Building a serverless document chat with AWS Lambda and Amazon Bedrock

Post Syndicated from Pascal Vogel original

This post is written by Pascal Vogel, Solutions Architect, and Martin Sakowski, Senior Solutions Architect.

Large language models (LLMs) are proving to be highly effective at solving general-purpose tasks such as text generation, analysis and summarization, translation, and much more. Because they are trained on large datasets, they can use a broad generalist knowledge base. However, as training takes place offline and uses publicly available data, their ability to access specialized, private, and up-to-date knowledge is limited.

One way to improve LLM knowledge in a specific domain is fine-tuning them on domain-specific datasets. However, this is time and resource intensive, requires specialized knowledge, and may not be appropriate for some tasks. For example, fine-tuning won’t allow an LLM to access information with daily accuracy.

To address these shortcomings, Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is proving to be an effective approach. With RAG, data external to the LLM is used to augment prompts by adding relevant retrieved data in the context. This allows for integrating disparate data sources and the complete separation of data sources from the machine learning model entirely.

Tools such as LangChain or LlamaIndex are gaining popularity because of their ability to flexibly integrate with a variety of data sources such as (vector) databases, search engines, and current public data sources.

In the context of LLMs, semantic search is an effective search approach, as it considers the context and intent of user-provided prompts as opposed to a traditional literal search. Semantic search relies on word embeddings, which represent words, sentences, or documents as vectors. Consequently, documents must be transformed into embeddings using an embedding model as the basis for semantic search. Because this embedding process only needs to happen when a document is first ingested or updated, it’s a great fit for event-driven compute with AWS Lambda.

This blog post presents a solution that allows you to ask natural language questions of any PDF document you upload. It combines the text generation and analysis capabilities of an LLM with a vector search on the document content. The solution uses serverless services such as AWS Lambda to run LangChain and Amazon DynamoDB for conversational memory.

Amazon Bedrock is used to provide serverless access to foundational models such as Amazon Titan and models developed by leading AI startups, such as AI21 Labs, Anthropic, and Cohere. See the GitHub repository for a full list of available LLMs and deployment instructions.

You learn how the solution works, what design choices were made, and how you can use it as a blueprint to build your own custom serverless solutions based on LangChain that go beyond prompting individual documents. The solution code and deployment instructions are available on GitHub.

Solution overview

Let’s look at how the solution works at a high level before diving deeper into specific elements and the AWS services used in the following sections. The following diagram provides a simplified view of the solution architecture and highlights key elements:

The process of interacting with the web application looks like this:

  1. A user uploads a PDF document into an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket through a static web application frontend.
  2. This upload triggers a metadata extraction and document embedding process. The process converts the text in the document into vectors. The vectors are loaded into a vector index and stored in S3 for later use.
  3. When a user chats with a PDF document and sends a prompt to the backend, a Lambda function retrieves the index from S3 and searches for information related to the prompt.
  4. An LLM then uses the results of this vector search, previous messages in the conversation, and its general-purpose capabilities to formulate a response to the user.

As can be seen on the following screenshot, the web application deployed as part of the solution allows you to upload documents and list uploaded documents and their associated metadata, such as number of pages, file size, and upload date. The document status indicates if a document is successfully uploaded, is being processed, or is ready for a conversation.

Web application document list view

By clicking on one of the processed documents, you can access a chat interface, which allows you to send prompts to the backend. It is possible to have multiple independent conversations with each document with separate message history.

Web application chat view

Embedding documents

Solution architecture diagram excerpt: embedding documents

When a new document is uploaded to the S3 bucket, an S3 event notification triggers a Lambda function that extracts metadata, such as file size and number of pages, from the PDF file and stores it in a DynamoDB table. Once the extraction is complete, a message containing the document location is placed on an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue. Another Lambda function polls this queue using Lambda event source mapping. Applying the decouple messaging pattern to the metadata extraction and document embedding functions ensures loose coupling and protects the more compute-intensive downstream embedding function.

The embedding function loads the PDF file from S3 and uses a text embedding model to generate a vector representation of the contained text. LangChain integrates with text embedding models for a variety of LLM providers. The resulting vector representation of the text is loaded into a FAISS index. FAISS is an open source vector store that can run inside the Lambda function memory using the faiss-cpu Python package. Finally, a dump of this FAISS index is stored in the S3 bucket besides the original PDF document.

Generating responses

Solution architecture diagram excerpt: generating responses

When a prompt for a specific document is submitted via the Amazon API Gateway REST API endpoint, it is proxied to a Lambda function that:

  1. Loads the FAISS index dump of the corresponding PDF file from S3 and into function memory.
  2. Performs a similarity search of the FAISS vector store based on the prompt.
  3. If available, retrieves a record of previous messages in the same conversation via the DynamoDBChatMessageHistory integration. This integration can store message history in DynamoDB. Each conversation is identified by a unique ID.
  4. Finally, a LangChain ConversationalRetrievalChain passes the combination of the prompt submitted by the user, the result of the vector search, and the message history to an LLM to generate a response.

Web application and file uploads

Solution architecture diagram excerpt: web application

A static web application serves as the frontend for this solution. It’s built with React, TypeScriptVite, and TailwindCSS and deployed via AWS Amplify Hosting, a fully managed CI/CD and hosting service for fast, secure, and reliable static and server-side rendered applications. To protect the application from unauthorized access, it integrates with an Amazon Cognito user pool. The API Gateway uses an Amazon Cognito authorizer to authenticate requests.

Users upload PDF files directly to the S3 bucket using S3 presigned URLs obtained via the REST API. Several Lambda functions implement API endpoints used to create, read, and update document metadata in a DynamoDB table.

Extending and adapting the solution

The solution provided serves as a blueprint that can be enhanced and extended to develop your own use cases based on LLMs. For example, you can extend the solution so that users can ask questions across multiple PDF documents or other types of data sources. LangChain makes it easy to load different types of data into vector stores, which you can then use for semantic search.

Once your use case involves searching across multiple documents, consider moving from loading vectors into memory with FAISS to a dedicated vector database. There are several options for vector databases on AWS. One serverless option is Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 with the pgvector extension for PostgreSQL. Alternatively, vector databases developed by AWS Partners such as Pinecone or MongoDB Atlas Vector Search can be integrated with LangChain. Besides vector search, LangChain also integrates with traditional external data sources, such as the enterprise search service Amazon Kendra, Amazon OpenSearch, and many other data sources.

The solution presented in this blog post uses similarity search to find information in the vector database that closely matches the user-supplied prompt. While this works well in the presented use case, you can also use other approaches, such as maximal marginal relevance, to find the most relevant information to provide to the LLM. When searching across many documents and receiving many results, techniques such as MapReduce can improve the quality of the LLM responses.

Depending on your use case, you may also want to select a different LLM to achieve an ideal balance between quality of results and cost. Amazon Bedrock is a fully managed service that makes foundational models (FMs) from leading AI startups and Amazon available via an API, so you can choose from a wide range of FMs to find the model that’s best suited for your use case. You can use models such as Amazon Titan, Jurassic-2 from AI21 Labs, or Anthropic Claude.

To further optimize the user experience of your generative AI application, consider streaming LLM responses to your frontend in real-time using Lambda response streaming and implementing real-time data updates using AWS AppSync subscriptions or Amazon API Gateway WebSocket APIs.


AWS serverless services make it easier to focus on building generative AI applications by providing automatic scaling, built-in high availability, and a pay-for-use billing model. Event-driven compute with AWS Lambda is a good fit for compute-intensive, on-demand tasks such as document embedding and flexible LLM orchestration.

The solution in this blog post combines the capabilities of LLMs and semantic search to answer natural language questions directed at PDF documents. It serves as a blueprint that can be extended and adapted to fit further generative AI use cases.

Deploy the solution by following the instructions in the associated GitHub repository.

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