All posts by Yuchen Wu

Open sourcing Pingora: our Rust framework for building programmable network services

Post Syndicated from Yuchen Wu original

Today, we are proud to open source Pingora, the Rust framework we have been using to build services that power a significant portion of the traffic on Cloudflare. Pingora is released under the Apache License version 2.0.

As mentioned in our previous blog post, Pingora is a Rust async multithreaded framework that assists us in constructing HTTP proxy services. Since our last blog post, Pingora has handled nearly a quadrillion Internet requests across our global network.

We are open sourcing Pingora to help build a better and more secure Internet beyond our own infrastructure. We want to provide tools, ideas, and inspiration to our customers, users, and others to build their own Internet infrastructure using a memory safe framework. Having such a framework is especially crucial given the increasing awareness of the importance of memory safety across the industry and the US government. Under this common goal, we are collaborating with the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG) Prossimo project to help advance the adoption of Pingora in the Internet’s most critical infrastructure.

In our previous blog post, we discussed why and how we built Pingora. In this one, we will talk about why and how you might use Pingora.

Pingora provides building blocks for not only proxies but also clients and servers. Along with these components, we also provide a few utility libraries that implement common logic such as event counting, error handling, and caching.

What’s in the box

Pingora provides libraries and APIs to build services on top of HTTP/1 and HTTP/2, TLS, or just TCP/UDP. As a proxy, it supports HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 end-to-end, gRPC, and websocket proxying. (HTTP/3 support is on the roadmap.) It also comes with customizable load balancing and failover strategies. For compliance and security, it supports both the commonly used OpenSSL and BoringSSL libraries, which come with FIPS compliance and post-quantum crypto.

Besides providing these features, Pingora provides filters and callbacks to allow its users to fully customize how the service should process, transform and forward the requests. These APIs will be especially familiar to OpenResty and NGINX users, as many map intuitively onto OpenResty’s “*_by_lua” callbacks.

Operationally, Pingora provides zero downtime graceful restarts to upgrade itself without dropping a single incoming request. Syslog, Prometheus, Sentry, OpenTelemetry and other must-have observability tools are also easily integrated with Pingora as well.

Who can benefit from Pingora

You should consider Pingora if:

Security is your top priority: Pingora is a more memory safe alternative for services that are written in C/C++. While some might argue about memory safety among programming languages, from our practical experience, we find ourselves way less likely to make coding mistakes that lead to memory safety issues. Besides, as we spend less time struggling with these issues, we are more productive implementing new features.

Your service is performance-sensitive: Pingora is fast and efficient. As explained in our previous blog post, we saved a lot of CPU and memory resources thanks to Pingora’s multi-threaded architecture. The saving in time and resources could be compelling for workloads that are sensitive to the cost and/or the speed of the system.

Your service requires extensive customization: The APIs that the Pingora proxy framework provides are highly programmable. For users who wish to build a customized and advanced gateway or load balancer, Pingora provides powerful yet simple ways to implement it. We provide examples in the next section.

Let’s build a load balancer

Let’s explore Pingora’s programmable API by building a simple load balancer. The load balancer will select between and to be the upstream in a round-robin fashion.

First let’s create a blank HTTP proxy.

pub struct LB();

impl ProxyHttp for LB {
    async fn upstream_peer(...) -> Result<Box<HttpPeer>> {

Any object that implements the ProxyHttp trait (similar to the concept of an interface in C++ or Java) is an HTTP proxy. The only required method there is upstream_peer(), which is called for every request. This function should return an HttpPeer which contains the origin IP to connect to and how to connect to it.

Next let’s implement the round-robin selection. The Pingora framework already provides the LoadBalancer with common selection algorithms such as round robin and hashing, so let’s just use it. If the use case requires more sophisticated or customized server selection logic, users can simply implement it themselves in this function.

pub struct LB(Arc<LoadBalancer<RoundRobin>>);

impl ProxyHttp for LB {
    async fn upstream_peer(...) -> Result<Box<HttpPeer>> {
        let upstream = self.0
            .select(b"", 256) // hash doesn't matter for round robin

        // Set SNI to
        let peer = Box::new(HttpPeer::new(upstream, true, "".to_string()));

Since we are connecting to an HTTPS server, the SNI also needs to be set. Certificates, timeouts, and other connection options can also be set here in the HttpPeer object if needed.

Finally, let’s put the service in action. In this example we hardcode the origin server IPs. In real life workloads, the origin server IPs can also be discovered dynamically when the upstream_peer() is called or in the background. After the service is created, we just tell the LB service to listen to In the end we created a Pingora server, and the server will be the process which runs the load balancing service.

fn main() {
    let mut upstreams = LoadBalancer::try_from_iter(["", ""]).unwrap();

    let mut lb = pingora_proxy::http_proxy_service(&my_server.configuration, LB(upstreams));

    let mut my_server = Server::new(None).unwrap();

Let’s try it out:

curl -svo /dev/null
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.88.1
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden

We can see that the proxy is working, but the origin server rejects us with a 403. This is because our service simply proxies the Host header,, set by curl, which upsets the origin server. How do we make the proxy correct that? This can simply be done by adding another filter called upstream_request_filter. This filter runs on every request after the origin server is connected and before any HTTP request is sent. We can add, remove or change http request headers in this filter.

async fn upstream_request_filter(…, upstream_request: &mut RequestHeader, …) -> Result<()> {
    upstream_request.insert_header("Host", "")

Let’s try again:

curl -svo /dev/null
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK

This time it works! The complete example can be found here.

Below is a very simple diagram of how this request flows through the callback and filter we used in this example. The Pingora proxy framework currently provides more filters and callbacks at different stages of a request to allow users to modify, reject, route and/or log the request (and response).

Behind the scenes, the Pingora proxy framework takes care of connection pooling, TLS handshakes, reading, writing, parsing requests and any other common proxy tasks so that users can focus on logic that matters to them.

Open source, present and future

Pingora is a library and toolset, not an executable binary. In other words, Pingora is the engine that powers a car, not the car itself. Although Pingora is production-ready for industry use, we understand a lot of folks want a batteries-included, ready-to-go web service with low or no-code config options. Building that application on top of Pingora will be the focus of our collaboration with the ISRG to expand Pingora’s reach. Stay tuned for future announcements on that project.

Other caveats to keep in mind:

  • Today, API stability is not guaranteed. Although we will try to minimize how often we make breaking changes, we still reserve the right to add, remove, or change components such as request and response filters as the library evolves, especially during this pre-1.0 period.
  • Support for non-Unix based operating systems is not currently on the roadmap. We have no immediate plans to support these systems, though this could change in the future.

How to contribute

Feel free to raise bug reports, documentation issues, or feature requests in our GitHub issue tracker. Before opening a pull request, we strongly suggest you take a look at our contribution guide.


In this blog we announced the open source of our Pingora framework. We showed that Internet entities and infrastructure can benefit from Pingora’s security, performance and customizability. We also demonstrated how easy it is to use Pingora and how customizable it is.

Whether you’re building production web services or experimenting with network technologies we hope you find value in Pingora. It’s been a long journey, but sharing this project with the open source community has been a goal from the start. We’d like to thank the Rust community as Pingora is built with many great open-sourced Rust crates. Moving to a memory safe Internet may feel like an impossible journey, but it’s one we hope you join us on.

How Pingora keeps count

Post Syndicated from Yuchen Wu original

How Pingora keeps count

How Pingora keeps count

A while ago we shared how we replaced NGINX with our in-house proxy, Pingora. We promised to share more technical details as well as our open sourcing plan. This blog post will be the first of a series that shares both the code libraries that power Pingora and the ideas behind them.

Today, we take a look at one of Pingora’s libraries: pingora-limits.

pingora-limits provides the functionality to count inflight events and estimate the rate of events over time. These functions are commonly used to protect infrastructure and services from being overwhelmed by certain types of malicious or misbehaving requests.

For example, when an origin server becomes slow or unresponsive, requests will accumulate on our servers, which adds pressure on both our servers and our customers’ servers. With this library, we are able to identify which origins have issues, so that action can be taken without affecting other traffic.

The problem can be abstracted in a very simple way. The input is a (never ending) stream of different types of events. At any point, the system should be able to tell the number of appearances (or the rate) of a certain type of event.

In a simple example, colors are used as the type of event. The following is one possible example of a sequence of events:

red, blue, red, orange, green, brown, red, blue,...

In this example, the system should report that “red” appears three times.

The corresponding algorithms are straightforward to design. One obvious answer is to use a hash table, where the keys are the colors and the values are their corresponding appearances. Whenever a new event appears, the algorithm looks up the hash table and increases the appearance counter. It is not hard to tell that this algorithm’s time complexity is O(1) (per event) and the space complexity O(n) where n is the number of the types of events.

How Pingora does it

The hash table solution is fine in common scenarios, but we believe there are a few things that can be improved.

  • We observe traffic to millions of different servers when the misbehaving ones are only a few at a given time. It seems a bit wasteful to require space (memory) that holds the counter for all the keys.
  • Concurrently updating the hash table (especially when adding new keys) requires a lock. This behavior potentially forces all concurrent event processing to go through our system serialized. In other words, when lock contention is severe, the lock slows down the system.

The motivation to improve the above algorithm is even stronger considering such algorithms need to be deployed at scale. This algorithm operates on tens of thousands of machines. It handles more than twenty million requests per second. The benefits of efficiency improvement can be significant.

pingora-limits adopts a different approach: count–min sketch (CM sketch) estimation. CM sketch estimates the counts of events in O(1) (per event) but only using O(log(n)) of space (polylogarithmic, to be precise, more details here). Because of the simplicity of this algorithm, which we will discuss in a bit, it can be implemented without locks. Therefore, pingora-limits runs much faster and more efficiently compared to the hash table approach discussed earlier.

CM sketch

The idea of a CM sketch is similar to a Bloom filter. The mathematical details of the CM sketch can be found in this paper. In this section, we will just illustrate how it works.

A CM sketch data structure takes two parameters, H: number of hashes (rows) and N number of counters (columns) per hash (row). The rows and columns form a matrix. The space they take is H*N. Each row has its own independent hash function (hash_i()).

For this example, we use H=3 and N=4:

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

When an event, "red", arrives, it is counted by every row independently. Each row will use its own hashing function ( hash_i(“red”) ) to choose a column. The counter of the column is increased without worrying about collisions (see the end of this section).

The table below illustrates a possible state of the matrix after a single “red” event:

0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
1 0 0 0

Then, let’s assume the event "blue" arrives, and we assume it collides with "red" at row 2: both hash to the third slot:

1 1 0 0
0 0 2 0
1 0 0 1

Let’s say after another series of events, “blue, red, red, red, blue, red”, So far the algorithm observed 5  “red”s and 3 “blue”s in total. Following the algorithm, the estimator eventually becomes:

3 5 0 0
0 0 8 0
5 0 0 3

Now, let’s see how the matrix reports the occurrence of each event. In order to retrieve the count of keys, the estimator just returns the minimal value of all the columns to which that key belongs. So the count of red is min(5, 8, 5) = 5 and blue is min(3, 8, 3) = 3.

This algorithm chooses the cells with the least collisions (via the min() operations). Therefore, collisions between events in single cells are acceptable because as long as there are collision free cells for a given type of event, the counting for that event is accurate.

The estimator can overestimate when two (or more) keys collide on all slots. Assuming there are only two keys, the probability of their total collision is 1/ N^H (1/64 in this example). On the other hand, it never underestimates because it never loses count of any events.

Practical implementation

Because the algorithm only requires hashing, array index and counter increment, it can be implemented in a few lines of code and lock-free.

The following is a code snippet of how it is implemented in Rust.

pub struct Estimator {
    estimator: Box<[(Box<[AtomicIsize]>, RandomState)]>,
impl Estimator {
    /// Increment `key` by the value given. Return the new estimated value as a result.
    pub fn incr<T: Hash>(&self, key: T, value: isize) -> isize {
        let mut min = isize::MAX;
        for (slot, hasher) in self.estimator.iter() {
            let hash = hash(&key, hasher) as usize;
            let counter = &slot[hash % slot.len()];
            let current = counter.fetch_add(value, Ordering::Relaxed);
            min = std::cmp::min(min, current + value);


We compare the design above with the two hash table based approaches.

  1. naive: Mutex<HashMap<u32, usize>>. This approach references the simple hash table approach mentioned above. This design requires a lock on every operation.
  2. optimized: DashMap<u32, AtomicUsize>. DashMap leverages multiple hash tables in order to shard the keys to reduce contentions across different keys. We also use atomic counters here so that counting existing keys won't need a write lock.

We have two test cases, one that is single threaded and another that is multi-threaded. In both cases, we have one million keys. We generate 100 million events from the keys. The keys are uniformly distributed among the events.

The results below are performed on Debian VM running on M1 MacBook Pro.

Per event (the incr() function above) timing, lower is better:

pingora-limits naive optimized
Single thread 10ns 51ns 43ns
Eight threads 212ns 1505ns 212ns

In the single thread case, where there is no lock contention, our approach is 5x faster than the naive one and 4x faster than the optimized one. With multiple threads, there is a high amount of contention. Our approach is similar to the optimized version. Both are 7x faster than the naive one. The reason the performance of pingora-limits and the optimized hash table are similar is because in both approaches the hot path is just updating the atomic counter.

Memory consumption
Lower is better. The numbers are collected only from the single threaded test cases for simplicity.

peak memory bytes total allocations total allocated bytes
pingora-limits 26,184 9 26,184
naive 53,477,392 20 71,303,260
optimized 36,211,208 491 71,307,722

Pingora-limits at peak requires 1/2000 of the memory compared to the naive one and 1/1300 of the memory of the optimized one.

From the data above, pingora-limits is both CPU and memory efficient.

The estimator provided by Pingora-limits is a biased estimator because it is possible for it to overestimate the appearance of events.

In the case of accurate counting, where false positives are absolutely unacceptable, pingora-limits can still be very useful. It can work as a first stage filter where only the events beyond a certain threshold are fed to a hash table to perform accurate counting. In this case, the majority of low frequency event types are filtered out by the filter so that the hash table also consumes little memory without losing any accuracy.

How it is used in production

In production, pingora uses this library in a few places. The most common one is the connection limit feature. When our servers try to establish too many connections to a single origin server, in order to protect the server and our infrastructure from becoming overloaded, this feature will start rejecting new requests with 503 errors.

How Pingora keeps count

In this feature every incoming request increases a counter, shared by all other requests with the same customer ID, server IP and the server hostname. When the request finishes, the counter decreases accordingly. If the value of the counter is beyond a certain threshold, the request is rejected with a 503 error response. In our production environment we choose the parameters of the library so that a theoretical collision chance between two unrelated customers is about 1 / 2 ^ 52. Additionally, the rejection threshold is significantly higher than what a healthy customer’s traffic would reach. Therefore, even if multiple customers’ counters collide, it is not likely that the overestimated value would reach the threshold. So a false positive on the connection limit is not likely to happen.


Pingora-limits crate is available now on GitHub. Both the core functionality and the performance benchmark performed above can be found there.

In this blog post, we introduced pingora-limits, a library that counts events efficiently. We explained the core idea, which is based on a probabilistic data structure. We also showed through a performance benchmark that the pingora-limits implementation is fast and very efficient for memory consumption.

Not only that, but we will continue introducing and open sourcing Pingora components and libraries because we believe that sharing the idea behind the code is equally important as sharing the code itself.

Interested in joining us to help build a better Internet? Our engineering teams are hiring.

How we built Pingora, the proxy that connects Cloudflare to the Internet

Post Syndicated from Yuchen Wu original

How we built Pingora, the proxy that connects Cloudflare to the Internet


How we built Pingora, the proxy that connects Cloudflare to the Internet

Today we are excited to talk about Pingora, a new HTTP proxy we’ve built in-house using Rust that serves over 1 trillion requests a day, boosts our performance, and enables many new features for Cloudflare customers, all while requiring only a third of the CPU and memory resources of our previous proxy infrastructure.

As Cloudflare has scaled we’ve outgrown NGINX. It was great for many years, but over time its limitations at our scale meant building something new made sense. We could no longer get the performance we needed nor did NGINX have the features we needed for our very complex environment.

Many Cloudflare customers and users use the Cloudflare global network as a proxy between HTTP clients (such as web browsers, apps, IoT devices and more) and servers. In the past, we’ve talked a lot about how browsers and other user agents connect to our network, and we’ve developed a lot of technology and implemented new protocols (see QUIC and optimizations for http2) to make this leg of the connection more efficient.

Today, we’re focusing on a different part of the equation: the service that proxies traffic between our network and servers on the Internet. This proxy service powers our CDN, Workers fetch, Tunnel, Stream, R2 and many, many other features and products.

Let’s dig in on why we chose to replace our legacy service and how we developed Pingora, our new system designed specifically for Cloudflare’s customer use cases and scale.

Why build yet another proxy

Over the years, our usage of NGINX has run up against limitations. For some limitations, we optimized or worked around them. But others were much harder to overcome.

Architecture limitations hurt performance

The NGINX worker (process) architecture has operational drawbacks for our use cases that hurt our performance and efficiency.

First, in NGINX each request can only be served by a single worker. This results in unbalanced load across all CPU cores, which leads to slowness.

Because of this request-process pinning effect, requests that do CPU heavy or blocking IO tasks can slow down other requests. As those blog posts attest we’ve spent a lot of time working around these problems.

The most critical problem for our use cases is poor connection reuse. Our machines establish TCP connections to origin servers to proxy HTTP requests. Connection reuse speeds up TTFB (time-to-first-byte) of requests by reusing previously established connections from a connection pool, skipping TCP and TLS handshakes required on a new connection.

However, the NGINX connection pool is per worker. When a request lands on a certain worker, it can only reuse the connections within that worker. When we add more NGINX workers to scale up, our connection reuse ratio gets worse because the connections are scattered across more isolated pools of all the processes. This results in slower TTFB and more connections to maintain, which consumes resources (and money) for both us and our customers.

How we built Pingora, the proxy that connects Cloudflare to the Internet

As mentioned in past blog posts, we have workarounds for some of these issues. But if we can address the fundamental issue: the worker/process model, we will resolve all these problems naturally.

Some types of functionality are difficult to add

NGINX is a very good web server, load balancer or a simple gateway. But Cloudflare does way more than that. We used to build all the functionality we needed around NGINX, which is not easy to do while trying not to diverge too much from NGINX upstream codebase.

For example, when retrying/failing over a request, sometimes we want to send a request to a different origin server with a different set of request headers. But that is not something NGINX allows us to do. In cases like this, we spend time and effort on working around the NGINX constraints.

Meanwhile, the programming languages we had to work with didn’t provide help alleviating the difficulties. NGINX is purely in C, which is not memory safe by design. It is very error-prone to work with such a 3rd party code base. It is quite easy to get into memory safety issues, even for experienced engineers, and we wanted to avoid these as much as possible.

The other language we used to complement C is Lua. It is less risky but also less performant. In addition, we often found ourselves missing static typing when working with complicated Lua code and business logic.

And the NGINX community is not very active, and development tends to be “behind closed doors”.

Choosing to build our own

Over the past few years, as we’ve continued to grow our customer base and feature set, we continually evaluated three choices:

  1. Continue to invest in NGINX and possibly fork it to tailor it 100% to our needs. We had the expertise needed, but given the architecture limitations mentioned above, significant effort would be required to rebuild it in a way that fully supported our needs.
  2. Migrate to another 3rd party proxy codebase. There are definitely good projects, like envoy and others. But this path means the same cycle may repeat in a few years.
  3. Start with a clean slate, building an in-house platform and framework. This choice requires the most upfront investment in terms of engineering effort.

We evaluated each of these options every quarter for the past few years. There is no obvious formula to tell which choice is the best. For several years, we continued with the path of the least resistance, continuing to augment NGINX. However, at some point, building our own proxy’s return on investment seemed worth it. We made a call to build a proxy from scratch, and began designing the proxy application of our dreams.

The Pingora Project

Design decisions

To make a proxy that serves millions of requests per second fast, efficient and secure, we have to make a few important design decisions first.

We chose Rust as the language of the project because it can do what C can do in a memory safe way without compromising performance.

Although there are some great off-the-shelf 3rd party HTTP libraries, such as hyper, we chose to build our own because we want to maximize the flexibility in how we handle HTTP traffic and to make sure we can innovate at our own pace.

At Cloudflare, we handle traffic across the entire Internet. We have many cases of bizarre and non-RFC compliant HTTP traffic that we have to support. For example, hyper did not support HTTP status codes greater than 599 until late 2020, three years after people initially raised the issue and repeatedly argued that it was necessary. And we need more than being correct. We need a robust, permissive, customizable HTTP library that can survive the wilds of the Internet. The best way to guarantee that is to implement our own.

The next design decision was around our workload scheduling system. We chose multithreading over multiprocessing in order to share resources, especially connection pools, easily. We also decided that work stealing was required to avoid some classes of performance problems mentioned above. The Tokio async runtime turned out to be a great fit for our needs.

Finally, we wanted our project to be intuitive and developer friendly. What we build is not the final product, and should be extensible as a platform as more features are built on top of it. We decided to implement a “life of a request” event based programmable interface similar to NGINX/OpenResty. For example, the “request filter” phase allows developers to run code to modify or reject the request when a request header is received. With this design, we can separate our business logic and generic proxy logic cleanly. Developers who previously worked on NGINX can easily switch to Pingora and quickly become productive.

Pingora is faster in production

Let’s fast-forward to the present. Pingora handles almost every HTTP request that needs to interact with an origin server (for a cache miss, for example), and we’ve collected a lot of performance data in the process.

First, let’s see how Pingora speeds up our customer’s traffic. Overall traffic on Pingora shows 5ms reduction on median TTFB and 80ms reduction on the 95th percentile. This is not because we run code faster. Even our old service could handle requests in the sub-millisecond range.

The savings come from our new architecture which can share connections across all threads. This means a better connection reuse ratio, which spends less time on TCP and TLS handshakes.

How we built Pingora, the proxy that connects Cloudflare to the Internet

Across all customers, Pingora makes only a third as many new connections per second compared to the old service. For one major customer, it increased the connection reuse ratio from 87.1% to 99.92%, which reduced new connections to their origins by 160x. To present the number more intuitively, by switching to Pingora, we save our customers and users 434 years of handshake time every day.

More features

Having a developer friendly interface engineers are familiar with while eliminating the previous constraints allows us to develop more features, more quickly. Core functionality like new protocols act as building blocks to more products we can offer to customers.

As an example, we were able to add HTTP/2 upstream support to Pingora without major hurdles. This allowed us to offer gRPC  to our customers shortly afterwards. Adding this same functionality to NGINX would have required significantly more engineering effort and might not have materialized.

More recently we’ve announced Cache Reserve where Pingora uses R2 storage as a caching layer. As we add more functionality to Pingora, we’re able to offer new products that weren’t feasible before.

More efficient

In production, Pingora consumes about 70% less CPU and 67% less memory compared to our old service with the same traffic load. The savings come from a few factors.

Our Rust code runs more efficiently compared to our old Lua code. On top of that, there are also efficiency differences from their architectures. For example, in NGINX/OpenResty, when the Lua code wants to access an HTTP header, it has to read it from the NGINX C struct, allocate a Lua string and then copy it to the Lua string. Afterwards, Lua has to garbage-collect its new string as well. In Pingora, it would just be a direct string access.

The multithreading model also makes sharing data across requests more efficient. NGINX also has shared memory but due to implementation limitations, every shared memory access has to use a mutex lock and only strings and numbers can be put into shared memory. In Pingora, most shared items can be accessed directly via shared references behind atomic reference counters.

Another significant portion of CPU saving, as mentioned above, is from making fewer new connections. TLS handshakes are expensive compared to just sending and receiving data via established connections.


Shipping features quickly and safely is difficult, especially at our scale. It’s hard to predict every edge case that can occur in a distributed environment processing millions of requests a second. Fuzzing and static analysis can only mitigate so much. Rust’s memory-safe semantics guard us from undefined behavior and give us confidence our service will run correctly.

With those assurances we can focus more on how a change to our service will interact with other services or a customer’s origin. We can develop features at a higher cadence and not be burdened by memory safety and hard to diagnose crashes.

When crashes do occur an engineer needs to spend time to diagnose how it happened and what caused it. Since Pingora’s inception we’ve served a few hundred trillion requests and have yet to crash due to our service code.

In fact, Pingora crashes are so rare we usually find unrelated issues when we do encounter one. Recently we discovered a kernel bug soon after our service started crashing. We’ve also discovered hardware issues on a few machines, in the past ruling out rare memory bugs caused by our software even after significant debugging was nearly impossible.


To summarize, we have built an in-house proxy that is faster, more efficient and versatile as the platform for our current and future products.

We will be back with more technical details regarding the problems we faced, the optimizations we applied and the lessons we learned from building Pingora and rolling it out to power a significant portion of the Internet. We will also be back with our plan to open source it.

Pingora is our latest attempt at rewriting our system, but it won’t be our last. It is also only one of the building blocks in the re-architecting of our systems.

Interested in joining us to help build a better Internet? Our engineering teams are hiring.