All posts by Fatima Ahmed

How to configure rotation and rotation windows for secrets stored in AWS Secrets Manager

Post Syndicated from Fatima Ahmed original

November 21, 2022: We updated this post to reflect the fact that AWS Secrets Manager now supports rotating secrets as often as every four hours.

AWS Secrets Manager helps you manage, retrieve, and rotate database credentials, API keys, and other secrets throughout their lifecycles. You can specify a rotation window for your secrets, allowing you to rotate secrets during non-critical business hours or scheduled maintenance windows for your application. Secrets Manager now supports rotation of secrets as often as every four hours, on a predefined schedule you can configure to conform to your existing maintenance windows. Previously, you could only specify the rotation interval in days. AWS Secrets Manager would then rotate the secret within the last 24 hours of the scheduled rotation interval. You can rotate your secrets using an AWS Lambda rotation function provided by AWS, or create a custom Lambda rotation function.

With this release, you can now use Secrets Manager to automate the rotation of credentials and access tokens that must be refreshed more than once per day. This enables greater flexibility for common developer workflows through a single managed service. Additionally, you can continue to use integrations with AWS Config and AWS CloudTrail to manage and monitor your secret rotation configurations in accordance with your organization’s security and compliance requirements. Support for secrets rotation as often as every four hours is provided at no additional cost.

Why might you want to rotate secrets more than once a day? Rotating secrets more frequently can provide a number of benefits, including: discouraging the use of hard-coded credentials in your applications, reducing the scope of impact of a stolen credential, or helping you meet organizational requirements around secret rotation.

Hard-coding application secrets is not recommended, because it can increase the risk of credentials being written in logs, or accidentally exposed in code repositories. Using short-lived secrets limits your ability to hard-code credentials in your application. Short-lived secrets are rotated on a frequent basis: for example, every four hours – meaning even a hard-coded credential can only be used for a short period of time before it needs to be refreshed. This also means that if a credential is compromised, the impact is much smaller — the secret is only valid for a short period of time before the secret is rotated.

Secrets Manager supports familiar cron and rate expressions to specify rotation frequency and rotation windows. In this blog post, we will demonstrate how you can configure a secret to be rotated every four hours, how to specify a custom rotation window for your secret using a cron expression, and how you can set up a custom rotation window for existing secrets. This post describes the following processes:

  1. Create a new secret and configure it to rotate every four hours using the schedule expression builder
  2. Set up rotation window by directly specifying a cron expression
  3. Enabling a custom rotation window for an existing secret

Use case 1: Create a new secret and configure it to rotate every four hours using the schedule expression builder

Let’s assume that your organization has a requirement to rotate GitHub credentials every four hours. To meet this requirement, we will create a new secret in Secrets Manager to store the GitHub credentials, and use the schedule expression builder to configure rotation of the secret at a four-hour interval.

The schedule expression builder enables you to configure your rotation window to help you meet your organization’s specific requirements, without requiring knowledge of cron expressions. AWS Secrets Manager also supports directly entering a cron expression to configure the rotation window, which we will demonstrate later in this post.

To create a new secret and configure a four-hour secret rotation schedule

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console, and navigate to the Secrets Manager service.
  2. Choose Store a new secret.
    Figure 1: Store a secret in AWS Secrets Manager

    Figure 1: Store a secret in AWS Secrets Manager

  3. In the Secret type section, choose Other type of secret.
    Figure 2: Choose a secret type in Secrets Manager

    Figure 2: Choose a secret type in Secrets Manager

  4. In the Key/value pairs section, enter the GitHub credentials that you wish to store.
  5. Select your preferred encryption key to protect the secret, and then choose Next. In this example, we are using an AWS managed key.

    Note: Find more information to help you decide what encryption key is right for you.

  6. Enter a secret name of your choice in the Secret name field. You can optionally provide a Description of the secret, create tags, and add resource permissions to the secret. If desired, you can also replicate the secret to another region to help you meet your organization’s disaster recovery requirements by following the procedure in this blog post.
  7. Choose Next.
    Figure 3:Create a secret to store your Git credentials

    Figure 3:Create a secret to store your Git credentials

  8. Turn on Automatic rotation to enable rotation for the secret.
  9. Under Rotation schedule, choose Schedule expression builder.
    1. For Time unit, choose Hours, then enter a value of 4.
    2. Leave the Window duration field blank as the secret is to be rotated every 4 hours.
    3. For this example, keep the Rotate immediately when the secret is stored check box selected to rotate the secret immediately after creation
      Figure 4: Enable automatic rotation using the schedule expression builder

      Figure 4: Enable automatic rotation using the schedule expression builder

    4. Under Rotation function, choose your Lambda rotation function from the drop down menu.
    5. Choose Next.
    6. On the Secret review page, you are provided with an overview of the secret. Review the secret and scroll down to the Rotation schedule section.
    7. Confirm the Rotation schedule and Next rotation date meet your requirements.
      Figure 5:  Rotation schedule with a summary of the configured custom rotation window

      Figure 5: Rotation schedule with a summary of the configured custom rotation window

    8. Choose Store secret.
    9. To view the Rotation configuration for the secret, select the secret you created.
    10. On the Secrets details page, scroll down to the Rotation configuration section. The Rotation status is Enabled and the Rotation schedule is rate(4 hours). The name of your Lambda function being used for rotation is displayed.
      Figure 6: Rotation configuration of your secret

      Figure 6: Rotation configuration of your secret

You have now successfully stored a secret using the interactive schedule expression builder. This option provides a simple mechanism to configure rotation windows, and does not require expertise with cron expressions.

In the next example, we will be using the schedule expression option to directly enter a cron expression, to achieve a more complex rotation interval.

Use case 2: Set up a custom rotation window using a cron expression

The procedures described in the next two sections of this blog post require that you complete the following prerequisites:

  1. Configure an Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) DB instance, including creating a database user.
  2. Sign in to the AWS Management Console using a role that has SecretsManagerReadWrite permission.
  3. Configure the Lambda function to connect with the Amazon RDS database and Secrets Manager by following the procedure in this blog post.

Configuring complicated rotation windows for secrets may be more effective using the schedule expression option, rather than the schedule expression builder. The schedule expression option allows you to directly enter a cron expression using a string of six inputs. Directly entering cron expressions provides more flexibility when defining a rotation schedule that is more complex.

Let’s suppose you have another secret in your organization which does not need to be rotated as frequently as others. Consequently, you’ve been asked to set up rotation for every last Sunday of the quarter and during the off-peak hours of 1:00 AM to 4:00 AM UTC to avoid application downtime. Due to the complex nature of the requirements, you will need to use the schedule expression option to write a cron job to achieve your use case.

Cron expressions consist of the following 6 required fields which are separated by a white space; Minutes, Hours, Day of month, Month, Day of week, and Year. Each required field has the following values using the syntax cron(fields).

Fields Values Wildcards
Minutes Must be 0 None
Hours 0-23 /
Day-of-month 1 – 31 , – * ? / L
Month 1-12 or JAN-DEC , – * /
Day-of-week 1-7 or SUN-SAT , – * ? L #
Year * accepts * only

Table 1: Secrets Manager supported cron expression fields and corresponding values

Wildcard Description
, The , (comma) wildcard includes additional values. In the Month field, JAN,FEB,MAR would include January, February, and March.
The – (dash) wildcard specifies ranges. In the Day field, 1-15 would include days 1 through 15 of the specified month.
* The * (asterisk) wildcard includes all values in the field. In the Month field, * would include every month.
/ The / (forward slash) wildcard specifies increments In the Month field, you could enter 1/3 to specify every 3rd month, starting from January. So 1/3 specifies the January, April, July, Oct.
? The ? (question mark) wildcard specifies one or another. In the day-of-month field you could enter 7 and then enter ? in the day-of-week field since the 7th of a month could be any day of a given week.
L The L wildcard in the Day-of-month or Day-of-week fields specifies the last day of the month or week. For example, in the week Sun-Sat, you can state 5L to specify the last Thursday in the month.
# The # wildcard in the Day-of-week field specifies a certain instance of the specified day of the week within a month. For example, 3#2 would be the second Tuesday of the month: the 3 refers to Tuesday because it is the third day of each week, and the 2 refers to the second day of that type within the month.

Table 2: Description of supported wilds cards for cron expression

As the use case is to setup a custom rotation window for the last Sunday of the quarter from 1:00 AM to 4:00 AM UTC, you’ll need to carry out the following steps:

To deploy the solution

  1. To store a new secret in Secrets Manager repeat steps 1-6 above.
  2. Once you’re on the Secret Rotation section of the Store a new secret screen, click on Automatic rotation to enable rotation for the secret.
  3. Under Rotation schedule, choose Schedule expression.
  4. In the Schedule expression field box, enter cron(0 1 ? 3/3 1L *).

    Fields Values Explanation
    Minutes 0 The use case does not have a specific minute requirement
    Hours 1 Ensures the rotation window starts from 1am UTC
    Day-of-month ? The use case does not require rotation to occur on a specific date in the month
    Month 3/3 Sets rotation to occur on the last month in a quarter
    Day-of-week 1L Ensures rotation occurs on the last Sunday of the month
    Year * Allows the rotation window pattern to be repeated yearly

    Table 3: Using cron expressions to achieve your rotation requirements

Figure 7: Enable automatic rotation using the schedule expression

Figure 7: Enable automatic rotation using the schedule expression

  1. On the Rotation function section choose your Lambda rotation function from the drop down menu.
  2. Choose Next.
  3. On the Secret review page, review the secret and scroll down to the Rotation schedule section. Confirm the Rotation schedule and Next rotation date meets your requirements.
    Figure 8: Rotation schedule with a summary of your custom rotation window

    Figure 8: Rotation schedule with a summary of your custom rotation window

  4. Choose Store.
  5. To view the Rotation configuration for this secret, select it from the Secrets page.
  6. On the Secrets details page, scroll down to the Rotation configuration section. The Rotation status is Enabled, the Rotation schedule is cron(0 1 ? 3/3 1L *) and the name of your Lambda function being used for your custom rotation is displayed.
    Figure 9: Rotation configuration section with a rotation status of Enabled

    Figure 9: Rotation configuration section with a rotation status of Enabled

Use case 3: Enabling a custom rotation window for an existing secret

If you already use AWS Secrets Manager as a way to store and rotate secrets for your Organization, you might want to take advantage of custom scheduled rotation on existing secrets. For this use case, to meet your business needs the secret must be rotated bi-weekly, every Saturday from 12am to 5am.

To deploy the solution

  1. On the Secrets page of the Secrets Manager console, chose the existing secret you want to configure rotation for.
  2. Scroll down to the Rotation configuration section of the Secret details page, choose Edit rotation.
    Figure 10: Rotation configuration section with a rotation status of Disabled

    Figure 10: Rotation configuration section with a rotation status of Disabled

  3. On the Edit rotation configuration pop-up window, turn on Automatic rotation to enable rotation for the secret.
  4. Under Rotation Schedule choose Schedule expression builder, optionally you can use the Schedule expression to create the custom rotation window.
    1. For the Time Unit choose Weeks, then enter a value of 2.
    2. For the Day of week choose Saturday from the drop-down menu.
    3. In the Start time field type 00. This ensures rotation does not start until 00:00 AM UTC.
    4. In the Window duration field type 5h. This provides Secrets Manager with a 5hr period to rotate the secret.
    5. For this example, keep the check box marked to rotate the secret immediately.
      Figure 11: Edit rotation configuration pop-up window

      Figure 11: Edit rotation configuration pop-up window

    6. Under Rotation function, choose the Lambda function which will be used to rotate the secret.
    7. Choose Save.
    8. On the Secrets details page, scroll down to the Rotation configuration section. The Rotation status is Enabled, the Rotation schedule is cron(0 00 ? * 7#2,7#4 *) and the name of the custom rotation Lambda function is visible.
      Figure 12:Rotation configuration section with a rotation status of Enabled

      Figure 12:Rotation configuration section with a rotation status of Enabled


Regular rotation of secrets is a Secrets Manager best practice that helps you to meet compliance requirements, for example for PCI DSS, which mandates the rotation of application secrets every 90 days, and to improve your security posture for databases and credentials. The ability to rotate secrets as often as every four hours helps you rotate secrets more frequently, and the rotation window feature helps you adhere to rotation best practices while still having the flexibility to choose a rotation window that suits your organizational needs. This allows you to use AWS Secrets Manager as a centralized location to store, retrieve, and rotate your secrets regardless of their lifespan, providing a uniform approach for secrets management. At the same time, the custom rotation window feature alleviates the need for applications to continuously refresh secret caches and manage retries for secrets that were rotated, as rotation will occur during your specified window when the application usage is low.

In this blog post, we showed you how to create a secret and configure the secret to be rotated every four hours using the schedule expression builder. The use case examples show how each feature can be used to achieve different rotation requirements within an organization, including using the schedule expression builder option to create your cron expression, as well as using the schedule expression feature to help meet more specific rotation requirements.

You can start using this feature through the AWS Secrets Manager console, AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), AWS SDK, or AWS CloudFormation. To learn more about this feature, see the AWS Secrets Manager documentation. If you have feedback about this blog post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this blog post, start a new thread on AWS Secrets Manager re:Post or contact AWS Support.

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Faith Isichei

Faith Isichei

Faith is a Premium Support Security Engineer at AWS. She helps provide tailored secure solutions for a broad spectrum of technical issues faced by customers. She is interested in cybersecurity, cryptography, and governance. Outside of work, she enjoys travel, spending time with family, wordsearches, and sudoku.

Zach Miller

Zach Miller

Zach is a Senior Security Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. His background is in data protection and security architecture, focused on a variety of security domains, including cryptography, secrets management, and data classification. Today, he is focused on helping enterprise AWS customers adopt and operationalize AWS security services to increase security effectiveness and reduce risk.

Fatima Ahmed

Fatima is a Global Security Solutions Architect at AWS. She is passionate about cybersecurity and helping customers build secure solutions in the AWS Cloud. When she is not working, she enjoys time with her cat or solving cryptic puzzles.

How to replicate secrets in AWS Secrets Manager to multiple Regions

Post Syndicated from Fatima Ahmed original

On March 3, 2021, we launched a new feature for AWS Secrets Manager that makes it possible for you to replicate secrets across multiple AWS Regions. You can give your multi-Region applications access to replicated secrets in the required Regions and rely on Secrets Manager to keep the replicas in sync with the primary secret. In scenarios such as disaster recovery, you can read replicated secrets from your recovery Regions, even if your primary Region is unavailable. In this blog post, I show you how to automatically replicate a secret and access it from the recovery Region to support a disaster recovery plan.

With Secrets Manager, you can store, retrieve, manage, and rotate your secrets, including database credentials, API keys, and other secrets. When you create a secret using Secrets Manager, it’s created and managed in a Region of your choosing. Although scoping secrets to a Region is a security best practice, there are scenarios such as disaster recovery and cross-Regional redundancy that require replication of secrets across Regions. Secrets Manager now makes it possible for you to easily replicate your secrets to one or more Regions to support these scenarios.

With this new feature, you can create Regional read replicas for your secrets. When you create a new secret or edit an existing secret, you can specify the Regions where your secrets need to be replicated. Secrets Manager will securely create the read replicas for each secret and its associated metadata, eliminating the need to maintain a complex solution for this functionality. Any update made to the primary secret, such as a secret value updated through automatic rotation, will be automatically propagated by Secrets Manager to the replica secrets, making it easier to manage the life cycle of multi-Region secrets.

Note: Each replica secret is billed as a separate secret. For more details on pricing, see the AWS Secrets Manager pricing page.

Architecture overview

Suppose that your organization has a requirement to set up a disaster recovery plan. In this example, us-east-1 is the designated primary Region, where you have an application running on a simple AWS Lambda function (for the example in this blog post, I’m using Python 3). You also have an Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) – MySQL DB instance running in the us-east-1 Region, and you’re using Secrets Manager to store the database credentials as a secret. Your application retrieves the secret from Secrets Manager to access the database. As part of the disaster recovery strategy, you set up us-west-2 as the designated recovery Region, where you’ve replicated your application, the DB instance, and the database secret.

To elaborate, the solution architecture consists of:

  • A primary Region for creating the secret, in this case us-east-1 (N. Virginia).
  • A replica Region for replicating the secret, in this case us-west-2 (Oregon).
  • An Amazon RDS – MySQL DB instance that is running in the primary Region and configured for replication to the replica Region. To set up read replicas or cross-Region replicas for Amazon RDS, see Working with read replicas.
  • A secret created in Secrets Manager and configured for replication for the replica Region.
  • AWS Lambda functions (running on Python 3) deployed in the primary and replica Regions acting as clients to the MySQL DBs.

This architecture is illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Architecture overview for a multi-Region secret replication with the primary Region active

Figure 1: Architecture overview for a multi-Region secret replication with the primary Region active

In the primary region us-east-1, the Lambda function uses the credentials stored in the secret to access the database, as indicated by the following steps in Figure 1:

  1. The Lambda function sends a request to Secrets Manager to retrieve the secret value by using the GetSecretValue API call. Secrets Manager retrieves the secret value for the Lambda function.
  2. The Lambda function uses the secret value to connect to the database in order to read/write data.

The replicated secret in us-west-2 points to the primary DB instance in us-east-1. This is because when Secrets Manager replicates the secret, it replicates the secret value and all the associated metadata, such as the database endpoint. The database endpoint details are stored within the secret because Secrets Manager uses this information to connect to the database and rotate the secret if it is configured for automatic rotation. The Lambda function can also use the database endpoint details in the secret to connect to the database.

To simplify database failover during disaster recovery, as I’ll cover later in the post, you can configure an Amazon Route 53 CNAME record for the database endpoint in the primary Region. The database host associated with the secret is configured with the database CNAME record. When the primary Region is operating normally, the CNAME record points to the database endpoint in the primary Region. The requests to the database CNAME are routed to the DB instance in the primary Region, as shown in Figure 1.

During disaster recovery, you can failover to the replica Region, us-west-2, to make it possible for your application running in this Region to access the Amazon RDS read replica in us-west-2 by using the secret stored in the same Region. As part of your failover script, the database CNAME record should also be updated to point to the database endpoint in us-west-2. Because the database CNAME is used to point to the database endpoint within the secret, your application in us-west-2 can now use the replicated secret to access the database read replica in this Region. Figure 2 illustrates this disaster recovery scenario.

Figure 2: Architecture overview for a multi-Region secret replication with the replica Region active

Figure 2: Architecture overview for a multi-Region secret replication with the replica Region active


The procedure described in this blog post requires that you complete the following steps before starting the procedure:

  1. Configure an Amazon RDS DB instance in the primary Region, with replication configured in the replica Region.
  2. Configure a Route 53 CNAME record for the database endpoint in the primary Region.
  3. Configure the Lambda function to connect with the Amazon RDS database and Secrets Manager by following the procedure in this blog post.
  4. Sign in to the AWS Management Console using a role that has SecretsManagerReadWrite permissions in the primary and replica Regions.

Enable replication for secrets stored in Secrets Manager

In this section, I walk you through the process of enabling replication in Secrets Manager for:

  1. A new secret that is created for your Amazon RDS database credentials
  2. An existing secret that is not configured for replication

For the first scenario, I show you the steps to create a secret in Secrets Manager in the primary Region (us-east-1) and enable replication for the replica Region (us-west-2).

To create a secret with replication enabled

  1. In the AWS Management Console, navigate to the Secrets Manager console in the primary Region (N. Virginia).
  2. Choose Store a new secret.
  3. On the Store a new secret screen, enter the Amazon RDS database credentials that will be used to connect with the Amazon RDS DB instance. Select the encryption key and the Amazon RDS DB instance, and then choose Next.
  4. Enter the secret name of your choice, and then enter a description. You can also optionally add tags and resource permissions to the secret.
  5. Under Replicate Secret – optional, choose Replicate secret to other regions.

    Figure 3: Replicate a secret to other Regions

    Figure 3: Replicate a secret to other Regions

  6. For AWS Region, choose the replica Region, US West (Oregon) us-west-2. For Encryption Key, choose Default to store your secret in the replica Region. Then choose Next.

    Figure 4: Configure secret replication

    Figure 4: Configure secret replication

  7. In the Configure Rotation section, you can choose whether to enable rotation. For this example, I chose not to enable rotation, so I selected Disable automatic rotation. However, if you want to enable rotation, you can do so by following the steps in Enabling rotation for an Amazon RDS database secret in the Secrets Manager User Guide. When you enable rotation in the primary Region, any changes to the secret from the rotation process are also replicated to the replica Region. After you’ve configured the rotation settings, choose Next.
  8. On the Review screen, you can see the summary of the secret configuration, including the secret replication configuration.

    Figure 5: Review the secret before storing

    Figure 5: Review the secret before storing

  9. At the bottom of the screen, choose Store.
  10. At the top of the next screen, you’ll see two banners that provide status on:
    • The creation of the secret in the primary Region
    • The replication of the secret in the Secondary Region

    After the creation and replication of the secret is successful, the banners will provide you with confirmation details.

At this point, you’ve created a secret in the primary Region (us-east-1) and enabled replication in a replica Region (us-west-2). You can now use this secret in the replica Region as well as the primary Region.

Now suppose that you have a secret created in the primary Region (us-east-1) that hasn’t been configured for replication. You can also configure replication for this existing secret by using the following procedure.

To enable multi-Region replication for existing secrets

  1. In the Secrets Manager console, choose the secret name. At the top of the screen, choose Replicate secret to other regions.
    Figure 6: Enable replication for existing secrets

    Figure 6: Enable replication for existing secrets

    This opens a pop-up screen where you can configure the replica Region and the encryption key for encrypting the secret in the replica Region.

  2. Choose the AWS Region and encryption key for the replica Region, and then choose Complete adding region(s).
    Figure 7: Configure replication for existing secrets

    Figure 7: Configure replication for existing secrets

    This starts the process of replicating the secret from the primary Region to the replica Region.

  3. Scroll down to the Replicate Secret section. You can see that the replication to the us-west-2 Region is in progress.
    Figure 8: Review progress for secret replication

    Figure 8: Review progress for secret replication

    After the replication is successful, you can look under Replication status to review the replication details that you’ve configured for your secret. You can also choose to replicate your secret to more Regions by choosing Add more regions.

    Figure 9: Successful secret replication to a replica Region

    Figure 9: Successful secret replication to a replica Region

Update the secret with the CNAME record

Next, you can update the host value in your secret to the CNAME record of the DB instance endpoint. This will make it possible for you to use the secret in the replica Region without making changes to the replica secret. In the event of a failover to the replica Region, you can simply update the CNAME record to the DB instance endpoint in the replica Region as a part of your failover script

To update the secret with the CNAME record

  1. Navigate to the Secrets Manager console, and choose the secret that you have set up for replication
  2. In the Secret value section, choose Retrieve secret value, and then choose Edit.
  3. Update the secret value for the host with the CNAME record, and then choose Save.

    Figure 10: Edit the secret value

    Figure 10: Edit the secret value

  4. After you choose Save, you’ll see a banner at the top of the screen with a message that indicates that the secret was successfully edited.Because the secret is set up for replication, you can also review the status of the synchronization of your secret to the replica Region after you updated the secret. To do so, scroll down to the Replicate Secret section and look under Region Replication Status.


    Figure 11: Successful secret replication for a modified secret

    Figure 11: Successful secret replication for a modified secret

Access replicated secrets from the replica Region

Now that you’ve configured the secret for replication in the primary Region, you can access the secret from the replica Region. Here I demonstrate how to access a replicated secret from a simple Lambda function that is deployed in the replica Region (us-west-2).

To access the secret from the replica Region

  1. From the AWS Management Console, navigate to the Secrets Manager console in the replica Region (Oregon) and view the secret that you configured for replication in the primary Region (N. Virginia).

    Figure 12: View secrets that are configured for replication in the replica Region

    Figure 12: View secrets that are configured for replication in the replica Region

  2. Choose the secret name and review the details that were replicated from the primary Region. A secret that is configured for replication will display a banner at the top of the screen stating the replication details.

    Figure 13: The replication status banner

    Figure 13: The replication status banner

  3. Under Secret Details, you can see the secret’s ARN. You can use the secret’s ARN to retrieve the secret value from the Lambda function or application that is deployed in your replica Region (Oregon). Make a note of the ARN.

    Figure 14: View secret details

    Figure 14: View secret details

During a disaster recovery scenario when the primary Region isn’t available, you can update the CNAME record to point to the DB instance endpoint in us-west-2 as part of your failover script. For this example, my application that is deployed in the replica Region is configured to use the replicated secret’s ARN.

Let’s suppose your sample Lambda function defines the secret name and the Region in the environment variables. The REGION_NAME environment variable contains the name of the replica Region; in this example, us-west-2. The SECRET_NAME environment variable is the ARN of your replicated secret in the replica Region, which you noted earlier.

Figure 15: Environment variables for the Lambda function

Figure 15: Environment variables for the Lambda function

In the replica Region, you can now refer to the secret’s ARN and Region in your Lambda function code to retrieve the secret value for connecting to the database. The following sample Lambda function code snippet uses the secret_name and region_name variables to retrieve the secret’s ARN and the replica Region values stored in the environment variables.

secret_name = os.environ['SECRET_NAME']
region_name = os.environ['REGION_NAME']

def openConnection():
    # Create a Secrets Manager client
    session = boto3.session.Session()
    client = session.client(
        get_secret_value_response = 
    except ClientError as e:
        if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 

Alternately, you can simply use the Python 3 sample code for the replicated secret to retrieve the secret value from the Lambda function in the replica Region. You can review the provided sample codes by navigating to the secret details in the console, as shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16: Python 3 sample code for the replicated secret

Figure 16: Python 3 sample code for the replicated secret


When you plan for disaster recovery, you can configure replication of your secrets in Secrets Manager to provide redundancy for your secrets. This feature reduces the overhead of deploying and maintaining additional configuration for secret replication and retrieval across AWS Regions. In this post, I showed you how to create a secret and configure it for multi-Region replication. I also demonstrated how you can configure replication for existing secrets across multiple Regions.

I showed you how to use secrets from the replica Region and configure a sample Lambda function to retrieve a secret value. When replication is configured for secrets, you can use this technique to retrieve the secrets in the replica Region in a similar way as you would in the primary Region.

You can start using this feature through the AWS Secrets Manager console, AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), AWS SDK, or AWS CloudFormation. To learn more about this feature, see the AWS Secrets Manager documentation. If you have feedback about this blog post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this blog post, start a new thread on the AWS Secrets Manager forum.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Fatima Ahmed

Fatima is a Security Global Practice Lead at AWS. She is passionate about cybersecurity and helping customers build secure solutions in the AWS Cloud. When she is not working, she enjoys time with her cat or solving cryptic puzzles.