Tag Archives: Abuse

Applying Human Rights Frameworks to our approach to abuse

Post Syndicated from Alissa Starzak original https://blog.cloudflare.com/applying-human-rights-frameworks-to-our-approach-to-abuse/

Applying Human Rights Frameworks to our approach to abuse

Applying Human Rights Frameworks to our approach to abuse

Last year, we launched Cloudflare’s first Human Rights Policy, formally stating our commitment to respect human rights under the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and articulating how we planned to meet the commitment as a business to respect human rights. Our Human Rights Policy describes many of the concrete steps we take to implement these commitments, from protecting the privacy of personal data to respecting the rights of our diverse workforce.

We also look to our human rights commitments in considering how to approach complaints of abuse by those using our services. Cloudflare has long taken positions that reflect our belief that we must consider the implications of our actions for both Internet users and the Internet as a whole. The UNGPs guide that understanding by encouraging us to think systematically about how the decisions Cloudflare makes may affect people, with the goal of building processes to incorporate those considerations.

Human rights frameworks have also been adopted by policymakers seeking to regulate content and behavior online in a rights-respecting way. The Digital Services Act recently passed by the European Union, for example, includes a variety of requirements for intermediaries like Cloudflare that come from human rights principles. So using human rights principles to help guide our actions is not only the right thing to do, it is likely to be required by law at some point down the road.

So what does it mean to apply human rights frameworks to our response to abuse? As we’ll talk about in more detail below, we use human rights concepts like access to fair process, proportionality (the idea that actions should be carefully calibrated to minimize any effect on rights), and transparency.

Human Rights online

The first step is to understand the integral role the Internet plays in human rights. We use the Internet not only to find and share information, but for education, commerce, employment, and social connection. Not only is the Internet essential to our rights of freedom of expression, opinion and association, the UN considers it an enabler of all of our human rights.

The Internet allows activists and human rights defenders to expose abuses across the globe. It allows collective causes to grow into global movements. It provides the foundation for large-scale organizing for political and social change in ways that have never been possible before. But all of that depends on having access to it.

And as we’ve seen, access to a free, open, and interconnected Internet is not guaranteed.  Authoritarian governments take advantage of the critical role it plays by denying access to it altogether and using other tactics to intimidate their populations. As described by a recent UN report, government-mandated Internet “shutdowns complement other digital measures used to suppress dissent, such as intensified censorship, systematic content filtering and mass surveillance, as well as the use of government-sponsored troll armies, cyberattacks and targeted surveillance against journalists and human rights defenders.” Online access is limited by the failure to invest in infrastructure or lack of individual resources. Private interests looking to leverage Internet infrastructure to solve commercial content problems result in overblocking of unrelated websites. Cyberattacks make even critical infrastructure inaccessible. Gatekeepers limit entry for business reasons, risking the silencing of those without financial or political clout.

If we want to maintain an Internet that is for everyone, we need to develop rules within companies that don’t take access to it for granted. Processes that could limit Internet access should be thoughtful and well-grounded in human rights principles.

The impact of free services

Cloudflare is unique among our competitors because we offer a variety of services that entities can sign up for free online. Our free services make it possible for everyone – nonprofits, small businesses, developers, and vulnerable voices around the world – to have access to security services they otherwise might be unable to afford.

Cloudflare’s approach of providing free and low cost security services online is consistent with human rights and the push for greater access to the Internet for everyone. Having a free plan removes barriers to the Internet. It means you don’t have to be a big company, a government, or an organization with a popular cause to protect yourself from those who might want to silence you through a cyberattack.

Making access to security services easily available for free also has the potential to relegate DDoS attacks to the dustbin of history. If we can stop DDoS from being an effective means of attack, we may yet be able to divert attackers from using them. Ridding the world of the scourge of DDoS attacks would benefit everyone. In particular, though, it would benefit vulnerable entities doing good for the world who do not otherwise have the means to defend themselves.

But that same free services model that empowers vulnerable groups and has the potential to eliminate DDoS attacks once and for all means that we at Cloudflare are often not picking our customers; they are picking us. And that comes with its own risk. For every dissenting voice challenging an oppressive regime that signs up for our service, there may also be a bad actor doing things online that are inconsistent with our values.

To reflect that reality, we need an abuse framework that satisfies our goals of expanding access to the global Internet and getting rid of cyberattacks, while also finding ways, both as a company and together with the broader Internet community, to address human rights harms.

Applying the UNGP framework to online activity

As we’ve described before, the UNGPs assign businesses and governments different obligations when it comes to human rights. Governments are required to protect human rights within their territories, taking appropriate steps to prevent, investigate, punish and redress harms. Companies, on the other hand, are expected to respect human rights. That means that companies should conduct due diligence to avoid taking actions that would infringe on the rights of others, and remedy any harms that do occur.

It can be challenging to apply that UNGP protect/respect/remedy framework to online activities. Because the Internet serves as an enabler of a variety of human rights, decisions that alter access to the Internet – from serving a particular market to changing access to particular services – can affect the rights of many different people, sometimes in competing ways.

Access to the Internet is also not typically provided by a single company. When you visit a website online, you’re experiencing the services of many different providers. Just for that single website, there’s probably a website owner who created the website, a website host storing the content, a domain name registrar providing the domain name, a domain name registry running the top level domain like .com or .org, a reverse proxy helping keep the website online in case of attack, a content delivery network improving the efficiency of Internet transmissions, a transit provider transmitting the website content across the Internet, the ISPs delivering the content to the end user, and a browser to make the website’s content intelligible to you.

And that description doesn’t even include the captcha provider that helps make sure the site is visited by humans rather than bots, the open source software developer whose code was used to build the site, the various plugins that enable the site to show video or accept payments, or the many other providers online who might play an important role in your user experience. So our ability to exercise our human rights online is dependent on the actions of many providers, acting as part of an ecosystem to bring us the Internet.

Trying to understand the appropriate role for companies is even more complicated when it comes to questions of online abuse. Online abuse is not generally caused by one of the many infrastructure providers who facilitate access to the Internet; the harm is caused by a third party. Because of the variety of providers mentioned above, a company may have limited options at its disposal to do anything that would help address the online harm in a targeted way, consistent with human rights principles. For example, blocking access to parts of the Internet, or stepping aside to allow a site to be subjected to a cyberattack, has the potential to have profound negative impact on others’ access to the Internet and thus human rights.

To help work through those competing human rights concerns, Cloudflare strives to build processes around online abuse that incorporate human rights principles. Our approach focuses on three recognized human rights principles: (1) fair process for both complainants and users, (2) proportionality, and (3) transparency. And we have engaged, and continue to engage, extensively with human rights focused groups like the Global Network Initiative and the UN’s B-Tech Project, as well as our Project Galileo partners and many other stakeholders, to understand the impact of our policies.

Fair abuse processes – Grievance mechanisms for complainants

Human rights law, and the UNGPs in particular, stress that individuals and communities who are harmed should have mechanisms for remediation of the harm. Those mechanisms – which include both legal processes like going to court and more informal private processes – should be applied equitably and fairly, in a predictable and transparent way. A company like Cloudflare can help by establishing grievance mechanisms that give people an opportunity to raise their concerns about harm, or to challenge deprivation of rights.

To address online abuse by entities that might be using Cloudflare services, Cloudflare has an abuse reporting form that is open to anyone online. Our website includes a detailed description of how to report problematic activity. Individuals worried about retaliation, such as those submitting complaints of threatening or harassing behavior, can choose to submit complaints anonymously, although it may limit the ability to follow up on the complaint.

Cloudflare uses the information we receive through that abuse reporting process to respond to complaints about online abuse based on the types of services we may be providing as well as the nature of the complaint.

Because of the way Cloudflare protects entities from cyberattack, a complainant may not know who is hosting the content that is the source of the alleged harm. To make sure that someone who might have been harmed has an opportunity to remediate that harm, Cloudflare has created an abuse process to get complaints to the right place. If the person submitting the complaint is seeking to remove content, something that Cloudflare cannot do if it is providing only performance or security services, Cloudflare will forward the complaint to the website owner and hosting provider for appropriate action.

Fair abuse processes – Notice and Appeal for Cloudflare users

Trying to build a fair policy around abuse requires understanding that complaints are not always submitted in good faith, and that abuse processes can themselves be abused. Cloudflare, for example, has received abuse complaints that appear to be intended to intimidate journalists reporting on government corruption, to silence political opponents, and to disrupt competitors.

A fair abuse process therefore also means being fair to Cloudflare users or website owners who might suffer consequences of a complaint. Cloudflare generally provides notice to our users of potential complaints so that they can respond to allegations of abuse, although individual circumstances and anonymous complaints sometimes make that difficult.

We also strive to provide users with notice of potential actions we might take, as well as an opportunity to provide additional information that might inform our decisions about appropriate action. Users can also seek reconsideration of decisions.

Proportionality – Differentiating our products

Proportionality is a core principle of human rights. In human rights law, proportionality means that any interference with rights should be as limited and narrow as possible in seeking to address the harm. In other words, the goal of proportionality is to minimize the collateral effect of an action on other human rights.

Proportionality is an important principle for Internet infrastructure because of the dependencies among different providers required to access the Internet. A government demand that a single ISP shut off or throttle access to the Internet can have dramatic real-life effects,“depriving thousands or even millions of their only means of reaching their loved ones, continuing their work or participating in political debates or decision-making.” Voluntary action by individual providers can have a similar broad cascading effect, completely eliminating access to certain services or swaths of content.

To avoid these kinds of consequences, we apply the concept of proportionality to address abuse on our network, particularly when a complaint implicates other rights, like freedom of expression. Complaints about content are best addressed by those able to take the most targeted action possible. A complaint about a single image or post, for example, should not result in an entire website being taken down.

The principle of proportionality is the basis for our use of different approaches to address abuse for different types of products. If we’re hosting content with products like Cloudflare Pages, Cloudflare Images, or Cloudflare Stream, we’re able to take more granular, specific action. In those cases, we have an acceptable hosting policy that enables us to take action on particular pieces of content. We give the Cloudflare user an opportunity to take down the content themselves before following notice and takedown, which allows them to contest the takedown if they believe it is inappropriate.

But when we’re only providing security services that prevent the site being removed from the Internet by a cyberattack, Cloudflare can’t take targeted action on particular pieces of content. Nor do we generally see termination of DDoS protection services as the right or most effective remedy for addressing a website with harmful content. Termination of security services only resolves the concerns if the site is removed from the Internet by DDoS attack, an act which is illegal in most jurisdictions. From a human rights standpoint, making content inaccessible through a vigilante cyber attack is not only inconsistent with the principle of proportionality, but with the principles of notice and due process. It also provides no opportunities for remediation of harm in the event of a mistake.

Likewise, when we’re providing core Internet technology services like DNS, we do not have the ability to take granular action. Our only options are blunt instruments.

In those circumstances, there are actors in the broader Internet ecosystem who can take targeted action, even if we can’t. Typically, that would be a website owner or hosting provider that has the ability to remove individual pieces of content. Proportionality therefore sometimes means recognizing that we can’t and shouldn’t try to solve every problem, particularly when we are not the right party to take action. But we can still play an important role in helping complainants identify the right provider, so they can have their concerns addressed.

The EU recently formally embraced the concept of proportionality in abuse processes in the Digital Services Act. They pointed out that when intermediaries must be involved to address illegal content, requests “should, as a general rule, be directed to the specific provider that has the technical and operational ability to act against specific items of illegal content, to prevent and minimize any possible negative effects on the availability and accessibility of information that is not illegal content.” [DSA, Recital 27]

Transparency – Reporting on abuse

Human rights law emphasizes the importance of transparency – from both governments and companies – on decisions that have an effect on human rights. Transparency allows for public accountability and improves trust in the overall system.

This human rights principle is one that has always made sense to us, because transparency is a core value to Cloudflare as well. And if you believe, as we do, that the way different providers tackle questions of abuse will have long term ripple effects, we need to make sure people understand the trade-offs with decisions we make that could impact human rights. We have never taken the easy option of making a difficult decision quietly. We try to blog about the difficult decisions we have made, and then use those blogs to engage with external stakeholders to further our own learning.

In addition to our blogs, we have worked to build up more systematic reporting of our evaluation process and decision-making. Last year, we published a page on our website describing our approach to abuse. We continue to take steps to expand information in our biannual transparency report about our full range of responses to abuse, from removal of content in our storage products to reports on child sexual abuse material to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC).

Transparency – Reporting on the circumstances when we terminate services

We’ve also sought to be transparent about the limited number of circumstances where we will terminate even DDoS protection services, consistent with our respect for human rights and our view that opening a site up to DDoS attack is almost never a proportional response to address content. Most of the circumstances in which we terminate all services are tied to legal obligations, reflecting the judgment of policymakers and impartial decision makers about when barring entities from access to the Internet is appropriate.

Even in those circumstances, we try to provide users notice, and where appropriate, an opportunity to address the harm themselves. The legal areas that can result in termination of all services are described in more detail below.

Child Sexual Abuse Material: As described in more detail here, Cloudflare has a policy to report any allegation of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) for additional investigation and response. When we have reason to believe, in conjunction with those working in child safety, that a website is solely dedicated to CSAM or that a website owner is deliberately ignoring legal requirements to remove CSAM, we may terminate services. We recently began reporting on those terminations in our biannual transparency report.

Sanctions: The United States has a legal regime that prohibits companies from doing business with any entity or individual on a public list of sanctioned parties, called the Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list. US provides entities on the SDN list, which includes designated terrorist organizations, human rights violators, and others, notice of the determination and an opportunity to challenge the US designation. Cloudflare will terminate services to entities or individuals that it can identify as having been added to the SDN list.

The US sanctions regime also restricts companies from doing business with certain sanctioned countries and regions – specifically Cuba, North Korea, Syria, Iran, and the Crimea, Luhansk and Donetsk regions of Ukraine. Cloudflare may terminate certain services if it identifies users as coming from those countries or regions.  Those country and regional sanctions, however, generally have a number of legal exceptions (known as general licenses) that allow Cloudflare to offer certain kinds of services even when individuals and entities come from the sanctioned regions.

Court orders: Cloudflare occasionally receives third-party orders in the United States directing Cloudflare and other service providers to terminate services to websites due to copyright or other prohibited content. Because we have no ability to remove content from the Internet that we do not host, we don’t believe that termination of Cloudflare’s security services is an effective means for addressing such content. Our experience has borne that out. Because other service providers are better positioned to address the issues, most of the domains that we have been ordered to terminate are no longer using Cloudflare’s services by the time Cloudflare must take action. Cloudflare nonetheless may terminate services to repeat copyright infringers and others in response to valid orders that are consistent with due process protections and comply with relevant laws.

SESTA/FOSTA: In 2018, the United States passed the Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA) and the Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act (SESTA), for the purpose of fighting online sex trafficking. The law’s broad establishment of criminal penalties for the provision of online services that facilitate prostitution or sex trafficking, however, means that companies that provide any online services to sex workers are at risk of breaking the law. To be clear, we think the law is profoundly misguided and poorly drafted. Research has shown that the law has had detrimental effects on the financial stability, safety, access to community and health outcomes of online sex workers, while being largely ineffective for addressing human trafficking. But to avoid the risk of criminal liability, we may take steps to terminate services to domains that appear to fall under the ambit of the law. Since the law’s passage, we have terminated services to a few domains due to SESTA/FOSTA. We intend to incorporate any SESTA/FOSTA terminations in our biannual transparency report.

Technical abuse: Cloudflare sometimes receives reports of websites involved in phishing or malware attacks using our services. As a security company, our preference when we receive those reports is to do what we can to prevent the sites from causing harm. When we confirm the abuse, we will therefore place a warning interstitial page to protect users from accidentally falling victim to the attack or to disrupt the attack. Potential phishing victims also benefit from learning that they nearly fell victim to a phishing attack. In cases when we believe a user to be intentionally phishing or distributing malware and the security interests appear to support additional action, however, we may opt to terminate services to the intentionally malicious domain.

Voluntary terminations: In three well-publicized instances, Cloudflare has taken steps to voluntarily terminate services or block access to sites whose users were intentionally causing harm to others. In 2017, we terminated the neo-Nazi troll site The Daily Stormer. In 2019, we terminated the conspiracy theory forum 8chan. And earlier this year, we blocked access to Kiwi Farms. Each of those circumstances had their own unique set of facts. But part of our consideration for the actions in those cases was that the sites had inspired physical harm to people in the offline world. And notwithstanding the real world threats and harm, neither law enforcement nor other service providers who could take more targeted action had effectively addressed the harm.

We continue to believe that there are more effective, long term solutions to address online activity that leads to real world physical threats than seeking to take sites offline by DDoS and cyberattack. And we have been heartened to see jurisdictions like the EU try to grapple with a regulatory response to illegal online activity that preserves human rights online. Looking forward, we hope to see a day when states have developed rights-respecting ways to successfully protect human rights offline based on online activity, and remedy does not depend on vigilante justice through cyberattack.

Continuous learning

Addressing abuse online is a long term and ever-shifting challenge for the entire Internet ecosystem. We continuously refine our abuse processes based on the reports we receive, the many conversations we have with stakeholders affected by online abuse, and our engagement with policymakers, other industry participants, and civil society. Make no mistake, the process can sometimes be a bumpy one, where perspectives on the right approach collide. But the one thing we can promise is that we will continue to try to engage, learn, and adapt. Because, together, we think we can build abuse frameworks that reflect respect for human rights and help build a better Internet.

Blocking Kiwifarms

Post Syndicated from Matthew Prince original https://blog.cloudflare.com/kiwifarms-blocked/

Blocking Kiwifarms

We have blocked Kiwifarms. Visitors to any of the Kiwifarms sites that use any of Cloudflare’s services will see a Cloudflare block page and a link to this post. Kiwifarms may move their sites to other providers and, in doing so, come back online, but we have taken steps to block their content from being accessed through our infrastructure.

This is an extraordinary decision for us to make and, given Cloudflare’s role as an Internet infrastructure provider, a dangerous one that we are not comfortable with. However, the rhetoric on the Kiwifarms site and specific, targeted threats have escalated over the last 48 hours to the point that we believe there is an unprecedented emergency and immediate threat to human life unlike we have previously seen from Kiwifarms or any other customer before.

Escalating threats

Kiwifarms has frequently been host to revolting content. Revolting content alone does not create an emergency situation that necessitates the action we are taking today. Beginning approximately two weeks ago, a pressure campaign started with the goal to deplatform Kiwifarms. That pressure campaign targeted Cloudflare as well as other providers utilized by the site.

Cloudflare provides security services to Kiwifarms, protecting them from DDoS and other cyberattacks. We have never been their hosting provider. As we outlined last Wednesday, we do not believe that terminating security services is appropriate, even to revolting content. In a law-respecting world, the answer to even illegal content is not to use other illegal means like DDoS attacks to silence it.

We are also not taking this action directly because of the pressure campaign. While we have empathy for its organizers, we are committed as a security provider to protecting our customers even when they run deeply afoul of popular opinion or even our own morals. The policy we articulated last Wednesday remains our policy. We continue to believe that the best way to relegate cyberattacks to the dustbin of history is to give everyone the tools to prevent them.

However, as the pressure campaign escalated, so did the rhetoric on the Kiwifarms site. Feeling attacked, users of the site became even more aggressive. Over the last two weeks, we have proactively reached out to law enforcement in multiple jurisdictions highlighting what we believe are potential criminal acts and imminent threats to human life that were posted to the site.

While law enforcement in these areas are working to investigate what we and others reported, unfortunately the process is moving more slowly than the escalating risk. While we believe that in every other situation we have faced — including the Daily Stormer and 8chan — it would have been appropriate as an infrastructure provider for us to wait for legal process, in this case the imminent and emergency threat to human life which continues to escalate causes us to take this action.

Hard cases make bad law. This is a hard case and we would caution anyone from seeing it as setting precedent. The policies we articulated last Wednesday remain our policies. For an infrastructure provider like Cloudflare, legal process is still the correct way to deal with revolting and potentially illegal content online.

But we need a mechanism when there is an emergency threat to human life for infrastructure providers to work expediently with legal authorities in order to ensure the decisions we make are grounded in due process. Unfortunately, that mechanism does not exist and so we are making this uncomfortable emergency decision alone.

Not the end

Finally, we are aware and concerned that our action may only fan the flames of this emergency. Kiwifarms itself will most likely find other infrastructure that allows them to come back online, as the Daily Stormer and 8chan did themselves after we terminated them. And, even if they don’t, the individuals that used the site to increasingly terrorize will feel even more isolated and attacked and may lash out further. There is real risk that by taking this action today we may have further heightened the emergency.

We will continue to work proactively with law enforcement to help with their investigations into the site and the individuals who have posted what may be illegal content to it. And we recognize that while our blocking Kiwifarms temporarily addresses the situation, it by no means solves the underlying problem. That solution will require much more work across society. We are hopeful that our action today will help provoke conversations toward addressing the larger problem. And we stand ready to participate in that conversation.

Cloudflare’s abuse policies & approach

Post Syndicated from Matthew Prince original https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflares-abuse-policies-and-approach/

Cloudflare's abuse policies & approach

Cloudflare's abuse policies & approach

Cloudflare launched nearly twelve years ago. We’ve grown to operate a network that spans more than 275 cities in over 100 countries. We have millions of customers: from small businesses and individual developers to approximately 30 percent of the Fortune 500. Today, more than 20 percent of the web relies directly on Cloudflare’s services.

Over the time since we launched, our set of services has become much more complicated. With that complexity we have developed policies around how we handle abuse of different Cloudflare features. Just as a broad platform like Google has different abuse policies for search, Gmail, YouTube, and Blogger, Cloudflare has developed different abuse policies as we have introduced new products.

We published our updated approach to abuse last year at:


However, as questions have arisen, we thought it made sense to describe those policies in more detail here.  

The policies we built reflect ideas and recommendations from human rights experts, activists, academics, and regulators. Our guiding principles require abuse policies to be specific to the service being used. This is to ensure that any actions we take both reflect the ability to address the harm and minimize unintended consequences. We believe that someone with an abuse complaint must have access to an abuse process to reach those who can most effectively and narrowly address their complaint — anonymously if necessary. And, critically, we strive always to be transparent about both our policies and the actions we take.

Cloudflare’s products

Cloudflare provides a broad range of products that fall generally into three buckets: hosting products (e.g., Cloudflare Pages, Cloudflare Stream, Workers KV, Custom Error Pages), security services (e.g., DDoS Mitigation, Web Application Firewall, Cloudflare Access, Rate Limiting), and core Internet technology services (e.g., Authoritative DNS, Recursive DNS/, WARP). For a complete list of our products and how they map to these categories, you can see our Abuse Hub.

Cloudflare's abuse policies & approach

As described below, our policies take a different approach on a product-by-product basis in each of these categories.

Hosting products

Hosting products are those products where Cloudflare is the ultimate host of the content. This is different from products where we are merely providing security or temporary caching services and the content is hosted elsewhere. Although many people confuse our security products with hosting services, we have distinctly different policies for each. Because the vast majority of Cloudflare customers do not yet use our hosting products, abuse complaints and actions involving these products are currently relatively rare.

Our decision to disable access to content in hosting products fundamentally results in that content being taken offline, at least until it is republished elsewhere. Hosting products are subject to our Acceptable Hosting Policy. Under that policy, for these products, we may remove or disable access to content that we believe:

  • Contains, displays, distributes, or encourages the creation of child sexual abuse material, or otherwise exploits or promotes the exploitation of minors.
  • Infringes on intellectual property rights.
  • Has been determined by appropriate legal process to be defamatory or libelous.
  • Engages in the unlawful distribution of controlled substances.
  • Facilitates human trafficking or prostitution in violation of the law.
  • Contains, installs, or disseminates any active malware, or uses our platform for exploit delivery (such as part of a command and control system).
  • Is otherwise illegal, harmful, or violates the rights of others, including content that discloses sensitive personal information, incites or exploits violence against people or animals, or seeks to defraud the public.

We maintain discretion in how our Acceptable Hosting Policy is enforced, and generally seek to apply content restrictions as narrowly as possible. For instance, if a shopping cart platform with millions of customers uses Cloudflare Workers KV and one of their customers violates our Acceptable Hosting Policy, we will not automatically terminate the use of Cloudflare Workers KV for the entire platform.

Our guiding principle is that organizations closest to content are best at determining when the content is abusive. It also recognizes that overbroad takedowns can have significant unintended impact on access to content online.

Security services

The overwhelming majority of Cloudflare’s millions of customers use only our security services. Cloudflare made a decision early in our history that we wanted to make security tools as widely available as possible. This meant that we provided many tools for free, or at minimal cost, to best limit the impact and effectiveness of a wide range of cyberattacks. Most of our customers pay us nothing.

Giving everyone the ability to sign up for our services online also reflects our view that cyberattacks not only should not be used for silencing vulnerable groups, but are not the appropriate mechanism for addressing problematic content online. We believe cyberattacks, in any form, should be relegated to the dustbin of history.

The decision to provide security tools so widely has meant that we’ve had to think carefully about when, or if, we ever terminate access to those services. We recognized that we needed to think through what the effect of a termination would be, and whether there was any way to set standards that could be applied in a fair, transparent and non-discriminatory way, consistent with human rights principles.

This is true not just for the content where a complaint may be filed  but also for the precedent the takedown sets. Our conclusion — informed by all of the many conversations we have had and the thoughtful discussion in the broader community — is that voluntarily terminating access to services that protect against cyberattack is not the correct approach.

Avoiding an abuse of power

Some argue that we should terminate these services to content we find reprehensible so that others can launch attacks to knock it offline. That is the equivalent argument in the physical world that the fire department shouldn’t respond to fires in the homes of people who do not possess sufficient moral character. Both in the physical world and online, that is a dangerous precedent, and one that is over the long term most likely to disproportionately harm vulnerable and marginalized communities.

Today, more than 20 percent of the web uses Cloudflare’s security services. When considering our policies we need to be mindful of the impact we have and precedent we set for the Internet as a whole. Terminating security services for content that our team personally feels is disgusting and immoral would be the popular choice. But, in the long term, such choices make it more difficult to protect content that supports oppressed and marginalized voices against attacks.

Refining our policy based on what we’ve learned

This isn’t hypothetical. Thousands of times per day we receive calls that we terminate security services based on content that someone reports as offensive. Most of these don’t make news. Most of the time these decisions don’t conflict with our moral views. Yet two times in the past we decided to terminate content from our security services because we found it reprehensible. In 2017, we terminated the neo-Nazi troll site The Daily Stormer. And in 2019, we terminated the conspiracy theory forum 8chan.

In a deeply troubling response, after both terminations we saw a dramatic increase in authoritarian regimes attempting to have us terminate security services for human rights organizations — often citing the language from our own justification back to us.

Since those decisions, we have had significant discussions with policy makers worldwide. From those discussions we concluded that the power to terminate security services for the sites was not a power Cloudflare should hold. Not because the content of those sites wasn’t abhorrent — it was — but because security services most closely resemble Internet utilities.

Just as the telephone company doesn’t terminate your line if you say awful, racist, bigoted things, we have concluded in consultation with politicians, policy makers, and experts that turning off security services because we think what you publish is despicable is the wrong policy. To be clear, just because we did it in a limited set of cases before doesn’t mean we were right when we did. Or that we will ever do it again.

Cloudflare's abuse policies & approach

But that doesn’t mean that Cloudflare can’t play an important role in protecting those targeted by others on the Internet. We have long supported human rights groups, journalists, and other uniquely vulnerable entities online through Project Galileo. Project Galileo offers free cybersecurity services to nonprofits and advocacy groups that help strengthen our communities.

Through the Athenian Project, we also play a role in protecting election systems throughout the United States and abroad. Elections are one of the areas where the systems that administer them need to be fundamentally trustworthy and neutral. Making choices on what content is deserving or not of security services, especially in any way that could in any way be interpreted as political, would undermine our ability to provide trustworthy protection of election infrastructure.

Regulatory realities

Our policies also respond to regulatory realities. Internet content regulation laws passed over the last five years around the world have largely drawn a line between services that host content and those that provide security and conduit services. Even when these regulations impose obligations on platforms or hosts to moderate content, they exempt security and conduit services from playing the role of moderator without legal process. This is sensible regulation borne of a thorough regulatory process.

Our policies follow this well-considered regulatory guidance. We prevent security services from being used by sanctioned organizations and individuals. We also terminate security services for content which is illegal in the United States — where Cloudflare is headquartered. This includes Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) as well as content subject to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA). But, otherwise, we believe that cyberattacks are something that everyone should be free of. Even if we fundamentally disagree with the content.

In respect of the rule of law and due process, we follow legal process controlling security services. We will restrict content in geographies where we have received legal orders to do so. For instance, if a court in a country prohibits access to certain content, then, following that court’s order, we generally will restrict access to that content in that country. That, in many cases, will limit the ability for the content to be accessed in the country. However, we recognize that just because content is illegal in one jurisdiction does not make it illegal in another, so we narrowly tailor these restrictions to align with the jurisdiction of the court or legal authority.

While we follow legal process, we also believe that transparency is critically important. To that end, wherever these content restrictions are imposed, we attempt to link to the particular legal order that required the content be restricted. This transparency is necessary for people to participate in the legal and legislative process. We find it deeply troubling when ISPs comply with court orders by invisibly blackholing content — not giving those who try to access it any idea of what legal regime prohibits it. Speech can be curtailed by law, but proper application of the Rule of Law requires whoever curtails it to be transparent about why they have.

Core Internet technology services

While we will generally follow legal orders to restrict security and conduit services, we have a higher bar for core Internet technology services like Authoritative DNS, Recursive DNS/, and WARP. The challenge with these services is that restrictions on them are global in nature. You cannot easily restrict them just in one jurisdiction so the most restrictive law ends up applying globally.

We have generally challenged or appealed legal orders that attempt to restrict access to these core Internet technology services, even when a ruling only applies to our free customers. In doing so, we attempt to suggest to regulators or courts more tailored ways to restrict the content they may be concerned about.

Unfortunately, these cases are becoming more common where largely copyright holders are attempting to get a ruling in one jurisdiction and have it apply worldwide to terminate core Internet technology services and effectively wipe content offline. Again, we believe this is a dangerous precedent to set, placing the control of what content is allowed online in the hands of whatever jurisdiction is willing to be the most restrictive.

So far, we’ve largely been successful in making arguments that this is not the right way to regulate the Internet and getting these cases overturned. Holding this line we believe is fundamental for the healthy operation of the global Internet. But each showing of discretion across our security or core Internet technology services weakens our argument in these important cases.

Paying versus free

Cloudflare provides both free and paid services across all the categories above. Again, the majority of our customers use our free services and pay us nothing.

Although most of the concerns we see in our abuse process relate to our free customers, we do not have different moderation policies based on whether a customer is free versus paid. We do, however, believe that in cases where our values are diametrically opposed to a paying customer that we should take further steps to not only not profit from the customer, but to use any proceeds to further our companies’ values and oppose theirs.

For instance, when a site that opposed LGBTQ+ rights signed up for a paid version of DDoS mitigation service we worked with our Proudflare employee resource group to identify an organization that supported LGBTQ+ rights and donate 100 percent of the fees for our services to them. We don’t and won’t talk about these efforts publicly because we don’t do them for marketing purposes; we do them because they are aligned with what we believe is morally correct.

Rule of Law

While we believe we have an obligation to restrict the content that we host ourselves, we do not believe we have the political legitimacy to determine generally what is and is not online by restricting security or core Internet services. If that content is harmful, the right place to restrict it is legislatively.

We also believe that an Internet where cyberattacks are used to silence what’s online is a broken Internet, no matter how much we may have empathy for the ends. As such, we will look to legal process, not popular opinion, to guide our decisions about when to terminate our security services or our core Internet technology services.

In spite what some may claim, we are not free speech absolutists. We do, however, believe in the Rule of Law. Different countries and jurisdictions around the world will determine what content is and is not allowed based on their own norms and laws. In assessing our obligations, we look to whether those laws are limited to the jurisdiction and consistent with our obligations to respect human rights under the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Cloudflare's abuse policies & approach

There remain many injustices in the world, and unfortunately much content online that we find reprehensible. We can solve some of these injustices, but we cannot solve them all. But, in the process of working to improve the security and functioning of the Internet, we need to make sure we don’t cause it long-term harm.

We will continue to have conversations about these challenges, and how best to approach securing the global Internet from cyberattack. We will also continue to cooperate with legitimate law enforcement to help investigate crimes, to donate funds and services to support equality, human rights, and other causes we believe in, and to participate in policy making around the world to help preserve the free and open Internet.