Tag Archives: video-encoding

The Making of VES: the Cosmos Microservice for Netflix Video Encoding

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/the-making-of-ves-the-cosmos-microservice-for-netflix-video-encoding-946b9b3cd300

Liwei Guo, Vinicius Carvalho, Anush Moorthy, Aditya Mavlankar, Lishan Zhu

This is the second post in a multi-part series from Netflix. See here for Part 1 which provides an overview of our efforts in rebuilding the Netflix video processing pipeline with microservices. This blog dives into the details of building our Video Encoding Service (VES), and shares our learnings.

Cosmos is the next generation media computing platform at Netflix. Combining microservice architecture with asynchronous workflows and serverless functions, Cosmos aims to modernize Netflix’s media processing pipelines with improved flexibility, efficiency, and developer productivity. In the past few years, the video team within Encoding Technologies (ET) has been working on rebuilding the entire video pipeline on Cosmos.

This new pipeline is composed of a number of microservices, each dedicated to a single functionality. One such microservice is Video Encoding Service (VES). Encoding is an essential component of the video pipeline. At a high level, it takes an ingested mezzanine and encodes it into a video stream that is suitable for Netflix streaming or serves some studio/production use case. In the case of Netflix, there are a number of requirements for this service:

  • Given the wide range of devices from mobile phones to browsers to Smart TVs, multiple codec formats, resolutions, and quality levels need to be supported.
  • Chunked encoding is a must to meet the latency requirements of our business needs, and use cases with different levels of latency sensitivity need to be accommodated.
  • The capability of continuous release is crucial for enabling fast product innovation in both streaming and studio spaces.
  • There is a huge volume of encoding jobs every day. The service needs to be cost-efficient and make the most use of available resources.

In this tech blog, we will walk through how we built VES to achieve the above goals and will share a number of lessons we learned from building microservices. Please note that for simplicity, we have chosen to omit certain Netflix-specific details that are not integral to the primary message of this blog post.

Building Video Encoding Service on Cosmos

A Cosmos microservice consists of three layers: an API layer (Optimus) that takes in requests, a workflow layer (Plato) that orchestrates the media processing flows, and a serverless computing layer (Stratum) that processes the media. These three layers communicate asynchronously through a home-grown, priority-based messaging system called Timestone. We chose Protobuf as the payload format for its high efficiency and mature cross-platform support.

To help service developers get a head start, the Cosmos platform provides a powerful service generator. This generator features an intuitive UI. With a few clicks, it creates a basic yet complete Cosmos service: code repositories for all 3 layers are created; all platform capabilities, including discovery, logging, tracing, etc., are enabled; release pipelines are set up and dashboards are readily accessible. We can immediately start adding video encoding logic and deploy the service to the cloud for experimentation.


As the API layer, Optimus serves as the gateway into VES, meaning service users can only interact with VES through Optimus. The defined API interface is a strong contract between VES and the external world. As long as the API is stable, users are shielded from internal changes in VES. This decoupling is instrumental in enabling faster iterations of VES internals.

As a single-purpose service, the API of VES is quite clean. We defined an endpoint encodeVideo that takes an EncodeRequest and returns an EncodeResponse (in an async way through Timestone messages). The EncodeRequest object contains information about the source video as well as the encoding recipe. All the requirements of the encoded video (codec, resolution, etc.) as well as the controls for latency (chunking directives) are exposed through the data model of the encoding recipe.

//protobuf definition 

message EncodeRequest {
VideoSource video_source = 1;//source to be encoded
Recipe recipe = 2; //including encoding format, resolution, etc.

message EncodeResponse {
OutputVideo output_video = 1; //encoded video
Error error = 2; //error message (optional)

message Recipe {
Codec codec = 1; //including codec format, profile, level, etc.
Resolution resolution = 2;
ChunkingDirectives chunking_directives = 3;

Like any other Cosmos service, the platform automatically generates an RPC client based on the VES API data model, which users can use to build the request and invoke VES. Once an incoming request is received, Optimus performs validations, and (when applicable) converts the incoming data into an internal data model before passing it to the next layer, Plato.

Like any other Cosmos service, the platform automatically generates an RPC client based on the VES API data model, which users can use to build the request and invoke VES. Once an incoming request is received, Optimus performs validations, and (when applicable) converts the incoming data into an internal data model before passing it to the next layer, Plato.


The workflow layer, Plato, governs the media processing steps. The Cosmos platform supports two programming paradigms for Plato: forward chaining rule engine and Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). VES has a linear workflow, so we chose DAG for its simplicity.

In a DAG, the workflow is represented by nodes and edges. Nodes represent stages in the workflow, while edges signify dependencies — a stage is only ready to execute when all its dependencies have been completed. VES requires parallel encoding of video chunks to meet its latency and resilience goals. This workflow-level parallelism is facilitated by the DAG through a MapReduce mode. Nodes can be annotated to indicate this relationship, and a Reduce node will only be triggered when all its associated Map nodes are ready.

For the VES workflow, we defined five Nodes and their associated edges, which are visualized in the following graph:

  • Splitter Node: This node divides the video into chunks based on the chunking directives in the recipe.
  • Encoder Node: This node encodes a video chunk. It is a Map node.
  • Assembler Node: This node stitches the encoded chunks together. It is a Reduce node.
  • Validator Node: This node performs the validation of the encoded video.
  • Notifier Node: This node notifies the API layer once the entire workflow is completed.

In this workflow, nodes such as the Notifier perform very lightweight operations and can be directly executed in the Plato runtime. However, resource-intensive operations need to be delegated to the computing layer (Stratum), or another service. Plato invokes Stratum functions for tasks such as encoding and assembling, where the nodes (Encoder and Assembler) post messages to the corresponding message queues. The Validator node calls another Cosmos service, the Video Validation Service, to validate the assembled encoded video.


The computing layer, Stratum, is where media samples can be accessed. Developers of Cosmos services create Stratum Functions to process the media. They can bring their own media processing tools, which are packaged into Docker images of the Functions. These Docker images are then published to our internal Docker registry, part of Titus. In production, Titus automatically scales instances based on the depths of job queues.

VES needs to support encoding source videos into a variety of codec formats, including AVC, AV1, and VP9, to name a few. We use different encoder binaries (referred to simply as “encoders”) for different codec formats. For AVC, a format that is now 20 years old, the encoder is quite stable. On the other hand, the newest addition to Netflix streaming, AV1, is continuously going through active improvements and experimentations, necessitating more frequent encoder upgrades. ​​To effectively manage this variability, we decided to create multiple Stratum Functions, each dedicated to a specific codec format and can be released independently. This approach ensures that upgrading one encoder will not impact the VES service for other codec formats, maintaining stability and performance across the board.

Within the Stratum Function, the Cosmos platform provides abstractions for common media access patterns. Regardless of file formats, sources are uniformly presented as locally mounted frames. Similarly, for output that needs to be persisted in the cloud, the platform presents the process as writing to a local file. All details, such as streaming of bytes and retrying on errors, are abstracted away. With the platform taking care of the complexity of the infrastructure, the essential code for video encoding in the Stratum Function could be as simple as follows.

ffmpeg -i input/source%08d.j2k -vf ... -c:v libx264 ... output/encoding.264

Encoding is a resource-intensive process, and the resources required are closely related to the codec format and the encoding recipe. We conducted benchmarking to understand the resource usage pattern, particularly CPU and RAM, for different encoding recipes. Based on the results, we leveraged the “container shaping” feature from the Cosmos platform.

We defined a number of different “container shapes”, specifying the allocations of resources like CPU and RAM.

# an example definition of container shape
group: containerShapeExample1
numCpus: 2
memoryInMB: 4000
networkInMbp: 750
diskSizeInMB: 12000

Routing rules are created to assign encoding jobs to different shapes based on the combination of codec format and encoding resolution. This helps the platform perform “bin packing”, thereby maximizing resource utilization.

An example of “bin-packing”. The circles represent CPU cores and the area represents the RAM. This 16-core EC2 instance is packed with 5 encoding containers (rectangles) of 3 different shapes (indicated by different colors).

Continuous Release

After we completed the development and testing of all three layers, VES was launched in production. However, this did not mark the end of our work. Quite the contrary, we believed and still do that a significant part of a service’s value is realized through iterations: supporting new business needs, enhancing performance, and improving resilience. An important piece of our vision was for Cosmos services to have the ability to continuously release code changes to production in a safe manner.

Focusing on a single functionality, code changes pertaining to a single feature addition in VES are generally small and cohesive, making them easy to review. Since callers can only interact with VES through its API, internal code is truly “implementation details” that are safe to change. The explicit API contract limits the test surface of VES. Additionally, the Cosmos platform provides a pyramid-based testing framework to guide developers in creating tests at different levels.

After testing and code review, changes are merged and are ready for release. The release pipeline is fully automated: after the merge, the pipeline checks out code, compiles, builds, runs unit/integration/end-to-end tests as prescribed, and proceeds to full deployment if no issues are encountered. Typically, it takes around 30 minutes from code merge to feature landing (a process that took 2–4 weeks in our previous generation platform!). The short release cycle provides faster feedback to developers and helps them make necessary updates while the context is still fresh.

Screenshot of a release pipeline run in our production environment

When running in production, the service constantly emits metrics and logs. They are collected by the platform to visualize dashboards and to drive monitoring/alerting systems. Metrics deviating too much from the baseline will trigger alerts and can lead to automatic service rollback (when the “canary” feature is enabled).

The Learnings:

VES was the very first microservice that our team built. We started with basic knowledge of microservices and learned a multitude of lessons along the way. These learnings deepened our understanding of microservices and have helped us improve our design choices and decisions.

Define a Proper Service Scope

A principle of microservice architecture is that a service should be built for a single functionality. This sounds straightforward, but what exactly qualifies a “single functionality”? “Encoding video” sounds good but wouldn’t “encode video into the AVC format” be an even more specific single-functionality?

When we started building the VES, we took the approach of creating a separate encoding service for each codec format. While this has advantages such as decoupled workflows, quickly we were overwhelmed by the development overhead. Imagine that a user requested us to add the watermarking capability to the encoding. We needed to make changes to multiple microservices. What is worse, changes in all these services are very similar and essentially we are adding the same code (and tests) again and again. Such kind of repetitive work can easily wear out developers.

The service presented in this blog is our second iteration of VES (yes, we already went through one iteration). In this version, we consolidated encodings for different codec formats into a single service. They share the same API and workflow, while each codec format has its own Stratum Functions. So far this seems to strike a good balance: the common API and workflow reduces code repetition, while separate Stratum Functions guarantee independent evolution of each codec format.

The changes we made are not irreversible. If someday in the future, the encoding of one particular codec format evolves into a totally different workflow, we have the option to spin it off into its own microservice.

Be Pragmatic about Data Modeling

In the beginning, we were very strict about data model separation — we had a strong belief that sharing equates to coupling, and coupling could lead to potential disasters in the future. To avoid this, for each service as well as the three layers within a service, we defined its own data model and built converters to translate between different data models.

We ended up creating multiple data models for aspects such as bit-depth and resolution across our system. To be fair, this does have some merits. For example, our encoding pipeline supports different bit-depths for AVC encoding (8-bit) and AV1 encoding (10-bit). By defining both AVC.BitDepth and AV1.BitDepth, constraints on the bit-depth can be built into the data models. However, it is debatable whether the benefits of this differentiation power outweigh the downsides, namely multiple data model translations.

Eventually, we created a library to host data models for common concepts in the video domain. Examples of such concepts include frame rate, scan type, color space, etc. As you can see, they are extremely common and stable. This “common” data model library is shared across all services owned by the video team, avoiding unnecessary duplications and data conversions. Within each service, additional data models are defined for service-specific objects.

Embrace Service API Changes

This may sound contradictory. We have been saying that an API is a strong contract between the service and its users, and keeping an API stable shields users from internal changes. This is absolutely true. However, none of us had a crystal ball when we were designing the very first version of the service API. It is inevitable that at a certain point, this API becomes inadequate. If we hold the belief that “the API cannot change” too dearly, developers would be forced to find workarounds, which are almost certainly sub-optimal.

There are many great tech articles about gracefully evolving API. We believe we also have a unique advantage: VES is a service internal to Netflix Encoding Technologies (ET). Our two users, the Streaming Workflow Orchestrator and the Studio Workflow Orchestrator, are owned by the workflow team within ET. Our teams share the same contexts and work towards common goals. If we believe updating API is in the best interest of Netflix, we meet with them to seek alignment. Once a consensus to update the API is reached, teams collaborate to ensure a smooth transition.

Stay Tuned…

This is the second part of our tech blog series Rebuilding Netflix Video Pipeline with Microservices. In this post, we described the building process of the Video Encoding Service (VES) in detail as well as our learnings. Our pipeline includes a few other services that we plan to share about as well. Stay tuned for our future blogs on this topic of microservices!

The Making of VES: the Cosmos Microservice for Netflix Video Encoding was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Rebuilding Netflix Video Processing Pipeline with Microservices

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/rebuilding-netflix-video-processing-pipeline-with-microservices-4e5e6310e359

Liwei Guo, Anush Moorthy, Li-Heng Chen, Vinicius Carvalho, Aditya Mavlankar, Agata Opalach, Adithya Prakash, Kyle Swanson, Jessica Tweneboah, Subbu Venkatrav, Lishan Zhu

This is the first blog in a multi-part series on how Netflix rebuilt its video processing pipeline with microservices, so we can maintain our rapid pace of innovation and continuously improve the system for member streaming and studio operations. This introductory blog focuses on an overview of our journey. Future blogs will provide deeper dives into each service, sharing insights and lessons learned from this process.

The Netflix video processing pipeline went live with the launch of our streaming service in 2007. Since then, the video pipeline has undergone substantial improvements and broad expansions:

  • Starting with Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) at Standard-Definitions, we expanded the encoding pipeline to 4K and High Dynamic Range (HDR) which enabled support for our premium offering.
  • We moved from centralized linear encoding to distributed chunk-based encoding. This architecture shift greatly reduced the processing latency and increased system resiliency.
  • Moving away from the use of dedicated instances that were constrained in quantity, we tapped into Netflix’s internal trough created due to autoscaling microservices, leading to significant improvements in computation elasticity as well as resource utilization efficiency.
  • We rolled out encoding innovations such as per-title and per-shot optimizations, which provided significant quality-of-experience (QoE) improvement to Netflix members.
  • By integrating with studio content systems, we enabled the pipeline to leverage rich metadata from the creative side and create more engaging member experiences like interactive storytelling.
  • We expanded pipeline support to serve our studio/content-development use cases, which had different latency and resiliency requirements as compared to the traditional streaming use case.

Our experience of the last decade-and-a-half has reinforced our conviction that an efficient, flexible video processing pipeline that allows us to innovate and support our streaming service, as well as our studio partners, is critical to the continued success of Netflix. To that end, the Video and Image Encoding team in Encoding Technologies (ET) has spent the last few years rebuilding the video processing pipeline on our next-generation microservice-based computing platform Cosmos.

From Reloaded to Cosmos


Starting in 2014, we developed and operated the video processing pipeline on our third-generation platform Reloaded. Reloaded was well-architected, providing good stability, scalability, and a reasonable level of flexibility. It served as the foundation for numerous encoding innovations developed by our team.

When Reloaded was designed, we focused on a single use case: converting high-quality media files (also known as mezzanines) received from studios into compressed assets for Netflix streaming. Reloaded was created as a single monolithic system, where developers from various media teams in ET and our platform partner team Content Infrastructure and Solutions (CIS)¹ worked on the same codebase, building a single system that handled all media assets. Over the years, the system expanded to support various new use cases. This led to a significant increase in system complexity, and the limitations of Reloaded began to show:

  • Coupled functionality: Reloaded was composed of a number of worker modules and an orchestration module. The setup of a new Reloaded module and its integration with the orchestration required a non-trivial amount of effort, which led to a bias towards augmentation rather than creation when developing new functionalities. For example, in Reloaded the video quality calculation was implemented inside the video encoder module. With this implementation, it was extremely difficult to recalculate video quality without re-encoding.
  • Monolithic structure: Since Reloaded modules were often co-located in the same repository, it was easy to overlook code-isolation rules and there was quite a bit of unintended reuse of code across what should have been strong boundaries. Such reuse created tight coupling and reduced development velocity. The tight coupling among modules further forced us to deploy all modules together.
  • Long release cycles: The joint deployment meant that there was increased fear of unintended production outages as debugging and rollback can be difficult for a deployment of this size. This drove the approach of the “release train”. Every two weeks, a “snapshot” of all modules was taken, and promoted to be a “release candidate”. This release candidate then went through exhaustive testing which attempted to cover as large a surface area as possible. This testing stage took about two weeks. Thus, depending on when the code change was merged, it could take anywhere between two and four weeks to reach production.

As time progressed and functionalities grew, the rate of new feature contributions in Reloaded dropped. Several promising ideas were abandoned owing to the outsized work needed to overcome architectural limitations. The platform that had once served us well was now becoming a drag on development.


As a response, in 2018 the CIS and ET teams started developing the next-generation platform, Cosmos. In addition to the scalability and the stability that the developers already enjoyed in Reloaded, Cosmos aimed to significantly increase system flexibility and feature development velocity. To achieve this, Cosmos was developed as a computing platform for workflow-driven, media-centric microservices.

The microservice architecture provides strong decoupling between services. Per-microservice workflow support eases the burden of implementing complex media workflow logic. Finally, relevant abstractions allow media algorithm developers to focus on the manipulation of video and audio signals rather than on infrastructural concerns. A comprehensive list of benefits offered by Cosmos can be found in the linked blog.

Building the Video Processing Pipeline in Cosmos

Service Boundaries

In the microservice architecture, a system is composed of a number of fine-grained services, with each service focusing on a single functionality. So the first (and arguably the most important) thing is to identify boundaries and define services.

In our pipeline, as media assets travel through creation to ingest to delivery, they go through a number of processing steps such as analyses and transformations. We analyzed these processing steps to identify “boundaries” and grouped them into different domains, which in turn became the building blocks of the microservices we engineered.

As an example, in Reloaded, the video encoding module bundles 5 steps:

1. divide the input video into small chunks

2. encode each chunk independently

3. calculate the quality score (VMAF) of each chunk

4. assemble all the encoded chunks into a single encoded video

5. aggregate quality scores from all chunks

From a system perspective, the assembled encoded video is of primary concern while the internal chunking and separate chunk encodings exist in order to fulfill certain latency and resiliency requirements. Further, as alluded to above, the video quality calculation provides a totally separate functionality as compared to the encoding service.

Thus, in Cosmos, we created two independent microservices: Video Encoding Service (VES) and Video Quality Service (VQS), each of which serves a clear, decoupled function. As implementation details, the chunked encoding and the assembling were abstracted away into the VES.

Video Services

The approach outlined above was applied to the rest of the video processing pipeline to identify functionalities and hence service boundaries, leading to the creation of the following video services².

  1. Video Inspection Service (VIS): This service takes a mezzanine as the input and performs various inspections. It extracts metadata from different layers of the mezzanine for downstream services. In addition, the inspection service flags issues if invalid or unexpected metadata is observed and provides actionable feedback to the upstream team.
  2. Complexity Analysis Service (CAS): The optimal encoding recipe is highly content-dependent. This service takes a mezzanine as the input and performs analysis to understand the content complexity. It calls Video Encoding Service for pre-encoding and Video Quality Service for quality evaluation. The results are saved to a database so they can be reused.
  3. Ladder Generation Service (LGS): This service creates an entire bitrate ladder for a given encoding family (H.264, AV1, etc.). It fetches the complexity data from CAS and runs the optimization algorithm to create encoding recipes. The CAS and LGS cover much of the innovations that we have previously presented in our tech blogs (per-title, mobile encodes, per-shot, optimized 4K encoding, etc.). By wrapping ladder generation into a separate microservice (LGS), we decouple the ladder optimization algorithms from the creation and management of complexity analysis data (which resides in CAS). We expect this to give us greater freedom for experimentation and a faster rate of innovation.
  4. Video Encoding Service (VES): This service takes a mezzanine and an encoding recipe and creates an encoded video. The recipe includes the desired encoding format and properties of the output, such as resolution, bitrate, etc. The service also provides options that allow fine-tuning latency, throughput, etc., depending on the use case.
  5. Video Validation Service (VVS): This service takes an encoded video and a list of expectations about the encode. These expectations include attributes specified in the encoding recipe as well as conformance requirements from the codec specification. VVS analyzes the encoded video and compares the results against the indicated expectations. Any discrepancy is flagged in the response to alert the caller.
  6. Video Quality Service (VQS): This service takes the mezzanine and the encoded video as input, and calculates the quality score (VMAF) of the encoded video.

Service Orchestration

Each video service provides a dedicated functionality and they work together to generate the needed video assets. Currently, the two main use cases of the Netflix video pipeline are producing assets for member streaming and for studio operations. For each use case, we created a dedicated workflow orchestrator so the service orchestration can be customized to best meet the corresponding business needs.

For the streaming use case, the generated videos are deployed to our content delivery network (CDN) for Netflix members to consume. These videos can easily be watched millions of times. The Streaming Workflow Orchestrator utilizes almost all video services to create streams for an impeccable member experience. It leverages VIS to detect and reject non-conformant or low-quality mezzanines, invokes LGS for encoding recipe optimization, encodes video using VES, and calls VQS for quality measurement where the quality data is further fed to Netflix’s data pipeline for analytics and monitoring purposes. In addition to video services, the Streaming Workflow Orchestrator uses audio and timed text services to generate audio and text assets, and packaging services to “containerize” assets for streaming.

For the studio use case, some example video assets are marketing clips and daily production editorial proxies. The requests from the studio side are generally latency-sensitive. For example, someone from the production team may be waiting for the video to review so they can decide the shooting plan for the next day. Because of this, the Studio Workflow Orchestrator optimizes for fast turnaround and focuses on core media processing services. At this time, the Studio Workflow Orchestrator calls VIS to extract metadata of the ingested assets and calls VES with predefined recipes. Compared to member streaming, studio operations have different and unique requirements for video processing. Therefore, the Studio Workflow Orchestrator is the exclusive user of some encoding features like forensic watermarking and timecode/text burn-in.

Where we are now

We have had the new video pipeline running alongside Reloaded in production for a few years now. During this time, we completed the migration of all necessary functionalities from Reloaded, began gradually shifting over traffic one use case at a time, and completed the switchover in September of 2023.

While it is still early days, we have already seen the benefits of the new platform, specifically the ease of feature delivery. Notably, Netflix launched the Advertising-supported plan in November 2022. Processing Ad creatives posed some new challenges: media formats of Ads are quite different from movie and TV mezzanines that the team was familiar with, and there was a new set of media processing requirements related to the business needs of Ads. With the modularity and developer productivity benefits of Cosmos, we were able to quickly iterate the pipeline to keep up with the changing requirements and support a successful product launch.


Rebuilding the video pipeline was a huge undertaking for the team. We are very proud of what we have achieved, and also eager to share our journey with the technical community. This blog has focused on providing an overview: a brief history of our pipeline and the platforms, why the rebuilding was necessary, what these new services look like, and how they are being used for Netflix businesses. In the next blog, we are going to delve into the details of the Video Encoding Service (VES), explaining step-by-step the service creation, and sharing lessons learned (we have A LOT!). We also plan to cover other video services in future tech blogs. Follow the Netflix Tech Blog to stay up to date.


A big shout out to the CIS team for their outstanding work in building the Cosmos platform and their receptiveness to feedback from service developers.

We want to express our appreciation to our users, the Streaming Encoding Pipeline team, and the Video Engineering team. Just like our feedback helps iron out the platform, the feedback from our users has been instrumental in building high-quality services.

We also want to thank Christos Bampis and Zhi Li for their significant contributions to video services, and our two former team members, Chao Chen and Megha Manohara for contributing to the early development of this project.


  1. Formerly known as Media Cloud Engineering/MCE team.
  2. The actual number of video services is more than listed here. Some of them are Netflix-specific and thus omitted from this blog.

Rebuilding Netflix Video Processing Pipeline with Microservices was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

CAMBI, a banding artifact detector

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/cambi-a-banding-artifact-detector-96777ae12fe2

by Joel Sole, Mariana Afonso, Lukas Krasula, Zhi Li, and Pulkit Tandon

Introducing the banding artifacts detector developed by Netflix aiming at further improving the delivered video quality

Banding artifacts can be pretty annoying. But, first of all, you may wonder, what is a banding artifact?

Banding artifact?

You are at home enjoying a show on your brand-new TV. Great content delivered at excellent quality. But then, you notice some bands in an otherwise beautiful sunset scene. What was that? A sci-fi plot twist? Some device glitch? More likely, banding artifacts, which appear as false staircase edges in what should be smoothly varying image areas.

Bands can show up in the sky in that sunset scene, in dark scenes, in flat backgrounds, etc. In any case, we don’t like them, nor should anybody be distracted from the storyline by their presence.

Just a subtle change in the video signal can cause banding artifacts. This slight variation in the value of some pixels disproportionately impacts the perceived quality. Bands are more visible (and annoying) when the viewing conditions are right: large TV with good contrast and a dark environment without screen reflections.

Some examples below. Since we don’t know where and when you are reading this blog post, we exaggerate the banding artifacts, so you get the gist. The first example is from the opening scene of one of our first shows. Check out the sky. Do you see the bands? The viewing environment (background brightness, ambient lighting, screen brightness, contrast, viewing distance) influences the bands’ visibility. You may play with those factors and observe how the perception of banding is affected.

Banding artifacts are also found in compressed images, as in this one we have often used to illustrate the point:

Even the Voyager encountered banding along the way; xkcd 🙂

How annoying is it?

We set up an experiment to measure the perceived quality in the presence of banding artifacts. We asked participants to rate the impact of the banding artifacts on a scale from 0 (unwatchable) to 100 (imperceptible) for a range of videos with different resolutions, bit-rates, and dithering. Participants rated 86 videos in total. Most of the content was banding-prone, while some not. The collected mean opinion scores (MOS) covered the entire scale.

According to usual metrics, the videos in the experiment with perceptible banding should be mid to high-quality (i.e., PSNR>40dB and VMAF>80). However, the experiment scores show something entirely different, as we’ll see below.

You can’t fix it if you don’t know it’s there

Netflix encodes video at scale. Likewise, video quality is assessed at scale within the encoding pipeline, not by an army of humans rating each video. This is where objective video quality metrics come in, as they automatically provide actionable insights into the actual quality of an encode.

PSNR has been the primary video quality metric for decades: it is based on the average pixel distance of the encoded video to the source video. In the case of banding, this distance is tiny compared to its perceptual impact. Consequently, there is little information about banding in the PSNR numbers. The data from the subjective experiment confirms this lack of correlation between PSNR and MOS:

Another video quality metric is VMAF, which Netflix jointly developed with several collaborators and open-sourced on Github. VMAF has become a de facto standard for evaluating the performance of encoding systems and driving encoding optimizations, being a crucial factor for the quality of Netflix encodes. However, VMAF does not specifically target banding artifacts. It was designed with our streaming use case in mind, in particular, to capture the video quality of movies and shows in the presence of encoding and scaling artifacts. VMAF works exceptionally well in the general case, but, like PSNR, lacks correlation with MOS in the presence of banding:

VMAF, PSNR, and other commonly used video quality metrics don’t detect banding artifacts properly and, if we can’t catch the issue, we cannot take steps to fix it. Ideally, our wish list for a banding detector would include the following items:

  • High correlation with MOS for content distorted with banding artifacts
  • Simple, intuitive, distortion-specific, and based on human visual system principles
  • Consistent performance across the different resolutions, qualities, and bit-depths delivered in our service
  • Robust to dithering, which video pipelines commonly introduce

We didn’t find any algorithm in the literature that fit our purposes. So we set out to develop one.


We hand-crafted in a traditional NNN (non-neural network) way an algorithm to meet our requirements. A white box solution derived from first principles with just a few, visually-motivated, parameters: the contrast-aware multiscale banding index (CAMBI).

A block diagram describing the steps involved in CAMBI is shown below. CAMBI operates as a no-reference banding detector taking a (distorted) video as an input and producing a banding visibility score as the output. The algorithm extracts pixel-level maps at multiple scales for frames of the encoded video. Subsequently, it combines these maps into a single index motivated by the human contrast sensitivity function (CSF).


Each input frame goes through up to three pre-processing steps.

The first step extracts the luma component: although chromatic banding exists, like most past works, we assume that most of the banding can be captured in the luma channel. The second step is converting the luma channel to 10-bit (if the input is 8-bit).

Third, we account for the presence of dithering in the frame. Dithering is intentionally applied noise used to randomize quantization error that is shown to reduce banding visibility. To account for both dithered and non-dithered content, we use a 2×2 filter to smoothen the intensity values to replicate the low-pass filtering done by the human visual system.

Multiscale Banding Confidence

We consider banding detection a contrast-detection problem, and hence banding visibility is majorly governed by the CSF. The CSF itself largely depends on the perceived contrast across a step and the spatial frequency of the steps. CAMBI explicitly accounts for the contrast across pixels by looking at the differences in pixel intensity and does this at multiple scales to account for spatial frequency. This is done by calculating pixel-wise banding confidence at different contrasts and scales, each referred to as a CAMBI map for the frame. Banding confidence computation also considers the sensitivity to change in brightness depending on the local brightness. At the end of this process, twenty CAMBI maps are obtained per frame capturing banding across four contrast steps and five scales.

Spatio-Temporal Pooling

CAMBI maps are spatiotemporally pooled to obtain the final banding index. Spatial pooling is done based on the observation that CAMBI maps belong to the initial linear phase of the CSF. First, pooling is applied in the contrast dimension by keeping the maximum weighted contrast for each position. The result is five maps, one per scale. There is an example of such maps further down in this post.

Since regions with the poorest quality dominate the perceived quality of the video, only a percentage of the pixels, those with the most banding, is considered during spatial pooling for the maps at each scale. The resulting scores per scale are linearly combined with CSF-based weights to derive the CAMBI for each frame.

According to our experiments, CAMBI is temporally stable within a single video shot, so a simple average suffices as a temporal pooling mechanism across frames. However, note that this assumption breaks down for videos with multiple shots with different characteristics.

CAMBI agrees with the subjective assessments

Our results show that CAMBI provides a high correlation with MOS while, as illustrated above, VMAF and PSNR have very little correlation. The table reports two correlation coefficients, namely Spearman Rank Order Correlation (SROCC) and Pearson’s Linear Correlation (PLCC):

The following plot visualizes that CAMBI correlates well with subjective scores and that a CAMBI of around 5 is where banding starts to be slightly annoying. Note that, unlike the two quality metrics, CAMBI correlates inversely with MOS: the higher the CAMBI score is, the more perceptible the banding is, and thus the quality is lower.

Staring at the sunset

We use this sunset as an example of banding and how CAMBI scores it. Below we also show the same sunset with fake colors, so bands pop up even more.

There is no banding on the sea part of the image. In the sky, the size of the bands increases as the distance from the sun increases. The five maps below, one per scale, capture the confidence of banding at different spatial frequencies. These maps are further spatially pooled, accounting for the CSF, giving a CAMBI score of 19 for the frame, which perceptually corresponds to somewhere between ‘annoying’ to ‘very annoying’ banding according to the MOS data.

Open-source and next steps

A banding detection mechanism robust to multiple encoding parameters can help identify the onset of banding in videos and serve as the first step towards its mitigation. In the future, we hope to leverage CAMBI to develop a new version of VMAF that can account for banding artifacts.

We open-sourced CAMBI as a new standalone feature in libvmaf. Similar to VMAF, CAMBI is an organic project expected to be gradually improved over time. We welcome any feedback and contributions.


We want to thank Christos Bampis, Kyle Swanson, Andrey Norkin, and Anush Moorthy for the fruitful discussions and all the participants in the subjective tests that made this work possible.

CAMBI, a banding artifact detector was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Optimized shot-based encodes for 4K: Now streaming!

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/optimized-shot-based-encodes-for-4k-now-streaming-47b516b10bbb

by Aditya Mavlankar, Liwei Guo, Anush Moorthy and Anne Aaron

Netflix has an ever-expanding collection of titles which customers can enjoy in 4K resolution with a suitable device and subscription plan. Netflix creates premium bitstreams for those titles in addition to the catalog-wide 8-bit stream profiles¹. Premium features comprise a title-dependent combination of 10-bit bit-depth, 4K resolution, high frame rate (HFR) and high dynamic range (HDR) and pave the way for an extraordinary viewing experience.

The premium bitstreams, launched several years ago, were rolled out with a fixed-bitrate ladder, with fixed 4K resolution bitrates — 8, 10, 12 and 16 Mbps — regardless of content characteristics. Since then, we’ve developed algorithms such as per-title encode optimizations and per-shot dynamic optimization, but these innovations were not back-ported on these premium bitstreams. Moreover, the encoding group of pictures (GoP) duration (or keyframe period) was constant throughout the stream causing additional inefficiency due to shot boundaries not aligning with GoP boundaries.

As the number of 4K titles in our catalog continues to grow and more devices support the premium features, we expect these video streams to have an increasing impact on our members and the network. We’ve worked hard over the last year to leapfrog to our most advanced encoding innovations — shot-optimized encoding and 4K VMAF model — and applied those to the premium bitstreams. More specifically, we’ve improved the traditional 4K and 10-bit ladder by employing

In this blog post, we present benefits of applying the above-mentioned optimizations to standard dynamic range (SDR) 10-bit and 4K streams (some titles are also HFR). As for HDR, our team is currently developing an HDR extension to VMAF, Netflix’s video quality metric, which will then be used to optimize the HDR streams.

¹ The 8-bit stream profiles go up to 1080p resolution.

Bitrate versus quality comparison

For a sample of titles from the 4K collection, the following plots show the rate-quality comparison of the fixed-bitrate ladder and the optimized ladder. The plots have been arranged in decreasing order of the new highest bitrate — which is now content adaptive and commensurate with the overall complexity of the respective title.

Fig. 1: Example of a thriller-drama episode showing new highest bitrate of 11.8 Mbps
Fig. 2: Example of a sitcom episode with some action showing new highest bitrate of 8.5 Mbps
Fig. 3: Example of a sitcom episode with less action showing new highest bitrate of 6.6 Mbps
Fig. 4: Example of a 4K animation episode showing new highest bitrate of 1.8 Mbps

The bitrate as well as quality shown for any point is the average for the corresponding stream, computed over the duration of the title. The annotation next to the point is the corresponding encoding resolution; it should be noted that video received by the client device is decoded and scaled to the device’s display resolution. As for VMAF score computation, for encoding resolutions less than 4K, we follow the VMAF best practice to upscale to 4K assuming bicubic upsampling. Aside from the encoding resolution, each point is also associated with an appropriate pixel aspect ratio (PAR) to achieve a target 16:9 display aspect ratio (DAR). For example, the 640×480 encoding resolution is paired with a 4:3 PAR to achieve 16:9 DAR, consistent with the DAR for other points on the ladder.

The last example, showing the new highest bitrate to be 1.8 Mbps, is for a 4K animation title episode which can be very efficiently encoded. It serves as an extreme example of content adaptive ladder optimization — it however should not to be interpreted as all animation titles landing on similar low bitrates.

The resolutions and bitrates for the fixed-bitrate ladder are pre-determined; minor deviation in the achieved bitrate is due to rate control in the encoder implementation not hitting the target bitrate precisely. On the other hand, each point on the optimized ladder is associated with optimal bit allocation across all shots with the goal of maximizing a video quality objective function while resulting in the corresponding average bitrate. Consequently, for the optimized encodes, the bitrate varies shot to shot depending on relative complexity and overall bit budget and in theory can reach the respective codec level maximum. Various points are constrained to different codec levels, so receivers with different decoder level capabilities can stream the corresponding subset of points up to the corresponding level.

The fixed-bitrate ladder often appears like steps — since it is not title adaptive it switches “late” to most encoding resolutions and as a result the quality stays flat within that resolution even with increasing bitrate. For example, two 1080p points with identical VMAF score or four 4K points with identical VMAF score, resulting in wasted bits and increased storage footprint.

On the other hand, the optimized ladder appears closer to a monotonically increasing curve — increasing bitrate results in an increasing VMAF score. As a side note, we do have some additional points, not shown in the plots, that are used in resolution limited scenarios — such as a streaming session limited to 720p or 1080p highest encoding resolution. Such points lie under (or to the right of) the convex hull main ladder curve but allow quality to ramp up in resolution limited scenarios.

Challenging-to-encode content

For the optimized ladders we have logic to detect quality saturation at the high end, meaning an increase in bitrate not resulting in material improvement in quality. Once such a bitrate is reached it is a good candidate for the topmost rung of the ladder. An additional limit can be imposed as a safeguard to avoid excessively high bitrates.

Sometimes we ingest a title that would need more bits at the highest end of the quality spectrum — even higher than the 16 Mbps limit of the fixed-bitrate ladder. For example,

  • a rock concert with fast-changing lighting effects and other details or
  • a wildlife documentary with fast action and/or challenging spatial details.

This scenario is generally rare. Nevertheless, below plot highlights such a case where the optimized ladder exceeds the fixed-bitrate ladder in terms of the highest bitrate, thereby achieving an improvement in the highest quality.

As expected, the quality is higher for the same bitrate, even when compared in the low or medium bitrate regions.

Fig. 5: Example of a movie with action and great amount of rich spatial details showing new highest bitrate of 17.2 Mbps

Visual examples

As an example, we compare the 1.75 Mbps encode from the fixed-bitrate ladder with the 1.45 Mbps encode from the optimized ladder for one of the titles from our 4K collection. Since 4K resolution entails a rather large number of pixels, we show 1024×512 pixel cutouts from the two encodes. The encodes are decoded and scaled to a 4K canvas prior to extracting the cutouts. We toggle between the cutouts so it is convenient to spot differences. We also show the corresponding full frame which helps to get a sense of how the cutout fits in the corresponding video frame.

Fig. 6: Pristine full frame — the purpose is to give a sense of how below cutouts fit in the frame
Fig. 7: Toggling between 1024×512 pixel cutouts from two encodes as annotated. Corresponding to pristine frame shown in Figure 6.
Fig. 8: Pristine full frame — the purpose is to give a sense of how below cutouts fit in the frame
Fig. 9: Toggling between 1024×512 pixel cutouts from two encodes as annotated. Corresponding to pristine frame shown in Figure 8.
Fig. 10: Pristine full frame — the purpose is to give a sense of how below cutouts fit in the frame
Fig. 11: Toggling between 1024×512 pixel cutouts from two encodes as annotated. Corresponding to pristine frame shown in Figure 10.
Fig. 12: Pristine full frame — the purpose is to give a sense of how below cutouts fit in the frame
Fig. 13: Toggling between 1024×512 pixel cutouts from two encodes as annotated. Corresponding to pristine frame shown in Figure 12.
Fig. 14: Pristine full frame — the purpose is to give a sense of how below cutouts fit in the frame
Fig. 15: Toggling between 1024×512 pixel cutouts from two encodes as annotated. Corresponding to pristine frame shown in Figure 14.

As can be seen, the encode from the optimized ladder delivers crisper textures and higher detail for less bits. At 1.45 Mbps it is by no means a perfect 4K rendition, but still very commendable for that bitrate. There exist higher bitrate points on the optimized ladder that deliver impeccable 4K quality, also for less bits compared to the fixed-bitrate ladder.

Compression and bitrate ladder improvements

Even before testing the new streams in the field, we observe the following advantages of the optimized ladders vs the fixed ladders, evaluated over 100 sample titles:

  • Computing the Bjøntegaard Delta (BD) rate shows 50% gains on average over the fixed-bitrate ladder. Meaning, on average we need 50% less bitrate to achieve the same quality with the optimized ladder.
  • The highest 4K bitrate on average is 8 Mbps which is also a 50% reduction compared to 16 Mbps of the fixed-bitrate ladder.
  • As mobile devices continue to improve, they adopt premium features (other than 4K resolution) like 10-bit and HFR. These video encodes can be delivered to mobile devices as well. The fixed-bitrate ladder starts at 560 kbps which may be too high for some cellular networks. The optimized ladder, on the other hand, has lower bitrate points that are viable in most cellular scenarios.
  • The optimized ladder entails a smaller storage footprint compared to the fixed-bitrate ladder.
  • The new ladder considers adding 1440p resolution (aka QHD) points if they lie on the convex hull of rate-quality tradeoff and most titles seem to get the 1440p treatment. As a result, when averaged over 100 titles, the bitrate required to jump to a resolution higher than 1080p (meaning either QHD or 4K) is 1.7 Mbps compared to 8 Mbps of the fixed-bitrate ladder. When averaged over 100 titles, the bitrate required to jump to 4K resolution is 3.2 Mbps compared to 8 Mbps of the fixed-bitrate ladder.

Benefits to members

At Netflix we perform A/B testing of encoding optimizations to detect any playback issues on client devices as well as gauge the benefits experienced by our members. One set of streaming sessions receives the default encodes and the other set of streaming sessions receives the new encodes. This in turn allows us to compare error rates as well as various metrics related to quality of experience (QoE). Although our streams are standard compliant, the A/B testing can and does sometimes find device-side implementations with minor gaps; in such cases we work with our device partners to find the best remedy.

Overall, while A/B testing these new encodes, we have seen the following benefits, which are in line with the offline evaluation covered in the previous section:

  • For members with high-bandwidth connections we deliver the same great quality at half the bitrate on average.
  • For members with constrained bandwidth we deliver higher quality at the same (or even lower) bitrate — higher VMAF at the same encoding resolution and bitrate or even higher resolutions than they could stream before. For example, members who were limited by their network to 720p can now be served 1080p or higher resolution instead.
  • Most streaming sessions start with a higher initial quality.
  • The number of rebuffers per hour go down by over 65%; members also experience fewer quality drops while streaming.
  • The reduced bitrate together with some Digital Rights Management (DRM) system improvements (not covered in this blog) result in reducing the initial play delay by about 10%.

Next steps

We have started re-encoding the 4K titles in our catalog to generate the optimized streams and we expect to complete in a couple of months. We continue to work on applying similar optimizations to our HDR streams.


We thank Lishan Zhu for help rendered during A/B testing.

This is a collective effort on the part of our larger team, known as Encoding Technologies, and various other teams that we have crucial partnerships with, such as:

If you are passionate about video compression research and would like to contribute to this field, we have an open position.

Optimized shot-based encodes for 4K: Now streaming! was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.