one of three types – composite, decorator, or leaf nodes. Each has a different function within the tree and affects the flow through the tree. Figure 3 shows how this approach is set up for our Unity project. The states we’ve explored so far are called leaf nodes. Leaf nodes end a particular branch of the tree and don’t have child nodes – these are where the AI behaviours are located. For example, Leaf_ExitHome, Leaf_Evade, and Leaf_ MoveAheadOfPlayer all tell the ghost where to move to. Composite nodes can have multiple child nodes and are used to determine the order in which the children are called. This could be in the order in which they’re described by the tree, or by selection, where the children nodes will compete, with the parent node selecting which child node gets the go-ahead. Selector_Chase allows the ghost to select a single path down the tree by choosing a random option, whereas Sequence_ GoHome has to complete all the child paths to complete its behaviour.

Code Listing 2 shows how simple it is to choose a random behaviour to use – just be sure to store the index for the next update. Code Listing 3 demonstrates how to go through all child nodes, and to return SUCCESS only when all have completed, otherwise the status RUNNING is returned. FAILURE only gets returned when a child node itself returns a FAILURE status.

Complex behaviours

Although not used in our example project, behaviour trees can also have nodes called decorators. A decorator node can only have a single child, and can modify the result returned. For example, a decorator may iterate the child node for a set period, perhaps indefinitely, or even flip the result returned from being a success to a failure. From what first appears to be a collection of simple concepts, complex behaviours can then develop.

Figure 3: Behaviour tree

Video game AI is all about the illusion of intelligence. As long as the characters are believable in their context, the player should maintain their immersion in the game world and enjoy the experience we’ve made. Hopefully, the approaches introduced here highlight how even simple approaches can be used to develop complex characters. This is just the tip of the iceberg: AI development is a complex subject, but it’s also fun and rewarding to explore.

Wireframe #43, with the gorgeous Sea of Stars on the cover.

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Code a Rally-X-style mini-map | Wireframe #43

Post Syndicated from Ryan Lambie original

Race around using a mini-map for navigation, just like the arcade classic, Rally-X. Mark Vanstone has the code

In Namco’s original arcade game, the red cars chased the player relentlessly around each level. Note the handy mini-map on the right.

The original Rally-X arcade game blasted onto the market in 1980, at the same time as Pac‑Man and Defender. This was the first year that developer Namco had exported its games outside Japan thanks to the deal it struck with Midway, an American game distributor. The aim of Rally-X is to race a car around a maze, avoiding enemy cars while collecting yellow flags – all before your fuel runs out.

The aspect of Rally-X that we’ll cover here is the mini-map. As the car moves around the maze, its position can be seen relative to the flags on the right of the screen. The main view of the maze only shows a section of the whole map, and scrolls as the car moves, whereas the mini-map shows the whole size of the map but without any of the maze walls – just dots where the car and flags are (and in the original, the enemy cars). In our example, the mini-map is five times smaller than the main map, so it’s easy to work out the calculation to translate large map co‑ordinates to mini-map co-ordinates.

To set up our Rally-X homage in Pygame Zero, we can stick with the default screen size of 800×600. If we use 200 pixels for the side panel, that leaves us with a 600×600 play area. Our player’s car will be drawn in the centre of this area at the co-ordinates 300,300. We can use the in-built rotation of the Actor object by setting the angle property of the car. The maze scrolls depending on which direction the car is pointing, and this can be done by having a lookup table in the form of a dictionary list (directionMap) where we define x and y increments for each angle the car can travel. When the cursor keys are pressed, the car stays central and the map moves.

A screenshot of our Rally-X homage running in Pygame Zero

Roam the maze and collect those flags in our Python homage to Rally-X.

To detect the car hitting a wall, we can use a collision map. This isn’t a particularly memory-efficient way of doing it, but it’s easy to code. We just use a bitmap the same size as the main map which has all the roads as black and all the walls as white. With this map, we can detect if there’s a wall in the direction in which the car’s moving by testing the pixels directly in front of it. If a wall is detected, we rotate the car rather than moving it. If we draw the side panel after the main map, we’ll then be able to see the full layout of the screen with the map scrolling as the car navigates through the maze.

We can add flags as a list of Actor objects. We could make these random, but for the sake of simplicity, our sample code has them defined in a list of x and y co-ordinates. We need to move the flags with the map, so in each update(), we loop through the list and add the same increments to the x and y co‑ordinates as the main map. If the car collides with any flags, we just take them off the list of items to draw by adding a collected variable. Having put all of this in place, we can draw the mini-map, which will show the car and the flags. All we need to do is divide the object co-ordinates by five and add an x and y offset so that the objects appear in the right place on the mini-map.

And those are the basics of Rally-X! All it needs now is a fuel gauge, some enemy cars, and obstacles – but we’ll leave those for you to sort out…

Here’s Mark’s code for a Rally-X-style driving game with mini-map. To get it running on your system, you’ll need to install Pygame Zero. And to download the full code and assets, head here.

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You can read more features like this one in Wireframe issue 43, available directly from Raspberry Pi Press — we deliver worldwide.

And if you’d like a handy digital version of the magazine, you can also download issue 43 for free in PDF format.

Wireframe #43, with the gorgeous Sea of Stars on the cover.

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The post Code a Rally-X-style mini-map | Wireframe #43 appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

Recreate Q*bert’s cube-hopping action | Wireframe #42

Post Syndicated from Ryan Lambie original

Code the mechanics of an eighties arcade hit in Python and Pygame Zero. Mark Vanstone shows you how

Players must change the colour of every cube to complete the level.

Late in 1982, a funny little orange character with a big nose landed in arcades. The titular Q*bert’s task was to jump around a network of cubes arranged in a pyramid formation, changing the colours of each as they went. Once the cubes were all the same colour, it was on to the next level; to make things more interesting, there were enemies like Coily the snake, and objects which helped Q*bert: some froze enemies in their tracks, while floating discs provided a lift back to the top of the stage.

Q*bert was designed by Warren Davis and Jeff Lee at the American company Gottlieb, and soon became such a smash hit that, the following year, it was already being ported to most of the home computer platforms available at the time. New versions and remakes continued to appear for years afterwards, with a mobile phone version appearing in 2003. Q*bert was by far Gottlieb’s most popular game, and after several changes in company ownership, the firm is now part of Sony’s catalogue – Q*bert’s main character even made its way into the 2015 film, Pixels.

Q*bert uses isometric-style graphics to draw a pseudo-3D display – something we can easily replicate in Pygame Zero by using a single cube graphic with which we make a pyramid of Actor objects. Starting with seven cubes on the bottom row, we can create a simple double loop to create the pile of cubes. Our Q*bert character will be another Actor object which we’ll position at the top of the pile to start. The game screen can then be displayed in the draw() function by looping through our 28 cube Actors and then drawing Q*bert.

Our homage to Q*bert. Try not to fall into the terrifying void.

We need to detect player input, and for this we use the built-in keyboard object and check the cursor keys in our update() function. We need to make Q*bert move from cube to cube so we can move the Actor 32 pixels on the x-axis and 48 pixels on the y-axis. If we do this in steps of 2 for x and 3 for y, we will have Q*bert on the next cube in 16 steps. We can also change his image to point in the right direction depending on the key pressed in our jump() function. If we use this linear movement in our move() function, we’ll see the Actor go in a straight line to the next block. To add a bit of bounce to Q*bert’s movement, we add or subtract (depending on the direction) the values in the bounce[] list. This will make a bit more of a curved movement to the animation.

Now that we have our long-nosed friend jumping around, we need to check where he’s landing. We can loop through the cube positions and check whether Q*bert is over each one. If he is, then we change the image of the cube to one with a yellow top. If we don’t detect a cube under Q*bert, then the critter’s jumped off the pyramid, and the game’s over. We can then do a quick loop through all the cube Actors, and if they’ve all been changed, then the player has completed the level. So those are the basic mechanics of jumping around on a pyramid of cubes. We just need some snakes and other baddies to annoy Q*bert – but we’ll leave those for you to add. Good luck!

Here’s Mark’s code for a Q*bert-style, cube-hopping platform game. To get it running on your system, you’ll need to install Pygame Zero. And to download the full code and assets, head here.

Get your copy of Wireframe issue 42

You can read more features like this one in Wireframe issue 42, available directly from Raspberry Pi Press — we deliver worldwide.

And if you’d like a handy digital version of the magazine, you can also download issue 42 for free in PDF format.

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The post Recreate Q*bert’s cube-hopping action | Wireframe #42 appeared first on Raspberry Pi.