Tag Archives: unifi

UNIFICli – a CLI tool to manage Ubiquiti’s Unifi Controller

Post Syndicated from Anonymous original http://deliantech.blogspot.com/2017/04/unificli-cli-tool-to-manage-ubiquitis.html

As mentioned earlier, I made a nodejs library interface to the Ubiquiti Unifi Controller’s REST API which is available here – https://github.com/delian/node-unifiapi
Now I am introducing a small, demo, CLI interface, which uses that same library to remotely connect and configure Ubiquiti Unifi Controller (or Ubiquiti UC-CK Cloud Key).
This software is available on GitHub here – https://github.com/delian/unificli and its main goal for me is to be able to test the node-unifiapi library. The calls and parameters are almost 1:1 with the library and this small code provides great example how such tools could be built.
This tool is able to connect to a controller either via direct HTTPS connection or via WebRTC trough Ubiquiti’s Unifi Clould network (they name it SDN). And also you have a command you could use to connect to wireless access point via SSH over WebRTC.
The tool is not completed, neither have any goal. Feel free to fix bugs, extend it with features or provide suggestions. Any help with the development will be appreciated.
Commands can be executed via the cli too:

npm start connectSSH 00:01:02:03:04:05 -l unifikeylocation

Python UniFI API for management of Ubiquity UniFI infrastructure

Post Syndicated from Anonymous original http://deliantech.blogspot.com/2017/01/python-unifi-api-for-management-of.html

I am porting to Python the UniFi Browser API (PHP) which could be used to manage the UniFI AP infrastructure from external application to the UniCK Controller.
The port is completed, however, the work is ongoing, the API is updated (adding new calls and support for HotSpot 2.0) and changes may happen.
Documentation will come a bit later, but I guess the code is self explanatory.
For those who are interested, you could find it here: