Tag Archives: kafka

Enabling near real-time data analytics on the data lake

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/enabling-near-realtime-data-analytics


In the domain of data processing, data analysts run their ad hoc queries on the data lake. The lake serves as an interface between our analytics and production environment, preventing downstream queries from impacting upstream data ingestion pipelines. To ensure efficient data processing in the data lake, choosing appropriate storage formats is crucial.

The vanilla data lake solution is built on top of cloud object storage with Hive metastore, where data files are written in Parquet format. Although this setup is optimised for scalable analytics query patterns, it struggles to handle frequent updates to the data due to two reasons:

  1. The Hive table format requires us to rewrite the Parquet files with the latest data. For instance, to update one record in a Hive unpartitioned table, we would need to read all the data, update the record, and write back the entire data set.
  2. Writing Parquet files is expensive due to the overhead of organising the data to a compressed columnar format, which is more complex than a row format.

The issue is further exacerbated by the scheduled downstream transformations. These necessary steps, which clean and process the data for use, increase the latency because the total delay now includes the combined scheduled intervals of these processing jobs.

Fortunately, the introduction of the Hudi format, which supports fast writes by allowing Avro and Parquet files to co-exist on a Merge On Read (MOR) table, opens up the possibility of having a data lake with minimal data latency. The concept of a commit timeline further allows data to be served with Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability (ACID) guarantees.

We employ different sets of configurations for the different characteristics of our input sources:

  1. High or low throughput. A high-throughput source refers to one that has a high level of activity. One example of this can be our stream of booking events generated from each customer transaction. On the other hand, a low-throughput source would be one that has a relative low level of activity. An example of this can be transaction events generated from reconciliation happening on a nightly basis.
  2. Kafka (unbounded) or Relational Database Sources (bounded). Our sinks have sources that can be broadly categorised into unbounded and bounded sources. Unbounded sources are usually related to transaction events materialised as Kafka topics, representing user-generated events as they interact with the Grab superapp. Bounded sources usually refer to Relational Database (RDS) sources, whose size is bound to storage provisioned.

The following sections will delve into the differences between each source and our corresponding configurations optimised for them.

High throughput source

For our data sources with high throughput, we have chosen to write the files in MOR format since the writing of files in Avro format allows for fast writes to meet our latency requirements.

Figure 1 Architecture for MOR tables

As seen in Figure 1, we use Flink to perform the stream processing and write out log files in Avro format in our setup. We then set up a separate Spark writer which periodically converts the Avro files into Parquet format in the Hudi compaction process.

We have further simplified the coordination between the Flink and Spark writers by enabling asynchronous services on the Flink writer so it can generate the compaction plans for Spark writers to act on. During the Spark job runs, it checks for available compaction plans and acts on them, placing the burden of orchestrating the writes solely on the Flink writer. This approach could help minimise potential concurrency problems that might otherwise arise, as there would be a single actor
orchestrating the associated Hudi table services.

Low throughput source

Figure 2 Architecture for COW tables

For low throughput sources, we gravitate towards the choice of Copy On Write (COW) tables given the simplicity of its design, since it only involves one component, which is the Flink writer. The downside is that it has higher data latency because this setup only generates Parquet format data snapshots at each checkpoint interval, which is typically about 10-15 minutes.

Connecting to our Kafka (unbounded) data source

Grab uses Protobuf as our central data format in Kafka, ensuring schema evolution compatibility. However, the derivation of the schema of these topics still requires some transformation to make it compatible with Hudi’s accepted schema. Some of these transformations include ensuring that Avro record fields do not contain just a single array field, and handling logical decimal schemas to transform them to fixed byte schema for Spark compatibility.

Given the unbounded nature of the source, we decided to partition it by Kafka event time up to the hour level. This ensured that our Hudi operations would be faster. Parquet file writes would be faster since they would only affect files within the same partition, and each Parquet file within the same event time partition would have a bounded size given the monotonically increasing nature of Kafka event time.

By partitioning tables by Kafka event time, we can further optimise compaction planning operations, since the amount of file lookups required is now reduced with the use of BoundedPartitionAwareCompactionStrategy. Only log files in recent partitions would be selected for compaction and the job manager need not list every partition to figure out which log files to select for compaction during the planning phase anymore.

Connecting to our RDS (bounded) data source

For our RDS, we decided to use the Flink Change Data Capture (CDC) connectors by Veverica to obtain the binlog streams. The RDS would then treat the Flink writer as a replication server and start streaming its binlog data to it for each MySQL change. The Flink CDC connector presents the data as a Kafka Connect (KC) Source record, since it uses the Debezium connector under the hood. It is then a straightforward task to deserialise these records and transform them into Hudi records, since
the Avro schema and associated data changes are already captured within the KC source record.

The obtained binlog timestamp is also emitted as a metric during consumption for us to monitor the observed data latency at the point of ingestion.

Optimising for these sources involves two phases:

  1. First, assigning more resources for the cold start incremental snapshot process where Flink takes a snapshot of the current data state in the RDS and loads the Hudi table with that snapshot. This phase is usually resource-heavy as there are a lot of file writes and data ingested during this process.
  2. Once the snapshotting is completed, Flink would then start to process the binlog stream and the observed throughput would drop to a level similar to the DB write throughput. The resources required by the Flink writer at this stage would be much lower than in the snapshot phase.

Indexing for Hudi tables

Indexing is important for upserting Hudi tables when the writing engine performs updates, allowing it to efficiently locate the file groups of the data to be updated.

As of version 0.14, the Flink engine only supports Bucket Index or Flink State Index. Bucket Index performs indexing of the file record by hashing the record key and matching it to a specific bucket of files indicated by the naming convention of the written data files. Flink State Index on the other hand stores the index map of record keys to files in memory.

Given that our tables include unbounded Kafka sources, there is a possibility for our state indexes to grow indefinitely. Furthermore, the requirement of state preservation for Flink State Index across version deployments and configuration updates adds complexity to the overall solution.

Thus, we opted for the simple Bucket Index for its simplicity and the fact that our Hudi table size per partition does not change drastically across the week. However, this comes with a limitation whereby the number of buckets cannot be updated easily and imposes a parallelism limit at which our Flink pipelines can scale. Thus, as traffic grows organically, we would find ourselves in a situation whereby our configuration grows obsolete and cannot handle the increased load.

To resolve this going forward, using consistent hashing for the Bucket Index would be something to explore to optimise our Parquet file sizes and allow the number of buckets to grow seamlessly as traffic grows.


Fresh business metrics

Post creation of our Hudi Data Ingestion solution, we have enabled various users such as our data analysts to perform ad hoc queries much more easily on data that has lower latency. Furthermore, Hudi tables can be seamlessly joined with Hive tables in Trino for additional context. This enabled the construction of operational dashboards reflecting fresh business metrics to our various operators, empowering them with the necessary information to quickly respond to any abnormalities (such as high-demand events like F1 or seasonal holidays).

Quicker fraud detection

Another significant user of our solution is our fraud detection analysts. This enabled them to rapidly access fresh transaction events and analyse them for fraudulent patterns, particularly during the emergence of a new attack pattern that hadn’t been detected by their rules engine. Our solution also allowed them to perform multiple ad hoc queries that involve lookbacks of various days’ worth of data without impacting our production RDS and Kafka clusters by using the data lake as the data interface, reducing the data latency to the minute level and, in turn, empowering them to respond more quickly to attacks.

What’s next?

As the landscape of data storage solutions evolves rapidly, we are eager to test and integrate new features like Record Level Indexing and the creation of Pre Join tables. This evolution extends beyond the Hudi community to other table formats such as IceBerg and DeltaLake. We remain ready to adapt ourselves to these changes and incorporate the advantages of each format into our data lake within Grab.


Join us

Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

Rethinking Stream Processing: Data Exploration

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/rethinking-streaming-processing-data-exploration


In this digital age, companies collect multitudes of data that enable the tracking of business metrics and performance. Over the years, data analytics tools for data storage and processing have evolved from the days of Excel sheets and macros to more advanced Map Reduce model tools like Spark, Hadoop, and Hive. This evolution has allowed companies, including Grab, to perform modern analytics on the data ingested into the Data Lake, empowering them to make better data-driven business decisions. This form of data will be referenced within this document as “Offline Data”.

With innovations in stream processing technology like Spark and Flink, there is now more interest in unlocking value from streaming data. This form of continuously-generated data in high volume will be referenced within this document as “Online Data”. In the context of Grab, the streaming data is usually materialised as Kafka topics (“Kafka Stream”) as the result of stream processing in its framework. This data is largely unexplored until they are eventually sunk into the Data Lake as Offline Data, part of the data journey (see Figure 1 below). This induces some data latency before the data can be used by data analysts to inform decisions.

Figure 1. Simplified data journey for Offline Data vs. Online Data, from data generation to data analysis.

As seen in Figure 1 above, the Time to Value (“TTV”) of Online Data is shorter as compared to that of Offline Data in a simplified data journey from data generation to data analysis where complexities of data cleaning and transformation have been removed. This is because the role of the data analyst or data scientist (“Data End User”) has been enabled forward to the Kafka stage for Online Data instead of the Data Lake stage for Offline Data. We recognise that allowing earlier data exploration on Online Data allows Data End Users to build context around the data inputs they are using in an earlier stage. This can help them process Offline Data more meaningfully in subsequent stages. We are interested in opening up the possibility for Data End Users to at least explore the Online Data before they architect a full solution to clean and/or process the data directly or more efficiently post-ingestion into the Data Lake. After their data exploration, the users would have more information to decide whether to spin up a stream processing pipeline for Online Data, or to continue processing Offline Data with their current solution, but with a more refined understanding and logic strategy against their source data inputs. However, of course, in this blog, we acknowledge that not all analysis on Online Data could be done in this manner.

Problem statement

Online Data is underutilised within Grab mainly because of, among other reasons, difficulty in performing data exploration on data that is not yet properly stored in the Data Lake.

For the purpose of this blog post, we will focus only on the problem of exploration of Online Data because this problem is the precursor to allowing us to fully democratise such data.

The problem of data exploration manifests itself when Data End Users need to find the proper data inputs to base and develop their data models. These users would then often need to parse through a multitude of documentation and connect with multiple upstream data producers, to know the range of data signals that are currently available and understand what each data signal is trying to measure.

Given the ephemeral nature of Online Data, this implies that the lack of correct tool adoption to seamlessly perform quick tests with application logic on Online Data disincentivises the Data End Users to work on these Online Data. Testing such logic on Offline Data is generally much easier since iteration testing on the exact same dataset is possible.

This difficulty in performing data exploration including ad hoc queries on Online Data has therefore made development of stream processing applications hard for Data End Users, creating headwinds in Grab’s aim to evolve from making data-driven business decisions to also making data-driven operation decisions. Doing both would allow Grab to react much quicker to abrupt changes in its business landscape.

Adoption of Zeppelin notebook environment

To address the difficulty in performing data exploration on Online Data, we have adopted Apache Zeppelin, a web-based notebook that enables data-drive, interactive data analytics with the support of multiple interpreters to work with various data processing backends e.g. Spark, Flink. The full solution of the adopted Zeppelin notebook environment is enabled seamlessly within our internal data-streaming platform, through its control plane. If you are interested, you may check out our previous blog post titled An elegant platform for more details on the abovementioned streaming platform and its control plane.

Figure 2. Zeppelin login page via web-based notebook environment.

As seen from Figure 2 above, after successful creation of the Zeppelin cluster, users can log in with their generated credentials delivered to them via the integrated instant messenger, and start using the notebook environment.

Figure 3. Zeppelin programme flow in the notebook environment.

Figure 3 above explains the Zeppelin notebook programme flow as follows:

  • The users enter their queries into the notebook session and run querying statements interactively with the established web-based notebook session.
  • The queries are passed to the Flink interpreter within the cluster to generate the Flink job as a Jar file, to be then submitted to a Flink session cluster.
  • When the Flink session cluster job manager receives the job, it would spin up the corresponding Flink task managers (workers) to run the application and retrieve the results.
  • The query results would then be piped back to the notebook session, to be displayed back to the user on the notebook session.

Data query and visualisation

Figure 4. Example of simple select query of data on Kafka.
Note: All variable names, schema, values, and other details used in this article are only created for use as examples.

Flink has a planned roadmap to create a unified streaming language for both stream processing and data analytics. In line with the roadmap, we have based our Zeppelin solution on supporting Structured Query Language (“SQL”) as the query language of choice as seen in Figure 4 above. Data End Users can now write queries in SQL, which is a language that they are comfortable with, and perform adequate data exploration.

As discussed in this section, data exploration on streaming data at the Kafka stage by adopting the right tool enables Data End Users to seamlessly have visibility to quickly understand the current schema of a Kafka topic (explained more in the next section. This kind of data exploration also enables Data End Users to understand the type of data the Kafka topic represents, such as the ability to determine if a country code data field is in alpha-2 or alpha-3 format while the data is still part of streaming data. This might seem inconsequential and immediately identifiable even in Offline Data, but by enabling data exploration at an earlier stage in the data journey for Online Data, Data End Users have the opportunity to react much more quickly. For example, a change of expected country code format from the data producer would usually lead to errors in the downstream joins or other stream processing pipelines due to incompatible parsing or filtering of the modified country codes. Instead of waiting for the data to be ingested to Offline Data, users can investigate the issue with Online Data retrieved from Kafka.

Figure 5. Simple visualisation of queried data on Zeppelin’s notebook environment.
Note: All variable names, schema, values, and other details used in this article are only created for use as examples.

Besides query features, Zeppelin notebook provides simple visualisation and analytics of the off-the-shelf data as presented above in Figure 5. Furthermore, users are now able to perform interactive ad hoc queries on Online Data. These queries will eventually become much more advanced and/or effective SQL queries to be deployed as a streaming pipeline later on in the data journey. This reduces the inertia in setting up a separate development environment or learning other programming languages like Java or Scala during the development of streaming pipelines. With Zeppelin’s notebook environment, our Data End Users are more empowered to quickly derive value from Online Data.

Need for a more dynamic table schema derivation process

For the Data End Users performing data exploration on Online Data, we see a need for these users to derive the Data Definition Language (“DDL”) associated with a Kafka stream at an earlier stage of the data journey. Within Grab, even though Kafka streams are transmitted in Protobuf format and are thus structured, both the schema and the corresponding DDL changes are added over time as new fields. Typically, the data producer (service owners) and the data engineers responsible for the data ingestion pipeline coordinate to perform such updates. Since the Data End Users are not involved in such schema update processes nor do they directly interact with the data producers, many of them find the discovery of changes in the current Kafka stream schema an issue. Granted that this is an issue our metadata platform is actively solving using Datahub, we hope to also solve the challenge by being able to derive the DDL more dynamically within the tooling, for data exploration on Online Data to reduce friction.

Figure 6. Common functions to derive DDL of a Kafka Stream in SQL.
Note: All variable names, schema, values, and other details used in this article are only created for use as examples.

As seen from Figure 6 above, we have an integrated tooling for Data End Users to derive the DDL associated with a Kafka stream using SQL language. A Kafka stream in Grab’s context is a logical concept describing a Kafka topic, associating it with its metadata like Kafka bootstrap servers and associated Java class created by Protoc. This tool maps the Protobuf schema definition of a Kafka stream to a DDL, allowing it to be expressed and used in SQL language. This reduces the manual effort involved in creating these table definitions from scratch based on the associated Protobuf schema. Users can now derive the DDL associated with a Kafka stream more easily.

Mitigating risks arising from data exploration on Online Data – data access authorisation/audit

While we rethink stream processing and are open to options that enable data exploration on Online Data as mentioned above, we realised that new security requirements related to data access authorisation and maintaining proper audit trail have emerged. Even with Personally Identifiable Information (PII) obfuscation enforcement by our streaming pipeline, it means we need to implement stricter guardrails in place along with audit trails to ensure users only have access to what they are allowed to, and this access can be removed in a break-glass scenario. If you are interested, you may check out our previous blog post titled PII masking for privacy-grade machine learning for more details about how we enforce PII masking on machine learning data streaming pipelines.

To enable data access authorisation, we utilised Strimzi, the operator of running Kafka on Kubernetes. We integrated Strimzi’s Open Policy Agent (OPA) with Kafka to define policies that authorise specific read-only user access to specific Kafka Topics. The identification of users is done via mutualTLS (mTLS) connection with our Kafka clusters, where their user details are part of the SSL certificate details used for authentication.

With these tools in place, each user’s request to explore Online Data would be properly logged, and each data access can be controlled by an OPA policy managed by a central team.

If you are interested, you may check out our previous post Zero trust with Kafka where we discussed our efforts to continue strengthening the security of our data-streaming platform.


With the proliferation of our data-streaming platform, we expect to see improvements in the way our data becomes gradually democratised. We have already been receiving use cases from the Data End Users who are interested in validating a chain of events on Online Data, i.e. retrieving information of all events associated with a particular booking, which is not currently something that can be done easily.

More importantly, the tools in place for data exploration on Online Data form the foundation required for us to embark on our next step of the stream processing journey. This foundation makes the development and validation of the stream processing logic much quicker. This occurs when ad hoc queries in a notebook environment are possible, removing the need for local developer environment setups and the need to go through the whole pipeline deployment process for eventual validation of the developed logic. We believe that this would prove to reduce our lead time in creating stream processing pipelines significantly.

What’s next?

Our next step is to rethink further how our stream processing pipelines are defined and start to provision SQL as the unified streaming language of our pipelines. This helps facilitate better discussion between upstream data producers, data engineers, and Data End Users, since SQL is the common language among these stakeholders.

We will also explore handling schema discovery in a more controlled manner by utilising a Hive catalogue to store our Kafka table definitions. This removes the need for users to retrieve and run the table DDL statement for every session, making the data exploration experience even more seamless.


[1] Apache Zeppelin | Web-based notebook that enables data-driven, interactive data analytics and collaborative documents with SQL, Scala, Python, R and more.

[2] An elegant platform | Grab engineering blog.

[3] Apache Flink | Roadmap on Unified SQL Platform.

[4] ISO | ISO 3166 Country Codes.

[5] Protobuf (Protocol Buffers)| Language-neutral, platform-neutral extensible mechanisms for serializing structured data.

[6] Datahub | Extensible metadata platform that enables data discovery, data observability and federated governance to help tame the complexity of your data ecosystem.

[7] Protoc | Protocol buffer compiler installation.

[8] PII masking for privacy-grade machine learning | Grab engineering blog.

[9] Zero trust with Kafka | Grab engineering blog.

[10] Open Policy Agent (OPA) | Policy-based control for cloud native environments.

[11] Strimzi | Using Open Policy Agent with Strimzi and Apache Kafka.

[12] Confluent Documentation | Configure mTLS authentication and RBAC for kafka brokers.

Join us

Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

Kafka on Kubernetes: Reloaded for fault tolerance

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/kafka-on-kubernetes


Coban – Grab’s real-time data streaming platform – has been operating Kafka on Kubernetes with Strimzi in
production for about two years. In a previous article (Zero trust with Kafka), we explained how we leveraged Strimzi to enhance the security of our data streaming offering.

In this article, we are going to describe how we improved the fault tolerance of our initial design, to the point where we no longer need to intervene if a Kafka broker is unexpectedly terminated.

Problem statement

We operate Kafka in the AWS Cloud. For the Kafka on Kubernetes design described in this article, we rely on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), the managed Kubernetes offering by AWS, with the worker nodes deployed as self-managed nodes on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).

To make our operations easier and limit the blast radius of any incidents, we deploy exactly one Kafka cluster for each EKS cluster. We also give a full worker node to each Kafka broker. In terms of storage, we initially relied on EC2 instances with non-volatile memory express (NVMe) instance store volumes for
maximal I/O performance. Also, each Kafka cluster is accessible beyond its own Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) via a VPC Endpoint Service.

Fig. 1 Initial design of a 3-node Kafka cluster running on Kubernetes.

Fig. 1 shows a logical view of our initial design of a 3-node Kafka on Kubernetes cluster, as typically run by Coban. The Zookeeper and Cruise-Control components are not shown for clarity.

There are four Kubernetes services (1): one for the initial connection – referred to as “bootstrap” – that redirects incoming traffic to any Kafka pods, plus one for each Kafka pod, for the clients to target each Kafka broker individually (a requirement to produce or consume from/to a partition that resides on any particular Kafka broker). Four different listeners on the Network Load Balancer (NLB) listening on four different TCP ports, enable the Kafka clients to target either the bootstrap
service or any particular Kafka broker they need to reach. This is very similar to what we previously described in Exposing a Kafka Cluster via a VPC Endpoint Service.

Each worker node hosts a single Kafka pod (2). The NVMe instance store volume is used to create a Kubernetes Persistent Volume (PV), attached to a pod via a Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claim (PVC).

Lastly, the worker nodes belong to Auto-Scaling Groups (ASG) (3), one by Availability Zone (AZ). Strimzi adds in node affinity to make sure that the brokers are evenly distributed across AZs. In this initial design, ASGs are not for auto-scaling though, because we want to keep the size of the cluster under control. We only use ASGs – with a fixed size – to facilitate manual scaling operation and to automatically replace the terminated worker nodes.

With this initial design, let us see what happens in case of such a worker node termination.

Fig. 2 Representation of a worker node termination. Node C is terminated and replaced by node D. However the Kafka broker 3 pod is unable to restart on node D.

Fig. 2 shows the worker node C being terminated along with its NVMe instance store volume C, and replaced (by the ASG) by a new worker node D and its new, empty NVMe instance store volume D. On start-up, the worker node D automatically joins the Kubernetes cluster. The Kafka broker 3 pod that was running on the faulty worker node C is scheduled to restart on the new worker node D.

Although the NVMe instance store volume C is terminated along with the worker node C, there is no data loss because all of our Kafka topics are configured with a minimum of three replicas. The data is poised to be copied over from the surviving Kafka brokers 1 and 2 back to Kafka broker 3, as soon as Kafka broker 3 is effectively restarted on the worker node D.

However, there are three fundamental issues with this initial design:

  1. The Kafka clients that were in the middle of producing or consuming to/from the partition leaders of Kafka broker 3 are suddenly facing connection errors, because the broker was not gracefully demoted beforehand.
  2. The target groups of the NLB for both the bootstrap connection and Kafka broker 3 still point to the worker node C. Therefore, the network communication from the NLB to Kafka broker 3 is broken. A manual reconfiguration of the target groups is required.
  3. The PVC associating the Kafka broker 3 pod with its instance store PV is unable to automatically switch to the new NVMe instance store volume of the worker node D. Indeed, static provisioning is an intrinsic characteristic of Kubernetes local volumes. The PVC is still in Bound state, so Kubernetes does not take any action. However, the actual storage beneath the PV does not exist anymore. Without any storage, the Kafka broker 3 pod is unable to start.

At this stage, the Kafka cluster is running in a degraded state with only two out of three brokers, until a Coban engineer intervenes to reconfigure the target groups of the NLB and delete the zombie PVC (this, in turn, triggers its re-creation by Strimzi, this time using the new instance store PV).

In the next section, we will see how we have managed to address the three issues mentioned above to make this design fault-tolerant.


Graceful Kafka shutdown

To minimise the disruption for the Kafka clients, we leveraged the AWS Node Termination Handler (NTH). This component provided by AWS for Kubernetes environments is able to cordon and drain a worker node that is going to be terminated. This draining, in turn, triggers a graceful shutdown of the Kafka
process by sending a polite SIGTERM signal to all pods running on the worker node that is being drained (instead of the brutal SIGKILL of a normal termination).

The termination events of interest that are captured by the NTH are:

  • Scale-in operations by an ASG.
  • Manual termination of an instance.
  • AWS maintenance events, typically EC2 instances scheduled for upcoming retirement.

This suffices for most of the disruptions our clusters can face in normal times and our common maintenance operations, such as terminating a worker node to refresh it. Only sudden hardware failures (AWS issue events) would fall through the cracks and still trigger errors on the Kafka client side.

The NTH comes in two modes: Instance Metadata Service (IMDS) and Queue Processor. We chose to go with the latter as it is able to capture a broader range of events, widening the fault tolerance capability.

Scale-in operations by an ASG

Fig. 3 Architecture of the NTH with the Queue Processor.

Fig. 3 shows the NTH with the Queue Processor in action, and how it reacts to a scale-in operation (typically triggered manually, during a maintenance operation):

  1. As soon as the scale-in operation is triggered, an Auto Scaling lifecycle hook is invoked to pause the termination of the instance.
  2. Simultaneously, an Auto Scaling lifecycle hook event is issued to an Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queue. In Fig. 3, we have also materialised EC2 events (e.g. manual termination of an instance, AWS maintenance events, etc.) that transit via Amazon EventBridge to eventually end up in the same SQS queue. We will discuss EC2 events in the next two sections.
  3. The NTH, a pod running in the Kubernetes cluster itself, constantly polls that SQS queue.
  4. When a scale-in event pertaining to a worker node of the Kubernetes cluster is read from the SQS queue, the NTH sends to the Kubernetes API the instruction to cordon and drain the impacted worker node.
  5. On draining, Kubernetes sends a SIGTERM signal to the Kafka pod residing on the worker node.
  6. Upon receiving the SIGTERM signal, the Kafka pod gracefully migrates the leadership of its leader partitions to other brokers of the cluster before shutting down, in a transparent manner for the clients. This behaviour is ensured by the controlled.shutdown.enable parameter of Kafka, which is enabled by default.
  7. Once the impacted worker node has been drained, the NTH eventually resumes the termination of the instance.

Strimzi also comes with a terminationGracePeriodSeconds parameter, which we have set to 180 seconds to give the Kafka pods enough time to migrate all of their partition leaders gracefully on termination. We have verified that this is enough to migrate all partition leaders on our Kafka clusters (about 60 seconds for 600 partition leaders).

Manual termination of an instance

The Auto Scaling lifecycle hook that pauses the termination of an instance (Fig. 3, step 1) as well as the corresponding resuming by the NTH (Fig. 3, step 7) are invoked only for ASG scaling events.

In case of a manual termination of an EC2 instance, the termination is captured as an EC2 event that also reaches the NTH. Upon receiving that event, the NTH cordons and drains the impacted worker node. However, the instance is immediately terminated, most likely before the leadership of all of its Kafka partition leaders has had the time to get migrated to other brokers.

To work around this and let a manual termination of an EC2 instance also benefit from the ASG lifecycle hook, the instance must be terminated using the terminate-instance-in-auto-scaling-group AWS CLI command.

AWS maintenance events

For AWS maintenance events such as instances scheduled for upcoming retirement, the NTH acts immediately when the event is first received (typically adequately in advance). It cordons and drains the soon-to-be-retired worker node, which in turn triggers the SIGTERM signal and the graceful termination of Kafka as described above. At this stage, the impacted instance is not terminated, so the Kafka partition leaders have plenty of time to complete their migration to other brokers.

However, the evicted Kafka pod has nowhere to go. There is a need for spinning up a new worker node for it to be able to eventually restart somewhere.

To make this happen seamlessly, we doubled the maximum size of each of our ASGs and installed the Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler. With that, when such a maintenance event is received:

  • The worker node scheduled for retirement is cordoned and drained by the NTH. The state of the impacted Kafka pod becomes Pending.
  • The Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler comes into play and triggers the corresponding ASG to spin up a new EC2 instance that joins the Kubernetes cluster as a new worker node.
  • The impacted Kafka pod restarts on the new worker node.
  • The Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler detects that the previous worker node is now under-utilised and terminates it.

In this scenario, the impacted Kafka pod only remains in Pending state for about four minutes in total.

In case of multiple simultaneous AWS maintenance events, the Kubernetes scheduler would honour our PodDisruptionBudget and not evict more than one Kafka pod at a time.

Dynamic NLB configuration

To automatically map the NLB’s target groups with a newly spun up EC2 instance, we leveraged the AWS Load Balancer Controller (LBC).

Let us see how it works.

Fig. 4 Architecture of the LBC managing the NLB’s target groups via TargetGroupBinding custom resources.

Fig. 4 shows how the LBC automates the reconfiguration of the NLB’s target groups:

  1. It first retrieves the desired state described in Kubernetes custom resources (CR) of type TargetGroupBinding. There is one such resource per target group to maintain. Each TargetGroupBinding CR associates its respective target group with a Kubernetes service.
  2. The LBC then watches over the changes of the Kubernetes services that are referenced in the TargetGroupBinding CRs’ definition, specifically the private IP addresses exposed by their respective Endpoints resources.
  3. When a change is detected, it dynamically updates the corresponding NLB’s target groups with those IP addresses as well as the TCP port of the target containers (containerPort).

This automated design sets up the NLB’s target groups with IP addresses (targetType: ip) instead of EC2 instance IDs (targetType: instance). Although the LBC can handle both target types, the IP address approach is actually more straightforward in our case, since each pod has a routable private IP address in the AWS subnet, thanks to the AWS Container Networking Interface (CNI) plug-in.

This dynamic NLB configuration design comes with a challenge. Whenever we need to update the Strimzi CR, the rollout of the change to each Kafka pod in a rolling update fashion is happening too fast for the NLB. This is because the NLB inherently takes some time to mark each target as healthy before enabling it. The Kafka brokers that have just been rolled out start advertising their broker-specific endpoints to the Kafka clients via the bootstrap service, but those
endpoints are actually not immediately available because the NLB is still checking their health. To mitigate this, we have reduced the HealthCheckIntervalSeconds and HealthyThresholdCount parameters of each target group to their minimum values of 5 and 2 respectively. This reduces the maximum delay for the NLB to detect that a target has become healthy to 10 seconds. In addition, we have configured the LBC with a Pod Readiness Gate. This feature makes the Strimzi rolling deployment wait for the health check of the NLB to pass, before marking the current pod as Ready and proceeding with the next pod.

Fig. 5 Steps for a Strimzi rolling deployment with a Pod Readiness Gate. Only one Kafka broker and one NLB listener and target group are shown for simplicity.

Fig. 5 shows how the Pod Readiness Gate works during a Strimzi rolling deployment:

  1. The old Kafka pod is terminated.
  2. The new Kafka pod starts up and joins the Kafka cluster. Its individual endpoint for direct access via the NLB is immediately advertised by the Kafka cluster. However, at this stage, it is not reachable, as the target group of the NLB still points to the IP address of the old Kafka pod.
  3. The LBC updates the target group of the NLB with the IP address of the new Kafka pod, but the NLB health check has not yet passed, so the traffic is not forwarded to the new Kafka pod just yet.
  4. The LBC then waits for the NLB health check to pass, which takes 10 seconds. Once the NLB health check has passed, the NLB resumes forwarding the traffic to the Kafka pod.
  5. Finally, the LBC updates the pod readiness gate of the new Kafka pod. This informs Strimzi that it can proceed with the next pod of the rolling deployment.

Data persistence with EBS

To address the challenge of the residual PV and PVC of the old worker node preventing Kubernetes from mounting the local storage of the new worker node after a node rotation, we adopted Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes instead of NVMe instance store volumes. Contrary to the latter, EBS volumes can conveniently be attached and detached. The trade-off is that their performance is significantly lower.

However, relying on EBS comes with additional benefits:

  • The cost per GB is lower, compared to NVMe instance store volumes.
  • Using EBS decouples the size of an instance in terms of CPU and memory from its storage capacity, leading to further cost savings by independently right-sizing the instance type and its storage. Such a separation of concerns also opens the door to new use cases requiring disproportionate amounts of storage.
  • After a worker node rotation, the time needed for the new node to get back in sync is faster, as it only needs to catch up the data that was produced during the downtime. This leads to shorter maintenance operations and higher iteration speed. Incidentally, the associated inter-AZ traffic cost is also lower, since there is less data to transfer among brokers during this time.
  • Increasing the storage capacity is an online operation.
  • Data backup is supported by taking snapshots of EBS volumes.

We have verified with our historical monitoring data that the performance of EBS General Purpose 3 (gp3) volumes is significantly above our maximum historical values for both throughput and I/O per second (IOPS), and we have successfully benchmarked a test EBS-based Kafka cluster. We have also set up new monitors to be alerted in case we need to
provision either additional throughput or IOPS, beyond the baseline of EBS gp3 volumes.

With that, we updated our instance types from storage optimised instances to either general purpose or memory optimised instances. We added the Amazon EBS Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver to the Kubernetes cluster and created a new Kubernetes storage class to let the cluster dynamically provision EBS gp3 volumes.

We configured Strimzi to use that storage class to create any new PVCs. This makes Strimzi able to automatically create the EBS volumes it needs, typically when the cluster is first set up, but also to attach/detach the volumes to/from the EC2 instances whenever a Kafka pod is relocated to a different worker node.

Note that the EBS volumes are not part of any ASG Launch Template, nor do they scale automatically with the ASGs.

Fig. 6 Steps for the Strimzi Operator to create an EBS volume and attach it to a new Kafka pod.

Fig. 6 illustrates how this works when Strimzi sets up a new Kafka broker, for example the first broker of the cluster in the initial setup:

  1. The Strimzi Cluster Operator first creates a new PVC, specifying a volume size and EBS gp3 as its storage class. The storage class is configured with the EBS CSI Driver as the volume provisioner, so that volumes are dynamically provisioned [1]. However, because it is also set up with volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer, the volume is not yet provisioned until a pod actually claims the PVC.
  2. The Strimzi Cluster Operator then creates the Kafka pod, with a reference to the newly created PVC. The pod is scheduled to start, which in turn claims the PVC.
  3. This triggers the EBS CSI Controller. As the volume provisioner, it dynamically creates a new EBS volume in the AWS VPC, in the AZ of the worker node where the pod has been scheduled to start.
  4. It then attaches the newly created EBS volume to the corresponding EC2 instance.
  5. After that, it creates a Kubernetes PV with nodeAffinity and claimRef specifications, making sure that the PV is reserved for the Kafka broker 1 pod.
  6. Lastly, it updates the PVC with the reference of the newly created PV. The PVC is now in Bound state and the Kafka pod can start.

One important point to take note of is that EBS volumes can only be attached to EC2 instances residing in their own AZ. Therefore, when rotating a worker node, the EBS volume can only be re-attached to the new instance if both old and new instances reside in the same AZ. A simple way to guarantee this is to set up one ASG per AZ, instead of a single ASG spanning across 3 AZs.

Also, when such a rotation occurs, the new broker only needs to synchronise the recent data produced during the brief downtime, which is typically an order of magnitude faster than replicating the entire volume (depending on the overall retention period of the hosted Kafka topics).

Table 1 Comparison of the resynchronization of the Kafka data after a broker rotation between the initial design and the new design with EBS volumes.
Initial design (NVMe instance store volumes) New design (EBS volumes)
Data to synchronise All of the data Recent data produced during the brief downtime
Function of (primarily) Retention period Downtime
Typical duration Hours Minutes


With all that, let us revisit the initial scenario, where a malfunctioning worker node is being replaced by a fresh new node.

Fig. 7 Representation of a worker node termination after implementing the solution. Node C is terminated and replaced by node D. This time, the Kafka broker 3 pod is able to start and serve traffic.

Fig. 7 shows the worker node C being terminated and replaced (by the ASG) by a new worker node D, similar to what we have described in the initial problem statement. The worker node D automatically joins the Kubernetes cluster on start-up.

However, this time, a seamless failover takes place:

  1. The Kafka clients that were in the middle of producing or consuming to/from the partition leaders of Kafka broker 3 are gracefully redirected to Kafka brokers 1 and 2, where Kafka has migrated the leadership of its leader partitions.
  2. The target groups of the NLB for both the bootstrap connection and Kafka broker 3 are automatically updated by the LBC. The connectivity between the NLB and Kafka broker 3 is immediately restored.
  3. Triggered by the creation of the Kafka broker 3 pod, the Amazon EBS CSI driver running on the worker node D re-attaches the EBS volume 3 that was previously attached to the worker node C, to the worker node D instead. This enables Kubernetes to automatically re-bind the corresponding PV and PVC to Kafka broker 3 pod. With its storage dependency resolved, Kafka broker 3 is able to start successfully and re-join the Kafka cluster. From there, it only needs to catch up with the new data that was produced
    during its short downtime, by replicating it from Kafka brokers 1 and 2.

With this fault-tolerant design, when an EC2 instance is being retired by AWS, no particular action is required from our end.

Similarly, our EKS version upgrades, as well as any operations that require rotating all worker nodes of the cluster in general, are:

  • Simpler and less error-prone: We only need to rotate each instance in sequence, with no need for manually reconfiguring the target groups of the NLB and deleting the zombie PVCs anymore.
  • Faster: The time between each instance rotation is limited to the short amount of time it takes for the restarted Kafka broker to catch up with the new data.
  • More cost-efficient: There is less data to transfer across AZs (which is charged by AWS).

It is worth noting that we have chosen to omit Zookeeper and Cruise Control in this article, for the sake of clarity and simplicity. In reality, all pods in the Kubernetes cluster – including Zookeeper and Cruise Control – now benefit from the same graceful stop, triggered by the AWS termination events and the NTH. Similarly, the EBS CSI driver improves the fault tolerance of any pods that use EBS volumes for persistent storage, which includes the Zookeeper pods.

Challenges faced

One challenge that we are facing with this design lies in the EBS volumes’ management.

On the one hand, the size of EBS volumes cannot be increased consecutively before the end of a cooldown period (minimum of 6 hours and can exceed 24 hours in some cases [2]). Therefore, when we need to urgently extend some EBS volumes because the size of a Kafka topic is suddenly growing, we need to be relatively generous when sizing the new required capacity and add a comfortable security margin, to make sure that we are not running out of storage in the short run.

On the other hand, shrinking a Kubernetes PV is not a supported operation. This can affect the cost efficiency of our design if we overprovision the storage capacity by too much, or in case the workload of a particular cluster organically diminishes.

One way to mitigate this challenge is to tactically scale the cluster horizontally (ie. adding new brokers) when there is a need for more storage and the existing EBS volumes are stuck in a cooldown period, or when the new storage need is only temporary.

What’s next?

In the future, we can improve the NTH’s capability by utilising webhooks. Upon receiving events from SQS, the NTH can also forward the events to the specified webhook URLs.

This can potentially benefit us in a few ways, e.g.:

  • Proactively spinning up a new instance without waiting for the old one to be terminated, whenever a termination event is received. This would shorten the rotation time even further.
  • Sending Slack notifications to Coban engineers to keep them informed of any actions taken by the NTH.

We would need to develop and maintain an application that receives webhook events from the NTH and performs the necessary actions.

In addition, we are also rolling out Karpenter to replace the Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler, as it is able to spin up new instances slightly faster, helping reduce the four minutes delay a Kafka pod remains in Pending state during a node rotation. Incidentally, Karpenter also removes the need for setting up one ASG by AZ, as it is able to deterministically provision instances in a specific AZ, for example where a particular EBS volume resides.

Lastly, to ensure that the performance of our EBS gp3 volumes is both sufficient and cost-efficient, we want to explore autoscaling their throughput and IOPS beyond the baseline, based on the usage metrics collected by our monitoring stack.


[1] Dynamic Volume Provisioning | Kubernetes

[2] Troubleshoot EBS volume stuck in Optimizing state during modification | AWS re:Post

We would like to thank our team members and Grab Kubernetes gurus that helped review and improve this blog before publication: Will Ho, Gable Heng, Dewin Goh, Vinnson Lee, Siddharth Pandey, Shi Kai Ng, Quang Minh Tran, Yong Liang Oh, Leon Tay, Tuan Anh Vu.

Join us

Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

Cloudflare Workers database integration with Upstash

Post Syndicated from Joaquin Gimenez original http://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-workers-database-integration-with-upstash/

Cloudflare Workers database integration with Upstash

Cloudflare Workers database integration with Upstash

During Developer Week we announced Database Integrations on Workers  a new and seamless way to connect with some of the most popular databases. You select the provider, authorize through an OAuth2 flow and automatically get the right configuration stored as encrypted environment variables to your Worker.

Today we are thrilled to announce that we have been working with Upstash to expand our integrations catalog. We are now offering three new integrations: Upstash Redis, Upstash Kafka and Upstash QStash. These integrations allow our customers to unlock new capabilities on Workers. Providing them with a broader range of options to meet their specific requirements.

Add the integration

We are going to show the setup process using the Upstash Redis integration.

Select your Worker, go to the Settings tab, select the Integrations tab to see all the available integrations.

Cloudflare Workers database integration with Upstash

After selecting the Upstash Redis integration we will get the following page.

Cloudflare Workers database integration with Upstash

First, you need to review and grant permissions, so the Integration can add secrets to your Worker. Second, we need to connect to Upstash using the OAuth2 flow. Third, select the Redis database we want to use. Then, the Integration will fetch the right information to generate the credentials. Finally, click “Add Integration” and it's done! We can now use the credentials as environment variables on our Worker.

Implementation example

On this occasion we are going to use the CF-IPCountry  header to conditionally return a custom greeting message to visitors from Paraguay, United States, Great Britain and Netherlands. While returning a generic message to visitors from other countries.

To begin we are going to load the custom greeting messages using Upstash’s online CLI tool.

➜ set PY "Mba'ẽichapa 🇵🇾"
➜ set US "How are you? 🇺🇸"
➜ set GB "How do you do? 🇬🇧"
➜ set NL "Hoe gaat het met u? 🇳🇱"

We also need to install @upstash/redis package on our Worker before we upload the following code.

import { Redis } from '@upstash/redis/cloudflare'
export default {
  async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
    const country = request.headers.get("cf-ipcountry");
    const redis = Redis.fromEnv(env);
    if (country) {
      const localizedMessage = await redis.get(country);
      if (localizedMessage) {
        return new Response(localizedMessage);
    return new Response("👋👋 Hello there! 👋👋");

Just like that we are returning a localized message from the Redis instance depending on the country which the request originated from. Furthermore, we have a couple ways to improve performance, for write heavy use cases we can use Smart Placement with no replicas, so the Worker code will be executed near the Redis instance provided by Upstash. Otherwise, creating a Global Database on Upstash to have multiple read replicas across regions will help.

Try it now

Upstash Redis, Kafka and QStash are now available for all users! Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to expand our Database Integrations catalog.

Zero traffic cost for Kafka consumers

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/zero-traffic-cost


Coban, Grab’s real-time data streaming platform team, has been building an ecosystem around Kafka, serving all Grab verticals. Along with stability and performance, one of our priorities is also cost efficiency.

In this article, we explain how the Coban team has substantially reduced Grab’s annual cost for data streaming by enabling Kafka consumers to fetch from the closest replica.

Problem statement

The Grab platform is primarily hosted on AWS cloud, located in one region, spanning over three Availability Zones (AZs). When it comes to data streaming, both the Kafka brokers and Kafka clients run across these three AZs.

Figure 1 – Initial design, consumers fetching from the partition leader

Figure 1 shows the initial design of our data streaming platform. To ensure high availability and resilience, we configured each Kafka partition to have three replicas. We have also set up our Kafka clusters to be rack-aware (i.e. 1 “rack” = 1 AZ) so that all three replicas reside in three different AZs.

The problem with this design is that it generates staggering cross-AZ network traffic. This is because, by default, Kafka clients communicate only with the partition leader, which has a 67% probability of residing in a different AZ.

This is a concern as we are charged for cross-AZ traffic as per AWS’s network traffic pricing model. With this design, our cross-AZ traffic amounted to half of the total cost of our Kafka platform.

The Kafka cross-AZ traffic for this design can be broken down into three components as shown in Figure 1:

  • Producing (step 1): Typically, a single service produces data to a given Kafka topic. Cross-AZ traffic occurs when the producer does not reside in the same AZ as the partition leader it is producing data to. This cross-AZ traffic cost is minimal, because the data is transferred to a different AZ at most once (excluding retries).
  • Replicating (step 2): The ingested data is replicated from the partition leader to the two partition followers, which reside in two other AZs. The cost of this is also relatively small, because the data is only transferred to a different AZ twice.
  • Consuming (step 3): Most of the cross-AZ traffic occurs here because there are many consumers for a single Kafka topic. Similar to the producers, the consumers incur cross-AZ traffic when they do not reside in the same AZ as the partition leader. However, on the consuming side, cross-AZ traffic can occur as many times as there are consumers (on average, two-thirds of the number of consumers). The solution described in this article addresses this particular component of the cross-AZ traffic in the initial design.


Kafka 2.3 introduced the ability for consumers to fetch from partition replicas. This opens the door to a more cost-efficient design.

Figure 2 – Target design, consumers fetching from the closest replica

Step 3 of Figure 2 shows how consumers can now consume data from the replica that resides in their own AZ. Implementing this feature requires rack-awareness and extra configurations for both the Kafka brokers and consumers. We will describe this in the following sections.

The Coban journey

Kafka upgrade

Our journey started with the upgrade of our legacy Kafka clusters. We decided to upgrade them directly to version 3.1, in favour of capturing bug fixes and optimisations over version 2.3. This was a safe move as version 3.1 was deemed stable for almost a year and we projected no additional operational cost for this upgrade.

To perform an online upgrade with no disruptions for our users, we broke down the process into three stages.

  • Stage 1: Upgrading Zookeeper. All versions of Kafka are tested by the community with a specific version of Zookeeper. To ensure stability, we followed this same process. The upgraded Zookeeper would be backward compatible with the pre-upgrade version of Kafka which was still in use at this early stage of the operation.
  • Stage 2: Rolling out the upgrade of Kafka to version 3.1 with an explicit backward-compatible inter-broker protocol version (inter.broker.protocol.version). During this progressive rollout, the Kafka cluster is temporarily composed of brokers with heterogeneous Kafka versions, but they can communicate with one another because they are explicitly set up to use the same inter-broker protocol version. At this stage, we also upgraded Cruise Control to a compatible version, and we configured Kafka to import the updated cruise-control-metrics-reporter JAR file on startup.
  • Stage 3: Upgrading the inter-broker protocol version. This last stage makes all brokers use the most recent version of the inter-broker protocol. During the progressive rollout of this change, brokers with the new protocol version can still communicate with brokers on the old protocol version.


Enabling Kafka consumers to fetch from the closest replica requires a configuration change on both Kafka brokers and Kafka consumers. They also need to be aware of their AZ, which is done by leveraging Kafka rack-awareness (1 “rack” = 1 AZ).


In our Kafka brokers’ configuration, we already had broker.rack set up to distribute the replicas across different AZs for resiliency. Our Ansible role for Kafka automatically sets it with the AZ ID that is dynamically retrieved from the EC2 instance’s metadata at deployment time.

- name: Get availability zone ID
    method: GET
    return_content: yes
  register: ec2_instance_az_id

Note that we use AWS AZ IDs (suffixed az1, az2, az3) instead of the typical AWS AZ names (suffixed 1a, 1b, 1c) because the latter’s mapping is not consistent across AWS accounts.

Also, we added the new replica.selector.class parameter, set with value org.apache.kafka.common.replica.RackAwareReplicaSelector, to enable the new feature on the server side.


On the Kafka consumer side, we mostly rely on Coban’s internal Kafka SDK in Golang, which streamlines how service teams across all Grab verticals utilise Coban Kafka clusters. We have updated the SDK to support fetching from the closest replica.

Our users only have to export an environment variable to enable this new feature. The SDK then dynamically retrieves the underlying host’s AZ ID from the host’s metadata on startup, and sets a new client.rack parameter with that information. This is similar to what the Kafka brokers do at deployment time.

We have also implemented the same logic for our non-SDK consumers, namely Flink pipelines and Kafka Connect connectors.


We rolled out fetching from the closest replica at the turn of the year and the feature has been progressively rolled out on more and more Kafka consumers since then.

Figure 3 – Variation of our cross-AZ traffic before and after enabling fetching from the closest replica

Figure 3 shows the relative impact of this change on our cross-AZ traffic, as reported by AWS Cost Explorer. AWS charges cross-AZ traffic on both ends of the data transfer, thus the two data series. On the Kafka brokers’ side, less cross-AZ traffic is sent out, thereby causing the steep drop in the dark green line. On the Kafka consumers’ side, less cross-AZ traffic is received, causing the steep drop in the light green line. Hence, both ends benefit by fetching from the closest replica.

Throughout the observeration period, we maintained a relatively stable volume of data consumption. However, after three months, we observed a substantial 25% drop in our cross-AZ traffic compared to December’s average. This reduction had a direct impact on our cross-AZ costs as it directly correlates with the cross-AZ traffic volume in a linear manner.


Increased end-to-end latency

After enabling fetching from the closest replica, we have observed an increase of up to 500ms in end-to-end latency, that comes from the producer to the consumers. Though this is expected by design, it makes this new feature unsuitable for Grab’s most latency-sensitive use cases. For these use cases, we retained the traditional design whereby consumers fetch directly from the partition leaders, even when they reside in different AZs.

Figure 4 – End-to-end latency (99th percentile) of one of our streams, before and after enabling fetching from the closest replica

Inability to gracefully isolate a broker

We have also verified the behaviour of Kafka clients during a broker rotation; a common maintenance operation for Kafka. One of the early steps of our corresponding runbook is to demote the broker that is to be rotated, so that all of its partition leaders are drained and moved to other brokers.

In the traditional architecture design, Kafka clients only communicate with the partition leaders, so demoting a broker gracefully isolates it from all of the Kafka clients. This ensures that the maintenance is seamless for them. However, by fetching from the closest replica, Kafka consumers still consume from the demoted broker, as it keeps serving partition followers. When the broker effectively goes down for maintenance, those consumers are suddenly disconnected. To work around this, they must handle connection errors properly and implement a retry mechanism.

Potentially skewed load

Another caveat we have observed is that the load on the brokers is directly determined by the location of the consumers. If they are not well balanced across all of the three AZs, then the load on the brokers is similarly skewed. At times, new brokers can be added to support an increasing load on an AZ. However, it is undesirable to remove any brokers from the less loaded AZs as more consumers can suddenly relocate there at any time. Having these additional brokers and underutilisation of existing brokers on other AZs can also impact cost efficiency.

Figure 5 – Average CPU utilisation by AZ of one of our critical Kafka clusters

Figure 5 shows the CPU utilisation by AZ for one of our critical Kafka clusters. The skewage is visible after 01/03/2023. To better manage this skewage in load across AZs, we have updated our SDK to expose the AZ as a new metric. This allows us to monitor the skewness of the consumers and take measures proactively, for example, moving some of them to different AZs.

What’s next?

We have implemented the feature to fetch from the closest replica on all our Kafka clusters and all Kafka consumers that we control. This includes internal Coban pipelines as well as the managed pipelines that our users can self-serve as part of our data streaming offering.

We are now evangelising and advocating for more of our users to adopt this feature.

Beyond Coban, other teams at Grab are also working to reduce their cross-AZ traffic, notably, Sentry, the team that is in charge of Grab’s service mesh.

Join us

Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

Let’s Architect! Open-source technologies on AWS

Post Syndicated from Vittorio Denti original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/lets-architect-open-source-technologies-on-aws/

We brought you a Let’s Architect! blog post about open-source on AWS that covered some technologies with development led by AWS/Amazon, as well as well-known solutions available on managed AWS services. Today, we’re following the same approach to share more insights about the process itself for developing open-source. That’s why the first topic we discuss in this post is a re:Invent talk from Heitor Lessa, Principal Solutions Architect at AWS, explaining some interesting approaches for developing and scaling successful open-source projects.

This edition of Let’s Architect! also touches on observability with Open Telemetry, Apache Kafka on AWS, and Infrastructure as Code with an hands-on workshop on AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK).

Powertools for AWS Lambda: Lessons from the road to 10 million downloads

Powertools for AWS Lambda is an open-source library to help engineering teams implement serverless best practices. In two years, Powertools went from an initial prototype to a fast-growing project in the open-source world. Rapid growth along with support from a wide community led to challenges from balancing new features with operational excellence to triaging bug reports and RFCs and scaling and redesigning documentation.

In this session, you can learn about Powertools for AWS Lambda to understand what it is and the problems it solves. Moreover, there are many valuable lessons to learn how to create and scale a successful open-source project. From managing the trade-off between releasing new features and achieving operational stability to measuring the impact of the project, there are many challenges in open-source projects that require careful thought.

Take me to this video!

Heitor Lessa describing one the key lessons: development and releasing new features should be as important as the other activities (governance, operational excellence, and more)

Heitor Lessa describing one of the key lessons: development and releasing new features should be as important as the other activities (governance, operational excellence, and more).

Observability the open-source way

The recent blog post Let’s Architect! Monitoring production systems at scale talks about the importance of monitoring. Setting up observability is critical to maintain application and infrastructure health, but instrumenting applications to collect monitoring signals such as metrics and logs can be challenging when using vendor-specific SDKs.

This video introduces you to OpenTelemetry, an open-source observability framework. OpenTelemetry provides a flexible, single vendor-agnostic SDK based on open-source specifications that developers can use to instrument and collect signals from applications. This resource explains how it works in practice and how to monitor microservice-based applications with the OpenTelemetry SDK.

Take me to this video!

With AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry, you can collect data from your AWS resources.

With AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry, you can collect data from your AWS resources.

Best practices for right-sizing your Apache Kafka clusters to optimize performance and cost

Apache Kafka is an open-source streaming data store that decouples applications producing streaming data (producers) into its data store from applications consuming streaming data (consumers) from its data store. Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) allows you to use the open-source version of Apache Kafka with the service managing infrastructure and operations for you.

This blog post explains how the underlying infrastructure configuration can affect Apache Kafka performance. You can learn strategies on how to size the clusters to meet the desired throughput, availability, and latency requirements. This resource helps you discover strategies to find the optimal sizing for your resources, and learn the mental models adopted to conduct the investigation and derive the conclusions.

Take me to this blog!

Comparisons of put latencies for three clusters with different broker sizes

Comparisons of put latencies for three clusters with different broker sizes

AWS Cloud Development Kit workshop

AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is an open-source software development framework that allows you to provision cloud resources programmatically (Infrastructure as Code or IaC) by using familiar programming languages such as Python, Typescript, Javascript, Java, Go, and C#/.Net.

CDK allows you to create reusable template and assets, test your infrastructure, make deployments repeatable, and make your cloud environment stable by removing manual (and error-prone) operations. This workshop introduces you to CDK, where you can learn how to provision an initial simple application as well as become familiar with more advanced concepts like CDK constructs.

Take me to this workshop!

This construct can be attached to any Lambda function that is used as an API Gateway backend. It counts how many requests were issued to each URL.

This construct can be attached to any Lambda function that is used as an API Gateway backend. It counts how many requests were issued to each URL.

See you next time!

Thanks for joining our conversation! To find all the blogs from this series, you can check out the Let’s Architect! list of content on the AWS Architecture Blog.

Best practices for running production workloads using Amazon MSK tiered storage

Post Syndicated from Nagarjuna Koduru original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/best-practices-for-running-production-workloads-using-amazon-msk-tiered-storage/

In the second post of the series, we discussed some core concepts of the Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) tiered storage feature and explained how read and write operations work in a tiered storage enabled cluster.

This post focuses on how to properly size your MSK tiered storage cluster, which metrics to monitor, and the best practices to consider when running a production workload.

Sizing a tiered storage cluster

Sizing and capacity planning are critical aspects of designing and operating a distributed system. It involves estimating the resources required to handle the expected workload and ensure the system can scale and perform efficiently. In the context of a distributed system like Kafka, sizing involves determining the number of brokers, the number of partitions, and the amount of storage and memory required for each broker. Capacity planning involves estimating the expected workload, including the number of producers, consumers, and the throughput requirements.

Let’s assume a scenario where the producers are evenly balancing the load between brokers, brokers host the same number of partitions, there are enough partitions to ingest the throughput, and consumers consume directly from the tip of the stream. The brokers are receiving the same load and doing the same work. We therefore just focus on Broker1 in the following diagram of a data flow within a cluster.

Theoretical sustained throughput with tiered storage

We derive the following formula for the theoretical sustained throughput limit tcluster given the infrastructure characteristics of a specific cluster with tiered storage enabled on all topics:

max(tcluster) <= min {

max(tstorage) * #brokers/(r + 1 + #non_tip_local_consumer_groups),
max(tNetworkAttachedStorage) * #brokers/(r + 1 + #non_tip_local_consumer_groups),
max(tEC2network) * #brokers/(#tip_consumer_groups + r + #remote_consumer_groups)


This formula contains the following values:

  • tCluster – Total ingress produce throughput sent to the cluster
  • tStorage – Storage volume throughput supported
  • tNetworkAttachedStorage – Network attached storage to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance network throughput
  • tEC2network – EC2 instance network bandwidth
  • non_tip_local_consumer_groups – Number of consumer groups reading from network attached storage at ingress rate
  • tip_consumer_groups – Number of consumer groups reading from page cache at ingress rate
  • remote_consumer_groups – Number of consumer groups reading from remote tier at ingress rate
  • r – Replication factor of the Kafka topic

Note that in the first post , we didn’t differentiate between different types of consumer groups. With tiered storage, some consumer groups might be consuming from remote. These remote consumers might ultimately catch up and start reading from local storage and finally catch up to the tip. Therefore, we model these three different consumer groups in the equation to account for their impact on infrastructure usage. In the following sections, we provide derivations of this equation.

Derivation of throughput limit from network attached storage bottleneck

Because Amazon MSK uses network attached storage for local storage, both network attached storage throughput and bandwidth should be accounted for. Total throughput bandwidth requirement is a combination of ingress and egress from the network attached storage backend. The ingress throughput of the storage backend depends on the data that producers are sending directly to the broker plus the replication traffic the broker is receiving from its peers. With tiered storage, Amazon MSK also uses network attached storage to read and upload rolled segments to the remote tier. This doesn’t come from the page cache and needs to be accounted for at the rate of ingress. Any non-tip consumers at ingress rate also consume network attached storage throughput and are accounted for in the equation. Therefore, max throughput is bounded by network attached storage based on the following equation:

max(tcluster) <= min {

max(tstorage) * #brokers/(r + 1 + #non_tip_local_consumer_groups),
max(tNetworkAttachedStorage) * #brokers/(r + 1 + #non_tip_local_consumer_groups)


Derivation of throughput limit from EC2 network bottleneck

Unlike network attached storage, the network is full duplex, meaning that if the EC2 instance supports X MB/s network, it supports X MB/s in and X MB/s out. The network throughput requirement depends on the data that producers are sending directly to the broker plus the replication traffic the broker is receiving from its peers. It also includes the replication traffic out and consumers traffic out from this broker. With tiered storage, we need to reserve additional ingress rate for uploads to the remote tier and support reads from the remote tier for consumer groups reading from remote offset. Both of these add to the network out requirements, which is bounded by the following equation:

max(tcluster) <= min {

max(tEC2network) * #brokers/(#tip_consumer_groups + r + #remote_consumer_groups)


Combining the second and third equations provides the first formula, which determines the max throughput bound based on broker infrastructure limits.

How to apply this formula to size your cluster

With this formula, you can calculate the upper bound for throughput you can achieve for your workloads. In practice, the workloads may be bottlenecked by other broker resources like CPU, memory, and disk, so it’s important to do load tests. To simplify your sizing estimate, you can use the MSK Sizing and Pricing spreadsheet (for more information, refer to Best Practices).

Let’s consider a workload where your ingress and egress rates are 20MB/s, with a replication factor of 3, and you want to retain data in your Kafka cluster for 7 days. This workload requires 6x m5.large brokers, with 34.6 TB local storage, which will cost $6,034.00 monthly (estimated). But if you use tiered storage for the same workload with local retention of 4 hours and overall data retention of 7 days, it requires 3x m5.large brokers, with 0.8 TB local storage and 12 TB of tiered storage, which will cost $1,958.00 monthly(estimated). If you want to read all the historic data one time, it will cost $17.00 ($0.0015 per GB retrieval cost). In this example with tiered storage, you save around 67.6% of your overall cost.

We recommend planning for Availability Zone redundancy in production workloads considering the broker safety factor in the calculation, which is 1 in this example. We also recommend running performance tests to ensure CPU is less than 70% on your brokers at the target throughput derived based on this formula or Excel calculation. In addition, you should also use the per-broker partition limit in your calculation to account for other bottlenecks based on the partition count.

The following figure shows an example of Amazon MSK sizing.

Monitoring and continuous optimization for a tiered storage enabled cluster

In previous sections, we emphasized the importance of determining the correct initial cluster size. However, it’s essential to recognize that sizing efforts shouldn’t cease after the initial setup. Continual monitoring and evaluation of your workload are necessary to ensure that the broker size remains appropriate. Amazon MSK offers metric monitoring and alarm capabilities to provide visibility into cluster performance. In the post Best practices for right-sizing your Apache Kafka clusters to optimize performance and cost, we discussed key metrics to focus on. In this post, we delve deeper into additional metrics related to tiered storage and other optimization considerations for a tiered storage enabled cluster:

  • TotalTierBytesLag indicates the total number of bytes of the data that is eligible for tiering on the broker and hasn’t been transferred to the tiered storage yet. This metric shows the efficiency of upstream data transfer. As the lag increases, the amount of data that hasn’t yet persisted in the tiered storage increases. The impact is the network attached storage disk may fill up, which you should monitor. You should also monitor this metric and generate an alarm if the lag is continuously growing and you see increased network attached storage usage. If the tiering lag is too high, you can reduce ingress traffic to allow the tiered storage to catch up.
  • Although tiered storage provides on-demand, virtually unlimited storage capacity without provisioning any additional resources, you should still do proper capacity planning for your local storage, configure alerts for KafkaDataLogsDiskUsed metrics, and have a buffer on network attached storage capacity planning. Monitor this metric and generate an alarm if the metric reaches or exceeds 60%. For a tiered storage enabled topic, configure local retention accordingly to reduce network attached storage usage.
  • The theoretical max ingress we can achieve on an MSK cluster with tiered storage is 20–25% lower than a non-tiered storage enabled cluster due to additional network attached storage bandwidth required to transparently move data from the local to the remote tier. Plan for the capacity (brokers, storage, gp2 vs. gp3) using the formula we discussed to derive max ingress for your cluster based on the number of consumer groups and load test your workloads to identify the sustained throughput limit. Exercising excess ingress to the cluster or egress from the remote tier above the planned capacity can impact your tip produce or consume traffic.
  • The gp3 volume type offers SSD-performance at a 20% lower cost per GB than gp2 volumes. Furthermore, by decoupling storage performance from capacity, you can easily provision higher IOPS and throughput without the need to provision additional block storage capacity. Therefore, we recommend using gp3 for a tiered storage enabled cluster by specifying provisioned throughput for larger instance types.
  • If you specified a custom cluster configuration, check the num.replica.fetchers, num.io.threads, and num.network.threads configuration parameters on your cluster. We recommend leaving it as the default Amazon MSK configuration unless you have specific use case.

This is only the most relevant guidance related to tiered storage. For further guidance on monitoring and best practices of your cluster, refer to Best practices.


You should now have a solid understanding of how Amazon MSK tiered storage works and the best practices to consider for your production workload when utilizing this cost-effective storage tier. With tiered storage, we remove the compute and storage coupling, which can benefit workloads that need larger disk capacity and are underutilizing compute just to provision storage.

We are eager to learn about your current approach in building real-time data streaming applications. If you’re starting your journey with Amazon MSK tiered storage, we suggest following the comprehensive Getting Started guide available in Tiered storage. This guide provides detailed instructions and practical steps to help you gain hands-on experience and effectively take advantage of the benefits of tiered storage for your streaming applications.

If you have any questions or feedback, please leave them in the comments section.

About the authors

Nagarjuna Koduru is a Principal Engineer in AWS, currently working for AWS Managed Streaming For Kafka (MSK). He led the teams that built MSK Serverless and MSK Tiered storage products. He previously led the team in Amazon JustWalkOut (JWO) that is responsible for realtime tracking of shopper locations in the store. He played pivotal role in scaling the stateful stream processing infrastructure to support larger store formats and reducing the overall cost of the system. He has keen interest in stream processing, messaging and distributed storage infrastructure.

Masudur Rahaman Sayem is a Streaming Data Architect at AWS. He works with AWS customers globally to design and build data streaming architectures to solve real-world business problems. He specializes in optimizing solutions that use streaming data services and NoSQL. Sayem is very passionate about distributed computing.

Data Reprocessing Pipeline in Asset Management Platform @Netflix

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/data-reprocessing-pipeline-in-asset-management-platform-netflix-46fe225c35c9

By Meenakshi Jindal


At Netflix, we built the asset management platform (AMP) as a centralized service to organize, store and discover the digital media assets created during the movie production. Studio applications use this service to store their media assets, which then goes through an asset cycle of schema validation, versioning, access control, sharing, triggering configured workflows like inspection, proxy generation etc. This platform has evolved from supporting studio applications to data science applications, machine-learning applications to discover the assets metadata, and build various data facts.

During this evolution, quite often we receive requests to update the existing assets metadata or add new metadata for the new features added. This pattern grows over time when we need to access and update the existing assets metadata. Hence we built the data pipeline that can be used to extract the existing assets metadata and process it specifically to each new use case. This framework allowed us to evolve and adapt the application to any unpredictable inevitable changes requested by our platform clients without any downtime. Production assets operations are performed in parallel with older data reprocessing without any service downtime. Some of the common supported data reprocessing use cases are listed below.

Production Use Cases

  • Real-Time APIs (backed by the Cassandra database) for asset metadata access don’t fit analytics use cases by data science or machine learning teams. We build the data pipeline to persist the assets data in the iceberg in parallel with cassandra and elasticsearch DB. But to build the data facts, we need the complete data set in the iceberg and not just the new. Hence the existing assets data was read and copied to the iceberg tables without any production downtime.
  • Asset versioning scheme is evolved to support the major and minor version of assets metadata and relations update. This feature support required a significant update in the data table design (which includes new tables and updating existing table columns). Existing data got updated to be backward compatible without impacting the existing running production traffic.
  • Elasticsearch version upgrade which includes backward incompatible changes, so all the assets data is read from the primary source of truth and reindexed again in the new indices.
  • Data Sharding strategy in elasticsearch is updated to provide low search latency (as described in blog post)
  • Design of new Cassandra reverse indices to support different sets of queries.
  • Automated workflows are configured for media assets (like inspection) and these workflows are required to be triggered for old existing assets too.
  • Assets Schema got evolved that required reindexing all assets data again in ElasticSearch to support search/stats queries on new fields.
  • Bulk deletion of assets related to titles for which license is expired.
  • Updating or Adding metadata to existing assets because of some regressions in client application/within service itself.

Data Reprocessing Pipeline Flow

Figure 1. Data Reprocessing Pipeline Flow

Data Extractor

Cassandra is the primary data store of the asset management service. With SQL datastore, it was easy to access the existing data with pagination regardless of the data size. But there is no such concept of pagination with No-SQL datastores like Cassandra. Some features are provided by Cassandra (with newer versions) to support pagination like pagingstate, COPY, but each one of them has some limitations. To avoid dependency on data store limitations, we designed our data tables such that the data can be read with pagination in a performant way.

Mainly we read the assets data either by asset schema types or time bucket based on asset creation time. Data sharding completely based on the asset type may have created the wide rows considering some types like VIDEO may have many more assets compared to others like TEXT. Hence, we used the asset types and time buckets based on asset creation date for data sharding across the Cassandra nodes. Following is the example of tables primary and clustering keys defined:

Figure 2. Cassandra Table Design

Based on the asset type, first time buckets are fetched which depends on the creation time of assets. Then using the time buckets and asset types, a list of assets ids in those buckets are fetched. Asset Id is defined as a cassandra Timeuuid data type. We use Timeuuids for AssetId because it can be sorted and then used to support pagination. Any sortable Id can be used as the table primary key to support the pagination. Based on the page size e.g. N, first N rows are fetched from the table. Next page is fetched from the table with limit N and asset id < last asset id fetched.

Figure 3. Cassandra Data Fetch Query

Data layers can be designed based on different business specific entities which can be used to read the data by those buckets. But the primary id of the table should be sortable to support the pagination.

Sometimes we have to reprocess a specific set of assets only based on some field in the payload. We can use Cassandra to read assets based on time or an asset type and then further filter from those assets which satisfy the user’s criteria. Instead we use Elasticsearch to search those assets which are more performant.

After reading the asset ids using one of the ways, an event is created per asset id to be processed synchronously or asynchronously based on the use case. For asynchronous processing, events are sent to Apache Kafka topics to be processed.

Data Processor

Data processor is designed to process the data differently based on the use case. Hence, different processors are defined which can be extended based on the evolving requirements. Data can be processed synchronously or asynchronously.

Synchronous Flow: Depending on the event type, the specific processor can be directly invoked on the filtered data. Generally, this flow is used for small datasets.

Asynchronous Flow: Data processor consumes the data events sent by the data extractor. Apache Kafka topic is configured as a message broker. Depending on the use case, we have to control the number of events processed in a time unit e.g. to reindex all the data in elasticsearch because of template change, it is preferred to re-index the data at certain RPS to avoid any impact on the running production workflow. Async processing has the benefit to control the flow of event processing with Kafka consumers count or with controlling thread pool size on each consumer. Event processing can also be stopped at any time by disabling the consumers in case production flow gets any impact with this parallel data processing. For fast processing of the events, we use different settings of Kafka consumer and Java executor thread pool. We poll records in bulk from Kafka topics, and process them asynchronously with multiple threads. Depending on the processor type, events can be processed at high scale with right settings of consumer poll size and thread pool.

Each of these use cases mentioned above looks different, but they all need the same reprocessing flow to extract the old data to be processed. Many applications design data pipelines for the processing of the new data; but setting up such a data processing pipeline for the existing data supports handling the new features by just implementing a new processor. This pipeline can be thoughtfully triggered anytime with the data filters and data processor type (which defines the actual action to be performed).

Error Handling

Errors are part of software development. But with this framework, it has to be designed more carefully as bulk data reprocessing will be done in parallel with the production traffic. We have set up the different clusters of data extractor and processor from the main Production cluster to process the older assets data to avoid any impact of the assets operations live in production. Such clusters may have different configurations of thread pools to read and write data from database, logging levels and connection configuration with external dependencies.

Figure 4: Processing clusters

Data processors are designed to continue processing the events even in case of some errors for eg. There are some unexpected payloads in old data. In case of any error in the processing of an event, Kafka consumers acknowledge that event is processed and send those events to a different queue after some retries. Otherwise Kafka consumers will continue trying to process the same message again and block the processing of other events in the topic. We reprocess data in the dead letter queue after fixing the root cause of the issue. We collect the failure metrics to be checked and fixed later. We have set up the alerts and continuously monitor the production traffic which can be impacted because of the bulk old data reprocessing. In case any impact is noticed, we should be able to slow down or stop the data reprocessing at any time. With different data processor clusters, this can be easily done by reducing the number of instances processing the events or reducing the cluster to 0 instances in case we need a complete halt.

Best Practices

  • Depending on existing data size and use case, processing may impact the production flow. So identify the optimal event processing limits and accordingly configure the consumer threads.
  • If the data processor is calling any external services, check the processing limits of those services because bulk data processing may create unexpected traffic to those services and cause scalability/availability issues.
  • Backend processing may take time from seconds to minutes. Update the Kafka consumer timeout settings accordingly otherwise different consumer may try to process the same event again after processing timeout.
  • Verify the data processor module with a small data set first, before trigger processing of the complete data set.
  • Collect the success and error processing metrics because sometimes old data may have some edge cases not handled correctly in the processors. We are using the Netflix Atlas framework to collect and monitor such metrics.


Burak Bacioglu and other members of the Asset Management platform team have contributed in the design and development of this data reprocessing pipeline.

Data Reprocessing Pipeline in Asset Management Platform @Netflix was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

NTS: Reliable Device Testing at Scale

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/nts-reliable-device-testing-at-scale-43139ae05382

By Benson Ma, ZZ Zimmerman
With contributions from
Alok Ahuja, Shravan Heroor, Michael Krasnow, Todor Minchev, Inder Singh


At Netflix, we test hundreds of different device types every day, ranging from streaming sticks to smart TVs, to ensure that new version releases of the Netflix SDK continue to provide the exceptional Netflix experience that our customers expect. We also collaborate with our Partners to integrate the Netflix SDK onto their upcoming new devices, such as TVs and set top boxes. This program, known as Partner Certification, is particularly important for the business because device expansion historically has been crucial for new Netflix subscription acquisitions. The Netflix Test Studio (NTS) platform was created to support Netflix SDK testing and Partner Certification by providing a consistent automation solution for both Netflix and Partner developers to deploy and execute tests on “Netflix Ready” devices.

Over the years, both Netflix SDK testing and Partner Certification have gradually transitioned upstream towards a shift-left testing strategy. This requires the automation infrastructure to support large-scale CI, which NTS was not originally designed for. NTS 2.0 addresses this very limitation of NTS, as it has been built by taking the learnings from NTS 1.0 to re-architect the system into a platform that significantly improves reliable device testing at scale while maintaining the NTS user experience.


The Test Workflow in NTS

We first describe the device testing workflow in NTS at a high level.

Tests: Netflix device tests are defined as scripts that run against the Netflix application. Test authors at Netflix write the tests and register them into the system along with information that specifies the hardware and software requirements for the test to be able to run correctly, since tests are written to exercise device- and Netflix SDK-specific features which can vary.

One feature that is unique to NTS as an automation system is the support for user interactions in device tests, i.e. tests that require user input or action in the middle of execution. For example, a test might ask the user to turn the volume button up, play an audio clip, then ask the user to either confirm the volume increase or fail the assertion. While most tests are fully automated, these semi-manual tests are often valuable in the device certification process, because they help us verify the integration of the Netflix SDK with the Partner device’s firmware, which we have no control over, and thus cannot automate.

Test Target: In both the Netflix SDK and Partner testing use cases, the test targets are generally production devices, meaning they may not necessarily provide ssh / root access. As such, operations on devices by the automation system may only be reliably carried out through established device communication protocols such as DIAL or ADB, instead of through hardware-specific debugging tools that the Partners use.

Test Environment: The test targets are located both internally at Netflix and inside the Partner networks. To normalize the diversity of networking environments across both the Netflix and Partner networks and create a consistent and controllable computing environment on which users can run certification testing on their devices, Netflix provides a customized embedded computer to Partners called the Reference Automation Environment (RAE). The devices are in turn connected to the RAE, which provides access to the testing services provided by NTS.

Device Onboarding: Before a user can execute tests, they must make their device known to NTS and associate it with their Netflix Partner account in a process called device onboarding. The user achieves this by connecting the device to the RAE in a plug-and-play fashion. The RAE collects the device properties and publishes this information to NTS. The user then goes to the UI to claim the newly-visible device so that its ownership is associated with their account.

Device and Test Selection: To run tests, the user first selects from the browser-based web UI (the “NTS UI”) a target device from the list of devices under their ownership (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Device selection in the NTS UI.

After a device has been selected, the user is presented with all tests that are applicable to the device being developed (Figure 2). The user then selects the subset of tests they are interested in running, and submits them for execution by NTS.

Figure 2: Test selection in the NTS UI.

Tests can be executed as a single test run or as part of a batch run. In the latter case, additional execution options are available, such as the option to run multiple iterations of the same test or re-run tests on failure (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Batch run options in the NTS UI.

Test Execution: Once the tests are launched, the user will get a view of the tests being run, with a live update of their progress (Figure 4).

Figure 4: The NTS UI batch execution view.

If the test is a manual test, prompts will appear in the UI at certain points during the test execution (Figure 5). The user follows the instructions in the prompt and clicks on the prompt buttons to notify the test to continue.

Figure 5: An example confirmation prompt in the NTS UI.

Defining the Stakeholders

To better define the business and system requirements for NTS, we must first identify who the stakeholders are and what their roles are in the business. For the purposes of this discussion, the major stakeholders in NTS are the following:

System Users: The system users are the Partners (system integrators) and the Partner Engineers that work with them. They select the certification targets, run tests, and analyze the results.

Test Authors: The test authors write the test cases that are to be run against the certification targets (devices). They are generally a subset of the system users, and are familiar or involved with the development of the Netflix SDK and UI.

System Developers: The system developers are responsible for developing the NTS platform and its components, adding new features, fixing bugs, maintaining uptime, and evolving the system architecture over time.

From the Use Cases to System Requirements

With the business workflows and stakeholders defined, we can articulate a set of high level system requirements / design guidelines that NTS should in theory follow:

Scheduling Non-requirement: The devices that are used in NTS form a pool of heterogeneous resources that have a diverse range of hardware constraints. However, NTS is built around the use case where users come in with a specific resource or pool of similar resources in mind and are searching for a subset of compatible tests to run on the target resource(s). This contrasts with test automation systems where users come in with a set of diverse tests, and are searching for compatible resources on which to run the tests. Resource sharing is possible, but it is expected to be manually coordinated between the users because the business workflows that use NTS often involve physical ownership of the device anyway. For these reasons, advanced resource scheduling is not a user requirement of this system.

Test Execution Component: Similar to other workflow automation systems, running tests in NTS involve performing tasks external to the target. These include controlling the target device, keeping track of the device state / connectivity, setting up test accounts for the test execution, collecting device logs, publishing test updates, validating test input parameters, and uploading test results, just to name a few. Thus, there needs to be a well-defined test execution stack that sits outside of the device under test to coordinate all these operations.

Proper State Management: Test execution statuses need to be accurately tracked, so that multiple users can follow what is happening while the test is running. Furthermore, certain tests require user interactions via prompts, which necessitate the system keeping track of messages being passed back and forth from the UI to the device. These two use cases call for a well-defined data model for representing test executions, as well as a system that provides consistent and reliable test execution state management.

Higher Level Execution Semantics: As noted from the business workflow description, users may want to run tests in batches, run multiple iterations of a test case, retry failing tests up to a given number of times, cancel tests in single or at the batch level, and be notified on the completion of a batch execution. Given that the execution of a single test case is already complex as is, these user features call for the need to encapsulate single test executions as the unit of abstraction that we can then use to define higher level execution semantics for supporting said features in a consistent manner.

Automated Supervision: Running tests on prototype hardware inherently comes with reliability issues, not to mention that it takes place in a network environment which we do not necessarily control. At any point during a test execution, the target device can run into any number of errors stemming from either the target device itself, the test execution stack, or the network environment. When this happens, the users should not be left without test execution updates and incomplete test results. As such, multiple levels of supervision need to be built into the test system, so that test executions are always cleaned up in a reliable manner.

Test Orchestration Component: The requirements for proper state management, higher level execution semantics, and automated supervision call for a well-defined test orchestration stack that handles these three aspects in a consistent manner. To clearly delineate the responsibilities of test orchestration from those of test execution, the test orchestration stack should be separate from and sit on top of the test execution component abstraction (Figure 6).

Figure 6: The workflow cases in NTS.

System Scalability: Scalability in NTS has different meaning for each of the system’s stakeholders. For the users, scalability implies the ability to always be able to run and interact with tests, no matter the scale (notwithstanding genuine device unavailability). For the test authors, scalability implies the ease of defining, extending, and debugging certification test cases. For the system developers, scalability implies the employment of distributed system design patterns and practices that scale up the development and maintenance velocities required to meet the needs of the users.

Adherence to the Paved Path: At Netflix, we emphasize building out solutions that use paved-path tooling as much as possible (see posts here and here). JVM and Kafka support are the most relevant components of the paved-path tooling for this article.

The Evolution of NTS

With the system requirements properly articulated, let us do a high-level walkthrough of the NTS 1.0 as implemented and examine some of its shortcomings with respect to meeting the requirements.

Test Execution Stack

In NTS 1.0, the test execution stack is partitioned into two components to address two orthogonal concerns: maintaining the test environment and running the actual tests. The RAE serves as the foundation for addressing the first concern. On the RAE sits the first component of the test execution stack, the device agent. The device agent is a monolithic daemon running on the RAE that manages the physical connections to the devices under test (DUTs), and provides an RPC API abstraction over physical device management and control.

Complementing the device agent is the test harness, which manages the actual test execution. The test harness accepts HTTP requests to run a single test case, upon which it will spin off a test executor instance to drive and manage the test case’s execution through RPC calls to the device agent managing the target device (see the NTS 1.0 blog post for details). Throughout the lifecycle of the test execution, the test harness publishes test updates to a message bus (Kafka in this case) that other services consume from.

Because the device agent provides a hardware abstraction layer for device control, the business logic for executing tests that resides in the test harness, from invoking device commands to publishing test results, is device-independent. This provides freedom for the component to be developed and deployed as a cloud-native application, so that it can enjoy the benefits of the cloud application model, e.g. write once run everywhere, automatic scalability, etc. Together, the device agent and the test harness form what is called the Hybrid Execution Context (HEC), i.e. the test execution is co-managed by a cloud and edge software stack (Figure 7).

Figure 7: The test execution stack (Hybrid Execution Context) in NTS 1.0.

Because the test harness contains all the common test execution business logic, it effectively acts as an “SDK” that device tests can be written on top of. Consequently, test case definitions are packaged as a common software library that the test harness imports on startup, and are executed as library methods called by the test executors in the test harness. This development model complements the write once run everywhere development model of test harness, since improvements to the test harness generally translate to test case execution improvements without any changes made to the test definitions themselves.

As noted earlier, executing a single test case against a device consists of many operations involved in the setup, runtime, and teardown of the test. Accordingly, the responsibility for each of the operations was divided between the device agent and test harness along device-specific and non-device-specific lines. While this seemed reasonable in theory, oftentimes there were operations that could not be clearly delegated to one or the other component. For example, since relevant logs are emitted by both software inside and outside of the device during a test, test log collection becomes a responsibility for both the device agent and test harness.

Presentation Layer

While the test harness publishes test events that eventually make their way into the test results store, the test executors and thus the intermediate test execution states are ephemeral and localized to the individual test harness instances that spun them. Consequently, a middleware service called the test dispatcher sits in between the users and the test harness to handle the complexity of test executor “discovery” (see the NTS 1.0 blog post for details). In addition to proxying test run requests coming from the users to the test harness, the test dispatcher most importantly serves materialized views of the intermediate test execution states to the users, by building them up through the ingestion of test events published by the test harness (Figure 8).

Figure 8: The presentation layer in NTS 1.0.

This presentation layer that is offered by the test dispatcher is more accurately described as a console abstraction to the test execution, since users rely on this service to not just follow the latest updates to a test execution, but also to interact with the tests that require user interaction. Consequently, bidirectionality is a requirement for the communications protocol shared between the test dispatcher service and the user interface, and as such, the WebSocket protocol was adopted due to its relative simplicity of implementation for both the test dispatcher and the user interface (web browsers in this case). When a test executes, users open a WebSocket session with the test dispatcher through the UI, and materialized test updates flow to the UI through this session as they are consumed by the service. Likewise, test prompt responses / cancellation requests flow from the UI back to the test dispatcher via the same session, and the test dispatcher forwards the message to the appropriate test executor instance in the test harness.

Batch Execution Stack

In NTS 1.0, the unit of abstraction for running tests is the single test case execution, and both the test execution stack and presentation layer was designed and implemented with this in mind. The construct of a batch run containing multiple tests was introduced only later in the evolution of NTS, being motivated by a set of related user-demanded features: the ability to run and associate multiple tests together, the ability to retry tests on failure, and the ability to be notified when a group of tests completes. To address the business logic of managing batch runs, a batch executor was developed, separate from both the test harness and dispatcher services (Figure 9).

Figure 9: The batch execution stack in NTS 1.0.

Similar to the test dispatcher service, the batch execution service proxies batch run requests coming from the users, and is ultimately responsible for dispatching the individual test runs in the batch through the test harness. However, the batch execution service maintains its own data model of the test execution that is separate from and thus incompatible with that materialized by the test dispatcher service. This is a necessary difference considering the unit of abstraction for running tests using the batch execution service is the batch run.

Examining the Shortcomings of NTS 1.0

Having described the major system components at a high level, we can now analyze some of the shortcomings of the system in detail:

Inconsistent Execution Semantics: Because batch runs were introduced as an afterthought, the semantics of batch executions in relation to those of the individual test executions were never fully clarified in implementation. In addition, the presence of both the test dispatcher and batch executor created a bifurcation in test executions management, where neither service alone satisfied the users’ needs. For example, a single test that is kicked off as part of a batch run through the batch executor must be canceled through the test dispatcher service. However, cancellation is only possible if the test is in a running state, since the test dispatcher has no information about tests prior to their execution. Behaviors such as this often resulted in the system appearing inconsistent and unintuitive to the users, while presenting a knowledge overhead for the system developers.

Test Execution Scalability and Reliability: The test execution stack suffered two technical issues that hampered its reliability and ability to scale. The first is in the partitioning of the test execution stack into two distinct components. While this division had emerged naturally from the setup of the business workflow, the device agent and test harness are fundamentally two pieces of a common stack separated by a control plane, i.e. the network. The conditions of the network at the Partner sites are known to be inconsistent and sometimes unreliable, as there might be traffic congestion, low bandwith, or unique firewall rules in place. Furthermore, RPC communications between the device agent and test harness are not direct, but go through a few more system components (e.g. gateway services). For these reasons, test executions in practice often suffer from a host of stability, reliability, and latency issues, most of which we cannot take action upon.

The second technical issue is in the implementation of the test executors hosted by the test harness. When a test case is run, a full thread is spawned off to manage its execution, and all intermediate test execution state is stored in thread-local memory. Given that much of the test execution lifecycle is involved with making blocking RPC calls, this choice of implementation in practice limits the number of tests that can effectively be run and managed per test harness instance. Moreover, the decision to maintain intermediate test execution state only in thread-local memory renders the test harness fragile, as all test executors running on a given test harness instance will be lost along with their data if the instance goes down. Operational issues stemming from the brittle implementation of the test executors and from the partitioning of the test execution stack frequently exacerbate each other, leading to situations where test executions are slow, unreliable, and prone to infrastructure errors.

Presentation Layer Scalability: In theory, the dispatcher service’s WebSocket server can scale up user sessions to the maximum number of HTTP connections allowed by the service and host configuration. However, the service was designed to be stateless so as to reduce the codebase size and complexity. This meant that the dispatcher service had to initialize a new Kafka consumer, read from the beginning of the target partition, filter for the relevant test updates, and build the intermediate test execution state on the fly each time a user opened a new WebSocket session with the service. This was a slow and resource-intensive process, which limited the scalability of the dispatcher service as an interactive test execution console for users in practice.

Test Authoring Scalability: Because the common test execution business logic was bundled with the test harness as a de facto SDK, test authors had to actually be familiar with the test harness stack in order to define new test cases. For the test authors, this presented a huge learning curve, since they had to learn a large codebase written in a programming language and toolchain that was completely different from those used in Netflix SDK and UI. Since only the test harness maintainers can effectively contribute test case definitions and improvements, this became a bottleneck as far as development velocity was concerned.

Unreliable State Management: Each of the three core services has a different policy with respect to test execution state management. In the test harness, state is held in thread-local memory, while in the test dispatcher, it is built on the fly by reading from Kafka with each new console session. In the batch executor, on the other hand, intermediate test execution states are ignored entirely and only test results are stored. Because there is no persistence story with regards to intermediate test execution state, and because there is no data model to represent test execution states consistently across the three services, it becomes very difficult to coordinate and track test executions. For example, two WebSocket sessions to the same test execution are generally not reproducible if user interactions such as prompt responses are involved, since each session has its own materialization of the test execution state. Without the ability to properly model and track test executions, supervision of test executions is consequently non-existent.

Moving To an Intentional Architecture

The evolution of NTS can best be described as that of an emergent system architecture, with many features added over time to fulfill the users’ ever-increasing needs. It became apparent that this model brought forth various shortcomings that prevented it from satisfying the system requirements laid out earlier. We now discuss the high-level architectural changes we have made with NTS 2.0, which was built with an intentional design approach to address the system requirements of the business problem.

Decoupling Test Definitions

In NTS 2.0, tests are defined as scripts against the Netflix SDK that execute on the device itself, as opposed to library code that is dependent on and executes in the test harness. These test definitions are hosted on a separate service where they can be accessed by the Netflix SDK on devices located in the Partner networks (Figure 10).

Figure 10: Decoupling the test definitions from the test execution stack in NTS 2.0.

This change brings several distinct benefits to the system. The first is that the new setup is more aligned with device certification, where ultimately we are testing the integration of the Netflix SDK with the target device’s firmware. The second is that we are able to consolidate instrumentation and logging onto a single stack, which simplifies the debugging process for the developers. In addition, by having tests be defined using the same programming language and toolchain used to develop the Netflix UI, the learning curve for writing and maintaining tests is significantly reduced for the test authors. Finally, this setup strongly decouples test definitions from the rest of the test execution infrastructure, allowing for the two to be developed separately in parallel with improved velocity.

Defining the Job Execution Model

A proper job execution model with concise semantics has been defined in NTS 2.0 to address the inconsistent semantics between single test and batch executions (Figure 11). The model is summarized as follows:

  • The base unit of test execution is the batch. A batch consists of one or more test cases to be run sequentially on the target device.
  • The base unit of test orchestration is the job. A job is a template containing a list of test cases to be run, configurations for test retries and job notifications, and information on the target device.
  • All test run requests create a job template, from which batches are instantiated for execution. This includes single test run requests.
  • Upon batch completion, a new batch may be instantiated from the source job, but containing only the subset of the test cases that failed earlier. Whether or not this occurs depends on the source job’s test retries configuration.
  • A job is considered finished when its instantiated batches and subsequent retries have completed. Notifications may then be sent out according to the job’s configuration.
  • Cancellations are applicable to either the single test execution level or the batch execution level. Jobs are considered canceled when its current batch instantiation is canceled.
Figure 11: The job execution model in NTS 2.0.

The newly-defined job execution model thoroughly clarifies the semantics of single test and batch executions while remaining consistent with all existing use cases of the system, and has informed the re-architecting of both the test execution and orchestration components, which we will discuss in the next few sections.

Replacement of the Control Plane

In NTS 1.0, the device agent at the edge and the test harness in the cloud communicate to each other via RPC calls proxied by intermediate gateway services. As noted in great detail earlier, this setup brought many stability, reliability, and latency issues that were observed in test executions. With NTS 2.0, this point-to-point-based control plane is replaced with a message bus-based control plane that is built on MQTT and Kafka (Figure 12).

MQTT is an OASIS standard messaging protocol for the Internet of Things (IoT) and was designed as a highly lightweight yet reliable publish/subscribe messaging transport that is ideal for connecting remote devices with a small code footprint and minimal network bandwidth. MQTT clients connect to the MQTT broker and send messages prefixed with a topic. The broker is responsible for receiving all messages, filtering them, determining who is subscribed to which topic, and sending the messages to the subscribed clients accordingly. The key features that make MQTT highly appealing to us are its support for request retries, fault tolerance, hierarchical topics, client authentication and authorization, per-topic ACLs, and bi-directional request/response message patterns, all of which are crucial for the business use cases around NTS.

Since the paved-path solution at Netflix supports Kafka, a bridge is established between the two protocols to allow cloud-side services to communicate with the control plane (Figure 12). Through the bridge, MQTT messages are converted directly to Kafka records, where the record key is set to be the MQTT topic that the message was assigned to. We take advantage of this construction by having test execution updates published on MQTT contain the test_id in the topic. This forces all updates for a given test execution to effectively appear on the same Kafka partition with a well-defined message order for consumption by NTS component cloud services.

The introduction of the new control plane has enabled communications between different NTS components to be carried out in a consistent, scalable, and reliable manner, regardless of where the components were located. One example of its use is described in our earlier blog post about reliable devices management. The new control plane sets the foundations for the evolution of the test execution stack in NTS 2.0, which we discuss next.

Migration from a Hybrid to Local Execution Context

The test execution component is completely migrated over from the cloud to the edge in NTS 2.0. This includes functionality from the batch execution stack in NTS 1.0, since batch executions are the new base unit of test execution. The migration immediately addresses the long standing problems of network reliability and latency in test executions, since the entire test execution stack now sits together in the same isolated environment, the RAE, instead of being partitioned by a control plane.

Figure 12: The test execution stack (Local Execution Context) and the control plane in NTS 2.0.

During the migration, the test harness and the device agent components were modularized, as each aspect of test execution management — device state management, device communications protocol management, batch executions management, log collection, etc — was moved into a dedicated system service running on the RAE that communicated with the other components via the new control plane (Figure 12). Together with the new control plane, these new local modules form what is called the Local Execution Context (LEC). By consolidating test execution management onto the edge and thus in close proximity to the device, the LEC becomes largely immune from the many network-related scalability, reliability, and stability issues that the HEC model frequently encounters. Alongside with the decoupling of test definitions from the test harness, the LEC has significantly reduced the complexity of the test execution stack, and has paved the way for its development to be parallelized and thus scalable.

Proper State Modeling with Event Sourcing

Test orchestration covers many aspects: support for the established job execution model (kicking off and running jobs), consistent state management for test executions, reconciliation of user interaction events with test execution state, and overall job execution supervision. These functions were divided amongst the three core services in NTS 1.0, but without a consistent model of the intermediate execution states that they can rely upon for coordination, test orchestration as defined by the system requirements could not be reliably achieved. With NTS 2.0, a unified data schema for test execution updates is defined according to the job execution model, with the data itself persisted in storage as an append-only log. In this state management model, all updates for a given test execution, including user interaction events, are stored as a totally-ordered sequence of immutable records ordered by time and grouped by the test_id. The append-only property here is a very powerful feature, because it gives us the ability to materialize a test execution state at any intermediate point in time simply by replaying the append-only log for the test execution from the beginning up until the given timestamp. Because the records are immutable, state materializations are always fully reproducible.

Since the test execution stack continuously publishes test updates to the control plane, state management at the test orchestration layer simply becomes a matter of ingesting and storing these updates in the correct order in accordance with the Event Sourcing Pattern. For this, we turn to the solution provided by Alpakka-Kafka, whose adoption we have previously pioneered in the implementation of our devices management platform (Figure 13). To summarize here, we chose Alpakka-Kafka as the basis of the test updates ingestion infrastructure because it fulfilled the following technical requirements: support for per-partition in-order processing of events, back-pressure support, fault tolerance, integration with the paved-path tooling, and long-term maintainability. Ingested updates are subsequently persisted into a log store backed by CockroachDB. CockroachDB was chosen as the backing store because it is designed to be horizontally scalable and it offers the SQL capabilities needed for working with the job execution data model.

Figure 13: The event sourcing pipeline in NTS 2.0, powered by Alpakka-Kafka.

With proper event sourcing in place and the test execution stack fully migrated over to the LEC, the remaining functionality in the three core services is consolidated into dedicated single service in NTS 2.0, effectively replacing and improving upon the former three in all areas where test orchestration was concerned. The scalable state management solution provided by this test orchestration service becomes the foundation for scalable presentation and job supervision in NTS 2.0, which we discuss next.

Scaling Up the Presentation Layer

The new test orchestration service serves the presentation layer, which, as with NTS 1.0, provides a test execution console abstraction implemented using WebSocket sessions. However, for the console abstraction to be truly reliable and functional, it needs to fulfill several requirements. The first and foremost is that console sessions must be fully reproducible, i.e. two users interacting with the same test execution should observe the exact same behavior. This was an area that was particularly problematic in NTS 1.0. The second is that console sessions must scale up with the number of concurrent users in practice, i.e. sessions should not be resource-intensive. The third is that communications between the session console and the user should be minimal and efficient, i.e. new test execution updates should be delivered to the user only once. This requirement implies the need for maintaining session-local memory to keep track of delivered updates. Finally, the test orchestration service itself needs to be able to intervene in console sessions, e.g. send session liveness updates to the users on an interval schedule or notify the users of session termination if the service instance hosting the session is shutting down.

To handle all of these requirements in a consistent yet scalable manner, we turn to the Actor Model for inspiration. The Actor Model is a concurrency model in which actors are the universal primitive of concurrent computation. Actors send messages to each other, and in response to incoming messages, they can perform operations, create more actors, send out other messages, and change their future behavior. Actors also maintain and modify their own private state, but they can only affect each other’s states indirectly through messaging. In-depth discussions of the Actor Model and its many applications can be found here and here.

Figure 14: The presentation layer in NTS 2.0.

The Actor Model naturally fits the mental model of the test execution console, since the console is fundamentally a standalone entity that reacts to messages (e.g. test updates, service-level notifications, and user interaction events) and maintains internal state. Accordingly, we modeled test execution sessions as such using Akka Typed, a well-known and highly-maintained actor system implementation for the JVM (Figure 14). Console sessions are instantiated when a WebSocket connection is opened by the user to the service, and upon launch, the console begins fetching new test updates for the given test_id from the data store. Updates are delivered to the user over the WebSocket connection and saved to session-local memory as record to keep track of what has already been delivered, while user interaction events are forwarded back to the LEC via the control plane. The polling process is repeated on a cron schedule (every 2 seconds) that is registered to the actor system’s scheduler during console instantiation, and the polling’s data query pattern is designed to be aligned with the service’s state management model.

Putting in Job Supervision

As a distributed system whose components communicate asynchronously and are involved with prototype embedded devices, faults frequently occur throughout the NTS stack. These faults range from device loops and crashes to the RAE being temporarily disconnected from the network, and generally result in missing test updates and/or incomplete test results if left unchecked. Such undefined behavior is a frequent occurrence in NTS 1.0 that impedes the reliability of the presentation layer as an accurate view of test executions. In NTS 2.0, multiple levels of supervision are present across the system to address this class of issues. Supervision is carried out through checks that are scheduled throughout the job execution lifecycle in reaction to the job’s progress. These checks include:

  • Handling response timeouts for requests sent from the test orchestration service to the LEC.
  • Handling test “liveness”, i.e. ensuring that updates are continuously present until the test execution reaches a terminal state.
  • Handling test execution timeouts.
  • Handling batch execution timeouts.

When these faults occur, the checks will discover them and automatically clean up the faulting test execution, e.g. marking test results as invalid, releasing the target device from reservation, etc. While some checks exist in the LEC stack, job-level supervision facilities mainly reside in the test orchestration service, whose log store can be reliably used for monitoring test execution runs.


System Behavioral Reliability

The importance of understanding the business problem space and cementing this understanding through proper conceptual modeling cannot be underscored enough. Many of the perceived reliability issues in NTS 1.0 can be attributed to undefined behavior or missing features. These are an inevitable occurrence in the absence of conceptual modeling and thus strongly codified expectations of system behavior. With NTS 2.0, we properly defined from the very beginning the job execution model, the data schema for test execution updates according to the model, and the state management model for test execution states (i.e. the append-only log model). We then implemented various system-level features that are built upon these formalisms, such as event-sourcing of test updates, reproducible test execution console sessions, and job supervision. It is this development approach, along with the implementation choices made along the way, that empowers us to achieve behavioral reliability across the NTS system in accordance with the business requirements.

System Scalability

We can examine how each component in NTS 2.0 addresses the scalability issues that are present in its predecessor:

LEC Stack: With the consolidation of the test execution stack fully onto the RAE, the challenge of scaling up test executions is now broken down into two separate problems:

  • Whether or not the LEC stack can support executing as many tests simultaneously as the maximum number of devices that can be connected to the RAE.
  • Whether or not the communications between the edge and the cloud can scale with the number of RAEs in the system.

The first problem is naturally resolved by hardware-imposed limitations on the number of connected devices, as the RAE is an embedded appliance. The second refers to the scalability of the NTS control plane, which we will discuss next.

Control Plane: With the replacement of the point-to-point RPC-based control plane with a message bus-based control plane, system faults stemming from Partner networks have become a rare occurrence and RAE-edge communications have become scalable. For the MQTT side of the control plane, we used HiveMQ as the cloud MQTT broker. We chose HiveMQ because it met all of our business use case requirements in terms of performance and stability (see our adoption report for details), and came with the MQTT-Kafka bridging support that we needed.

Event Sourcing Infrastructure: The event-sourcing solution provided by Alpakka-Kafka and CockroachDB has already been demonstrated to be very performant, scalable, and fault tolerant in our earlier work on reliable devices management.

Presentation Layer: The current implementation of the test execution console abstraction using actors removed the practical scaling limits of the previous implementation. The real advantage of this implementation model is that we can achieve meaningful concurrency and performance without having to worry about the low-level details of thread pool management and lock-based synchronization. Notably, systems built on Akka Typed have been shown to support roughly 2.5 million actors per GB of heap and relay actor messages at a throughput of nearly 50 million messages per second.

To be thorough, we performed basic load tests on the presentation layer using the Gatling load-testing framework to verify its scalability. The simulated test scenario per request is as follows:

  1. Open a test execution console session (i.e. WebSocket connection) in the test orchestration service.
  2. Wait for 2 to 3 minutes (randomized), during which the session will be polling the data store at 2 second intervals for test updates.
  3. Close the session.

This scenario is comparable to the typical NTS user workflow that involves the presentation layer. The load test plan is as follows:

  1. Burst ramp-up requests to 1000 over 5 seconds.
  2. Add 80 new requests per second for 10 minutes.
  3. Wait for all requests to complete.

We observed that, in load tests of a single client machine (2.4 GHz, 8-Core, 32 GB RAM) running against a small cluster of 3 AWS m4.xlarge instances, we were able to peg the client at over 10,900 simultaneous live WebSocket connections before the client’s limits were reached (Figure 15). On the server side, neither CPU nor memory utilization appeared significantly impacted for the duration of the tests, and the database connection pool was able to handle the query load from all the data store polling (Figures 16–18). We can conclude from these load test results that scalability of the presentation layer has been achieved with the new implementation.

Figure 15: WebSocket sessions and handshake response time percentiles over time during the load testing.
Figure 16: CPU usage over time during the load testing.
Figure 17: Available memory over time during the load testing.
Figure 18: Database requests per second over time during the load testing.

Job Supervision: While the actual business logic may be complex, job supervision itself is a very lightweight process, as checks are reactively scheduled in response to events across the job execution cycle. In implementation, checks are scheduled through the Akka scheduler and run using actors, which have been shown above to scale very well.

Development Velocity

The design decisions we have made with NTS 2.0 have simplified the NTS architecture and in the process made the platform run tests observably much faster, as there are simply a lot less moving components to work with. Whereas it used to take roughly 60 seconds to run through a “Hello, World” device test from setup to teardown, now it takes less than 5 seconds. This has translated to increased development velocity for our users, who can now iterate their test authoring and device integration / certification work much more frequently.

In NTS 2.0, we have thoroughly added multiple levels of observability across the stack using paved-path tools, from contextual logging to metrics to distributed tracing. Some of these capabilities were previously not available in NTS 1.0 because the component services were built prior to the introduction of paved-path tooling at Netflix. Combined with the simplification of the NTS architecture, this has increased development velocity for the system maintainers by an order of magnitude, as user-reported issues in general can now be tracked down and fixed within the same day as they were reported, for example.

Costs Reduction

Though our discussion of NTS 1.0 focused on the three core services, in reality there are many auxiliary services in between that coordinate different aspects of a test execution, such as RPC requests proxying from cloud to edge, test results collection, etc. Over the course of building NTS 2.0, we have deprecated a total of 10 microservices whose roles have been either obsolesced by the new architecture or consolidated into the LEC and test orchestration service. In addition, our work has paved the way for the eventual deprecation of 5 additional services and the evolution of several others. The consolidation of component services along with the increase in development and maintenance velocity brought about by NTS 2.0 has significantly reduced the business costs of maintaining the NTS platform, in terms of both compute and developer resources.


Systems design is a process of discovery and can be difficult to get right on the first iteration. Many design decisions need to be considered in light of the business requirements, which evolve over time. In addition, design decisions must be regularly revisited and guided by implementation experience and customer feedback in a process of value-driven development, while avoiding the pitfalls of an emergent model of system evolution. Our in-field experience with NTS 1.0 has thoroughly informed the evolution of NTS into a device testing solution that better satisfies the business workflows and requirements we have while scaling up developer productivity in building out and maintaining this solution.

Though we have brought in large changes with NTS 2.0 that addressed the systemic shortcomings of its predecessor, the improvements discussed here are focused on only a few components of the overall NTS platform. We have previously discussed reliable devices management, which is another large focus domain. The overall reliability of the NTS platform rests on significant work made in many other key areas, including devices onboarding, the MQTT-Kafka transport, authentication and authorization, test results management, and system observability, which we plan to discuss in detail in future blog posts. In the meantime, thanks to this work, we expect NTS to continue to scale with increasing workloads and diversity of workflows over time according to the needs of our stakeholders.

NTS: Reliable Device Testing at Scale was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Intelligent, automatic restarts for unhealthy Kafka consumers

Post Syndicated from Chris Shepherd original https://blog.cloudflare.com/intelligent-automatic-restarts-for-unhealthy-kafka-consumers/

Intelligent, automatic restarts for unhealthy Kafka consumers

Intelligent, automatic restarts for unhealthy Kafka consumers

At Cloudflare, we take steps to ensure we are resilient against failure at all levels of our infrastructure. This includes Kafka, which we use for critical workflows such as sending time-sensitive emails and alerts.

We learned a lot about keeping our applications that leverage Kafka healthy, so they can always be operational. Application health checks are notoriously hard to implement: What determines an application as healthy? How can we keep services operational at all times?

These can be implemented in many ways. We’ll talk about an approach that allows us to considerably reduce incidents with unhealthy applications while requiring less manual intervention.

Kafka at Cloudflare

Cloudflare is a big adopter of Kafka. We use Kafka as a way to decouple services due to its asynchronous nature and reliability. It allows different teams to work effectively without creating dependencies on one another. You can also read more about how other teams at Cloudflare use Kafka in this post.

Kafka is used to send and receive messages. Messages represent some kind of event like a credit card payment or details of a new user created in your platform. These messages can be represented in multiple ways: JSON, Protobuf, Avro and so on.

Kafka organises messages in topics. A topic is an ordered log of events in which each message is marked with a progressive offset. When an event is written by an external system, that is appended to the end of that topic. These events are not deleted from the topic by default (retention can be applied).

Intelligent, automatic restarts for unhealthy Kafka consumers

Topics are stored as log files on disk, which are finite in size. Partitions are a systematic way of breaking the one topic log file into many logs, each of which can be hosted on separate servers–enabling to scale topics.

Topics are managed by brokers–nodes in a Kafka cluster. These are responsible for writing new events to partitions, serving reads and replicating partitions among themselves.

Messages can be consumed by individual consumers or co-ordinated groups of consumers, known as consumer groups.

Consumers use a unique id (consumer id) that allows them to be identified by the broker as an application which is consuming from a specific topic.

Each topic can be read by an infinite number of different consumers, as long as they use a different id. Each consumer can replay the same messages as many times as they want.

When a consumer starts consuming from a topic, it will process all messages, starting from a selected offset, from each partition. With a consumer group, the partitions are divided amongst each consumer in the group. This division is determined by the consumer group leader. This leader will receive information about the other consumers in the group and will decide which consumers will receive messages from which partitions (partition strategy).

Intelligent, automatic restarts for unhealthy Kafka consumers

The offset of a consumer’s commit can demonstrate whether the consumer is working as expected. Committing a processed offset is the way a consumer and its consumer group report to the broker that they have processed a particular message.

Intelligent, automatic restarts for unhealthy Kafka consumers

A standard measurement of whether a consumer is processing fast enough is lag. We use this to measure how far behind the newest message we are. This tracks time elapsed between messages being written to and read from a topic. When a service is lagging behind, it means that the consumption is at a slower rate than new messages being produced.

Due to Cloudflare’s scale, message rates typically end up being very large and a lot of requests are time-sensitive so monitoring this is vital.

At Cloudflare, our applications using Kafka are deployed as microservices on Kubernetes.

Health checks for Kubernetes apps

Kubernetes uses probes to understand if a service is healthy and is ready to receive traffic or to run. When a liveness probe fails and the bounds for retrying are exceeded, Kubernetes restarts the services.

Intelligent, automatic restarts for unhealthy Kafka consumers

When a readiness probe fails and the bounds for retrying are exceeded, it stops sending HTTP traffic to the targeted pods. In the case of Kafka applications this is not relevant as they don’t run an http server. For this reason, we’ll cover only liveness checks.

A classic Kafka liveness check done on a consumer checks the status of the connection with the broker. It’s often best practice to keep these checks simple and perform some basic operations – in this case, something like listing topics. If, for any reason, this check fails consistently, for instance the broker returns a TLS error, Kubernetes terminates the service and starts a new pod of the same service, therefore forcing a new connection. Simple Kafka liveness checks do a good job of understanding when the connection with the broker is unhealthy.

Intelligent, automatic restarts for unhealthy Kafka consumers

Problems with Kafka health checks

Due to Cloudflare’s scale, a lot of our Kafka topics are divided into multiple partitions (in some cases this can be hundreds!) and in many cases the replica count of our consuming service doesn’t necessarily match the number of partitions on the Kafka topic. This can mean that in a lot of scenarios this simple approach to health checking is not quite enough!

Microservices that consume from Kafka topics are healthy if they are consuming and committing offsets at regular intervals when messages are being published to a topic. When such services are not committing offsets as expected, it means that the consumer is in a bad state, and it will start accumulating lag. An approach we often take is to manually terminate and restart the service in Kubernetes, this will cause a reconnection and rebalance.

Intelligent, automatic restarts for unhealthy Kafka consumers

When a consumer joins or leaves a consumer group, a rebalance is triggered and the consumer group leader must re-assign which consumers will read from which partitions.

When a rebalance happens, each consumer is notified to stop consuming. Some consumers might get their assigned partitions taken away and re-assigned to another consumer. We noticed when this happened within our library implementation; if the consumer doesn’t acknowledge this command, it will wait indefinitely for new messages to be consumed from a partition that it’s no longer assigned to, ultimately leading to a deadlock. Usually a manual restart of the faulty client-side app is needed to resume processing.

Intelligent health checks

As we were seeing consumers reporting as “healthy” but sitting idle, it occurred to us that maybe we were focusing on the wrong thing in our health checks. Just because the service is connected to the Kafka broker and can read from the topic, it does not mean the consumer is actively processing messages.

Therefore, we realised we should be focused on message ingestion, using the offset values to ensure that forward progress was being made.

The PagerDuty approach

PagerDuty wrote an excellent blog on this topic which we used as inspiration when coming up with our approach.

Their approach used the current (latest) offset and the committed offset values. The current offset signifies the last message that was sent to the topic, while the committed offset is the last message that was processed by the consumer.

Intelligent, automatic restarts for unhealthy Kafka consumers

Checking the consumer is moving forwards, by ensuring that the latest offset was changing (receiving new messages) and the committed offsets were changing as well (processing the new messages).

Therefore, the solution we came up with:

  • If we cannot read the current offset, fail liveness probe.
  • If we cannot read the committed offset, fail liveness probe.
  • If the committed offset == the current offset, pass liveness probe.
  • If the value for the committed offset has not changed since the last run of the health check, fail liveness probe.
Intelligent, automatic restarts for unhealthy Kafka consumers

To measure if the committed offset is changing, we need to store the value of the previous run, we do this using an in-memory map where partition number is the key. This means each instance of our service only has a view of the partitions it is currently consuming from and will run the health check for each.


When we first rolled out our smart health checks we started to notice cascading failures some time after release. After initial investigations we realised this was happening when a rebalance happens. It would initially affect one replica then quickly result in the others reporting as unhealthy.

What we observed was due to us storing the previous value of the committed offset in-memory, when a rebalance happens the service may get re-assigned a different partition. When this happened it meant our service was incorrectly assuming that the committed offset for that partition had not changed (as this specific replica was no longer updating the latest value), therefore it would start to report the service as unhealthy. The failing liveness probe would then cause it to restart which would in-turn trigger another rebalancing in Kafka causing other replicas to face the same issue.


To fix this issue we needed to ensure that each replica only kept track of the offsets for the partitions it was consuming from at that moment. Luckily, the Shopify Sarama library, which we use internally, has functionality to observe when a rebalancing happens. This meant we could use it to rebuild the in-memory map of offsets so that it would only include the relevant partition values.

This is handled by receiving the signal from the session context channel:

for {
  select {
  case message, ok := <-claim.Messages(): // <-- Message received

     // Store latest received offset in-memory
     offsetMap[message.Partition] = message.Offset

     // Handle message
     handleMessage(ctx, message)

     // Commit message offset
     session.MarkMessage(message, "")

  case <-session.Context().Done(): // <-- Rebalance happened

     // Remove rebalanced partition from in-memory map
     delete(offsetMap, claim.Partition())

Verifying this solution was straightforward, we just needed to trigger a rebalance. To test this worked in all possible scenarios we spun up a single replica of a service consuming from multiple partitions, then proceeded to scale up the number of replicas until it matched the partition count, then scaled back down to a single replica. By doing this we verified that the health checks could safely handle new partitions being assigned as well as partitions being taken away.


Probes in Kubernetes are very easy to set up and can be a powerful tool to ensure your application is running as expected. Well implemented probes can often be the difference between engineers being called out to fix trivial issues (sometimes outside of working hours) and a service which is self-healing.

However, without proper thought, “dumb” health checks can also lead to a false sense of security that a service is running as expected even when it’s not. One thing we have learnt from this was to think more about the specific behaviour of the service and decide what being unhealthy means in each instance, instead of just ensuring that dependent services are connected.

Zero trust with Kafka

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/zero-trust-with-kafka


Grab’s real-time data platform team, also known as Coban, has been operating large-scale Kafka clusters for all Grab verticals, with a strong focus on ensuring a best-in-class-performance and 99.99% availability.

Security has always been one of Grab’s top priorities and as fraudsters continue to evolve, there is an increased need to continue strengthening the security of our data streaming platform. One of the ways of doing this is to move from a pure network-based access control to state-of-the-art security and zero trust by default, such as:

  • Authentication: The identity of any remote systems – clients and servers – is established and ascertained first, prior to any further communications.
  • Authorisation: Access to Kafka is granted based on the principle of least privilege; no access is given by default. Kafka clients are associated with the whitelisted Kafka topics and permissions – consume or produce – they strictly need. Also, granted access is auditable.
  • Confidentiality: All in-transit traffic is encrypted.


We decided to use mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) for authentication and encryption. mTLS enables clients to authenticate servers, and servers to reciprocally authenticate clients.

Kafka supports other authentication mechanisms, like OAuth, or Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism (SCRAM), but we chose mTLS because it is able to verify the peer’s identity offline. This verification ability means that systems do not need an active connection to an authentication server to ascertain the identity of a peer. This enables operating in disparate network environments, where all parties do not necessarily have access to such a central authority.

We opted for Hashicorp Vault and its PKI engine to dynamically generate clients and servers’ certificates. This enables us to enforce the usage of short-lived certificates for clients, which is a way to mitigate the potential impact of a client certificate being compromised or maliciously shared. We said zero trust, right?

For authorisation, we chose Policy-Based Access Control (PBAC), a more scalable solution than Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), and the Open Policy Agent (OPA) as our policy engine, for its wide community support.

To integrate mTLS and the OPA with Kafka, we leveraged Strimzi, the Kafka on Kubernetes operator. In a previous article, we have alluded to Strimzi and hinted at how it would help with scalability and cloud agnosticism. Built-in security is undoubtedly an additional driver of our adoption of Strimzi.

Server authentication

Figure 1 – Server authentication process for internal cluster communications

We first set up a single Root Certificate Authority (CA) for each environment (staging, production, etc.). This Root CA, in blue on the diagram, is securely managed by the Hashicorp Vault cluster. Note that the color of the certificates, keys, signing arrows and signatures on the diagrams are consistent throughout this article.

To secure the cluster’s internal communications, like the communications between the Kafka broker and Zookeeper pods, Strimzi sets up a Cluster CA, which is signed by the Root CA (step 1). The Cluster CA is then used to sign the individual Kafka broker and zookeeper certificates (step 2). Lastly, the Root CA’s public certificate is imported into the truststores of both the Kafka broker and Zookeeper (step 3), so that all pods can mutually verify their certificates when authenticating one with the other.

Strimzi’s embedded Cluster CA dynamically generates valid individual certificates when spinning up new Kafka and Zookeeper pods. The signing operation (step 2) is handled automatically by Strimzi.

For client access to Kafka brokers, Strimzi creates a different set of intermediate CA and server certificates, as shown in the next diagram.

Figure 2 – Server authentication process for client access to Kafka brokers

The same Root CA from Figure 1 now signs a different intermediate CA, which the Strimzi community calls the Client CA (step 1). This naming is misleading since it does not actually sign any client certificates, but only the server certificates (step 2) that are set up on the external listener of the Kafka brokers. These server certificates are for the Kafka clients to authenticate the servers. This time, the Root CA’s public certificate will be imported into the Kafka Client truststore (step 3).

Client authentication

Figure 3 – Client authentication process

For client authentication, the Kafka client first needs to authenticate to Hashicorp Vault and request an ephemeral certificate from the Vault PKI engine (step 1). Vault then issues a certificate and signs it using its Root CA (step 2). With this certificate, the client can now authenticate to Kafka brokers, who will use the Root CA’s public certificate already in their truststore, as previously described (step 3).

CA tree

Putting together the three different authentication processes we have just covered, the CA tree now looks like this. Note that this is a simplified view for a single environment, a single cluster, and two clients only.

Figure 4 – Complete certificate authority tree

As mentioned earlier, each environment (staging, production, etc.) has its own Root CA. Within an environment, each Strimzi cluster has its own pair of intermediate CAs: the Cluster CA and the Client CA. At the leaf level, the Zookeeper and Kafka broker pods each have their own individual certificates.

On the right side of the diagram, each Kafka client can get an ephemeral certificate from Hashicorp Vault whenever they need to connect to Kafka. Each team or application has a dedicated Vault PKI role in Hashicorp Vault, restricting what can be requested for its certificate (e.g., Subject, TTL, etc.).

Strimzi deployment

We heavily use Terraform to manage and provision our Kafka and Kafka-related components. This enables us to quickly and reliably spin up new clusters and perform cluster scaling operations.

Under the hood, Strimzi Kafka deployment is a Kubernetes deployment. To increase the performance and the reliability of the Kafka cluster, we create dedicated Kubernetes nodes for each Strimzi Kafka broker and each Zookeeper pod, using Kubernetes taints and tolerations. This ensures that all resources of a single node are dedicated solely to either a single Kafka broker or a single Zookeeper pod.

We also decided to go with a single Kafka cluster by Kubernetes cluster to make the management easier.

Client setup

Coban provides backend microservice teams from all Grab verticals with a popular Kafka SDK in Golang, to standardise how teams utilise Coban Kafka clusters. Adding mTLS support mostly boils down to upgrading our SDK.

Our enhanced SDK provides a default mTLS configuration that works out of the box for most teams, while still allowing customisation, e.g., for teams that have their own Hashicorp Vault Infrastructure for compliance reasons. Similarly, clients can choose among various Vault auth methods such as AWS or Kubernetes to authenticate to Hashicorp Vault, or even implement their own logic for getting a valid client certificate.

To mitigate the potential risk of a user maliciously sharing their application’s certificate with other applications or users, we limit the maximum Time-To-Live (TTL) for any given certificate. This also removes the overhead of maintaining a Certificate Revocation List (CRL). Additionally, our SDK stores the certificate and its associated private key in memory only, never on disk, hence reducing the attack surface.

In our case, Hashicorp Vault is a dependency. To prevent it from reducing the overall availability of our data streaming platform, we have added two features to our SDK – a configurable retry mechanism and automatic renewal of clients’ short-lived certificates when two thirds of their TTL is reached. The upgraded SDK also produces new metrics around this certificate renewal process, enabling better monitoring and alerting.


Figure 5 – Authorisation process before a client can access a Kafka record

For authorisation, we set up the Open Policy Agent (OPA) as a standalone deployment in the Kubernetes cluster, and configured Strimzi to integrate the Kafka brokers with that OPA.

OPA policies – written in the Rego language – describe the authorisation logic. They are created in a GitLab repository along with the authorisation rules, called data sources (step 1). Whenever there is a change, a GitLab CI pipeline automatically creates a bundle of the policies and data sources, and pushes it to an S3 bucket (step 2). From there, it is fetched by the OPA (step 3).

When a client – identified by its TLS certificate’s Subject – attempts to consume or produce a Kafka record (step 4), the Kafka broker pod first issues an authorisation request to the OPA (step 5) before processing the client’s request. The outcome of the authorisation request is then cached by the Kafka broker pod to improve performance.

As the core component of the authorisation process, the OPA is deployed with the same high availability as the Kafka cluster itself, i.e. spread across the same number of Availability Zones. Also, we decided to go with one dedicated OPA by Kafka cluster instead of having a unique global OPA shared between multiple clusters. This is to reduce the blast radius of any OPA incidents.

For monitoring and alerting around authorisation, we submitted an Open Source contribution in the opa-kafka-plugin project in order to enable the OPA authoriser to expose some metrics. Our contribution to the open source code allows us to monitor various aspects of the OPA, such as the number of authorised and unauthorised requests, as well as the cache hit-and-miss rates. Also, we set up alerts for suspicious activity such as unauthorised requests.

Finally, as a platform team, we need to make authorisation a scalable, self-service process. Thus, we rely on the Git repository’s permissions to let Kafka topics’ owners approve the data source changes pertaining to their topics.

Teams who need their applications to access a Kafka topic would write and submit a JSON data source as simple as this:

 "example_topic": {
   "read": [
   "write": [

GitLab CI unit tests and business logic checks are set up in the Git repository to ensure that the submitted changes are valid. After that, the change would be submitted to the topic’s owner for review and approval.

What’s next?

The performance impact of this security design is significant compared to unauthenticated, unauthorised, plaintext Kafka. We observed a drop in throughput, mostly due to the low performance of encryption and decryption in Java, and are currently benchmarking different encryption ciphers to mitigate this.

Also, on authorisation, our current PBAC design is pretty static, with a list of applications granted access for each topic. In the future, we plan to move to Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC), creating dynamic policies based on teams and topics’ metadata. For example, teams could be granted read and write access to all of their own topics by default. Leveraging a versatile component such as the OPA as our authorisation controller enables this evolution.

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Grab is the leading superapp platform in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across 428 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

Use MSK Connect for managed MirrorMaker 2 deployment with IAM authentication

Post Syndicated from Tanner Pratt original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/use-msk-connect-for-managed-mirrormaker-2-deployment-with-iam-authentication/

In this post, we show how to use MSK Connect for MirrorMaker 2 deployment with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) authentication. We create an MSK Connect custom plugin and IAM role, and then replicate the data between two existing Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) clusters. The goal is to have replication successfully running between two MSK clusters that are using IAM as an authentication mechanism. It’s important to note that although we’re using IAM authentication in this solution, this can be accomplished using no authentication for the MSK authentication mechanism.

Solution overview

This solution can help Amazon MSK users run MirrorMaker 2 on MSK Connect, which eases the administrative and operational burden because the service handles the underlying resources, enabling you to focus on the connectors and data to ensure correctness. The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

Apache Kafka is an open-source platform for streaming data. You can use it to build building various workloads like IoT connectivity, data analytic pipelines, or event-based architectures.

Kafka Connect is a component of Apache Kafka that provides a framework to stream data between systems like databases, object stores, and even other Kafka clusters, into and out of Kafka. Connectors are the executable applications that you can deploy on top of the Kafka Connect framework to stream data into or out of Kafka.

MirrorMaker is the cross-cluster data mirroring mechanism that Apache Kafka provides to replicate data between two clusters. You can deploy this mirroring process as a connector in the Kafka Connect framework to improve the scalability, monitoring, and availability of the mirroring application. Replication between two clusters is a common scenario when needing to improve data availability, migrate to a new cluster, aggregate data from edge clusters into a central cluster, copy data between Regions, and more. In KIP-382, MirrorMaker 2 (MM2) is documented with all the available configurations, design patterns, and deployment options available to users. It’s worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the configurations because there are many options that can impact your unique needs.

MSK Connect is a managed Kafka Connect service that allows you to deploy Kafka connectors into your environment with seamless integrations with AWS services like IAM, Amazon MSK, and Amazon CloudWatch.

In the following sections, we walk you through the steps to configure this solution:

  1. Create an IAM policy and role.
  2. Upload your data.
  3. Create a custom plugin.
  4. Create and deploy connectors.

Create an IAM policy and role for authentication

IAM helps users securely control access to AWS resources. In this step, we create an IAM policy and role that has two critical permissions:

A common mistake made when creating an IAM role and policy needed for common Kafka tasks (publishing to a topic, listing topics) is to assume that the AWS managed policy AmazonMSKFullAccess (arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonMSKFullAccess) will suffice for permissions.

The following is an example of a policy with both full Kafka and Amazon MSK access:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

This policy supports the creation of the cluster within the AWS account infrastructure and grants access to the components that make up the cluster anatomy like Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), logs, and kafka:*. There is no managed policy for a Kafka administrator to have full access on the cluster itself.

After you create the KafkaAdminFullAccess policy, create a role and attach the policy to it. You need two entries on the role’s Trust relationships tab:

  • The first statement allows Kafka Connect to assume this role and connect to the cluster.
  • The second statement follows the pattern arn:aws:sts::(YOUR ACCOUNT NUMBER):assumed-role/(YOUR ROLE NAME)/(YOUR ACCOUNT NUMBER). Your account number should be the same account number where MSK Connect and the role are being created in. This role is the role you’re editing the trust entity on. In the following example code, I’m editing a role called MSKConnectExample in my account. This is so that when MSK Connect assumes the role, the assumed user can assume the role again to publish and consume records on the target cluster.

In the following example trust policy, provide your own account number and role name:

	"Version": "2012-10-17",
	"Statement": [
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Principal": {
				"Service": "kafkaconnect.amazonaws.com"
			"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Principal": {
				"AWS": "arn:aws:sts::123456789101:assumed-role/MSKConnectExampleRole/123456789101"
			"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

Now we’re ready to deploy MirrorMaker 2.

Upload data

MSK Connect custom plugins accept a file or folder with a .jar or .zip ending. For this step, create a dummy folder or file and compress it. Then upload the .zip object to your Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket:

mkdir mm2 
zip mm2.zip mm2 
aws s3 cp mm2.zip s3://mytestbucket/

Because Kafka and subsequently Kafka Connect have MirrorMaker libraries built in, you don’t need to add additional JAR files for this functionality. MSK Connect has a prerequisite that a custom plugin needs to be present at connector creation, so we have to create an empty one just for reference. It doesn’t matter what the contents of the file are or what the folder contains, as long as there is an object in Amazon S3 that is accessible to MSK Connect, so MSK Connect has access to MM2 classes.

Create a custom plugin

On the Amazon MSK console, follow the steps to create a custom plugin from the .zip file. Enter the object’s Amazon S3 URI and for this post, and name the plugin Mirror-Maker-2.

custom plugin console

Create and deploy connectors

You need to deploy three connectors for a successful mirroring operation:

  • MirrorSourceConnector
  • MirrorHeartbeatConnector
  • MirrorCheckpointConnector

Complete the following steps for each connector:

  1. On the Amazon MSK console, choose Create connector.
  2. For Connector name, enter the name of your first connector.
    connector properties name
  3. Select the target MSK cluster that the data is mirrored to as a destination.
  4. Choose IAM as the authentication mechanism.
    select cluster
  5. Pass the config into the connector.
    connector config

Connector config files are JSON-formatted config maps for the Kafka Connect framework to use in passing configurations to the executable JAR. When using the MSK Connect console, we must convert the config file from a JSON config file to single-lined key=value (with no spaces) file.

You need to change some values within the configs for deployment, namely bootstrap.server, sasl.jaas.config and tasks.max. Note the placeholders in the following code for all three configs.

The following code is for MirrorHeartBeatConnector:

source.cluster.bootstrap.servers=(SOURCE BOOTSTRAP SERVERS)
target.cluster.sasl.jaas.config=software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required awsRoleArn="arn:aws:iam::(Your Account Number):role/(Your IAM role):role/mck-role" awsDebugCreds=true;
target.cluster.producer.sasl.jaas.config=software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required awsRoleArn="arn:aws:iam::(Your Account Number):role/(Your IAM role)" awsDebugCreds=true;
target.cluster.consumer.sasl.jaas.config=software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required awsRoleArn="arn:aws:iam::(Your Account Number):role/(Your IAM role)" awsDebugCreds=true;
source.cluster.sasl.jaas.config=software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required awsRoleArn="arn:aws:iam::(Your Account Number):role/(Your IAM role)" awsDebugCreds=true;
source.cluster.producer.sasl.jaas.config=software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required awsRoleArn="arn:aws:iam::(Your Account Number):role/(Your IAM role)" awsDebugCreds=true;
source.cluster.consumer.sasl.jaas.config=software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required awsRoleArn="arn:aws:iam::(Your Account Number):role/(Your IAM role)" awsDebugCreds=true;
topics.exclude=.*[-.]internal, .*.replica, __.*, .*-config, .*-status, .*-offset
groups.exclude=console-consumer-.*, connect-.*, __.*

The following code is for MirrorCheckpointConnector:

source.cluster.bootstrap.servers=(Source Bootstrap Servers)
target.cluster.bootstrap.servers=(Target Bootstrap Servers)
target.cluster.sasl.jaas.config=software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required awsRoleArn="arn:aws:iam::(Your Account Number):role/(Your IAM role)" awsDebugCreds=true;
target.cluster.producer.sasl.jaas.config=software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required awsRoleArn="arn:aws:iam::(Your Account Number):role/(Your IAM role)" awsDebugCreds=true;
target.cluster.consumer.sasl.jaas.config=software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required awsRoleArn="arn:aws:iam::(Your Account Number):role/(Your IAM role)" awsDebugCreds=true;
source.cluster.sasl.jaas.config=software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required awsRoleArn="arn:aws:iam::(Your Account Number):role/(Your IAM role)" awsDebugCreds=true;
source.cluster.producer.sasl.jaas.config=software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required awsRoleArn="arn:aws:iam::(Your Account Number):role/(Your IAM role)" awsDebugCreds=true;
source.cluster.consumer.sasl.jaas.config=software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required awsRoleArn="arn:aws:iam::(Your Account Number):role/(Your IAM role)" awsDebugCreds=true;
topics.exclude=.*[-.]internal, .*.replica, __.*, .*-config, .*-status, .*-offset
groups.exclude=console-consumer-.*, connect-.*, __.*

The following code is for MirrorSourceConnector:

# See note below about the recommendations
tasks.max=(NUMBER OF TASKS)
source.cluster.bootstrap.servers=(SOURCE BOOTSTRAP-SERVER)
source.cluster.producer.sasl.jaas.config=software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required awsRoleArn="arn:aws:iam:: (Your Account Number):role/(Your IAM role)" awsDebugCreds=true;
source.cluster.consumer.sasl.jaas.config=software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required awsRoleArn="arn:aws:iam:: (Your Account Number):role/(Your IAM role)" awsDebugCreds=true;
source.cluster.sasl.jaas.config=software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required awsRoleArn="arn:aws:iam:: (Your Account Number):role/(Your IAM role)" awsDebugCreds=true;
target.cluster.bootstrap.servers=(TARGET BOOTSTRAP-SERVER)
target.cluster.sasl.jaas.config=software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required awsRoleArn="arn:aws:iam:: (Your Account Number):role/(Your IAM role)" awsDebugCreds=true;
target.cluster.producer.sasl.jaas.config=software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required awsRoleArn="arn:aws:iam:: (Your Account Number):role/(Your IAM role)" awsDebugCreds=true;
target.cluster.consumer.sasl.jaas.config=software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required awsRoleArn="arn:aws:iam:: (Your Account Number):role/(Your IAM role)" awsDebugCreds=true;

A general guideline for the number of tasks for a MirrorSourceConnector is one task per up to 10 partitions to be mirrored. For example, if a Kafka cluster has 15 topics with 12 partitions each for a total partition count of 180 partitions, we deploy at least 18 tasks for mirroring the workload.

Exceeding the recommended number of tasks for the source connector may lead to offsets that aren’t translated (negative consumer group offsets). For more information about this issue and its workarounds, refer to MM2 may not sync partition offsets correctly.

  1. For the heartbeat and checkpoint connectors, use provisioned scale with one worker, because there is only one task running for each of them.
  2. For the source connector, we set the maximum number of workers to the value decided for the tasks.max property.
    Note that we use the defaults of the auto scaling threshold settings for now.
    worker properties
  3. Although it’s possible to pass custom worker configurations, let’s leave the default option selected.
    worker config
  4. In the Access permissions section, we use the IAM role that we created earlier that has a trust relationship with kafkaconnect.amazonaws.com and kafka-cluster:* permissions. Warning signs display above and below the drop-down menu. These are to remind you that IAM roles and attached policies is a common reason why connectors fail. If you never get any log output upon connector creation, that is a good indicator of an improperly configured IAM role or policy permission problem.
    connect iam role
    On the bottom of this page is a warning box telling us not to use the aptly named AWSServiceRoleForKafkaConnect role. This is an AWS managed service role that MSK Connect needs to perform critical, behind-the-scenes functions upon connector creation. For more information, refer to Using Service-Linked Roles for MSK Connect.
  5. Choose Next.
    Depending on the authorization mechanism chosen when aligning the connector with a specific cluster (we chose IAM), the options in the Security section are preset and unchangeable. If no authentication was chosen and your cluster allows plaintext communication, that option is available under Encryption – in transit.
  6. Choose Next to move to the next page.
    access and encryption
  7. Choose your preferred logging destination for MSK Connect logs. For this post, I select Deliver to Amazon CloudWatch Logs and choose the log group ARN for my MSK Connect logs.
  8. Choose Next.
    logs properties
  9. Review your connector settings and choose Create connector.

A message appears indicating either a successful start to the creation process or immediate failure. You can now navigate to the Log groups page on the CloudWatch console and wait for the log stream to appear.

The CloudWatch logs indicate when connectors are successful or have failed faster than on the Amazon MSK console. You can see a log stream in your chosen log group get created within a few minutes after you create your connector. If your log stream never appears, this is an indicator that there was a misconfiguration in your connector config or IAM role and it won’t work.


Verify that the connector launched successfully

In this section, we walk through two confirmation steps to determine a successful launch.

Check the log stream

Open the log stream that your connector is writing to. In the log, you can check if the connector has successfully launched and is publishing data to the cluster. In the following screenshot, we can confirm data is being published.

cloudwatch logs

Mirror data

The second step is to create a producer to send data to the source cluster. We use the console producer and consumer that Kafka ships with. You can follow Step 1 from the Apache Kafka quickstart.

  1. On a client machine that can access Amazon MSK, download Kafka from https://kafka.apache.org/downloads and extract it:
    tar -xzf kafka_2.13-3.1.0.tgz
    cd kafka_2.13-3.1.0

  2. Download the latest stable JAR for IAM authentication from the repository. As of this writing, it is 1.1.3:
    cd libs/
    wget https://github.com/aws/aws-msk-iam-auth/releases/download/v1.1.3/aws-msk-iam-auth-1.1.3-all.jar

  3. Next, we need to create our client.properties file that defines our connection properties for the clients. For instructions, refer to Configure clients for IAM access control. Copy the following example of the client.properties file:
    sasl.jaas.config=software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required;

    You can place this properties file anywhere on your machine. For ease of use and simple referencing, I place mine inside kafka_2.13-3.1.0/bin.
    After we create the client.properties file and place the JAR in the libs directory, we’re ready to create the topic for our replication test.

  4. From the bin folder, run the kafka-topics.sh script:
    ./kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server $bss --create --topic MirrorMakerTest --replication-factor 2 --partitions 1 --command-config client.properties

    The details of the command are as follows:
    –bootstrap-server – Your bootstrap server of the source cluster.
    –topic – The topic name you want to create.
    –create – The action for the script to perform.
    –replication-factor – The replication factor for the topic.
    –partitions – Total number of partitions to create for the topic.
    –command-config – Additional configurations needed for successful running. Here is where we pass in the client.properties file we created in the previous step.

  5. We can list all the topics to see that it was successfully created:
    ./kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server $bss --list --command-config client.properties

    When defining bootstrap servers, it’s recommended to use one broker from each Availability Zone. For example:

    export bss=broker1:9098,broker2:9098,broker3:9098

    Similar to the create topic command, the preceding step simply calls list to show all topics available on the cluster. We can run this same command on our target cluster to see if MirrorMaker has replicated the topic.
    With our topic created, let’s start the consumer. This consumer is consuming from the target cluster. When the topic is mirrored with the default replication policy, it will have a source. prefixed to it.

  6. For our topic, we consume from source.MirrorMakerTest as shown in the following code:
    ./kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server $targetcluster --topic source.MirrorMakerTest --consumer.config client.properties

    The details of the code are as follows:
    –bootstrap-server – Your target MSK bootstrap servers
    –topic – The mirrored topic
    –consumer.config – Where we pass in our client.properties file again to instruct the client how to authenticate to the MSK cluster
    After this step is successful, it leaves a consumer running all the time on the console until we either close the client connection or close our terminal session. You won’t see any messages flowing yet because we haven’t started producing to the source topic on the source cluster.

  7. Open a new terminal window, leaving the consumer open, and start the producer:
    ./kafka-console-producer.sh --bootstrap-server $bss --topic MirrorMakerTest --producer.config client.properties

    The details of the code are as follows:
    –bootstrap-server – The source MSK bootstrap servers
    –topic – The topic we’re producing to
    –producer.config – The client.properties file indicating which IAM authentication properties to use

    After this is successful, the console returns >, which indicates that it’s ready to produce what we type. Let’s produce some messages, as shown in the following screenshot. After each message, press Enter to have the client produce to the topic.

    producer input

    Switching back to the consumer’s terminal window, you should see the same messages being replicated and now showing on your console’s output.

    consumer output

Clean up

We can close the client connections now by pressing Ctrl+C to close the connections or by simply closing the terminal windows.

We can delete the topics on both clusters by running the following code:

./kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server $bss --delete --topic MirrorMakerTest --command-config client.properties

Delete the source cluster topic first, then the target cluster topic.

Finally, we can delete the three connectors via the Amazon MSK console by selecting them from the list of connectors and choosing Delete.


In this post, we showed how to use MSK Connect for MM2 deployment with IAM authentication. We successfully deployed the Amazon MSK custom plugin, and created the MM2 connector along with the accompanying IAM role. Then we deployed the MM2 connector onto our MSK Connect instances and watched as data was replicated successfully between two MSK clusters.

Using MSK Connect to deploy MM2 eases the administrative and operational burden of Kafka Connect and MM2, because the service handles the underlying resources, enabling you to focus on the connectors and data. The solution removes the need to have a dedicated infrastructure of a Kafka Connect cluster hosted on Amazon services like Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), AWS Fargate, or Amazon EKS. The solution also automatically scales the resources for you (if configured to do so), which eliminates the need for the administers to check if the resources are scaling to meet demand. Additionally, using the Amazon managed service MSK Connect allows for easier compliance and security adherence for Kafka teams.

If you have any feedback or questions, please leave a comment.

About the Authors

tannerTanner Pratt is a Practice Manager at Amazon Web Services. Tanner is leading a team of consultants focusing on Amazon streaming services like Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka, Kinesis Data Streams/Firehose and Kinesis Data Analytics.

edberezEd Berezitsky is a Senior Data Architect at Amazon Web Services.Ed helps customers design and implement solutions using streaming technologies, and specializes on Amazon MSK and Apache Kafka.

Using Apache Kafka to process 1 trillion messages

Post Syndicated from Matt Boyle original https://blog.cloudflare.com/using-apache-kafka-to-process-1-trillion-messages/

Using Apache Kafka to process 1 trillion messages

Using Apache Kafka to process 1 trillion messages

Cloudflare has been using Kafka in production since 2014. We have come a long way since then, and currently run 14 distinct Kafka clusters, across multiple data centers, with roughly 330 nodes. Between them, over a trillion messages have been processed over the last eight years.

Cloudflare uses Kafka to decouple microservices and communicate the creation, change or deletion of various resources via a common data format in a fault-tolerant manner. This decoupling is one of many factors that enables Cloudflare engineering teams to work on multiple features and products concurrently.

We learnt a lot about Kafka on the way to one trillion messages, and built some interesting internal tools to ease adoption that will be explored in this blog post. The focus in this blog post is on inter-application communication use cases alone and not logging (we have other Kafka clusters that power the dashboards where customers view statistics that handle more than one trillion messages each day). I am an engineer on the Application Services team and our team has a charter to provide tools/services to product teams, so they can focus on their core competency which is delivering value to our customers.

In this blog I’d like to recount some of our experiences in the hope that it helps other engineering teams who are on a similar journey of adopting Kafka widely.


One of our Kafka clusters is creatively named Messagebus. It is the most general purpose cluster we run, and was created to:

  • Prevent data silos;
  • Enable services to communicate more clearly with basically zero integration cost (more on how we achieved this below);
  • Encourage the use of a self-documenting communication format and therefore removing the problem of out of date documentation.

To make it as easy to use as possible and to encourage adoption, the Application Services team created two internal projects. The first is unimaginatively named Messagebus-Client. Messagebus-Client is a Go library that wraps the fantastic Shopify Sarama library with an opinionated set of configuration options and the ability to manage the rotation of mTLS certificates.

Using Apache Kafka to process 1 trillion messages

The success of this project is also somewhat its downfall. By providing a ready-to-go Kafka client, we ensured teams got up and running quickly, but we also abstracted some core concepts of Kafka a little too much, meaning that small unassuming configuration changes could have a big impact.

One such example led to partition skew (a large portion of messages being directed towards a single partition, meaning we were not processing messages in real time; see the chart below). One drawback of Kafka is you can only have one consumer per partition, so when incidents do occur, you can’t trivially scale your way to faster throughput.

That also means before your service hits production it is wise to do some back of the napkin math to figure out what throughput might look like, otherwise you will need to add partitions later. We have since amended our library to make events like the below less likely.

Using Apache Kafka to process 1 trillion messages

The reception for the Messagebus-Client has been largely positive. We spent time as a team to understand what the predominant use cases were, and took the concept one step further to build out what we call the connector framework.


The connector framework is based on Kafka-connectors and allows our engineers to easily spin up a service that can read from a system of record and push it somewhere else (such as Kafka, or even Cloudflare’s own Quicksilver). To make this as easy as possible, we use Cookiecutter templating to allow engineers to enter a few parameters into a CLI and in return receive a ready to deploy service.

Using Apache Kafka to process 1 trillion messages

We provide the ability to configure data pipelines via environment variables. For simple use cases, we provide the functionality out of the box. However, extending the readers, writers and transformations is as simple as satisfying an interface and “registering” the new entry.

For example, adding the environment variables:



  • Read messages from Kafka topic “topic1” and “topic2”;
  • Transform the message using a transformation function called “pf_edge” which maps the request from a Kafka protobuf to a Quicksilver request;
  • Write the result to Quicksilver.

Connectors come readily baked with basic metrics and alerts, so teams know they can move to production quickly but with confidence.

Below is a diagram of how one team used our connector framework to read from the Messagebus cluster and write to various other systems. This is orchestrated by a system the Application Service team runs called Communication Preferences Service (CPS). Whenever a user opts in/out of marketing emails or changes their language preferences on cloudflare.com, they are calling CPS which ensures those settings are reflected in all the relevant systems.

Using Apache Kafka to process 1 trillion messages

Strict Schemas

Alongside the Messagebus-Client library, we also provide a repo called Messagebus Schema. This is a schema registry for all message types that will be sent over our Messagebus cluster. For message format, we use protobuf and have been very happy with that decision. Previously, our team had used JSON for some of our kafka schemas, but we found it much harder to enforce forward and backwards compatibility, as well as message sizes being substantially larger than the protobuf equivalent. Protobuf provides strict message schemas (including type safety), the forward and backwards compatibility we desired, the ability to generate code in multiple languages as well as the files being very human-readable.

We encourage heavy commentary before approving a merge. Once merged, we use prototool to do breaking change detection, enforce some stylistic rules and to generate code for various languages (at time of writing it’s just Go and Rust, but it is trivial to add more).

Using Apache Kafka to process 1 trillion messages
An example Protobuf message in our schema

Furthermore, in Messagebus Schema we store a mapping of proto messages to a team, alongside that team’s chat room in our internal communication tool. This allows us to escalate issues to the correct team easily when necessary.

One important decision we made for the Messagebus cluster is to only allow one proto message per topic. This is configured in Messagebus Schema and enforced by the Messagebus-Client. This was a good decision to enable easy adoption, but it has led to numerous topics existing. When you consider that for each topic we create, we add numerous partitions and replicate them with a replication factor of at least three for resilience, there is a lot of potential to optimize compute for our lower throughput topics.


Making it easy for teams to observe Kafka is essential for our decoupled engineering model to be successful. We therefore have automated metrics and alert creation wherever we can to ensure that all the engineering teams have a wealth of information available to them to respond to any issues that arise in a timely manner.

We use Salt to manage our infrastructure configuration and follow a Gitops style model, where our repo holds the source of truth for the state of our infrastructure. To add a new Kafka topic, our engineers make a pull request into this repo and add a couple of lines of YAML. Upon merge, the topic and an alert for high lag (where lag is defined as the difference in time between the last committed offset being read and the last produced offset being produced) will be created. Other alerts can (and should) be created, but this is left to the discretion of application teams. The reason we automatically generate alerts for high lag is that this simple alert is a great proxy for catching a high amount of issues including:

  • Your consumer isn’t running.
  • Your consumer cannot keep up with the amount of throughput or there is an anomalous amount of messages being produced to your topic at this time.
  • Your consumer is misbehaving and not acknowledging messages.

For metrics, we use Prometheus and display them with Grafana. For each new topic created, we automatically provide a view into production rate, consumption rate and partition skew by producer/consumer. If an engineering team is called out, within the alert message is a link to this Grafana view.

Using Apache Kafka to process 1 trillion messages

In our Messagebus-Client, we expose some metrics automatically and users get the ability to extend them further. The metrics we expose by default are:

For producers:

  • Messages successfully delivered.
  • Message failed to deliver.

For consumer:

  • Messages successfully consumed.
  • Message consumption errors.

Some teams use these for alerting on a significant change in throughput, others use them to alert if no messages are produced/consumed in a given time frame.

A Practical Example

As well as providing the Messagebus framework, the Application Services team looks for common concerns within Engineering and looks to solve them in a scalable, extensible way which means other engineering teams can utilize the system and not have to build their own (thus meaning we are not building lots of disparate systems that are only slightly different).

One example is the Alert Notification System (ANS). ANS is the backend service for the “Notifications” tab in the Cloudflare dashboard. You may have noticed over the past 12 months that new alert and policy types have been made available to customers very regularly. This is because we have made it very easy for other teams to do this. The approach is:

  • Create a new entry into ANS’s configuration YAML (We use CUE lang to validate the configuration as part of our continuous integration process);
  • Import our Messagebus-Client into your code base;
  • Emit a message to our alert topic when an event of interest takes place.

That’s it! The producer team now has a means for customers to configure granular alerting policies for their new alert that includes being able to dispatch them via Slack, Google Chat or a custom webhook, PagerDuty or email (by both API and dashboard). Retrying and dead letter messages are managed for them, and a whole host of metrics are made available, all by making some very small changes.

Using Apache Kafka to process 1 trillion messages

What’s Next?

Usage of Kafka (and our Messagebus tools) is only going to increase at Cloudflare as we continue to grow, and as a team we are committed to making the tooling around Messagebus easy to use, customizable where necessary and (perhaps most importantly) easy to observe. We regularly take feedback from other engineers to help improve the Messagebus-Client (we are on the fifth version now) and are currently experimenting with abstracting the intricacies of Kafka away completely and allowing teams to use gRPC to stream messages to Kafka. Blog post on the success/failure of this to follow!

If you’re interested in building scalable services and solving interesting technical problems, we are hiring engineers on our team in Austin, and Remote US.

How we improved DNS record build speed by more than 4,000x

Post Syndicated from Alex Fattouche original https://blog.cloudflare.com/dns-build-improvement/

How we improved DNS record build speed by more than 4,000x

How we improved DNS record build speed by more than 4,000x

Since my previous blog about Secondary DNS, Cloudflare’s DNS traffic has more than doubled from 15.8 trillion DNS queries per month to 38.7 trillion. Our network now spans over 270 cities in over 100 countries, interconnecting with more than 10,000 networks globally. According to w3 stats, “Cloudflare is used as a DNS server provider by 15.3% of all the websites.” This means we have an enormous responsibility to serve DNS in the fastest and most reliable way possible.

Although the response time we have on DNS queries is the most important performance metric, there is another metric that sometimes goes unnoticed. DNS Record Propagation time is how long it takes changes submitted to our API to be reflected in our DNS query responses. Every millisecond counts here as it allows customers to quickly change configuration, making their systems much more agile. Although our DNS propagation pipeline was already known to be very fast, we had identified several improvements that, if implemented, would massively improve performance. In this blog post I’ll explain how we managed to drastically improve our DNS record propagation speed, and the impact it has on our customers.

How DNS records are propagated

Cloudflare uses a multi-stage pipeline that takes our customers’ DNS record changes and pushes them to our global network, so they are available all over the world.

How we improved DNS record build speed by more than 4,000x

The steps shown in the diagram above are:

  1. Customer makes a change to a record via our DNS Records API (or UI).
  2. The change is persisted to the database.
  3. The database event triggers a Kafka message which is consumed by the Zone Builder.
  4. The Zone Builder takes the message, collects the contents of the zone from the database and pushes it to Quicksilver, our distributed KV store.
  5. Quicksilver then propagates this information to the network.

Of course, this is a simplified version of what is happening. In reality, our API receives thousands of requests per second. All POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE requests ultimately result in a DNS record change. Each of these changes needs to be actioned so that the information we show through our API and in the Cloudflare dashboard is eventually consistent with the information we use to respond to DNS queries.

Historically, one of the largest bottlenecks in the DNS propagation pipeline was the Zone Builder, shown in step 4 above. Responsible for collecting and organizing records to be written to our global network, our Zone Builder often ate up most of the propagation time, especially for larger zones. As we continue to scale, it is important for us to remove any bottlenecks that may exist in our systems, and this was clearly identified as one such bottleneck.

Growing pains

When the pipeline shown above was first announced, the Zone Builder received somewhere between 5 and 10 DNS record changes per second. Although the Zone Builder at the time was a massive improvement on the previous system, it was not going to last long given the growth that Cloudflare was and still is experiencing. Fast-forward to today, we receive on average 250 DNS record changes per second, a staggering 25x growth from when the Zone Builder was first announced.

How we improved DNS record build speed by more than 4,000x

The way that the Zone Builder was initially designed was quite simple. When a zone changed, the Zone Builder would grab all the records from the database for that zone and compare them with the records stored in Quicksilver. Any differences were fixed to maintain consistency between the database and Quicksilver.

This is known as a full build. Full builds work great because each DNS record change corresponds to one zone change event. This means that multiple events can be batched and subsequently dropped if needed. For example, if a user makes 10 changes to their zone, this will result in 10 events. Since the Zone Builder grabs all the records for the zone anyway, there is no need to build the zone 10 times. We just need to build it once after the final change has been submitted.

What happens if the zone contains one million records or 10 million records? This is a very real problem, because not only is Cloudflare scaling, but our customers are scaling with us. Today our largest zone currently has millions of records. Although our database is optimized for performance, even one full build containing one million records took up to 35 seconds, largely caused by database query latency. In addition, when the Zone Builder compares the zone contents with the records stored in Quicksilver, we need to fetch all the records from Quicksilver for the zone, adding time. However, the impact doesn’t just stop at the single customer. This also eats up more resources from other services reading from the database and slows down the rate at which our Zone Builder can build other zones.

Per-record build: a new build type

Many of you might already have the solution to this problem in your head:

Why doesn’t the Zone Builder just query the database for the record that has changed and propagate just the single record?

Of course this is the correct solution, and the one we eventually ended up at. However, the road to get there was not as simple as it might seem.

Firstly, our database uses a series of functions that, at zone touch time, create a PostgreSQL Queue (PGQ) event that ultimately gets turned into a Kafka event. Initially, we had no distinction for individual record events, which meant our Zone Builder had no idea what had actually changed until it queried the database.

Next, the Zone Builder is still responsible for DNS zone settings in addition to records. Some examples of DNS zone settings include custom nameserver control and DNSSEC control. As a result, our Zone Builder needed to be aware of specific build types to ensure that they don’t step on each other. Furthermore, per-record builds cannot be batched in the same way that zone builds can because each event needs to be actioned separately.

As a result, a brand new scheduling system needed to be written. Lastly, Quicksilver interaction needed to be re-written to account for the different types of schedulers. These issues can be broken down as follows:

  1. Create a new Kafka event pipeline for record changes that contain information about the changed record.
  2. Separate the Zone Builder into a new type of scheduler that implements some defined scheduler interface.
  3. Implement the per-record scheduler to read events one by one in the correct order.
  4. Implement the new Quicksilver interface for the per-record scheduler.

Below is a high level diagram of how the new Zone Builder looks internally with the new scheduler types.

How we improved DNS record build speed by more than 4,000x

It is critically important that we lock between these two schedulers because it would otherwise be possible for the full build scheduler to overwrite the per-record scheduler’s changes with stale data.

It is important to note that none of this per-record architecture would be possible without the use of Cloudflare’s black lie approach to negative answers with DNSSEC. Normally, in order to properly serve negative answers with DNSSEC, all the records within the zone must be canonically sorted. This is needed in order to maintain a list of references from the apex record through all the records in the zone. With this normal approach to negative answers, a single record that has been added to the zone requires collecting all records to determine its insertion point within this sorted list of names.


I would love to be able to write a Cloudflare blog where everything went smoothly; however, that is never the case. Bugs happen, but we need to be ready to react to them and set ourselves up so that next time this specific bug cannot happen.

In this case, the major bug we discovered was related to the cleanup of old records in Quicksilver. With the full Zone Builder, we have the luxury of knowing exactly what records exist in both the database and in Quicksilver. This makes writing and cleaning up a fairly simple task.

When the per-record builds were introduced, record events such as creates, updates, and deletes all needed to be treated differently. Creates and deletes are fairly simple because you are either adding or removing a record from Quicksilver. Updates introduced an unforeseen issue due to the way that our PGQ was producing Kafka events. Record updates only contained the new record information, which meant that when the record name was changed, we had no way of knowing what to query for in Quicksilver in order to clean up the old record. This meant that any time a customer changed the name of a record in the DNS Records API, the old record would not be deleted. Ultimately, this was fixed by replacing those specific update events with both a creation and a deletion event so that the Zone Builder had the necessary information to clean up the stale records.

None of this is rocket surgery, but we spend engineering effort to continuously improve our software so that it grows with the scaling of Cloudflare. And it’s challenging to change such a fundamental low-level part of Cloudflare when millions of domains depend on us.


Today, all DNS Records API record changes are treated as per-record builds by the Zone Builder. As I previously mentioned, we have not been able to get rid of full builds entirely; however, they now represent about 13% of total DNS builds. This 13% corresponds to changes made to DNS settings that require knowledge of the entire zone’s contents.

How we improved DNS record build speed by more than 4,000x

When we compare the two build types as shown below we can see that per-record builds are on average 150x faster than full builds. The build time below includes both database query time and Quicksilver write time.

How we improved DNS record build speed by more than 4,000x

From there, our records are propagated to our global network through Quicksilver.

The 150x improvement above is with respect to averages, but what about that 4000x that I mentioned at the start? As you can imagine, as the size of the zone increases, the difference between full build time and per-record build time also increases. I used a test zone of one million records and ran several per-record builds, followed by several full builds. The results are shown in the table below:

Build Type Build Time (ms)
Per Record #1 6
Per Record #2 7
Per Record #3 6
Per Record #4 8
Per Record #5 6
Full #1 34032
Full #2 33953
Full #3 34271
Full #4 34121
Full #5 34093

We can see that, given five per-record builds, the build time was no more than 8ms. When running a full build however, the build time lasted on average 34 seconds. That is a build time reduction of 4250x!

Given the full build times for both average-sized zones and large zones, it is apparent that all Cloudflare customers are benefitting from this improved performance, and the benefits only improve as the size of the zone increases. In addition, our Zone Builder uses less database and Quicksilver resources meaning other Cloudflare systems are able to operate at increased capacity.

Next Steps

The results here have been very impactful, though we think that we can do even better. In the future, we plan to get rid of full builds altogether by replacing them with zone setting builds. Instead of fetching the zone settings in addition to all the records, the zone setting builder would just fetch the settings for the zone and propagate that to our global network via Quicksilver. Similar to the per-record builds, this is a difficult challenge due to the complexity of zone settings and the number of actors that touch it. Ultimately if this can be accomplished, we can officially retire the full builds and leave it as a reminder in our git history of the scale at which we have grown over the years.

In addition, we plan to introduce a batching system that will collect record changes into groups to minimize the number of queries we make to our database and Quicksilver.

Does solving these kinds of technical and operational challenges excite you? Cloudflare is always hiring for talented specialists and generalists within our Engineering and other teams.

How Kafka Connect helps move data seamlessly

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/kafka-connect

Grab’s real-time data platform team a.k.a. Coban has written about Plumbing at scale, Optimally scaling Kakfa consumer applications, and Exposing Kafka via VPCE. In this article, we will cover the importance of being able to easily move data in and out of Kafka in a low-code way and how we achieved this with Kafka Connect.

To build a NoOps managed streaming platform in Grab, the Coban team has:

  • Engineered an ecosystem on top of Apache Kafka.
  • Successfully adopted it to production for both transactional and analytical use cases.
  • Made it a battle-tested industrial-standard platform.

In 2021, the Coban team embarked on a new journey (Kafka Connect) that enables and empowers Grabbers to move data in and out of Apache Kafka seamlessly and conveniently.

Kafka Connect stack in Grab

This is what Coban’s Kafka Connect stack looks like today. Multiple data sources and data sinks, such as MySQL, S3 and Azure Data Explorer, have already been supported and productionised.

Kafka Connect stack in Grab

The Coban team has been using Protobuf as the serialisation-deserialisation (SerDes) format in Kafka. Therefore, the role of Confluent schema registry (shown at the top of the figure) is crucial to the Kafka Connect ecosystem, as it serves as the building block for conversions such as Protobuf-to-Avro, Protobuf-to-JSON and Protobuf-to-Parquet.

What problems are we trying to solve?

Problem 1: Change Data Capture (CDC)

In a big organisation like Grab, we handle large volumes of data and changes across many services on a daily basis, so it is important for these changes to be reflected in real time.

In addition, there are other technical challenges to be addressed:

  1. As shown in the figure below, data is written twice in the code base – once into the database (DB) and once as a message into Kafka. In order for the data in the DB and Kafka to be consistent, the two writes have to be atomic in a two-phase commit protocol (or other atomic commitment protocols), which is non-trivial and impacts availability.
  2. Some use cases require data both before and after a change.
Change Data Capture flow

Problem 2: Message mirroring for disaster recovery

The Coban team has done some research on Kafka MirrorMaker, an open-source solution. While it can ensure better data consistency, it takes significant effort to adopt it onto existing Kubernetes infrastructure hosted by the Coban team and achieve high availability.

Another major challenge that the Coban team faces is offset mirroring and translation, which is a known challenge in Kafka communities. In order for Kafka consumers to seamlessly resume their work with a backup Kafka after a disaster, we need to cater for offset translation.

Data ingestion into Azure Event Hubs

Azure Event Hubs has a Kafka-compatible interface and natively supports JSON and Avro schema. The Coban team uses Protobuf as the SerDes framework, which is not supported by Azure Event Hubs. It means that conversions have to be done for message ingestion into Azure Event Hubs.


To tackle these problems, the Coban team has picked Kafka Connect because:

  1. It is an open-source framework with a relatively big community that we can consult if we run into issues.
  2. It has the ability to plug in transformations and custom conversion logic.

Let us see how Kafka Connect can be used to resolve the previously mentioned problems.

Kafka Connect with Debezium connectors

Debezium is a framework built for capturing data changes on top of Apache Kafka and the Kafka Connect framework. It provides a series of connectors for various databases, such as MySQL, MongoDB and Cassandra.

Here are the benefits of MySQL binlog streams:

  1. They not only provide changes on data, but also give snapshots of data before and after a specific change.
  2. Some producers no longer have to push a message to Kafka after writing a row to a MySQL database. With Debezium connectors, services can choose not to deal with Kafka and only handle MySQL data stores.


Kafka Connect architecture

In case of DB upgrades and outages

DB Data Definition Language (DDL) changes, migrations, splits and outages are common in database operations, and each operation type has a systematic resolution.

The Debezium connector has built-in features to handle DDL changes made by DB migration tools, such as pt-online-schema-change, which is used by the Grab DB Ops team.

To deal with MySQL instance changes and database splits, the Coban team leverages on the Kafka Connect framework’s ability to change the offsets of connectors. By changing the offsets, Debezium connectors can properly function after DB migrations and resume binlog synchronisation from any position in any binlog file on a MySQL instance.

Database upgrades and outages

Refer to the Debezium documentation for more details.

Success stories

The CDC project on MySQL via Debezium connectors has been greatly successful in Grab. One of the biggest examples is its adoption in the Elasticsearch optimisation carried out by GrabFood, which has been published in another blog.

MirrorMaker2 with offset translation

Kafka MirrorMaker2 (MM2), developed in and shipped together with the Apache Kafka project, is a utility to mirror messages and consumer offsets. However, in the Coban team, the MM2 stack is deployed on the Kafka Connect framework per connector because:

  1. A few Kafka Connect clusters have already been provisioned.
  2. Compared to launching three connectors bundled in MM2, Coban can have finer controls on MirrorSourceConnector and MirrorCheckpointConnector, and manage both of them in an infrastructure-as-code way via Hashicorp Terraform.
MirrorMaker2 flow

Success stories

Ensuring business continuity is a key priority for Grab and this includes the ability to recover from incidents quickly. In 2021H2, there was a campaign that ran across many teams to examine the readiness and robustness of various services and middlewares. Coban’s Kafka is one of these services that proved to be robust after rounds of chaos engineering. With MM2 on Kafka Connect to mirror both messages and consumer offsets, critical services and pipelines could safely be replicated and launched across AWS regions if outages occur.

Because the Coban team has proven itself as the battle-tested Kafka service provider in Grab, other teams have also requested to migrate streams from self-managed Kafka clusters to ones managed by Coban. MM2 has been used in such migrations and brought zero downtime to the streams’ producers and consumers.

Mirror to Azure Event Hubs with an in-house converter

The Analytics team runs some real time ingestion and analytics projects on Azure. To support this cross-cloud use case, the Coban team has adopted MM2 for message mirroring to Azure Event Hubs.

Typically, Event Hubs only accept JSON and Avro bytes, which is incompatible with the existing SerDes framework. The Coban team has developed a custom converter that converts bytes serialised in Protobuf to JSON bytes at runtime.

These steps explain how the converter works:

  1. Deserialise bytes in Kafka to a Protobuf DynamicMessage according to a schema retrieved from the Confluent™ schema registry.
  2. Perform a recursive post-order depth-first-search on each field descriptor in the DynamicMessage.
  3. Convert every Protobuf field descriptor to a JSON node.
  4. Serialise the root JSON node to bytes.

The converter has not been open sourced yet.



Docker containers are the Coban team’s preferred infrastructure, especially since some production Kafka clusters are already deployed on Kubernetes. The long-term goal is to provide Kafka in a software-as-a-service (SaaS) model, which is why Kubernetes was picked. The diagram below illustrates how Kafka Connect clusters are built and deployed.

Terraform for connectors

What’s next?

The Coban team is iterating on a unified control plane to manage resources like Kafka topics, clusters and Kafka Connect. In the foreseeable future, internal users should be able to provision Kafka Connect connectors via RESTful APIs and a graphical user interface (GUI).

At the same time, the Coban team is closely working with the Data Engineering team to make Kafka Connect the preferred tool in Grab for moving data in and out of external storages (S3 and Apache Hudi).

Coban is hiring!

The Coban (Real-time Data Platform) team at Grab in Singapore is hiring software and site reliability engineers at all levels as we double down on growing our platform capabilities.

Join us in building state-of-the-art, mission critical, TB/hour scale data platforms that enable thousands of engineers, data scientists, and analysts to serve millions of consumers, businesses, and partners across Southeast Asia!

Join us

Grab is a leading superapp in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across over 400 cities in eight countries.
Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

Supporting large campaigns at scale

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/supporting-large-campaigns-at-scale


At Grab, we run large marketing campaigns every day. A typical campaign may require executing multiple actions for millions of users all at once. The actions may include sending rewards, awarding points, and sending messages. Here is what a campaign may look like: On 1st Jan 2022, send two ride rewards to all the users in the “heavy users” segment. Then, send them a congratulatory message informing them about the reward.

Years ago, Grab’s marketing team used to stay awake at midnight to manually trigger such campaigns. They would upload a file at 12 am and then wait for a long time for the campaign execution to complete. To solve this pain point and support more capabilities down this line, we developed a “batch job” service, which is part of our in-house real-time automation engine, Trident.

The following are some services we use to support Grab’s marketing teams:

  • Rewards: responsible for managing rewards.
  • Messaging: responsible for sending messages to users. For example, push notifications.
  • Segmentation: responsible for storing and retrieving segments of users based on certain criteria.

For simplicity, only the services above will be referenced for this article. The “batch job” service we built uses rewards and messaging services for executing actions, and uses the segmentation service for fetching users in a segment.

System requirements

Functional requirements

  • Apply a sequence of actions targeting a large segment of users at a scheduled time, display progress to the campaign manager and provide a final report.
    • For each user, the actions must be executed in sequence; the latter action can only be executed if the preceding action is successful.

Non-functional requirements

  • Quick execution and high turnover rate.
    • Definition of turnover rate: the number of scheduled jobs completed per unit time.
  • Maximise resource utilisation and balance server load.

For the sake of brevity, we will not cover the scheduling logic, nor the generation of the report. We will focus specifically on executing actions.

Naive approach

Let’s start thinking from the most naive solution, and improve from there to reach an optimised solution.

Here is the pseudocode of a naive action executor.

def executeActionOnSegment(segment, actions):
   for user in fetchUsersInSegment(segment):
       for action in actions:
           success := doAction(user, action)
           if not success:
           recordActionResult(user, action)

def doAction(user, action):
   if action.type == "awardReward":
       rewardService.awardReward(user, action.meta)
   elif action.type == "sendMessage":
       messagingService.sendMessage(user, action.meta)
       # other action types ...

One may be able to quickly tell that the naive solution does not satisfy our non-functional requirements for the following reasons:

  • Execution is slow:
    • The programme is single-threaded.
    • Actions are executed for users one by one in sequence.
    • Each call to the rewards and messaging services will incur network trip time, which impacts time cost.
  • Resource utilisation is low: The actions will only be executed on one server. When we have a cluster of servers, the other servers will sit idle.

Here are our alternatives for fixing the above issues:

  • Actions for different users should be executed in parallel.
  • API calls to other services should be minimised.
  • Distribute the work of executing actions evenly among different servers.

Note: Actions for the same user have to be executed in sequence. For example, if a sequence of required actions are (1) award a reward, (2) send a message informing the user to use the reward, then we can only execute action (2) after action (1) is successfully done for logical reasons and to avoid user confusion.

Our approach

A message queue is a well-suited solution to distribute work among multiple servers. We selected Kafka, among numerous message services, due to its following characteristics:

  • High throughput: Kafka can accept reads and writes at a very high speed.
  • Robustness: Events in Kafka are distributedly stored with redundancy, without a need to worry about data loss.
  • Pull-based consumption: Consumers can consume events at their own speed. This helps to avoid overloading our servers.

When a scheduled campaign is triggered, we retrieve the users from the segment in batches; each batch comprises around 100 users. We write the batches into a Kafka stream, and all our servers consume from the stream to execute the actions for the batches. The following diagram illustrates the overall flow.


Data in Kafka is stored in partitions. The partition configuration is important to ensure that the batches are evenly distributed among servers:

  1. Number of partitions: Ensure that the number of stream partitions is greater than or equal to the max number of servers we will have in our cluster. This is because one Kafka partition can only be consumed by one consumer. If we have more consumers than partitions, some consumers will not receive any data.
  2. Partition key: For each batch, assign a hash value as the partition key to randomly allocate batches into different partitions.

Now that work is distributed among servers in batches, we can consider how to process each batch faster. If we follow the naive logic, for each user in the batch, we need to call the rewards or messaging service to execute the actions. This will create very high QPS (queries per second) to those services, and incur significant network round trip time.

To solve this issue, we decided to build batch endpoints in rewards and messaging services. Each batch endpoint takes in a list of user IDs and action metadata as input parameters, and returns the action result for each user, regardless of success or failure. With that, our batch processing logic looks like the following:

def processBatch(userBatch, actions):
   users = userBatch
   for action in actions:
       successUsers, failedUsers = doAction(users, action)
       recordFailures(failedUsers, action)
       users = successUsers

def doAction(users, action):
   resp = {}
   if action.type == "awardReward":
       resp = rewardService.batchAwardReward(users, action.meta)
   elif action.type == "sendMessage":
       resp = messagingService.batchSendMessage(users, action.meta)
   # other action types ...

   return getSuccessUsers(resp), getFailedUsers(resp)

In the implementation of batch endpoints, we also made optimisations to reduce latency. For example, when awarding rewards, we need to write the records of a reward being given to a user in multiple database tables. If we make separate DB queries for each user in the batch, it will cause high QPS to DB and incur high network time cost. Therefore, we grouped all the users in the batch into one DB query for each table update instead.

Benchmark tests show that using the batch DB query reduced API latency by up to 85%.

Further optimisations

As more campaigns started running in the system, we came across various bottlenecks. Here are the optimisations we implemented for some major examples.

Shard stream by action type

Two widely used actions are awarding rewards and sending messages to users. We came across situations where the sending of messages was blocked because a different campaign of awarding rewards had already started. If millions of users were targeted for rewards, this could result in significant waiting time before messages are sent, ultimately leading them to become irrelevant.

We found out the API latency of awarding rewards is significantly higher than sending messages. Hence, to make sure messages are not blocked by long-running awarding jobs, we created a dedicated Kafka topic for messages. By having different Kafka topics based on the action type, we were able to run different types of campaigns in parallel.


Shard stream by country

Grab operates in multiple countries. We came across situations where a campaign of awarding rewards to a small segment of users in one country was delayed by another campaign that targeted a huge segment of users in another country. The campaigns targeting a small set of users are usually more time-sensitive.

Similar to the above solution, we added different Kafka topics for each country to enable the processing of campaigns in different countries in parallel.

Remove unnecessary waiting

We observed that in the case of chained actions, messaging actions are generally the last action in the action list. For example, after awarding a reward, a congratulatory message would be sent to the user.

We realised that it was not necessary to wait for a sending message action to complete before processing the next batch of users. Moreover, the latency of the sending messages API is lower than awarding rewards. Hence, we adjusted the sending messages API to be asynchronous, so that the task of awarding rewards to the next batch of users can start while messages are being sent to the previous batch.


We have architected our batch jobs system in such a way so that it can be enhanced and optimised without redoing its work. For example, although we currently obtain the list of targeted users from a segmentation service, in the future, we may obtain this list from a different source, for example, all Grab Platinum tier members.

Join us

Grab is a leading superapp in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across over 400 cities in eight countries.
Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

Exposing a Kafka Cluster via a VPC Endpoint Service

Post Syndicated from Grab Tech original https://engineering.grab.com/exposing-kafka-cluster

In large organisations, it is a common practice to isolate the cloud resources of different verticals. Amazon Web Services (AWS) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a convenient way of doing so. At Grab, while our core AWS services reside in a main VPC, a number of Grab Tech Families (TFs) have their own dedicated VPC. One such example is GrabKios. Previously known as “Kudo”, GrabKios was acquired by Grab in 2017 and has always been residing in its own AWS account and dedicated VPC.

In this article, we explore how we exposed an Apache Kafka cluster across multiple Availability Zones (AZs) in Grab’s main VPC, to producers and consumers residing in the GrabKios VPC, via a VPC Endpoint Service. This design is part of Coban unified stream processing platform at Grab.

There are several ways of enabling communication between applications across distinct VPCs; VPC peering is the most straightforward and affordable option. However, it potentially exposes the entire VPC networks to each other, needlessly increasing the attack surface.

Security has always been one of Grab’s top concerns and with Grab’s increasing growth, there is a need to deprecate VPC peering and shift to a method of only exposing services that require remote access. The AWS VPC Endpoint Service allows us to do exactly that for TCP/IPv4 communications within a single AWS region.

Setting up a VPC Endpoint Service compared to VPC peering is already relatively complex. On top of that, we need to expose an Apache Kafka cluster via such an endpoint, which comes with an extra challenge. Apache Kafka requires clients, called producers and consumers, to be able to deterministically establish a TCP connection to all brokers forming the cluster, not just any one of them.

Last but not least, we need a design that optimises performance and cost by limiting data transfer across AZs.

Note: All variable names, port numbers and other details used in this article are only used as examples.

Architecture overview

As shown in this diagram, the Kafka cluster resides in the service provider VPC (Grab’s main VPC) while local Kafka producers and consumers reside in the service consumer VPC (GrabKios VPC).

In Grab’s main VPC, we created a Network Load Balancer (NLB) and set it up across all three AZs, enabling cross-zone load balancing. We then created a VPC Endpoint Service associated with that NLB.

Next, we created a VPC Endpoint Network Interface in the GrabKios VPC, also set up across all three AZs, and attached it to the remote VPC endpoint service in Grab’s main VPC. Apart from this, we also created a Route 53 Private Hosted Zone .grab and a CNAME record kafka.grab that points to the VPC Endpoint Network Interface hostname.

Lastly, we configured producers and consumers to use kafka.grab:10000 as their Kafka bootstrap server endpoint, 10000/tcp being an arbitrary port of our choosing. We will explain the significance of these in later sections.

Search data flow

Network Load Balancer setup

On the NLB in Grab’s main VPC, we set up the corresponding bootstrap listener on port 10000/tcp, associated with a target group containing all of the Kafka brokers forming the cluster. But this listener alone is not enough.

As mentioned earlier, Apache Kafka requires producers and consumers to be able to deterministically establish a TCP connection to all brokers. That’s why we created one listener for every broker in the cluster, incrementing the TCP port number for each new listener, so each broker endpoint would have the same name but with different port numbers, e.g. kafka.grab:10001 and kafka.grab:10002.

We then associated each listener with a dedicated target group containing only the targeted Kafka broker, so that remote producers and consumers could differentiate between the brokers by their TCP port number.

The following listeners and associated target groups were set up on the NLB:

  • 10000/tcp (bootstrap) -> 9094/tcp @ [broker 101, broker 201, broker 301]
  • 10001/tcp -> 9094/tcp @ [broker 101]
  • 10002/tcp -> 9094/tcp @ [broker 201]
  • 10003/tcp -> 9094/tcp @ [broker 301]

Security Group rules

In the Kafka brokers’ Security Group (SG), we added an ingress SG rule allowing 9094/tcp traffic from each of the three private IP addresses of the NLB. As mentioned earlier, the NLB was set up across all three AZs, with each having its own private IP address.

On the GrabKios VPC (consumer side), we created a new SG and attached it to the VPC Endpoint Network Interface. We also added ingress rules to allow all producers and consumers to connect to tcp/10000-10003.

Kafka setup

Kafka brokers typically come with a listener on port 9092/tcp, advertising the brokers by their private IP addresses. We kept that default listener so that local producers and consumers in Grab’s main VPC could still connect directly.

$ kcat -L -b
 3 brokers:
 broker 101 at (controller)  
 broker 201 at
 broker 301 at
... truncated output ...

We also configured all brokers with an additional listener on port 9094/tcp that advertises the brokers by:

  • Their shared private name kafka.grab.
  • Their distinct TCP ports previously set up on the NLB’s dedicated listeners.
$ kcat -L -b
 3 brokers:
 broker 101 at kafka.grab:10001 (controller)  
 broker 201 at kafka.grab:10002
 broker 301 at kafka.grab:10003
... truncated output ...

Note that there is a difference in how the broker’s endpoints are advertised in the two outputs above. The latter enables connection to any particular broker from the GrabKios VPC via the VPC Endpoint Service.

It would definitely be possible to advertise the brokers directly with the remote VPC Endpoint Interface hostname instead of kafka.grab, but relying on such a private name presents at least two advantages.

First, it decouples the Kafka deployment in the service provider VPC from the infrastructure deployment in the service consumer VPC. Second, it makes the Kafka cluster easier to expose to other remote VPCs, should we need it in the future.

Limiting data transfer across Availability Zones

At this stage of the setup, our Kafka cluster is fully reachable from producers and consumers in the GrabKios VPC. Yet, the design is not optimal.

When a producer or a consumer in the GrabKios VPC needs to connect to a particular broker, it uses its individual endpoint made up of the shared name kafka.grab and the broker’s dedicated TCP port.

The shared name arbitrarily resolves into one of the three IP addresses of the VPC Endpoint Network Interface, one for each AZ.

Hence, there is a fair chance that the obtained IP address is neither in the client’s AZ nor in that of the target Kafka broker. The probability of this happening can be as high as 2/3 when both client and broker reside in the same AZ and 1/3 when they do not.

While that is of little concern for the initial bootstrap connection, it becomes a serious drawback for actual data transfer, impacting the performance and incurring unnecessary data transfer cost.

For this reason, we created three additional CNAME records in the Private Hosted Zone in the GrabKios VPC, one for each AZ, with each pointing to the VPC Endpoint Network Interface zonal hostname in the corresponding AZ:

  • kafka-az1.grab
  • kafka-az2.grab
  • kafka-az3.grab

Note that we used az1, az2, az3 instead of the typical AWS 1a, 1b, 1c suffixes, because the latter’s mapping is not consistent across AWS accounts.

We also reconfigured each Kafka broker in Grab’s main VPC by setting their 9094/tcp listener to advertise brokers by their new zonal private names.

$ kcat -L -b
 3 brokers:
 broker 101 at kafka-az1.grab:10001 (controller)  
 broker 201 at kafka-az2.grab:10002
 broker 301 at kafka-az3.grab:10003
... truncated output ...

Our private zonal names are shared by all brokers in the same AZ while TCP ports remain distinct for each broker. However, this is not clearly shown in the output above because our cluster only counts three brokers, one in each AZ.

The previous common name kafka.grab remains in the GrabKios VPC’s Private Hosted Zone and allows connections to any broker via an arbitrary, likely non-optimal route. GrabKios VPC producers and consumers still use that highly-available endpoint to initiate bootstrap connections to the cluster.

Search data flow

Future improvements

For this setup, scalability is our main challenge. If we add a new broker to this Kafka cluster, we would need to:

  • Assign a new TCP port number to it.
  • Set up a new dedicated listener on that TCP port on the NLB.
  • Configure the newly spun up Kafka broker to advertise its service with the same TCP port number and the private zonal name corresponding to its AZ.
  • Add the new broker to the target group of the bootstrap listener on the NLB.
  • Update the network SG rules on the service consumer side to allow connections to the newly allocated TCP port.

We rely on Terraform to dynamically deploy all AWS infrastructure and on Jenkins and Ansible to deploy and configure Apache Kafka. There is limited overhead but there are still a few manual actions due to a lack of integration. These include transferring newly allocated TCP ports and their corresponding EC2 instances’ IP addresses to our Ansible inventory, commit them to our codebase and trigger a Jenkins job deploying the new Kafka broker.

Another concern of this setup is that it is only applicable for AWS. As we are aiming to be multi-cloud, we may need to port it to Microsoft Azure and leverage the Azure Private Link service.

In both cases, running Kafka on Kubernetes with the Strimzi operator would be helpful in addressing the scalability challenge and reducing our adherence to one particular cloud provider. We will explain how this solution has helped us address these challenges in a future article.

Special thanks to David Virgil Naranjo whose blog post inspired this work.

Join us

Grab is a leading superapp in Southeast Asia, providing everyday services that matter to consumers. More than just a ride-hailing and food delivery app, Grab offers a wide range of on-demand services in the region, including mobility, food, package and grocery delivery services, mobile payments, and financial services across over 400 cities in eight countries.

Powered by technology and driven by heart, our mission is to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone. If this mission speaks to you, join our team today!

Hybrid Cloud Architectures Using Self-hosted Apache Kafka and AWS Glue

Post Syndicated from Brandon Rubadou original https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/hybrid-cloud-architectures-using-self-hosted-apache-kafka-and-aws-glue/

Using analytics to gain insights from a variety of datasets is key to successful transformation. There are many options to consider to realize the full value and potential of our data in a hybrid cloud infrastructure. Common practice is to route data produced from on-premises to a central repository or data lake. Here it can be consumed by multiple applications.

You can use an Apache Kafka cluster for data movement from on-premises to the data lake, using Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). But you must either replicate the topics onto a cloud cluster, or develop a custom connector to read and copy the topics to Amazon S3. This presents a challenge for many customers.

This blog presents another option; an architecture solution leveraging AWS Glue.

Kafka and ETL processing

Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform used by thousands of companies for high-performance data pipelines, streaming analytics, data integration, and mission-critical applications. You can use Kafka clusters as a system to move data between systems. Producers typically publish data (or push) to a Kafka topic, where an application can consume it. Consumers are usually custom applications that feed data into respective target applications. These targets can be a data warehouse, an Amazon OpenSearch Service cluster, or others.

AWS Glue offers the ability to create jobs that will extract, transform, and load (ETL) data. This allows you to consume from many sources, such as from Apache Kafka, Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, or Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK). The jobs cleanse and transform the data, and then load the results into Amazon S3 data lakes or JDBC data stores.

Hybrid solution and architecture design

In most cases, the first step in building a responsive and manageable architecture is to review the data itself. For example, if we are processing insurance policy data from a financial organization, our data may contain fields that identify customer data. These can be account ID, an insurance claim identifier, and the dollar amount of the specific claim. Glue provides the ability to change any of these field types into the expected data lake schema type for processing.

Figure 1. Data flow - Source to data lake target

Figure 1. Data flow – Source to data lake target

Next, AWS Glue must be configured to connect to the on-premises Kafka server (see Figure 1). Private and secure connectivity to the on-premises environment can be established via AWS Direct Connect or a VPN solution. Traffic from the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) is allowed to access the cluster directly. You can do this by creating a three-step streaming ETL job:

  1. Create a Glue connection to the on-premises Kafka source
  2. Create a Data Catalog table
  3. Create an ETL job, which saves to an S3 data lake

Configuring AWS Glue

  1. Create a connection. Using AWS Glue, create a secure SSL connection in the Data Catalog using the predefined Kafka connection type. Enter the hostname of the on-premises cluster and use the custom-managed certificate option for additional security. If you are in a development environment, you are required to generate a self-signed SSL certificate. Use your Kafka SSL endpoint to connect to Glue. (AWS Glue also supports client authentication for Apache Kafka streams.)
  2. Specify a security group. To allow AWS Glue to communicate between its components, specify a security group with a self-referencing inbound rule for all TCP ports. By creating this rule, you can restrict the source to the same security group in the Amazon VPC. Ensure you check the default security group for your VPC, as it could have a preconfigured self-referencing inbound rule for ALL traffic.
  3. Create the Data Catalog. Glue can auto-create the data schema. Since it’s a simple flat file, use the schema detection function of Glue. Set up the Kafka topic and refer to the connection.
  4. Define the job properties. Create the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role to allow Glue to connect to S3 data. Select an S3 bucket and format. In this case, we use CSV and enable schema detection.

The Glue job can be scheduled, initiated manually, or by using an event driven architecture. Note that Glue does not yet support the “test connection” option within the console. Make sure you set the “Job Timeout” and enter a duration in minutes because the default value is blank.

When the job runs, it pulls the latest topics from the source on-premises Kafka cluster. Glue supports checkpoints to ensure that all source data is processed. By default, AWS Glue processes and writes out data in 100-second windows. This allows data to be processed efficiently and permits aggregations to be performed on data arriving later. You can modify this window size to increase timeliness or aggregation accuracy. AWS Glue streaming jobs use checkpoints rather than job bookmarks to track the data that has been read. AWS Glue bills hourly for streaming ETL jobs only while they are running.

Now that the connection is complete and the job is created, we can format the source data needed for the data lake. AWS Glue offers a set of built-in transforms that you can use to process your data using your ETL script. The transformed data is then placed in S3, where it can be leveraged as part of a larger data lake environment.

Many additional steps can be taken to render even more value from the information. For example, one team may choose to use a business intelligence tool like Amazon QuickSight to visualize and embed the data into an internal dashboard. Another team may want to use event driven architectures to notify financial analysts and initiate downstream actions when specific types of data are discovered. There are endless opportunities that should be determined by the business needs.


In this blog post, we have given an overview of an architecture that provides hybrid cloud data integration and analytics capability. Once the data is transformed and hosted in the S3 data lake, we can provide secure, reliable access to gain valuable insights. This solution allows for a variety of different producers and consumers, with the ability to handle increasing volumes of data.

AWS Glue along with Apache Kafka will ensure that your on-premises workloads are tightly integrated with your larger data lake solution.

If you have questions, post your thoughts in the comments section.

For further reading:

Towards a Reliable Device Management Platform

Post Syndicated from Netflix Technology Blog original https://netflixtechblog.com/towards-a-reliable-device-management-platform-4f86230ca623

By Benson Ma, Alok Ahuja


At Netflix, hundreds of different device types, from streaming sticks to smart TVs, are tested every day through automation to ensure that new software releases continue to deliver the quality of the Netflix experience that our customers enjoy. In addition, Netflix continuously works with its partners (such as Roku, Samsung, LG, Amazon) to port the Netflix SDK to their new and upcoming devices (TVs, smart boxes, etc), to ensure the quality bar is reached before allowing the Netflix application on the device to go out into the world. The Partner Infrastructure team at Netflix provides solutions to support these two significant efforts by enabling device management at scale.


To normalize the diversity of networking environments across both the Netflix and Partner networks and create a consistent and controllable computing environment on which users can run regression and Netflix application certification testing for devices, the Partner Infrastructure team provides a customized embedded computer called the Reference Automation Environment (RAE). Complementing the hardware is the software on the RAE and in the cloud, and bridging the software on both ends is a bi-directional control plane. Together, they form the Device Management Platform, which is the infrastructural foundation for Netflix Test Studio (NTS). Users then effectively run tests by connecting their devices to the RAE in a plug-and-play fashion.

The platform allows for effective device management at scale, and its feature set is broadly divided into two areas:

  1. Provide a service-level abstraction for controlling devices and their environments (hardware and software topologies).
  2. Collect and aggregate information and state updates for all devices attached to the RAEs in the fleet. In this blog post, we will focus on the latter feature set.

Over the lifecycle of a device connected to the RAE, the device can change attributes at any time. For example, when running tests, the state of the device will change from “available for testing” to “in test.” In addition, because many of these devices are pre-production devices and thus subject to frequent firmware changes, attributes that are generally static in production devices can sometimes change as well, such as the MAC address and the Electronic Serial Number (ESN) assigned to the Netflix installation on the device. As such, it is very critical to be able to keep device information up to date for device tests to work properly. In the Device Management Platform, this is achieved by having device updates be event-sourced through the control plane to the cloud so that NTS will always have the most up-to-date information about the devices available for testing. The challenge, then, is to be able to ingest and process these events in a scalable manner, i.e., scaling with the number of devices, which will be the focus of this blog post.

System Setup


The following diagram summarizes the architecture description:

Figure 1: Event-sourcing architecture of the Device Management Platform.

The RAE is configured to be effectively a router that devices under test (DUTs) are connected to. On the RAE, there exists a service called the Local Registry, which is responsible for detecting, onboarding, and maintaining information about all devices connected to the LAN side of the RAE. When a new hardware device is connected, the Local Registry detects and collects a set of information about it, such as networking information and ESN. At periodic intervals, the Local Registry probes the device to check on its connection status. As the device attributes and properties change over time, these changes are saved into the Local Registry and simultaneously published upstream to the Device Management Platform’s control plane. In addition to attribute changes, a complete snapshot of the device record is published upstream by the Local Registry at regular intervals as a form of state reconciliation. These checkpoint events enable faster state reconstruction by consumers of the data feed while guarding against missed updates.

On the cloud side, a service called the Cloud Registry ingests the device information updates published by the Local Registry instance, processes them, and subsequently pushes materialized data into a datastore backed by CockroachDB. CockroachDB is chosen as the backing data store since it offered SQL capabilities, and our data model for the device records was normalized. In addition, unlike other SQL stores, CockroachDB is designed from the ground up to be horizontally scalable, which addresses our concerns about Cloud Registry’s ability to scale up with the number of devices onboarded onto the Device Management Platform.

Control Plane

MQTT forms the basis of the control plane for the Device Management Platform. MQTT is an OASIS standard messaging protocol for the Internet of Things (IoT) and was designed as a highly lightweight yet reliable publish/subscribe messaging transport that is ideal for connecting remote devices with a small code footprint and minimal network bandwidth. MQTT clients connect to the MQTT broker and send messages prefixed with a topic. In contrast, the broker is responsible for receiving all messages, filtering them, determining who is subscribed to which topic, and sending the messages to the subscribed clients accordingly. The key features that make MQTT highly appealing to us are its support for hierarchical topics, client authentication and authorization, per-topic ACLs, and bi-directional request/response message patterns, all of which are crucial for the business use cases we have for the control plane.

Inside the control plane, device commands and device information updates are prefixed with a topic string that includes both the RAE serial number and the device_session_id, which is a UUID corresponding to a device session. Embedding these two bits of information into the topic for every message allows for us to apply topic ACLs and effectively control which RAEs and DUTs users can see and interact with, in the safety and isolation against other users’ devices.

Since Kafka is a supported messaging platform at Netflix, a bridge is established between the two protocols to allow cloud-side services to communicate with the control plane. Through the bridge, MQTT messages are converted directly to Kafka records, where the record key is set to be the MQTT topic that the message was assigned to. Since device information updates published on MQTT contain the device_session_id in the topic, this means that all device information updates for a given device session will effectively appear on the same Kafka partition, thus giving us a well-defined message order for consumption.

Canary Test Workloads

In addition to serving the regular message traffic between users and DUTs, the control plane itself is stress-tested at roughly 3-hour intervals, where nearly 3000 ephemeral MQTT clients are created to connect to and generate flash traffic on the MQTT brokers. This is intended to be a canary test to verify that the brokers are online and able to handle sudden influxes of client connections and high message loads. As such, we can see that the traffic load on the Device Management Platform’s control plane is very dynamic over time.

Adherence to the Paved-Path

At Netflix, we emphasize building out solutions that use paved-path tooling as much as possible (see posts here and here). In particular, the flavor of Spring Boot Native maintained by the Runtime team is the basis for many of the web services developed inside Netflix (including the Cloud Registry). The Netflix Spring package comes with all the integrations needed for applications to work seamlessly within the Netflix ecosystem. In particular, the Kafka integration is the most relevant for this blog post.

Translating to System Requirements

Given the system setup that we have described, we came up with a list of fundamental business requirements that the Cloud Registry’s Kafka-based device updates processing solution must address.

Back-Pressure Support

Because the processing workload varies significantly over time, the solution must first and foremost scale with the message load by providing back-pressure support as defined in the Reactive Streams specification — in other words, the solution should be able to switch between push and pull-based back-pressure models depending on the downstream being able to cope with the message production rate or not.

In-Order Processing

The semantics of correct device information updates ingestion requires that messages be consumed in the order that they are produced. Since message order is guaranteed per Kafka partition, and all updates for a given device session are assigned to the same partition, this means that the order of processing of updates for each device can be enforced as long as only one thread is assigned per partition. At the same time, events arriving on different partitions should be processed in parallel for maximum throughput.

Fault Tolerance

If the underlying KafkaConsumer crashes due to ephemeral system or network events, it should be automatically restarted. If an exception is thrown during the consumption of a message, the exception should be gracefully caught, and message consumption should seamlessly continue after the offending message is dropped.

Graceful Shutdown

Application shutdowns are necessary and inevitable when a service is re-deployed, or its instance group is resized. As such, processor shutdowns should be invokable from outside of the Kafka consumption context to facilitate graceful application termination. In addition, since Kafka messages are usually pulled down in batches by the KafkaConsumer, the implemented solution should, upon receiving the shutdown signal, consume and drain all the already-fetched messages remaining in its internal queue prior to shutting down.

Paved-Path Integration

As mentioned earlier, Spring is heavily employed as the paved-path solution for developing services at Netflix, and the Cloud Registry is a Spring Boot Native application. Thus, the implemented solution must integrate with Netflix Spring facilities for authentication and metrics support at the very minimum — the former for access to the Kafka clusters and the latter for service monitoring and alerts. In addition, the lifecycle management of the implemented solution must also be integrated into Spring’s lifecycle management.

Long-Term Maintainability

The implemented solution must be friendly enough for long-term maintenance support. This means that it must at the very least be unit- and functional-testable for rapid and iterative feedback-driven development, and the code must be reasonably ergonomic to lower the learning curve for new maintainers.

Adopting a Stream Processing Framework

There are many frameworks available for reliable stream processing for integration into web services (for example, Kafka Streams, Spring KafkaListener, Project Reactor, Flink, Alpakka-Kafka, to name a few). We chose Alpakka-Kafka as the basis of the Kafka processing solution for the following reasons.

  1. Alpakka-Kafka turns out to satisfy all of the system requirements we laid out, including the need for Netflix Spring integration. It further provides advanced and fine-grained control over stream processing, including automatic back-pressure support and streams supervision.
  2. Compared to the other solutions that may satisfy all of our system requirements, Akka is a much more lightweight framework, with its integration into a Spring Boot application being relatively short and concise. In addition, Akka and Alpakka-Kafka code is much less terse than the other solutions out there, which lowers the learning curve for maintainers.
  3. The maintenance costs over time for an Alpakka-Kafka-based solution is much lower than that for the other solutions, as both Akka and Alpakka-Kafka are mature ecosystems in terms of documentation and community support, having been around for at least 12 and 6 years, respectively.

The construction of the Alpakka-based Kafka processing pipeline can be summarized with the following diagram:

Figure 2: Kafka processing pipeline employed by the Cloud Registry.


The integration of Alpakka-Kafka streams with the Netflix Spring application context is very straightforward and is implemented as follows:

  1. Import the Alpakka-Kafka library in build.gradle, but exclude the kafka-client transitive dependency that comes packaged with it so that the Netflix internal-enhanced variant is used.
  2. Build a Spring @Configuration class that autowires the KafkaProperties bean injected by the Netflix Spring runtime and, using the Kafka settings available from that bean, construct an Alpakka-Kafka ConsumerSettings bean.
  3. Construct an Alpakka-Kafka processing graph using the ConsumerSettings bean as an input.

Because this integration explicitly uses the Netflix-enhanced KafkaConsumer and Netflix Spring-injected Kafka settings, the authentication, and metrics-logging facilities that come with the paved-path Spring KafkaListener are immediately enjoyed by the Alpakka-Kafka-based solution.


Functional testing of the Alpakka-Kafka consumers is very straightforward with the EmbeddedKafka library, which provides an in-memory Kafka instance to run tests against. To scale up testing with the complexity of the Kafka message processing pipeline, the message processing code was separated from the Alpakka-Kafka graph code. This allowed the message processing code to be tested separately using functional tests while minimizing the surface area of required testing by EmbeddedKafka-based Kafka integration tests.


Prior to Alpakka-Kafka

The original Kafka processing solution implemented in the Cloud Registry was built on Spring KafkaListener, primarily due to its immediate availability as a paved-path solution provided by Netflix Spring. A timeline of the transition from Spring KafkaListener to Alpakka-Kafka is presented here for a better understanding of the motivations for the transition.

Memory and GC Troubles

The Spring KafkaListener-based solution was deployed earlier this year, during which messages on the Kafka topic were sparse because the Local Registry was not fully in production at the time. Upstream event sourcing was fully enabled on the producer side at around 2021–07–15 15:00 PST. By the following morning, alerts were received regarding high memory consumption and GC latencies, to the point where the service was unresponsive to HTTP requests. An investigation of the JVM memory dump revealed an internal Kafka message concurrent queue whose size had grown uncontrollably to over 1.3 million elements.

The cause for this abnormal queue growth is due to Spring KafkaListener’s lack of native back-pressure support. With KafkaListener, the Kafka message fetch rate is fixed on application startup. However, it can be adjusted by tuning the max-poll-interval-ms and max-poll-records configuration values, which need to be somehow determined empirically beforehand for best performance. This setup is neither optimal nor break-proof since the Kafka message processing rate will vary depending on environmental factors, such as database latencies in our system setup. As a result, the KafkaListener ends up effectively over-consuming messages over time, which is manifested in the growth of its internal message queue.

After doubling the number of service instances and increasing the instance sizes with only mediocre success, the decision was made to look into an alternative Kafka processing solution with full back-pressure management capabilities.

Kafka Topic Metrics

The enabling of event-sourcing from Local Registry significantly increased the Device Management Platform’s control plane traffic, as evidenced by the 9x growth of Kafka topic message publication frequency from 100 messages / 90 kB incoming per second to 900 messages / 840kB incoming per second (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Message traffic over time before and after event-sourcing was enabled.

The spikes that occur on 3-hour intervals shown here correspond to the canary runs mentioned earlier that effectively load-test the Kafka topic with a flood of new records. Hereafter, they will be referred to as burst events. While the average message publication rate is low compared to the data systems out there that produce hundreds of thousands, if not millions, events per second, it does highlight the significance of having back-pressure management in place even at the lower end of the message load spectrum.

Kafka Consumption Improvements with Alpakka-Kafka

We now compare the Kafka consumption between the Spring KafkaListener-based Kafka processing solution and the Alpakka-Kafka-based solution, the latter of which was deployed to production on 2021–07–23 18:00 PST. In particular, we will look at three indicators of Kafka consumption performance: the message fetch rate, the max consumer lag, and the commit rate.

Fetch Request Metrics

Upon deployment of the Alpakka-Kafka-based processor, we made a few observations:

  • Prior to the deployment, the number of fetch calls over time generally remained unchanged across burst events but was otherwise actually quite unstable over time (Figure 4).
  • After the deployment, the fetch calls over time followed a 1:1 correspondence with the Kafka topic’s message publication rate, including the interval burst events (Figure 4). Outside of the burst event windows, the number of fetch calls over time was very stable.
  • Surprisingly, the average number of records fetched per fetch request during the burst events windows decreased compared to that of the Spring KafkaListener-based processor (Figure 5).

What we can infer from these observations is that, with native back-pressure support in place, the Alpakka-Kafka-based processor is able to dynamically scale its Kafka consumption such that it is never under-consuming or over-consuming Kafka messages. This behavior keeps the processor constantly busy enough, but without overloading it with a growing queue of messages pulled from Kafka that eventually overflows the JVM’s memory and GC capacity.

Figure 4: Record fetch calls made by the KafkaConsumer over time, before and after deployment of the Alpakka-Kafka-based processor.
Figure 5: Average number of records fetched per fetch request over time, before and after deployment.

Max Consumer Lag

Except for JVM and service uptime, the most significant improvements with the Alpakka-Kafka-based processor manifested in the Kafka consumer lag metrics. While the Spring KafkaListener was deployed, the max consumer lag generally floated long-term at around 60,000 records, excluding the burst event time windows (this is not visually discernible from the graph due to the orders of magnitude differences in plotted values). From a functional point of view, this was unacceptable, as such a large constant lag value implies that device information updates will take a significantly long enough time to propagate into service such that it will be noticeable by our users. The situation exacerbates during the burst event windows, where the max consumer lag would increase to values of over 100 million records (Figure 6).

Since the deployment of the Alpakka-Kafka-based processor, the max consumer lag over time has averaged at zero outside of the burst event windows. Inside the burst event windows, the max consumer lag increases ephemerally to roughly 20,000 records, with only one outlier in the 48 hour time period since deployment (Figure 7). These metrics show us that the Kafka consumption patterns employed by Alpakka-Kafka and the streaming capabilities of Akka, in general, perform exceptionally well at scale, from the quiet use case to the presence of sudden huge message loads.

Figure 6: Max consumer lag of the KafkaConsumer over time, before and after deployment.
Figure 7: Max consumer lag of the KafkaConsumer over time, magnified to the time window some time after deployment.

Commit Rate and Average Commit Latency

When a Kafka consumer fetches records, it can perform manual or automatic offset commits — this is configurable through enable.auto.commit. Contrary to the name, the semantics of manual vs auto commit don’t necessarily refer to how the offset commits are performed, but when in relations to the record fetch-process cycle. With auto commits, messages are acknowledged to have been received as soon as they are fetched and irrespective of processing, whereas with manual commits, the consumer can decide to acknowledge only after a message is properly processed.

By default, when enable.auto.commit is set to false, the Spring KafkaListener performs an offset commit every time a record is processed, i.e., the acknowledgement mode is set to AckMode.RECORD. This is exceedingly inefficient, and is known to reduce the message consumption throughput of the consumer. With the Alpakka-Kafka-based processor, we opted for making record commits in batches (set to 1000 by default), with a max interval of 1 second allowed between commits. This behavior is similar to the AckMode.COUNT_TIME acknowledgement mode in Spring KafkaListener, but with the added benefit of automatically attempting to complete outstanding commit requests when the Kafka consumption fails or terminates.

Under a manual offset commit scheme, it is always possible to re-process Kafka messages in the case of failures. To retain the (mainly) exactly-once processing that is guaranteed by the automatic offset commit scheme, the Kafka processor was updated to store device updates using idempotent upserts, i.e., perform an upsert conditioned on the timestamp of record in the database being earlier than the timestamp of the update to be upserted. This effectively ensures exactly-once processing on a per-event basis.

With the deployment of the Alpakka-Kafka-based processor, the commit rate was significantly lowered from roughly 7 kbytes/sec to 50 bytes/sec (Figure 8), but the average commit latency increased from 1 ms on average to 12 ms (Figure 9). Nonetheless, this is a considerable reduction in the network overhead spent on committing offsets, and has contributed significantly to the improved throughput of the Kafka processing.

Figure 8: Rate of offset commits made by the KafkaConsumer over time, before and after deployment.
Figure 9: Average latency per offset commit over time, before and after deployment.


Kafka streams processing can be difficult to get right. Many system implementation details need to be considered in light of the business requirements. Fortunately, the primitives provided by Akka streams and Alpakka-Kafka empower us to achieve exactly this by allowing us to build streaming solutions that match the business workflows we have while scaling up developer productivity in building out and maintaining these solutions. With the Alpakka-Kafka-based processor in place in the Cloud Registry, we have ensured fault tolerance in the consumer side of the control plane, which is key to enabling accurate and reliable device state aggregation within the Device Management Platform.

Though we have achieved fault-tolerant message consumption, it is only one aspect of the design and implementation of the Device Management Platform. The reliability of the platform and its control plane rests on significant work made in several areas, including the MQTT transport, authentication and authorization, and systems monitoring, all of which we plan to discuss in detail in future blog posts. In the meantime, as a result of this work, we can expect the Device Management Platform to continue to scale to increasing workloads over time as we onboard ever more devices into our systems.

Towards a Reliable Device Management Platform was originally published in Netflix TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Auto-healing Kafka connector tasks with Zabbix

Post Syndicated from Ronald Schouw original https://blog.zabbix.com/auto-healing-kafka-connector-tasks-with-zabbix/14269/

In this post, we will talk about the low-level discovery of Kafka connectors and tasks. When a Kafka task fails, a trigger is fired, which starts a remote command to restart the failed Kafka task. Of course, with the necessary logging around it.

You can find the template and scripts on the Zabbix share. But first, let’s talk a little bit about Kafka producers and consumers.  Let’s say you have got a couple of connectors set up, pulling data from Postgres with Debezium and streaming it into Elasticsearch. The Postgres source is a bit flaky and goes offline periodically. If you view the status of the Postgres source, the producer, you noticed the task is failed. Kafka does not restart the failed task out of the box. We don’t wait for the customer to complain, but we let Zabbix actively monitor the tasks. A failed connector task is easy to restart using the Rest API.  But manually restarting and watching a task is annoying. We used to do that at our business. Now Zabbix comes into play and restarts the failed Kafka task automatically. And we do sleep well.

About Kafka

Apache Kafka is a community distributed event streaming platform capable of handling trillions of events a day. Initially conceived as a messaging queue, Kafka is based on an abstraction of a distributed commit log. Since being created and open-sourced by LinkedIn in 2011, Kafka has quickly evolved from messaging queue to a full-fledged event streaming platform.

First, let’s do a curl and check the failed connector task.

curl -s "http://localhost:8083/connectors"| 
jq '."connector_sink-test"| .status.tasks'
"id": 0,
"state": "RUNNING",
"worker_id": "connect1.test.com:8083"
"id": 1,
"state": "FAILED",
"worker_id": "connect2.test.com:8083"

So this is where the fun starts – we have a connector task with id “1” which has failed. At the end of the blog, Zabbix restarts the connector, but first, let’s look at an example. This curl post should restart the connector task: connect2.test.com id:1

curl -X POST http://localhost:8083/connectors/connect2.test.com/tasks/1/restart
Low-level discovery

The zabbix_kafka_connector template does work out of the box. To implemented the use cases provided in this blog  you will need the scripts bundled together with the template. Kafka connectors can have multiple tasks. First, we determine the connectors and later the state of the connectors and tasks. Let’s run the following script – api_connectors.sh. I suggest you execute the script via a cronjob every 5 minutes, depending on your priority to run the curl jobs.


curl http://localhost:8083/connectors?expand=status | jq > check_connectors
curl http://localhost:8083/connectors | jq .[] > get_connectors

It creates two files, check_connectors, and  get_connectors. Needless to say, we use curl with authentication in the production environment.

The next shell script get_connector_data.sh uses check_connectors and get_connectors files as input. It defines the connector {#CONNECTOR} and the connector tasks {#CONNECTOR_ID} with the corresponding ID used by low-level discovery. Down the line it might be more efficient to rewrite it as a python script. Json query is our useful friend here. The script is used by a user parameter later on.


CONNECTOR=$(cat get_connectors)
CONNECTOR_IDS=$(cat get_connectors | tr -d ")
#create zabbix lld discovery connectors
echo "{"
echo " "data":["
for i in $CONNECTOR
if [ "$FIRST" -eq 0 ]
printf ",n"
printf " {"{#CONNECTOR}": $i}"
#create zabbix lld discovery task connectors
IDS=$(cat check_connectors | jq --arg i ${i} -r '."'${i}'"| .status.tasks[].id')
for z in $IDS
if [ "$FIRST" -eq 0 ]
printf ",n"
printf " {"{#CONNECTOR_ID}": "${i}-${z}"}"
printf "n ] n}"

Part of the script output will look like this, depending, of course, how many connectors there are and tasks in your Kafka environment.

{"{#CONNECTOR}": "source_invoices-prod"},
{"{#CONNECTOR}": "employee_sink-prod"},
{"{#CONNECTOR_ID}": "ource_invoices-prod-0"},
{"{#CONNECTOR_ID}": "source_invoices-prod-1"},
{"{#CONNECTOR_ID}": "employee_sink-prod-0"},
{"{#CONNECTOR_ID}": "employee_sink-prod-1"},
{"{#CONNECTOR_ID}": "employee_sink-prod-2"},
{"{#CONNECTOR_ID}": "employee_sink-prod-3"}

We will define a template with the LLD rule in it and later attach the template to a host. Create a template Configuration > Templates > Create template.  Give it a name according to your choice: Template_kafka_connector or some other name, depending on your template naming policies.

Discovery rule

Next, we create a discovery rule. Keep lost resources period is an arbitrary value here – once again, depending on your policies regarding LLD entities.
In this case, we will discard the lost resource immediately – Keep Lost resources (0). This can be a bit more database friendly, in case when Kafka creates hundreds of connectors. The update interval is the same as the cronjob interval.

Configuration > Templates > your created template > discovery > create discovery rule

The key is used by the User Parameter further in the blog

Item prototype.

We will create two item prototypes, one for the connector and one for the task of the connector with the corresponding ID of the task. The ID is important because we want to restart the correct task later.

Name: State of {#CONNECTOR} connector
Key: state[{#CONNECTOR}]

Configuration > Templates > your created template > item prototypes > create item prototype

Trigger prototypes

Four trigger prototypes have been created. They are sets of two. The sets have different severities. The highest severity only fires after six hours and is intended for the operation center. Most times, Zabbix will restart the failed task within 5 or 10 minutes. It is then not necessary to burden the operation center with this. I will explain the most important trigger. This trigger will soon be used in an action to start the remote command. The URL macro {TRIGGER.URL} is used, which determines the ID of the task that should be restarted. There are probably other solutions, but this one works well and is stable.

Configuration > Templates > your created template > item prototypes > create trigger prototype

The other trigger examples are provided below.

Name: Kafka Connector task {#CONNECTOR_ID} on {HOST.NAME} is not RUNNING
Expression: {C_Template kafka Connector:task[{#CONNECTOR_ID}].str(RUNNING,6h)}=0 and {C_Template kafka Connector:task[{#CONNECTOR_ID}].str(FAILED)}=1
Severity Warning
Name: Kafka Connector {#CONNECTOR} on {HOST.NAME} is FAILED
Expression: {C_Template kafka Connector:state[{#CONNECTOR}].str(FAILED)}=1
Severity: Not classified
Name: Kafka Connector {#CONNECTOR} on {HOST.NAME} is not RUNNING
Expression: {C_Template Kafka Connector:state[{#CONNECTOR}].str(RUNNING,6h)}=0 and {C_Template Kafka Connector:state[{#CONNECTOR}].str(FAILED)}=1
Severity: warning

Three User Parameters are required—one for the low-level discovery and two for the items.

UserParameter=connector.discovery,sh /etc/zabbix/get_connector_data.sh
UserParameter=state[*],/etc/zabbix/check_connector.sh $1
UserParameter=task[*],/etc/zabbix/check_task_connector.sh $1

check_connector.sh script gets the state of the connector.

cat /etc/zabbix/check_connectors | jq --arg CONNECTOR "${CONNECTOR} " -r '."'${CONNECTOR}'" | .status.connector.state'

check_task_connector.sh  Does a check on the connector task. A disadvantage of this construction is that the connector can have a maximum of 10 tasks. At ID -10 or higher, the check fails. But that’s unusual in Kafka to deploy a connector with so many tasks.

CONNECTOR=$(echo ${value::-2})
IDS=$(echo ${value:(-1)})
cat /etc/zabbix/check_connectors | jq --arg CONNECTOR "${CONNECTOR}" --arg IDS '${IDS}' -r '."'${CONNECTOR}'" | .status.tasks[]| select(.id=='$IDS').state'

When all scripts are in the right place, we make a small adjustment to the Zabbix agent config. The LogRemoteCommands option is not necessary, but it is useful for debugging. Restart the Zabbix agent afterward. Add the Kafka template to a host, and we can proceed.

Action auto-healing

Let’s define some actions that can heal our connector tasks by automatically restarting a Kafka task with an action. Create a new action –  you can choose any conditions that can be applied to your trigger.

Configuration > actions > event source – triggers > create action.

Create an operation. This can be a bit tricky. In my case, I restart the tasks every five minutes for the first half-hour. If unsuccessful, the Kafka admins will receive an email. After that, the tasks are restarted every hour for three days. In practice, this has never happened, but such a situation can occur over the weekend, for example. After three days, the operation stops and sends a final email. Usually, the task starts the first time – if not, then the second attempt is sufficient in 99% of the cases.

Restart script.

You will probably have to adapt the script to your own environment. We have built-in some extra logging. This is certainly useful during the initial setup.

value=$(echo $1 | awk -F "/" '{print $(NF)}')
echo $value
CONNECTOR=$(echo ${value::-2})
IDS=$(echo ${value:(-1)})
curl -v -X POST http://localhost:8083/connectors/"{$CONNECTOR}"/tasks/"{$IDS}"/restart 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
echo "Connector $CONNECTOR ID $IDS has been restarted at $(date)" >> $LOG

The {TRIGGER.URL} macro is used here, not intended to be used this way out of the box by Zabbix, but it gets the job done for this use case. The awk ensures that the http: // is fetched.

If you have any other suggestions on how to improve the scripts or the templates – you are very much welcome to leave a comment with your idea!


I am inspired by Robin Moffatt at Confluent and not in the last place my colleague Werner Dijkerman at fullstaq