Tag Archives: Amazon EMR

Use your corporate identities for analytics with Amazon EMR and AWS IAM Identity Center

Post Syndicated from Pradeep Misra original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/use-your-corporate-identities-for-analytics-with-amazon-emr-and-aws-iam-identity-center/

To enable your workforce users for analytics with fine-grained data access controls and audit data access, you might have to create multiple AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles with different data permissions and map the workforce users to one of those roles. Multiple users are often mapped to the same role where they need similar privileges to enable data access controls at the corporate user or group level and audit data access.

AWS IAM Identity Center enables centralized management of workforce user access to AWS accounts and applications using a local identity store or by connecting corporate directories via identity providers (IdPs). IAM Identity Center now supports trusted identity propagation, a streamlined experience for users who require access to data with AWS analytics services.

Amazon EMR Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) that makes it straightforward for data scientists and data engineers to build data engineering and data science applications. With trusted identity propagation, data access management can be based on a user’s corporate identity and can be propagated seamlessly as they access data with single sign-on to build analytics applications with Amazon EMR (EMR Studio and Amazon EMR on EC2).

AWS Lake Formation allows data administrators to centrally govern, secure, and share data for analytics and machine learning (ML). With trusted identity propagation, data administrators can directly provide granular access to corporate users using their identity attributes and simplify the traceability of end-to-end data access across AWS services. Because access is managed based on a user’s corporate identity, they don’t need to use database local user credentials or assume an IAM role to access data.

In this post, we show how to bring your workforce identity to EMR Studio for analytics use cases, directly manage fine-grained permissions for the corporate users and groups using Lake Formation, and audit their data access.

Solution overview

For our use case, we want to enable a data analyst user named analyst1 to use their own enterprise credentials to query data they have been granted permissions to and audit their data access. We use Okta as the IdP for this demonstration. The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

This architecture is based on the following components:

  • Okta is responsible for maintaining the corporate user identities, related groups, and user authentication.
  • IAM Identity Center connects Okta users and centrally manages their access across AWS accounts and applications.
  • Lake Formation provides fine-grained access controls on data directly to corporate users using trusted identity propagation.
  • EMR Studio is an IDE for users to build and run applications. It allows users to log in directly with their corporate credentials without signing in to the AWS Management Console.
  • AWS Service Catalog provides a product template to create EMR clusters.
  • EMR cluster is integrated with IAM Identity Center using a security configuration.
  • AWS CloudTrail captures user data access activities.

The following are the high-level steps to implement the solution:

  1. Integrate Okta with IAM Identity Center.
  2. Set up Amazon EMR Studio.
  3. Create an IAM Identity Center enabled security configuration for EMR clusters.
  4. Create a Service Catalog product template to create the EMR clusters.
  5. Use Lake Formation to grant permissions to users to access data.
  6. Test the solution by accessing data with a corporate identity.
  7. Audit user data access.


You should have the following prerequisites:

Integrate Okta with IAM Identity Center

For more information about configuring Okta with IAM Identity Center, refer to Configure SAML and SCIM with Okta and IAM Identity Center.

For this setup, we have created two users, analyst1 and engineer1, and assigned them to the corresponding Okta application. You can validate the integration is working by navigating to the Users page on the IAM Identity Center console, as shown in the following screenshot. Both enterprise users from Okta are provisioned in IAM Identity Center.

The following exact users will not be listed in your account. You can either create similar users or use an existing user.

Each provisioned user in IAM Identity Center has a unique user ID. This ID does not originate from Okta; it’s created in IAM Identity Center to uniquely identify this user. With trusted identity propagation, this user ID will be propagated across services and also used for traceability purposes in CloudTrail. The following screenshot shows the IAM Identity Center user matching the provisioned Okta user analyst1.

Choose the link under AWS access portal URL and log in with the analyst1 Okta user credentials that are already assigned to this application.

If you are able to log in and see the landing page, then all your configurations up to this step are set correctly. You will not see any applications on this page yet.

Set up EMR Studio

In this step, we demonstrate the actions needed from the data lake administrator to set up EMR Studio enabled for trusted identity propagation and with IAM Identity Center integration. This allows users to directly access EMR Studio with their enterprise credentials.

Note: All Amazon S3 buckets (created after January 5, 2023) have encryption configured by default (Amazon S3 managed keys (SSE-S3)), and all new objects that are uploaded to an S3 bucket are automatically encrypted at rest. To use a different type of encryption, to meet your security needs, please update the default encryption configuration for the bucket. See Protecting data for server-side encryption for further details.

  • On the Amazon EMR console, choose Studios in the navigation pane under EMR Studio.
  • Choose Create Studio.

  • For Setup options¸ select Custom.
  • For Studio name, enter a name (for this post, emr-studio-with-tip).
  • For S3 location for Workspace storage, select Select existing location and enter an existing S3 bucket (if you have one). Otherwise, select Create new bucket.

  • For Service role to let Studio access your AWS resources, choose View permissions details to get the trust and IAM policy information that is needed and create a role with those specific policies in IAM. In this case, we create a new role called emr_tip_role.

  • For Service role to let Studio access your AWS resources, choose the IAM role you created.
  • For Workspace name, enter a name (for this post, studio-workspace-with-tip).

  • For Authentication, select IAM Identity Center.
  • For User role¸ you can create a new role or choose an existing role. For this post, we choose the role we created (emr_tip_role).
  • To use the same role, add the following statement to the trust policy of the service role:
  "Version": "2008-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Service": "elasticmapreduce.amazonaws.com",
 "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxx:role/emr_tip_role"
      "Action": [
  • Select Enable trusted identity propagation to allow you to control and log user access across connected applications.

  • For Choose who can access your application, select All users and groups.

Later, we restrict access to resources using Lake Formation. However, there is an option here to restrict access to only assigned users and groups.

  • In the Networking and security section, you can provide optional details for your VPC, subnets, and security group settings.
  • Choose Create Studio.

  • On the Studios page of the Amazon EMR console, locate your Studio enabled with IAM Identity Center.
  • Copy the link for Studio Access URL.

  • Enter the URL into a web browser and log in using Okta credentials.

You should be able to successfully sign in to the EMR Studio console.

Create an AWS Identity Center enabled security configuration for EMR clusters

EMR security configurations allow you to configure data encryption, Kerberos authentication, and Amazon S3 authorization for the EMR File System (EMRFS) on the clusters. The security configuration is available to use and reuse when you create clusters.

To integrate Amazon EMR with IAM Identity Center, you need to first create an IAM role that authenticates with IAM Identity Center from the EMR cluster. Amazon EMR uses IAM credentials to relay the IAM Identity Center identity to downstream services such as Lake Formation. The IAM role should also have the respective permissions to invoke the downstream services.

  1. Create a role (for this post, called emr-idc-application) with the following trust and permission policy. The role referenced in the trust policy is the InstanceProfile role for EMR clusters. This allows the EC2 instance profile to assume this role and act as an identity broker on behalf of the federated users.
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "AssumeRole",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxn:role/service-role/AmazonEMR-InstanceProfile-20240127T102444"
            "Action": [
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "IdCPermissions",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "GlueandLakePermissions",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "S3Permissions",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

Next, you create certificates for encrypting data in transit with Amazon EMR.

  • For this post, we use OpenSSL to generate a self-signed X.509 certificate with a 2048-bit RSA private key.

The key allows access to the issuer’s EMR cluster instances in the AWS Region being used. For a complete guide on creating and providing a certificate, refer to Providing certificates for encrypting data in transit with Amazon EMR encryption.

  • Upload my-certs.zip to an S3 location that will be used to create the security configuration.

The EMR service role should have access to the S3 location. The key allows access to the issuer’s EMR cluster instances in the us-west-2 Region as specified by the *.us-west-2.compute.internal domain name as the common name. You can change this to the Region your cluster is in.

$ openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout privateKey.pem -out certificateChain.pem -days 365 -nodes -subj '/CN=*.us-west-2.compute.internal'
$ cp certificateChain.pem trustedCertificates.pem
$ zip -r -X my-certs.zip certificateChain.pem privateKey.pem trustedCertificates.pem
  • Create an EMR security configuration with IAM Identity Center enabled from the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) with the following code:
aws emr create-security-configuration --name "IdentityCenterConfiguration-with-lf-tip" --region "us-west-2" --endpoint-url https://elasticmapreduce.us-west-2.amazonaws.com --security-configuration '{
            "IdentityCenterInstanceARN": "arn:aws:sso:::instance/ssoins-7907b0d7d77e3e0d",
            "IAMRoleForEMRIdentityCenterApplicationARN": "arn:aws:iam::1xxxxxxxxx0:role/emr-idc-application"
    "AuthorizationConfiguration": {
        "LakeFormationConfiguration": {
            "EnableLakeFormation": true
    "EncryptionConfiguration": {
        "EnableInTransitEncryption": true,
        "EnableAtRestEncryption": false,
        "InTransitEncryptionConfiguration": {
            "TLSCertificateConfiguration": {
                "CertificateProviderType": "PEM",
                "S3Object": "s3://<<Bucket Name>>/emr-transit-encry-certs/my-certs.zip"

You can view the security configuration on the Amazon EMR console.

Create a Service Catalog product template to create EMR clusters

EMR Studio with trusted identity propagation enabled can only work with clusters created from a template. Complete the following steps to create a product template in Service Catalog:

  • On the Service Catalog console, choose Portfolios under Administration in the navigation pane.
  • Choose Create portfolio.

  • Enter a name for your portfolio (for this post, EMR Clusters Template) and an optional description.
  • Choose Create.

  • On the Portfolios page, choose the portfolio you just created to view its details.

  • On the Products tab, choose Create product.

  • For Product type, select CloudFormation.
  • For Product name, enter a name (for this post, EMR-7.0.0).
  • Use the security configuration IdentityCenterConfiguration-with-lf-tip you created in previous steps with the appropriate Amazon EMR service roles.
  • Choose Create product.

The following is an example CloudFormation template. Update the account-specific values for SecurityConfiguration, JobFlowRole, ServiceRole, LogUri, Ec2KeyName, and Ec2SubnetId. We provide a sample Amazon EMR service role and trust policy in Appendix A at the end of this post.

    'Type': 'String'
    'Default': 'EMR_TIP_Cluster'
    'Type': 'String'
    'Default': 'emr-7.0.0'
    - 'emr-7.0.0'
    'Type': 'String'
    'Default': 'm5.xlarge'
    - 'm5.xlarge'
    - 'm5.2xlarge'
    'Type': 'AWS::EMR::Cluster'
      - 'Name': 'Spark'
      - 'Name': 'Livy'
      - 'Name': 'Hadoop'
      - 'Name': 'JupyterEnterpriseGateway'       
      'SecurityConfiguration': 'IdentityCenterConfiguration-with-lf-tip'
      'EbsRootVolumeSize': '20'
        'Ref': 'ClusterName'
      'JobFlowRole': <Instance Profile Role>
      'ServiceRole': <EMR Service Role>
        'Ref': 'EmrRelease'
      'VisibleToAllUsers': !!bool 'true'
        'Fn::Sub': <S3 LOG Path>
        "Ec2KeyName" : <Key Pair Name>
        'TerminationProtected': !!bool 'false'
        'Ec2SubnetId': <subnet-id>
          'InstanceCount': !!int '1'
            'Ref': 'ClusterInstanceType'
          'InstanceCount': !!int '2'
            'Ref': 'ClusterInstanceType'
          'Market': 'ON_DEMAND'
          'Name': 'Core'
      'Ref': 'EmrCluster'
    'Description': 'The ID of the  EMR cluster'
  'AWS::CloudFormation::Designer': {}
'Rules': {}

Trusted identity propagation is supported from Amazon EMR 6.15 onwards. For Amazon EMR 6.15, add the following bootstrap action to the CloudFormation script:

- 'Name': 'spark-config'
'Path': 's3://emr-data-access-control-<aws-region>/customer-bootstrap-actions/idc-fix/replace-puppet.sh'

The portfolio now should have the EMR cluster creation product added.

  • Grant the EMR Studio role emr_tip_role access to the portfolio.

Grant Lake Formation permissions to users to access data

In this step, we enable Lake Formation integration with IAM Identity Center and grant permissions to the Identity Center user analyst1. If Lake Formation is not already enabled, refer to Getting started with Lake Formation.

To use Lake Formation with Amazon EMR, create a custom role to register S3 locations. You need to create a new custom role with Amazon S3 access and not use the default role AWSServiceRoleForLakeFormationDataAccess. Additionally, enable external data filtering in Lake Formation. For more details, refer to Enable Lake Formation with Amazon EMR.

Complete the following steps to manage access permissions in Lake Formation:

  • On the Lake Formation console, choose IAM Identity Center integration under Administration in the navigation pane.

Lake Formation will automatically specify the correct IAM Identity Center instance.

  • Choose Create.

You can now view the IAM Identity Center integration details.

For this post, we have a Marketing database and a customer table on which we grant access to our enterprise user analyst1. You can use an existing database and table in your account or create a new one. For more examples, refer to Tutorials.

The following screenshot shows the details of our customer table.

Complete the following steps to grant analyst1 permissions. For more information, refer to Granting table permissions using the named resource method.

  • On the Lake Formation console, choose Data lake permissions under Permissions in the navigation pane.
  • Choose Grant.

  • Select Named Data Catalog resources.
  • For Databases, choose your database (marketing).
  • For Tables, choose your table (customer).

  • For Table permissions, select Select and Describe.
  • For Data permissions, select All data access.
  • Choose Grant.

The following screenshot shows a summary of permissions that user analyst1 has. They have Select access on the table and Describe permissions on the databases.

Test the solution

To test the solution, we log in to EMR Studio as enterprise user analyst1, create a new Workspace, create an EMR cluster using a template, and use that cluster to perform an analysis. You could also use the Workspace that was created during the Studio setup. In this demonstration, we create a new Workspace.

You need additional permissions in the EMR Studio role to create and list Workspaces, use a template, and create EMR clusters. For more details, refer to Configure EMR Studio user permissions for Amazon EC2 or Amazon EKS. Appendix B at the end of this post contains a sample policy.

When the cluster is available, we attach the cluster to the Workspace and run queries on the customer table, which the user has access to.

User analyst1 is now able to run queries for business use cases using their corporate identity. To open a PySpark notebook, we choose PySpark under Notebook.

When the notebook is open, we run a Spark SQL query to list the databases:

show databases

In this case, we query the customer table in the marketing database. We should be able to access the data.

select * from marketing.customer

Audit data access

Lake Formation API actions are logged by CloudTrail. The GetDataAccess action is logged whenever a principal or integrated AWS service requests temporary credentials to access data in a data lake location that is registered with Lake Formation. With trusted identity propagation, CloudTrail also logs the IAM Identity Center user ID of the corporate identity who requested access to the data.

The following screenshot shows the details for the analyst1 user.

Choose View event to view the event logs.

The following is an example of the GetDataAccess event log. We can trace that user analyst1, Identity Center user ID c8c11390-00a1-706e-0c7a-bbcc5a1c9a7f, has accessed the customer table.

    "eventVersion": "1.09",
        "onBehalfOf": {
            "userId": "c8c11390-00a1-706e-0c7a-bbcc5a1c9a7f",
            "identityStoreArn": "arn:aws:identitystore::xxxxxxxxx:identitystore/d-XXXXXXXX"
    "eventTime": "2024-01-28T17:56:25Z",
    "eventSource": "lakeformation.amazonaws.com",
    "eventName": "GetDataAccess",
    "awsRegion": "us-west-2",
        "requestParameters": {
        "tableArn": "arn:aws:glue:us-west-2:xxxxxxxxxx:table/marketing/customer",
        "supportedPermissionTypes": [

Here is an end to end demonstration video of steps to follow for enabling trusted identity propagation to your analytics flow in Amazon EMR

Clean up

Clean up the following resources when you’re done using this solution:


In this post, we demonstrated how to set up and use trusted identity propagation using IAM Identity Center, EMR Studio, and Lake Formation for analytics. With trusted identity propagation, a user’s corporate identity is seamlessly propagated as they access data using single sign-on across AWS analytics services to build analytics applications. Data administrators can provide fine-grained data access directly to corporate users and groups and audit usage. To learn more, see Integrate Amazon EMR with AWS IAM Identity Center.

About the Authors

Pradeep Misra is a Principal Analytics Solutions Architect at AWS. He works across Amazon to architect and design modern distributed analytics and AI/ML platform solutions. He is passionate about solving customer challenges using data, analytics, and AI/ML. Outside of work, Pradeep likes exploring new places, trying new cuisines, and playing board games with his family. He also likes doing science experiments with his daughters.

Deepmala Agarwal works as an AWS Data Specialist Solutions Architect. She is passionate about helping customers build out scalable, distributed, and data-driven solutions on AWS. When not at work, Deepmala likes spending time with family, walking, listening to music, watching movies, and cooking!

Abhilash Nagilla is a Senior Specialist Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS), helping public sector customers on their cloud journey with a focus on AWS analytics services. Outside of work, Abhilash enjoys learning new technologies, watching movies, and visiting new places.

Appendix A

Sample Amazon EMR service role and trust policy:

Note: This is a sample service role. Fine grained access control is done using Lake Formation. Modify the permissions as per your enterprise guidance and to comply with your security team.

Trust policy:

    "Version": "2008-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "Service": "elasticmapreduce.amazonaws.com",
   "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxx:role/emr_tip_role"

            "Action": [

Permission Policy:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "ResourcesToLaunchEC2",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "TagOnCreateTaggedEMRResources",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "ec2:CreateAction": [
            "Sid": "ListActionsForEC2Resources",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "AutoScaling",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "AutoScalingCloudWatch",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:cloudwatch:*:*:alarm:*_EMR_Auto_Scaling"
            "Sid": "PassRoleForAutoScaling",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "iam:PassRole",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::*:role/EMR_AutoScaling_DefaultRole",
            "Condition": {
                "StringLike": {
                    "iam:PassedToService": "application-autoscaling.amazonaws.com*"
            "Sid": "PassRoleForEC2",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "iam:PassRole",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxx:role/service-role/<Instance-Profile-Role>",
            "Condition": {
                "StringLike": {
                    "iam:PassedToService": "ec2.amazonaws.com*"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": "*",
            "Action": [

Appendix B

Sample EMR Studio role policy:

Note: This is a sample service role. Fine grained access control is done using Lake Formation. Modify the permissions as per your enterprise guidance and to comply with your security team.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "AllowEMRReadOnlyActions",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "AllowEC2ENIActionsWithEMRTags",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:ResourceTag/for-use-with-amazon-emr-managed-policies": "true"
            "Sid": "AllowEC2ENIAttributeAction",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "AllowEC2SecurityGroupActionsWithEMRTags",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:ResourceTag/for-use-with-amazon-emr-managed-policies": "true"
            "Sid": "AllowDefaultEC2SecurityGroupsCreationWithEMRTags",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:RequestTag/for-use-with-amazon-emr-managed-policies": "true"
            "Sid": "AllowDefaultEC2SecurityGroupsCreationInVPCWithEMRTags",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:ResourceTag/for-use-with-amazon-emr-managed-policies": "true"
            "Sid": "AllowAddingEMRTagsDuringDefaultSecurityGroupCreation",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:*:*:security-group/*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:RequestTag/for-use-with-amazon-emr-managed-policies": "true",
                    "ec2:CreateAction": "CreateSecurityGroup"
            "Sid": "AllowEC2ENICreationWithEMRTags",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:RequestTag/for-use-with-amazon-emr-managed-policies": "true"
            "Sid": "AllowEC2ENICreationInSubnetAndSecurityGroupWithEMRTags",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:ResourceTag/for-use-with-amazon-emr-managed-policies": "true"
            "Sid": "AllowAddingTagsDuringEC2ENICreation",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:*:*:network-interface/*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "ec2:CreateAction": "CreateNetworkInterface"
            "Sid": "AllowEC2ReadOnlyActions",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "AllowSecretsManagerReadOnlyActionsWithEMRTags",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:*:*:secret:*",
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "aws:ResourceTag/for-use-with-amazon-emr-managed-policies": "true"
            "Sid": "AllowWorkspaceCollaboration",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "S3Access",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "EMRStudioWorkspaceAccess",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "AllowPassingServiceRoleForWorkspaceCreation",
            "Action": "iam:PassRole",
            "Resource": [
                "arn:aws:iam::*:role/<Studio Role>",
                "arn:aws:iam::*:role/<EMR Service Role>",
                "arn:aws:iam::*:role/<EMR Instance Profile Role>"
            "Effect": "Allow"
			"Sid": "Statement1",
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Action": [
			"Resource": [
				"arn:aws:iam::*:role/<EMR Instance Profile Role>"

Run interactive workloads on Amazon EMR Serverless from Amazon EMR Studio

Post Syndicated from Sekar Srinivasan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/run-interactive-workloads-on-amazon-emr-serverless-from-amazon-emr-studio/

Starting from release 6.14, Amazon EMR Studio supports interactive analytics on Amazon EMR Serverless. You can now use EMR Serverless applications as the compute, in addition to Amazon EMR on EC2 clusters and Amazon EMR on EKS virtual clusters, to run JupyterLab notebooks from EMR Studio Workspaces.

EMR Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) that makes it straightforward for data scientists and data engineers to develop, visualize, and debug analytics applications written in PySpark, Python, and Scala. EMR Serverless is a serverless option for Amazon EMR that makes it straightforward to run open source big data analytics frameworks such as Apache Spark without configuring, managing, and scaling clusters or servers.

In the post, we demonstrate how to do the following:

  • Create an EMR Serverless endpoint for interactive applications
  • Attach the endpoint to an existing EMR Studio environment
  • Create a notebook and run an interactive application
  • Seamlessly diagnose interactive applications from within EMR Studio


In a typical organization, an AWS account administrator will set up AWS resources such as AWS Identity and Access management (IAM) roles, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets, and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) resources for internet access and access to other resources in the VPC. They assign EMR Studio administrators who manage setting up EMR Studios and assigning users to a specific EMR Studio. Once they’re assigned, EMR Studio developers can use EMR Studio to develop and monitor workloads.

Make sure you set up resources like your S3 bucket, VPC subnets, and EMR Studio in the same AWS Region.

Complete the following steps to deploy these prerequisites:

  1. Launch the following AWS CloudFormation stack.
    Launch Cloudformation Stack
  2. Enter values for AdminPassword and DevPassword and make a note of the passwords you create.
  3. Choose Next.
  4. Keep the settings as default and choose Next again.
  5. Select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.
  6. Choose Submit.

We have also provided instructions to deploy these resources manually with sample IAM policies in the GitHub repo.

Set up EMR Studio and a serverless interactive application

After the AWS account administrator completes the prerequisites, the EMR Studio administrator can log in to the AWS Management Console to create an EMR Studio, Workspace, and EMR Serverless application.

Create an EMR Studio and Workspace

The EMR Studio administrator should log in to the console using the emrs-interactive-app-admin-user user credentials. If you deployed the prerequisite resources using the provided CloudFormation template, use the password that you provided as an input parameter.

  1. On the Amazon EMR console, choose EMR Serverless in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Get started.
  3. Select Create and launch EMR Studio.

This creates a Studio with the default name studio_1 and a Workspace with the default name My_First_Workspace. A new browser tab will open for the Studio_1 user interface.

Create and Launch EMR Studio

Create an EMR Serverless application

Complete the following steps to create an EMR Serverless application:

  1. On the EMR Studio console, choose Applications in the navigation pane.
  2. Create a new application.
  3. For Name, enter a name (for example, my-serverless-interactive-application).
  4. For Application setup options, select Use custom settings for interactive workloads.
    Create Serverless Application using custom settings

For interactive applications, as a best practice, we recommend keeping the driver and workers pre-initialized by configuring the pre-initialized capacity at the time of application creation. This effectively creates a warm pool of workers for an application and keeps the resources ready to be consumed, enabling the application to respond in seconds. For further best practices for creating EMR Serverless applications, see Define per-team resource limits for big data workloads using Amazon EMR Serverless.

  1. In the Interactive endpoint section, select Enable Interactive endpoint.
  2. In the Network connections section, choose the VPC, private subnets, and security group you created previously.

If you deployed the CloudFormation stack provided in this post, choose emr-serverless-sg­  as the security group.

A VPC is needed for the workload to be able to access the internet from within the EMR Serverless application in order to download external Python packages. The VPC also allows you to access resources such as Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) and Amazon Redshift that are in the VPC from this application. Attaching a serverless application to a VPC can lead to IP exhaustion in the subnet, so make sure there are sufficient IP addresses in your subnet.

  1. Choose Create and start application.

Enable Interactive Endpoints, Choose private subnets and security group

On the applications page, you can verify that the status of your serverless application changes to Started.

  1. Select your application and choose How it works.
  2. Choose View and launch workspaces.
  3. Choose Configure studio.

  1. For Service role¸ provide the EMR Studio service role you created as a prerequisite (emr-studio-service-role).
  2. For Workspace storage, enter the path of the S3 bucket you created as a prerequisite (emrserverless-interactive-blog-<account-id>-<region-name>).
  3. Choose Save changes.

Choose emr-studio-service-role and emrserverless-interactive-blog s3 bucket

14.  Navigate to the Studios console by choosing Studios in the left navigation menu in the EMR Studio section. Note the Studio access URL from the Studios console and provide it to your developers to run their Spark applications.

Run your first Spark application

After the EMR Studio administrator has created the Studio, Workspace, and serverless application, the Studio user can use the Workspace and application to develop and monitor Spark workloads.

Launch the Workspace and attach the serverless application

Complete the following steps:

  1. Using the Studio URL provided by the EMR Studio administrator, log in using the emrs-interactive-app-dev-user user credentials shared by the AWS account admin.

If you deployed the prerequisite resources using the provided CloudFormation template, use the password that you provided as an input parameter.

On the Workspaces page, you can check the status of your Workspace. When the Workspace is launched, you will see the status change to Ready.

  1. Launch the workspace by choosing the workspace name (My_First_Workspace).

This will open a new tab. Make sure your browser allows pop-ups.

  1. In the Workspace, choose Compute (cluster icon) in the navigation pane.
  2. For EMR Serverless application, choose your application (my-serverless-interactive-application).
  3. For Interactive runtime role, choose an interactive runtime role (for this post, we use emr-serverless-runtime-role).
  4. Choose Attach to attach the serverless application as the compute type for all the notebooks in this Workspace.

Choose my-serverless-interactive-application as your app and emr-serverless-runtime-role and attach

Run your Spark application interactively

Complete the following steps:

  1. Choose the Notebook samples (three dots icon) in the navigation pane and open Getting-started-with-emr-serverless notebook.
  2. Choose Save to Workspace.

There are three choices of kernels for our notebook: Python 3, PySpark, and Spark (for Scala).

  1. When prompted, choose PySpark as the kernel.
  2. Choose Select.

Choose PySpark as kernel

Now you can run your Spark application. To do so, use the %%configure Sparkmagic command, which configures the session creation parameters. Interactive applications support Python virtual environments. We use a custom environment in the worker nodes by specifying a path for a different Python runtime for the executor environment using spark.executorEnv.PYSPARK_PYTHON. See the following code:

%%configure -f
  "conf": {
    "spark.pyspark.virtualenv.enabled": "true",
    "spark.pyspark.virtualenv.bin.path": "/usr/bin/virtualenv",
    "spark.pyspark.virtualenv.type": "native",
    "spark.pyspark.python": "/usr/bin/python3",
    "spark.executorEnv.PYSPARK_PYTHON": "/usr/bin/python3"

Install external packages

Now that you have an independent virtual environment for the workers, EMR Studio notebooks allow you to install external packages from within the serverless application by using the Spark install_pypi_package function through the Spark context. Using this function makes the package available for all the EMR Serverless workers.

First, install matplotlib, a Python package, from PyPi:


If the preceding step doesn’t respond, check your VPC setup and make sure it is configured correctly for internet access.

Now you can use a dataset and visualize your data.

Create visualizations

To create visualizations, we use a public dataset on NYC yellow taxis:

file_name = "s3://athena-examples-us-east-1/notebooks/yellow_tripdata_2016-01.parquet"
taxi_df = (spark.read.format("parquet").option("header", "true") \
.option("inferSchema", "true").load(file_name))

In the preceding code block, you read the Parquet file from a public bucket in Amazon S3. The file has headers, and we want Spark to infer the schema. You then use a Spark dataframe to group and count specific columns from taxi_df:

taxi1_df = taxi_df.groupBy("VendorID", "passenger_count").count()

Use %%display magic to view the result in table format:


Table shows vendor_id, passenger_count and count columns

You can also quickly visualize your data with five types of charts. You can choose the display type and the chart will change accordingly. In the following screenshot, we use a bar chart to visualize our data.

bar chart showing passenger_count against each vendor_id

Interact with EMR Serverless using Spark SQL

You can interact with tables in the AWS Glue Data Catalog using Spark SQL on EMR Serverless. In the sample notebook, we show how you can transform data using a Spark dataframe.

First, create a new temporary view called taxis. This allows you to use Spark SQL to select data from this view. Then create a taxi dataframe for further processing:

sqlDF = spark.sql(
    "SELECT DOLocationID, sum(total_amount) as sum_total_amount \
     FROM taxis where DOLocationID < 25 Group by DOLocationID ORDER BY DOLocationID"

Table shows vendor_id, passenger_count and count columns

In each cell in your EMR Studio notebook, you can expand Spark Job Progress to view the various stages of the job submitted to EMR Serverless while running this specific cell. You can see the time taken to complete each stage. In the following example, stage 14 of the job has 12 completed tasks. In addition, if there is any failure, you can see the logs, making troubleshooting a seamless experience. We discuss this more in the next section.

Job[14]: showString at NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:0 and Job[15]: showString at NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:0

Use the following code to visualize the processed dataframe using the matplotlib package. You use the maptplotlib library to plot the dropoff location and the total amount as a bar chart.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = sqlDF.toPandas()
plt.bar(df.DOLocationID, df.sum_total_amount)
%matplot plt

Diagnose interactive applications

You can get the session information for your Livy endpoint using the %%info Sparkmagic. This gives you links to access the Spark UI as well as the driver log right in your notebook.

The following screenshot is a driver log snippet for our application, which we opened via the link in our notebook.

driver log screenshot

Similarly, you can choose the link below Spark UI to open the UI. The following screenshot shows the Executors tab, which provides access to the driver and executor logs.

The following screenshot shows stage 14, which corresponds to the Spark SQL step we saw earlier in which we calculated the location wise sum of total taxi collections, which had been broken down into 12 tasks. Through the Spark UI, the interactive application provides fine-grained task-level status, I/O, and shuffle details, as well as links to corresponding logs for each task for this stage right from your notebook, enabling a seamless troubleshooting experience.

Clean up

If you no longer want to keep the resources created in this post, complete the following cleanup steps:

  1. Delete the EMR Serverless application.
  2. Delete the EMR Studio and the associated workspaces and notebooks.
  3. To delete rest of the resources, navigate to CloudFormation console, select the stack, and choose Delete.

All of the resources will be deleted except the S3 bucket, which has its deletion policy set to retain.


The post showed how to run interactive PySpark workloads in EMR Studio using EMR Serverless as the compute. You can also build and monitor Spark applications in an interactive JupyterLab Workspace.

In an upcoming post, we’ll discuss additional capabilities of EMR Serverless Interactive applications, such as:

  • Working with resources such as Amazon RDS and Amazon Redshift in your VPC (for example, for JDBC/ODBC connectivity)
  • Running transactional workloads using serverless endpoints

If this is your first time exploring EMR Studio, we recommend checking out the Amazon EMR workshops and referring to Create an EMR Studio.

About the Authors

Sekar Srinivasan is a Principal Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS focused on Data Analytics and AI. Sekar has over 20 years of experience working with data. He is passionate about helping customers build scalable solutions modernizing their architecture and generating insights from their data. In his spare time he likes to work on non-profit projects, focused on underprivileged Children’s education.

Disha Umarwani is a Sr. Data Architect with Amazon Professional Services within Global Health Care and LifeSciences. She has worked with customers to design, architect and implement Data Strategy at scale. She specializes in architecting Data Mesh architectures for Enterprise platforms.

Automate large-scale data validation using Amazon EMR and Apache Griffin

Post Syndicated from Dipal Mahajan original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/automate-large-scale-data-validation-using-amazon-emr-and-apache-griffin/

Many enterprises are migrating their on-premises data stores to the AWS Cloud. During data migration, a key requirement is to validate all the data that has been moved from source to target. This data validation is a critical step, and if not done correctly, may result in the failure of the entire project. However, developing custom solutions to determine migration accuracy by comparing the data between the source and target can often be time-consuming.

In this post, we walk through a step-by-step process to validate large datasets after migration using a configuration-based tool using Amazon EMR and the Apache Griffin open source library. Griffin is an open source data quality solution for big data, which supports both batch and streaming mode.

In today’s data-driven landscape, where organizations deal with petabytes of data, the need for automated data validation frameworks has become increasingly critical. Manual validation processes are not only time-consuming but also prone to errors, especially when dealing with vast volumes of data. Automated data validation frameworks offer a streamlined solution by efficiently comparing large datasets, identifying discrepancies, and ensuring data accuracy at scale. With such frameworks, organizations can save valuable time and resources while maintaining confidence in the integrity of their data, thereby enabling informed decision-making and enhancing overall operational efficiency.

The following are standout features for this framework:

  • Utilizes a configuration-driven framework
  • Offers plug-and-play functionality for seamless integration
  • Conducts count comparison to identify any disparities
  • Implements robust data validation procedures
  • Ensures data quality through systematic checks
  • Provides access to a file containing mismatched records for in-depth analysis
  • Generates comprehensive reports for insights and tracking purposes

Solution overview

This solution uses the following services:

  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) or Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) as the source and target.
  • Amazon EMR to run the PySpark script. We use a Python wrapper on top of Griffin to validate data between Hadoop tables created over HDFS or Amazon S3.
  • AWS Glue to catalog the technical table, which stores the results of the Griffin job.
  • Amazon Athena to query the output table to verify the results.

We use tables that store the count for each source and target table and also create files that show the difference of records between source and target.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.


In the depicted architecture and our typical data lake use case, our data either resides n Amazon S3 or is migrated from on premises to Amazon S3 using replication tools such as AWS DataSync or AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS). Although this solution is designed to seamlessly interact with both Hive Metastore and the AWS Glue Data Catalog, we use the Data Catalog as our example in this post.

This framework operates within Amazon EMR, automatically running scheduled tasks on a daily basis, as per the defined frequency. It generates and publishes reports in Amazon S3, which are then accessible via Athena. A notable feature of this framework is its capability to detect count mismatches and data discrepancies, in addition to generating a file in Amazon S3 containing full records that didn’t match, facilitating further analysis.

In this example, we use three tables in an on-premises database to validate between source and target : balance_sheet, covid, and survery_financial_report.


Before getting started, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

Deploy the solution

To make it straightforward for you to get started, we have created a CloudFormation template that automatically configures and deploys the solution for you. Complete the following steps:

  1. Create an S3 bucket in your AWS account called bdb-3070-griffin-datavalidation-blog-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region} (provide your AWS account ID and AWS Region).
  2. Unzip the following file to your local system.
  3. After unzipping the file to your local system, change <bucket name> to the one you created in your account (bdb-3070-griffin-datavalidation-blog-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}) in the following files:
    1. bootstrap-bdb-3070-datavalidation.sh
    2. Validation_Metrics_Athena_tables.hql
    3. datavalidation/totalcount/totalcount_input.txt
    4. datavalidation/accuracy/accuracy_input.txt
  4. Upload all the folders and files in your local folder to your S3 bucket:
    aws s3 cp . s3://<bucket_name>/ --recursive

  5. Run the following CloudFormation template in your account.

The CloudFormation template creates a database called griffin_datavalidation_blog and an AWS Glue crawler called griffin_data_validation_blog on top of the data folder in the .zip file.

  1. Choose Next.
  2. Choose Next again.
  3. On the Review page, select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.
  4. Choose Create stack.

You can view the stack outputs on the AWS Management Console or by using the following AWS CLI command:

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name <stack-name> --region us-east-1 --query Stacks[0].Outputs
  1. Run the AWS Glue crawler and verify that six tables have been created in the Data Catalog.
  2. Run the following CloudFormation template in your account.

This template creates an EMR cluster with a bootstrap script to copy Griffin-related JARs and artifacts. It also runs three EMR steps:

  • Create two Athena tables and two Athena views to see the validation matrix produced by the Griffin framework
  • Run count validation for all three tables to compare the source and target table
  • Run record-level and column-level validations for all three tables to compare between the source and target table
  1. For SubnetID, enter your subnet ID.
  2. Choose Next.
  3. Choose Next again.
  4. On the Review page, select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.
  5. Choose Create stack.

You can view the stack outputs on the console or by using the following AWS CLI command:

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name <stack-name> --region us-east-1 --query Stacks[0].Outputs

It takes approximately 5 minutes for the deployment to complete. When the stack is complete, you should see the EMRCluster resource launched and available in your account.

When the EMR cluster is launched, it runs the following steps as part of the post-cluster launch:

  • Bootstrap action – It installs the Griffin JAR file and directories for this framework. It also downloads sample data files to use in the next step.
  • Athena_Table_Creation – It creates tables in Athena to read the result reports.
  • Count_Validation – It runs the job to compare the data count between source and target data from the Data Catalog table and stores the results in an S3 bucket, which will be read via an Athena table.
  • Accuracy – It runs the job to compare the data rows between the source and target data from the Data Catalog table and store the results in an S3 bucket, which will be read via the Athena table.


When the EMR steps are complete, your table comparison is done and ready to view in Athena automatically. No manual intervention is needed for validation.

Validate data with Python Griffin

When your EMR cluster is ready and all the jobs are complete, it means the count validation and data validation are complete. The results have been stored in Amazon S3 and the Athena table is already created on top of that. You can query the Athena tables to view the results, as shown in the following screenshot.

The following screenshot shows the count results for all tables.


The following screenshot shows the data accuracy results for all tables.


The following screenshot shows the files created for each table with mismatched records. Individual folders are generated for each table directly from the job.


Every table folder contains a directory for each day the job is run.


Within that specific date, a file named __missRecords contains records that do not match.


The following screenshot shows the contents of the __missRecords file.


Clean up

To avoid incurring additional charges, complete the following steps to clean up your resources when you’re done with the solution:

  1. Delete the AWS Glue database griffin_datavalidation_blog and drop the database griffin_datavalidation_blog cascade.
  2. Delete the prefixes and objects you created from the bucket bdb-3070-griffin-datavalidation-blog-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}.
  3. Delete the CloudFormation stack, which removes your additional resources.


This post showed how you can use Python Griffin to accelerate the post-migration data validation process. Python Griffin helps you calculate count and row- and column-level validation, identifying mismatched records without writing any code.

For more information about data quality use cases, refer to Getting started with AWS Glue Data Quality from the AWS Glue Data Catalog and AWS Glue Data Quality.

About the Authors

Dipal Mahajan serves as a Lead Consultant at Amazon Web Services, providing expert guidance to global clients in developing highly secure, scalable, reliable, and cost-efficient cloud applications. With a wealth of experience in software development, architecture, and analytics across diverse sectors such as finance, telecom, retail, and healthcare, he brings invaluable insights to his role. Beyond the professional sphere, Dipal enjoys exploring new destinations, having already visited 14 out of 30 countries on his wish list.

Akhil is a Lead Consultant at AWS Professional Services. He helps customers design & build scalable data analytics solutions and migrate data pipelines and data warehouses to AWS. In his spare time, he loves travelling, playing games and watching movies.

Ramesh Raghupathy is a Senior Data Architect with WWCO ProServe at AWS. He works with AWS customers to architect, deploy, and migrate to data warehouses and data lakes on the AWS Cloud. While not at work, Ramesh enjoys traveling, spending time with family, and yoga.

How Amazon optimized its high-volume financial reconciliation process with Amazon EMR for higher scalability and performance

Post Syndicated from Jeeshan Khetrapal original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/how-amazon-optimized-its-high-volume-financial-reconciliation-process-with-amazon-emr-for-higher-scalability-and-performance/

Account reconciliation is an important step to ensure the completeness and accuracy of financial statements. Specifically, companies must reconcile balance sheet accounts that could contain significant or material misstatements. Accountants go through each account in the general ledger of accounts and verify that the balance listed is complete and accurate. When discrepancies are found, accountants investigate and take appropriate corrective action.

As part of Amazon’s FinTech organization, we offer a software platform that empowers the internal accounting teams at Amazon to conduct account reconciliations. To optimize the reconciliation process, these users require high performance transformation with the ability to scale on demand, as well as the ability to process variable file sizes ranging from as low as a few MBs to more than 100 GB. It’s not always possible to fit data onto a single machine or process it with one single program in a reasonable time frame. This computation has to be done fast enough to provide practical services where programming logic and underlying details (data distribution, fault tolerance, and scheduling) can be separated.

We can achieve these simultaneous computations on multiple machines or threads of the same function across groups of elements of a dataset by using distributed data processing solutions. This encouraged us to reinvent our reconciliation service powered by AWS services, including Amazon EMR and the Apache Spark distributed processing framework, which uses PySpark. This service enables users to process files over 100 GB containing up to 100 million transactions in less than 30 minutes. The reconciliation service has become a powerhouse for data processing, and now users can seamlessly perform a variety of operations, such as Pivot, JOIN (like an Excel VLOOKUP operation), arithmetic operations, and more, providing a versatile and efficient solution for reconciling vast datasets. This enhancement is a testament to the scalability and speed achieved through the adoption of distributed data processing solutions.

In this post, we explain how we integrated Amazon EMR to build a highly available and scalable system that enabled us to run a high-volume financial reconciliation process.

Architecture before migration

The following diagram illustrates our previous architecture.

Our legacy service was built with Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) on AWS Fargate. We processed the data sequentially using Python. However, due to its lack of parallel processing capability, we frequently had to increase the cluster size vertically to support larger datasets. For context, 5 GB of data with 50 operations took around 3 hours to process. This service was configured to scale horizontally to five ECS instances that polled messages from Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS), which fed the transformation requests. Each instance was configured with 4 vCPUs and 30 GB of memory to allow horizontal scaling. However, we couldn’t expand its capacity on performance because the process happened sequentially, picking chunks of data from Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) for processing. For example, a VLOOKUP operation where two files are to be joined required both files to be read in memory chunk by chunk to obtain the output. This became an obstacle for users because they had to wait for long periods of time to process their datasets.

As part of our re-architecture and modernization, we wanted to achieve the following:

  • High availability – The data processing clusters should be highly available, providing three 9s of availability (99.9%)
  • Throughput – The service should handle 1,500 runs per day
  • Latency – It should be able to process 100 GB of data within 30 minutes
  • Heterogeneity – The cluster should be able to support a wide variety of workloads, with files ranging from a few MBs to hundreds of GBs
  • Query concurrency – The implementation demands the ability to support a minimum of 10 degrees of concurrency
  • Reliability of jobs and data consistency – Jobs need to run reliably and consistently to avoid breaking Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
  • Cost-effective and scalable – It must be scalable based on the workload, making it cost-effective
  • Security and compliance – Given the sensitivity of data, it must support fine-grained access control and appropriate security implementations
  • Monitoring – The solution must offer end-to-end monitoring of the clusters and jobs

Why Amazon EMR

Amazon EMR is the industry-leading cloud big data solution for petabyte-scale data processing, interactive analytics, and machine learning (ML) using open source frameworks such as Apache Spark, Apache Hive, and Presto. With these frameworks and related open-source projects, you can process data for analytics purposes and BI workloads. Amazon EMR lets you transform and move large amounts of data in and out of other AWS data stores and databases, such as Amazon S3 and Amazon DynamoDB.

A notable advantage of Amazon EMR lies in its effective use of parallel processing with PySpark, marking a significant improvement over traditional sequential Python code. This innovative approach streamlines the deployment and scaling of Apache Spark clusters, allowing for efficient parallelization on large datasets. The distributed computing infrastructure not only enhances performance, but also enables the processing of vast amounts of data at unprecedented speeds. Equipped with libraries, PySpark facilitates Excel-like operations on DataFrames, and the higher-level abstraction of DataFrames simplifies intricate data manipulations, reducing code complexity. Combined with automatic cluster provisioning, dynamic resource allocation, and integration with other AWS services, Amazon EMR proves to be a versatile solution suitable for diverse workloads, ranging from batch processing to ML. The inherent fault tolerance in PySpark and Amazon EMR promotes robustness, even in the event of node failures, making it a scalable, cost-effective, and high-performance choice for parallel data processing on AWS.

Amazon EMR extends its capabilities beyond the basics, offering a variety of deployment options to cater to diverse needs. Whether it’s Amazon EMR on EC2, Amazon EMR on EKS, Amazon EMR Serverless, or Amazon EMR on AWS Outposts, you can tailor your approach to specific requirements. For those seeking a serverless environment for Spark jobs, integrating AWS Glue is also a viable option. In addition to supporting various open-source frameworks, including Spark, Amazon EMR provides flexibility in choosing deployment modes, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance types, scaling mechanisms, and numerous cost-saving optimization techniques.

Amazon EMR stands as a dynamic force in the cloud, delivering unmatched capabilities for organizations seeking robust big data solutions. Its seamless integration, powerful features, and adaptability make it an indispensable tool for navigating the complexities of data analytics and ML on AWS.

Redesigned architecture

The following diagram illustrates our redesigned architecture.

The solution operates under an API contract, where clients can submit transformation configurations, defining the set of operations alongside the S3 dataset location for processing. The request is queued through Amazon SQS, then directed to Amazon EMR via a Lambda function. This process initiates the creation of an Amazon EMR step for Spark framework implementation on a dedicated EMR cluster. Although Amazon EMR accommodates an unlimited number of steps over a long-running cluster’s lifetime, only 256 steps can be running or pending simultaneously. For optimal parallelization, the step concurrency is set at 10, allowing 10 steps to run concurrently. In case of request failures, the Amazon SQS dead-letter queue (DLQ) retains the event. Spark processes the request, translating Excel-like operations into PySpark code for an efficient query plan. Resilient DataFrames store input, output, and intermediate data in-memory, optimizing processing speed, reducing disk I/O cost, enhancing workload performance, and delivering the final output to the specified Amazon S3 location.

We define our SLA in two dimensions: latency and throughput. Latency is defined as the amount of time taken to perform one job against a deterministic dataset size and the number of operations performed on the dataset. Throughput is defined as the maximum number of simultaneous jobs the service can perform without breaching the latency SLA of one job. The overall scalability SLA of the service depends on the balance of horizontal scaling of elastic compute resources and vertical scaling of individual servers.

Because we had to run 1,500 processes per day with minimal latency and high performance, we choose to integrate Amazon EMR on EC2 deployment mode with managed scaling enabled to support processing variable file sizes.

The EMR cluster configuration provides many different selections:

  • EMR node types – Primary, core, or task nodes
  • Instance purchasing options – On-Demand Instances, Reserved Instances, or Spot Instances
  • Configuration options – EMR instance fleet or uniform instance group
  • Scaling optionsAuto Scaling or Amazon EMR managed scaling

Based on our variable workload, we configured an EMR instance fleet (for best practices, see Reliability). We also decided to use Amazon EMR managed scaling to scale the core and task nodes (for scaling scenarios, refer to Node allocation scenarios). Lastly, we chose memory-optimized AWS Graviton instances, which provide up to 30% lower cost and up to 15% improved performance for Spark workloads.

The following code provides a snapshot of our cluster configuration:

Concurrent steps:10

EMR Managed Scaling:
minimumCapacityUnits: 64
maximumCapacityUnits: 512
maximumOnDemandCapacityUnits: 512
maximumCoreCapacityUnits: 512

Master Instance Fleet:
- 4 vCore, 30.5 GiB memory, EBS only storage
- EBS Storage:250 GiB
- Maximum Spot price: 100 % of On-demand price
- Each instance counts as 1 units
- 8 vCore, 61 GiB memory, EBS only storage
- EBS Storage:250 GiB
- Maximum Spot price: 100 % of On-demand price
- Each instance counts as 1 units

Core Instance Fleet:
- 8 vCore, 61 GiB memory, EBS only storage
- EBS Storage:100 GiB
- Maximum Spot price: 100 % of On-demand price
- Each instance counts as 8 units
- 16 vCore, 122 GiB memory, EBS only storage
- EBS Storage:100 GiB
- Maximum Spot price: 100 % of On-demand price
- Each instance counts as 16 units

Task Instances:
- 8 vCore, 61 GiB memory, EBS only storage
- EBS Storage:100 GiB
- Maximum Spot price: 100 % of On-demand price
- Each instance counts as 8 units
- 16 vCore, 122 GiB memory, EBS only storage
- EBS Storage:100 GiB
- Maximum Spot price: 100 % of On-demand price
- Each instance counts as 16 units


With our migration to Amazon EMR, we were able to achieve a system performance capable of handling a variety of datasets, ranging from as low as 273 B to as high as 88.5 GB with a p99 of 491 seconds (approximately 8 minutes).

The following figure illustrates the variety of file sizes processed.

The following figure shows our latency.

To compare against sequential processing, we took two datasets containing 53 million records and ran a VLOOKUP operation against each other, along with 49 other Excel-like operations. This took 26 minutes to process in the new service, compared to 5 days to process in the legacy service. This improvement is almost 300 times greater over the previous architecture in terms of performance.


Keep in mind the following when considering this solution:

  • Right-sizing clusters – Although Amazon EMR is resizable, it’s important to right-size the clusters. Right-sizing mitigates a slow cluster, if undersized, or higher costs, if the cluster is oversized. To anticipate these issues, you can calculate the number and type of nodes that will be needed for the workloads.
  • Parallel steps – Running steps in parallel allows you to run more advanced workloads, increase cluster resource utilization, and reduce the amount of time taken to complete your workload. The number of steps allowed to run at one time is configurable and can be set when a cluster is launched and any time after the cluster has started. You need to consider and optimize the CPU/memory usage per job when multiple jobs are running in a single shared cluster.
  • Job-based transient EMR clusters – If applicable, it is recommended to use a job-based transient EMR cluster, which delivers superior isolation, verifying that each task operates within its dedicated environment. This approach optimizes resource utilization, helps prevent interference between jobs, and enhances overall performance and reliability. The transient nature enables efficient scaling, providing a robust and isolated solution for diverse data processing needs.
  • EMR Serverless – EMR Serverless is the ideal choice if you prefer not to handle the management and operation of clusters. It allows you to effortlessly run applications using open-source frameworks available within EMR Serverless, offering a straightforward and hassle-free experience.
  • Amazon EMR on EKS – Amazon EMR on EKS offers distinct advantages, such as faster startup times and improved scalability resolving compute capacity challenges—which is particularly beneficial for Graviton and Spot Instance users. The inclusion of a broader range of compute types enhances cost-efficiency, allowing tailored resource allocation. Furthermore, Multi-AZ support provides increased availability. These compelling features provide a robust solution for managing big data workloads with improved performance, cost optimization, and reliability across various computing scenarios.


In this post, we explained how Amazon optimized its high-volume financial reconciliation process with Amazon EMR for higher scalability and performance. If you have a monolithic application that’s dependent on vertical scaling to process additional requests or datasets, then migrating it to a distributed processing framework such as Apache Spark and choosing a managed service such as Amazon EMR for compute may help reduce the runtime to lower your delivery SLA, and also may help reduce the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

As we embrace Amazon EMR for this particular use case, we encourage you to explore further possibilities in your data innovation journey. Consider evaluating AWS Glue, along with other dynamic Amazon EMR deployment options such as EMR Serverless or Amazon EMR on EKS, to discover the best AWS service tailored to your unique use case. The future of the data innovation journey holds exciting possibilities and advancements to be explored further.

About the Authors

Jeeshan Khetrapal is a Sr. Software Development Engineer at Amazon, where he develops fintech products based on cloud computing serverless architectures that are responsible for companies’ IT general controls, financial reporting, and controllership for governance, risk, and compliance.

Sakti Mishra is a Principal Solutions Architect at AWS, where he helps customers modernize their data architecture and define their end-to-end data strategy, including data security, accessibility, governance, and more. He is also the author of the book Simplify Big Data Analytics with Amazon EMR. Outside of work, Sakti enjoys learning new technologies, watching movies, and visiting places with family.

Run Trino queries 2.7 times faster with Amazon EMR 6.15.0

Post Syndicated from Bhargavi Sagi original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/run-trino-queries-2-7-times-faster-with-amazon-emr-6-15-0/

Trino is an open source distributed SQL query engine designed for interactive analytic workloads. On AWS, you can run Trino on Amazon EMR, where you have the flexibility to run your preferred version of open source Trino on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances that you manage, or on Amazon Athena for a serverless experience. When you use Trino on Amazon EMR or Athena, you get the latest open source community innovations along with proprietary, AWS developed optimizations.

Starting from Amazon EMR 6.8.0 and Athena engine version 2, AWS has been developing query plan and engine behavior optimizations that improve query performance on Trino. In this post, we compare Amazon EMR 6.15.0 with open source Trino 426 and show that TPC-DS queries ran up to 2.7 times faster on Amazon EMR 6.15.0 Trino 426 compared to open source Trino 426. Later, we explain a few of the AWS-developed performance optimizations that contribute to these results.

Benchmark setup

In our testing, we used the 3 TB dataset stored in Amazon S3 in compressed Parquet format and metadata for databases and tables is stored in the AWS Glue Data Catalog. This benchmark uses unmodified TPC-DS data schema and table relationships. Fact tables are partitioned on the date column and contained 200-2100 partitions. Table and column statistics were not present for any of the tables. We used TPC-DS queries from the open source Trino Github repository without modification. Benchmark queries were run sequentially on two different Amazon EMR 6.15.0 clusters: one with Amazon EMR Trino 426 and the other with open source Trino 426. Both clusters used 1 r5.4xlarge coordinator and 20 r5.4xlarge worker instances.

Results observed

Our benchmarks show consistently better performance with Trino on Amazon EMR 6.15.0 compared to open source Trino. The total query runtime of Trino on Amazon EMR was 2.7 times faster compared to open source. The following graph shows performance improvements measured by the total query runtime (in seconds) for the benchmark queries.

Many of the TPC-DS queries demonstrated performance gains over five times faster compared to open source Trino. Some queries showed even greater performance, like query 72 which improved by 160 times. The following graph shows the top 10 TPC-DS queries with the largest improvement in runtime. For succinct representation and to avoid skewness of performance improvements in the graph, we’ve excluded q72.

Performance enhancements

Now that we understand the performance gains with Trino on Amazon EMR, let’s delve deeper into some of the key innovations developed by AWS engineering that contribute to these improvements.

Choosing a better join order and join type is critical to better query performance because it can affect how much data is read from a particular table, how much data is transferred to the intermediate stages through the network, and how much memory is needed to build up a hash table to facilitate a join. Join order and join algorithm decisions are typically a function performed by cost-based optimizers, which uses statistics to improve query plans by deciding how tables and subqueries are joined.

However, table statistics are often not available, out of date, or too expensive to collect on large tables. When statistics aren’t available, Amazon EMR and Athena use S3 file metadata to optimize query plans. S3 file metadata is used to infer small subqueries and tables in the query while determining the join order or join type. For example, consider the following query:

SELECT ss_promo_sk FROM store_sales ss, store_returns sr, call_center cc WHERE 
ss.ss_cdemo_sk = sr.sr_cdemo_sk AND ss.ss_customer_sk = cc.cc_call_center_sk 
AND cc_sq_ft > 0

The syntactical join order is store_sales joins store_returns joins call_center. With the Amazon EMR join type and order selection optimization rules, optimal join order is determined even if these tables don’t have statistics. For the preceding query if call_center is considered a small table after estimating the approximate size through S3 file metadata, EMR’s join optimization rules will join store_sales with call_center first and convert the join to a broadcast join, speeding-up the query and reducing memory consumption. Join reordering minimizes the intermediate result size, which helps to further reduce the overall query runtime.

With Amazon EMR 6.10.0 and later, S3 file metadata-based join optimizations are turned on by default. If you are using Amazon EMR 6.8.0 or 6.9.0, you can turn on these optimizations by setting the session properties from Trino clients or adding the following properties to the trino-config classification when creating your cluster. Refer to Configure applications for details on how to override the default configurations for an application.

Configuration for Join type selection:

session property: rule_based_join_type_selection=true
config property: rule-based-join-type-selection=true

Configuration for Join reorder:

session property: rule_based_join_reorder=true
config property: rule-based-join-reorder=true


With Amazon EMR 6.8.0 and later, you can run queries on Trino significantly faster than open source Trino. As shown in this blog post, our TPC-DS benchmark showed a 2.7 times improvement in total query runtime with Trino on Amazon EMR 6.15.0. The optimizations discussed in this post, and many others, are also available when running Trino queries on Athena where similar performance improvements are observed. To learn more, refer to the Run queries 3x faster with up to 70% cost savings on the latest Amazon Athena engine.

In our mission to innovate on behalf of customers, Amazon EMR and Athena frequently release performance and reliability enhancements on their latest versions. Check the Amazon EMR and Amazon Athena release pages to learn about new features and enhancements.

About the Authors

Bhargavi Sagi is a Software Development Engineer on Amazon Athena. She joined AWS in 2020 and has been working on different areas of Amazon EMR and Athena engine V3, including engine upgrade, engine reliability, and engine performance.

Sushil Kumar Shivashankar is the Engineering Manager for EMR Trino and Athena Query Engine team. He has been focusing in the big data analytics space since 2014.

How the GoDaddy data platform achieved over 60% cost reduction and 50% performance boost by adopting Amazon EMR Serverless

Post Syndicated from Brandon Abear original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/how-the-godaddy-data-platform-achieved-over-60-cost-reduction-and-50-performance-boost-by-adopting-amazon-emr-serverless/

This is a guest post co-written with Brandon Abear, Dinesh Sharma, John Bush, and Ozcan IIikhan from GoDaddy.

GoDaddy empowers everyday entrepreneurs by providing all the help and tools to succeed online. With more than 20 million customers worldwide, GoDaddy is the place people come to name their ideas, build a professional website, attract customers, and manage their work.

At GoDaddy, we take pride in being a data-driven company. Our relentless pursuit of valuable insights from data fuels our business decisions and ensures customer satisfaction. Our commitment to efficiency is unwavering, and we’ve undertaken an exciting initiative to optimize our batch processing jobs. In this journey, we have identified a structured approach that we refer to as the seven layers of improvement opportunities. This methodology has become our guide in the pursuit of efficiency.

In this post, we discuss how we enhanced operational efficiency with Amazon EMR Serverless. We share our benchmarking results and methodology, and insights into the cost-effectiveness of EMR Serverless vs. fixed capacity Amazon EMR on EC2 transient clusters on our data workflows orchestrated using Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (Amazon MWAA). We share our strategy for the adoption of EMR Serverless in areas where it excels. Our findings reveal significant benefits, including over 60% cost reduction, 50% faster Spark workloads, a remarkable five-times improvement in development and testing speed, and a significant reduction in our carbon footprint.


In late 2020, GoDaddy’s data platform initiated its AWS Cloud journey, migrating an 800-node Hadoop cluster with 2.5 PB of data from its data center to EMR on EC2. This lift-and-shift approach facilitated a direct comparison between on-premises and cloud environments, ensuring a smooth transition to AWS pipelines, minimizing data validation issues and migration delays.

By early 2022, we successfully migrated our big data workloads to EMR on EC2. Using best practices learned from the AWS FinHack program, we fine-tuned resource-intensive jobs, converted Pig and Hive jobs to Spark, and reduced our batch workload spend by 22.75% in 2022. However, scalability challenges emerged due to the multitude of jobs. This prompted GoDaddy to embark on a systematic optimization journey, establishing a foundation for more sustainable and efficient big data processing.

Seven layers of improvement opportunities

In our quest for operational efficiency, we have identified seven distinct layers of opportunities for optimization within our batch processing jobs, as shown in the following figure. These layers range from precise code-level enhancements to more comprehensive platform improvements. This multi-layered approach has become our strategic blueprint in the ongoing pursuit of better performance and higher efficiency.

Seven layers of improvement opportunities

The layers are as follows:

  • Code optimization – Focuses on refining the code logic and how it can be optimized for better performance. This involves performance enhancements through selective caching, partition and projection pruning, join optimizations, and other job-specific tuning. Using AI coding solutions is also an integral part of this process.
  • Software updates – Updating to the latest versions of open source software (OSS) to capitalize on new features and improvements. For example, Adaptive Query Execution in Spark 3 brings significant performance and cost improvements.
  • Custom Spark configurations Tuning of custom Spark configurations to maximize resource utilization, memory, and parallelism. We can achieve significant improvements by right-sizing tasks, such as through spark.sql.shuffle.partitions, spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes, spark.executor.cores, and spark.executor.memory. However, these custom configurations might be counterproductive if they are not compatible with the specific Spark version.
  • Resource provisioning time The time it takes to launch resources like ephemeral EMR clusters on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). Although some factors influencing this time are outside of an engineer’s control, identifying and addressing the factors that can be optimized can help reduce overall provisioning time.
  • Fine-grained scaling at task level Dynamically adjusting resources such as CPU, memory, disk, and network bandwidth based on each stage’s needs within a task. The aim here is to avoid fixed cluster sizes that could result in resource waste.
  • Fine-grained scaling across multiple tasks in a workflow Given that each task has unique resource requirements, maintaining a fixed resource size may result in under- or over-provisioning for certain tasks within the same workflow. Traditionally, the size of the largest task determines the cluster size for a multi-task workflow. However, dynamically adjusting resources across multiple tasks and steps within a workflow result in a more cost-effective implementation.
  • Platform-level enhancements – Enhancements at preceding layers can only optimize a given job or a workflow. Platform improvement aims to attain efficiency at the company level. We can achieve this through various means, such as updating or upgrading the core infrastructure, introducing new frameworks, allocating appropriate resources for each job profile, balancing service usage, optimizing the use of Savings Plans and Spot Instances, or implementing other comprehensive changes to boost efficiency across all tasks and workflows.

Layers 1–3: Previous cost reductions

After we migrated from on premises to AWS Cloud, we primarily focused our cost-optimization efforts on the first three layers shown in the diagram. By transitioning our most costly legacy Pig and Hive pipelines to Spark and optimizing Spark configurations for Amazon EMR, we achieved significant cost savings.

For example, a legacy Pig job took 10 hours to complete and ranked among the top 10 most expensive EMR jobs. Upon reviewing TEZ logs and cluster metrics, we discovered that the cluster was vastly over-provisioned for the data volume being processed and remained under-utilized for most of the runtime. Transitioning from Pig to Spark was more efficient. Although no automated tools were available for the conversion, manual optimizations were made, including:

  • Reduced unnecessary disk writes, saving serialization and deserialization time (Layer 1)
  • Replaced Airflow task parallelization with Spark, simplifying the Airflow DAG (Layer 1)
  • Eliminated redundant Spark transformations (Layer 1)
  • Upgraded from Spark 2 to 3, using Adaptive Query Execution (Layer 2)
  • Addressed skewed joins and optimized smaller dimension tables (Layer 3)

As a result, job cost decreased by 95%, and job completion time was reduced to 1 hour. However, this approach was labor-intensive and not scalable for numerous jobs.

Layers 4–6: Find and adopt the right compute solution

In late 2022, following our significant accomplishments in optimization at the previous levels, our attention moved towards enhancing the remaining layers.

Understanding the state of our batch processing

We use Amazon MWAA to orchestrate our data workflows in the cloud at scale. Apache Airflow is an open source tool used to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor sequences of processes and tasks referred to as workflows. In this post, the terms workflow and job are used interchangeably, referring to the Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) consisting of tasks orchestrated by Amazon MWAA. For each workflow, we have sequential or parallel tasks, and even a combination of both in the DAG between create_emr and terminate_emr tasks running on a transient EMR cluster with fixed compute capacity throughout the workflow run. Even after optimizing a portion of our workload, we still had numerous non-optimized workflows that were under-utilized due to over-provisioning of compute resources based on the most resource-intensive task in the workflow, as shown in the following figure.

This highlighted the impracticality of static resource allocation and led us to recognize the necessity of a dynamic resource allocation (DRA) system. Before proposing a solution, we gathered extensive data to thoroughly understand our batch processing. Analyzing the cluster step time, excluding provisioning and idle time, revealed significant insights: a right-skewed distribution with over half of the workflows completing in 20 minutes or less and only 10% taking more than 60 minutes. This distribution guided our choice of a fast-provisioning compute solution, dramatically reducing workflow runtimes. The following diagram illustrates step times (excluding provisioning and idle time) of EMR on EC2 transient clusters in one of our batch processing accounts.

Furthermore, based on the step time (excluding provisioning and idle time) distribution of the workflows, we categorized our workflows into three groups:

  • Quick run – Lasting 20 minutes or less
  • Medium run – Lasting between 20–60 minutes
  • Long run – Exceeding 60 minutes, often spanning several hours or more

Another factor we needed to consider was the extensive use of transient clusters for reasons such as security, job and cost isolation, and purpose-built clusters. Additionally, there was a significant variation in resource needs between peak hours and periods of low utilization.

Instead of fixed-size clusters, we could potentially use managed scaling on EMR on EC2 to achieve some cost benefits. However, migrating to EMR Serverless appears to be a more strategic direction for our data platform. In addition to potential cost benefits, EMR Serverless offers additional advantages such as a one-click upgrade to the newest Amazon EMR versions, a simplified operational and debugging experience, and automatic upgrades to the latest generations upon rollout. These features collectively simplify the process of operating a platform on a larger scale.

Evaluating EMR Serverless: A case study at GoDaddy

EMR Serverless is a serverless option in Amazon EMR that eliminates the complexities of configuring, managing, and scaling clusters when running big data frameworks like Apache Spark and Apache Hive. With EMR Serverless, businesses can enjoy numerous benefits, including cost-effectiveness, faster provisioning, simplified developer experience, and improved resilience to Availability Zone failures.

Recognizing the potential of EMR Serverless, we conducted an in-depth benchmark study using real production workflows. The study aimed to assess EMR Serverless performance and efficiency while also creating an adoption plan for large-scale implementation. The findings were highly encouraging, showing EMR Serverless can effectively handle our workloads.

Benchmarking methodology

We split our data workflows into three categories based on total step time (excluding provisioning and idle time): quick run (0–20 minutes), medium run (20–60 minutes), and long run (over 60 minutes). We analyzed the impact of the EMR deployment type (Amazon EC2 vs. EMR Serverless) on two key metrics: cost-efficiency and total runtime speedup, which served as our overall evaluation criteria. Although we did not formally measure ease of use and resiliency, these factors were considered throughout the evaluation process.

The high-level steps to assess the environment are as follows:

  1. Prepare the data and environment:
    1. Choose three to five random production jobs from each job category.
    2. Implement required adjustments to prevent interference with production.
  2. Run tests:
    1. Run scripts over several days or through multiple iterations to gather precise and consistent data points.
    2. Perform tests using EMR on EC2 and EMR Serverless.
  3. Validate data and test runs:
    1. Validate input and output datasets, partitions, and row counts to ensure identical data processing.
  4. Gather metrics and analyze results:
    1. Gather relevant metrics from the tests.
    2. Analyze results to draw insights and conclusions.

Benchmark results

Our benchmark results showed significant enhancements across all three job categories for both runtime speedup and cost-efficiency. The improvements were most pronounced for quick jobs, directly resulting from faster startup times. For instance, a 20-minute (including cluster provisioning and shut down) data workflow running on an EMR on EC2 transient cluster of fixed compute capacity finishes in 10 minutes on EMR Serverless, providing a shorter runtime with cost benefits. Overall, the shift to EMR Serverless delivered substantial performance improvements and cost reductions at scale across job brackets, as seen in the following figure.

Historically, we devoted more time to tuning our long-run workflows. Interestingly, we discovered that the existing custom Spark configurations for these jobs did not always translate well to EMR Serverless. In cases where the results were insignificant, a common approach was to discard previous Spark configurations related to executor cores. By allowing EMR Serverless to autonomously manage these Spark configurations, we often observed improved outcomes. The following graph shows the average runtime and cost improvement per job when comparing EMR Serverless to EMR on EC2.

Per Job Improvement

The following table shows a sample comparison of results for the same workflow running on different deployment options of Amazon EMR (EMR on EC2 and EMR Serverless).

Metric EMR on EC2
EMR Serverless
EMR on EC2 vs
EMR Serverless
Total Run Cost ($) $ 5.82 $ 2.60 55%
Total Run Time (Minutes) 53.40 39.40 26%
Provisioning Time (Minutes) 10.20 0.05 .
Provisioning Cost ($) $ 1.19 . .
Steps Time (Minutes) 38.20 39.16 -3%
Steps Cost ($) $ 4.30 . .
Idle Time (Minutes) 4.80 . .
EMR Release Label emr-6.9.0 .
Hadoop Distribution Amazon 3.3.3 .
Spark Version Spark 3.3.0 .
Hive/HCatalog Version Hive 3.1.3, HCatalog 3.1.3 .
Job Type Spark .

AWS Graviton2 on EMR Serverless performance evaluation

After seeing compelling results with EMR Serverless for our workloads, we decided to further analyze the performance of the AWS Graviton2 (arm64) architecture within EMR Serverless. AWS had benchmarked Spark workloads on Graviton2 EMR Serverless using the TPC-DS 3TB scale, showing a 27% overall price-performance improvement.

To better understand the integration benefits, we ran our own study using GoDaddy’s production workloads on a daily schedule and observed an impressive 23.8% price-performance enhancement across a range of jobs when using Graviton2. For more details about this study, see GoDaddy benchmarking results in up to 24% better price-performance for their Spark workloads with AWS Graviton2 on Amazon EMR Serverless.

Adoption strategy for EMR Serverless

We strategically implemented a phased rollout of EMR Serverless via deployment rings, enabling systematic integration. This gradual approach let us validate improvements and halt further adoption of EMR Serverless, if needed. It served both as a safety net to catch issues early and a means to refine our infrastructure. The process mitigated change impact through smooth operations while building team expertise of our Data Engineering and DevOps teams. Additionally, it fostered tight feedback loops, allowing prompt adjustments and ensuring efficient EMR Serverless integration.

We divided our workflows into three main adoption groups, as shown in the following image:

  • Canaries This group aids in detecting and resolving any potential problems early in the deployment stage.
  • Early adopters This is the second batch of workflows that adopt the new compute solution after initial issues have been identified and rectified by the canaries group.
  • Broad deployment rings The largest group of rings, this group represents the wide-scale deployment of the solution. These are deployed after successful testing and implementation in the previous two groups.


We further broke down these workflows into granular deployment rings to adopt EMR Serverless, as shown in the following table.

Ring # Name Details
Ring 0 Canary Low adoption risk jobs that are expected to yield some cost saving benefits.
Ring 1 Early Adopters Low risk Quick-run Spark jobs that expect to yield high gains.
Ring 2 Quick-run Rest of the Quick-run (step_time <= 20 min) Spark jobs
Ring 3 LargerJobs_EZ High potential gain, easy move, medium-run and long-run Spark jobs
Ring 4 LargerJobs Rest of the medium-run and long-run Spark jobs with potential gains
Ring 5 Hive Hive jobs with potentially higher cost savings
Ring 6 Redshift_EZ Easy migration Redshift jobs that suit EMR Serverless
Ring 7 Glue_EZ Easy migration Glue jobs that suit EMR Serverless

Production adoption results summary

The encouraging benchmarking and canary adoption results generated considerable interest in wider EMR Serverless adoption at GoDaddy. To date, the EMR Serverless rollout remains underway. Thus far, it has reduced costs by 62.5% and accelerated total batch workflow completion by 50.4%.

Based on preliminary benchmarks, our team expected substantial gains for quick jobs. To our surprise, actual production deployments surpassed projections, averaging 64.4% faster vs. 42% projected, and 71.8% cheaper vs. 40% predicted.

Remarkably, long-running jobs also saw significant performance improvements due to the rapid provisioning of EMR Serverless and aggressive scaling enabled by dynamic resource allocation. We observed substantial parallelization during high-resource segments, resulting in a 40.5% faster total runtime compared to traditional approaches. The following chart illustrates the average enhancements per job category.

Prod Jobs Savings

Additionally, we observed the highest degree of dispersion for speed improvements within the long-run job category, as shown in the following box-and-whisker plot.

Whisker Plot

Sample workflows adopted EMR Serverless

For a large workflow migrated to EMR Serverless, comparing 3-week averages pre- and post-migration revealed impressive cost savings—a 75.30% decrease based on retail pricing with 10% improvement in total runtime, boosting operational efficiency. The following graph illustrates the cost trend.

Although quick-run jobs realized minimal per-dollar cost reductions, they delivered the most significant percentage cost savings. With thousands of these workflows running daily, the accumulated savings are substantial. The following graph shows the cost trend for a small workload migrated from EMR on EC2 to EMR Serverless. Comparing 3-week pre- and post-migration averages revealed a remarkable 92.43% cost savings on the retail on-demand pricing, alongside an 80.6% acceleration in total runtime.

Sample workflows adopted EMR Serverless 2

Layer 7: Platform-wide improvements

We aim to revolutionize compute operations at GoDaddy, providing simplified yet powerful solutions for all users with our Intelligent Compute Platform. With AWS compute solutions like EMR Serverless and EMR on EC2, it provided optimized runs of data processing and machine learning (ML) workloads. An ML-powered job broker intelligently determines when and how to run jobs based on various parameters, while still allowing power users to customize. Additionally, an ML-powered compute resource manager pre-provisions resources based on load and historical data, providing efficient, fast provisioning at optimum cost. Intelligent compute empowers users with out-of-the-box optimization, catering to diverse personas without compromising power users.

The following diagram shows a high-level illustration of the intelligent compute architecture.

Insights and recommended best-practices

The following section discusses the insights we’ve gathered and the recommended best practices we’ve developed during our preliminary and wider adoption stages.

Infrastructure preparation

Although EMR Serverless is a deployment method within EMR, it requires some infrastructure preparedness to optimize its potential. Consider the following requirements and practical guidance on implementation:

  • Use large subnets across multiple Availability Zones – When running EMR Serverless workloads within your VPC, make sure the subnets span across multiple Availability Zones and are not constrained by IP addresses. Refer to Configuring VPC access and Best practices for subnet planning for details.
  • Modify maximum concurrent vCPU quota For extensive compute requirements, it is recommended to increase your max concurrent vCPUs per account service quota.
  • Amazon MWAA version compatibility When adopting EMR Serverless, GoDaddy’s decentralized Amazon MWAA ecosystem for data pipeline orchestration created compatibility issues from disparate AWS Providers versions. Directly upgrading Amazon MWAA was more efficient than updating numerous DAGs. We facilitated adoption by upgrading Amazon MWAA instances ourselves, documenting issues, and sharing findings and effort estimates for accurate upgrade planning.
  • GoDaddy EMR operator To streamline migrating numerous Airflow DAGs from EMR on EC2 to EMR Serverless, we developed custom operators adapting existing interfaces. This allowed seamless transitions while retaining familiar tuning options. Data engineers could easily migrate pipelines with simple find-replace imports and immediately use EMR Serverless.

Unexpected behavior mitigation

The following are unexpected behaviors we ran into and what we did to mitigate them:

  • Spark DRA aggressive scaling For some jobs (8.33% of initial benchmarks, 13.6% of production), cost increased after migrating to EMR Serverless. This was due to Spark DRA excessively assigning new workers briefly, prioritizing performance over cost. To counteract this, we set maximum executor thresholds by adjusting spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutor, effectively limiting EMR Serverless scaling aggression. When migrating from EMR on EC2, we suggest observing the max core count in the Spark History UI to replicate similar compute limits in EMR Serverless, such as --conf spark.executor.cores and --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors.
  • Managing disk space for large-scale jobs When transitioning jobs that process large data volumes with substantial shuffles and significant disk requirements to EMR Serverless, we recommend configuring spark.emr-serverless.executor.disk by referring to existing Spark job metrics. Furthermore, configurations like spark.executor.cores combined with spark.emr-serverless.executor.disk and spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors allow control over the underlying worker size and total attached storage when advantageous. For example, a shuffle-heavy job with relatively low disk usage may benefit from using a larger worker to increase the likelihood of local shuffle fetches.


As discussed in this post, our experiences with adopting EMR Serverless on arm64 have been overwhelmingly positive. The impressive results we’ve achieved, including a 60% reduction in cost, 50% faster runs of batch Spark workloads, and an astounding five-times improvement in development and testing speed, speak volumes about the potential of this technology. Furthermore, our current results suggest that by widely adopting Graviton2 on EMR Serverless, we could potentially reduce the carbon footprint by up to 60% for our batch processing.

However, it’s crucial to understand that these results are not a one-size-fits-all scenario. The enhancements you can expect are subject to factors including, but not limited to, the specific nature of your workflows, cluster configurations, resource utilization levels, and fluctuations in computational capacity. Therefore, we strongly advocate for a data-driven, ring-based deployment strategy when considering the integration of EMR Serverless, which can help optimize its benefits to the fullest.

Special thanks to Mukul Sharma and Boris Berlin for their contributions to benchmarking. Many thanks to Travis Muhlestein (CDO), Abhijit Kundu (VP Eng), Vincent Yung (Sr. Director Eng.), and Wai Kin Lau (Sr. Director Data Eng.) for their continued support.

About the Authors

Brandon Abear is a Principal Data Engineer in the Data & Analytics (DnA) organization at GoDaddy. He enjoys all things big data. In his spare time, he enjoys traveling, watching movies, and playing rhythm games.

Dinesh Sharma is a Principal Data Engineer in the Data & Analytics (DnA) organization at GoDaddy. He is passionate about user experience and developer productivity, always looking for ways to optimize engineering processes and saving cost. In his spare time, he loves reading and is an avid manga fan.

John Bush is a Principal Software Engineer in the Data & Analytics (DnA) organization at GoDaddy. He is passionate about making it easier for organizations to manage data and use it to drive their businesses forward. In his spare time, he loves hiking, camping, and riding his ebike.

Ozcan Ilikhan is the Director of Engineering for the Data and ML Platform at GoDaddy. He has over two decades of multidisciplinary leadership experience, spanning startups to global enterprises. He has a passion for leveraging data and AI in creating solutions that delight customers, empower them to achieve more, and boost operational efficiency. Outside of his professional life, he enjoys reading, hiking, gardening, volunteering, and embarking on DIY projects.

Harsh Vardhan is an AWS Solutions Architect, specializing in big data and analytics. He has over 8 years of experience working in the field of big data and data science. He is passionate about helping customers adopt best practices and discover insights from their data.

Build a pseudonymization service on AWS to protect sensitive data: Part 2

Post Syndicated from Edvin Hallvaxhiu original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/build-a-pseudonymization-service-on-aws-to-protect-sensitive-data-part-2/

Part 1 of this two-part series described how to build a pseudonymization service that converts plain text data attributes into a pseudonym or vice versa. A centralized pseudonymization service provides a unique and universally recognized architecture for generating pseudonyms. Consequently, an organization can achieve a standard process to handle sensitive data across all platforms. Additionally, this takes away any complexity and expertise needed to understand and implement various compliance requirements from development teams and analytical users, allowing them to focus on their business outcomes.

Following a decoupled service-based approach means that, as an organization, you are unbiased towards the use of any specific technologies to solve your business problems. No matter which technology is preferred by individual teams, they are able to call the pseudonymization service to pseudonymize sensitive data.

In this post, we focus on common extract, transform, and load (ETL) consumption patterns that can use the pseudonymization service. We discuss how to use the pseudonymization service in your ETL jobs on Amazon EMR (using Amazon EMR on EC2) for streaming and batch use cases. Additionally, you can find an Amazon Athena and AWS Glue based consumption pattern in the GitHub repo of the solution.

Solution overview

The following diagram describes the solution architecture.

The account on the right hosts the pseudonymization service, which you can deploy using the instructions provided in the Part 1 of this series.

The account on the left is the one that you set up as part of this post, representing the ETL platform based on Amazon EMR using the pseudonymization service.

You can deploy the pseudonymization service and the ETL platform on the same account.

Amazon EMR empowers you to create, operate, and scale big data frameworks such as Apache Spark quickly and cost-effectively.

In this solution, we show how to consume the pseudonymization service on Amazon EMR with Apache Spark for batch and streaming use cases. The batch application reads data from an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket, and the streaming application consumes records from Amazon Kinesis Data Streams.

PySpark code used in batch and streaming jobs

Both applications use a common utility function that makes HTTP POST calls against the API Gateway that is linked to the pseudonymization AWS Lambda function. The REST API calls are made per Spark partition using the Spark RDD mapPartitions function. The POST request body contains the list of unique values for a given input column. The POST request response contains the corresponding pseudonymized values. The code swaps the sensitive values with the pseudonymized ones for a given dataset. The result is saved to Amazon S3 and the AWS Glue Data Catalog, using Apache Iceberg table format.

Iceberg is an open table format that supports ACID transactions, schema evolution, and time travel queries. You can use these features to implement the right to be forgotten (or data erasure) solutions using SQL statements or programming interfaces. Iceberg is supported by Amazon EMR starting with version 6.5.0, AWS Glue, and Athena. Batch and streaming patterns use Iceberg as their target format. For an overview of how to build an ACID compliant data lake using Iceberg, refer to Build a high-performance, ACID compliant, evolving data lake using Apache Iceberg on Amazon EMR.


You must have the following prerequisites:

  • An AWS account.
  • An AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal with privileges to deploy the AWS CloudFormation stack and related resources.
  • The AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) installed on the development or deployment machine that you will use to run the provided scripts.
  • An S3 bucket in the same account and AWS Region where the solution is to be deployed.
  • Python3 installed in the local machine where the commands are run.
  • PyYAML installed using pip.
  • A bash terminal to run bash scripts that deploy CloudFormation stacks.
  • An additional S3 bucket containing the input dataset in Parquet files (only for batch applications). Copy the sample dataset to the S3 bucket.
  • A copy of the latest code repository in the local machine using git clone or the download option.

Open a new bash terminal and navigate to the root folder of the cloned repository.

The source code for the proposed patterns can be found in the cloned repository. It uses the following parameters:

  • ARTEFACT_S3_BUCKET – The S3 bucket where the infrastructure code will be stored. The bucket must be created in the same account and Region where the solution lives.
  • AWS_REGION – The Region where the solution will be deployed.
  • AWS_PROFILE – The named profile that will be applied to the AWS CLI command. This should contain credentials for an IAM principal with privileges to deploy the CloudFormation stack of related resources.
  • SUBNET_ID – The subnet ID where the EMR cluster will be spun up. The subnet is pre-existing and for demonstration purposes, we use the default subnet ID of the default VPC.
  • EP_URL – The endpoint URL of the pseudonymization service. Retrieve this from the solution deployed as Part 1 of this series.
  • API_SECRET – An Amazon API Gateway key that will be stored in AWS Secrets Manager. The API key is generated from the deployment depicted in Part 1 of this series.
  • S3_INPUT_PATH – The S3 URI pointing to the folder containing the input dataset as Parquet files.
  • KINESIS_DATA_STREAM_NAMEThe Kinesis data stream name deployed with the CloudFormation stack.
  • BATCH_SIZEThe number of records to be pushed to the data stream per batch.
  • THREADS_NUM The number of parallel threads used in the local machine to upload data to the data stream. More threads correspond to a higher message volume.
  • EMR_CLUSTER_ID – The EMR cluster ID where the code will be run (the EMR cluster was created by the CloudFormation stack).
  • STACK_NAME – The name of the CloudFormation stack, which is assigned in the deployment script.

Batch deployment steps

As described in the prerequisites, before you deploy the solution, upload the Parquet files of the test dataset to Amazon S3. Then provide the S3 path of the folder containing the files as the parameter <S3_INPUT_PATH>.

We create the solution resources via AWS CloudFormation. You can deploy the solution by running the deploy_1.sh script, which is inside the deployment_scripts folder.

After the deployment prerequisites have been satisfied, enter the following command to deploy the solution:

sh ./deployment_scripts/deploy_1.sh \
-s <SUBNET_ID> \
-e <EP_URL> \

The output should look like the following screenshot.

The required parameters for the cleanup command are printed out at the end of the run of the deploy_1.sh script. Make sure to note down these values.

Test the batch solution

In the CloudFormation template deployed using the deploy_1.sh script, the EMR step containing the Spark batch application is added at the end of the EMR cluster setup.

To verify the results, check the S3 bucket identified in the CloudFormation stack outputs with the variable SparkOutputLocation.

You can also use Athena to query the table pseudo_table in the database blog_batch_db.

Clean up batch resources

To destroy the resources created as part of this exercise,

in a bash terminal, navigate to the root folder of the cloned repository. Enter the cleanup command shown as the output of the previously run deploy_1.sh script:

sh ./deployment_scripts/cleanup_1.sh \

The output should look like the following screenshot.

Streaming deployment steps

We create the solution resources via AWS CloudFormation. You can deploy the solution by running the deploy_2.sh script, which is inside the deployment_scripts folder. The CloudFormation stack template for this pattern is available in the GitHub repo.

After the deployment prerequisites have been satisfied, enter the following command to deploy the solution:

sh deployment_scripts/deploy_2.sh \
-s <SUBNET_ID> \
-e <EP_URL> \

The output should look like the following screenshot.

The required parameters for the cleanup command are printed out at the end of the output of the deploy_2.sh script. Make sure to save these values to use later.

Test the streaming solution

In the CloudFormation template deployed using the deploy_2.sh script, the EMR step containing the Spark streaming application is added at the end of the EMR cluster setup. To test the end-to-end pipeline, you need to push records to the deployed Kinesis data stream. With the following commands in a bash terminal, you can activate a Kinesis producer that will continuously put records in the stream, until the process is manually stopped. You can control the producer’s message volume by modifying the BATCH_SIZE and the THREADS_NUM variables.

python3 -m pip install kiner
python3 \
consumption-patterns/emr/1_pyspark-streaming/kinesis_producer/producer.py \

To verify the results, check the S3 bucket identified in the CloudFormation stack outputs with the variable SparkOutputLocation.

In the Athena query editor, check the results by querying the table pseudo_table in the database blog_stream_db.

Clean up streaming resources

To destroy the resources created as part of this exercise, complete the following steps:

  1. Stop the Python Kinesis producer that was launched in a bash terminal in the previous section.
  2. Enter the following command:
sh ./deployment_scripts/cleanup_2.sh \

The output should look like the following screenshot.

Performance details

Use cases might differ in requirements with respect to data size, compute capacity, and cost. We have provided some benchmarking and factors that may influence performance; however, we strongly advise you to validate the solution in lower environments to see if it meets your particular requirements.

You can influence the performance of the proposed solution (which aims to pseudonymize a dataset using Amazon EMR) by the maximum number of parallel calls to the pseudonymization service and the payload size for each call. In terms of parallel calls, factors to consider are the GetSecretValue calls limit from Secrets Manager (10.000 per second, hard limit) and the Lambda default concurrency parallelism (1,000 by default; can be increased by quota request). You can control the maximum parallelism adjusting the number of executors, the number of partitions composing the dataset, and the cluster configuration (number and type of nodes). In terms of payload size for each call, factors to consider are the API Gateway maximum payload size (6 MB) and the Lambda function maximum runtime (15 minutes). You can control the payload size and the Lambda function runtime by adjusting the batch size value, which is a parameter of the PySpark script that determines the number of items to be pseudonymized per each API call. To capture the influence of all these factors and assess the performance of the consumption patterns using Amazon EMR, we have designed and monitored the following scenarios.

Batch consumption pattern performance

To assess the performance for the batch consumption pattern, we ran the pseudonymization application with three input datasets composed of 1, 10, and 100 Parquet files of 97.7 MB each. We generated the input files using the dataset_generator.py script.

The cluster capacity nodes were 1 primary (m5.4xlarge) and 15 core (m5d.8xlarge). This cluster configuration remained the same for all three scenarios, and it allowed the Spark application to use up to 100 executors. The batch_size, which was also the same for the three scenarios, was set to 900 VINs per API call, and the maximum VIN size was 5 bytes.

The following table captures the information of the three scenarios.

Execution ID Repartition Dataset Size Number of Executors Cores per Executor Executor Memory Runtime
A 800 9.53 GB 100 4 4 GiB 11 minutes, 10 seconds
B 80 0.95 GB 10 4 4 GiB 8 minutes, 36 seconds
C 8 0.09 GB 1 4 4 GiB 7 minutes, 56 seconds

As we can see, properly parallelizing the calls to our pseudonymization service enables us to control the overall runtime.

In the following examples, we analyze three important Lambda metrics for the pseudonymization service: Invocations, ConcurrentExecutions, and Duration.

The following graph depicts the Invocations metric, with the statistic SUM in orange and RUNNING SUM in blue.

By calculating the difference between the starting and ending point of the cumulative invocations, we can extract how many invocations were made during each run.

Run ID Dataset Size Total Invocations
A 9.53 GB 1.467.000 – 0 = 1.467.000
B 0.95 GB 1.467.000 – 1.616.500 = 149.500
C 0.09 GB 1.616.500 – 1.631.000 = 14.500

As expected, the number of invocations increases proportionally by 10 with the dataset size.

The following graph depicts the total ConcurrentExecutions metric, with the statistic MAX in blue.

The application is designed such that the maximum number of concurrent Lambda function runs is given by the amount of Spark tasks (Spark dataset partitions), which can be processed in parallel. This number can be calculated as MIN (executors x executor_cores, Spark dataset partitions).

In the test, run A processed 800 partitions, using 100 executors with four cores each. This makes 400 tasks processed in parallel so the Lambda function concurrent runs can’t be above 400. The same logic was applied for runs B and C. We can see this reflected in the preceding graph, where the amount of concurrent runs never surpasses the 400, 40, and 4 values.

To avoid throttling, make sure that the amount of Spark tasks that can be processed in parallel is not above the Lambda function concurrency limit. If that is the case, you should either increase the Lambda function concurrency limit (if you want to keep up the performance) or reduce either the amount of partitions or the number of available executors (impacting the application performance).

The following graph depicts the Lambda Duration metric, with the statistic AVG in orange and MAX in green.

As expected, the size of the dataset doesn’t affect the duration of the pseudonymization function run, which, apart from some initial invocations facing cold starts, remains constant to an average of 3 milliseconds throughout the three scenarios. This because the maximum number of records included in each pseudonymization call is constant (batch_size value).

Lambda is billed based on the number of invocations and the time it takes for your code to run (duration). You can use the average duration and invocations metrics to estimate the cost of the pseudonymization service.

Streaming consumption pattern performance

To assess the performance for the streaming consumption pattern, we ran the producer.py script, which defines a Kinesis data producer that pushes records in batches to the Kinesis data stream.

The streaming application was left running for 15 minutes and it was configured with a batch_interval of 1 minute, which is the time interval at which streaming data will be divided into batches. The following table summarizes the relevant factors.

Repartition Cluster Capacity Nodes Number of Executors Executor’s Memory Batch Window Batch Size VIN Size

1 Primary (m5.xlarge),

3 Core (m5.2xlarge)

6 9 GiB 60 seconds 900 VINs/API call. 5 Bytes / VIN

The following graphs depict the Kinesis Data Streams metrics PutRecords (in blue) and GetRecords (in orange) aggregated with 1-minute period and using the statistic SUM. The first graph shows the metric in bytes, which peaks 6.8 MB per minute. The second graph shows the metric in record count peaking at 85,000 records per minute.

We can see that the metrics GetRecords and PutRecords have overlapping values for almost the entire application’s run. This means that the streaming application was able to keep up with the load of the stream.

Next, we analyze the relevant Lambda metrics for the pseudonymization service: Invocations, ConcurrentExecutions, and Duration.

The following graph depicts the Invocations metric, with the statistic SUM (in orange) and RUNNING SUM in blue.

By calculating the difference between the starting and ending point of the cumulative invocations, we can extract how many invocations were made during the run. In specific, in 15 minutes, the streaming application invoked the pseudonymization API 977 times, which is around 65 calls per minute.

The following graph depicts the total ConcurrentExecutions metric, with the statistic MAX in blue.

The repartition and the cluster configuration allow the application to process all Spark RDD partitions in parallel. As a result, the concurrent runs of the Lambda function are always equal to or below the repartition number, which is 17.

To avoid throttling, make sure that the amount of Spark tasks that can be processed in parallel is not above the Lambda function concurrency limit. For this aspect, the same suggestions as for the batch use case are valid.

The following graph depicts the Lambda Duration metric, with the statistic AVG in blue and MAX in orange.

As expected, aside the Lambda function’s cold start, the average duration of the pseudonymization function was more or less constant throughout the run. This because the batch_size value, which defines the number of VINs to pseudonymize per call, was set to and remained constant at 900.

The ingestion rate of the Kinesis data stream and the consumption rate of our streaming application are factors that influence the number of API calls made against the pseudonymization service and therefore the related cost.

The following graph depicts the Lambda Invocations metric, with the statistic SUM in orange, and the Kinesis Data Streams GetRecords.Records metric, with the statistic SUM in blue. We can see that there is correlation between the amount of records retrieved from the stream per minute and the amount of Lambda function invocations, thereby impacting the cost of the streaming run.

In addition to the batch_interval, we can control the streaming application’s consumption rate using Spark streaming properties like spark.streaming.receiver.maxRate and spark.streaming.blockInterval. For more details, refer to Spark Streaming + Kinesis Integration and Spark Streaming Programming Guide.


Navigating through the rules and regulations of data privacy laws can be difficult. Pseudonymization of PII attributes is one of many points to consider while handling sensitive data.

In this two-part series, we explored how you can build and consume a pseudonymization service using various AWS services with features to assist you in building a robust data platform. In Part 1, we built the foundation by showing how to build a pseudonymization service. In this post, we showcased the various patterns to consume the pseudonymization service in a cost-efficient and performant manner. Check out the GitHub repository for additional consumption patterns.

About the Authors

Edvin Hallvaxhiu is a Senior Global Security Architect with AWS Professional Services and is passionate about cybersecurity and automation. He helps customers build secure and compliant solutions in the cloud. Outside work, he likes traveling and sports.

Rahul Shaurya is a Principal Big Data Architect with AWS Professional Services. He helps and works closely with customers building data platforms and analytical applications on AWS. Outside of work, Rahul loves taking long walks with his dog Barney.

Andrea Montanari is a Senior Big Data Architect with AWS Professional Services. He actively supports customers and partners in building analytics solutions at scale on AWS.

María Guerra is a Big Data Architect with AWS Professional Services. Maria has a background in data analytics and mechanical engineering. She helps customers architecting and developing data related workloads in the cloud.

Pushpraj Singh is a Senior Data Architect with AWS Professional Services. He is passionate about Data and DevOps engineering. He helps customers build data driven applications at scale.

Bring your workforce identity to Amazon EMR Studio and Athena

Post Syndicated from Manjit Chakraborty original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/bring-your-workforce-identity-to-amazon-emr-studio-and-athena/

Customers today may struggle to implement proper access controls and auditing at the user level when multiple applications are involved in data access workflows. The key challenge is to implement proper least-privilege access controls based on user identity when one application accesses data on behalf of the user in another application. It forces you to either give all users broad access through the application with no auditing, or try to implement complex bespoke solutions to map roles to users.

Using AWS IAM Identity Center, you can now propagate user identity to a set of AWS services and minimize the need to build and maintain complex custom systems to vend roles between applications. IAM Identity Center also provides a consolidated view of users and groups in one place that the interconnected applications can use for authorization and auditing.

IAM Identity Center enables centralized management of user access to AWS accounts and applications using identity providers (IDPs) like Okta. This allows users to log in one time with their existing corporate credentials and seamlessly access downstream AWS services supporting identity propagation. With IAM Identity Center, Okta user identities and groups can be automatically synced using SCIM 2.0 for accurate user information in AWS.

Amazon EMR Studio is a unified data analysis environment where you can develop data engineering and data science applications. You can now develop and run interactive queries on Amazon Athena from EMR Studio (for more details, refer to Amazon EMR Studio adds interactive query editor powered by Amazon Athena ). Athena users can access EMR Studio without logging in to the AWS Management Console by enabling federated access from your IdP via IAM Identity Center. This removes the complexity of maintaining different identities and mapping user roles across your IdP, EMR Studio, and Athena.

You can govern Athena workgroups based on user attributes from Okta to control query access and costs. AWS Lake Formation can also use Okta identities to enforce fine-grained access controls through granting and revoking permissions.

IAM Identity Center and Okta single sign-on (SSO) integration streamlines access to EMR Studio and Athena with centralized authentication. Users can have a familiar sign-in experience with their workforce credentials to securely run queries in Athena. Access policies on Athena workgroups and Lake Formation permissions provide governance based on Okta user profiles.

This blog post explains how to enable single sign-on to EMR Studio using IAM Identity Center integration with Okta. It shows how to propagate Okta identities to Athena and Lake Formation to provide granular access controls on queries and data. The solution streamlines access to analytics tools with centralized authentication using workforce credentials. It leverages AWS IAM Identity Center, Amazon EMR Studio, Amazon Athena, and AWS Lake Formation.

Solution overview

IAM Identity Center allows users to connect to EMR Studio without needing administrators to manually configure AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and permissions. It enables mapping of IAM Identity Center groups to existing corporate identity roles and groups. Admins can then assign privileges to roles and groups and assign users to them, enabling granular control over user access. IAM Identity Center provides a central repository of all users in AWS. You can create users and groups directly in IAM Identity Center or connect existing users and groups from providers like Okta, Ping Identity, or Azure AD. It handles authentication through your chosen identity source and maintains a user and group directory for EMR Studio access. Known user identities and logged data access facilitates compliance through auditing user access in AWS CloudTrail.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

Solution Overview

The EMR Studio workflow consists of the following high-level steps:

  1. The end-user launches EMR Studio using the AWS access portal URL. This URL is provided by an IAM Identity Center administrator via the IAM Identity Center dashboard.
  2. The URL redirects the end-user to the workforce IdP Okta, where the user enters workforce identity credentials.
  3. After successful authentication, the user will be logged in to the AWS console as a federated user.
  4. The user opens EMR Studio and navigates to the Athena query editor using the link available on EMR Studio.
  5. The user selects the correct workgroup as per the user role to run Athena queries.
  6. The query results are stored in separate Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) locations with a prefix that is based on user identity.

To implement the solution, we complete the following steps:

  1. Integrate Okta with IAM Identity Center to sync users and groups.
  2. Integrate IAM Identity Center with EMR Studio.
  3. Assign users or groups from IAM Identity Center to EMR Studio.
  4. Set up Lake Formation with IAM Identity Center.
  5. Configure granular role-based entitlements using Lake Formation on propagated corporate identities.
  6. Set up workgroups in Athena for governing access.
  7. Set up Amazon S3 access grants for fine-grained access to Amazon S3 resources like buckets, prefixes, or objects.
  8. Access EMR Studio through the AWS access portal using IAM Identity Center.
  9. Run queries on the Athena SQL editor in EMR Studio.
  10. Review the end-to-end audit trail of workforce identity.


To follow along this post, you should have the following:

  • An AWS account – If you don’t have one, you can sign up here.
  • An Okta account that has an active subscription – You need an administrator role to set up the application on Okta. If you’re new to Okta, you can sign up for a free trial or a developer account.

For instructions to configure Okta with IAM Identity Center, refer to Configure SAML and SCIM with Okta and IAM Identity Center.

Integrate Okta with IAM Identity Center to sync users and groups

After you have successfully synced users or groups from Okta to IAM Identity Center, you can see them on the IAM Identity Center console, as shown in the following screenshot. For this post, we created and synced two user groups:

  • Data Engineer
  • Data Scientists

Workforce Identity groups in IAM Identity Center

Next, create a trusted token issuer in IAM Identity Center:

  1. On the IAM Identity Center console, choose Settings in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create trusted token issuer.
  3. For Issuer URL, enter the URL of the trusted token issuer.
  4. For Trusted token issuer name, enter Okta.
  5. For Map attributes¸ map the IdP attribute Email to the IAM Identity Center attribute Email.
  6. Choose Create trusted token issuer.
    Create a Trusted Token Issuer in IAM Identity Center

The following screenshot shows your new trusted token issuer on the IAM Identity Center console.

Okta Trusted Token Issuer in Identity Center

Integrate IAM Identity Center with EMR Studio

We start with creating a trusted identity propagation enabled in EMR Studio.

An EMR Studio administrator must perform the steps to configure EMR Studio as an IAM Identity Center-enabled application. This enables EMR Studio to discover and connect to IAM Identity Center automatically to receive sign-in and user directory services.

The point of enabling EMR Studio as an IAM Identity Center-managed application is so you can control user and group permissions from within IAM Identity Center or from a source third-party IdP that’s integrated with it (Okta in this case). When your users sign in to EMR Studio, for example data-engineer or data-scientist, it checks their groups in IAM Identity Center, and these are mapped to roles and entitlements in Lake Formation. In this manner, a group can map to a Lake Formation database role that allows read access to a set of tables or columns.

The following steps show how to create EMR Studio as an AWS-managed application with IAM Identity Center, then we see how the downstream applications like Lake Formation and Athena propagate these roles and entitlements using existing corporate credentials.

  1. On the Amazon EMR console, navigate to EMR Studio.
  2. Choose Create a Studio.
  3. For Setup options, select Custom.
  4. For Studio name, enter a name.
  5. For S3 location for Workspace storage, select Select existing location and enter the Amazon S3 location.

Create EMR Studio with Custom Set up option

6. Configure permission details for the EMR Studio.

Note that when you choose View permission details under Service role, a new pop-up window will open. You need to create an IAM role with the same policies as shown in the pop-up window. You can use the same for your service role and IAM role.

Permission details for EMR studio

  1. On the Create a Studio page, for Authentication, select AWS IAM Identity Center.
  2. For User role, choose your user role.
  3. Under Trusted identity propagation, select Enable trusted identity propagation.
  4. Under Application access, select Only assigned users and groups.
  5. For VPC, enter your VPC.
  6. For Subnets, enter your subnet.
  7. For Security and access, select Default security group.
  8. Choose Create Studio.

Enable Identity Center and Trusted Identity Propagation

You should now see an IAM Identity Center-enabled EMR Studio on the Amazon EMR console.

IAM Identity Center enabled EMR Studio

After the EMR Studio administrator finishes creating the trusted identity propagation-enabled EMR Studio and saves the configuration, the instance of the EMR Studio appears as an IAM Identity Center-enabled application on the IAM Identity Center console.

EMR Studio appears under AWS Managed app in IAM Identity Centre

Assign users or groups from IAM Identity Center to EMR Studio

You can assign users and groups from your IAM Identity Center directory to the EMR Studio application after syncing with IAM. The EMR Studio administrator decides which IAM Identity Center users or groups to include in the app. For example, if you have 10 total groups in IAM Identity Center but don’t want all of them accessing this instance of EMR Studio, you can select which groups to include in the EMR Studio-enabled IAM app.

The following steps assign groups to EMR Studio-enabled IAM Identity Center application:

  1. On the EMR Studio console, navigate to the new EMR Studio instance.
  2. On the Assigned groups tab, choose Assign groups.
  3. Choose which IAM Identity Center groups you want to include in the application. For example, you may choose the Data-Scientist and Data-Engineer groups.
  4. Choose Done.

This allows the EMR Studio administrator to choose specific IAM Identity Center groups to be assigned access to this specific instance integrated with IAM Identity Center. Only the selected groups will be synced and given access, not all groups from the IAM Identity Center directory.

Assign Trusted Identity Propagation enabled EMR studio to your user groups by selecting groups from Studio settings

Set up Lake Formation with IAM Identity Center

To set up Lake Formation with IAM Identity Center, make sure that you have configured Okta as the IdP for IAM Identity Center, and confirm that the users and groups form Okta are now available in IAM Identity Center. Then complete the following steps:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, choose IAM Identity Center Integration under Administration in the navigation pane.

You will see the message “IAM Identity Center enabled” along with the ARN for the IAM Identity Center application.

  1. Choose Create.

In a few minutes, you will see a message indicating that Lake Formation has been successfully integrated with your centralized IAM identities from Okta Identity Center. Specifically, the message will state “Successfully created identity center integration with application ARN,” signifying the integration is now in place between Lake Formation and the identities managed in Okta.

IAM Identity Center enabled AWS Lake Formation

Configure granular role-based entitlements using Lake Formation on propagated corporate identities

We will now set up granular entitlements for our data access in Lake Formation. For this post, we summarize the steps needed to use the existing corporate identities on the Lake Formation console to provide relevant controls and governance on the data, which we will later query through the Athena query editor. To learn about setting up databases and tables in Lake Formation, refer to Getting started with AWS Lake Formation

This post will not go into the full details about Lake Formation. Instead, we will focus on a new capability that has been introduced in Lake Formation—the ability to set up permissions based on your existing corporate identities that are synchronized with IAM Identity Center.

This integration allows Lake Formation to use your organization’s IdP and access management policies to control permissions to data lakes. Rather than defining permissions from scratch specifically for Lake Formation, you can now rely on your existing users, groups, and access controls to determine who can access data catalogs and underlying data sources. Overall, this new integration with IAM Identity Center makes it straightforward to manage permissions for your data lake workloads using your corporate identities. It reduces the administrative overhead of keeping permissions aligned across separate systems. As AWS continues enhancing Lake Formation, features like this will further improve its viability as a full-featured data lake management environment.

In this post, we created a database called zipcode-db-tip and granted full access to the user group Data-Engineer to query on the underlying table in the database. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, choose Grant data lake permissions.
  2. For Principals, select IAM Identity Center.
  3. For Users and groups, select Data-Engineer.
  4. For LF-Tags or catalog resources, select Named Data Catalog resources.
  5. For Databases, choose zipcode-db-tip.
  6. For Tables, choose tip-zipcode.
    Grant Data Lake permissions to users in IAM Identity Center

Similarly, we need to provide the relevant access on the underlying tables to the users and groups for them to be able to query on the data.

  1. Repeat the preceding steps to provide access to the Data-Engineer group to be able to query on the data.
  2. For Table permissions, select Select, Describe, and Super.
  3. For Data permissions, select All data access.

You can grant selective access on rows and comments as per your specific requirements.

Grant Table permissions in AWS Data Lake

Set up workgroups in Athena

Athena workgroups are an AWS feature that allows you to isolate data and queries within an AWS account. It provides a way to segregate data and control access so that each group can only access the data that is relevant to them. Athena workgroups are useful for organizations that want to restrict access to sensitive datasets or help prevent queries from impacting each other. When you create a workgroup, you can assign users and roles to it. Queries launched within a workgroup will run with the access controls and settings configured for that workgroup. They enable governance, security, and resource controls at a granular level. Athena workgroups are an important feature for managing and optimizing Athena usage across large organizations.

In this post, we create a workgroup specifically for members of our Data Engineering team. Later, when logged in under Data Engineer user profiles, we run queries from within this workgroup to demonstrate how access to Athena workgroups can be restricted based on the user profile. This allows governance policies to be enforced, making sure users can only access permitted datasets and queries based on their role.

  1. On the Athena console, choose Workgroups under Administration in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create workgroup.
  3. For Authentication, select AWS Identity Center.
  4. For Service role to authorize Athena, select Create and use a new service role.
  5. For Service role name, enter a name for your role.
    Select IAM Identity Centre for Athena Authentication option
  6. For Location of query result, enter an Amazon S3 location for saving your Athena query results.

This is a mandatory field when you specify IAM Identity Center for authentication.

Configure location for query result and enable user identity based S3 prefix

After you create the workgroup, you need to assign users and groups to it. For this post, we create a workgroup named data-engineer and assign the group Data-Engineer (propagated through the trusted identity propagation from IAM Identity Center).

  1. On the Groups tab on the data-engineer details page, select the user group to assign and choose Assign groups.
    Assign groups option is available in the Groups tab of Workgroup settings

Set up Amazon S3 access grants to separate the query results for each workforce identity

Next, we set up Amazon S3 grants.

You can watch the following video to set up the grants or refer to Use Amazon EMR with S3 Access Grants to scale Spark access Amazon S3 for instructions.

Initiate login through AWS federated access using the IAM Identity Center access portal

Now we’re ready to connect to EMR Studio and federated login using IAM Identity Center authentication:

  1. On the IAM Identity Center console, navigate to the dashboard and choose the AWS access portal URL.
  2. A browser pop-up directs you to the Okta login page, where you enter your Okta credentials.
  3. After successful authentication, you’ll be logged in to the AWS console as a federated user.
  4. Choose the EMR Studio application.
  5. After you federate to EMR Studio, choose Query Editor in the navigation pane to open a new tab with the Athena query editor.

The following video shows a federated user using the AWS access portal URL to access EMR Studio using IAM Identity Center authentication.

Run queries with granular access on the editor

On EMR Studio, the user can open the Athena query editor and then specify the correct workgroup in the query editor to run the queries.

Athena Query result in data-engineer workgroup

The data engineer can query only the tables on which the user has access. The query results will appear under the S3 prefix, which is separate for each workforce identity.

Review the end-to-end audit trail of workforce identity

The IAM Identity Center administrator can look into the downstream apps that are trusted for identity propagation, as shown in the following screenshot of the IAM Identity Center console.

AWS IAM Identity Center view of the trusted applications

On the CloudTrail console, the event history displays the event name and resource accessed by the specific workforce identity.

Auditors can see the workforce identity who executed the query on AWS Data Lake

When you choose an event in CloudTrail, the auditors can see the unique user ID that accessed the underlying AWS Analytics services.

Clean up

Complete the following steps to clean up your resources:

  1. Delete the Okta applications that you created to integrate with IAM Identity Center.
  2. Delete IAM Identity Center configuration.
  3. Delete the EMR Studio that you created for testing.
  4. Delete the IAM role that you created for IAM Identity Center and EMR Studio integration.


In this post, we showed you a detailed walkthrough to bring your workforce identity to EMR Studio and propagate the identity to connected AWS applications like Athena and Lake Formation. This solution provides your workforce with a familiar sign-in experience, without the need to remember additional credentials or maintain complex role mapping across different analytics systems. In addition, it provides auditors with end-to-end visibility into workforce identities and their access to analytics services.

To learn more about trusted identity propagation and EMR Studio, refer to Integrate Amazon EMR with AWS IAM Identity Center.

About the authors

Manjit Chakraborty is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS. He is a Seasoned & Result driven professional with extensive experience in Financial domain having worked with customers on advising, designing, leading, and implementing core-business enterprise solutions across the globe. In his spare time, Manjit enjoys fishing, practicing martial arts and playing with his daughter.

Neeraj Roy is a Principal Solutions Architect at AWS based out of London. He works with Global Financial Services customers to accelerate their AWS journey. In his spare time, he enjoys reading and spending time with his family.

Simplify authentication with native LDAP integration on Amazon EMR

Post Syndicated from Stefano Sandona original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/simplify-authentication-with-native-ldap-integration-on-amazon-emr/

Many companies have corporate identities stored inside identity providers (IdPs) like Active Directory (AD) or OpenLDAP. Previously, customers using Amazon EMR could integrate their clusters with Active Directory by configuring a one-way realm trust between their AD domain and the EMR cluster Kerberos realm. For more details, refer to Tutorial: Configure a cross-realm trust with an Active Directory domain.

This setup has been a key enabler to make corporate users and groups available inside EMR clusters and define access control policies to control their data access (for example, through the Amazon EMR native Apache Ranger integration).

Although this option is still available, Amazon EMR has released support for native LDAP authentication, a new security feature that simplifies the integration with OpenLDAP and Active Directory.

This feature enables the following:

  • automatic configuration of security for the supported applications (HiveServer2, Trino, Presto and Livy) to use the Kerberos protocol under the hood and LDAP as external authentication. This allows a more straightforward integration from external tools that, to connect with cluster endpoints, do not have anymore to setup kerberos authentication but, instead, can simply be configured to provide an LDAP username and password
  • fine-grained access control (FGAC) over who can access your EMR clusters through SSH
  • fine-grained authorization policies on top of Hive Metastore database and tables if used in combination with the native Amazon EMR Apache Ranger integration.

In this post, we dive deep into the Amazon EMR LDAP authentication, showing how the authentication flow works, how to retrieve and test the needed LDAP configurations, and how to confirm an EMR cluster is properly LDAP integrated.

Using the information on this blog:

  • Teams managing EMR clusters can enhance coordination with their LDAP IdP administrators in order to request the proper information and properly perform pre-configuration tests
  • EMR cluster end-users can understand how straightforward it is to connect from external tools to LDAP-enabled EMR clusters compared to the previous Kerberos-based authentication

How Amazon EMR LDAP integration works

When talking about authentication in the context of EMR frameworks, we can distinguish between two levels:

  • External authentication – Used by users and external components to interact with the installed frameworks
  • Internal authentication – Used within the frameworks to authenticate the communications of internal components

With this new feature, internal framework authentication is still managed through Kerberos, but this is transparent to the end-users or external services that, on the other side, use a user name and password to authenticate.

The supported EMR installed frameworks implement an LDAP-based authentication method that, given a set of user name and password credentials, validates them against the LDAP endpoint and, in the case of success, enables the use of the framework.

The following diagram summarizes how the authentication flow works.

The workflow includes the following steps:

  1. A user connects with one of the supported endpoints (such as HiveServer2, Trino/Presto Coordinator, or Hue WebUI) and provides their corporate credentials (user name and password).
  2. The contacted framework uses a custom authenticator that performs the authentication using the EMR Secret Agent service running inside the cluster instances.
  3. The EMR Secret Agent service validates the provided credentials against the LDAP endpoint.
  4. In the case of success, the following occurs:
    • A Kerberos principal is created for the specific user on the cluster MIT key distribution center (MIT KDC) running inside the primary node.
    • The Kerberos principal keytab is created inside the home directory of the user on the primary node.

After the authentication is complete, the user can start using the framework.

Inside all the cluster instances, the SSSD service is configured to retrieve users and groups from the LDAP endpoint and make them available as system users.

The authentication flow when connecting with SSH is a bit different, and is summarized in the following diagram.

The workflow includes the following steps:

  1. A user connects with SSH to the EMR primary instance, providing the corporate credentials (user name and password).
  2. The contacted SSHD service uses the SSSD service to validate the provided credentials.
  3. The SSSD service validates the provided credentials against the LDAP endpoint. In the case of success, the user lands on the related home directory. At this point, the user can use the different CLIs (beeline, trino-cli, presto-cli, curl) to access Hive, Trino/Presto, or Livy.
  4. To use the Spark CLIs (spark-submit, pyspark, spark-shell), the user has to invoke the ldap-kinit script and provide the requested user name and password.
  5. The authentication is performed using the EMR Secret Agent service running inside the cluster instances.
  6. The EMR Secret Agent service validates the provided credentials against the LDAP endpoint.
  7. In the case of success, the following occurs:
    • A Kerberos principal is created for the specific user on the cluster MIT KDC running inside the primary node.
    • The Kerberos principal keytab is created inside the home directory of the user on the primary node.
    • A kerberos ticket is obtained and stored on the user Kerberos ticket cache on the primary node.

After the ldap-kinit script completes, the user can start using the Spark CLIs.

In the following sections, we show how to retrieve the required LDAP setting values and investigate how to launch a cluster with EMR LDAP authentication and test it.

Find the proper LDAP parameters

To configure LDAP authentication for Amazon EMR, the first step is to retrieve the LDAP properties to be used to set up your cluster. You need the following information:

  • The LDAP server DNS name
  • A certificate in PEM format to be used to interact over Secure LDAP (LDAPS) with the LDAP endpoint
  • The LDAP user search base, which is a path (or branch) on the LDAP tree from where to search users (only users belonging to this branch will be retrieved)
  • The LDAP groups search base, which is a path (or branch) on the LDAP tree from where to search groups (only groups belonging to this branch will be retrieved)
  • The LDAP server bind user credentials, which are the user name and password for a service user (usually called a bind user) to be used to trigger LDAP queries and retrieve user information such as user name and group membership.

With Active Directory, an AD admin can retrieve this information directly from the Active Directory Users and Computers tool. When you choose a user in this tool, you can see the related attributes (for example, distinguishedName). The following screenshot shows an example.

From the screenshot, we can see that the distinguishedName for the user john is CN=john,OU=users,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com, which means that john belongs to the following search bases, ordered from the most narrow to the most wide:

  • OU=users,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com
  • OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com
  • OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com
  • DC=awsemr,DC=com

Depending on the amount of entries inside a company LDAP directory, using a wide search base may lead to long retrieval times and timeouts. It’s a good practice to configure the search base to be as narrow as possible in order to include all the needed users. In the preceding example, OU=users,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com may be a good search base if all the users you want to provide access to the EMR cluster are part of that Organizational Unit.

Another way to retrieve user attributes is by using the ldapsearch tool. You can use this method for Active Directory as well as OpenLDAP, and it’s extremely useful to test the connectivity with the LDAP endpoint.

The following is an example with Active Directory (OpenLDAP is similar).

The LDAP endpoint should be resolvable and reachable by Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) EMR cluster instances via TCP on port 636. It’s suggested to run the test from an Amazon Linux 2 EC2 instance belonging to the same subnet as the EMR cluster and having the same EMR security group associated as the EMR cluster instances.

After you launch an EC2 instance, install the nc tool and test the DNS resolution and connectivity. Assuming that DC1.awsemr.com is the DNS name for the LDAP endpoint, run the following commands:

sudo yum install nc
nc -vz DC1.awsemr.com 636

If the DNS resolution isn’t working properly, you should receive an error like the following:

Ncat: Version 7.50 ( https://nmap.org/ncat )
Ncat: Could not resolve hostname "DC1.awsemr.com": Name or service not known. QUITTING.

If the endpoint is not reachable, you should receive an error like the following:

Ncat: Version 7.50 ( https://nmap.org/ncat )
Ncat: Connection timed out.

In either of these cases, the networking and DNS team should be involved in order to troubleshot and solve the issues.

In case of success, the output should look like the following:

Ncat: Version 7.50 ( https://nmap.org/ncat )
Ncat: Connected to
Ncat: 0 bytes sent, 0 bytes received in 0.01 seconds.

If everything works, proceed with the testing and install the openldap clients as follows:

sudo yum install openldap-clients

Then run ldapsearch commands to retrieve information about users and groups from the LDAP endpoint. The following are sample ldapsearch commands:

#Customize these 6 variables

#Search user

We use the following parameters:

  • -x – This enables simple authentication.
  • -D – This indicates the user to perform the search.
  • -w – This indicates the user password.
  • -H – This indicates the URL of the LDAP server.
  • -b – This is the base search.
  • LDAPTLS_CACERT – This indicates the LDAPS endpoint SSL PEM public certificate or the LDAPS endpoint root certificate authority SSL PEM public certificate. This can be obtained from an AD or OpenLDAP admin user.

The following is a sample output of the preceding command:

filter: (sAMAccountName=john)
requesting: *
dn: CN=john,OU=users,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: user
cn: john
givenName: john
distinguishedName: CN=john,OU=users,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com
instanceType: 4
whenCreated: 20230804094021.0Z
whenChanged: 20230804094021.0Z
displayName: john
uSNCreated: 262459
memberOf: CN=data-engineers,OU=groups,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com
uSNChanged: 262466
name: john
objectGUID:: gTxn8qYvy0SVL+mYAAbb8Q==
userAccountControl: 66048
badPwdCount: 0
codePage: 0
countryCode: 0
badPasswordTime: 0
lastLogoff: 0
lastLogon: 0
pwdLastSet: 133356156212864439
primaryGroupID: 513
objectSid:: AQUAAAAAAAUVAAAAIKyNe7Dn3azp7Sh+rgQAAA==
accountExpires: 9223372036854775807
logonCount: 0
sAMAccountName: john
sAMAccountType: 805306368
userPrincipalName: [email protected]
objectCategory: CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=awsemr,DC=com
dSCorePropagationData: 20230804094021.0Z
dSCorePropagationData: 16010101000000.0Z

As we can see from the sample output, the user john is identified by the distinguished name CN=john,OU=users,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com, and the data-engineers group to which the user belongs (memberOf value) is identified by the distinguished name CN=data-engineers,OU=groups,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com.

We can run our ldapsearch queries to retrieve the user and group information using a narrowed search base:

#Customize these 9 variables

#Search User

#Search Group

You can also apply other filters while searching. For more information about how to create LDAP filters, refer to LDAP Filters.

By running ldapsearch commands, you can test the LDAP connectivity and LDAP properties, and determine the needed setup.

Test the solution

After you have verified that the connectivity to the LDAP endpoint is open and the LDAP configurations are correct, proceed with setting up the environment to launch an EMR LDAP-enabled cluster.

Create AWS Secret Manager secrets

Before you create the EMR security configuration, you need to create two AWS Secret Manager secrets. You use these credentials to interact with the LDAP endpoint and retrieve user details such as user name and group membership.

  1. On the Secrets Manager console, choose Secrets in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Store a new secret.
  3. For Secret type, select Other type of secret.
  4. Create a new secret specifying the binduser distinguished name as the key and the binduser password as the value.
  5. Create a second secret specifying in plaintext the LDAPS endpoint SSL public certificate or the LDAPS root certificate authority public certificate.
    This certificate is trusted, allowing a secure communication between the EMR cluster and the LDAPS endpoint.

Create the EMR security configuration

Complete the following steps to create the EMR security configuration:

  1. On the Amazon EMR console, choose Security configurations under EMR on EC2 in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create.
  3. For Security configuration name, enter a name.
  4. For Security configuration setup options, select Choose custom settings.
  5. For Encryption, select Turn on in-transit encryption.
  6. For Certificate provider type¸ select PEM.
  7. For Choose PEM certificate location, enter either a PEM bundle located in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) or a Java custom certificate provider.
    Note that in-transit encryption is mandatory in order to use the LDAP authentication feature. For more information about in-transit encryption, refer to Providing certificates for encrypting data in transit with Amazon EMR encryption.
  8. Choose Next.
  9. Select LDAP for Authentication protocol.
  10. For LDAP server location, enter the LDAPS endpoint (ldaps://<ldap_endpoint_DNS_name>).
  11. For LDAP SSL certificate, enter the second secret you created in Secrets Manager.
  12. For LDAP access filter, enter an LDAP filter that is applied in order to restrict access to a subset of users retrieved from the LDAP user search base. If the field is left empty, no filters are applied and all users belonging to the LDAP user search base can access the EMR LDAP-protected endpoints with their corporate credentials. The following are example filters and their functions:
    • (objectClass=person) – Filter users with the attribute objectClass set as person
    • (memberOf=CN=admins,OU=groups,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com) – Filter users belonging to the admins group
    • (|(memberof=CN=data-engineers,OU=groups,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com)(memberof=CN=admins,OU=groups,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com)) – Filter users belonging either to the data-engineers or the admins group (which we use for this post)
  13. Enter values for LDAP user search base and LDAP group search base. Note that the two search bases do not support inline filters (for example, the following is not supported: OU=users,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com?subtree?(|(memberof=CN=data-engineers,OU=groups,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com)(memberof=CN=admins,OU=groups,OU=italy,OU=emr,DC=awsemr,DC=com))).
  14. Select Turn on SSH login. This is needed only if you want your LDAP users to be able to SSH inside cluster instances with their corporate credentials. If SSH login is enabled, the LDAP access filter is needed—otherwise, SSH authentication will fail.
  15. For LDAP server bind credentials, enter the first secret you created in Secrets Manager.
  16. In the Authorization section, keep the defaults selected:
    • For IAM role for applications, select Instance profile.
    • For Fine-grained access control method, select None.
  17. Choose Next.
  18. Review the configuration summary and choose Create.

Launch the EMR cluster

You can launch the EMR cluster using the AWS Management Console, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or any AWS SDK.

When you’re creating the EMR on EC2 cluster, be sure to specify the following configurations:

  • EMR version – Use Amazon EMR 6.12.0 or above.
  • Applications – Select Hadoop, Spark, Hive, Hue, Livy and Presto/Trino.
  • Security configuration – Specify the security configuration you created in the previous step.
  • EC2 key pair – Use an existing key pair.
  • Network and security groups – Use a configuration that allows the EMR EC2 instances to interact with the LDAPS endpoint. In the Find the proper LDAP parameters section, you should have confirmed a valid setup.

Confirm the LDAP authentication is working

When the cluster is up and running, you can check the LDAP authentication is working properly.

If SSH login was enabled as part of LDAP authentication inside the EMR SecurityConfiguration, you can SSH into your cluster by specifying an LDAP user, prompting the related password when requested:

ssh myldapuser@<emr_primary_node>

If SSH login was disabled, you can SSH inside the cluster by using the EC2 key pair specified during cluster creation:

ssh -i mykeypair.pem ec2-user@<emr_primary_node>

An alternative way to access the primary instance, if you prefer, is to use Session Manager, a capability of AWS Systems Manager. For more information, refer to Connect to your Linux instance with AWS Systems Manager Session Manager.

When you’re inside the primary instance, you can test that the LDAP users and groups are properly retrieved by using the id command. The following is a sample command to check if the user john is properly retrieved with the related groups:

[ec2-user@ip-10-0-2-237 ~]# id john
uid=941601122(john) gid=941600513(users-group) groups=941600513(users-group),941601123(data-engineers)

You can then test authentication on the different installed frameworks.

First, let’s retrieve the frameworks’ public certificate and store it inside a truststore. All the frameworks share the same public certificate (the one we used to set up in-transit encryption), so you can use any of the SSL protected endpoints (Hive port 10000, Presto/Trino port 8446, Livy port 8998) to retrieve it. Take the certificate from the HiveServer2 endpoint (port 10000):

#Export Hive Server 2 public SSL certificate to a PEM file
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect $(hostname -f):10000 </dev/null 2>/dev/null|openssl x509 -outform PEM > certificate.pem

#Import the PEM certificate inside a truststore
echo "yes" | keytool -import -alias hive_cert -file certificate.pem -storetype JKS -keystore truststore.jks -storepass myStrongPassword

Then use this truststore to securely communicate with the different frameworks.

Use the following code to test HiveServer2 authentication with beeline:

#Use the truststore to connect to the Hive Server 2
beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://$(hostname -f):10000/default;ssl=true;sslTrustStore=truststore.jks;trustStorePassword=myStrongPassword" -n john -p johnPassword 

If using Presto, test Presto authentication with the presto CLI (provide the user password when requested):

#Use the truststore to connect to the Presto coordinator
presto-cli \
--user john \
--password \
--catalog hive \
--server https://$(hostname -f):8446 \
--truststore-path truststore.jks \
--truststore-password myStrongPassword

If using Trino, test Trino authentication with the trino CLI (provide the user password when requested):

#Use the truststore to connect to the Trino coordinator
trino-cli \
--user john \
--password \
--catalog hive \
--server https://$(hostname -f):8446 \
--truststore-path truststore.jks \
--truststore-password myStrongPassword

Test Livy authentication with curl:

#Trust the PEM certificte to connect to the Livy server

#Start session
curl --cacert certificate.pem -X POST \
-u "john:johnPassword" \
--data '{"kind": "spark"}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
https://$(hostname -f):8998/sessions \
-c cookies.txt

#Example of output
#{"id":0,"name":null,"appId":null,"owner":"john","proxyUser":"john","state":"starting","kind":"spark","appInfo":{"driverLogUrl":null,"sparkUiUrl":null},"log":["stdout: ","\nstderr: ","\nYARN Diagnostics: "]}

Test Spark commands with pyspark:

#SSH inside the primary instance with the specific user
ssh john@<emr-primary-node>
#Or impersonate the user
sudo su - john

#Create a keytab and obtain a kerberos ticket running the ldap-kinit tool
$ ldap-kinit
Username: john


#Check the kerberos ticket has been created
$ klist

# Test spark CLIs
$ pyspark

>>> spark.sql("show databases").show()
>>> quit()

Note that here we tested the authentication from within the cluster, but we can interact with Trino, Hive, Presto and Livy even from outside the cluster as far as connectivity and DNS resolution are properly configured. Spark CLIs are the only ones which can be used only from inside the cluster.

To test Hue authentication, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Hue web UI hosted on http://<emr_primary_node>:8888/ and provide an LDAP user name and password.
  2. Test SQL queries inside the Hive and Trino/Presto editors.

To test with an external SQL tool (such as DBeaver connecting to Trino), complete the following steps. Be sure to configure the EMR primary node security group so that it allows TCP traffic from the DBeaver IP to the desired framework endpoint port (for example, 10000 for HiveServer2, 8446 for Trino/Presto) and to properly configure DNS resolution on the DBeaver client machine to properly resolve the EMR primary node hostname.

  1. From your EMR cluster primary instance, copy to an S3 bucket the files truststore.jks (previously created) and /usr/lib/trino/trino-jdbc/trino-jdbc-XXX-amzn-0.jar (change the version XXX depending on the EMR version).
  2. Download on your DBeaver client machine the truststore.jks and trino-jdbc-XXX-amzn-0.jar files.
  3. Open DBeaver and choose Database, then choose Driver Manager.
  4. Choose New to create a new driver.
  5. On the Settings tab, provide the following information:
    • For Driver Name, enter EMR Trino.
    • For Class Name, enter io.trino.jdbc.TrinoDriver.
    • For URL Template, enter jdbc:trino://{host}:{port}.
  6. On the Libraries tab, complete the following steps:
    • Choose Add File.
    • Choose the Trino JDBC driver JAR file from the local file system (trino-jdbc-XXX-amzn-0.jar).
  7. Choose OK to create the driver.
  8. Choose Database and New Database Connection.
  9. On the Main tab, specify the following:
    • For Connect by, select Host.
    • For Host, enter the EMR primary node.
    • For Port, enter the Trino port (8446 by default).
  10. On the Driver properties tab, add the following properties:
    • Add SSL with True as the value.
    • Add SSLTrustStorePath with the truststore.jks file location as the value.
    • Add SSLTrustStorePassword with the truststore.jks password that you used to create it as the value.
  11. Choose Finish.
  12. Choose the created connection and choose the Connect icon.
  13. Enter your LDAP user name and password, then choose OK.

If everything is working, you should be able to browse the Trino catalogs, databases, and tables in the navigation pane. To run queries, choose SQL Editor, then choose Open SQL Editor.

From the SQL Editor, you can query your tables.

Next steps

The new Amazon EMR LDAP authentication feature simplifies the way users can gain access to EMR installed frameworks. When users are using a framework, you may want to govern the data they can access. For this specific topic, you can use LDAP authentication in combination with the native EMR Apache Ranger integration. For more information, refer to Integrate Amazon EMR with Apache Ranger.

Clean up

Complete the following cleanup actions to remove the resources you created following this post and avoid incurring additional costs. For this post, we clean up using the AWS CLI. You can also clean up using similar actions via the console.

  1. If you launched an EC2 instance to check the LDAP connectivity and don’t need it anymore, delete it with the following command (specify your instance ID):
    aws ec2 terminate-instances \
    --instance-ids i-XXXXXXXX \
    --region <your-aws-region>

  2. If you launched an EC2 instance to test DBeaver and don’t need it anymore, you can use the preceding command to delete it.
  3. Delete the EMR cluster with the following command (specify your EMR cluster ID):
    aws emr terminate-clusters \
    --cluster-ids j-XXXXXXXXXXXXX \
    --region <your-aws-region>

    Note that if the EMR cluster has Termination Protection enabled, before you run the preceding terminate-clusters command, you have to disable it. You can do so with the following command (specify your EMR cluster ID):

    aws emr modify-cluster-attributes \
    --cluster-ids j-XXXXXXXXXXXXX \
    --no-termination-protected \
    --region eu-west-1

  4. Delete the EMR security configuration with the following command:
    aws emr delete-security-configuration \
    --name <your-security-configuration> \
    --region <your-aws-region>

  5. Delete the Secrets Manager secrets with the following commands:
    aws secretsmanager delete-secret \
    --secret-id <first-secret-name> \
    --force-delete-without-recovery \
    --region <your-aws-region>
    aws secretsmanager delete-secret \
    --secret-id <second-secret-name> \
    --force-delete-without-recovery \
    --region <your-aws-region>


In this post, we discussed how you can configure and test LDAP authentication on EMR on EC2 clusters. We discussed how to retrieve the needed LDAP settings, test connectivity with the LDAP endpoint, configure your EMR security configuration, and test that the LDAP authentication is properly working. This post also highlighted how the authentication flow is simplified compared to the standard Active Directory cross-realm trust configuration. To learn more about this feature, refer to Use Active Directory or LDAP servers for authentication with Amazon EMR.

About the Authors

Stefano Sandona is a Senior Big Data Solution Architect at AWS. He loves data, distributed systems and security. He helps customers around the world architecting secure, scalable and reliable big data platforms.

Adnan Hemani is a Software Development Engineer at AWS working with the EMR team. He focuses on the security posture of applications running on EMR clusters. He is interested in modern Big Data applications and how customers interact with them.

Preprocess and fine-tune LLMs quickly and cost-effectively using Amazon EMR Serverless and Amazon SageMaker

Post Syndicated from Shijian Tang original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/preprocess-and-fine-tune-llms-quickly-and-cost-effectively-using-amazon-emr-serverless-and-amazon-sagemaker/

Large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasing popular, with new use cases constantly being explored. In general, you can build applications powered by LLMs by incorporating prompt engineering into your code. However, there are cases where prompting an existing LLM falls short. This is where model fine-tuning can help. Prompt engineering is about guiding the model’s output by crafting input prompts, whereas fine-tuning is about training the model on custom datasets to make it better suited for specific tasks or domains.

Before you can fine-tune a model, you need to find a task-specific dataset. One dataset that is commonly used is the Common Crawl dataset. The Common Crawl corpus contains petabytes of data, regularly collected since 2008, and contains raw webpage data, metadata extracts, and text extracts. In addition to determining which dataset should be used, cleansing and processing the data to the fine-tuning’s specific need is required.

We recently worked with a customer who wanted to preprocess a subset of the latest Common Crawl dataset and then fine-tune their LLM with cleaned data. The customer was looking for how they could achieve this in the most cost-effective way on AWS. After discussing the requirements, we recommended using Amazon EMR Serverless as their platform for data preprocessing. EMR Serverless is well suited for large-scale data processing and eliminates the need for infrastructure maintenance. In terms of cost, it only charges based on the resources and duration used for each job. The customer was able to preprocess hundreds of TBs of data within a week using EMR Serverless. After they preprocessed the data, they used Amazon SageMaker to fine-tune the LLM.

In this post, we walk you through the customer’s use case and architecture used.

Solution overview

In the following sections, we first introduce the Common Crawl dataset and how to explore and filter the data we need. Amazon Athena only charges for the data size it scans and is used to explore and filter the data quickly, while being cost-effective. EMR Serverless provides a cost-efficient and no-maintenance option for Spark data processing, and is used to process the filtered data. Next, we use Amazon SageMaker JumpStart to fine-tune the Llama 2 model with the preprocessed dataset. SageMaker JumpStart provides a set of solutions for the most common use cases that can be deployed with just a few clicks. You don’t need to write any code to fine-tune an LLM such as Llama 2. Finally, we deploy the fine-tuned model using Amazon SageMaker and compare the differences in text output for the same question between the original and fine-tuned Llama 2 models.

The following diagram illustrates the architecture of this solution.


Before you dive deep into the solution details, complete the following prerequisite steps:

  1. Create an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket to store the cleaned dataset. For instructions, refer to Create your first S3 bucket.
  2. Set up Athena to run interactive SQL.
  3. Create an EMR Serverless environment.
  4. Prepare Amazon SageMaker Studio to fine-tune your LLM and run Jupyter notebooks. For instructions, refer to Get started.

The Common Crawl dataset

Common Crawl is an open corpus dataset obtained by crawling over 50 billion webpages. It includes massive amounts of unstructured data in multiple languages, starting from 2008 and reaching the petabyte level. It is continuously updated.

In the training of GPT-3, the Common Crawl dataset accounts for 60% of its training data, as shown in the following diagram (source: Language Models are Few-Shot Learners).

Another important dataset worth mentioning is the C4 dataset. C4, short for Colossal Clean Crawled Corpus, is a dataset derived from postprocessing the Common Crawl dataset. In Meta’s LLaMA paper, they outlined the datasets used, with Common Crawl accounting for 67% (utilizing 3.3 TB of data) and C4 for 15% (utilizing 783 GB of data). The paper emphasizes the significance of incorporating differently preprocessed data for enhancing model performance. Despite the original C4 data being part of Common Crawl, Meta opted for the reprocessed version of this data.

In this section, we cover common ways to interact, filter, and process the Common Crawl dataset.

Common Crawl data

The Common Crawl raw dataset includes three types of data files: raw webpage data (WARC), metadata (WAT), and text extraction (WET).

Data collected after 2013 is stored in WARC format and includes corresponding metadata (WAT) and text extraction data (WET). The dataset is located in Amazon S3, updated on a monthly basis, and can be accessed directly through AWS Marketplace.

For example, the following snippet is data from June of 2023:

$  aws s3 ls s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/
PRE segments/
2023-06-21  00:34:08       2164  cc-index-table.paths.gz
2023-06-21  00:34:08        637 cc-index.paths.gz
2023-06-21  05:52:05       2724 index.html
2023-06-21  00:34:09     161064  non200responses.paths.gz
2023-06-21  00:34:10     160888 robotstxt.paths.gz
2023-06-21  00:34:10        480 segment.paths.gz
2023-06-21  00:34:11     161082 warc.paths.gz
2023-06-21  00:34:12     160895 wat.paths.gz
2023-06-21  00:34:12     160898 wet.paths.gz


The Common Crawl dataset also provides an index table for filtering data, which is called cc-index-table.

The cc-index-table is an index of the existing data, providing a table-based index of WARC files. It allows for easy lookup of information, such as which WARC file corresponds to a specific URL.

The Common Crawl GitHub repo provides corresponding Athena statements to query the index. For explanations of each field, refer to Common Crawl Index Athena.

For example, you can create an Athena table to map cc-index data with the following code:

  url_surtkey                   STRING,
  url                           STRING,
  url_host_name                 STRING,
  url_host_tld                  STRING,
  url_host_2nd_last_part        STRING,
  url_host_3rd_last_part        STRING,
  url_host_4th_last_part        STRING,
  url_host_5th_last_part        STRING,
  url_host_registry_suffix      STRING,
  url_host_registered_domain    STRING,
  url_host_private_suffix       STRING,
  url_host_private_domain       STRING,
  url_host_name_reversed        STRING,
  url_protocol                  STRING,
  url_port                      INT,
  url_path                      STRING,
  url_query                     STRING,
  fetch_time                    TIMESTAMP,
  fetch_status                  SMALLINT,
  fetch_redirect                STRING,
  content_digest                STRING,
  content_mime_type             STRING,
  content_mime_detected         STRING,
  content_charset               STRING,
  content_languages             STRING,
  content_truncated             STRING,
  warc_filename                 STRING,
  warc_record_offset            INT,
  warc_record_length            INT,
  warc_segment                  STRING)
  crawl                         STRING,
  subset                        STRING)
STORED  AS parquet
LOCATION  's3://commoncrawl/cc-index/table/cc-main/warc/';
# add partitions

# query
select  * from ccindex 
where  crawl = 'CC-MAIN-2018-05' 
  and  subset = 'warc' 
  and  url_host_tld = 'no' 
limit  10

The preceding SQL statements demonstrate how to create an Athena table, add partitions, and run a query.

Filter data from the Common Crawl dataset

As you can see from the create table SQL statement, there are several fields that can help filter the data. For example, if you want to get the count of Chinese documents during a specific period, then the SQL statement could be as follows:

FROM  ccindex
WHERE  (crawl = 'CC-MAIN-2023-14'
  OR crawl = 'CC-MAIN-2023-23')
  AND subset = 'warc'
  AND content_languages ='zho'
LIMIT  10000

If you want to do further processing, you can save the results to another S3 bucket.

Analyze the filtered data

The Common Crawl GitHub repository provides several PySpark examples for processing the raw data.

Let’s look at an example of running server_count.py (example script provided by the Common Crawl GitHub repo) on the data located in s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224643388.45/warc/.

First, you need a Spark environment, such as EMR Spark. For example, you can launch an Amazon EMR on EC2 cluster in us-east-1 (because the dataset is in us-east-1). Using an EMR on EC2 cluster can help you carry out tests before submitting jobs to the production environment.

After launching an EMR on EC2 cluster, you need to do an SSH login to the primary node of the cluster. Then, package the Python environment and submit the script (refer to the Conda documentation to install Miniconda):

#  create conda environment
conda  create -y -n example -c dmnapolitano python=3.7 botocore boto3 ujson requests  conda-pack warcio

#  package the conda env
conda  activate example
conda  pack -o environment.tar.gz

#  get script from common crawl github
git  clone https://github.com/commoncrawl/cc-pyspark.git

#  copy target file path to local
aws  s3 cp s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/warc.paths.gz .
gzip  -d warc.paths.gz

#  put warc list to hdfs
hdfs  dfs -put warc.paths

#  submit job
spark-submit  --conf spark.yarn.appMasterEnv.PYSPARK_PYTHON=./environment/bin/python \
--conf spark.sql.warehouse.dir=s3://xxxx-common-crawl/output/  \
--master yarn \ 
--deploy-mode cluster \
--archives environment.tar.gz#environment \
--py-files cc-pyspark/sparkcc.py  cc-pyspark/server_count.py --input_base_url  s3://commoncrawl/ ./warc.paths count_demo

It can take time to process all references in the warc.path. For demo purposes, you can improve the processing time with the following strategies:

  • Download the file s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/warc.paths.gz to your local machine, unzip it, and then upload it to HDFS or Amazon S3. This is because the .gzip file is not splitable. You need to unzip it to process this file in parallel.
  • Modify the warc.path file, delete most of its lines, and only keep two lines to make the job run much faster.

After the job is complete, you can see the result in s3://xxxx-common-crawl/output/, in Parquet format.

Implement customized possessing logic

The Common Crawl GitHub repo provides a common approach to process WARC files. Generally, you can extend the CCSparkJob to override a single method (process_record), which is sufficient for many cases.

Let’s look at an example to get the IMDB reviews of recent movies. First, you need to filter out files on the IMDB site:

FROM  ccindex
WHERE  (crawl = 'CC-MAIN-2023-06'
  OR crawl = 'CC-MAIN-2023-40')
  AND subset = 'warc'
  AND url like  'https://www.imdb.com/title/%/reviews'
LIMIT  1000

Then you can get WARC file lists that contain IMDB review data, and save the WARC file names as a list in a text file.

Alternatively, you can use EMR Spark get the WARC file list and store it in Amazon S3. For example:

sql  = """SELECT
FROM  ccindex
WHERE  (crawl = 'CC-MAIN-2023-06'
  OR crawl = 'CC-MAIN-2023-40')
  AND subset = 'warc'
  AND url like  'https://www.imdb.com/title/%/reviews'

warc_list  = spark.sql(sql)

#  write result list to s3

The output file should look similar to s3://xxxx-common-crawl/warclist/imdb_warclist/part-00000-6af12797-0cdc-4ef2-a438-cf2b935f2ffd-c000.txt.

The next step is to extract user reviews from these WARC files. You can extend the CCSparkJob to override the process_record() method:

from  sparkcc import CCSparkJob
from  bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from  urllib.parse import urlsplit
class  IMDB_Extract_Job(CCSparkJob):
    name = "IMDB_Reviews"
    def process_record(self, record):
        if self.is_response_record(record):
            # WARC response record
            domain =  urlsplit(record.rec_headers['WARC-Target-URI']).hostname
            if domain == 'www.imdb.com':
                # get web contents
                contents = (
                        .decode("utf-8", "replace")
                # parse with beautiful soup
                soup =  BeautifulSoup(contents, "html.parser")
                # get reviews
                review_divs =  soup.find_all(class_="text show-more__control")
                for div in review_divs:
                    yield div.text,1
if  __name__ == "__main__":
    job = IMDB_Extract_Job()

You can save the preceding script as imdb_extractor.py, which you’ll use in the following steps. After you have prepared the data and scripts, you can use EMR Serverless to process the filtered data.

EMR Serverless

EMR Serverless is a serverless deployment option to run big data analytics applications using open source frameworks like Apache Spark and Hive without configuring, managing, and scaling clusters or servers.

With EMR Serverless, you can run analytics workloads at any scale with automatic scaling that resizes resources in seconds to meet changing data volumes and processing requirements. EMR Serverless automatically scales resources up and down to provide the right amount of capacity for your application, and you only pay for what you use.

Processing the Common Crawl dataset is generally a one-time processing task, making it suitable for EMR Serverless workloads.

Create an EMR Serverless application

You can create an EMR Serverless application on the EMR Studio console. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the EMR Studio console, choose Applications under Serverless in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create application.

  1. Provide a name for the application and choose an Amazon EMR version.

  1. If access to VPC resources is required, add a customized network setting.

  1. Choose Create application.

Your Spark serverless environment will then be ready.

Before you can submit a job to EMR Spark Serverless, you still need to create an execution role. Refer to Getting started with Amazon EMR Serverless for more details.

Process Common Crawl data with EMR Serverless

After your EMR Spark Serverless application is ready, complete the following steps to process the data:

  1. Prepare a Conda environment and upload it to Amazon S3, which will be used as the environment in EMR Spark Serverless.
  2. Upload the scripts to be run to an S3 bucket. In the following example, there are two scripts:
    1. imbd_extractor.py – Customized logic to extract contents from the dataset. The contents can be found earlier in this post.
    2. cc-pyspark/sparkcc.py – The example PySpark framework from the Common Crawl GitHub repo, which is necessary to be included.
  3. Submit the PySpark job to EMR Serverless Spark. Define the following parameters to run this example in your environment:
    1. application-id – The application ID of your EMR Serverless application.
    2. execution-role-arn – Your EMR Serverless execution role. To create it, refer to Create a job runtime role.
    3. WARC file location – The location of your WARC files. s3://xxxx-common-crawl/warclist/imdb_warclist/part-00000-6af12797-0cdc-4ef2-a438-cf2b935f2ffd-c000.txt contains the filtered WARC file list, which you obtained earlier in this post.
    4. spark.sql.warehouse.dir – The default warehouse location (use your S3 directory).
    5. spark.archives – The S3 location of the prepared Conda environment.
    6. spark.submit.pyFiles – The prepared PySpark script sparkcc.py.

See the following code:

# 1. create conda environment
conda  create -y -n imdb -c dmnapolitano python=3.7 botocore boto3 ujson requests  conda-pack warcio bs4
# 2. package the conda  env, and upload to s3
conda  activate imdb 
conda  pack -o imdbenv.tar.gz
aws  s3 cp imdbenv.tar.gz s3://xxxx-common-crawl/env/
# 3. upload scripts to S3
aws  s3 cp imdb_extractor.py s3://xxxx-common-crawl/scripts/
aws  s3 cp cc-pyspark/sparkcc.py s3://xxxx-common-crawl/scripts/
# 4. submit job to EMR Serverless
aws  emr-serverless start-job-run \
    --application-id 00fdsobht2skro2l \
    --execution-role-arn  arn:aws:iam::xxxx:role/EMR-Serverless-JobExecutionRole \
    --name imdb-retrive \
    --job-driver '{
        "sparkSubmit": {
          "entryPoint":  "s3://xxxx-common-crawl/scripts/imdb_extractor.py",
          "entryPointArguments":  ["--input_base_url" ,"s3://commoncrawl/",  "s3://xxxx-common-crawl/warclist/imdb_warclist/part-00000-6af12797-0cdc-4ef2-a438-cf2b935f2ffd-c000.txt",  "imdb_reviews", "--num_output_partitions",  "1"],
          "sparkSubmitParameters":  "--conf spark.sql.warehouse.dir=s3://xxxx-common-crawl/output/ --conf  spark.network.timeout=10000000 —conf  spark.executor.heartbeatInterval=10000000 —conf spark.executor.instances=100  —conf spark.executor.cores=4 —conf spark.executor.memory=16g —conf  spark.driver.memory=16g   —conf  spark.archives=s3://xxxx-common-crawl/env/imdbenv.tar.gz#environment —conf  spark.emr-serverless.driverEnv.PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON=./environment/bin/python  —conf spark.emr-serverless.driverEnv.PYSPARK_PYTHON=./environment/bin/python  —conf spark.executorEnv.PYSPARK_PYTHON=./environment/bin/python —conf  spark.submit.pyFiles=s3://xxxx-common-crawl/scripts/sparkcc.py“

After the job is complete, the extracted reviews are stored in Amazon S3. To check the contents, you can use Amazon S3 Select, as shown in the following screenshot.


The following are the points to consider when dealing with massive amounts of data with customized code:

  • Some third-party Python libraries may not be available in Conda. In such cases, you can switch to a Python virtual environment to build the PySpark runtime environment.
  • If there is a massive amount of data to be processed, try to create and use multiple EMR Serverless Spark applications to parallelize it. Each application deals with a subset of file lists.
  • You may encounter a slowdown issue with Amazon S3 when filtering or processing the Common Crawl data. This is because the S3 bucket storing the data is publicly accessible, and other users may access the data at the same time. To mitigate this issue, you can add a retry mechanism or sync specific data from the Common Crawl S3 bucket to your own bucket.

Fine-tune Llama 2 with SageMaker

After the data is prepared, you can fine-tune a Llama 2 model with it. You can do so using SageMaker JumpStart, without writing any code. For more information, refer to Fine-tune Llama 2 for text generation on Amazon SageMaker JumpStart.

In this scenario, you carry out a domain adaption fine-tuning. With this dataset, input consists of a CSV, JSON, or TXT file. You need to put all review data in a TXT file. To do so, you can submit a straightforward Spark job to EMR Spark Serverless. See the following sample code snippet:

# disable generating _SUCCESS file
spark.conf.set("mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.marksuccessfuljobs",  "false")

data  = spark.read.parquet("s3://xxxx-common-crawl/output/imdb_reviews/")


After you prepare the training data, enter the data location for Training data set, then choose Train.

You can track the training job status.

Evaluate the fine-tuned model

After training is complete, choose Deploy in SageMaker JumpStart to deploy your fine-tuned model.

After the model is successfully deployed, choose Open Notebook, which redirects you to a prepared Jupyter notebook where you can run your Python code.

You can use the image Data Science 2.0 and the Python 3 kernel for the notebook.

Then, you can evaluate the fine-tuned model and the original model in this notebook.

endpoint_name_original = "jumpstart-dft-meta-textgeneration-llama-2-7b-origin"
endpoint_name_fine_tuned = "jumpstart-ftc-meta-textgeneration-llama-2-7b"

payload = {
    "inputs": "The review of movie 'A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate' is ",
    "parameters": {
        "max_new_tokens": 256,
        "top_p": 0.9,
        "temperature": 0.6,
        "return_full_text": True,
def query_endpoint(payload, endpoint_name):
    client = boto3.client("sagemaker-runtime")
    response = client.invoke_endpoint(
    response = response["Body"].read().decode("utf8")
    response = json.loads(response)
    print(endpoint_name + ": \n" + response[0]['generation'])

query_endpoint(payload, endpoint_name_original)
query_endpoint(payload, endpoint_name_fine_tuned)

The following are two responses returned by the original model and fine-tuned model for the same question.

We provided both models with the same sentence: “The review of movie ‘A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate’ is” and let them complete the sentence.

The original model outputs meaningless sentences:

"The review of movie 'A woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate' is 3.0/5.

A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate(1923)

A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate movie released on 17 October, 1992. The movie is directed by. A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate featured Jeanne Eagles, William Haines, Burr McIntosh and Jack Rollens in lead rols.


In contrast, the fine-tuned model’s outputs are more like a movie review:

" The review of movie 'A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate' is 6.3/10. I liked the story, the plot, the character, the background. The performances are amazing. Rory (Judy Davis) is an Australian photographer who travels to Africa to photograph the people, wildlife, and scenery. She meets Peter (Donald Sutherland), a zoologist, and they begin a relationship..."

Obviously, the fine-tuned model performs better in this specific scenario.

Clean up

After you finish this exercise, complete the following steps to clean up your resources:

  1. Delete the S3 bucket that stores the cleaned dataset.
  2. Stop the EMR Serverless environment.
  3. Delete the SageMaker endpoint that hosts the LLM model.
  4. Delete the SageMaker domain that runs your notebooks.

The application you created should stop automatically after 15 minutes of inactivity by default.

Generally, you don’t need to clean up the Athena environment because there are no charges when you’re not using it.


In this post, we introduced the Common Crawl dataset and how to use EMR Serverless to process the data for LLM fine-tuning. Then we demonstrated how to use SageMaker JumpStart to fine-tune the LLM and deploy it without any code. For more use cases of EMR Serverless, refer to Amazon EMR Serverless. For more information about hosting and fine-tuning models on Amazon SageMaker JumpStart, refer to the Sagemaker JumpStart documentation.

About the Authors

Shijian Tang is a Analytics Specialist Solution Architect at Amazon Web Services.

Matthew Liem is a Senior Solution Architecture Manager at Amazon Web Services.

Dalei Xu is a Analytics Specialist Solution Architect at Amazon Web Services.

Yuanjun Xiao is a Senior Solution Architect at Amazon Web Services.

AWS Weekly Roundup — Amazon ECS, RDS for MySQL, EMR Studio, AWS Community, and more — January 22, 2024

Post Syndicated from Antje Barth original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-weekly-roundup-amazon-ecs-rds-for-mysql-emr-studio-aws-community-and-more-january-22-2024/

As usual, a lot has happened in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) universe this past week. I’m also excited about all the AWS Community events and initiatives that are happening around the world. Let’s take a look together!

Last week’s launches
Here are some launches that got my attention:

Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) now supports managed instance draining – Managed instance draining allows you to gracefully shutdown workloads deployed on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances by safely stopping and rescheduling them to other, non-terminating instances. This new capability streamlines infrastructure maintenance, such as deploying a new AMI version, eliminating the need for custom solutions to shutdown instances without disrupting their workloads. To learn more, check out Nathan’s post on the AWS Containers Blog.

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for MySQL now supports multi-source replication – Using multi-source replication, you can configure multiple RDS for MySQL database instances as sources for a single target database instance. This feature facilitates tasks such as merging shards into a single target, consolidating data for analytics, or creating long-term backups within a single RDS for MySQL instance. The Amazon RDS for MySQL User Guide has all the details.

Amazon EMR Studio now comes with simplified create experience and improved start times – With the simplified console experience for creating EMR Studio, you can launch interactive and batch workloads with default settings more easily. The improved start times let you launch EMR Studio Workspaces for performing interactive analysis in notebooks in seconds. Have a look at the Amazon EMR User Guide to learn more.

For a full list of AWS announcements, be sure to keep an eye on the What’s New at AWS page.

Other AWS news
Here are some additional projects, programs, and news items that you might find interesting:

Get The NewsSummarize news using Amazon Bedrock – My colleague Danilo built this application to summarize the most recent news from an RSS or Atom feed using Amazon Bedrock. The application is deployed as an AWS Lambda function. The function downloads the most recent entries from an RSS or Atom feed, downloads the linked content, extracts text, and makes a summary.

AWS Community BuildersAWS Community Builders program – Interested in joining our AWS Community Builders program? The 2024 application is open until January 28. The AWS Community Builders program offers technical resources, education, and networking opportunities to AWS technical enthusiasts who are passionate about sharing knowledge and connecting with the technical community.

User Group YaoundeAWS User Groups – The AWS User Group Yaounde Cameroon embarked on a 12-week workshop challenge. Over 12 weeks, participants explored various aspects of AWS and cloud computing, including architecture, security, storage, and more, to develop skills and share knowledge. You can read more about this amazing initiative in this LinkedIn post.

AWS open-source news and updates – My colleague Ricardo writes this weekly open source newsletter in which he highlights new open source projects, tools, and demos from the AWS Community.

Upcoming AWS events
Check your calendars and sign up for these AWS events:

AWS InnovateAWS Innovate: AI/ML and Data Edition – Register now for the Asia Pacific & Japan AWS Innovate online conference on February 22, 2024, to explore, discover, and learn how to innovate with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Choose from over 50 sessions in three languages and get hands-on with technical demos aimed at generative AI builders.

AWS Community re:Invent re:CapsAWS Community re:Invent re:Caps – Join a Community re:Cap event organized by volunteers from AWS User Groups and AWS Cloud Clubs around the world to learn about the latest announcements from AWS re:Invent.

You can browse all upcoming in-person and virtual events.

That’s all for this week. Check back next Monday for another Weekly Roundup!

— Antje

This post is part of our Weekly Roundup series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS!

Enforce fine-grained access control on Open Table Formats via Amazon EMR integrated with AWS Lake Formation

Post Syndicated from Raymond Lai original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/enforce-fine-grained-access-control-on-open-table-formats-via-amazon-emr-integrated-with-aws-lake-formation/

With Amazon EMR 6.15, we launched AWS Lake Formation based fine-grained access controls (FGAC) on Open Table Formats (OTFs), including Apache Hudi, Apache Iceberg, and Delta lake. This allows you to simplify security and governance over transactional data lakes by providing access controls at table-, column-, and row-level permissions with your Apache Spark jobs. Many large enterprise companies seek to use their transactional data lake to gain insights and improve decision-making. You can build a lake house architecture using Amazon EMR integrated with Lake Formation for FGAC. This combination of services allows you to conduct data analysis on your transactional data lake while ensuring secure and controlled access.

The Amazon EMR record server component supports table-, column-, row-, cell-, and nested attribute-level data filtering functionality. It extends support to Hive, Apache Hudi, Apache Iceberg, and Delta lake formats for both reading (including time travel and incremental query) and write operations (on DML statements such as INSERT). Additionally, with version 6.15, Amazon EMR introduces access control protection for its application web interface such as on-cluster Spark History Server, Yarn Timeline Server, and Yarn Resource Manager UI.

In this post, we demonstrate how to implement FGAC on Apache Hudi tables using Amazon EMR integrated with Lake Formation.

Transaction data lake use case

Amazon EMR customers often use Open Table Formats to support their ACID transaction and time travel needs in a data lake. By preserving historical versions, data lake time travel provides benefits such as auditing and compliance, data recovery and rollback, reproducible analysis, and data exploration at different points in time.

Another popular transaction data lake use case is incremental query. Incremental query refers to a query strategy that focuses on processing and analyzing only the new or updated data within a data lake since the last query. The key idea behind incremental queries is to use metadata or change tracking mechanisms to identify the new or modified data since the last query. By identifying these changes, the query engine can optimize the query to process only the relevant data, significantly reducing the processing time and resource requirements.

Solution overview

In this post, we demonstrate how to implement FGAC on Apache Hudi tables using Amazon EMR on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) integrated with Lake Formation. Apache Hudi is an open source transactional data lake framework that greatly simplifies incremental data processing and the development of data pipelines. This new FGAC feature supports all OTF. Besides demonstrating with Hudi here, we will follow up with other OTF tables with other blogs. We use notebooks in Amazon SageMaker Studio to read and write Hudi data via different user access permissions through an EMR cluster. This reflects real-world data access scenarios—for example, if an engineering user needs full data access to troubleshoot on a data platform, whereas data analysts may only need to access a subset of that data that doesn’t contain personally identifiable information (PII). Integrating with Lake Formation via the Amazon EMR runtime role further enables you to improve your data security posture and simplifies data control management for Amazon EMR workloads. This solution ensures a secure and controlled environment for data access, meeting the diverse needs and security requirements of different users and roles in an organization.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

Solution architecture

We conduct a data ingestion process to upsert (update and insert) a Hudi dataset to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket, and persist or update the table schema in the AWS Glue Data Catalog. With zero data movement, we can query the Hudi table governed by Lake Formation via various AWS services, such as Amazon Athena, Amazon EMR, and Amazon SageMaker.

When users submit a Spark job through any EMR cluster endpoints (EMR Steps, Livy, EMR Studio, and SageMaker), Lake Formation validates their privileges and instructs the EMR cluster to filter out sensitive data such as PII data.

This solution has three different types of users with different levels of permissions to access the Hudi data:

  • hudi-db-creator-role – This is used by the data lake administrator who has privileges to carry out DDL operations such as creating, modifying, and deleting database objects. They can define data filtering rules on Lake Formation for row-level and column-level data access control. These FGAC rules ensure that data lake is secured and fulfills the data privacy regulations required.
  • hudi-table-pii-role – This is used by engineering users. The engineering users are capable of carrying out time travel and incremental queries on both Copy-on-Write (CoW) and Merge-on-Read (MoR). They also have privilege to access PII data based on any timestamps.
  • hudi-table-non-pii-role – This is used by data analysts. Data analysts’ data access rights are governed by FGAC authorized rules controlled by data lake administrators. They do not have visibility on columns containing PII data like names and addresses. Additionally, they can’t access rows of data that don’t fulfill certain conditions. For example, the users only can access data rows that belong to their country.


You can download the three notebooks used in this post from the GitHub repo.

Before you deploy the solution, make sure you have the following:

Complete the following steps to set up your permissions:

  1. Log in to your AWS account with your admin IAM user.

Make sure you are in theus-east-1Region.

  1. Create a S3 bucket in the us-east-1 Region (for example,emr-fgac-hudi-us-east-1-<ACCOUNT ID>).

Next, we enable Lake Formation by changing the default permission model.

  1. Sign in to the Lake Formation console as the administrator user.
  2. Choose Data Catalog settings under Administration in the navigation pane.
  3. Under Default permissions for newly created databases and tables, deselect Use only IAM access control for new databases and Use only IAM access control for new tables in new databases.
  4. Choose Save.

Data Catalog settings

Alternatively, you need to revoke IAMAllowedPrincipals on resources (databases and tables) created if you started Lake Formation with the default option.

Finally, we create a key pair for Amazon EMR.

  1. On the Amazon EC2 console, choose Key pairs in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create key pair.
  3. For Name, enter a name (for exampleemr-fgac-hudi-keypair).
  4. Choose Create key pair.

Create key pair

The generated key pair (for this post, emr-fgac-hudi-keypair.pem) will save to your local computer.

Next, we create an AWS Cloud9 interactive development environment (IDE).

  1. On the AWS Cloud9 console, choose Environments in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create environment.
  3. For Name¸ enter a name (for example,emr-fgac-hudi-env).
  4. Keep the other settings as default.

Cloud9 environment

  1. Choose Create.
  2. When the IDE is ready, choose Open to open it.

cloud9 environment

  1. In the AWS Cloud9 IDE, on the File menu, choose Upload Local Files.

Upload local file

  1. Upload the key pair file (emr-fgac-hudi-keypair.pem).
  2. Choose the plus sign and choose New Terminal.

new terminal

  1. In the terminal, input the following command lines:
#Create encryption certificates for EMR in transit encryption
openssl req -x509 \
-newkey rsa:1024 \
-keyout privateKey.pem \
-out certificateChain.pem \
-days 365 \
-nodes \
-subj '/C=US/ST=Washington/L=Seattle/O=MyOrg/OU=MyDept/CN=*.compute.internal'
cp certificateChain.pem trustedCertificates.pem

# Zip certificates
zip -r -X my-certs.zip certificateChain.pem privateKey.pem trustedCertificates.pem

# Upload the certificates zip file to S3 bucket
# Replace <ACCOUNT ID> with your AWS account ID
aws s3 cp ./my-certs.zip s3://emr-fgac-hudi-us-east-1-<ACCOUNT ID>/my-certs.zip

Note that the example code is a proof of concept for demonstration purposes only. For production systems, use a trusted certification authority (CA) to issue certificates. Refer to Providing certificates for encrypting data in transit with Amazon EMR encryption for details.

Deploy the solution via AWS CloudFormation

We provide an AWS CloudFormation template that automatically sets up the following services and components:

  • An S3 bucket for the data lake. It contains the sample TPC-DS dataset.
  • An EMR cluster with security configuration and public DNS enabled.
  • EMR runtime IAM roles with Lake Formation fine-grained permissions:
    • <STACK-NAME>-hudi-db-creator-role – This role is used to create Apache Hudi database and tables.
    • <STACK-NAME>-hudi-table-pii-role – This role provides permission to query all columns of Hudi tables, including columns with PII.
    • <STACK-NAME>-hudi-table-non-pii-role – This role provides permission to query Hudi tables that have filtered out PII columns by Lake Formation.
  • SageMaker Studio execution roles that allow the users to assume their corresponding EMR runtime roles.
  • Networking resources such as VPC, subnets, and security groups.

Complete the following steps to deploy the resources:

  1. Choose Quick create stack to launch the CloudFormation stack.
  2. For Stack name, enter a stack name (for example,rsv2-emr-hudi-blog).
  3. For Ec2KeyPair, enter the name of your key pair.
  4. For IdleTimeout, enter an idle timeout for the EMR cluster to avoid paying for the cluster when it’s not being used.
  5. For InitS3Bucket, enter the S3 bucket name you created to save the Amazon EMR encryption certificate .zip file.
  6. For S3CertsZip, enter the S3 URI of the Amazon EMR encryption certificate .zip file.

CloudFormation template

  1. Select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.
  2. Choose Create stack.

The CloudFormation stack deployment takes around 10 minutes.

Set up Lake Formation for Amazon EMR integration

Complete the following steps to set up Lake Formation:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, choose Application integration settings under Administration in the navigation pane.
  2. Select Allow external engines to filter data in Amazon S3 locations registered with Lake Formation.
  3. Choose Amazon EMR for Session tag values.
  4. Enter your AWS account ID for AWS account IDs.
  5. Choose Save.

LF - Application integration settings

  1. Choose Databases under Data Catalog in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create database.
  3. For Name, enter default.
  4. Choose Create database.

LF - create database

  1. Choose Data lake permissions under Permissions in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Grant.
  3. Select IAM users and roles.
  4. Choose your IAM roles.
  5. For Databases, choose default.
  6. For Database permissions, select Describe.
  7. Choose Grant.

LF - Grant data permissions

Copy Hudi JAR file to Amazon EMR HDFS

To use Hudi with Jupyter notebooks, you need to complete the following steps for the EMR cluster, which includes copying a Hudi JAR file from the Amazon EMR local directory to its HDFS storage, so that you can configure a Spark session to use Hudi:

  1. Authorize inbound SSH traffic (port 22).
  2. Copy the value for Primary node public DNS (for example, ec2-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX.compute-1.amazonaws.com) from the EMR cluster Summary section.

EMR cluster summary

  1. Go back to previous AWS Cloud9 terminal you used to create the EC2 key pair.
  2. Run the following command to SSH into the EMR primary node. Replace the placeholder with your EMR DNS hostname:
chmod 400 emr-fgac-hudi-keypair.pem
ssh -i emr-fgac-hudi-keypair.pem [email protected]
  1. Run the following command to copy the Hudi JAR file to HDFS:
hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /apps/hudi/lib
hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal /usr/lib/hudi/hudi-spark-bundle.jar /apps/hudi/lib/hudi-spark-bundle.jar

Create the Hudi database and tables in Lake Formation

Now we’re ready to create the Hudi database and tables with FGAC enabled by the EMR runtime role. The EMR runtime role is an IAM role that you can specify when you submit a job or query to an EMR cluster.

Grant database creator permission

First, let’s grant the Lake Formation database creator permission to<STACK-NAME>-hudi-db-creator-role:

  1. Log in to your AWS account as an administrator.
  2. On the Lake Formation console, choose Administrative roles and tasks under Administration in the navigation pane.
  3. Confirm that your AWS login user has been added as a data lake administrator.
  4. In the Database creator section, choose Grant.
  5. For IAM users and roles, choose<STACK-NAME>-hudi-db-creator-role.
  6. For Catalog permissions, select Create database.
  7. Choose Grant.

Register the data lake location

Next, let’s register the S3 data lake location in Lake Formation:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, choose Data lake locations under Administration in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Register location.
  3. For Amazon S3 path, Choose Browse and choose the data lake S3 bucket. (<STACK_NAME>s3bucket-XXXXXXX) created from the CloudFormation stack.
  4. For IAM role, choose<STACK-NAME>-hudi-db-creator-role.
  5. For Permission mode, select Lake Formation.
  6. Choose Register location.

LF - Register location

Grant data location permission

Next, we need to grant<STACK-NAME>-hudi-db-creator-rolethe data location permission:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, choose Data locations under Permissions in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Grant.
  3. For IAM users and roles, choose<STACK-NAME>-hudi-db-creator-role.
  4. For Storage locations, enter the S3 bucket (<STACK_NAME>-s3bucket-XXXXXXX).
  5. Choose Grant.

LF - Grant permissions

Connect to the EMR cluster

Now, let’s use a Jupyter notebook in SageMaker Studio to connect to the EMR cluster with the database creator EMR runtime role:

  1. On the SageMaker console, choose Domains in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose the domain<STACK-NAME>-Studio-EMR-LF-Hudi.
  3. On the Launch menu next to the user profile<STACK-NAME>-hudi-db-creator, choose Studio.

SM - Domain details

  1. Download the notebook rsv2-hudi-db-creator-notebook.
  2. Choose the upload icon.

SM Studio - Upload

  1. Choose the downloaded Jupyter notebook and choose Open.
  2. Open the uploaded notebook.
  3. For Image, choose SparkMagic.
  4. For Kernel, choose PySpark.
  5. Leave the other configurations as default and choose Select.

SM Studio - Change environment

  1. Choose Cluster to connect to the EMR cluster.

SM Studio - connect EMR cluster

  1. Choose the EMR on EC2 cluster (<STACK-NAME>-EMR-Cluster) created with the CloudFormation stack.
  2. Choose Connect.
  3. For EMR execution role, choose<STACK-NAME>-hudi-db-creator-role.
  4. Choose Connect.

Create database and tables

Now you can follow the steps in the notebook to create the Hudi database and tables. The major steps are as follows:

  1. When you start the notebook, configure“spark.sql.catalog.spark_catalog.lf.managed":"true"to inform Spark that spark_catalog is protected by Lake Formation.
  2. Create Hudi tables using the following Spark SQL.
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${hudi_catalog}.${hudi_db}.${cow_table_name_sql}(
    c_customer_id string,
    c_birth_country string,
    c_customer_sk integer,
    c_email_address string,
    c_first_name string,
    c_last_name string,
    ts bigint
) USING hudi
LOCATION '${cow_table_location_sql}'
  type = 'cow',
  primaryKey = '${hudi_primary_key}',
  preCombineField = '${hudi_pre_combined_field}'
PARTITIONED BY (${hudi_partitioin_field});

  1. Insert data from the source table to the Hudi tables.
INSERT OVERWRITE ${hudi_catalog}.${hudi_db}.${cow_table_name_sql}
    c_customer_id ,  
    unix_timestamp(current_timestamp()) AS ts,
FROM ${src_df_view}
WHERE c_birth_country = 'HONG KONG' OR c_birth_country = 'CHINA' 
LIMIT 1000
  1. Insert data again into the Hudi tables.
INSERT INTO ${hudi_catalog}.${hudi_db}.${cow_table_name_sql}
    c_customer_id ,  
    unix_timestamp(current_timestamp()) AS ts,
FROM ${insert_into_view}

Query the Hudi tables via Lake Formation with FGAC

After you create the Hudi database and tables, you’re ready to query the tables using fine-grained access control with Lake Formation. We have created two types of Hudi tables: Copy-On-Write (COW) and Merge-On-Read (MOR). The COW table stores data in a columnar format (Parquet), and each update creates a new version of files during a write. This means that for every update, Hudi rewrites the entire file, which can be more resource-intensive but provides faster read performance. MOR, on the other hand, is introduced for cases where COW may not be optimal, particularly for write- or change-heavy workloads. In a MOR table, each time there is an update, Hudi writes only the row for the changed record, which reduces cost and enables low-latency writes. However, the read performance might be slower compared to COW tables.

Grant table access permission

We use the IAM role<STACK-NAME>-hudi-table-pii-roleto query Hudi COW and MOR containing PII columns. We first grant the table access permission via Lake Formation:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, choose Data lake permissions under Permissions in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Grant.
  3. Choose<STACK-NAME>-hudi-table-pii-rolefor IAM users and roles.
  4. Choose thersv2_blog_hudi_db_1database for Databases.
  5. For Tables, choose the four Hudi tables you created in the Jupyter notebook.

LF - Grant data permissions

  1. For Table permissions, select Select.
  2. Choose Grant.

LF - table permissions

Query PII columns

Now you’re ready to run the notebook to query the Hudi tables. Let’s follow similar steps to the previous section to run the notebook in SageMaker Studio:

  1. On the SageMaker console, navigate to the<STACK-NAME>-Studio-EMR-LF-Hudidomain.
  2. On the Launch menu next to the<STACK-NAME>-hudi-table-readeruser profile, choose Studio.
  3. Upload the downloaded notebook rsv2-hudi-table-pii-reader-notebook.
  4. Open the uploaded notebook.
  5. Repeat the notebook setup steps and connect to the same EMR cluster, but use the role<STACK-NAME>-hudi-table-pii-role.

In the current stage, FGAC-enabled EMR cluster needs to query Hudi’s commit time column for performing incremental queries and time travel. It does not support Spark’s “timestamp as of” syntax and Spark.read(). We are actively working on incorporating support for both actions in future Amazon EMR releases with FGAC enabled.

You can now follow the steps in the notebook. The following are some highlighted steps:

  1. Run a snapshot query.
SELECT c_birth_country, count(*) FROM ${hudi_catalog}.${hudi_db}.${cow_table_name_sql} GROUP BY c_birth_country;
  1. Run an incremental query.
incremental_df = spark.sql(f"""
SELECT * FROM {HUDI_CATALOG}.{HUDI_DATABASE}.{COW_TABLE_NAME_SQL} WHERE _hoodie_commit_time >= {commit_ts[-1]}

FROM incremental_view
GROUP BY c_birth_country;
  1. Run a time travel query.
    c_birth_country, COUNT(*) as count
FROM ${hudi_catalog}.${hudi_db}.${cow_table_name_sql}
WHERE _hoodie_commit_time IN
    SELECT DISTINCT _hoodie_commit_time FROM ${hudi_catalog}.${hudi_db}.${cow_table_name_sql} ORDER BY _hoodie_commit_time LIMIT 1 
GROUP BY c_birth_country
  1. Run MOR read-optimized and real-time table queries.
            WHEN c_email_address = 'UNKNOWN' THEN 'UNKNOWN'
            ELSE 'NOT_UNKNOWN'
        END AS email_label
    FROM ${hudi_catalog}.${hudi_db}.${mor_table_name_sql}_ro
    WHERE c_birth_country = 'HONG KONG'
) a
GROUP BY a.email_label;
FROM ${hudi_catalog}.${hudi_db}.${mor_table_name_sql}_ro
    c_birth_country = 'INDIA' OR c_first_name = 'MASKED'

Query the Hudi tables with column-level and row-level data filters

We use the IAM role<STACK-NAME>-hudi-table-non-pii-roleto query Hudi tables. This role is not allowed to query any columns containing PII. We use the Lake Formation column-level and row-level data filters to implement fine-grained access control:

  1. On the Lake Formation console, choose Data filters under Data Catalog in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create new filter.
  3. For Data filter name, entercustomer-pii-filter.
  4. Choosersv2_blog_hudi_db_1for Target database.
  5. Choosersv2_blog_hudi_mor_sql_dl_customer_1for Target table.
  6. Select Exclude columns and choose thec_customer_id,c_email_address, andc_last_namecolumns.
  7. Enterc_birth_country != 'HONG KONG'for Row filter expression.
  8. Choose Create filter.

LF - create data filter

  1. Choose Data lake permissions under Permissions in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Grant.
  3. Choose<STACK-NAME>-hudi-table-non-pii-rolefor IAM users and roles.
  4. Choosersv2_blog_hudi_db_1for Databases.
  5. Choosersv2_blog_hudi_mor_sql_dl_tpc_customer_1for Tables.
  6. Choosecustomer-pii-filterfor Data filters.
  7. For Data filter permissions, select Select.
  8. Choose Grant.

LF - Grant data permissions

Let’s follow similar steps to run the notebook in SageMaker Studio:

  1. On the SageMaker console, navigate to the domainStudio-EMR-LF-Hudi.
  2. On the Launch menu for thehudi-table-readeruser profile, choose Studio.
  3. Upload the downloaded notebook rsv2-hudi-table-non-pii-reader-notebook and choose Open.
  4. Repeat the notebook setup steps and connect to the same EMR cluster, but select the role<STACK-NAME>-hudi-table-non-pii-role.

You can now follow the steps in the notebook. From the query results, you can see that FGAC via the Lake Formation data filter has been applied. The role can’t see the PII columnsc_customer_id,c_last_name, andc_email_address. Also, the rows fromHONG KONGhave been filtered.

filtered query result

Clean up

After you’re done experimenting with the solution, we recommend cleaning up resources with the following steps to avoid unexpected costs:

  1. Shut down the SageMaker Studio apps for the user profiles.

The EMR cluster will be automatically deleted after the idle timeout value.

  1. Delete the Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) volume created for the domain.
  2. Empty the S3 buckets created by the CloudFormation stack.
  3. On the AWS CloudFormation console, delete the stack.


In this post, we used Apachi Hudi, one type of OTF tables, to demonstrate this new feature to enforce fine-grained access control on Amazon EMR. You can define granular permissions in Lake Formation for OTF tables and apply them via Spark SQL queries on EMR clusters. You also can use transactional data lake features such as running snapshot queries, incremental queries, time travel, and DML query. Please note that this new feature covers all OTF tables.

This feature is launched starting from Amazon EMR release 6.15 in all Regions where Amazon EMR is available. With the Amazon EMR integration with Lake Formation, you can confidently manage and process big data, unlocking insights and facilitating informed decision-making while upholding data security and governance.

To learn more, refer to Enable Lake Formation with Amazon EMR and feel free to contact your AWS Solutions Architects, who can be of assistance alongside your data journey.

About the Author

Raymond LaiRaymond Lai is a Senior Solutions Architect who specializes in catering to the needs of large enterprise customers. His expertise lies in assisting customers with migrating intricate enterprise systems and databases to AWS, constructing enterprise data warehousing and data lake platforms. Raymond excels in identifying and designing solutions for AI/ML use cases, and he has a particular focus on AWS Serverless solutions and Event Driven Architecture design.

Bin Wang, PhD, is a Senior Analytic Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS, boasting over 12 years of experience in the ML industry, with a particular focus on advertising. He possesses expertise in natural language processing (NLP), recommender systems, diverse ML algorithms, and ML operations. He is deeply passionate about applying ML/DL and big data techniques to solve real-world problems.

Aditya Shah is a Software Development Engineer at AWS. He is interested in Databases and Data warehouse engines and has worked on performance optimisations, security compliance and ACID compliance for engines like Apache Hive and Apache Spark.

Melody Yang is a Senior Big Data Solution Architect for Amazon EMR at AWS. She is an experienced analytics leader working with AWS customers to provide best practice guidance and technical advice in order to assist their success in data transformation. Her areas of interests are open-source frameworks and automation, data engineering and DataOps.

Orchestrate Amazon EMR Serverless Spark jobs with Amazon MWAA, and data validation using Amazon Athena

Post Syndicated from Gaurav Parekh original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/orchestrate-amazon-emr-serverless-spark-jobs-with-amazon-mwaa-and-data-validation-using-amazon-athena/

As data engineering becomes increasingly complex, organizations are looking for new ways to streamline their data processing workflows. Many data engineers today use Apache Airflow to build, schedule, and monitor their data pipelines.

However, as the volume of data grows, managing and scaling these pipelines can become a daunting task. Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (Amazon MWAA) can help simplify the process of building, running, and managing data pipelines. By providing Apache Airflow as a fully managed platform, Amazon MWAA allows data engineers to focus on building data workflows instead of worrying about infrastructure.

Today, businesses and organizations require cost-effective and efficient ways to process large amounts of data. Amazon EMR Serverless is a cost-effective and scalable solution for big data processing that can handle large volumes of data. The Amazon Provider in Apache Airflow comes with EMR Serverless operators and is already included in Amazon MWAA, making it easy for data engineers to build scalable and reliable data processing pipelines. You can use EMR Serverless to run Spark jobs on the data, and use Amazon MWAA to manage the workflows and dependencies between these jobs. This integration can also help reduce costs by automatically scaling the resources needed to process data.

Amazon Athena is a serverless, interactive analytics service built on open-source frameworks, supporting open-table and file formats. You can use standard SQL to interact with data. Athena, a serverless and interactive analytics service, makes this possible without the need to manage complex infrastructure.

In this post, we use Amazon MWAA, EMR Serverless, and Athena to build a complete end-to-end data processing pipeline.

Solution overview

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

The workflow includes the following steps:

  1. Create an Amazon MWAA workflow that retrieves data from your input Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.
  2. Use EMR Serverless to process the data stored in Amazon S3. EMR Serverless automatically scales up or down based on the workload, so you don’t need to worry about provisioning or managing any infrastructure.
  3. Use EMR Serverless to transform the data using PySpark code and then store the transformed data back in your S3 bucket.
  4. Use Athena to create an external table based on the S3 dataset and run queries to analyze the transformed data. Athena uses the AWS Glue Data Catalog to store the table metadata.


You should have the following prerequisites:

Data preparation

To illustrate using EMR Serverless jobs with Apache Spark via Amazon MWAA and data validation using Athena, we use the publicly available NYC taxi dataset. Download the following datasets to your local machine:

  • Green taxi and Yellow taxi trip records – Trip records for yellow and green taxis, which include information such as pick-up and drop-off dates and times, locations, trip distances, and payment types. In our example, we use the latest Parquet files for 2022.
  • Dataset for Taxi zone lookup – A dataset that provides location IDs and corresponding zone details for taxis.

In later steps, we upload these datasets to Amazon S3.

Create solution resources

This section outlines the steps for setting up data processing and transformation.

Create an EMR Serverless application

You can create one or more EMR Serverless applications that use open source analytics frameworks like Apache Spark or Apache Hive. Unlike EMR on EC2, you do not need to delete or terminate EMR Serverless applications. EMR Serverless application is only a definition and once created, can be re-used as long as needed. This makes the MWAA pipeline simpler as now you just have to submit jobs to a pre-created EMR Serverless application.

By default, EMR Serverless application will auto-start on job submission and auto-stop when idle for 15 minutes by default to ensure cost efficiency. You can modify the amount of idle time or choose to turn the feature off.

To create an application using EMR Serverless console, follow the instructions in “Create an EMR Serverless application”. Note down the application ID as we will use it in following steps.

Create an S3 bucket and folders

Complete the following steps to set up your S3 bucket and folders:

  1. On the Amazon S3 console, create an S3 bucket to store the dataset.
  2. Note the name of the S3 bucket to use in later steps.
  3. Create an input_data folder for storing input data.
  4. Within that folder, create three separate folders, one for each dataset: green, yellow, and zone_lookup.

You can download and work with the latest datasets available. For our testing, we use the following files:

  • The green/ folder has the file green_tripdata_2022-06.parquet
  • The yellow/ folder has the file yellow_tripdata_2022-06.parquet
  • The zone_lookup/ folder has the file taxi_zone_lookup.csv

Set up the Amazon MWAA DAG scripts

Complete the following steps to set up your DAG scripts:

  1. Download the following scripts to your local machine:
    1. requirements.txt – A Python dependency is any package or distribution that is not included in the Apache Airflow base install for your Apache Airflow version on your Amazon MWAA environment. For this post, we use Boto3 version >=1.23.9.
    2. blog_dag_mwaa_emrs_ny_taxi.py – This script is a part of the Amazon MWAA DAG and consists of the following tasks: yellow_taxi_zone_lookup, green_taxi_zone_lookup, and ny_taxi_summary,. These tasks involve running Spark jobs to lookup taxi zones, and generating a data summary .
    3. green_zone.py – This PySpark script reads data files for green taxi rides and zone lookup, performs a join operation to combine them, and generates an output file containing green taxi rides with zone information. It utilizes temporary views for the df_green and df_zone data frames, performs column-based joins, and aggregates data like passenger count, trip distance, and fare amount. Lastly, it creates the output_data folder in the specified S3 bucket to write the resulting data frame, df_green_zone, as Parquet files.
    4. yellow_zone.py – This PySpark script processes yellow taxi ride and zone lookup data files by joining them to generate an output file containing yellow taxi rides with zone information. The script accepts a user-provided S3 bucket name and initiates a Spark session with the application name yellow_zone. It reads the yellow taxi files and zone lookup file from the specified S3 bucket, creates temporary views, performs a join based on location ID, and calculates statistics such as passenger count, trip distance, and fare amount. Lastly, it creates the output_data folder in the specified S3 bucket to write the resulting data frame, df_yellow_zone, as Parquet files.
    5. ny_taxi_summary.py – This PySpark script processes the green_zone and yellow_zone files to aggregate statistics on taxi rides, grouping data by service zones and location IDs. It requires an S3 bucket name as a command line argument, creates a SparkSession named ny_taxi_summary, reads the files from S3, performs a join, and generates a new data frame named ny_taxi_summary. It creates an output_data folder in the specified S3 bucket to write the resulting data frame to new Parquet files.
  2. On your local machine, update the blog_dag_mwaa_emrs_ny_taxi.py script with the following information:
    • Update your S3 bucket name in the following two lines:
      S3_LOGS_BUCKET = "<<bucket_name_here>>"
      S3_BASE_BUCKET = "<<bucket_name_here>>"

    • Update your role name ARN:
      JOB_ROLE_ARN = “<<emr_serverless_execution_role ARN here>>”
      e.g. arn:aws:iam::<<ACCOUNT_ID>>:role/<<ROLE_NAME>>

    • Update EMR Serverless Application ID. Use the Application ID created earlier.
      EMR_SERVERLESS_APPLICATION_ID  = “<<emr serverless application ID here>>

  3. Upload the requirements.txt file to the S3 bucket created earlier
  4. In the S3 bucket, create a folder named dags and upload the updated blog_dag_mwaa_emrs_ny_taxi.py file from your local machine.
  5. On the Amazon S3 console, create a new folder named scripts inside the S3 bucket and upload the scripts to this folder from your local machine.

Create an Amazon MWAA environment

To create an Airflow environment, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon MWAA console, choose Create environment.
  2. For Name, enter mwaa_emrs_athena_pipeline.
  3. For Airflow version, choose the latest version (for this post, 2.5.1).
  4. For S3 Bucket, enter the path to your S3 bucket.
  5. For DAGs folder, enter the path to your dags folder.
  6. For Requirements file, enter the path to the requirements.txt file.
  7. Choose Next.
  8. For Virtual private cloud (VPC), choose a VPC that has a minimum of two private subnets.

This will populate two of the private subnets in your VPC.

  1. Under Web server access, select Public network.

This allows the Apache Airflow UI to be accessed over the internet by users granted access to the IAM policy for your environment.

  1. For Security group(s), select Create new security group.
  2. For Environment class, select mw1.small.
  3. For Execution role, choose Create a new role.
  4. For Role name, enter a name.
  5. Leave the other configurations as default and choose Next.
  6. On the next page, choose Create environment.

It may take about 20–30 minutes to create your Amazon MWAA environment.

  1. When the Amazon MWAA environment status changes to Available, navigate to the IAM console and update cluster execution role to add pass role privileges to emr_serverless_execution_role.

Trigger the Amazon MWAA DAG

To trigger the DAG, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon MWAA console, choose Environments in the navigation pane.
  2. Open your environment and choose Open Airflow UI.
  3. Select blog_dag_mwaa_emr_ny_taxi, choose the play icon, and choose Trigger DAG.
  4. When the DAG is running, choose the DAG blog_dag_mwaa_emrs_ny_taxi and choose Graph to locate your DAG run workflow.

The DAG will take approximately 4–6 minutes to run all the scripts. You will see all the complete tasks and the overall status of the DAG will show as success.

To rerun the DAG, remove s3://<<your_s3_bucket here >>/output_data/.

Optionally, to understand how Amazon MWAA runs these tasks, choose the task you want to inspect.

Choose Run to view the task run details.

The following screenshot shows an example of the task logs.

If you like to dive deep in the execution logs, then on the EMR Serverless console, navigate to “Applications”. The Apache Spark driver logs will indicate the initiation of your job along with the details for executors, stages and tasks that were created by EMR Serverless. These logs can be helpful to monitor your job progress and troubleshoot failures.

By default, EMR Serverless will store application logs securely in Amazon EMR managed storage for a period of 30 days. However, you can also specify Amazon S3 or Amazon CloudWatch as your log delivery options during job submission.

Validate the final result set with Athena

Let’s validate the data loaded by the process using Athena SQL queries.

  1. On the Athena console, choose Query editor in the navigation pane.
  2. If you’re using Athena for the first time, under Settings, choose Manage and enter the S3 bucket location that you created earlier (<S3_BUCKET_NAME>/athena), then choose Save.
  3. In the query editor, enter the following query to create an external table:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE default.ny_taxi_summary(
  pu_service_zone string, 
  pulocationid bigint, 
  do_service_zone string, 
  dolocationid bigint, 
  passenger_count bigint, 
  trip_distance double, 
  fare_amount double, 
  extra double, 
  mta_tax double, 
  tip_amount double, 
  tolls_amount double, 
  improvement_surcharge double, 
  total_amount double, 
  congestion_surcharge double, 
  airport_fee double)
  's3://<<YOUR-S3-BUCKET Here>>/output_data/ny_taxi_summary/' -- *** Change bucket name to your bucket***

Run the following query on the recently created ny_taxi_summary table to retrieve the first 10 rows to validate the data:

select * from default.ny_taxi_summary limit 10;

Clean up

To prevent future charges, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon S3 console, delete the S3 bucket you created to store the Amazon MWAA DAG, scripts, and logs.
  2. On the Athena console, drop the table you created:
    drop table default.ny_taxi_summary;

  3. On the Amazon MWAA console, navigate to the environment that you created and choose Delete.
  4. On the EMR Studio console, delete the application.

To delete the application, navigate to the List applications page. Select the application that you created and choose Actions → Stop to stop the application. After the application is in the STOPPED state, select the same application and choose Actions → Delete.


Data engineering is a critical component of many organizations, and as data volumes continue to grow, it’s essential to find ways to streamline data processing workflows. The combination of Amazon MWAA, EMR Serverless, and Athena provides a powerful solution to build, run, and manage data pipelines efficiently. With this end-to-end data processing pipeline, data engineers can easily process and analyze large amounts of data quickly and cost-effectively without the need to manage complex infrastructure. The integration of these AWS services provides a robust and scalable solution for data processing, helping organizations make informed decisions based on their data insights.

Now that you’ve seen how to submit Spark jobs on EMR Serverless via Amazon MWAA, we encourage you to use Amazon MWAA to create a workflow that will run PySpark jobs via EMR Serverless.

We welcome your feedback and inquiries. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or comments.

About the authors

Rahul Sonawane is a Principal Analytics Solutions Architect at AWS with AI/ML and Analytics as his area of specialty.

Gaurav Parekh is a Solutions Architect helping AWS customers build large scale modern architecture. He specializes in data analytics and networking. Outside of work, Gaurav enjoys playing cricket, soccer and volleyball.

Audit History

December 2023: This post was reviewed for technical accuracy by Santosh Gantaram, Sr. Technical Account Manager.

Use Amazon EMR with S3 Access Grants to scale Spark access to Amazon S3

Post Syndicated from Damon Cortesi original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/use-amazon-emr-with-s3-access-grants-to-scale-spark-access-to-amazon-s3/

Amazon EMR is pleased to announce integration with Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) Access Grants that simplifies Amazon S3 permission management and allows you to enforce granular access at scale. With this integration, you can scale job-based Amazon S3 access for Apache Spark jobs across all Amazon EMR deployment options and enforce granular Amazon S3 access for better security posture.

In this post, we’ll walk through a few different scenarios of how to use Amazon S3 Access Grants. Before we get started on walking through the Amazon EMR and Amazon S3 Access Grants integration, we’ll set up and configure S3 Access Grants. Then, we’ll use the AWS CloudFormation template below to create an Amazon EMR on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Cluster, an EMR Serverless application and two different job roles.

After the setup, we’ll run a few scenarios of how you can use Amazon EMR with S3 Access Grants. First, we’ll run a batch job on EMR on Amazon EC2 to import CSV data and convert to Parquet. Second, we’ll use Amazon EMR Studio with an interactive EMR Serverless application to analyze the data. Finally, we’ll show how to set up cross-account access for Amazon S3 Access Grants. Many customers use different accounts across their organization and even outside their organization to share data. Amazon S3 Access Grants make it easy to grant cross-account access to your data even when filtering by different prefixes.

Besides this post, you can learn more about Amazon S3 Access Grants from Scaling data access with Amazon S3 Access Grants.


Before you launch the AWS CloudFormation stack, ensure you have the following:

  • An AWS account that provides access to AWS services
  • The latest version of the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI)
  • An AWS Identity and Access Management (AWS IAM) user with an access key and secret key to configure the AWS CLI, and permissions to create an IAM role, IAM policies, and stacks in AWS CloudFormation
  • A second AWS account if you wish to test the cross-account functionality


Create resources with AWS CloudFormation

In order to use Amazon S3 Access Grants, you’ll need a cluster with Amazon EMR 6.15.0 or later. For more information, see the documentation for using Amazon S3 Access Grants with an Amazon EMR cluster, an Amazon EMR on EKS cluster, and an Amazon EMR Serverless application. For the purpose of this post, we’ll assume that you have two different types of data access users in your organization—analytics engineers with read and write access to the data in the bucket and business analysts with read-only access. We’ll utilize two different AWS IAM roles, but you can also connect your own identity provider directly to IAM Identity Center if you like.

Here’s the architecture for this first portion. The AWS CloudFormation stack creates the following AWS resources:

  • A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) stack with private and public subnets to use with EMR Studio, route tables, and Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway.
  • An Amazon S3 bucket for EMR artifacts like log files, Spark code, and Jupyter notebooks.
  • An Amazon S3 bucket with sample data to use with S3 Access Grants.
  • An Amazon EMR cluster configured to use runtime roles and S3 Access Grants.
  • An Amazon EMR Serverless application configured to use S3 Access Grants.
  • An Amazon EMR Studio where users can login and create workspace notebooks with the EMR Serverless application.
  • Two AWS IAM roles we’ll use for our EMR job runs: one for Amazon EC2 with write access and another for Serverless with read access.
  • One AWS IAM role that will be used by S3 Access Grants to access bucket data (i.e., the Role to use when registering a location with S3 Access Grants. S3 Access Grants use this role to create temporary credentials).

To get started, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose Launch Stack:
  2. Accept the defaults and select I acknowledge that this template may create IAM resources.

The AWS CloudFormation stack takes approximately 10–15 minutes to complete. Once the stack is finished, go to the outputs tab where you will find information necessary for the following steps.

Create Amazon S3 Access Grants resources

First, we’re going to create an Amazon S3 Access Grants resources in our account. We create an S3 Access Grants instance, an S3 Access Grants location that refers to our data bucket created by the AWS CloudFormation stack that is only accessible by our data bucket AWS IAM role, and grant different levels of access to our reader and writer roles.

To create the necessary S3 Access Grants resources, use the following AWS CLI commands as an administrative user and replace any of the fields between the arrows with the output from your CloudFormation stack.

aws s3control create-access-grants-instance \
  --account-id <YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID>

Next, we create a new S3 Access Grants location. What is a Location? Amazon S3 Access Grants works by vending AWS IAM credentials with access scoped to a particular S3 prefix. An S3 Access Grants location will be associated with an AWS IAM Role from which these temporary sessions will be created.

In our case, we’re going to scope the AWS IAM Role to the bucket created with our AWS CloudFormation stack and give access to the data bucket role created by the stack. Go to the outputs tab to find the values to replace with the following code snippet:

aws s3control create-access-grants-location \
  --account-id <YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID> \
  --location-scope "s3://<DATA_BUCKET>/" \
  --iam-role-arn <DATA_BUCKET_ROLE>

Note the AccessGrantsLocationId value in the response. We’ll need that for the next steps where we’ll walk through creating the necessary S3 Access Grants to limit read and write access to your bucket.

  • For the read/write user, use s3-control create-access-grant to allow READWRITE access to the “output/*” prefix:
    aws s3control create-access-grant \
      --account-id <YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID> \
      --access-grants-location-id <LOCATION_ID_FROM_PREVIOUS_COMMAND> \
      --access-grants-location-configuration S3SubPrefix="output/*" \
      --permission READWRITE \
      --grantee GranteeType=IAM,GranteeIdentifier=<DATA_WRITER_ROLE>

  • For the read user, use s3control create-access-grant again to allow only READ access to the same prefix:
    aws s3control create-access-grant \
      --account-id <YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID> \
      --access-grants-location-id <LOCATION_ID_FROM_PREVIOUS_COMMAND> \
      --access-grants-location-configuration S3SubPrefix="output/*" \
      --permission READ \
      --grantee GranteeType=IAM,GranteeIdentifier=<DATA_READER_ROLE>

Demo Scenario 1: Amazon EMR on EC2 Spark Job to generate Parquet data

Now that we’ve got our Amazon EMR environments set up and granted access to our roles via S3 Access Grants, it’s important to note that the two AWS IAM roles for our EMR cluster and EMR Serverless application have an IAM policy that only allow access to our EMR artifacts bucket. They have no IAM access to our S3 data bucket and instead use S3 Access Grants to fetch short-lived credentials scoped to the bucket and prefix. Specifically, the roles are granted s3:GetDataAccess and s3:GetDataAccessGrantsInstanceForPrefix permissions to request access via the specific S3 Access Grants instance created in our region. This allows you to easily manage your S3 access in one place in a highly scoped and granular fashion that enhances your security posture. By combining S3 Access Grants with job roles on EMR on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) and EMR Serverless as well as runtime roles for Amazon EMR steps beginning with EMR 6.7.0, you can easily manage access control for individual jobs or queries. S3 Access Grants are available on EMR 6.15.0 and later. Let’s first run a Spark job on EMR on EC2 as our analytics engineer to convert some sample data into Parquet.

For this, use the sample code provided in converter.py. Download the file and copy it to the EMR_ARTIFACTS_BUCKET created by the AWS CloudFormation stack. We’ll submit our job with the ReadWrite AWS IAM role. Note that for the EMR cluster, we configured S3 Access Grants to fall back to the IAM role if access is not provided by S3 Access Grants. The DATA_WRITER_ROLE has read access to the EMR artifacts bucket through an IAM policy so it can read our script. As before, replace all the values with the <> symbols from the Outputs tab of your CloudFormation stack.

aws s3 cp converter.py s3://<EMR_ARTIFACTS_BUCKET>/code/
aws emr add-steps --cluster-id <EMR_CLUSTER_ID> \
    --execution-role-arn <DATA_WRITER_ROLE> \
    --steps '[
            "Type": "CUSTOM_JAR",
            "Name": "converter",
            "ActionOnFailure": "CONTINUE",
            "Jar": "command-runner.jar",
            "Args": [

Once the job finishes, we should see some Parquet data in s3://<DATA_BUCKET>/output/weather-data/. You can see the status of the job in the Steps tab of the EMR console.

Demo Scenario 2: EMR Studio with an interactive EMR Serverless application to analyze data

Now let’s go ahead and login to EMR Studio and connect to your EMR Serverless application with the ReadOnly runtime role to analyze the data from scenario 1. First we need to enable the interactive endpoint on your Serverless application.

  • Select the EMRStudioURL in the Outputs tab of your AWS CloudFormation stack.
  • Select Applications under the Serverless section on the left-hand side.
  • Select the EMRBlog application, then the Action dropdown, and Configure.
  • Expand the Interactive endpoint section and make sure that Enable interactive endpoint is checked.
  • Scroll down and click Configure application to save your changes.
  • Back on the Applications page, select EMRBlog application, then the Start application button.

Next, create a new workspace in our Studio.

  • Choose Workspaces on the left-hand side, then the Create workspace button.
  • Enter a Workspace name, leave the remaining defaults, and choose Create Workspace.
  • After creating the workspace, it should launch in a new tab in a few seconds.

Now connect your Workspace to your EMR Serverless application.

  • Select the EMR Compute button on the left-hand side as shown in the following code.
  • Choose EMR Serverless as the compute type.
  • Choose the EMRBlog application and the runtime role that starts with EMRBlog.
  • Choose Attach. The window will refresh and you can open a new PySpark notebook and follow along below. To execute the code yourself, download the AccessGrantsReadOnly.ipynb notebook and upload it into your workspace using the Upload Files button in the file browser.

Let’s do a quick read of the data.

df = spark.read.parquet(f"s3://{DATA_BUCKET}/output/weather-data/")

We’ll do a simple count(*):

spark.sql("SELECT year, COUNT(*) FROM weather GROUP BY 1").show()

You can also see that if we try to write data into the output location, we get an Amazon S3 error.


While you can also grant similar access via AWS IAM policies, Amazon S3 Access Grants can be useful for situations where your organization has outgrown managing access via IAM, wants to map S3 Access Grants to IAM Identity Center principals or roles, or has previously used EMR File System (EMRFS) Role Mappings. S3 Access Grants credentials are also temporary providing more secure access to your data. In addition, as shown below, cross-account access also benefits from the simplicity of S3 Access Grants.

Demo Scenario 3 – Cross-account access

One of the other more common access patterns is accessing data across accounts. This pattern has become increasingly common with the emergence of data mesh, where data producers and consumers are decentralized across different AWS accounts.

Previously, cross-account access required setting up complex cross-account assume role actions and custom credentials providers when configuring your Spark job. With S3 Access Grants, we only need to do the following:

  • Create an Amazon EMR job role and cluster in a second data consumer account
  • The data producer account grants access to the data consumer account with a new instance resource policy
  • The data producer account creates an access grant for the data consumer job role

And that’s it! If you have a second account handy, go ahead and deploy this AWS CloudFormation stack in the data consumer account, to create a new EMR Serverless application and job role. If not, just follow along below. The AWS CloudFormation stack should finish creating in under a minute. Next, let’s go ahead and grant our data consumer access to the S3 Access Grants instance in our data producer account.

  • Replace <DATA_PRODUCER_ACCOUNT_ID> and <DATA_CONSUMER_ACCOUNT_ID> with the relevant 12-digit AWS account IDs.
  • You may also need to change the region in the command and policy.
    aws s3control put-access-grants-instance-resource-policy \
        --account-id <DATA_PRODUCER_ACCOUNT_ID> \
        --region us-east-2 \
        --policy '{
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Id": "S3AccessGrantsPolicy",
        "Statement": [
                "Sid": "AllowAccessToS3AccessGrants",
                "Principal": {
                    "AWS": "<DATA_CONSUMER_ACCOUNT_ID>"
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:us-east-2:<DATA_PRODUCER_ACCOUNT_ID>:access-grants/default"

  • And then grant READ access to the output folder to our EMR Serverless job role in the data consumer account.
    aws s3control create-access-grant \
        --account-id <DATA_PRODUCER_ACCOUNT_ID> \
        --region us-east-2 \
        --access-grants-location-id default \
        --access-grants-location-configuration S3SubPrefix="output/*" \
        --permission READ \
        --grantee GranteeType=IAM,GranteeIdentifier=arn:aws:iam::<DATA_CONSUMER_ACCOUNT_ID>:role/<EMR_SERVERLESS_JOB_ROLE> \
        --region us-east-2

Now that we’ve done that, we can read data in the data consumer account from the bucket in the data producer account. We’ll just run a simple COUNT(*) again. Replace the <APPLICATION_ID>, <DATA_CONSUMER_JOB_ROLE>, and <DATA_CONSUMER_LOG_BUCKET> with the values from the Outputs tab on the AWS CloudFormation stack created in your second account.

And replace <DATA_PRODUCER_BUCKET> with the bucket from your first account.

aws emr-serverless start-job-run \
  --application-id <APPLICATION_ID> \
  --execution-role-arn <DATA_CONSUMER_JOB_ROLE> \
  --configuration-overrides '{
        "monitoringConfiguration": {
            "s3MonitoringConfiguration": {
                "logUri": "s3://<DATA_CONSUMER_LOG_BUCKET>/logs/"
    }' \
  --job-driver '{
    "sparkSubmit": {
        "entryPoint": "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM parquet.`s3://<DATA_PRODUCER_BUCKET>/output/weather-data/`",
        "sparkSubmitParameters": "--class org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.SparkSQLCLIDriver -e"

Wait for the job to reach a completed state, and then fetch the stdout log from your bucket, replacing the <APPLICATION_ID>, <JOB_RUN_ID> from the job above, and <DATA_CONSUMER_LOG_BUCKET>.

aws emr-serverless get-job-run --application-id <APPLICATION_ID> --job-run-id <JOB_RUN_ID>
    "jobRun": {
        "applicationId": "00feq2s6g89r2n0d",
        "jobRunId": "00feqnp2ih45d80e",
        "state": "SUCCESS",

If you are on a unix-based machine and have gunzip installed, then you can use the following command as your administrative user.

Note that this command only uses AWS IAM Role Policies, not Amazon S3 Access Grants.

aws s3 ls s3:// <DATA_CONSUMER_LOG_BUCKET>/logs/applications/<APPLICATION_ID>/jobs/<JOB_RUN_ID>/SPARK_DRIVER/stdout.gz - | gunzip

Otherwise, you can use the get-dashboard-for-job-run command and open the resulting URL in your browser to view the Driver stdout logs in the Executors tab of the Spark UI.

aws emr-serverless get-dashboard-for-job-run --application-id <APPLICATION_ID> --job-run-id <JOB_RUN_ID>

Cleaning up

In order to avoid incurring future costs for examples resources in your AWS accounts, be sure to take the following steps:

  • You must manually delete the Amazon EMR Studio workspace created in the first part of the post
  • Empty the Amazon S3 buckets created by the AWS CloudFormation stacks
  • Make sure you delete the Amazon S3 Access Grants, resource policies, and S3 Access Grants location created in the steps above using the delete-access-grant, delete-access-grants-instance-resource-policy, delete-access-grants-location, and delete-access-grants-instance commands.
  • Delete the AWS CloudFormation Stacks created in each account

Comparison to AWS IAM Role Mapping

In 2018, EMR introduced EMRFS role mapping as a way to provide storage-level authorization by configuring EMRFS with multiple IAM roles. While effective, role mapping required managing users or groups locally on your EMR cluster in addition to maintaining the mappings between those identities and their corresponding IAM roles. In combination with runtime roles on EMR on EC2 and job roles for EMR on EKS and EMR Serverless, it is now easier to grant access to your data on S3 directly to the relevant principal on a per-job basis.


In this post, we showed you how to set up and use Amazon S3 Access Grants with Amazon EMR in order to easily manage data access for your Amazon EMR workloads. With S3 Access Grants and EMR, you can easily configure access to data on S3 for IAM identities or using your corporate directory in IAM Identity Center as your identity source. S3 Access Grants is supported across EMR on EC2, EMR on EKS, and EMR Serverless starting in EMR release 6.15.0.

To learn more, see the S3 Access Grants and EMR documentation and feel free to ask any questions in the comments!

About the author

Damon Cortesi is a Principal Developer Advocate with Amazon Web Services. He builds tools and content to help make the lives of data engineers easier. When not hard at work, he still builds data pipelines and splits logs in his spare time.

Use generative AI with Amazon EMR, Amazon Bedrock, and English SDK for Apache Spark to unlock insights

Post Syndicated from Saurabh Bhutyani original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/use-generative-ai-with-amazon-emr-amazon-bedrock-and-english-sdk-for-apache-spark-to-unlock-insights/

In this era of big data, organizations worldwide are constantly searching for innovative ways to extract value and insights from their vast datasets. Apache Spark offers the scalability and speed needed to process large amounts of data efficiently.

Amazon EMR is the industry-leading cloud big data solution for petabyte-scale data processing, interactive analytics, and machine learning (ML) using open source frameworks such as Apache Spark, Apache Hive, and Presto. Amazon EMR is the best place to run Apache Spark. You can quickly and effortlessly create managed Spark clusters from the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or Amazon EMR API. You can also use additional Amazon EMR features, including fast Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) connectivity using the Amazon EMR File System (EMRFS), integration with the Amazon EC2 Spot market and the AWS Glue Data Catalog, and EMR Managed Scaling to add or remove instances from your cluster. Amazon EMR Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) that makes it straightforward for data scientists and data engineers to develop, visualize, and debug data engineering and data science applications written in R, Python, Scala, and PySpark. EMR Studio provides fully managed Jupyter notebooks, and tools like Spark UI and YARN Timeline Service to simplify debugging.

To unlock the potential hidden within the data troves, it’s essential to go beyond traditional analytics. Enter generative AI, a cutting-edge technology that combines ML with creativity to generate human-like text, art, and even code. Amazon Bedrock is the most straightforward way to build and scale generative AI applications with foundation models (FMs). Amazon Bedrock is a fully managed service that makes FMs from Amazon and leading AI companies available through an API, so you can quickly experiment with a variety of FMs in the playground, and use a single API for inference regardless of the models you choose, giving you the flexibility to use FMs from different providers and keep up to date with the latest model versions with minimal code changes.

In this post, we explore how you can supercharge your data analytics with generative AI using Amazon EMR, Amazon Bedrock, and the pyspark-ai library. The pyspark-ai library is an English SDK for Apache Spark. It takes instructions in English language and compiles them into PySpark objects like DataFrames. This makes it straightforward to work with Spark, allowing you to focus on extracting value from your data.

Solution overview

The following diagram illustrates the architecture for using generative AI with Amazon EMR and Amazon Bedrock.

Solution Overview

EMR Studio is a web-based IDE for fully managed Jupyter notebooks that run on EMR clusters. We interact with EMR Studio Workspaces connected to a running EMR cluster and run the notebook provided as part of this post. We use the New York City Taxi data to garner insights into various taxi rides taken by users. We ask the questions in natural language on top of the data loaded in Spark DataFrame. The pyspark-ai library then uses the Amazon Titan Text FM from Amazon Bedrock to create a SQL query based on the natural language question. The pyspark-ai library takes the SQL query, runs it using Spark SQL, and provides results back to the user.

In this solution, you can create and configure the required resources in your AWS account with an AWS CloudFormation template. The template creates the AWS Glue database and tables, S3 bucket, VPC, and other AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources that are used in the solution.

The template is designed to demonstrate how to use EMR Studio with the pyspark-ai package and Amazon Bedrock, and is not intended for production use without modification. Additionally, the template uses the us-east-1 Region and may not work in other Regions without modification. The template creates resources that incur costs while they are in use. Follow the cleanup steps at the end of this post to delete the resources and avoid unnecessary charges.


Before you launch the CloudFormation stack, ensure you have the following:

  • An AWS account that provides access to AWS services
  • An IAM user with an access key and secret key to configure the AWS CLI, and permissions to create an IAM role, IAM policies, and stacks in AWS CloudFormation
  • The Titan Text G1 – Express model is currently in preview, so you need to have preview access to use it as part of this post

Create resources with AWS CloudFormation

The CloudFormation creates the following AWS resources:

  • A VPC stack with private and public subnets to use with EMR Studio, route tables, and NAT gateway.
  • An EMR cluster with Python 3.9 installed. We are using a bootstrap action to install Python 3.9 and other relevant packages like pyspark-ai and Amazon Bedrock dependencies. (For more information, refer to the bootstrap script.)
  • An S3 bucket for the EMR Studio Workspace and notebook storage.
  • IAM roles and policies for EMR Studio setup, Amazon Bedrock access, and running notebooks

To get started, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose Launch Stack:
    Launch Button
  2. Select I acknowledge that this template may create IAM resources.

The CloudFormation stack takes approximately 20–30 minutes to complete. You can monitor its progress on the AWS CloudFormation console. When its status reads CREATE_COMPLETE, your AWS account will have the resources necessary to implement this solution.

Create EMR Studio

Now you can create an EMR Studio and Workspace to work with the notebook code. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the EMR Studio console, choose Create Studio.
  2. Enter the Studio Name as GenAI-EMR-Studio and provide a description.
  3. In the Networking and security section, specify the following:
    • For VPC, choose the VPC you created as part of the CloudFormation stack that you deployed. Get the VPC ID using the CloudFormation outputs for the VPCID key.
    • For Subnets, choose all four subnets.
    • For Security and access, select Custom security group.
    • For Cluster/endpoint security group, choose EMRSparkAI-Cluster-Endpoint-SG.
    • For Workspace security group, choose EMRSparkAI-Workspace-SG.VPC Networking and Security
  4. In the Studio service role section, specify the following:
    • For Authentication, select AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).
    • For AWS IAM service role, choose EMRSparkAI-StudioServiceRole.
  5. In the Workspace storage section, browse and choose the S3 bucket for storage starting with emr-sparkai-<account-id>.
  6. Choose Create Studio.Create Studio
  7. When the EMR Studio is created, choose the link under Studio Access URL to access the Studio.
  8. When you’re in the Studio, choose Create workspace.
  9. Add emr-genai as the name for the Workspace and choose Create workspace.
  10. When the Workspace is created, choose its name to launch the Workspace (make sure you’ve disabled any pop-up blockers).

Big data analytics using Apache Spark with Amazon EMR and generative AI

Now that we have completed the required setup, we can start performing big data analytics using Apache Spark with Amazon EMR and generative AI.

As a first step, we load a notebook that has the required code and examples to work with the use case. We use NY Taxi dataset, which contains details about taxi rides.

  1. Download the notebook file NYTaxi.ipynb and upload it to your Workspace by choosing the upload icon.
  2. After the notebook is imported, open the notebook and choose PySpark as the kernel.

PySpark AI by default uses OpenAI’s ChatGPT4.0 as the LLM model, but you can also plug in models from Amazon Bedrock, Amazon SageMaker JumpStart, and other third-party models. For this post, we show how to integrate the Amazon Bedrock Titan model for SQL query generation and run it with Apache Spark in Amazon EMR.

  1. To get started with the notebook, you need to associate the Workspace to a compute layer. To do so, choose the Compute icon in the navigation pane and choose the EMR cluster created by the CloudFormation stack.
  2. Configure the Python parameters to use the updated Python 3.9 package with Amazon EMR:
    %%configure -f
    "conf": {
    "spark.executorEnv.PYSPARK_PYTHON": "/usr/local/python3.9.18/bin/python3.9",
    "spark.yarn.appMasterEnv.PYSPARK_PYTHON": "/usr/local/python3.9.18/bin/python3.9"

  3. Import the necessary libraries:
    from pyspark_ai import SparkAI
    from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
    from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
    from langchain.llms.bedrock import Bedrock
    import boto3
    import os

  4. After the libraries are imported, you can define the LLM model from Amazon Bedrock. In this case, we use amazon.titan-text-express-v1. You need to enter the Region and Amazon Bedrock endpoint URL based on your preview access for the Titan Text G1 – Express model.
    boto3_bedrock = boto3.client('bedrock-runtime', '<region>', endpoint_url='<bedrock endpoint url>')
    llm = Bedrock(

  5. Connect Spark AI to the Amazon Bedrock LLM model for SQL query generation based on questions in natural language:
    #Connecting Spark AI to the Bedrock Titan LLM
    spark_ai = SparkAI(llm = llm, verbose=False)

Here, we have initialized Spark AI with verbose=False; you can also set verbose=True to see more details.

Now you can read the NYC Taxi data in a Spark DataFrame and use the power of generative AI in Spark.

  1. For example, you can ask the count of the number of records in the dataset:
    taxi_records.ai.transform("count the number of records in this dataset").show()

We get the following response:

> Entering new AgentExecutor chain...
Thought: I need to count the number of records in the table.
Action: query_validation
Action Input: SELECT count(*) FROM spark_ai_temp_view_ee3325
Observation: OK
Thought: I now know the final answer.
Final Answer: SELECT count(*) FROM spark_ai_temp_view_ee3325
> Finished chain.
| count(1)|

Spark AI internally uses LangChain and SQL chain, which hide the complexity from end-users working with queries in Spark.

The notebook has a few more example scenarios to explore the power of generative AI with Apache Spark and Amazon EMR.

Clean up

Empty the contents of the S3 bucket emr-sparkai-<account-id>, delete the EMR Studio Workspace created as part of this post, and then delete the CloudFormation stack that you deployed.


This post showed how you can supercharge your big data analytics with the help of Apache Spark with Amazon EMR and Amazon Bedrock. The PySpark AI package allows you to derive meaningful insights from your data. It helps reduce development and analysis time, reducing time to write manual queries and allowing you to focus on your business use case.

About the Authors

Saurabh Bhutyani is a Principal Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. He is passionate about new technologies. He joined AWS in 2019 and works with customers to provide architectural guidance for running generative AI use cases, scalable analytics solutions and data mesh architectures using AWS services like Amazon Bedrock, Amazon SageMaker, Amazon EMR, Amazon Athena, AWS Glue, AWS Lake Formation, and Amazon DataZone.

Harsh Vardhan is an AWS Senior Solutions Architect, specializing in analytics. He has over 8 years of experience working in the field of big data and data science. He is passionate about helping customers adopt best practices and discover insights from their data.

Implement fine-grained access control in Amazon SageMaker Studio and Amazon EMR using Apache Ranger and Microsoft Active Directory

Post Syndicated from Rahul Sarda original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/implement-fine-grained-access-control-in-amazon-sagemaker-studio-and-amazon-emr-using-apache-ranger-and-microsoft-active-directory/

Amazon SageMaker Studio is a fully integrated development environment (IDE) for machine learning (ML) that enables data scientists and developers to perform every step of the ML workflow, from preparing data to building, training, tuning, and deploying models. SageMaker Studio comes with built-in integration with Amazon EMR, enabling data scientists to interactively prepare data at petabyte scale using frameworks such as Apache Spark, Hive, and Presto right from SageMaker Studio notebooks. With Amazon SageMaker, developers, data scientists, and SageMaker Studio users can access both raw data stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), and cataloged tabular data stored in a Hive metastore easily. SageMaker Studio’s support for Apache Ranger creates a simple mechanism for applying fine-grained access control to the raw and cataloged data with grant and revoke policies administered from a friendly web interface.

In this post, we show how you can authenticate into SageMaker Studio using an existing Active Directory (AD), with authorized access to both Amazon S3 and Hive cataloged data using AD entitlements via Apache Ranger integration and AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On). With this solution, you can manage access to multiple SageMaker environments and SageMaker Studio notebooks using a single set of credentials. Subsequently, Apache Spark jobs created from SageMaker Studio notebooks will access only the data and resources permitted by Apache Ranger policies attached to the AD credentials, inclusive of table and column-level access.

With this capability, multiple SageMaker Studio users can connect to the same EMR cluster, gaining access only to data granted to their user or group, with audit records captured and visible in Amazon CloudWatch. This multi-tenant environment is possible through user session isolation that prevents users from accessing datasets and cluster resources allocated to other users. Ultimately, organizations can provision fewer clusters, reduce administrative overhead, and increase cluster utilization, saving staff time and cloud costs.

Solution overview

We demonstrate this solution with an end-to-end use case using a sample ecommerce dataset. The dataset is available within provided AWS CloudFormation templates and consists of transactional ecommerce data (products, orders, customers) cataloged in a Hive metastore.

The solution utilizes two data analyst personas, Alex and Tina, each tasked with different analysis requiring fine-grained limitations on dataset access:

  • Tina, a data scientist on the marketing team, is tasked with building a model for customer lifetime value. Data access should only be permitted to non-sensitive customer, product, and orders data.
  • Alex, a data scientist on the sales team, is tasked to generate product demand forecast, requiring access to product and orders data. No customer data is required.

The following figure illustrates our desired fine-grained access.

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

The architecture is implemented as follows:

  • Microsoft Active Directory – Used to manage user authentication, select AWS application access, and user and group membership for Apache Ranger secured data authorization
  • Apache Ranger – Used to monitor and manage comprehensive data security across the Hadoop and Amazon EMR platform
  • Amazon EMR – Used to retrieve, prepare, and analyze data from the Hive metastore using Spark
  • SageMaker Studio – An integrated IDE with purpose-built tools to build AI/ML models.

The following sections walk through the setup of the architectural components for this solution using the CloudFormation stack.


Before you get started, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

Create resources with AWS CloudFormation

To build the solution within your environment, use the provided CloudFormation templates to create the required AWS resources.

Note that running these CloudFormation templates and the following configuration steps will create AWS resources that may incur charges. Additionally, all the steps should be run in the same Region.

Template 1

This first template creates the following resources and takes approximately 15 minutes to complete:

  • A Multi-AZ, multi-subnet VPC infrastructure, with managed NAT gateways in the public subnet for each Availability Zone
  • S3 VPC endpoints and Elastic Network Interfaces
  • A Windows Active Directory domain controller using Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) with cross-realm trust
  • A Linux Bastion host (Amazon EC2) in an auto scaling group

To deploy this template, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console.
  2. On the Amazon EC2 console, create an EC2 key pair.
  3. Choose Launch Stack :
  4. Select the target Region
  5. Verify the stack name and provide the following parameters:
    1. The name of the key pair you created.
    2. Passwords for cross-realm trust, the Windows domain admin, LDAP bind, and default AD user. Be sure to record these passwords to use in future steps.
    3. Select a minimum of three Availability Zones based on the chosen Region.
  6. Review the remaining parameters. No changes are required for the solution, but you may change parameter values if desired.
  7. Choose Next and then choose Next again.
  8. Review the parameters.
  9. Select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names and I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might require the following capability: CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND.
  10. Choose Submit.

Template 2

The second template creates the following resources and takes approximately 30–60 minutes to complete:

To deploy this template, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose Launch Stack :
  2. Select the target Region
  3. Verify the stack name and provide the following parameters:
    1. Key pair name (created earlier).
    2. LDAPHostPrivateIP address, which can be found in the output section of the Windows AD CloudFormation stack.
    3. Passwords for the Windows domain admin, cross-realm trust, AD domain user, and LDAP bind. Use the same passwords as you did for the first CloudFormation template.
    4. Passwords for the RDS for MySQL database and KDC admin. Record these passwords; they may be needed in future steps.
    5. Log directory for the EMR cluster.
    6. VPC (it contains the name of the CloudFormation stack)
    7. Subnet details (align the subnet name with the parameter name).
    8. Set AppsEMR to Hadoop, Spark, Hive, Livy, Hue, and Trino.
    9. Leave RangerAdminPassword as is.
  4. Review the remaining parameters. No changes are required beyond what is mentioned, but you may change parameter values if desired.
  5. Choose Next, then choose Next again.
  6. Review the parameters.
  7. Select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names and I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might require the following capability: CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND.
  8. Choose Submit.

Integrate Active Directory with AWS accounts using IAM Identity Center

To enable users to sign in to SageMaker with Active Directory credentials, a connection between IAM Identity Center and Active Directory must be established.

To connect to Microsoft Active Directory, we set up AWS Directory Service using AD Connector.

  1. On the Directory Service console, choose Directories in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Set up directory.
  3. For Directory types, select AD Connector.
  4. Choose Next.
  5. For Directory size, select the appropriate size for AD Connector. For this post, we select Small.
  6. Choose Next.
  7. Choose the VPC and private subnets where the Windows AD domain controller resides.
  8. Choose Next.
  9. In the Active Directory information section, enter the following details (this information can be retrieved on the Outputs tab of the first CloudFormation template):
    1. For Directory DNS Name, enter awsemr.com.
    2. For Directory NetBIOS name, enter awsemr.
    3. For DNS IP addresses, enter the IPv4 private IP address from AD Controller.
    4. Enter the service account user name and password that you provided during stack creation.
  10. Choose Next.
  11. Review the settings and choose Create directory.

After the directory is created, you will see its status as Active on the Directory Services console.

Set up AWS Organizations

AWS Organizations supports IAM Identity Center in only one Region at a time. To enable IAM Identity Center in this Region, you must first delete the IAM Identity Center configuration if created in another Region. Do not delete an existing IAM Identity Center configuration unless you are sure it will not negatively impact existing workloads.

  1. Navigate to the IAM Identity Center console.
  2. If IAM Identity Center has not been activated previously, choose Enable. If an organization does not exist, an alert appears to create one.
  3. Choose Create AWS organization.
  4. Choose Settings in the navigation pane.
  5. On the Identity source tab, on the Actions menu, choose Change identity source.
  6. For Choose identity source, select Active Directory.
  7. Choose Next.
  8. For Existing Directories, choose AWSEMR.COM.
  9. Choose Next.
  10. To confirm the change, enter ACCEPT in the confirmation input box, then choose Change identity source. Upon completion, you will be redirected to Settings, where you receive the alert Configurable AD sync paused.
  11. Choose Resume sync.
  12. Choose Settings in the navigation pane.
  13. On the Identity source tab, on the Actions menu, choose Manage sync.
  14. Choose Add users and groups to specify the users and groups to sync from Active Directory to IAM Identity Center.
  15. On the Users tab, enter tina and choose Add.
  16. Enter alex and choose Add.
  17. Choose Submit.
  18. On the Groups tab, enter datascience and choose Add.
  19. Choose Submit.

After your users and groups are synced to IAM Identity Center, you can see them by choosing Users or Groups in the navigation pane on the IAM Identity Center console. When they’re available, you can assign them access to AWS accounts and cloud applications. The initial sync may take up to 5 minutes.

Set up a SageMaker domain using IAM Identity Center

To set up a SageMaker domain, complete the following steps:

  1. On the SageMaker console, choose Domains in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create domain.
  3. Choose Standard setup, then choose Configure.
  4. For Domain Name, enter a unique name for your domain.
  5. For Authentication, choose AWS IAM Identity Center.
  6. Choose Create a new role for the default execution role.
  7. In the Create an IAM Role popup, choose Any S3 bucket.
  8. Choose Create role.
  9. Copy the role details to be used in next section for adding a policy for EMR cluster access.
  10. In the Network and storage section, specify the following:
    1. Choose the VPC that you created using the first CloudFormation template.
    2. Choose a private subnet in an Availability Zone supported by SageMaker.
    3. Use the default security group (sg-XXXX).
    4. Choose VPC only.

Note that there is a public domain called AWSEMR.COM that will conflict with the one created for this solution if Public internet only is selected.

  1. Leave all other options as default and choose Next.
  2. In the Studio settings section, accept the defaults and choose Next.
  3. In the RStudio settings section, accept the defaults and choose Next.
  4. In the Canvas setting section, accept the defaults and choose Submit.

Add a policy to provide SageMaker Studio access to the EMR cluster

Complete the following steps to give SageMaker Studio access to the EMR cluster:

  1. On the IAM console, choose Roles in the navigation pane.
  2. Search and choose for the role you copied earlier (<AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionRole- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX>).
  3. On the Permissions tab, choose Add permissions and Attach policy.
  4. Search for and choose the policy AmazonEMRFullAccessPolicy_v2.
  5. Choose Add permissions.

Add users and groups to access the domain

Complete the following steps to give users and groups access to the domain:

  1. On the SageMaker console, choose Domains in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose the domain you created earlier.
  3. On the Domain details page, choose Assign users and groups.
  4. On the Users tab, select the users tina and alex.
  5. On the Groups tab, select the group datascience.
  6. Choose Assign users and groups.

Configure Spark data access rights in Apache Ranger

Now that the AWS environment is set up, we configure Hive dataset security using Apache Ranger.

To start, collect the Apache Ranger URL details to access the Ranger admin console:

  1. On the Amazon EC2 console, choose Resources in the navigation pane, then Instance (running).
  2. Choose the Ranger server EC2 instance and copy the private IP DNS name (IPv4 only).
    Next, connect to the Windows domain controller to use the connected VPC to access the Ranger admin console. This is done by logging in to the Windows server and launching a web browser.
  3. Install the Remote Desktop Services client on your computer to connect with Windows Server.
  4. Authorize inbound traffic from your computer to the Windows AD domain controller EC2 instance.
  5. On the Amazon EC2 console, choose Resources in the navigation pane, then Instance (running).
  6. Choose on the Windows Domain Controller (DC1) EC2 instance ID and copy the public IP DNS name (IPv4 only).
  7. Use Microsoft Remote Desktop to log in to the Windows domain controller:
    1. Computer – Use the public IP DNS name (IPv4 only).
    2. Username – Enter awsadmin.
    3. Password – Use the password you set during the first CloudFormation template setup.
  8. Disable the Enhanced Security Configuration for Internet Explorer.
  9. Launch Internet Explorer and navigate to the Ranger admin console using the private IP DNS name (IPv4 only) associated with the Ranger server noted earlier and port 6182 (for example, https://<RangerServer Private IP DNS name>:6182).
  10. Choose Continue to this website (not recommended) if you receive a security alert.
  11. Log in using the default user name and password. During the first logon, you should modify your password and store it securely.
  12. In the top Ranger banner, choose Settings and Users/Groups/Roles.
  13. Confirm Tina and Alex are listed as users with a User Source of External.
  14. Confirm the datascience group is listed as a group with Group Source of External.

If the Tina or Alex users aren’t listed, follow the Apache Ranger troubleshooting instructions in the appendix at the end of this post.

Dataset policies

The Apache Ranger access policy model consists of two major components: specification of the resources a policy is applied to, such as files and directories, databases, tables, and columns, services, and so on, and the specification of access conditions (permissions) for specific users and groups.

Configure your dataset policy with the following steps:

  1. On the Ranger admin console, choose the Ranger icon in the top banner to return to the main page.
  2. Choose the service name amazonemrspark inside AMAZON-EMR-SPARK.
  3. Choose Add New Policy and add a new policy with the following parameters:
    1. For Policy Name, enter Data Science Policy.
    2. For Database, enter staging and default.
    3. For EMR Spark Table, enter products and orders.
    4. For EMR Spark Column, enter *.
    5. In the Allow Conditions section, for Select User, enter tina and alex, and for Permissions, enter select and read.
  4. Choose Add.
    When using Internet Explorer & adding a new policy, you may receive the error SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'assign'. In this case, install and use an alternate browser such as Firefox or Chrome.
  5. Choose Add New Policy and add a new policy for tina:
    1. For Policy Name, enter Customer Demographics Policy.
    2. For Database, enter staging.
    3. For EMR Spark Table, enter Customers.
    4. For EMR Spark Column, choose customer_id, first_name, last_name, region, and state.
    5. In the Allow Conditions section, for Select User, enter Tina and for Permissions, enter select and read.
  6. Choose Add.

Configure Amazon S3 data access rights in Apache Ranger

Complete the following steps to configure Amazon S3 data access rights:

  1. On the Ranger admin console, choose the Ranger icon in the top banner to return to the main page.
  2. Choose the service name amazonemrs3 inside AMAZON-EMR-EMRFS.
  3. Choose Add New Policy and add a policy for the datascience group as follows:
    1. For Policy Name, enter Data Science S3 Policy.
    2. For S3 resource, enter the following:
      • aws-bigdata-blog/artifacts/aws-blog-emr-ranger/data/staging/products
      • aws-bigdata-blog/artifacts/aws-blog-emr-ranger/data/staging/orders
    3. In the Allow Conditions, section, for Select User, enter tina and alex, and for Permissions, enter GetObject and ListObjects.
  4. Choose Add.
  5. Choose Add New Policy and add a new policy for tina:
    1. For Policy Name, enter Customer Demographics S3 Policy.
    2. For S3 resource, enter aws-bigdata-blog/artifacts/aws-blog-emr-ranger/data/staging/customers.
    3. In the Allow Conditions section, for Select User, enter Tina and for Permissions, enter GetObject and ListObjects.
  6. Choose Add.

Configure Amazon S3 user working folders

While working with data, users often require data storage for interim results. To provide each user with a private working directory, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Ranger admin console, choose Ranger icon in the top banner to return to the main page.
  2. Choose the service name amazonemrs3 inside AMAZON-EMR-EMRFS.
  3. Choose Add New Policy and add a policy for {USER} as follows:
    1. For Policy Name, enter User Directory S3 Policy.
    2. For S3 resource, enter <Bucket Name>/data/{USER} (use a bucket within the account).
    3. Enable Recursive.
    4. In the Allow Conditions, section, for Select User, enter {USER} and for Permissions, enter GetObject, ListObjects, PutObject, and DeleteObject.
  4. Choose Add.

Use the user access login URL

Users attempting to access shared AWS applications via IAM Identity Center need to first log in to the AWS environment with a custom link using their Active Directory user name and password. The link needed can be found on the IAM Identity Center console.

  1. On the IAM Identity Center console, choose Settings in the navigation pane.
  2. On the Identity source tab, locate the user login link under AWS access portal URL.

Test role-based data access

To review, data scientist Tina needs to build a customer lifetime value model, which requires access to orders, product, and non-sensitive customer data. Data scientist Alex only needs access to orders and product data to build a product demand model.

In this section, we test the data access levels for each role.

Data scientist Tina

Complete the following steps:

  1. Log in using the URL you located in the previous step.
  2. Enter Microsoft AD user [email protected] and your password.
  3. Choose the Amazon SageMaker Studio tile.
  4. In the SageMaker Studio UI, start a notebook:
    1. Choose File, New, and Notebook.
    2. For Image, choose SparkMagic.
    3. For Kernel, choose PySpark.
    4. For Instance Type, choose ml.t3.medium.
    5. Choose Select.
  5. When the notebook kernel starts, connect to the EMR cluster by running the following code:
    %load_ext sagemaker_studio_analytics_extension.magics
    %sm_analytics emr connect --cluster-id <EMR Cluster ID> --auth-type Kerberos --language python

The EMR cluster ID details can be found on the Outputs tab of the EMR cluster CloudFormation stack created with the second template.

  1. Enter Microsoft AD [email protected] and your password. (Note that [email protected] is case-sensitive.)
  2. Choose Connect.

Now we can test Tina’s data access.

  1. In a new cell, enter the following query and run the cell:
    show tables from staging

Returned data will indicate the table objects accessible to Tina.

  1. In a new cell, run the following:
    select * from staging.customers limit 5

Returned data will include columns Tina has been granted access.

Let’s test Tina’s access to customer data.

  1. In a new cell, run the following:
    select customer_id, education_level, first_name, last_name, marital_status, region, state from staging.customers limit 15

The preceding query will result in an Access Denied error due to the inclusion of sensitive data columns.

During ad hoc analysis and model building, it’s common for users to create temporary datasets that need to be persisted for a short period. Let’s test Tina’s ability to create a working dataset and store results in a private working directory.

  1. In a new cell, run the following:
    join_order_to_customer = spark.sql("select orders.*, first_name, last_name, region, state from staging.orders, staging.customers where orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id")

  2. Before running the following code, update the S3 path variable <bucket name> to correspond to an S3 location within your local account:
    join_order_to_customer.write.mode("overwrite").format("parquet").option("path", "s3://<bucket name>/data/tina/order_and_product/").save()

The preceding query writes the created dataset as Parquet files in the S3 bucket specified.

Data scientist: Alex

Complete the following steps:

  1. Log in using the URL you located in the previous step.
  2. Enter Microsoft AD user [email protected] and your password.
  3. Choose the Amazon SageMaker Studio tile.
  4. In the SageMaker Studio UI, start a notebook:
    1. Choose File, New, and Notebook.
    2. For Image, choose SparkMagic.
    3. For Kernel, choose PySpark.
    4. For Instance Type, choose ml.t3.medium.
    5. Choose Select.
  5. When the notebook kernel starts, connect to the EMR cluster by running the following code:
    %load_ext sagemaker_studio_analytics_extension.magics
    %sm_analytics emr connect --cluster-id <EMR Cluster ID> --auth-type Kerberos --language python

  6. Enter Microsoft AD [email protected] and your password (note that [email protected] is case-sensitive).
  7. Choose Connect. Now we can test Alex’s data access.
  8. In a new cell, enter the following query and run the cell:
    show tables from staging

    Returned data will indicate the table objects accessible to Alex. Note that the customers table is missing.

  9. In a new cell, run the following:
    select * from staging.orders limit 5

Returned data will include columns Alex has been granted access.

Let’s test Alex’s access to customer data.

  1. In a new cell, run the following:
    select * from staging.customers limit 5

The preceding query will result in an Access Denied error because Alex doesn’t have access to customers.

We can verify Ranger is responsible for the denial by looking at the CloudWatch logs.

Now that you can successfully access data, feel free to interactively explore, visualize, prepare, and model the data using the different user personas.

Clean up

When you’re finished experimenting with this solution, clean up your resources:

  1. Shut down and update SageMaker Studio and Studio apps. Ensure that all apps created as part of this post are deleted before deleting the stack.
  2. Change the identity source for IAM Identity Center back to Identity Center Directory.
  3. Delete the directory AWSEMR.COM from Directory Services.
  4. Empty the S3 buckets created by the CloudFormation stacks.
  5. Delete the stacks via the AWS CloudFormation console for the non-nested stacks starting in reverse order.


This post showed how you can implement fine-grained access control in SageMaker Studio and Amazon EMR using Apache Ranger and Microsoft Active Directory. We also demonstrated how multiple SageMaker Studio users can connect to the same EMR cluster and access different tables and columns using Apache Ranger, wherein each user is scoped with permissions matching their individual level of access to data. In addition, we demonstrated how the individual users can access separate S3 folders for storing their intermediate data. We detailed the steps required to set up the integration and provided CloudFormation templates to set up the base infrastructure from end to end.

To learn more about using Amazon EMR with SageMaker Studio, refer to Prepare Data using Amazon EMR. We encourage you to try out this new functionality, and connect with the Machine Learning & AI community if you have any questions or feedback!

Appendix: Apache Ranger troubleshooting

The sync between Active Directory and Apache Ranger is set for every 24 hours. To force a sync, complete the following steps:

  1. Connect to the Apache Ranger server using SSH. This can be done using directly or Session Manager, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, or through AWS Cloud9.
  2. Once connected, issue the following commands:
    sudo /usr/bin/ranger-usersync stop || true
    sudo /usr/bin/ranger-usersync start
    sudo chkconfig ranger-usersync on

  3. To confirm the sync, open the Ranger console as an admin.
  4. Choose Audit in the top banner.
  5. Choose the User Sync tab and confirm the event time.

About the Authors

Rahul Sarda is a Senior Analytics & ML Specialist at AWS. He is a seasoned leader with over 20 years of experience, who is passionate about helping customers build scalable data and analytics solutions to gain timely insights and make critical business decisions. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family, stay healthy, running and road cycling.

Varun Rao Bhamidimarri is a Sr Manager, AWS Analytics Specialist Solutions Architect team. His focus is helping customers with adoption of cloud-enabled analytics solutions to meet their business requirements. Outside of work, he loves spending time with his wife and two kids, stay healthy, mediate and recently picked up gardening during the lockdown.

Use IAM runtime roles with Amazon EMR Studio Workspaces and AWS Lake Formation for cross-account fine-grained access control

Post Syndicated from Ashley Zhou original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/use-iam-runtime-roles-with-amazon-emr-studio-workspaces-and-aws-lake-formation-for-cross-account-fine-grained-access-control/

Amazon EMR Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) that makes it straightforward for data scientists and data engineers to develop, visualize, and debug data engineering and data science applications written in R, Python, Scala, and PySpark. EMR Studio provides fully managed Jupyter notebooks and tools such as Spark UI and YARN Timeline Server via EMR Studio Workspaces. You can attach an EMR Studio Workspace to an EMR cluster, and use the compute power of the EMR cluster and run data science jobs on the cluster. Data is often stored in data lakes managed by AWS Lake Formation, enabling you to apply fine-grained access control through a simple grant or revoke mechanism.

We’re happy to introduce runtime roles for EMR Studio Workspaces. You can now define a runtime role and assign it to an EMR cluster when attaching an EMR Studio Workspace. The jobs on the EMR cluster will use this runtime role to access AWS resources. After configuring a runtime role, you can also use Lake Formation and apply fine-grained data access control for the jobs submitted by the EMR Studio Workspace.

Previously, when attaching EMR Studio Workspaces to EMR clusters, all Workspaces had to use the same AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role—namely, the cluster’s Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance profile. Therefore, all Workspaces attached to the same EMR cluster had the same data access. To control access to data sources, each EMR Studio Workspace had to use a different EMR cluster, and multiple EMR instance profiles were needed.

Starting with the release of Amazon EMR 6.11, you can now choose a runtime role when attaching an EMR Studio Workspace to an EMR cluster. This runtime role scopes down access at the Workspace level. Your Apache Livy and Apache Spark jobs that run from the EMR Studio Workspaces will have permission to access only the data and resources permitted by policies attached to the runtime role. Also, when data is accessed from data lakes managed with Lake Formation, you can enforce fine-grained data access control using Lake Formation permissions. This helps you reduce operational overhead.

In this post, we demonstrate how to configure runtime roles for EMR Studio Workspaces and attach a Workspace to an EMR cluster with runtime roles. Because large enterprises typically use multiple AWS accounts, and many of those accounts might need access to a data lake managed by a single AWS account, our example uses two AWS accounts. We explain how to control access to EMR Studio runtime roles, manage data access across accounts in a data lake via Lake Formation, and enforce table-level and column-level permissions to the EMR runtime roles.

Solution overview

To demonstrate fine-grained access control, we create a sample AWS Glue database named company and manage the database permission in Lake Formation. The database consists of two separate tables:

  • employees – This table stores information about the company’s employees, including employee ID, name, department, and salary
  • products – This table stores information about the products sold by the company, including product ID, name, category, and price

To demonstrate data access control, we consider the following data users:

  • Alice, a data scientist in the sales team – She should have read-only access to all columns in the products table and selected columns, including uID, name, and department in the employees table
  • Bob, a data scientist in the human resources team – He should have read-only access to all columns in employees table and should not have access to the products table

To demonstrate cross-account data sharing, we consider two accounts:

  • Data producer account – We refer to this account as 123456789012 in this post. This account manages the raw data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and writes data to the data lake. The company database and tables should be in this account.
  • Data consumer account – We refer to this account as 111122223333 in this post. This account is accessed directly by the users for data analysis and doesn’t have write access to the data. This account should be accessible by Alice and Bob.

The architecture is implemented as follows:

  • The data producer account manages a data lake. Raw data is stored in S3 buckets and catalogued in the AWS Glue Data Catalog.
  • Lake Formation in the data producer account governs the data access via the Data Catalog, and provides cross-account data sharing with the data consumer account.
  • Lake Formation in the data consumer account governs cross-account access to the data lake on table level and fine-grained Lake Formation permissions. For more information, refer to Methods for fine-grained access control.
  • EMR Studio Workspaces in the data consumer account use runtime roles when running jobs on an EMR cluster.
  • The EMR cluster connects to Glue Data Catalog in the data consumer account and queries the data from the data lake through cross-account data sharing.

The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

In the following sections, we go through the steps to share data across accounts via Lake Formation, run an EMR Studio Workspace with runtime roles, and demonstrate fine-grained access control.


You should have the following prerequisites:

Create the infrastructure in the data producer account

Complete the following steps to create the infrastructure resources:

  1. Log in to the data producer AWS account (123456789012).
  2. Choose Launch Stack to deploy a CloudFormation template to create the necessary resources.
  3. For DataLakeBucketSuffix, enter the suffix for the S3 bucket used by the data lake. The whole S3 bucket name to be created will be {AwsAccoundId}-{AwsRegion}-{DataLakeBucketSuffix}.
  4. After the CloudFormation stack is created, navigate to the Outputs tab of the stack and capture the value of DataLakeS3Bucket to use in the next step.

Create data files and upload them to Amazon S3 in the data producer account

Configure your AWS CLI to use the IAM identity with permission to upload to DataLakeS3BucketName in the data producer AWS account (123456789012), or you can sign in to CloudShell using the AWS Management Console. Complete the following steps:

  1. On your local machine, move to a directory of your choice with the cd command, for example, cd ~.
  2. Run the script with chmod 744 create_sample_data.sh && ./create_sample_data.sh <DataLakeS3BucketName>.

The script will create a subdirectory tmp in your current working directory, create the test data in CSV files, and upload the files to the DataLakeS3BucketName S3 bucket.

Set up Lake Formation in the data producer account

In this section, we walk through the steps to set up Lake Formation in the data producer account.

Set up Lake Formation cross-account data sharing version settings

Lake Formation supports multiple data sharing versions. For this post, we use version 3. To learn more about the differences between data sharing versions, refer to Updating cross-account data sharing version settings. To change the data sharing version, see To enable the new version.

Register the Amazon S3 location as the data lake location

When you register an Amazon S3 location with Lake Formation, you specify an IAM role with read/write permissions on that location. After registering, when EMR clusters request access to this Amazon S3 location, Lake Formation will supply temporary credentials of the provided role to access the data. We already created the role LakeFormationCompanyDatabaseDataAccessRole for this purpose in the previous step. To register the Amazon S3 location as the data lake location, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Lake Formation console with the Lake Formation data lake administrator in the data producer account (123456789012).
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Data lake locations under Administration.
  3. Choose Register location.
  4. For Amazon S3 path, enter s3://<DataLakeS3BucketName>/company-database.
  5. For IAM role, enter LakeFormationCompanyDatabaseDataAccessRole.
  6. For Permission mode, select Lake Formation.
  7. Choose Register location.

Register data location

Revoke permissions granted to IAMAllowedPrincipals

The IAMAllowedPrincipals group includes any IAM users and roles that are allowed access to your Data Catalog resources by your IAM policies. To enforce the Lake Formation model, we need to revoke permission from IAMAllowedPrincipals using the following steps:

  1. Open the Lake Formation console with the Lake Formation data lake administrator in the data producer account.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Data lake permissions under Permissions.
  3. Filter permissions by Database = company and Principle=IAMAllowedPrinciples.
  4. Select all the permissions given to the principal IAMAllowedPrincipals and choose Revoke.

Revoke permissions granted to IAMAllowedPrincipals

Set up application integration settings

To enforce permissions for the EMR cluster, you need to register a session tag value with Lake Formation. Lake Formation uses this session tag to authorize callers and provide access to the data lake. We register Amazon EMR as the session tag value. This value will be referenced in the security configuration when creating the EMR cluster.

Set up the session tag using the following steps:

  1. Open the Lake Formation console with the Lake Formation data lake administrator in the data producer account.
  2. Choose Application integration settings under Administration in the navigation pane.
  3. Select Allow external engines to filter data in Amazon S3 locations registered with Lake Formation.
  4. For Session tag values, enter Amazon EMR.
  5. For AWS account IDs, enter the data consumer AWS account ID (111122223333).
  6. Choose Save.

Set up application integration settings in data producer account

Share the database and tables to the data consumer account

We now grant permissions to the data consumer AWS account, including grantable permissions. This allows the Lake Formation data lake administrator in the data consumer account to control access to the data within the account.

Grant database permissions to the data consumer account

Complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Lake Formation console with the Lake Formation data lake administrator in the data producer account.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  3. Select the database company, and on the Actions menu, under Permissions, choose Grant.
  4. In the Principles section, select External accounts and enter the data consumer AWS account (111122223333).
  5. In the LF-Tags or catalog resources section, choose company for Databases.
  6. In the Database permissions section, select Describe for both Database permissions and Grantable permissions.

This allows the data lake administrator in the data consumer account to describe the database and grant describe permissions to other principals in the data consumer account.

  1. Choose Grant.

Grant database permissions to the data consumer account

Grant table permissions to the data consumer account

Complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Lake Formation console with the Lake Formation data lake administrator in the data producer account.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Tables.
  3. Select the products table, which belongs to the company database, and on the Actions menu, under Permissions, choose Grant.
  4. In the Principles section, select External accounts and enter in the data consumer AWS account (111122223333).
  5. In the LF-Tags or catalog resources section, select Named data catalog resources and specify the following:
    1. For Databases, choose company.
    2. For Tables, choose products and employees.
  6. In the Table permissions section, choose Select and Describe for both Table permissions and Grantable permissions.

This allows the data lake administrator in the data consumer account to select and describe the tables, and grant select and describe table permissions to other principals in the data consumer account.

  1. In the Data permissions section, select All data access.
  2. Choose Grant.

Grant table permissions to the data consumer account
Now we have finished setting up the data producer account.

Set up the infrastructure in the data consumer account

Complete the following steps to create the infrastructure resources:

  1. Log in to the data consumer account (111122223333).
  2. Choose Launch stack to deploy a CloudFormation template to create the necessary resources.
    Launch Stack
  3. For Release Label, enter the Amazon EMR release label to use, which can only be emr-6.11 or up.
  4. For InstanceType, choose the instance type for EMR cluster, such as r4.4xlarge.
  5. For EMRS3BucketNameSuffix, enter the S3 bucket suffix to store EMR cluster logs and EMR notebook files. The full S3 bucket name to be created will be {AWSAccoundId}-{AWSRegion}-{EMRS3BucketNameSuffix}.
  6. For S3PathToInTransitCertificate, enter the S3 path for the .zip file that contains the .pem files used for in-transit encryption.

For instructions on creating the .zip file that contains the .pem files and uploading them to your S3 bucket, refer to Providing certificates for encrypting data in transit with Amazon EMR encryption.

  1. After the CloudFormation stack is created, navigate to the Outputs tab of the stack.
  2. Capture the value of EMRStudioLink to use to sign in to EMR Studio.

Accept the resource share in the data consumer account

To access shared resources, you must accept the invitation first.

  1. Open the AWS RAM console of the data consumer account with the IAM identity that has AWS RAM access.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Resource shares under Shared with me.

You should see two pending resource shares from the data producer account.

  1. Accept both resource shares.

You should see the company database, employees table, and products table in the Data Catalog.

Set up Lake Formation in the data consumer account

In this section, we walk through the steps to set up Lake Formation in the data consumer account.

Set up application integration settings

Similar to the setup in the data producer account, you need register Amazon EMR as a session tag. This value is referenced in the security configuration when creating the EMR cluster in the CloudFormation stack.

To do that, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Lake Formation console with the Lake Formation data lake administrator in the data consumer account (111122223333).
  2. Choose Application integration settings under Administration in the navigation pane.
  3. Select Allow external engines to filter data in Amazon S3 locations registered with Lake Formation.
  4. For Session tag values, enter Amazon EMR.
  5. For AWS account IDs, enter the data consumer AWS account ID (111122223333).
  6. Choose Save.

Set up application integration settings in data consumer account

Grant describe permissions to runtime roles on the default database

If you don’t have a default database in Lake Formation, or your default database already has permissions to grant to IAMAllowedPrinciples, you can skip this step.

Amazon EMR will check on the default database by default. If you already have a default database in your Lake Formation, grant the describe permission to the runtime roles on the default database by completing the following steps:

  1. Open the Lake Formation console with the Lake Formation data lake administrator user in the data consumer account.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  3. Select the default database, verify that the owner account ID is the data consumer account (111122223333), and on the Actions menu, choose Grant.
  4. In the Principles section, select IAM users and roles.
  5. For IAM users and roles, choose sales-runtime-role and human-resource-runtime-role.
  6. For LF-Tags or catalog resources, select Named data catalog resources and choose default for Databases.
  7. In the Database permissions section, for Database permissions, choose Describe.
  8. Choose Grant.

Grant describe permissions to runtime roles on the default database

Create a resource link for the shared database

To access the database and table resources that were shared by the data producer AWS account, you need to create a resource link in the data consumer AWS account. A resource link is a Data Catalog object that is a link to a local or shared database or table. After you create a resource link to a database or table, you can use the resource link name wherever you would use the database or table name. In this step, you grant permission on the resource links to the runtime role principles. The runtime roles will then access the data in shared databases and underlying tables through the resource link.

To create a resource link, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Lake Formation console with the Lake Formation data lake administrator in the data consumer account.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  3. Select the company database, verify that the owner account ID is the data producer account (123456789012), and on the Actions menu, choose Create Resource links.
  4. For Resource link name, enter the name of the resource link (for example, company-shared).
  5. For Shared database’s region, choose the Region of the company database.
  6. For Shared database, choose the company database.
  7. For Shared database’s owner ID, enter the account ID of the data producer account (123456789012).
  8. Choose Create.

Create a resource link for the shared database

Grant permissions on the resource link to the runtime role principle

Grant permissions on the resource link to sales-runtime-role and human-resource-runtime-role using the following steps:

  1. Open the Lake Formation console with the Lake Formation data lake administrator in the data consumer account.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  3. Select the resource link (company-shared) and on the Actions menu, choose Grant.
  4. In the Principles section, select IAM users and roles, and choose sales-runtime-role and human-resource-runtime-role.
  5. In the LF-Tags or catalog resources section, for Databases, choose company-shared.
  6. In the Resource link permissions section, select Describe.

This allows the runtime roles to describe the resource link. We don’t make any selections for grantable permissions because runtime roles shouldn’t be able to grant permissions to other principles.

  1. Choose Grant.

Grant permissions on the resource link to the runtime role principle

Grant permission on the tables to the runtime role principle

You need to grant permissions on the tables to sales-runtime-role and human-resource-runtime-role to allow data access:

  • Human-resource-runtime-role should have describe and select permissions on all columns in the employees table, and no permissions on the products table.
  • Sales-runtime-role should have select permissions on the columns uid, name, and department in the employees table, and describe and select permissions on all columns in the products table.

Grant permission on the employees table to human-resource-runtime-role

Complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Lake Formation console with the Lake Formation data lake administrator in the data consumer account.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  3. Select the resource link (company-shared) and on the Actions menu, choose Grant on Target.
  4. In the Principles section, select IAM users and roles, then choose human-resource-runtime-role.
  5. In the LF-Tags or catalog resources section, select Named data catalog resources and specify the following:
    1. For Databases, choose company.
    2. For Tables¸ choose employees.
  6. In the Table permissions section, for Table permissions, select Describe and Select.
  7. In the Data permissions section, select All data access.
  8. Choose Grant.

Grant permission on the employees table to human-resource-runtime-role

Grant permission on the employees table to sales-runtime-role

Complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Lake Formation console with the Lake Formation data lake administrator in the data consumer account.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  3. Select the resource link (company-shared) and on the Actions menu, choose Grant on Target.
  4. In the Principles section, select IAM users and roles, then choose sales-runtime-role.
  5. In the LF-Tags or catalog resources section, select Named data catalog resources and specify the following:
    1. For Databases, choose company.
    2. For Tables, choose employees.
  6. In the Table permissions section, for Table permissions, select Select.
  7. In the Data permissions section, select Column-based access.
  8. Select Include columns and choose the uid, name, and department columns.
  9. Choose Grant.

 Grant permission on the employees table to sales-runtime-role

Grant permission on the products table to sales-runtime-role

Complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Lake Formation console with the Lake Formation data lake administrator in the data consumer account.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Databases.
  3. Select the resource link (company-shared) and on the Actions menu, choose Grant on Target.
  4. In the Principles section, select IAM users and roles, then choose sales-runtime-role.
  5. In the LF-Tags or catalog resources section, select Named data catalog resources and specify the following:
    1. For Databases, choose company.
    2. For Tables, choose products.
  6. In the Table permissions section, for Table permissions, select Select and Describe.
  7. In the Data permissions section, select All data access.
  8. Choose Grant.

Grant permission on the products table to sales-runtime-role

Log in to EMR Studio and use the EMR Studio Workspace

Switch your role to alice-role or bob-role on the console using different web browsers to test access. Open the EMRStudioLink URL from the CloudFormation stack output to sign in to the EMR Studio with each role, then complete the following steps:

  1. Choose Workspaces in the navigation pane and choose Create Workspace.
  2. Enter a name and a description for the Workspace.
  3. Choose Create Workspace.

A new tab containing JupyterLab will open automatically when the Workspace is ready. Enable pop-ups in your browser if necessary.

  1. Chose the Compute icon in the navigation pane to attach the EMR Studio Workspace with a compute engine.
  2. Select EMR cluster on EC2 for Compute type.
  3. Choose the EMR cluster ID you created with AWS CloudFormation.
  4. For Runtime role, choose sales-runtime-role if signed in as alice-role. Choose human-resource-runtime-role if signed in as bob-role.
  5. Choose Attach.

attach EMR Studio Workspace to cluster

Run code in the EMR Studio Workspace and verify data access

Run the following code in the EMR Studio Workspace with a PySpark kernel after signing in with alice-role or bob-role:

%%sql -o result -n -1
select * from `company-shared`.products limit 5;

%%sql -o result -n -1
select * from `company-shared`.employees limit 5;

You should see different results when using different roles.

According to our data access configuration in Lake Formation, Alice will have full data access for the products table. She can view all the columns except for salary in the employees table.

Alice (sales) query result

For Bob, according to our data access configuration in Lake Formation, he will have full data access to the employees table, but he has no access to the products table.

Bob (human resource) query result

Clean up

When you’re finished experimenting with this solution, clean up your resources:

  1. Stop and delete the EMR Studio Workspaces created in the data consumer AWS account.
  2. Delete all the content in the S3 bucket EMRS3Bucket in the data consumer AWS account.
  3. Delete the CloudFormation stack in the data consumer AWS account.
  4. Delete all the content in the S3 bucket DataLakeS3Bucket in the data producer AWS account.
  5. Delete the CloudFormation stack in the data producer AWS account.


This post showed how you can use runtime roles to connect to an EMR Studio Workspace with Amazon EMR to apply cross-account fine-grained data access control with Lake Formation. We also demonstrated how multiple EMR Studio users can connect to the same EMR cluster, each using a runtime role scoped with permissions matching their individual level of access to data.

To learn more about using EMR Studio Workspaces with Lake Formation, refer to Run an EMR Studio Workspace with a runtime role. We encourage you to try out this new functionality, and connect with the us if you have any questions or feedback!

About the Authors

Ashley Zhou is a Software Development Engineer at AWS. She is interested in data analytics and distributed systems.

Srividya Parthasarathy is a Senior Big Data Architect on the AWS Lake Formation team. She enjoys building analytics and data mesh solutions on AWS and sharing them with the community.

GoDaddy benchmarking results in up to 24% better price-performance for their Spark workloads with AWS Graviton2 on Amazon EMR Serverless

Post Syndicated from Mukul Sharma original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/godaddy-benchmarking-results-in-up-to-24-better-price-performance-for-their-spark-workloads-with-aws-graviton2-on-amazon-emr-serverless/

This is a guest post co-written with Mukul Sharma, Software Development Engineer, and Ozcan IIikhan, Director of Engineering from GoDaddy.

GoDaddy empowers everyday entrepreneurs by providing all the help and tools to succeed online. With more than 22 million customers worldwide, GoDaddy is the place people come to name their ideas, build a professional website, attract customers, and manage their work.

GoDaddy is a data-driven company, and getting meaningful insights from data helps us drive business decisions to delight our customers. At GoDaddy, we embarked on a journey to uncover the efficiency promises of AWS Graviton2 on Amazon EMR Serverless as part of our long-term vision for cost-effective intelligent computing.

In this post, we share the methodology and results of our benchmarking exercise comparing the cost-effectiveness of EMR Serverless on the arm64 (Graviton2) architecture against the traditional x86_64 architecture. EMR Serverless on Graviton2 demonstrated an advantage in cost-effectiveness, resulting in significant savings in total run costs. We achieved 23.85% improvement in price-performance for sample production Spark workloads—an outcome that holds tremendous potential for businesses striving to maximize their computing efficiency.

Solution overview

GoDaddy’s intelligent compute platform envisions simplification of compute operations for all personas, without limiting power users, to ensure out-of-box cost and performance optimization for data and ML workloads. As a part of this vision, GoDaddy’s Data & ML Platform team plans to use EMR Serverless as one of the compute solutions under the hood.

The following diagram shows a high-level illustration of the intelligent compute platform vision.

Benchmarking EMR Serverless for GoDaddy

EMR Serverless is a serverless option in Amazon EMR that eliminates the complexities of configuring, managing, and scaling clusters when running big data frameworks like Apache Spark and Apache Hive. With EMR Serverless, businesses can enjoy numerous benefits, including cost-effectiveness, faster provisioning, simplified developer experience, and improved resilience to Availability Zone failures.

At GoDaddy, we embarked on a comprehensive study to benchmark EMR Serverless using real production workflows at GoDaddy. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the performance and efficiency of EMR Serverless and develop a well-informed adoption plan. The results of the study have been extremely promising, showcasing the potential of EMR Serverless for our workloads.

Having achieved compelling results in favor of EMR Serverless for our workloads, our attention turned to evaluating the utilization of the Graviton2 (arm64) architecture on EMR Serverless. In this post, we focus on comparing the performance of Graviton2 (arm64) with the x86_64 architecture on EMR Serverless. By conducting this apples-to-apples comparative analysis, we aim to gain valuable insights into the benefits and considerations of using Graviton2 for our big data workloads.

By using EMR Serverless and exploring the performance of Graviton2, GoDaddy aims to optimize their big data workflows and make informed decisions regarding the most suitable architecture for their specific needs. The combination of EMR Serverless and Graviton2 presents an exciting opportunity to enhance the data processing capabilities and drive efficiency in our operations.

AWS Graviton2

The Graviton2 processors are specifically designed by AWS, utilizing powerful 64-bit Arm Neoverse cores. This custom-built architecture provides a remarkable boost in price-performance for various cloud workloads.

In terms of cost, Graviton2 offers an appealing advantage. As indicated in the following table, the pricing for Graviton2 is 20% lower compared to the x86 architecture option.

   x86_64  arm64 (Graviton2) 
per vCPU per hour $0.052624 $0.042094
per GB per hour $0.0057785 $0.004628
per storage GB per hour* $0.000111

*Ephemeral storage: 20 GB of ephemeral storage is available for all workers by default—you pay only for any additional storage that you configure per worker.

For specific pricing details and current information, refer to Amazon EMR pricing.

AWS benchmark

The AWS team performed benchmark tests on Spark workloads with Graviton2 on EMR Serverless using the TPC-DS 3 TB scale performance benchmarks. The summary of their analysis are as follows:

  • Graviton2 on EMR Serverless demonstrated an average improvement of 10% for Spark workloads in terms of runtime. This indicates that the runtime for Spark-based tasks was reduced by approximately 10% when utilizing Graviton2.
  • Although the majority of queries showcased improved performance, a small subset of queries experienced a regression of up to 7% on Graviton2. These specific queries showed a slight decrease in performance compared to the x86 architecture option.
  • In addition to the performance analysis, the AWS team considered the cost factor. Graviton2 is offered at a 20% lower cost than the x86 architecture option. Taking this cost advantage into account, the AWS benchmark set yielded an overall 27% better price-performance for workloads. This means that by using Graviton2, users can achieve a 27% improvement in performance per unit of cost compared to the x86 architecture option.

These findings highlight the significant benefits of using Graviton2 on EMR Serverless for Spark workloads, with improved performance and cost-efficiency. It showcases the potential of Graviton2 in delivering enhanced price-performance ratios, making it an attractive choice for organizations seeking to optimize their big data workloads.

GoDaddy benchmark

During our initial experimentation, we observed that arm64 on EMR Serverless consistently outperformed or performed on par with x86_64. One of the jobs showed a 7.51% increase in resource usage on arm64 compared to x86_64, but due to the lower price of arm64, it still resulted in a 13.48% cost reduction. In another instance, we achieved an impressive 43.7% reduction in run cost, attributed to both the lower price and reduced resource utilization. Overall, our initial tests indicated that arm64 on EMR Serverless delivered superior price-performance compared to x86_64. These promising findings motivated us to conduct a more comprehensive and rigorous study.

Benchmark results

To gain a deeper understanding of the value of Graviton2 on EMR Serverless, we conducted our study using real-life production workloads from GoDaddy, which are scheduled to run at a daily cadence. Without any exceptions, EMR Serverless on arm64 (Graviton2) is significantly more cost-effective compared to the same jobs run on EMR Serverless on the x86_64 architecture. In fact, we recorded an impressive 23.85% improvement in price-performance across the sample GoDaddy jobs using Graviton2.

Like the AWS benchmarks, we observed slight regressions of less than 5% in the total runtime of some jobs. However, given that these jobs will be migrated from Amazon EMR on EC2 to EMR Serverless, the overall total runtime will still be shorter due to the minimal provisioning time in EMR Serverless. Additionally, across all jobs, we observed an average speed up of 2.1% in addition to the cost savings achieved.

These benchmarking results provide compelling evidence of the value and effectiveness of Graviton2 on EMR Serverless. The combination of improved price-performance, shorter runtimes, and overall cost savings makes Graviton2 a highly attractive option for optimizing big data workloads.

Benchmarking methodology

As an extension of a larger benchmarking EMR Serverless for GoDaddy study, where we divided Spark jobs into brackets based on total runtime (quick-run, medium-run, long-run), we measured effect of architecture (arm64 vs. x86_64) on total cost and total runtime. All other parameters were kept the same to achieve an apples-to-apples comparison.

The team followed these steps:

  1. Prepare the data and environment.
  2. Choose two random production jobs from each job bracket.
  3. Make necessary changes to avoid inference with actual production outputs.
  4. Run tests to execute scripts over multiple iterations to collect accurate and consistent data points.
  5. Validate input and output datasets, partitions, and row counts to ensure identical data processing.
  6. Gather relevant metrics from the tests.
  7. Analyze results to draw insights and conclusions.

The following table shows the summary of an example Spark job.

Metric  EMR Serverless (Average) – X86_64  EMR Serverless (Average) – Graviton  X86_64 vs Graviton (% Difference) 
Total Run Cost $2.76 $1.85 32.97%

Total Runtime


00:41:31 00:34:32 16.82%
EMR Release Label emr-6.9.0
Job Type Spark
Spark Version Spark 3.3.0
Hadoop Distribution Amazon 3.3.3
Hive/HCatalog Version Hive 3.1.3, HCatalog 3.1.3

Summary of results

The following table presents a comparison of job performance between EMR Serverless on arm64 (Graviton2) and EMR Serverless on x86_64. For each architecture, every job was run at least three times to obtain the accurate average cost and runtime.

 Job  Average x86_64 Cost Average arm64 Cost Average x86_64 Runtime (hh:mm:ss) Average arm64 Runtime (hh:mm:ss)  Average Cost Savings %  Average Performance Gain % 
1 $1.64 $1.25 00:08:43 00:09:01 23.89% -3.24%
2 $10.00 $8.69 00:27:55 00:28:25 13.07% -1.79%
3 $29.66 $24.15 00:50:49 00:53:17 18.56% -4.85%
4 $34.42 $25.80 01:20:02 01:24:54 25.04% -6.08%
5 $2.76 $1.85 00:41:31 00:34:32 32.97% 16.82%
6 $34.07 $24.00 00:57:58 00:51:09 29.57% 11.76%
Average  23.85% 2.10%

Note that the improvement calculations are based on higher-precision results for more accuracy.


Based on this study, GoDaddy observed a significant 23.85% improvement in price-performance for sample production Spark jobs utilizing the arm64 architecture compared to the x86_64 architecture. These compelling results have led us to strongly recommend internal teams to use arm64 (Graviton2) on EMR Serverless, except in cases where there are compatibility issues with third-party packages and libraries. By adopting an arm64 architecture, organizations can achieve enhanced cost-effectiveness and performance for their workloads, contributing to more efficient data processing and analytics.

About the Authors

Mukul Sharma is a Software Development Engineer on Data & Analytics (DnA) organization at GoDaddy. He is a polyglot programmer with experience in a wide array of technologies to rapidly deliver scalable solutions. He enjoys singing karaoke, playing various board games, and working on personal programming projects in his spare time.

Ozcan Ilikhan is a Director of Engineering on Data & Analytics (DnA) organization at GoDaddy. He is passionate about solving customer problems and increasing efficiency using data and ML/AI. In his spare time, he loves reading, hiking, gardening, and working on DIY projects.

Harsh Vardhan Singh Gaur is an AWS Solutions Architect, specializing in analytics. He has over 6 years of experience working in the field of big data and data science. He is passionate about helping customers adopt best practices and discover insights from their data.

Ramesh Kumar Venkatraman is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS who is passionate about containers and databases. He works with AWS customers to design, deploy, and manage their AWS workloads and architectures. In his spare time, he loves to play with his two kids and follows cricket.

AWS Weekly Roundup – CodeWhisperer, CodeCatalyst, RDS, Route53, and more – October 24, 2023

Post Syndicated from Sébastien Stormacq original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-weekly-roundup-codewhisperer-codecatalyst-rds-route53-and-more-october-23-2023/

The entire AWS News Blog team is fully focused on writing posts to announce the new services and features during our annual customer conference in Las Vegas, AWS re:Invent! And while we prepare content for you to read, our services teams continue to innovate. Here is my summary of last week’s launches.

Last week’s launches
Here are some of the launches that captured my attention:

Amazon CodeCatalystYou can now add a cron expression to trigger a CI/CD workflow, providing a way to start workflows at set times. CodeCatalyst is a unified development service that integrates a project’s collaboration tools, CI/CD pipelines, and development and deployment environments.

Amazon Route53You can now route your customer’s traffic to their closest AWS Local Zones to improve application performance for latency-sensitive workloads. Learn more about geoproximity routing in the Route53 documentation.

Amazon RDS – The root certificates we use to sign your databases’ TLS certificates will expire in 2024. You must generate new certificates for your databases before the expiration date. This blog post details the procedure step by step. The new root certificates we generated are valid for the next 40 years for RSA2048 and 100 years for the RSA4098 and ECC384. It is likely this is the last time in your professional career that you are obliged to renew your database certificates for AWS.

Amazon MSK – Replicating Kafka clusters at scale is difficult and often involves managing the infrastructure and the replication solution by yourself. We launched Amazon MSK Replicator, a fully managed replication solution for your Kafka clusters, in the same or across multiple AWS Regions.

Amazon CodeWhisperer – We launched a preview for an upcoming capability of Amazon CodeWhisperer Professional. You can now train CodeWhisperer on your private code base. It allows you to give your organization’s developers more relevant suggestions to better assist them in their day-to-day coding against your organization’s private libraries and frameworks.

Amazon EC2The seventh generation of memory-optimized EC2 instances is available (R7i). These instances use the 4th Generation Intel Xeon Scalable Processors (Sapphire Rapids). This family of instances provides up to 192 vCPU and 1,536 GB of memory. They are well-suited for memory-intensive applications such as in-memory databases or caches.

X in Y – We launched existing services and instance types in additional Regions:

Other AWS news
Here are some other blog posts and news items that you might like:

The Community.AWS blog has new posts to teach you how to integrate Amazon Bedrock inside your Java and Go applications, and my colleague Brooke wrote a survival guide for re:Invent first-timers.

The Official AWS Podcast – Listen each week for updates on the latest AWS news and deep dives into exciting use cases. There are also official AWS podcasts in several languages. Check out the ones in FrenchGermanItalian, and Spanish.

Some other great sources of AWS news include:

Upcoming AWS events
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— seb

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Run Apache Hive workloads using Spark SQL with Amazon EMR on EKS

Post Syndicated from Amit Maindola original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/run-apache-hive-workloads-using-spark-sql-with-amazon-emr-on-eks/

Apache Hive is a distributed, fault-tolerant data warehouse system that enables analytics at a massive scale. Using Spark SQL to run Hive workloads provides not only the simplicity of SQL-like queries but also taps into the exceptional speed and performance provided by Spark. Spark SQL is an Apache Spark module for structured data processing. One of its most popular use cases is to read and write Hive tables with connectivity to a persistent Hive metastore, supporting Hive SerDes and user-defined functions.

Starting from version 1.2.0, Apache Spark has supported queries written in HiveQL. HiveQL is a SQL-like language that produces data queries containing business logic, which can be converted to Spark jobs. However, this feature is only supported by YARN or standalone Spark mode. To run HiveQL-based data workloads with Spark on Kubernetes mode, engineers must embed their SQL queries into programmatic code such as PySpark, which requires additional effort to manually change code.

Amazon EMR on Amazon EKS provides a deployment option for Amazon EMR that you can use to run open-source big data frameworks on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS).

Amazon EMR on EKS release 6.7.0 and later include the ability to run SparkSQL through the StartJobRun API. As a result of this enhancement, customers will now be able to supply SQL entry-point files and run HiveQL queries as Spark jobs on EMR on EKS directly. The feature is available in all AWS Regions where EMR on EKS is available.

Use case

FINRA is one of the largest Amazon EMR customers that is running SQL-based workloads using the Hive on Spark approach. FINRA, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, is a private sector regulator responsible for analyzing equities and option trading activity in the US. To look for fraud, market manipulation, insider trading, and abuse, FINRA’s technology group has developed a robust set of big data tools in the AWS Cloud to support these activities.

FINRA centralizes all its data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) with a remote Hive metastore on Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) to manage their metadata information. They use various AWS analytics services, such as Amazon EMR, to enable their analysts and data scientists to apply advanced analytics techniques to interactively develop and test new surveillance patterns and improve investor protection. To make these interactions more efficient and productive, FINRA modernized their hive workloads in Amazon EMR from its legacy Hive on MapReduce to Hive on Spark, which resulted in query performance gains between 50 and 80 percent.

Going forward, FINRA wants to further innovate the interactive big data platform by moving from a monolithic design pattern to a job-centric paradigm, so that it can fulfill future capacity requirements as its business grows. The capability of running Hive workloads using SparkSQL directly with EMR on EKS is one of the key enablers that helps FINRA continuously pursue that goal.

Additionally, EMR on EKS offers the following benefits to accelerate adoption:

  • Fine-grained access controls (IRSA) that are job-centric to harden customers’ security posture
  • Minimized adoption effort as it enables direct Hive query submission as a Spark job without code changes
  • Reduced run costs by consolidating multiple software versions for Hive or Spark, unifying artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) and exchange, transform, and load (ETL) pipelines into a single environment
  • Simplified cluster management through multi-Availability Zone support and highly responsive autoscaling and provisioning
  • Reduced operational overhead by hosting multiple compute and storage types or CPU architectures (x86 & Arm64) in a single configuration
  • Increased application reusability and portability supported by custom docker images, which allows them to encapsulate all necessary dependencies

Running Hive SQL queries on EMR on EKS


Make sure that you have AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) version 1.25.70 or later installed. If you’re running AWS CLI version 2, you need version 2.7.31 or later. Use the following command to check your AWS CLI version:

aws --version

If necessary, install or update the latest version of the AWS CLI.

Solution Overview

To get started, let’s look at the following diagram. It illustrates a high-level architectural design and different services that can be used in the Hive workload. To match with FINRA’s use case, we chose an Amazon RDS database as the remote Hive metastore. Alternatively, you can use AWS Glue Data Catalog as the metastore for Hive if needed. For more details, see the aws-sample github project.

The minimum required infrastructure is:

  • An S3 bucket to store a Hive SQL script file
  • An Amazon EKS cluster with EMR on EKS enabled
  • An Amazon RDS for MySQL database in the same virtual private cloud (VPC) as the Amazon EKS cluster
  • A standalone Hive metastore service (HMS) running on the EKS cluster or a small Amazon EMR on EC2 cluster with the Hive application installed

To have a quick start, run the sample CloudFormation deployment. The infrastructure deployment includes the following resources:

Create a Hive script file

Store a few lines of Hive queries in a single file, then upload the file to your S3 bucket, which can be found in your AWS Management Console in the AWS CloudFormation Outputs tab. Search for the key value of CODEBUCKET as shown in preceding screenshot. For a quick start, you can skip this step and use the sample file stored in s3://<YOUR_S3BUCKET>/app_code/job/set-of-hive-queries.sql. The following is a code snippet from the sample file :

-- drop database in case switch between different hive metastore

CREATE DATABASE hiveonspark;
USE hiveonspark;

--create hive managed table
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS testtable purge;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testtable (`key` INT, `value` STRING) using hive;
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/usr/lib/spark/examples/src/main/resources/kv1.txt' INTO TABLE testtable;
SELECT * FROM testtable WHERE key=238;

-- test1: add column
ALTER TABLE testtable ADD COLUMNS (`arrayCol` Array<int>);
-- test2: insert
SELECT * FROM testtable WHERE key=238;
-- test3: UDF
CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION hiveUDF AS 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.generic.GenericUDTFExplode';
SELECT `key`,`value`,hiveUDF(arrayCol) FROM testtable WHERE key=238;
-- test4: CTAS table with parameter
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ctas_testtable purge;
CREATE TABLE ctas_testtable 
SELECT * FROM testtable;
SELECT * FROM ctas_testtable WHERE key=${key_ID};
-- test5: External table mapped to S3
  marketplace string, 
  customer_id string, 
  review_id  string, 
  product_id  string, 
  product_parent  string, 
  product_title  string, 
  star_rating  integer, 
  helpful_votes  integer, 
  total_votes  integer, 
  vine  string, 
  verified_purchase  string, 
  review_headline  string, 
  review_body  string, 
  review_date  date, 
  year  integer
LOCATION 's3://${S3Bucket}/app_code/data/toy/';
SELECT count(*) FROM amazonreview;

Submit the Hive script to EMR on EKS

First, set up the required environment variables. See the shell script post-deployment.sh:

export VIRTUAL_CLUSTER_ID=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name $stack_name --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='VirtualClusterId'].OutputValue" --output text)
export EMR_ROLE_ARN=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name $stack_name --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='EMRExecRoleARN'].OutputValue" --output text)
export S3BUCKET=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name $stack_name --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='CODEBUCKET'].OutputValue" --output text)

Connect to the demo EKS cluster:

echo `aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name $stack_name --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?starts_with(OutputKey,'eksclusterEKSConfig')].OutputValue" --output text` | bash
kubectl get svc

Ensure the entryPoint path is correct, then submit the set-of-hive-queries.sql to EMR on EKS.

aws emr-containers start-job-run \
--virtual-cluster-id $VIRTUAL_CLUSTER_ID \
--name sparksql-test \
--execution-role-arn $EMR_ROLE_ARN \
--release-label emr-6.8.0-latest \
--job-driver '{
  "sparkSqlJobDriver": {
      "entryPoint": "s3://'$S3BUCKET'/app_code/job/set-of-hive-queries.sql",
      "sparkSqlParameters": "-hivevar S3Bucket='$S3BUCKET' -hivevar Key_ID=238"}}' \
--configuration-overrides '{
    "applicationConfiguration": [
        "classification": "spark-defaults", 
        "properties": {
          "spark.sql.warehouse.dir": "s3://'$S3BUCKET'/warehouse/",
          "spark.hive.metastore.uris": "thrift://hive-metastore:9083"
    "monitoringConfiguration": {
      "s3MonitoringConfiguration": {"logUri": "s3://'$S3BUCKET'/elasticmapreduce/emr-containers"}}}'

Note that the shell script referenced the set-of-hive-queries.sql Hive script file as an entry point script. It uses the sparkSqlJobDriver attribute, not the usual sparkSubmitJobDriver designed for Spark applications. In the sparkSqlParameters section, we pass in two environment variables S3Bucket and key_ID to the Hive script.

The property "spark.hive.metastore.uris": "thrift://hive-metastore:9083" sets a connection to a Hive Metastore Service (HMS) called hive-metastore, which is running as a Kubernetes service on the demo EKS cluster as shown in the follow screenshot. If you’re running the thrift service on Amazon EMR on EC2, the URI should be thrift://<YOUR_EMR_MASTER_NODE_DNS_NAME>:9083. If you chose AWS Glue Data Catalog as your Hive metastore, replace the entire property with "spark.hadoop.hive.metastore.client.factory.class": "com.amazonaws.glue.catalog.metastore.AWSGlueDataCatalogHiveClientFactory".

Finally, check the job status using the kubectl command line tool: kubectl get po -n emr --watch

Expected output

  1. Go to the Amazon EMR console.
  2. Navigate to the side menu Virtual clusters, then select the HiveDemo cluster, You can see an entry for the SparkSQL test job.
  3. Click Spark UI hyperlink to monitor each query’s duration and status on a web interface.
  4. To query the Amazon RDS based Hive metastore, you need a MYSQL client tool installed. To make it easier, the sample CloudFormation template has installed the query tool on master node of a small Amazon EMR on EC2 cluster.
  5. Find the EMR master node by running the following command:
aws ec2 describe-instances --filter Name=tag:project,Values=$stack_name Name=tag:aws:elasticmapreduce:instance-group-role,Values=MASTER --query 'Reservations[].Instances[].InstanceId[]'

  1. Go to the Amazon EC2 console and connect to the master node through the Session Manager.
  2. Before querying the MySQL RDS database (the Hive metastore), run the following commands on your local machine to get the credentials:
    export secret_name=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name $stack_name --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='HiveSecretName'].OutputValue" --output text) 
    export HOST_NAME=$(aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id $secret_name --query SecretString --output text | jq -r '.host')
    export PASSWORD=$(aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id $secret_name --query SecretString --output text | jq -r '.password')
    export DB_NAME=$(aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id $secret_name --query SecretString --output text | jq -r '.dbname')
    export USER_NAME=$(aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id $secret_name --query SecretString --output text | jq -r '.username')
    echo -e "\n host: $HOST_NAME\n DB: $DB_NAME\n passowrd: $PASSWORD\n username: $USER_NAME\n"

  3. After connected through Session Manager, query the Hive metastore from your Amazon EMR master node.
    mysql -u admin -P 3306 -p -h <YOUR_HOST_NAME>
    Enter password:<YOUR_PASSWORD>
    # Query the metastore
    MySQL[(none)]> Use HiveEMRonEKS;
    MySQL[HiveEMRonEKS]> select * from DBS;
    MySQL[HiveEMRonEKS]> select * from TBLS;
    MySQL[HiveEMRonEKS]> exit();

  4. Validate the Hive tables (created by set-of-hive-queries.sql) through the interactive Hive CLI tool.

Note:-Your query environment must have the Hive Client tool installed and a connection to your Hive metastore or AWS Glue Data Catalog. For the testing purpose, you can connect to the same Amazon EMR on EC2 master node and query your Hive tables. The EMR cluster has been pre-configured with the required setups.

sudo su
hive> show databases;

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete the resources generated if you don’t need the solution anymore. Run the following cleanup script.

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aws-samples/hive-emr-on-eks/main/deployment/app_code/delete_all.sh | bash

Go to the CloudFormation console and manually delete the remaining resources if needed.


Amazon EMR on EKS releases 6.7.0 and higher include a Spark SQL job driver so that you can directly run Spark SQL scripts via the StartJobRun API. Without any modifications to your existing Hive scripts, you can directly execute them as a SparkSQL job on Amazon EMR on EKS.

FINRA is one of the largest Amazon EMR customers. It runs over 400 Hive clusters for its analysts who need to interactively query multi-petabyte data sets. Modernizing its Hive workloads with SparkSQL gives FINRA a 50 to 80 percent query performance improvement. The support to run Spark SQL through the StartJobRun API in EMR on EKS has further enabled FINRA’s innovation in data analytics.

In this post, we demonstrated how to submit a Hive script to Amazon EMR on EKS and run it as a SparkSQL job. We encourage you to give it a try and are keen to hear your feedback and suggestions.

About the authors

Amit Maindola is a Senior Data Architect focused on big data and analytics at Amazon Web Services. He helps customers in their digital transformation journey and enables them to build highly scalable, robust, and secure cloud-based analytical solutions on AWS to gain timely insights and make critical business decisions.

Melody Yang is a Senior Big Data Solutions Architect for Amazon EMR at AWS. She is an experienced analytics leader working with AWS customers to provide best practice guidance and technical advice in order to assist their success in data transformation. Her areas of interests are open-source frameworks and automation, data engineering, and DataOps.