All posts by Guillaume Neau

Scaling national identity schemes with itsme and Amazon Cognito

Post Syndicated from Guillaume Neau original

In this post, we demonstrate how you can use identity federation and integration between the identity provider itsme® and Amazon Cognito to quickly consume and build digital services for citizens on Amazon Web Services (AWS) using available national digital identities. We also provide code examples and integration proofs of concept to get you started quickly.

National digital identities refer to a system or framework that a government establishes to uniquely and securely identify its citizens or residents in the digital realm.

These national digital identities are built on a rigorous process of identity verification and enforce the use of high security standards when it comes to authentication mechanisms. Their adoption by both citizens and businesses helps to fight identity theft, most notably by removing the need to send printed copies of identity documents.

National certified secure digital identities are suitable for both businesses and public services and can improve the onboarding experience by reducing the need to create new credentials.

About itsme

itsme is a trusted identity provider (certified and notified for all 27 member states of EU at Level of Assurance HIGH of the eiDAS regulation) that can be used on over 800 government and company platforms to identify yourself online, log in, confirm transactions, or sign documents. It allows partners to use its verified identities for authentication and authorization on web, desktop, mobile web, and mobile applications.

As of this writing, itsme is accessible for all residents in Belgium, The Netherlands, and Luxembourg. However, since there are no limitations on the geographic usage of the identity and electronic signature APIs, itsme has the potential to expand to additional countries in the future. (Source: itsme, 2023)

Architecture overview

To demonstrate the integration, you’re going to build a minimalistic application made of the following components as shown in Figure 1 that follows:

Figure 1: Architectural diagram

Figure 1: Architectural diagram

After deployment, you can log in and interact with the application:

  1. Visit the frontend deployed locally, and you’re presented the option to authenticate with itsme by using a blue colored button. Choose the button to proceed.
  2. After being redirected to itsme, you’re asked to either create a new account or to use an existing one for authentication. After you’re successfully authenticated with itsme, the associated Amazon Cognito user pool is populated with the requested data in the scope of the federation. Specifically in this example, the national registration number is made available.
  3. When authenticated, you’re redirected to the frontend, and you can read and write messages to and from the database behind an Amazon API Gateway.
  4. The Amazon API Gateway uses Amazon Cognito to check the validity of your authentication token.
  5. The Lambda function reads and writes messages to and from DynamoDB.

Prerequisites to deploy the identity federation with itsme

While setting up the Amazon Cognito user pool, you’re asked for the following information:

  • An itsme client ID – itsmeClientId
  • An itsme client secret – itsmeClientSecret
  • An itsme service code – itsmeServiceCode
  • An itsme issuer URL – itsmeIssuerUrl

To retrieve this information, you must be an itsme partner and to have your sandbox requested and available. The sandbox should be made available three business days after you submit the dedicated request form to itsme.

After the sandbox is provisioned, you must contact the itsme support desk and ask to switch the sandbox authentication to the client secret – itsmeClientSecret flow. Include the link to this post and specify that it’s for establishing a federation with Amazon Cognito.

Implement the proof of concept

To implement this proof of concept, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Create an Amazon Cognito user pool.
  2. Configure the Amazon Cognito user pool.
  3. Deploy a sample API.
  4. Configure your application.

To create and configure an Amazon Cognito user pool

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and enter cognito in the search bar at the top. Select Cognito from the Services results.
    Figure 2: Select Cognito service

    Figure 2: Select Cognito service

  2. In the Amazon Cognito console, select User pools, and then choose Create user pool.
    Figure 3: Cognito user pool creation

    Figure 3: Cognito user pool creation

  3. To configure the sign-in experience section, select Federated identity providers as the authentication providers.
  4. In the Cognito user pool sign-in options area, select User name, Email, and Phone number.
  5. In the Federated sign-in options area, select OpenID Connect (OIDC).
    Figure 4: Sign-in configuration

    Figure 4: Sign-in configuration

  6. Choose Next to continue to security requirements.

Note: In this post, account management and authentication are restricted to itsme. Because of this, the password length, multi-factor authentication, and recovery procedures are delegated to itsme. If you don’t restrict your Cognito user pool to itsme only, configure it according to your security requirements.

To configure the security requirements

  1. For Password policy, select Cognito defaults.
  2. Select Require MFA – Recommended in the Multi-factor authentication area, and select Authenticator apps

    Note: Although the activation of multi-factor authentication is recommended, it’s important to understand that users of this pool will be created and authenticated through the federation with itsme. In the next procedure, you disable the Self service sign-up feature to prevent users from creating accounts. As itsme is compliant with the level of assurance substantial of the eIDAS regulation, itsme users must log in using a second factor of authentication.

  3. Clear Enable self-service account recovery in the User account recovery area.
Figure 5: Security requirements configuration

Figure 5: Security requirements configuration

To configure the sign-up experience

  1. Clear Enable self-registration.
  2. Clear Allow Cognito to automatically send messages to verify and confirm.
    Figure 6: Sign-up configuration

    Figure 6: Sign-up configuration

  3. Skip the configuration of required attributes and configure custom attributes. Expand the drop-down menu and add the following custom attributes:
    1. Name: eid.
    2. Type: String.
    3. Leave Min and Max length blank.
    4. Mutable: Select.

    This custom attribute is used to map and store the national registration number.

  4. Choose Next to configure message delivery.

Note: In this post, account management and authentication are going to be restricted to itsme. As a result, Amazon Cognito doesn’t send email or SMS, and the prescribed configuration is minimal. If you don’t limit your user pool to itsme, configure message delivery parameters according to your corporate policy.

To configure message delivery

  1. For Email, select Send email with Cognito and leave the other fields with their default configuration.
  2. To configure the SMS, select Create a new IAM Role if you don’t already have one provisioned.
  3. Choose Next to configure the federated identity provider.
    Figure 7: Message delivery configuration

    Figure 7: Message delivery configuration

  4. Choose Next to configure identity provider.

To configure the federated identity provider

  1. For Provider name, enter itsme.
  2. For Client ID, enter the client ID provided by itsme.
  3. For Client secret, enter the client secret provided by itsme.
  4. For Authorized scopes, start with the mandatory service:itsmeServiceCode.
  5. With a space between each scope, enter openid profile eid email address.
  6. For Retrieve OIDC endpoints, enter the issuer URL provided by itsme.
    Figure 8: OIDC federation configuration

    Figure 8: OIDC federation configuration

    The configuration of the mapping of the attributes can be done according to the documentation provided by itsme.

    An example of mapping is provided in Figure 9 that follows. Some differences exist to be able to retrieve and map the eID and the unique username of itsme (sub).

    More specifically, to retrieve the National Registration Number, the eid field needs to be set to

    Figure 9: Attributes mapping

    Figure 9: Attributes mapping

  7. Choose Next to configure an app client.

To configure an app client

  1. Configure both your user pool name and domain by opening the Amazon Cognito console.
    Figure 10: User pool and domain name

    Figure 10: User pool and domain name

  2. In the Initial app client area, select Public client.
    1. Enter your application client name.
    2. Select Don’t generate a client secret.
    3. Enter the application callback URL that’s used by itsme at the end of the authenticating flow. This URL is the one your end user is going to land on after authenticating.
    Figure 11: Configuring app client

    Figure 11: Configuring app client

To finish the creation by reviewing and creating the user pool

When the user pool is created, send your Amazon Cognito domain name to itsme support for them to activate your authentication endpoints. That URL has the following composition:

https://<Your user pool domain>.auth.<your region>

When the user pool is created, you can retrieve your userPoolWebClientId, which is required to create a consuming application.

To retrieve your userPoolWebClientId

  1. From the Amazon Cognito Console, select User pools on the left menu.
  2. Select the user pool that you created.
    Figure 12: User pool app integration

    Figure 12: User pool app integration

In the App integration area, your userPoolWebClientId is displayed at the bottom of the window.

Figure 13: Client ID

Figure 13: Client ID

To create a consuming application

When the setup of the user pool is done, you can integrate the authenticating flow in your application. The integration can be done using the AWS Amplify SDK and by calling the relevant API directly. Depending of the framework you used when building the application, you can find documentation about doing so in AWS Prescriptive Guidance Patterns.

You can use Amazon API Gateway to quickly build a secure API that uses the authentication made through Amazon Cognito and the federation to build services. We encourage you to review the Amazon API Gateway documentation to learn more. The next section provides you with examples that you can deploy to get an idea of the integration steps.

Additionally, you can use an Amazon Cognito identity pool to exchange Amazon Cognito issued tokens for AWS credentials (in other words, assuming AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles) to access other AWS services. As an example, this could allow users to upload files to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.

About the examples provided

The public GitHub repository that is provided contains code examples and associated documentation to help you automatically go through the setup steps detailed in this post. Specifically, the following are available:

  1. An AWS Cloudformation template that can help you provision a properly set-up user pool after you have the required information from itsme.
  2. An AWS Cloudformation template that deploys the backend for the test application.
  3. A React frontend that you can run locally to interact with the backend and to consume identities from itsme.

To deploy the provided examples

  1. Clone the repository on your local machine.
  2. Install the dependencies.
  3. If you haven’t created your user pool following the instructions in this post, you can use the CognitoItsmeStack provided as an example.
  4. Deploy the associated backend stack BackendItsmeStack.cfn.yaml.
  5. Rename the frontend/src/config.json.template file to frontend/src/config.json and replace the following:
    1. region with the AWS Region associated with your Amazon Cognito user pool.
    2. userPoolId with the assigned ID of the user pool that you created.
    3. userPoolWebClientId with the client ID that you retrieved.
    4. domain with your Amazon Cognito domain in the form of <your user pool name>.auth.<your region>
    Figure 14: Frontend configuration file

    Figure 14: Frontend configuration file

  6. After modifications are done, start the application on your local machine with the provided command.

Following authentication, the results in the associated collected data are displayed, as shown in Figure 15 that follows.

Figure 15: User information

Figure 15: User information

In the My Data section, you can access a form to input a value (shown in Figure 16). Each time you go back to this page, the previous value entered is shown in the input box. This input is associated with your NRN (custom:eid), and only you can access it.

Figure 16: Database interaction

Figure 16: Database interaction


You can now consume digital identities through identity federation between Amazon Cognito and itsme. We hope that it helps you build secure digital services to improve the life of Benelux users.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

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Guillaume Neau

Guillaume is a Solutions Architect from France with expertise in information security that focuses on building solutions that improve customers’ text

Julien Martin

Julien Martin

Julien is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS) supporting public institutions (such as local governments and cities) in Benelux. He has over 20 years of industry experience in helping customers design, build, implement, and operate enterprise applications.

How to automate updates for your domain list in Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall

Post Syndicated from Guillaume Neau original

Note: This post includes links to third-party websites. AWS is not responsible for the content on those websites.

Following the release of Amazon Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall, Amazon Web Services (AWS) published several blog posts to help you protect your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) DNS resolution, including How to Get Started with Amazon Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall for Amazon VPC and Secure your Amazon VPC DNS resolution with Amazon Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall. Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall provides managed domain lists that are fully maintained and kept up-to-date by AWS and that directly benefit from the threat intelligence that we gather, but you might want to create or import your own list to have full control over the DNS filtering.

In this blog post, you will find a solution to automate the management of your domain list by using AWS Lambda, Amazon EventBridge, and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). The solution in this post uses, as an example, the URLhaus open Response Policy Zone (RPZ) list, which generates a new file every five minutes.

Architecture overview

The solution is made of the following four components, as shown in Figure 1.

  1. An EventBridge scheduled rule to invoke the Lambda function on a schedule.
  2. A Lambda function that uses the AWS SDK to perform the automation logic.
  3. An S3 bucket to temporarily store the list of domains retrieved.
  4. Amazon Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall.
    Figure 1: Architecture overview

    Figure 1: Architecture overview

After the solution is deployed, it works as follows:

  1. The scheduled rule invokes the Lambda function every 5 minutes to fetch the latest domain list available.
  2. The Lambda function fetches the list from URLhaus, parses the data retrieved, formats the data, uploads the list of domains into the S3 bucket, and invokes the Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall importFirewallDomains API action.
  3. The domain list is then updated.

Implementation steps

As a first step, create your own domain list on the Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall. Having your own domain list allows you to have full control of the list of domains to which you want to apply actions, as defined within rule groups.

To create your own domain list

  1. In the Route 53 console, in the left menu, choose Domain lists in the DNS firewall section.
  2. Choose the Add domain list button, enter a name for your owned domain list, and then enter a placeholder domain to initialize the domain list.
  3. Choose Add domain list to finalize the creation of the domain list.
    Figure 2: Expected view of the console

    Figure 2: Expected view of the console

The list from URLhaus contains more than a thousand records. You will use the ImportFirewallDomains endpoint to upload this list to DNS Firewall. The use of the ImportFirewallDomains endpoint requires that you first upload the list of domains and make the list available in an S3 bucket that is located in the same AWS Region as the owned domain list that you just created.

To create the S3 bucket

  1. In the S3 console, choose Create bucket.
  2. Under General configuration, configure the AWS Region option to be the same as the Region in which you created your domain list.
  3. Finalize the configuration of your S3 bucket, and then choose Create bucket.

Because a new file is created every five minutes, we recommend setting a lifecycle rule to automatically expire and delete files after 24 hours to optimize for cost and only save the most recent lists.

To create the Lambda function

  1. Follow the steps in the topic Creating an execution role in the IAM console to create an execution role. After step 4, when you configure permissions, choose Create Policy, and then create and add an IAM policy similar to the following example. This policy needs to:
    • Allow the Lambda function to put logs in Amazon CloudWatch.
    • Allow the Lambda function to have read and write access to objects placed in the created S3 bucket.
    • Allow the Lambda function to update the firewall domain list.
    • {
          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": "arn:aws:logs:<region>:<accountId>:*",
                  "Effect": "Allow"
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<DNSFW-BUCKET-NAME>/*",
                  "Effect": "Allow"
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": "arn:aws:route53resolver:<region>:<accountId>:firewall-domain-list/<domain-list-id>",
                  "Effect": "Allow"

  2. (Optional) If you decide to use the example provided by AWS:
    • After cloning the repository: Build the layer following the instruction included in the and the provided script.
    • Zip the lambda.
    • In the left menu, select Layers then Create Layer. Enter a name for the layer, then select Upload a .zip file. Choose to upload the layer (
    • As a compatible runtime, select: Node.js 16.x.
    • Select Create
  3. In the Lambda console, in the same Region as your domain list, choose Create function, and then do the following:
    • Choose your desired runtime and architecture.
    • (Optional) To use the code provided by AWS: Select Node.js 16.x as the runtime.
    • Choose Change the default execution role.
    • Choose Use an existing role, and then pick the role that you just created.
  4. After the Lambda function is created, in the left menu of the Lambda console, choose Functions, and then select the function you created.
    • For Code source, you can either enter the code of the Lambda function or choose the Upload from button and then choose the source for the code. AWS provides an example of functioning code on GitHub under a MIT-0 license.

    (optional) To use the code provided by AWS:

    • Choose the Upload from button and upload the zipped code example.
    • After the code is uploaded, edit the default Runtime settings: Choose the Edit button and set the handler to be equal to: LambdaRpz.handler
    • Edit the default Layers configuration, choose the Add a layer button, select Specify an ARN and enter the ARN of the layer created during the optional step 2.
    • Edit the environment variables of the function: Select the Edit button and define the three following variables:
      1. Key : FirewallDomainListId | Value : <domain-list-id>
      2. Key : region | Value : <region>
      3. Key : s3Prefix | Value : <DNSFW-BUCKET-NAME>

The code that you place in the function will be able to fetch the list from URLhaus, upload the list as a file to S3, and start the import of domains.

For the Lambda function to be invoked every 5 minutes, next you will create a scheduled rule with Amazon EventBridge.

To automate the invoking of the Lambda function

  1. In the EventBridge console, in the same AWS Region as your domain list, choose Create rule.
  2. For Rule type, choose Schedule.
  3. For Schedule pattern, select the option A schedule that runs at a regular rate, such as every 10 minutes, and under Rate expression set a rate of 5 minutes.
    Figure 3: Console view when configuring a schedule

    Figure 3: Console view when configuring a schedule

  4. To select the target, choose AWS service, choose Lambda function, and then select the function that you previously created.

After the solution is deployed, your domain list will be updated every 5 minutes and look like the view in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Console view of the created domain list after it has been updated by the Lambda function

Figure 4: Console view of the created domain list after it has been updated by the Lambda function

Code samples

You can use the samples in the amazon-route-53-resolver-firewall-automation-examples-2 GitHub repository to ease the automation of your domain list, and the associated updates. The repository contains script files to help you with the deployment process of the AWS CloudFormation template. Note that you need to have the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) installed and properly configured in order to use the files.

To deploy the CloudFormation stack

  1. If you haven’t done so already, create an S3 bucket to store the artifacts in the Region where you wish to deploy. This name of this bucket will then be referenced as ParamS3ArtifactBucket with a value of <DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET-ARTIFACT>
  2. Clone the repository locally.
    git clone
  3. Build the Lambda function layer. From the /layer folder, use the provided script.
    . ./
  4. Zip and upload the artifact to the bucket created in step 1. From the root folder, use the provided script.
    . ./ <ParamS3ArtifactBucket>
  5. Deploy the AWS CloudFormation stack by using either the AWS CLI or the CloudFormation console.
    • To deploy by using the AWS CLI, from the root folder, type the following command, making sure to replace <region>, <DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET-ARTIFACT>, <DNSFW-BUCKET-NAME>, and <DomainListName>with your own values.
      aws --region <region> cloudformation create-stack --stack-name DNSFWStack --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --template-body file://./DNSFWStack.cfn.yaml --parameters ParameterKey=ParamS3ArtifactBucket,ParameterValue=<DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET-ARTIFACT> ParameterKey=ParamS3RpzBucket,ParameterValue=<DNSFW-BUCKET-NAME> ParameterKey=ParamFirewallDomainListName,ParameterValue=<DomainListName>

    • To deploy by using the console, do the following:
      1. In the CloudFormation console, choose Create stack, and then choose With new resources (standard).
      2. On the creation screen, choose Template is ready, and upload the provided DNSFWStack.cfn.yaml file.
      3. Enter a stack name and configure the requested parameters with your desired configuration and outcomes. These parameters include the following:
        • The name of your firewall domain list.
        • The name of the S3 bucket that contains Lambda artifacts.
        • The name of the S3 bucket that will be created to contain the files with the domain information from URLhaus.
      4. Acknowledge that the template requires IAM permission because it will create the role for the Lambda function and manage its IAM policy, and then choose Create stack.

After a few minutes, all the resources should be created and the CloudFormation stack is now deployed. After 5 minutes, your domain list should be updated, as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Console view of CloudFormation after the stack has been deployed

Figure 5: Console view of CloudFormation after the stack has been deployed

Conclusions and cost

In this blog post, you learned about creating and automating the update of a domain list that you fully control. To go further, you can extend and replicate the architecture pattern to fetch domain names from other sources by editing the source code of the Lambda function.

After the solution is in place, in order for the filtering to be effective, you need to create a rule group referencing the domain list and associate the rule group with some of your VPCs.

For cost information, see the AWS Pricing Calculator. This solution will be invoked 60 (minutes) * 24 (hours) * 30 (days) / 5 (minutes) = 8,640 times per month, invoking the Lambda function that will run for an average of 400 minutes, storing an average of 0.5 GB in Amazon S3, and creating a domain list that averages 1,500 domains. According to our public pricing, and without factoring in the AWS Free Tier, this will incur the estimated total cost of $1.43 per month for the filtering of 1 million DNS requests.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.

Guillaume Neau

Guillaume Neau

Guillaume is a solutions architect of France with an expertise in information security that focus on building solutions that improve the life of citizens.