All posts by Harsha Tadiparthi

Scale read and write workloads with Amazon Redshift

Post Syndicated from Harsha Tadiparthi original

Amazon Redshift is a fast, fully managed, petabyte-scale cloud data warehouse that enables you to analyze large datasets using standard SQL. The concurrency scaling feature in Amazon Redshift automatically adds and removes capacity by adding concurrency scaling to handle demands from thousands of concurrent users, thereby providing consistent SLAs for unpredictable and spiky workloads such as BI reports, dashboards, and other analytics workloads.

Until now, concurrency scaling only supported auto scaling for read queries; write queries had to run on the main cluster. Now, we are extending concurrency scaling to support auto scaling for common write queries including COPY, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. This is available on Amazon Redshift RA3 provisioned instance types in the Regions where concurrency scaling is available. Amazon Redshift serverless comes with built in dynamic auto scaling capability for read workload scaling.

In this post, we discuss how to enable concurrency scaling to offer consistent SLAs for concurrent workloads such as data loads, ETL (extract, transform, and load), and data processing with reduced queue times.

Concurrency scaling overview

With concurrency scaling, Amazon Redshift automatically and elastically scales query processing power to provide consistently fast performance for hundreds of concurrent queries. Concurrency scaling resources are added to your Amazon Redshift cluster transparently in seconds, as concurrency increases, to serve sudden spikes in concurrent requests with fast performance without wait time. When the workload demand subsides, Amazon Redshift automatically shuts down concurrency scaling resources to save you cost.

The following diagram shows how concurrency scaling works at a high level.

The workflow contains the following steps:

  1. All queries go to the main cluster.
  2. When queries in the designated workload management (WLM) queue begin queuing, Amazon Redshift automatically routes eligible queries to the new clusters, enabling concurrency scaling.
  3. Amazon Redshift automatically spins up a new cluster, processes waiting queries, and shuts down the concurrency scaling cluster when no longer needed.

Enable Amazon Redshift concurrency scaling

You can manage concurrency scaling at the WLM queue level, where you set concurrency scaling policies for specific queues. When concurrency scaling is enabled for a queue, eligible write and read queries are sent to concurrency scaling clusters without having to wait for resources to free up on the main Amazon Redshift cluster. Amazon Redshift handles spinning up concurrency scaling clusters, routing of the queries to the transient clusters, and relinquishing the concurrency clusters.

You can enable concurrency scaling on both automatic and manual WLM.

You first need to determine which parameter group your cluster is. To do so, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon Redshift console, choose Clusters in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose your cluster.
  3. On the Properties tab, note the parameter group associated to the cluster.
    Now you can configure your WLM parameters.
  4. Under Configurations in the navigation pane, choose Workload management.
  5. Choose the parameter group associated to the cluster.If you’re using the default parameter group default.redshift-1.0, you need to create a custom parameter group and assign that to the cluster. The default parameter group has preset values for each of its parameters, and it can’t be modified.
  6. On the Parameters tab, you can choose between 1–10 max_concurrency_scaling_clusters.This is the max number of concurrent Amazon Redshift clusters you can have running at the same time. Ten is the soft limit; this limit can be increased by submitting a service limit increase request with a support case.
  7. On the Workload management tab, choose auto mode for the concurrency scaling cluster.

Example use cases

In this section, we use three use cases to help you understand how concurrency scaling for read and write heavy workloads can seamlessly scale to improve workload performance SLAs.

We used a 3 TB Cloud DW benchmark dataset. The test included a total of 103 concurrent queries, with each run using a separate database connection. The 103 queries constituted 60 queries from the 99 TPC-DS queries and 43 write queries, with a mix of copy, insert, update and delete statements. We used RA3.4xlarge 5 compute nodes.

The following scenarios showcase how concurrency scaling for reads and writes can seamlessly auto scale and positively impact a heavy concurrent mixed workload:

  • All queries triggered concurrently with concurrency scaling turned off
  • All queries triggered concurrently with concurrency scaling cluster limit set to 5 clusters
  • All queries triggered concurrently with concurrency scaling cluster limit set to 10 clusters

Scenario 1: All queries triggered concurrently with concurrency scaling turned off

In this benchmark test, all queries completed in 299 minutes. The following are the test details.

The Amazon Redshift query optimizer turned the 103 queries into 257 sub-queries for better performance in this run. Amazon Redshift continuous to learn from operational statistics to optimize your workload.

The following screenshot shows how Amazon Redshift auto WLM mode chose to run 16 queries concurrently while queuing the rest. Because concurrency scaling is turned off, no additional clusters are spun up and the queries continue to wait for running queries to complete before they can be processed. Notice the number of queries queued stayed at a higher number for a long period of time and eventually lowered as only a few queries could concurrently run.

No additional concurrent clusters spun up during the window of the workload, as seen in the following screenshot, requiring the primary cluster to process all the queries.

Scenario 2: All queries triggered concurrently with concurrency scaling cluster max limit set to 5 clusters

In this test, all queries completed in 49 minutes.

The following screenshot depicts significant queuing. Within seconds, five additional Amazon Redshift clusters are spun up into ready state, allowing 53 queries to run simultaneously. This number can change in your cluster based on the query types. Notice the number of queries queued starts lowering as more queries are completed using the five additional clusters.

Over time, the concurrency scaling clusters start to wind down progressively to 0 as the queries no longer waited.

Scenario 3: All queries triggered concurrently with concurrency scaling cluster limit set to 10 clusters

In this test, all queries completed in 28 minutes.

The following screenshot depicts significant queuing. Within seconds, 10 additional Amazon Redshift clusters are spun up into ready state, allowing multiple queries to run simultaneously. This number can change in your cluster based on the query types. Notice the number of queries queued starts lowering as more queries are completed using the five additional clusters.

Over time, the concurrency scaling clusters start to wind down progressively to 0 as the queries no longer waited.

Test results review

The following table summarizes our test results.

. Test Scenario 1 Test Scenario 2 Test Scenario 3
Total Workload Completion Time 299 Minutes 49 Minutes 28 Minutes

The test results reveal how concurrency scaling for a mixed workload of reads and writes lowered the total workload completion time from 299 minutes to 28 minutes, which is more than 10 times an improvement in SLAs while being cost effective by only paying for the additional clusters when scaling is necessary.

Monitor concurrency scaling

One method to monitor concurrency scaling is via system views. To monitor which queries benefitted from concurrency scaling, you can use concurrency_scaling_status from stl_query. Concurrency scaling of 1 indicates that the query ran on a concurrency scaling cluster. To monitor concurrency scaling usage, you can use the SVCS_CONCURRENCY_SCALING_USAGE system view.

The Amazon CloudWatch metrics ConcurrencyScalingActiveClusters and ConcurrencyScalingSeconds enable you to set up monitoring of concurrency scaling usage. For more information, refer to Monitoring Amazon Redshift using CloudWatch metrics.

Configure usage limit

With every 24 hours used of the main Amazon Redshift cluster, you accrue 1 hour of concurrency scaling credit. This free credit can be used by both read and write queries. For any usage that exceeds the accrued free usage credits, you’re billed on a per-second basis based on the on-demand rate of your Amazon Redshift cluster. You can apply cost controls for concurrency scaling at the cluster level. You can choose to create multiple queues for ETL, Dashboard, and adhoc workload. With this you can choose to turn on concurrency scaling for selective queues.

As shown in the following screenshot, you can choose a time period (daily, weekly, or monthly) and specify the desired usage limit. You can then choose an action option (Alert, Log to system table, or Disable feature). For more details on how to set cost controls for concurrency scaling, refer to Manage and control your cost with Amazon Redshift Concurrency Scaling and Spectrum.


In this post, we showed how you can enable concurrency scaling to help you meet the SLAs for both read and write workloads by seamlessly scaling out to the maximum number of clusters you configured, thereby increasing your cluster throughput while controlling your costs. Concurrency scaling with read and write capability can enable you to handle a number of scenarios, such as sudden increases in the volume of data in your data pipeline, backfill operations, ad hoc reporting, and month end processing. It’s now time to put this learning into action and begin optimizing your Redshift cluster(s) for both read and write throughput!

About the Authors

Harsha Tadiparthi is a specialist Principal Solutions Architect, Analytics at AWS. He enjoys solving complex customer problems in databases and analytics and delivering successful outcomes. Outside of work, he loves to spend time with his family, watch movies, and travel whenever possible.

Harshida Patel is a Specialist Principal Solutions Architect, Analytics with AWS.

Ramu Ponugumati is a Sr. Technical Account Manager, specialist in Analytics and AI/ML at AWS. He works with enterprise customers to modernize and cost optimize workloads, and helps them build reliable and secure applications on the AWS platform. Outside of work, he loves spending time with his family, playing tennis, and gardening.

Sharing Amazon Redshift data securely across Amazon Redshift clusters for workload isolation

Post Syndicated from Harsha Tadiparthi original

Amazon Redshift data sharing allows for a secure and easy way to share live data for read purposes across Amazon Redshift clusters. Amazon Redshift is a fast, fully managed cloud data warehouse that makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze all your data using standard SQL and your existing business intelligence (BI) tools. It allows you to run complex analytic queries against terabytes to petabytes of structured data, using sophisticated query optimization, columnar storage on high-performance storage, and massively parallel query runs.

In this post, we discuss how to use Amazon Redshift data sharing to achieve workload isolation across diverse analytics use cases and achieve business-critical SLAs. For more information about this new feature, see Announcing Amazon Redshift data sharing (preview).

How to use Amazon Redshift data sharing

Amazon Redshift data sharing allows a producer cluster to share data objects to one or more Amazon Redshift consumer clusters for read purposes without having to copy the data. With this approach, workloads isolated to different clusters can share and collaborate frequently on data to drive innovation and offer value-added analytic services to your internal and external stakeholders. You can share data at many levels, including databases, schemas, tables, views, columns, and user-defined functions, to provide fine-grained access controls that can be tailored for different users and businesses that all need access to Amazon Redshift data.

Data sharing between Amazon Redshift clusters is a two-step process. First, the producer cluster administrator that wants to share data creates an Amazon Redshift data share, a new named object introduced with this release to serve as a unit of sharing. The producer cluster adds the needed database objects such as schemas, tables, and views to the data share and specifies a list of consumer clusters with which to share the data share. Following that, privileged users on consumer clusters create an Amazon Redshift local database reference from the data share made available to them and grant permissions on the database objects to appropriate users and groups. Users and groups can then list the shared objects as part of the standard metadata queries and start querying immediately.

Solution overview

For this post, we use a use case in which the producer cluster is a central ETL cluster hosting enterprise sales data, a 3 TB Cloud DW benchmark dataset based on the TPC-DS benchmark dataset. This cluster serves multiple BI and data science clusters purpose-built for distinct business groups within the organization. One such group is the sales BI team, who runs BI reports using customer sales data created in the central ETL cluster and joined with the product reviews dataset that they loaded into the BI cluster they manage.

This approach helps the sales BI team isolate data lifecycle management between the enterprise sales dataset in the ETL producer from the product reviews data that they fully manage in the BI consumer cluster to simplify data stewardship. It also allows for agility, allows sizing clusters independently to provide workload isolation, and creates a simple cost charge-back model.

As depicted in the following diagram, the central ETL cluster etl_cluster hosts the sales data in a schema named sales. We demonstrate how to build the semantic layer later in this post. A superuser in etl_cluster then creates a data share named salesdatashare, adds the bi_semantic schema and all objects in that schema to the data share, and grants usage permissions to the BI consumer cluster named bi_cluster. Keep in mind that a data share is simply a metadata container and represents what data is shared from producer to consumer. No data is actually moved.

As depicted in the following diagram, the central ETL cluster etl_cluster hosts the sales data in a schema named sales and performs transformations to create a semantic layer required for BI reports in a new schema named bi_semantic.

The superuser in the BI consumer cluster creates a local database reference named sales_semantic from the data share (step 2 in the preceding diagram). The BI users use the product reviews dataset in the local schema named product_reviews and join with bi_semantic data for reporting purposes (step 3).

You can find the script in the products review dataset, which we use in this post to load the dataset into bi_cluster. You can load the DW benchmark dataset into etl_cluster using this github link. Loading these datasets into the respective Amazon Redshift clusters is outside the scope of this post, and is a prerequisite to following the instructions we outline.

The following diagram depicts the cloud DW benchmark data model used.

The following diagram depicts the cloud DW benchmark data model used.

The following table summarizes the data.

Table Name Rows
STORE_SALES 8,639,936,081
CUSTOMER 30,000,000
ITEM 360,000
DATE_DIM 73,049

Building a BI semantic layer

A BI semantic layer is a representation of enterprise data in a way that simplifies BI reporting requirements and offers better performance. In our use case, the BI semantic layer transforms sales data to create a customer denormalized dataset and another dataset for all store sales by product in a given year. The following queries are run on the etl_cluster to create the BI semantic layer.

  1. Create a new schema to host BI semantic tables with the following SQL:
    Create schema bi_semantic;

  2. Create a denormalized customer view with select columns required for sales BI team:
    create view bi_semantic.customer_denorm 
    from sales.customer c, sales.customer_address ca, sales.customer_demographics cd
    and c.c_current_cdemo_sk=cd.cd_demo_sk;

  1. Create a second view for all product sales with columns required for BI team:
    create view bi_semantic.product_sales
    from sales.store_sales ss, sales.item i, sales.date_dim d
    where ss.ss_item_sk=i.i_item_sk
    and ss.ss_sold_date_sk=d.d_date_sk;

Sharing data across Amazon Redshift clusters

Now, let’s share the bi_semantic schema in the etl_cluster with the bi _cluster.

  1. Create a data share in the etl_cluster using the following command when connected to the etl_cluster. The producer cluster superuser and database owners can create data share objects. By default, PUBLICACCESSIBLE is false. If the producer cluster is publicly accessible, you can add PUBLICACCESSIBLE = true to the following command:
    CREATE DATASHARE SalesDatashare;

  1. Add the BI semantic views to the data share. To add objects to the data share, add the schema before adding objects. Use ALTER DATASHARE to share the entire schema; to share tables, views, and functions in a given schema; and to share objects from multiple schemas:
    ALTER DATASHARE SalesDatashare ADD SCHEMA bi_semantic;
    ALTER DATASHARE SalesDatashare ADD ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA bi_semantic;

The next step requires a cluster namespace GUID from the bi_cluster. One way to find the namespace value of a cluster is to run the SQL statement select current_namespace when connected to the bi_cluster. Another way is on the Amazon Redshift console: choose your Amazon Redshift consumer cluster, and find the value under Namespace located in the General information section.

  1. Add consumers to the data share using the following command:
    GRANT USAGE ON DATASHARE SalesDatashare TO NAMESPACE '1m137c4-1187-4bf3-8ce2-e710b7100eb2';

  1. View the list of the objects added to the share using the following command. The share type is outbound on the producer cluster.
    DESC DATASHARE salesdatashare;

The following screenshot shows our list of objects.

The following screenshot shows our list of objects.

Consuming the data share from the consumer BI Amazon Redshift cluster

From the bi_cluster, let’s review, consume, and set permissions on the data share for end-user consumption.

  1. On the consumer BI cluster, view the data shares using the following command as any user:

The following screenshot shows our results. Consumers should be able to see the objects within the incoming share but not the full list of consumers associated with the share. For more information about querying the metadata of shares, see DESC DATASHARE.

The following screenshot shows our results.

  1. Start the consumption by creating a local database from the salesdatashare. Cluster users with the permission to do so can create a database from the shares. We use the namespace from the etl_cluster.
    CREATE DATABASE Sales_semantic from DATASHARE SalesDatashare OF NAMESPACE '45b137c4-1287-4vf3-8cw2-e710b7138nd9'; 

Consumers should be able to see databases that they created from the share, along with the databases local to the cluster, at any point by querying SVV_REDSHIFT* tables. Data share objects aren’t available for queries until a local database reference is created using a create database statement.

  1. Run the following command to list the databases in bi_cluster:
    select * from svv_redshift_databases;

The following screenshot shows that both the local and shared databases are listed so that you can explore and navigate metadata for shared datasets.

The following screenshot shows that both the local and shared databases are listed so that you can explore and navigate metadata for shared datasets.

  1. Grant usage on the database to bi_group, where bi_group is a local Amazon Redshift group with BI users added to that group:
    GRANT USAGE ON DATABASE sales_semantic TO bi_group;

Querying as the BI user

In this section, you connect as a user in the bi_group who got access to the shared data. The user is still connected to the local database on the bi_cluster but can query the shared data via the new cross-database query functionality in Amazon Redshift.

  1. Review the list of objects in the share by running the following SQL:
    SELECT schema_name, table_name, table_type FROM  svv_redshift_tables
         where database_name = 'sales_semantic'

The following screenshot shows our results.

The following screenshot shows our results.

  1. Review the list of columns in the customer_denorm view::
    SELECT * FROM  svv_redshift_columns 
       where database_name = 'sales_semantic' and table_name = 'customer_denorm';

The following screenshot shows our results.

The following screenshot shows our results.

  1. Query the shared objects using three-part notation just like querying any other local database object, using a notation <database>.<schema>.<view/table>:
    select count(*) from sales_semantic.bi_semantic.customer_denorm;

Following is your result:


  1. Analyze the local product reviews data by joining the shared customer_denorm data to identify the top ratings by customer states for this BI report:
    SELECT PR.product_category, c.ca_state AS customer_state,
                  count(PR.star_rating) AS cnt
          FROM product_reviews.amazon_reviews PR,               --local data
               sales_semantic.bi_semantic.customer_denorm  C    –-shared data
          WHERE  PR.customer_id = C.c_customer_sk
             AND PR.marketplace = 'US'
          GROUP BY 1, 2
          order by cnt desc
          Limit 10;

The following screenshot shows our results.

The following screenshot shows our results.

Adding a data science consumer

Now, let’s assume the company has decided to spin up a data science team to help with new sales strategies, and this team performs analytics on the sales data. The data science team is new and has very different access patterns and SLA requirements compared to the BI team. Thanks to the data sharing feature, onboarding new use cases such as this is easy.

We add a data science consumer cluster named ds_cluster. Because the data science users need access to data in salesdatashare, the superuser in the etl_cluster can simply grant access to the ds_cluster by adding them as another consumer for the share without moving any data:

GRANT USAGE ON DATASHARE SalesDatashare TO NAMESPACE ''1h137c4-1187-4w53-8de2-e710b7100es2';

The following diagram shows our updated architecture with the data science consumer (step 4).

The following diagram shows our updated architecture with the data science consumer (step 4).

This way, multiple clusters of different sizes can access the same dataset and isolate workloads to meet their SLA requirements. Users in these respective clusters are granted access to shared objects to meet their stringent security requirements. The producer keeps control of the data and at any point can remove certain objects from the share or remove access to the share for any of these clusters, and the consumers immediately lose access to the data. Also, as more data is ingested into the producer cluster, the consumer sees transactionally consistent data instantly.

Monitoring and security

Amazon Redshift offers comprehensive auditing capabilities using system tables and AWS CloudTrail to allow you to monitor the data sharing permissions and usage across all the consumers and revoke access instantly when necessary. The permissions are granted by the superusers from both the producer and the consumer clusters to define who gets access to what objects, similar to the grant commands used in the earlier scenario. You can use the following commands to audit the usage and activities for the data share.

Track all changes to the data share and the shared database imported from the data share with the following code:

Select username, share_name, recordtime, action, 
         share_object_type, share_object_name 
  from svl_datashare_change_log
   order by recordtime desc;

The following screenshot shows our results.

The following screenshot shows our results.

Track data share access activity (usage), which is relevant only on the producer, with the following code:

Select * from svl_datashare_usage;

The following screenshot shows our results.

The following screenshot shows our results.


Amazon Redshift data sharing provides workload isolation by allowing multiple consumers to share data seamlessly without the need to unload and load data. We also presented a step-by-step guide for securely sharing data from a producer to multiple consumer clusters.

About the Authors

Harsha Tadiparthi is a Specialist Sr. Solutions Architect, AWS Analytics. He enjoys solving complex customer problems in Databases and Analytics and delivering successful outcomes. Outside of work, he loves to spend time with his family, watch movies, and travel whenever possible.



Harshida Patel is a Specialist Sr. Solutions Architect, Analytics with AWS.

Configure and optimize performance of Amazon Athena federation with Amazon Redshift

Post Syndicated from Harsha Tadiparthi original

This post provides guidance on how to configure Amazon Athena federation with AWS Lambda and Amazon Redshift, while addressing performance considerations to ensure proper use.

If you use data lakes in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and use Amazon Redshift as your data warehouse, you may want to integrate the two for a lake house approach. Lake House is the ability to integrate Data Lake and Data warehouse seamlessly. When you need to query your data lake from your Amazon Redshift Data warehouse, you can use Amazon Redshift Spectrum, which works great in unifying your data lake and data warehouse. However, when you use Athena in the data lake and need to access data in Amazon Redshift for the following two scenarios which are commonly seen, there is no easy approach:

  • Team A has a data lake in Amazon S3 and uses Athena. They need access to the data in an Amazon Redshift cluster owned by Team B.
  • Analysts using Athena to query their data lake for analytics need agility and flexibility to access data in an Amazon Redshift data warehouse without moving the data to Amazon S3 Data Lake.

In these scenarios, Athena federation with Amazon Redshift allows you to seamlessly access the data in your Amazon Redshift data warehouse without having to wait to unload the data to the Amazon S3 data lake, which removes the overhead in managing such jobs.

In this post, you walk through a step-by-step configuration to set up Athena federation using Lambda to access data in Amazon Redshift. You also see a performance benchmark analysis of interactive and ad hoc TPC-DS queries, and learn some key performance considerations and best practices when using federation.

Solution overview

Data federation is the capability to integrate data in another data store using a single interface. The following diagram depicts how Athena federation works by using Lambda to integrate with a federated data source.

Athena is an interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL. Athena is serverless, so there is no infrastructure to manage, and you pay only for the queries that you run. Simply point to your data in Amazon S3, define the schema, and start querying using standard SQL.

Lambda lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. You can run code for virtually any type of application with zero administration and only pay for when the code is running.

Amazon Redshift is a petabyte-scale data warehouse designed from the ground up, natively for the cloud. Amazon Redshift is the most popular and fastest cloud data warehouse. It’s integrated with your data lake, offers performance up to three times faster than any other data warehouse, and costs up to 75% less than any other cloud data warehouse.

The following diagram depicts all the data source connectors available as of this writing in the AWS Serverless Application Repository.

The AWS Serverless Application Repository is a managed repository for serverless applications. It enables you to store and share reusable applications, and easily assemble and deploy serverless architectures in powerful new ways.

You can also create a custom connector for sources that aren’t in the AWS Serverless Application Repository.


Before you get started, create a secret for the Amazon Redshift login ID and password using AWS Secrets Manager.

  1. On the Secrets Manager console, choose Secrets.
  2. Choose Store a new secret.
  3. Choose credentials for your Amazon Redshift cluster, and set your user name and password.
  4. Choose the cluster you want to use.
  5. For Secret name, enter a name for your secret. Use the prefix AthenaJDBCFederation so it’s easy to find.
  6. Leave the remaining fields at their defaults and choose Next.
  7. Complete your secret creation.

Setting up your S3 bucket

On the Amazon S3 console, create a new S3 bucket and subfolder for Lambda to use. For this post, use the name myworkspace0009/athenafederation.

Configuring Athena federation with Amazon Redshift

To configure Athena federation with Amazon Redshift, complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS Serverless Application Repository, choose Available applications.
  2. In the search field, enter athena federation.

  1. Choose
  2. In the Application settings section, provide the following details:
  3. Application nameAthenaRedshiftConnector
  4. SecretNamePrefixAthenaJdbcFederation
  5. SpillBucketmyworkspace0009/athenafederation
  6. JDBCConnectorConfigRedshift://jdbc:Redshift://<YourAmazon Redshift1Hostname>:5439/<DBName>?user=sample2&password=sample2
  7. DisableSpillEncyption – False
  8. LambdaFunctionNamerstpcds30
  9. SecurityGroupID – Security group ID where Amazon Redshift is deployed
  10. SpillPrefix – Leave default
  11. Subnetids – Use the subnets where Amazon Redshift is running with comma separation
  12. Select the I acknowledge check box.
  13. Choose Deploy.

In the next steps, you configure an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) endpoint for Amazon S3 to allow Lambda to write federated query results to Amazon S3.

  1. On the Amazon VPC console, choose Endpoints.
  2. Choose Create endpoint.
  3. Choose the VPC for your endpoint.

  1. Make any necessary security changes as per your security requirements.

  1. Choose Create endpoint.

Running federated queries with Athena

To start running federated queries, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Athena console, choose Workgroups.
  2. If you don’t see a workgroup called AmazonAthenaPreviewFunctionality, create one.

When this feature becomes generally available, you won’t need to use this workgroup name.

  1. Run your queries, using lambda:rstpcds30 to run against tables in Amazon Redshift.

Athena query performance comparison

Several customers have asked us for performance insights and prescriptive guidance on how queries in Athena compare against federated queries and how to use them. In this section, we use a TPC-DS 3 TB standard dataset and a select few queries that fall in the category of ad hoc and interactive. The comparison of their performance should give you an idea of what to expect when running federated queries against Amazon Redshift.

For the following tests, we used a 3 TB TPC-DS dataset in Amazon S3 data lake with Parquet compressed, partitioned and served by Athena, and the same 3 TB TPC-DS dataset on Amazon Redshift cluster running four RA3.4XL nodes.

The following table summarizes the dataset sizes:

Dataset Table Size (Records)
store_sales 8.6 billion
customer 30 million
customer_address 15 million
customer_demographics 1.92 million
item 360,000
date_dim 73,000
store 1,350

We ran the following four tests:

  • T1 – Queries ran in Athena without federation. All table data is in Amazon S3.
  • T2 – Queries ran in Athena with federation to Amazon Redshift. All table data is in Amazon S3, except the store_sales fact table in Amazon Redshift.
  • T3 – Queries ran in Athena with federation to Amazon Redshift. All tables and data are in Redshift.
  • T4 – Queries ran in Amazon Redshift without federation. All tables and data are in Redshift.

The following graph represents the performance of some of the ad hoc and interactive TPC-DS queries.

In the preceding graph, all T3 queries timed out at 900 seconds, depicted by the pink reference line, due to the Lambda 900-second timeout limit. This is due to overhead from store_sales fact data that needed to be transferred back to Athena.

The following graph removes T3 from the visualization, which gives better visibility when comparing the other tests.

Notice the query performance between T1 and T2 that completed in almost the same time while T4 queries ran significantly faster.

Amazon Redshift beats the performance of Athena in providing extremely low latency and should be the tool of choice if you’re looking for very low SLAs for analytics queries that Athena can’t achieve.

The following graph shows the data scanned in Amazon S3 for T1 and T2, which outlines why there isn’t much difference in query performance when compared to federated queries.

For the T2 federated queries, a small amount of dimension data is filtered in Amazon Redshift and brought back to Athena, instead of scanning the entire dimension tables. This is a typical nature for several ad hoc and interactive queries.

The performance of these TPC-DS queries between T1 and T2 is comparable because very little data is transferred back to Athena. You can see a similar behavior in several ad hoc and interactive query use cases because they use limited dimensions and scan a small subset of dimension data. Due to the 900-second timeout for the Lambda instances that connect to Amazon Redshift, it’s advised to minimize the amount of data the query brings back. Although Athena uses multiple Lambda instances in parallel to run your federated query, it’s also important to make sure the Amazon Redshift WLM queue has enough slots to process it, thereby not leading to queue wait time. For example, in some of the preceding queries, 20 Lambda executions were connecting to Amazon Redshift concurrently.

Key performance best practice considerations

When considering Athena federation with Amazon Redshift, you could take into account the following best practices:

  • Athena federation works great for queries with predicate filtering because the predicates are pushed down to Amazon Redshift. Use filter and limited-range scans in your queries to avoid full table scans.
  • If your SQL query requires returning a large volume of data from Amazon Redshift to Athena (which could lead to query timeouts or slow performance), unload the large tables in your query from Redshift to your Amazon S3 data lake.
  • Star schema is a commonly used data model in Amazon Redshift. In the star schema model, unload your large fact tables into your data lake and leave the dimension tables in Amazon Redshift. If large dimension tables are contributing to slow performance or query timeouts, unload those tables to your data lake.
  • When you run federated queries, Athena spins up multiple Lambda functions, which causes a spike in database connections. It’s important to monitor the Amazon Redshift WLM queue slots to ensure there is no queuing. Additionally, you can use concurrency scaling on your Amazon Redshift cluster to benefit from concurrent connections to queue up.


In this post, you learned how to configure and use Athena federation with Amazon Redshift using Lambda. Now you don’t need to wait for all the data in your Amazon Redshift data warehouse to be unloaded to Amazon S3 and maintained on a day-to-day basis to run your queries. You can use the best practice considerations outlined in the post to minimize the data transferred from Amazon Redshift for better performance. When queries are well written for federation, the performance penalties are negligible, as observed in the TPC-DS benchmark queries in this post. Happy query federating!


About the Author

Harsha Tadiparthi is a Specialist Sr. Solutions Architect, AWS Analytics. He enjoys solving complex customer problems in Databases and Analytics and delivering successful outcomes. Outside of work, he loves to spend time with his family, watch movies, and travel whenever possible.