All posts by John Graham-Cumming

Sudan’s exam-related Internet shutdowns

Post Syndicated from John Graham-Cumming original

Sudan's exam-related Internet shutdowns

To prevent cheating in exams many countries restrict or even shut down Internet access during critical exam hours. I wrote two weeks ago about Syria having planned Internet shutdowns during June, for exams.

Sudan is doing the same thing and has had four shutdowns so far. Here’s the Internet traffic pattern for Sudan over the last seven days. I’ve circled the shutdowns on Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday (today, June 22, 2021).

Sudan's exam-related Internet shutdowns

Cloudflare Radar allows anyone to track Internet traffic patterns around the world, and it has country-specific pages. The chart for the last seven days (shown above) came from the dedicated page for Sudan.

The Internet outages start at 0600 UTC (0800 local time) and end three hours later at 0900 UTC (1100 local time). This corresponds to the timings announced by the Sudanese Ministry of Education.

Sudan's exam-related Internet shutdowns

Further shutdowns are likely in Sudan on June 24, 26, 27, 29 and 30 (thanks to Twitter user _adonese for his assistance). Looking deeper into the data, the largest drop in use is for mobile Internet access in Sudan (the message above talks about mobile Internet use being restricted) while some non-mobile access appears to continue.

That can be seen by looking at the traffic mix from Sudan. During the exam times mobile use drops (as a percentage of traffic) and desktop use increases. This chart also shows how popular mobile Internet access is in Sudan: it’s typically above 75% of traffic (compare with, for example, the US).

Sudan's exam-related Internet shutdowns

If you want to follow the other outages for the remaining five exams, you can see live data on the Cloudflare Radar Sudan page.

Creating serendipity with Python

Post Syndicated from John Graham-Cumming original

Creating serendipity with Python

We’ve been experimenting with breaking up employees into random groups (of size 4) and setting up video hangouts between them. We’re doing this to replace the serendipitous meetings that sometimes occur around coffee machines, in lunch lines or while waiting for the printer. And also, we just want people to get to know each other.

Which lead to me writing some code. The core of which is divide n elements into groups of at least size g minimizing the size of each group. So, suppose an office has 15 employees in it then it would be divided into three groups of sizes 5, 5, 5; if an office had 16 employees it would be 4, 4, 4, 4; if it had 17 employees it would be 4, 4, 4, 5 and so on.

I initially wrote the following code (in Python):

    groups = [g] * (n//g)

    for e in range(0, n % g):
        groups[e % len(groups)] += 1

The first line creates n//g (// is integer division) entries of size g (for example, if g == 4 and n == 17 then groups == [4, 4, 4, 4]). The for loop deals with the ‘left over’ parts that don’t divide exactly into groups of size g. If g == 4 and n == 17 then there will be one left over element to add to one of the existing [4, 4, 4, 4] groups resulting in [5, 4, 4, 4].

The e % len(groups) is needed because it’s possible that there are more elements left over after dividing into equal sized groups than there are entries in groups. For example, if g == 4 and n == 11 then groups is initially set to [4, 4] with three left over elements that have to be distributed into just two entries in groups.

So, that code works and here’s the output for various sizes of n (and g == 4):

    4 [4]
    5 [5]
    6 [6]
    7 [7]
    8 [4, 4]
    9 [5, 4]
    10 [5, 5]
    11 [6, 5]
    12 [4, 4, 4]
    13 [5, 4, 4]
    14 [5, 5, 4]
    15 [5, 5, 5]
    16 [4, 4, 4, 4]
    17 [5, 4, 4, 4]

But the code irritated me because I felt there must be a simple formula to work out how many elements should be in each group. After noodling on this problem I decided to do something that’s often helpful… make the problem simple and naive, or, at least, the solution simple and naive, and so I wrote this code:

    groups = [0] * (n//g)

    for i in range(n):
        groups[i % len(groups)] += 1

This is a really simple implementation. I don’t like it because it loops n times but it helps visualize something. Imagine that g == 4 and n == 17. This loop ‘fills up’ each entry in groups like this (each square is an entry in groups and numbers in the squares are values of i for which that entry was incremented by the loop).

Creating serendipity with Python

So groups ends up being [5, 4, 4, 4].  What this helps see is that the number of times groups[i] is incremented depends on the number of times the for loop ‘loops around’ on the ith element. And that’s something that’s easy to calculate without looping.

So this means that the code is now simply:

    groups = [1+max(0,n-(i+1))//(n//g) for i in range(n//g)]

And to me that is more satisfying. n//g is the size of groups which makes the loop update each entry in groups once. Each entry is set to 1 + max(0, n-(i+1))//(n//g). You can think of this as follows:

1. The 1 is the first element to be dropped into each entry in groups.

2. max(0, n-(i+1)) is the number of elements left over once you’ve placed 1 in each of the elements of groups up to position i. It’s divided by n//g to work out how many times the process of sharing out elements (see the naive loop above) will loop around.

If #2 there isn’t clear, consider the image above and imagine we are computing groups[0] (n == 17 and g == 4). We place 1 in groups[0] leaving 16 elements to share out. If you naively shared them out you’d loop around four times and thus need to add 16/4 elements to groups[0]making it 5.

Move on to groups[1] and place a 1 in it. Now there are 15 elements to share out, that’s 15/4 (which is 3 in integer division) and so you place 4 in groups[1]. And so on…

And that solution pleases me most. It succinctly creates groups in one shot. Of course, I might have over thought this… and others might think the other solutions are clearer or more maintainable.

Cloudflare Radar’s 2020 Year In Review

Post Syndicated from John Graham-Cumming original

Cloudflare Radar's 2020 Year In Review

Cloudflare Radar's 2020 Year In Review

Throughout 2020, we tracked changing Internet trends as the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic forced us all to change the way we were living, working, exercising and learning. In early April, we created a dedicated website that showed some of the ways in which Internet use had changed, suddenly, because of the crisis.

On that website, we showed how traffic patterns had changed; for example, where people accessed the Internet from, how usage had jumped up dramatically, and how Internet attacks continued unabated and ultimately increased.

Today we are launching a dedicated Year In Review page with interactive maps and charts you can use to explore what changed on the Internet in 2020. Year In Review is part of Cloudflare Radar. We launched Radar in September 2020 to give anyone access to Internet use and abuse trends that Cloudflare normally had reserved only for employees.

Where people accessed the Internet

To get a sense for the Year In Review, let’s zoom in on London (you can do the same with any city from a long list of locations that we’ve analyzed). Here’s a map showing the change in Internet use comparing April (post-lockdown) and February (pre-lockdown). This map compares working hours Internet use on a weekday between those two months.

As you can clearly see, with offices closed in central London (and elsewhere), Internet use dropped (the blue colour) while usage increased in largely residential areas. Looking out to the west of London, a blue area near Windsor shows how Internet usage dropped at London’s Heathrow airport and surrounding areas.

Cloudflare Radar's 2020 Year In Review

A similar story plays out slightly later in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Cloudflare Radar's 2020 Year In Review

But that trend reverses in July, with an increase in Internet use in many places that saw a rapid decrease in April.

Cloudflare Radar's 2020 Year In Review

When you select a city from the map, a second chart shows the overall trend in Internet use for the country in which that city is located. For example, here’s the chart for the United States. The Y-axis shows the percentage change in Internet traffic compared to the start of the year.

Cloudflare Radar's 2020 Year In Review

Internet use really took off in March (when the lockdowns began) and rapidly increased to 40% higher than the start of the year. And usage has pretty much stayed there for all of 2020: that’s the new normal.

Here’s what happened in France (when selecting Paris) on the map view.

Cloudflare Radar's 2020 Year In Review

Internet use was flat until the lockdowns began. At that point, it took off and grew close to 40% over the beginning of the year. But there’s a visible slow down during the summer months, with Internet use up “only” 20% over the start of the year. Usage picked up again at “la rentrée” in September, with a new normal of about 30% growth in 2020.

What people did on the Internet

Returning to London, we can zoom into what people did on the Internet as the lockdowns began. The UK government announced a lockdown on March 23. On that day, the mixture of Internet use looked like this:

Cloudflare Radar's 2020 Year In Review

A few days later, the E-commerce category had jumped from 12.9% to 15.1% as people shopped online for groceries, clothing, webcams, school supplies, and more. Travel dropped from 1.5% of traffic to 1.1% (a decline of 30%).

Cloudflare Radar's 2020 Year In Review

And then by early mid-April E-commerce had increased to 16.2% of traffic with Travel remaining low.

Cloudflare Radar's 2020 Year In Review

But not all the trends are pandemic-related. One question is: to what extent is Black Friday (November 27, 2020) an event outside the US? We can answer that by moving the London slider to late November and look at the change in E-commerce. Watch carefully as E-commerce traffic grows towards Black Friday and actually peaks at 21.8% of traffic on Saturday, November 28.

As Christmas approached, E-commerce dropped off, but another category became very important: Entertainment. Notice how it peaked on Christmas Eve, as Britons, no doubt, turned to entertainment online during a locked-down Christmas.

And Hacking 2020

Of course, a pandemic didn’t mean that hacking activity decreased. Throughout 2020 and across the world, hackers continued to run their tools to attack websites, overwhelm APIs, and try to exfiltrate data.

Cloudflare Radar's 2020 Year In Review

Explore More

To explore data for 2020, you can check out Cloudflare Radar’s Year In Review page. To go deep into any specific country with up-to-date data about current trends, start at Cloudflare Radar’s homepage.

Internet traffic disruption caused by the Christmas Day bombing in Nashville

Post Syndicated from John Graham-Cumming original

Internet traffic disruption caused by the Christmas Day bombing in Nashville

On Christmas Day 2020, an apparent suicide bomb exploded in Nashville, TN. The explosion happened outside an AT&T network building on Second Avenue in Nashville at 1230 UTC. Damage to the AT&T building and its power supply and generators quickly caused an outage for telephone and Internet service for local people. These outages continued for two days.

Looking at traffic flow data for AT&T in the Nashville area to Cloudflare we can see that services continued operating (on battery power according to reports) for over five hours after the explosion, but at 1748 UTC we saw a dramatic drop in traffic. 1748 UTC is close to noon in Nashville when reports indicate that people lost phone and Internet service.

Internet traffic disruption caused by the Christmas Day bombing in Nashville

We saw traffic from Nashville via AT&T start to recover over a 45 minute period on December 27 at 1822 UTC making the total outage 2 days and 34 minutes.

Internet traffic disruption caused by the Christmas Day bombing in Nashville

Traffic flows continue to be normal and no further disruption has been seen.

Privacy needs to be built into the Internet

Post Syndicated from John Graham-Cumming original

Privacy needs to be built into the Internet

Privacy needs to be built into the Internet

The first phase of the Internet lasted until the early 1990s. During that time it was created and debugged, and grew globally. Its growth was not hampered by concerns about data security or privacy. Until the 1990s the race was for connectivity.

Connectivity meant that people could get online and use the Internet wherever they were. Because the “inter” in Internet implied interoperability the network was able to grow rapidly using a variety of technologies. Think dialup modems using ordinary phones lines, cable modems sending the Internet over coax originally designed for television, Ethernet, and, later, fibre optic connections and WiFi.

By the 1990s, the Internet was being used widely and for uses far beyond its academic origins. Early web pioneers, like Netscape, realized that the potential for e-commerce was gigantic but would be held back if people couldn’t have confidence in the security of online transactions.

Thus, with the introduction of SSL in 1994, the Internet moved to a second phase where security became paramount. Securing the web, and the Internet more generally, helped create the dotcom rush and the secure, online world we live in today. But this security was misunderstood by some as providing guarantees about privacy which it did not.

People feel safe going online to shop, read the news, look up ailments and search for a life partner because cryptography prevents an eavesdropper from seeing what they are doing, and provides a guarantee that a website is who it claims to be. But it does not provide any privacy guarantee. The website you are visiting knows, at the very least, the IP address of your Internet connection.

And even with encryption a well placed eavesdropper can learn at least the names of websites you are visiting because of that information leaks from protocols that weren’t designed to preserve privacy.

People who aim to remain anonymous on the Internet therefore turn to technologies like Tor or VPNs. But remaining anonymous from a website you shop from or an airline’s online booking site doesn’t make any sense. In those instances, the company you are dealing with will know who you are because you tell them your home address, name, passport number etc. You want them to know.

That makes privacy a nuanced thing: you want to remain anonymous to an eavesdropper but make sure a retailer knows where you live.

The connectivity phase of the Internet made it possible for you to connect to a computer anywhere in the world just as easily as one in your own city. The security phase of the Internet solved the problem of giving you confidence to hand over information to an airline or a retailer. Combining these two phases resulted in an Internet you can trust to transmit your data, but little control over where that data ultimately ended up.

Phase 3

A French citizen could just as easily buy goods from a Spanish website as from a North American one. In both cases, the retailer would know the French name and address where the purchases were to be delivered. This creates a conundrum for a privacy-conscious citizen. The Internet created an amazing global platform for commerce, news and information (how easy it is for the French citizen to stay in contact with family in Cote d’Ivoire and even read the local news there from afar).

And while shopping an eavesdropper (such as an ISP, a coffee shop owner or an intelligence agency) could tell which website the French citizen was visiting.

And the Internet also meant that your and my information is dispersed across the world. And different countries have different rules about how that data is to be stored and shared. And countries and regions have data sharing agreements to allow cross-border transfer of private information about citizens.

Concerns about eavesdropping and where data ends up have created the world we are living in today where privacy concerns are coming to the forefront, especially in Europe but in many other countries as well.

In addition, the economics and flexibility of SaaS and cloud applications meant that it made sense to actually transfer data to a limited number of large data centers (which are sometimes confusingly called regions) where data from people all over the world can be processed. And, by and large, that was the world of the Internet, universal connectivity, widespread security, and data sharing through cross-border agreements.

This apparent utopia got snowed on by the leaking of secret documents describing the relationship between the US NSA (and its Five Eyes partners) and large Internet companies, and that intelligence agencies were scooping up data from choke points on the Internet. Those revelations brought to the public’s attention the fact that their data could, in some cases, be accessed by foreign intelligence agencies

Quite quickly those large data centers in far flung countries looked like a bad idea, and governments and citizens started to demand control of data. This is the third phase of the Internet. Privacy joins universal connectivity and security as core.

But what is control over data or privacy? Different governments have different ideas and different requirements, which can differ for different data sets. Some countries are convinced that the only way to control data is to keep it inside their countries, where they believe they can control who gets access to it. Other countries believe that they can address the risks by putting restrictions to prevent certain governments or companies from getting access to data. And the regulatory challenges are only getting more complicated.

This will be an enormous challenge for companies that have built a business on aggregating citizens’ information in order to target advertising, but it is also a challenge for anyone offering an Internet service. Just as companies have had to face the scourge of DDoS attacks and hacking, and have had to stay up to date with the latest in encryption technology, they will fundamentally have to store and process their customers’ data in different countries in different ways.

The European Union, in particular, has pushed a comprehensive approach to data privacy. Although the EU has had data protection principles in place since 1995, the implementation of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2018 has generated a new era of privacy online. GDPR imposes limitations on how the personal data of EU residents can be collected, stored, deleted, modified and otherwise processed.

Among the GDPR’s requirements are provisions on how EU personal data should be protected if that personal data leaves the EU. Although the US and the EU worked together to develop a set of voluntary commitments to make it easier for companies to transfer data between the two countries, that framework — the Privacy Shield — was invalidated this past summer. As a result, companies are grappling with how they can transfer data outside the EU, consistent with GDPR requirements. Recommendations recently issued by the European Data Protection Board (EDPB), which require data exporters to assess the law in third countries, determine whether that law adequately protects privacy, and if necessary, obtain guarantees of additional safeguards from data importers, have only added to companies’ concerns.

This anxiety over whether there are controls over data adequate to address the concerns of European regulators has prompted many of our customers to explore whether it is possible to prevent data subject to the GDPR from leaving the EU at all.

Gone are the days when all the world’s data could be processed in a massive data center regardless of its provenance.

One reaction to this change could be a retreat into every country building its own online email services, HR systems, e-commerce providers, and more. This would be a massive wasted effort. There are economies of scale if the same service can be used by Germans, Peruvians, Indonesians, Australians…

The answer to this privacy challenge is the same as the answer to the connectivity and security phases of the Internet: build it! We need to build a privacy-respecting Internet and give companies the tools to easily build privacy-respecting applications.

This week we’ll be talking about new tools from Cloudflare that make building privacy-respecting applications easy by allowing companies to situate their users’ data in the countries and regions of their choosing. And we’ll be talking about new protocols that build privacy into the very structure of the Internet. We’ll update on the latest quantum-resistant algorithms that help keep private data private today and into the far future.

We’ll show how it’s possible to run a massive DNS resolver service like and preserve users’ privacy through a clever new protocol. We’ll look at how to make passwords that can’t be leaked. And we’ll give everyone the power to get web analytics without tracking people.

Welcome to Phase 3 of the Internet: always on, always secure, always private.

Introducing the Cloudflare Data Localization Suite

Post Syndicated from John Graham-Cumming original

Introducing the Cloudflare Data Localization Suite

Introducing the Cloudflare Data Localization Suite

Today we’re excited to announce the Cloudflare Data Localization Suite, which helps businesses get the performance and security benefits of Cloudflare’s global network, while making it easy to set rules and controls at the edge about where their data is stored and protected.

The Data Localization Suite is available now as an add-on for Enterprise customers.

Cloudflare’s network is private and compliant by design. Preserving end-user privacy is core to our mission of helping to build a better Internet; we’ve never sold personal data about customers or end users of our network. We comply with laws like GDPR and maintain certifications such as ISO-27001.

Today, we’re announcing tools that make it simple for our customers to build the same rigor into their own applications. In this post, I’ll explain the different types of data that we process and how the Data Localization Suite keeps this data local.

We’ll also talk about how Cloudflare makes it possible to build applications that comply with data locality laws, while remaining fast, secure and scalable.

Why keep data local?

Cloudflare’s customers have increasing desire or face legal requirements for data locality: they want to control the geographic location where their data is handled. Many categories of data that our customers process (including healthcare, legal, or financial data) may be subject to obligations that specify the data be stored or processed in a specific location. The preference or requirement for data localization is growing across jurisdictions such as the EU, India, and Brazil; over time, we expect more customers in more places will be expected to keep data local.

Although “data locality” sounds like a simple concept, our conversations with Cloudflare customers make clear that there are a number of unique challenges they face in the attempt to move toward this goal.  The availability of information on their Internet properties will remain global–they don’t want to limit access to their websites to local jurisdictions–but they want to make sure data stays local. Variously, they are trying to figure out:

  • How do I build local requirements into my global online operations?
  • How do I make sure unencrypted traffic is only available locally?
  • How do I make sure personal data is handled according to localization obligations?
  • How do I make sure my applications only store data in certain locations?

The Cloudflare Data Localization Suite attempts to respond to these questions.

Until now, customers who wanted to localize their data had to choose to restrict their application to one data center, or to one cloud provider’s region. This is a fragile approach, fraught with performance, reliability, and security challenges. Cloudflare is creating a new paradigm: customers should be able to get the performance and security benefits of our global network, while effortlessly keeping their data local.

Encryption is the backbone of privacy

Before we go into data locality, we should discuss encryption. Privacy isn’t possible without strong encryption; otherwise, anyone could snoop your customers’ data, regardless of where it’s stored.

Data is often described as being “in transit” and “at rest”. It’s critically important that both are encrypted. Data “in transit” refers to just that—data while it’s moving about on the wire, whether a local network or the public Internet. “At rest” generally means stored on a disk somewhere, whether a spinning HDD or a modern SSD.

In transit, Cloudflare can enforce that all traffic to end-users uses modern TLS and gets the highest level of encryption possible. We can also enforce that all traffic back to customers’ origin servers is always encrypted. Communication between all our edge and core data centers is always encrypted.

Cloudflare encrypts all of the data we handle at rest, usually with disk-level encryption. From cached files on our edge network, to configuration state in databases in our core data centers—every byte is encrypted at rest.

Control where TLS private keys can be accessed

Given the importance of encryption, one of the most sensitive pieces of data that our customers trust us to protect are their cryptographic keys, which enable data to be decrypted. Cloudflare offers two ways for customers to ensure that their private keys are only accessible in locations they specify.

Keyless SSL allows a customer to store and manage their own SSL private keys for use with Cloudflare on any external infrastructure of their choosing. Customers can use a variety of systems for their keystore, including hardware security modules (“HSMs”), virtual servers, and hardware running Unix/Linux and Windows that is housed in environments customers control. Cloudflare never has access to the private key with Keyless SSL.

Geo Key Manager gives customers granular control over which locations should store their keys. For example, a customer can choose for the private keys required for inspection of traffic to only be accessible inside data centers located in the European Union.

Manage where HTTPS requests and responses are inspected

In order to deploy our WAF, or detect malicious bot traffic, Cloudflare must terminate TLS in our edge data centers and inspect HTTPS request and response payloads.

Regional Services gives organizations control over where their traffic is inspected. With Regional Services enabled, traffic is ingested on Cloudflare’s global Anycast network at the location closest to the client, where we can provide L3 and L4 DDoS protection. Instead of being inspected at the HTTP level at that data center, this traffic is securely transmitted to Cloudflare data centers inside the region selected by the customer and handled there.

Introducing the Cloudflare Data Localization Suite

Control the logs and analytics generated by your traffic

In addition to making our customers’ infrastructure and teams faster, more secure, and more reliable, we also provide insights into what our services do, and how customers can make better use of them. We gather metadata about the traffic that goes through our edge data centers, and use this to improve the operation of our own network: for example, by crafting WAF rules to block the latest attacks, or by developing machine learning models to detect malicious bots. We also make this data available to our customers in the form of logs and analytics.

This only requires a subset of the metadata to be processed in our core data centers in the US/EU. This data contains information about how many requests were served, how much data was sent, how long requests took, and other information that is essential for the operation of our network.

With Edge Log Delivery, customers can send logs directly from the edge to their partner of choice—for example, an Azure storage bucket in their preferred region, or an instance of Splunk that runs in an on-premise data center. With this option, customers can still get their complete logs in their preferred region, without these logs first flowing through either of our US or EU core data centers.

Introducing the Cloudflare Data Localization Suite

Edge Log Delivery is in early beta for Enterprise customers today—please visit our product page for more information.

Ultimately, we are working towards providing customers full control over where their metadata is stored, and for how long. In the coming year, we plan to allow customers to be able to choose exactly which fields are stored, and for how long, and in which location.

Building location-aware applications from the ground up

So far, we’ve discussed how Cloudflare’s products can offer global performance and security solutions for our customers, while keeping their existing keys, application data, and metadata local.

But we know that customers are also struggling to use existing, traditional cloud systems to manage their data locality needs. Existing platforms may allow code or data to be deployed to a specific region, but having copies of applications in each region, and managing state across each of them, can be challenging at best (or impossible at worst).

The ultimate promise of serverless has been to allow any developer to say “I don’t care where my code runs, just make it scale.” Increasingly, another promise will need to be “I do care where my code runs, and I need more control to satisfy my compliance department.” Cloudflare Workers allows you the best of both worlds, with instant scaling, locations that span more than 100 countries around the world, and the granularity to choose exactly what you need.

Introducing the Cloudflare Data Localization Suite

We are announcing a major improvement that lets customers control where their applications store data: Workers Durable Objects will support Jurisdiction Restrictions.  Durable Objects provide globally consistent state and coordination to serverless applications running on the Cloudflare Workers platform. Jurisdiction Restrictions will make it possible for users to ensure that their Durable Objects do not store data or run outside of a given jurisdiction—making it trivially simple to build applications that combine global performance with local compliance. With automatic migration of Durable Objects, adapting to new rules will be as simple as adding a tag to a set of Durable Objects.

Building for the long haul

The data localization landscape is constantly evolving. Since we began working on the Data Localization Suite, the European Data Protection Board has released new guidance about how data may be transferred between the EU and the US. And we know this is just the beginning — over time, more regions and more industries will have data localization requirements.

At Cloudflare, we stay on top of the latest developments around data protection so our customers don’t have to. The Data Localization Suite gives our customers the tools to set rules and controls at the edge about where their data is stored and protected, while taking advantage of our global network.

Welcome to Birthday Week 2020

Post Syndicated from John Graham-Cumming original

Welcome to Birthday Week 2020

Each year we celebrate our launch on September 27, 2010 with a week of product announcements. We call this Birthday Week, but rather than receiving gifts, we give them away. This year is no different, except that it is… Cloudflare is 10 years old.

Before looking forward to the coming week, let’s take a look back at announcements from previous Birthday Weeks.

Welcome to Birthday Week 2020

A year into Cloudflare’s life (in 2011) we launched automatic support for IPv6. This was the first of a long line of announcements that support our goal of making available to everyone the latest technologies. If you’ve been following Cloudflare’s growth you’ll know those include SPDY/HTTP/2, TLS 1.3, QUIC/HTTP/3, DoH and DoT, WebP, … At two years old we celebrated with a timeline of our first two years and the fact that we’d reached 500,000 domains using the service. A year later that number had tripled.

Welcome to Birthday Week 2020

In 2014 we released Universal SSL and gave all our customers SSL certificates. In one go we massively increased the size of the encrypted web and made it free and simple to go from http:// to https://. Other HTTPS related features we’ve rolled out include: Automatic HTTPS Rewrites, Encrypted SNI and our CT Log.

Welcome to Birthday Week 2020

In 2017 we unwrapped a bunch of goodies with Unmetered DDoS Mitigation, our video streaming service, Cloudflare Stream, the ability to control where private SSL keys stored through Geo Key Manager. And, last but not least, our hugely popular serverless platform Cloudflare Workers. It’s hard to believe that it’s been three years since we changed the way people think about serverless with our massively distributed, secure and fast to update platform.

Welcome to Birthday Week 2020

Two years ago Cloudflare became a domain registrar with the launch of our “at cost” service: Cloudflare Registrar. We also announced the Bandwidth Alliance which is designed to reduce or eliminate high cloud egress fees. We rolled out support for QUIC and Cloudflare Workers got a globally distributed key value store: Workers KV.

Welcome to Birthday Week 2020

Which brings us to last year with the launch of WARP Plus to speed up and secure the “last mile” connection between a device and Cloudflare’s network. Browser Insights so that customers can optimize their website’s performance and see how each Cloudflare tool helps.

We greatly enhanced our bot management tools with Bot Defend Mode, and rolled out Workers Sites to bring the power of Workers and Workers KV to entire websites.

Welcome to Birthday Week 2020

No Spoilers Here

Here are some hints about what to expect this year for our 10th anniversary Birthday Week:

Welcome to Birthday Week 2020
  • Monday: We’re fundamentally changing how people think about Serverless

If you studied computer science you’ll probably have come across Niklaus Wirth’s book “Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs”. We’re going to start the week with two enhancements to Cloudflare Workers that are fundamentally going to change how people think about serverless. The lambda calculus is a nice theoretical foundation, but it’s Turing machines that won the day. If you want to build large, real programs you need to have algorithms and data structures.

Welcome to Birthday Week 2020
  • Tuesday and Wednesday are all about observability. Of an Internet property and of the Internet itself. And they are also about privacy. We’ll roll out new functionality so you can see what’s happening without the need to track people.
Welcome to Birthday Week 2020
  • Thursday is security day with a new service to protect the parts of websites and Internet applications that are behind the scenes. And, finally, on Friday it’s all about one click performance improvements that leverage our more than 200 city network to speed up static and dynamic content.

Welcome to Birthday Week 2020!