All posts by Paulo Costa

SVG support in Cloudflare Images

Post Syndicated from Paulo Costa original

SVG support in Cloudflare Images

SVG support in Cloudflare Images

Cloudflare Images was announced one year ago on this very blog to help you solve the problem of delivering images in the right size, right quality and fast. Very fast.

It doesn’t really matter if you only run a personal blog, or a portal with thousands of vendors and millions of end-users. Doesn’t matter if you need one hundred images to be served one thousand times each at most, or if you deal with tens of millions of new, unoptimized, images that you deliver billions of times per month.

We want to remove the complexity of dealing with the need to store, to process, resize, re-encode and serve the images using multiple platforms and vendors.

At the time we wrote:

Images is a single product that stores, resizes, optimizes and serves images. We built Cloudflare Images, so customers of all sizes can build a scalable and affordable image pipeline in minutes.

We supported the most common formats, such as JPG, WebP, PNG and GIF.

We did not feel the need to support SVG files. SVG files are inherently scalable, so there is nothing to resize on the server side before serving them to your audience. One can even argue that SVG files are documents that can generate images through mathematical formulas of vectors and nodes, but are not images per se.

There was also the clear notion that SVG files were a potential risk due to known and well documented vulnerabilities. We knew we could do something from the security angle, but still, why go through that workload if it didn’t make sense in the first place to consider an SVG as a supported format.

Not supporting SVG files, though, did bring a set of challenges to an increasing number of our customers. Some stats already show that around 50% of websites serve SVG files, which matches the pulse we got from talking with many of you, customers and community.

If you relied on SVGs, you had to select a second storage location or a second image platform elsewhere. That commonly resulted in an egress fee when serving an uncached file from that source, and it goes against what we want for our product: one image pipeline to cover all your needs.

We heard loud and clear, and starting from today, you can store and serve SVG files, safely, with Cloudflare Images.

SVG, what is so special about them?

The Scalable Vector Graphics file type is great for serving all kinds of illustrations, charts, logos, and icons.

SVG files don’t represent images as pixels, but as geometric shapes (lines, arcs, polygons) that can be drawn with perfect sharpness at any resolution.

Let’s use now a complex image as an example, filled with more than four hundred paths and ten thousand nodes:

SVG support in Cloudflare Images

Contrary to the bitmaps where pixels arrange together to create the visual perception of an image to the human eye, that vector image can be resized with no quality loss. That happens because resizing that SVG to 300% of its original size is redefining the size of the vectors to 300%, not expanding pixels to 300%.

This becomes evident when we’re dealing with small resolution images.

Here is the 100px width SVG from the Toroid shown above:

SVG support in Cloudflare Images

and the correspondent 100 pixels width PNG:

SVG support in Cloudflare Images

Now here is the same SVG with the HTML width attribute set at 300px:

SVG support in Cloudflare Images

and the same PNG you saw before, but, upscaled by 3x, so the width is also 300px:

SVG support in Cloudflare Images

The visual quality loss on the PNG is obvious when it gets scaled up.

Keep in mind: The Toroid shown above is stored in an SVG file of 142Kb. And that is a very complex and heavy SVG file already.

Now, if you do want to display a PNG with an original width of 1024px to present a high quality image of the same Toroid above, the size will become an issue:

SVG support in Cloudflare Images

The new 1024px PNG, however, weighs 344 KB. That’s about 2.4 times the weight of the unique SVG that you could use in any size.

Think about the storage and bandwidth savings when all you need to do with an SVG, to get the exact same displayed image is use a width=”1024” in your HTML. It requires less than half of the kilobytes used on the PNG.

Couple all of this with the flexibility of using attributes like viewbox in your HTML code, and you can pan, zoom, crop, scale, all without ever needing anything other than the one and original SVG file.

Here’s an example of an SVG being resized on the client side, with no visual quality loss:

Let’s do a quick summary of what we covered so far: SVG files are wonderful for vector images like illustrations, charts, logos, and are infinitely scalable with no need to resize on the server side;

the same generated image, but on a bitmap is either heavier than the SVG when used in high resolutions, or with very noticeable loss of visual quality when scaled up from a lower resolution.

So, what are the downsides of using SVG files?

SVG files aren’t just images. They are XML-based documents that are as powerful as HTML pages. They can contain arbitrary JavaScript, fetch external content from other URLs or embed HTML elements. This gives SVG files much more power than expected from a simple image.

Throughout the years, numerous exploits have been known, identified and corrected.

Some old attacks were very rudimentary, yet effective. The famous Billion Laughs exploited how XML uses Entities and declares them in the Document Type Definition, and how it handles recursion.

Entities can be something as simple as a declaration of a text string, or a nested reference to other previous entities.

If you defined a first entity with a simple string, and then created a second entity calling 10 times the first one, and then a third entity calling 10 times the second one up until a 10th one of the same kind, you were requiring a parser to generate an output of a billion strings as defined on the very simple first entity. This would most commonly exhaust resources on the server parsing the XML, and form a DoS. While that particular limitation from the XML parsing got widely addressed through XML parser memory caps and lazy loading of entities, more complex attacks became a regular thing in recent years.

The common themes in these more recent attacks have been XSS (cross-site-scripting) and foreign objects referenced in the XML content. In both cases, using SVG inside <object> tags in your HTML is an invitation for any ill-intended file to reach your end-users. So, what exactly can we do about it and make you trust any SVG file you serve?

The SVG filter

We’ve developed a filter that simplifies SVG files to only features used for images, so that serving SVG images from any source is just as safe as serving a JPEG or PNG, while preserving SVG’s vector graphics capabilities.

  • We remove scripting. This prevents SVG files from being used for cross-site scripting attacks. Although browsers don’t allow scripts in <img>, they would run scripts when SVG files are opened directly as a top-level document.
  • We remove hyperlinks to other documents. This makes SVG files less attractive for SEO spam and phishing.
  • We remove references to cross-origin resources. This stops 3rd parties from tracking who is viewing the image.

What’s left is just an image.

SVG files can also contain embedded images in other formats, like JPEG and PNG, in the form of Data URLs. We treat these embedded images just like other images that we process, and optimize them too. We don’t support SVG files embedded in SVG recursively, though. It does open the door to recursive parsing leading to resource exhaustion on the parser. While the most common browsers are already limiting SVG recursion to one level, the potential to exploit that door led us to not include, at least for now, this capability on our filter.

We do set Content-Security-Policy (CSP) headers in all our HTTP response headers to disable unwanted features, and that alone acts as first defense, but filtering acts in more depth in case these headers are lost (e.g. if the image was saved as a file and served elsewhere).

Our tool is open-source. It’s written in Rust and can filter SVG files in a streaming fashion without buffering, so it’s fast enough for filtering on the fly.

The SVG format is pretty complex, with lots of features. If there is safe SVG functionality that we don’t support yet, you can report issues and contribute to development of the filter.

You can see how the tool actually works by looking at the tests folder in the open-source repository,  where a sample unfiltered XML and the already filtered version are present.

Here’s how a diff of those files looks like:

SVG support in Cloudflare Images

Removed are the external references, foreignObjects and any other potential threats.

How you can use SVG files in Cloudflare Images

Starting now you can upload SVG files to Cloudflare Images and serve them at will. Uploading the images can be done like for any other supported format, via UI or API.

Variants, named or flexible, are intended to transform bitmap (raster) images into whatever size you want to serve them.

SVG files, as vector images, do not require resizing inside the Images pipeline.

This results in a banner with the following message when you’re previewing an SVG in the UI:

SVG support in Cloudflare Images

And as a result, all variants listed will show the exact same image in the exact same dimensions.

Because an image is worth a thousand words, especially when trying to describe behaviors, here is what will it look like if you scroll through the variants preview:

With Cloudflare Images you do get a default Public Variant listed when you start using the product, and so you can immediately start serving your SVG files using it, just like this:<your_account_hash>/<your_SVG_ID>/public

And, as shown from above, you can use any of your variant names to serve the image, as it won’t affect the output at all.

If you’re an Image Resizing customer, you can also benefit from serving your files with our tool. Make sure you head to the Developer Documentation pages to see how.

What’s next?

You can subscribe to Cloudflare Images directly in the dashboard, and starting from today you can use the product to store and serve SVG files.

If you want to contribute to further developments of the filtering too and help expand its abilities, check out our SVG-Hush Tool repo.

You can also connect directly with the team in our Cloudflare Developers Discord Server.

Announcing the Cloudflare Images Sourcing Kit

Post Syndicated from Paulo Costa original

Announcing the Cloudflare Images Sourcing Kit

Announcing the Cloudflare Images Sourcing Kit

When we announced Cloudflare Images to the world, we introduced a way to store images within the product and help customers move away from the egress fees met when using remote sources for their deliveries via Cloudflare.

To store the images in Cloudflare, customers can upload them via UI with a simple drag and drop, or via API for scenarios with a high number of objects for which scripting their way through the upload process makes more sense.

To create flexibility on how to import the images, we’ve recently also included the ability to upload via URL or define custom names and paths for your images to allow a simple mapping between customer repositories and the objects in Cloudflare. It’s also possible to serve from a custom hostname to create flexibility on how your end-users see the path, to improve the delivery performance by removing the need to do TLS negotiations or to improve your brand recognition through URL consistency.

Still, there was no simple way to tell our product: “Tens of millions of images are in this repository URL. Go and grab them all from me”.  

In some scenarios, our customers have buckets with millions of images to upload to Cloudflare Images. Their goal is to migrate all objects to Cloudflare through a one-time process, allowing you to drop the external storage altogether.

In another common scenario, different departments in larger companies use independent systems configured with varying storage repositories, all of which they feed at specific times with uneven upload volumes. And it would be best if they could reuse definitions to get all those new Images in Cloudflare to ensure the portfolio is up-to-date while not paying egregious egress fees by serving the public directly from those multiple storage providers.

These situations required the upload process to Cloudflare Images to include logistical coordination and scripting knowledge. Until now.

Announcing the Cloudflare Images Sourcing Kit

Today, we are happy to share with you our Sourcing Kit, where you can define one or more sources containing the objects you want to migrate to Cloudflare Images.

But, what exactly is Sourcing? In industries like manufacturing, it implies a number of operations, from selecting suppliers, to vetting raw materials and delivering reports to the process owners.

So, we borrowed that definition and translated it into a Cloudflare Images set of capabilities allowing you to:

  1. Define one or multiple repositories of images to bulk import;
  2. Reuse those sources and import only new images;
  3. Make sure that only actual usable images are imported and not other objects or file types that exist in that source;
  4. Define the target path and filename for imported images;
  5. Obtain Logs for the bulk operations;

The new kit does it all. So let’s go through it.

How the Cloudflare Images Sourcing Kit works

In the Cloudflare Dashboard, you will soon find the Sourcing Kit under Images.

In it, you will be able to create a new source definition, view existing ones, and view the status of the last operations.

Announcing the Cloudflare Images Sourcing Kit

Clicking on the create button will launch the wizard that will guide you through the first bulk import from your defined source:

Announcing the Cloudflare Images Sourcing Kit

First, you will need to input the Name of the Source and the URL for accessing it. You’ll be able to save the definitions and reuse the source whenever you wish.
After running the necessary validations, you’ll be able to define the rules for the import process.

The first option you have allows an Optional Prefix Path. Defining a prefix allows a unique identifier for the images uploaded from this particular source, differentiating the ones imported from this source.

Announcing the Cloudflare Images Sourcing Kit

The naming rule in place respects the source image name and path already, so let’s assume there’s a puppy image to be retrieved at:

When imported without any Path Prefix, you’ll find the image at<AccountId>/folderA/puppy.png

Now, you might want to create an additional Path Prefix to identify the source, for example by mentioning that this bucket is from the Technical Writing department. In the puppy case, the result would be:<AccountId>/techwriting/folderA/puppy.png

Custom Path prefixes also provide a way to prevent name clashes coming from other sources.

Still, there will be times when customers don’t want to use them. And, when re-using the source to import images, a same path+filename destinations clash might occur.

By default, we don’t overwrite existing images, but we allow you to select that option and refresh your catalog present in the Cloudflare pipeline.

Announcing the Cloudflare Images Sourcing Kit

Once these inputs are defined, a click on the Create and start migration button at the bottom will trigger the upload process.

Announcing the Cloudflare Images Sourcing Kit

This action will show the final wizard screen, where the migration status is displayed. The progress log will report any errors obtained during the upload and is also available to download.

Announcing the Cloudflare Images Sourcing Kit
Announcing the Cloudflare Images Sourcing Kit

You can reuse, edit or delete source definitions when no operations are running, and at any point, from the home page of the kit, it’s possible to access the status and return to the ongoing or last migration report.

Announcing the Cloudflare Images Sourcing Kit

What’s next?

With the Beta version of the Cloudflare Images Sourcing Kit, we will allow you to define AWS S3 buckets as a source for the imports. In the following versions, we will enable definitions for other common repositories, such as the ones from Azure Storage Accounts or Google Cloud Storage.

And while we’re aiming for this to be a simple UI, we also plan to make everything available through CLI: from defining the repository URL to starting the upload process and retrieving a final report.

Apply for the Beta version

We will be releasing the Beta version of this kit in the following weeks, allowing you to source your images from third party repositories to Cloudflare.

If you want to be the first to use Sourcing Kit, request to join the waitlist on the Cloudflare Images dashboard.

Announcing the Cloudflare Images Sourcing Kit