All posts by Michael Haken

Improving Performance and Reducing Cost Using Availability Zone Affinity

Post Syndicated from Michael Haken original

One of the best practices for building resilient systems in Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networks is using multiple Availability Zones (AZ). An AZ is one or more discrete data centers with redundant power, networking, and connectivity. Using multiple AZs allows you to operate workloads that are more highly available, fault tolerant, and scalable than would be possible from a single data center. However, transferring data across AZs adds latency and cost.

This blog post demonstrates an architectural pattern called “Availability Zone Affinity” that improves performance and reduces costs while still maintaining the benefits of Multi-AZ architectures.

Cross Availability Zone effects

AZs are physically separated by a meaningful distance from other AZs in the same AWS Region. Although they all are within 60 miles (100 kilometers) of each other. This produces roundtrip latencies usually under 1-2 milliseconds (ms) between AZs in the same Region. Roundtrip latency between two instances in the same AZ is closer to 100-300 microseconds (µs) when using enhanced networking.1 This can be even lower when the instances use cluster placement groups. Additionally, when data is transferred between two AZs, data transfer charges apply in both directions.

To better understand these effects, we’ll analyze a fictitious workload, the “foo service,” shown in Figure 1. The foo service provides a storage platform for other workloads in AWS to redundantly store data. Requests are first processed by an Application Load Balancer (ALB). ALBs always use cross-zone load balancing to evenly distribute requests to all targets. Next, the request is sent from the load balancer to a request router. The request router performs a few operations, like authorization checks and input validation, before sending it to the storage tier. The storage tier replicates the data sequentially from the lead node, to the middle node, and finally the tail node. Once the data has been written to all three nodes, it is considered committed. The response is sent from the tail node back to the request router, back through the load balancer, and finally returned to the client.

An example system that transfers data across AZs

Figure 1. An example system that transfers data across AZs

We can see in Figure 1 that, in the worst case, the request traversed an AZ boundary eight times. Let’s calculate the fastest possible, zeroth percentile (p0), latency. We’ll assume the best time for non-network processing of the request in the load balancer, request router, and storage tier is 4 ms. If we consider 1 ms as the minimum network latency added for each AZ traversal, in the worst-case scenario of eight AZ traversals, the total processing time can be no faster than 12 ms. At the 50th percentile (p50), meaning the median, let’s assume the cross-AZ latency is 1.5 ms and non-network processing is 8 ms, resulting in a total of 20 ms for overall processing. Additionally, if this system is processing millions of requests, the data transfer charges could become substantial over time. Now, let’s imagine that a workload using the foo service must operate with p50 latency under 20 ms. How can the foo service change their system design to meet this goal?

Availability Zone affinity

The AZ Affinity architectural pattern reduces the number of times an AZ boundary is crossed. In the example system we looked at in Figure 1, AZ Affinity can be implemented with two changes.

  1. First, the ALB is replaced with a Network Load Balancer (NLB). NLBs provide an elastic network interface per AZ that is configured with a static IP. NLBs also have cross-zone load balancing disabled by default. This ensures that requests are only sent to targets that are in the same AZ as the elastic network interface that receives the request.
  2. Second, DNS entries are created for each elastic network interface to provide an AZ-specific record using the AZ ID, which is consistent across accounts. Clients use that DNS record to communicate with a load balancer in the AZ they select. So instead of interacting with a Region-wide service using a DNS name like, they would instead use

Figure 2 shows the system with AZ Affinity. We can see that each request, in the worst case, only traverses an AZ boundary four times. Data transfer costs are reduced by approximately 40 percent compared to the previous implementation. If we use 300 μs as the p50 latency for intra-AZ communication, we now get (4×300μs)+(4×1.5ms)=7.2ms. Using the median 8 ms processing time, this brings the overall median latency to 15.2 ms. This represents a 40 percent reduction in median network latency. When thinking about p90, p99, or even p99.9 latencies, this reduction could be even more significant.

The system now implements AZ Affinity

Figure 2. The system now implements AZ Affinity

Figure 3 shows how you could take this approach one step farther using service discovery. Instead of requiring the client to remember AZ-specific DNS names for load balancers, we can use AWS Cloud Map for service discovery. AWS Cloud Map is a fully managed service that allows clients to look up IP address and port combinations of service instances using DNS and dynamically retrieve abstract endpoints, like URLs, over the HTTP-based service Discovery API. Service discovery can reduce the need for load balancers, removing their cost and added latency.

The client first retrieves details about the service instances in their AZ from the AWS Cloud Map registry. The results are filtered to the client’s AZ by specifying an optional parameter in the request. Then they use that information to send requests to the discovered request routers.

AZ Affinity implemented using AWS Cloud Map for service discovery

Figure 3. AZ Affinity implemented using AWS Cloud Map for service discovery

Workload resiliency

In the new architecture using AZ Affinity, the client has to select which AZ they communicate with. Since they are “pinned” to a single AZ and not load balanced across multiple AZs, they may see impact during an event affecting the AWS infrastructure or foo service in that AZ.

During this kind of event, clients can choose to use retries with exponential backoff or send requests to the other AZs that aren’t impacted. Alternatively, they could implement a circuit breaker to stop making requests from the client in the affected AZ and only use clients in the others. Both approaches allow them to use the resiliency of Multi-AZ systems while taking advantage of AZ Affinity during normal operation.

Client libraries

The easiest way to achieve the process of service discovery, retries with exponential backoff, circuit breakers, and failover is to provide a client library/SDK. The library handles all of this logic for users and makes the process transparent, like what the AWS SDK or CLI does. Users then get two options, the low-level API and the high-level library.


This blog demonstrated how the AZ Affinity pattern helps reduce latency and data transfer costs for Multi-AZ systems while providing high availability. If you want to investigate your data transfer costs, check out the Using AWS Cost Explorer to analyze data transfer costs blog for an approach using AWS Cost Explorer.

For investigating latency in your workload, consider using AWS X-Ray and Amazon CloudWatch for tracing and observability in your system. AZ Affinity isn’t the right solution for every workload, but if you need to reduce inter-AZ data transfer costs or improve latency, it’s definitely an approach to consider.

  1. This estimate was made using t4g.small instances sending ping requests across AZs. The tests were conducted in the us-east-1, us-west-2, and eu-west-1 Regions. These results represent the p0 (fastest) and p50 (median) intra-AZ latency in those Regions at the time they were gathered, but are not a guarantee of the latency between two instances in any location. You should perform your own tests to calculate the performance enhancements AZ Affinity offers.

Using VPC Endpoints in Multi-Region Architectures with Route 53 Resolver

Post Syndicated from Michael Haken original

Many customers are building multi-Region architectures on AWS. They might want to bring their systems closer to their end users, support disaster recovery (DR), or comply with data sovereignty requirements. Often, these architectures use Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to host resources like Amazon EC2 instances, Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) databases, and AWS Lambda functions. Typically, these VPCs are also connected using VPC peering or AWS Transit Gateway.

Within these VPC networks, customers also use AWS PrivateLink to deploy VPC endpoints. These endpoints provide private connectivity between VPCs and AWS services. They also support endpoint policies that allow customers to implement guardrails. As an example, customers frequently use endpoint policies to ensure that only IAM principals in their AWS Organization are accessing resources from their networks.

The challenge some customers have faced is that VPC endpoints can only be used to access resources in the same Region as the endpoint. For example, an Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) VPC endpoint deployed in us-east-1 can only be used to access S3 buckets also located in us-east-1. To access a bucket in us-east-2, that traffic has to traverse the public internet. Ideally, customers want to keep this traffic within their private network and apply VPC endpoint policies, regardless of the Region where the resource is located.

Amazon Route 53 Resolver to the rescue

One of the ways we can solve this problem is with Amazon Route 53 Resolver. Route 53 Resolver provides inbound and outbound DNS services in a VPC. It allows you to resolve domain names for AWS resources in the Region where the resolver endpoint is deployed. It also allows you to forward DNS requests to other DNS servers based on rules you define. To consistently apply VPC endpoint policies to all traffic, we use Route 53 Resolver to steer traffic to VPC endpoints in each Region.

Figure 1. A multi-Region architecture with Route 53 Resolver and S3 endpoints

Figure 1. A multi-Region architecture with Route 53 Resolver and S3 endpoints

In this example shown in Figure 1, we have a workload that operates in us-east-1. It must access Amazon S3 buckets in us-east-2 and us-west-2. There is a VPC in each Region that is connected via VPC peering to the one in us-east-1. We’ve also deployed an inbound and outbound Route 53 Resolver endpoint in each VPC.

Finally, we also have Amazon S3 interface VPC endpoints in each VPC. These provide their own unique DNS names. They can be resolved to private IP addresses using VPC provided DNS (using the .2 address or address) or the inbound resolver IP addresses.

When the EC2 instance accesses a bucket in us-east-1, the Route 53 Resolver endpoint resolves the DNS name to the private IP address of the VPC endpoint. However, without an outbound rule, a DNS query for a bucket in another Region like us-east-2 would resolve to the public IP address of the S3 service. To solve this, we’re going to add four outbound rules to the resolver in us-east-1.


These rules will forward the DNS request to the appropriate inbound Route 53 Resolver in the peered VPC. When there isn’t a VPC endpoint deployed for a service, the resolver will use its automatically created recursive rule to return the public IP address. Let’s look at how this works in Figure 2.

Figure 2. The workflow of resolving an out-of-Region S3 DNS name

Figure 2. The workflow of resolving an out-of-Region S3 DNS name

  1. The EC2 instance runs a command to list a bucket in us-east-2. The DNS request first goes to the local Route 53 Resolver endpoint in us-east-1.
  2. The Route 53 Resolver in us-east-1 has an outbound rule matching the bucket’s domain name. This forwards all DNS queries for the domain to the inbound Route 53 Resolver in us-east-2.
  3. The Route 53 Resolver in us-east-2 responds with the private IP address of the S3 interface VPC endpoint in its VPC. This is then returned to the EC2 instance.
  4. The EC2 instance sends the request to the S3 interface VPC endpoint in us-east-2.

This pattern can be easily extended to support any Region that your organization uses. Add additional VPCs in those Regions to host the Route 53 Resolver endpoints and VPC endpoints. Then, add additional outbound resolver rules for those Regions. You can also support additional AWS services by deploying VPC endpoints for them in each peered VPC that hosts the inbound Route 53 Resolver endpoint.

This architecture can be extended to provide a centralized capability to your entire business instead of supporting a single workload in a VPC. We’ll look at that next.

Scaling cross-Region VPC endpoints with Route 53 Resolver

In Figure 3, each Region has a centralized HTTP proxy fleet. This is located in a dedicated VPC with AWS service VPC endpoints and a Route 53 Resolver endpoint. Each workload VPC in the same Region connects to this VPC over Transit Gateway. All instances send their HTTP traffic to the proxies. The proxies manage resolving domain names and forwarding the traffic to the correct Region. Here, each Route 53 Resolver supports inbound DNS requests from other VPCs. It also has outbound rules to forward requests to the appropriate Region. Let’s walk through how this solution works.

Figure 3. Using Route 53 Resolver endpoints with central HTTP proxies

Figure 3. Using Route 53 Resolver endpoints with central HTTP proxies

  1. The EC2 instance in us-east-1 runs a command to list a bucket in us-east-2. The HTTP request is sent to the proxy fleet in the same Region.
  2. The proxy fleet attempts to resolve the domain name of the bucket in us-east-2. The Route 53 Resolver in us-east-1 has an outbound rule for the domain This rule forwards the DNS query to the inbound Route 53 Resolver in us-east-2. The Route 53 Resolver in us-east-2 responds with the private IP address of the S3 interface endpoint in its VPC.
  3. The proxy server sends the request to the S3 interface endpoint in us-east-2 over the Transit Gateway connection. VPC endpoint policies are consistently applied to the request.

This solution (Figure 3) scales the previous implementation (Figure 2) to support multiple workloads across all of the in-use Regions. And it does this without duplicating VPC endpoints in every VPC.

If your environment doesn’t use HTTP proxies, you could alternatively deploy Route 53 Resolver outbound endpoints in each workload VPC. In this case, you have two options. The outbound rules can forward the DNS requests directly to the cross-Region inbound resolver, like in the Figure 2. Or, there can be a single outbound rule to forward the DNS requests to a central inbound resolver in the same Region (see Figure 3). The first option reduces dependencies on a centralized service. The second option provides reduced management overhead of the creation and updates to outbound rules.


Customers want a straightforward way to use VPC endpoints and endpoint policies for all Regions uniformly and consistently. Route 53 Resolver provides a solution using DNS. This ensures that requests to AWS services that support VPC endpoints stay within the VPC network, regardless of their Region.

Check out the documentation for Route 53 Resolver to learn more about how you can use DNS to simplify using VPC endpoints in multi-Region architectures.