Tag Archives: Snippets

Cloudflare Snippets is now available in alpha

Post Syndicated from Matt Bullock original http://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-snippets-alpha/

Cloudflare Snippets is now available in alpha

Today we are excited to announce that Cloudflare Snippets is available in alpha. In the coming weeks we will be opening access to our waiting list.

Cloudflare Snippets is now available in alpha

What are Snippets?

Over the past two years we have released a number of new rules products such as Transform Rules, Cache Rules, Origin Rules, Config Rules and Redirect Rules. These new products give more control to customers on how we process their traffic as it flows through our global network. The feedback on these products so far has been overwhelmingly positive. However, our customers still occasionally need the ability to do more than the out-of-the-box functionality allows. Not just adding an HTTP header – but performing some advanced calculation to create the output.

For these cases, Cloudflare Snippets comes to the rescue. Snippets are small pieces of user created JavaScript that are run by Cloudflare before your website, API or application is served to the user. If you're familiar with Cloudflare Workers, our robust developer platform, then you'll find Snippets to be a familiar addition. For those who are not, Snippets are designed to be easily created, tested, and deployed. Providing you with the ability to deploy your custom JavaScript Snippet to our global network in a matter of seconds.

While Snippets are built on top of the Workers Platform, they do have a number of differences. The first lies in how Snippets operate within the Ruleset Engine as a dedicated new phase, similar to Transform Rules and Cache Rules. This means that customers can select and execute a Snippet based on any Ruleset Engine filter. This gives customers the flexibility to run a Snippet on every request or apply it selectively based on various criteria they provide, such as specific bot scores, country of origin, or certain cookies.

Moreover, Snippets are cumulative in nature, allowing users to have multiple Snippets that execute if they meet the defined conditions. For instance, one Snippet could add an HTTP header and another rewrite the URL, both of which will be executed if their respective conditions are met.

Users now have the flexibility to choose between using a rule for simple, no-code-required tasks, such as adding a basic response Cookie header with Transform Rules, or writing a Cloudflare Snippet for more complex cookie functionality, such as dynamically changing the host or date within the cookie value. Snippets empower customers to get the job done quickly and effortlessly within the Cloudflare ecosystem, without incurring extra expenses (though a fair usage cap applies).

The difference between Snippets and Workers

Another significant advantage is that Cloudflare Snippets are available across all plan levels at no extra cost. This empowers customers to migrate their simple workloads from legacy solutions like VCL to the Cloudflare platform, actively reducing their monthly expenses.

Whether you're on the Free, Pro, Business, or Enterprise plan, Snippets are at your disposal. Free plan users have access to five Snippets per zone, while Pro, Business, and Enterprise plans offer 10, 25, and 50 Snippets per zone, respectively.

In terms of resources, Cloudflare Snippets are lightweight compared to Workers. They have a maximum execution time of 5ms, a maximum memory of 2MB, and a total package size of 32KB. These limits are more than sufficient for common use cases like modifying HTTP headers, rewriting URLs, and routing traffic tasks that do not require the additional features and resources Cloudflare Workers has to offer.

Snippets also run before Workers; this means that users will be able to move simple logic out of a Cloudflare Worker into Snippets or use Cloudflare Workers and its features to further modify a request. The Traffic Sequence UI has also been updated to incorporate Snippets allowing you to easily understand how all the products fit together and understand how HTTP requests flow between them.

Cloudflare Snippets is now available in alpha

What can you build with Cloudflare Snippets?

Snippets allow customers to migrate their existing workloads to Cloudflare. For example, customers that wish to set a dynamic cookie on all of their responses for a percentage of requests can use the `math.random` function within their Snippet.

Cloudflare Snippets is now available in alpha

By leveraging the Ruleset Engine, we can improve the implementation by moving the set cookie logic to the rule instead of executing it on every response or handling it within a Snippet. For example if I only want to set this cookie on my shop subdomain and only for German or UK customers I can create the following rule.

Cloudflare Snippets is now available in alpha

This approach ensures that the snippet will only execute when necessary, minimizing additional processing and reducing the complexity of the code required.

We are excited to see what other use cases Cloudflare Snippets unlock for our customers.

Using Snippets

Snippets are located within the Rules section of the Cloudflare Dashboard. Here customers can use the UI to write, preview and deploy their first Snippet.

Cloudflare Snippets is now available in alpha

As with all Cloudflare products users can deploy their Snippets via the API and Terraform. Allowing users to easily incorporate Snippets within their CI/CD pipelines. The added benefit of using the Ruleset engine allows users to test their code on a subset of traffic. For example, by specifying your own office IP or secret header within the filter that will only trigger the Snippet if present. Finally we will be integrating Snippets within the Account Request Tracer allowing users to easily identify all Rules that are executing on a specific request.

How did we build Snippets?

During Developer Week, we discussed the process of Building Cloudflare on Cloudflare, using our Cloudflare Workers developer platform to enhance our products in terms of speed, robustness, and ease of development. Snippets, the latest Cloudflare product, is built on top of Workers for Platforms.

Cloudflare Snippets is now available in alpha

A snippet is a piece of user-defined JavaScript that, upon creation, generates a unique Snippet ID. This Snippet ID is then associated with a user-defined rule created using the Rule Engine syntax. When a rule is created, a unique Rule ID is assigned to it. The Snippet ID and Rule ID are then linked in a one-to-one relationship. Customers have the flexibility to create multiple snippets and rules, each with its own unique Snippet and Rule. Customers with multiple snippets can easily prioritize them within the user interface (UI) or via API, similar to our other rules-based products.

When a customer's request reaches Cloudflare, we evaluate the request parameters against the created Snippet rules within a user's zone. If a Snippet rule is matched, the corresponding unique Snippet ID is added to a Snippet table. Once all the rules have been evaluated and the Snippet table has been compiled, the completed table is passed to the Snippets Internal Worker Service.

Cloudflare Snippets is now available in alpha

This Worker receives all the Snippet IDs stored within the table that are to be sequentially executed. The system's design allows for the flexibility of keeping Snippets simple, where users can manage individual snippets independently, that execute on the same request. This approach grants users the freedom to control and fine-tune their own individual snippets rather than merging them into a single entity.

Each Snippet receives the modified request from the previous Snippet and applies new modifications to it. After executing the final Snippet IDs, the resulting modified request is passed back to FL for the next step of the request processing.

Snip into action

We are excited to see the innovative use cases that our customers will create with Snippets. In the upcoming weeks, we will start granting access to the alpha version to those on our waitlist. If you haven't joined the waitlist yet, you can still sign up with an open beta available later this year.

How to use Cloudflare Observatory for performance experiments

Post Syndicated from Matt Bullock original http://blog.cloudflare.com/performance-experiments-with-cloudflare/

How to use Cloudflare Observatory for performance experiments

How to use Cloudflare Observatory for performance experiments

Website performance is crucial to the success of online businesses. Study after study has shown that an increased load time directly affects sales. But how do you get test products that could improve your website speed without incurring an element of risk?

In today's digital landscape, it is easy to find code optimizations on the Internet including our own developers documentation to improve the performance of your website or web applications. However, implementing these changes without knowing the impact they’ll have can be daunting. It could also cause an outage, taking websites or applications offline entirely, leaving admins scrambling to remove the offending code and get the business back online.

Users need a way to see the impact of these improvements on their websites without impacting uptime. They want to understand “If I enabled this, what performance boost should I expect to get?”.

Today, we are excited to announce Performance Experiments in Cloudflare Observatory. Performance Experiments gives users a safe place to experiment and determine what the best setup is to improve their website performance before pushing it live for all visitors to benefit from. Cloudflare users will be able to simply enter the desired code, run our Observatory testing suite and view the impact it would have on their Lighthouse score. If they are satisfied with the results they can push the experiment live. With the click of a button.

Experimenting within Observatory

Cloudflare Observatory, announced today, allows users to easily  monitor website performance by integrating Real-User Monitoring (RUM) data and synthetic tests in one location.. This allows users to easily identify areas for optimization and leverage Cloudflare's features to address performance issues.

How to use Cloudflare Observatory for performance experiments

Observatory's recommendations leverage insights from these Lighthouse test and RUM data, enabling precise identification of issues and offering tailored Cloudflare settings for enhanced performance. For example, when a Lighthouse report suggests image optimization improvements, Cloudflare recommends enabling Polish or utilizing Image Resizing. These recommendations can be implemented with a single click, allowing customers to boost their performance score effortlessly.

How to use Cloudflare Observatory for performance experiments

Fine tuning with Experiments

Cloudflare’s Observatory allows customers to easily enable recommended Cloudflare settings. However,  through the medium of Cloudflare Workers web performance advocates have been able to create and share JavaScript examples of how to improve and optimize a website.

A great example of this is Fast Fonts. Google Fonts are slow due to how they are served. When using Google Fonts on your website, you include a stylesheet URL that contains the font styles you want to use. The CSS file is hosted on one domain (fonts.googleapis.com), while the font files are on another domain (fonts.gstatic.com). This separation means that each resource requires at least four round trips to the server for DNS lookup, establishing the socket connection, negotiating TLS encryption (for https), and making the request itself.

These requests cannot be done in parallel because the fonts are not known until after the CSS is downloaded and applied to the page. In the best-case scenario, this leads to eight round trips before the text can be displayed. On a slower 3G connection with a 300ms round-trip time, this delay can add up to 2.4 seconds. To fix this issue Cloudflare Workers can be used to reduce the performance penalties of serving Google Fonts directly from Google by 81%.

Another issue is resource prioritization. When all requests come from the same domain on the same HTTP/2 connection, critical resources like CSS and fonts can be prioritized and delivered before lower priority resources like images. However, since Google Fonts (and most third-party resources) are served from a different domain than the main page resources, they cannot be prioritized and end up competing with each other for download bandwidth. This competition can result in significantly longer fetch times than the best-case scenario of eight round trips.

To implement this Worker first create a Cloudflare Worker, implement the code from the GitHub repository using Wrangler and then run manual tests to see if performance has been improved and that there are no issues or problems with the website loading. Users can choose to implement the Cloudflare Worker on a test path that may not be a true reflection of production or complicate the Cloudflare Worker further by implementing an A/B test that could still have an impact on your end users. So how can users test code on their website to easily see if the code will improve the performance of their website and not have any adverse impact on end users?

Introducing Performance Experiments

Last year we announced Cloudflare Snippets. Snippets is a platform for running discrete pieces of JavaScript code on Cloudflare before your website is served to the user. They provide a convenient way to customize and enhance your website's functionality. If you are already familiar with Cloudflare Workers, our developer platform, you'll find Snippets to be a familiar and welcome addition to your toolkit. With Snippets, you can easily execute small pieces of user-created JavaScript code to modify the behavior of your website and improve performance, security, and user experience.

Combining Snippets with Observatory lets users easily run experiments and get instant feedback on the performance impact. Users will be able to find a piece of JavaScript, insert it into the Experiments window and hit test. Observatory will then automatically run multiple Lighthouse tests with the experiment disabled and then enabled. The results will show the before and after scores allowing users to determine the impact of the experiment e.g. “If I put this JavaScript on my website, my Lighthouse score would improve by 15 points”.

This allows users to understand if the JavaScript has had a positive performance impact on their website. Users can then deploy this JavaScript, via Snippets, against all requests or on a specific subset of traffic. For example, if I only wanted it run on traffic from the UK or my office IPs I would use the rule below:

How to use Cloudflare Observatory for performance experiments

Alternatively, if the results impact performance customers negatively users can safely discard the experiment or try another example. All without real visitors to the website being impacted or ever at risk.

Accessing Performance Experiments

Performance Experiments are currently under development — you can sign up here to join the waitlist for access.

We hope to begin admitting users later in the year, with an open beta to follow.

The most programmable Supercloud with Cloudflare Snippets

Post Syndicated from Sam Marsh original https://blog.cloudflare.com/snippets-announcement/

The most programmable Supercloud with Cloudflare Snippets

Your traffic, how you like it

The most programmable Supercloud with Cloudflare Snippets

Cloudflare is used by a highly diverse customer base. We offer simple-to-use products for everything from setting HTTP headers to rewriting the URI path and performing URL redirects. Sometimes customers need more than the out-of-the-box functionality, not just adding an HTTP header – but performing some advanced calculation to create the output. Today they would need to create a feature request and wait for it to be shipped, write a Cloudflare Worker, or keep this modification ‘on origin’ – on their own infrastructure.

To simplify this, we are delighted to announce Cloudflare Snippets. Snippets are a new way to perform traffic modifications that users either cannot do via our productised offerings, or want to do programmatically. The best part? The vast majority of customers will pay nothing extra for using Snippets.

Users now have a choice. Perform the action via a rule. Or, if more functionality is needed, write a Snippet.  Neither will mean waiting. Neither will incur additional cost (although a high fair usage cap will apply). Snippets unblocks users to do what they want, when they want. All on Cloudflare.

Snippets will support the import of code written in various languages, such as JavaScript (modern), VCL (legacy) and Apache .htaccess files (legacy). This allows customers to migrate legacy operational code onto our platform – whilst also consolidating their JavaScript operations.

Please use the sign-up form to join the waitlist for Snippets if you are interested in testing. We hope to begin admitting users into the closed beta early 2023.

Why build Snippets?

Over the past 18 months we have released a number of new rules products such as Transform Rules, Cache Rules, Origin Rules, Config Rules and Redirect Rules. These new products give more control to customers on how we process their traffic as it flows through our global network. The feedback on these products so far has been overwhelmingly positive. However, our customers still occasionally need the ability to do more than the out-of-the-box functionality allows.

There are always some use cases where a product doesn’t provide the functionality that a customer needs for their specific situation.  For example, whilst thousands of our customers are now using Transform Rules to solve their HTTP header modification use cases, there remains a small number of use cases that are not possible, such as setting dynamic expiry times with cookies or hashing tokens with a key.

This is where Cloudflare Snippets help. Customers will no longer need to use the full Cloudflare Workers platform to implement these relatively simple use cases. Nor will they need to wait for us to build their feature requests. Instead, they will be able to run a Snippet of JavaScript.

Migrating legacy code to Snippets

Varnish Control Language (VCL) is only used within the context of Varnish. Launched around 16 years ago, it has historically been used to configure traffic and routing for Content Delivery Networks as it was extensible to a wide range of use cases.

There are still a good number of businesses out there using VCL to perform routing and traffic modification actions. Whilst other providers are deprecating support for VCL, we want to make sure those of you comfortable using it are still supported.

Snippets won’t run pure VCL. Instead, we will convert VCL into easy to maintain rules or Snippets. To achieve this we’re building a simple-to-use, self-serve VCL converter that analyzes uploaded VCL code and auto-generates suggested Snippets, and if we can find a match, also generates suggested rules for products such as Transform Rules or Cache Rules.

This topic was initially handled via Project Turpentine, a suite of tools used by Cloudflare employees to parse a customer’s VCL into a suggested JavaScript configuration. This JavaScript could then be loaded into a Worker, or series of Workers.

Snippets takes the idea and principles of Turpentine further. Much further. By building a parser directly in the dashboard it puts the power directly into the hands of users and gives them a choice. You can tell us to migrate everything we can into Rules with the remaining code migrated into Snippets, or, you can choose to tell us to migrate everything into discrete Snippets. It’s your call.

The most programmable Supercloud with Cloudflare Snippets

We’ll give Apache htaccess and NGINX configuration files the same treatment. The goal being users simply upload the files from their websites Apache or NGINX configuration, and we generate suggested Snippets and/or rules.

The days of having to use legacy code for operational tasks are coming to an end. Snippets allow users to migrate these workloads to Cloudflare, and let them focus on the bigger problems of the business vs maintaining legacy systems.

The difference between Snippets and Workers

Most readers will already be familiar with Cloudflare Workers, our powerful developer platform which allows businesses to run and build entire products and solutions on Cloudflare’s global network. Snippets is also built on this platform, but has a few key differences.

The first major difference is that a Snippet will run as part of the Ruleset Engine as dedicated new phases, similar to Transform Rules and Cache Rules. Customers will be able to select and execute a Snippet based on any ruleset engine filter. This allows customers to run a Snippet against every request, or filter for specific HTTP traffic based on the fields we offer, such as traffic with a certain bot score, originating from a specific country, or with a specific cookie. Snippets will be additive, meaning users can have one Snippet to add an HTTP header, and another to rewrite the URL, and both will execute if they match:

The most programmable Supercloud with Cloudflare Snippets

Another major difference – Cloudflare Snippets are available for all plan levels, at no additional cost. 99% of users won’t pay a single cent, ever, to use this solution. This allows customers to migrate their simple workloads from legacy solutions like VCL to the Cloudflare platform, and actively reduce their monthly spend.

Free Plans Pro Plans Business Plans Enterprise Plans
Snippets available 5 Snippets per zone. 20 Snippets per zone. 50 Snippets per zone. 200 Snippets per zone*
(Customers can speak with their Customer Success team to have this increased).

Cloudflare Snippets are lightweight when compared with Workers, offering 5ms maximum execution time, 2MB maximum memory and 32KB total package size. This comparably small footprint allows us to offer this to 99% of users at no additional cost, whilst also being sufficient for the identified use cases like HTTP header modification, URL rewriting and traffic routing – all of which don’t need the vast resources offered by Cloudflare Workers.

Cloudflare Snippets Cloudflare Workers Unbound
(For comparison)
Runtime support JavaScript JavaScript and WASM
Execution location Global – All Cloudflare locations Global – All Cloudflare locations
Triggers supported Ruleset Engine Filters HTTP Request
HTTP Response
Cron Triggers
Maximum execution time 5ms 30 Seconds HTTP
15 Minutes (Cron Trigger)
Maximum memory 2MB 128MB
Total package size 32KB 5MB
Environment variables 8/Snippet 64/Worker
Environment variable size 1KB 5KB
Subrequests 1/request 1000/request
Terraform Support
Wrangler Support
Cron Triggers
Key Value Store
Durable Objects
R2 Integration

What will you be able to build with Cloudflare Snippets?

Snippets will allow customers to migrate their existing workloads to Cloudflare. They will also open up a number of new possible use cases for customers. We have highlighted three common examples below, however there are many more to choose from.

Example 1: Sending suspect bots to a honeypot

When creating Snippets customers will be able to access Cloudflare features available in the Workers runtime, such as the bot score field. This enables customers to forward an HTTP request to a honeypot or use the RegExp Javascript function to change the URL construct being sent back to the end user when traffic is assigned a bot score below a certain threshold, e.g. 29 and lower.

if (request.cf.botManagement.score < 30) {
const honeypot = "https://example.com/";
return await fetch(honeypot, request);

Another common use case we foresee Snippets addressing is cookie modification. Usage can range from simply setting an expiry in five minutes by using getTime and setTime JavaScript functions to setting a dynamic cookie based on user request attributes for A/B testing purposes.

let res = await fetch(request);
res = new Response(res.body, res);
// 24h * 60m * 60s * 1000ms = 86400000ms
const expiry = new Date(Date.now() + 7 * 86400000).toUTCString();
const group = request.headers.get("userGroup") == "premium" ? "A" : "B";
`testGroup=${group}; Expires=${expiry}; path=/`

Example 3: URI query management

Customers can also deploy Cloudflare Snippets to do complex operations such as splicing the URI query value to selectively remove or inject additional parameters. Query string manipulation is typically done using Transform Rules. However, with Transform Rules the set/ action is effectively a replace action. This action when applied to the URI query string will remove the entire value if there is one and set it to what the user specifies, thus overwriting it. This is a problem for customers who wish to selectively inject specific query parameters for matching traffic. For example,  setting an additional query, e.g. ?utm_campaign=facebook when common social media platforms are detected in the user agent. With Snippets, customers will be able to do this selective removal and insertion using a simple piece of JavaScript, e.g.

if (userAgent.includes("Facebook")) {
      const url = new URL(request.url);
      const params = new URLSearchParams(url.search);
      params.set("utm_campaign", "facebook");
      url.search = params.toString();
      const transformedRequest = new Request(url, request)

We are excited to see what other use cases Cloudflare Snippets unlock for our customers.

Will you stop adding actions to rulesets?

The simple answer is no! We will continue to build out our no-code actions within the ruleset engine, developing new products to solve customer needs.

It may sound obvious – but a core component to feature improvement is talking to customers. Talking to Snippet users will help us understand what real life use cases Snippets help solve and highlight feature gaps we have in our product suite. We can then review if it makes sense to productise that use case, or leave it requiring Snippets.

We also understand that not everyone is a software developer. We are therefore exploring how we can make Snippets accessible to all by creating selectable templates available in a library that can be copied and modified by customers, with minimum coding knowledge required. With Snippets, powerful won’t mean difficult.

Accessing Cloudflare Snippets

Snippets are currently under development — you can sign up here to join the waitlist for access.

We hope to begin admitting users into the closed beta in early 2023, with an open beta to follow.