Tag Archives: batch processing

Supporting large campaigns at scale

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/supporting-large-campaigns-at-scale


At Grab, we run large marketing campaigns every day. A typical campaign may require executing multiple actions for millions of users all at once. The actions may include sending rewards, awarding points, and sending messages. Here is what a campaign may look like: On 1st Jan 2022, send two ride rewards to all the users in the “heavy users” segment. Then, send them a congratulatory message informing them about the reward.

Years ago, Grab’s marketing team used to stay awake at midnight to manually trigger such campaigns. They would upload a file at 12 am and then wait for a long time for the campaign execution to complete. To solve this pain point and support more capabilities down this line, we developed a “batch job” service, which is part of our in-house real-time automation engine, Trident.

The following are some services we use to support Grab’s marketing teams:

  • Rewards: responsible for managing rewards.
  • Messaging: responsible for sending messages to users. For example, push notifications.
  • Segmentation: responsible for storing and retrieving segments of users based on certain criteria.

For simplicity, only the services above will be referenced for this article. The “batch job” service we built uses rewards and messaging services for executing actions, and uses the segmentation service for fetching users in a segment.

System requirements

Functional requirements

  • Apply a sequence of actions targeting a large segment of users at a scheduled time, display progress to the campaign manager and provide a final report.
    • For each user, the actions must be executed in sequence; the latter action can only be executed if the preceding action is successful.

Non-functional requirements

  • Quick execution and high turnover rate.
    • Definition of turnover rate: the number of scheduled jobs completed per unit time.
  • Maximise resource utilisation and balance server load.

For the sake of brevity, we will not cover the scheduling logic, nor the generation of the report. We will focus specifically on executing actions.

Naive approach

Let’s start thinking from the most naive solution, and improve from there to reach an optimised solution.

Here is the pseudocode of a naive action executor.

def executeActionOnSegment(segment, actions):
   for user in fetchUsersInSegment(segment):
       for action in actions:
           success := doAction(user, action)
           if not success:
           recordActionResult(user, action)

def doAction(user, action):
   if action.type == "awardReward":
       rewardService.awardReward(user, action.meta)
   elif action.type == "sendMessage":
       messagingService.sendMessage(user, action.meta)
       # other action types ...

One may be able to quickly tell that the naive solution does not satisfy our non-functional requirements for the following reasons:

  • Execution is slow:
    • The programme is single-threaded.
    • Actions are executed for users one by one in sequence.
    • Each call to the rewards and messaging services will incur network trip time, which impacts time cost.
  • Resource utilisation is low: The actions will only be executed on one server. When we have a cluster of servers, the other servers will sit idle.

Here are our alternatives for fixing the above issues:

  • Actions for different users should be executed in parallel.
  • API calls to other services should be minimised.
  • Distribute the work of executing actions evenly among different servers.

Note: Actions for the same user have to be executed in sequence. For example, if a sequence of required actions are (1) award a reward, (2) send a message informing the user to use the reward, then we can only execute action (2) after action (1) is successfully done for logical reasons and to avoid user confusion.

Our approach

A message queue is a well-suited solution to distribute work among multiple servers. We selected Kafka, among numerous message services, due to its following characteristics:

  • High throughput: Kafka can accept reads and writes at a very high speed.
  • Robustness: Events in Kafka are distributedly stored with redundancy, without a need to worry about data loss.
  • Pull-based consumption: Consumers can consume events at their own speed. This helps to avoid overloading our servers.

When a scheduled campaign is triggered, we retrieve the users from the segment in batches; each batch comprises around 100 users. We write the batches into a Kafka stream, and all our servers consume from the stream to execute the actions for the batches. The following diagram illustrates the overall flow.


Data in Kafka is stored in partitions. The partition configuration is important to ensure that the batches are evenly distributed among servers:

  1. Number of partitions: Ensure that the number of stream partitions is greater than or equal to the max number of servers we will have in our cluster. This is because one Kafka partition can only be consumed by one consumer. If we have more consumers than partitions, some consumers will not receive any data.
  2. Partition key: For each batch, assign a hash value as the partition key to randomly allocate batches into different partitions.

Now that work is distributed among servers in batches, we can consider how to process each batch faster. If we follow the naive logic, for each user in the batch, we need to call the rewards or messaging service to execute the actions. This will create very high QPS (queries per second) to those services, and incur significant network round trip time.

To solve this issue, we decided to build batch endpoints in rewards and messaging services. Each batch endpoint takes in a list of user IDs and action metadata as input parameters, and returns the action result for each user, regardless of success or failure. With that, our batch processing logic looks like the following:

def processBatch(userBatch, actions):
   users = userBatch
   for action in actions:
       successUsers, failedUsers = doAction(users, action)
       recordFailures(failedUsers, action)
       users = successUsers

def doAction(users, action):
   resp = {}
   if action.type == "awardReward":
       resp = rewardService.batchAwardReward(users, action.meta)
   elif action.type == "sendMessage":
       resp = messagingService.batchSendMessage(users, action.meta)
   # other action types ...

   return getSuccessUsers(resp), getFailedUsers(resp)

In the implementation of batch endpoints, we also made optimisations to reduce latency. For example, when awarding rewards, we need to write the records of a reward being given to a user in multiple database tables. If we make separate DB queries for each user in the batch, it will cause high QPS to DB and incur high network time cost. Therefore, we grouped all the users in the batch into one DB query for each table update instead.

Benchmark tests show that using the batch DB query reduced API latency by up to 85%.

Further optimisations

As more campaigns started running in the system, we came across various bottlenecks. Here are the optimisations we implemented for some major examples.

Shard stream by action type

Two widely used actions are awarding rewards and sending messages to users. We came across situations where the sending of messages was blocked because a different campaign of awarding rewards had already started. If millions of users were targeted for rewards, this could result in significant waiting time before messages are sent, ultimately leading them to become irrelevant.

We found out the API latency of awarding rewards is significantly higher than sending messages. Hence, to make sure messages are not blocked by long-running awarding jobs, we created a dedicated Kafka topic for messages. By having different Kafka topics based on the action type, we were able to run different types of campaigns in parallel.


Shard stream by country

Grab operates in multiple countries. We came across situations where a campaign of awarding rewards to a small segment of users in one country was delayed by another campaign that targeted a huge segment of users in another country. The campaigns targeting a small set of users are usually more time-sensitive.

Similar to the above solution, we added different Kafka topics for each country to enable the processing of campaigns in different countries in parallel.

Remove unnecessary waiting

We observed that in the case of chained actions, messaging actions are generally the last action in the action list. For example, after awarding a reward, a congratulatory message would be sent to the user.

We realised that it was not necessary to wait for a sending message action to complete before processing the next batch of users. Moreover, the latency of the sending messages API is lower than awarding rewards. Hence, we adjusted the sending messages API to be asynchronous, so that the task of awarding rewards to the next batch of users can start while messages are being sent to the previous batch.


We have architected our batch jobs system in such a way so that it can be enhanced and optimised without redoing its work. For example, although we currently obtain the list of targeted users from a segmentation service, in the future, we may obtain this list from a different source, for example, all Grab Platinum tier members.

Join us

Grab is a leading superapp in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across over 400 cities in eight countries.
Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

Bulldozer: Batch Data Moving from Data Warehouse to Online Key-Value Stores

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/bulldozer-batch-data-moving-from-data-warehouse-to-online-key-value-stores-41bac13863f8

By Tianlong Chen and Ioannis Papapanagiotou

Netflix has more than 195 million subscribers that generate petabytes of data everyday. Data scientists and engineers collect this data from our subscribers and videos, and implement data analytics models to discover customer behaviour with the goal of maximizing user joy. Usually Data scientists and engineers write Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) jobs and pipelines using big data compute technologies, like Spark or Presto, to process this data and periodically compute key information for a member or a video. The processed data is typically stored as data warehouse tables in AWS S3. Iceberg is widely adopted in Netflix as a data warehouse table format that addresses many of the usability and performance problems with Hive tables.

At Netflix, we also heavily embrace a microservice architecture that emphasizes separation of concerns. Many of these services often have the requirement to do a fast lookup for this fine-grained data which is generated periodically. For example, in order to enhance our user experience, one online application fetches subscribers’ preferences data to recommend movies and TV shows. The data warehouse is not designed to serve point requests from microservices with low latency. Therefore, we must efficiently move data from the data warehouse to a global, low-latency and highly-reliable key-value store. For how our machine learning recommendation systems leverage our key-value stores, please see more details on this presentation.

What is Bulldozer

Bulldozer is a self-serve data platform that moves data efficiently from data warehouse tables to key-value stores in batches. It leverages Netflix Scheduler for scheduling the Bulldozer Jobs. Netflix Scheduler is built on top of Meson which is a general purpose workflow orchestration and scheduling framework to execute and manage the lifecycle of the data workflow. Bulldozer makes data warehouse tables more accessible to different microservices and reduces each individual team’s burden to build their own solutions. Figure 1 shows how we use Bulldozer to move data at Netflix.

Figure 1. Moving data with Bulldozer at Netflix.

As the paved path for moving data to key-value stores, Bulldozer provides a scalable and efficient no-code solution. Users only need to specify the data source and the destination cluster information in a YAML file. Bulldozer provides the functionality to auto-generate the data schema which is defined in a protobuf file. The protobuf schema is used for serializing and deserializing the data by Bulldozer and data consumers. Bulldozer uses Spark to read the data from the data warehouse into DataFrames, converts each data entry to a key-value pair using the schema defined in the protobuf and then delivers key-value pairs into a key-value store in batches.

Instead of directly moving data into a specific key-value store like Cassandra or Memcached, Bulldozer moves data to a Netflix implemented Key-Value Data Abstraction Layer (KV DAL). The KV DAL allows applications to use a well-defined and storage engine agnostic HTTP/gRPC key-value data interface that in turn decouples applications from hard to maintain and backwards-incompatible datastore APIs. By leveraging multiple shards of the KV DAL, Bulldozer only needs to provide one single solution for writing data to the highly abstracted key-value data interface, instead of developing different plugins and connectors for different data stores. Then the KV DAL handles writing to the appropriate underlying storage engines depending on latency, availability, cost, and durability requirements.

Figure 2. How Bulldozer leverages Spark, Protobuf and KV DAL for moving the data.

Configuration-Based Bulldozer Job

For batch data movement in Netflix, we provide job templates in our Scheduler to make movement of data from all data sources into and out of the data warehouse. Templates are backed by notebooks. Our data platform provides the clients with a configuration-based interface to run a templated job with input validation.

We provide the job template MoveDataToKvDal for moving the data from the warehouse to one Key-Value DAL. Users only need to put the configurations together in a YAML file to define the movement job. The job is then scheduled and executed in Netflix Big Data Platform. This configuration defines what and where the data should be moved. Bulldozer abstracts the underlying infrastructure on how the data moves.

Let’s look at an example of a Bulldozer YAML configuration (Figure 3). Basically the configuration consists of three major domains: 1) data_movement includes the properties that specify what data to move. 2) key_value_dal defines the properties of where the data should be moved. 3) bulldozer_protobuf has the required information for protobuf file auto generation.

Figure 3. An Exemplar Bulldozer Job YAML.

In the data_movement domain, the source of the data can be a warehouse table or a SQL query. Users also need to define the key and value columns to tell Bulldozer which column is used as the key and which columns are included in the value message. We will discuss more details about the schema mapping in the next Data Model section. In the key_value_dal domain, it defines the destination of the data which is a namespace in the Key-Value DAL. One namespace in a Key-Value DAL contains as many key-value data as required, it is the equivalent to a table in a database.

Data Model

Bulldozer uses protobuf for 1) representing warehouse table schema into a key-value schema; 2) serializing and deserializing the key-value data when performing write and read operations to KV DAL. In this way, it allows us to provide a more traditional typed record store while keeping the key-value storage engine abstracted.

Figure 4 shows a simple example of how we represent a warehouse table schema into a key-value schema. The left part of the figure shows the schema of the warehouse table while the right part is the protobuf message that Bulldozer auto generates based on the configurations in the YAML file. The field names should exactly match for Bulldozer to convert the structured data entries into the key-value pairs. In this case, profile_id field is the key while email and age fields are included in the value schema. Users can use the protobuf schema KeyMessage and ValueMessage to deserialize data from Key-Value DAL as well.

Figure 4. An Example of Schema Mapping.

In this example, the schema of the warehouse table is flat, but sometimes the table can have nested structures. Bulldozer supports complicated schemas, like struct of struct type, array of struct, map of struct and map of map type.

Data Version Control

Bulldozer jobs can be configured to execute at a desired frequency of time, like once or many times per day. Each execution moves the latest view of the data warehouse into a Key-Value DAL namespace. Each view of the data warehouse is a new version of the entire dataset. For example, the data warehouse has two versions of full dataset as of January 1st and 2nd, Bulldozer job is scheduled to execute daily for moving each version of the data.

Figure 5. Dataset of January 1st 2020.
Figure 6. Dataset of January 2nd 2020.

When Bulldozer moves these versioned data, it usually has the following requirements:

  • Data Integrity. For one Bulldozer job moving one version of data, it should write the full dataset or none. Partially writing is not acceptable. For example above, if the consumer reads value for movie_id: 1 and movie_id: 2 after the Bulldozer jobs, the returned values shouldn’t come from two versions, like: (movie_id: 1, cost 40), (movie_id: 2, cost 101).
  • Seamless to Data Consumer. Once a Bulldozer job finishes moving a new version of data, the data consumer should be able to start reading the new data automatically and seamlessly.
  • Data Fallback. Normally, data consumers read only the latest version of the data, but if there’s some data corruption in that version, we should have a mechanism to fallback to the previous version.

Bulldozer leverages the KV DAL data namespace and namespace alias functionality to manage these versioned datasets. For each Bulldozer job execution, it creates a new namespace suffixed with the date and moves the data to that namespace. The data consumer reads data from an alias namespace which points to one of these version namespaces. Once the job moves the full data successfully, the Bulldozer job updates the alias namespace to point to the new namespace which contains the new version of data. The old namespaces are closed to reads and writes and deleted in the background once it’s safe to do so. As most key-value storage engines support efficiently deleting a namespace (e.g. truncate or drop a table) this allows us to cheaply recycle old versions of the data. There are also other systems in Netflix like Gutenberg which adopt a similar namespace alias approach for data versioning which is applied to terabyte datasets.

For example, in Figure 7 data consumers read the data through namespace: alias_namespace which points to one of the underlying namespaces. On January 1st 2020, Bulldozer job creates namespace_2020_01_01 and moves the dataset, alias_namespace points to namespace_2020_01_01. On January 2nd 2020, there’s a new version of data, bulldozer creates namespace_2020_01_02 , moves the new dataset and updates alias_namespace pointing to namespace_2020_01_02. Both namespace_2020_01_01 and namespace_2020_01_02 are transparent to the data consumers.

Figure 7. An Example of How the Namespace Aliasing Works.

The namespace aliasing mechanism ensures that the data consumer only reads data from one single version. If there’s a bad version of data, we can always swap the underlying namespaces to fallback to the old version.

Production Usage

We released Bulldozer in production in early 2020. Currently, Bulldozer transfers billions of records from the data warehouse to key-value stores in Netflix everyday. The use cases include our members’ predicted scores data to help improve personalized experience (one example shows in Figure 8), the metadata of Airtable and Google Sheets for data lifecycle management, the messaging modeling data for messaging personalization and more.

Figure 8. Personalized articles in Netflix Help Center powered by Bulldozer.

Stay Tuned

The ideas discussed here include only a small set of problems with many more challenges still left to be identified and addressed. Please share your thoughts and experience by posting your comments below and stay tuned for more on data movement work at Netflix.

Bulldozer: Batch Data Moving from Data Warehouse to Online Key-Value Stores was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.