All posts by Igor Minar

Blazing fast development with full-stack frameworks and Cloudflare

Post Syndicated from Igor Minar original

Hello web developers! Last year we released a slew of improvements that made deploying web applications on Cloudflare much easier, and in response we’ve seen a large growth of Astro, Next.js, Nuxt, Qwik, Remix, SolidStart, SvelteKit, and other web apps hosted on Cloudflare. Today we are announcing major improvements to our integration with these web frameworks that makes it easier to develop sophisticated applications that use our D1 SQL database, R2 object store, AI models, and other powerful features of Cloudflare’s developer platform.

In the past, if you wanted to develop a web framework-powered application with D1 and run it locally, you’d have to build a production build of your application, and then run it locally using `wrangler pages dev`. While this worked, each of your code iterations would take seconds, or tens of seconds for big applications. Iterating using production builds is simply too slow, pulls you out of the flow, and doesn’t allow you to take advantage of all the DX optimizations that framework authors have put a lot of hard work into. This is changing today!

Our goal is to integrate with web frameworks in the most natural way possible, without developers having to learn and adopt significant workflow changes or custom APIs when deploying their app to Cloudflare. Whether you are a Next.js developer, a Nuxt developer, or prefer another framework, you can now keep on using the blazing fast local development workflow familiar to you, and ship your application on Cloudflare.

All full-stack web frameworks come with a local development server (dev server) that is custom tailored to the framework and often provides an excellent development experience, with only one exception — they don’t natively support some important features of Cloudflare’s development platform, especially our storage solutions.

So up until recently, you had to make a tough choice. You could use the framework-specific dev server to develop your application, but forgo access to many of Cloudflare’s features. Alternatively, you could take full advantage of Cloudflare’s platform including various resources like D1 or R2, but you would have to give up using the framework specific developer tooling. In that case, your iteration cycle would slow down, and it would take seconds rather than milliseconds for you to see results of your code changes in the browser. But not anymore! Let’s take a look.

Let’s build an application

Let’s create a new application using C3 — our create-cloudflare CLI. We could use any npm client of our choice (pnpm anyone?!?), but to keep things simple in this post, we’ll stick with the default npm client. To get started, just run:

$ npm create cloudflare@latest

Provide a name for your app, or stick with the randomly generated one. Then select the “Website or web app” category, and pick a full-stack framework of your choice. We support many: Astro, Next.js, Nuxt, Qwik, Remix, SolidStart, and SvelteKit.

Since C3 delegates the application scaffolding to the latest version of the framework-specific CLI, you will scaffold the application exactly as the framework authors intended without missing out on any of the framework features or options. C3 then adds to your application everything necessary for integrating and deploying to Cloudflare so that you don’t have to configure it yourself.

With our application scaffolded, let’s get it to display a list of products stored in a database with just a few steps. First, we add the configuration for our database to our wrangler.toml config file:

binding = "DB"
database_name = "blog-products-db"
database_id = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"

Yes, that’s right! You can now configure your bound resources via the wrangler.toml file, even for full-stack apps deployed to Pages. We’ll share much more about configuration enhancements to Pages in a dedicated announcement.

Now let’s create a simple schema.sql file representing our database schema:

CREATE TABLE products(product_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, price INTEGER);
INSERT INTO products (product_id, name, price) VALUES (1, 'Apple', 250), (2, 'Banana', 100), (3, 'Cherry', 375);

And initialize our database:

$ npx wrangler d1 execute blog-products-db --local --file schema.sql

Notice that we used the –local flag of wrangler d1 execute to apply the changes to our local D1 database. This is the database that our dev server will connect to.

Next, if you use TypeScript, let TypeScript know about your database by running:

$ npm run build-cf-types

This command is preconfigured for all full-stack applications created via C3 and executes wrangler types to update the interface of Cloudflare’s environment containing all configured bindings.

We can now start the dev server provided by your framework via a handy shortcut:

$ npm run dev

This shortcut will start your framework’s dev server, whether it’s powered by next dev, nitro, or vite.

Now to access our database and list the products, we can now use a framework specific approach. For example, in a Next.js application that uses the App router, we could update app/api/hello/route.ts with the following:

const db = getRequestContext().env.DB;
 const productsResults = await db.prepare('SELECT * FROM products').all();
 return Response.json(productsResults.results);

Or in a Nuxt application, we can create a server/api/hello.ts file and populate it with:

export default defineEventHandler(async ({ context }) => {
   const db = context.cloudflare.env.DB;
   const productsResults = await db.prepare('SELECT * FROM products').all();
   return productsResults.results;

Assuming that the framework dev server is running on port 3000, you can test the new API route in either framework by navigating to http://localhost:3000/api/hello. For simplicity, we picked API routes in these examples, but the same applies to any UI-generating routes as well.

Each web framework has its own way to define routes and pass contextual information about the request throughout the application, so how you access your databases, object stores, and other resources will depend on your framework. You can read our updated full-stack framework guides to learn more:

Now that you know how to access Cloudflare’s resources in the framework of your choice, everything else you know about your framework remains the same. You can now develop your application locally, using the development server optimized for your framework, which often includes support for hot module replacement (HMR), custom dev tools, enhanced debugging support and more, all while still benefiting from Cloudflare-specific APIs and features. Win-win!

What has actually changed to enable these development workflows?

To decrease the development latency and preserve the custom framework-specific experiences, we needed to enable web frameworks and their dev servers to integrate with wrangler and miniflare in a seamless, almost invisible way.

Miniflare is a key component in this puzzle. It is our local simulator for Cloudflare-specific resources, which is powered by workerd, our JavaScript (JS) runtime. By relying on workerd, we ensure that Cloudflare’s JavaScript APIs run locally in a way that faithfully simulates our production environment. The trouble is that framework dev servers already rely on Node.js to run the application, so bringing another JS runtime into the mix breaks many assumptions in how these dev servers have been architected.

Our team however came up with an interesting approach to bridging the gap between these two JS runtimes. We call it the getPlatformProxy() API, which is now part of wrangler and is super-powered by miniflare’s magic proxy. This API exposes a JS proxy object that behaves just like the usual Workers env object containing all bound resources. The proxy object enables code from Node.js to transparently invoke JavaScript code running in workerd, as well access Cloudflare-specific runtime APIs.

With this bridge between the Node.js and workerd runtimes, your application can now access Cloudflare simulators for D1, R2, KV and other storage solutions directly while running in a dev server powered by Node.js. Or you could even write an Node.js script to do the same:

 import {getPlatformProxy} from 'wrangler';

 const {env} = getPlatformProxy();
 const db = env.DB;

 // Now let’s execute a DB query that runs in a local D1 db
 // powered by miniflare/workerd and access the result from Node.js
 const productsResults = await db.prepare('SELECT * FROM products').all();

With the getPlatformProxy() API available, the remaining work was all about updating all framework adapters, plugins, and in some cases frameworks themselves to make use of this API. We are grateful for the support we received from framework teams on this journey, especially Alex from Astro, pi0 from Nuxt, Pedro from Remix, Ryan from Solid, Ben and Rich from Svelte, and our collaborator on the next-on-pages project, James Anderson.

Future improvements to development workflows with Vite

While the getPlatformProxy() API is a good solution for many scenarios, we can do better. If we could run the entire application in our JS runtime rather than Node.js, we could even more faithfully simulate the production environment and reduce developer friction and production surprises.

In the ideal world, we’d like you to develop against the same runtime that you deploy to in production, and this can only be achieved by integrating workerd directly into the dev servers of all frameworks, which is not a small feat considering the number of frameworks out there and the differences between them.

We however got a bit lucky. As we kicked off this effort, we quickly realized that Vite, a popular dev server used by many full-stack frameworks, was gaining increasingly greater adoption. In fact, Remix switched over to Vite just recently and confirmed the popularity of Vite as the common foundation for web development today.

If Vite had first-class support for running a full-stack application in an alternative JavaScript runtime, we could enable anyone using Vite to develop their applications locally with complete access to the Cloudflare developer platform. No more framework specific custom integrations and workarounds — all the features of a full-stack framework, Vite, and Cloudflare accessible to all developers.

Sounds too good to be true? Maybe. We are very stoked to be working with the Vite team on the Vite environments proposal, which could enable just that. This proposal is still evolving, so stay tuned for updates.

What will you build today?

We aim to make Cloudflare the best development platform for web developers. Making it quick and easy to develop your application with frameworks and tools you are already familiar with is a big part of our story. Start your journey with us by running a single command:

$ npm create cloudflare@latest

Making Cloudflare the best place for your web applications

Post Syndicated from Igor Minar original

Making Cloudflare the best place for your web applications

Making Cloudflare the best place for your web applications

Hey web developers! We are about to shake things up a bit here at Cloudflare and wanted to give you a heads-up, so that you know what we are doing and where we are going. You might know Cloudflare as one of the best places to come to when you need to protect, speed up, or scale your web application, but increasingly Cloudflare is also becoming the best place to deploy and run your application!

Why deploy your application to Cloudflare? Two simple reasons. First, it removes lots of hassle of managing many separate systems and allows you to develop, deploy, monitor, and tune your application all in one place. Second, by deploying to Cloudflare directly, there is so much more we can do to optimize your application and get it to the hands, ears, or eyes of your users more quickly and smoothly.

So what’s changing? Quite a bit, actually. I’m not going to bore you with rehashing all the details as my most-awesome colleagues have written separate blog posts with all the details, but here is a high level rundown.

Cloudflare Workers + Pages = awesome development platform

Cloudflare Pages and Workers are merging into a single unified development and application hosting platform that offers:

  • Super low latency globally: your static assets and compute are less than 50ms away from 95% of the world’s Internet-connected population.
  • Free egress including free static asset hosting.
  • Standards-based JavaScript and WASM runtime that already serves over 10 million requests per second at peak globally.
  • Access to powerful features like R2 (object storage with an S3-compatible API), low-latency globally replicated KV storage, Queues, D1 database, and many more.
  • Support for GitOps and CI/CD workflows and preview environments to boost development velocity.
  • … and so much more.

While mathematically proven to be wrong, we stubbornly believe that 1+1=3, and in this case this translates to Cloudflare Pages + Workers = way more than the sum of the parts. In fact, it’s an awesome foundation for one of a kind development platform that we are thrilled to be building for you.

We started this product convergence journey a few quarters ago, and early on agreed upon not leaving any of the existing applications behind. Instead, we’ll be bringing them over to this new world. Today we are ready to start sharing the incremental results, with so much more to come over the upcoming quarters. Want to know more? My colleague Nevi posted lots of spicy details in her blog post.

Smart Placement for Workers takes us beyond the edge!

Smart placement is, to put it simply, revolutionary for Cloudflare. It enables a new compute paradigm on our platform, unmatched by any other application hosting providers today. Do you have a typical full-stack application built with one of the many popular web frameworks? This feature is for you! And it works with both Workers and Pages!

While previously we always executed all applications at the “edge” of our global network — meaning, as close to the user as possible. With smart placement, we intelligently determine the best location within our network where the compute (your application) should run. We do this by observing your application’s behavior and what other network resources or endpoints the application interacts with. We then transparently spawn your application at an optimal location, usually close to where your data is stored, and route the incoming requests via our network to this location.

Smart placement enables applications to run near to the data these applications need to get stuff done. This is especially powerful for applications that interact with databases, object stores, or other backend endpoints, especially if these are centralized and not globally distributed.

Your user or clients requests still enter our lightning fast network in one of our 285+ datacenters in the world, close to their current location, but instead of spawning the application right there, we route the request to the most optimal datacenter, the one that is near the data or backend system the application talks to.

This doesn’t mean that compute at the edge is not cool anymore! It is! There are still many use-cases where running your application at the edge makes sense, and smart placement will determine this scenario and keep the application at the edge if that’s the right place for it to be. A/B testing, localization, asset serving, and others are use-cases that should almost always happen at the edge.

Sounds interesting? Check out this visual demo and read up on Smart Placement in a blog post from my colleague Tanushree to get started.

Develop locally or in the browser!

We continue to deliver on our goal to build the best development environment integrated directly into our lightning fast and globally distributed application platform. We’re launching Wrangler v3, with complete support for local-by-default development workflow. Powered by the open-source Cloudflare Workers JavaScript runtime — workerd, this change reduces development server startup time by 10x and script reload times by 60x — boosting your productivity and keeping you in the flow longer.

In the dashboard, we're introducing an upgraded and far more powerful online editor powered by VSCode – you can now finally edit multiple JavaScript modules in your browser, get an accurate edge preview of your code, friendly error pages, and type checking!

Finally, in both our dashboard editor and Wrangler, we've updated our workerd-customized Chrome DevTools to the latest version, providing even greater debugging and profiling capabilities, wherever you choose to work.

This is just the first wave of improvements to our development tooling space, you’ll see us iterating in this space over the next few quarters, but in the meantime, check out in-depth posts from Adam, Brendan, and Samuel with all the Wrangler v3 details and VSCode and dash editor improvements.

Increased memory, CPU, and application size limits and simplified pricing!

In the age of AI, WASM, and powerful full-stack applications, we’ve noticed that developers are hitting our current resource limits with increased frequency. We want to be a place where these applications thrive and developers are empowered to build bigger and more sophisticated applications. Therefore, within the next week we’ll be increasing application size limits (JavaScript/WASM bundle size) to 10MB (after gzip) and startup latency limit (script compile time) is being increased from 200ms to 400ms.

To further empower developers, we’re thinking about how to unify and simplify our billing model to make our pricing more straightforward, and increase limits such as memory limits by introducing tiers. Stay tuned for more information on these!

With these changes developers can build cooler apps and operate them for less! Cool, right?!?

Pages CI now with a modern build image!

The wait is finally over! Pages now use a modern build image to power the CI and integrated build system. With this improvement you can finally use recent versions of Node.js, pnpm, and many other tools used by developers today.

While delivering this improvement, we made it much easier for us to keep things up to date in the future, but also unlocked new features like build caching!

The updates are available to all new projects by default, while existing projects can opt in to newer defaults. Sounds like your cup of coffee? Read on in this blog post by Greg.

Enough already, let’s get started! …with your framework of choice and C3!

In addition to being a CDN, and place to deploy your Worker applications, Cloudflare is now also becoming the best place to run your full-stack web applications. This includes all full-stack web frameworks like Angular, Astro, Next, Nuxt, Qwik, Remix, Solid, Svelte, Vue, and others.

Our overall mission is to help build a better Internet, and my team’s contribution to this mission is to enable developers, but really just about anyone, to go from an idea to a deployed application in no time.

To enable developers to turn their ideas into deployed applications quickly and without any hassle we’ve built two things.

First, we partnered with many web framework authors to build new or improve existing adapters for all the popular JavaScript web frameworks. These adapters ensure that your application runs on our platform in the most efficient way, while having access to all the capabilities and features of our platform.

These adapters include the highly requested Next.js adapter, that we’ve just overhauled to be production ready and are launching 1.0.0 today! In partnership with the respective teams, we’ve built brand-new adapters for Angular, and Qwik, while improving Astro, Nuxt, Solid, and a few others.

Second, we developed a brand new sassy CLI we call C3 — short for create-cloudflare CLI, a sibling to our existing Wrangler CLI. If you are a developer who lives your life in terminal or local editors like VSCode, then this CLI is your single entry-point to the Cloudflare universe.

Run the C3 command, and we’ll get you started. You pick your framework of choice, we hand the control over to the CLI of the chosen framework as we don’t want to stand in between you and the hard-working framework authors that craft the experience for their framework. A minute or so later once all npm dependencies are installed, you get a URL from us with your application deployed. That’s it. From an idea to a URL that you can share with friends almost instantly! Boom.

The best place for your web applications

So to recap, our first class support for full-stack web frameworks, combined with the low latency and cost-effectiveness of our platform, as well as smart placement that allows the backend of the full-stack web application to run in the optimal location automagically, and all the remaining significant improvements in our developer tooling, makes Cloudflare THE best place to build and host web applications. This is our contribution to our mission to build a better Internet and push the Web forward.

We aspire to be the place people turn to when they want to get business done, or when they just want to be creative, explore ideas and have fun. It’s a long journey, and we’ve got a lot of interesting challenges ahead of us. Your input will be critical in guiding us. We are all thrilled to have the opportunity to be part of it and give it our best shot. You can join this journey too, and get started today:

npm create cloudflare my-first-app