Tag Archives: Data Warehouse

Dimensional modeling in Amazon Redshift

Post Syndicated from Bernard Verster original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/dimensional-modeling-in-amazon-redshift/

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed and petabyte-scale cloud data warehouse that is used by tens of thousands of customers to process exabytes of data every day to power their analytics workload. You can structure your data, measure business processes, and get valuable insights quickly can be done by using a dimensional model. Amazon Redshift provides built-in features to accelerate the process of modeling, orchestrating, and reporting from a dimensional model.

In this post, we discuss how to implement a dimensional model, specifically the Kimball methodology. We discuss implementing dimensions and facts within Amazon Redshift. We show how to perform extract, transform, and load (ELT), an integration process focused on getting the raw data from a data lake into a staging layer to perform the modeling. Overall, the post will give you a clear understanding of how to use dimensional modeling in Amazon Redshift.

Solution overview

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

In the following sections, we first discuss and demonstrate the key aspects of the dimensional model. After that, we create a data mart using Amazon Redshift with a dimensional data model including dimension and fact tables. Data is loaded and staged using the COPY command, the data in the dimensions is loaded using the MERGE statement, and facts will be joined to the dimensions where insights are derived from. We schedule the loading of the dimensions and facts using the Amazon Redshift Query Editor V2. Lastly, we use Amazon QuickSight to gain insights on the modeled data in the form of a QuickSight dashboard.

For this solution, we use a sample dataset (normalized) provided by Amazon Redshift for event ticket sales. For this post, we have narrowed down the dataset for simplicity and demonstration purposes. The following tables show examples of the data for ticket sales and venues.

According to the Kimball dimensional modeling methodology, there are four key steps in designing a dimensional model:

  1. Identify the business process.
  2. Declare the grain of your data.
  3. Identify and implement the dimensions.
  4. Identify and implement the facts.

Additionally, we add a fifth step for demonstration purposes, which is to report and analyze business events.


For this walkthrough, you should have the following prerequisites:

Identify the business process

In simple terms, identifying the business process is identifying a measurable event that generates data within an organization. Usually, companies have some sort of operational source system that generates their data in its raw format. This is a good starting point to identify various sources for a business process.

The business process is then persisted as a data mart in the form of dimensions and facts. Looking at our sample dataset mentioned earlier, we can clearly see the business process is the sales made for a given event.

A common mistake made is using departments of a company as the business process. The data (business process) needs to be integrated across various departments, in this case, marketing can access the sales data. Identifying the correct business process is critical—getting this step wrong can impact the entire data mart (it can cause the grain to be duplicated and incorrect metrics on the final reports).

Declare the grain of your data

Declaring the grain is the act of uniquely identifying a record in your data source. The grain is used in the fact table to accurately measure the data and enable you to roll up further. In our example, this could be a line item in the sales business process.

In our use case, a sale can be uniquely identified by looking at the transaction time when the sale took place; this will be the most atomic level.

Identify and implement the dimensions

Your dimension table describes your fact table and its attributes. When identifying the descriptive context of your business process, you store the text in a separate table, keeping the fact table grain in mind. When joining the dimensions table to the fact table, there should only be a single row associated to the fact table. In our example, we use the following table to be separated into a dimensions table; these fields describe the facts that we will measure.

When designing the structure of the dimensional model (the schema), you can either create a star or snowflake schema. The structure should closely align with the business process; therefore, a star schema is best fit for our example. The following figure shows our Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD).

In the following sections, we detail the steps to implement the dimensions.

Stage the source data

Before we can create and load the dimensions table, we need source data. Therefore, we stage the source data into a staging or temporary table. This is often referred to as the staging layer, which is the raw copy of the source data. To do this in Amazon Redshift, we use the COPY command to load the data from the dimensional-modeling-in-amazon-redshift public S3 bucket located on the us-east-1 Region. Note that the COPY command uses an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role with access to Amazon S3. The role needs to be associated with the cluster. Complete the following steps to stage the source data:

  1. Create the venue source table:
CREATE TABLE public.venue (
    venueid bigint,
    venuename character varying(100),
    venuecity character varying(30),
    venuestate character(2),
    venueseats bigint
  1. Load the venue data:
COPY public.venue
FROM 's3://redshift-blogs/dimensional-modeling-in-amazon-redshift/venue.csv'
IAM_ROLE '<Your IAM role arn>'
REGION 'us-east-1'
  1. Create the sales source table:
CREATE TABLE public.sales (
    salesid integer,
    venueid character varying(256),
    saletime timestamp without time zone,
    qtysold BIGINT,
    commission numeric(18,2),
    pricepaid numeric(18,2)
  1. Load the sales source data:
COPY public.sales
FROM 's3://redshift-blogs/dimensional-modeling-in-amazon-redshift/sales.csv'
IAM_ROLE '<Your IAM role arn>'
REGION 'us-east-1'
  1. Create the calendar table:
CREATE TABLE public.DimCalendar(
    dateid smallint,
        caldate date,
        day varchar(20),
        week smallint,
        month varchar(20),
        qtr varchar(20),
        year smallint,
        holiday boolean
  1. Load the calendar data:
COPY public.DimCalendar
FROM 's3://redshift-blogs/dimensional-modeling-in-amazon-redshift/date.csv'
IAM_ROLE '<Your IAM role arn>'
REGION 'us-east-1'

Create the dimensions table

Designing the dimensions table can depend on your business requirement—for example, do you need to track changes to the data over time? There are seven different dimension types. For our example, we use type 1 because we don’t need to track historical changes. For more about type 2, refer to Simplify data loading into Type 2 slowly changing dimensions in Amazon Redshift. The dimensions table will be denormalized with a primary key, surrogate key, and a few added fields to indicate changes to the table. See the following code:

create schema SalesMart;
CREATE TABLE SalesMart.DimVenue( 
    "VenueSkey" int IDENTITY(1,1) primary key
    ,"VenueName" VARCHAR NULL
    ,"VenueCity" VARCHAR NULL
    ,"VenueState" VARCHAR NULL
    ,"VenueSeats" INT NULL
    ,"InsertedDate" DATETIME NOT NULL
    ,"UpdatedDate" DATETIME NOT NULL
diststyle AUTO;

A few notes on creating the dimensions table creation:

  • The field names are transformed into business-friendly names
  • Our primary key is VenueID, which we use to uniquely identify a venue at which the sale took place
  • Two additional rows will be added, indicating when a record was inserted and updated (to track changes)
  • We are using an AUTO distribution style to give Amazon Redshift the responsibility to choose and adjust the distribution style

Another important factor to consider in dimensional modelling is the usage of surrogate keys. Surrogate keys are artificial keys that are used in dimensional modelling to uniquely identify each record in a dimension table. They are typically generated as a sequential integer, and they don’t have any meaning in the business domain. They offer several benefits, such as ensuring uniqueness and improving performance in joins, because they’re typically smaller than natural keys and as surrogate keys they don’t change over time. This allows us to be consistent and join facts and dimensions more easily.

In Amazon Redshift, surrogate keys are typically created using the IDENTITY keyword. For example, the preceding CREATE statement creates a dimension table with a VenueSkey surrogate key. The VenueSkey column is automatically populated with unique values as new rows are added to the table. This column can then be used to join the venue table to the FactSaleTransactions table.

A few tips for designing surrogate keys:

  • Use a small, fixed-width data type for the surrogate key. This will improve performance and reduce storage space.
  • Use the IDENTITY keyword, or generate the surrogate key using a sequential or GUID value. This will ensure that the surrogate key is unique and can’t be changed.

Load the dim table using MERGE

There are numerous ways to load your dim table. Certain factors need to be considered—for example, performance, data volume, and perhaps SLA loading times. With the MERGE statement, we perform an upsert without needing to specify multiple insert and update commands. You can set up the MERGE statement in a stored procedure to populate the data. You then schedule the stored procedure to run programmatically via the query editor, which we demonstrate later in the post. The following code creates a stored procedure called SalesMart.DimVenueLoad:

AS $$
MERGE INTO SalesMart.DimVenue USING public.venue as MergeSource
ON SalesMart.DimVenue.VenueId = MergeSource.VenueId
SET VenueName = ISNULL(MergeSource.VenueName, 'Unknown')
, VenueCity = ISNULL(MergeSource.VenueCity, 'Unknown')
, VenueState = ISNULL(MergeSource.VenueState, 'Unknown')
, VenueSeats = ISNULL(MergeSource.VenueSeats, -1)
, UpdatedDate = GETDATE()
, VenueName
, VenueCity
, VenueState
, VenueSeats
, UpdatedDate
, InsertedDate
ISNULL(MergeSource.VenueId, -1)
, ISNULL(MergeSource.VenueName, 'Unknown')
, ISNULL(MergeSource.VenueCity, 'Unknown')
, ISNULL(MergeSource.VenueState, 'Unknown')
, ISNULL(MergeSource.VenueSeats, -1)
, ISNULL(GETDATE() , '1900-01-01')
, ISNULL(GETDATE() , '1900-01-01')
LANGUAGE plpgsql;

A few notes on the dimension loading:

  • When a record in inserted for the first time, the inserted date and updated date will be populated. When any values change, the data is updated and the updated date reflects the date when it was changed. The inserted date remains.
  • Because the data will be used by business users, we need to replace NULL values, if any, with more business-appropriate values.

Identify and implement the facts

Now that we have declared our grain to be the event of a sale that took place at a specific time, our fact table will store the numeric facts for our business process.

We have identified the following numerical facts to measure:

  • Quantity of tickets sold per sale
  • Commission for the sale

Implementing the Fact

There are three types of fact tables (transaction fact table, periodic snapshot fact table, and accumulating snapshot fact table). Each serves a different view of the business process. For our example, we use a transaction fact table. Complete the following steps:

  1. Create the fact table
CREATE TABLE SalesMart.FactSaleTransactions( 
    CalendarDate date NOT NULL
    ,SaleTransactionTime DATETIME NOT NULL
    ,VenueSkey INT NOT NULL
    ,QuantitySold BIGINT NOT NULL
    ,SaleComission NUMERIC NOT NULL
) diststyle AUTO;

An inserted date with a default value is added, indicating if and when a record was loaded. You can use this when reloading the fact table to remove the already loaded data to avoid duplicates.

Loading the fact table consists of a simple insert statement joining your associated dimensions. We join from the DimVenue table that was created, which describes our facts. It’s best practice but optional to have calendar date dimensions, which allow the end-user to navigate the fact table. Data can either be loaded when there is a new sale, or daily; this is where the inserted date or load date comes in handy.

We load the fact table using a stored procedure and use a date parameter.

  1. Create the stored procedure with the following code. To keep the same data integrity that we applied in the dimension load, we replace NULL values, if any, with more business appropriate values:
create or replace procedure SalesMart.FactSaleTransactionsLoad(loadate datetime)
language plpgsql
/*** Delete records loaded for the day, should there be any ***/
Delete from SalesMart.FactSaleTransactions
where cast(InsertedDate as date) = CAST(loadate as date);
RAISE INFO 'Deleted rows for load date: %', loadate;
/*** Insert records ***/
INSERT INTO SalesMart.FactSaleTransactions (
    ISNULL(c.caldate, '1900-01-01') as CalendarDate
    ,ISNULL(a.saletime, '1900-01-01') as SaleTransactionTime
    ,ISNULL(b.VenueSkey, -1) as VenueSkey
    ,ISNULL(a.qtysold, 0) as QuantitySold
    ,ISNULL(a.commission, 0) as SaleComission
    public.sales as a
LEFT JOIN SalesMart.DimVenue as b
on a.venueid = b.venueid
LEFT JOIN public.DimCalendar as c
on to_char(a.saletime,'YYYYMMDD') = to_char(c.caldate,'YYYYMMDD');
--Optional filter, should you want to load only the latest data from source
--where cast(a.saletime as date) = cast(loadate as date);
  1. Load the data by calling the procedure with the following command:
call SalesMart.FactSaleTransactionsLoad(getdate())

Schedule the data load

We can now automate the modeling process by scheduling the stored procedures in Amazon Redshift Query Editor V2. Complete the following steps:

  1. We first call the dimension load and after the dimension load runs successfully, the fact load begins:
----Insert Dim Loads
call SalesMart.DimVenueLoad();

----Insert Fact Loads. They will only run if the DimLoad is successful
call SalesMart.FactSaleTransactionsLoad(getdate());

If the dimension load fails, the fact load will not run. This ensures consistency in the data because we don’t want to load the fact table with outdated dimensions.

  1. To schedule the load, choose Schedule in Query Editor V2.

  1. We schedule the query to run every day at 5:00 AM.
  2. Optionally, you can add failure notifications by enabling Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) notifications.

Report and analysis the data in Amazon Quicksight

QuickSight is a business intelligence service that makes it easy to deliver insights. As a fully managed service, QuickSight lets you easily create and publish interactive dashboards that can then be accessed from any device and embedded into your applications, portals, and websites.

We use our data mart to visually present the facts in the form of a dashboard. To get started and set up QuickSight, refer to Creating a dataset using a database that’s not autodiscovered.

After you create your data source in QuickSight, we join the modeled data (data mart) together based on our surrogate key skey. We use this dataset to visualize the data mart.

Our end dashboard will contain the insights of the data mart and answer critical business questions, such as total commission per venue and dates with the highest sales. The following screenshot shows the final product of the data mart.

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete any resources you created as part of this post.


We have now successfully implemented a data mart using our DimVenue, DimCalendar, and FactSaleTransactions tables. Our warehouse is not complete; as we can expand the data mart with more facts and implement more marts, and as the business process and requirements grow over time, so will the data warehouse. In this post, we gave an end-to-end view on understanding and implementing dimensional modeling in Amazon Redshift.

Get started with your Amazon Redshift dimensional model today.

About the Authors

Bernard Verster is an experienced cloud engineer with years of exposure in creating scalable and efficient data models, defining data integration strategies, and ensuring data governance and security. He is passionate about using data to drive insights, while aligning with business requirements and objectives.

Abhishek Pan is a WWSO Specialist SA-Analytics working with AWS India Public sector customers. He engages with customers to define data-driven strategy, provide deep dive sessions on analytics use cases, and design scalable and performant analytical applications. He has 12 years of experience and is passionate about databases, analytics, and AI/ML. He is an avid traveler and tries to capture the world through his camera lens.

Get maximum value out of your cloud data warehouse with Amazon Redshift

Post Syndicated from Sana Ahmed original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/get-maximum-value-out-of-your-cloud-data-warehouse-with-amazon-redshift/

Every day, customers are challenged with how to manage their growing data volumes and operational costs to unlock the value of data for timely insights and innovation, while maintaining consistent performance. Data creation, consumption, and storage are predicted to grow to 175 zettabytes by 2025, forecasted by the 2022 IDC Global DataSphere report.

As data workloads grow, costs to scale and manage data usage with the right governance typically increase as well. So how do organizational leaders drive their business forward with high performance, controlled costs, and high security? With the right analytics approach, this is possible.

In this post, we look at three key challenges that customers face with growing data and how a modern data warehouse and analytics system like Amazon Redshift can meet these challenges across industries and segments.

Building an optimal data system

As data grows at an extraordinary rate, data proliferation across your data stores, data warehouse, and data lakes can become a challenge. Different departments within an organization can place data in a data lake or within their data warehouse depending on the type of data and usage patterns of that department. Teams may place their unstructured data like social media feeds within their Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) data lake and historical structured data within their Amazon Redshift data warehouse. Teams need access to both the data lake and the data warehouse to work seamlessly for best insights, requiring an optimal data infrastructure that can scale almost infinitely to accommodate a growing number of concurrent data users without impacting performance—all while keeping costs under control.

A quintessential example of a company managing analytics on billions of data points across the data lake and the warehouse in a mission-critical business environment is Nasdaq, an American stock exchange. Within 2 years of migration to Amazon Redshift, Nasdaq was managing 30–70 billion records, growing daily worth over 4 terabytes.

With Amazon Redshift, Nasdaq was able to query their warehouse and use Amazon Redshift Spectrum, a capability to query the data quickly in place without data loading, from their S3 data lakes. Nasdaq minimized time to insights with the ability to query 15 terabytes of data on Amazon S3 immediately without any extra data loading after writing data to Amazon S3. This performance innovation allows Nasdaq to have a multi-use data lake between teams.

Robert Hunt, Vice President of Software Engineering for Nasdaq, shared, “We have to both load and consume the 30 billion records in a time period between market close and the following morning. Data loading delayed the delivery of our reports. We needed to be able to write or load data into our data storage solution very quickly without interfering with the reading and querying of the data at the same time.”

Nasdaq’s massive data growth meant they needed to evolve their data architecture to keep up. They built their foundation of a new data lake on Amazon S3 so they could deliver analytics using Amazon Redshift as a compute layer. Nasdaq’s peak volume of daily data ingestion reached 113 billion records, and they completed data loading for reporting 5 hours faster while running 32% faster queries.

Enabling newer personas with data warehousing and analytics

Another challenge is enabling newer data users and personas with powerful analytics to meet business goals and perform critical decision-making. Where traditionally it was the data engineer and the database administrator who set up and managed the warehouse, today line of business data analysts, data scientists, and developers are all using the data warehouse to get to near-real-time business decision-making.
These personas who don’t have specialized data management or data engineering skills don’t want to be concerned with managing the capacity of their analytics systems to handle unpredictable or spiky data workloads or wait for IT to optimize for cost and capacity. Customers want to get started with analytics on large amounts of data instantly and scale analytics quickly and cost-effectively without infrastructure management.

Take the case of mobile gaming company Playrix. They were able to use Amazon Redshift Serverless to serve their key stakeholders with dashboards with financial data for quick decision-making.

Igor Ivanov, Technical Director of Playrix, stated, “Amazon Redshift Serverless is great for achieving the on-demand high performance that we need for massive queries.”

Playrix had a two-fold business goal, including marketing to its end-users (game players) with near-real-time data while also analyzing their historical data for the past 4–5 years. In seeking a solution, Playrix wanted to avoid disrupting other technical processes while also increasing cost savings. The company migrated to Redshift Serverless and scaled up to handle more complicated analytics on 600 TB from the past 5 years, all without storing two copies of the data or disrupting other analytics jobs. With Redshift Serverless, Playrix achieved a more flexible architecture and saved an overall 20% in costs of its marketing stack, decreasing its cost of customer acquisition.

“With no overhead and infrastructure management,” Ivanov shared, “we now have more time for experimenting, developing solutions, and planning new research.”

Breaking down data silos

Organizations need to easily access and analyze diverse types of structured and unstructured data, including log files, clickstreams, voice, and video. However, these wide-ranging data types are typically stored in silos across multiple data stores. To unlock the true potential of the data, organizations must break down these silos to unify and normalize all types of data and ensure that the right people have access to the right data.

Data unification can get expensive fast, with time and cost spent on building complex, custom extract, transform, load (ETL) pipelines that move or copy data from system to system. If not done right, you can end up with data latency issues, inaccuracies, and potential security and data governance risks. Instead, teams are looking for ways to share transactionally consistent, live, first-party and third-party data with each other or their end customers, without data movement or data copying.

Stripe, a payment processing platform for businesses, is an Amazon Redshift customer and a partner with thousands of end customers who require access to Stripe data for their applications. Stripe built the Stripe Data Pipeline, a solution for Stripe customers to access Stripe datasets within their Amazon Redshift data warehouses, without having to build, maintain, or scale custom ETL jobs. The Stripe Data Pipeline is powered by the data sharing capability of Amazon Redshift. Customers get a single source of truth, with low-latency data access, to speed up financial close and get better insights, analyzing best-performing payment methods, fraud by location, and more. Cutting down data engineering time and effort to access unified data creates new business opportunities from comprehensive insights and saves costs.

A modern data architecture with Amazon Redshift

These stories about harnessing maximum value from siloed data across the organization and applying powerful analytics for business insights in a cost-efficient way are possible because of AWS’s approach to a modern data architecture for their customers. Within this architecture, AWS’s data warehousing solution Amazon Redshift is a fully managed petabyte scale system, deeply integrated with AWS database, analytics, and machine learning (ML) services. Tens of thousands of customers use Amazon Redshift every day to run data warehousing and analytics in the cloud and process exabytes of data for business insights. Customers looking for a highly performing, cost-optimized cloud data warehouse solution choose Amazon Redshift for the following reasons:

  • Its leadership in price-performance
  • The ability to break through data silos for meaningful insights
  • Easy analytics capabilities that cut down data engineering and administrative requirements
  • Security and reliability features that are offered out of the box, at no additional cost

The price-performance in a cloud data warehouse benchmark metric is simply defined as the cost to perform a particular workload. Knowing how much your data warehouse is going to cost and how performance changes as your user base and data processing increases is crucial for planning, budgeting, and decision-making around choosing the best data warehouse.

Amazon Redshift is able to attain the best price-performance for customers (up to five times better than other cloud data warehouses) by optimizing the code for AWS hardware, high-performance and power-efficient compute hardware, new compression and caching algorithms, and autonomics (ML-based optimizations) within the warehouse to abstract the administrative activities away from the user, saving time and improving performance. Flexible pricing options such as pay-as-you-go with Redshift Serverless, separation of storage and compute scaling, and 1–3-year compute reservations with heavy discounts keep prices low.

The native integrations in Amazon Redshift with databases, data lakes, streaming data services, and ML services, employing zero-ETL approaches help you access data in place without data movement and easily ingest data into the warehouse without building complex pipelines. This keeps data engineering costs low and expands analytics for more users.

For example, the integration in Amazon Redshift with Amazon SageMaker allows data analysts to stay within the data warehouse and create, train, and build ML models in SQL with no need for ETL jobs or learning new languages for ML (see Jobcase Scales ML Workflows to Support Billions of Daily Predictions Using Amazon Redshift ML for an example). Every week, over 80 billion predictions happen in the warehouse with Amazon Redshift ML.

Finally, customers don’t have to pay more to secure their critical data assets. Security features offer comprehensive identity management with data encryption, granular access controls at row and column level, and data masking abilities to protect sensitive data and authorizations for the right users or groups. These features are available out of the box, within the standard pricing model.


Overall, customers who choose Amazon Redshift innovate in a new reality where the data warehouse scales up and down automatically as workloads change, and maximizes the value of data for all cornerstones of their business.

For market leaders like Nasdaq, they are able to ingest billions of data points daily for trading and selling at high volume and velocity, all in time for proper billing and trading the following business day. For customers like Playrix, choosing Redshift Serverless means marketing to customers with comprehensive analytics in near-real time without getting bogged down by maintenance and overhead. For Stripe, it also means taking the complexity and TCO out of ETL, removing silos and unifying data.

Although data will continue to grow at unprecedented amounts, your bottom line doesn’t need to suffer. While organizational leaders face the pressures of solving for cost optimization in all types of economic environments, Amazon Redshift gives market leaders a space to innovate without compromising their data value, performance, and budgets of their cloud data warehouse.

Learn more about maximizing the value of your data with a modern data warehouse like Amazon Redshift. For more information about the price-performance leadership of Amazon Redshift and to review benchmarks against other vendors, see Amazon Redshift continues its price-performance leadership. Additionally, you can optimize costs using a variety of performance and cost levers, including Amazon Redshift’s flexible pricing models, which cover pay-as-you-go pricing for variable workloads, free trials, and reservations for steady state workloads.

About the authors

Sana Ahmed is a  Sr. Product Marketing Manager for Amazon Redshift. She is passionate about people, products and problem-solving with product marketing. As a Product Marketer, she has taken 50+ products to market and worked at various different companies including Sprinklr, PayPal and Facebook. Her hobbies include tennis, museum-hopping and fun conversations with friends and family.

Sunaina AbdulSalah leads product marketing for Amazon Redshift. She focuses on educating customers about the impact of data warehousing and analytics and sharing AWS customer stories. She has a deep background in marketing and GTM functions in the B2B technology and cloud computing domains. Outside of work, she spends time with her family and friends and enjoys traveling.

How SafetyCulture scales unpredictable dbt Cloud workloads in a cost-effective manner with Amazon Redshift

Post Syndicated from Anish Moorjani original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/how-safetyculture-scales-unpredictable-dbt-cloud-workloads-in-a-cost-effective-manner-with-amazon-redshift/

This post is co-written by Anish Moorjani, Data Engineer at SafetyCulture.

SafetyCulture is a global technology company that puts the power of continuous improvement into everyone’s hands. Its operations platform unlocks the power of observation at scale, giving leaders visibility and workers a voice in driving quality, efficiency, and safety improvements.

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed data warehouse service that tens of thousands of customers use to manage analytics at scale. Together with price-performance, Amazon Redshift enables you to use your data to acquire new insights for your business and customers while keeping costs low.

In this post, we share the solution SafetyCulture used to scale unpredictable dbt Cloud workloads in a cost-effective manner with Amazon Redshift.

Use case

SafetyCulture runs an Amazon Redshift provisioned cluster to support unpredictable and predictable workloads. A source of unpredictable workloads is dbt Cloud, which SafetyCulture uses to manage data transformations in the form of models. Whenever models are created or modified, a dbt Cloud CI job is triggered to test the models by materializing the models in Amazon Redshift. To balance the needs of unpredictable and predictable workloads, SafetyCulture used Amazon Redshift workload management (WLM) to flexibly manage workload priorities.

With plans for further growth in dbt Cloud workloads, SafetyCulture needed a solution that does the following:

  • Caters for unpredictable workloads in a cost-effective manner
  • Separates unpredictable workloads from predictable workloads to scale compute resources independently
  • Continues to allow models to be created and modified based on production data

Solution overview

The solution SafetyCulture used is comprised of Amazon Redshift Serverless and Amazon Redshift Data Sharing, along with the existing Amazon Redshift provisioned cluster.

Amazon Redshift Serverless caters to unpredictable workloads in a cost-effective manner because compute cost is not incurred when there is no workload. You pay only for what you use. In addition, moving unpredictable workloads into a separate Amazon Redshift data warehouse allows each Amazon Redshift data warehouse to scale resources independently.

Amazon Redshift Data Sharing enables data access across Amazon Redshift data warehouses without having to copy or move data. Therefore, when a workload is moved from one Amazon Redshift data warehouse to another, the workload can continue to access data in the initial Amazon Redshift data warehouse.

The following figure shows the solution and workflow steps:

  1. We create a serverless instance to cater for unpredictable workloads. Refer to Managing Amazon Redshift Serverless using the console for setup steps.
  2. We create a datashare called prod_datashare to allow the serverless instance access to data in the provisioned cluster. Refer to Getting started data sharing using the console for setup steps. Database names are identical to allow queries with full path notation database_name.schema_name.object_name to run seamlessly in both data warehouses.
  3. dbt Cloud connects to the serverless instance and models, created or modified, are tested by being materialized in the default database dev, in either each users’ personal schema or a pull request related schema. Instead of dev, you can use a different database designated for testing. Refer to Connect dbt Cloud to Redshift for setup steps.
  4. You can query materialized models in the serverless instance with materialized models in the provisioned cluster to validate changes. After you validate the changes, you can implement models in the serverless instance in the provisioned cluster.


SafetyCulture carried out the steps to create the serverless instance and datashare, with integration to dbt Cloud, with ease. SafetyCulture also successfully ran its dbt project with all seeds, models, and snapshots materialized into the serverless instance via run commands from the dbt Cloud IDE and dbt Cloud CI jobs.

Regarding performance, SafetyCulture observed dbt Cloud workloads completing on average 60% faster in the serverless instance. Better performance could be attributed to two areas:

  • Amazon Redshift Serverless measures compute capacity using Redshift Processing Units (RPUs). Because it costs the same to run 64 RPUs in 10 minutes and 128 RPUs in 5 minutes, having a higher number of RPUs to complete a workload sooner was preferred.
  • With dbt Cloud workloads isolated on the serverless instance, dbt Cloud was configured with more threads to allow materialization of more models at once.

To determine cost, you can perform an estimation. 128 RPUs provides approximately the same amount of memory that an ra3.4xlarge 21-node provisioned cluster provides. In US East (N. Virginia), the cost of running a serverless instance with 128 RPUs is $48 hourly ($0.375 per RPU hour * 128 RPUs). In the same Region, the cost of running an ra3.4xlarge 21-node provisioned cluster on demand is $68.46 hourly ($3.26 per node hour * 21 nodes). Therefore, an accumulated hour of unpredictable workloads on a serverless instance is 29% more cost-effective than an on-demand provisioned cluster. Calculations in this example should be recalculated when performing future cost estimations because prices may change over time.


SafetyCulture had two key learnings to better integrate dbt with Amazon Redshift, which can be helpful for similar implementations.

First, when integrating dbt with an Amazon Redshift datashare, configure INCLUDENEW=True to ease management of database objects in a schema:


For example, assume the model customers.sql is materialized by dbt as the view customers. Next, customers is added to a datashare. When customers.sql is modified and rematerialized by dbt, dbt creates a new view with a temporary name, drops customers, and renames the new view to customers. Although the new view carries the same name, it’s a new database object that wasn’t added to the datashare. Therefore, customers is no longer found in the datashare.

Configuring INCLUDENEW=True allows new database objects to be automatically added to the datashare. An alternative to configuring INCLUDENEW=True and providing more granular control is the use of dbt post-hook.

Second, when integrating dbt with more than one Amazon Redshift data warehouse, define sources with database to aid dbt in evaluating the right database.

For example, assume a dbt project is used across two dbt Cloud environments to isolate production and test workloads. The dbt Cloud environment for production workloads is configured with the default database prod_db and connects to a provisioned cluster. The dbt Cloud environment for test workloads is configured with the default database dev and connects to a serverless instance. In addition, the provisioned cluster contains the table prod_db.raw_data.sales, which is made available to the serverless instance via a datashare as prod_db′.raw_data.sales.

When dbt compiles a model containing the source {{ source('raw_data', 'sales') }}, the source is evaluated as database.raw_data.sales. If database is not defined for sources, dbt sets the database to the configured environment’s default database. Therefore, the dbt Cloud environment connecting to the provisioned cluster evaluates the source as prod_db.raw_data.sales, while the dbt Cloud environment connecting to the serverless instance evaluates the source as dev.raw_data.sales, which is incorrect.

Defining database for sources allows dbt to consistently evaluate the right database across different dbt Cloud environments, because it removes ambiguity.


After testing Amazon Redshift Serverless and Data Sharing, SafetyCulture is satisfied with the result and has started productionalizing the solution.

“The PoC showed the vast potential of Redshift Serverless in our infrastructure,” says Thiago Baldim, Data Engineer Team Lead at SafetyCulture. “We could migrate our pipelines to support Redshift Serverless with simple changes to the standards we were using in our dbt. The outcome provided a clear picture of the potential implementations we could do, decoupling the workload entirely by teams and users and providing the right level of computation power that is fast and reliable.”

Although this post specifically targets unpredictable workloads from dbt Cloud, the solution is also relevant for other unpredictable workloads, including ad hoc queries from dashboards. Start exploring Amazon Redshift Serverless for your unpredictable workloads today.

About the authors

Anish Moorjani is a Data Engineer in the Data and Analytics team at SafetyCulture. He helps SafetyCulture’s analytics infrastructure scale with the exponential increase in the volume and variety of data.

Randy Chng is an Analytics Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He works with customers to accelerate the solution of their key business problems.

Manage data transformations with dbt in Amazon Redshift

Post Syndicated from Randy Chng original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/manage-data-transformations-with-dbt-in-amazon-redshift/

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service in the cloud. You can start with just a few hundred gigabytes of data and scale to a petabyte or more. Amazon Redshift enables you to use your data to acquire new insights for your business and customers while keeping costs low.

Together with price-performance, customers want to manage data transformations (SQL Select statements written by data engineers, data analysts, and data scientists) in Amazon Redshift with features including modular programming and data lineage documentation.

dbt (data build tool) is a framework that supports these features and more to manage data transformations in Amazon Redshift. There are two interfaces for dbt:

  • dbt CLI – Available as an open-source project
  • dbt Cloud – A hosted service with added features including an IDE, job scheduling, and more

In this post, we demonstrate some features in dbt that help you manage data transformations in Amazon Redshift. We also provide the dbt CLI and Amazon Redshift workshop to get started using these features.

Manage common logic

dbt enables you to write SQL in a modular fashion. This improves maintainability and productivity because common logic can be consolidated (maintain a single instance of logic) and referenced (build on existing logic instead of starting from scratch).

The following figure is an example showing how dbt consolidates common logic. In this example, two models rely on the same subquery. Instead of replicating the subquery, dbt allows you to create a model for the subquery and reference it later.

Manage common subquery in dbt

Figure 1: Manage common subquery in dbt

The concept of referencing isn’t limited to logic related to subqueries. You can also use referencing for logic related to fields.

The following is an example showing how dbt consolidates common logic related to fields. In this example, a model applies the same case statement on two fields. Instead of replicating the case statement for each field, dbt allows you to create a macro containing the case statement and reference it later.

Manage common case statement in dbt

Figure 2: Manage common case statement in dbt

How is a model in dbt subsequently created in Amazon Redshift? dbt provides you with the command dbt run, which materializes models as views or tables in your targeted Amazon Redshift cluster. You can try this out in the dbt CLI and Amazon Redshift workshop.

Manage common data mappings

Although you can use macros to manage data mappings (for example, mapping “1” to “One” and “2” to “Two”), an alternative is to maintain data mappings in files and manage the files in dbt.

The following is an example of how dbt manages common data mappings. In this example, a model applies one-to-one data mappings on a field. Instead of creating a macro for the one-to-one data mappings, dbt allows you to create a seed for the one-to-one data mappings in the form of a CSV file and then reference it later.

Manage common data mapping in dbt

Figure 3: Manage common data mapping in dbt

You can create or update a seed with a two-step process. After you create or update a CSV seed file, run the command dbt seed to create the CSV seed as a table in your targeted Amazon Redshift cluster before referencing it.

Manage data lineage documentation

After you have created models and seeds in dbt, and used dbt’s referencing capability, dbt provides you with a method to generate documentation on your data transformations.

You can run the command dbt docs generate followed by dbt docs serve to launch a locally hosted website containing documentation on your dbt project. When you choose a model on the locally hosted website, information about the model is displayed, including columns in the final view or table, dependencies to create the model, and the SQL that is compiled to create the view or table. The following screenshot shows an example of this documentation.

Documentation generated by dbt

Figure 4: Documentation generated by dbt

You can also visualize dependencies for improved navigation of documentations during impact analysis. In the following example graph, we can see that model rpt_tech_all_users is built referencing the model base_public_users, which in turn references the table users in the public schema.

Data lineage visualization generated by dbt

Figure 5: Data lineage visualization generated by dbt


This post covered how you can use dbt to manage data transformations in Amazon Redshift. As you explore dbt, you will come across other features like hooks, which you can use to manage administrative tasks, for example, continuous granting of privileges.

For a hands-on experience with dbt CLI and Amazon Redshift, we have a workshop with step-by-step instructions to help you create your first dbt project and explore the features mentioned in this post—models, macros, seeds, and hooks. Visit dbt CLI and Amazon Redshift to get started.

If you have any questions or suggestions, leave your feedback in the comments section. If you need any further assistance to optimize your Amazon Redshift implementation, contact your AWS account team or a trusted AWS partner.

About the authors

Randy Chng is an Analytics Acceleration Lab Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He works with customers to accelerate their Amazon Redshift journey by delivering proof of concepts on key business problems.

Sean Beath is an Analytics Acceleration Lab Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He delivers proof of concepts with customers on Amazon Redshift, helping customers drive analytics value on AWS.

How to Accelerate Building a Lake House Architecture with AWS Glue

Post Syndicated from Raghavarao Sodabathina original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/how-to-accelerate-building-a-lake-house-architecture-with-aws-glue/

Customers are building databases, data warehouses, and data lake solutions in isolation from each other, each having its own separate data ingestion, storage, management, and governance layers. Often these disjointed efforts to build separate data stores end up creating data silos, data integration complexities, excessive data movement, and data consistency issues. These issues are preventing customers from getting deeper insights. To overcome these issues and easily move data around, a Lake House approach on AWS was introduced.

In this blog post, we illustrate the AWS Glue integration components that you can use to accelerate building a Lake House architecture on AWS. We will also discuss how to derive persona-centric insights from your Lake House using AWS Glue.

Components of the AWS Glue integration system

AWS Glue is a serverless data integration service that facilitates the discovery, preparation, and combination of data. It can be used for analytics, machine learning, and application development. AWS Glue provides all of the capabilities needed for data integration. So you can start analyzing your data and putting it to use in minutes, rather than months.

The following diagram illustrates the various components of the AWS Glue integration system.

Figure 1. AWS Glue integration components

Figure 1. AWS Glue integration components

Connect – AWS Glue allows you to connect to various data sources anywhere

Glue connector: AWS Glue provides built-in support for the most commonly used data stores. You can use Amazon Redshift, Amazon RDS, Amazon Aurora, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, MongoDB, or PostgreSQL using JDBC connections. AWS Glue also allows you to use custom JDBC drivers in your extract, transform, and load (ETL) jobs. For data stores that are not natively supported such as SaaS applications, you can use connectors. You can also subscribe to several connectors offered in the AWS Marketplace.

Glue crawlers: You can use a crawler to populate the AWS Glue Data Catalog with tables. A crawler can crawl multiple data stores in a single pass. Upon completion, the crawler creates or updates one or more tables in your Data Catalog. Extract, transform, and load (ETL) jobs that you define in AWS Glue use these Data Catalog tables as sources and targets.

Catalog – AWS Glue simplifies data discovery and governance

Glue Data Catalog: The Data Catalog serves as the central metadata catalog for the entire data landscape.

Glue Schema Registry: The AWS Glue Schema Registry allows you to centrally discover, control, and evolve data stream schemas. With AWS Glue Schema Registry, you can manage and enforce schemas on your data streaming applications.

Data quality – AWS Glue helps you author and monitor data quality rules

Glue DataBrew: AWS Glue DataBrew allows data scientists and data analysts to clean and normalize data. You can use a visual interface, reducing the time it takes to prepare data by up to 80%. With Glue DataBrew, you can visualize, clean, and normalize data directly from your data lake, data warehouses, and databases.

Curate data: You can use either Glue development endpoint or AWS Glue Studio to curate your data.

AWS Glue development endpoint is an environment that you can use to develop and test your AWS Glue scripts. You can choose either Amazon SageMaker notebook or Apache Zeppelin notebook as an environment.

AWS Glue Studio is a new visual interface for AWS Glue that supports extract-transform-and-load (ETL) developers. You can author, run, and monitor AWS Glue ETL jobs. You can now use a visual interface to compose jobs that move and transform data, and run them on AWS Glue.

AWS Data Exchange makes it easy for AWS customers to securely exchange and use third-party data in AWS. This is for data providers who want to structure their data across multiple datasets or enrich their products with additional data. You can publish additional datasets to your products using the AWS Data Exchange.

Deequ is an open-source data quality library developed internally at Amazon, for data quality. It provides multiple features such as automatic constraint suggestions and verification, metrics computation, and data profiling.

Build a Lake House architecture faster, using AWS Glue

Figure 2 illustrates how you can build a Lake House using AWS Glue components.

Figure 2. Building lake house architectures with AWS Glue

Figure 2. Building Lake House architectures with AWS Glue

The architecture flow follows these general steps:

  1. Glue crawlers scan the data from various data sources and populate the Data Catalog for your Lake House.
  2. The Data Catalog serves as the central metadata catalog for the entire data landscape.
  3. Once data is cataloged, fine-grained access control is applied to the tables through AWS Lake Formation.
  4. Curate your data with business and data quality rules by using Glue Studio, Glue development endpoints, or Glue DataBrew. Place transformed data in a curated Amazon S3 for purpose built analytics downstream.
  5. Facilitate data movement with AWS Glue to and from your data lake, databases, and data warehouse by using Glue connections. Use AWS Glue Elastic views to replicate the data across the Lake House.

Derive persona-centric insights from your Lake House using AWS Glue

Many organizations want to gather observations from increasingly larger volumes of acquired data. These insights help them make data-driven decisions with speed and agility. They must use a central data lake, a ring of purpose-built data services, and data warehouses based on persona or job function.

Figure 3 illustrates the Lake House inside-out data movement with AWS Glue DataBrew, Amazon Athena, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon QuickSight to perform persona-centric data analytics.

Figure 3. Lake house persona-centric data analytics using AWS Glue

Figure 3. Lake House persona-centric data analytics using AWS Glue

This shows how Lake House components serve various personas in an organization:

  1. Data ingestion: Data is ingested to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) from different sources.
  2. Data processing: Data curators and data scientists use DataBrew to validate, clean, and enrich the data. Amazon Athena is also used to run improvised queries to analyze the data in the lake. The transformation is shared with data engineers to set up batch processing.
  3. Batch data processing: Data engineers or developers set up batch jobs in AWS Glue and AWS Glue DataBrew. Jobs can be initiated by an event, or can be scheduled to run periodically.
  4. Data analytics: Data/Business analysts can now analyze prepared dataset in Amazon Redshift or in Amazon S3 using Athena.
  5. Data visualizations: Business analysts can create visuals in QuickSight. Data curators can enrich data from multiple sources. Admins can enforce security and data governance. Developers can embed QuickSight dashboard in applications.


Using a Lake House architecture will help you get persona-centric insights quickly from all of your data based on user role or job function. In this blog post, we describe several AWS Glue components and AWS purpose-built services that you can use to build Lake House architectures on AWS. We have also presented persona-centric Lake House analytics architecture using AWS Glue, to help you derive insights from your Lake House.

Read more and get started on building Lake House Architectures on AWS.

Bulldozer: Batch Data Moving from Data Warehouse to Online Key-Value Stores

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/bulldozer-batch-data-moving-from-data-warehouse-to-online-key-value-stores-41bac13863f8

By Tianlong Chen and Ioannis Papapanagiotou

Netflix has more than 195 million subscribers that generate petabytes of data everyday. Data scientists and engineers collect this data from our subscribers and videos, and implement data analytics models to discover customer behaviour with the goal of maximizing user joy. Usually Data scientists and engineers write Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) jobs and pipelines using big data compute technologies, like Spark or Presto, to process this data and periodically compute key information for a member or a video. The processed data is typically stored as data warehouse tables in AWS S3. Iceberg is widely adopted in Netflix as a data warehouse table format that addresses many of the usability and performance problems with Hive tables.

At Netflix, we also heavily embrace a microservice architecture that emphasizes separation of concerns. Many of these services often have the requirement to do a fast lookup for this fine-grained data which is generated periodically. For example, in order to enhance our user experience, one online application fetches subscribers’ preferences data to recommend movies and TV shows. The data warehouse is not designed to serve point requests from microservices with low latency. Therefore, we must efficiently move data from the data warehouse to a global, low-latency and highly-reliable key-value store. For how our machine learning recommendation systems leverage our key-value stores, please see more details on this presentation.

What is Bulldozer

Bulldozer is a self-serve data platform that moves data efficiently from data warehouse tables to key-value stores in batches. It leverages Netflix Scheduler for scheduling the Bulldozer Jobs. Netflix Scheduler is built on top of Meson which is a general purpose workflow orchestration and scheduling framework to execute and manage the lifecycle of the data workflow. Bulldozer makes data warehouse tables more accessible to different microservices and reduces each individual team’s burden to build their own solutions. Figure 1 shows how we use Bulldozer to move data at Netflix.

Figure 1. Moving data with Bulldozer at Netflix.

As the paved path for moving data to key-value stores, Bulldozer provides a scalable and efficient no-code solution. Users only need to specify the data source and the destination cluster information in a YAML file. Bulldozer provides the functionality to auto-generate the data schema which is defined in a protobuf file. The protobuf schema is used for serializing and deserializing the data by Bulldozer and data consumers. Bulldozer uses Spark to read the data from the data warehouse into DataFrames, converts each data entry to a key-value pair using the schema defined in the protobuf and then delivers key-value pairs into a key-value store in batches.

Instead of directly moving data into a specific key-value store like Cassandra or Memcached, Bulldozer moves data to a Netflix implemented Key-Value Data Abstraction Layer (KV DAL). The KV DAL allows applications to use a well-defined and storage engine agnostic HTTP/gRPC key-value data interface that in turn decouples applications from hard to maintain and backwards-incompatible datastore APIs. By leveraging multiple shards of the KV DAL, Bulldozer only needs to provide one single solution for writing data to the highly abstracted key-value data interface, instead of developing different plugins and connectors for different data stores. Then the KV DAL handles writing to the appropriate underlying storage engines depending on latency, availability, cost, and durability requirements.

Figure 2. How Bulldozer leverages Spark, Protobuf and KV DAL for moving the data.

Configuration-Based Bulldozer Job

For batch data movement in Netflix, we provide job templates in our Scheduler to make movement of data from all data sources into and out of the data warehouse. Templates are backed by notebooks. Our data platform provides the clients with a configuration-based interface to run a templated job with input validation.

We provide the job template MoveDataToKvDal for moving the data from the warehouse to one Key-Value DAL. Users only need to put the configurations together in a YAML file to define the movement job. The job is then scheduled and executed in Netflix Big Data Platform. This configuration defines what and where the data should be moved. Bulldozer abstracts the underlying infrastructure on how the data moves.

Let’s look at an example of a Bulldozer YAML configuration (Figure 3). Basically the configuration consists of three major domains: 1) data_movement includes the properties that specify what data to move. 2) key_value_dal defines the properties of where the data should be moved. 3) bulldozer_protobuf has the required information for protobuf file auto generation.

Figure 3. An Exemplar Bulldozer Job YAML.

In the data_movement domain, the source of the data can be a warehouse table or a SQL query. Users also need to define the key and value columns to tell Bulldozer which column is used as the key and which columns are included in the value message. We will discuss more details about the schema mapping in the next Data Model section. In the key_value_dal domain, it defines the destination of the data which is a namespace in the Key-Value DAL. One namespace in a Key-Value DAL contains as many key-value data as required, it is the equivalent to a table in a database.

Data Model

Bulldozer uses protobuf for 1) representing warehouse table schema into a key-value schema; 2) serializing and deserializing the key-value data when performing write and read operations to KV DAL. In this way, it allows us to provide a more traditional typed record store while keeping the key-value storage engine abstracted.

Figure 4 shows a simple example of how we represent a warehouse table schema into a key-value schema. The left part of the figure shows the schema of the warehouse table while the right part is the protobuf message that Bulldozer auto generates based on the configurations in the YAML file. The field names should exactly match for Bulldozer to convert the structured data entries into the key-value pairs. In this case, profile_id field is the key while email and age fields are included in the value schema. Users can use the protobuf schema KeyMessage and ValueMessage to deserialize data from Key-Value DAL as well.

Figure 4. An Example of Schema Mapping.

In this example, the schema of the warehouse table is flat, but sometimes the table can have nested structures. Bulldozer supports complicated schemas, like struct of struct type, array of struct, map of struct and map of map type.

Data Version Control

Bulldozer jobs can be configured to execute at a desired frequency of time, like once or many times per day. Each execution moves the latest view of the data warehouse into a Key-Value DAL namespace. Each view of the data warehouse is a new version of the entire dataset. For example, the data warehouse has two versions of full dataset as of January 1st and 2nd, Bulldozer job is scheduled to execute daily for moving each version of the data.

Figure 5. Dataset of January 1st 2020.
Figure 6. Dataset of January 2nd 2020.

When Bulldozer moves these versioned data, it usually has the following requirements:

  • Data Integrity. For one Bulldozer job moving one version of data, it should write the full dataset or none. Partially writing is not acceptable. For example above, if the consumer reads value for movie_id: 1 and movie_id: 2 after the Bulldozer jobs, the returned values shouldn’t come from two versions, like: (movie_id: 1, cost 40), (movie_id: 2, cost 101).
  • Seamless to Data Consumer. Once a Bulldozer job finishes moving a new version of data, the data consumer should be able to start reading the new data automatically and seamlessly.
  • Data Fallback. Normally, data consumers read only the latest version of the data, but if there’s some data corruption in that version, we should have a mechanism to fallback to the previous version.

Bulldozer leverages the KV DAL data namespace and namespace alias functionality to manage these versioned datasets. For each Bulldozer job execution, it creates a new namespace suffixed with the date and moves the data to that namespace. The data consumer reads data from an alias namespace which points to one of these version namespaces. Once the job moves the full data successfully, the Bulldozer job updates the alias namespace to point to the new namespace which contains the new version of data. The old namespaces are closed to reads and writes and deleted in the background once it’s safe to do so. As most key-value storage engines support efficiently deleting a namespace (e.g. truncate or drop a table) this allows us to cheaply recycle old versions of the data. There are also other systems in Netflix like Gutenberg which adopt a similar namespace alias approach for data versioning which is applied to terabyte datasets.

For example, in Figure 7 data consumers read the data through namespace: alias_namespace which points to one of the underlying namespaces. On January 1st 2020, Bulldozer job creates namespace_2020_01_01 and moves the dataset, alias_namespace points to namespace_2020_01_01. On January 2nd 2020, there’s a new version of data, bulldozer creates namespace_2020_01_02 , moves the new dataset and updates alias_namespace pointing to namespace_2020_01_02. Both namespace_2020_01_01 and namespace_2020_01_02 are transparent to the data consumers.

Figure 7. An Example of How the Namespace Aliasing Works.

The namespace aliasing mechanism ensures that the data consumer only reads data from one single version. If there’s a bad version of data, we can always swap the underlying namespaces to fallback to the old version.

Production Usage

We released Bulldozer in production in early 2020. Currently, Bulldozer transfers billions of records from the data warehouse to key-value stores in Netflix everyday. The use cases include our members’ predicted scores data to help improve personalized experience (one example shows in Figure 8), the metadata of Airtable and Google Sheets for data lifecycle management, the messaging modeling data for messaging personalization and more.

Figure 8. Personalized articles in Netflix Help Center powered by Bulldozer.

Stay Tuned

The ideas discussed here include only a small set of problems with many more challenges still left to be identified and addressed. Please share your thoughts and experience by posting your comments below and stay tuned for more on data movement work at Netflix.

Bulldozer: Batch Data Moving from Data Warehouse to Online Key-Value Stores was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.