All posts by Jonathan Hoyland

Cloudflare and the IETF

Post Syndicated from Jonathan Hoyland original

Cloudflare and the IETF

Cloudflare and the IETF

The Internet, far from being just a series of tubes, is a huge, incredibly complex, decentralized system. Every action and interaction in the system is enabled by a complicated mass of protocols woven together to accomplish their task, each handing off to the next like trapeze artists high above a virtual circus ring. Stop to think about details, and it is a marvel.

Consider one of the simplest tasks enabled by the Internet: Sending a message from sender to receiver.

Cloudflare and the IETF

The location (address) of a receiver is discovered using DNS, a connection between sender and receiver is established using a transport protocol like TCP, and (hopefully!) secured with a protocol like TLS. The sender’s message is encoded in a format that the receiver can recognize and parse, like HTTP, because the two disparate parties need a common language to communicate. Then, ultimately, the message is sent and carried in an IP datagram that is forwarded from sender to receiver based on routes established with BGP.

Cloudflare and the IETF

Even an explanation this dense is laughably oversimplified. For example, the four protocols listed are just the start, and ignore many others with acronyms of their own. The truth is that things are complicated. And because things are complicated, how these protocols and systems interact and influence the user experience on the Internet is complicated. Extra round trips to establish a secure connection increase the amount of time before useful work is done, harming user performance. The use of unauthenticated or unencrypted protocols reveals potentially sensitive information to the network or, worse, to malicious entities, which harms user security and privacy. And finally, consolidation and centralization — seemingly a prerequisite for reducing costs and protecting against attacks — makes it challenging to provide high availability even for essential services. (What happens when that one system goes down or is otherwise unavailable, or to extend our earlier metaphor, when a trapeze isn’t there to catch?)

These four properties — performance, security, privacy, and availability — are crucial to the Internet. At Cloudflare, and especially in the Cloudflare Research team, where we use all these various protocols, we’re committed to improving them at every layer in the stack. We work on problems as diverse as helping network security and privacy with TLS 1.3 and QUIC, improving DNS privacy via Oblivious DNS-over-HTTPS, reducing end-user CAPTCHA annoyances with Privacy Pass and Cryptographic Attestation of Personhood (CAP), performing Internet-wide measurements to understand how things work in the real world, and much, much more.

Above all else, these projects are meant to do one thing: focus beyond the horizon to help build a better Internet. We do that by developing, advocating, and advancing open standards for the many protocols in use on the Internet, all backed by implementation, experimentation, and analysis.


The Internet is a network of interconnected autonomous networks. Computers attached to these networks have to be able to route messages to each other. However, even if we can send messages back and forth across the Internet, much like the storied Tower of Babel, to achieve anything those computers have to use a common language, a lingua franca, so to speak. And for the Internet, standards are that common language.

Many of the parts of the Internet that Cloudflare is interested in are standardized by the IETF, which is a standards development organization responsible for producing technical specifications for the Internet’s most important protocols, including IP, BGP, DNS, TCP, TLS, QUIC, HTTP, and so on. The IETF’s mission is:

> to make the Internet work better by producing high-quality, relevant technical documents that influence the way people design, use, and manage the Internet.

Our individual contributions to the IETF help further this mission, especially given our role on the Internet. We can only do so much on our own to improve the end-user experience. So, through standards, we engage with those who use, manage, and operate the Internet to achieve three simple goals that lead to a better Internet:

1. Incrementally improve existing and deployed protocols with innovative solutions;

2. Provide holistic solutions to long-standing architectural problems and enable new use cases; and

3. Identify key problems and help specify reusable, extensible, easy-to-implement abstractions for solving them.

Below, we’ll give an example of how we helped achieve each goal, touching on a number of important technical specifications produced in recent years, including DNS-over-HTTPS, QUIC, and (the still work-in-progress) TLS Encrypted Client Hello.

Incremental innovation: metadata privacy with DoH and ECH

The Internet is not only complicated — it is leaky. Metadata seeps like toxic waste from nearly every protocol in use, from DNS to TLS, and even to HTTP at the application layer.

Cloudflare and the IETF

One critically important piece of metadata that still leaks today is the name of the server that clients connect to. When a client opens a connection to a server, it reveals the name and identity of that server in many places, including DNS, TLS, and even sometimes at the IP layer (if the destination IP address is unique to that server). Linking client identity (IP address) to target server names enables third parties to build a profile of per-user behavior without end-user consent. The result is a set of protocols that does not respect end-user privacy.

Fortunately, it’s possible to incrementally address this problem without regressing security. For years, Cloudflare has been working with the standards community to plug all of these individual leaks through separate specialized protocols:

  • DNS-over-HTTPS encrypts DNS queries between clients and recursive resolvers, ensuring only clients and trusted recursive resolvers see plaintext DNS traffic.
  • TLS Encrypted Client Hello encrypts metadata in the TLS handshake, ensuring only the client and authoritative TLS server see sensitive TLS information.

These protocols impose a barrier between the client and server and everyone else. However, neither of them prevent the server from building per-user profiles. Servers can track users via one critically important piece of information: the client IP address. Fortunately, for the overwhelming majority of cases, the IP address is not essential for providing a service. For example, DNS recursive resolvers do not need the full client IP address to provide accurate answers, as is evidenced by the EDNS(0) Client Subnet extension. To further reduce information exposure on the web, we helped push further with two more incremental improvements:

  • Oblivious DNS-over-HTTPS (ODoH) uses cryptography and network proxies to break linkability between client identity (IP address) and DNS traffic, ensuring that recursive resolvers have only the minimal amount of information to provide DNS answers — the queries themselves, without any per-client information.
  • MASQUE is standardizing techniques for proxying UDP and IP protocols over QUIC connections, similar to the existing HTTP CONNECT method for TCP-based protocols. Generally, the CONNECT method allows clients to use services without revealing any client identity (IP address).

While each of these protocols may seem only an incremental improvement over what we have today, together, they raise many possibilities for the future of the Internet. Are DoH and ECH sufficient for end-user privacy, or are technologies like ODoH and MASQUE necessary? How do proxy technologies like MASQUE complement or even subsume protocols like ODoH and ECH? These are questions the Cloudflare Research team strives to answer through experimentation, analysis, and deployment together with other stakeholders on the Internet through the IETF. And we could not ask the questions without first laying the groundwork.

Architectural advancement: QUIC and HTTP/3

QUIC and HTTP/3 are transformative technologies. Whilst the TLS handshake forms the heart of QUIC’s security model, QUIC is an improvement beyond TLS over TCP, in many respects, including more encryption (privacy), better protection against active attacks and ossification at the network layer, fewer round trips to establish a secure connection, and generally better security properties. QUIC and HTTP/3 give us a clean slate for future innovation.

Perhaps one of QUIC’s most important contributions is that it challenges and even breaks many established conventions and norms used on the Internet. For example, the antiquated socket API for networking, which treats the network connection as an in-order bit pipe is no longer appropriate for modern applications and developers. Modern networking APIs such as Apple’s Network.framework provide high-level interfaces that take advantage of the new transport features provided by QUIC. Applications using this or even higher-level HTTP abstractions can take advantage of the many security, privacy, and performance improvements of QUIC and HTTP/3 today with minimal code changes, and without being constrained by sockets and their inherent limitations.

Another salient feature of QUIC is its wire format. Nearly every bit of every QUIC packet is encrypted and authenticated between sender and receiver. And within a QUIC packet, individual frames can be rearranged, repackaged, and otherwise transformed by the sender.

Cloudflare and the IETF

Together, these are powerful tools to help mitigate future network ossification and enable continued extensibility. (TLS’s wire format ultimately led to the middlebox compatibility mode for TLS 1.3 due to the many middlebox ossification problems that were encountered during early deployment tests.)

Exercising these features of QUIC is important for the long-term health of the protocol and applications built on top of it. Indeed, this sort of extensibility is what enables innovation.

In fact, we’ve already seen a flurry of new work based on QUIC: extensions to enable multipath QUIC, different congestion control approaches, and ways to carry data unreliably in the DATAGRAM frame.

Beyond functional extensions, we’ve also seen a number of new use cases emerge as a result of QUIC. DNS-over-QUIC is an upcoming proposal that complements DNS-over-TLS for recursive to authoritative DNS query protection. As mentioned above, MASQUE is a working group focused on standardizing methods for proxying arbitrary UDP and IP protocols over QUIC connections, enabling a number of fascinating solutions and unlocking the future of proxy and VPN technologies. In the context of the web, the WebTransport working group is standardizing methods to use QUIC as a “supercharged WebSocket” for transporting data efficiently between client and server while also depending on the WebPKI for security.

By definition, these extensions are nowhere near complete. The future of the Internet with QUIC is sure to be a fascinating adventure.

Specifying abstractions: Cryptographic algorithms and protocol design

Standards allow us to build abstractions. An ideal standard is one that is usable in many contexts and contains all the information a sufficiently skilled engineer needs to build a compliant implementation that successfully interoperates with other independent implementations. Writing a new standard is sort of like creating a new Lego brick. Creating a new Lego brick allows us to build things that we couldn’t have built before. For example, one new “brick” that’s nearly finished (as of this writing) is Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE). HPKE allows us to efficiently encrypt arbitrary plaintexts under the recipient’s public key.

Cloudflare and the IETF

Mixing asymmetric and symmetric cryptography for efficiency is a common technique that has been used for many years in all sorts of protocols, from TLS to PGP. However, each of these applications has come up with their own design, each with its own security properties. HPKE is intended to be a single, standard, interoperable version of this technique that turns this complex and technical corner of protocol design into an easy-to-use black box. The standard has undergone extensive analysis by cryptographers throughout its development and has numerous implementations available. The end result is a simple abstraction that protocol designers can include without having to consider how it works under-the-hood. In fact, HPKE is already a dependency for a number of other draft protocols in the IETF, such as TLS Encrypted Client Hello, Oblivious DNS-over-HTTPS, and Message Layer Security.

Modes of Interaction

We engage with the IETF in the specification, implementation, experimentation, and analysis phases of a standard to help achieve our three goals of incremental innovation, architectural advancement, and production of simple abstractions.

Cloudflare and the IETF

Our participation in the standards process hits all four phases. Individuals in Cloudflare bring a diversity of knowledge and domain expertise to each phase, especially in the production of technical specifications. This week, we’ll have a blog about an upcoming standard that we’ve been working on for a number of years and will be sharing details about how we used formal analysis to make sure that we ruled out as many security issues in the design as possible. We work in close collaboration with people from all around the world as an investment in the future of the Internet. Open standards mean that everyone can take advantage of the latest and greatest in protocol design, whether they use Cloudflare or not.

Cloudflare’s scale and perspective on the Internet are essential to the standards process. We have experience rapidly implementing, deploying, and experimenting with emerging technologies to gain confidence in their maturity. We also have a proven track record of publishing the results of these experiments to help inform the standards process. Moreover, we open source as much of the code we use for these experiments as possible to enable reproducibility and transparency. Our unique collection of engineering expertise and wide perspective allows us to help build standards that work in a wide variety of use cases. By investing time in developing standards that everyone can benefit from, we can make a clear contribution to building a better Internet.

One final contribution we make to the IETF is more procedural and based around building consensus in the community. A challenge to any open process is gathering consensus to make forward progress and avoiding deadlock. We help build consensus through the production of running code, leadership on technical documents such as QUIC and ECH, and even logistically by chairing working groups. (Working groups at the IETF are chaired by volunteers, and Cloudflare numbers a few working group chairs amongst its employees, covering a broad spectrum of the IETF (and its related research-oriented group, the IRTF) from security and privacy to transport and applications.) Collaboration is a cornerstone of the standards process and a hallmark of Cloudflare Research, and we apply it most prominently in the standards process.

If you too want to help build a better Internet, check out some IETF Working Groups and mailing lists. All you need to start contributing is an Internet connection and an email address, so why not give it a go? And if you want to join us on our mission to help build a better Internet through open and interoperable standards, check out our open positions, visiting researcher program, and many internship opportunities!

Exported Authenticators: The long road to RFC

Post Syndicated from Jonathan Hoyland original

Exported Authenticators: The long road to RFC

Exported Authenticators: The long road to RFC

Our earlier blog post talked in general terms about how we work with the IETF. In this post we’re going to talk about a particular IETF project we’ve been working on, Exported Authenticators (EAs). Exported Authenticators is a new extension to TLS that we think will prove really exciting. It unlocks all sorts of fancy new authentication possibilities, from TLS connections with multiple certificates attached, to logging in to a website without ever revealing your password.

Now, you might have thought that given the innumerable hours that went into the design of TLS 1.3 that it couldn’t possibly be improved, but it turns out that there are a number of places where the design falls a little short. TLS allows us to establish a secure connection between a client and a server. The TLS connection presents a certificate to the browser, which proves the server is authorised to use the name written on the certificate, for example One of the most common things we use that ability for is delivering webpages. In fact, if you’re reading this, your browser has already done this for you. The Cloudflare Blog is delivered over TLS, and by presenting a certificate for the server proves that it’s allowed to deliver Cloudflare’s blog.

When your browser requests you receive a big blob of HTML that your browser then starts to render. In the dim and distant past, this might have been the end of the story. Your browser would render the HTML, and display it. Nowadays, the web has become more complex, and the HTML your browser receives often tells it to go and load lots of other resources. For example, when I loaded the Cloudflare blog just now, my browser made 73 subrequests.

As we mentioned in our connection coalescing blog post, sometimes those resources are also served by Cloudflare, but on a different domain. In our connection coalescing experiment, we acquired certificates with a special extension, called a Subject Alternative Name (SAN), that tells the browser that the owner of the certificate can act as two different websites. Along with some further shenanigans that you can read about in our blog post, this lets us serve the resources for both the domains over a single TLS connection.

Cloudflare, however, services millions of domains, and we have millions of certificates. It’s possible to generate certificates that cover lots of domains, and in fact this is what Cloudflare used to do. We used to use so-called “cruise-liner” certificates, with dozens of names on them. But for connection coalescing this quickly becomes impractical, as we would need to know what sub-resources each webpage might request, and acquire certificates to match. We switched away from this model because issues with individual domains could affect other customers.

What we’d like to be able to do is serve as much content as possible down a single connection. When a user requests a resource from a different domain they need to perform a new TLS handshake, costing valuable time and resources. Our connection coalescing experiment showed the benefits when we know in advance what resources are likely to be requested, but most of the time we don’t know what subresources are going to be requested until the requests actually arrive. What we’d rather do is attach extra identities to a connection after it’s been established, and we know what extra domains the client actually wants. Because the TLS connection is just a transport mechanism and doesn’t understand the information being sent across it, it doesn’t actually know what domains might subsequently be requested. This is only available to higher-layer protocols such as HTTP. However, we don’t want any website to be able to impersonate another, so we still need to have strong authentication.

Exported Authenticators

Enter Exported Authenticators. They give us even more than we asked for. They allow us to do application layer authentication that’s just as strong as the authentication you get from TLS, and then tie it to the TLS channel. Now that’s a pretty complicated idea, so let’s break it down.

To understand application layer authentication we first need to explain what the application layer is. The application layer is a reference to the OSI model. The OSI model describes the various layers of abstraction we use, to make things work across the Internet. When you’re developing your latest web application you don’t want to have to worry about how light is flickered down a fibre optic cable, or even how the TLS handshake is encoded (although that’s a fascinating topic in its own right, let’s leave that for another time.)

All you want to care about is having your content delivered to your end-user, and using TLS gives you a guaranteed in-order, reliable, authenticated channel over which you can communicate. You just shove bits in one end of the pipe, and after lots of blinky lights, fancy routing, maybe a touch of congestion control, and a little decoding, *poof*, your data arrives at the end-user.

The application layer is the top of the OSI stack, and contains things like HTTP. Because the TLS handshake is lower in the stack, the application is oblivious to this process. So, what Exported Authenticators give us is the ability for the very top of the stack to reliably authenticate their partner.

Exported Authenticators: The long road to RFC
The seven-layered OSI model

Now let’s jump back a bit, and discuss what we mean when we say that EAs give us authentication that’s as strong as TLS authentication. TLS, as we know, is used to create a secure connection between two endpoints, but lots of us are hazy when we try and pin down exactly what we mean by “secure”. The TLS standard makes eight specific promises, but rather than get buried in that particular ocean of weeds, let’s just pick out the one guarantee that we care about most: Peer Authentication.

Peer authentication: The client's view of the peer identity should reflect the server's identity. [...]

In other words, if the client thinks that it’s talking to then it should, in fact, be talking to

What we want from EAs is that if I receive an EA then I have cryptographic proof that the person I’m talking to is the person I think I’m talking to. Now at this point you might be wondering what an EA actually looks like, and what it has to do with certificates. Well, an EA is actually a trio of messages, the first of which is a Certificate. The second is a CertificateVerify, a cryptographic proof that the sender knows the private key for the certificate. Finally there is a Finished message, which acts as a MAC, and proves the first two parts of the message haven’t been tampered with. If this structure sounds familiar to you, it’s because it’s the same structure as used by the server in the TLS handshake to prove it is the owner of the certificate.

The final piece of unpacking we need to do is explaining what we mean by tying the authentication to the TLS channel. Because EAs are an application layer construct they don’t provide any transport mechanism. So, whilst I know that the EA was created by the server I want to talk to, without binding the EA to a TLS connection I can’t be sure that I’m talking directly to the server I want.

Exported Authenticators: The long road to RFC
Without protection, a malicious server can move Exported Authenticators from one connection to another.

For all I know, the TLS server I’m talking to is creating a new TLS connection to the EA Server, and relaying my request, and then returning the response. This would be very bad, because it would allow a malicious server to impersonate any server that supports EAs.

Exported Authenticators: The long road to RFC
Because EAs are bound to a single TLS connection, if a malicious server copies an EA from one connection to another it will fail to verify.

EAs therefore have an extra security feature. They use the fact that every TLS connection is guaranteed to produce a unique set of keys. EAs take one of these keys and use it to construct the EA. This means that if some malicious third-party copies an EA from one TLS session to another, the recipient wouldn’t be able to validate it. This technique is called channel binding, and is another fascinating topic, but this post is already getting a bit long, so we’ll have to revisit channel binding in a future blog post.

How the sausage is made

OK, now we know what EAs do, let’s talk about how they were designed and built. EAs are going through the IETF standardisation process. Draft standards move through the IETF process starting as Internet Drafts (I-Ds), and ending up as published Requests For Comment (RFCs). RFCs are voluntary standards that underpin much of the global Internet plumbing, and not just for security protocols like TLS. RFCs define DNS, UDP, TCP, and many, many more.

The first step in producing a new IETF standard is coming up with a proposal. Designing security protocols is a very conservative business, firstly because it’s very easy to introduce really subtle bugs, and secondly, because if you do introduce a security issue, things can go very wrong, very quickly. A flaw in the design of a protocol can be especially problematic as it can be replicated across multiple independent implementations — for example the TLS renegotiation vulnerabilities reported in 2009 and the custom EC(DH) parameters vulnerability from 2012. To minimise the risks of design issues, EAs hew closely to the design of the TLS 1.3 handshake.

Security and Assurance

Before making a big change to how authentication works on the Internet, we want as much assurance as possible that we’re not going to break anything. To give us more confidence that EAs are secure, they reuse parts of the design of TLS 1.3. The TLS 1.3 design was carefully examined by dozens of experts, and underwent multiple rounds of formal analysis — more on that in a moment. Using well understood design patterns is a super important part of security protocols. Making something secure is incredibly difficult, because security issues can be introduced in thousands of ways, and an attacker only needs to find one. By starting from a well understood design we can leverage the years of expertise that went into it.

Another vital step in catching design errors early is baked into the IETF process: achieving rough consensus. Although the ins and outs of the IETF process are worthy of their own blog post, suffice it to say the IETF works to ensure that all technical objections get addressed, and even if they aren’t solved they are given due care and attention. Exported Authenticators were proposed way back in 2016, and after many rounds of comments, feedback, and analysis the TLS Working Group (WG) at the IETF has finally reached consensus on the protocol. All that’s left before the EA I-D becomes an RFC is for a final revision of the text to be submitted and sent to the RFC Editors, leading hopefully to a published standard very soon.

As we just mentioned, the WG has to come to a consensus on the design of the protocol. One thing that can hold up achieving consensus are worries about security. After the Snowden revelations there was a barrage of attacks on TLS 1.2, not to mention some even earlier attacks from academia. Changing how trust works on the Internet can be pretty scary, and the TLS WG didn’t want to be caught flat-footed. Luckily this coincided with the maturation of some tools and techniques we can use to get mathematical guarantees that a protocol is secure. This class of techniques is known as formal methods. To help ensure that people are confident in the security of EAs I performed a formal analysis.

Formal Analysis

Formal analysis is a special technique that can be used to examine security protocols. It creates a mathematical description of the protocol, the security properties we want it to have, and a model attacker. Then, aided by some sophisticated software, we create a proof that the protocol has the properties we want even in the presence of our model attacker. This approach is able to catch incredibly subtle edge cases, which, if not addressed, could lead to attacks, as has happened before. Trotting out a formal analysis gives us strong assurances that we haven’t missed any horrible issues. By sticking as closely as possible to the design of TLS 1.3 we were able to repurpose much of the original analysis for EAs, giving us a big leg up in our ability to prove their security. Our EA model is available in Bitbucket, along with the proofs. You can check it out using Tamarin, a theorem prover for security protocols.

Formal analysis, and formal methods in general, give very strong guarantees that rule out entire classes of attack. However, they are not a panacea. TLS 1.3 was subject to a number of rounds of formal analysis, and yet an attack was still found. However, this attack in many ways confirms our faith in formal methods. The attack was found in a blind spot of the proof, showing that attackers have been pushed to the very edges of the protocol. As our formal analyses get more and more rigorous, attackers will have fewer and fewer places to search for attacks. As formal analysis has become more and more practical, more and more groups at the IETF have been asking to see proofs of security before standardising new protocols. This hopefully will mean that future attacks on protocol design will become rarer and rarer.

Once the EA I-D becomes an RFC, then all sorts of cool stuff gets unlocked — for example OPAQUE-EAs, which will allow us to do password-based login on the web without the server ever seeing the password! Watch this space.

Exported Authenticators: The long road to RFC