All posts by Wesley Evans

La cryptographie post-quantique passe en disponibilité générale

Post Syndicated from Wesley Evans original

Au cours des douze derniers mois, nous avons parlé de la nouvelle référence en matière de chiffrement sur Internet : la cryptographie post-quantique. Durant la Semaine anniversaire, l’année dernière, nous avons annoncé que notre version bêta de Kyber était disponible à des fins de test, et que Cloudflare Tunnel pouvait être mis en œuvre avec la cryptographie post-quantique. Au début de l’année, nous avons clairement indiqué que nous estimons que cette technologie fondamentale devait être accessible à tous, gratuitement et pour toujours.

Aujourd’hui, nous avons franchi une étape importante, après six ans et 31 articles de blog : nous lançons le déploiement de la prise en charge de la cryptographie post-quantique en disponibilité générale1 pour nos clients, nos services et nos systèmes internes ; nous le décrivons plus en détail ci-dessous. Ce déploiement inclut des produits tels que Pingora pour la connectivité aux serveurs d’origine,, R2, le routage intelligent Argo, Snippets et bien d’autres.

Il s’agit d’une étape importante pour Internet. Nous ne savons pas encore quand les ordinateurs quantiques deviendront suffisamment puissants pour briser la cryptographie actuelle, mais les avantages qu’offre l’adoption de la cryptographie post-quantique sont aujourd’hui manifestes. Des connexions rapides et une sécurité pérenne sont désormais possibles, grâce aux progrès accomplis par Cloudflare, Google, Mozilla, NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) des États-Unis, Internet Engineering Task Force et de nombreuses institutions universitaires.

Connections involved when a user visits an uncached page on a website served through Cloudflare: 1. browser to edge; 2. internal connection(s); and 3. edge to customer origin server.

Qu’entend-on par « disponibilité générale » ? En octobre 2022, nous avons déployé X25519+Kyber sous forme de version bêta pour l’ensemble des sites web et API servis par l’intermédiaire de Cloudflare. Cependant, un tango se danse à deux, et une connexion n’est donc sécurisée que si le navigateur prend également en charge la cryptographie post-quantique. À partir d’août 2023, Chrome activera progressivement X25519+Kyber, par défaut.

La requête de l’utilisateur est acheminée sur le réseau de Cloudflare (2). Nous avons amélioré un grand nombre de nos connexions internes afin d’utiliser la cryptographie post-quantique, et nous prévoyons de finaliser l’amélioration de toutes nos connexions internes d’ici fin 2024. La dernière liaison demeure donc la connexion (3) entre Cloudflare et le serveur d’origine.

Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer que nous déployons la prise en charge de X25519+Kyber en disponibilité générale pour la plupart des connexions entrantes et sortantes dans le cadre d’une utilisation comprenant les serveurs d’origine et les commandes fetch() de Cloudflare Workers.

Plan Prise en charge des connexions sortantes post-quantiques
Gratuit Début du déploiement. Objectif : 100 % d’ici fin octobre.
Pro et Business Objectif : 100 % d’ici la fin de l’année.
Enterprise Le déploiement commencera en février 2024. 100 % d’ici mars 2024.

Nous transmettrons régulièrement à nos clients Enterprise des informations supplémentaires au cours des six prochains mois, afin de les aider à se préparer au déploiement. Les clients des offres Pro, Business et Enterprise peuvent ignorer le déploiement et s’inscrire dès aujourd’hui dans leur zone, ou se désinscrire à l’avance via une API, décrite dans l’article de blog associé. Avant le déploiement pour les clients de l’offre Enterprise en février 2024, nous ajouterons une option de désinscription au tableau de bord.

Si vous êtes impatient(e) de vous lancer maintenant, consultez notre article de blog contenant les informations techniques détaillées et activez la prise en charge de la cryptographie post-quantique via l’API.

Qu’est-ce qui est inclus et qu’est-ce qui va suivre ?

Avec une amélioration de cette ampleur, nous voulions d’abord prioriser les produits les plus utilisés, puis étendre le déploiement pour prendre en charge les scénarios d’utilisation particuliers. Cette approche nous a conduits à inclure les produits et systèmes suivants dans ce déploiement :
AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)
Passerelle API Gateway
Routage intelligent Argo
Auto Minify
Optimisation automatique de plateforme
Échanges signés automatiques
Trafic sortant de Cloudflare
Cloudflare Images
Ensemble de règles de Cloudflare
Cloudflare Snippets
Cloudflare Tunnel
Pages d’erreur personnalisée
Surveillance fondée sur les flux
Contrôles d’intégrité
Host Head Checker
Magic Firewall
Magic Network Monitoring
Journalisation des erreurs réseau
Project Flame
R2 Storage
Request Tracer
Rocket Loader
Speed sur le tableau de bord de Cloudflare
Traffic Manager
Pare-feu WAF, règles gérées
Waiting Room
Web Analytics

Si un produit ou un service que vous utilisez ne figure pas dans cette liste, c’est que le déploiement de la cryptographie post-quantique n’a pas encore débuté pour ce produit. Nous travaillons activement au déploiement de la cryptographie post-quantique pour tous nos produits et services, notamment nos produits Zero Trust. Jusqu’à ce que tous nos systèmes prennent en charge la cryptographie post-quantique, nous publierons un article de blog proposant des informations mises à jour à l’occasion de chaque Innovation Week. Cet article présentera les produits pour lesquels nous avons déployé la cryptographie post-quantique, ceux qui en bénéficieront prochainement et ceux pour lesquels la prise en charge est encore à l’horizon.

Voici les produits pour lesquels nous développons la prise en charge de la cryptographie post-quantique :

Cloudflare Gateway
DNS Cloudflare
Service d’équilibrage de charge de Cloudflare
Cloudflare Access
Always Online
Cloudflare Workers
Cloudflare WARP
Gestion des bots

Pourquoi maintenant ?

Comme nous l’avons annoncé plus tôt cette année, la cryptographie post-quantique sera incluse gratuitement dans tous les produits et services Cloudflare compatibles. La meilleure technologie de chiffrement devrait être accessible à tous, gratuitement, afin de contribuer à la protection de la confidentialité et des droits de l’homme dans le monde entier.

Comme nous l’avons indiqué en mars dernier :

«Ce qui était autrefois une frontière expérimentale est devenu le substrat sous-jacent de la société moderne. Il est présent dans nos infrastructures les plus critiques, à l’image des réseaux électriques, des hôpitaux, des aéroports et des banques. Nous lui confions nos souvenirs les plus précieux. Nous lui confions nos secrets. C’est pourquoi l’Internet doit être privé par défaut, et doit également être sécurisé par défaut.»

Nos travaux sur la cryptographie post-quantique sont motivés par la théorie selon laquelle les ordinateurs quantiques, capables de briser la cryptographie conventionnelle, sont à l’origine d’un problème comparable à celui du bug de l’an 2000. Nous savons qu’il y aura, à l’avenir, un problème qui pourrait avoir des répercussions catastrophiques sur les utilisateurs, les entreprises et même les États-nations. La différence, cette fois, c’est que nous ne connaissons pas la date et l’heure auxquelles se produira cette véritable rupture du paradigme informatique. Pire encore, tout trafic capturé aujourd’hui pourrait être déchiffré à l’avenir. Nous devons donc nous préparer dès aujourd’hui à cette menace.

Nous sommes impatients de voir tous les utilisateurs adopter la cryptographie post-quantique sur leurs systèmes. Pour suivre les derniers développements du déploiement de la cryptographie post-quantique et de la prise en charge de clients/serveurs tiers, consultez et suivez ce blog.


1Nous utilisons une version préliminaire de Kyber, le choix de l’institut NIST pour les accords de clé post-quantique. Kyber n’a pas été finalisé ; nous nous attendons à la publication d’une norme définitive en 2024, sous le nom « ML-KEM ». Nous l’adopterons alors rapidement, tout en mettant fin à la prise en charge de X25519Kyber768Draft00.


Post Syndicated from Wesley Evans original

過去12か月間、当社はインターネット上の暗号化の新しいベースラインであるポスト量子暗号について議論してきました。昨年のバースデーウィークの間、Kyberのベータ版がテスト用に利用可能であること、そしてCloudflare Tunnelがポスト量子暗号を使用して、有効にできることを発表しました。今年初め、当社は、この基礎的なテクノロジーを誰もが永久に無料で利用できるべきだというスタンスを明確にしました。

今日、当社は6年を経てマイルストーンを達成し、31件ブログ記事を作成中です。以下に、より詳細に説明されているように、お客様、サービス、および内部システムへのポスト量子暗号サポートの一般提供のロールアウトを開始しています。これには、オリジン接続用のPingora、、R2、Argo Smart Routing、Snippetsなどの製品が含まれます。


Connections involved when a user visits an uncached page on a website served through Cloudflare: 1. browser to edge; 2. internal connection(s); and 3. edge to customer origin server.



配信元サーバーCloudflare Workersのフェッチを含む利用に対し、ほとんどのインバウンドおよびアウトバウンド接続向けX25519+Kyberのサポートを使用の一般提供としてロールアウトしていることをお知らせできて嬉しく思います。

プラン ポスト量子アウトバウンド接続のサポート
Free ロールアウトを開始。 10月末までに100%を目指す。
ProプランおよびBusinessプラン 年末までに100%を目指す。
Enterprise ロールアウト開始は2024年2月。 2024年3月までに100%。




この規模のアップグレードでは、まず最もよく使用される製品に焦点を当て、次に外側に拡張しエッジケースを把握したいと考えました。 このプロセスにより、このロールアウトには以下の製品とシステムを含めることになりました。
API Gateway
Argo Smart Routing
Auto Minify
Automatic Signed Exchanges
Cloudflare Images
Cloudflare Snippets
Cloudflare Tunnel
Magic Firewall
Magic Network Monitoring
Rocket Loader
Cloudflare Dashの速度
Traffic Manager(トラフィックマネージャー)
Waiting Room
Web Analytics

ご利用の製品またはサービスがここに記載されていない場合は、まだポスト量子暗号の展開を開始していません。当社は、Zero Trust製品を含むすべての製品とサービスにポスト量子暗号を展開することに積極的に取り組んでいます。 すべてのシステムでポスト量子暗号のサポートが完了するまで、どの製品にポスト量子暗号をロールアウトしたか、次にロールアウトする製品、まだ、近々予定の製品を網羅する更新ブログをイノベーションウィークごとに公開する予定です。


Cloudflare Gateway
Cloudflare DNS
Cloudflare Access
Always Online
Cloudflare Workers
Cloudflare WARP





ポスト量子暗号に関する私たちの研究は、従来の暗号を破ることができる量子コンピューターが西暦2000年のバグと同様の問題を引き起こすという論文によって推進されています。将来的には、ユーザー、企業、さらには国家に壊滅的な結果をもたらす可能性のある問題が発生することは、わかっています。今回の違いは、計算パラダイムのこの破壊がいつどのように発生するかがわからないことです。 さらに悪いことに、今日捕捉されたトラフィックは将来解読される可能性があります。この脅威に備えるために、今日から準備をする必要があります。




Post Syndicated from Wesley Evans original

在过去的十二个月里,我们一直在讨论互联网上的新加密基准:后量子加密。去年生日周期间,我们宣布我们的 Kyber 测试版可供测试,Cloudflare Tunnel 可启用后量子加密。今年早些时候,我们明确表示这项基础技术应该永久免费提供给所有人使用。

经过六年的努力和 31 篇博客文章的酝酿,我们今天正式发布对我们客户、服务和内部系统的后量子加密支持,详情如下。支持的产品包括 Pingora (源连接)、、R2、Argo Smart Routing、Snippets 等等。

这对互联网来说是一个里程碑。我们目前还不知道量子计算机何时会强大到足以破解现今的加密技术,但是现在升级到后量子加密的好处是显而易见的。由于 Cloudflare、Google、Mozilla、美国国家标准与技术研究院、互联网工程任务组以及众多学术机构取得的进展,快速连接和面向未来的安全性在今天才成为可能。

Connections involved when a user visits an uncached page on a website served through Cloudflare: 1. browser to edge; 2. internal connection(s); and 3. edge to customer origin server.

正式发布意味着什么?2022 年 10 月,我们为通过 Cloudflare 服务的所有网站和 API 启用 X25519+Kyber 测试版。然而,一个巴掌拍不响:只有浏览器也支持后量子加密,才能确保连接的安全。2023 年 8 月起,Chrome逐渐默认启用 X25519+Kyber

用户的请求通过 Cloudflare 的网络进行路由(2)。我们已经升级了许多这些内部连接以使用后量子加密,并预计到 2024 年底将完成所有内部连接的升级。这使得连接(3)成为我们与源服务器之间的最后一环。

我们很高兴能正式推出对大部分入站和出站连接的 X25519+Kyber 支持,适用于源服务器Cloudflare Workers fetch()。

计划 后量子加密出站连接支持
免费 开始推出。目标是 10 月底前 100% 覆盖
Pro 和 Business 目标是年底前 100% 覆盖
Enterprise 2024 年 2 月开始推出2024 年 3 月 100% 覆盖

对于我们的 Enterprise 客户,我们将在接下来的六个月内定期发出更多信息,以帮助您准备迎接这一推出。Pro、Business 和 Enterprise 客户可以跳过这一推出,提前使用我们中相关博客文章描述的 API,在您的区域内选择加入或者退出。在 2024 年 2 月为 Enterprise 客户推出之前,我们将在仪表板上添加一个切换按钮,以选择退出。

如果您希望马上开始,请查看我们的博客文章以了解技术细节,并通过 API 启用后量子加密支持!


Argo Smart Routing
Auto Minify
Automatic Signed Exchanges
Cloudflare Egress
Cloudflare Images
Cloudflare Rulesets
Cloudflare Snippets
Cloudflare Tunnel
Host Head Checker
Magic Firewall
Magic Network Monitoring
Network Error Logging
Project Flame
R2 储存
Request Tracer
Rocket Loader
Speed on Cloudflare Dash
WAF, Managed Rules
Waiting Room
Web Analytics

如果您使用的产品或服务未在此处列出,那么我们尚未开始为其推出后量子加密支持。我们正在积极推出对所有产品和服务的后量子加密支持,包括我们的 Zero Trust 产品。在我们实现所有系统的后量子加密支持之前,我们将在每个创新周发布更新博客文章,介绍我们已经为哪些产品推出了后量子加密,下一步将支持的产品以及未来的计划。


Cloudflare Gateway
Cloudflare DNS
Cloudflare Load Balancer
Cloudflare Access
Always Online
Cloudflare Workers
Cloudflare WARP


正如我们今年早些时候宣布的那样,后量子加密将免费包含在所有能够支持的 Cloudflare 产品和服务中。最好的加密技术应该对每个人免费开放,以帮助支持全球的隐私和人权。

正如我们在 3 月所提到的



我们很高兴每个人都能在他们的系统中采用后量子加密技术。要了解我们部署后量子加密和第三方客户端/服务器支持的最新进展, 请访问 并关注本博客。

1我们正在使用 Kyber (NIST 选择的后量子密钥协商算法)的一个初步版本。Kyber 尚未最终定稿。我们预计最终标准将在 2024 年以 ML-KEM 的名称发布,届时我们将迅速采用该标准,并停止支持 X25519Kyber768Draft00。

Disponibilidad general de la criptografía poscuántica

Post Syndicated from Wesley Evans original

Durante los últimos 12 meses, hemos estado hablando sobre la nueva línea base de la encriptación en Internet: la criptografía poscuántica. El año pasado, durante la Semana aniversario anunciamos la disponibilidad de nuestra versión beta de Kyber para fines de prueba, y que Cloudflare Tunnel se podría activar con la criptografía poscuántica. Este mismo año, dejamos clara nuestra postura de que creemos que esta tecnología fundamental debería estar disponible para todos de forma gratuita, siempre.

Hoy, tras seis años y 31 publicaciones del blog, hemos alcanzado un hito importante: estamos empezando a implementar la disponibilidad general  del soporte de la criptografía poscuántica para nuestros clientes, servicios y sistemas internos, tal como se describe más detalladamente a continuación. Esto incluye productos como Pingora para la conectividad de origen,, R2, Argo Smart Routing, Snippets y muchos más.

Esto es un hito para Internet. No sabemos aún cuándo los ordenadores cuánticos alcanzarán la escala suficiente para descifrar la criptografía actual, pero las ventajas de actualizar ahora a la criptografía cuántica son evidentes. Las conexiones rápidas y una seguridad preparada para el futuro son posibles hoy gracias a los avances logrados por Cloudflare, Google, Mozilla, el Instituto Nacional de Estándares y Tecnología de EE. UU., Internet Engineering Task Force y muchas otras instituciones académicas.

Connections involved when a user visits an uncached page on a website served through Cloudflare: 1. browser to edge; 2. internal connection(s); and 3. edge to customer origin server.

¿Qué significa la disponibilidad general? En octubre de 2022 activamos X25519+Kyber como versión beta para todos los sitios web y las API proporcionados a través de Cloudflare. Pero una conexión es cosa de dos: solo está protegida si el navegador también admite la criptografía poscuántica. A partir de agosto de 2023, Chrome está activando poco a poco X25519+Kyber por defecto.

La solicitud del usuario se enruta a través de la red de Cloudflare (2). Hemos actualizado muchas de estas conexiones internas para utilizar la criptografía poscuántica, y esperamos dar por terminada la actualización de todas nuestras conexiones internas a finales de 2024. Esto deja como el enlace final la conexión (3) entre nosotros y el servidor de origen.

Nos complace anunciar que estamos implementado la compatibilidad con X25519+Kyber para la mayoría de las conexiones entrantes y salientes como disponibilidad general para su uso, incluidos los servidores de origen y Cloudflare Workers fetch()es.

Plan Compatibilidad con las conexiones salientes poscuánticas
Gratuito Implementación iniciada. Nuestro objetivo es la compatibilidad total para finales de octubre.
Pro y Business Nuestro objetivo es la compatibilidad total para finales de año.
Enterprise La implementación se iniciará en febrero de 2024. Compatibilidad total para marzo de 2024.

Para nuestros clientes Enterprise, a lo largo de los próximos seis meses proporcionaremos periódicamente información adicional para ayudarte a preparar para la implementación. Los clientes de los planes Pro, Business y Enterprise pueden omitir la implementación y la activación en su zona hoy, o bien desactivarla con antelación mediante una API tal como se describe en nuestra publicación complementaria del blog. Antes de la implementación para Enterprise en febrero de 2024, añadiremos un selector en el panel de control para la desactivación.

Si te interesa empezar ya, echa un vistazo a nuestro blog, donde encontrarás todos los detalles técnicos, y activa la compatibilidad con la criptografía poscuántica mediante la API.

¿Qué se incluye y qué será lo siguiente?

Con una actualización de este calibre, queríamos centrarnos primero en nuestros productos más utilizados y a continuación ampliar progresivamente para cubrir nuestros casos extremos. Este proceso nos ha llevado a incluir los siguientes productos y sistemas en esta implementación:
API Gateway
Argo Smart Routing
Auto Minify
Optimización automática de la plataforma
Intercambios firmados automáticos
Salida de Cloudflare
Cloudflare Images
Conjuntos de reglas de Cloudflare
Cloudflare Snippets
Cloudflare Tunnel
Páginas de error personalizado
Supervisión basada en el flujo
Comprobaciones de estado
Verificador de encabezado de servidor
Magic Firewall
Magic Network Monitoring
Registro de errores de red
Proyecto Flame
Almacenamiento R2
Rastreador de solicitudes
Rocket Loader
Speed en el panel de control de Cloudflare
Traffic Manager
WAF, Reglas administradas
Waiting Room
Web analytics

Si un producto o servicio que utilizas no aparece en esta lista, aún no hemos empezado a implementar la criptografía poscuántica en él. Estamos trabajando activamente para implementar la criptografía poscuántica en todos nuestros productos y servicios, incluidos nuestros productos Zero Trust. Hasta que hayamos logrado la compatibilidad con la criptografía poscuántica en todos nuestros sistemas, en cada Innovation Week ofreceremos una nueva publicación del blog con las últimas noticias acerca de en qué productos ya hemos implementado la criptografía poscuántica, en cuáles lo haremos a continuación y las perspectivas para el futuro.

Productos en los que estamos trabajando para que en breve admitan la criptografía poscuántica:

Cloudflare Gateway
DNS de Cloudflare
Cloudflare Load Balancer
Cloudflare Access
Always Online
Cloudflare Workers
WARP de Cloudflare
Gestión de bots

¿Por qué ahora?

Como ya anunciamos este mismo año, la criptografía poscuántica se incluirá de forma gratuita en todos los productos y los servicios de Cloudflare que puedan admitirla. La mejor tecnología de encriptación debe ser accesible para todos, de forma gratuita, a fin de ayudar a proteger la privacidad y los derechos humanos en todo el mundo.

Como mencionamos en marzo:

“Lo que antes era una tecnología fronteriza experimental se ha convertido en el sustrato subyacente de la sociedad moderna. Se ejecuta en nuestras infraestructuras más críticas, como los sistemas eléctricos, los hospitales, los aeropuertos y los bancos. Le confiamos nuestros recuerdos más preciados, también nuestros secretos. Por ello, Internet debe ser privada por defecto. Debe estar protegida por defecto”.

Nuestro trabajo con la criptografía poscuántica se basa en la tesis de que los ordenadores cuánticos que pueden descifrar la criptografía convencional crean un problema similar al del error del año 2000. Sabemos que habrá un problema en el futuro que podría tener catastróficas consecuencias para los usuarios, las empresas e incluso para los estados-nación. La diferencia esta vez es que no sabemos la fecha y hora en que tendrá lugar este cambio radical en el paradigma informático. Lo que es peor, cualquier tráfico capturado hoy podría ser desencriptado en el futuro. Necesitamos prepararnos hoy para estar listos para esta amenaza.

Estamos entusiasmados de que todo el mundo adopte la criptografía poscuántica en sus sistemas. Para seguir los últimos desarrollos de nuestra implementación de la criptografía poscuántica y de la compatibilidad con clientes/servidores externos, consulta y no pierdas de vista este blog.

1Estamos utilizando una versión preliminar de Kyber, la opción de NIST para un acuerdo de claves poscuánticas. Kyber aún no se ha completado. Esperamos la publicación de un estándar final en 2024, denominado ML-KEM. Entonces adoptaremos de inmediato dicho estándar al tiempo que eliminaremos la compatibilidad con X25519Kyber768Draft00.

Post-Quanten-Kryptographie allgemein verfügbar

Post Syndicated from Wesley Evans original

In den letzten zwölf Monaten haben wir über die neue Grundlage der Verschlüsselung im Internet gesprochen: Post-Quanten-Kryptographie. Während der Birthday Week im letzten Jahr haben wir angekündigt, dass unsere Beta-Version von Kyber zu Testzwecken verfügbar ist und dass Post-Quanten-Kryptografie für Cloudflare Tunnel aktiviert werden kann. Anfang dieses Jahres haben wir uns klar dafür ausgesprochen, dass diese grundlegende Technologie für alle kostenlos und dauerhaft verfügbar sein sollte.

Heute haben wir nach sechs Jahren und 31 Blog-Beiträgen einen Meilenstein erreicht: Wir führen die allgemeine Verfügbarkeit der Unterstützung für Post-Quanten-Kryptographie für unsere Kunden, Dienste und internen Systeme ein, wie im Folgenden genauer beschrieben. Dazu gehören Produkte wie Pingora für Konnektivität von Ursprungsservern,, R2, Argo Smart Routing, Snippets und viele mehr.

Dies ist ein Meilenstein für das Internet. Wir wissen noch nicht, wann Quantencomputer leistungsstark genug sein werden, um die heutige Kryptographie zu knacken, aber die Vorteile, jetzt auf Post-Quanten-Kryptographie umzusteigen, liegen auf der Hand. Schnelle Verbindungen und vorausschauende Sicherheit sind dank der Fortschritte von Cloudflare, Google, Mozilla, den National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST) in den USA, der Internet Engineering Task Force und zahlreichen akademischen Einrichtungen heute möglich.

Connections involved when a user visits an uncached page on a website served through Cloudflare: 1. browser to edge; 2. internal connection(s); and 3. edge to customer origin server.

Was bedeutet Allgemeine Verfügbarkeit (GA)? Im Oktober 2022 aktivierten wir X25519+Kyber als Beta-Version für alle Websites und APIs, die über Cloudflare bereitgestellt werden. Für ein perfektes Zusammenspiel muss jedoch jeder seinen Beitrag leisten: Die Verbindung ist nur dann sicher, wenn der Browser auch Post-Quanten-Kryptographie unterstützt. Ab August 2023 wird Chrome langsam X25519+Kyber standardmäßig aktivieren.

Die Anfrage des Nutzers wird über das Netzwerk von Cloudflare geleitet (2). Wir haben viele dieser internen Verbindungen auf Post-Quanten-Kryptographie umgestellt und erwarten, dass wir bis Ende 2024 alle unsere internen Verbindungen umgestellt haben werden. Damit bleibt als letztes Glied die Verbindung (3) zwischen uns und dem Ursprungsserver.

Wir freuen uns, ankündigen zu können, dass wir die Unterstützung für X25519+Kyber für die meisten ein- und ausgehenden Verbindungen allgemein verfügbar machen auch für Ursprungsserver und Cloudflare Workers-Abrufe via fetch()-Befehl.

Tarif Unterstützung für ausgehende Post-Quantum-Verbindungen
Free Einführung lanciert. Ziel ist es, bis Ende Oktober 100 % zu erreichen.
Pro und Business Ziel ist es, bis Ende des Jahres 100 % zu erreichen.
Enterprise Die Einführung beginnt im Februar 2024. 100 % bis März 2024.

Enterprise-Kunden werden im Laufe der nächsten sechs Monate regelmäßig zusätzliche Informationen erhalten, um sie auf die Einführung vorzubereiten. Pro-, Business- und Enterprise-Kunden können die Einführung überspringen und sich bereits heute in ihrer Zone anmelden oder sich vorzeitig über eine API abmelden, die in unserem begleitenden Blogbeitrag beschrieben wird. Vor der Markteinführung für Enterprise-Kunden im Februar 2024 werden wir im Dashboard einen Schalter für die Abmeldung (Opt-out) einrichten.

Wenn Sie sofort loslegen möchten, lesen Sie unseren Blog mit den technischen Details und der Unterstützung von Post-Quanten-Kryptographie über die API!

Was ist inbegriffen und wie geht es weiter?

Bei einem Upgrade dieser Größenordnung wollten wir uns zunächst auf unsere am häufigsten genutzten Produkte konzentrieren und dann auf speziellere Anwendungsfälle ausweiten. Dieser Prozess hat dazu geführt, dass wir die folgenden Produkte und Systeme in diese Markteinführung einbezogen haben:
Argo Smart Routing
Auto Minify
Automatic Platform Optimization
Automatische Signed Exchanges
Cloudflare Egress
Cloudflare Images
Cloudflare Rulesets
Cloudflare Snippets
Cloudflare Tunnel
Eigene Fehlerseiten
Flow-basierte Überwachung
Host Head Checker
Magic Firewall
Magic Network Monitoring
Protokollierung von Netzwerkfehlern
Projekt „Flame“
R2 Storage
Nachverfolgung von Anfragen (Request Tracer)
Rocket Loader
Speed auf Cloudflare Dash
Traffic Manager
WAF, Managed Rules (Verwaltete Regel)
Waiting Room
Web Analytics

Wenn ein von Ihnen genutztes Produkt oder ein Dienst hier nicht aufgeführt ist, haben wir noch nicht mit der Einführung der Post-Quanten-Kryptographie für dieses Produkt begonnen. Wir arbeiten aktiv daran, die Post-Quanten-Kryptographie für alle Produkte und Dienstleistungen, einschließlich unserer Zero Trust-Produkte, einzuführen. Bis wir die Post-Quanten-Kryptographie in allen unseren Systemen unterstützt haben, werden wir in jeder Innovation Week einen Info-Blogbeitrag veröffentlichen, in dem wir darüber berichten, für welche Produkte wir die Post-Quanten-Kryptographie bereits eingeführt haben, welche Produkte als nächstes dran sind und was noch geplant ist.

Wir arbeiten daran, die Post-Quanten-Kryptographie bald in unsere folgenden Produkte zu integrieren:

Cloudflare Gateway
Cloudflare DNS
Cloudflare Load Balancer
Cloudflare Access
Always Online
Cloudflare Workers
Cloudflare WARP

Warum gerade jetzt?

Wie wir bereits Anfang des Jahres angekündigt haben, wird die Post-Quanten-Kryptographie kostenlos in alle Cloudflare-Produkte und -Dienste integriert, die sie unterstützen können. Die beste Verschlüsselungstechnologie sollte für jedermann zugänglich sein – und zwar kostenlos –, um die Privatsphäre und die Menschenrechte weltweit zu schützen und zu fördern.

Wie wir bereits im März erwähnt haben:

„Einst ein experimentelles Neuland, hat es sich zum Fundament der modernen Gesellschaft entwickelt. Unsere kritischsten Infrastrukturen wie Stromnetze, Krankenhäuser, Flughäfen und Banken setzen es ein. Wir vertrauen ihm unsere wertvollsten Erinnerungen an. Wir vertrauen ihm unsere Geheimnisse an. Deshalb muss das Internet standardmäßig privat sein. Es muss standardmäßig sicher sein.“

Unsere Arbeit an der Post-Quanten-Kryptographie beruht auf der These, dass Quantencomputer, die konventionelle Kryptographie knacken können, ein ähnliches Problem darstellen wie der Jahr-2000-Bug. Wir wissen, dass es in der Zukunft ein Problem geben wird, das katastrophale Folgen für Benutzer, Unternehmen und sogar Nationalstaaten haben könnte. Der Unterschied ist, dass wir dieses Mal nicht wissen, wann und wie dieser Paradigmenwechsel hinsichtlich der Funktionsweise von Computern stattfinden wird. Schlimmer noch, jeder heute erfasste Traffic könnte in Zukunft entschlüsselt werden. Wir müssen uns heute vorbereiten, um für diese Bedrohung gerüstet zu sein.

Wir freuen uns über jeden, der die Post-Quanten-Kryptographie in seine Systeme integrieren möchte. Um über die neuesten Entwicklungen unserer Post-Quanten-Kryptographie und der Client/Server-Unterstützung von Drittanbietern auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, besuchen Sie und behalten Sie diesen Blog im Auge.

1 Wir verwenden eine vorläufige Version von Kyber, das vom NIST für die Post-Quantum-Schlüsselvereinbarung ausgewählt wurde. Kyber ist noch nicht fertiggestellt. Wir gehen davon aus, dass im Jahr 2024 ein endgültiger Standard unter dem Namen ML-KEM veröffentlicht wird, den wir dann umgehend übernehmen werden, während wir die Unterstützung für X25519Kyber768Draft00 einstellen.

Encrypted Client Hello – the last puzzle piece to privacy

Post Syndicated from Wesley Evans original

Encrypted Client Hello - the last puzzle piece to privacy

Encrypted Client Hello - the last puzzle piece to privacy

Today we are excited to announce a contribution to improving privacy for everyone on the Internet. Encrypted Client Hello, a new proposed standard that prevents networks from snooping on which websites a user is visiting, is now available on all Cloudflare plans.

Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) is a successor to ESNI and masks the Server Name Indication (SNI) that is used to negotiate a TLS handshake. This means that whenever a user visits a website on Cloudflare that has ECH enabled, no one except for the user and the website will be able to determine which website was visited. Cloudflare is a big proponent of privacy for everyone and is excited about the prospects of bringing this technology to life.

Browsing the Internet and your privacy

Whenever you visit a website, your browser sends a request to a web server. The web server responds with content and the website starts loading in your browser. Way back in the early days of the Internet this happened in 'plain text', meaning that your browser would just send bits across the network that everyone could read: the corporate network you may be browsing from, the Internet Service Provider that offers you Internet connectivity and any network that the request traverses before it reaches the web server that hosts the website. Privacy advocates have long been concerned about how much information could be seen in "plain text":  If any network between you and the web server can see your traffic, that means they can also see exactly what you are doing. If you are initiating a bank transfer any intermediary can see the destination and the amount of the transfer.

So how to start making this data more private? To prevent eavesdropping, encryption was introduced in the form of SSL and later TLS. These are amazing protocols that safeguard not only your privacy but also ensure that no intermediary can tamper with any of the content you view or upload. But encryption only goes so far.

While the actual content (which particular page on a website you're visiting and any information you upload) is encrypted and shielded from intermediaries, there are still ways to determine what a user is doing. For example, the DNS request to determine the address (IP) of the website you're visiting and the SNI are both common ways for intermediaries to track usage.

Let's start with DNS. Whenever you visit a website, your operating system needs to know which IP address to connect to. This is done through a DNS request. DNS by default is unencrypted, meaning anyone can see which website you're asking about. To help users shield these requests from intermediaries, Cloudflare introduced DNS over HTTPS (DoH) in 2019. In 2020, we went one step further and introduced Oblivious DNS over HTTPS which prevents even Cloudflare from seeing which websites a user is asking about.

That leaves SNI as the last unencrypted bit that intermediaries can use to determine which website you're visiting. After performing a DNS query, one of the first things a browser will do is perform a TLS handshake. The handshake constitutes several steps, including which cipher to use, which TLS version and which certificate will be used to verify the web server's identity. As part of this handshake, the browser will indicate the name of the server (website) that it intends to visit: the Server Name Indication.

Due to the fact that the session is not encrypted yet, and the server doesn't know which certificate to use, the browser must transmit this information in plain text. Sending the SNI in plaintext means that any intermediary that can view which website you’re visiting simply by checking the first packet for a connection:

Encrypted Client Hello - the last puzzle piece to privacy

This means that despite the amazing efforts of TLS and DoH, which websites you’re visiting on the Internet still isn't truly private. Today, we are adding the final missing piece of the puzzle with ECH. With ECH, the browser performs a TLS handshake with Cloudflare, but not a customer-specific hostname. This means that although intermediaries will be able to see that you are visiting a website on Cloudflare, they will never be able to determine which one.

How does ECH work?

In order to explain how ECH works, it helps to first understand how TLS handshakes are performed. A TLS handshake starts with a ClientHello part, which allows a client to say which ciphers to use, which TLS version and most importantly, which server it's trying to visit (the SNI).

With ECH, the ClientHello message part is split into two separate messages: an inner part and an outer part. The outer part contains the non-sensitive information such as which ciphers to use and the TLS version. It also includes an "outer SNI". The inner part is encrypted and contains an "inner SNI".

The outer SNI is a common name that, in our case, represents that a user is trying to visit an encrypted website on Cloudflare. We chose as the SNI that all websites will share on Cloudflare. Because Cloudflare controls that domain we have the appropriate certificates to be able to negotiate a TLS handshake for that server name.

The inner SNI contains the actual server name that the user is trying to visit. This is encrypted using a public key and can only be read by Cloudflare. Once the handshake completes the web page is loaded as normal, just like any other website loaded over TLS.

Encrypted Client Hello - the last puzzle piece to privacy

In practice, this means that any intermediary that is trying to establish which website you’re visiting will simply see normal TLS handshakes with one caveat: any time you visit an ECH enabled website on Cloudflare the server name will look the same. Every TLS handshake will appear identical in that it looks like it's trying to load a website for, as opposed to the actual website. We've solved the last puzzle-piece in preserving privacy for users that don't like intermediaries seeing which websites they are visiting.

For full details on the nitty-gritty of ECH technology, visit our introductory blog.

The future of privacy

We're excited about what this means for privacy on the Internet. Browsers like Google Chrome and Firefox are starting to ramp up support for ECH already. If you're a website, and you care about users visiting your website in a fashion that doesn't allow any intermediary to see what users are doing, enable ECH today on Cloudflare. We've enabled ECH for all free zones already. If you're an existing paying customer, just head on over to the Cloudflare dashboard and apply for the feature. We’ll be enabling this for everyone that signs up over the coming few weeks.

Over time, we hope others will follow our footsteps, leading to a more private Internet for everyone. The more providers that offer ECH, the harder it becomes for anyone to listen in on what users are doing on the Internet. Heck, we might even solve privacy for good.

If you're looking for more information on ECH, how it works and how to enable it head on over to our developer documentation on ECH.

Post-quantum cryptography goes GA

Post Syndicated from Wesley Evans original

Post-quantum cryptography goes GA

Post-quantum cryptography goes GA

Over the last twelve months, we have been talking about the new baseline of encryption on the Internet: post-quantum cryptography. During Birthday Week last year we announced that our beta of Kyber was available for testing, and that Cloudflare Tunnel could be enabled with post-quantum cryptography. Earlier this year, we made our stance clear that this foundational technology should be available to everyone for free, forever.

Today, we have hit a milestone after six years and 31 blog posts in the making: we’re starting to roll out General Availability1 of post-quantum cryptography support to our customers, services, and internal systems as described more fully below. This includes products like Pingora for origin connectivity,, R2, Argo Smart Routing, Snippets, and so many more.

This is a milestone for the Internet. We don't yet know when quantum computers will have enough scale to break today's cryptography, but the benefits of upgrading to post-quantum cryptography now are clear. Fast connections and future-proofed security are all possible today because of the advances made by Cloudflare, Google, Mozilla, the National Institutes of Standards and Technology in the United States, the Internet Engineering Task Force, and numerous academic institutions

Post-quantum cryptography goes GA

What does General Availability mean? In October 2022 we enabled X25519+Kyber as a beta for all websites and APIs served through Cloudflare. However, it takes two to tango: the connection is only secured if the browser also supports post-quantum cryptography. Starting August 2023, Chrome is slowly enabling X25519+Kyber by default.

The user’s request is routed through Cloudflare’s network (2). We have upgraded many of these internal connections to use post-quantum cryptography, and expect to be done upgrading all of our internal connections by the end of 2024. That leaves as the final link the connection (3) between us and the origin server.

We are happy to announce that we are rolling out support for X25519+Kyber for most inbound and outbound connections as Generally Available for use including origin servers and Cloudflare Workers fetch()es.

Plan Support for post-quantum outbound connections
Free Started roll-out. Aiming for 100% by the end of the October.
Pro and business Aiming for 100% by the end of year.
Enterprise Roll-out begins February 2024. 100% by March 2024.

For our Enterprise customers, we will be sending out additional information regularly over the course of the next six months to help prepare you for the roll-out. Pro, Business, and Enterprise customers can skip the roll-out and opt-in within your zone today, or opt-out ahead of time using an API described in our companion blog post. Before rolling out for Enterprise in February 2024, we will add a toggle on the dashboard to opt out.

If you're excited to get started now, check out our blog with the technical details and flip on post-quantum cryptography support via the API!

What’s included and what is next?

With an upgrade of this magnitude, we wanted to focus on our most used products first and then expand outward to cover our edge cases. This process has led us to include the following products and systems in this roll out:
API Gateway
Argo Smart Routing
Auto Minify
Automatic Platform Optimization
Automatic Signed Exchange
Cloudflare Egress
Cloudflare Images
Cloudflare Rulesets
Cloudflare Snippets
Cloudflare Tunnel
Custom Error Pages
Flow Based Monitoring
Health checks
Host Head Checker
Magic Firewall
Magic Network Monitoring
Network Error Logging
Project Flame
R2 Storage
Request Tracer
Rocket Loader
Speed on Cloudflare Dash
Traffic Manager
WAF, Managed Rules
Waiting Room
Web Analytics

If a product or service you use is not listed here, we have not started rolling out post-quantum cryptography to it yet. We are actively working on rolling out post-quantum cryptography to all products and services including our Zero Trust products. Until we have achieved post-quantum cryptography support in all of our systems, we will publish an update blog in every Innovation Week that covers which products we have rolled out post-quantum cryptography to, the products that will be getting it next, and what is still on the horizon.

Products we are working on bringing post-quantum cryptography support to soon:

Cloudflare Gateway
Cloudflare DNS
Cloudflare Load Balancer
Cloudflare Access
Always Online
Cloudflare Workers
Cloudflare WARP
Bot Management

Why now?

As we announced earlier this year, post-quantum cryptography will be included for free in all Cloudflare products and services that can support it. The best encryption technology should be accessible to everyone – free of charge – to help support privacy and human rights globally.

As we mentioned in March:

“What was once an experimental frontier has turned into the underlying fabric of modern society. It runs in our most critical infrastructure like power systems, hospitals, airports, and banks. We trust it with our most precious memories. We trust it with our secrets. That’s why the Internet needs to be private by default. It needs to be secure by default.”

Our work on post-quantum cryptography is driven by the thesis that quantum computers that can break conventional cryptography create a similar problem to the Year 2000 bug. We know there is going to be a problem in the future that could have catastrophic consequences for users, businesses, and even nation states. The difference this time is we don’t know how the date and time that this break in the computational paradigm will occur. Worse, any traffic captured today could be decrypted in the future. We need to prepare today to be ready for this threat.

We are excited for everyone to adopt post-quantum cryptography into their systems. To follow the latest developments of our deployment of post-quantum cryptography and third-party client/server support, check out and keep an eye on this blog.


1We are using a preliminary version of Kyber, NIST’s pick for post-quantum key agreement. Kyber has not been finalized. We expect a final standard to be published in 2024 under the name ML-KEM, which we will then adopt promptly while deprecating support for X25519Kyber768Draft00.

Post-quantum crypto should be free, so we’re including it for free, forever

Post Syndicated from Wesley Evans original

Post-quantum crypto should be free, so we’re including it for free, forever

Post-quantum crypto should be free, so we’re including it for free, forever

At Cloudflare, helping to build a better Internet is not just a catchy saying. We are committed to the long-term process of standards development. We love the work of pushing the fundamental technology of the Internet forward in ways that are accessible to everyone. Today we are adding even more substance to that commitment. One of our core beliefs is that privacy is a human right. We believe that to achieve that right the most advanced cryptography needs to be available to everyone, free of charge, forever. Today, we are announcing that our implementations of post-quantum cryptography will meet that standard: available to everyone, and included free of charge, forever.

We have a proud history of taking paid encryption products and launching it to the Internet at scale for Free. Even at the cost of short and long-term revenue because it’s the right thing to do. In 2014, we made SSL free for every Cloudflare customer with Universal SSL. As we make our implementations of post-quantum cryptography free forever today, we do it in the spirit of that first major announcement:

“Having cutting-edge encryption may not seem important to a small blog, but it is critical to advancing the encrypted-by-default future of the Internet. Every byte, however seemingly mundane, that flows encrypted across the Internet makes it more difficult for those who wish to intercept, throttle, or censor the web. In other words, ensuring your personal blog is available over HTTPS makes it more likely that a human rights organization or social media service or independent journalist will be accessible around the world. Together we can do great things.”

We hope that others will follow us in making their implementations of PQC free as well so that we can create a secure and private Internet without a “quantum” up-charge.

The Internet has matured since the 1990’s and the launch of SSL. What was once an experimental frontier has turned into the underlying fabric of modern society. It runs in our most critical infrastructure like power systems, hospitals, airports, and banks. We trust it with our most precious memories. We trust it with our secrets. That’s why the Internet needs to be private by default. It needs to be secure by default. It’s why we’re committed to ensuring that anyone and everyone can achieve post quantum security for free as well as start deploying it at scale today.

Our work on post-quantum crypto is driven by the thesis that quantum computers that can break conventional cryptography create a similar problem to the Year 2000 bug. We know there is going to be a problem in the future that could have catastrophic consequences for users, businesses, and even nation states. The difference this time is we don’t know the date and time that this break in the paradigm of how computers operate will occur. We need to prepare today to be ready for this threat.

To that end we have been preparing for this transition since 2018. At that time we were concerned about the implementation problems other large protocol transitions, like the move to TLS 1.3, had caused our customers and wanted to get ahead of it. Cloudflare Research over the last few years has become a leader and champion of the idea that PQC security wasn’t an afterthought for tomorrow but a real problem that needed to be solved today. We have collaborated with industry partners like Google and Mozilla, contributed to development through participation in the IETF, and even launched an open source experimental cryptography suite to help move the needle. We have tried hard to work with everyone that wanted to be a part of the process and show our work along the way.

As we have worked with our partners in both industry and academia to help prepare us and the Internet for a post-quantum future, we have become dismayed by an emerging trend. There are a growing number of vendors out there that want to cash in on the legitimate fear that nervous executives, privacy advocates, and government leaders have about quantum computing breaking traditional encryption. These vendors offer vague solutions based on unproven technologies like “Quantum Key Distribution” or “Post Quantum Security” libraries that package non-standard algorithms that haven’t been through public review with exorbitant price tags like RSA did in the 1990s. They often love to throw around phrases like “AI” and “Post Quantum” without really showing their work on how any of their systems actually function. Security and privacy are table stakes in the modern Internet, and no one should be charged just to get the baseline protection needed in our contemporary world.

Post-quantum crypto should be free, so we’re including it for free, forever

Launch your PQC transition today

Testing and adopting post-quantum cryptography in modern networks doesn’t have to be hard! In fact, Cloudflare customers can test PQC in their systems today, as we describe later in this post.

Currently, we support Kyber for key agreement on any traffic that uses TLS 1.3 including HTTP/3. (If you want a deep dive on our implementation check out our blog from last fall announcing the beta.) To help you test your traffic to Cloudflare domains with these new key agreement methods we have open-sourced forks for BoringSSL, Go and quic-go. For BoringSSL and Go, check out the sample code here.

If you use Tunnels with cloudflared then upgrading to PQC is super simple. Make sure you’re on at least version 2022.9.1 and simply run cloudflared --post-quantum.

After testing out how Cloudflare can help you implement PQC in your networks, it’s time to start to prepare yourself for the transition to PQC in all of your systems. This first step of inventorying and identifying is critical to a smooth rollout. We know first hand since we have undertaken an extensive evaluation of all of our systems to earn our FedRAMP Authorization certifications, and we are doing a similar evaluation again to transition all of our internal systems to PQC.

Post-quantum crypto should be free, so we’re including it for free, forever

How we are setting ourselves up for the future of quantum computing

Here’s a sneak preview of the path that we are developing right now to fully secure Cloudflare itself against the cryptographic threat of quantum computers. We can break that path down into three parts: internal systems, zero trust, and open source contributions.

The first part of our path to full PQC adoption at Cloudflare is around all of our connections. The connection between yourself and Cloudflare is just one part of the larger path of the connection. Inside our internal systems we are implementing two significant upgrades in 2023 to ensure that they are PQC secure as well.

The first is that we use BoringSSL for a substantial amount of connections. We currently use our fork and we are excited that upstream support for Kyber is underway. Any additional internal connections that use a different cryptographic system are being upgraded as well. The second major upgrade we are making is to shift the remaining internal connections that use TLS 1.2 to TLS 1.3. This combination of Kyber and TLS 1.3 will make our internal connections faster and more secure, even though we use a hybrid of classical and post-quantum secure cryptography. It’s a speed and security win-win. And we proved this power house combination would provide that speed and security over three and half years ago thanks to the groundbreaking work of Cloudflare Research and Google.

The next part of that path is all about using PQC and zero trust as allies together. As we think about the security posture of tomorrow being based around post-quantum cryptography, we have to look at the other critical security paradigm being implemented today: zero trust. Today, the zero trust vendor landscape is littered with products that fail to support common protocols like IPv6 and TLS 1.2, let alone the next generation of protocols like TLS 1.3 and QUIC that enable PQC. So many middleboxes struggle under the load of today’s modern protocols. They artificially downgrade connections and break end user security all in the name of inspecting traffic because they don’t have a better solution. Organizations big and small struggled to support customers that wanted the highest possible performance and security, while also keeping their businesses safe, because of the resistance of these vendors to adapt to modern standards. We do not want to repeat the mistakes of the past. We are planning and evaluating the needed upgrades to all of our zero trust products to support PQC out of the box. We believe that zero trust and post-quantum cryptography are not at odds with one another, but rather together are the future standard of security.

Finally, it’s not enough for us to do this for ourselves and for our customers. The Internet is only as strong as its weakest links in the connection chains that network us all together. Every connection on the Internet needs the strongest possible encryption so that businesses can be secure, and everyday users can be ensured of their privacy. We believe that this core technology should be vendor agnostic and open to everyone. To help make that happen our final part of the path is all about contributing to open source projects. We have already been focused on releases to CIRCL. CIRCL (Cloudflare Interoperable, Reusable Cryptographic Library) is a collection of cryptographic primitives written in Go. The goal of this library is to be used as a tool for experimental deployment of cryptographic algorithms targeting post quantum.

Later on this year we will be publishing as open source a set of easy to adopt, vendor-neutral roadmaps to help you upgrade your own systems to be secure against the future today. We want the security and privacy created by post quantum crypto to be accessible and free for everyone. We will also keep writing extensively about our post quantum journey. To learn more about how you can turn on PQC today, and how we have been building post-quantum cryptography at Cloudflare, please check out these resources:

Proof of Stake and our next experiments in web3

Post Syndicated from Wesley Evans original

Proof of Stake and our next experiments in web3

Proof of Stake and our next experiments in web3

A little under four years ago we announced Cloudflare’s first experiments in web3 with our gateway to the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS). Three years ago we announced our experimental Ethereum Gateway. At Cloudflare, we often take experimental bets on the future of the Internet to help new technologies gain maturity and stability and for us to gain deep understanding of them.

Four years after our initial experiments in web3, it’s time to launch our next series of experiments to help advance the state of the art. These experiments are focused on finding new ways to help solve the scale and environmental challenges that face blockchain technologies today. Over the last two years there has been a rapid increase in the use of the underlying technologies that power web3. This growth has been a catalyst for a generation of startups; and yet it has also had negative externalities.

At Cloudflare, we are committed to helping to build a better Internet. That commitment balances technology and impact. The impact of certain older blockchain technologies on the environment has been challenging. The Proof of Work (PoW) consensus systems that secure many blockchains were instrumental in the bootstrapping of the web3 ecosystem. However, these systems do not scale well with the usage rates we see today. Proof of Work networks rely on complex cryptographic functions to create consensus and prevent attacks. Every node on the network is in a race to find a solution to this cryptographic problem. This cryptographic function is called a hash function. A hash function takes a number in x, and gives a number out y. If you know x, it’s easy to compute y. However, given y, it’s prohibitively costly to find a matching x. Miners have to find an x that would output a y with certain properties, such as 10 leading zero. Even with advanced chips, this is costly and heavily based on chance.

Proof of Stake and our next experiments in web3

While that process is incredibly secure because of the vast amount of hashing that occurs, Proof of Work networks are wasteful. This waste is driven by the fact that Proof of Work consensus mechanisms are electricity-intensive. In a PoW ecosystem, energy consumption scales directly with usage. So, for example, when web3 took off in 2020, the Bitcoin network started to consume the same amount of electricity as Switzerland (according to Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index).

This inefficiency in resource use is by design to make it difficult for any single actor to threaten the security of the blockchain, and for the majority of the last decade, while use was low, this inefficiency was an acceptable trade off. The other major trade off accepted with the security of Proof of Work has been the number of transactions the network can handle per second. For instance, the Ethereum network can currently process about 30 transactions per second. This ultra-low transaction rate was acceptable when the technology was in development, but does not scale to meet the current demand.

As recently as two years ago, web3 was an up-and-coming ecosystem with minimal traffic compared to the majority of the traffic on the Internet. The last two years changed the web3 use landscape. Traffic to the Bitcoin and the Ethereum networks has exploded. Technologies like Smart Contracts that power DeFi, NFTs, and DAOs have started to become commonplace in the developer community (and in the Twitter lexicon). The next generation of blockchains like Flow, Avalanche, Solana, as well as Polygon are being developed and adopted by major companies like Meta.

In order to balance our commitment to the environment and to help build a better Internet, it is clear to us that we should launch new experiments to help find a path forward. A path that balances the clear need to drastically reduce the energy consumption of web3 technologies and the capability to scale the web3 networks by orders of magnitude if the need arises to support increased user adoption over the next five years. How do we do that? We believe that the next generation of consensus protocols is likely to be based on Proof of Stake and Proof of Spacetime consensus mechanisms.

Proof of Stake and our next experiments in web3

Today, we are excited to announce the start of our experiments for the next generation of web3 networks that are embracing Proof of Stake; beginning with Ethereum. Over the next few months, Cloudflare will launch, and fully stake, Ethereum validator nodes on the Cloudflare global network as the community approaches its transition from Proof of Work to Proof of Stake with “The Merge.” These nodes will serve as a testing ground for research on energy efficiency, consistency management, and network speed.

There is a lot in that paragraph so let’s break it down! The short version though is that Cloudflare is going to participate in the research and development of the core infrastructure that helps keep Ethereum secure, fast, as well as energy efficient for everyone.

Proof of Stake is a next-generation consensus protocol to secure blockchains. Unlike Proof of Work that relies on miners racing each other with increasingly complex cryptography to mine a block, Proof of Stake secures new transactions to the network through self-interest. Validator’s nodes (people who verify new blocks for the chain) are required to put a significant asset up as collateral in a smart contract to prove that they will act in good faith. For instance, for Ethereum that is 32 ETH. Validator nodes that follow the network’s rules earn rewards; validators that violate the rules will have portions of their stake taken away. Anyone can operate a validator node as long as they meet the stake requirement. This is key. Proof of Stake networks require lots and lots of validators nodes to validate and attest to new transactions. The more participants there are in the network, the harder it is for bad actors to launch a 51% attack to compromise the security of the blockchain.

To add new blocks to the Ethereum chain, once it shifts to Proof of Stake, validators are chosen at random to create new blocks (validate). Once they have a new block ready it is submitted to a committee of 128 other validators who act as attestors. They verify that the transactions included in the block are legitimate and that the block is not malicious. If the block is found to be valid, it is this attestation that is added to the blockchain. Critically, the validation and attestation process is not computationally complex. This reduction in complexity leads to significant energy efficiency improvements.

The energy required to operate a Proof of Stake validator node is magnitudes less than a Proof of Work miner. Early estimates from the Ethereum Foundation estimate that the entire Ethereum network could use as little as 2.6 megawatts of power. Put another way, Ethereum will use 99.5% less energy post merge than today.

We are going to support the development and deployment of Ethereum by running Proof of Stake validator nodes on our network. For the Ethereum ecosystem, running validator nodes on our network allows us to offer even more geographic decentralization in places like EMEA, LATAM, and APJC while also adding infrastructure decentralization to the network. This helps keep the network secure, outage resistant, and closer to the goal of global decentralization for everyone. For us, It’s a commitment to helping research and experiment with scaling the next generation of blockchain networks that could be a key part of the story of the Internet. Running blockchain technology at scale is incredibly difficult, and Proof of Stake systems have their own unique requirements that will take time to understand and improve. Part of this experimentation though is a commitment. As part of our experiments Cloudflare has not and will not run our own Proof of Work infrastructure on our network.

Finally, what is “The Merge”? The Merge is the planned combination of the Ethereum Mainnet (the chain you interact with today when you make an Eth transaction) and the Ethereum Beacon Chain. The Beacon chain is the Proof of Stake blockchain running in parallel with the Ethereum Mainnet. The Merge is much more significant than a consensus update.

Consensus updates have happened multiple times already on Ethereum. This could be because of a vulnerability, or the need to introduce new features. The Merge is different in a way that it cannot be made by a normal upgrade. Previous forks have been enabled at a specific block number. This means that if you mine enough blocks, the new consensus rules apply automatically. With the Merge, there should only be one state root for the fork to happen. The merge state root would be the start of the Ethereum Mainnet PoS journey. It is chosen and set at a certain difficulty, instead of block height, to avoid merging a high block with low difficulty.

Once The Merge occurs later this year in 2022, Ethereum will be a full Proof of Stake ecosystem that no longer relies on Proof of Work.

This is just the start of our commitment to help build the next generation of web3 networks. We are excited to work with our partners across the cryptography, web3, and infrastructure communities to help create the next generation of blockchain ecosystems that are environmentally sustainable, secure, and blazing fast.

Public access for our Ethereum and IPFS gateways now available

Post Syndicated from Wesley Evans original

Public access for our Ethereum and IPFS gateways now available

Public access for our Ethereum and IPFS gateways now available

Today we are excited to announce that our Ethereum and IPFS gateways are publicly available to all Cloudflare customers for the first time. Since our announcement of our private beta last September the interest in our Eth and IPFS gateways has been overwhelming. We are humbled by the demand for these tools, and we are excited to get them into as many developers’ hands as possible. Starting today, any Cloudflare customer can log into the dashboard and configure a zone for Ethereum, IPFS, or both!

Over the last eight months of the private beta, we’ve been busy working to fully operationalize the gateways to ensure they meet the needs of our customers!

First, we have created a new API with end-to-end managed hostname deployment. This ensures the creation and management of gateways as you continue to scale remains extremely quick and easy! It is paramount to give time and focus back to developers to focus on your core product and services and leave the infrastructural components to us!

Second, we’ve added a brand new UI bringing web3 to Cloudflare’s zone-level dashboard. Now, regardless of the workflow you are used to, we have parity between our UI and API to ensure we fit into your existing processes and no time is wasted internally to have to figure out ‘how we integrate’, but rather, a quick setup and start to serve content or connect your services!

Third, we are pleased to say that you will soon have testnet support to ensure your new development can be easily tested, hardened, and deployed to your mainnet without incurring additional risk to your brand trust, product availability, or concern that something may fail silently and begin a cascade of problems throughout your network. We want to ensure that anyone leveraging our web3 gateways is able to achieve more confidence and trust that whatever changes are pushed forward do not impact end user experience. At the end of the day, the Internet is for end users and their experience and perception must always be kept within our purview at all times.

Lastly, Cloudflare loves to build on top of Cloudflare. This helps us stay resilient and also shows our commitment and belief in all the products we create! We have always used our SSL for SaaS and Workers products in the background. Building on our own services gives our customers the ability to define and control their own HTTP features on top of traffic destined for web3 gateways, including: rate limits, WAF rules, custom security filters, serving video, customer defined Workers logic, custom redirects and more!

Public access for our Ethereum and IPFS gateways now available

Today thousands of different individuals, companies, and DAO’s are building new products leveraging our web3 gateways — the most reliable web3 infrastructure with the largest network

Here are just a few snippets of how people are already using our web3 Gateways, and we can’t wait to see what you build on them:

  • DeFi DAO’s use the Cloudflare IPFS gateway to serve their front end web applications globally without latency or cache penalties.
  • NFT designers use the Ethereum Gateway to effortlessly drop new offerings, and the IPFS gateway to store them in a fully decentralized system.
  • Large Dapp developers trust us to handle huge traffic spikes quickly and efficiently, without rate limits or overage caps. They combine all our offerings into a single pane of glass so that they don’t have to juggle multiple systems.

As part of this announcement, we will begin migrating our existing users away from the legacy gateway endpoints and onto our new API, which is easier, highly managed, and more robust. To ensure a smooth transition, you will first need to make sure you have signed up for a Cloudflare account if you did not already have one. On top of that, we have made sure to keep our free users in mind and thus our free users will continue to use the gateways at no cost with our free tier option! This includes no cap in the amount of traffic that can be pushed through our gateways along with offering the most transparent and forecastable pricing models in the market today. We are very excited about the future and look forward to sharing the next iterations of web3 at Cloudflare!

Also, if you can’t wait to start building on our gateways, check out our product documentation for more guidance.

Announcing The Cloudflare Distributed Web Gateways Private Beta: Unlocking the Web3 Metaverse and Decentralized Finance for Everyone

Post Syndicated from Wesley Evans original

Announcing The Cloudflare Distributed Web Gateways Private Beta: Unlocking the Web3 Metaverse and Decentralized Finance for Everyone

Announcing The Cloudflare Distributed Web Gateways Private Beta: Unlocking the Web3 Metaverse and Decentralized Finance for Everyone

It’s cliché to say that the Internet has undergone massive changes in the last five years. New technologies like distributed ledgers, NFTs, and cross-platform metaverses have become all the rage. Unless you happen to hang out with the Web3 community in Hong Kong, San Francisco, and London, these technologies have a high barrier to entry for the average developer. You have to understand how to run distributed nodes, set up esoteric developer environments, and keep up with the latest chains just to get your app to run. That stops today. Today you can sign up for the private beta of our Web3 product suite starting with our Ethereum and IPFS gateway.

Announcing The Cloudflare Distributed Web Gateways Private Beta: Unlocking the Web3 Metaverse and Decentralized Finance for Everyone

Before we go any further, a brief introduction to blockchain (Ethereum in our example) and the InterPlanetary FileSystem (IPFS). In a Web3 setting, you can think of Ethereum as the compute layer, and IPFS as the storage layer. By leveraging decentralised ledger technology, Ethereum provides verifiable decentralised computation. Publicly available binaries, called “smart contracts”, can be instantiated by users to perform operations on an immutable set of records. This set of records is the state of the blockchain. It has to be maintained by every node on the network, so they can verify, and participate in the computation. Performing operations on a lot of data is therefore expensive. A common pattern is to use IPFS as an external storage solution. IPFS is a peer-to-peer network for storing content on a distributed file system. Content is identified by its hash, making it inexpensive to reference from a blockchain context.

If you want an even deeper understanding of how Web3 works check out our other blog posts on what is Web3 and creating Web3 Dapps with Cloudflare Workers.

Announcing The Cloudflare Distributed Web Gateways Private Beta: Unlocking the Web3 Metaverse and Decentralized Finance for Everyone

Web3 and the Metaverse

Over the last four years, while we have been working to mature the technology required to provide access to Web3 services at a global scale, the idea of the Metaverse has come back into vogue. Popularized by novels like “Snowcrash,” and “Ready Player One,” the idea is a simple one. Imagine an Internet where you can hop into an app and have access to all of your favorite digital goods available for you to use regardless of where you purchased them. You could sell your work on social media without granting them a worldwide license, and the buyer could use it on their online game. The Metaverse is a place where copyright and ownership can be managed through NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) stored on IPFS, and accessed trustlessly through Ethereum. It is a place where everyday creators can easily monetize their content, and have it be used by everyone, regardless of platform, since content is not being stored in walled gardens but decentralised ecosystems with open standards.

Announcing The Cloudflare Distributed Web Gateways Private Beta: Unlocking the Web3 Metaverse and Decentralized Finance for Everyone
Announcing The Cloudflare Distributed Web Gateways Private Beta: Unlocking the Web3 Metaverse and Decentralized Finance for Everyone

This shifts the way users and content creators think about the Internet. Questions like: “Do you actually need a Model View Controller system with a server to build an application?” “What is the best way to provide consistent naming of web resources across platforms?” “Do we actually need to keep our data locked behind another company’s systems or can the end-user own their data?”. This builds different trust assumptions. Instead of trusting a single company because they are the only one to have your users’ data, trust is being built leveraging a source verifiable by all participants. This can be people you physically interact with for messaging applications, X.509 certificates logged in a public Certificate Transparency Log for websites, or public keys that interact with blockchains for distributed applications.

Announcing The Cloudflare Distributed Web Gateways Private Beta: Unlocking the Web3 Metaverse and Decentralized Finance for Everyone

It’s an exciting time. Unlike the emergence of the Internet however, there are large established companies that want to control the shape and direction of Web3 and this Metaverse. We believe in a future of a decentralised and private web. An open, standards-based web independent of any one company or centralizing force. We believe that we can be one of the many technical platforms that supports Web3 and the growing Metaverse ecosystem. It’s why we are so excited to be announcing the private beta of our Ethereum and IPFS gateways. Technologies that are at the forefront of Web3 and its emerging Metaverse.

Announcing The Cloudflare Distributed Web Gateways Private Beta: Unlocking the Web3 Metaverse and Decentralized Finance for Everyone

Time and time again over the last year we have been asked by our customers to support their exploration of Web3, and oftentimes their core product offering. At Cloudflare, we are committed to helping build a better Internet for everyone, regardless of their preferred tech stack. We want to be the pickaxes and shovels for everyone. We believe that Web3 and the Metaverse is not just an experiment, but an entirely new networking paradigm where many of the next multi-billion dollar businesses are going to be built. We believe that the first complete metaverse could be built entirely on Cloudflare today using systems like Ethereum, IPFS, RTC, R2 storage, and Workers. Maybe you will be the one to build it…

We are excited to be on this journey with our Web3 community members, and can’t wait to show you what else we have been working on.

Introducing the Cloudflare Web3 Gateways!

A gateway is a computer that sits between clients (such as your browser or mobile device) and a number of other systems and helps translate traffic from one protocol to another, so the systems powering an application required to handle the request can do so properly. But there are different types of gateways that exist today.

You have probably heard mention of an API gateway, which is responsible for accepting API calls inbound to an application and aggregating the appropriate services to fulfill those requests and return a proper response to the end user. You utilize gateways every time you watch Netflix! Their company leverages an API gateway to ensure the hundreds of different devices that access their streaming service can receive a successful and proper response, allowing end users to watch their shows. Gateways are a critical component of how Web3 is being enabled for every end user on the planet.

Remember that Web3 or the distributed web is a set of technologies that enables hosting of content and web applications in a serverless manner by leveraging purely distributed systems and consensus protocols. Gateways let you use these applications in your browser without having to install plugins or run separate pieces of software called nodes. The distributed web community runs into the same problem of needing a stable, reliable, and resilient method to translate HTTP requests into the correct Web3 functions or protocols.

Today, we are introducing the Cloudflare Ethereum and IPFS Gateways to help Web3 developers do what they do best, develop applications, without having to worry about also running the infrastructure required to support Ethereum (Eth) or IPFS nodes.

Announcing The Cloudflare Distributed Web Gateways Private Beta: Unlocking the Web3 Metaverse and Decentralized Finance for Everyone

What’s the problem with existing Eth or IPFS Web Gateways?

Traditional web technologies such as HTTP have had decades to develop standards and best practices that make sites fast, secure, and available. These haven’t been developed on the distributed web side of the Internet, which focuses more on redundancy. We identified an opportunity to bring the optimizations and infrastructure of the web to the distributed web by building a gateway — a service that translates HTTP API calls to IPFS or Ethereum functions, while adding Cloudflare added-value services on the HTTP side. The ability for a customer to operate their entire network control layer with a single pane of glass using Cloudflare is huge. You can manage the DNS, Firewall, Load Balancing, Rate Limiting, Tunnels, and more for your marketing site, your distributed application (Dapp), and corporate security, all from one location.

For many of our customers, the existing solutions for Web3 gateway do not have a large enough network to handle the growing amount of requests within the Ethereum and IPFS networks, but more importantly do not have the degree of resilience and redundancy that businesses expect and require operating at scale. The idea of the distributed web is to do just that… stay distributed, so no single actor can control the overall market. Speed, security, and reliability are at the heart of what we do. We are excited to be part of the growing Web3 infrastructure community so that we can help Dapp developers have more choice, scalability, and reliability from their infrastructure providers.

A clear example of this is when existing gateways have an outage. With too few gateways to handle the traffic, the result of this outage is pre-process transactions falling behind the blockchain they are accessing, thus leading to increased latency for the transaction, potentially leading to it failing. Worse, when decentralised application (Dapp) developers use IPFS to power their front end, it can lead to their entire application falling over. Overall, this leads to massive amounts of frustration from businesses and end users alike — not being able to collect revenue for products or services, thus putting a portion of the business at a halt and breaking trust with end users who depend on the reliability of these services to manage their Web3 assets.

Announcing The Cloudflare Distributed Web Gateways Private Beta: Unlocking the Web3 Metaverse and Decentralized Finance for Everyone

How is Cloudflare solving this problem?

We found that there was a unique opportunity in a segment of the Web3 community that closely mirrored Cloudflare’s traditional customer base: the distributed web. This segment has some major usability issues that Cloudflare could help solve around reliability, performance, and caching. Cloudflare has an advantage that no other company in this space — and very few in the industry — have: a global network. For instance, content fetched through our IPFS Gateway can be cached near users, allowing download latency in the milliseconds. Compare this with up to seconds per asset using native IPFS. This speed enables services based on IPFS to go hybrid. Content can be served over the source decentralised protocols while browsers and tools are maturing to access them, and served to regular web users through a gateway like Cloudflare. We do provide a convenient, fast and secure option to browse this distributed content.

On Ethereum, users can be categorised in two ways. Application developers that operate smart contracts, and users that want to interact with the said contracts. While smart contracts operate autonomously based on their code, users have to fetch data and send transactions. As part of the chain, smart contracts do not have to worry about the network or a user interface to be online. This is why decentralised exchanges have had the ability to operate continuously across multiple interfaces without disruptions. Users on the other hand do need to know the state of the chain, and be able to interact with it. Application developers therefore have to require the users to run an Ethereum node, or can point them to use remote nodes through a standardised JSON RPC API. This is where Cloudflare comes in. Cloudflare Ethereum gateway relies on Ethereum nodes and provides a secure and fast interface to the Ethereum network. It allows application developers to leverage Ethereum in front-facing applications. The gateway can interact with any content part of the Ethereum chain. This includes NFT contracts, DeFi exchanges, or name services like ENS.

Announcing The Cloudflare Distributed Web Gateways Private Beta: Unlocking the Web3 Metaverse and Decentralized Finance for Everyone

How are the gateways doing so far?

Since our alpha release to very early customers as research experiments, we’ve seen a staggering number of customers wanting to leverage the new gateway technology and benefit from the availability, resiliency, and caching benefits of Cloudflare’s network.

Our current alpha includes companies that have raised billions of dollars in venture capital, companies that power the decentralised finance ecosystem on Ethereum, and emerging metaverses that make use of NFT technology.

In fact, we have over 2,000 customers leveraging our IPFS gateway lending to over 275TB of traffic per month. For Ethereum, we have over 200 customers transacting over 13TB, including 1.6 billion requests per month. We’ve seen extremely stable results from these customers and fully expect to see these metrics continue to ramp up as we add more customers to use this new product.

We are now very happy to announce the opening of our private beta for both the Ethereum and IPFS gateways. Sign up to participate in the private beta and our team will reach out shortly to ensure you are set up!

P.S. We are hiring for Web3! If you want to come work on it with us, check out our careers page.

More devices, fewer CAPTCHAs, happier users

Post Syndicated from Wesley Evans original

More devices, fewer CAPTCHAs, happier users

More devices, fewer CAPTCHAs, happier users

Earlier this year we announced that we are committed to making online human verification easier for more users, all around the globe. We want to end the endless loops of selecting buses, traffic lights, and convoluted word diagrams. Not just because humanity wastes 500 years per day on solving other people’s machine learning problems, but because we are dedicated to making an Internet that is fast, transparent, and private for everyone. CAPTCHAs are not very human-friendly, being hard to solve for even the most dedicated Internet users. They are extremely difficult to solve for people who don’t speak certain languages, and people who are on mobile devices (which is most users!).

Today, we are taking another step in helping to reduce the Internet’s reliance on CAPTCHAs to prove that you are not a robot. We are expanding the reach of our Cryptographic Attestation of Personhood experiment by adding support for a much wider range of devices. This includes biometric authenticators — like Apple’s Face ID, Microsoft Hello, and Android Biometric Authentication. This will let you solve challenges in under five seconds with just a touch of your finger or a view of your face — without sending this private biometric data to anyone.

You can try it out on our demo site and let us know your feedback.

In addition to support for hardware biometric authenticators, we are also announcing support for many more hardware tokens today in the Cryptographic Attestation of Personhood experiment. We support all USB and NFC keys that are both certified by the FIDO alliance and have no known security issues according to the FIDO Alliance Metadata service (MDS 3.0).

Privacy First

Privacy is at the center of Cryptographic Attestation of Personhood. Information about your biometric data is never shared with, transmitted to, or processed by Cloudflare. We simply never see it, at all. All of your sensitive biometric data is processed on your device. While each operating system manufacturer has a slightly different process, they all rely on the idea of a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) or Trusted Platform Module (TPM). TEEs and TPMs allow only your device to store and use your encrypted biometric information. Any apps or software running on the device never have access to your data, and can’t transmit it back to their systems. If you are interested in digging deeper into how each major operating system implements their biometric security, read the articles we have linked below:

Apple (Face ID and Touch ID)

Face ID and Touch ID Privacy
Secure Enclave Overview

Microsoft (Windows Hello)

Windows Hello Overview
Windows Hello Technical Deep Dive

Google (Android Biometric Authentication)

Biometric Authentication
Measuring Biometric Unlock Security

Our commitment to privacy doesn’t just end at the device. The WebAuthn API also prevents the transmission of biometric information. If a user interacts with a biometric key (like Apple TouchID or Windows Hello), no third party — such as Cloudflare — can receive any of that biometric data: it remains on your device and is never transmitted by your browser. To get an even deeper understanding of how the Cryptographic Attestation of Personhood protects your private information, we encourage you to read our initial announcement blog post.

Making a Great Privacy Story Even Better

While building out this technology, we have always been committed to providing the best possible privacy guarantees. The existing assurances are already quite strong: as described in our previous post, when using CAP, you may disclose a small amount of information about your authentication hardware — at most, its make and model. By design, this information is not unique to you: the underlying standard requires that this be indistinguishable from thousands of others, which hides you in a crowd of identical hardware.

Even though this is a great start, we wanted to see if we could push things even farther. Could we learn just the one fact that we need — that you have a valid security key — without learning anything else?

We are excited to announce that we have made great strides on answering that question by using a form of the next generation of cryptography called Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKP). ZKP prevents us from discovering anything from you, other than the fact that you have a device that can generate an approved certificate that proves that you are human.

If you are interested in learning more about Zero Knowledge Proofs, we highly recommend reading about it here.

Driven by Speed, Ease of Use, and Bot Defense

At the start of this project we set out three goals:

  1. How can we dramatically improve the user experience of proving that you are a human?
  2. How can we make sure that any solution that we develop centers around ease of use, and increases global accessibility on the Internet?
  3. How do we make a solution that does not harm our existing bot management system?

Before we deployed this new evolution of our CAPTCHA solution, we did a proof of concept test with some real users, to confirm whether this approach was worth pursuing (just because something sounds great in theory doesn’t mean it will work out in practice!). Our testing group tried our Cryptographic Attestation of Personhood solution using Face ID and told us what they thought. We learned that solving times with Face ID and Touch ID were significantly faster than selecting pictures, with almost no errors. People vastly preferred this alternative, and provided suggestions for improvements in the user experience that we incorporated into our deployment.

This was even more evident in our production usage data. While we did not enable attestation with biometrics providers during our first phase of the CAP roll out, we did record when people attempted to use a biometric authentication service. The highest recorded attempt solve rate besides YubiKeys was Face ID on iOS, and Android Biometric Authentication. We are excited to offer those mobile users their first choice of challenge for proving their humanity.

One of the things we heard about in testing was — not surprisingly — concerns around privacy. As we explained in our initial launch, the WebAuthn technology underpinning our solution provides a high level of privacy protection. Cloudflare is able to view an identifier shared by thousands of similar devices, which provides general make and model information. This cannot be used to uniquely identify or track you — and that’s exactly how we like it.

Now that we have opened up our solution to more device types, you’re able to use biometric readers as well. Rest assured that the same privacy protections apply — we never see your biometric data: that remains on your device. Once your device confirms a match, it sends only a basic attestation message, just as it would for any security key. In effect, your device sends a message proving that “yes, someone correctly entered a fingerprint on this trustworthy device”, and never sends the fingerprint itself.

We have also been reviewing feedback from people who have been testing out CAP on either our demo site or through routine browsing. We appreciate the helpful comments you’ve been sending, and we’d love to hear more, so we can continue to make improvements. We’ve set up a survey at our demo site. Your input is key to ensuring that we get usability right, so please let us know what you think.