All posts by Kenton Varda

We’ve added JavaScript-native RPC to Cloudflare Workers

Post Syndicated from Kenton Varda original

Cloudflare Workers now features a built-in RPC (Remote Procedure Call) system enabling seamless Worker-to-Worker and Worker-to-Durable Object communication, with almost no boilerplate. You just define a class:

export class MyService extends WorkerEntrypoint {
  sum(a, b) {
    return a + b;

And then you call it:

let three = await env.MY_SERVICE.sum(1, 2);

No schemas. No routers. Just define methods of a class. Then call them. That’s it.

But that’s not it

This isn’t just any old RPC. We’ve designed an RPC system so expressive that calling a remote service can feel like using a library – without any need to actually import a library! This is important not just for ease of use, but also security: fewer dependencies means fewer critical security updates and less exposure to supply-chain attacks.

To this end, here are some of the features of Workers RPC:

  • For starters, you can pass Structured Clonable types as the params or return value of an RPC. (That means that, unlike JSON, Dates just work, and you can even have cycles.)
  • You can additionally pass functions in the params or return value of other functions. When the other side calls the function you passed to it, they make a new RPC back to you.
  • Similarly, you can pass objects with methods. Method calls become further RPCs.
  • RPC to another Worker (over a Service Binding) usually does not even cross a network. In fact, the other Worker usually runs in the very same thread as the caller, reducing latency to zero. Performance-wise, it’s almost as fast as an actual function call.
  • When RPC does cross a network (e.g. to a Durable Object), you can invoke a method and then speculatively invoke further methods on the result in a single network round trip.
  • You can send a byte stream over RPC, and the system will automatically stream the bytes with proper flow control.
  • All of this is secure, based on the object-capability model.
  • The protocol and implementation are fully open source as part of workerd.

Workers RPC is a JavaScript-native RPC system. Under the hood, it is built on Cap’n Proto. However, unlike Cap’n Proto, Workers RPC does not require you to write a schema. (Of course, you can use TypeScript if you like, and we provide tools to help with this.)

In general, Workers RPC is designed to “just work” using idiomatic JavaScript code, so you shouldn’t have to spend too much time looking at docs. We’ll give you an overview in this blog post. But if you want to understand the full feature set, check out the documentation.

Why RPC? (And what is RPC anyway?)

Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) are a way of expressing communications between two programs over a network. Without RPC, you might communicate using a protocol like HTTP. With HTTP, though, you must format and parse your communications as an HTTP request and response, perhaps designed in REST style. RPC systems try to make communications look like a regular function call instead, as if you were calling a library rather than a remote service. The RPC system provides a “stub” object on the client side which stands in for the real server-side object. When a method is called on the stub, the RPC system figures out how to serialize and transmit the parameters to the server, invoke the method on the server, and then transmit the return value back.

The merits of RPC have been subject to a great deal of debate. RPC is often accused of committing many of the fallacies of distributed computing.

But this reputation is outdated. When RPC was first invented some 40 years ago, async programming barely existed. We did not have Promises, much less async and await. Early RPC was synchronous: calls would block the calling thread waiting for a reply. At best, latency made the program slow. At worst, network failures would hang or crash the program. No wonder it was deemed “broken”.

Things are different today. We have Promise and async and await, and we can throw exceptions on network failures. We even understand how RPCs can be pipelined so that a chain of calls takes only one network round trip. Many large distributed systems you likely use every day are built on RPC. It works.

The fact is, RPC fits the programming model we’re used to. Every programmer is trained to think in terms of APIs composed of function calls, not in terms of byte stream protocols nor even REST. Using RPC frees you from the need to constantly translate between mental models, allowing you to move faster.

Example: Authentication Service

Here’s a common scenario: You have one Worker that implements an application, and another Worker that is responsible for authenticating user credentials. The app Worker needs to call the auth Worker on each request to check the user’s cookie.

This example uses a Service Binding, which is a way of configuring one Worker with a private channel to talk to another, without going through a public URL. Here, we have an application Worker that has been configured with a service binding to the Auth worker.

Before RPC, all communications between Workers needed to use HTTP. So, you might write code like this:

// OLD STYLE: HTTP-based service bindings.
export default {
  async fetch(req, env, ctx) {
    // Call the auth service to authenticate the user's cookie.
    // We send it an HTTP request using a service binding.

    // Construct a JSON request to the auth service.
    let authRequest = {
      cookie: req.headers.get("Cookie")

    // Send it to env.AUTH_SERVICE, which is our service binding
    // to the auth worker.
    let resp = await env.AUTH_SERVICE.fetch(
        "https://auth/check-cookie", {
      method: "POST",
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
      body: JSON.stringify(authRequest)

    if (!resp.ok) {
      return new Response("Internal Server Error", {status: 500});

    // Parse the JSON result.
    let authResult = await resp.json();

    // Use the result.
    if (!authResult.authorized) {
      return new Response("Not authorized", {status: 403});
    let username = authResult.username;

    return new Response(`Hello, ${username}!`);

Meanwhile, your auth server might look like:

// OLD STYLE: HTTP-based auth server.
export default {
  async fetch(req, env, ctx) {
    // Parse URL to decide what endpoint is being called.
    let url = new URL(req.url);
    if (url.pathname == "/check-cookie") {
      // Parse the request.
      let authRequest = await req.json();

      // Look up cookie in Workers KV.
      let cookieInfo = await env.COOKIE_MAP.get(
          hash(authRequest.cookie), "json");

      // Construct the response.
      let result;
      if (cookieInfo) {
        result = {
          authorized: true,
          username: cookieInfo.username
      } else {
        result = { authorized: false };

      return Response.json(result);
    } else {
      return new Response("Not found", {status: 404});

This code has a lot of boilerplate involved in setting up an HTTP request to the auth service. With RPC, we can instead express this as a function call:

// NEW STYLE: RPC-based service bindings
export default {
  async fetch(req, env, ctx) {
    // Call the auth service to authenticate the user's cookie.
    // We invoke it using a service binding.
    let authResult = await env.AUTH_SERVICE.checkCookie(

    // Use the result.
    if (!authResult.authorized) {
      return new Response("Not authorized", {status: 403});
    let username = authResult.username;

    return new Response(`Hello, ${username}!`);

And the server side becomes:

// NEW STYLE: RPC-based auth server.
import { WorkerEntrypoint } from "cloudflare:workers";

export class AuthService extends WorkerEntrypoint {
  async checkCookie(cookie) {
    // Look up cookie in Workers KV.
    let cookieInfo = await this.env.COOKIE_MAP.get(
        hash(cookie), "json");

    // Return result.
    if (cookieInfo) {
      return {
        authorized: true,
        username: cookieInfo.username
    } else {
      return { authorized: false };

This is a pretty nice simplification… but we can do much more!

Let’s get fancy! Or should I say… classy?

Let’s say we want our auth service to do a little more. Instead of just checking cookies, it provides a whole API around user accounts. In particular, it should let you:

  • Get or update the user’s profile info.
  • Send the user an email notification.
  • Append to the user’s activity log.

But, these operations should only be allowed after presenting the user’s credentials.

Here’s what the server might look like:

import { WorkerEntrypoint, RpcTarget } from "cloudflare:workers";

// `User` is an RPC interface to perform operations on a particular
// user. This class is NOT exported as an entrypoint; it must be
// received as the result of the checkCookie() RPC.
class User extends RpcTarget {
  constructor(uid, env) {

    // Note: Instance members like these are NOT exposed over RPC.
    // Only class (prototype) methods and properties are exposed.
    this.uid = uid;
    this.env = env;

  // Get/set user profile, backed by Worker KV.
  async getProfile() {
    return await this.env.PROFILES.get(this.uid, "json");
  async setProfile(profile) {
    await this.env.PROFILES.put(this.uid, JSON.stringify(profile));

  // Send the user a notification email.
  async sendNotification(message) {
    let addr = await this.env.EMAILS.get(this.uid);
    await this.env.EMAIL_SERVICE.send(addr, message);

  // Append to the user's activity log.
  async logActivity(description) {
    // (Please excuse this somewhat problematic implementation,
    // this is just a dumb example.)
    let timestamp = new Date().toISOString();
    await this.env.ACTIVITY.put(
        `${this.uid}/${timestamp}`, description);

// Now we define the entrypoint service, which can be used to
// get User instances -- but only by presenting the cookie.
export class AuthService extends WorkerEntrypoint {
  async checkCookie(cookie) {
    // Look up cookie in Workers KV.
    let cookieInfo = await this.env.COOKIE_MAP.get(
        hash(cookie), "json");

    if (cookieInfo) {
      return {
        authorized: true,
        user: new User(cookieInfo.uid, this.env),
    } else {
      return { authorized: false };

Now we can write a Worker that uses this API while displaying a web page:

export default {
  async fetch(req, env, ctx) {
    // `using` is a new JavaScript feature. Check out the
    // docs for more on this:
    using authResult = await env.AUTH_SERVICE.checkCookie(
    if (!authResult.authorized) {
      return new Response("Not authorized", {status: 403});

    let user = authResult.user;
    let profile = await user.getProfile();

    await user.logActivity("You visited the site!");
    await user.sendNotification(
        `Thanks for visiting, ${}!`);

    return new Response(`Hello, ${}!`);

Finally, this worker needs to be configured with a service binding pointing at the AuthService class. Its wrangler.toml may look like:

name = "app-worker"
main = "./src/app.js"

# Declare a service binding to the auth service.
binding = "AUTH_SERVICE"    # name of the binding in `env`
service = "auth-service"    # name of the worker in the dashboard
entrypoint = "AuthService"  # name of the exported RPC class

Wait, how?

What exactly happened here? The Server created an instance of the class User and returned it to the client. It has methods that the client can then just call? Are we somehow transferring code over the wire?

No, absolutely not! All code runs strictly in the isolate where it was originally loaded. What actually happens is, when the return value is passed over RPC, all class instances are replaced with RPC stubs. The stub, when called, makes a new RPC back to the server, where it calls the method on the original User object that was created there:

But then you might ask: how does the RPC stub know what methods are available? Is a list of methods passed over the wire?

In fact, no. The RPC stub is a special object called a “Proxy“. It implements a “wildcard method”, that is, it appears to have an infinite number of methods of every possible name. When you try to call a method, the name you called is sent to the server. If the original object has no such method, an exception is thrown.

Did you spot the security?

In the above example, we see that RPC is easy to use. We made an object! We called it! It all just felt natural, like calling a local API! Hooray!

But there’s another extremely important property that the AuthService API has which you may have missed: As designed, you cannot perform any operation on a user without first checking the cookie. This is true despite the fact that the individual method calls do not require sending the cookie again, and the User object itself doesn’t store the cookie.

The trick is, the initial checkCookie() RPC is what returns a User object in the first place. The AuthService API does not provide any other way to obtain a User instance. The RPC client cannot create a User object out of thin air, and cannot call methods of an object without first explicitly receiving a reference to it.

This is called capability-based security: we say that the User reference received by the client is a “capability”, because receiving it grants the client the ability to perform operations on the user. The getProfile() method grants this capability only when the client has presented the correct cookie.

Capability-based security is often like this: security can be woven naturally into your APIs, rather than feel like an additional concern bolted on top.

More security: Named entrypoints

Another subtle but important detail to call out: in the above example, the auth service’s RPC API is exported as a named class:

export class AuthService extends WorkerEntrypoint {

And in our wrangler.toml for the calling worker, we had to specify an “entrypoint”, matching the class name:

entrypoint = "AuthService"  # name of the exported RPC class

In the past, service bindings would bind to the “default” entrypoint, declared with export default {. But, the default entrypoint is also typically exposed to the Internet, e.g. automatically mapped to a hostname under (unless you explicitly turn that off). It can be tricky to safely assume that requests arriving at this entrypoint are in any way trusted.

With named entrypoints, this all changes. A named entrypoint is only accessible to Workers which have explicitly declared a binding to it. By default, only Workers on your own account can declare such bindings. Moreover, the binding must be declared at deploy time; a Worker cannot create new service bindings at runtime.

Thus, you can trust that requests arriving at a named entrypoint can only have come from Workers on your account and for which you explicitly created a service binding. In the future, we plan to extend this pattern further with the ability to lock down entrypoints, audit which Workers have bindings to them, tell the callee information about who is calling at runtime, and so on. With these tools, there is no need to write code in your app itself to authenticate access to internal APIs; the system does it for you.

What about type safety?

Workers RPC works in an entirely dynamically-typed way, just as JavaScript itself does. But just as you can apply TypeScript on top of JavaScript in general, you can apply it to Workers RPC.

The @cloudflare/workers-types package defines the type Service<MyEntrypointType>, which describes the type of a service binding. MyEntrypointType is the type of your server-side interface. Service<MyEntrypointType> applies all the necessary transformations to turn this into a client-side type, such as converting all methods to async, replacing functions and RpcTargets with (properly-typed) stubs, and so on.

It is up to you to share the definition of MyEntrypointType between your server app and its clients. You might do this by defining the interface in a separate shared TypeScript file, or by extracting a .d.ts type declaration file from your server code using tsc --declaration.

With that done, you can apply types to your client:

import { WorkerEntrypoint } from "cloudflare:workers";

// The interface that your server-side entrypoint implements.
// (This would probably be imported from a .d.ts file generated
// from your server code.)
declare class MyEntrypointType extends WorkerEntrypoint {
  sum(a: number, b: number): number;

// Define an interface Env specifying the bindings your client-side
// worker expects.
interface Env {
  MY_SERVICE: Service<MyEntrypointType>;

// Define the client worker's fetch handler with typed Env.
export default <ExportedHandler<Env>> {
  async fetch(req, env, ctx) {
    // Now env.MY_SERVICE is properly typed!
    const result = await env.MY_SERVICE.sum(1, 2);
    return new Response(result.toString());

RPC to Durable Objects

Durable Objects allow you to create a “named” worker instance somewhere on the network that multiple other workers can then talk to, in order to coordinate between them. Each Durable Object also has its own private on-disk storage where it can store state long-term.

Previously, communications with a Durable Object had to take the form of HTTP requests and responses. With RPC, you can now just declare methods on your Durable Object class, and call them on the stub. One catch: to opt into RPC, you must declare your Durable Object class with extends DurableObject, like so:

import { DurableObject } from "cloudflare:workers";

export class Counter extends DurableObject {
  async increment() {
    // Increment our stored value and return it.
    let value = await"value");
    value = (value || 0) + 1;"value", value);
    return value;

Now we can call it like:

let stub = env.COUNTER_NAMEPSACE.get(id);
let value = await stub.increment();

TypeScript is supported here too, by defining your binding with type DurableObjectNamespace<ServerType>:

interface Env {
  COUNTER_NAMESPACE: DurableObjectNamespace<Counter>;

Eliding awaits with speculative calls

When talking to a Durable Object, the object may be somewhere else in the world from the caller. RPCs must cross the network. This takes time: despite our best efforts, we still haven’t figured out how to make information travel faster than the speed of light.

When you have a complex RPC interface where one call returns an object on which you wish to make further method calls, it’s easy to end up with slow code that makes too many round trips over the network.

// Makes three round trips.
let foo = await;
let baz = await;
let corge = await baz.qux[3].corge();

Workers RPC features a way to avoid this: If you know that a call will return a value containing a stub, and all you want to do with it is invoke a method on that stub, you can skip awaiting it:

// Same thing, only one round trip.
let foo =;
let baz =;
let corge = await baz.qux[3].corge();

Whoa! How does this work?

RPC methods do not return normal promises. Instead, they return special RPC promises. These objects are “custom thenables“, which means you can use them in all the ways you’d use a regular Promise, like awaiting it or calling .then() on it.

But an RPC promise is more than just a thenable. It is also a proxy. Like an RPC stub, it has a wildcard property. You can use this to express speculative RPC calls on the eventual result, before it has actually resolved. These speculative calls will be sent to the server immediately, so that they can begin executing as soon as the first RPC has finished there, before the result has actually made its way back over the network to the client.

This feature is also known as “Promise Pipelining”. Although it isn’t explicitly a security feature, it is commonly provided by object-capability RPC systems like Cap’n Proto.

The future: Custom Bindings Marketplace?

For now, Service Bindings and Durable Objects only allow communication between Workers running on the same account. So, RPC can only be used to talk between your own Workers.

But we’d like to take it further.

We have previously explained why Workers environments contain live objects, also known as “bindings”. But today, only Cloudflare can add new binding types to the Workers platform – like Queues, KV, or D1. But what if anyone could invent their own binding type, and give it to other people?

Previously, we thought this would require creating a way to automatically load client libraries into the calling Workers. That seemed scary: it meant using someone’s binding would require trusting their code to run inside your isolate. With RPC, there’s no such trust. The binding only sees exactly what you explicitly pass to it. It cannot compromise the rest of your Worker.

Could Workers RPC provide the basis for a “bindings marketplace”, where people can offer rich JavaScript APIs to each other in an easy and secure way? We’re excited to explore and find out.

Try it now

Workers RPC is available today for all Workers users. To get started, check out the docs.

Why Workers environment variables contain live objects

Post Syndicated from Kenton Varda original

If you’ve ever written a Cloudflare Worker using Workers KV for storage, you may have noticed something unsettling.

// A simple Worker that always returns the value named "content",
// read from Workers KV storage.
export default {
  async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
    return new Response(await env.MY_KV.get("content"));

Do you feel something is… missing? Like… Where is the setup? The authorization keys? The client library instantiation? Aren’t environment variables normally strings? How is it that env.MY_KV seems to be an object with a get() method that is already hooked up?

Coming from any other platform, you might expect to see something like this instead:

// How would a "typical cloud platform" do it?

// Import KV client library?
import { KV } from "cloudflare:kv";

export default {
  async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
    // Connect to the database?? Using my secret auth key???
    // Which comes from an environment variable????
    let myKv = KV.connect("my-kv-namespace", env.MY_KV_AUTHKEY);

    return new Response(await myKv.get("content"));

As another example, consider service bindings, which allow a Worker to send requests to another Worker.

// A simple Worker that greets an authenticated user, delegating to a
// separate service to perform authentication.
export default {
  async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
    // Forward headers to auth service to get user info.
    let authResponse = await env.AUTH_SERVICE.fetch(
        {headers: request.headers});
    let userInfo = await authResponse.json();
    return new Response("Hello, " +;

Notice in particular the use of env.AUTH_SERVICE.fetch() to send the request. This sends the request directly to the auth service, regardless of the hostname we give in the URL.

On “typical” platforms, you’d expect to use a real (perhaps internal) hostname to route the request instead, and also include some credentials proving that you’re allowed to use the auth service API:

// How would a "typical cloud platform" do it?
export default {
  async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
    // Forward headers to auth service, via some internal hostname?
    // Hostname needs to be configurable, so get it from an env var.
    let authRequest = new Request(
        "https://" + env.AUTH_SERVICE_HOST + "/getUser",
        {headers: request.headers});

    // We also need to prove that our service is allowed to talk to
    // the auth service API. Add a header for that, containing a
    // secret token from our environment.

    // Now we can make the request.
    let authResponse = await fetch(authRequest);
    let userInfo = await authResponse.json();
    return new Response("Hello, " +;

As you can see, in Workers, the “environment” is not just a bunch of strings. It contains full-fledged objects. We call each of these objects a “binding“, because it binds the environment variable name to a resource. You configure exactly what resource a name is bound to when you deploy your Worker – again, just like a traditional environment variable, but not limited to strings.

We can clearly see above that bindings eliminate a little bit of boilerplate, which is nice. But, there’s so much more.

Bindings don’t just reduce boilerplate. They are a core design feature of the Workers platform which simultaneously improve developer experience and application security in several ways. Usually these two goals are in opposition to each other, but bindings elegantly solve for both at the same time.


It may not be obvious at first glance, but bindings neatly solve a number of common security problems in distributed systems.

SSRF is Not A Thing

Bindings, when used properly, make Workers immune to Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) attacks, one of the most common yet deadly security vulnerabilities in application servers today. In an SSRF attack, an attacker tricks a server into making requests to other internal services that only it can see, thus giving the attacker access to those internal services.

As an example, imagine we have built a social media application where users are able to set their avatar image. Imagine that, as a convenience, instead of uploading an image from their local disk, a user can instead specify the URL of an image on a third-party server, and the application server will fetch that image to use as the avatar. Sounds reasonable, right? We can imagine the app contains some code like:

let resp = await fetch(userAvatarUrl);
let data = await resp.arrayBuffer();
await setUserAvatar(data);

One problem: What if the user claims their avatar URL is something like “https://auth-service.internal/status”? Whoops, now the above code will actually fetch a status page from the internal auth service, and set it as the user’s avatar. Presumably, the user can then download their own avatar, and it’ll contain the content of this status page, which they were not supposed to be able to access!

But using bindings, this is impossible: There is no URL that the attacker can specify to reach the auth service. The application must explicitly use the binding env.AUTH_SERVICE to reach it. The global fetch() function cannot reach the auth service no matter what URL it is given; it can only make requests to the public Internet.

A legacy caveat: When we originally designed Workers in 2017, the primary use case was implementing a middleware layer in front of an origin server, integrated with Cloudflare’s CDN. At the time, bindings weren’t a thing yet, and we were primarily trying to implement the Service Workers interface. To that end, we made a design decision: when a Worker runs on Cloudflare in front of some origin server, if you invoke the global fetch() function with a URL that is within your zone’s domain, the request will be sent directly to the origin server, bypassing most logic Cloudflare would normally apply to a request received from the Internet. Sadly, this means that Workers which run in front of an origin server are not immune to SSRF – they must worry about it just like traditional servers on private networks must. Although this puts Workers in the same place as most servers, we now see a path to make SSRF a thing you never have to worry about when writing Workers. We will be introducing “origin bindings”,  where the origin server is represented by an explicit binding. That is, to send a request to your origin, you’d need to do env.ORIGIN.fetch(). Then, the global fetch() function can be restricted to only talk to the public Internet, fully avoiding SSRF. This is a big change and we need to handle backwards-compatibility carefully – expect to see more in the coming months. Meanwhile, for Workers that do not have an origin server behind them, or where the origin server does not rely on Cloudflare for security, global fetch() is SSRF-safe today.

And a reminder: Requests originating from Workers have a header, CF-Worker, identifying the domain name that owns the Worker. This header is intended for abuse mitigation: if your server is receiving abusive requests from a Worker, it tells you who to blame and gives you a way to filter those requests. This header is not intended for authorization. You should not implement a private API that grants access to your Workers based solely on the CF-Worker header matching your domain. If you do, you may re-open the opportunity for SSRF vulnerabilities within any Worker running on that domain.

You can’t leak your API key if there is no API key

Usually, if your web app needs access to a protected resource, you will have to obtain some sort of an API key that grants access to the resource. But typically anyone who has this key can access the resource as if they were the Worker. This makes handling auth keys tricky. You can’t put it directly in a config file, unless the entire config file is considered a secret. You can’t check it into source control – you don’t want to publish your keys to GitHub! You probably shouldn’t even store the key on your hard drive – what if your laptop is compromised? And so on.

Even if you have systems in place to deliver auth keys to services securely (like Workers Secrets), if the key is just a string, the service itself can easily leak it. For instance, a developer might carelessly insert a log statement for debugging which logs the service’s configuration – including keys. Now anyone who can access your logs can discover the secret, and there’s probably no practical way to tell if such a leak has occurred.

With Workers bindings, we endeavor for bindings to be live objects, not secret keys. For instance, as seen in the first example in this post, when using a Workers KV binding, you never see a key at all. It’s therefore impossible for a Worker to accidentally leak access to a KV namespace.

No certificate management

This is similar to the API key problem, but arguably worse. When internal services talk to each other over a network, you presumably want them to use secure transports, but typically that requires that every service have a certificate and a private key signed by some CA, and clients must be configured to trust that CA. This is all a big pain to manage, and often the result is that developers don’t bother; they set up a VPC and assume the network is trusted.

In Workers, since all intra-service communications happen over a binding, the system itself can take on all the work of ensuring the transport is secure and goes to the right place.

No frustrating ACL management – but also no lazy “allow all”

At this point you might be thinking: Why are we talking about API keys at all? Cloudflare knows which Worker is sending any request. Can’t it handle the authentication that way?

Consider the earlier example where we imagined that KV namespaces could be opened by name:

// Imagine KV namespaces could be open by name?
let myKv = KV.connect("my-kv-namespace", env.MY_KV_AUTHKEY);

What if we made it simply:

// No authkey, because the system knows whether the Worker has
// permission?
let myKv = KV.connect("my-kv-namespace");

We could then imagine that we could separately configure each KV namespace with an Access Control List (ACL) that specifies which Workers can access it.

Of course, the first problem with this is that it’s vulnerable to SSRF. But, we discussed that already, so let’s discuss another problem.

Many platforms use ACLs for security, but have you ever noticed how everyone hates them? You end up with two choices:

  • Tediously maintain ACLs on every resource. Inevitably, this is always a huge pain. First you deploy your code, which you think is properly configured. Then you discover that it’s failing with permissions errors causing a production outage! So you go fiddle with the IAM system. There are 533,291 roles to choose from and none of them are actually what you want. It turns out you’re supposed to create a custom role, but that’s not obvious, and once you get there, the UI is confusing. Also it’s easy to confuse your team’s service account with your team’s email group, so you give the permissions to the wrong principal, but it takes you an hour of staring at it to realize what you did wrong. Then somehow you manage to remove your own access to the resource and you can’t add it back even though you’re a project admin? (Why yes, all this did in fact happen to me, while using a cloud provider that shall remain nameless.)
  • Give up and grant everything access to everything. Just put all your services in a single VPC where they can all freely talk to each other. This is what most developers are inclined to do, if their security team doesn’t step in to stop them.

Much of this pain comes about because connecting a server to a resource today involves two steps that should really be one step:

  1. Configure the server to point at the resource.
  2. Configure the resource to accept requests from the server.

Developers are primarily concerned with step 1, and forget that step 2 exists until it blows up in their faces. Then it’s a mad scramble to learn how step 2 even works.

What if step 1 just implied step 2? Obviously, if you’re trying to configure a service to access a resource, then you also want the resource to allow access to the service. As long as the person trying to set this up has permissions to both, then there is no reason for this to be a two-step process.

But in typical platforms, the platform itself has no way of knowing that a service has been configured to talk to a resource, because the configuration is just a string.

Bindings fix that. When you define a binding from a Worker to a particular KV namespace, the platform inherently understands that you are telling the Worker to use the KV namespace. Therefore, it can implicitly ensure that the correct permissions are granted. There is no step 2.

And conversely, if no binding is configured, then the Worker does not have access. That means that every Worker starts out with no access by default, and only receives access to exactly the things it needs. Secure by default.

As a related benefit, you can always accurately answer the question “What services are using this resource?” based on bindings. Since the system itself understands bindings and what they point to, the system can answer the query without knowing anything about the service’s internals.

Developer Experience

We’ve seen that bindings improve security in a number of ways. Usually, people expect security and developer friendliness to be a trade-off, with each security measure making life harder for developers. Bindings, however, are entirely the opposite! They actually make life easier!

Easier setup

As we saw in the intro, using a binding reduces setup boilerplate. Instead of receiving an environment variable containing an API key which must be passed into some sort of library, the environment variable itself is an already-initialized client library.


Because the system understands what bindings a Worker has, and even exactly when those bindings are exercised, the system can answer a lot of questions that would normally require more manual instrumentation or analysis to answer, such as:

  • For a given Worker, what resources does it use? Since the system understands the types of all bindings and what they point to (it doesn’t just see them as opaque strings), it can answer this question.
  • For a given resource, which Workers use it? This is the reverse query. The system can maintain an index of bindings in order to find ones pointing at a given resource.
  • How often does a particular Worker use a particular resource? Since bindings are invoked by calling methods on the binding itself, the system can observe these calls, log them, collect metrics, etc.

Testability via dependency injection

When you deploy a test version of your service, you probably want it to operate on test resources rather than real production resources. For instance, you might have a separate testing KV namespace for storage. But, you probably want to deploy exactly the same code to test that you will eventually deploy to production. That means the names of these resources cannot be hard-coded.

On traditional platforms, the obvious way to avoid hard-coding resource names is to put the name in an environment variable. Going back to our example from the intro, if KV worked in a traditional way not using bindings, you might end up with code like this:

// Hypothetical non-binding-based KV.
let myKv = KV.connect(env.MY_KV_NAMESPACE, env.MY_KV_AUTHKEY);

At best, you now have two environment variables (which had better stay in sync) just to specify what namespace to use.

But at worst, developers might forget to parameterize their resources this way.

  • A developer may write new code that is hard-coded to use a test database, and then forget to update it before pushing it to production, accidentally using the test database in prod.
  • A developer might prototype a new service using production resources from the start (or using new resources which become production resources), only later on deciding that they need to create a new deployment for testing. But by then, it may be a pain to find and parameterize all the different resources used.

With bindings, it’s impossible to have this problem. Since you can only connect to a KV namespace through a binding, it’s always possible to make a separate deployment of the same code which talks to a test namespace instead of production, e.g. using Wrangler Environments.

In the testing world, this is sometimes called “dependency injection”. With bindings, dependencies are always injectable.


Dependency injection isn’t just for tests. A service whose dependencies can be changed out easily will be easier to deploy into new environments, including new production environments.

Say, for instance, you have a service that authenticates users. Now you are launching a new product, which, for whatever reason, has a separate userbase from the original product. You need to deploy a new version of the auth service that uses a different database to implement a separate user set. As long as all dependencies are injectable, this should be easy.

Again, bindings are not the only way to achieve dependency injection, but a bindings-based system will tend to lead developers to write dependency-injectable code by default.


Has anyone done this before?

You have. Every time you write code.

As it turns out, this approach is used all the time at the programming language level. Bindings are analogous to parameters of a function, or especially parameters to a class constructor. In a memory-safe programming language, you can’t access an object unless someone has passed you a pointer or reference to that object. Objects in memory don’t have URLs that you use to access them.

Programming languages work this way because they are designed to manage complexity, and this proves to be an elegant way to do so. Yet, this style which we’re used to using at the programming language level is much less common at the distributed system level. The Cloudflare Workers platform aims to treat the network as one big computer, and so it makes sense to extend programming language concepts across the network.

Of course, we’re not the first to apply this to distributed systems, either. The paradigm is commonly called “capability-based security”, which brings us to the next question…

Is this capability-based security?

Bindings are very much inspired by capability-based security.

At present, bindings are not a complete capability system. In particular, there is currently no particular mechanism for a Worker to pass a binding to another Worker. However, this is something we can definitely imagine adding in the future.

Imagine, for instance, you want to call another Worker through a service binding, and as you do, you want to give that other Worker temporary access to a KV namespace for it to operate on. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just pass the object, and have it auto-revoked at the end of the request? In the future, we might introduce a notion of dynamic bindings which can bind to different resources on a per-request basis, where a calling Worker can pass in a particular value to use for a given request.

For the time being, bindings cannot really be called object capabilities. However, many of the benefits of bindings are the same benefits commonly attributed to capability systems. This is because of some basic similarities:

  • Like a capability, a binding simultaneously designates a resource and also confers permission to access that resource, without referencing any separate ACL.
  • Like capabilities, bindings do not exist in any global namespace: they are scoped to the env object passed to a specific Worker.
  • Like a capability, to use a binding, the application must explicitly specify which binding it is trying to use, and only specifies the binding. In particular, the application does not separately specify the name of the resource in any other namespace (no URL, no global ID, etc.). The existence of the binding only affects the application’s behavior when the application explicitly invokes that binding.

Why is env a parameter to fetch(), not global?

This is a bit wonky, but the goal is to enable composition of Workers.

Imagine you have two Workers, one which implements your API, mapped to, and one which serves static assets, mapped to One day, for whatever reason, you decide you want to combine these two Workers into a single Worker. So you write this code:

import apiWorker from "api-worker.js";
import assetWorker from "asset-worker.js";

export default {
  async fetch(req, env, ctx) {
    let url = new URL(req.url);
    if (url.hostname == "") {
      return apiWorker.fetch(req, env, ctx);
    } else if (url.hostname == "") {
      return assetWorker.fetch(req, env, ctx);
    } else {
      return new Response("Not found", {status: 404});

This is great! No code from either Worker needed to be modified at all. We just create a new file containing a router Worker that delegates to one or the other.

But, you discover a problem: both the API Worker and the assets Worker use a KV namespace binding, and it turns out that they both decided to name the binding env.KV, but these bindings are meant to point to different namespaces used for different purposes. Does this mean I have to go edit the Workers to change the name of the binding before I can merge them?

No, it doesn’t, because I can just remap the environments before delegating:

import apiWorker from "api-worker.js";
import assetWorker from "asset-worker.js";

export default {
  async fetch(req, env, ctx) {
    let url = new URL(req.url);
    if (url.hostname == "") {
      let subenv = {KV: env.API_KV};
      return apiWorker.fetch(req, subenv, ctx);
    } else if (url.hostname == "") {
      let subenv = {KV: env.ASSETS_KV};
      return assetWorker.fetch(req, subenv, ctx);
    } else {
      return new Response("Not found", {status: 404});

If environments were globals, this remapping would not be possible.

In fact, this benefit goes much deeper than this somewhat-contrived example. The fact that the environment is not a global essentially forces code to be internally designed for dependency injection (DI). Designing code to be DI-friendly sometimes seems tedious, but every time I’ve done it, I’ve been incredibly happy that I did. Such code tends to be much easier to test and to adapt to new circumstances, for the same reasons mentioned when we discussed dependency injection earlier, but applying at the level of individual modules rather than whole Workers.

With that said, if you really insist that you don’t care about making your code explicitly DI-friendly, there is an alternative: Put your env into AsyncLocalStorage. That way it is “ambiently” available anywhere in your code, but you can still get some composability.

import { AsyncLocalStorage } from 'node:async_hooks';

// Allocate a new AsyncLocalStorage to store the value of `env`.
const ambientEnv = new AsyncLocalStorage();

// We can now define a global function that reads a key from env.MY_KV,
// without having to pass `env` down to it.
function getFromKv(key) {
  // Get the env from AsyncLocalStorage.
  return ambientEnv.getStore().MY_KV.get(key);

export default {
  async fetch(req, env, ctx) {
    // Put the env into AsyncLocalStorage while we handle the request,
    // so that calls to getFromKv() work.
    return, async () => {
      // Handle request, including calling functions that may call
      // getFromKv().

      // ... (code) ...

How does a KV binding actually work?

Under the hood, a Workers KV binding encapsulates a secret key used to access the corresponding KV namespace. This key is actually the encryption key for the namespace. The key is distributed to the edge along with the Worker’s code and configuration, using encrypted storage to keep it safe.

Although the key is distributed with the Worker, the Worker itself has no way to access the key. In fact, even the owner of the Cloudflare account cannot see the key – it is simply never revealed outside of Cloudflare’s systems. (Cloudflare employees are also prevented from viewing these keys.)

Even if an attacker somehow got ahold of the key, it would not be useful to them as-is. Cloudflare’s API does not provide any way for a user to upload a raw key to use in a KV binding. The API instead has the client specify the public ID of the namespace they want to use. The deployment system verifies that the KV namespace in question is on the same account as the Worker being uploaded (and that the client is authorized to deploy Workers on said account).

Get Started

To learn about all the types of bindings offered by Workers and how to use them, check out the documentation.

Introducing workerd: the Open Source Workers runtime

Post Syndicated from Kenton Varda original

Introducing workerd: the Open Source Workers runtime

Introducing workerd: the Open Source Workers runtime

Today I’m proud to introduce the first beta release of workerd, the JavaScript/Wasm runtime based on the same code that powers Cloudflare Workers. workerd is Open Source under the Apache License version 2.0.

workerd shares most of its code with the runtime that powers Cloudflare Workers, but with some changes designed to make it more portable to other environments. The name “workerd” (pronounced “worker dee”) comes from the Unix tradition of naming servers with a “-d” suffix standing for “daemon”. The name is not capitalized because it is a program name, which are traditionally lower-case in Unix-like environments.

What it’s for

Self-hosting Workers

workerd can be used to self-host applications that you’d otherwise run on Cloudflare Workers. It is intended to be a production-ready web server for this purpose. workerd has been designed to be unopinionated about hosting environments, so that it should fit nicely into whatever server/VM/container hosting and orchestration system you prefer. It’s just a web server.

Workers has always been based on standardized APIs, so that code is not locked into Cloudflare, and we work closely with other runtimes to promote compatibility. workerd provides another option to ensure that applications built on Workers can run anywhere, by leveraging the same underlying code to get exact, “bug-for-bug” compatibility.

Local development and testing

workerd is also designed to facilitate realistic local testing of Workers. Up until now, this has been achieved using Miniflare, which simulated the Workers API within a Node.js environment. Miniflare has worked well, but in a number of cases its behavior did not exactly match Workers running on Cloudflare. With the release of workerd, Miniflare and the Wrangler CLI tool will now be able to provide a more accurate simulation by leveraging the same runtime code we use in production.

Programmable proxies

workerd can act as an application host, a proxy, or both. It supports both forward and reverse proxy modes. In all cases, JavaScript code can be used to intercept and process requests and responses before forwarding them on. Traditional web servers and proxies have used bespoke configuration languages with quirks that are hard to master. Programming proxies in JavaScript instead provides more power while making the configuration easier to write and understand.

What it is

workerd is not just another way to run JavaScript and Wasm. Our runtime is uniquely designed in a number of ways.


Many non-browser JavaScript and Wasm runtimes are designed to be general-purpose: you can use them to build command-line apps, local GUI apps, servers, or anything in between. workerd is not. It specifically focuses on servers, in particular (for now, at least) HTTP servers.

This means in particular that workerd-based applications are event-driven at the top level. Applications do not open listen sockets and accept connections from them; instead, the runtime pushes events to the application. It may seem like a minor difference, but this basic change in perspective directly enables many of the features below.

Web standard APIs

Wherever possible, Workers (and workerd in particular) offers the same standard APIs found in web browsers, such as Fetch, URL, WebCrypto, and others. This means that code built on workerd is more likely to be portable to browsers as well as to other standards-based runtimes. When Workers launched five years ago, it was unusual for a non-browser to offer web APIs, but we are pleased to see that the broader JavaScript ecosystem is now converging on them.


workerd is a nanoservice runtime. What does that mean?

Microservices have become popular over the last decade as a way to split monolithic servers into smaller components that could be maintained and deployed independently. For example, a company that offers several web applications with a common user authentication flow might have a separate team that maintains the authentication logic. In a monolithic model, the authentication logic might have been offered to the application teams as a library. However, this could be frustrating for the maintainers of that logic, as making any change might require waiting for every application team to deploy an update to their respective server. By splitting the authentication logic into a separate server that all the others talk to, the authentication team is able to deploy changes on their own schedule.

However, microservices have a cost. What was previously a fast library call instead now requires communicating over a network. In addition to added overhead, this communication requires configuration and administration to ensure security and reliability. These costs become greater as the codebase is split into more and more services. Eventually, the costs outweigh the benefits.

Nanoservices are a new model that achieve the benefits of independent deployment with overhead closer to that of library calls. With workerd, many Workers can be configured to run in the same process. Each Worker runs in a separate “isolate”, which gives the appearance of running independently of the others: each isolate loads separate code and has its own global scope. However, when one Worker explicitly sends a request to another Worker, the destination Worker actually runs in the same thread with zero latency. So, it performs more like a function call.

With nanoservices, teams can now break their code into many more independently-deployed pieces without worrying about the overhead.

(Some in the industry prefer to call nanoservices “functions”, implying that each individual function making up an application could be its own service. I feel, however, that this puts too much emphasis on syntax rather than logical functionality. That said, it is the same concept.)

To really make nanoservices work well, we had to minimize the baseline overhead of each service. This required designing workerd very differently from most other runtimes, so that common resources could be shared between services as much as possible. First, as mentioned, we run many nanoservices within a single process, to share basic process overhead and minimize context switching costs. A second big architectural difference between workerd and other runtimes is how it handles built-in APIs. Many runtimes implement significant portions of their built-in APIs in JavaScript, which must then be loaded separately into each isolate. workerd does not; all the APIs are implemented in native code, so that all isolates may share the same copy of that code. These design choices would be difficult to retrofit into another runtime, and indeed these needs are exactly why we chose to build a custom runtime for Workers from the start.

Homogeneous deployment

In a typical microservices model, you might deploy different microservices to containers running across a cluster of machines, connected over a local network. You might manually choose how many containers to dedicate to each service, or you might configure some form of auto-scaling based on resource usage.

workerd offers an alternative model: Every machine runs every service.

workerd’s nanoservices are much lighter-weight than typical containers. As a result, it’s entirely reasonable to run a very large number of them – hundreds, maybe thousands – on a single server. This in turn means that you can simply deploy every service to every machine in your fleet.

Homogeneous deployment means that you don’t have to worry about scaling individual services. Instead, you can simply load balance requests across the entire cluster, and scale the cluster as needed. Overall, this can greatly reduce the amount of administration work needed.

Cloudflare itself has used the homogeneous model on our network since the beginning. Every one of Cloudflare’s edge servers runs our entire software stack, so any server can answer any kind of request on its own. We’ve found it works incredibly well. This is why services on Cloudflare – including ones that use Workers – are able to go from no traffic at all to millions of requests per second instantly without trouble.

Capability bindings: cleaner configuration and SSRF safety

workerd takes a different approach to most runtimes – indeed, to most software development platforms – in how an application accesses external resources.

Most development platforms start from assuming that the application can talk to the whole world. It is up to the application to figure out exactly what it wants to talk to, and name it in some global namespace, such as using a URL. So, an application server that wants to talk to the authentication microservice might use code like this:

// Traditional approach without capability bindings.
fetch("", {
  method: "POST",
  body: JSON.stringify(authRequest),
  headers: { "Authorization": env.AUTH_SERVICE_TOKEN }

In workerd, we do things differently. An application starts out with no ability to talk to the rest of the world, and must be configured with specific capability bindings that provide it access to specific external resources. So, an application which needs to be able to talk to the authentication service would be configured with a binding called authService, and the code would look something like this:

// Capability-based approach. Hostname doesn't matter; all
// requests to AUTH_SERVICE.fetch() go to the auth service.
env.AUTH_SERVICE.fetch("https://auth/api", {
 method: "POST",
 body: JSON.stringify(authRequest),

This may at first appear to be a trivial difference. In both cases, we have to use configuration to control access to external services. In the traditional approach, we’d provide access tokens (and probably the service’s hostname) as environment variables. In the new approach, the environment goes a bit further to provide a full-fledged object. Is this just syntax sugar?

It turns out, this slight change has huge advantages:

First, we can now restrict the global fetch() function to accept only publicly-routable URLs. This makes applications totally immune to SSRF attacks! You cannot trick an application into accessing an internal service unintentionally if the code to access internal services is explicitly different. (In fact, the global fetch() is itself backed by a binding, which can be configured. workerd defaults to connecting it to the public internet, but you can also override it to permit private addresses if you want, or to route to a specific proxy service, or to be blocked entirely.)

With that done, we now have an interesting property: All internal services which an application uses must be configurable. This means:

  • You can easily see a complete list of the internal services an application talks to, without reading all the code.
  • You can always replace these services with mocks for testing purposes.
  • You can always configure an application to authenticate itself differently (e.g. client certificates) or use a different back end, without changing code.

The receiving end of a binding benefits, too. Take the authentication service example, above. The auth service may be another Worker running in workerd as a nanoservice. In this case, the auth service does not need to be bound to any actual network address. Instead, it may be made available strictly to other Workers through their bindings. In this case, the authentication service doesn’t necessarily need to verify that a request received came from an allowed client – because only allowed clients are able to send requests to it in the first place.

Overall, capability bindings allow simpler code that is secure by default, more composable, easier to test, and easier to understand and maintain.

Always backwards compatible

Cloudflare Workers has a hard rule against ever breaking a live Worker running in production. This same dedication to backwards compatibility extends to workerd.

workerd shares Workers’ compatibility date system to manage breaking changes. Every Worker must be configured with a “compatibility date”. The runtime then ensures that the API behaves exactly as it did on that date. At your leisure, you may check the documentation to see if new breaking changes are introduced at a future date, and update your code for them. Most such changes are minor and most code won’t require any changes. However, you are never obliged to update. Old dates will continue to be supported by newer versions of workerd. It is always safe to update workerd itself without updating your code.

What it’s not

To avoid misleading or disappointing anyone, I need to take a moment to call out what workerd is not.

workerd is not a Secure Sandbox

It’s important to note that workerd is not, on its own, a secure way to run possibly-malicious code. If you wish to run code you don’t trust using workerd, you must enclose it in an additional sandboxing layer, such as a virtual machine configured for sandboxing.

workerd itself is designed such that a Worker should not be able to access any external resources to which it hasn’t been granted a capability. However, a complete sandbox solution not only must be designed to restrict access, but also must account for the possibility of bugs – both in software and in hardware. workerd on its own is not sufficient to protect against hardware bugs like Spectre, nor can it adequately defend against the possibility of vulnerabilities in V8 or in workerd’s own code.

The Cloudflare Workers service uses the same code found in workerd, but adds many additional layers of security on top to harden against such bugs. I described some of these in a past blog post. However, these measures are closely tied to our particular environment. For example, we rely on build automation to push V8 patches to production immediately upon becoming available; we separate customers according to risk profile; we rely on non-portable kernel features and assumptions about the host system to enforce security and resource limits. All of this is very specific to our environment, and cannot be packaged up in a reusable way.

workerd is not an independent project

workerd is the core of Cloudflare Workers, a fast-moving project developed by a dedicated team at Cloudflare. We are not throwing code over the wall to forget about, nor are we expecting volunteers to do our jobs for us. workerd’s GitHub repository will be the canonical source used by Cloudflare Workers and our team will be doing much of their work directly in this repository. Just like V8 is developed primarily by the Chrome team for use in Chrome, workerd will be developed primarily by the Cloudflare Workers team for use in Cloudflare Workers.

This means we cannot promise that external contributions will sit on a level playing field with internal ones. Code reviews take time, and work that is needed for Cloudflare Workers will take priority. We also cannot promise we will accept every feature contribution. Even if the code is already written, reviews and maintenance have a cost. Within Cloudflare, we have a product management team who carefully evaluates what features we should and shouldn’t offer, and plenty of ideas generated internally ultimately don’t make the cut.

If you want to contribute a big new feature to workerd, your best bet is to talk to us before you write code, by raising an issue on GitHub early to get input. That way, you can find out if we’re likely to accept a PR before you write it. We also might be able to give hints on how best to implement.

It’s also important to note that while workerd’s internal interfaces may sometimes appear clean and reusable, we cannot make any guarantee that those interfaces won’t completely change on a whim. If you are trying to build on top of workerd internals, you will need to be prepared either to accept a fair amount of churn, or pin to a specific version.

workerd is not an off-the-shelf edge compute platform

As hinted above, the full Cloudflare Workers service involves a lot of technology beyond workerd itself, including additional security, deployment mechanisms, orchestration, and so much more. workerd itself is a portion of our runtime codebase, which is itself a small (albeit critical) piece of the overall Cloudflare Workers service.

We are pleased, though, that this means it is possible for us to release this code under a permissive Open Source license.

Try the Beta

As of this blog post, workerd is in beta. If you want to try it out,

A Workers optimization that reduces your bill

Post Syndicated from Kenton Varda original

A Workers optimization
that reduces your bill

A Workers optimization
that reduces your bill

Recently, we made an optimization to the Cloudflare Workers runtime which reduces the amount of time Workers need to spend in memory. We’re passing the savings on to you for all your Unbound Workers.


Workers are often used to implement HTTP proxies, where JavaScript is used to rewrite an HTTP request before sending it on to an origin server, and then to rewrite the response before sending it back to the client. You can implement any kind of rewrite in a Worker, including both rewriting headers and bodies.

Many Workers, though, do not actually modify the response body, but instead simply allow the bytes to pass through from the origin to the client. In this case, the Worker’s application code has finished executing as soon as the response headers are sent, before the body bytes have passed through. Historically, the Worker was nevertheless considered to be “in use” until the response body had fully finished streaming.

For billing purposes, under the Workers Unbound pricing model, we charge duration-memory (gigabyte-seconds) for the time in which the Worker is in use.

The change

On December 15-16, we made a change to the way we handle requests that are streaming through the response without modifying the content. This change means that we can mark application code as “idle” as soon as the response headers are returned.

Since no further application code will execute on behalf of the request, the system does not need to keep the request state in memory – it only needs to track the low-level native sockets and pump the bytes through. So now, during this time, the Worker will be considered idle, and could even be evicted before the stream completes (though this would be unlikely unless the stream lasts for a very long time).

Visualized it looks something like this:

A Workers optimization
that reduces your bill

As a result of this change, we’ve seen that the time a Worker is considered “in use” by any particular request has dropped by an average of 70%. Of course, this number varies a lot depending on the details of each Worker. Some may see no benefit, others may see an even larger benefit.

This change is totally invisible to the application. To any external observer, everything behaves as it did before. But, since the system now considers a Worker to be idle during response streaming, the response streaming time will no longer be billed. So, if you saw a drop in your bill, this is why!

But it doesn’t stop there!

The change also applies to a few other frequently used scenarios, namely Websocket proxying, reading from the cache and streaming from KV.

WebSockets: once a Worker has arranged to proxy through a WebSocket, as long as it isn’t handling individual messages in your Worker code, the Worker does not remain in use during the proxying. The change applies to regular stateless Workers, but not to Durable Objects, which are not usually used for proxying.

export default {
  async fetch(request: Request) {
    //Do anything before
    const upgradeHeader = request.headers.get('Upgrade')
    if (upgradeHeader || upgradeHeader === 'websocket') {
      return await fetch(request)
    //Or with other requests

Reading from Cache: If you return the response from a cache.match call, the Worker is considered idle as soon as the response headers are returned.

export default {
  async fetch(request: Request) {
    let response = await caches.default.match('')
    if (response) {
      return response
    // get/create response and put into cache

Streaming from KV: And lastly, when you stream from KV. This one is a bit trickier to get right, because often people retrieve the value from KV as a string, or JSON object and then create a response with that value. But if you fetch the value as a stream, as done in the example below, you can create a Response with the ReadableStream.

interface Env {
  MY_KV_NAME: KVNamespace

export default {
  async fetch(request: Request, env: Env) {
    const readableStream = await env.MY_KV_NAME.get('hello_world.pdf', { type: 'stream' })
    if (readableStream) {
      return new Response(readableStream, { headers: { 'content-type': 'application/pdf' } })

Interested in Workers Unbound?

If you are already using Unbound, your bill will have automatically dropped already.

Now is a great time to check out Unbound if you haven’t already, especially since recently, we’ve also removed the egress fees. Unbound allows you to build more complex workloads on our platform and only pay for what you use.

We are always looking for opportunities to make Workers better. Often that improvement takes the form of powerful new features such as the soon-to-be released Service Bindings and, of course, performance enhancements. This time, we are delighted to make Cloudflare Workers even cheaper than they already were.

Backwards-compatibility in Cloudflare Workers

Post Syndicated from Kenton Varda original

Backwards-compatibility in
Cloudflare Workers

Backwards-compatibility in
Cloudflare Workers

Cloudflare Workers is our serverless platform that runs your code in 250+ cities worldwide.

On the Workers team, we have a policy:

A change to the Workers Runtime must never break an application that is live in production.

It seems obvious enough, but this policy has deep consequences. What if our API has a bug, and some deployed Workers accidentally depend on that bug? Then, seemingly, we can’t fix the bug! That sounds… bad?

This post will dig deeper into our policy, explaining why Workers is different from traditional server stacks in this respect, and how we’re now making backwards-incompatible changes possible by introducing “compatibility dates”.

TL;DR: Developers may now opt into backwards-incompatible fixes by setting a compatibility date.

Serverless demands strict compatibility

Workers is a serverless platform, which means we maintain the server stack for you. You do not have to manage the runtime version, you only manage your own code. This means that when we update the Workers Runtime, we update it for everyone. We do this at least once a week, sometimes more.

This means that if a runtime upgrade breaks someone’s application, it’s really bad. The developer didn’t make any change, so won’t be watching for problems. They may be asleep, or on vacation. If we want people to trust serverless, we can’t let this happen.

This is very different from traditional server platforms, where the developer maintains their own stack. For example, when a developer maintains a traditional VM-based server running Node.js applications, then the developer must decide exactly when to upgrade to a new version of Node.js. Careful developers do not upgrade Node.js 14 to Node.js 16 in production without testing first. They typically verify that their application works in a staging environment before going to production. A developer who doesn’t have time to spend testing each new version may instead choose to rely on a long-term support release, applying only low-risk security patches.

In the old world, if the Node.js maintainers decide to make a breaking change to an obscure API between releases, it’s OK. Downstream developers are expected to test their code before upgrading, and address any breakages. But in the serverless world, it’s not OK: developers have no control over when upgrades happen, therefore upgrades must never break anything.

But sometimes we need to fix things

Sometimes, we get things wrong, and we need to fix them. But sometimes, the fix would break people.

For example, in Workers, the fetch() function is used to make outgoing HTTP requests. Unfortunately, due to an oversight, our original implementation of fetch(), when given a non-HTTP URL, would silently interpret it as HTTP instead. For example, if you did fetch(“”), you’d get the same result as fetch(“”).

This is obviously not what we want and could lead to confusion or deeper bugs. Instead, fetch() should throw an exception in these cases. However, we couldn’t simply fix the problem, because a surprising number of live Workers depended on the behavior. For whatever reason, some Workers fetch FTP URLs and expect to get a result back. Perhaps they are fetching from sites that support both FTP and HTTP, and they arbitrarily chose FTP and it worked. Perhaps the fetches aren’t actually working, but changing a 404 error result into an exception would break things worse. When you have tens of thousands of new developers deploying applications every month, inevitably there’s always someone relying on any bug. We can’t “fix” the bug because it would break these applications.

The obvious solutions don’t work

Could we contact developers and ask them to fix their code?

No, because the problem is our fault, not the application developer’s, and the developer may not have time to help us fix our problems.

The fact that a Worker is doing something “wrong” — like using an FTP URL when they should be using HTTP — doesn’t necessarily mean the developer did anything wrong. Everyone writes code with bugs. Good developers rely on careful testing to make sure their code does what it is supposed to.

But what if the test only worked because of a bug in the underlying platform that caused it to do the right thing by accident? Well, that’s the platform’s fault. The developer did everything they could: they tested their code thoroughly, and it worked.

Developers are busy people. Nobody likes hearing that they need to drop whatever they are doing to fix a problem in code that they thought worked — especially code that has been working fine for years without anyone touching it. We think developers have enough on their plates already, we shouldn’t be adding more work.

Could we run multiple versions of the Workers Runtime?

No, for three reasons.

First, in order for edge computing to be effective, we need to be able to host a very large number of applications in each instance of the Workers Runtime. This is what allows us to run your code in hundreds of locations around the world at minimal cost. If we ran a separate copy of the runtime for each application, we’d need to charge a lot more, or deploy your code to far fewer locations. So, realistically it is infeasible for us to have different Workers asking for different versions of the runtime.

Second, part of the promise of serverless is that developers shouldn’t have to worry about updating their stack. If we start letting people pin old versions, then we have to start telling people how long they are allowed to do so, alerting people about security updates, giving people documentation that differentiates versions, and so on. We don’t want developers to have to think about any of that.

Third, this doesn’t actually solve the real problem anyway. We can easily implement multiple behaviors within the same runtime binary. But how do we know which behavior to use for any particular Worker?

Introducing Compatibility Dates

Going forward, every Worker is assigned a “compatibility date”, which must be a date in the past. The date is specified inside the project’s metadata (for Wrangler projects, in wrangler.toml). This metadata is passed to the Cloudflare API along with the application code whenever it is updated and deployed. A compatibility date typically starts out as the date when the Worker was first created, but can be updated from time to time.

# wrangler.toml
compatibility_date = "2021-09-20"

We can now introduce breaking changes. When we do, the Workers Runtime must implement both the old and the new behavior, and chooses behavior based on the compatibility date. Each time we introduce a new change, we choose a date in the future when that change will become the default. Workers with a later compatibility date will see the change; Workers with an older compatibility date will retain the old behavior.

A page in our documentation lists the history of breaking changes — and only breaking changes. When you wish to update your Worker’s compatibility date, you can refer to this page to quickly determine what might be affected, so that you can test for problems.

We will reserve the compatibility system strictly for changes which cannot be made without causing a breakage. We don’t want to force people to update their compatibility date to get regular updates, including new features, non-breaking bug fixes, and so on.

If you’d prefer never to update your compatibility date, that’s OK! Old compatibility dates are intended to be supported forever. However, if you are frequently updating your code, you should update your compatibility date along with it.


While the details are a bit different, we were inspired by Stripe’s API versioning, as well as the absolute promise of backwards compatibility maintained by both the Linux kernel system call API and the Web Platform implemented by browsers.

Dynamic Process Isolation: Research by Cloudflare and TU Graz

Post Syndicated from Kenton Varda original

Dynamic Process Isolation: Research by Cloudflare and TU Graz

Dynamic Process Isolation: Research by Cloudflare and TU Graz

Last year, I wrote about the Cloudflare Workers security model, including how we fight Spectre attacks. In that post, I explained that there is no known complete defense against Spectre — regardless of whether you’re using isolates, processes, containers, or virtual machines to isolate tenants. What we do have, though, is a huge number of tools to increase the cost of a Spectre attack, to the point where it becomes infeasible. Cloudflare Workers has been designed from the very beginning with protection against side channel attacks in mind, and because of this we have been able to incorporate many defenses that other platforms — such as virtual machines and web browsers — cannot. However, the performance and scalability requirements of edge compute make it infeasible to run every Worker in its own private process, so we cannot rely on the usual defenses provided by the operating system kernel and address space separation.

Given our different approach, we cannot simply rely on others to tell us if we are safe. We had to do our own research. To do this we partnered with researchers at Graz Technical University (TU Graz) to study the impact of Spectre on our environment. The team at TU Graz are some of the foremost experts on the topic, having co-discovered Spectre initially as well as discovered several follow-on bugs like NetSpectre, ZombieLoad, Fallout, and others.

Today we are publishing a paper describing our findings, authored by Martin Schwarzl, Pietro Borrello, Andreas Kogler, Thomas Schuster, Daniel Gruss, Michael Schwarz, and myself. This paper covers research done in 2019 and early 2020. The research both tests the possibility of attacking Workers using Spectre, and proposes a new defense mechanism, which we now employ in production.

For this research, the team at TU Graz had full access to the Workers Runtime source code and were able to compile and run it locally for testing.

The research has two basic components.

Part 1: Develop an attack

A side channel attack (of which Spectre is one variety) is kind of like playing poker with a CPU. In poker, players try to understand what their opponents are thinking by looking for subtle unconscious behaviors, such as a nervous look or a hand motion. These behaviors are called “tells”. In a side channel attack, the attacker wants to find out secrets that the CPU knows. The CPU won’t reveal these secrets directly, but they can sometimes subtly affect how long the CPU spends to perform certain operations, kind of like a poker tell. If an attacker can carefully time the CPU’s actions, they can potentially discover the underlying secrets. Spectre attacks in particular focus on side channels that result from the CPU’s use of speculative execution, in which the CPU executes code that it is not yet sure should be executed, and then attempts to roll it back if not. Speculative execution is a particularly potent tool in side channel attacks because it essentially allows the attacker to program custom side channels in speculatively-executed code.

Many Spectre defenses focus on eliminating the “tells” by trying to prevent the variability in the CPU’s timing. This is hard, because CPUs are extremely complex and there are many ways that their timing can be affected. While many specific “tells” have been found and mitigated, there are undoubtedly many more that haven’t been disclosed. This has led to a game of whack-a-mole, where researchers continuously find new “tells” while CPU vendors rush out kernel and microcode patches to solve them — often with large performance losses as a side effect.

In Workers, we have focused on a different approach: preventing the attacker from seeing the “tells”. The Workers Runtime is designed to prevent a Worker from measuring its own execution time, as well as to prevent other forms of non-deterministic behavior like multithreading that could be used in place of a timer. I described these techniques in detail in last year’s post.

However, this approach can’t be perfect as long as Workers are allowed to talk to the rest of the world. A Worker could always communicate with a remote time server to measure time. Such communications will be far less accurate than a local timer, and since the timing differences are extremely small, they will be hard to measure this way. But, by using amplification techniques to improve the strength of the signal, repeating the attack many times and applying statistics, it could still be possible to derive secrets.

We therefore set out to develop an attack based on this approach. Upon applying the best techniques available to us, we were indeed able to produce a working Spectre variant 1 attack that could leak memory at a rate of 120 bits per hour. Compared to attacks demonstrated on many other platforms, 120 bits per hour is pretty slow. However, it’s obviously still fast enough to be a problem.

It’s important to note, though, that this speed was achieved in an ideal scenario:

  • Since the Workers Runtime prevents Workers from measuring their own execution time, any attack would need to rely on a remote time server. But for the purpose of our test, the “remote” server was in fact located on the same machine. In a real-world scenario, such a server would need to be accessed over the Internet, making the timing less accurate.
  • The machine running the test had no other load. A real-world machine would be processing hundreds or thousands of requests concurrently, creating noise.
  • The attack only demonstrated that it could read some bits that it shouldn’t. In order to read interesting bits, an attacker would first need to locate those bits, which likely would require reading hundreds or thousands of other bits first.

In the real world, these factors appear to make an attack too slow to be interesting. If an attack takes days or weeks to carry out, the contents of memory are highly likely to change before it can read them. For example, we update the Workers Runtime code at least once a week, which causes a restart of all processes.

That said, we did not feel comfortable relying on this argument as our defense. Instead, we set out to do better.

Part 2: Enhance our defenses

In the second part of the research, we designed and implemented a novel Spectre defense which we call Dynamic Process Isolation.

Dynamic Process Isolation was described in my blog post last year. At the time, this system was still in testing, but it has since been fully deployed in production.

In short, our defense uses hardware performance counters to detect Workers whose performance characteristics could be indicative of an attack. Before the attack has had enough time to leak any bits, we move the Worker into a separate operating system process, thus taking advantage of the additional defenses implemented by the OS kernel. Crucially, since a benign Worker can still operate normally while in an isolated process, we are able to use a detector that produces false positives, as long as the rate is relatively low. This affordance made it possible for us to develop a working classifier where previous work in the area had struggled.

Specifically, we developed a detector based on measuring branch mispredictions. Spectre variant 1 attacks — the fastest and easiest kind of Spectre attack — work by fooling the CPU’s branch predictor to trigger speculative code execution. Such an attack, when running in our environment, must trigger repeated mispredictions in a loop, in order to get enough data to apply statistics to overcome the noise floor. We can see these mispredictions in the hardware performance counters. While an attack could try to evade the detector by spreading out its trials over a longer time period, doing so would slow down the attack by orders of magnitude, which is exactly our goal. Classifiers for other Spectre variants might be straightforward to build as well, however, we find other variants already produce much lower bandwidth or are otherwise effectively mitigated by our existing defenses.

This defense successfully detects and mitigates the attack we developed. We also tested it against a number of Spectre proofs of concept and found it caught all of them. Meanwhile, the rate of false positives is well within the range we can tolerate: Out of many thousands of Workers running on our platform, we see only about 20 being falsely detected as attacks.

For more details, check out the paper and my blog post from last year.

Read the Paper

Collaborating with TU Graz was a great experience. We are very happy to work with some of the world’s foremost experts on this problem, and to have produced not just an attack but also a constructive defense.

For more details, download the full paper on arXiv.

Durable Objects: Easy, Fast, Correct — Choose three.

Post Syndicated from Kenton Varda original

Durable Objects: Easy, Fast, Correct — Choose three.

Durable Objects: Easy, Fast, Correct — Choose three.

Storage in distributed systems is surprisingly hard to get right. Distributed databases and consensus are well-known to be extremely hard to build. But, application code isn’t necessarily easy either. There are many ways in which apps that use databases can have subtle timing bugs that could result in inconsistent results, or even data loss. Worse, these problems can be very hard to test for, as they’ll often manifest only under heavy load, or only after a sudden machine failure.

Up until recently, Durable Objects were no exception. A Durable Object is a special kind of Cloudflare Worker that has access to persistent storage and processes requests in one of Cloudflare’s points of presence. Each Object has its own private storage, accessible through a classical key/value storage API. Like any classical database API, this storage API had to be used carefully to avoid possible race conditions and data loss, especially when performance mattered. And like any classical database API, many apps got it wrong.

However, rather than fix the apps, we decided to fix the model. Last month, we rolled out deep changes to the Durable Objects runtime such that many applications which previously contained subtle race conditions are now correct by default, and many that were previously slow are now fast. Developers can now write their code in an intuitive way, and have it work. No changes at all are needed to your code in order to take advantage of these new features.

So, let me tell you about what changed…

Background: Durable Objects are Single-Threaded

To understand what changed, it’s necessary to first understand Durable Objects. For a full introduction, see the Durable Objects announcement blog post.

The most important point is: Each Durable Object runs in exactly one location, in one single thread, at a time. Each object has its own private on-disk storage. This is a very different situation from a typical database, where many clients may be accessing the same data. In Durable Objects, any particular piece of data belongs to exactly one thread at a time.

Because a single Durable Object is single-threaded, it’s possible, and even encouraged, to keep state and perform synchronization in memory. This is, indeed, the killer feature of Durable Objects. With classical databases, in-memory state is extremely difficult to keep synchronized between all database clients. But with Durable Objects, since each piece of data belongs to a specific thread, this synchronization is easy.

However, interacting with the disk is still an I/O (input/output) operation, which means that each operation returns a Promise which you must await. As we’ll see, this re-introduces some of the synchronization difficulties that we were trying to avoid. However, it turns out, we can solve these difficulties within the system itself, without bothering application developers.

An Example

Consider this code:

// Used to be slow and racy -- but not anymore!
async function getUniqueNumber() {
  let val = await"counter");
  await"counter", val + 1);
  return val;

At first glance, this seems like reasonable code that returns a unique number each time it is called (incrementing each time).

Unfortunately, before now, this code had two problems:

  1. It had a subtle race condition (even though Durable Objects are single-threaded!).
  2. It was kind of slow.

The Race Condition

A race condition occurs when two operations running concurrently might interfere with each other in a way that makes them behave incorrectly. Race conditions are commonly associated with code that uses multiple threads.

JavaScript, however, famously does not use threads. Instead, it uses event-driven programming, with callbacks. It’s not possible for two pieces of JavaScript code to be running "at the same time" in the same isolate (and Durable Objects promises that no other isolate could possibly be accessing the same storage). Does that mean that race conditions aren’t a problem in JavaScript, the way they are in multi-threaded apps?

Unfortunately, it does not. The problem is, the code above is an async function, containing two await statements. Each time await is used, execution pauses, waiting for the specified Promise to complete.

In the meantime, though, other code can run! For example, the Durable Object might receive two requests at the same time. If each of them calls getUniqueNumber(), then the two calls might be interleaved. Each time one call performs an await, execution may switch to the other call. So, the two calls might end up looking like this:

Request 1 timeline Request 2 timeline
async function getUniqueNumber() {
  let val = await"counter");
async function getUniqueNumber() {
  let val = await"counter");
  await"counter", val + 1);
  await"counter", val + 1);
  return val;
  return val;

There’s a big problem here: Both of these two calls will call get("counter") before either of them calls put("counter", val + 1). That means, both of them will return the same value!

This problem is especially bad because it only happens when multiple requests are being handled at the same time — and even then, only sometimes. It is very hard to test for this kind of problem, and everything might seem just fine when the application is deployed, as long as it isn’t getting too much traffic. But one day, when a lot of visitors try to use the same object at the same time, all of a sudden getUniqueNumber() starts returning duplicates!

The Slowness

To add insult to injury, getUniqueNumber() was (until recently) pretty slow. The problem is, it has to do two round trips to storage — a get() and a put(). The get() might typically take a couple milliseconds. The put(), however, will take much longer, probably tens of milliseconds.

Why is put() so slow? Because we don’t want to lose data. The worst thing an application can do is tell the user that their action was successful when it wasn’t. If, for some reason, a write cannot be completed, then it’s imperative that the application presents an error to the user, so that the user knows that something is wrong and they’ll have to try again or look for a fix.

In order to make sure an application does not prematurely report success to the user, await put() has to make sure it doesn’t return until the data is actually safe on disk. Disks are slow, so this might take a while.

But that’s not all. Disks can fail. In order for the data to be really safe, we have to write the same data on multiple disks, in multiple machines. That means we have to wait for some network traffic.

But that’s still not all. What if a meteor were to come out of the sky and land on a Cloudflare data center, completely destroying it? Or, more likely, what if the power or network connection failed? We don’t want a user’s data to be lost in this case, or even temporarily become unavailable. Therefore, Durable Object data is replicated to multiple Cloudflare locations. This requires communicating across long distances before any write can be confirmed. There is little we can do to make this faster, the speed of light being what it is.

A call to getUniqueNumber() will therefore always take tens of milliseconds. If an application calls it multiple times, awaiting each call before beginning the next, it can easily become very slow very quickly. Or, at least, that was the case before our recent changes.

The Wrong Fixes

There are several ways that an application could fix these problems, but all of them have their own issues.


Many databases offer "transactions". A transaction allows an application to make sure some operation completes "atomically", with no interference from concurrent operations.

The Durable Objects storage API has always supported transactions. We could use them to fix our getUniqueNumber() implementation like so:

// No more race condition... but slow and complicated.
async function getUniqueNumber() {
  let val;
  await (txn) => {
    val = await txn.get("counter");
    await txn.put("counter", val + 1);
  return val;

This fixes our race condition. Now, if getUniqueNumber() is called multiple times concurrently such that the storage operations interleave, the system will detect the problem. One of the concurrent calls will be chosen to be the "winner", and will complete normally. The other calls will be canceled and retried, so that they can see the value written by the first call.

This fixes our problems! But, at some cost:

  • getUniqueNumber() is now even slower than it was before. The difference typically won’t be huge, but setting up a transaction does require some additional coordination in the database. Of course, if the transaction needs to be retried, then it may end up being much slower. And retries will tend to happen more when load gets high… the worst possible time.
  • Speaking of retries, many developers might not realize that the transaction callback can be called multiple times. It’s difficult to test for this, since retries will only happen when concurrent operations cause conflicts. The problem is especially acute when the application is trying to synchronize not just on-disk state, but also in-memory state — if the transaction callback modifies in-memory state, it must be careful to ensure that its changes are idempotent. The need for idempotency may not be top of mind for most developers, and tests won’t catch the problem, making it very easy to end up deploying buggy code.

So we solved our problem, but we did it with a foot-gun. If we keep using the foot-gun, we’re probably going to shoot our own feet eventually.

Is there another way?

In-memory caching?

Durable Objects’ superpower is their in-memory state. Each object has only one active instance at any particular time. All requests sent to that object are handled by that same instance. That means, you can store some state in memory.

// Much faster! But (used to be) wrong.
async function getUniqueNumber() {
  if (this.val === undefined) {
    this.val = await"counter");

  let result = this.val;
  ++this.val;"counter", this.val);
  return result;

This code is MUCH faster than the previous implementation, because it stores the value in memory. In fact, after the function runs once, further calls won’t wait for any I/O at all — they will return immediately. This is because by caching the value in memory, we avoid waiting for a get() (except for the first time), and we don’t wait for the put() either, trusting that it will complete asynchronously later on.

Returning immediately also means that there’s no opportunity for concurrency, so the calls that return immediately will always return unique numbers! This means that not only is this implementation faster than our original implementation, it is also more correct. This is only possible because the Durable Objects platform guarantees that there will only be one instance, and therefore only one copy of this.val.

Unfortunately, there are two problems with this code:

  • We still have a race condition on initialization. If the first two calls to getUniqueNumber() happen to occur at about the same time, then initialization will be performed multiple times. The second call will likely clobber what the first call did, and the two calls will end up returning the same number. We could solve this problem by making initialization more complicated — the first call could create an initialization promise, and other concurrent calls could wait on it, so that initialization really only happens once. But this creates even deeper complexity: What if initialization fails for some reason? The object could be placed in a permanently broken state. It’s possible to get this right, but it’s surprisingly tricky.
  • Because we don’t wait for the put() to report success, it’s possible that it could be silently lost. For example, if the machine hosting the Durable Object suffered a sudden power failure, then the Durable Object would be transferred to some other machine. When it starts up there, calls to getUniqueNumber() might return numbers that had already been returned under the old instance before it failed, because the put()s hadn’t actually completed before the failure occurred. But if we await the put(), then our function becomes slow again, and creates more opportunities for race conditions (e.g. in the calling code).

Our answer: Make it automatic

When looking at this, we had two options:

  1. Try to carefully document these problems and educate developers about them, so that they could write code that does the right thing.
  2. Change the system so that naturally-written code just does the right thing by default — and runs quickly.

We chose option 2. We accomplished this in three parts.

Part 1: Input Gates

Let’s go back to our original example. Can we make this example "just work", even in the face of concurrent requests?

// Can this "just work" please?
async function getUniqueNumber() {
  let val = await"counter");
  await"counter", val + 1);
  return val;

It turns out we can! We create a new rule:

Input gates: While a storage operation is executing, no events shall be delivered to the object except for storage completion events. Any other events will be deferred until such a time as the object is no longer executing JavaScript code and is no longer waiting for any storage operations. We say that these events are waiting for the "input gate" to open.

If we do this, then our storage operations above are no longer an opportunity for concurrency. Our concurrent requests now look like this:

Request 1 timeline Request 2 timeline
async function getUniqueNumber() {
  let val = await"counter");
// Request 2 delivery is blocked because
// request 1 is waiting for storage.
  await"counter", val + 1);
// Request 2 delivery is blocked because
// request 1 is waiting for storage.
  return val;
async function getUniqueNumber() {
  let val = await"counter");
  await"counter", val + 1);
  return val;

The two calls return unique numbers, as expected. Hooray! (Unfortunately, we did it by delaying the second request, creating latency and reducing throughput — but we’ll address that in part 3, below.)

Note that our rule does not preclude making multiple concurrent requests to storage at the same time. You can still say:

let promise1 ="foo");
let promise2 ="bar", 123);
await promise1;
await promise2;

Here, the get() and put() execute concurrently. Moreover, the call to frob() may execute before the put() has completed (but strictly after the get() completes, since we awaited that promise). However, no other event — such as receiving a new request — can unexpectedly happen in the meantime.

On the other hand, the rule protects you not just against concurrent incoming requests, but also concurrent responses to outgoing requests. For example, say you have:

async function task1() {
  await fetch("");
  return await this.getUniqueNumber();
async function task2() {
  await fetch("");
  return await this.getUniqueNumber();
let promise1 = task1();
let promise2 = task2();
let val1 = await promise1;
let val2 = await promise2;

This code launches two fetch() calls concurrently. After each fetch completes, getUniqueNumber() is invoked. Could the two calls interfere with each other?

No, they will not. The completion of a fetch() is itself a kind of event. Our rule states that such events cannot be delivered while storage events are in progress. When the first of the two fetches returns, the app calls getUniqueNumber(), which starts performing some storage operations. If the second fetch() also returns while these storage operations are still outstanding, that return will be deferred until after the storage operations are done. Once again, our code ends up correct!

At this point, the async programming experts in the audience are probably starting to feel like something is fishy here. Indeed, there is a catch. What if we do:

// Still a problem even with input gates.
let promise1 = getUniqueNumber();
let promise2 = getUniqueNumber();
let val1 = await promise1;
let val2 = await promise2;

In this case, there is, in fact, a problem. Two calls to getUniqueNumber() are initiated by the same event. The application does not await the first call before starting the second, so the two calls end up running concurrently. Our special rule doesn’t protect us here, because there is no incoming event that can be deferred between when the two calls are made. From the system’s point of view, there’s no way to distinguish this code from code which legitimately decided to perform two storage operations in parallel.

As such, in this case, the two calls to getUniqueNumber() will interfere with each other. However, this problem is far less likely to come about by accident, and is far easier to catch in testing. This bug is deterministic, not caused by the unpredictable timing of network events. We consider this an acceptable caveat in order to solve the larger problem posed by concurrent requests.

Part 2: Output Gates

Let’s go back to our in-memory caching example. Can we make it work?

// Can we make this "just work"?
async function getUniqueNumber() {
  if (this.val === undefined) {
    this.val = await"counter");

  let result = this.val;
  ++this.val;"counter", this.val);
  return result;

With input gates (part 1), we’ve solved one of the two problems this code had: the race condition of initialization. We no longer need to worry that two requests will call this at the same time, leading this.val to be initialized twice.

However, the problem with not awaiting the put() is still there. If we don’t await it, then we could lose data. If we do await it, then the call is slow.

We make another new rule:

Output gates: When a storage write operation is in progress, any new outgoing network messages will be held back until the write has completed. We say that these messages are waiting for the "output gate" to open. If the write ultimately fails, the outgoing network messages will be discarded and replaced with errors, while the Durable Object will be shut down and restarted from scratch.

With this rule, we no longer have to await the result of put(). Our code can happily continue executing and just assume the put() will succeed. If the put() doesn’t succeed, then anything the application does here will never be observable to the rest of the world anyway. For example, if the app prematurely sends a response to the user saying that the operation succeeded, this response will not actually be delivered until after the put() completes successfully. So, by the time the user receives the message, it is no longer "premature"! In the very rare event that the write operation fails, the user will not receive the premature confirmation at all.

Note that output gates apply not only to responses sent back to a client, but also to new outgoing requests made with fetch() — those requests will be delayed from being sent until all prior writes are confirmed. So, once again, it is impossible for anything else in the world to observe a premature confirmation.

With this change, our getUniqueNumber() implementation with in-memory caching is now fully correct, while retaining most of its speed advantage over the non-caching implementation. Except for the very first call, the application will never be blocked waiting for getUniqueNumber() to finish. The final response from the app to the client will be delayed pending write confirmation, but that write can be performed in parallel with any writes the application performs after getUniqueNumber() completes.

Part 3: Automatic in-memory caching

Our in-memory caching example now works great. But, it’s still a little bit complicated and unnatural to write. Let’s go back to our original, simple code one more time… can we make it fast by default?

// Can we make this not just work, but just work FAST?
async function getUniqueNumber() {
  let val = await"counter");
  await"counter", val + 1);
  return val;

The answer to this part is a classic one: we can add automatic caching to the storage layer, just like most operating systems do for disk storage.

We have rolled out an in-memory caching layer for Durable Objects. This layer keeps up to several megabytes worth of data directly in memory in the process where the object runs.

When a get() requests a key that is in cache, the operation returns immediately, without even context-switching out of the thread and isolate where the object is hosted. If the key is not in cache, then a storage request will still be needed, but reads complete relatively quickly.

Better yet, put() requests now always complete "instantaneously". A put() simply writes to cache. We rely on output gates ("part 2", above) to prevent the premature confirmation of writes to any external party. Writes will be coalesced (even if you await them), so that the output gate waits only for O(1) network round trips of latency, not O(n).

Moreover, because get() and put() now complete instantly in most or all cases, the negative impact of input gates on throughput is largely mitigated, because the gate now spends relatively little time blocked.

With Durable Objects built-in caching, our simple code is now just as fast as our code that manually implemented in-memory caching. Combined with input and output gates, our code is now simple, fast, and correct, all at the same time.

Bonus Correctness

Our caching layer provides some bonus consistency guarantees, in addition to performance.

First, writes are automatically coalesced. That is, if you perform multiple put() or delete() operations without awaiting them or anything else in between, then the operations are automatically grouped together and stored atomically. In the case of a sudden power failure, after coming back up, either all of the writes will have been stored, or none of them will. For example:

// Move a value from "foo" to "bar".
let val = await"foo");"foo");"bar", val);
// There's no possibility of data loss, because the delete() and the
// following put() are automatically coalesced into one atomic
// operation. This is true as long as you do not `await` anything
// in between.

Second, the API is also able to provide stronger ordering guarantees for reads. Previously, overlapping storage operations did not have guaranteed ordering. For example, if you issued a get() and a put() on the same key at the same time (without awaiting one before starting the other), then it was not deterministic whether the get() might return the value written by the put() — regardless of the ordering of the statements in your code. The caching layer fixes this. Now, operations are performed in exactly the order in which they were initiated, regardless of when they complete.

These two features eliminate more subtle bugs that might otherwise be hard to catch in testing, so that you don’t have to be a database expert to write code that works.

Optional Bypass

We expect gates and caching will be a win in the vast majority of use cases, but not always. In some use cases, concurrency won’t lead to any problems, and so blocking it may be a loss. Sometimes, the application is OK with prematurely confirming writes in order to minimize latency. And sometimes, caching may just waste memory because the same keys are not frequently accessed.

For those cases, we offer explicit bypasses:"foo", {allowConcurrency: true, noCache: true});"foo", "bar", {allowUnconfirmed: true, noCache: true});

Developers who have taken the time to think carefully about these issues can use these flags to tune performance to their specific needs. For those who don’t want to think about it, the defaults should work well.


Concurrency is hard. It doesn’t matter if you’re a novice or an expert: even experts regularly get it wrong. It’s difficult to think about all the ways that concurrent operations might overlap to corrupt your application state.

The traditional answer has been to make applications stateless, and defer all concurrency control to the database layer using transactions. However, transactions are slow, which is a big reason why so many web applications today take hundreds of milliseconds or more to respond to basic actions.

Durable Objects are all about state. By keeping state in memory in addition to on disk, and directing requests for the same data to be coordinated through the same instance, we can make applications much faster. But until recently, this was extremely tricky to get right.

With input gates, output gates, and caching, code written in the most intuitive way now "just works", and runs fast. This means you can focus on building your application, without wasting time optimizing I/O performance and debugging obscure race conditions.

Workers Durable Objects Beta: A New Approach to Stateful Serverless

Post Syndicated from Kenton Varda original

Workers Durable Objects Beta:
A New Approach to Stateful Serverless

Workers Durable Objects Beta:
A New Approach to Stateful Serverless

We launched Cloudflare Workers® in 2017 with a radical vision: code running at the network edge could not only improve performance, but also be easier to deploy and cheaper to run than code running in a single datacenter. That vision means Workers is about more than just edge compute — we’re rethinking how applications are built.

Using a “serverless” approach has allowed us to make deploys dead simple, and using isolate technology has allowed us to deliver serverless more cheaply and without the lengthy cold starts that hold back other providers. We added easy-to-use eventually-consistent edge storage to the platform with Workers KV.

But up until today, it hasn’t been possible to manage state with strong consistency, or to coordinate in real time between multiple clients, entirely on the edge. Thus, these parts of your application still had to be hosted elsewhere.

Durable Objects provide a truly serverless approach to storage and state: consistent, low-latency, distributed, yet effortless to maintain and scale. They also provide an easy way to coordinate between clients, whether it be users in a particular chat room, editors of a particular document, or IoT devices in a particular smart home. Durable Objects are the missing piece in the Workers stack that makes it possible for whole applications to run entirely on the edge, with no centralized “origin” server at all.

Today we are beginning a closed beta of Durable Objects.

Request a beta invite »

What is a “Durable Object”?

I’m going to be honest: naming this product was hard, because it’s not quite like any other cloud technology that is widely-used today. This proverbial bike shed has many layers of paint, but ultimately we settled on “Unique Durable Objects”, or “Durable Objects” for short. Let me explain what they are by breaking that down:

  • Objects: Durable Objects are objects in the sense of Object-Oriented Programming. A Durable Object is an instance of a class — literally, a class definition written in JavaScript (or your language of choice). The class has methods which define its public interface. An object is an instance of this class, combining the code with some private state.
  • Unique: Each object has a globally-unique identifier. That object exists in only one location in the whole world at a time. Any Worker running anywhere in the world that knows the object’s ID can send messages to it. All those messages end up delivered to the same place.
  • Durable: Unlike a normal object in JavaScript, Durable Objects can have persistent state stored on disk. Each object’s durable state is private to it, which means not only that access to storage is fast, but the object can even safely maintain a consistent copy of the state in memory and operate on it with zero latency. The in-memory object will be shut down when idle and recreated later on-demand.

What can they do?

Durable Objects have two primary abilities:

  • Storage: Each object has attached durable storage. Because this storage is private to a specific object, the storage is always co-located with the object. This means the storage can be very fast while providing strong, transactional consistency. Durable Objects apply the serverless philosophy to storage, splitting the traditional large monolithic databases up into many small, logical units. In doing so, we get the advantages you’ve come to expect from serverless: effortless scaling with zero maintenance burden.
  • Coordination: Historically, with Workers, each request would be randomly load-balanced to a Worker instance. Since there was no way to control which instance received a request, there was no way to force two clients to talk to the same Worker, and therefore no way for clients to coordinate through Workers. Durable Objects change that: requests related to the same topic can be forwarded to the same object, which can then coordinate between them, without any need to touch storage. For example, this can be used to facilitate real-time chat, collaborative editing, video conferencing, pub/sub message queues, game sessions, and much more.

The astute reader may notice that many coordination use cases call for WebSockets — and indeed, conversely, most WebSocket use cases require coordination. Because of this complementary relationship, along with the Durable Objects beta, we’ve also added WebSocket support to Workers. For more on this, see the Q&A below.

Region: Earth

Workers Durable Objects Beta:
A New Approach to Stateful Serverless

When using Durable Objects, Cloudflare automatically determines the Cloudflare datacenter that each object will live in, and can transparently migrate objects between locations as needed.

Traditional databases and stateful infrastructure usually require you to think about geographical “regions”, so that you can be sure to store data close to where it is used. Thinking about regions can often be an unnatural burden, especially for applications that are not inherently geographical.

With Durable Objects, you instead design your storage model to match your application’s logical data model. For example, a document editor would have an object for each document, while a chat app would have an object for each chat. There is no problem creating millions or billions of objects, as each object has minimal overhead.

Killer app: Real-time collaborative document editing

Let’s say you have a spreadsheet editor application — or, really, any kind of app where users edit a complex document. It works great for one user, but now you want multiple users to be able to edit it at the same time. How do you accomplish this?

For the standard web application stack, this is a hard problem. Traditional databases simply aren’t designed to be real-time. When Alice and Bob are editing the same spreadsheet, you want every one of Alice’s keystrokes to appear immediately on Bob’s screen, and vice versa. But if you merely store the keystrokes to a database, and have the users repeatedly poll the database for new updates, at best your application will have poor latency, and at worst you may find database transactions repeatedly fail as users on opposite sides of the world fight over editing the same content.

The secret to solving this problem is to have a live coordination point. Alice and Bob connect to the same coordinator, typically using WebSockets. The coordinator then forwards Alice’s keystrokes to Bob and Bob’s keystrokes to Alice, without having to go through a storage layer. When Alice and Bob edit the same content at the same time, the coordinator resolves conflicts instantly. The coordinator can then take responsibility for updating the document in storage — but because the coordinator keeps a live copy of the document in-memory, writing back to storage can happen asynchronously.

Every big-name real-time collaborative document editor works this way. But for many web developers, especially those building on serverless infrastructure, this kind of solution has long been out-of-reach. Standard serverless infrastructure — and even cloud infrastructure more generally — just does not make it easy to assign these coordination points and direct users to talk to the same instance of your server.

Durable Objects make this easy. Not only do they make it easy to assign a coordination point, but Cloudflare will automatically create the coordinator close to the users using it and migrate it as needed, minimizing latency. The availability of local, durable storage means that changes to the document can be saved reliably in an instant, even if the eventual long-term storage is slower. Or, you can even store the entire document on the edge and abandon your database altogether.

With Durable Objects lowering the barrier, we hope to see real-time collaboration become the norm across the web. There’s no longer any reason to make users refresh for updates.

Example: An atomic counter

Here’s a very simple example of a Durable Object which can be incremented, decremented, and read over HTTP. This counter is consistent even when receiving simultaneous requests from multiple clients — none of the increments or decrements will be lost. At the same time, reads are served entirely from memory, no disk access needed.

export class Counter {
  // Constructor called by the system when the object is needed to
  // handle requests.
  constructor(controller, env) {
    // `` is an interface to access the object's
    // on-disk durable storage. =

  // Private helper method called from fetch(), below.
  async initialize() {
    let stored = await"value");
    this.value = stored || 0;

  // Handle HTTP requests from clients.
  // The system calls this method when an HTTP request is sent to
  // the object. Note that these requests strictly come from other
  // parts of your Worker, not from the public internet.
  async fetch(request) {
    // Make sure we're fully initialized from storage.
    if (!this.initializePromise) {
      this.initializePromise = this.initialize();
    await this.initializePromise;

    // Apply requested action.
    let url = new URL(request.url);
    switch (url.pathname) {
      case "/increment":
        await"value", this.value);
      case "/decrement":
        await"value", this.value);
      case "/":
        // Just serve the current value. No storage calls needed!
        return new Response("Not found", {status: 404});

    // Return current value.
    return new Response(this.value);

Once the class has been bound to a Durable Object namespace, a particular instance of Counter can be accessed from anywhere in the world using code like:

// Derive the ID for the counter object named "my-counter".
// This name is associated with exactly one instance in the
// whole world.
let id = COUNTER_NAMESPACE.idFromName("my-counter");

// Send a request to it.
let response = await COUNTER_NAMESPACE.get(id).fetch(request);

Demo: Chat

Chat is arguably real-time collaboration in its purest form. And to that end, we have built a demo open source chat app that runs entirely at the edge using Durable Objects.

Try the live demo »See the source code on GitHub »

This chat app uses a Durable Object to control each chat room. Users connect to the object using WebSockets. Messages from one user are broadcast to all the other users. The chat history is also stored in durable storage, but this is only for history. Real-time messages are relayed directly from one user to others without going through the storage layer.

Additionally, this demo uses Durable Objects for a second purpose: Applying a rate limit to messages from any particular IP. Each IP is assigned a Durable Object that tracks recent request frequency, so that users who send too many messages can be temporarily blocked — even across multiple chat rooms. Interestingly, these objects don’t actually store any durable state at all, because they only care about very recent history, and it’s not a big deal if a rate limiter randomly resets on occasion. So, these rate limiter objects are an example of a pure coordination object with no storage.

This chat app is only a few hundred lines of code. The deployment configuration is only a few lines. Yet, it will scale seamlessly to any number of chat rooms, limited only by Cloudflare’s available resources. Of course, any individual chat room’s scalability has a limit, since each object is single-threaded. But, that limit is far beyond what a human participant could keep up with anyway.

Other use cases

Durable Objects have infinite uses. Here are just a few ideas, beyond the ones described above:

  • Shopping cart: An online storefront could track a user’s shopping cart in an object. The rest of the storefront could be served as a fully static web site. Cloudflare will automatically host the cart object close to the end user, minimizing latency.
  • Game server: A multiplayer game could track the state of a match in an object, hosted on the edge close to the players.
  • IoT coordination: Devices within a family’s house could coordinate through an object, avoiding the need to talk to distant servers.
  • Social feeds: Each user could have a Durable Object that aggregates their subscriptions.
  • Comment/chat widgets: A web site that is otherwise static content can add a comment widget or even a live chat widget on individual articles. Each article would use a separate Durable Object to coordinate. This way the origin server can focus on static content only.

The Future: True Edge Databases

We see Durable Objects as a low-level primitive for building distributed systems. Some applications, like those mentioned above, can use objects directly to implement a coordination layer, or maybe even as their sole storage layer.

However, Durable Objects today are not a complete database solution. Each object can see only its own data. To perform a query or transaction across multiple objects, the application needs to do some extra work.

That said, every big distributed database – whether it be relational, document, graph, etc. – is, at some low level, composed of “chunks” or “shards” that store one piece of the overall data. The job of a distributed database is to coordinate between chunks.

We see a future of edge databases that store each “chunk” as a Durable Object. By doing so, it will be possible to build databases that operate entirely at the edge, fully distributed with no regions or home location. These databases need not be built by us; anyone can potentially build them on top of Durable Objects. Durable Objects are only the first step in the edge storage journey.

Join the Beta

Storing data is a big responsibility which we do not take lightly. Because of the critical importance of getting it right, we are being careful. We will be making Durable Objects available gradually over the next several months.

As with any beta, this product is a work in progress, and some of what is described in this post is not fully enabled yet. Full details of beta limitations can be found in the documentation.

If you’d like to try out Durable Objects now, tell us about your use case. We’ll be selecting the most interesting use cases for early access.

Request a beta invite »


Can Durable Objects serve WebSockets?


As part of the Durable Objects beta, we’ve made it possible for Workers to act as WebSocket endpoints — including as a client or as a server. Before now, Workers could proxy WebSocket connections on to a back-end server, but could not speak the protocol directly.

While technically any Worker can speak WebSocket in this way, WebSockets are most useful when combined with Durable Objects. When a client connects to your application using a WebSocket, you need a way for server-generated events to be sent back to the existing socket connection. Without Durable Objects, there’s no way to send an event to the specific Worker holding a WebSocket. With Durable Objects, you can now forward the WebSocket to an Object. Messages can then be addressed to that Object by its unique ID, and the Object can then forward those messages down the WebSocket to the client.

The chat app demo presented above uses WebSockets. Check out the source code to see how it works.

How does this compare to Workers KV?

Two years ago, we introduced Workers KV, a global key-value data store. KV is a fairly minimalist global data store that serves certain purposes well, but is not for everyone. KV is eventually consistent, which means that writes made in one location may not be visible in other locations immediately. Moreover, it implements “last write wins” semantics, which means that if a single key is being modified from multiple locations in the world at once, it’s easy for those writes to overwrite each other. KV is designed this way to support low-latency reads for data that doesn’t frequently change. However, these design decisions make KV inappropriate for state that changes frequently, or when changes need to be immediately visible worldwide.

Durable Objects, in contrast, are not primarily a storage product at all — many use cases for them do not actually utilize durable storage. To the extent that they do provide storage, Durable Objects sit at the opposite end of the storage spectrum from KV. They are extremely well-suited to workloads requiring transactional guarantees and immediate consistency. However, since transactions inherently must be coordinated in a single location, and clients on the opposite side of the world from that location will experience moderate latency due to the inherent limitations of the speed of light. Durable Objects will combat this problem by auto-migrating to live close to where they are used.

In short, Workers KV remains the best way to serve static content, configuration, and other rarely-changing data around the world, while Durable Objects are better for managing dynamic state and coordination.

Going forward, we plan to utilize Durable Objects in the implementation of Workers KV itself, in order to deliver even better performance.

Why not use CRDTs?

You can build CRDT-based storage on top of Durable Objects, but Durable Objects do not require you to use CRDTs.

Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs), or their cousins, Operational Transforms (OTs), are a technology that allows data to be edited from multiple places in the world simultaneously without synchronization, and without data loss. For example, these technologies are commonly used in the implementation of real-time collaborative document editors, so that a user’s keypresses can show up in their local copy of the document in real time, without waiting to see if anyone else edited another part of the document first. Without getting into details, you can think of these techniques like a real time version of “git fork” and “git merge”, where all merge conflicts are resolved automatically in a deterministic way, so that everyone ends up with the same state in the end.

CRDTs are a powerful technology, but applying them correctly can be challenging. Only certain kinds of data structures lend themselves to automatic conflict resolution in a way that doesn’t lead to easy data loss. Any developer familiar with git can see the problem: arbitrary conflict resolution is hard, and any automated algorithm for it will likely get things wrong sometimes. It’s all the more difficult if the algorithm has to handle merges in arbitrary order and still get the same answer.

We feel that, for most applications, CRDTs are overly complex and not worth the effort. Worse, the set of data structures that can be represented as a CRDT is too limited for many applications. It’s usually much easier to assign a single authoritative coordination point for each document, which is exactly what Durable Objects accomplish.

With that said, CRDTs can be used on top of Durable Objects. If an object’s state lends itself to CRDT treatment, then an application could replicate that object into several objects serving different regions, which then synchronize their states via CRDT. This would make sense for applications to implement as an optimization if and when they find it is worth the effort.

Last thoughts: What does it mean for state to be “serverless”?

Traditionally, serverless has focused on stateless compute. In serverless architectures, the logical unit of compute is reduced to something fine-grained: a single event, such as an HTTP request. This works especially well because events just happened to be the logical unit of work that we think about when designing server applications. No one thinks about their business logic in units of “servers” or “containers” or “processes” — we think about events. It is exactly because of this semantic alignment that serverless succeeds in shifting so much of the logistical burden of maintaining servers away from the developer and towards the cloud provider.

However, serverless architecture has traditionally been stateless. Each event executes in isolation. If you wanted to store data, you had to connect to a traditional database. If you wanted to coordinate between requests, you had to connect to some other service that provides that ability. These external services have tended to re-introduce the operational concerns that serverless was intended to avoid. Developers and service operators have to worry not just about scaling their databases to handle increasing load, but also about how to split their database into “regions” to effectively handle global traffic. The latter concern can be especially cumbersome.

So how can we apply the serverless philosophy to state? Just like serverless compute is about splitting compute into fine-grained pieces, serverless state is about splitting state into fine-grained pieces. Again, we seek to find a unit of state that corresponds to logical units in our application. The logical unit of state in an application is not a “table” or a “collection” or a “graph”. Instead, it depends on the application. The logical unit of state in a chat app is a chat room. The logical unit of state in an online spreadsheet editor is a spreadsheet. The logical unit of state in an online storefront is a shopping cart. By making the physical unit of storage provided by the storage layer match the logical unit of state inherent in the application, we can allow the underlying storage provider (Cloudflare) to take responsibility for a wide array of logistical concerns that previously fell on the developer, including scalability and regionality.

This is what Durable Objects do.