All posts by Darryn Hendricks

How to bulk import users and groups from CSV into AWS SSO

Post Syndicated from Darryn Hendricks original

When you connect an external identity provider (IdP) to AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) using Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 standard, you must create all users and groups into AWS SSO before you can make any assignments to AWS accounts or applications. If your IdP supports user and group provisioning by way of the System for Cross-Domain Identity Management (SCIM), we strongly recommend using SCIM to simplify ongoing lifecycle management for your users and groups in AWS SSO.

If your IdP doesn’t yet support automatic provisioning, you will need to create your users and groups manually in AWS SSO. Although manual creation of users and groups is the least complicated option to get started, it can be tedious and prone to errors.

In this post, we show you how to use a comma-separated values (CSV) file to bulk create users and groups in AWS SSO.

How it works

AWS SSO supports automatic provisioning of user and group information from an external IdP into AWS SSO using the SCIM protocol. For this solution, you use a PowerShell script to simulate a SCIM server, to provision users and groups from a CSV file into AWS SSO. You create and populate the CSV file with your user and group information that is then used by the PowerShell script. Next, on your Windows, Linux, or macOS system with PowerShell Core installed, you run the PowerShell script. The PowerShell script reads users and groups from the CSV file and then programmatically creates the users and groups in AWS SSO using your SCIM configuration for AWS SSO.


In this blog post, we assume the following:

  • You already have an AWS SSO-enabled account (free). For more information, see Enable AWS SSO.
  • You have the permissions needed to add users and groups in AWS SSO.
  • You configured a SAML IdP with AWS SSO, as described in How to Configure SAML 2.0 for AWS Single Sign-On.
  • You’re using a Windows, MacOS, or Linux system with PowerShell Core installed.
  • If you’re not using a system with PowerShell Core installed, you’re using a Windows 7 or later system, with PowerShell 4.0 or later installed.

Note: This article was authored and the code tested on a Microsoft Windows Server 2019 system with PowerShell installed.

Enable automatic provisioning

In this step, you enable automatic provisioning in AWS SSO. You use the automatic provisioning endpoints for AWS SSO to connect and create users and groups in AWS SSO.

To enable automatic provisioning in AWS SSO

    1. On the AWS SSO Console, go to the Single Sign-On page and then go to Settings.
    2. Change the provisioning from Manual to SCIM by selecting Enable automatic provisioning.
Figure 1: Enable automatic provisioning

Figure 1: Enable automatic provisioning

    1. Copy the SCIM endpoint and the Access token (you can have up to two access token IDs). You use these values later.
Figure 2: Copy the SCIM endpoint and access token

Figure 2: Copy the SCIM endpoint and access token

Bulk create users and groups into AWS SSO

In this section, you create your users and groups from a CSV file into AWS SSO. To do this, you create a CSV file with your users’ profile information (for example: first name, last name, display name, and other values.). You also create a PowerShell script to connect to AWS SSO and create the users and groups from the CSV file in AWS SSO.

To bulk create your users from a CSV file

    1. Create a file called csv-example-users.csv with the following column headings: firstName, lastName, userName, displayName, emailAddress, and memberOf.

Note: The memberOf column will include all the groups you want to add the user to in AWS SSO. If the group you plan to add a user to isn’t in AWS SSO, the script automatically creates the group for you. If you want to add a user to multiple groups, you can add the group names separated by semicolons in the memberOf column.

    1. Populate the CSV file csv-example-users.csv with the users you want to create in AWS SSO.

Note: Before you populate the CSV file, take note of the existing users, groups, and group membership in AWS SSO. Make sure that none of the users or groups in the CSV file already exists in AWS SSO.

Note: For this to work, every user in the csv-example-users.csv must have a firstName, lastName, userName, displayName, and emailAddress value specified. If any of these values are missing, that user isn’t created. The userName and emailAddress values must not contain any spaces.

Figure 3: Create the CSV file and populate it with the users to create in AWS SSO

Figure 3: Create the CSV file and populate it with the users to create in AWS SSO

  1. Next, create a create_users.ps1 file and copy the following PowerShell code to it. Use a text editor like Notepad or TextEdit to edit the create_users.ps1 file.
    • Replace <SCIMENDPOINT> with the SCIM endpoint value you copied earlier.
    • Replace <BEARERTOKEN> with the Access token value you copied earlier.
    • Replace <CSVLOCATION> with the location of your CSV file (for example, C:\Users\testuser\Downloads\csv-example-users.csv. Relative paths are also accepted).
    #Input SCIM configuration and CSV file location
    $Url = "<SCIMENDPOINT>"
    $Bearertoken = "<BEARERTOKEN>"
    $CSVfile = "<CSVLOCATION>"
    $Headers = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $Bearertoken" }
    #Get users from CSV file and store in variable
    $Users = Import-Csv -Delimiter "," -Path "$CSVfile"
     #Read groups in CSV and groups in AWS SSO
        $Groups = $Users.memberOf -split ";"
        $Groups = $Groups | Sort-Object -Unique | where {$_ -ne ""}
        foreach($Group in $Groups){
             $SSOgroup = @{
                "displayName" = $Group.trim()
        #Store group attribute in json format
        $Groupjson = $SSOgroup | ConvertTo-Json
        #Create groups in AWS SSO
        try {
            $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -ContentType application/json -Uri "$Url/Groups" -Method POST -Headers $Headers -Body $Groupjson -UseBasicParsing
            Write-Host "Create group: The group $($Group) has been created successfully." -foregroundcolor green
          $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
           if ($ErrorMessage -eq "The remote server returned an error: (409) Conflict.")
             Write-Host "Error creating group: A group with the name $($Group) already exists." -foregroundcolor yellow
             Write-Host "Error has occurred: $($ErrorMessage)" -foregroundcolor Red
    #Loop through each user
    foreach ($User in $Users)
        #Get user attributes from each field
        $SSOuser = @{
                name = @{ familyName = $User.lastName.trim(); givenName = $User.firstName.trim() }
                displayName = $User.displayName.trim()
                userName = $User.userName
                emails = @(@{ value = $User.emailAddress; type = "work"; primary = "true" })
                active = "true"
        #Store user attributes in json format
        $Userjson = $SSOuser | ConvertTo-Json
        #Create users in AWS SSO
        try {
        $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -ContentType application/json -Uri "$Url/Users" -Method POST -Headers $Headers -Body $Userjson -UseBasicParsing
        Write-Host "Create user: The user $($User.userName) has been created successfully." -foregroundcolor green
          $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
           if ($ErrorMessage -eq "The remote server returned an error: (409) Conflict.")
             Write-Host "Error creating user: A user with the same username $($User.userName) already exist" -foregroundcolor yellow
             Write-Host "Error has occurred: $($ErrorMessage)" -foregroundcolor Red
    #Get user information
        $UserName = $User.userName
        $UserId = (Invoke-RestMethod -ContentType application/json -Uri "$Url/Users`?filter=userName%20eq%20%22$UserName%22" -Method GET -Headers $Headers)
        $Groups = $User.memberOf -split ";"
    #Loop through each group and add user to group
        foreach($Group in $Groups){
    If (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Group)) 
    #Get the GroupName and GroupId
        $GroupName = $Group.trim()
        $GroupId = (Invoke-RestMethod -ContentType application/json -Uri "$Url/Groups`?filter=displayName%20eq%20%22$GroupName%22" -Method GET -Headers $Headers)
    #Store group membership in variable. 
        $AddUserToGroup = @{
                Operations = @(@{ op = "add"; path = "members"; value = @(@{ value = $UserId })})
        #Convert to json format
        $AddUsertoGroupjson = $AddUserToGroup | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4
        #Add users to group in AWS SSO
            try {
        $Responses = Invoke-RestMethod -ContentType application/json -Uri "$Url/Groups/$GroupId" -Method PATCH -Headers $Headers -Body $AddUsertoGroupjson -UseBasicParsing
        Write-Host "Add user to group: The user $($User.userName) has been added successfully to group $($GroupName)." -foregroundcolor green
          $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
    	if ($ErrorMessage -eq "The remote server returned an error: (409) Conflict.")
             Write-Host "Error adding user to group: The user $($User.userName) is already added to group $($GroupName)." -foregroundcolor yellow
             Write-Host "Error has occurred: $($ErrorMessage)" -foregroundcolor Red

  2. Use Windows PowerShell to run the script create_users.ps1, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 4: Run PowerShell script to create users from CSV in AWS SSO

    Figure 4: Run PowerShell script to create users from CSV in AWS SSO

  3. Use the AWS SSO console to verify that the users and groups were successfully created. In the AWS SSO console, select Users from the left menu, as shown in figure 5.

    Figure 5: View the newly created users in AWS SSO console

    Figure 5: View the newly created users in AWS SSO console

  4. Use the AWS SSO console to verify that the groups were successfully created. In the AWS SSO console, select Groups from the left menu, as shown in figure 6.

    Figure 6: View the newly created groups in AWS SSO console

    Figure 6: View the newly created groups in AWS SSO console

Your users, groups, and group memberships have been created in AWS SSO. You can now manage access for your identities in AWS SSO across your own applications, third-party applications (SaaS), and Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments.

How to run the PowerShell scripts on Linux and macOS

While this post focuses on running the PowerShell script on a Windows system. You can also run the PowerShell script on a Linux or macOS system that has PowerShell Core installed. You can then follow the steps in this post to create the required CSV files for creating a user and group and adding a user to a group. Then, on your Linux or macOS system, you can run the PowerShell script using the following command.

pwsh -File <Path to PowerShell Script>


In this post, we showed you how to programmatically create users and groups from a CSV file into AWS SSO. This solution isn’t a replacement for automatic provisioning. However, it can help you to quickly get up and running with AWS SSO by reducing the administration burden of manually creating users in AWS SSO.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Darryn Hendricks

Darryn is a Senior Cloud Support Engineer for AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) based in Seattle, Washington. He is passionate about Cloud computing, identities, automation and helping customers leverage these key building blocks when moving to the Cloud. Outside of work, he loves spending time with his wife and daughter.


Jose Ruiz

Jose is a Senior Solutions Architect – Security Specialist at AWS. He often enjoys “the road less traveled” and knows each technology has a security story often not spoken of. He takes this perspective when working with customers on highly complex solutions and driving security at the beginning of each build.

Enable Office 365 with AWS Managed Microsoft AD without user password synchronization

Post Syndicated from Darryn Hendricks original

In this post, we explain how you can use AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory (AWS Managed Microsoft AD) to enable your users to access Microsoft Office 365 without synchronizing passwords using Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) Pass-through Authentication (PTA). This makes it easier to configure Microsoft Office 365 with AWS Managed Microsoft AD. Azure AD PTA reduces management overhead by eliminating the need to deploy and manage complex federation or password synchronization infrastructure. It also helps you meet your organization’s security standards because you can continue to apply and manage stronger password policies using AWS Managed Microsoft AD.

Previously, AWS enabled you to access Office 365 with credentials that you manage in AWS Managed Microsoft AD. AWS did this by deploying Azure AD Connect and Active Directory Federation Services for Windows Server 2016 (AD FS 2016) with AWS Managed Microsoft AD. While AWS continues to support this model, the focus of this post is to explain a new, supported model that produces the same result without deploying a federation or password synchronization implementation. In the new model, when users sign in to Office 365, Azure AD PTA validates their passwords against AWS Managed Microsoft AD directly.

We explain how to use Azure AD Connect to synchronize users from AWS Managed Microsoft AD into Azure AD. We then show you how to enable Azure AD Connect PTA to automatically authenticate users directly against your AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory. We do this in four steps:

  1. Delegate permissions to your Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) Connector account.
  2. Configure the AWS security group rules for your Azure AD Connect server.
  3. Install and configure Azure AD Connect Pass-through Authentication with AWS Managed Microsoft AD.
  4. Use an AWS Managed Microsoft AD user account to sign in to Office 365.


The instructions in this post assume that you understand how to create Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) for Windows Server instances and how to use Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to log in to the instances. They also assume you completed the following tasks:

  1. Created an AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory.
  2. Joined an Amazon EC2 for Windows Server instance to the AWS Managed Microsoft AD domain you will use as your Azure AD Connect server. We show you how to install Azure AD Connect on this instance later. Azure AD Connect supports Windows Server 2012 R2 or later, for this post, we use Windows Server 2019. While not in scope of this blog, because the Azure AD Connect server only requires outbound traffic, you should run the Azure AD Connect server in a private subnet, with outbound traffic routed via a NAT gateway or instance in a public subnet, see VPC with public and private subnets.
  3. Joined an Amazon EC2 for Windows Server instance to the AWS Managed Microsoft AD domain you will use as your management server instance (Management).
  4. Install Active Directory Administration Tools on your Management instance.
  5. Using Active Directory Users and Computers on your Management instance, create a standard user named AADConnectSvc in your AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory. The AADConnectSvc standard user will be used as your AD DS Connector account. You will use the AD DS Connector account (AADConnectSvc) in Azure AD Connect later.
  6. Created an active Office 365 subscription.
  7. Added and verified your domain in Office 365.

Solution overview

You can use Azure AD Pass-through Authentication with AWS Managed Microsoft AD to:

  • Synchronize users from AWS Managed Microsoft AD to Azure AD.
  • Assign a license to and use an AWS Managed Microsoft AD identity to sign in to Office 365.

Figure 1 shows how Azure AD Connect Server orchestrates the synchronization of AD identities from AWS Managed Microsoft AD to Azure AD. It also shows you how Azure AD Connect Pass-through authentication validates users’ credentials when a user signs in to Office 365.

Figure 1: Architecture diagram of AD synchronization and pass-through authentication between the AWS Managed Microsoft AD and Office 365

Figure 1: Architecture diagram of AD synchronization and pass-through authentication between the AWS Managed Microsoft AD and Office 365

  1. Delegate AD permissions to the AD DS Connector account using the Management instance.
  2. You install and configure Azure AD Connect Pass-through authentication with AWS Managed Microsoft AD.
  3. AWS Managed Microsoft AD identities are synchronized to Azure AD using the Azure AD Connect server.
  4. User signs in to Office 365.
  5. Azure AD communicates with the Azure AD Connect server to validate user credentials.
  6. Azure AD Connect server validates user’s credentials with the AWS Managed Microsoft AD.
  7. User successfully signed in to Office 365 with AWS Managed Microsoft AD credentials.

Note: This blog post uses a single Microsoft Windows Server running Azure AD Connect Pass-through Authentication agent. For high availability, you can install additional Authentication agents on Microsoft Windows Servers, see Ensure high availability.

Step 1: Delegate permissions to your Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) Connector account

In this step, you delegate basic read AD permissions to your AD DS Connector account (AADConnectSvc). The AD DS Connector account (AADConnectSvc) is used by Azure AD Connect to connect to and read AD objects in your AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory. To delegate the permissions, download and use the ADSyncConfig PowerShell module included in the Azure AD Connect installation.

Perform the following steps after signing in to the Management instance using the admin user account for the AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory:

A. Download the ADSyncConfig PowerShell module from the Azure AD Connect installation

  1. Download and initiate the Azure AD Connect installation on the Management instance.
  2. On the Welcome page of the Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect wizard, close the installation by selecting x. At this stage, the Azure AD Connect installation has downloaded the ADSyncConfig PowerShell module to the Management instance.
  3. Verify the ADSyncConfig PowerShell module has been downloaded and is in the following location:
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect\AdSyncConfig\AdSyncConfig.psm1

B. Configure permissions to your AD DS Connector account

  1. Import the ADSyncConfig PowerShell module, using the following Windows PowerShell command.
    Import-Module "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect\AdSyncConfig\AdSyncConfig.psm1"

  2. Add basic read permissions to your AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory for the AD DS Connector account (AADConnectSvc) by running the following Windows PowerShell command. Be sure to replace the names in <red italic> text with the names from your AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory.
    Set-ADSyncBasicReadPermissions -ADConnectorAccountName AADConnectSvc -ADConnectorAccountDomain “<YourDomain>” -ADobjectDN “OU=Users,OU=<YourNetBIOSName>,DC=<YourDomainSuffix>,DC=<YourDomainRoot>” -SkipAdminSdHolders -Confirm:$false

  3. Next, you will add permissions to your AD DS Connector account (AADConnectSvc) by running the following Windows PowerShell command. The permissions allow Azure to manage the source anchor for AWS Managed Microsoft AD identities synchronized to Azure AD. Be sure to replace the names in <red italic> text with the names from your AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory.
    Set-ADSyncMsDsConsistencyGuidPermissions -ADConnectorAccountName AADConnectSvc -ADConnectorAccountDomain “<YourDomain>” -ADobjectDN “OU=Users,OU=<YourNetBIOSName>,DC=<YourDomainSuffix>,DC=<YourDomainRoot>” -SkipAdminSdHolders -Confirm:$false

Step 2: Configure the AWS security group rules for your Azure AD Connect server

In this step, you configure the AWS security group rules so that your Azure AD Connect server can communicate with Azure AD. To do this, you must add outbound rules to your Azure AD Connect server AWS security group to allow outbound traffic on HTTPS (port 443) and HTTP (port 80).

Follow these steps to configure AWS security group rules:

  1. In the navigation pane of the Amazon EC2 console, choose Security Groups.
  2. In the list, select the security group for the Azure AD Connect server, and then choose Actions, Edit outbound rules.
  3. Choose Add Rule. Choose HTTPS for Type and Anywhere for Destination. Choose Save rules.
  4. Next, choose Add Rule. Choose HTTP for Type and Anywhere for Destination. Choose Save rules.

Step 3: Install and configure Azure AD Connect Pass-through Authentication with AWS Managed Microsoft AD

Follow the outlined steps to install Azure AD Connect Pass-through Authentication on the Azure AD Connect server. The Azure AD Connect server synchronizes your users from AWS Managed Microsoft AD to Azure AD and manages password validation against your AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory.

Perform the following steps after signing in to the Azure AD Connect server using the admin user account for the AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory:

  1. Download and initiate the installation of Azure AD Connect on the Azure AD Connect server.
  2. On the Welcome page of the Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect wizard, accept the license terms and privacy notice, and then select Continue.
  3. On the Express Settings page, at the bottom of the page, select Customize.
  4. On the Install required components page, select Install.
  5. On the User sign-in page, select Pass-through authentication, and then select Next.
  6. On the Connect to Azure AD page, enter your Office 365 global administrator account credentials, and then select Next.
  7. On the Connect your directories page, for DIRECTORY TYPE, select Active Directory, and for FOREST, select your AWS Managed Microsoft AD Forest, and then select Add Directory.

    Figure 2: Select a directory to add

    Figure 2: Select a directory to add

  8. In the AD forest account screen, select Use existing AD account, enter your AD DS Connector account (AADConnectSvc) credentials, and then select OK.

    Figure 3: Add an AD forest account

    Figure 3: Add an AD forest account

  9. Now that you’ve added your AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory, on the Connect your directories screen, select Next.
  10. On the Azure AD sign-in configuration page, select userPrincipalName in the USER PRINCIPAL NAME field, and then select Next.
    Figure 4: Select the USER PRINCIPAL NAME

    Figure 4: Select the USER PRINCIPAL NAME

    Note: If you don’t have a matching UPN suffix for your Azure AD domain in AWS Managed Microsoft AD UPN suffix. You can add a new UPN suffix to AWS Managed Microsoft AD. After adding the new UPN suffix to AWS Managed Microsoft AD, you can update your users UPN by following the steps below. The UPN attribute format combines the user’s login name and the UPN suffix. The UPN suffix is your AWS Managed Microsoft AD domain name.

    In the following example from the Account tab of the AWS User Properties in the Active Directory Users and Computers tool, the user’s UPN is [email protected]. The UPN is created by combining the User logon name, awsuser, and the UPN suffix,

    Figure 5: Example user properties

    Figure 5: Example user properties

  11. On the Domain and OU filtering page, select Sync selected domains and OUs, choose the Users OU under your NetBIOS OU, and then choose Next.

    Note: AWS Managed Microsoft AD stores your users and computers under a dedicated OU with your domain’s NetBIOS name.


    Figure 6: Domain and OU filtering

    Figure 6: Domain and OU filtering

  12. On the Uniquely identifying your users page, select Next.
  13. On the Filter users and devices page, select Next.
  14. On the Optional features page, select Next.
  15. On the Ready to configure page, select Start the synchronization process when configuration completes, and then select Install.
  16. Select Exit. Your Azure AD Connect installation is complete.

Note: By default, the Azure AD Connect sync scheduler runs every 30 minutes to synchronize your AWS Managed Microsoft AD identities to Azure AD. You can change this schedule using PowerShell. For more information, read Azure AD Connect sync: Scheduler.

Tip: If you need to synchronize a change immediately, you can manually start a sync cycle outside the scheduled sync cycle from the Azure AD Connect sync instance. Open a Windows PowerShell session as an administrator and run the following Windows PowerShell commands:

Import-Module ADSync
Start-ADSyncSyncCycle –PolicyType Delta

Step 4: Use an AWS Managed Microsoft AD user account to sign in to Office 365

The following steps explain how to assign a license to an AWS Managed Microsoft AD user account, and then use that account to sign in to Office 365 with the AWS Managed Microsoft AD user account UPN.

  1. Use a web browser to access the Office 365 admin center using your global administrator account.
  2. Assign a license to a user you created in your AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory.
  3. Sign in with the AWS Managed Microsoft AD user account at

You’ve successfully configured and used Azure AD Pass-through and used it to sign in to Office 365 with your AWS Managed Microsoft AD user account!

Note: You can configure Azure AD smart lock out to compliment your AWS Managed Microsoft AD password policies.


In this post, we showed you how to use Azure AD Connect to synchronize user names from your Active Directory in AWS into Azure AD so that Office 365 can use those identities. You enabled Azure AD Pass-through Authentication to authenticate the identities against your AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory with no passwords synchronized or stored in Azure AD or Office 365.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS Directory Service forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and feature announcements? Follow us on Twitter.


Darryn Hendricks

Darryn is a Senior Cloud Support Engineer for AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) based in Seattle. He is passionate about cloud computing, identities, automation, and helping customers leverage these key building blocks when moving to the cloud. Outside of work, he loves spending time with his wife and daughter.


Rogier van Geest

Rogier is a Senior Specialized Solution Architect for Microsoft Workloads on AWS who loves to help customers move the needle on their migrations into the AWS Cloud. In his spare time Rogier is a foodie who enjoys preparing a fresh meal every day.