All posts by Ben Austin

Real-Time Risk Mitigation in Google Cloud Platform

Post Syndicated from Ben Austin original

Real-Time Risk Mitigation in Google Cloud Platform

With Google Cloud Next happening this week, there’s been some recent water cooler talk – okay, informal, ad hoc Zoom calls – where discussions about what makes Google Cloud Platform (GCP) unique when it comes to security. A few specific differences have popped up here and there (default data encryption, the way IAM is handled, etc.), but, generally speaking, many of the principles that apply to all other cloud providers apply to GCP environments.

For one, due to the speed and scale of these environments, it’s simultaneously very difficult and extremely critical to maintain an up-to-date inventory of the state of all resources in your environment. This means constantly monitoring your environment for resources being created, deleted, or modified in as close to real time as possible.

And in an effort to avoid ambiguity or hide behind marketing buzz terms, when I’m referring to “real time” here, I’m talking about sub 5-minute intervals based on activity happening in the environment. This is not to be confused with “near real time” approaches some vendors tout, which, in reality, still only pulls in data once or twice a day based on a static schedule.

In GCP, like in AWS, Azure, and all other cloud environments, simply getting a snapshot once a day to identify misconfigurations, vulnerabilities, or suspicious behaviors like you might with an on-prem data center just isn’t a scalable strategy. It’s a common cliche, but the ephemeral nature and rate of change in public cloud environments makes that kind of scanning strategy extremely ineffective when it comes to monitoring, analyzing, and eliminating actual risk in a cloud environment.

Let me lay out a couple examples where this kind of real-time monitoring can provide significant, potentially necessary, value to security teams working to make their cloud risk management programs more effective.

Identification of high-risk resources

As an example, say a developer is in a GCP project associated with your company’s revenue-generating application and they spin up a Cloud Storage instance that is, whether mistakenly or maliciously, open to the public internet.

If your security team is reliant on a scan to happen 12 hours later to get visibility into this activity, your organization will constantly be left open to significant risk. Take away the hyperbole here and assume it’s a much smaller risk or compliance violation. Even in that situation, your team is still working from behind and, presumably, almost always facing some level of stress about what issues are out there in the environment that they won’t know about for another 12-18 hours.

Worst of all, with this type of scanning you’re generally just getting a point-in-time snapshot of the environment and usually don’t know who made the change or how long ago it happened. This makes it much more difficult and time consuming for your team to actually assess the risk or get their hands on the right information to make an informed decision about how the situation should be addressed.

When a team is working with real-time data, however, they can be much more diligent and confident that they’re prioritizing the right issues at any given moment, with all the necessary context about who made the change and when it occurred. This not only helps teams stay ahead of issues and reduce the risk of a breach in their environment, but also helps keep individuals and teams feeling positive about the impact that the program is having on the organization.

Delayed remediation workflows

Building off of the previous example, it’s not only that teams can’t respond to risk they haven’t been notified of, it’s also that any automated response workflows your team may have built out to be more efficient are significantly less effective when they’re triggered by hours-old data. A 12-hour delay in an automation workflow all but eliminates the value of the automation itself, and it can actually cause headaches and confusion that detract from your team’s efficiency, rather than improving it (more on this in the next example).

In contrast, if you’re able to detect risky changes to your environment as they happen, you can automatically respond to that issue as it happens. In the case of this all being a mistake caused by a developer working a little too quickly, you’re able to automatically notify them of their error within a matter of minutes, likely while they’re still working within that project. Giving your development team this kind of feedback in the moment, rather than forcing them to context switch and go back into the project to fix the error a day later, is an excellent way to build stronger relationships and rapport with that team.

In the more rare case that this is indeed a malicious internal or external actor, enabling your automated remediation workflows to kick into gear within seconds and potentially stop the behavior could mean the difference between a minor incident and a breach requiring public disclosure from your organization.

Minimizing false positives and cross-team friction

Speaking of relationships with the development team (sorry, #DevSecOps), I can almost guarantee that working with data from scans or snapshots that occur every 12 or 24 hours in your cloud will cause friction between your two teams. Whether it’s tied to manual identification of risky resources or automated workflows notifying them of a non-compliant asset, working with stale data will inevitably lead to false positives that will both annoy and distract your already overburdened development team.

Take the example highlighted above, but instead, let’s say the developer actually spun up that Cloud Storage instance for a short amount of time in a dev instance with no actual customer data as part of a testing exercise. By the time your team gets visibility into this and either reaches out manually or has some automated notification sent to the developer, that instance could have already been deleted for hours. Now your team is looking at one set of old data and seeing an issue, meanwhile the developer is insisting that the storage container doesn’t even exist anymore. As mentioned above, this is going to cause headaches and frustration for both parties, and cause your team to lose credibility with the dev team.

At this point, you can probably guess where this is going next. With real-time monitoring in your environment this situation can be avoided altogether because your team will be looking at the same up-to-date information, and your team will be able to see that the storage container was shut down or removed from the project rather than spending time chasing down a false positive.

Earlier this month we released event-driven harvesting for GCP in InsightCloudSec. This agentless, real-time monitoring helps your security team achieve every one of the benefits outlined above while also avoiding API rate limiting. In addition, we’ve recently added GCP CIS Benchmarks v1.3.0, added GCP threat findings into our console, and added support for Google Directory to give visibility into IAM factors such as user last login, MFA status, group association and more.

If you want to learn more about how Rapid7 can help you secure Google Cloud Platform, or any other public cloud environment, sign up for our live bi-weekly demo of InsightCloudSec.

How to Secure App Development in the Cloud, With Tips From Gartner

Post Syndicated from Ben Austin original

How to Secure App Development in the Cloud, With Tips From Gartner

Building applications in the cloud has been great for development speed and scalability, but it can sometimes feel more like a sustained migraine for security teams. How do you keep your cloud applications safe without resorting to a dizzying patchwork of overlapping tools and dispersed services?

Gartner® research on “Innovation Insight for Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms” breaks down the core capabilities required to effectively reduce risk in your cloud environment, and how they might come together into a single solution or ecosystem to relieve your security headaches.

You can read the full report here. But if you’re tight for time, or just want to get a preview first, we’ve got you covered in this post.

At a high level, here’s what Gartner found in its research into cloud-native application protection platforms (CNAPP):

  • “To support [digital] initiatives, developers have embraced cloud-native application development, typically combining microservices-based architectures built using containers, assembled in DevOps-style development pipelines, deployed into programmatic cloud infrastructure and orchestrated at runtime using Kubernetes and maintained with an immutable infrastructure mindset. This shift creates significant challenges in securing these applications.”
  • “The unique characteristics of cloud-native applications makes them impossible to secure without a complex set of overlapping tools spanning development and production,” including infrastructure as code (IaC) scanning, cloud workload protection platforms (CWPP), cloud infrastructure entitlement management (CIEM), cloud security posture management (CSPM), and container management.
  • “Understanding and addressing the real risk of cloud-native applications requires advanced analytics combining siloed views of application risk, open-source component risk, cloud infrastructure risk, and runtime workload risk.”

Gartner also has a few recommendations for how to handle this new security paradigm:

  • “Implement an integrated security approach that covers the entire life cycle of cloud-native applications, starting in development and extending into production.”
  • “Integrate security into the developer’s toolchain so that security testing is automated as code is created and moves through the development pipeline, reducing the friction of adoption.”
  • “[Security and risk management] leaders should evaluate emerging cloud-native application protection platforms that provide a complete life cycle approach for security.”

Basically, securing app development in the cloud effectively is going to require tools that let you consolidate core security functions, get a clear view of your environment (and the risks it may contain), and empower your developers to incorporate security into the security pipeline.

So, what’s our take?

CNAPP represents the next evolution of cloud security through the unification of previously siloed feature sets or solutions. In previous years, just having tools that did one or more of these core functions provided by separate vendors was “good enough.” But over time, as cloud security programs across enterprises continued to scale and mature, it became clear that the dispersed nature of these tools made it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to get a true understanding of risk across complex cloud environments and make meaningful progress in operationalizing cloud security.

CNAPP is essentially a mindset that can save organizations from having to deploy a new set of technologies. It’s the idea that teams need a consolidated view of the different risks in their environment at the infrastructure, workload, orchestration, or API level, as well as unified workflows and automation capabilities to effectively mitigate those risks.

How to Secure App Development in the Cloud, With Tips From Gartner

The reality today, however, is that very few vendors can actually live up to the high bar that Gartner has set with CNAPP. The capabilities shown on the diagram above are extremely wide-ranging and span across multiple teams (DevSecOps and more) within an organization.

CNAPP is about more than just identifying a shopping list of capabilities that your security team needs. When considering how to build out a program to protect cloud-native applications, security teams should focus on driving toward a set of outcomes they hope to achieve. Gartner doesn’t define these outcomes in their CNAPP report, but based on our experience working with some of the most sophisticated cloud and application security teams in the world, some of those desired outcomes may include:

  1. An up-to-date, easily maintainable inventory of all infrastructure, workloads, and apps that make up your organization’s entire cloud footprint
  2. Centralized reporting on risk across the full application stack, including open-source and third-party components
  3. Ongoing, real-time monitoring of suspicious or malicious activity at both the application and infrastructure levels
  4. Integration into the development team’s CI/CD pipeline in order to prevent risks at scale before code is deployed
  5. Automated workflows, both for notification and remediation, to detect and respond to threats as quickly as possible, with minimal human intervention

Each team’s list of outcomes will vary slightly depending on operational maturity, compliance requirements, size and complexity of the cloud environment, and what types of applications they are protecting. Keeping these five outcomes top of mind while evaluating solutions will help your team build from a solid foundation and avoid simply checking boxes off a long list of capabilities.

CNAPP may be a mindset shift first and foremost – but at the end of the day, the capabilities needed to achieve this more holistic approach to cloud and application security have to live somewhere within your technology stack. A unified platform that supports all these needs can help break down unnecessary silos and make it easier to contextualize your security data across the entire cloud infrastructure.

GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.

Gartner, Innovation Insight for Cloud-Native Application Protection Programs, by Neil MacDonald, Charlie Winckless, 25 August 2021

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What It Takes to Securely Scale Cloud Environments at Tech Companies Today

Post Syndicated from Ben Austin original

What It Takes to Securely Scale Cloud Environments at Tech Companies Today

In January 2021, foreign trade marketing platform SocialArks was the target of a massive cyberattack. Security Magazine reported that the rapidly growing startup experienced a breach of over 214 million social media profiles and 400GB of data, exposing users’ names, phone numbers, email addresses, subscription data, and other sensitive information across Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. According to Safety Detectives, the breach affected more than 318 million records in total, including those of high-profile influencers in the United States, China, the Netherlands, South Korea, and more.

The cause? A misconfigured database.

SocialArks’s Elasticsearch database contained scraped data from hundreds of millions of social media users from all around the world. The database was publicly exposed without password encryption or protection, meaning that any bad actor in possession of the company’s server IP address could easily access the private data.

What can tech companies learn from what happened to SocialArks?

One wrong misconfiguration can lead to major consequences — from reputational damage to revenue loss. As the cloud becomes increasingly pervasive and complex, tech companies know they must take advantage of innovative services to scale up. At the same time, DevOps and security teams must work together to ensure that they are using the cloud securely, from development to production.

Here are three ways to help empower your teams to take advantage of the many benefits of public cloud infrastructure without sacrificing security.

1. Improve visibility

Tech companies – probably more than those in any other industry – are keen to take advantage of the endless stream of new and innovative services coming from public cloud providers like AWS, Azure, and GCP. From more traditional cloud offerings like containers and databases to advanced machine learning, data analytics, and remote application delivery, developers at tech companies love to explore new cloud services as a means to spur innovation.

The challenge for security, of course, is that the sheer complexity of the average enterprise tech company’s cloud footprint is dizzying, not to mention the rapid rate of change. For example, a cloud environment with 10,000 compute instances can expect a daily churn of 20%, including auto-scaling groups, new and re-deployments of infrastructure and workloads, ongoing changes, and more. That means over the course of a year, security teams must monitor and apply guardrails to over 700,000 individual instances.

It’s easy for security (and operations) teams to wind up without unified visibility into what cloud services their development teams are using at any given point in time. Without a purpose-built multicloud security solution in place, there’s just no way to continuously monitor cloud and container services and maintain insight into potential risks.

It is entirely possible, however, to gain visibility. More than that, it’s necessary if you want to continue to scale. In the cloud world, the old security adage applies: You can’t secure what you can’t see. Total visibility into all cloud resources can help security teams quickly detect changes that could open the organization up to risk. With visibility in place, you can more readily assess risks, identify and remediate issues, and ensure continuous compliance with relevant regulations.

2. Create a culture of security

No one wants their DevOps and security teams to be working in opposition, especially in a rapid growth period. When you uphold DevSecOps principles, you eliminate the friction between DevOps and security professionals. There’s no need to “circle back” after an initial release or “push pause” on a scheduled deployment when securing the cloud throughout the CI/CD pipeline is just part of how the business operates. A culture that values security is vital when it comes to rapid scaling. You can’t rely on each individual to “do the right thing,” so you’re much better off building security into your culture on a deep level.

When it comes to timing your culture shift, all signs point to now. Fortune notes that while the pandemic-era adoption of hybrid work provides unprecedented flexibility and accessibility, it also can create a “nightmare scenario” with “hundreds (or thousands) of new vectors through which malicious actors can gain a foothold in your network.” Gartner reports that cloud security saw the largest spending increase of all other information security and risk management segments in 2021, ticking up by 41%. Yet, a survey by Cloud Security Alliance revealed that 76% of professionals polled fear that the risk of cloud misconfigurations will stay the same or increase.

Given these numbers, encouraging a culture of security is a present necessity, not a future concern. But how do you know when you’ve successfully created one?

The answer: When all parts of your team see cybersecurity as just another part of their job.

Of course, that’s easier said than done. Creating a culture of security requires processes that provide context and early feedback to developers, meaning that command and control is no longer security’s fallback position. Instead, collaboration should be the name of the game. Making security easy is what bridges the historical cultural divide between security and DevOps.

The utopia version of DevSecOps promises seamless collaboration – but each team has plenty on their own plates to worry about. How can tech companies foster a culture of security while optimizing their existing resources and workflows?

3. Focus on security by design

TrendMicro reports that simple cloud infrastructure misconfigurations account for 65% to 70% of all cloud security challenges. The Ponemon Institute and IBM found that the average cost of a data breach in 2021 was $4.24 million – the highest average cost ever recorded in the report’s 17-year history. That same report found that organizations with more mature cloud security practices were able to contain breaches on average 77 days faster than those with less mature strategies.

Security professionals are human, too. They can only be in so many places at once. With talent already scarce, you want your security team to focus on creating new strategies, without getting bogged down by simple fixes.

That’s why integrating security measures into the dev cycle framework can help you move towards achieving that balance between speed and security. Embedding checks within the development process is one way to empower early detection, saving your team’s time and resources.

This approach helps catch problems like policy violations or misconfigurations without sacrificing the speed that developers love or the safety that security professionals need. Plus, building security into your development processes will empower your dev teams to correct issues right away as they’re alerted, making that last deployment the breath of relief it should be.

When you integrate security and compliance checks early in the dev lifecycle, you can prevent the majority of vulnerabilities from cropping up in the first place — meaning your dev and sec teams can rest easy knowing that their infrastructure as code (IaC) templates are secure from the beginning.

How to get started: Empower secure development

Get your developers implementing security without having to onboard them to an entirely new role. By integrating and automating security checks into the workflows and tools your DevOps teams already know and love, you empower them to prioritize both speed and security.

Taking on even one of the three strategies described above can be intimidating. We suggest getting started by focusing on actionable steps, which we cover in depth in our eBook below.

Scaling securely is possible. Want to learn more? Read up on 6 Strategies to Empower Secure Innovation at Enterprise Tech Companies to tackle the unique cloud security challenges facing the tech industry.

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Rapid7 Recognized as Top Ranked in Current Offering Category in Forrester Wave™ for Cloud Workload Security

Post Syndicated from Ben Austin original

Rapid7 Recognized as Top Ranked in Current Offering Category in Forrester Wave™ for Cloud Workload Security

The widespread growth in cloud adoption in recent years has given businesses across all industries the ability to transform and scale in ways never before possible. But the speed of those changes, combined with the increased volume and complexity of resources in cloud environments, often forces organizations to choose between slowing the pace of innovation or taking on massive amounts of unmanaged risk.

Because of this, cloud misconfigurations have become a leading attack vector for malicious breaches. Organizations are now scrambling to evolve their cloud security programs to properly secure their most sensitive and valuable data — before it falls into the hands of an adversary.

This requires going beyond the siloed toolsets and manual efforts of increasingly hard-to-find cloud security professionals. Instead, businesses need to leverage comprehensive cloud workload security solutions that allow their teams to get a broad set of capabilities in a single platform in order to move more efficiently and effectively.

But in the still-emerging and rapidly evolving cloud security space, narrowing down a shortlist of vendors can be challenging and confusing.

To help buyers select the right vendor for their needs among the industry’s many players, Forrester Research evaluated the top 12 cloud security providers to equip evaluators with necessary context on each provider’s current offering and strategy. We’re excited to share that Rapid7 has been included among these top vendors and recognized as a Strong Performer in the Forrester Wave™: Cloud Workload Security, Q1 2022.

Most notably, Forrester’s report showed Rapid7 as the top-ranked solution in the Current Offering category.

This is the first time the Forrester Wave™ for Cloud Workload Security has been published since Rapid7’s acquisition of DivvyCloud and Alcide, which culminated in the launch of InsightCloudSec in July 2021. We believe the results of this Forrester Wave™ show that Rapid7’s strategy and execution following those acquisitions has already positioned us well against other vendors in the highly competitive cloud security market.

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A closer look at the results

“In its current CWS offering, the vendor provides excellent setup, configuration, and data integration solution features; identity and access management and CSPM is strong. Runtime and container orchestration platform protection is also strong and easy to use.”

The Forrester report gave Rapid7 the highest possible scores in the criteria of cloud security posture management (CSPM), infrastructure as code (IaC), identity and access management (IAM), and container protection, which to us emphasizes the breadth and depth of our current solution in both posture management and workload protection.

Rapid7 also received the highest possible score in the Setup, Configuration, and Data Integration criterion. When combined with the highest possible score in the Integration category, we believe this leads to faster time to value and more efficient ongoing cloud security operations compared to other vendors.

Within the Strategy category, Forrester gave Rapid7 the highest possible scores in the Cloud Workload Protection (CWP) Plans and Container Protection Plans criteria. According to the report, “In its CWS strategy, [Rapid7] has differentiated CWP and container protection plans.”

“The vendor plans to implement runtime analysis using machine learning (ML) to establish a baseline profile of activity and identify anomalous behaviors and unknown threats, simplifying runtime rules and detections,“ the report explains.

From our standpoint, this combination of current market-leading CSPM and shift-left capabilities, alongside a highly differentiated CWP and Container Protection roadmap, is evidence of the significant value Rapid7 is bringing to our customers by enabling organizations to innovate and accelerate their business strategies with secure adoption of cloud technologies.

Learn more

You can download The Forrester Wave™: Cloud Workload Security, Q1 2022 from our website here.

Interested in hearing more about Rapid7’s cloud security solution, and how we’re providing value to our current customers? Join us on Tuesday, March 29 for our third-annual Cloud Security Summit to hear from our leadership, customers, and partners about how Rapid7 is driving cloud security forward.

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3 Reasons to Join Rapid7’s Cloud Security Summit

Post Syndicated from Ben Austin original

3 Reasons to Join Rapid7’s Cloud Security Summit

The world of the cloud never stops moving — so neither can cloud security. In the face of rapidly evolving technology and a constantly changing threat landscape, keeping up with all the latest developments, trends, and best practices in this emerging practice is more vital than ever.

Enter Rapid7’s third annual Cloud Security Summit, which we’ll be hosting this year on Tuesday, March 29. This one-day virtual event is dedicated to cloud security best practices and will feature industry experts from Rapid7, as well as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Snyk, and more.

While the event is fully virtual and free, we know that the time commitment can be the most challenging part of attending a multi-hour event during the workday. With that in mind, we’ve compiled a short list of the top reasons you’ll definitely want to register, clear your calendar, and attend this event.

Reason 1: Get a sneak peak at some original cloud security research

During the opening session of this year’s summit, two members of Rapid7’s award-winning security research team will be presenting some never-before-published research on the current state of cloud security operations, the most common misconfigurations in 2021, Log4j, and more.

Along with being genuinely interesting data, this research will also give you some insights and benchmarks that will help you evaluate your own cloud security program, and prioritize the most commonly exploited risks in your organization’s environment.

Reason 2: Learn from industry experts, and get CPE credits

Along with a handful of team member’s from Rapid7’s own cloud security practice, this year’s summit includes a host of subject matter experts from across the industry. You can look forward to hearing from Merritt Baer, Principal in the Office of the CISO at Amazon Web Services; Anthony Seto, Field Director for Cloud Native Application Security at Snyk; Keith Hoodlet, Code Security Architect at GitHub; and more. And that doesn’t even include the InsightCloudSec customers who will be joining to share their expert perspectives as well.

While learning and knowledge gain are clearly the most important aspects here, it’s always great to have something extra to show for the time you devoted to an event like this. To help make the case to your management that this event is more than worth the time you’ll put in, we’ve arranged for all attendees to earn 3.5 continuing professional education (CPE) credits to go toward maintaining or upgrading security certifications, such as CISSP, CISM, and more.

Reason 3: Be the first to hear exciting Rapid7 announcements

Last but not least, while the event is primarily focused on cloud security research, strategies, and thought leadership, we are also planning to pepper in some exciting news related to InsightCloudSec, Rapid7’s cloud-native security platform.

We’ll end the day with a demonstration of the product, so you can see some of our newest capabilities in action. Whether you’re already an InsightCloudSec customer, or considering a new solution for uncovering misconfigurations, automating cloud security workflows, shifting left, and more, this is the best way to get a live look at one of the top solutions available in the market today.  

So what are you waiting for? Come join us, and let’s dive into the latest and greatest in cloud security together.

Join our 2022 Cloud Security Summit

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Cloud Security and Compliance: The Ultimate Frenemies of Financial Services

Post Syndicated from Ben Austin original

Cloud Security and Compliance: The Ultimate Frenemies of Financial Services

Meeting compliance standards as a financial services (finserv) company can be incredibly time-consuming and expensive. Finserv has some of the highest regulatory bars to clear out of any industry — with the exception, perhaps, of healthcare.

That said, these regulations exist for good reason. Even beyond being requirements to operate, meeting compliance standards helps financial services companies gain customer trust, avoid reputational damage, and protect themselves from unnecessary or unprofitable risk.

But as I’m sure just about everyone reading this will agree, meeting regulatory compliance standards does not necessarily mean your organization is fully secure. Often, it’s difficult for government agencies and legislators to keep up with the pace of changing technologies, so regulations tend to lag behind the state of tech. This is often particularly true with emerging technologies, such as hybrid and multi-cloud environments.

On top of all of that, the cost of not having a well-rounded security portfolio is particularly massive here — the average cost of a data breach in financial services is second highest of all industries (only healthcare is more expensive).

Needless to say, financial services organizations have a complex relationship with compliance, particularly as it relates to business-driven cloud migration and innovation.

Here are four ways finserv companies can embrace the love-hate relationship with cloud security and compliance while effectively navigating the need to maintain pace with today’s rapid rate of change.

1. Implement continuous monitoring

Change seems to be the only constant when it comes to multi-cloud environments. And there’s virtually no limit to where these changes can occur — all clouds and regions are fair game. In addition, new compliance regulations are continuously taking shape as cloud security best practices continue to progress. Lawmakers around the globe are tasked with implementing these new and updated rules to protect data in every industry to effectively address the rapidly changing vulnerabilities.

A key component to remain compliant with these rules and regulations is knowing who is responsible for making changes and maintaining compliance. To do this, you’ll need visibility to distinguish between normal changes to infrastructure, applications, or access made by your development team and the changes that occur at the hands of a threat actor.

But the reality is that many data points can make distinguishing threats difficult for security professionals. After all, financial services organizations are an irresistible target for those with malicious intent because there’s a direct line to the dollar value.

Clearly, information security statutes provide necessary oversight. Since assessing data in real time is essential for success in this industry, continuous monitoring can help you stay compliant at every stage of development. This can also be useful during an audit to show your organization has taken a proactive approach to compliance.

2. Automate security processes

Many regulations require organizations to act fast in the wake of a security breach. The European Union (EU)’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is setting the standard for privacy and security laws globally, requires supervisory authorities (and at times individuals) to be notified within 72 hours of becoming aware of a data breach. And these correspondences must provide extensive information about the breach, such as how many individuals were impacted, the consequences of the breach, and perhaps most importantly, what the next steps are for containment and mitigation.

While not every jurisdiction has laws that are as strict as the EU’s GDPR, many countries are using GDPR as a baseline for their own guidance in how they hold organizations responsible and accountable for protecting consumer information. Industry regulations and cloud governance frameworks, such as PCI DSS, SOC 2, ISO 27001, and Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, are just a few of the many standards with which finserv organizations need to ensure compliance. Organizations that do business globally not only need to be aware of these guidelines but also how they impact the way they do business. For example, if a consumer lives in a country protected by GDPR, their data is protected by GDPR guidelines. This is necessary even if the organization doesn’t operate directly in that country.

The best-case scenario is to catch misconfigurations before they go live and cause a breach, so you can safeguard customer data and avoid going through the lengthy disclosure process and the ensuing loss of customer trust. That’s exactly what automation helps you do.

Relying on manual efforts from your team to ensure that owners of noncompliant resources are notified and remediation takes place can be a time-consuming and involved process. Plus, it’s too easy for potential threats to fall between the cracks. By automating continuous auditing of resources, misconfiguration notification, and remediation, organizations can address noncompliance before issues escalate.

3. Improve organizational culture by sharing context

Large teams that leverage multiple platforms can commonly experience information breakdowns. After all, not everyone can understand security jargon. When misunderstandings occur, it can often lead to an unintentional lapse in compliance among employees. Implementing a simplified reporting structure can help security professionals communicate more effectively with resource owners and other immediate stakeholders. Isolated data points from multiple threat alarms can make it confusing and time-consuming for cloud resource owners to understand what happened and what to do next.

Finding a platform that empowers product and engineering teams to take responsibility for their own security, while also providing thorough context about the violation and the necessary remediation steps is essential. This can help set a standard by challenging teams to measure security compliance daily, while minimizing a lot of the friction and guesswork that comes from shifting security earlier in the development lifecycle.

Not only does this help with compliance legalities, but showing these ongoing, team-wide security compliance checks can also satisfy squeamish boards. Gartner predicts that security concerns will continue to be a top priority for board members in the wake of sensational security breaches that are occurring with startling regularity. Ransomware, for example, has gone mainstream, and boards have taken notice. Cybersecurity is seen as a potentially major vulnerability, which means the expectations placed on CISOs are mounting.

Though a lot of focus goes into updating frameworks and systems, corporate culture is the third piece of a powerful security strategy. It must not be overlooked.

4. Gain greater visibility

Robust, multi-cloud environments can make visibility challenging. Enterprises need to govern their clouds using Identity and Access Management (IAM) and adopt a least-privileged access security model across cloud and container environments. But that’s not enough. They also need a strategy that enables them to see vulnerabilities across multiple environments and devices. This is especially important as more insiders gain access to the cloud who also have the ability to make changes and add assets — and do all of this at a startling pace.

This visibility is a significant part of remaining compliant because rapid changes can have unintended results that can be missed without an overarching view of the cloud environment. What might look like harmless or anonymized data could still cause privacy and compliance concerns. For example, knowing simply gender, zip code, and birth date is enough information to identify 87% of Americans. To protect consumers, legislation such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) stipulates that toxic data combinations, or data that can be viewed as a whole to reveal personal identities, must be avoided.

In order to remain compliant, organizations must have a system in place to spot toxic data combinations that could run afoul of regulators. This is especially important as data-sharing agreements become more commonplace.

Next steps: Embracing the complex relationship

Finserv organizations must embrace the complex relationship with cloud security and compliance. It is, realistically, the only way to survive and thrive in a world where the cloud is the go-to method of innovation.

Taking steps for improvement in each of the four areas outlined above can feel overwhelming, so we suggest getting started by focusing on these three key actions:

  • Innovate quickly. Innovation is crucial in today’s finserv landscape. Organizations in financial services are competing for attention, which requires continuous digital transformation. The cloud allows these innovations to happen fast, but CISOs must ensure a secure environment for advancements to effectively take place. Is your organization striking the right balance between innovation and safety?
  • Automate aggressively. There are too many data points in today’s multi-cloud environments for security teams to track successfully without automation. Ongoing hygiene practices and internal audits are made possible using automation best practices. Do you have the right controls in place to launch an automation strategy that supports — and enhances — your security processes?
  • Transform culture. Never forget that people are at the center of your security and compliance strategy. Improving communication, education and consistency across teams can upgrade your organization’s compliance strategy. And remember: Your compliance strategy will be under increased scrutiny from executives and boards in the coming years. Does your team understand the “why” behind the security best practices you’re asking them to support?

Let’s navigate the future of cloud security for finserv together. Learn more here.

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