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Run Apache Spark workloads 3.5 times faster with Amazon EMR 6.9

Post Syndicated from Sekar Srinivasan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/run-apache-spark-workloads-3-5-times-faster-with-amazon-emr-6-9/

The Amazon EMR runtime for Apache Spark is a performance-optimized runtime for Apache Spark that is 100% API compatible with open-source Apache Spark. With Amazon EMR release 6.9.0, the EMR runtime for Apache Spark supports equivalent Spark version 3.3.0.

With Amazon EMR 6.9.0, you can now run your Apache Spark 3.x applications faster and at lower cost without requiring any changes to your applications. In our performance benchmark tests, derived from TPC-DS performance tests at 3 TB scale, we found the EMR runtime for Apache Spark 3.3.0 provides a 3.5 times (using total runtime) performance improvement on average over open-source Apache Spark 3.3.0.

In this post, we analyze the results from our benchmark tests running a TPC-DS application on open-source Apache Spark and then on Amazon EMR 6.9, which comes with an optimized Spark runtime that is compatible with open-source Spark. We walk through a detailed cost analysis and finally provide step-by-step instructions to run the benchmark.

Results observed

To evaluate the performance improvements, we used an open-source Spark performance test utility that is derived from the TPC-DS performance test toolkit. We ran the tests on a seven-node (six core nodes and one primary node) c5d.9xlarge EMR cluster with the EMR runtime for Apache Spark, and a second seven-node self-managed cluster on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) with the equivalent open-source version of Spark. We ran both the tests with data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).

Dynamic Resource Allocation (DRA) is a great feature to use for varying workloads. However, for a benchmarking exercise where we compare two platforms purely on performance, and test data volumes don’t change (3 TB in our case), we believe it’s best to avoid variability in order to run an apples-to-apples comparison. In our tests in both open-source Spark and Amazon EMR, we disabled DRA while running the benchmarking application.

The following table shows the total job runtime for all queries (in seconds) in the 3 TB query dataset between Amazon EMR version 6.9.0 and open-source Spark version 3.3.0. We observed that our TPC-DS tests had a total job runtime on Amazon EMR on Amazon EC2 that was 3.5 times faster than that using an open-source Spark cluster of the same configuration.

The per-query speedup on Amazon EMR 6.9 with and without the EMR runtime for Apache Spark is illustrated in the following chart. The horizontal axis shows each query in the 3 TB benchmark. The vertical axis shows the speedup of each query due to the EMR runtime. Notable performance gains are over 10 times faster for TPC-DS queries 24b, 72, 95, and 96.

Cost analysis

The performance improvements of the EMR runtime for Apache Spark directly translate to lower costs. We were able to realize a 67% cost savings running the benchmark application on Amazon EMR in comparison with the cost incurred to run the same application on open-source Spark on Amazon EC2 with the same cluster sizing due to reduced hours of Amazon EMR and Amazon EC2 usage. Amazon EMR pricing is for EMR applications running on EMR clusters with EC2 instances. The Amazon EMR price is added to the underlying compute and storage prices such as EC2 instance price and Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) cost (if attaching EBS volumes). Overall, the estimated benchmark cost in the US East (N. Virginia) Region is $27.01 per run for the open-source Spark on Amazon EC2 and $8.82 per run for Amazon EMR.

Benchmark Job Runtime (Hour) Estimated Cost Total EC2 Instance Total vCPU Total Memory (GiB) Root Device (Amazon EBS)

Open-source Spark on Amazon EC2

(1 primary and 6 core nodes)

2.23 $27.01 7 252 504 20 GiB gp2

Amazon EMR on Amazon EC2

(1 primary and 6 core nodes)

0.63 $8.82 7 252 504 20 GiB gp2

Cost breakdown

The following is the cost breakdown for the open-source Spark on Amazon EC2 job ($27.01):

  • Total Amazon EC2 cost – (7 * $1.728 * 2.23) = (number of instances * c5d.9xlarge hourly rate * job runtime in hour) = $26.97
  • Amazon EBS cost – ($0.1/730 * 20 * 7 * 2.23) = (Amazon EBS per GB-hourly rate * root EBS size * number of instances * job runtime in hour) = $0.042

The following is the cost breakdown for the Amazon EMR on Amazon EC2 job ($8.82):

  • Total Amazon EMR cost – (7 * $0.27 * 0.63) = ((number of core nodes + number of primary nodes)* c5d.9xlarge Amazon EMR price * job runtime in hour) = $1.19
  • Total Amazon EC2 cost – (7 * $1.728 * 0.63) = ((number of core nodes + number of primary nodes)* c5d.9xlarge instance price * job runtime in hour) = $7.62
  • Amazon EBS cost – ($0.1/730 * 20 GiB * 7 * 0.63) = (Amazon EBS per GB-hourly rate * EBS size * number of instances * job runtime in hour) = $0.012

Set up OSS Spark benchmarking

In the following sections, we provide a brief outline of the steps involved in setting up the benchmarking. For detailed instructions with examples, refer to the GitHub repo.

For our OSS Spark benchmarking, we use the open-source tool Flintrock to launch our Amazon EC2-based Apache Spark cluster. Flintrock provides a quick way to launch an Apache Spark cluster on Amazon EC2 using the command line.


Complete the following prerequisite steps:

  1. Have Python 3.7.x or above.
  2. Have Pip3 22.2.2 or above.
  3. Add the Python bin directory to your environment path. The Flintrock binary will be installed in this path.
  4. Run aws configure to configure your AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) shell to point to the benchmarking account. Refer to Quick configuration with aws configure for instructions.
  5. Have a key pair with restrictive file permissions to access the OSS Spark primary node.
  6. Create a new S3 bucket in your test account if needed.
  7. Copy the TPC-DS source data as input to your S3 bucket.
  8. Build the benchmark application following the steps provided in Steps to build spark-benchmark-assembly application. Alternatively, you can download a pre-built spark-benchmark-assembly-3.3.0.jar if you want a Spark 3.3.0-based application.

Deploy the Spark cluster and run the benchmark job

Complete the following steps:

  1. Install the Flintrock tool via pip as shown in Steps to setup OSS Spark Benchmarking.
  2. Run the command flintrock configure, which pops up a default configuration file.
  3. Modify the default config.yaml file based on your needs. Alternatively, copy and paste the config.yaml file content to the default configure file. Then save the file to where it was.
  4. Finally, launch the 7-node Spark cluster on Amazon EC2 via Flintrock.

This should create a Spark cluster with one primary node and six worker nodes. If you see any error messages, double-check the config file values, especially the Spark and Hadoop versions and the attributes of download-source and the AMI.

The OSS Spark cluster doesn’t come with YARN resource manager. To enable it, we need to configure the cluster.

  1. Download the yarn-site.xml and enable-yarn.sh files from the GitHub repo.
  2. Replace <private ip of primary node> with the IP address of the primary node in your Flintrock cluster.

You can retrieve the IP address from the Amazon EC2 console.

  1. Upload the files to all the nodes of the Spark cluster.
  2. Run the enable-yarn script.
  3. Enable Snappy support in Hadoop (the benchmark job reads Snappy compressed data).
  4. Download the benchmark utility application JAR file spark-benchmark-assembly-3.3.0.jar to your local machine.
  5. Copy this file to the cluster.
  6. Log in to the primary node and start YARN.
  7. Submit the benchmark job on the open-source Spark cluster as shown in Submit the benchmark job.

Summarize the results

Download the test result file from the output S3 bucket s3://$YOUR_S3_BUCKET/EC2_TPCDS-TEST-3T-RESULT/timestamp=xxxx/summary.csv/xxx.csv. (Replace $YOUR_S3_BUCKET with your S3 bucket name.) You can use the Amazon S3 console and navigate to the output S3 location or use the AWS CLI.

The Spark benchmark application creates a timestamp folder and writes a summary file inside a summary.csv prefix. Your timestamp and file name will be different from the one shown in the preceding example.

The output CSV files have four columns without header names. They are:

  • Query name
  • Median time
  • Minimum time
  • Maximum time

The following screenshot shows a sample output. We have manually added column names. The way we calculate the geomean and the total job runtime is based on arithmetic means. We first take the mean of the med, min, and max values using the formula AVERAGE(B2:D2). Then we take a geometric mean of the Avg column using the formula GEOMEAN(E2:E105).

Set up Amazon EMR benchmarking

For detailed instructions, see Steps to setup EMR Benchmarking.


Complete the following prerequisite steps:

  1. Run aws configure to configure your AWS CLI shell to point to the benchmarking account. Refer to Quick configuration with aws configure for instructions.
  2. Upload the benchmark application to Amazon S3.

Deploy the EMR cluster and run the benchmark job

Complete the following steps:

  1. Spin up Amazon EMR in your AWS CLI shell using command line as shown in Deploy EMR Cluster and run benchmark job.
  2. Configure Amazon EMR with one primary (c5d.9xlarge) and six core (c5d.9xlarge) nodes. Refer to create-cluster for a detailed description of AWS CLI options.
  3. Store the cluster ID from the response. You need this in the next step.
  4. Submit the benchmark job in Amazon EMR using add-steps in the AWS CLI.

Summarize the results

Summarize the results from the output bucket s3://$YOUR_S3_BUCKET/blog/EMRONEC2_TPCDS-TEST-3T-RESULT in the same manner as we did for the OSS results and compare.

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete the resources you created using the instructions in the Cleanup section of the GitHub repo.

  1. Stop the EMR and OSS Spark clusters. You may also delete them if you don’t want to retain the content. You can delete these resources by running the script cleanup-benchmark-env.sh from a terminal in your benchmark environment.
  2. If you used AWS Cloud9 as your IDE for building the benchmark application JAR file using Steps to build spark-benchmark-assembly application, you may want to delete the environment as well.


You can run your Apache Spark workloads 3.5 times (based on total runtime) faster and at lower cost without making any changes to your applications by using Amazon EMR 6.9.0.

To keep up to date, subscribe to the Big Data Blog’s RSS feed to learn more about the EMR runtime for Apache Spark, configuration best practices, and tuning advice.

For past benchmark tests, see Run Apache Spark 3.0 workloads 1.7 times faster with Amazon EMR runtime for Apache Spark. Note that the past benchmark result of 1.7 times performance was based on geometric mean. Based on geometric mean, the performance in Amazon EMR 6.9 was two times faster.

About the authors

Sekar Srinivasan is a Sr. Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS focused on Big Data and Analytics. Sekar has over 20 years of experience working with data. He is passionate about helping customers build scalable solutions modernizing their architecture and generating insights from their data. In his spare time he likes to work on non-profit projects, especially those focused on underprivileged Children’s education.

Prabu Ravichandran is a Senior Data Architect with Amazon Web Services, focussed on Analytics, data Lake architecture and implementation. He helps customers architect and build scalable and robust solutions using AWS services. In his free time, Prabu enjoys traveling and spending time with family.