Tag Archives: How-to

Monitoring Zabbix Security Advisories

Post Syndicated from Brian van Baekel original https://blog.zabbix.com/monitoring-zabbix-security-advisories/28672/

Zabbix plays a crucial role in monitoring all kinds of “things” – IoT devices, domains, cloud infrastructures and more. It can also be integrated with third-party solutions – for example, with Oxidized for configuration backup monitoring. Given the nature of Zabbix, it usually contains a lot of confidential information as well as (more importantly) some kind of elevated access to network elements while being used by operators, engineers, and customers. This requires that Zabbix as a product should be as secure as possible.

Zabbix has upped their security game and is actively working with HackerOne to take full advantage of the reach of their global community by providing a bug bounty program. And though it doesn’t happen too often, from time to time a security issue arises in Zabbix or one of its dependencies, warranting the release of a Security Advisory.

The issue

Zabbix typically releases a Security Advisory and might even assign a CVE to the issue. Cool, that is what we expect from reputable software developers. They even inform their customers with support contracts before publishing the advisory, in order to allow them to patch installations beforehand.

Unfortunately, if you don’t have a support contract you’re expected to find out about these security advisories on your own, either by monitoring the Security Advisory page or by monitoring the published CVEs for Zabbix. NIST has a public API that can be used and that works well, but the issue with CVE’s is that they are often incomplete and thus useless. For example, CVE-2024-22119 contains far less information than the advisory.

Currently, Zabbix does not publish an API for their Security Advisories. There is the public tracker which contains all entries and can be queried via API, but because it is unstructured text, it is really hard to parse.

The solution

We want to automatically be notified of new security advisories, and the only data source that contains all data in a structured way is the Zabbix Security Advisory page. However, structured doesn’t mean easily parseable – in fact, it is just raw HTML. We could try to solve this issue in Zabbix, but the easier solution in this case is to scrape the page and generate a JSON file which then can be parsed by Zabbix to achieve our goal, which is automated notifications of new advisories.


We’ve chosen to scrape the Zabbix site using Rust, utilizing the Scraper crate to parse the HTML and flesh out the relevant parts we want. Without going into too much detail, the interesting information is stored in 2 tables, one with the table-simple class applied and one with the table-vertical class applied. Using CSS selectors (which is what the Scraper crate requires), we can retrieve the information we want.

This information is then stored in a struct, which gets added to a hashmap. The result is stored in a vector, which is added to a struct, which eventually is used to generate the JSON we require. Phew.

The resulting JSON is easily parseable by Zabbix:

  "last_updated": {
    "secs": ,
    "nanos": ,
  "reports": [
    _list of reports_

The ‘reports’ array contains one entry per advisory, and each entry has the following layout. Unsurprisingly, this closely matches the information that is available on the Zabbix Security Advisory page:

      "_zbxref_": {
        "zbxref": "_zbxref_",
        "cveref": "CVE-XXXX-XXXX",
        "score": X.X,
        "synopsis": "_synopsis_",
        "description": "_description_",
        "vectors": "_vectors_",
        "resolution": "_resolution_",
        "workaround": "_workaround_",
        "acknowledgement": "_acknowledgement_",
        "components": [
          _list of components_,
          _list of components_
        "affected_version": [
            "affected": "_version_",
            "fixed": "_version_"

Now, we could provide you with the code of the scraping tool and wish you good luck with making sure the tool runs every X hours and somehow, somewhere stores the resulting JSON for Zabbix to parse. That would be the easy way out, right?

Instead, we’ve chosen to host the Rust program as an AWS Lambda function, triggered every 2 hours by the AWS EventBridge Scheduler and with some code added to the Rust program (function?) to upload the resulting JSON to an AWS S3 bucket. This chain of AWS products not only makes sure that our cloud bill increases, but also guarantees we don’t have to host (and maintain!) anything ourselves.

The result? Just one HTTP GET away…


TL;DR: Download the template here.

Now that the data is available in JSON, it’s fairly easy to parse it using Zabbix. Using the HTTP Agent data collection, we download the JSON from AWS. The URI is stored in the {$ZBX_ADVISORY_URI} macro, which allows for easy modification. By default, it points to the JSON file hosted on AWS S3. This retrieval is done by the Retrieve the Zabbix Security Advisories item, which acts as the source for every other operation. It retrieves the JSON every hour, and with the JSON being generated every 2 hours, the maximum delay between Zabbix publishing a new advisory and you getting it into Zabbix is 3 hours.

The retrieve the Zabbix Security Advisories item acts as a master item for the Last Updated item. This item uses a JSONPath preprocessing step to flesh out the information we want: $.last_updated.secs. The resulting data is stored as unixtime so that we mere mortals can easily read when the last update of the JSON file was performed.

A trigger is configured for this item to ensure that the JSON file isn’t too old. The trigger JSON Feed is out of date has the following expression:
last(/Zabbix Security Advisories/zbx_sec.last_updated)>{$ZBX_ADVISORY_UPDATE_INTERVAL}*{$ZBX_ADVISORY_UPDATE_THRESHOLD}

By default, {$ZBX_ADVISORY_UPDATE_INTERVAL} is set to 2 hours (which is the interval the file gets updated by our tool) and {$ZBX_ADVISORY_UPDATE_THRESHOLD} is set to 3. So, when the JSON file hasn’t been updated within the last 6 hours, this trigger will trigger.

The item Number of advisories uses the same principle, where a JSONPath preprocessing step is used to flesh out the information we want: $.reports. However, as $.reports is an array, we can use functions on it. In this case .length(), which returns an integer. This number is used in the associated trigger A new Zabbix Security Advisory has been published, which simply triggers when the value changes.

This is all very cool, but the JSON has a lot more information, including details about each report. In order to get these details into Zabbix, we use a discovery rule to ‘loop’ through the JSON and create items based on what we’ve discovered: Discover Advisories. This rule uses (again) a JSONPath preprocessing step to get the details we want: $.reports[*][*]. Based on the resulting data (which is a single report in this case), 2 LLD Macros are assigned: {#ZBXREF} – based on the JSONpath $.zbxref and {{#CVEREF} – based on the JSONpath $.cveref.

For each discovered report, 8 items are created. They all work using the same principle, so I will only describe one: Advisory {#ZBXREF} / {#CVEREF} – Acknowledgement. This item uses the master item Zabbix Security Advisories, just like all other items described so far. JSONPath is once again used to get the information we want. The expression $.reports[*][“{#ZBXREF}”].acknowledgement.first() provides exactly what we need, where we combine a LLD macro ({#ZBXREF}) and a JSONpath function (.first()) to first ‘select’ the correct advisory in the JSON and then retrieve the value.

All other 7 items work like this, and there is only one exception: Advisory {#ZBXREF} / {#CVEREF} – Components. The ‘components’ value in the JSON file is actually an array with 1 or more items, describing which components might be affected. But we cannot store arrays in Zabbix, so we use another preprocessing step to convert the array into a string. A few lines of Javascript is all we need:

components = JSON.parse(value);
return components.toString();

First, we parse the JSON input (‘value’) into an array, only to apply the javascript .toString() function on it. The toString method of arrays calls join() internally, which joins the array and returns one string containing each array element separated by commas, which is exactly what we want: a string, separated by commas.

To make working with these advisories easier, each item has the component tag applied, with the value zabbix_security. If the item belongs to an advisory, the advisory tag is added with the value of {#ZBXREF} (which is the advisory number/name). That way, we can easily filter on all Zabbix Security items, filter on all items for a single advisory, and (to make things even better) the type tag is also applied, with the actual type being ‘workaround’ or ‘description.’ This allows for filtering on all Zabbix Security items, of the type ‘score’ (et cetera) to easily gain insight into the different advisories and their score, synopsis, description, components, et cetera.


The tags on the items allow for filtering, but with Zabbix 7.0 we can use all great new nifty features, such as the Item Navigator widget combined with the Item Value widget. Let’s take a look at what configuring such a dashboard might look like if you set up the Item Navigator widget as follows:

Item Navigator configuration

And then ‘link’ the Item Value widget to it:

You should get a somewhat decent dashboard. It isn’t perfect (given that the Item Value widget only seems to be able to display a single line of text) but it’s something.


Though we use this functionality ourselves, this all comes without any guarantee. The technology used to retrieve data (screen scraping) is mediocre at best and could break at any moment if and when Zabbix changes the layout of their page.

The post Monitoring Zabbix Security Advisories appeared first on Zabbix Blog.

Migrating from Datadog to Zabbix with Custom Metric Submission

Post Syndicated from Chris Board original https://blog.zabbix.com/migrating-from-datadog-to-zabbix-with-custom-metric-submission/28620/

For a few years, I’ve been monitoring 3 Digital Ocean servers with Datadog and using Datadog DogStatsD to submit custom metrics to Datadog. I am a big fan of Datadog and will continue recommending them. However, it became a bit too expensive for my needs, so I started looking for alternative options.

I decided to go down the self-hosted route as that was the least expensive option. I decided to go with Zabbix.

If you don’t know, Zabbix is a completely free, open source, and enterprise-ready monitoring service with a vast range of integrations for all of your monitoring needs. You can choose to install it on-premises or in the cloud.

I went with a $24 Basic Droplet in Digital Ocean with Regular SSD, which is actually below the minimum requirements that Zabbix specifies. It has been working fine and resource usage is minimal (around 40% RAM and 4% CPU use).

When you create a host to monitor, you assign templates. The templates are integrations you want to monitor, such as Apache, MySQL, and general Zabbix agent metrics like server performance (CPU, RAM, IO, etc.).

There were some things I had to create manually (including process monitoring) as I couldn’t find a built-in way of doing it. Datadog, had live process monitoring, so you could create a monitor which looks for a particular process, and then alert if that process wasn’t running.

Zabbix didn’t seem to have anything like this (that I could find) so I created custom templates and a custom shell script to look for the process name using the ps command (on Linux).

Another important function I needed was custom metric submission. This was originally done via the Datadog DogStatsD libraries available in pretty much any language, either as official libraries or via community versions. This would submit UDP data to the agent running locally on the server, and the agent would submit it to your Datadog account.

I didn’t want to rewrite all my apps to be able to send data to Zabbix, so I built a conversion tool. Its a small app I built in C# that listens on the same UDP socket as the Datadog agent (obviously, you’ll need to have the Datadog agent turned off). It receives the data from the Datadog DogStatsD libraries as normal, and the C# app converts the Datadog UDP data and submits an HTTP request to the Zabbix server via its API.

After everything was installed, I then re-created the various dashboards that I had from Datadog in Zabbix. A couple of examples are below:

In terms of access and configuration, all of the metrics are sent over the private interfaces of each droplet. Nothing is available via the public interface.

Logging into the Zabbix web portal is done via a Cloudflare Tunnel that allows me to connect to the web portal over the private interface via the Cloudflare tunnels running on each of the servers for fault tolerance. This provides multiple levels of authentication, as you have to authenticate to Cloudflare and authenticate with Zabbix.

This post was designed as an overview to show that it is possible to migrate from Datadog to Zabbix fairly easily, with a small amount of development involved to convert Datadog custom metrics to Zabbix via the C# app.

The C# app isn’t publicly available, but if there is some demand for it I can look at open sourcing it. If you want a full rundown of how I migrated and set up the Zabbix server and the servers being monitored, please let me know and I can do a more in-depth blog post!



The post Migrating from Datadog to Zabbix with Custom Metric Submission appeared first on Zabbix Blog.

How to use Amazon Q Developer to deploy a Serverless web application with AWS CDK

Post Syndicated from Riya Dani original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/how-to-use-amazon-q-developer-to-deploy-a-serverless-web-application-with-aws-cdk/

Did you know that Amazon Q Developer, a new type of Generative AI-powered (GenAI) assistant, can help developers and DevOps engineers accelerate Infrastructure as Code (IaC) development using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)?

IaC is a practice where infrastructure components such as servers, networks, and cloud resources are defined and managed using code. Instead of manually configuring and deploying infrastructure, with IaC, the desired state of the infrastructure is specified in a machine-readable format, like YAML, JSON, or modern programming languages. This allows for consistent, repeatable, and scalable infrastructure management, as changes can be easily tracked, tested, and deployed across different environments. IaC reduces the risk of human errors, increases infrastructure transparency, and enables the application of DevOps principles, such as version control, testing, and automated deployment, to the infrastructure itself.

There are different IaC tools available to manage infrastructure on AWS. To manage infrastructure as code, one needs to understand the DSL (domain-specific language) of each IaC tool and/or construct interface and spend time defining infrastructure components using IaC tools. With the use of Amazon Q Developer, developers can minimize time spent on this undifferentiated task and focus on business problems. In this post, we will go over how Amazon Q Developer can help deploy a fully functional three-tier web application infrastructure on AWS using CDK. AWS CDK is an open-source software development framework to define cloud infrastructure in modern programming languages and provision it through AWS CloudFormation.

Amazon Q Developer is a generative artificial intelligence (AI)-powered conversational assistant that can help you understand, build, extend, and operate AWS applications. You can ask questions about AWS architecture, your AWS resources, best practices, documentation, support, and more. Amazon Q Developer is constantly updating its capabilities so your questions get the most contextually relevant and actionable answers.

In the following sections, we will take a real-world three-tier web application that uses serverless architecture and showcase how you can accelerate AWS CDK code development using Amazon Q Developer as an AI coding companion and thus improve developer productivity.


To begin using Amazon Q Developer, the following are required:

Application Overview

You are a DevOps engineer at a software company and have been tasked with building and launching a new customer-facing web application using a serverless architecture. It will have three tiers, as shown below, consisting of the presentation layer, application layer, and data layer. You have decided to utilize Amazon Q Developer to deploy the application components using AWS CDK.

Three-Tier Web Application Architecture Overview

Figure 1 – Serverless Application Architecture

Accelerating application deployment using Amazon Q Developer as an AI coding companion

Let’s dive into how Amazon Q Developer can be used as an expert companion to accelerate the deployment of the above serverless application resources using AWS CDK.

1. Deploy Presentation Layer Resources

Creating a secured Amazon S3 bucket to host static assets and front it using Amazon CloudFront

When building modern serverless web applications that host large static content, a key architecture consideration is how to efficiently and securely serve static assets such as images, CSS, and JavaScript files. Simply serving these from your application servers can lead to scaling and performance bottlenecks with increased resource utilization (e.g., CPU, I/O, network) on servers. This is where leveraging AWS services like Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and Amazon CloudFront can be a game-changer. By hosting your static content in a secured S3 bucket, you unlock several powerful benefits. First and foremost, you get robust security controls through S3 bucket policies and CloudFront Origin Access Control (OAC) to ensure only authorized access. This is critical for protecting your assets. Secondly, you take load off your application servers by having CloudFront directly serve static assets from its globally distributed edge locations. This improves application performance and reduces operational costs. AWS CDK helps to simplify the infrastructure provisioning by allowing developers to define S3 bucket and CloudFront resource configurations in a modern programming language using CDK constructs that enhance security and include best practices recommendations.

In this application architecture, we will use Amazon Q Developer to develop AWS CDK code to provision presentation layer resources, which include a secured S3 bucket with public access disabled and an Origin Access Control (OAC) that is used to grant CloudFront access to the S3 bucket to securely serve the static assets of the application.

Prompt: Create a cdk stack with python that creates an s3 bucket for cloudfront/s3 static asset, ensure it is secured by using Origin Access Control (OAC)

Figure 2 - Using Amazon Q to Generate python CDK code for the presentation layer resources

Using Amazon Q to Generate python CDK code for the presentation layer resources

Developers can customize these configurations using Amazon Q Developer based on your specific security requirements, such as implementing access controls through IAM policies or enabling bucket logging for audit trails. This approach ensures that the S3 bucket is configured securely, aligning with best practices for data protection and access management.

Lets look at an example of adding CloudTrail logging to the S3 bucket:

Prompt: Update the code to include cloudtrail logging to the S3 bucket created

Using Amazon Q Developer to add CloudTrail logging to the S3 bucket

Using Amazon Q Developer to add CloudTrail logging to the S3 bucket

2. Deploy Application Layer Resources

Provision AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway to serve end-user requests

Amazon Q Developer makes it easy to provision serverless application backend infrastructure such as AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway using AWS CDK. In the above architecture, you can deploy the Lambda function hosting application code, with just a few lines of CDK code along with Lambda configuration such as function name, runtime, handler, timeouts, and environment variables. This Lambda function is fronted using Amazon API Gateway to serve user requests. Anything from a simple micro-service to a complex serverless application can be defined through code in CDK using Amazon Q assistance and deployed repeatedly through CI/CD pipelines. This enables infrastructure automation and consistent governance for applications on AWS.

Prompt: Create a CDK stack that creates a AWS Lambda function that is invoked by Amazon API Gateway

Using Amazon Q Developer to generate CDK code to create an AWS Lambda function that is invoked by Amazon API Gateway

Using Amazon Q Developer to generate CDK code to create an AWS Lambda function that is invoked by Amazon API Gateway

3. Deploy Data Layer Resources

Provision Amazon DynamoDB tables to host application data

By leveraging Amazon Q Developer, we can generate CDK code to provision DynamoDB tables using CDK constructs that offer AWS default best practice recommendations. With Amazon Q Developer, using the CDK construct library, we can define DynamoDB table names, attributes, secondary indexes, encryption, and auto-scaling in just a few lines of CDK code in our programming language of choice. With CDK, this table definition is synthesized into an AWS CloudFormation template that is deployed as a stack to provision the DynamoDB table with all the desired settings. Any data layer resources can be defined this way as Infrastructure as Code (IAC) using Amazon Q Developer. Overall, Amazon Q Developer drastically simplifies deploying managed data backends on AWS through CDK while enforcing best practices around data security, access control, and scalability leveraging CDK constructs.

Prompt: Create a CDK stack of a DynamoDB table with 100 read capacity units and 100 write capacity units.

Using Amazon Q Developer to generate CDK code to create a DynamoDB with 100 read capacity units and 100 write capacity units

Using Amazon Q Developer to generate CDK code to create a DynamoDB with 100 read capacity units and 100 write capacity units

4. Monitoring the Application Components

Monitoring using Amazon CloudWatch

Once the application infrastructure stack has been provisioned, it’s important to setup observability to monitor key metrics, detect any issues proactively, and alert operational teams to troubleshoot and fix issues to minimize application downtime. To get started with observability, developers can leverage Amazon CloudWatch, a fully managed monitoring service. With the use of AWS CDK, it is easy to codify CloudWatch components such as dashboards, metrics, log groups, and alarms alongside the application infrastructure and deploy them in an automated and repeatable way leveraging the AWS CDK construct library. Developers can customize these metrics and alarms to meet their workload requirements. All the monitoring configuration gets deployed as part of the infrastructure stack.

Developers can use Amazon Q Developer to assist with setting up application monitoring in AWS using CloudWatch and CDK. With Q, you can describe the resources you want to monitor, such as EC2 instances, Lambda functions, and RDS databases. Q will then generate the necessary CDK code to provision the appropriate CloudWatch alarms, metrics, and dashboards to monitor the resources. By describing what you want to monitor in natural language, Q handles the underlying complexity of generating code.

Prompt: Create a CDK stack of a Cloudwatch event rule to stop web instance EC2 instance every day at 15:00 UTC

Using Amazon Q Developer to generate CDK code to create a CloudWatch event rule to stop an EC2 instance at 15:00 UTC

Using Amazon Q Developer to generate CDK code to create a CloudWatch event rule to stop an EC2 instance at 15:00 UTC

5. Automate CI/CD of the application

Build a CDK Pipeline for Continuous Integration(CI) and Continuous Deployment(CD) of the Infrastructure

As you iterate on your serverless application, you’ll want a smooth, automated way to reliably deploy infrastructure changes using a CI/CD pipeline. This is where implementing a CDK pipeline, an automated deployment pipeline, becomes useful. As we’ve seen, AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) allows you to define your entire multi-tier infrastructure as a reusable, version-controlled code construct. From S3 buckets to CloudFront, API Gateway, Lambda functions, databases and more, all of these can be deployed with IaC. This CI/CD pipeline streamlines the process of deploying both infrastructure and application code, integrating seamlessly with CI/CD best practices.

Here’s how you can leverage Amazon Q Developer to streamline the process of creating a CDK pipeline.

Prompt: Using python, create a CDK pipeline that deploys a three tier serverless application.

Using Amazon Q Developer to generate CDK pipeline using Python

Using Amazon Q Developer to generate CDK pipeline using Python

By leveraging Amazon Q Developer in your IDE for CDK pipeline creation, you can speed up adoption of CI/CD best practices, and receive real-time guidance on CDK deployment patterns, making the development process smoother. This CI/CD integration accelerates your CDK development experience, and allows you to focus on building robust and scalable AWS applications.


In this post, you have learned how developers can leverage Amazon Q Developer, a generative-AI powered assistant, as a true expert AI companion in assisting with accelerating Infrastructure As Code (IaC) Development using AWS CDK and seen how to deploy and manage AWS resources of a three-tier serverless application using AWS CDK. In addition to Infrastructure As Code, Amazon Q Developer can be leveraged to accelerate software development, minimize time spent on undifferentiated coding tasks, and help with troubleshooting, so that developers can focus on creative business problems to delight end-users. See the Amazon Q Developer documentation to get started.

Happy Building with Amazon Q Developer!

Riya Dani

Riya Dani is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS), responsible for helping Enterprise customers on their journey in the cloud. She has a passion for learning and holds a Bachelor’s & Master’s degree in Computer Science from Virginia Tech. In her free time, she enjoys staying active and reading.

Jehu Gray

Jehu Gray is a Prototyping Architect at Amazon Web Services where he helps customers design solutions that fits their needs. He enjoys exploring what’s possible with IaC.

Janardhan Molumuri

Janardhan Molumuri is a Lead Technical Account Manager at AWS, come with over two decades of Engineering leadership experience, advising customers on their Cloud Adoption journey and emerging technologies. He has passion for speaking, writing, and enjoys exploring technology trends.

Accelerate your Terraform development with Amazon Q Developer

Post Syndicated from Dr. Rahul Sharad Gaikwad original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/accelerate-your-terraform-development-with-amazon-q-developer/

This post demonstrates how Amazon Q Developer, a generative AI-powered assistant for software development, helps create Terraform templates. Terraform is an infrastructure as code (IaC) tool that provisions and manages infrastructure on AWS safely and predictably. When used in an integrated development environment (IDE), Amazon Q Developer assists with software development, including code generation, explanation, and improvements. This blog highlights the 5 most used cases to show how Amazon Q Developer can generate Terraform code snippets:

  1. Secure Networking Deployment: Generate Terraform code snippet to create an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with subnets, route tables, and security groups.
  2. Multi-Account CI/CD Pipelines with AWS CodePipeline: Generate Terraform code snippet for setting up continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines using AWS CodePipeline across multiple AWS accounts.
  3. Event-Driven Architecture: Generate Terraform code snippet to set up an event-driven architecture using Amazon EventBridge, AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, and other serverless services.
  4. Container Orchestration (Amazon ECS Fargate): Generate Terraform code snippet for deploying and managing container orchestration using Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) with Fargate.
  5. Machine Learning Workflows: Generate Terraform module for deploying machine learning workflows using AWS SageMaker.

Terraform Project Structure

First, you want to understand the best practices and requirements for setting up a multi-environment Terraform Infrastructure as Code (IaC) project. Following industry practices from the start is crucial to manage your multi-environment infrastructure and this is where Amazon Q will recommend a standard folder and file structure for organising Terraform templates and managing infrastructure deployments.

Interface showing Amazon Q Developer's recommendations for structuring a Terraform project

Amazon Q Developer recommended organising Terraform templates in separate folders for each environment, with sub-folders to group resources into modules. It provided best practices like version control, remote backend, and tagging for reusability and scalability. We can ask Amazon Q Developer to generate a sample example for better understanding.

Screenshot of the Terraform folder structure generated by Amazon Q Developer

You can see that the recommended folder structure includes a root project folder and sub-folders for environments and modules. The sub-folders manage multiple environments (like development, testing, production), reusable modules (like Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)) for various components and it demonstrates references to manage Terraform templates for individual environments and components. Let’s explore the top 5 most common use cases one by one.

1. Secure Networking Deployment

Once we setup Terraform project structure, we will ask Amazon Q Developer to give recommendations for networking services and requirements. Amazon Q Developer suggests to use Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Subnets, Internet Gateways, Network Access Control Lists (ACLs) and Security Groups.

Amazon Q Developer interface displaying recommendations for core Amazon VPC components

Now, we can ask Amazon Q Developer to generate a Terraform template for building components like Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and subnets. The Terraform code generated by Amazon Q Developer for a VPC, private subnet, and public subnet. It also added tags to each resource, following best practices. To leverage the suggested code snippet in your template, open the vpc.tf file and either insert it at the cursor or copy it into the file. Additionally, Amazon Q Developer created an Internet Gateway, Route Tables, and associated them with the VPC.

Generated Terraform code snippet for VPC and Subnets shown in the Amazon Q Developer interface

2. Multi-Account CI/CD Pipelines with AWS CodePipeline

Let’s discuss the second use case: a CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) pipeline using AWS CodePipeline to deploy Terraform code across multiple AWS accounts. Assume this is your first time working on this use case. Use Amazon Q Developer to understand the pipeline’s design stages and requirements for creating your pipeline across AWS accounts. I asked Amazon Q Developer about the pipeline stages and requirements to deploy across AWS accounts.

Amazon Q Developer displaying generated stages and dependencies for a CI/CD pipeline

Amazon Q Developer provided all the main stages for the CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) pipeline:

  1. Source stage pulls the Terraform code from the source code repository.
  2. Plan stage includes linting, validation, or running terraform plan to view the Terraform plan before deploying the code.
  3. Build stage performs additional testing for the infrastructure to ensure all components will be created successfully.
  4. Deploy stage runs terraform apply.

Amazon Q Developer also provided all the requirements needed before creating the CI/CD pipeline. These requirements include terraform is installed in the pipeline environment, IAM roles that will be assumed by the pipeline stages to deploy the terraform code across different accounts, an Amazon S3 bucket to store the state of the terraform code, source code repository to store our terraform files, use parameters to store sensitive data like AWS accounts IDs and AWS CodePipeline to create our CI/CD pipeline.

You will use Amazon Q Developer now to generate the terraform code for the CI/CD pipeline based on stages design proposed by the services in the previous question.

Interface showing Terraform code snippets for CI/CD pipeline stages generated by Amazon Q Developer

We would like to highlight three things here:

1. Amazon Q Developer suggested all the stages for our Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) design:

  • Source Stage: this stage pulls the code from the source code repository.
  • Build Stage: this stage will validates the infrastructure code, run a Terraform plan stage, and can automate any review.
  • Deploy Stage: this stage deploys the terraform code to the target AWS account.

2. Amazon Q Developer generated the build stage before the plan and this is expected in any CI/CD pipeline. First, we start with building the artifacts, running any tests or validation steps. If this stage is passed successfully, it will then proceed to terraform plan.
3. Amazon’s Q Developer suggests deploying to separate stages for each target account, aligning with the best practice of using different AWS accounts for development, testing, and production environments. This reduces the blast radius and allows configuring a separate stage for each environment/account.

3. Event-Driven Architecture

For the next use case, we will start by asking Amazon Q Developer to explain Event-driven architecture. As shown below, Amazon Q Developer highlights the important aspects that we need to consider when designing event-driven architecture like:

  • An event that represents an actual change in the application state like S3 object upload.
  • The event source that produces the actual event like Amazon S3.
  • An event route that routes the event between source and target.
  • An event target that consumes the event like AWS Lambda function.

Amazon Q Developer providing an explanation of event-driven architecture components

Assume you want to build a sample Event-driven architecture using Amazon SNS as a simple pub/sub. In order to build such architecture, we will need:

  • An Amazon SNS topic to publish events to an Amazon SQS queue subscriber.
  • An Amazon SQS queue which subscribe to SNS topic.

Sample architecture of Event-driven approach

Asking Amazon Q Developer to create a terraform code for the above use case, it generated a code that can get us started in seconds. The code includes:

  • Create an SNS Topic and SQS queue
  • Subscribe SQS queue to SNS topic
  • AWS IAM policy to allow SNS to write to SQS

Terraform code snippet for an event-driven application generated by Amazon Q Developer

4. Container Orchestration (Amazon ECS Fargate)

Now to our next use case, we want to build an Amazon ECS cluster with Fargate. Before we start, we will ask Amazon Q Developer about Amazon ECS and the difference between using Amazon EC2 or Fargate option.

Amazon Q Developer interface explaining Amazon ECS and its compute options

Amazon Q Developer not only provides details about Amazon ECS capabilities and well-defined description about the difference between Amazon EC2 and Fargate as compute options, and also a guide when to use what to help in decision making process.

Now, we will ask Amazon Q Developer to suggest a terraform code to create an Amazon ECS cluster with Fargate as the compute option.

Generated Terraform code snippet for deploying Amazon ECS on Fargate shown by Amazon Q Developer

Amazon Q Developer suggested the key resources in the Terraform code for the ECS cluster, the resources are:

  • An Amazon ECS Cluster.
  • A sample task definition for an Nginx container with all the required configuration for the container to run.
  • ECS service with Fargate as launch type for the container to run.

5. Secure Machine Learning Workflows

Now let us explore final use case on setting up Machine Learning workflow. Assuming I am new to ML on AWS, I will first try to understand the best practices and requirements for ML workflows. We can ask Amazon Q Developer to get the recommendations for the resources, security policies etc.

Amazon Q Developer's recommendations for best practices in secure ML workflows

Amazon Q Developer provided recommendations to provision SageMaker resources in private VPC, implement authentication and authorization using AWS IAM, encrypt data at rest and in transit using AWS KMS and setup secure CI/CD. Once I get the recommendations, I can identify the resources which I need to build MLOps workflow.

Interface showing suggested resources for building an MLOPs workflow by Amazon Q Developer

Amazon Q Developer suggested resources such as a SageMaker Studio instance, model registry, endpoints, version control, CI/CD Pipeline, CloudWatch etc. for ML model building, training and deployment using SageMaker. Now I can start building Terraform templates to deploy these resources. To get the code recommendations, I can ask Amazon Q Developer to give a Terraform snippet for all these resources.

Amazon Q Developer will generate Terraform snippets for isolated VPC, Security Group, S3 bucket and SageMaker pipeline. Now, as shown earlier, we can leverage Amazon Q Developer to generate Terraform code for each and every resource using comments.


In this blog post, we showed you how to use Amazon Q Developer, a generative AI–powered assistant from AWS, in your IDE to quickly improve your development experience when using an infrastructure-as-code tool like Terraform to create your AWS infrastructure. However, we would like to highlight some important points:

  • Code Validation and Testing: Always thoroughly validate and test the Terraform code generated by Amazon Q Developer in a safe environment before deploying it to production. Automated code generation tools can sometimes produce code that may need adjustments based on your specific requirements and configurations.
  • Security Considerations: Ensure that all security practices are followed, such as least privilege principles for IAM roles, proper encryption methods for sensitive data, and continuous monitoring for security compliance.
  • Limitations of Amazon Q Developer: While Amazon Q Developer provides valuable assistance, it may not cover all edge cases or specific customizations needed for your infrastructure. Always review the generated code and modify it as necessary to fit your unique use cases.
  • Updates and Maintenance: Infrastructure and services on AWS are continuously evolving. Make sure to keep your Terraform code and the use of Amazon Q Developer updated with the latest best practices and AWS service changes.
  • Real-Time Assistance: Use Amazon Q Developer in your IDE to enhance generated code as it provides real-time recommendations based on your existing code and comments. The suggestions are based on your existing code and comments, which are in this case generated by Amazon Q Developer.

To get started with Amazon Q Developer for debugging today navigate to Amazon Q Developer in IDE and simply start asking questions about debugging. Additionally, explore Amazon Q Developer workshop for additional hands-on use cases.

For any inquiries or assistance with Amazon Q Developer, please reach out to your AWS account team.

About the authors:

Dr. Rahul Sharad Gaikwad

Dr. Rahul is a Lead DevOps Consultant at AWS, specializing in migrating and modernizing customer workloads on the AWS Cloud. He is a technology enthusiast with a keen interest in Generative AI and DevOps. He received his Ph.D. in AIOps in 2022. He is recipient of the Indian Achievers’ Award (2024), Best PhD Thesis Award (2024), Research Scholar of the Year Award (2023) and Young Researcher Award (2022).

Omar Kahil

Omar is a Professional Services Senior consultant who helps customers adopt DevOps culture and best practices. He also works to simplify the adoption of AWS services by automating and implementing complex solutions.

Leveraging Amazon Q Developer for Efficient Code Debugging and Maintenance

Post Syndicated from Dr. Rahul Sharad Gaikwad original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/leveraging-amazon-q-developer-for-efficient-code-debugging-and-maintenance/

In this post, we guide you through five common components of efficient code debugging. We also show you how Amazon Q Developer can significantly reduce the time and effort required to manually identify and fix errors across numerous lines of code. With Amazon Q Developer on your side, you can focus on other aspects of software development, such as design and innovation. This leads to faster development cycles and more frequent releases, as you as a software developer can allocate less time to debugging and more time to building new features and functionality.

Debugging is a crucial part of the software development process. It involves identifying and fixing errors or bugs in the code to ensure that it runs smoothly and efficiently in the production environment. Traditionally, debugging has been a time-consuming and labor-intensive process, requiring developers to manually search through lines of code to investigate and subsequently fix errors. With Amazon Q Developer, a generative AI–powered assistant that helps you learn, plan, create, deploy, and securely manage applications faster, the debugging process becomes more efficient and streamlined. This enables you to easily understand the code, detect anomalies, fix issues and even automatically generate the test cases for your application code.

Let’s consider the following code example, which utilizes Amazon Bedrock, Amazon Polly, and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) to generate a speech explanation of a given prompt. A prompt is the message sent to a model in order to generate a response. It constructs a JSON payload with the prompt (for example – “explain black holes to 8th graders”) and configuration for the Claude model, and invokes the model via the Bedrock Runtime API. Amazon Polly converts the Large Language Model (LLM) response into an audio output format which is then uploaded to an Amazon S3 bucket location:

Sample Code Snippet:

import boto3
import json
# Define boto clients
brt = boto3.client(service_name='bedrock-runtime')
polly = boto3.client('polly')
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
body = json.dumps({
"prompt": "\n\nHuman: explain black holes to 8th graders\n\nAssistant:",
"max_tokens_to_sample": 300,
"temperature": 0.1,
"top_p": 0.9,
# Define variable
modelId = 'anthropic.claude-v2'
accept = 'application/json'
contentType = 'application/json'
response = brt.invoke_model(body=body, modelId=modelId, accept=accept, contentType=contentType)
response_body = json.loads(response.get('body').read())
# Print response
# Send response to Polly
polly_response = polly.synthesize_speech(
# Write audio to file
with open('output.mp3', 'wb') as file:
# Upload file to S3 bucket
s3.upload_file('output.mp3', '<REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_BUCKET_NAME>', 'speech.mp3')

Top common ways to debug code:

1. Code Explanation:

The first step in debugging your code is to understand what the code is doing. Very often you have to build upon code from others. Amazon Q Developer comes with an inbuilt feature that allows it to quickly explain the selected code and identify the main components and functions. This feature utilizes natural language processing (NLP) and summarization capability of LLMs, making your code easy to understand, and helping you identify potential issues. To gain deeper insights into your codebase, simply select your code, right-click and select ‘Send to Amazon Q’ option from menu. Finally, click on “Explain” option.

Image showing the interface for sending selected code to Amazon Q Developer for explanation

Amazon Q Developer generates an explanation of the code, highlighting the key components and functions. You can then use this summary to quickly identify potential issues and minimize your debugging efforts. It demonstrates how Amazon Q Developer accepts your code as input and the summarizes it for you. It explains the code in a natural language, which can help developers understand and debug the code.

If you have any follow-up question regarding the given explanation, you can also ask Amazon Q Developer for more in-depth review of a specific task. With respect to the code context, Amazon Q Developer automatically understands the existing code functionality and provides more insights. We ask Amazon Q Developer to explain how the Amazon Polly service is being used for synthesizing in the sample code snippet. It provides detailed step-by-step clarification from the retrieval to the upload process. Using this approach, you can ask any clarifying questions similar to asking a colleague to help you better understand a topic.

Amazon Q Developer explains how Polly is used to Synthesize in the given code

2. Amplify debugging with Logs

The sample code is deficient in terms of support for debugging including proper exception handling mechanisms. This makes it difficult to identify and handle issues during the execution or runtime of the application, further causing delays in the overall development process. You can instruct Amazon Q Developer to add a new code block for debugging your application against potential failures. Amazon Q Developer analyzes the existing code and then recommends to add a new code snippet to include printing and logging of debug messages and exception handling. It embeds ‘try-except’ blocks to catch potential exceptions that may occur. You use the recommended code after reviewing and modifying it. For example, you need to update the variable REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_BUCKET_NAME with your actual Amazon S3 bucket name.

With Amazon Q, you seamlessly enhance your codebase by selecting specific code segments and providing them as prompts. This enables you to explore suggestions for incorporating the required exception handling mechanisms or strategic logging statements.

Amazon Q Developer interface illustrating the addition of debugging code to the original code snippet

Logs are an essential tool for debugging your application code. They allow you to track the execution of your code and identify where errors are occurring. With Amazon Q Developer, you can view and analyze log data from your application, and identify issues and errors that may not be immediately apparent from the code. It demonstrates that the given code does not have the logging statements embedded.

You can provide a prompt to Amazon Q Developer in the chat window asking it to write a code to enable logging and add log statements. This will automatically add logging statements wherever needed. It is useful to log inputs, outputs, and errors when making API calls or invoking models. You may copy the entire recommended code to the clipboard, review it, and then modify as needed. For example, you can decide which logging level you want to use, INFO or DEBUG.

Example of logging statements inserted into the code by Amazon Q Developer for enhanced debugging

3. Anomaly Detection

Another powerful use case for Amazon Q Developer is anomaly detection in your application code. Amazon Q Developer uses machine learning algorithms to identify unusual patterns in your code and highlight potential issues. It can detect issues that may be difficult to detect, such as an array out of bounds, infinite loops, or concurrency issues. For demonstration purposes, we intentionally introduce a simple anomaly in the code. We ask Amazon Q Developer to detect the anomaly in the code when attempting to generate text from the response. A simple prompt about detecting anomalies in the given code generates a useful output. It is able to detect the anomaly in the ‘response_body’ dictionary. Additionally, Amazon Q Developer recommends best practices to check the status code and handle the errors with a code snippet.

Process of submitting selected code to Amazon Q Developer for automated bug fixing

With code anomaly detection at your fingertips, you can promptly identify issues that may be impacting the application’s performance or user experience.

4. Automated Bug Fixing

After conducting all the necessary analysis, you can use Amazon Q Developer to fix bugs and issues in the code. Amazon Q Developer’s automated bug-fixing feature saves you hours you would otherwise spend on debugging and testing the code without its help. Starting with the code example which has an anomaly, you can identify and fix the code issue by simply selecting the code and sending it to Amazon Q Developer to apply fixes.

Process of submitting selected code to Amazon Q Developer for automated bug fixing

Amazon Q Developer identifies and suggests various ways to fix common issues in your code, such as syntax errors, logical errors, and performance issues. It can also recommend optimizations and improvements to your code, helping you to deliver a better user experience and improve your application’s performance.

5. Automated Test Case Generation

Testing is an integral part of code development and debugging. Running high quality test cases improve the quality of the code. With Amazon Q Developer, you can automatically generate the test cases quickly and easily. Amazon Q Developer uses its Large Language Model core to generate test cases based on your code, identifying potential issues and ensuring that your code is comprehensive and reliable.

With automated test case generation, you save time and effort while testing your code, ensuring that it is robust and reliable. A natural language prompt is sent to Amazon Q Developer to suggest test cases for given application code. You can notice that Amazon Q Developer provides a list of possible test cases that can aid in debugging and generating further test cases.

Recommendations and solutions provided by Amazon Q Developer to address issues in the code blocks

After receiving suggestions for test cases, you can also ask Amazon Q Developer to generate code snippet for some or all of the identified test cases.

Test cases proposed by Amazon Q Developer for evaluating the example application code


Amazon Q Developer revolutionizes the debugging process for developers by leveraging advanced and natural language understanding and generative AI capabilities. From explaining and summarizing code to detecting anomalies, implementing automatic bug fixes, and generating test cases, Amazon Q Developer streamlines common aspects of debugging. Developers can now spend less time manually hunting for errors and more time innovating and building features. By harnessing the power of Amazon Q, organizations can accelerate development cycles, improve code quality, and deliver superior software experiences to their customers.

To get started with Amazon Q Developer for debugging today navigate to Amazon Q Developer in IDE and simply start asking questions about debugging. Additionally, explore Amazon Q Developer workshop for additional hands-on use cases.

For any inquiries or assistance with Amazon Q Developer, please reach out to your AWS account team.

About the authors:

Dr. Rahul Sharad Gaikwad

Dr. Rahul is a Lead DevOps Consultant at AWS, specializing in migrating and modernizing customer workloads on the AWS Cloud. He is a technology enthusiast with a keen interest in Generative AI and DevOps. He received his Ph.D. in AIOps in 2022. He is recipient of the Indian Achievers’ Award (2024), Best PhD Thesis Award (2024), Research Scholar of the Year Award (2023) and Young Researcher Award (2022).

Nishant Dhiman

Nishant is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS with an extensive background in Serverless, Generative AI, Security and Mobile platform offerings. He is a voracious reader and a passionate technologist. He loves to interact with customers and believes in giving back to community by learning and sharing. Outside of work, he likes to keep himself engaged with podcasts, calligraphy and music.

AWS announces workspace context awareness for Amazon Q Developer chat

Post Syndicated from Will Matos original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/aws-announces-workspace-context-awareness-for-amazon-q-developer-chat/

Today, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced the release of workspace context awareness in Amazon Q Developer chat. By including @workspace in your prompt, Amazon Q Developer will automatically ingest and index all code files, configurations, and project structure, giving the chat comprehensive context across your entire application within the integrated development environment (IDE).

Throughout the software development lifecycle, developers, and IT professionals face challenges in understanding, creating, troubleshooting, and modernizing complex applications. Amazon Q Developer’s workspace context enhances its ability to address these issues by providing a comprehensive understanding of the entire codebase. During the planning phase, it enables gaining insights into the overall architecture, dependencies, and coding patterns, facilitating more complete and accurate responses and descriptions. When writing code, workspace awareness allows Amazon Q Developer to suggest code and solutions that require context from different areas without constant file switching. For troubleshooting, deeper contextual understanding aids in comprehending how various components interact, accelerating root cause analysis. By learning about the collection of files and folders in your workspace, Amazon Q Developer delivers accurate and relevant responses, tailored to the specific codebase, streamlining development efforts across the entire software lifecycle.

In this post, we’ll explore:

  • How @workspace works
  • How to use @workspace to:
    • Understand your projects and code
    • Navigate your project using natural language descriptions
    • Generate code and solutions that demonstrate workspace awareness
  • How to get started

Our goal is for you to gain a comprehensive understanding of how the @workspace context will increase developer productivity and accuracy of Amazon Q Developer responses.

How @workspace works

Amazon Q Developer chat now utilizes advanced machine learning in the client to provide a comprehensive understanding of your codebase within the integrated development environment (IDE).

The key processes are:

  • Local Workspace Indexing: When enabled, Amazon Q Developer will index programming files or configuration files in your project upon triggering with @workspace for the first time. Non-essential files like binaries and those specified in .gitignore are intelligently filtered out during this process, focusing only on relevant code assets. This indexing takes approximately 5–20 minutes for workspace sizes up to 200 MB.
  • Persisted and Auto-Refreshed Index: The created index is persisted to disk, allowing fast loading on subsequent openings of the same workspace. If the index is over 24 hours old, it is automatically refreshed by re-indexing all files.
  • Memory-Aware Indexing: To prevent resource overhead, indexing stops at either a hard limit on size or when available system memory reaches a minimum threshold.
  • Continuous Updates: After initial indexing, the index is incrementally updated whenever you finish editing files in the IDE by closing the file or moving to another tab.

By creating and maintaining a comprehensive index of your codebase, Amazon Q Developer is empowered with workspace context awareness, enabling rich, project-wide assistance tailored to your development needs. When responding to chat requests, instructions, and questions, Amazon Q Developer can now use its knowledge of the rest of the workspace to augment the context of the currently open files.

Let’s see how @workspace can help!

Customer Use-Cases

Onboarding and Knowledge Sharing

You can quickly get up to speed on implementation details by asking questions like What are the key classes with application logic in this @workspace?
Animation showing Amazon Q Developer chat being prompted for "What are the key classes with application logic in this @workspace?". Q Developer responds with listing of classes and folders that are considered important with an explanation.

You can ask other discovery questions about how code works: Does this application authenticate players prior to starting a game? @workspace
Animation of a chat conversation demonstrating the workspace context capability in Amazon Q Developer. The user asks '@workspace Does this application authenticate players prior to starting a game?'. Q Developer responds with a detailed explanation of the application's behavior, indicating that it does not perform player authentication before starting a game.

You can then follow up with documentation requests: Can you document, using markdown, the workflow in this @workspace to start a game?
Animation of a chat conversation using the workspace context capability in Amazon Q Developer. The user requests '@workspace Can you document using markdown the workflow to start a game?'. Q Developer responds with detailed markdown-formatted documentation outlining the steps and code involved in starting a game within the application.

Project-Wide Code Discovery and Understanding

You can understand how a function or class is used across the workspace by asking: How does this application validate the guessed word’s correctness? @workspace
Animation of a chat conversation using the workspace context capability in Amazon Q Developer. The user inquires 'How does this application validate the guessed word's correctness? @workspace '. Q Developer provides an explanation detailing the specific classes and functions involved in validating a player's word guess within the application.

You can then ask about how this is communicated to the player: @workspace How are the results of this validation rendered to the web page?
Animation of a chat conversation using the workspace context capability in Amazon Q Developer. The user asks '@workspace How are the results of this validation rendered to the web page?'. Q Developer explains the process of rendering the validation results on the web page, including identifying the specific code responsible for this functionality.

Code Generation with Multi-File Context

You can also generate tests, new features, or extend functionality while leveraging context from other project files with prompts like @workspace Find the class that generates the random words and create a unit test for it.
Animation of a chat conversation using the workspace context capability in Amazon Q Developer. The user requests '@workspace Find the class that generates the random words and create a unit test for it'.

Project-Wide Analysis and Remediation

Create data flow diagrams that require application workflow knowledge with @workspace Can you provide a UML diagram of the data flow between the front-end and the back-end? Using your built-in UML Previewer you can view the resulting diagram.
Animation of a chat conversation using the workspace context capability in Amazon Q Developer. The user requests '@workspace Can you provide a UML diagram of the dataflow between the front-end and the back-end?'.

With @workspace, Amazon Q Developer chat becomes deeply aware of workspace’s unique code, enabling efficient development, maintenance, and knowledge sharing.

Getting Started

Enabling the powerful workspace context capability in Amazon Q Developer chat is straightforward. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Open Your Project in the IDE: Launch your integrated development environment (IDE) and open the workspace or project you want the Amazon Q to understand.
  2. Start a New Chat Session: Start a new chat session within the Amazon Q Developer chat panel if not already open.
  3. “Enable” Workspace Context :To activate the project-wide context, simply include @workspace in the prompt. For example: How does the authentication flow work in this @workspace? When enabled, the first time Amazon Q Developer sees the @workspace keyword for the current workspace, Amazon Q Developer will ingest and analyze the code, configuration, and structure of the project.
    1. If not already enabled, Amazon Q Developer will instruct you to do so.
    2. Select the check the box for Amazon Q: Local Workspace IndexAnimation showing how to Amazon Q Developer chat will indicate when workspace context is enabled and how to enable in settings.
  4. Try Different Query Types: With @workspace context, you can ask a wide range of questions and provide instructions that leverage the full project context:
    1. Where is the business logic to handle users in this @workspace?
    2. @workspace Explain the data flow between the frontend and backend.
    3. Add new API tests using the existing test utilities found in the @workspace.
  5. Iterate and Refine: Try rephrasing your query or explicitly including more context by selecting code or mentioning specific files when the response doesn’t meet your expectations. The more relevant information you provide, the better Amazon Q Developer can understand your intent. For optimal results using workspace context, it’s recommended to use specific terminology present in your codebase, avoid overly broad queries, and leverage available examples, references, and code snippets to steer Amazon Q Developer effectively.


In this post we introduced Amazon Q Developer’s workspace awareness in chat via the @workspace keyword, highlighting the benefits of using workspace when understanding code, responding to questions, and generating new code. By allowing Amazon Q Developer to analyze and understand your project structure, workspace context unlocks new possibilities for development productivity gains.

If you are new to Amazon Q Developer, I highly recommend you check out Amazon Q Developer documentation and the Q-Words workshop.

About the author:

Will Matos

Will Matos is a Principal Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS, revolutionizing developer productivity through Generative AI, AI-powered chat interfaces, and code generation. With 25 years of tech experience, he collaborates with product teams to create intelligent solutions that streamline workflows and accelerate software development cycles. A thought leader engaging early adopters, Will bridges innovation and real-world needs.

Amazon MWAA best practices for managing Python dependencies

Post Syndicated from Mike Ellis original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/amazon-mwaa-best-practices-for-managing-python-dependencies/

Customers with data engineers and data scientists are using Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (Amazon MWAA) as a central orchestration platform for running data pipelines and machine learning (ML) workloads. To support these pipelines, they often require additional Python packages, such as Apache Airflow Providers. For example, a pipeline may require the Snowflake provider package for interacting with a Snowflake warehouse, or the Kubernetes provider package for provisioning Kubernetes workloads. As a result, they need to manage these Python dependencies efficiently and reliably, providing compatibility with each other and the base Apache Airflow installation.

Python includes the tool pip to handle package installations. To install a package, you add the name to a special file named requirements.txt. The pip install command instructs pip to read the contents of your requirements file, determine dependencies, and install the packages. Amazon MWAA runs the pip install command using this requirements.txt file during initial environment startup and subsequent updates. For more information, see How it works.

Creating a reproducible and stable requirements file is key for reducing pip installation and DAG errors. Additionally, this defined set of requirements provides consistency across nodes in an Amazon MWAA environment. This is most important during worker auto scaling, where additional worker nodes are provisioned and having different dependencies could lead to inconsistencies and task failures. Additionally, this strategy promotes consistency across different Amazon MWAA environments, such as dev, qa, and prod.

This post describes best practices for managing your requirements file in your Amazon MWAA environment. It defines the steps needed to determine your required packages and package versions, create and verify your requirements.txt file with package versions, and package your dependencies.

Best practices

The following sections describe the best practices for managing Python dependencies.

Specify package versions in the requirements.txt file

When creating a Python requirements.txt file, you can specify just the package name, or the package name and a specific version. Adding a package without version information instructs the pip installer to download and install the latest available version, subject to compatibility with other installed packages and any constraints. The package versions selected during environment creation may be different than the version selected during an auto scaling event later on. This version change can create package conflicts leading to pip install errors. Even if the updated package installs properly, code changes in the package can affect task behavior, leading to inconsistencies in output. To avoid these risks, it’s best practice to add the version number to each package in your requirements.txt file.

Use the constraints file for your Apache Airflow version

A constraints file contains the packages, with versions, verified to be compatible with your Apache Airflow version. This file adds an additional validation layer to prevent package conflicts. Because the constraints file plays such an important role in preventing conflicts, beginning with Apache Airflow v2.7.2 on Amazon MWAA, your requirements file must include a --constraint statement. If a --constraint statement is not supplied, Amazon MWAA will specify a compatible constraints file for you.

Constraint files are available for each Airflow version and Python version combination. The URLs have the following form:


The official Apache Airflow constraints are guidelines, and if your workflows require newer versions of a provider package, you may need to modify your constraints file and include it in your DAG folder. When doing so, the best practices outlined in this post become even more important to guard against package conflicts.

Create a .zip archive of all dependencies

Creating a .zip file containing the packages in your requirements file and specifying this as the package repository source makes sure the exact same wheel files are used during your initial environment setup and subsequent node configurations. The pip installer will use these local files for installation rather than connecting to the external PyPI repository.

Test the requirements.txt file and dependency .zip file

Testing your requirements file before release to production is key to avoiding installation and DAG errors. Testing both locally, with the MWAA local runner, and in a dev or staging Amazon MWAA environment, are best practices before deploying to production. You can use continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) deployment strategies to perform the requirements and package installation testing, as described in Automating a DAG deployment with Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow.

Solution overview

This solution uses the MWAA local runner, an open source utility that replicates an Amazon MWAA environment locally. You use the local runner to build and validate your requirements file, and package the dependencies. In this example, you install the snowflake and dbt-cloud provider packages. You then use the MWAA local runner and a constraints file to determine the exact version of each package compatible with Apache Airflow. With this information, you then update the requirements file, pinning each package to a version, and retest the installation. When you have a successful installation, you package your dependencies and test in a non-production Amazon MWAA environment.

We use MWAA local runner v2.8.1 for this walkthrough and walk through the following steps:

  1. Download and build the MWAA local runner.
  2. Create and test a requirements file with package versions.
  3. Package dependencies.
  4. Deploy the requirements file and dependencies to a non-production Amazon MWAA environment.


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

Set up the MWAA local runner

First, you download the MWAA local runner version matching your target MWAA environment, then you build the image.

Complete the following steps to configure the local runner:

  1. Clone the MWAA local runner repository with the following command:
    git clone [email protected]:aws/aws-mwaa-local-runner.git -b v2.8.1

  2. With Docker running, build the container with the following command:
    cd aws-mwaa-local-runner
     ./mwaa-local-env build-image

Create and test a requirements file with package versions

Building a versioned requirements file makes sure all Amazon MWAA components have the same package versions installed. To determine the compatible versions for each package, you start with a constraints file and an un-versioned requirements file, allowing pip to resolve the dependencies. Then you create your versioned requirements file from pip’s installation output.

The following diagram illustrates this workflow.

Requirements file testing process

To build an initial requirements file, complete the following steps:

  1. In your MWAA local runner directory, open requirements/requirements.txt in your preferred editor.

The default requirements file will look similar to the following:

--constraint "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apache/airflow/constraints-2.8.1/constraints-3.11.txt"
  1. Replace the existing packages with the following package list:
--constraint "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apache/airflow/constraints-2.8.1/constraints-3.11.txt"
  1. Save requirements.txt.
  2. In a terminal, run the following command to generate the pip install output:
./mwaa-local-env test-requirements

test-requirements runs pip install, which handles resolving the compatible package versions. Using a constraints file makes sure the selected packages are compatible with your Airflow version. The output will look similar to the following:

Successfully installed apache-airflow-providers-dbt-cloud-3.5.1 apache-airflow-providers-snowflake-5.2.1 pyOpenSSL-23.3.0 snowflake-connector-python-3.6.0 snowflake-sqlalchemy-1.5.1 sortedcontainers-2.4.0

The message beginning with Successfully installed is the output of interest. This shows which dependencies, and their specific version, pip installed. You use this list to create your final versioned requirements file.

Your output will also contain Requirement already satisfied messages for packages already available in the base Amazon MWAA environment. You do not add these packages to your requirements.txt file.

  1. Update the requirements file with the list of versioned packages from the test-requirements command. The updated file will look similar to the following code:
--constraint "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apache/airflow/constraints-2.8.1/constraints-3.11.txt"

Next, you test the updated requirements file to confirm no conflicts exist.

  1. Rerun the requirements-test function:
./mwaa-local-env test-requirements

A successful test will not produce any errors. If you encounter dependency conflicts, return to the previous step and update the requirements file with additional packages, or package versions, based on pip’s output.

Package dependencies

If your Amazon MWAA environment has a private webserver, you must package your dependencies into a .zip file, upload the file to your S3 bucket, and specify the package location in your Amazon MWAA instance configuration. Because a private webserver can’t access the PyPI repository through the internet, pip will install the dependencies from the .zip file.

If you’re using a public webserver configuration, you also benefit from a static .zip file, which makes sure the package information remains unchanged until it is explicitly rebuilt.

This process uses the versioned requirements file created in the previous section and the package-requirements feature in the MWAA local runner.

To package your dependencies, complete the following steps:

  1. In a terminal, navigate to the directory where you installed the local runner.
  2. Download the constraints file for your Python version and your version of Apache Airflow and place it in the plugins directory. For this post, we use Python 3.11 and Apache Airflow v2.8.1:
curl -o plugins/constraints-2.8.1-3.11.txt https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apache/airflow/constraints-2.8.1/constraints-3.11.txt
  1. In your requirements file, update the constraints URL to the local downloaded file.

The –-constraint statement instructs pip to compare the package versions in your requirements.txt file to the allowed version in the constraints file. Downloading a specific constraints file to your plugins directory enables you to control the constraint file location and contents.

The updated requirements file will look like the following code:

--constraint "/usr/local/airflow/plugins/constraints-2.8.1-3.11.txt"
  1. Run the following command to create the .zip file:
./mwaa-local-env package-requirements

package-requirements creates an updated requirements file named packaged_requirements.txt and zips all dependencies into plugins.zip. The updated requirements file looks like the following code:

--find-links /usr/local/airflow/plugins
--constraint "/usr/local/airflow/plugins/constraints-2.8.1-3.11.txt"

Note the reference to the local constraints file and the plugins directory. The –-find-links statement instructs pip to install packages from /usr/local/airflow/plugins rather than the public PyPI repository.

Deploy the requirements file

After you achieve an error-free requirements installation and package your dependencies, you’re ready to deploy the assets to a non-production Amazon MWAA environment. Even when verifying and testing requirements with the MWAA local runner, it’s best practice to deploy and test the changes in a non-prod Amazon MWAA environment before deploying to production. For more information about creating a CI/CD pipeline to test changes, refer to Deploying to Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow.

To deploy your changes, complete the following steps:

  1. Upload your requirements.txt file and plugins.zip file to your Amazon MWAA environment’s S3 bucket.

For instructions on specifying a requirements.txt version, refer to Specifying the requirements.txt version on the Amazon MWAA console. For instructions on specifying a plugins.zip file, refer to Installing custom plugins on your environment.

The Amazon MWAA environment will update and install the packages in your plugins.zip file.

After the update is complete, verify the provider package installation in the Apache Airflow UI.

  1. Access the Apache Airflow UI in Amazon MWAA.
  2. From the Apache Airflow menu bar, choose Admin, then Providers.

The list of providers, and their versions, is shown in a table. In this example, the page reflects the installation of apache-airflow-providers-db-cloud version 3.5.1 and apache-airflow-providers-snowflake version 5.2.1. This list only contains the provider packages installed, not all supporting Python packages. Provider packages that are part of the base Apache Airflow installation will also appear in the list. The following image is an example of the package list; note the apache-airflow-providers-db-cloud and apache-airflow-providers-snowflake packages and their versions.

Airflow UI with installed packages

To verify all package installations, view the results in Amazon CloudWatch Logs. Amazon MWAA creates a log stream for the requirements installation and the stream contains the pip install output. For instructions, refer to Viewing logs for your requirements.txt.

A successful installation results in the following message:

Successfully installed apache-airflow-providers-dbt-cloud-3.5.1 apache-airflow-providers-snowflake-5.2.1 pyOpenSSL-23.3.0 snowflake-connector-python-3.6.0 snowflake-sqlalchemy-1.5.1 sortedcontainers-2.4.0

If you encounter any installation errors, you should determine the package conflict, update the requirements file, run the local runner test, re-package the plugins, and deploy the updated files.

Clean up

If you created an Amazon MWAA environment specifically for this post, delete the environment and S3 objects to avoid incurring additional charges.


In this post, we discussed several best practices for managing Python dependencies in Amazon MWAA and how to use the MWAA local runner to implement these practices. These best practices reduce DAG and pip installation errors in your Amazon MWAA environment. For additional details and code examples on Amazon MWAA, visit the Amazon MWAA User Guide and the Amazon MWAA examples GitHub repo.

Apache, Apache Airflow, and Airflow are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation in the United States and/or other countries.

About the Author

Mike Ellis is a Technical Account Manager at AWS and an Amazon MWAA specialist. In addition to assisting customers with Amazon MWAA, he contributes to the Apache Airflow open source project.

Monitoring Configuration Backups with Zabbix and Oxidized

Post Syndicated from Brian van Baekel original https://blog.zabbix.com/monitoring-configuration-backups-with-zabbix-and-oxidized/28260/

As a Zabbix partner, we help customers worldwide with all their Zabbix needs, ranging from building a simple template all the way to (massive) turn-key implementations, trainings, and support contracts. Quite often during projects, we get the question, “How about making configuration backups of our network equipment? We need this, as another tool was also capable of doing this!”

The answer is always the same – yes, but no. Yes, technically it is possible to get your configuration backups in Zabbix. It’s not even that hard to set up initially. However, you really should not want configuration backups. Zabbix is not made for them, and you will run into limitations within minutes. As you can imagine, the customer is never happy with this limitation, and some actively start to question where we think the limitation is to see if it is a limitation for them as well. So we simply set up an SSH agent item and get that config out:

Voila! Once per hour Zabbix will log in to that device, execute the command ‘show full-configuration,’ and get back the result. Frankly, it just works. You check the Monitoring -> Latest data section of the host and see that there is data for this item. Problem solved, right?

No. As a matter of fact, this is where the problems start. Zabbix allows us to store up to 64KB of data in a item value. The above screenshot is of a (small) fortigate firewall and the config if stored in a text file is just over 1.1MB. So, Zabbix truncates the data, which renders the backup useless –  restore will never work. At the same time, Zabbix is not sanitizing the output, so all secrets are left in it.

To make it even worse, it’s challenging to make a diff of different config versions/revisions – that feature is just not there. Most of the time, the customer is at this point convinced that Zabbix is not the right tool and the next question pops up – “Now what? How can we fix this?” This is where our added value is presented, as we do have a solution here which is rather affordable (free) as well.

The solution is Oxidized, which is basically Rancid on steroids. This project started years ago and is released under the Apache 2.0 license. We found it by accident, started playing around with it, and never left it. The project is available on Github (https://github.com/ytti/oxidized) and written in Ruby. Incidentally, if you (or your company) have Ruby devs and want to give something back to the community, the Oxidized project is looking for extra maintainers!

At this point, we show our customers the GUI of Oxidized, which in our case involves just making backups of a few firewalls:

So we have the name, the model, and (in this case) just one group. The status shows whether the backup was successful or not, the last update and when the last change was detected. At the same time, under actions, we can get the full config file, look at previous revisions(and diff them) combined with a ‘execute now’ option.

Looking at the versions, it’s simply showing this:

This is already giving us a nice idea of what is going on. We see the versions and dates at a glance, but the moment we check the diff option, we can easily see what was actually changed:

The perfect solution, except that it is not integrated with Zabbix. That means double administration and a lot of extra work, combined with the inevitable errors – devices not added, credential mismatches, connection errors, etc. Luckily, we can easily change the format of the above information from GUI to json by just adding ‘.json’ at the end of the url:


This will give the following output:

    "name": "fw-mid-01",
    "full_name": "fw-mid-01",
    "ip": "",
    "group": "default",
    "model": "FortiOS",
    "last": {
      "start": "2024-06-13 06:46:14 UTC",
      "end": "2024-06-13 06:46:54 UTC",
      "status": "no_connection",
      "time": 40.018852483
    "vars": null,
    "mtime": "unknown",
    "status": "no_connection",
    "time": "2024-06-13 06:46:54 UTC"
    "name": "FW-HUNZE",
    "full_name": "FW-HUNZE",
    "ip": "",
    "group": "default",
    "model": "FortiOS",
    "last": {
      "start": "2024-06-13 06:46:54 UTC",
      "end": "2024-06-13 06:47:04 UTC",
      "status": "success",
      "time": 10.029043912
    "vars": null,
    "mtime": "2024-06-13 06:47:05 UTC",
    "status": "success",
    "time": "2024-06-13 06:47:04 UTC"

As you might know, Zabbix is perfectly capable of parsing json formats and creating items and triggers out of them. A master item, dependent lld (https://blog.zabbix.com/low-level-discovery-with-dependent-items/13634/), and within minutes you’ve got Oxidized making configuration backups while Zabbix is monitoring and alerting on the status:

At this point we’re getting close to a nice integration, but we haven’t overcome the double configuration management yet.

Oxidized can read its configuration from multiple sources, including a CSV file, SQL, SQLite, MySQL or HTTP. The easiest is a CSV file – just make sure you’ve got all information in the correct column and it works. An example:

Oxidized config:

  default: csv
    file: /var/lib/oxidized/router.db
    delimiter: !ruby/regexp /:/
      name: 0
      ip: 1
      model: 2
      username: 3
      password: 4
      enable: 5

CSV file:


Great, now we have to configure 2 places (Zabbix and Oxidized) and get a username/password cleartext in a CSV file. What about SQL as a source, and letting it connect to Zabbix? From there we should be able to get information regarding the hostname, but somehow we need the credentials as well. That’s not a default piece of information in Zabbix, but UserMacros can save us here.

So on our host we add 2 extra macros:

At the same time, we need to tell Oxidized what kind of device it is. There are multiple ways of doing this, obviously. A tag, a usermacro, hostgroups, you name it. In order to do this, we place a tag on the host:

Now we make sure that Oxidized is only taking hosts with the tag ‘oxidized’ and extract from them the host name, IP address, model, username, and password:

| host      | ip             | model   | username   | password                     |
| fw-mid-01 |  | fortios | <redacted> | <redacted>                   |
| FW-HUNZE  |  | fortios | <redacted> | <redacted>                   |

This way, we simply add our host in Zabbix, add the SSH credentials, and Oxidized will pick it up the next time a backup is scheduled. Zabbix will immediately start monitoring the status of those jobs and alert you if something fails.

This blog post is not meant as a complete integration write down, but rather as a way to give some insight into how we as a partner operate in the field, taking advantage of the flexibility of the products we work with. This post should give you enough information to build it yourself, but of course we’re always available to help you or just build it as part of our consultancy offering.


The post Monitoring Configuration Backups with Zabbix and Oxidized appeared first on Zabbix Blog.

Enhancing Network Synergy: rConfig’s Native Integration with Zabbix

Post Syndicated from Stephen Stack original https://blog.zabbix.com/enhancing-network-synergy-rconfigs-native-integration-with-zabbix/28283/

Native integration between two leading open-source tools – Zabbix for network monitoring and rConfig for configuration management, delivers substantial benefits to organizations. On one side, Zabbix offers a platform that maintains a Single Source of Truth for network device inventories. It provides real-time monitoring, problem detection, alerting, and other critical features that are essential for day-to-day operations, ensuring smooth and reliable network connectivity crucial for business continuity.

On the other side, there’s rConfig, renowned for its robust and reliable network automation, configuration backup, and compliance management. Integrating rConfig with Zabbix enhances its capabilities, allowing for seamless Device Inventory synchronization. This union not only simplifies the management of network configurations but also introduces more advanced Network Automation Platform features. Together, they form a powerhouse toolset that streamlines network management tasks, reduces operational overhead, and boosts overall network performance, making it easier for businesses to focus on growth and innovation without being hindered by network reliability concerns.

Optimizing Network Management with Unified Inventory

At rConfig, we are deeply embedded with our customers, and our main mission is to work with them to solve their real-world problems. One significant challenge that consistently surfaces – both from client feedback and our own experiences – is managing and accurately locating a trusted and reliable central network inventory. This challenge brings to the forefront a classic dilemma in Enterprise Architecture circles: In our scenario of network inventory, which system ought to act as the System of Record, and which should function as the System of Engagement to optimize interactions with records for various purposes, such as Network Management Systems (NMS) and Network Configuration Management (NCM)?

Enterprise Architecture circles illustrating systems of record, insight and engagement. Credit: Sharon Moore - https://samoore.me/
Enterprise Architecture circles illustrating systems of record, insight and engagement. Credit: Sharon Moore – https://samoore.me/

At rConfig, from a product perspective we’ve chosen to focus on what we do best and love most: Network Configuration Management. Therefore, integrating with an upstream Network Management System (NMS) that can act as the System of Record for network device inventory was a logical step for us. Given that many of our customers also use Zabbix network operations, it was a natural choice to begin our integration journey with them. Our platforms are highly complementary, which streamlines the integration process and enhances our ability to serve our customers better. This strategic decision allows us to offer a seamless and efficient management solution that not only meets the current needs but also scales to address future challenges in network management.

Enhanced Integration Through ETL

You might be wondering how this integration works and whether it’s straightforward or challenging to set up. Setting up the integration between rConfig and Zabbix is relatively straightforward, but, as with any complex data driven systems, it requires careful planning and diligence to ensure that the data flow between the systems is fully optimized and automated. This is where ETL – or Extract, Transform, Load – plays a crucial role. ETL is a process that involves extracting data from the Zabbix API in its raw form, transforming it into a format that rConfig can readily process and validate, and then loading it into the rConfig production database. This process also efficiently handles any data conflicts and updates.

The advantages of using ETL are significant, enhancing data quality and making the data more accessible, thereby enabling rConfig to analyze information more effectively and make well-informed, data-driven decisions. At rConfig, our user interface is designed to aid in the development and troubleshooting of features, though we’re also fond of using the CLI for those who prefer it. Below is a screenshot from our lab showing the end-to-end ETL process with Zabbix in action. It illustrates the steps rConfig takes to connect to Zabbix, extract, validate, transform and map the data, load it to staging, and finally, move it to the production environment for a small set of devices.

While the screenshot below displays just a few devices as a sample integration in our lab, the most extensive integration we’ve achieved in a production environment with this new rConfig feature involved syncing a single Zabbix instance with over 5,000 host/device records. This highlights its efficiency and reliability in a real-world environment.

Screenshot of rConfig Zabbix Integration on the Command Line
Screenshot of rConfig Zabbix Integration on the Command Line

Going Deeper: Understanding the Integration Process

To grasp the integration process more clearly, let’s dive into the details that will help you understand how to set everything up before we automate the task. Our documentation website, docs.rconfig.com, provides comprehensive details, and our YouTube channel features a great demonstration video of the entire process.

Initial Setup: The first step involves configuring rConfig to connect and authenticate with the Zabbix API. This setup is managed through the Configuration page in the rConfig user interface. During this phase, you can also apply filters to select specific Zabbix tags or host groups, refining exactly which host records you want to synchronize.

Screenshot of Zabbix Configuration page in rConfig V7 professional
Screenshot of Zabbix Configuration page in rConfig V7 professional

Data Extraction and Validation: Once the connection is established, rConfig extracts host records in raw JSON format. This stage involves validating the data to ensure that the correct tags and data mappings are in place.

Screenshot of Zabbix Raw Host Extract page in rConfig V7 Professional
Screenshot of Zabbix Raw Host Extract page in rConfig V7 Professional

Staging for Review: After validation, the data is loaded into a staging table. This allows for a thorough review to confirm that the mapped rConfig data fields are correct, ensuring that the newly imported devices are associated with the appropriate connection templates, categories, and tags.

Screenshot of Zabbix host staging table in rConfig V7 Professional
Screenshot of Zabbix host staging table in rConfig V7 Professional

Final Loading: The final step involves transferring the staged devices to the main production devices table. After this transfer, the staging table is cleared. The devices then appear in the main device table, marked with a special icon indicating that they are synced through integration.

Screenshot of Zabbix host fully loaded to production devices table in rConfig V7 Professional 
Screenshot of Zabbix host fully loaded to production devices table in rConfig V7 Professional

Seamless Operational Integration: Once the devices are loaded into the production table, they are automatically incorporated into standard rConfig scheduled tasks, automations, or any other rConfig feature that utilizes the device data (like categories and tags). This integration facilitates a seamless operational workflow between the platforms. Users can even access these devices directly in Zabbix from within the rConfig UI, streamlining operations management.

After all the above steps are completed, and the initial setup is done future loads are completed on a scheduled and automation basis using the rConfig Task manager.

Screenshot of rConfig Device detail view for a Zabbix integrated host
Screenshot of rConfig Device detail view for a Zabbix integrated host

This detailed setup and validation process ensures that the integration between rConfig and Zabbix is not only effective but also enhances the functionality and efficiency of managing network devices across platforms.

Case Study: Enhancing Network Management for a Las Vegas Entertainment Organization

  1. Challenge: A prominent Las Vegas entertainment organization faced significant difficulties in managing the diverse and complex network that supports their extensive operations, including gaming, security, and hospitality services. The primary issues were outdated network inventories and inefficient management of network configurations across numerous devices, leading to operational disruptions and security vulnerabilities.
  2. Solution: To address these challenges, the organization implemented the integration of rConfig with Zabbix, focusing on automating and centralizing the network management process. This solution aimed to synchronize network device inventories across the organization’s extensive operations, ensuring accurate and real-time data availability.
  3. Implementation: The integration process began with setting up Zabbix to continuously monitor and gather data from network devices across different venues and services. This data was then extracted, standardized, and loaded into rConfig, where it could be used for automated configuration management and backup. The setup also included sophisticated mapping and validation to ensure all data transferred between Zabbix and rConfig was accurate and relevant.


  • Improved Network Reliability: The automated synchronization of network inventories reduced the frequency of network failures and minimized downtime, which is crucial in the high-stakes environment of Las Vegas entertainment.
  • Enhanced Security: With more accurate and timely network data, the organization could better identify and respond to security threats, protecting sensitive information and ensuring the safety of both guests and operations.
  • Operational Efficiency: The IT team was able to shift their focus from routine network maintenance to strategic initiatives that enhanced overall business operations, including integrating new technologies and improving guest experiences.
  • Scalability: The integration provided a scalable solution that could accommodate future expansion, whether adding new devices or incorporating new technologies or venues into the network.
  • Outcome: The implementation of the rConfig and Zabbix integration dramatically transformed the organization’s network management capabilities. The IT department noted a substantial reduction in the manpower and time required for routine maintenance, while operational uptime improved significantly. The organization now enjoys a robust, streamlined network management system that supports its dynamic environment, ensuring that both guests and staff benefit from reliable and secure network services.

This case study highlights the power of effective network management solutions in supporting complex operations and enhancing business efficiency and security within the entertainment industry.

Conclusion: Forging Ahead with Innovative Partnerships

In conclusion, the Zabbix platform stands out as a cornerstone in network monitoring, renowned for its extensive capabilities in real-time monitoring, problem detection, and alerting. Its robust architecture not only supports a broad range of network environments but also offers the flexibility and scalability necessary for today’s diverse technological landscapes. The platform’s ability to provide detailed and accurate network insights is crucial for organizations aiming to maintain optimal operational continuity and security.

The integration of Zabbix with rConfig, a globally reliable and robust network configuration management (NCM) solution, enhances these benefits significantly, creating a synergistic relationship that leverages the strengths of both platforms. For customers and partners, this integration means not only smoother and more efficient network management but also the assurance that they are supported by two of the leading solutions in the industry. Together, Zabbix and rConfig deliver a comprehensive network management experience that drives efficiency, reduces costs, and ensures a higher level of network reliability and security, positioning them as indispensable tools in the toolkit of any organization serious about its network infrastructure.

About rConfig

rConfig is an industry leader in network configuration management and automation. Founded in 2010 and based in Ireland, rConfig has been at the forefront of delivering innovative solutions that simplify the complexities of network management. Our software is designed to be both powerful and user-friendly, making it an ideal choice for IT professionals across a variety of sectors, including education, government, manufacturing, and large global enterprises.

With the capability to manage up to 10s of 1000s of devices, rConfig offers robust functionalities such as automated config backups, compliance management, and network automation. Our platform is vendor-agnostic, which allows seamless integration with a diverse range of network devices and systems, from traditional IT to IoT and OT environments. This flexibility ensures that our clients can manage all aspects of their network configurations, regardless of the underlying technology.

rConfig is committed to continuous innovation and customer-centric solutions, with industry first solutions such as API backups and our Script Integration Engine. Our native integration with platforms like Zabbix exemplifies our dedication to enhancing network management through strategic partnerships. This collaboration not only streamlines operations but also amplifies the benefits provided, ensuring that our customers have access to the most advanced tools in the industry.


The post Enhancing Network Synergy: rConfig’s Native Integration with Zabbix appeared first on Zabbix Blog.

Zabbix 7.0 Proxy Load Balancing

Post Syndicated from Markku Leiniö original https://blog.zabbix.com/zabbix-7-0-proxy-load-balancing/28173/

One of the new features in Zabbix 7.0 LTS is proxy load balancing. As the documentation says:

Proxy load balancing allows monitoring hosts by a proxy group with automated distribution of hosts between proxies and high proxy availability.

If one proxy from the proxy group goes offline, its hosts will be immediately distributed among other proxies having the least assigned hosts in the group.

Proxy group is the new construct that enables Zabbix server to make dynamic decisions about the monitoring responsibilities within the group(s) of proxies. As you can see in the documentation, the proxy group has only a minimal set of configurable settings.

One important background information to understand is that Zabbix server always knows (within reasonable timeframe) which proxies in the proxy groups are online and which are not. That’s because all active proxies connect to the Zabbix server every 1 second by default (DataSenderFrequency setting in the proxy), and Zabbix server connects to the passive proxies also every 1 second by default (ProxyDataFrequency setting in the server), so if those connections are not happening anymore, then something is wrong with using the proxy.

Initially Zabbix server will balance the hosts between the proxies in the proxy group. It can also rebalance the hosts later if needed, the algorithm is described in the documentation. That’s something we don’t need to configure (that’s the “automated distribution of hosts” mentioned above). The idea is that, at any given time, any host configured to be monitored by the proxy group is monitored by one proxy only.

Now let’s see how the actual connections work with active and passive Zabbix agents. The active/passive modes of the proxies (with the Zabbix server connectivity) don’t matter in this context, but I’m using active proxies in my tests for simplicity.

Disclaimer: These are my own observations from my own Zabbix setup using 7.0.0, and they are not necessarily based on any official Zabbix documentation. I’m open for any comments or corrections in any case.

At the very end of this post I have included samples of captured agent traffic for each of the cases mentioned below.

Passive agents monitored by a proxy group

For passive agents the proxy load balancing really is this simple: Whenever a proxy goes down in a proxy group, all the hosts that were previously monitored by that proxy will then be monitored by the other available proxies in the same proxy group.

There is nothing new to configure in the passive agents, only the usual Server directive to allow specific proxies (IP addresses, DNS names, subnets) to communicate with the agent.

As a reminder, a passive agent means that it listens to incoming requests from Zabbix proxies (or the Zabbix server), and then collects and returns the requested data. All relevant firewalls also need to be configured to allow the connections from the Zabbix proxies to the agent TCP port 10050.

As yet another reminder, each agent (or monitored host) can have both passive and active items configured, which means that it will both listen to incoming Zabbix requests but also actively request any active tasks from Zabbix proxies or servers. But again, this is long-existing functionality, nothing new in Zabbix 7.0.

Active agents monitored by a proxy group

For active agents the proxy load balancing needs a bit new tweaking in the agent side.

By definition, an active agent is the party that initiates the connection to the Zabbix proxy (or server), to TCP port 10051 by default. The configuration happens with the ServerActive directive in the agent configuration. According to the official documentation, providing multiple comma-separated addresses in the ServerActive directive has been possible for ages, but it is for the purpose of providing data to multiple independent Zabbix installations at the same time. (Think about a Zabbix agent on a monitored host, being monitored by both a service provider and the inhouse IT department.)

Using semicolon-separated server addresses in ServerActive directive has been possible since Zabbix 6.0 when Zabbix servers are configured in high-availability cluster. That requires specific Zabbix server database implementation so that all the cluster nodes use the same database, and some other shared configurations.

Now in Zabbix 7.0 this same configuration style can be used for the agent to connect to all proxies in the proxy group, by entering all the proxy addresses in the ServerActive configuration, semicolon-separated. However, to be exact, this is not described in the ServerActive documentation as of this writing. Rather, it specifically says “More than one Zabbix proxy should not be specified from each Zabbix server/cluster.” But it works, let’s see how.

Using multiple semicolon-separated proxy addresses works because of the new redirection functionality in the proxy-agent communication: Whenever an active agent sends a message to a proxy, the proxy tells the agent to connect to another proxy, if the agent is currently assigned to some other proxy. The agent then ceases connecting to that previous proxy, and starts using the proxy address provided in the redirection instead. Thus the agent converges to using only that one designated proxy address.

In this simple example the Zabbix server determined that the agent should be monitored by Proxy 1, so when the agent initially contacted Proxy 1 (because its IP address is first in the ServerActive list), the proxy responded normally and agent was happy with that.

In case the Zabbix server had for any reason determined that the agent should be monitored by Proxy 2, then Proxy 1 would have responded with a redirection, and agent would have followed that. (There will be examples of redirections in the capture files below.)

To be clear, this agent redirection from the proxy group works only with Zabbix 7.0 agents as of this writing.

Note: In the initial version of this post I used comma-separated proxy addresses in ServerActive (instead of semicolon-separated), and that caused duplicate connections from the agent to the designated proxy (because the agent is not equipped to recognize that it connects to the same proxy twice), eventually causing data duplication in Zabbix database. Using comma-separated proxy addresses is thus not a working solution for proxy load balancing usage.

If the host-proxy assignments are changed by the Zabbix server for balancing the load between the proxies, the previously designated proxy will redirect the agent to the correct proxy address, and the situation is optimized again.

Side note: When configuring the proxies in Zabbix UI, there is a new Address for active agents field. That is the address value that is used by the proxies when responding with redirection messages to agents.

Proxy group failure scenarios with active agents

Proxy goes down

If the designated proxy of an active agent goes offline so that it doesn’t respond to the agent anymore, agent realizes the situation, discards the redirection information it had, and reverts to using the proxy addresses from ServerActive directive again.

Now, this is an interesting case because of some timing dependencies. In the proxy group configuration there is the Failover period configuration that controls the Zabbix server’s sensitivity to proxy availability in regards to agent rebalancing within the proxy group. Thus, if the agent reverts to using the other proxies faster than Zabbix server recognizes the situation and notifies the other proxies in the proxy group, the agent will get redirection responses from the other proxies, telling it to use the currently offline proxy. And the same happens again: agent fails to connect to the redirected proxy, and reverts to using the other locally configured proxies, and so on.

In my tests this looping was not very intense, only two rounds every second, so it was not very significant network-wise, and the situation will converge automatically when the Zabbix server has notified the proxies about the host rebalancing.

So this temporary looping is not a big deal. The takeaway is that the whole system converges automatically from a failed proxy.

After the failed proxy has recovered to online mode, the agents stay with their designated proxies in the proxy group.

As mentioned in the beginning, Zabbix server will automatically rebalance the hosts again after some time if needed.

Proxy is online but unreachable from the active agent

Another interesting case is one where the proxy itself is running and communicating with Zabbix server, thus being in online mode in the proxy group, but the active agent is not able to reach it, while still being able to connect to the other proxies in the group. This can happen due to various Internet-related routing issues for example, if the proxies are geographically distributed and far away from the agent.

Let’s start with the situation where the agent is currently monitored by Proxy 2 (as per the last picture above). When the failure starts and agent realizes that the connections to Proxy 2 are not succeeding anymore, the agent reverts to using the configured proxies in ServerActive, connecting to Proxy 1.

But, Proxy 1 knows (by the information given by Zabbix server) that Proxy 2 is still online and that the agent should be monitored by Proxy 2, so Proxy 1 responds to the agent with a redirection.

Obviously that won’t work for the agent as it doesn’t have connectivity to Proxy 2 anymore.

This is a non-recoverable situation (at least with the current Zabbix 7.0.0) while the reachability issue persists: The agent keeps on contacting Proxy 1, keeps receiving the redirection, and the same repeats over and over again.

Note that it does not matter if the agent is now locally reconfigured to only use Proxy 1 in this situation, because the load balancing of the hosts in the proxy group is not controlled by any of the agent-local configuration. The proxy group (led by Zabbix server) has the only authority to assign the hosts to the proxies.

One way to escape from this situation is to stop the unreachable Proxy 2. That way the Zabbix server will eventually notice that Proxy 2 is offline, and the hosts will be automatically rebalanced to other proxies in the group, thus removing the agent-side redirection to the unreachable proxy.

Keep this potential scenario in mind when planning proxy groups with proxy location diversity.

This is also something to think about if your Zabbix proxies have multiple network interfaces, where Zabbix server connectivity is using different interface from the agent connectivity. In that case the same problem can occur due to your own configurations.

Closing words

All in all, proxy load balancing looks very promising feature as it does not require any network-level tricks to achieve load balancing and high availability. In Zabbix 7.0 this is a new feature, so we can expect some further development for the details and behavior in the upcoming releases.

Appendix: Sample capture files

Ideally these capture files should be viewed with Wireshark version 4.3.0rc1 or newer because only the latest Wireshark builds include support for latest Zabbix protocol features. Wireshark 4.2.x should also show most of the Zabbix packet fields. Use display filter “zabbix” to see only the Zabbix protocol packets, but when examining cases more carefully you should also check the plain TCP packets (without any display filter) to get more understanding about the cases.

These samples are taken with Zabbix components version 7.0.0, using default timers in the Zabbix process configurations, and 20 seconds as the proxy group failover period.

Passive agent, with proxy failover

    • After frame #50 Proxy 1 was stopped and Proxy 2 eventually took over the monitoring

Active agent, with proxy failover

    • The agent initially communicates with Proxy 1
    • Proxy 1 was stopped before frame #425
    • Agent connected to Proxy 2, but Proxy 2 keeps sending redirects
    • Proxy 2 was assigned the agent before frame #1074, so it took over the monitoring and accepted the agent connections
    • Proxy 1 was later restarted (but agent didn’t try to connect to it yet)
    • The agent was manually restarted before frame #1498 and it connected to Proxy 1 again, was given a redirection to Proxy 2, and continued with Proxy 2 again

Active agent, with proxy unreachable

    • Started with Proxy 2 monitoring the agent normally
    • Network started dropping all packets from the agent to Proxy 2 before frame #179, agent started connecting to Proxy 1 almost immediately
    • From frame #181 on Proxy 1 responds with redirection to Proxy 2 (which is not working)
    • Proxy 2 was eventually stopped manually
    • Redirections continue until frame #781 when Proxy 1 is assigned the monitoring of the agent, and Proxy 1 starts accepting the agent requests

This post was originally published on the author’s blog.

The post Zabbix 7.0 Proxy Load Balancing appeared first on Zabbix Blog.

Using Single Sign On (SSO) to manage project teams for Amazon CodeCatalyst

Post Syndicated from Divya Konaka Satyapal original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/using-single-sign-on-sso-to-manage-project-teams-for-amazon-codecatalyst/

Amazon CodeCatalyst is a modern software development service that empowers teams to deliver software on AWS easily and quickly. Amazon CodeCatalyst provides one place where you can plan, code, and build, test, and deploy your container applications with continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools.

CodeCatalyst recently announced the teams feature, which simplifies management of space and project access. Enterprises can now use this feature to organize CodeCatalyst space members into teams using single sign-on (SSO) with IAM Identity Center. You can also assign SSO groups to a team, to centralize your CodeCatalyst user management.
CodeCatalyst space admins can create teams made up any members of the space and assign them to unique roles per project, such as read-only or contributor.


In this post, we will demonstrate how enterprises can enable access to CodeCatalyst with their workforce identities configured in AWS IAM Identity Center, and also easily manage which team members have access to CodeCatalyst spaces and projects. With AWS IAM Identity Center, you can connect a self-managed directory in Active Directory (AD) or a directory in AWS Managed Microsoft AD by using AWS Directory Service. You can also connect other external identity providers (IdPs) like Okta or OneLogin to authenticate identities from the IdPs through the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 standard. This enables your users to sign in to the AWS access portal with their corporate credentials.


To get started with CodeCatalyst, you need the following prerequisites. Please review them and ensure you have completed all steps before proceeding:

1. Set up an CodeCatalyst space. To join a space, you will need to either:

  1. Create an Amazon CodeCatalyst space that supports identity federation. If you are creating the space, you will need to specify an AWS account ID for billing and provisioning of resources. If you have not created an AWS account, follow the AWS documentation to create one

    Figure 1: CodeCatalyst Space Settings

    Figure 1: CodeCatalyst Space Settings

  2. Use an IAM Identity Center instance that is part of your AWS Organization or AWS account to associate with CodeCatalyst space.
  3. Accept an invitation to sign in with SSO to an existing space.

2. Create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role. Amazon CodeCatalyst will need an IAM role to have permissions to deploy the infrastructure to your AWS account. Follow the documentation for steps how to create an IAM role via the Amazon CodeCatalyst console.

3. Once the above steps are completed, you can go ahead and create projects in the space using the available blueprints or custom blueprints.


The emphasis of this post, will be on how to manage IAM identity center (SSO) groups with CodeCatalyst teams. At the end of the post, our workflow will look like the one below:

Figure 2: Architectural Diagram

Figure 2: Architectural Diagram

For the purpose of this walkthrough, I have used an external identity provider Okta to federate with AWS IAM Identity Center to manage access to CodeCatalyst.

Figure 3: Okta Groups from Admin Console

Figure 3: Okta Groups from Admin Console

You can also see the same Groups are synced with the IAM Identity Center instance from the figure below. Please note Groups and member management must be done only via external identity providers.

Figure 4: IAM Identity Center Groups created via SCIM synch

Figure 4: IAM Identity Center Groups created via SCIM synch

Now, if you go to your Okta apps and click on ‘AWS IAM Identity Center’, the AWS account ID and CodeCatalyst space that you created as part of prerequisites should be automatically configured for you via single sign-on. Developers and Administrators of the space can easily login using this integration.

Figure 5: CodeCatalyst Space via SSO

Figure 5: CodeCatalyst Space via SSO

Once you are in the CodeCatalyst space, you can organize CodeCatalyst space members into teams, and configure the default roles for them. You can choose one of the three roles from the list of space roles available in CodeCatalyst that you want to assign to the team. The role will be inherited by all members of the team:

  • Space administrator – The Space administrator role is the most powerful role in Amazon CodeCatalyst. Only assign the Space administrator role to users who need to administer every aspect of a space, because this role has all permissions in CodeCatalyst. For details, see Space administrator role.
  • Power user – The Power user role is the second-most powerful role in Amazon CodeCatalyst spaces, but it has no access to projects in a space. It is designed for users who need to be able to create projects in a space and help manage the users and resources for the space. For details, see Power user role.
  • Limited access – It is the role automatically assigned to users when they accept an invitation to a project in a space. It provides the limited permissions they need to work within the space that contains that project. For details, see Limited access role.

Since you have the space integrated with SSO groups set up in IAM Identity Center, you can use that option to create teams and manage members using SSO groups.

Figure 6: Managing Teams in CodeCatalyst Space

Figure 6: Managing Teams in CodeCatalyst Space

In this example here, if I go into the ‘space-admin’ team, I can view the SSO group associated with it through IAM Identity Center.

Figure 7: SSO Group association with Teams

Figure 7: SSO Group association with Teams

You can now use these teams from the CodeCatalyst space to help manage users and permissions for the projects in that space. There are four project roles available in CodeCatalyst:

  • Project administrator — The Project administrator role is the most powerful role in an Amazon CodeCatalyst project. Only assign this role to users who need to administer every aspect of a project, including editing project settings, managing project permissions, and deleting projects. For details, see Project administrator role.
  • Contributor — The Contributor role is intended for the majority of members in an Amazon CodeCatalyst project. Assign this role to users who need to be able to work with code, workflows, issues, and actions in a project. For details, see Contributor role.
  • Reviewer — The Reviewer role is intended for users who need to be able to interact with resources in a project, such as pull requests and issues, but not create and merge code, create workflows, or start or stop workflow runs in an Amazon CodeCatalyst project. For details, see Reviewer role.
  • Read only — The Read only role is intended for users who need to view the resources and status of resources but not interact with them or contribute directly to the project. Users with this role cannot create resources in CodeCatalyst, but they can view them and copy them, such as cloning repositories and downloading attachments to issues to a local computer. For details, see Read only role.

For the purpose of this demonstration, I have created projects from the default blueprints (I chose the modern three-tier web application blueprint) and assigned Teams to it with specific roles. You can also create a project using a default blueprint in CodeCatalyst space if you don’t already have an existing project.

Figure 8: Teams in Project Settings

Figure 8: Teams in Project Settings

You can also view the roles assigned to each of the teams in the CodeCatalyst Space settings.

Figure 9: Project roles in Space settings

Figure 9: Project roles in Space settings

Clean up your Environment:

If you have been following along with this workflow, you should delete the resources you deployed so you do not continue to incur charges. First, delete the two stacks that CDK deployed using the AWS CloudFormation console in the AWS account you associated when you launched the blueprint. If you had launched the Modern three-tier web application just like I did, these stacks will have names like mysfitsXXXXXWebStack and mysfitsXXXXXAppStack. Second, delete the project from CodeCatalyst by navigating to Project settings and choosing Delete project.


In this post, you learned how to add Teams to a CodeCatalyst space and projects using SSO Groups. I used Okta for my external identity provider to connect with IAM Identity Center, but you can use your Organizations idP or any other IDP that supports SAML. You also learned how easy it is to maintain SSO group members in the CodeCatalyst space by assigning the necessary roles and restricting access when not necessary.

About the Authors:

Divya Konaka Satyapal

Divya Konaka Satyapal is a Sr. Technical Account Manager for WWPS Edtech/EDU customers. Her expertise lies in DevOps and Serverless architectures. She works with customers heavily on cost optimization and overall operational excellence to accelerate their cloud journey. Outside of work, she enjoys traveling and playing tennis.

Monitor new Zabbix releases natively

Post Syndicated from Brian van Baekel original https://blog.zabbix.com/monitor-new-zabbix-releases-natively/28105/

In this blog post, I’ll guide you through building your own template to monitor the latest Zabbix releases directly from the Zabbix UI. Follow the simple walkthrough to know how.


With the release of Zabbix 7.0, it is possible to see which Zabbix version you are running and what the latest version is:

A great improvement obviously but (at least in 7.0.0rc1) I am missing the triggers to notify me and perhaps also really interesting, there is nothing available about older versions.

Once I saw the above screenshot, I became curious about where that data actually came from, and what’s available. A quick deep-dive into the sourcecode ( https://git.zabbix.com/projects/ZBX/repos/zabbix/browse/ui/js/class.software-version-check.js#18 ) gave away the URL that is used for this feature: https://services.zabbix.com/updates/v1 Once you visit that URL you will get a nice JSON formatted output:

  "versions": [
      "version": "5.0",
      "end_of_full_support": true,
      "latest_release": {
        "created": "1711361454",
        "release": "5.0.42"
      "version": "6.0",
      "end_of_full_support": false,
      "latest_release": {
        "created": "1716274679",
        "release": "6.0.30"
      "version": "6.4",
      "end_of_full_support": false,
      "latest_release": {
        "created": "1716283254",
        "release": "6.4.15"

And as you may know, Zabbix is quite good at parsing JSON formatted data. So, I built a quick template to get this going and be notified once a new version is released.

In the examples below I used my 6.4 instance, but this also works on 6.0 and of course 7.0.

Template building

Before we jump into the building part, it’s important to think of the best approach for this template. I think there are 2:

  • Create 1 HTTP item and a few dependent items for the various versions
  • Create 1 HTTP item, a LLD rule and a few item prototypes.

I prefer the LLD route, as that is making the template as dynamic as possible (less time to maintain it) but also more fun to build!

Let’s go.

First, you go to Data Collection -> Templates and create a new template there:

Of course, you can change the name of the template and the group. It’s completely up to you.

Once the template is created, it’s still an empty shell and we need to populate it. We will start with a normal item of type HTTP agent:

(note: screenshot is truncated)

We need to add 3 query fields:

  • ‘type’ with value ‘software_update_check’
  • ‘version’ with value ‘1.0’
  • ‘software_update_check_hash’ with a 64 characters: you can do funny things here 😉 for the example i just used ‘here_are_exact_64_characters_needed_as_a_custom_hash_for_zabbix_’

As we go for the LLD route, I already set the “History Storage period” to “Do not keep history”. If you are building the template, it’s advised to keep the history and make sure you’ve got data to work with for the rest of the template. Once everything works, go back to this item and make sure to change the History storage period.

In the above screenshot, you can see I applied 2 preprocessing steps already.

The first is to replace the text ‘versions’ with ‘data’. This is done because Zabbix expects an array ‘data’ for its LLD logic. That ‘data’ is not available, so I just replaced the text ‘versions’. Quick and dirty.
The second preprocessing step is a “discard unchanged with heartbeat”. As long as there is no new release, I do not care about the data that came in, yet I want to store it once per day to make sure the item is still working. With this approach, we monitor the URL every 30 minutes so we get ‘quick’ updates but still do not use a lot of disk space.

The result of the preprocessing configuration:

Now it’s time to hit the “test all steps” button and see if everything works. The result you’ll get is:

  "data": [
      "version": "5.0",
      "end_of_full_support": true,
      "latest_release": {
        "created": "1711361454",
        "release": "5.0.42"
      "version": "6.0",
      "end_of_full_support": false,
      "latest_release": {
        "created": "1716274679",
        "release": "6.0.30"
      "version": "6.4",
      "end_of_full_support": false,
      "latest_release": {
        "created": "1716283254",
        "release": "6.4.15"

This is almost identical to the information directly from the URL, except that ‘versions’ is replaced by ‘data’. Great. So as soon as you save this item we will monitor the releases now (don’t forget to link the template to a host otherwise nothing will happen)!
At the same time, this information is absolutely not useful at all, as it’s just a text portion. We need to parse it, and LLD is the way to go.

In the template, we go to “Discovery rules” and click on “Create discovery rule” in the upper right corner.
Now we create a new LLD rule, which is not going to query the website itself, but will get its information from the HTTP agent we’ve just created.

In the above screenshot, you see how it’s configured. a name, type ‘Dependent item’ some key just because Zabbix requires a key, and the Master item is the HTTP agent item we just created.

Now all data from the http agent item is pushed into the LLD rule as soon as it’s received, and we need to create LLD macros out of it. So in the Discovery rule, you jump to the 3rd tab ‘LLD macros’ and add a new macro there:

{#VERSION} with JSONPATH$..version.first()

Once this is done save the LLD rule and let’s create some item prototypes.

The first item prototype is the most complicated, the rest are “copy/paste”, more or less.

We create a new item prototype that looks like this:

As the type is dependent and it is getting all its information from the HTTP agent master item, there is preprocessing needed to filter out only that specific piece of information that is needed. You go to the preprocessing tab and add a JSONpath step there:


For copy/paste purposes: $.data.[?(@.version=='{#VERSION}’)].latest_release.created.first()
There is quite some magic happening in that step. We tell it to use a JSONpath to find the correct value, but there is also a lookup:


What we are doing here is telling it to go into the data array, look for an array ‘version’ with the value {#VERSION}. Of course that {#VERSION} LLD macro is going to be replaced dynamically by the discovery rule with the correct version. Once it found the version object, go in and find the object  ‘latest_release’ and from that object we want the value of ‘created’. Now we will get back the epoch time of that release, and in the item we parse that with Unit unixtime.

Save the item, and immediately clone it to create the 2nd item prototype to get the support state:

Here we change the type of information and of course the preprocessing should be slightly different as we are looking for a different object:



Save this item as well, and let’s create our last item to get the minor release number presented:

The preprocessing is again slightly different:



At this point you should have 1 master item, 1 LLD rule and 3 Item prototypes.

Now, create a new host, and link this template to it. Fairly quick you should see data coming in and everything should be nicely parsed:

The only thing that is missing now is a trigger to get alerted once a new version has been released, so let’s go back into the template, discovery rule and find the trigger prototypes. Create a new one that looks like this:

Since we populated the even name as well, our problem name will reflect the most recent version already:


Enjoy your new template! 🙂

The post Monitor new Zabbix releases natively appeared first on Zabbix Blog.

Make your interaction with Zabbix API faster: Async zabbix_utils.

Post Syndicated from Aleksandr Iantsen original https://blog.zabbix.com/make-your-interaction-with-zabbix-api-faster-async-zabbix_utils/27837/

In this article, we will explore the capabilities of the new asynchronous modules of the zabbix_utils library. Thanks to asynchronous execution, users can expect improved efficiency, reduced latency, and increased flexibility in interacting with Zabbix components, ultimately enabling them to create efficient and reliable monitoring solutions that meet their specific requirements.

There is a high demand for the Python library zabbix_utils. Since its release and up to the moment of writing this article, zabbix_utils has been downloaded from PyPI more than 15,000 times. Over the past week, the library has been downloaded more than 2,700 times. The first article about the zabbix_utils library has already gathered around 3,000 views. Among the array of tools available, the library has emerged as a popular choice, offering developers and administrators a comprehensive set of functions for interacting with Zabbix components such as Zabbix server, proxy, and agents.

Considering the demand from users, as well as the potential of asynchronous programming to optimize interaction with Zabbix, we are pleased to present a new version of the library with new asynchronous modules in addition to the existing synchronous ones. The new zabbix_utils modules are designed to provide a significant performance boost by taking advantage of the inherent benefits of asynchronous programming to speed up communication between Zabbix and your service or script.

You can read the introductory article about zabbix_utils for a more comprehensive understanding of working with the library.

Benefits and Usage Scenarios

From expedited data retrieval and real-time event monitoring to enhanced scalability, asynchronous programming empowers you to build highly efficient, flexible, and reliable monitoring solutions adapted to meet your specific needs and challenges.

The new version of zabbix_utils and its asynchronous components may be useful in the following scenarios:

  • Mass data gathering from multiple hosts: When it’s necessary to retrieve data from a large number of hosts simultaneously, asynchronous programming allows requests to be executed in parallel, significantly speeding up the data collection process;
  • Mass resource exporting: When templates, hosts or problems need to be exported in parallel. This parallel execution reduces the overall export time, especially when dealing with a large number of resources;
  • Sending alerts from or to your system: When certain actions need to be performed based on monitoring conditions, such as sending alerts or running scripts, asynchronous programming provides rapid condition processing and execution of corresponding actions;
  • Scaling the monitoring system: With an increase in the number of monitored resources or the volume of collected data, asynchronous programming provides better scalability and efficiency for the monitoring system.

Installation and Configuration

If you already use the zabbix_utils library, simply updating the library to the latest version and installing all necessary dependencies for asynchronous operation is sufficient. Otherwise, you can install the library with asynchronous support using the following methods:

  • By using pip:
~$ pip install zabbix_utils[async]

Using [async] allows you to install additional dependencies (extras) needed for the operation of asynchronous modules.

  • By cloning from GitHub:
~$ git clone https://github.com/zabbix/python-zabbix-utils
~$ cd python-zabbix-utils/
~$ pip install -r requirements.txt
~$ python setup.py install

The process of working with the asynchronous version of the zabbix_utils library is similar to the synchronous one, except for some syntactic differences of asynchronous code in Python.

Working with Zabbix API

To work with the Zabbix API in asynchronous mode, you need to import the AsyncZabbixAPI class from the zabbix_utils library:

from zabbix_utils import AsyncZabbixAPI

Similar to the synchronous ZabbixAPI, the new AsyncZabbixAPI can use the following environment variables: ZABBIX_URL, ZABBIX_TOKEN, ZABBIX_USER, ZABBIX_PASSWORD. However, when creating an instance of the AsyncZabbixAPI class you cannot specify a token or a username and password, unlike the synchronous version. They can only be passed when calling the login() method. The following usage scenarios are available here:

  • Use preset values of environment variables, i.e., not pass any parameters to AsyncZabbixAPI:
~$ export ZABBIX_URL="https://zabbix.example.local"
api = AsyncZabbixAPI()
  • Pass only the Zabbix API address as input, which can be specified as either the server IP/FQDN address or DNS name (in this case, the HTTP protocol will be used) or as an URL of Zabbix API:
api = AsyncZabbixAPI(url="")

After declaring an instance of the AsyncZabbixAPI class, you need to call the login() method to authenticate with the Zabbix API. There are two ways to do this:

  • Using environment variable values:
~$ export ZABBIX_USER="Admin"
~$ export ZABBIX_PASSWORD="zabbix"


~$ export ZABBIX_TOKEN="xxxxxxxx"

and then:

await api.login()
  • Passing the authentication data when calling login():
await api.login(user="Admin", password="zabbix")

Like ZabbixAPI, the new AsyncZabbixAPI class supports version getting and comparison:

# ZabbixAPI version field
ver = api.version
print(type(ver).__name__, ver) # APIVersion 6.0.29

# Method to get ZabbixAPI version
ver = api.api_version()
print(type(ver).__name__, ver) # APIVersion 6.0.29

# Additional methods
print(ver.major)     # 6.0
print(ver.minor)     # 29
print(ver.is_lts())  # True

# Version comparison
print(ver < 6.4)        # True
print(ver != 6.0)       # False
print(ver != "6.0.24")  # True

After authentication, you can make any API requests described for all supported versions in the Zabbix documentation.

The format for calling API methods looks like this:

await api_instance.zabbix_object.method(parameters)

For example:

await api.host.get()

After completing all needed API requests, it is necessary to call logout() to close the API session if authentication was done using username and password, and also close the asynchronous sessions:

await api.logout()

More examples of usage can be found here.

Sending Values to Zabbix Server/Proxy

The asynchronous class AsyncSender has been added, which also helps to send values to the Zabbix server or proxy for items of the Zabbix Trapper data type.

AsyncSender can be imported as follows:

from zabbix_utils import AsyncSender

Values ​​can be sent in a group, for this it is necessary to import ItemValue:

import asyncio
from zabbix_utils import ItemValue, AsyncSender

items = [
    ItemValue('host1', 'item.key1', 10),
    ItemValue('host1', 'item.key2', 'Test value'),
    ItemValue('host2', 'item.key1', -1, 1702511920),
    ItemValue('host3', 'item.key1', '{"msg":"Test value"}'),
    ItemValue('host2', 'item.key1', 0, 1702511920, 100)

async def main():
    sender = AsyncSender('', 10051)
    response = await sender.send(items)
    # processing the received response


As in the synchronous version, it is possible to specify the size of chunks when sending values in a group using the parameter chunk_size:

sender = AsyncSender('', 10051, chunk_size=2)
response = await sender.send(items)

In the example, the chunk size is set to 2. So, 5 values passed in the code above will be sent in three requests of two, two, and one value, respectively.

Also it is possible to send a single value:

sender = AsyncSender(server='', port=10051)
resp = await sender.send_value('example_host', 'example.key', 50, 1702511920))

If your server has multiple network interfaces, and values need to be sent from a specific one, the AsyncSender provides the option to specify a source_ip for sent values:

sender = AsyncSender(
resp = await sender.send_value('example_host', 'example.key', 50, 1702511920)

AsyncSender also supports reading connection parameters from the Zabbix agent/agent2 configuration file. To do this, you need to set the use_config flag and specify the path to the configuration file if it differs from the default /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf:

sender = AsyncSender(

More usage examples can be found here.

Getting values from Zabbix Agent/Agent2 by item key.

In cases where you need the functionality of our standart zabbix_get utility but native to your Python project and working asynchronously, consider using the AsyncGetter class. A simple example of its usage looks like this:

import asyncio
from zabbix_utils import AsyncGetter

async def main():
    agent = AsyncGetter('', 10050)
    resp = await agent.get('system.uname')
    print(resp.value) # Linux zabbix_server 5.15.0-


Like AsyncSender, the AsyncGetter class supports specifying the source_ip address:

agent = AsyncGetter(

More usage examples can be found here.


The new version of the zabbix_utils library provides users with the ability to implement efficient and scalable monitoring solutions, ensuring fast and reliable communication with the Zabbix components. Asynchronous way of interaction gives a lot of room for performance improvement and flexible task management when handling a large volume of requests to Zabbix components such as Zabbix API and others.

We have no doubt that the new version of zabbix_utils will become an indispensable tool for developers and administrators, helping them create more efficient, flexible, and reliable monitoring solutions that best meet their requirements and expectations.

The post Make your interaction with Zabbix API faster: Async zabbix_utils. appeared first on Zabbix Blog.

Run interactive workloads on Amazon EMR Serverless from Amazon EMR Studio

Post Syndicated from Sekar Srinivasan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/run-interactive-workloads-on-amazon-emr-serverless-from-amazon-emr-studio/

Starting from release 6.14, Amazon EMR Studio supports interactive analytics on Amazon EMR Serverless. You can now use EMR Serverless applications as the compute, in addition to Amazon EMR on EC2 clusters and Amazon EMR on EKS virtual clusters, to run JupyterLab notebooks from EMR Studio Workspaces.

EMR Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) that makes it straightforward for data scientists and data engineers to develop, visualize, and debug analytics applications written in PySpark, Python, and Scala. EMR Serverless is a serverless option for Amazon EMR that makes it straightforward to run open source big data analytics frameworks such as Apache Spark without configuring, managing, and scaling clusters or servers.

In the post, we demonstrate how to do the following:

  • Create an EMR Serverless endpoint for interactive applications
  • Attach the endpoint to an existing EMR Studio environment
  • Create a notebook and run an interactive application
  • Seamlessly diagnose interactive applications from within EMR Studio


In a typical organization, an AWS account administrator will set up AWS resources such as AWS Identity and Access management (IAM) roles, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets, and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) resources for internet access and access to other resources in the VPC. They assign EMR Studio administrators who manage setting up EMR Studios and assigning users to a specific EMR Studio. Once they’re assigned, EMR Studio developers can use EMR Studio to develop and monitor workloads.

Make sure you set up resources like your S3 bucket, VPC subnets, and EMR Studio in the same AWS Region.

Complete the following steps to deploy these prerequisites:

  1. Launch the following AWS CloudFormation stack.
    Launch Cloudformation Stack
  2. Enter values for AdminPassword and DevPassword and make a note of the passwords you create.
  3. Choose Next.
  4. Keep the settings as default and choose Next again.
  5. Select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.
  6. Choose Submit.

We have also provided instructions to deploy these resources manually with sample IAM policies in the GitHub repo.

Set up EMR Studio and a serverless interactive application

After the AWS account administrator completes the prerequisites, the EMR Studio administrator can log in to the AWS Management Console to create an EMR Studio, Workspace, and EMR Serverless application.

Create an EMR Studio and Workspace

The EMR Studio administrator should log in to the console using the emrs-interactive-app-admin-user user credentials. If you deployed the prerequisite resources using the provided CloudFormation template, use the password that you provided as an input parameter.

  1. On the Amazon EMR console, choose EMR Serverless in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Get started.
  3. Select Create and launch EMR Studio.

This creates a Studio with the default name studio_1 and a Workspace with the default name My_First_Workspace. A new browser tab will open for the Studio_1 user interface.

Create and Launch EMR Studio

Create an EMR Serverless application

Complete the following steps to create an EMR Serverless application:

  1. On the EMR Studio console, choose Applications in the navigation pane.
  2. Create a new application.
  3. For Name, enter a name (for example, my-serverless-interactive-application).
  4. For Application setup options, select Use custom settings for interactive workloads.
    Create Serverless Application using custom settings

For interactive applications, as a best practice, we recommend keeping the driver and workers pre-initialized by configuring the pre-initialized capacity at the time of application creation. This effectively creates a warm pool of workers for an application and keeps the resources ready to be consumed, enabling the application to respond in seconds. For further best practices for creating EMR Serverless applications, see Define per-team resource limits for big data workloads using Amazon EMR Serverless.

  1. In the Interactive endpoint section, select Enable Interactive endpoint.
  2. In the Network connections section, choose the VPC, private subnets, and security group you created previously.

If you deployed the CloudFormation stack provided in this post, choose emr-serverless-sg­  as the security group.

A VPC is needed for the workload to be able to access the internet from within the EMR Serverless application in order to download external Python packages. The VPC also allows you to access resources such as Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) and Amazon Redshift that are in the VPC from this application. Attaching a serverless application to a VPC can lead to IP exhaustion in the subnet, so make sure there are sufficient IP addresses in your subnet.

  1. Choose Create and start application.

Enable Interactive Endpoints, Choose private subnets and security group

On the applications page, you can verify that the status of your serverless application changes to Started.

  1. Select your application and choose How it works.
  2. Choose View and launch workspaces.
  3. Choose Configure studio.

  1. For Service role¸ provide the EMR Studio service role you created as a prerequisite (emr-studio-service-role).
  2. For Workspace storage, enter the path of the S3 bucket you created as a prerequisite (emrserverless-interactive-blog-<account-id>-<region-name>).
  3. Choose Save changes.

Choose emr-studio-service-role and emrserverless-interactive-blog s3 bucket

14.  Navigate to the Studios console by choosing Studios in the left navigation menu in the EMR Studio section. Note the Studio access URL from the Studios console and provide it to your developers to run their Spark applications.

Run your first Spark application

After the EMR Studio administrator has created the Studio, Workspace, and serverless application, the Studio user can use the Workspace and application to develop and monitor Spark workloads.

Launch the Workspace and attach the serverless application

Complete the following steps:

  1. Using the Studio URL provided by the EMR Studio administrator, log in using the emrs-interactive-app-dev-user user credentials shared by the AWS account admin.

If you deployed the prerequisite resources using the provided CloudFormation template, use the password that you provided as an input parameter.

On the Workspaces page, you can check the status of your Workspace. When the Workspace is launched, you will see the status change to Ready.

  1. Launch the workspace by choosing the workspace name (My_First_Workspace).

This will open a new tab. Make sure your browser allows pop-ups.

  1. In the Workspace, choose Compute (cluster icon) in the navigation pane.
  2. For EMR Serverless application, choose your application (my-serverless-interactive-application).
  3. For Interactive runtime role, choose an interactive runtime role (for this post, we use emr-serverless-runtime-role).
  4. Choose Attach to attach the serverless application as the compute type for all the notebooks in this Workspace.

Choose my-serverless-interactive-application as your app and emr-serverless-runtime-role and attach

Run your Spark application interactively

Complete the following steps:

  1. Choose the Notebook samples (three dots icon) in the navigation pane and open Getting-started-with-emr-serverless notebook.
  2. Choose Save to Workspace.

There are three choices of kernels for our notebook: Python 3, PySpark, and Spark (for Scala).

  1. When prompted, choose PySpark as the kernel.
  2. Choose Select.

Choose PySpark as kernel

Now you can run your Spark application. To do so, use the %%configure Sparkmagic command, which configures the session creation parameters. Interactive applications support Python virtual environments. We use a custom environment in the worker nodes by specifying a path for a different Python runtime for the executor environment using spark.executorEnv.PYSPARK_PYTHON. See the following code:

%%configure -f
  "conf": {
    "spark.pyspark.virtualenv.enabled": "true",
    "spark.pyspark.virtualenv.bin.path": "/usr/bin/virtualenv",
    "spark.pyspark.virtualenv.type": "native",
    "spark.pyspark.python": "/usr/bin/python3",
    "spark.executorEnv.PYSPARK_PYTHON": "/usr/bin/python3"

Install external packages

Now that you have an independent virtual environment for the workers, EMR Studio notebooks allow you to install external packages from within the serverless application by using the Spark install_pypi_package function through the Spark context. Using this function makes the package available for all the EMR Serverless workers.

First, install matplotlib, a Python package, from PyPi:


If the preceding step doesn’t respond, check your VPC setup and make sure it is configured correctly for internet access.

Now you can use a dataset and visualize your data.

Create visualizations

To create visualizations, we use a public dataset on NYC yellow taxis:

file_name = "s3://athena-examples-us-east-1/notebooks/yellow_tripdata_2016-01.parquet"
taxi_df = (spark.read.format("parquet").option("header", "true") \
.option("inferSchema", "true").load(file_name))

In the preceding code block, you read the Parquet file from a public bucket in Amazon S3. The file has headers, and we want Spark to infer the schema. You then use a Spark dataframe to group and count specific columns from taxi_df:

taxi1_df = taxi_df.groupBy("VendorID", "passenger_count").count()

Use %%display magic to view the result in table format:


Table shows vendor_id, passenger_count and count columns

You can also quickly visualize your data with five types of charts. You can choose the display type and the chart will change accordingly. In the following screenshot, we use a bar chart to visualize our data.

bar chart showing passenger_count against each vendor_id

Interact with EMR Serverless using Spark SQL

You can interact with tables in the AWS Glue Data Catalog using Spark SQL on EMR Serverless. In the sample notebook, we show how you can transform data using a Spark dataframe.

First, create a new temporary view called taxis. This allows you to use Spark SQL to select data from this view. Then create a taxi dataframe for further processing:

sqlDF = spark.sql(
    "SELECT DOLocationID, sum(total_amount) as sum_total_amount \
     FROM taxis where DOLocationID < 25 Group by DOLocationID ORDER BY DOLocationID"

Table shows vendor_id, passenger_count and count columns

In each cell in your EMR Studio notebook, you can expand Spark Job Progress to view the various stages of the job submitted to EMR Serverless while running this specific cell. You can see the time taken to complete each stage. In the following example, stage 14 of the job has 12 completed tasks. In addition, if there is any failure, you can see the logs, making troubleshooting a seamless experience. We discuss this more in the next section.

Job[14]: showString at NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:0 and Job[15]: showString at NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:0

Use the following code to visualize the processed dataframe using the matplotlib package. You use the maptplotlib library to plot the dropoff location and the total amount as a bar chart.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = sqlDF.toPandas()
plt.bar(df.DOLocationID, df.sum_total_amount)
%matplot plt

Diagnose interactive applications

You can get the session information for your Livy endpoint using the %%info Sparkmagic. This gives you links to access the Spark UI as well as the driver log right in your notebook.

The following screenshot is a driver log snippet for our application, which we opened via the link in our notebook.

driver log screenshot

Similarly, you can choose the link below Spark UI to open the UI. The following screenshot shows the Executors tab, which provides access to the driver and executor logs.

The following screenshot shows stage 14, which corresponds to the Spark SQL step we saw earlier in which we calculated the location wise sum of total taxi collections, which had been broken down into 12 tasks. Through the Spark UI, the interactive application provides fine-grained task-level status, I/O, and shuffle details, as well as links to corresponding logs for each task for this stage right from your notebook, enabling a seamless troubleshooting experience.

Clean up

If you no longer want to keep the resources created in this post, complete the following cleanup steps:

  1. Delete the EMR Serverless application.
  2. Delete the EMR Studio and the associated workspaces and notebooks.
  3. To delete rest of the resources, navigate to CloudFormation console, select the stack, and choose Delete.

All of the resources will be deleted except the S3 bucket, which has its deletion policy set to retain.


The post showed how to run interactive PySpark workloads in EMR Studio using EMR Serverless as the compute. You can also build and monitor Spark applications in an interactive JupyterLab Workspace.

In an upcoming post, we’ll discuss additional capabilities of EMR Serverless Interactive applications, such as:

  • Working with resources such as Amazon RDS and Amazon Redshift in your VPC (for example, for JDBC/ODBC connectivity)
  • Running transactional workloads using serverless endpoints

If this is your first time exploring EMR Studio, we recommend checking out the Amazon EMR workshops and referring to Create an EMR Studio.

About the Authors

Sekar Srinivasan is a Principal Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS focused on Data Analytics and AI. Sekar has over 20 years of experience working with data. He is passionate about helping customers build scalable solutions modernizing their architecture and generating insights from their data. In his spare time he likes to work on non-profit projects, focused on underprivileged Children’s education.

Disha Umarwani is a Sr. Data Architect with Amazon Professional Services within Global Health Care and LifeSciences. She has worked with customers to design, architect and implement Data Strategy at scale. She specializes in architecting Data Mesh architectures for Enterprise platforms.

Securing the Zabbix Frontend

Post Syndicated from Patrik Uytterhoeven original https://blog.zabbix.com/securing-the-zabbix-frontend/27700/

The frontend is what we use to login into our system. The Zabbix frontend will connect to our Zabbix server and our database. But we also send information from our laptop to the frontend. It’s important that when we enter our credentials that we can do this in a safe way. So it makes sense to make use of certificates and one way to do this is by making use of self-signed certificates.

To give you a better understanding of why your browser will warn you when using self-signed certificates, we have to know that when we request an SSL certificate from an official Certificate Authority (CA) that you submit a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to them. They in return provide you with a Signed SSL certificate. For this, they make use of their root certificate and private key.

Our browser comes with a copy of the root certificate (CA) from various authorities, or it can access it from the OS. This is why our self-signed certificates are not trusted by our browser – we don’t have any CA validation. Our only workaround is to create our own root certificate and private key.

Understanding the concepts

How to create an SSL certificate:

How SSL works – Client – Server flow:

NOTE: I have borrowed the designs from this video, which does a good job of explaining how SSL works.

Securing the Frontend with self signed SSL on Nginx

In order to configure this, there are a few steps that we need to follow:

  • Generate a private key for the CA ( Certificate Authority )
  • Generate a root certificate
  • Generate CA-Authenticated Certificates
  • Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
  • Generate an X509 V3 certificate extension configuration file
  • Generate the certificate using our CSR, the CA private key, the CA certificate, and the config file
  • Copy the SSL certificates to your Virtual Host
  • Adapt your Nginx Zabbix config

Generate a private key for the CA

The first step is to make a folder named “SSL” so we can create our certificates and save them:

>- mkdir ~/ssl
>- cd ~/ssl
>- openssl ecparam -out myCA.key -name prime256v1 -genkey

Let’s explain all the options:

  • openssl : The tool to use the OpenSSL library, which provides us with cryptographic functions and utilities
  • out myCA.key : This part of the command specifies the output file name for the generated private key
  • name prime256v1: The name of the elliptic curve; X9.62/SECG curve over a 256 bit prime field
  • ecparam: This command is used to manipulate or generate EC parameter files
  • genkey: This option will generate an EC private key using the specified parameters

Generate a Root Certificate

openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key myCA.key -sha256 -days 1825 -out myCA.pema

Let’s explain all the options:

  • openssl: The command-line tool for OpenSSL
  • req: This command is used for X.509 certificate signing request (CSR) management
  • x509: This option specifies that a self-signed certificate should be created
  • new: This option is used to generate a new certificate
  • nodes: This option indicates that the private key should not be encrypted. It will generates a private key without a passphrase, making it more
    convenient but potentially less secure
  • key myCA.key: This specifies the private key file (myCA.key) to be used in generating the certificate
  • sha256: This option specifies the hash algorithm to be used for the certificate. In this case, SHA-256 is chosen for stronger security
  • days 1825: This sets the validity period of the certificate in days. Here, it’s set to 1825 days (5 years)
  • out myCA.pem: This specifies the output file name for the generated certificate. In this case, “myCA.pem”

The information you enter is not so important, but it’s best to fill it in as comprehensively as possible. Just make sure you enter for CN your IP or DNS.

You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [XX]:BE
State or Province Name (full name) []:vlaams-brabant
Locality Name (eg, city) [Default City]:leuven
Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]:
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []:
Email Address []:

Generate CA-Authenticated Certificates

It’s probably good practice to use the dns name of your webiste in the name for the private key. As we use in this case an IP address rather than a dns, I will use the fictive dns zabbix.mycompany.internal.

openssl genrsa -out zabbix.mycompany.internal.key 2048

Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

openssl req -new -key zabbix.mycompany.internal.key -out zabbix.mycompany.internal.csr

You will be asked the same set of questions as above. Once again, your answers hold minimal significance and in our case no one will inspect the certificate, so they matter even less.

You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [XX]:BE
State or Province Name (full name) []:vlaams-brabant
Locality Name (eg, city) [Default City]:leuven
Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]:
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []:
Email Address []:

Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
to be sent with your certificate request
A challenge password []:
An optional company name []:

Generate an X509 V3 certificate extension configuration file

# vi zabbix.mycompany.internal.ext

Add the following lines in your certificate extension file. Replace IP or DNS with your own values.

keyUsage = digitalSignature, nonRepudiation, keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment
subjectAltName = @alt_names

IP.1 =
#DNS.1 = MYDNS (You can use DNS if you have a dns name if you use IP then use the above line)

Generate the certificate using our CSR, the CA private key, the CA certificate, and the config file

openssl x509 -req -in zabbix.mycompany.internal.csr -CA myCA.pem -CAkey myCA.key \
-CAcreateserial -out zabbix.mycompany.internal.crt -days 825 -sha256 -extfile zabbix.mycompany.internal.ext

Copy the SSL certificates to our Virtual Host

cp zabbix.mycompany.internal.crt /etc/pki/tls/certs/.
cp zabbix.mycompany.internal.key /etc/pki/tls/private/.

Import the CA in Linux (RHEL)

We need to update the CA certificates, so run the below command to update the CA certs.

cp myCA.pem /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/myCA.crt
update-ca-trust extract

Import the CA in OSX

  • Open the macOS Keychain app
  • Navigate to File > Import Items
  • Choose your private key file (i.e., myCA.pem)
  • Search for the “Common Name” you provided earlier
  • Double-click on your root certificate in the list
  • Expand the Trust section
  • Modify the “When using this certificate:” dropdown to “Always Trust”
  • Close the certificate window

Import the CA in Windows

  • Open the “Microsoft Management Console” by pressing Windows + R, typing mmc, and clicking Open
  • Navigate to File > Add/Remove Snap-in
  • Select Certificates and click Add
  • Choose Computer Account and proceed by clicking Next
  • Select Local Computer and click Finish
  • Click OK to return to the MMC window
  • Expand the view by double-clicking Certificates (local computer)
  • Right-click on Certificates under “Object Type” in the middle column, select All Tasks, and then Import
  • Click Next, followed by Browse. Change the certificate extension dropdown next to the filename field to All Files (.) and locate the myCA.pem file
  • Click Open, then Next
  • Choose “Place all certificates in the following store.” with “Trusted Root Certification Authorities store” as the default. Proceed by clicking Next, then Finish, to finalize the wizard
  • If all went well you should find your certificate under Trusted Root Certification Authorities > Certificates

Warning! You also need to import the myCA.crt file in your OS. We are not an official CA, so we have to import it in our OS and tell it to trust this Certificate. This action depends on the OS you use.

As you are using OpenSSL, you should also create a strong Diffie-Hellman group, which is used in negotiating Perfect Forward Secrecy with clients. You can do this by typing:

openssl dhparam -out /etc/ssl/certs/dhparam.pem 2048

Adapt your Nginx Zabbix config

Add the following lines to your Nginx configuration, modifying the file paths as needed. Replace the existing lines with port 80 with this configuration. This will enable SSL and HTTP2.

# vi /etc/nginx/conf.d/zabbix.conf
server {
listen 443 http2 ssl;
listen [::]:443 http2 ssl;
server_name <ip qddress>;
ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/zabbix.mycompany.internal.crt;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/pki/tls/private/zabbix.mycompany.internal.key;
ssl_dhparam /etc/ssl/certs/dhparam.pem;

To redirect traffic from port 80 to 443 we can add the following lines above our https block:

server {
listen 80;
server_name _; #dns or ip is also possible
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;

Restart all services and allow https traffic

systemctl restart php-fpm.service
systemctl restart nginx

firewall-cmd --add-service=https --permanent
firewall-cmd —reload

When we go to our url http://<IP or DNS>/ we get redirected to our https:// page and when we check we can see that our site is secure:

You can check out this article in its original form (and keep an eye out for more of Patrik’s helpful tips) at https://trikke76.github.io/Zabbix-Book/security/securing-zabbix/.

The post Securing the Zabbix Frontend appeared first on Zabbix Blog.

Creating a User Activity Dashboard for Amazon CodeWhisperer

Post Syndicated from David Ernst original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/creating-a-user-activity-dashboard-for-amazon-codewhisperer/

Maximizing the value from Enterprise Software tools requires an understanding of who and how users interact with those tools. As we have worked with builders rolling out Amazon CodeWhisperer to their enterprises, identifying usage patterns has been critical.

This blog post is a result of that work, builds on Introducing Amazon CodeWhisperer Dashboard blog and Amazon CloudWatch metrics and enables customers to build dashboards to support their rollouts. Note that these features are only available in CodeWhisperer Professional plan.

Organizations have leveraged the existing Amazon CodeWhisperer Dashboard to gain insights into developer usage. This blog explores how we can supplement the existing dashboard with detailed user analytics. Identifying leading contributors has accelerated tool usage and adoption within organizations. Acknowledging and incentivizing adopters can accelerate a broader adoption.

he architecture diagram outlines a streamlined process for tracking and analyzing Amazon CodeWhisperer user login events. It begins with logging these events in CodeWhisperer and AWS CloudTrail and then forwarding them to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. To set up the CloudTrail, you will use Amazon S3 and AWS Key Management Service (KMS). An AWS Lambda function sifts through the logs, extracting user login information. The findings are then displayed on a CloudWatch Dashboard, visually representing users who have logged in and inactive users. This outlines how an organization can dive into CodeWhisperer's usage.

The architecture diagram outlines a streamlined process for tracking and analyzing Amazon CodeWhisperer usage events. It begins with logging these events in CodeWhisperer and AWS CloudTrail and then forwarding them to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. Configuring AWS CloudTrail involves using Amazon S3 for storage and AWS Key Management Service (KMS) for log encryption. An AWS Lambda function analyzes the logs, extracting information about user activity. This blog also introduces a AWS CloudFormation template that simplifies the setup process, including creating the CloudTrail with an S3 bucket KMS key and the Lambda function. The template also configures AWS IAM permissions, ensuring the Lambda function has access rights to interact with other AWS services.

Configuring CloudTrail for CodeWhisperer User Tracking

This section details the process for monitoring user interactions while using Amazon CodeWhisperer. The aim is to utilize AWS CloudTrail to record instances where users receive code suggestions from CodeWhisperer. This involves setting up a new CloudTrail trail tailored to log events related to these interactions. By accomplishing this, you lay a foundational framework for capturing detailed user activity data, which is crucial for the subsequent steps of analyzing and visualizing this data through a custom AWS Lambda function and an Amazon CloudWatch dashboard.

Setup CloudTrail for CodeWhisperer

1. Navigate to AWS CloudTrail Service.

2. Create Trail

3. Choose Trail Attributes

a. Click on Create Trail

b. Provide a Trail Name, for example, “cwspr-preprod-cloudtrail”

c. Choose Enable for all accounts in my organization

d. Choose Create a new Amazon S3 bucket to configure the Storage Location

e. For Trail log bucket and folder, note down the given unique trail bucket name in order to view the logs at a future point.

f. Check Enabled to encrypt log files with SSE-KMS encryption

j. Enter an AWS Key Management Service alias for log file SSE-KMS encryption, for example, “cwspr-preprod-cloudtrail”

h. Select Enabled for CloudWatch Logs

i. Select New

j. Copy the given CloudWatch Log group name, you will need this for the testing the Lambda function in a future step.

k. Provide a Role Name, for example, “CloudTrailRole-cwspr-preprod-cloudtrail”

l. Click Next.

This image depicts how to choose the trail attributes within CloudTrail for CodeWhisperer User Tracking.

4. Choose Log Events

a. Check “Management events“ and ”Data events“

b. Under Management events, keep the default options under API activity, Read and Write

c. Under Data event, choose CodeWhisperer for Data event type

d. Keep the default Log all events under Log selector template

e. Click Next

f. Review and click Create Trail

This image depicts how to choose the log events for CloudTrail for CodeWhisperer User Tracking.

Please Note: The logs will need to be included on the account which the management account or member accounts are enabled.

Gathering Application ARN for CodeWhisperer application

Step 1: Access AWS IAM Identity Center

1. Locate and click on the Services dropdown menu at the top of the console.

2. Search for and select IAM Identity Center (SSO) from the list of services.

Step 2: Find the Application ARN for CodeWhisperer application

1. In the IAM Identity Center dashboard, click on Application Assignments. -> Applications in the left-side navigation pane.

2. Locate the application with Service as CodeWhisperer and click on it

An image displays where you can find the Application in IAM Identity Center.

3. Copy the Application ARN and store it in a secure place. You will need this ID to configure your Lambda function’s JSON event.

An image shows where you will find the Application ARN after you click on you AWS managed application.

User Activity Analysis in CodeWhisperer with AWS Lambda

This section focuses on creating and testing our custom AWS Lambda function, which was explicitly designed to analyze user activity within an Amazon CodeWhisperer environment. This function is critical in extracting, processing, and organizing user activity data. It starts by retrieving detailed logs from CloudWatch containing CodeWhisperer user activity, then cross-references this data with the membership details obtained from the AWS Identity Center. This allows the function to categorize users into active and inactive groups based on their engagement within a specified time frame.

The Lambda function’s capability extends to fetching and structuring detailed user information, including names, display names, and email addresses. It then sorts and compiles these details into a comprehensive HTML output. This output highlights the CodeWhisperer usage in an organization.

Creating and Configuring Your AWS Lambda Function

1. Navigate to the Lambda service.

2. Click on Create function.

3. Choose Author from scratch.

4. Enter a Function name, for example, “AmazonCodeWhispererUserActivity”.

5. Choose Python 3.11 as the Runtime.

6. Click on ‘Create function’ to create your new Lambda function.

7. Access the Function: After creating your Lambda function, you will be directed to the function’s dashboard. If not, navigate to the Lambda service, find your function “AmazonCodeWhispererUserActivity”, and click on it.

8. Copy and paste your Python code into the inline code editor on the function’s dashboard. The lambda function code can be found here.

9. Click ‘Deploy’ to save and deploy your code to the Lambda function.

10. You have now successfully created and configured an AWS Lambda function with our Python code.

This image depicts how to configure your AWS Lambda function for tracking user activity in CodeWhisperer.

Updating the Execution Role for Your AWS Lambda Function

After you’ve created your Lambda function, you need to ensure it has the appropriate permissions to interact with other AWS services like CloudWatch Logs and AWS Identity Store. Here’s how you can update the IAM role permissions:

Locate the Execution Role:

1. Open Your Lambda Function’s Dashboard in the AWS Management Console.

2. Click on the ‘Configuration’ tab located near the top of the dashboard.

3. Set the Time Out setting to 15 minutes from the default 3 seconds

4. Select the ‘Permissions’ menu on the left side of the Configuration page.

5. Find the ‘Execution role’ section on the Permissions page.

6. Click on the Role Name to open the IAM (Identity and Access Management) role associated with your Lambda function.

7. In the IAM role dashboard, click on the Policy Name under the Permissions policies.

8. Edit the existing policy: Replace the policy with the following JSON.

9. Save the changes to the policy.

} Your AWS Lambda function now has the necessary permissions to execute and interact with CloudWatch Logs and AWS Identity Store. This image depicts the permissions after the Lambda policies are updated. 

Testing Lambda Function with custom input

1. On your Lambda function’s dashboard.

2. On the function’s dashboard, locate the Test button near the top right corner.

3. Click on Test. This opens a dialog for configuring a new test event.

4. In the dialog, you’ll see an option to create a new test event. If it’s your first test, you’ll be prompted automatically to create a new event.

5. For Event name, enter a descriptive name for your test, such as “TestEvent”.

6. In the event code area, replace the existing JSON with your specific input:

"log_group_name": "{Insert Log Group Name}",
"start_date": "{Insert Start Date}",
"end_date": "{Insert End Date}",
"codewhisperer_application_arn": "{Insert Codewhisperer Application ARN}", 
"identity_store_region": "{Insert Region}", 
"codewhisperer_region": "{Insert Region}"

7. This JSON structure includes:

a. log_group_name: The name of the log group in CloudWatch Logs.

b. start_date: The start date and time for the query, formatted as “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”.

c. end_date: The end date and time for the query, formatted as “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”.

e. codewhisperer_application_arn: The ARN of the Code Whisperer Application in the AWS Identity Store.

f. identity_store_region: The region of the AWS Identity Store.

f. codewhisperer_region: The region of where Amazon CodeWhisperer is configured.

8. Click on Save to store this test configuration.

This image depicts an example of creating a test event for the Lambda function with example JSON parameters entered.

9. With the test event selected, click on the Test button again to execute the function with this event.

10. The function will run, and you’ll see the execution result at the top of the page. This includes execution status, logs, and output.

11. Check the Execution result section to see if the function executed successfully.

This image depicts what a test case that successfully executed looks like.

Visualizing CodeWhisperer User Activity with Amazon CloudWatch Dashboard

This section focuses on effectively visualizing the data processed by our AWS Lambda function using a CloudWatch dashboard. This part of the guide provides a step-by-step approach to creating a “CodeWhispererUserActivity” dashboard within CloudWatch. It details how to add a custom widget to display the results from the Lambda Function. The process includes configuring the widget with the Lambda function’s ARN and the necessary JSON parameters.

1.Navigate to the Amazon CloudWatch service from within the AWS Management Console

2. Choose the ‘Dashboards’ option from the left-hand navigation panel.

3. Click on ‘Create dashboard’ and provide a name for your dashboard, for example: “CodeWhispererUserActivity”.

4. Click the ‘Create Dashboard’ button.

5. Select “Other Content Types” as your ‘Data sources types’ option before choosing “Custom Widget” for your ‘Widget Configuration’ and then click ‘Next’.

6. On the “Create a custom widget” page click the ‘Next’ button without making a selection from the dropdown.

7. On the ‘Create a custom widget’ page:

a. Enter your Lambda function’s ARN (Amazon Resource Name) or use the dropdown menu to find and select your “CodeWhispererUserActivity” function.

b. Add the JSON parameters that you provided in the test event, without including the start and end dates.

"log_group_name": "{Insert Log Group Name}",
“codewhisperer_application_arn”:”{Insert Codewhisperer Application ARN}”,
"identity_store_region": "{Insert identity Store Region}",
"codewhisperer_region": "{Insert Codewhisperer Region}"

This image depicts an example of creating a custom widget.

8. Click the ‘Add widget’ button. The dashboard will update to include your new widget and will run the Lambda function to retrieve initial data. You’ll need to click the “Execute them all” button in the upper banner to let CloudWatch run the initial Lambda retrieval.

This image depicts the execute them all button on the upper right of the screen.

9. Customize Your Dashboard: Arrange the dashboard by dragging and resizing widgets for optimal organization and visibility. Adjust the time range and refresh settings as needed to suit your monitoring requirements.

10. Save the Dashboard Configuration: After setting up and customizing your dashboard, click ‘Save dashboard’ to preserve your layout and settings.

This image depicts what the dashboard looks like. It showcases active users and inactive users, with first name, last name, display name, and email.

CloudFormation Deployment for the CodeWhisperer Dashboard

The blog post concludes with a detailed AWS CloudFormation template designed to automate the setup of the necessary infrastructure for the Amazon CodeWhisperer User Activity Dashboard. This template provisions AWS resources, streamlining the deployment process. It includes the configuration of AWS CloudTrail for tracking user interactions, setting up CloudWatch Logs for logging and monitoring, and creating an AWS Lambda function for analyzing user activity data. Additionally, the template defines the required IAM roles and permissions, ensuring the Lambda function has access to the needed AWS services and resources.

The blog post also provides a JSON configuration for the CloudWatch dashboard. This is because, at the time of writing, AWS CloudFormation does not natively support the creation and configuration of CloudWatch dashboards. Therefore, the JSON configuration is necessary to manually set up the dashboard in CloudWatch, allowing users to visualize the processed data from the Lambda function. The CloudFormation template can be found here.

Create a CloudWatch Dashboard and import the JSON below.

            "endpoint":"{Insert ARN of Lambda Function}",
               "log_group_name":"{Insert Log Group Name}",
               "codewhisperer_application_arn":"{Insert Codewhisperer Application ARN}",
               "identity_store_region":"{Insert identity Store Region}",
               "codewhisperer_region":"{Insert Codewhisperer Region}"


In this blog, we detail a comprehensive process for establishing a user activity dashboard for Amazon CodeWhisperer to deliver data to support an enterprise rollout. The journey begins with setting up AWS CloudTrail to log user interactions with CodeWhisperer. This foundational step ensures the capture of detailed activity events, which is vital for our subsequent analysis. We then construct a tailored AWS Lambda function to sift through CloudTrail logs. Then, create a dashboard in AWS CloudWatch. This dashboard serves as a central platform for displaying the user data from our Lambda function in an accessible, user-friendly format.

You can reference the existing CodeWhisperer dashboard for additional insights. The Amazon CodeWhisperer Dashboard offers a view summarizing data about how your developers use the service.

Overall, this dashboard empowers you to track, understand, and influence the adoption and effective use of Amazon CodeWhisperer in your organizations, optimizing the tool’s deployment and fostering a culture of informed data-driven usage.

About the authors:

David Ernst

David Ernst is an AWS Sr. Solution Architect with a DevOps and Generative AI background, leveraging over 20 years of IT experience to drive transformational change for AWS’s customers. Passionate about leading teams and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, David excels in architecting and managing cloud-based solutions, emphasizing automation, infrastructure as code, and continuous integration/delivery.

Riya Dani

Riya Dani is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS), responsible for helping Enterprise customers on their journey in the cloud. She has a passion for learning and holds a Bachelor’s & Master’s degree in Computer Science from Virginia Tech. In her free time, she enjoys staying active and reading.

Vikrant Dhir

Vikrant Dhir is a AWS Solutions Architect helping systemically important financial services institutions innovate on AWS. He specializes in Containers and Container Security and helps customers build and run enterprise grade Kubernetes Clusters using Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service(EKS). He is an avid programmer proficient in a number of languages such as Java, NodeJS and Terraform.

Extending Zabbix: the power of scripting

Post Syndicated from Giedrius Stasiulionis original https://blog.zabbix.com/extending-zabbix-the-power-of-scripting/27401/

Scripts can extend Zabbix in various different aspects. If you know your ways around a CLI, you will be able to extend your monitoring capabilities and streamline workflows related to most Zabbix components.

What I like about Zabbix is that it is very flexible and powerful tool right out of the box. It has many different ways to collect, evaluate and visualize data, all implemented natively and ready to use.

However, in more complex environments or custom use cases, you will inevitably face situations when something can’t be collected (or displayed) in a way that you want. Luckily enough, Zabbix is flexible even here! It provides you with ways to apply your knowledge and imagination so that even most custom monitoring scenarios would be covered. Even though Zabbix is an open-source tool, in this article I will talk about extending it without changing its code, but rather by applying something on top, with the help of scripting. I will guide you through some examples, which will hopefully pique your curiosity and maybe you will find them interesting enough to experiment and create something similar for yourself.

Although first idea which comes to ones mind when talking about scripts in Zabbix is most likely data collection, it is not the only place where scripts can help. So I will divide those examples / ideas into three sub categories:

  • Data collection
  • Zabbix internals
  • Visualization

Data collection

First things first. Data collection is a starting point for any kind of monitoring. There are multiple ways how to collect data in “custom” ways, but the easiest one is to use UserParameter capabilities. Basics of it are very nicely covered by official documentation or in other sources, e.g. in this video by Dmitry Lambert, so I will skip the “Hello World” part and provide some more advanced ideas which might be useful to consider. Also, the provided examples use common scripting themes/scenarios and you can find many similar solutions in the community, so maybe this will serve better as a reminder or a showcase for someone who has never created any custom items before.

Data collection: DB checks

There is a lot of good information on how to setup DB checks for Zabbix, so this is just a reminder, that one of the ways to do it is via custom scripts. I personally have done it for various different databases: MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, OpenEdge Progress. Thing is ODBC is not always a great or permitted way to go, since some security restrictions might be in place and you can’t get direct access to DB from just anywhere you want. Or you want to transform your retrieved data in a ways that are complex and could hardly be covered by preprocessing. Then you have to rely on Zabbix agent running those queries either from localhost where DB resides or from some other place which is allowed to connect to your DB. Here is an example how you can do it for PostgreSQL


my_dir="$(dirname ${0})"

[[ ! -f $conf_file ]] && echo -1 && exit 1

. ${conf_file}

export PGPASSWORD="${db_pass}"

query="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sms WHERE sms.status IN ('retriable', 'validated');"

psql -h "${db_host}" -p "${db_port}" -U "${db_user}" -d "${db}" -c "${query}" -At 2>/dev/null

[[ $? -ne 0 ]] && echo -1 && exit 1

exit 0

Now what’s left is to feed the output of this script into Zabbix via UserParameter. Similar approach can be applied to Oracle (via sqlplus) or MySQL.

Data collection: log delay statistics

I once faced a situation when some graphs which are based on log data started having gaps. It meant something was wrong either with data collection (Zabbix agent) or with data not being there at the moment of collection (so nothing to collect). Quick check suggested it was the second one, but I needed to prove it somehow.

Since these log lines had timestamps of creation, it was a logical step to try to measure, how much do they differ from “current time” of reading. And this is how I came up with the following custom script to implement such idea.

First of all, we need to read the file, say once each minute. We are talking about log with several hundreds of thousands lines per minute, so this script should be made efficient. It should read the file in portions created between two script runs. I have explained such reading in details here so now we will not focus on it.

Next what this script does is it greps timestamps only from each line and counts immediately number of unique lines with the same timestamp (degree of seconds). That is where it becomes fast – it doesn’t need to analyze each and every line individually but it can analyze already grouped content!

Finally, delay is calculated based on the difference between “now” and collected timestamps, and those counters are exactly what is then passed to Zabbix.




me="$(basename ${0})"

[[ ! -d ${my_dir} ]] && mkdir -p ${my_dir}

# only one instance of this script at single point of time
# this makes sure you don't damage temp files


# allow only one process
# but make it more sophisticated:
# script is being run each minute
# if .running file is here for more than 10 minutes, something is wrong
# delete .running and try to run once again

[[ -f $me_running && $(($(date +%s)-$(stat -c %Y $me_running))) -lt 600 ]] && exit 1

touch $me_running

[[ "${my_log}" == "" || ! -f "${my_log}" ]] && exit 1


# get current file size in bytes

current_size=$(wc -c < "${my_log}")

# remember how many bytes you have now for next read
# when run for first time, you don't know the previous

[[ ! -f "${log_read}" ]] && echo "${current_size}" > "${log_read}"

bytes_read=$(cat "${log_read}")
echo "${current_size}" > "${log_read}"

# if rotated, let's read from the beginning

if [[ ${bytes_read} -gt ${current_size} ]]; then

# get the portion

now=$(date +%s)


while read line; do

  [[ ${line} == "" ]] && continue


  ts=$(date -d "${line[1]}+00:00" +%s)


  if [[ ${delay} -lt 60 ]]; then
  elif [[ ${delay} -lt 300 ]]; then
  elif [[ ${delay} -lt 600 ]]; then
  elif [[ ${delay} -lt 1800 ]]; then
  elif [[ ${delay} -lt 2700 ]]; then
  elif [[ ${delay} -lt 3600 ]]; then

done <<< "$(tail -c +$((bytes_read+1)) "${my_log}" | head -c $((current_size-bytes_read)) | grep -Po "(?<=timestamp\":\")(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})(?=\.)" | sort | uniq -c | sort -k1nr)"

echo "delay_1_min=${delay_1_min}

rm -f "${me_running}"

exit 0

Now on Zabbix side, there is an item running this script and 7 dependent items, representing the degree of delay. Since there are many logs for which this data is collected, it is all put into LLD based on contents of specific directory:


This LLD then provides two macros:

And item prototypes will look like:

Those dependent items have one simple preprocessing step which takes needed number out of the script output:

So the final result is the nice graph in dashboard, showing exactly when and what degree delays do appear:

So as you see, it is relatively easy to collect just about any data you wish, once you know how. As you can see from these examples, it might be something more complex but it can also be just a simple one-liner – in any case it should be obvious that possibilities are endless when talking about scripts in data collection. If something is executable from the CLI and has a valuable output, go ahead and collect it!

Zabbix internals

Another area where scripts can be really useful is adjusting how Zabbix behaves or controlling this behavior automatically. And in this case, we will employ Zabbix API, since it’s designed exactly for such or similar purposes.

Zabbix internals: automatically disabling problematic item

In our environment, we have many logs to be analyzed. And some of them sometimes go crazy – something that we intend to catch starts appearing there too often and requires attention – typically we would have to adjust the regexp, temporarily suppress some patterns and inform responsible teams about too extensive logging. If you don’t (or can’t) pay attention quick, it might kill Zabbix – history write cache starts filling up. So what we do is automatically detect such an item with most values received during some most recent short period of time and automatically disable it.

First of all there are two items – the one measuring history write cache and the other one extracting top item in the given table

[root@linux ~]# zabbix_agentd -t zabbix.db.max[history_log,30] 2>/dev/null
zabbix.db.max[history_log,30] [t|463 1997050]
[root@linux ~]#

First number here is values gathered during provided period, second one is item id. The script behind this item looks like this

[root@linux ~]# grep zabbix.db.max /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/userparameter_mysql.conf
UserParameter=zabbix.db.max[*],HOME=/etc/zabbix mysql -BN -e "USE zabbix; SELECT count(*), itemid FROM $1 WHERE clock >= unix_timestamp(NOW() - INTERVAL $2 MINUTE) GROUP BY itemid ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1;"
[root@linux ~]#

And now relying on the history write cache item values showing us drop, we construct a trigger:

And as a last step, such trigger invokes action, which is running the script that disables the item with given ID with the help of Zabbix API, method “item.update”

Now we are able to avoid unexpected behavior of our data sources affecting Zabbix performance, all done automatically – thanks to the scripts!

Zabbix internals: add host to group via frontend scripts

Zabbix maintenance mode is a great feature allowing us to reduce noise or avoid some false positive alerts once specific host is known to have issues. At some point we found it would be convenient to be able to add (or remove) specific host into (from) maintenance directly from “Problems” window. And that is possible and achieved via a frontend script, again with the help of Zabbix API, this time methods “host.get”, “hostgroup.get”, “hostgroup.massadd” and “hostgroup.massremove”

Data visualization

Zabbix has many different widgets that are able to cover various different ways of displaying your collected data. But in some cases, you might find yourself missing some small type of “something” which would allow your dashboards to shine even more – at least I constantly face it. Starting From version 6.4 Zabbix allows you to create your own widgets but it might be not such a straightforward procedure if you have little or no programming experience. However, you can employ two already existing widgets in order to customize your dashboard look in pretty easy way.

Data visualization: URL widget

First one example is done using the URL widget. You might feed just about any content there, so if you have any web development skills, you can easily create something which would look like custom widget. Here is an example. I need a clock but not the one already provided by Zabbix as a separate clock widget – I want to have a digital clock and I also want this clock to have a section, which would display the employee on duty now and in an upcoming shift. So with a little bit of HTML, CSS and JavaScript / AJAX, I have this

With styles properly chosen, such content can be smoothly integrated into dashboards, along with other widgets.

Data visualization: plain text widget with HTML formatting

Another useful widget which is often overlooked is the “Plain text” widget – in combination with the following parameters:

It becomes a very powerful tool to display nicely formatted data snapshots. Simple yet very good example here would be to display some content, which requires human readable structure – a table.

So again, integration with other dashboard widgets is so smooth – with just some custom HTML / CSS around your data you wrap it into something that looks like brand new “table” widget. Isn’t it awesome? And you are of course not limited to tables… Just use your imagination!


Although I personally prefer bash as the first option to solve things, there is no big difference regarding which scripting or programming languages to choose when extending Zabbix in these ways. Just try anything you feel most comfortable with.

I hope that examples shown here inspired you in some ways. Happy scripting!

The post Extending Zabbix: the power of scripting appeared first on Zabbix Blog.

Simplify data streaming ingestion for analytics using Amazon MSK and Amazon Redshift

Post Syndicated from Sebastian Vlad original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/simplify-data-streaming-ingestion-for-analytics-using-amazon-msk-and-amazon-redshift/

Towards the end of 2022, AWS announced the general availability of real-time streaming ingestion to Amazon Redshift for Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK), eliminating the need to stage streaming data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) before ingesting it into Amazon Redshift.

Streaming ingestion from Amazon MSK into Amazon Redshift, represents a cutting-edge approach to real-time data processing and analysis. Amazon MSK serves as a highly scalable, and fully managed service for Apache Kafka, allowing for seamless collection and processing of vast streams of data. Integrating streaming data into Amazon Redshift brings immense value by enabling organizations to harness the potential of real-time analytics and data-driven decision-making.

This integration enables you to achieve low latency, measured in seconds, while ingesting hundreds of megabytes of streaming data per second into Amazon Redshift. At the same time, this integration helps make sure that the most up-to-date information is readily available for analysis. Because the integration doesn’t require staging data in Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift can ingest streaming data at a lower latency and without intermediary storage cost.

You can configure Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion on a Redshift cluster using SQL statements to authenticate and connect to an MSK topic. This solution is an excellent option for data engineers that are looking to simplify data pipelines and reduce the operational cost.

In this post, we provide a complete overview on how to configure Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion from Amazon MSK.

Solution overview

The following architecture diagram describes the AWS services and features you will be using.

architecture diagram describing the AWS services and features you will be using

The workflow includes the following steps:

  1. You start with configuring an Amazon MSK Connect source connector, to create an MSK topic, generate mock data, and write it to the MSK topic. For this post, we work with mock customer data.
  2. The next step is to connect to a Redshift cluster using the Query Editor v2.
  3. Finally, you configure an external schema and create a materialized view in Amazon Redshift, to consume the data from the MSK topic. This solution does not rely on an MSK Connect sink connector to export the data from Amazon MSK to Amazon Redshift.

The following solution architecture diagram describes in more detail the configuration and integration of the AWS services you will be using.
solution architecture diagram describing in more detail the configuration and integration of the AWS services you will be using
The workflow includes the following steps:

  1. You deploy an MSK Connect source connector, an MSK cluster, and a Redshift cluster within the private subnets on a VPC.
  2. The MSK Connect source connector uses granular permissions defined in an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) in-line policy attached to an IAM role, which allows the source connector to perform actions on the MSK cluster.
  3. The MSK Connect source connector logs are captured and sent to an Amazon CloudWatch log group.
  4. The MSK cluster uses a custom MSK cluster configuration, allowing the MSK Connect connector to create topics on the MSK cluster.
  5. The MSK cluster logs are captured and sent to an Amazon CloudWatch log group.
  6. The Redshift cluster uses granular permissions defined in an IAM in-line policy attached to an IAM role, which allows the Redshift cluster to perform actions on the MSK cluster.
  7. You can use the Query Editor v2 to connect to the Redshift cluster.


To simplify the provisioning and configuration of the prerequisite resources, you can use the following AWS CloudFormation template:

Complete the following steps when launching the stack:

  1. For Stack name, enter a meaningful name for the stack, for example, prerequisites.
  2. Choose Next.
  3. Choose Next.
  4. Select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.
  5. Choose Submit.

The CloudFormation stack creates the following resources:

  • A VPC custom-vpc, created across three Availability Zones, with three public subnets and three private subnets:
    • The public subnets are associated with a public route table, and outbound traffic is directed to an internet gateway.
    • The private subnets are associated with a private route table, and outbound traffic is sent to a NAT gateway.
  • An internet gateway attached to the Amazon VPC.
  • A NAT gateway that is associated with an elastic IP and is deployed in one of the public subnets.
  • Three security groups:
    • msk-connect-sg, which will be later associated with the MSK Connect connector.
    • redshift-sg, which will be later associated with the Redshift cluster.
    • msk-cluster-sg, which will be later associated with the MSK cluster. It allows inbound traffic from msk-connect-sg, and redshift-sg.
  • Two CloudWatch log groups:
    • msk-connect-logs, to be used for the MSK Connect logs.
    • msk-cluster-logs, to be used for the MSK cluster logs.
  • Two IAM Roles:
    • msk-connect-role, which includes granular IAM permissions for MSK Connect.
    • redshift-role, which includes granular IAM permissions for Amazon Redshift.
  • A custom MSK cluster configuration, allowing the MSK Connect connector to create topics on the MSK cluster.
  • An MSK cluster, with three brokers deployed across the three private subnets of custom-vpc. The msk-cluster-sg security group and the custom-msk-cluster-configuration configuration are applied to the MSK cluster. The broker logs are delivered to the msk-cluster-logs CloudWatch log group.
  • A Redshift cluster subnet group, which is using the three private subnets of custom-vpc.
  • A Redshift cluster, with one single node deployed in a private subnet within the Redshift cluster subnet group. The redshift-sg security group and redshift-role IAM role are applied to the Redshift cluster.

Create an MSK Connect custom plugin

For this post, we use an Amazon MSK data generator deployed in MSK Connect, to generate mock customer data, and write it to an MSK topic.

Complete the following steps:

  1. Download the Amazon MSK data generator JAR file with dependencies from GitHub.
    awslabs github page for downloading the jar file of the amazon msk data generator
  2. Upload the JAR file into an S3 bucket in your AWS account.
    amazon s3 console image showing the uploaded jar file in an s3 bucket
  3. On the Amazon MSK console, choose Custom plugins under MSK Connect in the navigation pane.
  4. Choose Create custom plugin.
  5. Choose Browse S3, search for the Amazon MSK data generator JAR file you uploaded to Amazon S3, then choose Choose.
  6. For Custom plugin name, enter msk-datagen-plugin.
  7. Choose Create custom plugin.

When the custom plugin is created, you will see that its status is Active, and you can move to the next step.
amazon msk console showing the msk connect custom plugin being successfully created

Create an MSK Connect connector

Complete the following steps to create your connector:

  1. On the Amazon MSK console, choose Connectors under MSK Connect in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create connector.
  3. For Custom plugin type, choose Use existing plugin.
  4. Select msk-datagen-plugin, then choose Next.
  5. For Connector name, enter msk-datagen-connector.
  6. For Cluster type, choose Self-managed Apache Kafka cluster.
  7. For VPC, choose custom-vpc.
  8. For Subnet 1, choose the private subnet within your first Availability Zone.

For the custom-vpc created by the CloudFormation template, we are using odd CIDR ranges for public subnets, and even CIDR ranges for the private subnets:

    • The CIDRs for the public subnets are,, and
    • The CIDRs for the private subnets are,, and
  1. For Subnet 2, select the private subnet within your second Availability Zone.
  2. For Subnet 3, select the private subnet within your third Availability Zone.
  3. For Bootstrap servers, enter the list of bootstrap servers for TLS authentication of your MSK cluster.

To retrieve the bootstrap servers for your MSK cluster, navigate to the Amazon MSK console, choose Clusters, choose msk-cluster, then choose View client information. Copy the TLS values for the bootstrap servers.

  1. For Security groups, choose Use specific security groups with access to this cluster, and choose msk-connect-sg.
  2. For Connector configuration, replace the default settings with the following:
genv.order.product_id.with=#{number.number_between '101','109'}
genv.order.quantity.with=#{number.number_between '1','5'}
  1. For Connector capacity, choose Provisioned.
  2. For MCU count per worker, choose 1.
  3. For Number of workers, choose 1.
  4. For Worker configuration, choose Use the MSK default configuration.
  5. For Access permissions, choose msk-connect-role.
  6. Choose Next.
  7. For Encryption, select TLS encrypted traffic.
  8. Choose Next.
  9. For Log delivery, choose Deliver to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
  10. Choose Browse, select msk-connect-logs, and choose Choose.
  11. Choose Next.
  12. Review and choose Create connector.

After the custom connector is created, you will see that its status is Running, and you can move to the next step.
amazon msk console showing the msk connect connector being successfully created

Configure Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion for Amazon MSK

Complete the following steps to set up streaming ingestion:

  1. Connect to your Redshift cluster using Query Editor v2, and authenticate with the database user name awsuser, and password Awsuser123.
  2. Create an external schema from Amazon MSK using the following SQL statement.

In the following code, enter the values for the redshift-role IAM role, and the msk-cluster cluster ARN.

CREATE EXTERNAL SCHEMA msk_external_schema
IAM_ROLE '<insert your redshift-role arn>'
CLUSTER_ARN '<insert your msk-cluster arn>';
  1. Choose Run to run the SQL statement.

redshift query editor v2 showing the SQL statement used to create an external schema from amazon msk

  1. Create a materialized view using the following SQL statement:
    JSON_PARSE(kafka_value) as Data,
  1. Choose Run to run the SQL statement.

redshift query editor v2 showing the SQL statement used to create a materialized view

  1. You can now query the materialized view using the following SQL statement:
select * from msk_mview LIMIT 100;
  1. Choose Run to run the SQL statement.

redshift query editor v2 showing the SQL statement used to query the materialized view

  1. To monitor the progress of records loaded via streaming ingestion, you can take advantage of the SYS_STREAM_SCAN_STATES monitoring view using the following SQL statement:
  1. Choose Run to run the SQL statement.

redshift query editor v2 showing the SQL statement used to query the sys stream scan states monitoring view

  1. To monitor errors encountered on records loaded via streaming ingestion, you can take advantage of the SYS_STREAM_SCAN_ERRORS monitoring view using the following SQL statement:
  1. Choose Run to run the SQL statement.redshift query editor v2 showing the SQL statement used to query the sys stream scan errors monitoring view

Clean up

After following along, if you no longer need the resources you created, delete them in the following order to prevent incurring additional charges:

  1. Delete the MSK Connect connector msk-datagen-connector.
  2. Delete the MSK Connect plugin msk-datagen-plugin.
  3. Delete the Amazon MSK data generator JAR file you downloaded, and delete the S3 bucket you created.
  4. After you delete your MSK Connect connector, you can delete the CloudFormation template. All the resources created by the CloudFormation template will be automatically deleted from your AWS account.


In this post, we demonstrated how to configure Amazon Redshift streaming ingestion from Amazon MSK, with a focus on privacy and security.

The combination of the ability of Amazon MSK to handle high throughput data streams with the robust analytical capabilities of Amazon Redshift empowers business to derive actionable insights promptly. This real-time data integration enhances the agility and responsiveness of organizations in understanding changing data trends, customer behaviors, and operational patterns. It allows for timely and informed decision-making, thereby gaining a competitive edge in today’s dynamic business landscape.

This solution is also applicable for customers that are looking to use Amazon MSK Serverless and Amazon Redshift Serverless.

We hope this post was a good opportunity to learn more about AWS service integration and configuration. Let us know your feedback in the comments section.

About the authors

Sebastian Vlad is a Senior Partner Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services, with a passion for data and analytics solutions and customer success. Sebastian works with enterprise customers to help them design and build modern, secure, and scalable solutions to achieve their business outcomes.

Sharad Pai is a Lead Technical Consultant at AWS. He specializes in streaming analytics and helps customers build scalable solutions using Amazon MSK and Amazon Kinesis. He has over 16 years of industry experience and is currently working with media customers who are hosting live streaming platforms on AWS, managing peak concurrency of over 50 million. Prior to joining AWS, Sharad’s career as a lead software developer included 9 years of coding, working with open source technologies like JavaScript, Python, and PHP.

HPC Monitoring: Transitioning from Nagios and Ganglia to Zabbix 6

Post Syndicated from Mark Vilensky original https://blog.zabbix.com/hpc-monitoring-transitioning-from-nagios-and-ganglia-to-zabbix-6/27313/

My name is Mark Vilensky, and I’m currently the Scientific Computing Manager at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel. I’ve been working in High-Performance Computing (HPC) for the past 15 years.

Our base is at the Chemistry Faculty at the Weizmann Institute, where our HPC activities follow a traditional path — extensive number crunching, classical calculations, and a repertoire that includes handling differential equations. Over the years, we’ve embraced a spectrum of technologies, even working with actual supercomputers like the SGI Altix.

Our setup

As of now, our system boasts nearly 600 compute nodes, collectively wielding about 25,000 cores. The interconnect is Infiniband, and for management, provisioning, and monitoring, we rely on Ethernet. Our storage infrastructure is IBM GPFS on DDN hardware, and job submissions are facilitated through PBS Professional.

We use VMware for the system management. Surprisingly, the team managing this extensive system comprises only three individuals. The hardware landscape features HPE, Dell, and Lenovo servers.

The path to Zabbix

Recent challenges have surfaced in the monitoring domain, prompting considerations for an upgrade to Red Hat 8 or a comparable distribution. Our existing monitoring framework involved Nagios and Ganglia, but they had some severe limitations — Nagios’ lack of scalability and Ganglia’s Python 2 compatibility issues have become apparent.

Exploring alternatives led us to Zabbix, a platform not commonly encountered in supercomputing conferences but embraced by the community. Fortunately, we found a great YouTube channel by Dmitry Lambert that not only gives some recipes for doing things but also provides an overview required for planning, sizing, and avowing future troubles.

Our Zabbix setup resides in a modest VM, sporting 16 CPUs, 32 GB RAM, and three Ethernet interfaces, all operating within the Rocky 8.7 environment. The database relies on PostgreSQL 14 and Timescale DB2 version 2.8, with slight adjustments to the default configurations for history and trend settings.

Getting the job done

The stability of our Zabbix system has been noteworthy, showcasing its ability to automate tasks, particularly in scenarios where nodes are taken offline, prompting Zabbix to initiate maintenance cycles automatically. Beyond conventional monitoring, we’ve tapped into Zabbix’s capabilities for external scripts, querying the PBS server and GPFS server, and even managing specific hardware anomalies.

The Zabbix dashboard has emerged as a comprehensive tool, offering a differentiated approach through host groups. These groups categorize our hosts, differentiating between CPU compute nodes, GPU compute nodes, and infrastructure nodes, allowing tailored alerts based on node types.

Alerting and visualization

Our alerting strategy involves receiving email alerts only for significant disasters, a conscious effort to avoid alert fatigue. The presentation emphasizes the nuanced differences in monitoring compute nodes versus infrastructure nodes, focusing on availability and potential job performance issues for the former and services, memory, and memory leaks for the latter.

The power of visual representations is underscored, with the utilization of heat maps offering quick insights into the cluster’s performance.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, our journey with Zabbix has not only delivered stability and automation but has also provided invaluable insights for optimizing resource utilization. I’d like to express my special appreciation for Andrei Vasilev, a member of our team whose efforts have been instrumental in making the transition to Zabbix.

The post HPC Monitoring: Transitioning from Nagios and Ganglia to Zabbix 6 appeared first on Zabbix Blog.

Introducing zabbix_utils – the official Python library for Zabbix API

Post Syndicated from Aleksandr Iantsen original https://blog.zabbix.com/python-zabbix-utils/27056/

Zabbix is a flexible and universal monitoring solution that integrates with a wide variety of different systems right out of the box. Despite actively expanding the list of natively supported systems for integration (via templates or webhook integrations), there may still be a need to integrate with custom systems and services that are not yet supported. In such cases, a library taking care of implementing interaction protocols with the Zabbix API, Zabbix server/proxy, or Agent/Agent2 becomes extremely useful. Given that Python is widely adopted among DevOps and SRE engineers as well as server administrators, we decided to release a library for this programming language first.

We are pleased to introduce zabbix_utils – a Python library for seamless interaction with Zabbix API, Zabbix server/proxy, and Zabbix Agent/Agent2. Of course, there are popular community solutions for working with these Zabbix components in Python. Keeping this fact in mind, we have tried to consolidate popular issues and cases along with our experience to develop as convenient a tool as possible. Furthermore, we made sure that transitioning to the tool is as straightforward and clear as possible. Thanks to official support, you can be confident that the current version of the library is compatible with the latest Zabbix release.

In this article, we will introduce you to the main capabilities of the library and provide examples of how to use it with Zabbix components.

Usage Scenarios

The zabbix_utils library can be used in the following scenarios, but is not limited to them:

  • Zabbix automation
  • Integration with third-party systems
  • Custom monitoring solutions
  • Data export (hosts, templates, problems, etc.)
  • Integration into your Python application for Zabbix monitoring support
  • Anything else that comes to mind

You can use zabbix_utils for automating Zabbix tasks, such as scripting the automatic monitoring setup of your IT infrastructure objects. This can involve using ZabbixAPI for the direct management of Zabbix objects, Sender for sending values to hosts, and Getter for gathering data from Agents. We will discuss Sender and Getter in more detail later in this article.

For example, let’s imagine you have an infrastructure consisting of different branches. Each server or workstation is deployed from an image with an automatically configured Zabbix Agent and each branch is monitored by a Zabbix proxy since it has an isolated network. Your custom service or script can fetch a list of this equipment from your CMDB system, along with any additional information. It can then use this data to create hosts in Zabbix and link the necessary templates using ZabbixAPI based on the received information. If the information from CMDB is insufficient, you can request data directly from the configured Zabbix Agent using Getter and then use this information for further configuration and decision-making during setup. Another part of your script can access AD to get a list of branch users to update the list of users in Zabbix through the API and assign them the appropriate permissions and roles based on information from AD or CMDB (e.g., editing rights for server owners).

Another use case of the library may be when you regularly export templates from Zabbix for subsequent import into a version control system. You can also establish a mechanism for loading changes and rolling back to previous versions of templates. Here a variety of other use cases can also be implemented – it’s all up to your requirements and the creative usage of the library.

Of course, if you are a developer and there is a requirement to implement Zabbix monitoring support for your custom system or tool, you can implement sending data describing any events generated by your custom system/tool to Zabbix using Sender.

Installation and Configuration

To begin with, you need to install the zabbix_utils library. You can do this in two main ways:

  • By using pip:
~$ pip install zabbix_utils
  • By cloning from GitHub:
~$ git clone https://github.com/zabbix/python-zabbix-utils
~$ cd python-zabbix-utils/
~$ python setup.py install

No additional configuration is required. But you can specify values for the following environment variables: ZABBIX_URL, ZABBIX_TOKEN, ZABBIX_USER, ZABBIX_PASSWORD if you need. These use cases are described in more detail below.

Working with Zabbix API

To work with Zabbix API, it is necessary to import the ZabbixAPI class from the zabbix_utils library:

from zabbix_utils import ZabbixAPI

If you are using one of the existing popular community libraries, in most cases, it will be sufficient to simply replace the ZabbixAPI import statement with an import from our library.

At that point you need to create an instance of the ZabbixAPI class. T4here are several usage scenarios:

  • Use preset values of environment variables, i.e., not pass any parameters to ZabbixAPI:
~$ export ZABBIX_URL="https://zabbix.example.local"
~$ export ZABBIX_USER="Admin"
~$ export ZABBIX_PASSWORD="zabbix"
from zabbix_utils import ZabbixAPI

api = ZabbixAPI()
  • Pass only the Zabbix API address as input, which can be specified as either the server IP/FQDN address or DNS name (in this case, the HTTP protocol will be used) or as an URL, and the authentication data should still be specified as values for environment variables:
~$ export ZABBIX_USER="Admin"
~$ export ZABBIX_PASSWORD="zabbix"
from zabbix_utils import ZabbixAPI

api = ZabbixAPI(url="")
  • Pass only the Zabbix API address to ZabbixAPI, as in the example above, and pass the authentication data later using the login() method:
from zabbix_utils import ZabbixAPI

api = ZabbixAPI(url="")
api.login(user="Admin", password="zabbix")
  • Pass all parameters at once when creating an instance of ZabbixAPI; in this case, there is no need to subsequently call login():
from zabbix_utils import ZabbixAPI

api = ZabbixAPI(

The ZabbixAPI class supports working with various Zabbix versions, automatically checking the API version during initialization. You can also work with the Zabbix API version as an object as follows:

from zabbix_utils import ZabbixAPI

api = ZabbixAPI()

# ZabbixAPI version field
ver = api.version
print(type(ver).__name__, ver) # APIVersion 6.0.24

# Method to get ZabbixAPI version
ver = api.api_version()
print(type(ver).__name__, ver) # APIVersion 6.0.24

# Additional methods
print(ver.major)    # 6.0
print(ver.minor)    # 24
print(ver.is_lts()) # True

As a result, you will get an APIVersion object that has major and minor fields returning the respective minor and major parts of the current version, as well as the is_lts() method, returning true if the current version is LTS (Long Term Support), and false otherwise. The APIVersion object can also be compared to a version represented as a string or a float number:

# Version comparison
print(ver < 6.4)      # True
print(ver != 6.0)     # False
print(ver != "6.0.5") # True

If the account and password (or starting from Zabbix 5.4 – token instead of login/password) are not set as environment variable values or during the initialization of ZabbixAPI, then it is necessary to call the login() method for authentication:

from zabbix_utils import ZabbixAPI

api = ZabbixAPI(url="")

After authentication, you can make any API requests described for all supported versions in the Zabbix documentation.

The format for calling API methods looks like this:


For example:


After completing all the necessary API requests, it’s necessary to execute logout() if authentication was done using login and password:


More examples of usage can be found here.

Sending Values to Zabbix Server/Proxy

There is often a need to send values to Zabbix Trapper. For this purpose, the zabbix_sender utility is provided. However, if your service or script sending this data is written in Python, calling an external utility may not be very convenient. Therefore, we have developed the Sender, which will help you send values to Zabbix server or proxy one by one or in groups. To work with Sender, you need to import it as follows:

from zabbix_utils import Sender

After that, you can send a single value:

from zabbix_utils import Sender

sender = Sender(server='', port=10051)
resp = sender.send_value('example_host', 'example.key', 50, 1702511920)

Alternatively, you can put them into a group for simultaneous sending, for which you need to additionally import ItemValue:

from zabbix_utils import ItemValue, Sender

items = [
    ItemValue('host1', 'item.key1', 10),
    ItemValue('host1', 'item.key2', 'Test value'),
    ItemValue('host2', 'item.key1', -1, 1702511920),
    ItemValue('host3', 'item.key1', '{"msg":"Test value"}'),
    ItemValue('host2', 'item.key1', 0, 1702511920, 100)

sender = Sender('', 10051)
response = sender.send(items)

For cases when there is a necessity to send more values than Zabbix Trapper can accept at one time, there is an option for fragmented sending, i.e. sequential sending in separate fragments (chunks). By default, the chunk size is set to 250 values. In other words, when sending values in bulk, the 400 values passed to the send() method for sending will be sent in two stages. 250 values will be sent first, and the remaining 150 values will be sent after receiving a response. The chunk size can be changed, to do this, you simply need to specify your value for the chunk_size parameter when initializing Sender:

from zabbix_utils import ItemValue, Sender

items = [
    ItemValue('host1', 'item.key1', 10),
    ItemValue('host1', 'item.key2', 'Test value'),
    ItemValue('host2', 'item.key1', -1, 1702511920),
    ItemValue('host3', 'item.key1', '{"msg":"Test value"}'),
    ItemValue('host2', 'item.key1', 0, 1702511920, 100)

sender = Sender('', 10051, chunk_size=2)
response = sender.send(items)

In the example above, the chunk size is set to 2. So, 5 values passed will be sent in three requests of two, two, and one value, respectively.

If your server has multiple network interfaces, and values need to be sent from a specific one, the Sender provides the option to specify a source_ip for the sent values:

from zabbix_utils import Sender

sender = Sender(
resp = sender.send_value('example_host', 'example.key', 50, 1702511920)

It also supports reading connection parameters from the Zabbix Agent/Agent2 configuration file. To do this, set the use_config flag, after which it is not necessary to pass connection parameters when creating an instance of Sender:

from zabbix_utils import Sender

sender = Sender(
response = sender.send_value('example_host', 'example.key', 50, 1702511920)

Since the Zabbix Agent/Agent2 configuration file can specify one or even several Zabbix clusters consisting of multiple Zabbix server instances, Sender will send data to the first available server of each cluster specified in the ServerActive parameter in the configuration file. In case the ServerActive parameter is not specified in the Zabbix Agent/Agent2 configuration file, the server address from the Server parameter with the standard Zabbix Trapper port – 10051 will be taken.

By default, Sender returns the aggregated result of sending across all clusters. But it is possible to get more detailed information about the results of sending for each chunk and each cluster:

# {"processed": 2, "failed": 0, "total": 2, "time": "0.000108", "chunk": 2}

if response.failed == 0:
    print(f"Value sent successfully in {response.time}")
    # {
    # [
    #         {
    #             "processed": 1,
    #             "failed": 0,
    #             "total": 1,
    #             "time": "0.000051",
    #             "chunk": 1
    #         }
    #     ],
    #     zabbix.example.local:10051: [
    #         {
    #             "processed": 1,
    #             "failed": 0,
    #             "total": 1,
    #             "time": "0.000057",
    #             "chunk": 1
    #         }
    #     ]
    # }
    for node, chunks in response.details.items():
        for resp in chunks:
            print(f"processed {resp.processed} of {resp.total} at {node.address}:{node.port}")
            # processed 1 of 1 at
            # processed 1 of 1 at zabbix.example.local:10051

More usage examples can be found here.

Getting values from Zabbix Agent/Agent2 by item key.

Sometimes it can also be useful to directly retrieve values from the Zabbix Agent. To assist with this task, zabbix_utils provides the Getter. It performs the same function as the zabbix_get utility, allowing you to work natively within Python code. Getter is straightforward to use; just import it, create an instance by passing the Zabbix Agent’s address and port, and then call the get() method, providing the data item key for the value you want to retrieve:

from zabbix_utils import Getter

agent = Getter('', 10050)
resp = agent.get('system.uname')

In cases where your server has multiple network interfaces, and requests need to be sent from a specific one, you can specify the source_ip for the Agent connection:

from zabbix_utils import Getter

agent = Getter(
resp = agent.get('system.uname')

The response from the Zabbix Agent will be processed by the library and returned as an object of the AgentResponse class:

# {
#     "error": null,
#     "raw": "Linux zabbix_server 5.15.0-",
#     "value": "Linux zabbix_server 5.15.0-"
# }

# None

# Linux zabbix_server 5.15.0-

More usage examples can be found here.


The zabbix_utils library for Python allows you to take full advantage of monitoring using Zabbix, without limiting yourself to the integrations available out of the box. It can be valuable for both DevOps and SRE engineers, as well as Python developers looking to implement monitoring support for their system using Zabbix.

In the next article, we will thoroughly explore integration with an external service using this library to demonstrate the capabilities of zabbix_utils more comprehensively.


Q: Which Agent versions are supported for Getter?

A: Supported versions of Zabbix Agents are the same as Zabbix API versions, as specified in the readme file. Our goal is to create a library with full support for all Zabbix components of the same version.

Q: Does Getter support Agent encryption?

A: Encryption support is not yet built into Sender and Getter, but you can create your wrapper using third-party libraries for both.

from zabbix_utils import Sender

def psk_wrapper(sock, tls):
    # ...
    # Implementation of TLS PSK wrapper for the socket
    # ...

sender = Sender(

More examples can be found here.

Q: Is it possible to set a timeout value for Getter?

A: The response timeout value can be set for the Getter, as well as for ZabbixAPI and Sender. In all cases, the timeout is set for waiting for any responses to requests.

# Example of setting a timeout for Sender
sender = Sender(server='', port=10051, timeout=30)

# Example of setting a timeout for Getter
agent = Getter(host='', port=10050, timeout=30)

Q: Is parallel (asynchronous) mode supported?

A: Currently, the library does not include asynchronous classes and methods, but we plan to develop asynchronous versions of ZabbixAPI and Sender.

Q: Is it possible to specify multiple servers when sending through Sender without specifying a configuration file (for working with an HA cluster)?

A: Yes, it’s possible by the following way:

from zabbix_utils import Sender

zabbix_clusters = [

sender = Sender(clusters=zabbix_clusters)
response = sender.send_value('example_host', 'example.key', 10, 1702511922)

# {"processed": 2, "failed": 0, "total": 2, "time": "0.000103", "chunk": 2}

# {
#     "zabbix.cluster1.node1:10051": [
#         {
#             "processed": 1,
#             "failed": 0,
#             "total": 1,
#             "time": "0.000050",
#             "chunk": 1
#         }
#     ],
#     "zabbix.cluster2.node2:20051": [
#         {
#             "processed": 1,
#             "failed": 0,
#             "total": 1,
#             "time": "0.000053",
#             "chunk": 1
#         }
#     ]
# }

The post Introducing zabbix_utils – the official Python library for Zabbix API appeared first on Zabbix Blog.