Tag Archives: *Learning Levels

Quickly go from Idea to PR with CodeCatalyst using Amazon Q

Post Syndicated from Brendan Jenkins original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/quickly-go-from-idea-to-pr-with-codecatalyst-using-amazon-q/

Amazon Q feature development enables teams using Amazon CodeCatalyst to scale with AI to assist developers in completing everyday software development tasks. Developers can now go from an idea in an issue to a fully tested, merge-ready, running application code in a Pull Request (PR) with natural language inputs in a few clicks. Developers can also provide feedback to Amazon Q directly on the published pull request and ask it to generate a new revision. If the code change falls short of expectations, a new development environment can be created directly from the pull request, necessary adjustments can be made manually, a new revision published, and proceed with the merge upon approval.

In this blog, we will walk through a use case leveraging the Modern three-tier web application blueprint, and adding a feature to the web application. We’ll leverage Amazon Q feature development to quickly go from Idea to PR. We also suggest following the steps outlined below in this blog in your own application so you can gain a better understanding of how you can use this feature in your daily work.

Solution Overview

Amazon Q feature development is integrated into CodeCatalyst. Figure 1 details how users can assign Amazon Q an issue. When assigning the issue, users answer a few preliminary questions and Amazon Q outputs the proposed approach, where users can either approve or provide additional feedback to Amazon Q. Once approved, Amazon Q will generate a PR where users can review, revise, and merge the PR into the repository.

Figure 1: Amazon Q feature development workflow

Figure 1: Amazon Q feature development workflow


Although we will walk through a sample use case in this blog using a Blueprint from CodeCatalyst, after, we encourage you to try this with your own application so you can gain hands-on experience with utilizing this feature. If you are using CodeCatalyst for the first time, you’ll need:


Step 1: Creating the blueprint

In this blog, we’ll leverage the Modern three-tier web application blueprint to walk through a sample use case. This blueprint creates a Mythical Mysfits three-tier web application with modular presentation, application, and data layers.

Figure 2: Creating a new Modern three-tier application blueprint

Figure 2: Creating a new Modern three-tier application blueprint

First, within your space click “Create Project” and select the Modern three-tier web application CodeCatalyst Blueprint as shown above in Figure 2.

Enter a Project name and select: Lambda for the Compute Platform and Amplify Hosting for Frontend Hosting Options. Additionally, ensure your AWS account is selected along with creating a new IAM Role.

Once the project is finished creating, the application will deploy via a CodeCatalyst workflow, assuming the AWS account and IAM role were setup correctly. The deployed application will be similar to the Mythical Mysfits website.

Step 2: Create a new issue

The Product Manager (PM) has asked us to add a feature to the newly created application, which entails creating the ability to add new mythical creatures. The PM has provided a detailed description to get started.

In the Issues section of our new project, click Create Issue

For the Issue title, enter “Ability to add a new mythical creature” and for the Description enter “Users should be able to add a new mythical creature to the website. There should be a new Add button on the UI, when prompted should allow the user to fill in Name, Age, Description, Good/Evil, Lawful/Chaotic, Species, Profile Image URI and thumbnail Image URI for the new creature. When the user clicks save, the application should leverage the existing API in app.py to save the new creature to the DynamoDB table.”

Furthermore, click Assign to Amazon Q as shown below in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Assigning a new issue to Amazon Q

Figure 3: Assigning a new issue to Amazon Q

Lastly, enable the Require Amazon Q to stop after each step and await review of its work. In this use case, we do not anticipate having any changes to our workflow files to support this new feature so we will leave the Allow Amazon Q to modify workflow files disabled as shown below in Figure 4. Click Create Issue and Amazon Q will get started.

Figure 4: Configurations for assigning Amazon Q

Figure 4: Configurations for assigning Amazon Q

Step 3: Review Amazon Qs Approach

After a few minutes, Amazon Q will generate its understanding of the project in the Background section as well as an Approach to make the changes for the issue you created as show in Figure 5 below

(**Note: The Background and Approach generated for you may be different than what is shown in Figure 5 below).

We have the option to proceed as is or can reply to the Approach via a Comment to provide feedback so Amazon Q can refine it to align better with the use case.

Figure 5: Reviewing Amazon Qs Background and Approach

Figure 5: Reviewing Amazon Qs Background and Approach

In the approach, we notice Amazon Q is suggesting it will create a new method to create and save the new item to the table, but we already have an existing method. We decide to leave feedback as show in Figure 6 letting Amazon Q know the existing method should be leveraged.

Figure 6: Provide feedback to Approach

Figure 6: Provide feedback to Approach

Amazon Q will now refine the approach based on the feedback provided. The refined approach generated by Amazon Q meets our requirements, including unit tests, so we decide to click Proceed as shown in Figure 7 below.

Figure 7: Confirm approach and click Proceed

Figure 7: Confirm approach and click Proceed

Now, Amazon Q will generate the code for implementation & create a PR with code changes that can be reviewed.

Step 4: Review the PR

Within our project, under Code on the left panel click on Pull requests. You should see the new PR created by Amazon Q.

The PR description contains the approach that Amazon Q took to generate the code. This is helpful to reviewers who want to gain a high-level understanding of the changes included in the PR before diving into the details. You will also be able to review all changes made to the code as shown below in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Changes within PR

Figure 8: Changes within PR

Step 5 (Optional): Provide feedback on PR

After reviewing the changes in the PR, I leave comments on a few items that can be improved. Notably, all fields on the new input form for creating a new creature should be required. After I complete leaving comments, I hit the Create Revision button. Amazon Q will take my comments, update the code accordingly and create a new revision of the PR as shown in Figure 9 below.

Figure 9: PR Revision created

Figure 9: PR Revision created.

After reviewing the latest revision created by Amazon Q, I am happy with the changes and proceed with testing the changes directly from CodeCatalyst by utilizing Dev Environments. Once I have completed testing of the new feature and everything works as expected, we will let our peers review the PR to provide feedback and approve the pull request.

As part of following the steps in this blog post, if you upgraded your Space to Standard or Enterprise tier, please ensure you downgrade to the Free tier to avoid any unwanted additional charges. Additionally, delete the project and any associated resources deployed in the walkthrough.

Unassign Amazon Q from any issues no longer being worked on. If Amazon Q has finished its work on an issue or could not find a solution, make sure to unassign Amazon Q to avoid reaching the maximum quota for generative AI features. For more information, see Managing generative AI features and Pricing.

Best Practices for using Amazon Q Feature Development

You can follow a few best practices to ensure you experience the best results when using Amazon Q feature development:

  1. When describing your feature or issue, provide as much context as possible to get the best result from Amazon Q. Being too vague or unclear may not produce ideal results for your use case.
  2. Changes and new features should be as focused as possible. You will likely not experience the best results when making large and complex changes in a single issue. Instead, break the changes or feature up into smaller, more manageable issues where you will see better results.
  3. Leverage the feedback feature to practice giving input on approaches Amazon Q takes to ensure it gets to a similar outcome as highlighted in the blog.


In this post, you’ve seen how you can quickly go from Idea to PR using the Amazon Q Feature development capability in CodeCatalyst. You can leverage this new feature to start building new features in your applications. Check out Amazon CodeCatalyst feature development today.

About the authors

Brent Everman

Brent is a Senior Technical Account Manager with AWS, based out of Pittsburgh. He has over 17 years of experience working with enterprise and startup customers. He is passionate about improving the software development experience and specializes in AWS’ Next Generation Developer Experience services.

Brendan Jenkins

Brendan Jenkins is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS) working with Enterprise AWS customers providing them with technical guidance and helping achieve their business goals. He has an area of specialization in DevOps and Machine Learning technology.

Fahim Sajjad

Fahim is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He helps customers transform their business by helping in designing their cloud solutions and offering technical guidance. Fahim graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park with a degree in Computer Science. He has deep interested in AI and Machine learning. Fahim enjoys reading about new advancements in technology and hiking.

Abdullah Khan

Abdullah is a Solutions Architect at AWS. He attended the University of Maryland, Baltimore County where he earned a degree in Information Systems. Abdullah currently helps customers design and implement solutions on the AWS Cloud. He has a strong interest in artificial intelligence and machine learning. In his spare time, Abdullah enjoys hiking and listening to podcasts.

Getting started with Projen and AWS CDK

Post Syndicated from Michael Tran original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/getting-started-with-projen-and-aws-cdk/

In the modern world of cloud computing, Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has become a vital practice for deploying and managing cloud resources. AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is a popular open-source framework that allows developers to define cloud resources using familiar programming languages. A related open source tool called Projen is a powerful project generator that simplifies the management of complex software configurations. In this post, we’ll explore how to get started with Projen and AWS CDK, and discuss the pros and cons of using Projen.

What is Projen?

Building modern and high quality software requires a large number of tools and configuration files to handle tasks like linting, testing, and automating releases. Each tool has its own configuration interface, such as JSON or YAML, and a unique syntax, increasing maintenance complexity.

When starting a new project, you rarely start from scratch, but more often use a scaffolding tool (for instance, create-react-app) to generate a new project structure. A large amount of configuration is created on your behalf, and you get the ownership of those files. Moreover, there is a high number of project generation tools, with new ones created almost everyday.

Projen is a project generator that helps developers to efficiently manage project configuration files and build high quality software. It allows you to define your project structure and configuration in code, making it easier to maintain and share across different environments and projects.

Out of the box, Projen supports multiple project types like AWS CDK construct libraries, react applications, Java projects, and Python projects. New project types can be added by contributors, and projects can be developed in multiple languages. Projen uses the jsii library, which allows us to write APIs once and generate libraries in several languages. Moreover, Projen provides a single interface, the projenrc file, to manage the configuration of your entire project!

The diagram below provides an overview of the deployment process of AWS cloud resources using Projen:

Projen Overview of Deployment process of AWS Resources


  1. In this example, Projen can be used to generate a new project, for instance, a new CDK Typescript application.
  2. Developers define their infrastructure and application code using AWS CDK resources. To modify the project configuration, developers use the projenrc file instead of directly editing files like package.json.
  3. The project is synthesized to produce an AWS CloudFormation template.
  4. The CloudFormation template is deployed in a AWS account, and provisions AWS cloud resources.

Diagram 1 – Projen packaged features: Projen helps gets your project started and allows you to focus on coding instead of worrying about the other project variables. It comes out of the box with linting, unit test and code coverage, and a number of Github actions for release and versioning and dependency management.

Pros and Cons of using Projen


  1. Consistency: Projen ensures consistency across different projects by allowing you to define standard project templates. You don’t need to use different project generators, only Projen.
  2. Version Control: Since project configuration is defined in code, it can be version-controlled, making it easier to track changes and collaborate with others.
  3. Extensibility: Projen supports various plugins and extensions, allowing you to customize the project configuration to fit your specific needs.
  4. Integration with AWS CDK: Projen provides seamless integration with AWS CDK, simplifying the process of defining and deploying cloud resources.
  5. Polyglot CDK constructs library: Build once, run in multiple runtimes. Projen can convert and publish a CDK Construct developed in TypeScript to Java (Maven) and Python (PYPI) with JSII support.
  6. API Documentation : Generate API documentation from the comments, if you are building a CDK construct


  1. Microsoft Windows support. There are a number of open issues about Projen not completely working with the Windows environment (https://github.com/projen/projen/issues/2427 and https://github.com/projen/projen/issues/498).
  2. The framework, Projen, is very opinionated with a lot of assumptions on architecture, best practices and conventions.
  3. Projen is still not GA, with the version at the time of this writing at v0.77.5.


Step 1: Set up prerequisites

  • An AWS account
  • Download and install Node
  • Install yarn
  • AWS CLI : configure your credentials
  • Deploying stacks with the AWS CDK requires dedicated Amazon S3 buckets and other containers to be available to AWS CloudFormation during deployment (More information).

Note: Projen doesn’t need to be installed globally. You will be using npx to run Projen which takes care of all required setup steps. npx is a tool for running npm packages that:

  • live inside of a local node_modules folder
  • are not installed globally.

npx comes bundled with npm version 5.2+

Step 2: Create a New Projen Project

You can create a new Projen project using the following command:

mkdir test_project && cd test_project
npx projen new awscdk-app-ts

This command creates a new TypeScript project with AWS CDK support. The exhaustive list of supported project types is available through the official documentation: Projen.io, or by running the npx projen new command without a project type. It also supports npx projen new awscdk-construct to create a reusable construct which can then be published to other package managers.

The created project structure should be as follows:

| .github/
| .projen/
| src/
| test/
| .eslintrc
| .gitattributes
| .gitignore
| .mergify.yml
| .npmignore
| .projenrc.js
| cdk.json
| package.json
| tsconfig.dev.json
| yarn.lock

Projen generated a new project including:

  • Initialization of an empty git repository, with the associated GitHub workflow files to build and upgrade the project. The release workflow can be customized with projen tasks.
  • .projenrc.js is the main configuration file for project
  • tasks.json file for integration with Visual Studio Code
  • src folder containing an empty CDK stack
  • License and README files
  • A projen configuration file: projenrc.js
  • package.json contains functional metadata about the project like name, versions and dependencies.
  • .gitignore, .gitattributes file to manage your files with git.
  • .eslintrc identifying and reporting patterns on javascript.
  • .npmignore to keep files out of package manager.
  • .mergify.yml for managing the pull requests.
  • tsconfig.json configure the compiler options

Most of the generated files include a disclaimer:

# ~~ Generated by projen. To modify, edit .projenrc.js and run "npx projen".

Projen’s power lies in its single configuration file, .projenrc.js. By editing this file, you can manage your project’s lint rules, dependencies, .gitignore, and more. Projen will propagate your changes across all generated files, simplifying and unifying dependency management across your projects.

Projen generated files are considered implementation details and are not meant to be edited manually. If you do make manual changes, they will be overwritten the next time you run npx projen.

To edit your project configuration, simply edit .projenrc.js and then run npx projen to synthesize again. For more information on the Projen API, please see the documentation: http://projen.io/api/API.html.

Projen uses the projenrc.js file’s configuration to instantiate a new AwsCdkTypeScriptApp with some basic metadata: the project name, CDK version and the default release branch. Additional APIs are available for this project type to customize it (for instance, add runtime dependencies).

Let’s try to modify a property and see how Projen reacts. As an example, let’s update the project name in projenrc.js :

name: 'test_project_2',

and then run the npx projen command:

npx projen

Once done, you can see that the project name was updated in the package.json file.

Step 3: Define AWS CDK Resources

Inside your Projen project, you can define AWS CDK resources using familiar programming languages like TypeScript. Here’s an example of defining an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket:

1. Navigate to your main.ts file in the src/ directory
2. Modify the imports at the top of the file as follow:

import { App, CfnOutput, Stack, StackProps } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import * as s3 from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3';
import { Construct } from 'constructs';

1. Replace line 9 “// define resources here…” with the code below:

const bucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'MyBucket', {
  versioned: true,

new CfnOutput(this, 'TestBucket', { value: bucket.bucketArn });

Step 4: Synthesize and Deploy

Next we will bootstrap our application. Run the following in a terminal:

$ npx cdk bootstrap

Once you’ve defined your resources, you can synthesize a cloud assembly, which includes a CloudFormation template (or many depending on the application) using:

$ npx projen build

npx projen build will perform several actions:

  1. Build the application
  2. Synthesize the CloudFormation template
  3. Run tests and linter

The synth() method of Projen performs the actual synthesizing (and updating) of all configuration files managed by Projen. This is achieved by deleting all Projen-managed files (if there are any), and then re-synthesizing them based on the latest configuration specified by the user.

You can find an exhaustive list of the available npx projen commands in .projen/tasks.json. You can also use the projen API project.addTask to add a new task to perform any custom action you need ! Tasks are a project-level feature to define a project command system backed by shell scripts.

Deploy the CDK application:

$ npx projen deploy

Projen will use the cdk deploy command to deploy the CloudFormation stack in the configured AWS account by creating and executing a change set based on the template generated by CDK synthesis. The output of the step above should look as follow:

deploy | cdk deploy

✨ Synthesis time: 3.28s

toto-dev: start: Building 387a3a724050aec67aa083b74c69485b08a876f038078ec7ea1018c7131f4605:263905523351-us-east-1
toto-dev: success: Built 387a3a724050aec67aa083b74c69485b08a876f038078ec7ea1018c7131f4605:263905523351-us-east-1
toto-dev: start: Publishing 387a3a724050aec67aa083b74c69485b08a876f038078ec7ea1018c7131f4605:263905523351-us-east-1
toto-dev: success: Published 387a3a724050aec67aa083b74c69485b08a876f038078ec7ea1018c7131f4605:263905523351-us-east-1
toto-dev: deploying... [1/1]
toto-dev: creating CloudFormation changeset...

✅ testproject-dev

✨ Deployment time: 33.48s

testproject-dev.TestBucket = arn:aws:s3:::testproject-dev-mybucketf68f3ff0-1xy2f0vk0ve4r
Stack ARN:

✨ Total time: 36.76s

The application was successfully deployed in the configured AWS account! Also, the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 bucket created is available through the CloudFormation stack Outputs tab, and displayed in your terminal under the ‘Outputs’ section.

Clean up

Delete CloudFormation Stack

To clean up the resources created in this section of the workshop, navigate to the CloudFormation console and delete the stack created. You can also perform the same task programmatically:

$ npx projen destroy

Which should produce the following output:

destroy | cdk destroy
Are you sure you want to delete: testproject-dev (y/n)? y
testproject-dev: destroying... [1/1]

✅ testproject-dev: destroyed

Delete S3 Buckets

The S3 bucket will not be deleted since its retention policy was set to RETAIN. Navigate to the S3 console and delete the created bucket. If you added files to that bucket, you will need to empty it before deletion. See the Deleting a bucket documentation for more information.


Projen and AWS CDK together provide a powerful combination for managing cloud resources and project configuration. By leveraging Projen, you can ensure consistency, version control, and extensibility across your projects. The integration with AWS CDK allows you to define and deploy cloud resources using familiar programming languages, making the entire process more developer-friendly.

Whether you’re a seasoned cloud developer or just getting started, Projen and AWS CDK offer a streamlined approach to cloud resource management. Give it a try and experience the benefits of Infrastructure as Code with the flexibility and power of modern development tools.

Alain Krok

Alain Krok is a Senior Solutions Architect with a passion for emerging technologies. His past experience includes designing and implementing IIoT solutions for the oil and gas industry and working on robotics projects. He enjoys pushing the limits and indulging in extreme sports when he is not designing software.


Dinesh Sajwan

Dinesh Sajwan is a Senior Solutions Architect. His passion for emerging technologies allows him to stay on the cutting edge and identify new ways to apply the latest advancements to solve even the most complex business problems. His diverse expertise and enthusiasm for both technology and adventure position him as a uniquely creative problem-solver.

Michael Tran

Michael Tran is a Sr. Solutions Architect with Prototyping Acceleration team at Amazon Web Services. He provides technical guidance and helps customers innovate by showing the art of the possible on AWS. He specializes in building prototypes in the AI/ML space. You can contact him @Mike_Trann on Twitter.

Blue/Green Deployments with Amazon ECS using Amazon CodeCatalyst

Post Syndicated from Hareesh Iyer original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/blue-green-deployments-with-amazon-ecs-using-amazon-codecatalyst/

Amazon CodeCatalyst is a modern software development service that empowers teams to deliver software on AWS easily and quickly. Amazon CodeCatalyst provides one place where you can plan, code, and build, test, and deploy your container applications with continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools.

In this post, we will walk-through how you can configure Blue/Green and canary deployments for your container workloads within Amazon CodeCatalyst.


To follow along with the instructions, you’ll need:

  • An AWS account. If you don’t have one, you can create a new AWS account.
  • An Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) service using the Blue/Green deployment type. If you don’t have one, follow the Amazon ECS tutorial and complete steps 1-5.
  • An Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) repository named codecatalyst-ecs-image-repo. Follow the Amazon ECR user guide to create one.
  • An Amazon CodeCatalyst space, with an empty Amazon CodeCatalyst project named codecatalyst-ecs-project and an Amazon CodeCatalyst environment called codecatalyst-ecs-environment. Follow the Amazon CodeCatalyst tutorial to set these up.
  • Follow the Amazon CodeCatalyst user guide to associate your account to the environment.


Now that you have setup an Amazon ECS cluster and configured Amazon CodeCatalyst to perform deployments, you can configure Blue/Green deployment for your workload. Here are the high-level steps:

  • Collect details of the Amazon ECS environment that you created in the prerequisites step.
  • Add source files for the containerized application to Amazon CodeCatalyst.
  • Create Amazon CodeCatalyst Workflow.
  • Validate the setup.

Step 1: Collect details from your ECS service and Amazon CodeCatalyst role

In this step, you will collect information from your prerequisites that will be used in the Blue/Green Amazon CodeCatalyst configuration further down this post.

If you followed the prerequisites tutorial, below are AWS CLI commands to extract values that are used in this post. You can run this on your local workstation or with AWS CloudShell in the same region you created your Amazon ECS cluster.


ECSCLUSTERARN=$(aws ecs describe-clusters --clusters $ECSCLUSTER --query 'clusters[*].clusterArn' --output text)
ECSSERVICENAME=$(aws ecs describe-services --services $ECSSERVICE --cluster $ECSCLUSTER  --query 'services[*].serviceName' --output text)
TASKDEFARN=$(aws ecs describe-services --services $ECSSERVICE --cluster $ECSCLUSTER  --query 'services[*].taskDefinition' --output text)
TASKROLE=$(aws ecs describe-task-definition --task-definition tutorial-task-def --query 'taskDefinition.executionRoleArn' --output text)
ACCOUNT=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query "Account" --output text)

echo Account_ID value: $ACCOUNT
echo EcsRegionName value: $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION
echo EcsClusterArn value: $ECSCLUSTERARN
echo EcsServiceName value: $ECSSERVICENAME
echo TaskDefinitionArn value: $TASKDEFARN
echo TaskExecutionRoleArn value: $TASKROLE

Note down the values of Account_ID, EcsRegionName, EcsClusterArn, EcsServiceName, TaskDefinitionArn and TaskExecutionRoleArn. You will need these values in later steps.

Step 2: Add Amazon IAM roles to Amazon CodeCatalyst

In this step, you will create a role called CodeCatalystWorkflowDevelopmentRole-spacename to provide Amazon CodeCatalyst service permissions to build and deploy applications. This role is only recommended for use with development accounts and uses the AdministratorAccess AWS managed policy, giving it full access to create new policies and resources in this AWS account.

  • In Amazon CodeCatalyst, navigate to your space. Choose the Settings tab.
  • In the Navigation page, select AWS accounts. A list of account connections appears. Choose the account connection that represents the AWS account where you created your build and deploy roles.
  • Choose Manage roles from AWS management console.
  • The Add IAM role to Amazon CodeCatalyst space page appears. You might need to sign in to access the page.
  • Choose Create CodeCatalyst development administrator role in IAM. This option creates a service role that contains the permissions policy and trust policy for the development role.
  • Note down the role name. Choose Create development role.

Step 3: Create Amazon CodeCatalyst source repository

In this step, you will create a source repository in CodeCatalyst. This repository stores the tutorial’s source files, such as the task definition file.

  • In Amazon CodeCatalyst, navigate to your project.
  • In the navigation pane, choose Code, and then choose Source repositories.
  • Choose Add repository, and then choose Create repository.
  •  In Repository name, enter:


  • Choose Create.

Step 4: Create Amazon CodeCatalyst Dev Environment

In this step, you will create a Amazon CodeCatalyst Dev environment to work on the sample application code and configuration in the codecatalyst-advanced-deployment repository. Learn more about Amazon CodeCatalyst dev environments in Amazon CodeCatalyst user guide.

  • In Amazon CodeCatalyst, navigate to your project.
  • In the navigation pane, choose Code, and then choose Source repositories.
  • Choose the source repository for which you want to create a dev environment.
  • Choose Create Dev Environment.
  • Choose AWS Cloud9 from the drop-down menu.
  • In Create Dev Environment and open with AWS Cloud9 page (Figure 1), choose Create to create a Cloud9 development environment.

Create Dev Environment in Amazon CodeCatalyst

Figure 1: Create Dev Environment in Amazon CodeCatalyst

AWS Cloud9 IDE opens on a new browser tab. Stay in AWS Cloud9 window to continue with Step 5.

Step 5: Add Source files to Amazon CodeCatalyst source repository

In this step, you will add source files from a sample application from GitHub to Amazon CodeCatalyst repository. You will be using this application to configure and test blue-green deployments.

  • On the menu bar at the top of the AWS Cloud9 IDE, choose Window, New Terminal or use an existing terminal window.
  • Download the Github project as a zip file, un-compress it and move it to your project folder by running the below commands in the terminal.

cd codecatalyst-advanced-deployment
wget -O SampleApp.zip https://github.com/build-on-aws/automate-web-app-amazon-ecs-cdk-codecatalyst/zipball/main/
unzip SampleApp.zip
mv build-on-aws-automate-web-app-amazon-ecs-cdk-codecatalyst-*/SampleApp/* .
rm -rf build-on-aws-automate-web-app-amazon-ecs-cdk-codecatalyst-*
rm SampleApp.zip

  • Update the task definition file for the sample application. Open task.json in the current directory. Find and replace “<arn:aws:iam::<account_ID>:role/AppRole> with the value collected from step 1: <TaskExecutionRoleArn>.
  • Amazon CodeCatalyst works with AWS CodeDeploy to perform Blue/Green deployments on Amazon ECS. You will create an Application Specification file, which will be used by CodeDeploy to manage the deployment. Create a file named appspec.yaml inside the codecatalyst-advanced-deployment directory. Update the <TaskDefinitionArn> with value from Step 1.
version: 0.0
  - TargetService:
      Type: AWS::ECS::Service
        TaskDefinition: "<TaskDefinitionArn>"
          ContainerName: "MyContainer"
          ContainerPort: 80
        PlatformVersion: "LATEST"
  • Commit the changes to Amazon CodeCatalyst repository by following the below commands. Update <your_email> and <your_name> with your email and name.

git config user.email "<your_email>"
git config user.name "<your_name>"
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push

Step 6: Create Amazon CodeCatalyst Workflow

In this step, you will create the Amazon CodeCatalyst workflow which will automatically build your source code when changes are made. A workflow is an automated procedure that describes how to build, test, and deploy your code as part of a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) system. A workflow defines a series of steps, or actions, to take during a workflow run.

  • In the navigation pane, choose CI/CD, and then choose Workflows.
  • Choose Create workflow. Select codecatalyst-advanced-deployment from the Source repository dropdown.
  • Choose main in the branch. Select Create (Figure 2). The workflow definition file appears in the Amazon CodeCatalyst console’s YAML editor.
    Create workflow page in Amazon CodeCatalyst

    Figure 2: Create workflow page in Amazon CodeCatalyst

  • Update the workflow by replacing the contents in the YAML editor with the below. Replace <Account_ID> with your AWS account ID. Replace <EcsRegionName>, <EcsClusterArn>, <EcsServiceName> with values from Step 1. Replace <CodeCatalyst-Dev-Admin-Role> with the Role Name from Step 3.
Name: BuildAndDeployToECS
SchemaVersion: "1.0"

# Set automatic triggers on code push.
  - Type: Push
      - main

    Identifier: aws/build@v1
        - WorkflowSource
        - Name: region
          Value: <EcsRegionName>
        - Name: registry
          Value: <Account_ID>.dkr.ecr.<EcsRegionName>.amazonaws.com
        - Name: image
          Value: codecatalyst-ecs-image-repo
        Enabled: false
        - IMAGE
      Type: EC2
        - Role: <CodeCatalystPreviewDevelopmentAdministrator role>
          Name: "<Account_ID>"
      Name: codecatalyst-ecs-environment
        - Run: export account=`aws sts get-caller-identity --output text | awk '{ print $1 }'`
        - Run: aws ecr get-login-password --region ${region} | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin ${registry}
        - Run: docker build -t appimage .
        - Run: docker tag appimage ${registry}/${image}:${WorkflowSource.CommitId}
        - Run: docker push --all-tags ${registry}/${image}
        - Run: export IMAGE=${registry}/${image}:${WorkflowSource.CommitId}
    Identifier: aws/ecs-render-task-definition@v1
      image: ${Build_application.IMAGE}
      container-name: MyContainer
      task-definition: task.json
        - Name: TaskDefinition
            - task-definition*
      - Build_application
        - WorkflowSource
    Identifier: aws/ecs-deploy@v1
      task-definition: /artifacts/DeploytoAmazonECS/TaskDefinition/${RenderAmazonECStaskdefinition.task-definition}
      service: <EcsServiceName>
      cluster: <EcsClusterArn>
      region: <EcsRegionName>
      codedeploy-appspec: appspec.yaml
      codedeploy-application: tutorial-bluegreen-app
      codedeploy-deployment-group: tutorial-bluegreen-dg
      codedeploy-deployment-description: "Blue-green deployment for sample app"
      Type: EC2
      Fleet: Linux.x86-64.Large
        - Role: <CodeCatalyst-Dev-Admin-Role>
        # Add account id within quotes. Eg: "12345678"
          Name: "<Account_ID>"
      Name: codecatalyst-ecs-environment
      - RenderAmazonECStaskdefinition
        - TaskDefinition
        - WorkflowSource

The workflow above does the following:

  • Whenever a code change is pushed to the repository, a Build action is triggered. The Build action builds a container image and pushes the image to the Amazon ECR repository created in Step 1.
  • Once the Build stage is complete, the Amazon ECS task definition is updated with the new ECR repository image.
  • The DeploytoECS action then deploys the new image to Amazon ECS using Blue/Green Approach.

To confirm everything was configured correctly, choose the Validate button. It should add a green banner with The workflow definition is valid at the top.

Select Commit to add the workflow to the repository (Figure 3)

Commit Workflow page in Amazon CodeCatalyst
Figure 3: Commit workflow page in Amazon CodeCatalyst

The workflow file is stored in a ~/.codecatalyst/workflows/ folder in the root of your source repository. The file can have a .yml or .yaml extension.

Let’s review our work, using the load balancer’s URL that you created during prerequisites, paste it into your browser. Your page should look similar to (Figure 4).

Sample Application (Blue Version)
Figure 4: Sample Application (Blue version)

Step 7: Validate the setup

To validate the setup, you will make a small change to the sample application.

  • Open Amazon CodeCatalyst dev environment that you created in Step 4.
  • Update your local copy of the repository. In the terminal run the command below.

git pull

  • In the terminal, navigate to /templates folder. Open index.html and search for “Las Vegas”. Replace the word with “New York”. Save the file.
  • Commit the change to the repository using the commands below.

git add .
git commit -m "Updating the city to New York"
git push

After the change is committed, the workflow should start running automatically. You can monitor of the workflow run in Amazon CodeCatalyst console (Figure 5)
Blue/Green Deployment Progress on Amazon CodeCatalyst

Figure 5: Blue/Green Deployment Progress on Amazon CodeCatalyst

You can also see the deployment status on the AWS CodeDeploy deployment page (Figure 6)

  • Going back to the AWS console.
  • In the upper left search bar, type in “CodeDeploy”.
  • In the left hand menu, select Deployments.

Blue/Green Deployment Progress on AWS CodeDeploy
Figure 6: Blue/Green Deployment Progress on AWS CodeDeploy

Let’s review our update, using the load balancer’s URL that you created during pre-requisites, paste it into your browser. Your page should look similar to (Figure 7).
Sample Application (Green version)

Figure 7: Sample Application (Green version)


If you have been following along with this workflow, you should delete the resources you deployed so you do not continue to incur charges.

  • Delete the Amazon ECS service and Amazon ECS cluster from AWS console.
  • Manually delete Amazon CodeCatalyst dev environment, source repository and project from your CodeCatalyst Space.
  • Delete the AWS CodeDeploy application through console or CLI.


In this post, we demonstrated how you can configure Blue/Green deployments for your container workloads using Amazon CodeCatalyst workflows. The same approach can be used to configure Canary deployments as well. Learn more about AWS CodeDeploy configuration for advanced container deployments in AWS CodeDeploy user guide.

William Cardoso

William Cardoso is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services based in South Florida area. He has 20+ years of experience in designing and developing enterprise systems. He leverages his real world experience in IT operations to work with AWS customers providing architectural and best practice recommendations for new and existing solutions. Outside of work, William enjoys woodworking, walking and cooking for friends and family.

Piyush Mattoo

Piyush Mattoo is a Solution Architect for enterprises at Amazon Web Services. He is a software technology leader with over 15 years of experience building scalable and distributed software systems that require a combination of broad T-shaped skills across multiple technologies. He has an educational background in Computer Science with a Masters degree in Computer and Information Science from University of Massachusetts. He is based out of Southern California and current interests include outdoor camping and nature walks.

Hareesh Iyer

Hareesh Iyer is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS. He helps customers build scalable, secure, resilient and cost-efficient architectures on AWS. He is passionate about cloud-native patterns, containers and microservices.

Enable cross-account sharing with direct IAM principals using AWS Lake Formation Tags

Post Syndicated from Aarthi Srinivasan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/enable-cross-account-sharing-with-direct-iam-principals-using-aws-lake-formation-tags/

With AWS Lake Formation, you can build data lakes with multiple AWS accounts in a variety of ways. For example, you could build a data mesh, implementing a centralized data governance model and decoupling data producers from the central governance. Such data lakes enable the data as an asset paradigm and unleash new possibilities with data discovery and exploration across organization-wide consumers. While enabling the power of data in decision-making across your organization, it’s also crucial to secure the data. With Lake Formation, sharing datasets across accounts only requires a few simple steps, and you can control what you share.

Lake Formation has launched Version 3 capabilities for sharing AWS Glue Data Catalog resources across accounts. When moving to Lake Formation cross-account sharing V3, you get several benefits. When moving from V1, you get more optimized usage of AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM) to scale sharing of resources. When moving from V2, you get a few enhancements. First, you don’t have to maintain AWS Glue resource policies to share using LF-tags because Version 3 uses AWS RAM. Second, you can share with AWS Organizations using LF-tags. Third, you can share to individual AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users and roles in other accounts, thereby providing data owners control over which individuals can access their data.

Lake Formation tag-based access control (LF-TBAC) is an authorization strategy that defines permissions based on attributes called LF-tags. LF-tags are different from IAM resource tags and are associated only with Lake Formation databases, tables, and columns. LF-TBAC allows you to define the grant and revoke permissions policy by grouping Data Catalog resources, and therefore helps in scaling permissions across a large number of databases and tables. LF-tags are inherited from a database to all its tables and all the columns of each table.

Version 3 offers the following benefits:

  • True central governance with cross-account sharing to specific IAM principals in the target account
  • Ease of use in not having to maintain an AWS Glue resource policy for LF-TBAC
  • Efficient reuse of AWS RAM shares
  • Ease of use in scaling to hundreds of accounts with LF-TBAC

In this post, we illustrate the new features of cross-account sharing Version 3 in a producer-consumer scenario using TPC datasets. We walk through the setup of using LF-TBAC to share data catalog resources from the data producer account to direct IAM users in the consumer account. We also go through the steps in the receiving account to accept the shares and query the data.

Solution overview

To demonstrate the Lake Formation cross-account Version 3 features, we use the TPC datasets available at s3://aws-data-analytics-workshops/shared_datasets/tpcparquet/. The solution consists of steps in both accounts.

In account A, complete the following steps:

  1. As a data producer, register the dataset with Lake Formation and create AWS Glue Data Catalog tables.
  2. Create LF-tags and associate them with the database and tables.
  3. Grant LF-tag based permissions on resources directly to personas in consumer account B.

The following steps take place in account B:

  1. The consumer account data lake admin reviews and accepts the AWS RAM invitations.
  2. The data lake admin gives CREATE DATABASE access to the IAM user lf_business_analysts.
  3. The data lake admin creates a database for the marketing team and grants CREATE TABLE access to lf_campaign_manager.
  4. The IAM users create resource links on the shared database and tables and query them in Amazon Athena.

The producer account A has the following personas:

  • Data lake admin – Manages the data lake in the producer account
  • lf-producersteward – Manages the data and user access

The consumer account B has the following personas:

  • Data lake admin – Manages the data lake in the consumer account
  • lf-business-analysts – The business analysts in the sales team needs access to non-PII data
  • lf-campaign-manager – The manager in the marketing team needs access to data related to products and promotions


You need the following prerequisites:

  • Two AWS accounts. For this demonstration of how AWS RAM invites are created and accepted, you should use two accounts that are not part of the same organization.
  • An admin IAM user in both accounts to launch the AWS CloudFormation stacks.
  • Lake Formation mode enabled in both the producer and consumer account with cross-account Version 3. For instructions, refer to Change the default permission model.

Lake Formation and AWS CloudFormation setup in account A

To keep the setup simple, we have an IAM admin registered as the data lake admin.

  1. Sign into the AWS Management Console in the us-east-1 Region.
  2. On the Lake Formation console, under Permissions in the navigation pane, choose Administrative roles and tasks.
  3. Select Choose Administrators under Datalake administrators.
  4. In the pop-up window Manage data lake administrators, under IAM users and roles, choose IAM admin user and choose Save.
  5. Choose Launch Stack to deploy the CloudFormation template:
  6. Choose Next.
  7. Provide a name for the stack and choose Next.
  8. On the next page, choose Next.
  9. Review the details on the final page and select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources.
  10. Choose Create.

Stack creation should take about 2–3 minutes. The stack establishes the producer setup as follows:

  • Creates an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) data lake bucket
  • Registers the data lake bucket with Lake Formation
  • Creates an AWS Glue database and tables
  • Creates an IAM user (lf-producersteward) who will act as producer steward
  • Creates LF-tags and assigns them to the created catalog resources as specified in the following table
Database Table LF-Tag Key LF-Tag Value Resource Tagged
lftpcdb . Sensitivity Public DATABASE
lftpcdb items HasCampaign true TABLE
lftpcdb promotions HasCampaign true TABLE
lftpcdb customers table columns = "c_last_name","c_first_name","c_email_address" Sensitivity Confidential TABLECOLUMNS

Verify permissions in account A

After the CloudFormation stack launches, complete the following steps in account A:

  1. On the AWS CloudFormation console, navigate to the Outputs tab of the stack.

  1. Choose the LFProducerStewardCredentials value to navigate to the AWS Secrets Manager console.
  2. In the Secret value section, choose Retrieve secret value.
  3. Note down the secret value for the password for IAM user lf-producersteward.

You need this to log in to the console later as the user lf-producersteward.

  1. On the LakeFormation console, choose Databases on the navigation pane.
  2. Open the database lftpcdb.
  3. Verify the LF-tags on the database are created.

  1. Choose View tables and choose the items table to verify the LF-tags.

  1. Repeat the steps for the promotions and customers tables to verify the LF-tags assigned.

  1. On the Lake Formation console, under Data catalog in the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  2. Select the database lftpcdb and on the Actions menu, choose View Permissions.
  3. Verify that there are no default permissions granted on the database lftpcdb for IAMAllowedPrincipals.
  4. If you find any, select the permission and choose Revoke to revoke the permission.
  5. On the AWS Management Console, choose the AWS CloudShell icon on the top menu.

This opens AWS CloudShell in another tab of the browser. Allow a few minutes for the CloudShell environment to set up.

  1. Run the following AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) command after replacing {BUCKET_NAME} with DataLakeBucket from the stack output.
aws s3 cp s3://aws-data-analytics-workshops/shared_datasets/tpcparquet/ s3://${BUCKET_NAME}/tpcparquet/  --recursive

If CloudShell isn’t available in your chosen Region, run the following AWS CLI command to copy the required dataset from your preferred AWS CLI environment as the IAM admin user.

  1. Verify that your S3 bucket has the dataset copied in it.
  2. Log out as the IAM admin user.

Grant permissions in account A

Next, we continue granting Lake Formation permissions to the dataset as a data steward within the producer account. The data steward grants the following LF-tag-based permissions to the consumer personas.

Consumer Persona LF-tag Policy
lf-business-analysts Sensitivity=Public
lf-campaign-manager HasCampaign=true
  1. Log in to account A as user lf-producersteward, using the password you noted from Secrets Manager earlier.
  2. On the Lake Formation console, under Permissions in the navigation pane, choose Data Lake permissions.
  3. Choose Grant.
  4. Under Principals, select External accounts.
  5. Provide the ARN of the IAM user in the consumer account (arn:aws:iam::<accountB_id>:user/lf-business-analysts) and press Enter.

  1. Under LF_Tags or catalog resources, select Resources matched by LF-Tags.
  2. Choose Add LF-Tag to add a new key-value pair.
  3. For the key, choose Sensitivity and for the value, choose Public.
  4. Under Database permissions, select Describe, and under Table permissions, select Select and Describe.

  1. Choose Grant to apply the permissions.
  2. On the Lake Formation console, under Permissions in the navigation pane, choose Data Lake permissions.
  3. Choose Grant.
  4. Under Principals, select External accounts.
  5. Provide the ARN of the IAM user in the consumer account (arn:aws:iam::<accountB_id>:user/lf-campaign-manager) and press Enter.
  6. Under LF_Tags or catalog resources, select Resources matched by LF-Tags.
  7. Choose Add LF-Tag to add a new key-value pair.
  8. For the key, choose HasCampaign and for the value, choose true.

  1. Under Database permissions, select Describe, and under Table permissions, select Select and Describe.
  2. Choose Grant to apply the permissions.
  3.  Verify on the Data lake permissions tab that the permissions you have granted show up correctly.

AWS CloudFormation setup in account B

Complete the following steps in the consumer account:

  1. Log in as an IAM admin user in account B and launch the CloudFormation stack:
  2. Choose Next.
  3. Provide a name for the stack, then choose Next.
  4. On the next page, choose Next.
  5. Review the details on the final page and select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources.
  6. Choose Create.

Stack creation should take about 2–3 minutes. The stack sets up the following resources in account B:

  • IAM users datalakeadmin1, lf-business-analysts, and lf-campaign-manager, with relevant IAM and Lake Formation permissions
  • A database called db_for_shared_tables with Create_Table permissions to the lf-campaign-manager user
  • An S3 bucket named lfblog-athenaresults-<your-accountB-id>-us-east-1 with ListBucket and write permissions to lf-business-analysts and lf-campaign-manager

Note down the stack output details.

Accept resource shares in account B

After you launch the CloudFormation stack, complete the following steps in account B:

  1. On the CloudFormation stack Outputs tab, choose the link for DataLakeAdminCredentials.

This takes you to the Secrets Manager console.

  1. On the Secrets Manager console, choose Retrieve secret value and copy the password for DataLakeAdmin user.
  2. Use the ConsoleIAMLoginURL value from the CloudFormation template output to log in to account B with the data lake admin user name datalakeadmin1 and the password you copied from Secrets Manager.
  3. Open the AWS RAM console in another browser tab.
  4. In the navigation pane, under Shared with me, choose Resource shares to view the pending invitations.

You should see two resource share invitations from the producer account A: one for database-level share and one for table-level share.

  1. Choose each resource share link, review the details, and choose Accept.

After you accept the invitations, the status of the resource shares changes from Active from Pending.

Grant permissions in account B

To grant permissions in account B, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, under Permissions on the navigation pane, choose Administrative roles and tasks.

  1. Under Database creators, choose Grant.

  1. Under IAM users and roles, choose lf-business-analysts.
  2. For Catalog permissions, select Create database.
  3. Choose Grant.
  4. Log out of the console as the data lake admin user.

Query the shared datasets as consumer users

To validate the lf-business-analysts user’s data access, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the console as lf-business-analysts, using the credentials noted from the CloudFormation stack output.
  2. On the Lake Formation console, under Data catalog in the navigation pane, choose Databases.

  1. Select the database lftpcdb and on the Actions menu, choose Create resource link.

  1. Under Resource link name, enter rl_lftpcdb.
  2. Choose Create.
  3. After the resource link is created, select the resource link and choose View tables.

You can now see the four tables in the shared database.

  1. Open the Athena console in another browser tab and choose the lfblog-athenaresults-<your-accountB-id>-us-east-1 bucket as the query results location.
  2. Verify data access using the following query (for more information, refer to Running SQL queries using Amazon Athena):
Select * from rl_lftpcdb.customers limit 10;

The following screenshot shows the query output.

Notice that account A shared the database lftpcdb to account B using the LF-tag expression Sensitivity=Public. Columns c_first_name, c_last_name, and c_email_address in table customers were overwritten with Sensitivity=Confidential. Therefore, these three columns are not visible to user lf-business-analysts.

You can preview the other tables from the database similarly to see the available columns and data.

  1. Log out of the console as lf-business-analysts.

Now we can validate the lf-campaign-manager user’s data access.

  1. Log in to the console as lf-campaign-manager using the credentials noted from the CloudFormation stack output.
  2. On the Lake Formation console, under Data catalog in the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  3. Verify that you can see the database db_for_shared_tables shared by the data lake admin.

  1. Under Data catalog in the navigation pane, choose Tables.

You should be able to see the two tables shared from account A using the LF-tag expression HasCampaign=true. The two tables show the Owner account ID as account A.

Because lf-campaign-manager received table level shares, this user will create table-level resource links for querying in Athena.

  1. Select the promotions table, and on the Actions menu, choose Create resource link.

  1. For Resource link name, enter rl_promotions.

  1. Under Database, choose db_for_shared_tables for the database to contain the resource link.
  2. Choose Create.
  3. Repeat the table resource link creation for the other table items.

Notice that the resource links show account B as owner, whereas the actual tables show account A as the owner.

  1. Open the Athena console in another browser tab and choose the lfblog-athenaresults-<your-accountB-id>-us-east-1 bucket as the query results location.
  2. 11. Query the tables using the resource links.

As shown in the following screenshot, all columns of both tables are accessible to lf-campaign-manager.

In summary, you have seen how LF-tags are used to share a database and select tables from one account to another account’s IAM users.

Clean up

To avoid incurring charges on the AWS resources created in this post, you can perform the following steps.

First, clean up resources in account A:

  1. Empty the S3 bucket created for this post by deleting the downloaded objects from your S3 bucket.
  2. Delete the CloudFormation stack.

This deletes the S3 bucket, custom IAM roles, policies, and the LF database, tables, and permissions.

  1. You may choose to undo the Lake Formation settings also and add IAM access back from the Lake Formation console Settings page.

Now complete the following steps in account B:

  1. Empty the S3 bucket lfblog-athenaresults-<your-accountB-id>-us-east-1 used as the Athena query results location.
  2. Revoke permission to lf-business-analysts as database creator.
  3. Delete the CloudFormation stack.

This deletes the IAM users, S3 bucket, Lake Formation database db_for_shared_tables, resource links, and all the permissions from Lake Formation.

If there are any resource links and permissions left, delete them manually in Lake Formation from both accounts.


In this post, we illustrated the benefits of using Lake Formation cross-account sharing Version 3 using LF-tags to direct IAM principals and how to receive the shared tables in the consumer account. We used a two-account scenario in which a data producer account shares a database and specific tables to individual IAM users in another account using LF-tags. In the receiving account, we showed the role played by a data lake admin vs. the receiving IAM users. We also illustrated how to overwrite column tags to mask and share PII data.

With Version 3 of cross-account sharing features, Lake Formation makes possible more modern data mesh models, where a producer can directly share to an IAM principal in another account, instead of the entire account. Data mesh implementation becomes easier for data administrators and data platform owners because they can easily scale to hundreds of consumer accounts using the LF-tags based sharing to organizational units or IDs.

We encourage you to upgrade your Lake Formation cross-account sharing to Version 3 and benefit from the enhancements. For more details, see Updating cross-account data sharing version settings.

About the authors

Aarthi Srinivasan is a Senior Big Data Architect with AWS Lake Formation. She likes building data lake solutions for AWS customers and partners. When not on the keyboard, she explores the latest science and technology trends and spends time with her family.

Srividya Parthasarathy is a Senior Big Data Architect on the AWS Lake Formation team. She enjoys building analytics and data mesh solutions on AWS and sharing them with the community.

Build a serverless streaming pipeline with Amazon MSK Serverless, Amazon MSK Connect, and MongoDB Atlas

Post Syndicated from Igor Alekseev original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/build-a-serverless-streaming-pipeline-with-amazon-msk-serverless-amazon-msk-connect-and-mongodb-atlas/

This post was cowritten with Babu Srinivasan and Robert Walters from MongoDB.

Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) is a fully managed, highly available Apache Kafka service. Amazon MSK makes it easy to ingest and process streaming data in real time and use that data easily within the AWS ecosystem. With Amazon MSK Serverless, you can automatically provision and manage required resources to provide on-demand streaming capacity and storage for your applications.

Amazon MSK also supports integration of data sources such as MongoDB Atlas via Amazon MSK Connect. MSK Connect allows serverless integration of MongoDB data with Amazon MSK using the MongoDB Connector for Apache Kafka.

MongoDB Atlas Serverless provides database services that dynamically scale up and down with data size and throughput—and the cost scales accordingly. It’s best suited for applications with variable demands to be managed with minimal configuration. It provides high performance and reliability with automated upgrade, encryption, security, metrics, and backup features built in with the MongoDB Atlas infrastructure.

MSK Serverless is a type of cluster for Amazon MSK. Just like MongoDB Atlas Serverless, MSK Serverless automatically provisions and scales compute and storage resources. You can now create end-to-end serverless workflows. You can build a serverless streaming pipeline with serverless ingestion using MSK Serverless and serverless storage using MongoDB Atlas. In addition, MSK Connect now supports private DNS hostnames. This allows Serverless MSK instances to connect to Serverless MongoDB clusters via AWS PrivateLink, providing you with secure connectivity between platforms.

If you’re interested in using a non-serverless cluster, refer to Integrating MongoDB with Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK).

This post demonstrates how to implement a serverless streaming pipeline with MSK Serverless, MSK Connect, and MongoDB Atlas.

Solution overview

The following diagram illustrates our solution architecture.

Data flow between AWS MSK and MongoDB Atlas

The data flow starts with an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) client instance that writes records to an MSK topic. As data arrives, an instance of the MongoDB Connector for Apache Kafka writes the data to a collection in the MongoDB Atlas Serverless cluster. For secure connectivity between the two platforms, an AWS PrivateLink connection is created between the MongoDB Atlas cluster and the VPC containing the MSK instance.

This post walks you through the following steps:

  1. Create the serverless MSK cluster.
  2. Create the MongoDB Atlas Serverless cluster.
  3. Configure the MSK plugin.
  4. Create the EC2 client.
  5. Configure an MSK topic.
  6. Configure the MongoDB Connector for Apache Kafka as a sink.

Configure the serverless MSK cluster

To create a serverless MSK cluster, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon MSK console, choose Clusters in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create cluster.
  3. For Creation method, select Custom create.
  4. For Cluster name, enter MongoDBMSKCluster.
  5. For Cluster type¸ select Serverless.
  6. Choose Next.Serverless MSK Cluster creation UI
  7. On the Networking page, specify your VPC, Availability Zones, and corresponding subnets.
  8. Note the Availability Zones and subnets to use later.Cluster settings showing VPC and Subnets
  9. Choose Next.
  10. Choose Create cluster.

When the cluster is available, its status becomes Active.

Cluster Available for Use

Create the MongoDB Atlas Serverless cluster

To create a MongoDB Atlas cluster, follow the Getting Started with Atlas tutorial. Note that for the purposes of this post, you need to create a serverless instance.

Create new cluster dialog

After the cluster is created, configure an AWS private endpoint with the following steps:

  1. On the Security menu, choose Network Access.Network Access location in the Security menu
  2. On the Private Endpoint tab, choose Serverless Instance.
    Serverless Instance network access
  3. Choose Create new endpoint.
  4. For Serverless Instance, choose the instance you just created.
  5. Choose Confirm.Create Private Endpoint UI
  6. Provide your VPC endpoint configuration and choose Next.VPC Endpoint Configuration UI
  7. When creating the AWS PrivateLink resource, make sure you specify the exact same VPC and subnets that you used earlier when creating the networking configuration for the serverless MSK instance.
  8. Choose Next.VPC Endpoint Subnet Configuration UI
  9. Follow the instructions on the Finalize page, then choose Confirm after your VPC endpoint is created.

Upon success, the new private endpoint will show up in the list, as shown in the following screenshot.

Network Access Confirmation Page

Configure the MSK Plugin

Next, we create a custom plugin in Amazon MSK using the MongoDB Connector for Apache Kafka. The connector needs to be uploaded to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket before you can create the plugin. To download the MongoDB Connector for Apache Kafka, refer to Download a Connector JAR File.

  1. On the Amazon MSK console, choose Customized plugins in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create custom plugin.
  3. For S3 URI, enter the S3 location of the downloaded connector.
  4. Choose Create custom plugin.

MSK plugin details

Configure an EC2 client

Next, let’s configure an EC2 instance. We use this instance to create the topic and insert data into the topic. For instructions, refer to the section Configure an EC2 client in the post Integrating MongoDB with Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK).

Create a topic on the MSK cluster

To create a Kafka topic, we need to install the Kafka CLI first.

  1. On the client EC2 instance, first install Java:

sudo yum install java-1.8.0

  1. Next, run the following command to download Apache Kafka:

wget https://archive.apache.org/dist/kafka/2.6.2/kafka_2.12-2.6.2.tgz

  1. Unpack the tar file using the following command:

tar -xzf kafka_2.12-2.6.2.tgz

The distribution of Kafka includes a bin folder with tools that can be used to manage topics.

  1. Go to the kafka_2.12-2.6.2 directory and issue the following command to create a Kafka topic on the serverless MSK cluster:

bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --topic sandbox_sync2 --bootstrap-server <BOOTSTRAP SERVER> --command-config=bin/client.properties --partitions 2

You can copy the bootstrap server endpoint on the View Client Information page for your serverless MSK cluster.

Bootstrap Server Connection Page

You can configure IAM authentication by following these instructions.

Configure the sink connector

Now, let’s configure a sink connector to send the data to the MongoDB Atlas Serverless instance.

  1. On the Amazon MSK console, choose Connectors in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create connector.
  3. Select the plugin you created earlier.
  4. Choose Next.Sink Connector UI
  5. Select the serverless MSK instance that you created earlier.
  6. Enter your connection configuration as the following code:
connection.uri=(MongoDB Atlas Connection String Gos Here) 

Make sure that the connection to the MongoDB Atlas Serverless instance is through AWS PrivateLink. For more information, refer to Connecting Applications Securely to a MongoDB Atlas Data Plane with AWS PrivateLink.

  1. In the Access Permissions section, create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role with the required trust policy.
  2. Choose Next.IAM Role configuration
  3. Specify Amazon CloudWatch Logs as your log delivery option.
  4. Complete your connector.

When the connector status changes to Active, the pipeline is ready.

Connector Confirmation Page

Insert data into the MSK topic

On your EC2 client, insert data into the MSK topic using the kafka-console-producer as follows:

bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --topic sandbox_sync2 --bootstrap-server <BOOTSTRAP SERVER> --producer.config=bin/client.properties

To verify that data successfully flows from the Kafka topic to the serverless MongoDB cluster, we use the MongoDB Atlas UI.

MongoDB Atlas Browse Collections UI

If you run into any issues, be sure to check the log files. In this example, we used CloudWatch to read the events that were generated from Amazon MSK and the MongoDB Connector for Apache Kafka.

CloudWatch Logs UI

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, clean up the resources you created. First, delete the MSK cluster, connector, and EC2 instance:

  1. On the Amazon MSK console, choose Clusters in the navigation pane.
  2. Select your cluster and on the Actions menu, choose Delete.
  3. Choose Connectors in the navigation pane.
  4. Select your connector and choose Delete.
  5. Choose Customized plugins in the navigation pane.
  6. Select your plugin and choose Delete.
  7. On the Amazon EC2 console, choose Instances in the navigation pane.
  8. Choose the instance you created.
  9. Choose Instance state, then choose Terminate instance.
  10. On the Amazon VPC console, choose Endpoints in the navigation pane.
  11. Select the endpoint you created and on the Actions menu, choose Delete VPC endpoints.

Now you can delete the Atlas cluster and AWS PrivateLink:

  1. Log in to the Atlas cluster console.
  2. Navigate to the serverless cluster to be deleted.
  3. On the options drop-down menu, choose Terminate.
  4. Navigate to the Network Access section.
  5. Choose the private endpoint.
  6. Select the serverless instance.
  7. On the options drop-down menu, choose Terminate.Endpoint Termination UI


In this post, we showed you how to build a serverless streaming ingestion pipeline using MSK Serverless and MongoDB Atlas Serverless. With MSK Serverless, you can automatically provision and manage required resources on an as-needed basis. We used a MongoDB connector deployed on MSK Connect to seamlessly integrate the two services, and used an EC2 client to send sample data to the MSK topic. MSK Connect now supports Private DNS hostnames, enabling you to use private domain names between the services. In this post, the connector used the default DNS servers of the VPC to resolve the Availability Zone-specific private DNS name. This AWS PrivateLink configuration allowed secure and private connectivity between the MSK Serverless instance and the MongoDB Atlas Serverless instance.

To continue your learning, check out the following resources:

About the Authors

Igor Alekseev is a Senior Partner Solution Architect at AWS in Data and Analytics domain. In his role Igor is working with strategic partners helping them build complex, AWS-optimized architectures. Prior joining AWS, as a Data/Solution Architect he implemented many projects in Big Data domain, including several data lakes in Hadoop ecosystem. As a Data Engineer he was involved in applying AI/ML to fraud detection and office automation.

Kiran Matty is a Principal Product Manager with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and works with the Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) team based out of Palo Alto, California. He is passionate about building performant streaming and analytical services that help enterprises realize their critical use cases.

 Babu Srinivasan is a Senior Partner Solutions Architect at MongoDB. In his current role, he is working with AWS to build the technical integrations and reference architectures for the AWS and MongoDB solutions. He has more than two decades of experience in Database and Cloud technologies . He is passionate about providing technical solutions to customers working with multiple Global System Integrators(GSIs) across multiple geographies.

Robert Walters is currently a Senior Product Manager at MongoDB. Previous to MongoDB, Rob spent 17 years at Microsoft working in various roles, including program management on the SQL Server team, consulting, and technical pre-sales. Rob has co-authored three patents for technologies used within SQL Server and was the lead author of several technical books on SQL Server. Rob is currently an active blogger on MongoDB Blogs.

Scaling AWS Outposts rack deployments with ACE racks

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/scaling-aws-outposts-rack-deployments-with-ace-racks/

This blog post is written by Eric Vasquez, Specialist Hybrid Edge Solutions Architect, and Paul Scherer, Senior Network Service Tech.


AWS Outposts brings managed, monitored AWS infrastructure, compute, and storage to your on-premises environment. It provides the same AWS APIs, and console experience you would get within the AWS Region to which the Outpost is homed to. You may already have an Outposts rack. An Outpost can consist of one or more racks creating a pool of consumable resources as a single logical Outpost. In this post, we will introduce you to an Aggregation, Core, Edge (ACE) rack.

Depending on your familiarity with the Outpost family, you might have already heard about an ACE rack. An ACE rack serves as an aggregation point for multi-rack Outpost deployments. ACE racks reduce the physical networking port requirements as well as the logical interfaces needed, while allowing for connectivity between multiple racks in your logical Outpost. ACE racks are recommended for customers with planned deployments beyond three racks excluding the ACE rack itself.

We recommend that all customers leverage an ACE rack if planning expansions beyond three racks in the long-term, even if the initial deployment is a single rack. An ACE rack contains four routers, and these routers can connect to either two or four customer upstream devices. For the best redundancy, reliability, and resiliency, we recommend deploying an ACE rack to four upstream customer devices.

ACE racks support 10G, 40G, and 100G connections to a customer network. However, 100G connections between each ACE router to a customer device are recommended.

Outpost architecture aceOutpost extension from region and ACE rack deployment in a 15 rack Outpost configuration

Each Outposts rack comes standard with redundant Outpost networking devices, power supplies, and two top-of-rack patch panels which serve as demarcation points between the Outpost rack and your customer networking device (CND). For the remainder of this post, we’ll refer to the Outpost Networking Devices as OND and customer switches/routers as CND. The Outpost rack ONDs form Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) neighbor relationships with either your CND or the ACE rack using point-to-point (P2P) Virtual LAN (VLAN) interfaces.

For Outposts installation without an ACE rack, each Outposts OND connects to your LAN using single-mode or multi-mode fiber with LC connectors supporting 1G, 10G, 40G, or 100G connectivity. We provide flexibility for the CNDs and allow either Layer 2 or Layer 3 devices, including firewalls. Each OND uses a single LACP port channel that carries 2 VLAN point-to-points virtual interfaced (VIF)to establish 2 BGP relationships over the port channel to your upstream CND and aggregate total bandwidth. This results in each Outpost rack requiring a minimum of two physical uplinks, but as a general best practice we recommend two-per-device for a total of four uplinks, along with two LACP port channels and 4 VLAN to establish point-to-points (P2P) BGP peering’s. Note that the IP’s used in the following diagram are just examples.

Outpost Service link and Local Gateway VLANOutpost Service link and Local Gateway VLAN

As we continue to expand rack deployments, so will the number of physical uplinks and VLAN interfaces required for the added OND to a CND. When we introduce the ACE rack, the OND is no longer attached to your CND. Instead, it goes directly to ACE devices, which provide at least one uplink to your network switch/router. In this topology, AWS owns the VLAN interface allocation and configuration between compute rack OND and the ACE routers.

Let’s cover the potential downsides to a multi-rack installation without an ACE rack. In this case, we have a three-rack Outpost deployment, with one uplink (two per rack) from each rack OND to the CND. This would require you to provide: six physical ports on your devices, six fiber cables,12 VLAN VIFs, 12 P2P subnets potentially exhausting 24 ips, and six port channels.

In comparison to a three-rack install that sits behind an ACE rack, you provide fewer physical network ports on your devices, fewer fiber cabling uplinks, fewer VLAN VIFs, fewer port channels, and fewer P2P’s. Each ACE router will have its own LACP port channel with 2x VLAN VIFs in each channel (the same as an Outposts Networking Devices (OND) <> Customer connection). The following table highlights the advantages in using an ACE rack when running a multi-rack Outpost, which becomes more desirable as you continue to scale.

2-Rack Outpost


3-Rack Outpost


4-Rack Outpost



Without ACE With ACE Without ACE With ACE Without ACE With ACE

Physical Ports







Fiber Cables


4 6 4 8


LACP Port Channels


4 6 4





8 12 8 16


P2P Subnets 8 8 12 8 16


ACE VS Non-ACE Rack Components Comparison

Furthermore, you should consider the additional weight, and power requirements that an ACE rack introduces when planning for multi-rack deployments. In addition to initial kVA requirements for the Outpost racks you must account for the resources required for an ACE rack. An ACE rack consumes up to 10kVA of power and weighs up to 705 lbs. Carefully planning additional capacity for these resources with your AWS account team will be critical for a successful deployment.

Similar to an Outpost rack, an ACE rack deployment is monitored by AWS. The rack provides telemetry data transmitted over a set of VPN tunnels back to the anchor points in the Region to which the Outpost is homed. This allows AWS to monitor the rack for hardware failures, performance degradation, and other alarm conditions including Links, Interfaces going down, and BGP drops.

As part of the Outpost ordering process, AWS will work closely with you to determine the location for install, power availability on-site, and the network configuration of both the Outposts rack and ACE rack. This includes BGP configuration, and the Customer Owned IP Address (CoIP), which is the pool of IP addresses for route advertisements back to your CND. The COIP pool allows resources inside your Outpost rack to communicate with on-premises resources and vice-versa. Another connectivity option would be the Direct VPC Routing (DVR) where we advertise VPC subnets associated with your LGW to your on-premises networks. Outposts uses a networking connectivity back to the Region for management purposes called the service link (SL). The SL is an encrypted set of VPN connections used whenever the Outpost communicates with your chosen home Region.


This post addresses the most common questions surrounding ACE racks, how an ACE rack can be deployed, and why an ACE rack would be leveraged for a multi-Outpost rack deployment. In this post, we demonstrated how an ACE rack serves as a consolidation point in your on-premises environment, making multi-rack deployments scalable, while reducing complexity and physical port allocation for connectivity between an Outpost and your LAN. In addition, we described how you can get this process started. If you want to learn more about Outposts fundamentals and how you can build your applications with AWS services using Outposts for hybrid cloud deployments you can learn more check out the Outposts user guide.

Simplifying Amazon EC2 instance type flexibility with new attribute-based instance type selection features

Post Syndicated from Sheila Busser original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/simplifying-amazon-ec2-instance-type-flexibility-with-new-attribute-based-instance-type-selection-features/

This blog is written by Rajesh Kesaraju, Sr. Solution Architect, EC2-Flexible Compute and Peter Manastyrny, Sr. Product Manager, EC2.

Today AWS is adding two new attributes for the attribute-based instance type selection (ABS) feature to make it even easier to create and manage instance type flexible configurations on Amazon EC2. The new network bandwidth attribute allows customers to request instances based on the network requirements of their workload. The new allowed instance types attribute is useful for workloads that have some instance type flexibility but still need more granular control over which instance types to run on.

The two new attributes are supported in EC2 Auto Scaling Groups (ASG), EC2 Fleet, Spot Fleet, and Spot Placement Score.

Before exploring the new attributes in detail, let us review the core ABS capability.

ABS refresher

ABS lets you express your instance type requirements as a set of attributes, such as vCPU, memory, and storage when provisioning EC2 instances with ASG, EC2 Fleet, or Spot Fleet. Your requirements are translated by ABS to all matching EC2 instance types, simplifying the creation and maintenance of instance type flexible configurations. ABS identifies the instance types based on attributes that you set in ASG, EC2 Fleet, or Spot Fleet configurations. When Amazon EC2 releases new instance types, ABS will automatically consider them for provisioning if they match the selected attributes, removing the need to update configurations to include new instance types.

ABS helps you to shift from an infrastructure-first to an application-first paradigm. ABS is ideal for workloads that need generic compute resources and do not necessarily require the hardware differentiation that the Amazon EC2 instance type portfolio delivers. By defining a set of compute attributes instead of specific instance types, you allow ABS to always consider the broadest and newest set of instance types that qualify for your workload. When you use EC2 Spot Instances to optimize your costs and save up to 90% compared to On-Demand prices, instance type diversification is the key to access the highest amount of Spot capacity. ABS provides an easy way to configure and maintain instance type flexible configurations to run fault-tolerant workloads on Spot Instances.

We recommend ABS as the default compute provisioning method for instance type flexible workloads including containerized apps, microservices, web applications, big data, and CI/CD.

Now, let us dive deep on the two new attributes: network bandwidth and allowed instance types.

How network bandwidth attribute for ABS works

Network bandwidth attribute allows customers with network-sensitive workloads to specify their network bandwidth requirements for compute infrastructure. Some of the workloads that depend on network bandwidth include video streaming, networking appliances (e.g., firewalls), and data processing workloads that require faster inter-node communication and high-volume data handling.

The network bandwidth attribute uses the same min/max format as other ABS attributes (e.g., vCPU count or memory) that assume a numeric value or range (e.g., min: ‘10’ or min: ‘15’; max: ‘40’). Note that setting the minimum network bandwidth does not guarantee that your instance will achieve that network bandwidth. ABS will identify instance types that support the specified minimum bandwidth, but the actual bandwidth of your instance might go below the specified minimum at times.

Two important things to remember when using the network bandwidth attribute are:

  • ABS will only take burst bandwidth values into account when evaluating maximum values. When evaluating minimum values, only the baseline bandwidth will be considered.
    • For example, if you specify the minimum bandwidth as 10 Gbps, instances that have burst bandwidth of “up to 10 Gbps” will not be considered, as their baseline bandwidth is lower than the minimum requested value (e.g., m5.4xlarge is burstable up to 10 Gbps with a baseline bandwidth of 5 Gbps).
    • Alternatively, c5n.2xlarge, which is burstable up to 25 Gbps with a baseline bandwidth of 10 Gbps will be considered because its baseline bandwidth meets the minimum requested value.
  • Our recommendation is to only set a value for maximum network bandwidth if you have specific requirements to restrict instances with higher bandwidth. That would help to ensure that ABS considers the broadest possible set of instance types to choose from.

Using the network bandwidth attribute in ASG

In this example, let us look at a high-performance computing (HPC) workload or similar network bandwidth sensitive workload that requires a high volume of inter-node communications. We use ABS to select instances that have at minimum 10 Gpbs of network bandwidth and at least 32 vCPUs and 64 GiB of memory.

To get started, you can create or update an ASG or EC2 Fleet set up with ABS configuration and specify the network bandwidth attribute.

The following example shows an ABS configuration with network bandwidth attribute set to a minimum of 10 Gbps. In this example, we do not set a maximum limit for network bandwidth. This is done to remain flexible and avoid restricting available instance type choices that meet our minimum network bandwidth requirement.

Create the following configuration file and name it: my_asg_network_bandwidth_configuration.json

    "AutoScalingGroupName": "network-bandwidth-based-instances-asg",
    "DesiredCapacityType": "units",
    "MixedInstancesPolicy": {
        "LaunchTemplate": {
            "LaunchTemplateSpecification": {
                "LaunchTemplateName": "LaunchTemplate-x86",
                "Version": "$Latest"
            "Overrides": [
                "InstanceRequirements": {
                    "VCpuCount": {"Min": 32},
                    "MemoryMiB": {"Min": 65536},
                    "NetworkBandwidthGbps": {"Min": 10} }
        "InstancesDistribution": {
            "OnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity": 30,
            "SpotAllocationStrategy": "capacity-optimized"
    "MinSize": 1,
    "MaxSize": 10,
    "VPCZoneIdentifier": "subnet-f76e208a, subnet-f76e208b, subnet-f76e208c"

Next, let us create an ASG using the following command:

my_asg_network_bandwidth_configuration.json file

aws autoscaling create-auto-scaling-group --cli-input-json file://my_asg_network_bandwidth_configuration.json

As a result, you have created an ASG that may include instance types m5.8xlarge, m5.12xlarge, m5.16xlarge, m5n.8xlarge, and c5.9xlarge, among others. The actual selection at the time of the request is made by capacity optimized Spot allocation strategy. If EC2 releases an instance type in the future that would satisfy the attributes provided in the request, that instance will also be automatically considered for provisioning.

Considered Instances (not an exhaustive list)

Instance Type        Network Bandwidth
m5.8xlarge             “10 Gbps”

m5.12xlarge           “12 Gbps”

m5.16xlarge           “20 Gbps”

m5n.8xlarge          “25 Gbps”

c5.9xlarge               “10 Gbps”

c5.12xlarge             “12 Gbps”

c5.18xlarge             “25 Gbps”

c5n.9xlarge            “50 Gbps”

c5n.18xlarge          “100 Gbps”

Now let us focus our attention on another new attribute – allowed instance types.

How allowed instance types attribute works in ABS

As discussed earlier, ABS lets us provision compute infrastructure based on our application requirements instead of selecting specific EC2 instance types. Although this infrastructure agnostic approach is suitable for many workloads, some workloads, while having some instance type flexibility, still need to limit the selection to specific instance families, and/or generations due to reasons like licensing or compliance requirements, application performance benchmarking, and others. Furthermore, customers have asked us to provide the ability to restrict the auto-consideration of newly released instances types in their ABS configurations to meet their specific hardware qualification requirements before considering them for their workload. To provide this functionality, we added a new allowed instance types attribute to ABS.

The allowed instance types attribute allows ABS customers to narrow down the list of instance types that ABS considers for selection to a specific list of instances, families, or generations. It takes a comma separated list of specific instance types, instance families, and wildcard (*) patterns. Please note, that it does not use the full regular expression syntax.

For example, consider container-based web application that can only run on any 5th generation instances from compute optimized (c), general purpose (m), or memory optimized (r) families. It can be specified as “AllowedInstanceTypes”: [“c5*”, “m5*”,”r5*”].

Another example could be to limit the ABS selection to only memory-optimized instances for big data Spark workloads. It can be specified as “AllowedInstanceTypes”: [“r6*”, “r5*”, “r4*”].

Note that you cannot use both the existing exclude instance types and the new allowed instance types attributes together, because it would lead to a validation error.

Using allowed instance types attribute in ASG

Let us look at the InstanceRequirements section of an ASG configuration file for a sample web application. The AllowedInstanceTypes attribute is configured as [“c5.*”, “m5.*”,”c4.*”, “m4.*”] which means that ABS will limit the instance type consideration set to any instance from 4th and 5th generation of c or m families. Additional attributes are defined to a minimum of 4 vCPUs and 16 GiB RAM and allow both Intel and AMD processors.

Create the following configuration file and name it: my_asg_allow_instance_types_configuration.json

    "AutoScalingGroupName": "allow-instance-types-based-instances-asg",
    "DesiredCapacityType": "units",
    "MixedInstancesPolicy": {
        "LaunchTemplate": {
            "LaunchTemplateSpecification": {
                "LaunchTemplateName": "LaunchTemplate-x86",
                "Version": "$Latest"
            "Overrides": [
                "InstanceRequirements": {
                    "VCpuCount": {"Min": 4},
                    "MemoryMiB": {"Min": 16384},
                    "CpuManufacturers": ["intel","amd"],
                    "AllowedInstanceTypes": ["c5.*", "m5.*","c4.*", "m4.*"] }
        "InstancesDistribution": {
            "OnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity": 30,
            "SpotAllocationStrategy": "capacity-optimized"
    "MinSize": 1,
    "MaxSize": 10,
    "VPCZoneIdentifier": "subnet-f76e208a, subnet-f76e208b, subnet-f76e208c"

As a result, you have created an ASG that may include instance types like m5.xlarge, m5.2xlarge, c5.xlarge, and c5.2xlarge, among others. The actual selection at the time of the request is made by capacity optimized Spot allocation strategy. Please note that if EC2 will in the future release a new instance type which will satisfy the other attributes provided in the request, but will not be a member of 4th or 5th generation of m or c families specified in the allowed instance types attribute, the instance type will not be considered for provisioning.

Selected Instances (not an exhaustive list)











As you can see, ABS considers a broad set of instance types for provisioning, however they all meet the compute attributes that are required for your workload.


To delete both ASGs and terminate all the instances, execute the following commands:

aws autoscaling delete-auto-scaling-group --auto-scaling-group-name network-bandwidth-based-instances-asg --force-delete

aws autoscaling delete-auto-scaling-group --auto-scaling-group-name allow-instance-types-based-instances-asg --force-delete


In this post, we explored the two new ABS attributes – network bandwidth and allowed instance types. Customers can use these attributes to select instances based on network bandwidth and to limit the set of instances that ABS selects from. The two new attributes, as well as the existing set of ABS attributes enable you to save time on creating and maintaining instance type flexible configurations and make it even easier to express the compute requirements of your workload.

ABS represents the paradigm shift in the way that our customers interact with compute, making it easier than ever to request diversified compute resources at scale. We recommend ABS as a tool to help you identify and access the largest amount of EC2 compute capacity for your instance type flexible workloads.

Get started with Apache Hudi using AWS Glue by implementing key design concepts – Part 1

Post Syndicated from Amit Maindola original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/part-1-get-started-with-apache-hudi-using-aws-glue-by-implementing-key-design-concepts/

Many organizations build data lakes on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) using a modern architecture for a scalable and cost-effective solution. Open-source storage formats like Parquet and Avro are commonly used, and data is stored in these formats as immutable files. As the data lake is expanded to additional use cases, there are still some use cases that are very difficult with data lakes, such as CDC (change data capture), time travel (querying point-in-time data), privacy regulation requiring deletion of data, concurrent writes, and consistency regarding handling small file problems.

Apache Hudi is an open-source transactional data lake framework that greatly simplifies incremental data processing and streaming data ingestion. However, organizations new to data lakes may struggle to adopt Apache Hudi due to unfamiliarity with the technology and lack of internal expertise.

In this post, we show how to get started with Apache Hudi, focusing on the Hudi CoW (Copy on Write) table type on AWS using AWS Glue, and implementing key design concepts for different use cases. We expect readers to have a basic understanding of data lakes, AWS Glue, and Amazon S3. We walk you through common batch data ingestion use cases with actual test results using a TPC-DS dataset to show how the design decisions can influence the outcome.

Apache Hudi key concepts

Before diving deep into the design concepts, let’s review the key concepts of Apache Hudi, which is important to understand before you make design decisions.

Hudi table and query types

Hudi supports two table types: Copy on Write (CoW) and Merge on Read (MoR). You have to choose the table type in advance, which influences the performance of read and write operations.

The difference in performance depends on the volume of data, operations, file size, and other factors. For more information, refer to Table & Query Types.

When you use the CoW table type, committed data is implicitly compacted, meaning it’s updated to columnar file format during write operation. With the MoR table type, data isn’t compacted with every commit. As a result, for the MoR table type, compacted data lives in columnar storage (Parquet) and deltas are stored in a log (Avro) raw format until compaction merges changes the data to columnar file format. Hudi supports snapshot, incremental, and read-optimized queries for Hudi tables, and the output of the result depends on the query type.


Indexing is another key concept for the design. Hudi provides efficient upserts and deletes with fast indexing for both CoW and MoR tables. For CoW tables, indexing enables fast upsert and delete operations by avoiding the need to join against the entire dataset to determine which files to rewrite. For MoR, this design allows Hudi to bound the amount of records any given base file needs to be merged against. Specifically, a given base file needs to be merged only against updates for records that are part of that base file. In contrast, designs without an indexing component could end up having to merge all the base files against all incoming update and delete records.

Solution overview

The following diagram describes the high-level architecture for our solution. We ingest the TPC-DS (store_sales) dataset from the source S3 bucket in CSV format and write it to the target S3 bucket using AWS Glue in Hudi format. We can query the Hudi tables on Amazon S3 using Amazon Athena and AWS Glue Studio Notebooks.

The following diagram illustrates the relationships between our tables.

For our post, we use the following tables from the TPC-DS dataset: one fact table, store_sales, and the dimension tables store, item, and date_dim. The following table summarizes the table row counts.

Table Approximate Row Counts
store_sales 2.8 billion
store 1,000
item 300,000
date_dim 73,000

Set up the environment

After you sign in to your test AWS account, launch the provided AWS CloudFormation template by choosing Launch Stack:

Launch Button

This template configures the following resources:

  • AWS Glue jobs hudi_bulk_insert, hudi_upsert_cow, and hudi_bulk_insert_dim. We use these jobs for the use cases covered in this post.
  • An S3 bucket to store the output of the AWS Glue job runs.
  • AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and policies with appropriate permissions.

Before you run the AWS Glue jobs, you need to subscribe to the AWS Glue Apache Hudi Connector (latest version: 0.10.1). The connector is available on AWS Marketplace. Follow the connector installation and activation process from the AWS Marketplace link, or refer to Process Apache Hudi, Delta Lake, Apache Iceberg datasets at scale, part 1: AWS Glue Studio Notebook to set it up.

After you create the Hudi connection, add the connector name to all the AWS Glue scripts under Advanced properties.

Bulk insert job

To run the bulk insert job, choose the job hudi_bulk_insert on the AWS Glue console.

The job parameters as shown in the following screenshot are added as part of the CloudFormation stack setup. You can use different values to create CoW partitioned tables with different bulk insert options.

The parameters are as follows:

  • HUDI_DB_NAME – The database in the AWS Glue Data Catalog where the catalog table is created.
  • HUDI_INIT_SORT_OPTION – The options for bulk_insert include GLOBAL_SORT, which is the default. Other options include NONE and PARTITION_SORT.
  • HUDI_TABLE_NAME – The table name prefix that you want to use to identify the table created. In the code, we append the sort option to the name you specify in this parameter.
  • OUTPUT_BUCKET – The S3 bucket created through the CloudFormation stack where the Hudi table datasets are written. The bucket name format is <account number><bucket name>. The bucket name is the one given while creating the CloudFormation stack.
  • CATEGORY_ID – The default for this parameter is ALL, which processes categories of test data in a single AWS Glue job. To test the parallel on the same table, change the parameter value to one of categories from 3, 5, or 8 for the dataset that we use for each parallel AWS Glue job.

Upsert job for the CoW table

To run the upsert job, choose the job hudi_upsert_cow on the AWS Glue console.

The following job parameters are added as part of the CloudFormation stack setup. You can run upsert and delete operations on CoW partitioned tables with different bulk insert options based on the values provided for these parameters.

  • OUTPUT-BUCKET – The same value as the previous job parameter.
  • HUDI_TABLE_NAME – The name of the table created in your AWS Glue Data Catalog.
  • HUDI_DB_NAME – The same value as the previous job parameter. The default value is Default.

Bulk insert job for the Dimension tables

To test the queries on the CoW tables, the fact table that is created using the bulk insert operation needs supplemental dimensional tables. This AWS Glue job has to be run before you can test the TPC queries provided later in this post. To run this job, choose hudi_bulk_insert_dim on the AWS Glue console and use the parameters shown in the following screenshot.

The parameters are as follows:

  • OUTPUT-BUCKET – The same value as the previous job parameter.
  • HUDI_INIT_SORT_OPTION – The options for bulk_insert include GLOBAL_SORT, which is the default. Other available options are NONE and PARTITION_SORT.
  • HUDI_DB_NAME – The Hudi database name. Default is the default value.

Hudi design considerations

In this section, we walk you through a few use cases to demonstrate the difference in the outcome for different settings and operations.

Data migration use case

In Apache Hudi, you ingest the data into CoW or MoR tables types using either insert, upsert, or bulk insert operations. Data migration initiatives often involve one-time initial loads into the target datastore, and we recommend using the bulk insert operation for initial loads.

The bulk insert option provides the same semantics as insert, while implementing a sort-based data writing algorithm, which can scale very well for several hundred TBs of initial load. However, this just does a best-effort job at sizing files vs. guaranteeing file sizes like inserts and upserts do. Also, the primary keys aren’t sorted during the insert, therefore it’s not advised to use insert during the initial data load. By default, a Bloom index is created for the table, which enables faster lookups for upsert and delete operations.

Bulk insert has the following three sort options, which have different outcomes.

  • GLOAL_SORT – Sorts the record key for the entire dataset before writing.
  • PARTITION_SORT – Applies only to partitioned tables. In this option, the record key is sorted within each partition, and the insert time is faster than the default sort.
  • NONE – Doesn’t sort data before writing.

For testing the bulk insert with the three sort options, we use the following AWS Glue job configuration, which is part of the script hudi_bulk_insert:

  • AWS Glue version: 3.0
  • AWS Glue worker type: G1.X
  • Number of AWS Glue workers: 200
  • Input file: TPC-DS/2.13/1TB/store_sales
  • Input file format: CSV (TPC-DS)
  • Number of input files: 1,431
  • Number of rows in the input dataset: Approximately 2.8 billion

The following charts illustrate the behavior of the bulk insert operations with GLOBAL_SORT, PARTITION_SORT, and NONE as sort options for a CoW table. The statistics in the charts are created by using an average of 10 bulk insert operation runs for each sort option.

Because bulk insert does a best-effort job to pack the data in files, you see a different number of files created with different sort options.

We can observe the following:

  • Bulk insert with GLOBAL_SORT has the least number of files, because Hudi tried to create the optimal sized files. However, it takes the most time.
  • Bulk insert with NONE as the sort option has the fastest write time, but resulted in a greater number of files.
  • Bulk insert with PARTITION_SORT also has a faster write time compared to GLOBAL SORT, but also results in a greater number of files.

Based on these results, although GLOBAL_SORT takes more time to ingest the data, it creates a smaller number of files, which has better upsert and read performance.

The following diagrams illustrate the Spark run plans for the bulk_insert operation using various sort options.

The first shows the Spark run plan for bulk_insert when the sort option is PARTITION_SORT.

The next is the Spark run plan for bulk_insert when the sort option is NONE.

The last is the Spark run plan for bulk_insert when the sort option is GLOBAL_SORT.

The Spark run plan for bulk_insert with GLOBAL_SORT involves shuffling of data to create optimal sized files. For the other two sort options, data shuffling isn’t involved. As a result, bulk_insert with GLOBAL_SORT takes more time compared to the other sort options.

To test the bulk insert with various bulk insert sort data options on a partitioned table, modify the Hudi AWS Glue job (hudi_bulk_insert) parameter --HUDI_INIT_SORT_OPTION.

We change the parameter --HUDI_INIT_SORT_OPTION to PARTITION_SORT or NONE to test the bulk insert with different data sort options. You need to run the job hudi_bulk_insert_dim, which loads the rest of the tables needed to test the SQL queries.

Now, look at the query performance difference between these three options. For query runtime, we ran two TPC-DS queries (q52.sql and q53.sql, as shown in the following query snippets) using interactive session with AWS Glue Studio Notebook with the following notebook configuration to compare the results.

  • AWS Glue version: 3.0
  • AWS Glue worker type: G1.X
  • Number of AWS Glue workers: 50

Before executing the following queries, replace the table names in the queries with the tables you generate in your account.

  item.i_brand_id brand_id,
  item.i_brand brand,
  sum(ss_ext_sales_price) ext_price
FROM date_dim dt, store_sales, item
WHERE dt.d_date_sk = store_sales.ss_sold_date_sk
  AND store_sales.ss_item_sk = item.i_item_sk
  AND item.i_manager_id = 1
  AND dt.d_moy = 11
  AND dt.d_year = 2000
GROUP BY dt.d_year, item.i_brand, item.i_brand_id
ORDER BY dt.d_year, ext_price DESC, brand_id
    sum(ss_sales_price) sum_sales,
    OVER (PARTITION BY i_manufact_id) avg_quarterly_sales
  FROM item, store_sales, date_dim, store
  WHERE ss_item_sk = i_item_sk AND
    ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk AND
    ss_store_sk = s_store_sk AND
    d_month_seq IN (1200, 1200 + 1, 1200 + 2, 1200 + 3, 1200 + 4, 1200 + 5, 1200 + 6,
                          1200 + 7, 1200 + 8, 1200 + 9, 1200 + 10, 1200 + 11) AND
    ((i_category IN ('Books', 'Children', 'Electronics') AND

As you can see in the following chart, the performance of the GLOBAL_SORT table outperforms NONE and PARTITION_SORT due to a smaller number of files created in the bulk insert operation.

Ongoing replication use case

For ongoing replication, updates and deletes usually come from transactional databases. As you saw in the previous section, the bulk operation with GLOBAL_SORT took the most time and the operation with NONE took the least time. When you anticipate a higher volume of updates and deletes on an ongoing basis, the sort option is critical for your write performance.

To illustrate the ongoing replication using Apache Hudi upsert and delete operations, we tested using the following configuration:

  • AWS Glue version: 3.0
  • AWS Glue worker type: G1.X
  • Number of AWS Glue workers: 100

To test the upsert and delete operations, we use the store_sales CoW table, which was created using the bulk insert operation in the previous section with all three sort options. We make the following changes:

  • Insert data into a new partition (month 1 and year 2004) using the existing data from month 1 of year 2002 with a new primary key; total of 32,164,890 records
  • Update the ss_list_price column by $1 for the existing partition (month 1 and year 2003); total of 5,997,571 records
  • Delete month 5 data for year 2001; total of 26,997,957 records

The following chart illustrates the runtimes for the upsert operation for the CoW table with different sort options used during the bulk insert.

As you can see from the test run, the runtime of the upsert is higher for NONE and PARTITION_SORT CoW tables. The Bloom index, which is created by default during the bulk insert operation, enables faster lookup for upsert and delete operations.

To test the upsert and delete operations on a CoW table for tables with different data sort options, modify the AWS Glue job (hudi_upsert_cow) parameter HUDI_TABLE_NAME to the desired table, as shown in the following screenshot.

For workloads where updates are performed on the most recent partitions, a Bloom index works fine. For workloads where the update volume is less but the updates are spread across partitions, a simple index is more efficient. You can specify the index type while creating the Hudi table by using the parameter hoodie.index.type. Both the Bloom index and simple index enforce uniqueness of table keys within a partition. If you need uniqueness of keys for the entire table, you must create a global Bloom index or global simple index based on the update workloads.

Multi-tenant partitioned design use case

In this section, we cover Hudi optimistic concurrency using a multi-tenant table design, where each tenant data is stored in a separate table partition. In a real-world scenario, you may encounter a business need to process different tenant data simultaneously, such as a strict SLA to make the data available for downstream consumption as quickly as possible. Without Hudi optimistic concurrency, you can’t have concurrent writes to the same Hudi table. In such a scenario, you can speed up the data writes using Hudi optimistic concurrency when each job operates on a different table dataset. In our multi-tenant table design using Hudi optimistic concurrency, you can run concurrent jobs, where each job writes data to a separate table partition.

For AWS Glue, you can implement Hudi optimistic concurrency using an Amazon DynamoDB lock provider, which was introduced with Apache Hudi 0.10.0. The initial bulk insert script has all the configurations needed to allow multiple writes. The role being used for AWS Glue needs to have DynamoDB permissions added to make it work. For more information about concurrency control and alternatives for lock providers, refer to Concurrency Control.

To simulate concurrent writes, we presume your tenant is based on the category field from the TPC DC test dataset and accordingly partitioned based on the category id field (i_category_id). Let’s modify the script hudi_bulk_insert to run an initial load for different categories. You need to configure your AWS Glue job to run concurrently based on the Maximum concurrency parameter, located under the advanced properties. We describe the Hudi configuration parameters that are needed in the appendix at the end of this post.

The TPC-DS dataset includes data from years 1998–2003. We use i_catagory_id as the tenant ID. The following screenshot shows the distribution of data for multiple tenants (i_category_id). In our testing, we load the data for i_category_id values 3, 5, and 8.

The AWS Glue job hudi_bulk_insert is designed to insert data into specific partitions based on the parameter CATEGORY_ID. If bulk insert job for dimension tables is not run before you need to run the job hudi_bulk_insert_dim, which loads the rest of the tables needed to test the SQL queries.

Now we run three concurrent jobs, each with respective values 3, 5, and 8 to simulate concurrent writes for multiple tenants. The following screenshot illustrates the AWS Glue job parameter to modify for CATEGORY_ID.

We used the following AWS Glue job configuration for each of the three parallel AWS Glue jobs:

  • AWS Glue version: 3.0
  • AWS Glue worker type: G1.X
  • Number of AWS Glue workers: 100
  • Input file: TPC-DS/2.13/1TB/store_sales
  • Input file format: CSV (TPC-DS)

The following screenshot shows all three concurrent jobs started around the same time for three categories, which loaded 867 million rows (50.1 GB of data) into the store_sales table. We used the GLOBAL_SORT option for all three concurrent AWS Glue jobs.

The following screenshot shows the data from the Hudi table where all three concurrent writers inserted data into different partitions, which is illustrated by different colors. All the AWS Glue jobs were run in US Central Time zone (UTC -5). The _hoodie_commit_time is in UTC.

The first two results highlighted in blue corresponds to the AWS Glue job CATEGORY_ID = 3, which had the start time of 09/27/2022 21:23:39 US CST (09/28/2022 02:23:39 UTC).

The next two results highlighted in green correspond to the AWS Glue job CATEGORY_ID = 8, which had the start time of 09/27/2022 21:23:50 US CST (09/28/2022 02:23:50 UTC).

The last two results highlighted in green correspond to the AWS Glue job CATEGORY_ID = 5, which had the start time of 09/27/2022 21:23:44 US CST (09/28/2022 02:23:44 UTC).

The sample data from the Hudi table has _hoodie_commit_time values corresponding to the AWS Glue job run times.

As you can see, we were able to load data into multiple partitions of the same Hudi table concurrently using Hudi optimistic concurrency.

Key findings

As the results show, bulk_insert with GLOBAL_SORT scales well for loading TBs of data in the initial load process. This option is recommended for use cases that require frequent changes after a large migration. Also, when query performance is critical in your use case, we recommend the GLOBAL_SORT option because of the smaller number of files being created with this option.

PARTITION_SORT has better performance for data load compared to GLOBAL_SORT, but it generates a significantly larger number of files, which negatively impacts query performance. You can use this option when the query involves a lot of joins between partitioned tables on record key columns.

The NONE option doesn’t sort the data, but it’s useful when you need the fastest initial load time and requires minimal updates, with the added capability of supporting record changes.

Clean up

When you’re done with this exercise, complete the following steps to delete your resources and stop incurring costs:

  1. On the Amazon S3 console, empty the buckets created by the CloudFormation stack.
  2. On the CloudFormation console, select your stack and choose Delete.

This cleans up all the resources created by the stack.


In this post, we covered some of the Hudi concepts that are important for design decisions. We used AWS Glue and the TPC-DS dataset to collect the results of different use cases for comparison. You can learn from the use cases covered in this post to make the key design decisions, particularly when you’re at the early stage of Apache Hudi adoption. You can go through the steps in this post to start a proof of concept using AWS Glue and Apache Hudi.



The following table summarizes the Hudi configuration parameters that are needed.

Configuration Value Description Required
optimistic_concurrency_control Property to turn on optimistic concurrency control. Yes
LAZY Property to turn on optimistic concurrency control. Yes
Lock provider implementation to use. Yes
<String> The DynamoDB table name to use for acquiring locks. If the table doesn’t exist, it will be created. You can use the same table across all your Hudi jobs operating on the same or different tables. Yes
<String> The string value to be used for the locks table partition key attribute. It must be a string that uniquely identifies a Hudi table, such as the Hudi table name. Yes: ‘tablename’
<String> The AWS Region in which the DynamoDB locks table exists, or must be created. Yes:
Default: us-east-1
<String> The DynamoDB billing mode to be used for the locks table while creating. If the table already exists, then this doesn’t have an effect. Yes: Default
<String> The DynamoDB URL for the Region where you’re creating the table. Yes: dynamodb.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
<Integer> The DynamoDB read capacity to be used for the locks table while creating. If the table already exists, then this doesn’t have an effect. No: Default 20
<Integer> The DynamoDB write capacity to be used for the locks table while creating. If the table already exists, then this doesn’t have an effect. No: Default 10

About the Authors

About the author Amit MaindolaAmit Maindola is a Data Architect focused on big data and analytics at Amazon Web Services. He helps customers in their digital transformation journey and enables them to build highly scalable, robust, and secure cloud-based analytical solutions on AWS to gain timely insights and make critical business decisions.

About the author Srinivas KandiSrinivas Kandi is a Data Architect with focus on data lake and analytics at Amazon Web Services. He helps customers to deploy data analytics solutions in AWS to enable them with prescriptive and predictive analytics.

About the author Amit MaindolaMitesh Patel is a Principal Solutions Architect at AWS. His main area of depth is application and data modernization. He helps customers to build scalable, secure and cost effective solutions in AWS.

Welcome to AWS Storage Day 2022

Post Syndicated from Veliswa Boya original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/welcome-to-aws-storage-day-2022/

We are on the fourth year of our annual AWS Storage Day! Do you remember our first Storage Day 2019 and the subsequent Storage Day 2020? I watched Storage Day 2021, which was streamed live from downtown Seattle. We continue to hear from our customers about how powerful the Storage Day announcements and educational sessions were. With this year’s lineup, we aim to share our insights on how to protect your data and put it to work. The free Storage Day 2022 virtual event is happening now on the AWS Twitch channel. Tune in to hear from experts about new announcements, leadership insights, and educational content related to the broad portfolio of AWS Storage services.

Our customers are looking to reduce and optimize storage costs, while building the cloud storage skills they need for themselves and for their organizations. Furthermore, our customers want to protect their data for resiliency and put their data to work. In this blog post, you will find our insights and announcements that address all these needs and more.

Let’s get into it…

Protect Your Data
Data protection has become an operational model to deliver the resiliency of applications and the data they rely on. Organizations use the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) cybersecurity framework and its Identify->Protect->Detect->Respond->Recover process to approach data protection overall. It’s necessary to consider data resiliency and recovery upfront in the Identify and Protect functions, so there is a plan in place for the later Respond and Recover functions.

AWS is making data resiliency, including malware-type recovery, table stakes for our customers. Many of our customers use Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) for mission-critical applications. If you already use Amazon EBS and you regularly back up EBS volumes using EBS multi-volume snapshots, I have an announcement that you will find very exciting.

Amazon EBS
Amazon EBS scales fast for the most demanding, high-performance workloads, and this is why our customers trust Amazon EBS for critical applications such as SAP, Oracle, and Microsoft. Currently, Amazon EBS enables you to back up volumes at any time using EBS Snapshots. Snapshots retain the data from all completed I/O operations, allowing you to restore the volume to its exact state at the moment before backup.

Many of our customers use snapshots in their backup and disaster recovery plans. A common use case for snapshots is to create a backup of a critical workload such as a large database or file system. You can choose to create snapshots of each EBS volume individually or choose to create multi-volume snapshots of the EBS volumes attached to a single Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance. Our customers love the simplicity and peace of mind that comes with regularly backing up EBS volumes attached to a single EC2 instance using EBS multi-volume snapshots, and today we’re announcing a new feature—crash consistent snapshots for a subset of EBS volumes.

Previously, when you wanted to create multi-volume snapshots of EBS volumes attached to a single Amazon EC2 instance, if you only wanted to include some—but not all—attached EBS volumes, you had to make multiple API calls to keep only the snapshots you wanted. Now, you can choose specific volumes you want to exclude in the create-snapshots process using a single API call or by using the Amazon EC2 console, resulting in significant cost savings. Crash consistent snapshots for a subset of EBS volumes is also supported by Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager policies to automate the lifecycle of your multi-volume snapshots.

This feature is now available to you at no additional cost. To learn more, please visit the EBS Snapshots user guide.

Put Your Data to Work
We give you controls and tools to get the greatest value from your data—at an organizational level down to the individual data worker and scientist. Decisions you make today will have a long-lasting impact on your ability to put your data to work. Consider your own pace of innovation and make sure you have a cloud provider that will be there for you no matter what the future brings. AWS Storage provides the best cloud for your traditional and modern applications. We support data lakes in AWS Storage, analytics, machine learning (ML), and streaming on top of that data, and we also make cloud benefits available at the edge.

Amazon File Cache (Coming Soon)
Today we are also announcing Amazon File Cache, an upcoming new service on AWS that accelerates and simplifies hybrid cloud workloads. Amazon File Cache provides a high-speed cache on AWS that makes it easier for you to process file data, regardless of where the data is stored. Amazon File Cache serves as a temporary, high-performance storage location for your data stored in on-premises file servers or in file systems or object stores in AWS.

This new service enables you to make dispersed data sets available to file-based applications on AWS with a unified view and at high speeds with sub-millisecond latencies and up to hundreds of GB/s of throughput. Amazon File Cache is designed to enable a wide variety of cloud bursting workloads and hybrid workflows, ranging from media rendering and transcoding, to electronic design automation (EDA), to big data analytics.

Amazon File Cache will be generally available later this year. If you are interested in learning more about this service, please sign up for more information.

AWS Transfer Family
During Storage Day 2020, we announced that customers could deploy AWS Transfer Family server endpoints in Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (Amazon VPCs). AWS Transfer Family helps our customers easily manage and share data with simple, secure, and scalable file transfers. With Transfer Family, you can seamlessly migrate, automate, and monitor your file transfer workflows into and out of Amazon S3 and Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) using the SFTP, FTPS, and FTP protocols. Exchanged data is natively accessible in AWS for processing, analysis, and machine learning, as well as for integrations with business applications running on AWS.

On July 26th of this year, Transfer Family launched support for the Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) protocol. Customers across verticals such as healthcare and life sciences, retail, financial services, and insurance that rely on AS2 for exchanging business-critical data can now use AWS Transfer Family’s highly available, scalable, and globally available AS2 endpoints to more cost-effectively and securely exchange transactional data with their trading partners.

With a focus on helping you work with partners of your choice, we are excited to announce the AWS Transfer Family Delivery Program as part of the AWS Partner Network (APN) Service Delivery Program (SDP). Partners that deliver cloud-native Managed File Transfer (MFT) and business-to-business (B2B) file exchange solutions using AWS Transfer Family are welcome to join the program. Partners in this program meet a high bar, with deep technical knowledge, experience, and proven success in delivering Transfer Family solutions to our customers.

Five New AWS Storage Learning Badges
Earlier I talked about how our customers are looking to add the cloud storage skills they need for themselves and for their organizations. Currently, storage administrators and practitioners don’t have an easy way of externally demonstrating their AWS storage knowledge and skills. Organizations seeking skilled talent also lack an easy way of validating these skills for prospective employees.

In February 2022, we announced digital badges aligned to Learning Plans for Block Storage and Object Storage on AWS Skill Builder. Today, we’re announcing five additional storage learning badges. Three of these digital badges align to the Skill Builder Learning Plans in English for File, Data Protection & Disaster Recovery (DPDR), and Data Migration. Two of these badges—Core and Technologist—are tiered badges that are awarded to individuals who earn a series of Learning Plan-related badges in the following progression:

Image showing badge progression. To get the Storage Core badge users must first get Block, File, and Object badges. To get the Storage Technologist Badge users must first get the Core, Data Protection & Disaster Recovery, and Data Migration badges.

To learn more, please visit the AWS Learning Badges page.

Well, That’s It!
As I’m sure you’ve picked up on the pattern already, today’s announcements focused on continuous innovation and AWS’s ongoing commitment to providing the cloud storage training that your teams are looking for. Best of all, this AWS training is free. These announcements also focused on simplifying your data migration to the cloud, protecting your data, putting your data to work, and cost-optimization.

Now Join Us Online
Register for free and join us for the AWS Storage Day 2022 virtual event on the AWS channel on Twitch. The event will be live from 9:00 AM Pacific Time (12:00 PM Eastern Time) on August 10. All sessions will be available on demand approximately 2 days after Storage Day.

We look forward to seeing you on Twitch!

– Veliswa x

A new Spark plugin for CPU and memory profiling

Post Syndicated from Bo Xiong original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/a-new-spark-plugin-for-cpu-and-memory-profiling/


Have you ever wondered if there are low-hanging optimization opportunities to improve the performance of a Spark app? Profiling can help you gain visibility regarding the runtime characteristics of the Spark app to identify its bottlenecks and inefficiencies. We’re excited to announce the release of a new Spark plugin that enables profiling for JVM based Spark apps via Amazon CodeGuru. The plugin is open sourced on GitHub and published to Maven.


This post shows how you can onboard this plugin with two steps in under 10 minutes.

  • Step 1: Create a profiling group in Amazon CodeGuru Profiler and grant permission to your Amazon EMR on EC2 role, so that profiler agents can emit metrics to CodeGuru. Detailed instructions can be found here.
  • Step 2: Reference codeguru-profiler-for-spark when submitting your Spark job, along with PROFILING_CONTEXT and ENABLE_AMAZON_PROFILER defined.


Your app is built against Spark 3 and run on Amazon EMR release 6.x or newer. It doesn’t matter if you’re using Amazon EMR on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) or on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS).

Illustrative Example

For the purposes of illustration, consider the following example where profiling results are collected by the plugin and emitted to the “CodeGuru-Spark-Demo” profiling group.

spark-submit \
--master yarn \
--deploy-mode cluster \
--class \
--packages software.amazon.profiler:codeguru-profiler-for-spark:1.0 \
--conf spark.plugins=software.amazon.profiler.AmazonProfilerPlugin \
--conf spark.executorEnv.PROFILING_CONTEXT="{\\\"profilingGroupName\\\":\\\"CodeGuru-Spark-Demo\\\"}" \
--conf spark.executorEnv.ENABLE_AMAZON_PROFILER=true \
--conf spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled=false \t

An alternative way to specify PROFILING_CONTEXT and ENABLE_AMAZON_PROFILER is under the yarn-env.export classification for instance groups in the Amazon EMR web console. Note that PROFILING_CONTEXT, if configured in the web console, must escape all of the commas on top of what’s for the above spark-submit command.

    "classification": "yarn-env",
    "properties": {},
    "configurations": [
        "classification": "export",
        "properties": {
          "ENABLE_AMAZON_PROFILER": "true",
          "PROFILING_CONTEXT": "{\\\"profilingGroupName\\\":\\\"CodeGuru-Spark-Demo\\\"\\,\\\"driverEnabled\\\":\\\"true\\\"}"
        "configurations": []

Once the job above is launched on Amazon EMR, profiling results should show up in your CodeGuru web console in about 10 minutes, similar to the following screenshot. Internally, it has helped us identify issues, such as thread contentions (revealed by the BLOCKED state in the latency flame graph), and unnecessarily create AWS Java clients (revealed by the CPU Hotspots view).

Go to your profiling group under the Amazon CodeGuru web console. Click the “Visualize CPU” button to render a flame graph displaying CPU usage. Switch to the latency view to identify latency bottlenecks, and switch to the heap summary view to identify objects consuming most memory.


To help with troubleshooting, use a sample Spark app provided in the plugin to check if everything is set up correctly. Note that the profilingGroupName value specified in PROFILING_CONTEXT should match what’s created in CodeGuru.

spark-submit \
--master yarn \
--deploy-mode cluster \
--class software.amazon.profiler.SampleSparkApp \
--packages software.amazon.profiler:codeguru-profiler-for-spark:1.0 \
--conf spark.plugins=software.amazon.profiler.AmazonProfilerPlugin \
--conf spark.executorEnv.PROFILING_CONTEXT="{\\\"profilingGroupName\\\":\\\"CodeGuru-Spark-Demo\\\"}" \
--conf spark.executorEnv.ENABLE_AMAZON_PROFILER=true \
--conf spark.yarn.appMasterEnv.PROFILING_CONTEXT="{\\\"profilingGroupName\\\":\\\"CodeGuru-Spark-Demo\\\",\\\"driverEnabled\\\":\\\"true\\\"}" \
--conf spark.yarn.appMasterEnv.ENABLE_AMAZON_PROFILER=true \
--conf spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled=false \

Running the command above from the master node of your EMR cluster should produce logs similar to the following:

21/11/21 21:27:21 INFO Profiler: Starting the profiler : ProfilerParameters{profilingGroupName='CodeGuru-Spark-Demo', threadSupport=BasicThreadSupport (default), excludedThreads=[Signal Dispatcher, Attach Listener], shouldProfile=true, integrationMode='', memoryUsageLimit=104857600, heapSummaryEnabled=true, stackDepthLimit=1000, samplingInterval=PT1S, reportingInterval=PT5M, addProfilerOverheadAsSamples=true, minimumTimeForReporting=PT1M, dontReportIfSampledLessThanTimes=1}
21/11/21 21:27:21 INFO ProfilingCommandExecutor: Profiling scheduled, sampling rate is PT1S
21/11/21 21:27:23 INFO ProfilingCommand: New agent configuration received : AgentConfiguration(AgentParameters={MaxStackDepth=1000, MinimumTimeForReportingInMilliseconds=60000, SamplingIntervalInMilliseconds=1000, MemoryUsageLimitPercent=10, ReportingIntervalInMilliseconds=300000}, PeriodInSeconds=300, ShouldProfile=true)
21/11/21 21:32:23 INFO ProfilingCommand: Attempting to report profile data: start=2021-11-21T21:27:23.227Z end=2021-11-21T21:32:22.765Z force=false memoryRefresh=false numberOfTimesSampled=300
21/11/21 21:32:23 INFO javaClass: [HeapSummary] Processed 20 events.
21/11/21 21:32:24 INFO ProfilingCommand: Successfully reported profile

Note that the CodeGuru Profiler agent uses a reporting interval of five minutes. Therefore, any executor process shorter than five minutes won’t be reflected by the profiling result. If the right profiling group is not specified, or it’s associated with a wrong EC2 role in CodeGuru, then the log will show a message similar to “CodeGuruProfilerSDKClient: Exception while calling agent orchestration” along with a stack trace including a 403 status code. To rule out any network issues (e.g., your EMR job running in a VPC without an outbound gateway or a misconfigured outbound security group), then you can remote into an EMR host and ping the CodeGuru endpoint in your Region (e.g., ping codeguru-profiler.us-east-1.amazonaws.com).

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, you can delete the profiling group configured in CodeGuru and/or set the ENABLE_AMAZON_PROFILER environment variable to false.


In this post, we describe how to onboard this plugin with two steps. Consider to give it a try for your Spark app? You can find the Maven artifacts here. If you have feature requests, bug reports, feedback of any kind, or would like to contribute, please head over to the GitHub repository.


Bo Xiong

Bo Xiong is a software engineer with Amazon Ads, leveraging big data technologies to process petabytes of data for billing and reporting. His main interests include performance tuning and optimization for Spark on Amazon EMR, and data mining for actionable business insights.

How to unit test and deploy AWS Glue jobs using AWS CodePipeline

Post Syndicated from Praveen Kumar Jeyarajan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/how-to-unit-test-and-deploy-aws-glue-jobs-using-aws-codepipeline/

This post is intended to assist users in understanding and replicating a method to unit test Python-based ETL Glue Jobs, using the PyTest Framework in AWS CodePipeline. In the current practice, several options exist for unit testing Python scripts for Glue jobs in a local environment. Although a local development environment may be set up to build and unit test Python-based Glue jobs, by following the documentation, replicating the same procedure in a DevOps pipeline is difficult and time consuming.

Unit test scripts are one of the initial quality gates used by developers to provide a high-quality build. One must reuse these scripts during regression testing to make sure that all of the existing functionality is intact, and that new releases don’t disrupt key application functionality. The majority of the regression test suites are expected to be integrated with the DevOps Pipeline for its execution. Unit testing an application code is a fundamental task that evaluates  whether each (unit) code written by a programmer functions as expected. Unit testing of code provides a mechanism to determine that software quality hasn’t been compromised. One of the difficulties in building Python-based Glue ETL tasks is their ability for unit testing to be incorporated within DevOps Pipeline, especially when there are modernization of mainframe ETL process to modern tech stacks in AWS

AWS Glue is a serverless data integration service that makes it easy to discover, prepare, and combine data for analytics, machine learning (ML), and application development. AWS Glue provides all of the capabilities needed for data integration. This means that you can start analyzing your data and putting it to use in minutes rather than months. AWS Glue provides both visual and code-based interfaces to make data integration easier.


GitHub Repository

Amazon ECR Image URI for Glue Library

Solution overview

A typical enterprise-scale DevOps pipeline is illustrated in the following diagram. This solution describes how to incorporate the unit testing of Python-based AWS Glue ETL processes into the AWS DevOps Pipeline.

Figure 1 Solution Overview

The GitHub repository aws-glue-jobs-unit-testing has a sample Python-based Glue job in the src folder. Its associated unit test cases built using the Pytest Framework are accessible in the tests folder. An AWS CloudFormation template written in YAML is included in the deploy folder. As a runtime environment, AWS CodeBuild utilizes custom container images. This feature is used to build a project utilizing Glue libraries from Public ECR repository, that can run the code package to demonstrate unit testing integration.

Solution walkthrough

Time to read  7 min
Time to complete  15-20 min
Learning level  300
Services used
AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild, Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) Public Repositories, AWS CloudFormation

The container image at the Public ECR repository for AWS Glue libraries includes all of the binaries required to run PySpark-based AWS Glue ETL tasks locally, as well as unit test them. The public container repository has three image tags, one for each AWS Glue version supported by AWS Glue. To demonstrate the solution, we use the image tag glue_libs_3.0.0_image_01 in this post. To utilize this container image as a runtime image in CodeBuild, copy the Image URI corresponding to the image tag that you intend to use, as shown in the following image.

Figure 2 Select Glue Library from Public ECR

The aws-glue-jobs-unit-testing GitHub repository contains a CloudFormation template, pipeline.yml, which deploys a CodePipeline with CodeBuild projects to create, test, and publish the AWS Glue job. As illustrated in the following, use the copied image URL from Amazon ECR public to create and test a CodeBuild project.

    Type: AWS::CodeBuild::Project
        Type: CODEPIPELINE
      BadgeEnabled: false
        ComputeType: BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE
        Image: "public.ecr.aws/glue/aws-glue-libs:glue_libs_3.0.0_image_01"
        ImagePullCredentialsType: CODEBUILD
        PrivilegedMode: false
      Name: !Sub "${RepositoryName}-${BranchName}-build"
      ServiceRole: !GetAtt CodeBuildRole.Arn  

The pipeline performs the following operations:

  1. It uses the CodeCommit repository as the source and transfers the most recent code from the main branch to the CodeBuild project for further processing.
  2. The following stage is build and test, in which the most recent code from the previous phase is unit tested and the test report is published to CodeBuild report groups.
  3. If all of the test results are good, then the next CodeBuild project is launched to publish the code to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.
  4. Following the successful completion of the publish phase, the final step is to deploy the AWS Glue task using the CloudFormation template in the deploy folder.

Deploying the solution

Set up

Now we’ll deploy the solution using a CloudFormation template.

  • Using the GitHub Web, download the code.zip file from the aws-glue-jobs-unit-testing repository. This zip file contains the GitHub repository’s src, tests, and deploy folders. You may also create the zip file yourself using command-line tools, such as git and zip. To create the zip file on Linux or Mac, open the terminal and enter the following commands.
git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-glue-jobs-unit-testing.git
cd aws-glue-jobs-unit-testing
git checkout master
zip -r code.zip src/ tests/ deploy/
  • Sign in to the AWS Management Console and choose the AWS Region of your choice.
  • Create an Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see How Do I Create an S3 Bucket? in the AWS documentation.
  • Upload the downloaded zip package, code.zip, to the Amazon S3 bucket that you created.

In this example, I created an Amazon S3 bucket named aws-glue-artifacts-us-east-1 in the N. Virginia (us-east-1) Region, and used the console to upload the zip package from the GitHub repository to the Amazon S3 bucket.

Figure 3 Upload code.zip file to S3 bucket

Creating the stack

  1.  In the CloudFormation console, choose Create stack.
  2. On the Specify template page, choose Upload a template file, and then choose the pipeline.yml template, downloaded from the GitHub repository

Figure 4 Upload pipeline.yml template to create a new CloudFormation stack

  1. Specify the following parameters:.
  • Stack name: glue-unit-testing-pipeline (Choose a stack name of your choice)
  • ApplicationStackName: glue-codepipeline-app (This is the name of the CloudFormation stack that will be created by the pipeline)
  • BranchName: master (This is the name of the branch to be created in the CodeCommit repository to check-in the code from the Amazon S3 bucket zip file)
  • BucketName: aws-glue-artifacts-us-east-1 (This is the name of the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the zip file. This bucket will also be used by the pipeline for storing code artifacts)
  • CodeZipFile: lambda.zip (This is the key name of the sample code Amazon S3 object. The object should be a zip file)
  • RepositoryName: aws-glue-unit-testing (This is the name of the CodeCommit repository that will be created by the stack)
  • TestReportGroupName: glue-unittest-report (This is the name of the CodeBuild test report group that will be created to store the unit test reports)

Figure 5 Fill parameters for stack creation

  1. Choose Next, and again Next.
  1. On the Review page, under Capabilities, choose the following options:
  • I acknowledge that CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.

Figure 6 Acknowledge IAM roles creation

  1. Choose Create stack to begin the stack creation process. Once the stack creation is complete, the resources that were created are displayed on the Resources tab. The stack creation takes approximately 5-7 minutes.

Figure 7 Successful completion of stack creation

The stack automatically creates a CodeCommit repository with the initial code checked-in from the zip file uploaded to the Amazon S3 bucket. Furthermore, it creates a CodePipeline view using the CodeCommit repository as the source. In the above example, the CodeCommit repository is aws-glue-unit-test, and the pipeline is aws-glue-unit-test-pipeline.

Testing the solution

To test the deployed pipeline, open the CodePipeline console and select the pipeline created by the CloudFormation stack. Select the Release Change button on the pipeline page.

Figure 8 Choose Release Change on pipeline page

The pipeline begins its execution with the most recent code in the CodeCommit repository.

When the Test_and_Build phase is finished, select the Details link to examine the execution logs.

Figure 9 Successfully completed the Test_and_Build stage

Select the Reports tab, and choose the test report from Report history to view the unit execution results.

Figure 10 Test report from pipeline execution

Finally, after the deployment stage is complete, you can see, run, and monitor the deployed AWS Glue job on the AWS Glue console page. For more information, refer to the Running and monitoring AWS Glue documentation

Figure 11 Successful pipeline execution


To avoid additional infrastructure costs, make sure that you delete the stack after experimenting with the examples provided in the post. On the CloudFormation console, select the stack that you created, and then choose Delete. This will delete all of the resources that it created, including CodeCommit repositories, IAM roles/policies, and CodeBuild projects.


In this post, we demonstrated how to unit test and deploy Python-based AWS Glue jobs in a pipeline with unit tests written with the PyTest framework. The approach is not limited to CodePipeline, and it can be used to build up a local development environment, as demonstrated in the Big Data blog. The aws-glue-jobs-unit-testing GitHub repository contains the example’s CloudFormation template, as well as sample AWS Glue Python code and Pytest code used in this post. If you have any questions or comments regarding this example, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


Praveen Kumar Jeyarajan

Praveen Kumar Jeyarajan is a PraveenKumar is a Senior DevOps Consultant in AWS supporting Enterprise customers and their journey to the cloud. He has 11+ years of DevOps experience and is skilled in solving myriad technical challenges using the latest technologies. He holds a Masters degree in Software Engineering. Outside of work, he enjoys watching movies and playing tennis.

Vaidyanathan Ganesa Sankaran

Vaidyanathan Ganesa Sankaran is a Sr Modernization Architect at AWS supporting Global Enterprise customers on their journey towards modernization. He is specialized in Artificial intelligence, legacy Modernization and Cloud Computing. He holds a Masters degree in Software Engineering and has 12+ years of Modernization experience. Outside work, he loves conducting training sessions for college grads and professional starter who wants to learn cloud and AI. His hobbies are playing tennis, philately and traveling.

Chaos experiments on Amazon RDS using AWS Fault Injection Simulator

Post Syndicated from Anup Sivadas original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/chaos-experiments-on-amazon-rds-using-aws-fault-injection-simulator/

Performing controlled chaos experiments on your Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) database instances and validating the application behavior is essential to making sure that your application stack is resilient. How does the application behave when there is a database failover? Will the connection pooling solution or tools being used gracefully connect after a database failover is successful? Will there be a cascading failure if the database node gets rebooted for a few seconds? These are some of the fundamental questions that you should consider when evaluating the resiliency of your database stack. Chaos engineering is a way to effectively answer these questions.

Traditionally, database failure conditions, such as a failover or a node reboot, are often triggered using a script or 3rd party tools. However, at scale, these external dependencies often become a bottleneck and are hard to maintain and manage. Scripts and 3rd party tools can fail when called, whereas a web service is highly available. The scripts and 3rd party tools also tend to require elevated permissions to work, which is a management overhead and insecure from a least privilege access model perspective. This is where AWS Fault Injection Simulator (FIS) comes to the rescue.

AWS Fault Injection Simulator (AWS FIS) is a fully managed service for running fault injection experiments on AWS that makes it easier to improve an application’s performance, observability, and resiliency. Fault injection experiments are used in chaos engineering, which is the practice of stressing an application in testing or production environments by creating disruptive events, such as a sudden increase in CPU or memory consumption, database failover and observing how the system responds, and implementing improvements.

We can define the key phases of chaos engineering as identifying the steady state of the workload, defining a hypothesis, running the experiment, verifying the experiment results and making necessary improvements based on the experiment results. These phases will confirm that you are injecting failures in a controlled environment through well-planned experiments in order to build confidence in the workloads and tools we are using to withstand turbulent conditions.

This diagram explains the phases of chaos engineering. We start with identifying the steady state, defining a hypothesis, run the experiment, verify the experiment results and improve. This is a cycle.


  • Baseline: we have a managed database with a replica and automatic failover enabled.
  • Hypothesis: failure of a single database instance / replica may slow down a few requests but will not adversely affect our application.
  • Run experiment: trigger a DB failover.
  • Verify: confirm/dis-confirm the hypothesis by looking at KPIs for the application (e.g., via CloudWatch metric/alarm).

Methodology and Walkthrough

Let’s look at how you can configure AWS FIS to perform failure conditions for your RDS database instances. For this walkthrough, we’ll look at injecting a cluster failover for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL. You can leverage an existing Aurora PostgreSQL cluster or you can launch a new cluster by following the steps in the Create an Aurora PostgreSQL DB Cluster documentation.

Step 1: Select the Aurora Cluster.

The Aurora PostgreSQL instance that we’ll use for this walkthrough is provisioned in us-east-1 (N. Virginia), and it’s a cluster with two instances. There is one writer instance and another reader instance (Aurora replica). The cluster is named chaostest, the writer instance is named chaostest-instance-1, and the reader is named chaostest-intance-1-us-east-1a.

Under RDS Databases Section, the cluster named chaostest is selected. Under the cluster there are two instances which is available. Chaostest-instance-1 is the writer instance and chaostest-instance-1-us-east-1a is the reader instance.

The goal is to simulate a failover for this Aurora PostgreSQL cluster so that the existing chaostest-intance-1-us-east-1a reader instance will switch roles and then be promoted as the writer, and the existing chaostest-instance-1 will become the reader.

Step 2: Navigate to the AWS FIS console.

We will now navigate to the AWS FIS console to create an experiment template. Select Create experiment template.

Under FIS console, Create experiment template needs to be selected.

Step 3: Complete the AWS FIS template pre-requisites.

Enter a Description, Name, and select the AWS IAM Role for the experiment template.

Under create experiment template section, Simulate Database Failover is entered for the Description field. DBFailover is entered for the Name field(Optional). FISWorkshopServiceRole is selected for the IAM role drop down field.

The IAM role selected above was pre-created. To use AWS FIS, you must create an IAM role that grants AWS FIS the permissions required so that the service can run experiments on your behalf. The role follows the least privileged model and includes permissions to act on your database clusters like trigger a failover. AWS FIS only uses the permissions that have been delegated explicitly for the role. To learn more about how to create an IAM role with the required permissions for AWS FIS, refer to the FIS documentation.

Step 4: Navigate to the Actions, Target, Stop Condition section of the template.

The next key section of AWS FIS is Action, Target, and Stop Condition.

Action, Target and Stop Conditions section is highlighted in the image.

Action—An action is an activity that AWS FIS performs on an AWS resource during an experiment. AWS FIS provides a set of pre-configured actions based on the AWS resource type. Each Action runs for a specified duration during an experiment, or until you stop the experiment. An action can run sequentially or in parallel.

For our experiment, the Action will be aws:rds:failover-db-cluster.

Target—A target is one or more AWS resources on which AWS FIS performs an action during an experiment. You can choose specific resources or select a group of resources based on specific criteria, such as tags or state.

For our experiment, the target will be the chaostest Aurora PostgreSQL cluster.

Stop Condition—AWS FIS provides the controls and guardrails that you need to run experiments safely on your AWS workloads. A stop condition is a mechanism to stop an experiment if it reaches a threshold that you define as an Amazon CloudWatch alarm. If a stop condition is triggered while the experiment is running, then AWS FIS stops the experiment.

For our experiment, we won’t be defining a stop condition. This is because this simple experiment contains only one action. Stop conditions are especially useful for experiments with a series of actions, to prevent them from continuing if something goes wrong.

Step 5: Configure Action.

Now, let’s configure the Action and Target for our experiment template. Under the Actions section, we will select Add action to get the New action window.

The action section displays Name,Description, Action Type and Start After fields. There is a Add action button that needs to be selected.

Enter a Name, a Description, and select Action type aws:rds:failover-db-cluster. Start after is an optional setting. This setting allows you to specify an action that should precede the one we are currently configuring.

Under Actions section, DBFailover is entered for the Name field. DB Failover Action is entered for the Description field. aws:rds:failover-db-cluster is entered for the Action Type field. Start after field is left blank and Clusters-Target-1 is selected for the Target field. The save button will save the info entered for the respective fields.

Step 6: Configure Target.

Note that a Target has been automatically created with the name Clusters-Target-1. Select Save to save the action.

Next, you will edit the Clusters-Target-1 target to select the target, i.e., the Aurora PostgreSQL cluster.

Under Targets section, the edit button for Clusters-Target-1 is highlighted.

Select Target method as Resource IDs, and select the chaostest cluster.  If you are interested to select a group of resources, then select Resource tags, filters and parameters option.

Under Edit Target section, Clusters-Target-1 is selected for the Name field. aws:rds:cluster is selected for the Resource type field. Action is set as DBFailover. Resource IDs is selected for the Target Method field. Chaostest cluster is selected for the Resource IDs drop down box. Save button is also available in this section to save the configuration.

Step 7: Create the experiment template to complete this stage.

We will wrap up the process by selecting the create experiment template.

Create experiment template option is highlighted. The user will click this button to proceed creating a template.

We will get a warning stating that a stop condition isn’t defined. We’ll enter create in the provided field to create the template.

After selecting the create experiment template option in the previous screen, the user is prompted to enter "create" in the field to proceed.

We will get a success message if the entries are correct and the template will be successfully created.

"You successfully created experiment template" success message is displayed in the screen and its highlighted in green color.

Step 8: Verify the Aurora Cluster.

Before we run the experiment, let’s double-check the chaostest Aurora Cluster to confirm which instance is the writer and which is the reader.

Under the RDS section, chaos cluster is listed. The user is confirming that chaostest-instance-1 is the writer and chaostest-instance-1-us-east-1a is the reader.

We confirmed that chaostest-instance-1 is the writer and chaostest-instance-1-us-east-1a is the reader.

Step 9: Run the AWS FIS experiment.

Now we’ll run the FIS experiment. Select Actions, and then select Start for the experiment template.

Under the experiment template section, the Simulate Database Failover template is selection. Under the actions section, option Start is selected to start the experiment. The other options under Actions section includes Update, Manage tags and Delete.

Select Start experiment and you’ll get another warning to confirm if you really want to start this experiment. Confirm by entering start say Start experiment.

Under the Start Experiement section, user is promoted to enter "start" in the field to start the experiement.

Step 10: Observe the various stages of the experiment.

The experiment will be in initiating, running and will eventually be in completed states.

The experiment is in initiating state.

The experiment is in Complete state.

Step 11: Verify the Aurora Cluster to confirm failover.

Now let’s look at the chaostest Aurora PostgreSQL cluster to check the state. Note that a failover was indeed triggered by FIS and chaostest-instance-1-us-east-1a is the newly promoted writer and chaostest-instance-1 is the reader now.

Under RDS Section, Chaostest cluster is shown. This time, the writer is chaostest-instance-1-us-east-1a.

Step 12: Verify the Aurora Cluster logs.

We can also confirm the failover action by looking at the Logs and events section of the Aurora Cluster.

Under the Recent Events section of the chaos-test cluster, the failover messages is displayed. One of the messages lists "Started cross AZ failover to DB instance:chaostest-instance-1-us-east-1a. This confirms that the experiment was successful.

Clean up

If you created a new Aurora PostgreSQL cluster for this walkthrough, then you can terminate the cluster to optimize the costs by following the steps in the Deleting an Aurora DB cluster documentation.

You can also delete the AWS FIS experiment template by following the steps in the Delete an experiment template documentation.

You can refer to the AWS FIS documentation to learn more about the service. If you want to know more about chaos engineering, check out the AWS re:Invent session Testing resiliency using chaos engineering and The Chaos Engineering Collection. Finally, check out the following GitHub repo for additional example experiments, and how you can work with AWS FIS using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK).


In this walkthrough, you learned how you can leverage AWS FIS to inject failures into your RDS Instances. To get started with AWS Fault Injection Service for Amazon RDS, refer to the service documentation.


Anup Sivadas

Anup Sivadas is a Principal Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services and is based out of Arlington, Virginia. With 18 + years in technology, Anup enjoys working with AWS customers and helps them craft highly scalable, performing, resilient, secure, sustainable and cost-effective cloud architectures. Outside work, Anup’s passion is to travel and explore the nature with his family.

How to protect HMACs inside AWS KMS

Post Syndicated from Jeremy Stieglitz original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-protect-hmacs-inside-aws-kms/

Today AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) is introducing new APIs to generate and verify hash-based message authentication codes (HMACs) using the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 validated hardware security modules (HSMs) in AWS KMS. HMACs are a powerful cryptographic building block that incorporate secret key material in a hash function to create a unique, keyed message authentication code.

In this post, you will learn the basics of the HMAC algorithm as a cryptographic building block, including how HMACs are used. In the second part of this post, you will see a few real-world use cases that show an application builder’s perspective on using the AWS KMS HMAC APIs.

HMACs provide a fast way to tokenize or sign data such as web API requests, credit cards, bank routing information, or personally identifiable information (PII).They are commonly used in several internet standards and communication protocols such as JSON Web Tokens (JWT), and are even an important security component for how you sign AWS API requests.

HMAC as a cryptographic building block

You can consider an HMAC, sometimes referred to as a keyed hash, to be a combination function that fuses the following elements:

  • A standard hash function such as SHA-256 to produce a message authentication code (MAC).
  • A secret key that binds this MAC to that key’s unique value.

Combining these two elements creates a unique, authenticated version of the digest of a message. Because the HMAC construction allows interchangeable hash functions as well as different secret key sizes, one of the benefits of HMACs is the easy replaceability of the underlying hash function (in case faster or more secure hash functions are required), as well as the ability to add more security by lengthening the size of the secret key used in the HMAC over time. The AWS KMS HMAC API is launching with support for SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 algorithms to provide a good balance of key sizes and performance trade-offs in the implementation. For more information about HMAC algorithms supported by AWS KMS, see HMAC keys in AWS KMS in the AWS KMS Developer Guide.

HMACs offer two distinct benefits:

  1. Message integrity: As with all hash functions, the output of an HMAC will result in precisely one unique digest of the message’s content. If there is any change to the data object (for example you modify the purchase price in a contract by just one digit: from “$350,000” to “$950,000”), then the verification of the original digest will fail.
  2. Message authenticity: What distinguishes HMAC from other hash methods is the use of a secret key to provide message authenticity. Only message hashes that were created with the specific secret key material will produce the same HMAC output. This dependence on secret key material ensures that no third party can substitute their own message content and create a valid HMAC without the intended verifier detecting the change.

HMAC in the real world

HMACs have widespread applications and industry adoption because they are fast, high performance, and simple to use. HMACs are particularly popular in the JSON Web Token (JWT) open standard as a means of securing web applications, and have replaced older technologies such as cookies and sessions. In fact, Amazon implements a custom authentication scheme, Signature Version 4 (SigV4), to sign AWS API requests based on a keyed-HMAC. To authenticate a request, you first concatenate selected elements of the request to form a string. You then use your AWS secret key material to calculate the HMAC of that string. Informally, this process is called signing the request, and the output of the HMAC algorithm is informally known as the signature, because it simulates the security properties of a real signature in that it represents your identity and your intent.

Advantages of using HMACs in AWS KMS

AWS KMS HMAC APIs provide several advantages over implementing HMACs in application software because the key material for the HMACs is generated in AWS KMS hardware security modules (HSMs) that are certified under the FIPS 140-2 program and never leave AWS KMS unencrypted. In addition, the HMAC keys in AWS KMS can be managed with the same access control mechanisms and auditing features that AWS KMS provides on all AWS KMS keys. These security controls ensure that any HMAC created in AWS KMS can only ever be verified in AWS KMS using the same KMS key. Lastly, the HMAC keys and the HMAC algorithms that AWS KMS uses conform to industry standards defined in RFC 2104 HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication.

Use HMAC keys in AWS KMS to create JSON Web Tokens

The JSON Web Token (JWT) open standard is a common use of HMAC. The standard defines a portable and secure means to communicate a set of statements, known as claims, between parties. HMAC is useful for applications that need an authorization mechanism, in which claims are validated to determine whether an identity has permission to perform some action. Such an application can only work if a validator can trust the integrity of claims in a JWT. Signing JWTs with an HMAC is one way to assert their integrity. Verifiers with access to an HMAC key can cryptographically assert that the claims and signature of a JWT were produced by an issuer using the same key.

This section will walk you through an example of how you can use HMAC keys from AWS KMS to sign JWTs. The example uses the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) and implements simple JWT encoding and decoding operations. This example shows the ease with which you can integrate HMAC keys in AWS KMS into your JWT application, even if your application is in another language or uses a more formal JWT library.

Create an HMAC key in AWS KMS

Begin by creating an HMAC key in AWS KMS. You can use the AWS KMS console or call the CreateKey API action. The following example shows creation of a 256-bit HMAC key:

import boto3

kms = boto3.client('kms')

# Use CreateKey API to create a 256-bit key for HMAC
key_id = kms.create_key(

Use the HMAC key to encode a signed JWT

Next, you use the HMAC key to encode a signed JWT. There are three components to a JWT token: the set of claims, header, and signature. The claims are the very application-specific statements to be authenticated. The header describes how the JWT is signed. Lastly, the MAC (signature) is the output of applying the header’s described operation to the message (the combination of the claims and header). All these are packed into a URL-safe string according to the JWT standard.

The following example uses the previously created HMAC key in AWS KMS within the construction of a JWT. The example’s claims simply consist of a small claim and an issuance timestamp. The header contains key ID of the HMAC key and the name of the HMAC algorithm used. Note that HS256 is the JWT convention used to represent HMAC with SHA-256 digest. You can generate the MAC using the new GenerateMac API action in AWS KMS.

import base64
import json
import time

def base64_url_encode(data):
	return base64.b64encode(data, b'-_').rstrip(b'=')

# Payload contains simple claim and an issuance timestamp
payload = json.dumps({
	"does_kms_support_hmac": "yes",
	"iat": int(time.time())

# Header describes the algorithm and AWS KMS key ID to be used for signing
header = json.dumps({
	"typ": "JWT",
	"alg": "HS256",
	"kid": key_id #This key_id is from the “Create an HMAC key in AWS KMS” #example. The “Verify the signed JWT” example will later #assert that the input header has the same value of the #key_id 

# Message to sign is of form <header_b64>.<payload_b64>
message = base64_url_encode(header) + b'.' + base64_url_encode(payload)

# Generate MAC using GenerateMac API of AWS KMS
MAC = kms.generate_mac(
	KeyId=key_id, #This key_id is from the “Create an HMAC key in AWS KMS” 

# Form JWT token of form <header_b64>.<payload_b64>.<mac_b64>
jwt_token = message + b'.' + base64_url_encode(mac)

Verify the signed JWT

Now that you have a signed JWT, you can verify it using the same KMS HMAC key. The example below uses the new VerifyMac API action to validate the MAC (signature) of the JWT. If the MAC is invalid, AWS KMS returns an error response and the AWS SDK throws an exception. If the MAC is valid, the request succeeds and the application can continue to do further processing on the token and its claims.

def base64_url_decode(data):
	return base64.b64decode(data + b'=' * (4 - len(data) % 4), b'-_')

# Parse out encoded header, payload, and MAC from the token
message, mac_b64 = jwt_token.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_b64, payload_b64 = message.rsplit(b'.', 1)

# Decode header and verify its contents match expectations
header_map = json.loads(base64_url_decode(header_b64).decode("utf8"))
assert header_map == {
	"typ": "JWT",
	"alg": "HS256",
	"kid": key_id #This key_id is from the “Create an HMAC key in AWS KMS” 

# Verify the MAC using VerifyMac API of AWS KMS. # If the verification fails, this will throw an error.
	KeyId=key_id, #This key_id is from the “Create an HMAC key in AWS KMS” 

# Decode payload for use application-specific validation/processing
payload_map = json.loads(base64_url_decode(payload_b64).decode("utf8"))

Create separate roles to control who has access to generate HMACs and who has access to validate HMACs

It’s often helpful to have separate JWT creators and validators so that you can distinguish between the roles that are allowed to create tokens and the roles that are allowed to verify tokens. HMAC signatures performed outside of AWS-KMS don’t work well for this because you can’t isolate creators and verifiers if they both must have a copy of the same key. However, this is not an issue for HMAC keys in AWS KMS. You can use key policies to separate out who has permission to ask AWS KMS to generate HMACs and who has permission to ask AWS KMS to validate. Each party uses their own unique access keys to access the HMAC key in AWS KMS. Only HSMs in AWS KMS will ever have access to the actual key material. See the following example key policy statements that separate out GenerateMac and VerifyMac permissions:

	"Id": "example-jwt-policy",
	"Version": "2012-10-17",
	"Statement": [
			"Sid": "Allow use of the key for creating JWTs",
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Principal": {
				"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/JwtProducer"
			"Action": [
			"Resource": "*"
			"Sid": "Allow use of the key for validating JWTs",
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Principal": {
				"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/JwtConsumer"
			"Action": [
			"Resource": "*"


In this post, you learned about the new HMAC APIs in AWS KMS (GenerateMac and VerifyMac). These APIs complement existing AWS KMS cryptographic operations: symmetric key encryption, asymmetric key encryption and signing, and data key creation and key enveloping. You can use HMACs for JWTs, tokenization, URL and API signing, as a key derivation function (KDF), as well as in new designs that we haven’t even thought of yet. To learn more about HMAC functionality and design, see HMAC keys in AWS KMS in the AWS KMS Developer Guide.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the KMS re:Post or contact AWS Support.
Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.


Jeremy Stieglitz

Jeremy is the Principal Product Manager for AWS Key Management Service (KMS) where he drives global product strategy and roadmap for AWS KMS. Jeremy has more than 20 years of experience defining new products and platforms, launching and scaling cryptography solutions, and driving end-to-end product strategies. Jeremy is the author or co-author of 23 patents in network security, user authentication and network automation and control.


Peter Zieske

Peter is a Senior Software Developer on the AWS Key Management Service team, where he works on developing features on the service-side front-end. Outside of work, he enjoys building with LEGO, gaming, and spending time with family.

How to secure API Gateway HTTP endpoints with JWT authorizer

Post Syndicated from Siva Rajamani original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-secure-api-gateway-http-endpoints-with-jwt-authorizer/

This blog post demonstrates how you can secure Amazon API Gateway HTTP endpoints with JSON web token (JWT) authorizers. Amazon API Gateway helps developers create, publish, and maintain secure APIs at any scale, helping manage thousands of API calls. There are no minimum fees, and you only pay for the API calls you receive.

Based on customer feedback and lessons learned from building the REST and WebSocket APIs, AWS launched HTTP APIs for Amazon API Gateway, a service built to be fast, low cost, and simple to use. HTTP APIs offer a solution for building APIs, as well as multiple mechanisms for controlling and managing access through AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) authorizers, AWS Lambda authorizers, and JWT authorizers.

This post includes step-by-step guidance for setting up JWT authorizers using Amazon Cognito as the identity provider, configuring HTTP APIs to use JWT authorizers, and examples to test the entire setup. If you want to protect HTTP APIs using Lambda and IAM authorizers, you can refer to Introducing IAM and Lambda authorizers for Amazon API Gateway HTTP APIs.


Before you can set up a JWT authorizer using Cognito, you first need to create three Lambda functions. You should create each Lambda function using the following configuration settings, permissions, and code:

  1. The first Lambda function (Pre-tokenAuthLambda) is invoked before the token generation, allowing you to customize the claims in the identity token.
  2. The second Lambda function (LambdaForAdminUser) acts as the HTTP API Gateway integration target for /AdminUser HTTP API resource route.
  3. The third Lambda function (LambdaForRegularUser) acts as the HTTP API Gateway integration target for /RegularUser HTTP API resource route.

IAM policy for Lambda function

You first need to create an IAM role using the following IAM policy for each of the three Lambda functions:

	"Version": "2012-10-17",
	"Statement": [
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Action": "logs:CreateLogGroup",
			"Resource": "arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:<AWS Account Number>:*"
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Action": [
			"Resource": [
				"arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:<AWS Account Number>:log-group:/aws/lambda/<Name of the Lambda functions>:*"

Settings for the required Lambda functions

For the three Lambda functions, use these settings:

Function name Enter an appropriate name for the Lambda function, for example:

  • Pre-tokenAuthLambda for the first Lambda
  • LambdaForAdminUser for the second
  • LambdaForRegularUser for the third

Choose Node.js 12.x

Permissions Choose Use an existing role and select the role you created with the IAM policy in the Prerequisites section above.

Pre-tokenAuthLambda code

This first Lambda code, Pre-tokenAuthLambda, converts the authenticated user’s Cognito group details to be returned as the scope claim in the id_token returned by Cognito.

	exports.lambdaHandler = async (event, context) => {
		let newScopes = event.request.groupConfiguration.groupsToOverride.map(item => `${item}-${event.callerContext.clientId}`)
	event.response = {
		"claimsOverrideDetails": {
			"claimsToAddOrOverride": {
				"scope": newScopes.join(" "),
  	return event

LambdaForAdminUser code

This Lambda code, LambdaForAdminUser, acts as the HTTP API Gateway integration target and sends back the response Hello from Admin User when the /AdminUser resource path is invoked in API Gateway.

	exports.handler = async (event) => {

		const response = {
			statusCode: 200,
			body: JSON.stringify('Hello from Admin User'),
		return response;

LambdaForRegularUser code

This Lambda code, LambdaForRegularUser , acts as the HTTP API Gateway integration target and sends back the response Hello from Regular User when the /RegularUser resource path is invoked within API Gateway.

	exports.handler = async (event) => {

		const response = {
			statusCode: 200,
			body: JSON.stringify('Hello from Regular User'),
		return response;

Deploy the solution

To secure the API Gateway resources with JWT authorizer, complete the following steps:

  1. Create an Amazon Cognito User Pool with an app client that acts as the JWT authorizer
  2. Create API Gateway resources and secure them using the JWT authorizer based on the configured Amazon Cognito User Pool and app client settings.

The procedures below will walk you through the step-by-step configuration.

Set up JWT authorizer using Amazon Cognito

The first step to set up the JWT authorizer is to create an Amazon Cognito user pool.

To create an Amazon Cognito user pool

  1. Go to the Amazon Cognito console.
  2. Choose Manage User Pools, then choose Create a user pool.
    Figure 1: Create a user pool

    Figure 1: Create a user pool

  3. Enter a Pool name, then choose Review defaults.
    Figure 2: Review defaults while creating the user pool

    Figure 2: Review defaults while creating the user pool

  4. Choose Add app client.
    Figure 3: Add an app client for the user pool

    Figure 3: Add an app client for the user pool

  5. Enter an app client name. For this example, keep the default options. Choose Create app client to finish.
    Figure 4: Review the app client configuration and create it

    Figure 4: Review the app client configuration and create it

  6. Choose Return to pool details, and then choose Create pool.
    Figure 5: Complete the creation of user pool setup

    Figure 5: Complete the creation of user pool setup

To configure Cognito user pool settings

Now you can configure app client settings:

  1. On the left pane, choose App client settings. In Enabled Identity Providers, select the identity providers you want for the apps you configured in the App Clients tab.
  2. Enter the Callback URLs you want, separated by commas. These URLs apply to all selected identity providers.
  3. Under OAuth 2.0, select the from the following options.
    • For Allowed OAuth Flows, select Authorization code grant.
    • For Allowed OAuth Scopes, select phone, email, openID, and profile.
  4. Choose Save changes.
    Figure 6: Configure app client settings

    Figure 6: Configure app client settings

  5. Now add the domain prefix to use for the sign-in pages hosted by Amazon Cognito. On the left pane, choose Domain name and enter the appropriate domain prefix, then Save changes.
    Figure 7: Choose a domain name prefix for the Amazon Cognito domain

    Figure 7: Choose a domain name prefix for the Amazon Cognito domain

  6. Next, create the pre-token generation trigger. On the left pane, choose Triggers and under Pre Token Generation, select the Pre-tokenAuthLambda Lambda function you created in the Prerequisites procedure above, then choose Save changes.
    Figure 8: Configure Pre Token Generation trigger Lambda for user pool

    Figure 8: Configure Pre Token Generation trigger Lambda for user pool

  7. Finally, create two Cognito groups named admin and regular. Create two Cognito users named adminuser and regularuser. Assign adminuser to both admin and regular group. Assign regularuser to regular group.
    Figure 9: Create groups and users for user pool

    Figure 9: Create groups and users for user pool

Configuring HTTP endpoints with JWT authorizer

The first step to configure HTTP endpoints is to create the API in the API Gateway management console.

To create the API

  1. Go to the API Gateway management console and choose Create API.
    Figure 10: Create an API in API Gateway management console

    Figure 10: Create an API in API Gateway management console

  2. Choose HTTP API and select Build.
    Figure 11: Choose Build option for HTTP API

    Figure 11: Choose Build option for HTTP API

  3. Under Create and configure integrations, enter JWTAuth for the API name and choose Review and Create.
    Figure 12: Create Integrations for HTTP API

    Figure 12: Create Integrations for HTTP API

  4. Once you’ve created the API JWTAuth, choose Routes on the left pane.
    Figure 13: Navigate to Routes tab

    Figure 13: Navigate to Routes tab

  5. Choose Create a route and select GET method. Then, enter /AdminUser for the path.
    Figure 14: Create the first route for HTTP API

    Figure 14: Create the first route for HTTP API

  6. Repeat step 5 and create a second route using the GET method and /RegularUser for the path.
    Figure 15: Create the second route for HTTP API

    Figure 15: Create the second route for HTTP API

To create API integrations

  1. Now that the two routes are created, select Integrations from the left pane.
    Figure 16: Navigate to Integrations tab

    Figure 16: Navigate to Integrations tab

  2. Select GET for the /AdminUser resource path, and choose Create and attach an integration.
    Figure 17: Attach an integration to first route

    Figure 17: Attach an integration to first route

  3. To create an integration, select the following values

    Integration type: Lambda function
    Integration target: LambdaForAdminUser

  4. Choose Create.
    NOTE: LambdaForAdminUser is the Lambda function you previously created as part of the Prerequisites procedure LambdaForAdminUser code.
    Figure 18: Create an integration for first route

    Figure 18: Create an integration for first route

  5. Next, select GET for the /RegularUser resource path and choose Create and attach an integration.
    Figure 19: Attach an integration to second route

    Figure 19: Attach an integration to second route

  6. To create an integration, select the following values

    Integration type: Lambda function
    Integration target: LambdaForRegularUser

  7. Choose Create.
    NOTE: LambdaForRegularUser is the Lambda function you previously created as part of the Prerequisites procedure LambdaForRegularUser code.
    Figure 20: Create an integration for the second route

    Figure 20: Create an integration for the second route

To configure API authorization

  1. Select Authorization from the left pane, select /AdminUser path and choose Create and attach an authorizer.
    Figure 21: Navigate to Authorization left pane option to create an authorizer

    Figure 21: Navigate to Authorization left pane option to create an authorizer

  2. For Authorizer type select JWT and under Authorizer settings enter the following details:

    Name: JWTAuth
    Identity source: $request.header.Authorization
    Issuer URL: https://cognito-idp.us-east1.amazonaws.com/<your_userpool_id>
    Audience: <app_client_id_of_userpool>
  3. Choose Create.
    Figure 22: Create and attach an authorizer to HTTP API first route

    Figure 22: Create and attach an authorizer to HTTP API first route

  4. In the Authorizer for route GET /AdminUser screen, choose Add scope in the Authorization Scope section and enter scope name as admin-<app_client_id> and choose Save.
    Figure 23: Add authorization scopes to first route of HTTP API

    Figure 23: Add authorization scopes to first route of HTTP API

  5. Now select the /RegularUser path and from the dropdown, select the JWTAuth authorizer you created in step 3. Choose Attach authorizer.
    Figure 24: Attach an authorizer to HTTP API second route

    Figure 24: Attach an authorizer to HTTP API second route

  6. Choose Add scope and enter the scope name as regular-<app_client_id> and choose Save.
    Figure 25: Add authorization scopes to second route of HTTP API

    Figure 25: Add authorization scopes to second route of HTTP API

  7. Enter Test as the Name and then choose Create.
    Figure 26: Create a stage for HTTP API

    Figure 26: Create a stage for HTTP API

  8. Under Select a stage, enter Test, and then choose Deploy to stage.
    Figure 27: Deploy HTTP API to stage

    Figure 27: Deploy HTTP API to stage

Test the JWT authorizer

You can use the following examples to test the API authentication. We use Curl in this example, but you can use any HTTP client.

To test the API authentication

  1. Send a GET request to the /RegularUser HTTP API resource without specifying any authorization header.
    curl -s -X GET https://a1b2c3d4e5.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/RegularUser

    API Gateway returns a 401 Unauthorized response, as expected.


  2. The required $request.header.Authorization identity source is not provided, so the JWT authorizer is not called. Supply a valid Authorization header key and value. You authenticate as the regularuser, using the aws cognito-idp initiate-auth AWS CLI command.
    aws cognito-idp initiate-auth --auth-flow USER_PASSWORD_AUTH --client-id <Cognito User Pool App Client ID> --auth-parameters USERNAME=regularuser,PASSWORD=<Password for regularuser>

    CLI Command response:

    	"ChallengeParameters": {},
    	"AuthenticationResult": {
    		"AccessToken": "6f5e4d3c2b1a111112222233333xxxxxzz2yy",
    		"ExpiresIn": 3600,
    		"TokenType": "Bearer",
    		"RefreshToken": "xyz123abc456dddccc0000",
    		"IdToken": "aaabbbcccddd1234567890"

    The command response contains a JWT (IdToken) that contains information about the authenticated user. This information can be used as the Authorization header value.

    curl -H "Authorization: aaabbbcccddd1234567890" -s -X GET https://a1b2c3d4e5.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/RegularUser

  3. API Gateway returns the response Hello from Regular User. Now test access for the /AdminUser HTTP API resource with the JWT token for the regularuser.
    curl -H "Authorization: aaabbbcccddd1234567890" -s -X GET "https://a1b2c3d4e5.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/AdminUser"

    API Gateway returns a 403 – Forbidden response.
    The JWT token for the regularuser does not have the authorization scope defined for the /AdminUser resource, so API Gateway returns a 403 – Forbidden response.

  4. Next, log in as adminuser and validate that you can successfully access both /RegularUser and /AdminUser resource. You use the cognito-idp initiate-auth AWS CLI command.
  5. aws cognito-idp initiate-auth --auth-flow USER_PASSWORD_AUTH --client-id <Cognito User Pool App Client ID> --auth-parameters USERNAME=adminuser,PASSWORD==<Password for adminuser>

    CLI Command response:

    	"ChallengeParameters": {},
    	"AuthenticationResult": {
    		"AccessToken": "a1b2c3d4e5c644444555556666Y2X3Z1111",
    		"ExpiresIn": 3600,
    		"TokenType": "Bearer",
    		"RefreshToken": "xyz654cba321dddccc1111",
    		"IdToken": "a1b2c3d4e5c6aabbbcccddd"

  6. Using Curl, you can validate that the adminuser JWT token now has access to both the /RegularUser resource and the /AdminUser resource. This is possible when adminuser is part of both Cognito groups, so the JWT token contains both authorization scopes.
    curl -H "Authorization: a1b2c3d4e5c6aabbbcccddd" -s -X GET https://a1b2c3d4e5.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/RegularUser

    API Gateway returns the response Hello from Regular User

    curl -H "Authorization: a1b2c3d4e5c6aabbbcccddd" -s -X GET https://a1b2c3d4e5.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/AdminUser

    API Gateway returns the following response Hello from Admin User


AWS enabled the ability to manage access to an HTTP API in API Gateway in multiple ways: with Lambda authorizers, IAM roles and policies, and JWT authorizers. This post demonstrated how you can secure API Gateway HTTP API endpoints with JWT authorizers. We configured a JWT authorizer using Amazon Cognito as the identity provider (IdP). You can achieve the same results with any IdP that supports OAuth 2.0 standards. API Gateway validates the JWT that the client submits with API requests. API Gateway allows or denies requests based on token validation along with the scope of the token. You can configure distinct authorizers for each route of an API, or use the same authorizer for multiple routes.

To learn more, we recommend:

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Siva Rajamani

Siva is a Boston-based Enterprise Solutions Architect. He enjoys working closely with customers and supporting their digital transformation and AWS adoption journey. His core areas of focus are Serverless, Application Integration, and Security.


Sudhanshu Malhotra

Sudhanshu is a Boston-based Enterprise Solutions Architect for AWS. He’s a technology enthusiast who enjoys helping customers find innovative solutions to complex business challenges. His core areas of focus are DevOps, Machine Learning, and Security. When he’s not working with customers on their journey to the cloud, he enjoys reading, hiking, and exploring new cuisines.


Rajat Mathur

Rajat is a Sr. Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. Rajat is a passionate technologist who enjoys building innovative solutions for AWS customers. His core areas of focus are IoT, Networking and Serverless computing. In his spare time, Rajat enjoys long drives, traveling and spending time with family.

AWS cloud services adhere to CISPE Data Protection Code of Conduct for added GDPR assurance

Post Syndicated from Chad Woolf original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/aws-cloud-services-adhere-to-cispe-data-protection-code-of-conduct/

French version
German version

I’m happy to announce that AWS has declared 52 services under the Cloud Infrastructure Service Providers Europe Data Protection Code of Conduct (CISPE Code). This provides an independent verification and an added level of assurance to our customers that our cloud services can be used in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Validated by the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and approved by the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL), the CISPE Code assures organizations that their cloud infrastructure service provider meets the requirements applicable to personal data processed on their behalf (customer data) under the GDPR. The CISPE Code also raises the bar on data protection and privacy for cloud services in Europe, going beyond current GDPR requirements. For example:

  • Data in Europe: The CISPE Code goes beyond GDPR compliance by requiring cloud infrastructure service providers to give customers the choice to use services to store and process customer data exclusively in the European Economic Area (EEA).
  • Data privacy: The CISPE Code prohibits cloud infrastructure service providers from using customer data for data mining, profiling, or direct marketing.
  • Cloud infrastructure focused: The CISPE Code addresses the specific roles and responsibilities of cloud infrastructure service providers (not represented in more general codes).

These 52 AWS services have now been independently verified as complying with the CISPE Code. The verification process was conducted by Ernst & Young CertifyPoint (EY CertifyPoint), an independent, globally recognized monitoring body accredited by CNIL. AWS is bound by the CISPE Code’s requirements for the 52 declared services, and we are committed to bringing additional services into the scope of the CISPE compliance program.

About the CISPE Data Protection Code of Conduct

The CISPE Code is the first pan-European data protection code of conduct for cloud infrastructure service providers. In May 2021, the CISPE Code was approved by the EDPB, acting on behalf of the 27 data protection authorities across Europe; and in June 2021, the Code was formally adopted by the CNIL, acting as the lead supervisory authority.

EY CertifyPoint is accredited as an independent monitoring body for the CISPE Code by CNIL, based on criteria approved by the EDPB. EY CertifyPoint is responsible for supervising AWS’s ongoing compliance with the CISPE Code for all declared services.

AWS and the GDPR

To earn and maintain customer trust, AWS is committed to providing customers and partners an environment to deploy AWS services in compliance with the GDPR, and to build their own GDPR-compliant products, services, and solutions.

For more information, see the AWS General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Center.

Further information

A list of the 52 AWS services that are verified as compliant with the CISPE Code is available on the CISPE Public Register site.

AWS helps customers accelerate cloud-driven innovation and succeed at home and globally. You can read more about our ongoing commitments to protect EU customers’ data on our EU data protection section of the AWS Cloud Security site.


Les services cloud d’AWS adhèrent au code de conduite du CISPE sur la protection des données pour une garantie de conformité supplémentaire au RGPD.

par Chad Woolf

Je suis heureux d’annoncer qu’AWS a déclaré 52 services sous le Code de conduite sur la protection des données des fournisseurs de services d’infrastructure cloud en Europe (Code CISPE). Ceci donne une vérification indépendante et un niveau d’assurance supplémentaire à nos clients quant à la conformité de nos services cloud qu’ils utilisent avec le Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données (RGPD).

Validé par le Conseil Européen de la Protection des Données (CEPD) et approuvé par la Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), le Code CISPE assure aux organisations que leur fournisseur de services d’infrastructure cloud répond aux exigences applicables aux données personnelles traitées en leur nom (données clients) sur base du RGPD. Le Code CISPE met la barre plus haut en matière de protection des données et de vie privée pour les services cloud en Europe, allant au-delà des exigences actuelles du RGPD. Par exemple :

  • Données en Europe : Le Code CISPE va au-delà de la conformité au RGPD en exigeant des fournisseurs de services d’infrastructure cloud qu’ils donnent aux clients le choix d’utiliser les services de stockage et de traitement des données clients exclusivement dans l’Espace Economique Européen (EEE).
  • Confidentialité des données : Le Code CISPE interdit aux fournisseurs de services d’infrastructure cloud d’utiliser les données clients pour l’exploration de données, le profilage ou le marketing direct.
  • Ciblage sur l’infrastructure cloud : Le Code CISPE traite des rôles et des responsabilités spécifiques des fournisseurs de services d’infrastructure cloud (non représentés dans des codes plus généraux).

Ces 52 services AWS ont aujourd’hui été vérifiés de manière indépendante comme étant conformes au Code CISPE. Le processus de vérification a été mené par Ernst & Young CertifyPoint (EY CertifyPoint), un organisme de contrôle indépendant et mondialement reconnu, accrédité par la CNIL. AWS est lié par les exigences du Code CISPE pour les 52 services déclarés, et nous nous engageons à faire entrer des services supplémentaires dans le champ d’application du programme de conformité CISPE.

À propos du Code de conduite sur la protection des données du CISPE

Le Code CISPE est le premier code de conduite paneuropéen sur la protection des données destiné aux fournisseurs de services d’infrastructure cloud. En mai 2021, le Code CISPE a été approuvé par le CEPD, agissant au nom des 27 autorités de protection des données à travers l’Europe ; et en juin 2021, le Code a été formellement adopté par la CNIL, agissant en tant qu’autorité de contrôle principale.

EY CertifyPoint est accrédité en tant qu’organisme indépendant de contrôle du Code CISPE par la CNIL, sur la base de critères approuvés par le CEPD. EY CertifyPoint est chargé de superviser la conformité permanente d’AWS au Code CISPE pour tous les services déclarés.

AWS et le GDPR

Pour gagner et conserver la confiance des clients, AWS s’engage à fournir aux clients et aux partenaires un environnement permettant de déployer les services AWS en conformité avec le RGPD, et de créer leurs propres produits, services et solutions conformes au RGPD.

Pour plus d’informations, consultez le Centre AWS sur le Règlement Générale sur la Protection des Données (RGPD).

Informations complémentaires

Une liste des 52 services AWS qui ont été vérifiés comme étant conformes au code CISPE est disponible sur le site du registre public CISPE.

AWS aide ses clients à accélérer l’innovation basée sur le cloud et à réussir chez eux et dans le monde entier. Vous pouvez en savoir plus sur nos engagements continus en matière de protection des données des clients de l’UE sur section Protection des Données de l’UE du site AWS Cloud Security.



AWS-Cloud-Dienste befolgen den CISPE-Verhaltenskodex für Datenschutz als zusätzliche Sicherheit bezüglich DSGVO

von Chad Woolf

Mit großer Freude darf ich verkünden, dass AWS 52 Dienste als im Einklang mit dem Verhaltenskodex für Cloud-Infrastruktur-Dienstanbieter in Europa (CISPE-Kodex) deklariert hat. Dies bietet unseren Kunden eine unabhängige Verifizierung und ein zusätzliches Maß an Sicherheit, dass unsere Cloud-Dienste in Übereinstimmung mit der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) genutzt werden können.

Der CISPE-Kodex wurde vom Europäischen Datenschutzausschuss (EDSA) geprüft und von der französischen Datenschutzbehörde (CNIL) genehmigt. Er bietet Unternehmen die Sicherheit, dass ihr Cloud-Infrastruktur-Dienstanbieter die Anforderungen erfüllt, die für in ihrem Auftrag verarbeitete personenbezogene Daten (Kundendaten) gemäß der DSGVO gelten. Der CISPE-Kodex erhöht auch die Messlatte für Datenschutz für Cloud-Dienste in Europa, indem er über die aktuellen DSGVO-Anforderungen hinausgeht. Zum Beispiel:

  • Daten in Europa: Der CISPE-Kodex geht über die DSGVO-Konformität hinaus, indem er Cloud-Infrastruktur-Dienstanbieter dazu verpflichtet, ihren Kunden die Wahl zu geben, Dienste zur Speicherung und Verarbeitung von Kundendaten ausschließlich im Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum (EWR) zu nutzen.
  • Datenschutz: Der CISPE-Kodex verbietet Cloud-Infrastruktur-Dienstanbietern, Kundendaten für Data Mining, Profiling oder Direktmarketing zu verwenden.
  • Schwerpunkt auf Cloud-Infrastruktur: Der CISPE-Code adressiert die spezifischen Rollen und Verantwortlichkeiten von Cloud-Infrastruktur-Dienstanbietern (dies ist in allgemeineren Kodizes nicht abgebildet).

Für diese 52 AWS-Dienste wurde nun unabhängig verifiziert, dass sie mit dem CISPE-Kodex konform sind. Der Überprüfungsprozess wurde von Ernst & Young CertifyPoint (EY CertifyPoint) durchgeführt, einer unabhängigen, weltweit anerkannten Überprüfungsstelle, die von der CNIL akkreditiert ist. AWS ist an die Anforderungen des CISPE-Kodex für die 52 deklarierten Dienste gebunden, und wir sind bestrebt, zusätzliche Dienste in den Umfang des CISPE-Compliance-Programms aufzunehmen.

Über den CISPE-Verhaltenskodex für Datenschutz

Beim CISPE-Kodex handelt es sich um die ersten europaweiten Verhaltensregeln für Cloud-Infrastruktur-Dienstanbieter. Im Mai 2021 wurde der CISPE-Kodex vom EDSA im Namen der 27 Datenschutzbehörden aus ganz Europa genehmigt. Im Juni 2021 wurde der Kodex von der CNIL als federführende Aufsichtsbehörde offiziell verabschiedet.

EY CertifyPoint ist von der CNIL als unabhängige Überprüfungsstelle für den CISPE-Kodex auf der Grundlage der vom EDSA genehmigten Kriterien akkreditiert. EY CertifyPoint ist für die Überwachung der laufenden Einhaltung des CISPE-Kodex durch AWS für alle deklarierten Dienste verantwortlich.

AWS und die DSGVO

Um das Vertrauen von Kunden zu gewinnen und aufrechtzuerhalten, verpflichtet sich AWS, Kunden und Partnern eine Umgebung zu bieten, in der sie AWS-Dienste in Übereinstimmung mit der DSGVO verwenden und ihre eigenen DSGVO-konformen Produkte, Dienste und Lösungen entwickeln können.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie im AWS General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Center.

Weitere Informationen

Eine Liste der 52 AWS-Dienste, die als mit dem CISPE-Kodex konform verifiziert wurden, ist auf der CISPE Public Register Website verfügbar.

AWS hilft Kunden dabei, Cloud-getriebene Innovationen zu beschleunigen und sowohl zu Hause als auch weltweit erfolgreich zu sein. Weitere Informationen zu unserem kontinuierlichen Bestreben zum Schutz der Daten von EU-Kunden finden Sie in unserem Abschnitt zum EU-Datenschutz auf der AWS Cloud Security Website.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.


Chad Woolf

Chad joined Amazon in 2010 and built the AWS compliance functions from the ground up, including audit and certifications, privacy, contract compliance, control automation engineering and security process monitoring. Chad’s work also includes enabling public sector and regulated industry adoption of the AWS cloud and leads the AWS trade and product compliance team.


How to configure rotation and rotation windows for secrets stored in AWS Secrets Manager

Post Syndicated from Fatima Ahmed original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-configure-rotation-windows-for-secrets-stored-in-aws-secrets-manager/

November 21, 2022: We updated this post to reflect the fact that AWS Secrets Manager now supports rotating secrets as often as every four hours.

AWS Secrets Manager helps you manage, retrieve, and rotate database credentials, API keys, and other secrets throughout their lifecycles. You can specify a rotation window for your secrets, allowing you to rotate secrets during non-critical business hours or scheduled maintenance windows for your application. Secrets Manager now supports rotation of secrets as often as every four hours, on a predefined schedule you can configure to conform to your existing maintenance windows. Previously, you could only specify the rotation interval in days. AWS Secrets Manager would then rotate the secret within the last 24 hours of the scheduled rotation interval. You can rotate your secrets using an AWS Lambda rotation function provided by AWS, or create a custom Lambda rotation function.

With this release, you can now use Secrets Manager to automate the rotation of credentials and access tokens that must be refreshed more than once per day. This enables greater flexibility for common developer workflows through a single managed service. Additionally, you can continue to use integrations with AWS Config and AWS CloudTrail to manage and monitor your secret rotation configurations in accordance with your organization’s security and compliance requirements. Support for secrets rotation as often as every four hours is provided at no additional cost.

Why might you want to rotate secrets more than once a day? Rotating secrets more frequently can provide a number of benefits, including: discouraging the use of hard-coded credentials in your applications, reducing the scope of impact of a stolen credential, or helping you meet organizational requirements around secret rotation.

Hard-coding application secrets is not recommended, because it can increase the risk of credentials being written in logs, or accidentally exposed in code repositories. Using short-lived secrets limits your ability to hard-code credentials in your application. Short-lived secrets are rotated on a frequent basis: for example, every four hours – meaning even a hard-coded credential can only be used for a short period of time before it needs to be refreshed. This also means that if a credential is compromised, the impact is much smaller — the secret is only valid for a short period of time before the secret is rotated.

Secrets Manager supports familiar cron and rate expressions to specify rotation frequency and rotation windows. In this blog post, we will demonstrate how you can configure a secret to be rotated every four hours, how to specify a custom rotation window for your secret using a cron expression, and how you can set up a custom rotation window for existing secrets. This post describes the following processes:

  1. Create a new secret and configure it to rotate every four hours using the schedule expression builder
  2. Set up rotation window by directly specifying a cron expression
  3. Enabling a custom rotation window for an existing secret

Use case 1: Create a new secret and configure it to rotate every four hours using the schedule expression builder

Let’s assume that your organization has a requirement to rotate GitHub credentials every four hours. To meet this requirement, we will create a new secret in Secrets Manager to store the GitHub credentials, and use the schedule expression builder to configure rotation of the secret at a four-hour interval.

The schedule expression builder enables you to configure your rotation window to help you meet your organization’s specific requirements, without requiring knowledge of cron expressions. AWS Secrets Manager also supports directly entering a cron expression to configure the rotation window, which we will demonstrate later in this post.

To create a new secret and configure a four-hour secret rotation schedule

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console, and navigate to the Secrets Manager service.
  2. Choose Store a new secret.
    Figure 1: Store a secret in AWS Secrets Manager

    Figure 1: Store a secret in AWS Secrets Manager

  3. In the Secret type section, choose Other type of secret.
    Figure 2: Choose a secret type in Secrets Manager

    Figure 2: Choose a secret type in Secrets Manager

  4. In the Key/value pairs section, enter the GitHub credentials that you wish to store.
  5. Select your preferred encryption key to protect the secret, and then choose Next. In this example, we are using an AWS managed key.

    Note: Find more information to help you decide what encryption key is right for you.

  6. Enter a secret name of your choice in the Secret name field. You can optionally provide a Description of the secret, create tags, and add resource permissions to the secret. If desired, you can also replicate the secret to another region to help you meet your organization’s disaster recovery requirements by following the procedure in this blog post.
  7. Choose Next.
    Figure 3:Create a secret to store your Git credentials

    Figure 3:Create a secret to store your Git credentials

  8. Turn on Automatic rotation to enable rotation for the secret.
  9. Under Rotation schedule, choose Schedule expression builder.
    1. For Time unit, choose Hours, then enter a value of 4.
    2. Leave the Window duration field blank as the secret is to be rotated every 4 hours.
    3. For this example, keep the Rotate immediately when the secret is stored check box selected to rotate the secret immediately after creation
      Figure 4: Enable automatic rotation using the schedule expression builder

      Figure 4: Enable automatic rotation using the schedule expression builder

    4. Under Rotation function, choose your Lambda rotation function from the drop down menu.
    5. Choose Next.
    6. On the Secret review page, you are provided with an overview of the secret. Review the secret and scroll down to the Rotation schedule section.
    7. Confirm the Rotation schedule and Next rotation date meet your requirements.
      Figure 5:  Rotation schedule with a summary of the configured custom rotation window

      Figure 5: Rotation schedule with a summary of the configured custom rotation window

    8. Choose Store secret.
    9. To view the Rotation configuration for the secret, select the secret you created.
    10. On the Secrets details page, scroll down to the Rotation configuration section. The Rotation status is Enabled and the Rotation schedule is rate(4 hours). The name of your Lambda function being used for rotation is displayed.
      Figure 6: Rotation configuration of your secret

      Figure 6: Rotation configuration of your secret

You have now successfully stored a secret using the interactive schedule expression builder. This option provides a simple mechanism to configure rotation windows, and does not require expertise with cron expressions.

In the next example, we will be using the schedule expression option to directly enter a cron expression, to achieve a more complex rotation interval.

Use case 2: Set up a custom rotation window using a cron expression

The procedures described in the next two sections of this blog post require that you complete the following prerequisites:

  1. Configure an Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) DB instance, including creating a database user.
  2. Sign in to the AWS Management Console using a role that has SecretsManagerReadWrite permission.
  3. Configure the Lambda function to connect with the Amazon RDS database and Secrets Manager by following the procedure in this blog post.

Configuring complicated rotation windows for secrets may be more effective using the schedule expression option, rather than the schedule expression builder. The schedule expression option allows you to directly enter a cron expression using a string of six inputs. Directly entering cron expressions provides more flexibility when defining a rotation schedule that is more complex.

Let’s suppose you have another secret in your organization which does not need to be rotated as frequently as others. Consequently, you’ve been asked to set up rotation for every last Sunday of the quarter and during the off-peak hours of 1:00 AM to 4:00 AM UTC to avoid application downtime. Due to the complex nature of the requirements, you will need to use the schedule expression option to write a cron job to achieve your use case.

Cron expressions consist of the following 6 required fields which are separated by a white space; Minutes, Hours, Day of month, Month, Day of week, and Year. Each required field has the following values using the syntax cron(fields).

Fields Values Wildcards
Minutes Must be 0 None
Hours 0-23 /
Day-of-month 1 – 31 , – * ? / L
Month 1-12 or JAN-DEC , – * /
Day-of-week 1-7 or SUN-SAT , – * ? L #
Year * accepts * only

Table 1: Secrets Manager supported cron expression fields and corresponding values

Wildcard Description
, The , (comma) wildcard includes additional values. In the Month field, JAN,FEB,MAR would include January, February, and March.
The – (dash) wildcard specifies ranges. In the Day field, 1-15 would include days 1 through 15 of the specified month.
* The * (asterisk) wildcard includes all values in the field. In the Month field, * would include every month.
/ The / (forward slash) wildcard specifies increments In the Month field, you could enter 1/3 to specify every 3rd month, starting from January. So 1/3 specifies the January, April, July, Oct.
? The ? (question mark) wildcard specifies one or another. In the day-of-month field you could enter 7 and then enter ? in the day-of-week field since the 7th of a month could be any day of a given week.
L The L wildcard in the Day-of-month or Day-of-week fields specifies the last day of the month or week. For example, in the week Sun-Sat, you can state 5L to specify the last Thursday in the month.
# The # wildcard in the Day-of-week field specifies a certain instance of the specified day of the week within a month. For example, 3#2 would be the second Tuesday of the month: the 3 refers to Tuesday because it is the third day of each week, and the 2 refers to the second day of that type within the month.

Table 2: Description of supported wilds cards for cron expression

As the use case is to setup a custom rotation window for the last Sunday of the quarter from 1:00 AM to 4:00 AM UTC, you’ll need to carry out the following steps:

To deploy the solution

  1. To store a new secret in Secrets Manager repeat steps 1-6 above.
  2. Once you’re on the Secret Rotation section of the Store a new secret screen, click on Automatic rotation to enable rotation for the secret.
  3. Under Rotation schedule, choose Schedule expression.
  4. In the Schedule expression field box, enter cron(0 1 ? 3/3 1L *).

    Fields Values Explanation
    Minutes 0 The use case does not have a specific minute requirement
    Hours 1 Ensures the rotation window starts from 1am UTC
    Day-of-month ? The use case does not require rotation to occur on a specific date in the month
    Month 3/3 Sets rotation to occur on the last month in a quarter
    Day-of-week 1L Ensures rotation occurs on the last Sunday of the month
    Year * Allows the rotation window pattern to be repeated yearly

    Table 3: Using cron expressions to achieve your rotation requirements

Figure 7: Enable automatic rotation using the schedule expression

Figure 7: Enable automatic rotation using the schedule expression

  1. On the Rotation function section choose your Lambda rotation function from the drop down menu.
  2. Choose Next.
  3. On the Secret review page, review the secret and scroll down to the Rotation schedule section. Confirm the Rotation schedule and Next rotation date meets your requirements.
    Figure 8: Rotation schedule with a summary of your custom rotation window

    Figure 8: Rotation schedule with a summary of your custom rotation window

  4. Choose Store.
  5. To view the Rotation configuration for this secret, select it from the Secrets page.
  6. On the Secrets details page, scroll down to the Rotation configuration section. The Rotation status is Enabled, the Rotation schedule is cron(0 1 ? 3/3 1L *) and the name of your Lambda function being used for your custom rotation is displayed.
    Figure 9: Rotation configuration section with a rotation status of Enabled

    Figure 9: Rotation configuration section with a rotation status of Enabled

Use case 3: Enabling a custom rotation window for an existing secret

If you already use AWS Secrets Manager as a way to store and rotate secrets for your Organization, you might want to take advantage of custom scheduled rotation on existing secrets. For this use case, to meet your business needs the secret must be rotated bi-weekly, every Saturday from 12am to 5am.

To deploy the solution

  1. On the Secrets page of the Secrets Manager console, chose the existing secret you want to configure rotation for.
  2. Scroll down to the Rotation configuration section of the Secret details page, choose Edit rotation.
    Figure 10: Rotation configuration section with a rotation status of Disabled

    Figure 10: Rotation configuration section with a rotation status of Disabled

  3. On the Edit rotation configuration pop-up window, turn on Automatic rotation to enable rotation for the secret.
  4. Under Rotation Schedule choose Schedule expression builder, optionally you can use the Schedule expression to create the custom rotation window.
    1. For the Time Unit choose Weeks, then enter a value of 2.
    2. For the Day of week choose Saturday from the drop-down menu.
    3. In the Start time field type 00. This ensures rotation does not start until 00:00 AM UTC.
    4. In the Window duration field type 5h. This provides Secrets Manager with a 5hr period to rotate the secret.
    5. For this example, keep the check box marked to rotate the secret immediately.
      Figure 11: Edit rotation configuration pop-up window

      Figure 11: Edit rotation configuration pop-up window

    6. Under Rotation function, choose the Lambda function which will be used to rotate the secret.
    7. Choose Save.
    8. On the Secrets details page, scroll down to the Rotation configuration section. The Rotation status is Enabled, the Rotation schedule is cron(0 00 ? * 7#2,7#4 *) and the name of the custom rotation Lambda function is visible.
      Figure 12:Rotation configuration section with a rotation status of Enabled

      Figure 12:Rotation configuration section with a rotation status of Enabled


Regular rotation of secrets is a Secrets Manager best practice that helps you to meet compliance requirements, for example for PCI DSS, which mandates the rotation of application secrets every 90 days, and to improve your security posture for databases and credentials. The ability to rotate secrets as often as every four hours helps you rotate secrets more frequently, and the rotation window feature helps you adhere to rotation best practices while still having the flexibility to choose a rotation window that suits your organizational needs. This allows you to use AWS Secrets Manager as a centralized location to store, retrieve, and rotate your secrets regardless of their lifespan, providing a uniform approach for secrets management. At the same time, the custom rotation window feature alleviates the need for applications to continuously refresh secret caches and manage retries for secrets that were rotated, as rotation will occur during your specified window when the application usage is low.

In this blog post, we showed you how to create a secret and configure the secret to be rotated every four hours using the schedule expression builder. The use case examples show how each feature can be used to achieve different rotation requirements within an organization, including using the schedule expression builder option to create your cron expression, as well as using the schedule expression feature to help meet more specific rotation requirements.

You can start using this feature through the AWS Secrets Manager console, AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), AWS SDK, or AWS CloudFormation. To learn more about this feature, see the AWS Secrets Manager documentation. If you have feedback about this blog post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this blog post, start a new thread on AWS Secrets Manager re:Post or contact AWS Support.

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Faith Isichei

Faith Isichei

Faith is a Premium Support Security Engineer at AWS. She helps provide tailored secure solutions for a broad spectrum of technical issues faced by customers. She is interested in cybersecurity, cryptography, and governance. Outside of work, she enjoys travel, spending time with family, wordsearches, and sudoku.

Zach Miller

Zach Miller

Zach is a Senior Security Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. His background is in data protection and security architecture, focused on a variety of security domains, including cryptography, secrets management, and data classification. Today, he is focused on helping enterprise AWS customers adopt and operationalize AWS security services to increase security effectiveness and reduce risk.

Fatima Ahmed

Fatima is a Global Security Solutions Architect at AWS. She is passionate about cybersecurity and helping customers build secure solutions in the AWS Cloud. When she is not working, she enjoys time with her cat or solving cryptic puzzles.

How to deploy AWS Network Firewall to help protect your network from malware

Post Syndicated from Ajit Puthiyavettle original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-deploy-aws-network-firewall-to-help-protect-your-network-from-malware/

Protecting your network and computers from security events requires multi-level strategies, and you can use network level traffic filtration as one level of defense. Users need access to the internet for business reasons, but they can inadvertently download malware, which can impact network and data security. This post describes how to use custom Suricata Rules with AWS Network Firewall to add protections that prevent users from downloading malware. You can use your own internal list, or a list from commercial or open-source threat intelligence feeds.

Network Firewall is a managed service that makes it easy to deploy essential network protection for all of your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) Infrastructure. Network Firewall’s flexible rules engine lets you define firewall rules, giving you fine-grained control over network traffic, such as blocking outbound requests to prevent the spread of potential malware.

Features of Network Firewall

This section describes features of Network Firewall that help improve the overall security of your network.

Network Firewall:

  • Is a managed Amazon Web Services (AWS) service, so you don’t have to build and maintain the infrastructure to host the network firewall.
  • Integrates with AWS Firewall Manager, which allows you to centrally manage security policies and automatically enforce mandatory security policies across existing and newly created accounts and virtual private clouds (VPCs).
  • Protects application availability by filtering inbound internet traffic using tools such as access control list (ACL) rules, stateful inspection, protocol detection, and intrusion prevention.
  • Provides URL, IP address, and domain-based outbound traffic filtering to help you meet compliance requirements, stop potential data leaks, and block communication with known malware hosts.
  • Gives you control and visibility of VPC-to-VPC traffic to logically separate networks that host sensitive applications or line-of-business resources.
  • Complements existing network and application security services on AWS by providing control and visibility to layer 3 through 7 network traffic for your entire VPC.

Automating deployment of Network Firewall and management of Network Firewall rules support management at-scale and help in timely response, as Network Firewall is designed to block access to insecure sites before they impact your resources. For the solution in this blog post, you’ll use an AWS CloudFormation template to deploy the network architecture with Network Firewall.

Solution architecture

Figure 1 shows a sample architecture to demonstrate how users are able to download malware files, and how you can prevent this using network firewall rules.

Network Firewall is deployed in a single VPC architecture, where it is placed in line with the traffic to and from the internet.

Figure 1. Network architecture diagram

Figure 1. Network architecture diagram

The network architecture shown in Figure 1 includes three subnets:

  1. A network firewall subnet
    Hosts the Network Firewall endpoint interface. All outbound traffic from this network goes through the internet gateway.
  2. A public subnet
    Hosts a NAT gateway. The next hop from the public subnet is the Network Firewall endpoint, where all traffic can be inspected before being forwarded to the internet.
  3. A private network subnet
    Used to host the client instances. All outbound traffic from this network goes to the NAT gateway endpoint.

In the network architecture shown in Figure 1, only one AZ is shown for simplicity, but best practices recommend deploying infrastructure across multiple AZs

To run the CloudFormation deployment template

  1. To set up the architecture shown in Figure 1, launch the provided CloudFormation deployment template using the Launch stack button in step 2 below.
    This CloudFormation template:

    • Sets up VPCs and appropriate subnets as required by the network architecture.
    • Creates a route table with appropriate routes and attaches it to the appropriate subnet (i.e. private subnet, firewall subnet, public subnet).
    • Creates a test instance with appropriate security groups.
    • Deploys Network Firewall with firewall policy.
    • Creates a Rule Group SampleStatefulRulegroupName with Suricata rules, which is not attached to a firewall policy
  2. To launch the stack, click the Launch Stack button below.
  3. Select the Launch Stack button to launch the template

  4. Name the newly created stack (for example, nfw-stack).
  5. The template will also install two sample rules that will be used to protect against accessing two sample malware site URLs, but it will not automatically attach them to a firewall policy
  6. You can see that Network Firewall with firewall policy was deployed as part of the basic CloudFormation deployment. It also created Suricata rules in rule groups, but is not yet attached to the firewall policy.

    Note: Unless you attach the rule to the Network Firewall, it will not provide the required protection.

Example: confirming vulnerability

We have identified two sample URLs that contain malware to use for demonstration.

In the example screen shot below, we tested vulnerability by logging into test instance using AWS Session Manager. and at the shell prompt, used wget to access and download a malware file.

Figure 2 that follows is a screenshot of how a user could access and download two different malware files.

Note: Since these URLs contain malware files, we do not recommend users perform this test, but are providing a screenshot as a demonstration. If you wish to actually test ability to download files, use URLs you know are safe for testing.

Figure 2. Insecure URL access

Figure 2. Insecure URL access

Network Firewall policies

Before the template creates the Network Firewall rule group, it creates a Network Firewall policy and attaches it to the Network Firewall. An AWS Network Firewall firewall policy defines the monitoring and protection behavior for a firewall. The details of the behavior are defined in the rule groups that you add to your policy.

Network Firewall rules

A Network Firewall rule group is a reusable set of criteria for inspecting and handling network traffic. You can add one or more rule groups to a firewall policy as part of policy configuration. The included template does this for you.

Network Firewall rule groups are either stateless or stateful. Stateless rule groups evaluate packets in isolation, while stateful rule groups evaluate them in the context of their traffic flow. Network Firewall uses a Suricata rules engine to process all stateful rules.

Suricata rules can be used to create a Network Firewall stateful rule to prevent insecure URL access. Figure 3 shows the Suricata rules that the template adds and attaches to the Network Firewall policy in order to block access to the sample malware URLs used in the previous example.

Figure 3. Suricata rules in a Network Firewall rule group

Figure 3. Suricata rules in a Network Firewall rule group

Attach the rule group to the Network Firewall policy

When you launched the CloudFormation template, it automatically created these rules in the rule group. You will now be attaching this rule group to the firewall policy in order to enable the protection. You will need similar rules to block the test URLs that are used for your testing.

Figure 3 shows two Suricata rules that have been configured to block the insecure malware URLs.

To add Suricata rules to Network Firewall

To improve site security and protect against downloading malware, you can add Suricata rules to Network Firewall to secure your site. You’ll do this by:

  1. Creating and attaching a firewall policy to the Network Firewall.
  2. Creating rules as part of rule groups, which are attached to the firewall policy
  3. Testing to verify that access to malware URLs from the instance is blocked.

Let’s review Suricata Rules that are created, which can be attached to Network Firewall.

Suricata rule parts

Each Suricata rule has three parts:

  1. Action
  2. drop action that should be taken

  3. Header
  4. http this is the traffic protocol

    $HOME_NET anywhere $HOME_NET is a Suricata variable. By default it is set to the CIDR range of the VPC where Network Firewall is deployed and any refers to any source port

    $EXTERNAL_NET 80 where $EXTERNAL_NET 80 is a Suricata standard variable that refers to traffic destination, and 80 refers to the destination port

    -> is the direction that tells in which direction the signature has to match

  5. Options
  6. msg “MALWARE custom solution” – gives textual information about the signature and the possible alert

    flow to_server,established – it is used to match on the direction of the flow and established refers to match on established connections

    classtype trojan-activity – gives information about the classification of rules and alerts

    sid:xxxxx gives every signature its own id

    content “xxxx” – This keyword is very important and it identifies the pattern that your signature should match.

    http_uri is a content modifier that helps you match specifically and only on the request URI

    rev:xxx this goes along with sid keyword. It represents the version of the signature

The signatures in the Suricate rule shown in Figure 3 will block traffic that matches the http_uri contents /data/js_crypto_miner.html and /data/java_jre17_exec.html when the traffic is initiated from the VPC to the public network.

To attach a rule group to an existing Network Firewall

In Figure 4, the Network Firewall has a policy attached. but it does not have a rule group

Figure 4. A policy is attached, but not a rule group

Figure 4. A policy is attached, but not a rule group

  1. As shown in Figure 5, choose Add rule group to start adding your Suricata rule to the Network Firewall.
  2. Choose Add from existing stateful rule groups to attach an already created Suricata rule group.
  3. Figure 5. Choose Add rule group

    Figure 5. Choose Add rule group

  4. Figure 6 shows the Suriacata rule groups that are already created. SampleStatefulRulegroupName is the rule group created by the CloudFormation template.
  5. Select the rule group and choose Add stateful rule group to finish adding the rule group to Network Firewall.
  6. Figure 6. Review the rule groups that are already created

    Figure 6. Review the rule groups that are already created

  7. Figure 7 shows that the rule group SampleStatefulRulegroupName is now part of the Stateful rule group section of Network Firewall screen, which completes adding Suricata rules to Network Firewall.
  8. Figure 7. Shows the new rule group is now added

    Figure 7. Shows the new rule group is now added

Example: validating the solution

Your Network Firewall is now configured to block malware URLs that are defined in the rulegroup SampleStatefulRulegroupName.

As in the example above where we confirmed vulnerability, Figure 8 shows how to validate that the solution is now protecting your users from accessing malware sites.

Figure 8 shows a user trying to access the same insecure URLs we tested earlier and shows that the URLs are now blocked and the attempted connection times out.

Note: Since these URLs contain malware files, we do not recommend users perform this test, but are providing a screenshot as a demonstration. If you wish to actually test ability to download files, use URLs you know are safe for testing.

Figure 8. Insecure URL access blocked

Figure 8. Insecure URL access blocked

Validating blocking access helps your security team ensure that users or applications on your network cannot download malware. You can add similar rules for any URLs you identify as insecure. SOC operators are typically not familiar with updating CloudFormation templates, but you can use a deployment pipeline where the data required for the rule is stored in Amazon DynamoDB and use AWS Lambda functions to automate updating rules.

Now that you have an example running, you should implement a complete rule set that meets your requirement from a publicly available malware list such as CISSECURITY MALWARE LIST.


AWS resources created for testing can result in additional costs. Since this environment used a CloudFormation template, you can remove all AWS resources associated with the solution by deleting the CloudFormation stack you named previously (for example, nfw-stack).


This blog describes an approach for preventing users from downloading malware. The solution presented uses AWS Network Firewall to secure your environment by blocking access to the specified malware URLs. The supplied CloudFormation template can be used to automate this protection, and to easily set up a test environment to simulate the scenario.

For additional best practice information, see:

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.


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Ajit Puthiyavettle

Ajit is a Solution Architect working with enterprise clients, architecting solutions to achieve business outcomes. He is passionate about solving customer challenges with innovative solutions. His experience is with leading DevOps and security teams for enterprise and SaaS (Software as a Service) companies.

Continuous compliance monitoring using custom audit controls and frameworks with AWS Audit Manager

Post Syndicated from Deenadayaalan Thirugnanasambandam original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/continuous-compliance-monitoring-using-custom-audit-controls-and-frameworks-with-aws-audit-manager/

For most customers today, security compliance auditing can be a very cumbersome and costly process. This activity within a security program often comes with a dependency on third party audit firms and robust security teams, to periodically assess risk and raise compliance gaps aligned with applicable industry requirements. Due to the nature of how audits are now performed, many corporate IT environments are left exposed to threats until the next manual audit is scheduled, performed, and the findings report is presented.

AWS Audit Manager can help you continuously audit your AWS usage and simplify how you assess IT risks and compliance gaps aligned with industry regulations and standards. Audit Manager automates evidence collection to reduce the “all hands-on deck” manual effort that often happens for audits, while enabling you to scale your audit capability in the cloud as your business grows. Customized control frameworks help customers evaluate IT environments against their own established assessment baseline, enabling them to discern how aligned they are with a set of compliance requirements tailored to their business needs. Custom controls can be defined to collect evidence from specific data sources, helping rate the IT environment against internally defined audit and compliance requirements. Each piece of evidence collected during the compliance assessment becomes a record that can be used to demonstrate compliance with predefined requirements specified by a control.

In this post, you will learn how to leverage AWS Audit Manager to create a tailored audit framework to continuously evaluate your organization’s AWS infrastructure against the relevant industry compliance requirements your organization needs to adhere to. By implementing this solution, you can simplify yet accelerate the detection of security risks present in your AWS environment, which are relevant to your organization, while providing your teams with the information needed to remedy reported compliance gaps.

Solution overview

This solution utilizes an event-driven architecture to provide agility while reducing manual administration effort.

  • AWS Audit Manager–AWS Audit Manager helps you continuously audit your AWS usage to simplify how you assess risk and compliance with regulations and industry standards.
  • AWS Lambda–AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers, in response to events such as changes in data, application state or user actions.
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) –Amazon S3 is object storage built to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere, that offers industry leading availability, performance, security, and virtually unlimited scalability at very low costs.
  • AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK)–AWS Cloud Development Kit is a software development framework for provisioning your cloud infrastructure in code through AWS CloudFormation.


This solution enables automated controls management using event-driven architecture with AWS Services such as AWS Audit Manager, AWS Lambda and Amazon S3, in integration with code management services like GitHub and AWS CodeCommit. The Controls owner can design, manage, monitor and roll out custom controls in GitHub with a simple custom controls configuration file, as illustrated in Figure 1. Once the controls configuration file is placed in an Amazon S3 bucket, the on-commit event of the file triggers a control pipeline to load controls in audit manager using a Lambda function. 

Figure 1: Solution workflow

Figure 1: Solution workflow

Solution workflow overview

  1. The Control owner loads the controls as code (Controls and Framework) into an Amazon S3 bucket.
  2. Uploading the Controls yaml file into the S3 bucket triggers a Lambda function to process the control file.
  3. The Lambda function processes the Controls file, and creates a new control (or updates an existing control) in the Audit Manager.
  4. Uploading the Controls Framework yaml file into the S3 bucket triggers a Lambda function to process the Controls Framework file.
  5. The Lambda function validates the Controls Framework file, and updates the Controls Framework library in Audit Manager

This solution can be extended to create custom frameworks based on the controls, and to run an assessment framework against the controls.

Prerequisite steps

  1. Sign in to your AWS Account
  2. Login to the AWS console and choose the appropriate AWS Region.
  3. In the Search tab, search for AWS Audit Manager
  4. Figure 2. AWS Audit Manager

    Figure 2. AWS Audit Manager

  5. Choose Set up AWS Audit Manager.

Keep the default configurations from this page, such as Permissions and Data encryption. When done choose Complete setup.

Before deploying the solution, please ensure that the following software packages and their dependencies are installed on your local machine:

Node.js v12 or above https://nodejs.org/en/
AWS CLI version 2 https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/install-cliv2.html
AWS CDK https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/latest/guide/getting_started.html
jq https://stedolan.github.io/jq/
git https://git-scm.com/
AWS CLI configuration https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-configure-quickstart.html

Solution details

To provision the enterprise control catalog with AWS Audit Manager, start by cloning the sample code from the aws-samples repository on GitHub, followed by running the installation script (included in this repository) with sample controls and framework from your AWS Account.

To clone the sample code from the repository

On your development terminal, git clone the source code of this blog post from the AWS public repository:

git clone [email protected]:aws-samples/enterprise-controls-catalog-via-aws-audit-manager.git

To bootstrap CDK and run the deploy script

The CDK Toolkit Stack will be created by cdk bootstrap and will manage resources necessary to enable deployment of Cloud Applications with AWS CDK.

cdk bootstrap aws://<AWS Account Number>/<Region> # Bootstrap CDK in the specified account and region

cd audit-manager-blog



Figure 3 illustrates the overall deployment workflow. The deployment script triggers the NPM package manager, and invokes AWS CDK to create necessary infrastructure using AWS CloudFormation. The CloudFormation template offers an easy way to provision and manage lifecycles, by treating infrastructure as code.

Figure 3: Detailed workflow lifecycle

Figure 3: Detailed workflow lifecycle

Once the solution is successfully deployed, you can view two custom controls and one custom framework available in AWS Audit Manager. The custom controls use a combination of manual and automated evidence collection, using compliance checks for resource configurations from AWS Config.

To verify the newly created custom data security controls

  1. In the AWS console, go to AWS Audit Manager and select Control library
  2. Choose Custom controls to view the controls DataSecurity-DatainTransit and DataSecurity-DataAtRest
Figure 4. View custom controls

Figure 4. View custom controls

To verify the newly created custom framework

  1. In the AWS console, go to AWS Audit Manager and select Framework library.
  2. Choose Custom frameworks to view the following framework:
Figure 5. Custom frameworks list

Figure 5. Custom frameworks list

You have now successfully created the custom controls and framework using the proposed solution.

Next, you can create your own controls and add to your frameworks using a simple configuration file, and let the implemented solution do the automated provisioning.

To set up error reporting

Before you begin creating your own controls and frameworks, you should complete the error reporting configuration. The solution automatically sets up the error reporting capability using Amazon SNS, a web service that enables sending and receiving notifications from the cloud.

  1. In the AWS Console, go to Amazon SNS > Topics > AuditManagerBlogNotification
  2. Select Create subscription and choose Email as your preferred endpoint to subscribe.
  3. This will trigger an automated email on subscription confirmation. Upon confirmation, you will begin receiving any error notifications by email.

To create your own custom control as code

Follow these steps to create your own controls and frameworks:

  1. Create a new control file named example-control.yaml with contents as shown below. This creates a custom control to check whether all public access to data in Amazon S3 is prohibited:
  2. name:

    Information and records (data) are managed consistent with the organization’s risk strategy to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.

    All public access block settings are enabled at account level

    Ensure all Amazon S3 resources have public access prohibited

    Test attestations – preventive and detective controls for prohibiting public access

    ID: PRDS-3Subcategory: Public-Access-Prohibited
    Category: Data Security-PRDS
    CIS: CIS17
    COBIT: COBIT 5 APO07-03
    NIST: NIST SP 800-53 Rev 4

    sourceName: Config attestation
    sourceDescription: Config attestation
    sourceSetUpOption: System_Controls_Mapping
    sourceType: AWS_Config

    keywordInputType: SELECT_FROM_LIST

  3. Go to AWS Console > AWS CloudFormation > Stacks. Select AuditManagerBlogStack and choose Outputs.
  4. Make note of the bucketOutput name that starts with auditmanagerblogstack-
  5. Upload the example-control.yaml file into the auditmanagerblogstack- bucket noted in step 3, inside the controls folder
  6. The event-driven architecture is deployed as part of the solution. Uploading the file to the Amazon S3 bucket triggers an automated event to create the new custom control in AWS Audit Manager.

To validate your new custom control is automatically provisioned in AWS Audit Manager

  1. In the AWS console, go to AWS Audit Manager and select Control library
  2. Choose Custom controls to view the following controls:
Figure 6. Audit Manager custom controls are listed as Custom controls

Figure 6. Audit Manager custom controls are listed as Custom controls

To create your own custom framework as code

  1. Create a new framework file named example-framework.yaml with contents as shown below:
  2. name:
    Sample DataSecurity Framework

    A sample data security framework to prohibit public access to data


    – name: Prohibit public access
    – DataSecurity-PublicAccessProhibited

    Tag1: DataSecurity
    Tag2: PublicAccessProhibited

  3. Go to AWS Console > AWS CloudFormation > Stacks. Select AuditManagerBlogStack and choose Outputs.
  4. Make note of the bucketOutput name that starts with auditmanagerblogstack-
  5. Upload the example-framework.yaml file into the bucket noted in step 3 above, inside the frameworks folder
  6. The event driven architecture is deployed as part of the blog. The file upload to Amazon S3 triggers an automated event to create the new custom framework in AWS Audit Manager.

To validate your new custom framework automatically provisioned in AWS Audit Manager

  1. Go to AWS Audit Manager in the AWS console and select Control library
  2. Click Custom controls and you should be able to see the following controls:
Figure 7. View custom controls created via custom repo

Figure 7. View custom controls created via custom repo

Congratulations, you have successfully created your new custom control and framework using the proposed solution.

Next steps

An Audit Manager assessment is based on a framework, which is a grouping of controls. Using the framework of your choice as a starting point, you can create an assessment that collects evidence for the controls in that framework. In your assessment, you can also define the scope of your audit. This includes specifying which AWS accounts and services you want to collect evidence for. You can create an assessment from a custom framework  you build yourself, using steps from the Audit Manager documentation.


The solution provides the dynamic ability to design, develop and monitor capabilities that can be extended as a standardized enterprise IT controls catalogue for your company. With AWS Audit Manager, you can build compliance controls as code, with capability to audit your environment on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. You can use this solution to improve the dynamic nature of assessments with AWS Audit Manager’s compliance audit, on time with reduced manual effort. To learn more about our standard frameworks to assist you, see Supported frameworks in AWS Audit Manager which provides prebuilt frameworks based on AWS best practices.


Deenadayaalan Thirugnanasambandam

Deenadayaalan is a Solution Architect at Amazon Web Services. He provides prescriptive architectural guidance and consulting that enable and accelerate customers’ adoption of AWS.


Hu Jin

Hu is a Software Development Engineer at AWS. He helps customers build secure and scalable solutions on AWS Cloud to realise business value faster.


Vinodh Shankar

Vinodh is a Sr. Specialist SA at Amazon Web Services. He helps customers with defining their transformation road map, assessing readiness, creating business case and mapping future state business transformation on cloud.


Hafiz Saadullah

Hafiz is a Senior Technical Product Manager with AWS focused on AWS Solutions.

AWS Security Profiles: J.D. Bean, Sr. Security Solutions Architect

Post Syndicated from Maddie Bacon original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/aws-security-profiles-j-d-bean-sr-security-solutions-architect/

JD Bean AWS Security Profile
In the week leading up to AWS re:Invent 2021, we’ll share conversations we’ve had with people at AWS who will be presenting, and get a sneak peek at their work.

How long have you been at AWS, and what do you do in your current role?

I’m coming up on my three-year anniversary at AWS. Which, as I say it out loud, is hard to believe. It feels as if the time has passed in the blink of an eye. I’m a Solutions Architect with a specialty in security. I work primarily with AWS Strategic Accounts, a set of companies at the forefront of innovation. I partner with my customers to help them design, build, and deploy secure and compliant cloud workloads.

How did you get started in security?

Security began as a hobby for me, and I found it came quite naturally. Perhaps it’s just the way my brain is wired, but I often found security was a topic that consistently drew me in. I leaned into security professionally, and I really enjoy it. AWS makes security its top priority, which is really exciting as a security professional. I’m the kind of person who loves to understand how all the pieces of a system fit together, and AWS Security has been an incredible opportunity, letting me carry my depth of expertise to all sorts of interesting new technical areas such as IoT, HPC, and AI/ML.

How do you explain your job to non-tech friends?

I often say that I work as an AWS Solutions Architect, which means I work with AWS customers to help design their cloud environments and projects, and that I specifically focus on security. If they’re interested in hearing more, I tell them AWS offers a wide array of services customers can configure and combine in all sorts of different ways to fit their needs. If they’re anything like me, I use the analogy of my own experience at hardware stores. In a way, part of what I do is to act like that helpful person at the hardware store who understands what all the tools and equipment do, how to use them correctly, and how they interact with one another. I partner with AWS customers to learn about their project requirements and help them work backwards from those requirements to determine the best approach for achieving their goals.

What are you currently working on that you’re excited about?

I’m working with my customers on a bunch of exciting projects for establishing security, governance, and compliance at scale. I’ve also been returning to my roots and spending more time focusing on open-source software, which is a big passion area for me both personally and professionally.

You’re presenting at AWS re:Invent this year—can you give readers a sneak peek at what you’re covering?

I’m presenting two sessions this year. The first session is a builder session called Grant least privilege temporary access securely at scale (WPS304). We’ll use AWS Secrets Manager, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), and the isolated compute functionality provided by AWS Nitro Enclaves to allow system administrators to request and retrieve narrowly scoped and limited-time access.

My second session is the Using AWS Nitro Enclaves to process highly sensitive data workshop (SEC304). AWS Nitro Enclaves allow customers to create an isolated, hardened, and highly constrained environment to host security-critical applications. A lot of work has gone in to building this workshop over the past few months, and I’m excited to share it at re:Invent.

The workshop gives attendees an opportunity to get hands-on, practical experience with AWS Nitro Enclaves. Attendees will get experience launching enclave applications, using the Nitro Enclaves secure local channel for communication. Attendees will also work with Nitro Enclaves’ included cryptographic attestation features and integration with AWS Key Management Services. After putting all these elements together, attendees will be able to see how you can be sure that only your authorized code in your Nitro Enclave is able to access sensitive material.

For those who won’t be able to join the re:Invent workshop session in person, the AWS Nitro Enclaves Workshop is available online and can be completed in your own account at any time.

What are you hoping the audience will take away from the session(s)?

I hope attendees will come away from the session with a sense of how approachable and flexible AWS Nitro Enclaves are, and start to formulate ideas for how they can use Nitro Enclaves in their own workloads.

From your perspective, what’s the biggest thing happening in confidential computing right now?

Over the last year I’ve seen a big increase in interest from customers around confidential computing. This is how we’ve been approaching the design of the AWS Nitro System for many years now. The Nitro System, the underlying platform for all modern Amazon EC2 instances, already provides confidential computing protections by default.

More recently, AWS Nitro Enclaves has offered a new capability for customers to divide their own workloads into more-trusted and less-trusted components. The isolation of workload components in AWS Nitro Enclaves is powered by the specialized hardware and associated firmware of the Nitro System.

What’s your favorite Leadership Principle at Amazon and why?

My favorite Amazon Leadership principle is Learn and Be Curious. I think I’m at my best when I’m learning, growing, and pushing outward at the edges. AWS is such an incredible place to work for people who love to learn. AWS is constantly innovating and inventing for our customers, and learning is central to the culture here.

What’s the best career advice you’ve ever received?

One piece of advice I’ve held close from an early age is just how important it is to be comfortable saying “I don’t know”—ideally followed by “but I’d like to find out.” This has served me well in life, both professionally and personally.

Another is “lead with trust.” Being willing to be vulnerable and assume the best of others goes a long way. At Amazon, one of our leadership principles is Earn Trust. I’ve found how important it is to set an example of offering trust to others. Most people tend to rise to a challenge. If you enter new interactions with a default expectation of trusting others, more often than not, your trust ends up being well-placed.

If you had to pick any other job, what would you want to do?

It’s funny you ask that. I still think of my current role as the “other job” I daydream about. I began my professional life in the legal field. Admittedly, my work was primarily focused around open-source software, so it wasn’t entirely unrelated to what I do now, but I really do feel like being a Solutions Architect is a second phase in my career. I’m enjoying this new chapter too much to give doing anything else much thought.

If you were to really press me, I’d say that my wife, who’s a psychologist, tells me I missed my calling as a therapist. I take that as a real compliment.


J. D. Bean

J.D. is a senior security specialist Solutions Architect for AWS Strategic Accounts based out of New York City. His interests include security, privacy, and compliance. He is passionate about his work enabling AWS customers’ successful cloud journeys. J.D. holds a Bachelor of Arts from The George Washington University and a Juris Doctor from New York University School of Law.


Maddie Bacon

Maddie (she/her) is a technical writer for AWS Security with a passion for creating meaningful content. She previously worked as a security reporter and editor at TechTarget and has a BA in Mathematics. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, traveling, and all things Harry Potter.

AWS welcomes Wickr to the team

Post Syndicated from Stephen Schmidt original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/aws-welcomes-wickr-to-the-team/

We’re excited to share that AWS has acquired Wickr, an innovative company that has developed the industry’s most secure, end-to-end encrypted, communication technology. With Wickr, customers and partners benefit from advanced security features not available with traditional communications services – across messaging, voice and video calling, file sharing, and collaboration. This gives security conscious enterprises and government agencies the ability to implement important governance and security controls to help them meet their compliance requirements.

wickrToday, public sector customers use Wickr for a diverse range of missions, from securely communicating with office-based employees to providing service members at the tactical edge with encrypted communications. Enterprise customers use Wickr to keep communications between employees and business partners private, while remaining compliant with regulatory requirements.

The need for this type of secure communications is accelerating. With the move to hybrid work environments, due in part to the COVID-19 pandemic, enterprises and government agencies have a growing desire to protect their communications across many remote locations. Wickr’s secure communications solutions help enterprises and government organizations adapt to this change in their workforces and is a welcome addition to the growing set of collaboration and productivity services that AWS offers customers and partners.

AWS is offering Wickr services effective immediately and Wickr customers, channel, and business partners can continue to use Wickr’s services as they do today. To get started with Wickr visit www.wickr.com.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.


Stephen Schmidt

Steve is Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer for AWS. His duties include leading product design, management, and engineering development efforts focused on bringing the competitive, economic, and security benefits of cloud computing to business and government customers. Prior to AWS, he had an extensive career at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, where he served as a senior executive and section chief. He currently holds 11 patents in the field of cloud security architecture. Follow Steve on Twitter.